Where in the world are the subs? - Abu Dhabi Australia Dubai England Scotland - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
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IssueNo167 January/February2017 ISSN1393-4813(Print) ISSN2009-6887(Online) Where in the world are the subs? Abu Dhabi Australia Dubai England Scotland…
Keeping InTouch 9 Interactive dialogue with members, and key news items 0 RosenaJordan,INTO President;Sheila Nunan,General Secretary;NoelWard, DeputyGeneral Secretary/General Treasurer;andDeirdre O’Connor,Assistant GeneralSecretary picturedattheBranch andDistrictOfficers’ Conferenceon Saturday,14Januaryin theCrokePark ConferenceCentre. Challenges north and south Once again, primary school principals throughout the Other factors include the supply side problems in the country are under severe staffing pressures because of a lack housing sector that have not been addressed. Pupil of substitute teachers in the country. Last year, this was populations in urban areas are rising but rocketing rental mainly attributable to the extension of teacher education costs, especially in Dublin, make it increasingly unattractive courses by a year. and difficult for teachers to live there. is year, a number of other factors have combined to FEMPI legislation introduced during the financial deprive schools of the most important of resources – emergency remains in place. ere is an imperative on teachers. government to, this year, set out the full and fair unwinding e failure by government to fully address on-going pay of this legislation. inequality has undoubtedly contributed to the increasing e fact of the matter is that Irish teachers, internationally exodus of Irish teachers to other countries. recognised as among the best, if not the best in the world, e lack of panels of supply teachers to integrate are in demand across the globe where there is a teacher substitute teachers into the education system is another key shortage. e challenge for government, both north and factor. Many young teachers who, on graduation, face south, is to fully recognise the value of all teachers at home. uncertain employment patterns at home or certainty of work abroad, reluctantly choose the latter. Irish pupils and teachers deserve better from policy makers. InTouchGeneralEditor: Sheila Nunan Correspondenceto: The Editor, InTouch, InTouch is published by the Irish National those of the individual authors and are not Except where the Irish National Teachers’ Editor: Peter Mullan INTO Head Office, Vere Foster House, Teachers’ Organisation and distributed to necessarily endorsed by the INTO. Organisation has formally negotiated AssistantEditor: Lori Kealy 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 members and educational institutions. While every care has been taken to ensure agreements as part of its services to members, EditorialAssistants:Selina Campbell, Telephone: 01 804 7700 InTouch is the most widely circulated that the information contained in this inclusion of an advertisement does not imply Yvonne Kenny, Karen Francis Fax: 01 872 2462 education magazine in Ireland. Articles publication is up to date and correct, no any form of recommendation. While every Advertising:Mary Bird Smyth, Karen Francis LoCall: 1850 708 708 published in InTouch are also available on our responsibility will be taken by the Irish effort is made to ensure the reliability of Design:David Cooke Email:editor@into.ie website www.into.ie National Teachers’ Organisation for any error advertisers, the INTO cannot accept liability Photography:Moya Nolan, Shutterstock Website: www.into.ie/m.into.ie The views expressed in this journal are which might occur. for the quality of goods and services offered. INTOUCH 3 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
CONTENTS 25 Transforming lives Professor Brian Mac Craith’s address to INTO Education Conference 27 In the Media Recent media coverage in print and on the airwaves Keeping inTouch 3 Editorial ICT grant INTO say ICT infrastructure 14 28 Former INTO President dies Tom Honan, President 1987/88, RIP Want to work in Head Office? Vacancies for INTO officials grant inadequate Challenges north and south 14 Officers’ Conference 7 Letters norThern news Report from the Branch and District Officers’ 10 thing you should know Conference in January 29 Campaign of industrial action 9 Shortage of primary teachers 16 INTO/An Post INTO NI has begun a campaign of industrial Significant shortage of primary teachers to Handwriting action fill short term vacancies news 10 Meet the CEC Competition Details of the popular 16 Handwriting 30 Proposed changes to substitute teacher employment This month InTouch introduces competition Benefits outlined representatives from Districts 2 and 3. handwriting competition. 31 Draft area plan Long serving INTO official retires 18 Get involved Changes could impact detrimentally on INTO wishes Mary Lally a long and happy children retirement INTO interns 2016/17 write about their experiences of working in Head Office. 13 Reduced subscription for Applications invited for internships for inTo Advice teachers on half pay 2017/18 school year. CEC decide reduced subscription to apply to 33 Don’t get saddled with credit teachers on half pay 19 Pay restoration card debt Retrospective vetting April date agreed for €1,000 pay restoration Advice from Consumerhelp The Teaching Council is contacting Special education 34 Support for school leaders teachers who have yet to be vetted INTO says jury out on new special education teacher allocation model Centre for School Leadership pilot 20 Vere Foster medal winners 35 Perspectives on Aistear 18 Medal winners from Mary Immaculate College and Marino Institute of Education Findings from research undertaken by Frank Healy, RIP, on junior and senior infant teachers’ perceptions of Aistear as part of 21 INTO LGBT Teachers’ Group the MEd. degree at MIC. Focus is on social visibility and support for LGBT teachers this year 23 News briefs newsdesK l Congress general secretary slams 37 Irish education tops league of unequal pay public services l Teacher exchange scheme Report by Institute of Public Administration l School meals programme says education is the best public service in l Employee assistance service Ireland. INTOUCH 4 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
29 January/February 2017 40 Primary education in numbers Finishing Touches 41 DEIS consultation 61 Noticeboard Addressing educational disadvantage in Upcoming events Tipperary Town 62 Comhar Linn Crossword CPD provision Plus results New database launched INTO seminars for principals 63 Scoilnet Panel DES revamp pension modeller Places still available Someone like Me Scoil Chiaráin wins major primary school 39 Calculator now available online art competition 38 Structure and time in the 42 Cumann na mBunscol Pisa and primary curriculum News from Cumann na mBunscol TiMss Consultation meetings planned 43 New PE resource 39 International assessments IPPEA launch a physical education Good news for Irish education – TIMSS and assessment online video resource PISA reports TeAching MATTers 45 FÍS Film Festival Storytelling through film 46 Historical icon of the 20th century Lady Mary Heath, aviator, maverick and daredevil 50 Take control of social media Síne Friel on how to safeguard your privacy 57 Irish resources online 52 How do you teach like a man? Suzanne O’Keeffe researched the barriers male teachers experience. More resources from COGG 59 Book reviews Maths, history and superpowers 50 46 55 Copenhagen A visit to the home of hygge 52 55 INTOUCH 5 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
Keepingintouch Letters Dear Editor, We really appreciated the hard work feelings on this topic known. The children of As 2016 closes I would like to share our but most of all the warm wishes which ireland have already lost visiting teachers for 1916 project with you and thank all the accompanied the cards. Travellers, resource teachers for Travellers and schools, teachers and students who made Míle buíochas to everyone, teachers of EaL. all removed without review or it all possible. Mary Carr, Limerick City Branch consultation. We are a school attached to University Name with editor Hospital, Limerick. Our students are all dear Editor, inpatients of the hospital. Like all schools i am writing to thank sheila nunan for responding Dear Editor, across the country we celebrated 1916, so to allegations made by the head of the nCsE that I am finding it impossible to find a that any student who was in hospital for children are being deliberately misdiagnosed in qualified substitute teacher. his/her school’s celebrations, would not order to get extra resources in schools. The I could employ a teacher on a miss out . consequences of this type of allegation could be continuous five day a week contract to We decided that we would make a detrimental to children with sEn, their the end of the school year. I have tried postcard of Limerick and send it to schools classmates, their families and their teachers. everything and the position is that there in the 32 counties of Ireland and ask that i would like those in leadership roles in the inTO are no substitutes available. I have they make a postcard with some scenes to carefully examine the proposed ‘new system’ on networked amongst my principal from their county and post it back to us. behalf of the children and teachers of ireland and, if colleagues and all to no avail. We are all We hoped to get a postcard from each necessary, to fight all cuts to resources for children finding the same problem – no subs county. We picked the schools at random. with sEn. One would expect a new system to bring available. Where does this leave children? We were overwhelmed by the improvements and we all know that improvements What am I to tell parents? response, the artwork, the research, the are needed in the following: a speedy Last year, principals were told that creativity and the wonderful warm wishes acknowledgement of the need, assessment (not for there was a shortage of qualified the students sent to our students. the ‘label’ as claimed but to guide staff in how to substitutes due to the BEd changing to I would like to formally thank all the manage and teach the child), supply of resources four years. This we accepted as we principals, class teachers and students including special needs assistants, resource struggled daily to find replacements for who took time out of their very busy days teachers, and adequate equipment. absent colleagues. to reply to us. i would encourage inTO members to make their Why are there no substitute teachers available in 2016/2017? What is the excuse this year? What is the Department doing Dates for your diary to rectify this nationwide situation? Principal teacher, Dublin INTO Special Education Conference INTO Youth Conference 11 February 2017: DCU/St Patrick’s Campus, 25 March 2017: Silver Springs Hotel, Cork Drumcondra, Dublin 9. INTO Annual Congress Follow the inTO on Facebook at 17-19 April 2017: Belfast Waterfront www.facebook.com/inTOnews/ This letters page is designed for members to have their Email: editor@into.ie or write to: The Editor, inTouch, Tell us what you think say about something you have read in inTouch or want inTO, Vere Foster House, 35 Parnell square, dublin 1. to communicate with other inTO members. Mark all such communications ‘inTouch letters’ and €50 voucher draw each month for letter writers. give a contact telephone number and your inTO Winner december: Feargal Brougham, dublin north membership number for verification. Long letters may East. be edited. things you should know 1 April date agreed for €1,000 pay restoration. Page 19 4 INTO subscription change for teachers on half-pay. Page 13 7 Career break cap on work raised. Page 9 2 Retrospective vetting of registered teachers to 5 Extension to teacher exchange scheme 8 Consultation on structure and time in the primary curriculum. Page 38 begin. Page 13 achieved. Page 23 3 New special education allocation model 6 Name change to Employee Assistance 9 Vacancies in INTO Head Office. Page 28 announced. Page 19 Service. Page 23 10 Internship opportunities – INTO Head Office. Page 18 INTOUCH 7 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTO News 5 e Irish National Teachers’ Organisation … who’s who, what’s new, and what’s happening 6 significant shortage of substitute teachers Opportunities for final year students to cover short-term Extension agreed in absences entitlement to work as substitute while on career ere here may be some opportunities to avail of substitute work in schools break for final year students to cover short- should have started the vetting term absences in schools over the process with the Teaching Council in Cap raised to 90 days coming months which would benefit January. both schools and final year students. Student teachers, once vetted, may e INTO has, for some time, been in A student teacher must be vetted be employed on a casual basis for non- contact with the DES regarding the by the National Vetting Bureau before consecutive periods of no more than five serious problem in accessing substitute starting any employment in a school. consecutive school days. teachers to cover absences in many parts is includes short-term cover for of the country. e INTO argued that, teacher absences (substitute work). while big questions regarding teacher Student teachers may apply to be Important note: Student teachers supply and substitution panels needed to vetted through the Teaching Council won’t be able to register with the be addressed, one initial step was to allow in the calendar year in which they are Council until they have successfully an increase (from the current 40 days) in due to qualify as a teacher from an completed the teacher education the number of days per school year where Irish teacher education college. course. However, the Council will a teacher on career break may substitute. Vetting disclosures can then be made act as a conduit so that they can be e DES has now decided to raise the available to schools electronically via vetted for employment purposes. cap on subbing while on career break to Digitary. 90 days. e Department will amend the Any final year student teacher wishing OLCS to reflect this change and substitutes will be paid at their non- casual rate from day 90 and beyond of Shortage of subs raised in Dáil their substitute service during a school year. Teachers will not accrue The chronic shortage of substitute recruited abroad. incremental credit for substitute work teachers affecting primary schools was In a somewhat contradictory reply, done while on career break. raised in Dáil Eireann (14 December the minister said he was aware that 2016) by Joan Burton TD. She called on some schools were experiencing the Minister for Education and Skills to difficulty in recruiting adequately Retired members establish panels of supply teachers to qualified substitute teachers but that Circular 31/2011, issued at a time when give substitute teachers and schools the DES had no evidence of a recent or substitute teachers were readily available, certainty in respect of their positions. current shortage of primary teachers. He states: “as far as practicable … unemployed She said the shortage of substitute said he would specifically ask that the teachers should be offered employment teachers was a grave concern impacting issue of substitute supply be examined in preference to those who have retired.” on teaching, learning and school by the DES because of emerging The circular goes on to state that “a administration. She also said the matter difficulties and that the DES would look retired teacher should only be employed was related to pay equalisation which at various suggestions that might ease where it has not proved possible to was seeing newer teachers being the short-term pressure. employ a teacher who is not retired…” DES policy is, therefore, very clear: recruiting a retired teacher is entirely inTO subsearch INTO SubSearch is designed to help teachers find substitute work – whether just out of college or appropriate in circumstances where efforts to recruit a teacher who is not seeking part-time employment. Substitute teachers retired have been unsuccessful. register their profile and availability on the site – The contribution of retired teachers has while principals can search for registered subs in always been essential in meeting the their area. short term substitution needs of schools Register at subsearch.into.ie that arise at short notice. INTOUCH 9 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
NuachtCMÉ Meet the CEC Continuing our series of introductions to district representatives … This month we feature CEC representatives from Districts 2 and 3. All district representatives on the CEC are serving primary teachers. Members wishing to contact their district representatives by phone should not do so during school time except in the most urgent of cases. Contact details for all CEC representatives are in the INTO members’ diary. dorothy Mcginley – district 2 Michael weed – district 3 dorothy McGinley represents district 2 (derry, Michael Weed represents District 3 Tyrone, Fermanagh and down). a native of which includes the counties of annagry in West donegal, she now lives and Donegal and Leitrim and stretches works in Co Tyrone. dorothy taught for a year from Malin Head, the most northerly in donegal and then spent nine years teaching point on the island of Ireland to the in the american system, both in the parochial borders of Longford, Cavan and and state systems in Los angeles and in the Roscommon. american school in aberdeen. she then moved The district has 15 branches,11 in to Co Tyrone where she teaches year seven and Donegal, three in Leitrim and one is on the senior leadership team in sionmills branch which straddles the border Ps. she has also participated in a Fullbright between both. teacher exchange programme to seattle in Michael is originally from Washington. dorothy is Reading Recovery trained and completed a year and a Inishbofin, Co Galway and began his teaching career in half of a master’s programme in education in the University of aberdeen. she Culmullen NS, Co Meath. He then moved to Holy Spirit BNS, has also completed her PQH. she was school rep and then became more Ballymun and afterwards to Donegal. Presently he is acting actively involved when she became strabane Branch secretary. she principal in SN Mhín a Ghabhann. He became involved in early represented district 2 on the Education Committee for a year before moving to INTO campaigns on educational disadvantage when teaching in the CEC. she has a particular interest in on-going educational issues and Dublin. Michael was a member of the INTO Task Force on Small strategies, global education, CPd, and teacher education. Schools. Long serving inTo official retires In January 2017, Mary Lally retired from her post found themselves in difficult situations in as senior official in INTO after many years of relation to leave, salary and the panel. service to the Organisation as an activist, a CEC In the Conditions of Employment section, her representative and a Head Office official. knowledge of circulars and her long and Mary graduated from Carysfort College in accurate memory are legendary. She also 1977, and worked in Scoil Mhuire, Howth. She developed constructive working relationships was elected to the CEC from District 15 in 1994, with DES officials, which enabled the resolution and was appointed as a senior official in Head of many issues. Office in 2002. Mary also contributed greatly to the Mary’s role in Head Office brought her into Organisation through her role in coordinating contact with members on a daily basis. Her trade union training for a number of years, and sound advice and support was deeply valued her role as Equality Officer from 2014 until her New senior by them. She was tenacious in her pursuit of retirement. official in INTO members’ entitlements, often for people who We wish Mary a long and happy retirement. Head Office John O’Brien has been appointed senior official MaryLally(picturedfar in the Conditions of right)inherroleas Employment section of INTOEqualityOfficer Head Office. John has inÁrasanUachtaráin worked in the section withPresidentMichael since 2008 and has D.Higgins.Alsopictured developed particular areAnneMarieLillis expertise in the areas of andEileenGamble pensions, retirements and fromtheLGBTTeachers’ sick leave. He has also Group. been involved in development education and the INTO Global Solidarity Network. INTOUCH 10 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews Teachers on half pay Retrospective vetting – INTO subscription change The Teaching Council has begun (January 2017) the process of writing to teachers who have not previously been vetted to Following three months on full pay while reduced subscription will apply only inform them of the requirement to be on sick leave, a teacher is entitled to where a teacher has a minimum of 10 vetted. Letters to teachers will issue on a three months on half pay (within a four school days on half pay in a given period. phased basis, according to year of birth, year period). In some circumstances, a e reduced subscription will operate by over the course of this calendar year. teacher will have a longer period on full way of refund. A member affected Teachers are advised to apply for or half pay if they can avail of the Critical should provide a copy of his/her salary vetting when contacted and requested by Illness Protocol. slip to the INTO Membership Section, the Teaching Council in order for on the basis of which a refund will be registration to be renewed. Reduction arranged. Any previously un-vetted teacher who In circumstances where a teacher goes requires a vetting disclosure for the on half pay, the CEC has decided that TRR purpose of changing school/employer in this should be recognised through As notified in InTouch (September 2015), the foreseeable future or for the start of payment of a reduced INTO a member on Temporary Rehabilitation the 2017/2018 school year should apply for subscription. e subscription for a Remuneration (TRR) – which follows a vetting disclosure in the normal manner teacher on half pay will be two thirds of sick leave at half pay – is entitled to a as per Circular 31/2016. These typically the normal subscription, since full INTO refund of any membership subscription include teachers who intend to services remain available to a teacher on paid which is more than 0.8% of gross commence an inter-school job-share; a half pay. is is consistent with the level pay/TRR. teacher exchange, sub on career break etc. of subscription paid by a member who is Any member who wishes to avail of Further information on retrospective job-sharing. the arrangement as outlined should vetting: www.teachingcouncil.ie/en/ e CEC has also decided that a contact the INTO Membership Section News-Events/Latest-News/Retrospective- threshold will operate, so that the by emailing rbowes@into.ie Vetting-of-Registered-Teachers.html icT infrastructure grant inadequate e INTO described the recently announced ICT infrastructure grants for primary schools as totally inadequate. e union said the overall level of the grant was insufficient to meet the needs of schools in replacing obsolete ICT equipment. Sheila Nunan, general secretary, said the funding equated to just €40 per child, of which €9 would go straight back to government in taxes. She said the announcement failed to address key concerns of primary schools such as access to reliable high- speed broadband. Ms Nunan said the announcement would not provide for the upgrading of equipment and also failed to provide any commitment to technical support to schools. She also said the DES could not gloss over the fact that primary schools have overcrowded classes and inadequate funding while promotional opportunities for teachers have been slashed. Ms Nunan called for a post of responsibility for ICT to be established in every school. e union said there was no justification for funding of €22.20 per mainstream pupil in primary schools compared with €31.90 per pupil at second level. InTouch e INTO said the DES could not pretend to (December2014) support the potential of digital technologies to which transform the learning experiences of students on highlightedthe this level of funding. digitaldividein Irishschools INTOUCH 13 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
NuachtCMÉ Branch and District Officers’ Croke Park – 14 January 2017 A Branch and District Officers’ Conference was held in Croke Park on 14 January 2017. e purpose of the conference was to outline key challenges in the year ahead for the Organisation including pay and pensions, improved resources for primary education, tackling overcrowded classes, underfunded schools and diminished resources for special education. e conference was opened by INTO President Rosena Jordan who thanked all the officers for their attendance and for their continued work on behalf of members of the Organisation. e general secretary Sheila Nunan provided an update on pay and pensions. She outlined the payments due to INTO members under LRA in 2017, the strategy for dealing with the anomaly arising from the Garda settlement in agreement to LRA. She outlined INTO in different parts of the country, the use November 2016, the proposed Public objectives and a possible timescale for of career breaks and teacher exchange to Service Pay Commission and a successor this work. affect mobility. She also referred to She also provided an myths in the system that teachers update to the conference on moving from permanent to fixed-term INTO directives currently posts incur changes of pay and/or in place, discussions with pension rates and she provided an update the Department of on work to date on proposed voluntary Education and Skills in transfer arrangements. relation to posts of David O’Sullivan, Senior Official, responsibility and provided an update to the conference on developments in the area of vetting, the details of which can be Droichead. found on page 13. Deirdre O’Connor, Assistant General Secretary provided an update on teacher employment and mobility. She outlined the fact that open competition for posts was very limited outside of Dublin, the uneven growth in the number of teaching posts Snapshots from the conference Seemorephotosonthe INTOFlickraccountat https://www.flickr.com/photos/ irishnationalteachersorganisation/ INTOUCH 14 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews Conference SAlARy uPDATE changes to prd and usc deductions for all teachers On 1 January 2017, under the Lansdowne Road Agreement, the Pension Related Deduction (PRD) exemption threshold increased from €26,083 to €28,750. All money earned in 2017 between €28,750 and €60,000 is liable to PRD at 10% and any earnings over €60,000 are liable at 10.5%. In addition to the change to PRD, under Budget 2017, the three lowest USC rates dropped by 0.5%. These changes combined will result in an increase to net income for all teachers. Payment for the payroll period 27 December 2016 to 9 January 2017 issued e conference heard a presentation from Dr to primary teachers on 12 January 2017. This payment reflected 9 days of the Deirbhile Nic Craith, INTO Director of PRD and USC changes listed above (1 January to nine January 2017). Education and Research, on the new model for The full value of the increased exemption rates for PRD and the reduction allocating special education teaching resources to in USC were reflected in the pay cheque of 26 January 2017. mainstream primary schools. e details of this presentation can be found on page 19. e final presentation of the day was from Noel Ward, Deputy General Secretary, who restoration of qualification provided a pay equality update and information on the INTO’s proposed Budget 2018 campaign. allowance for teachers on All inputs were followed by an opportunity for questions which were answered by INTO post-February 2012 scale officials. Phase 1 of the restoration of the qualification allowance for teachers on the post-February 2012 pay scale under the Lansdowne Road Agreement took effect on 1 January 2017. Salary payments issued to teachers on 12 January 2017 in respect of the payroll period 27 December 2016 to 9 January 2017 reflected 9 days of this restoration (1 January to 9 January 2017). The pay cheque of 26 January 2017 saw the value of the revised points reflected for the full payroll period. The revised salary scales for these teachers from 1 January 2017 can be found in Circular 78/2016. Phase 2 of the restoration of the qualification allowance for teachers on the post-February 2012 pay scale under the LRA will take effect on 1 January 2018. Scale New Entrant Scale New Entrant Point Scale Point Scale @ 01/01/2018 @ 01/01/2018 1 €35,602 11 €49,504 2 €37,059 12 €51,122 3 €38,723 13 €52,732 4 €39,482 14 €54,354 5 €40,551 15 €55,710 6 €41,843 16, 17, 18 €57,506 7 €43,292 19, 20, 21, 22 €59,982 8 €44,752 23, 24, 25, 26 €63,254 9 €45,972 27 €66,869 10 €48,150 INTOUCH 15 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
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NuachtCMÉ getting involved … INTO interns 2016/17 write about their experiences of working in Head Office The Internship gives you a unique opportunity to be actively involved in Taking part in the INTO internship this your union and to gain an insight into the year has been a wonderful experience. diversity and depth of work that goes on For the first part of the year I have been in Head Office. Since September I have based in the Legal, Industrial Relations & been working in the Conditions of Leadership (LIRL) Section. I’ve been Employment section, answering queries advising members on topics such as from members across a range of areas. I parental complaints, directives and staff have travelled around the country giving relations through the INTO query line. I’ve information meetings to members, and also had the opportunity to travel to am on the organising committee for the different parts of the country for Youth Conference, was involved in the meetings with members, boards of national lobbying day and have worked management and legal advisors. Beyond with the Education Committee. I look my base section, I’m on the committees forward to further broadening my for both the Youth Conference and the experience when I move to the Legal, Special Education Conference and met Industrial Relations and Leadership most of our TDs and senators through the section shortly. A move from the SineandEimearatworkinHeadOffice INTO lobbying day. The work is really classroom to an office environment may varied and interesting and everyone in seem daunting but, with expert guidance benefit me greatly in my future career Head Office is incredibly welcoming and from colleagues and the incredibly warm, and I would wholeheartedly urge any supportive. If you’re even half-thinking of welcoming atmosphere in Head Office, teacher to apply for this fantastic applying, my advice is to go for it! I’m you feel supported from the outset. I am opportunity. certainly glad I did. confident that the experience and skills that I have gained during the year will EiMEaR aLLEn, dUBLin nORTH EasT BRanCH sinE FRiEL, LETTERKEnnY BRanCH want to serve inTo members next school year? Exciting opportunity to work in INTO Head Office Two fixed-term positions as paid interns – school year 2017/2018 The INTO invites applications for two INTO is seeking members who: To apply, please forward: positions as paid interns for the school • are enthusiastic about INTO and its • a copy of your CV; year 2017/2018. services; • a cover letter (2 pages max) outlining • have an interest, and ideally your interest in INTO and how you Persons appointed will be located for involvement at school/branch level, believe you could contribute work purposes in INTO Head Office (35 in INTO; to/benefit from working with our Parnell Square, Dublin 1). • seek more experience of INTO and Head Office team; its operation; • names and contact details of tw0 These positions will be filled by • have excellent oral, written, referees (with note of how each secondment from teaching, subject to communication and interpersonal person knows you). securing board approval. skills; • are trustworthy and appreciate the Your application, including the above Persons appointed will work normal confidentiality associated with material, should be sent to Internships, office hours, Monday to Friday, for the handling issues for INTO members; Office of the Deputy General Secretary, school year 2017-2018. They will be • have good IT skills; INTO, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, subject to INTO Head Office conditions • have high standards and vision for or by email entitled ‘Internships’ to and relevant staff policies. The INTO and for education. gglackin@into.ie appointees will continue to be paid their normal DES salary and to accrue The responsibilities will include working All applications must be received not pensionable service as teachers, and will directly with sections within INTO, as later than 5 pm on Friday 24 February receive an additional allowance subject assigned, assisting with members’ 2017. It is anticipated that a short-listing to a maximum combined amount. queries and cases, attending meetings and interview process will take place and preparing papers as required, with interviews scheduled for Tuesday A full statement of conditions of researching specific issues and such 14 and Wednesday 15 March 2017. employment is available on request. other duties as may be assigned by the All applicants will be advised of the Email: gglackin@into.ie General Secretary. outcome. INTOUCH 18 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews April date agreed for €1,000 pay restoration Payment date brought forward five months after talks The €1,000 pay restoration, originally due secretary, Sheila Nunan, is vice chair of the allows for talks on a successor to the LRA for payment from 1 September 2017 under Public Services Committee of Congress. – likely to take place in the late spring – to the Lansdowne Road agreement (LRA), The INTO and other unions insisted on continue to address the issues. has been brought forward by five months early negotiations to accelerate public The Public Services Committee of ICTU and will now be paid from 1 April 2017. service pay restoration last November, recognised the value of this payment but The improved arrangement, which was after the Government accepted Labour has advised the management side that approved by Cabinet on 18 January, is the Court recommendations that gave Gardaí outstanding issues will be pursued in the result of negotiations between public better terms than those set out in the further talks to take place following the service unions and the Department of Public LRA. The agreement finalised last month initial report of the Public Service Pay Expenditure and Reform. INTO general doesn’t fully deal with this anomaly, but it Commission. New special education teachers allocation model INTO says jury out until resources match rhetoric Last month the DES announced that a immediately rather than having to wait the case in many instances and the new model for allocating special for a diagnosis. e new model will give reality is that resources didn’t match the education teaching resources to greater autonomy to schools to allocate rhetoric.” Ms Nunan said the current mainstream primary schools will be resources to the pupils who most need claim remained to be proven and would introduced from September 2017. these resources, regardless of their be closely monitored.” According to the DES, an additional diagnosis. She said the new model proposed to 900 extra teaching posts will be made Schools will be frontloaded with give greater autonomy to schools to available in 2017 to support the new resources, based on each school’s profile, allocate resources to pupils. However, model. It was also announced that no to provide supports immediately to she warned that the INTO would not school will receive an allocation for those pupils who need it without delay. allow school offices to become the new special educational needs support on the In response the INTO said that, while battleground over scarce resources. “e introduction of the new model which is there were a number of positive aspects new model will not allow the State to less than the allocation received in the to the proposed scheme, the jury was evade its responsibility to properly current school year. out on the new model. e union said resource schools,” she said. “Principals Where additional need is identified, the success of the new model would and teachers will continue to advocate schools will receive additional depend on resource provision to match for resources for pupils and will not allocations. According to the DES, up to the rhetoric. become gatekeepers for the State’s 1,000 schools will receive additional Sheila Nunan, General Secretary, failures to resource schools.” allocations while the remaining schools, said proposals such as giving a single Additional provision for 900 extra regardless of what their school profiles allocation to schools in January of each teaching posts is being made available indicate, will not receive allocations less year, as opposed to a staggered for 2017 to support the introduction of a than they currently have. allocation process were positive. new allocation model. However, this No school previously in receipt of an “is will allow for earlier planning to includes approximately 600 teachers allocation for a child with a low incidence take place in schools and will reduce which are required for increasing special educational need will see a bureaucracy at school level”, she said. demographics. reduction in its allocation for that child. “On the same basis, the ending of the Ms Nunan also said that the support Schools will receive earlier allocations, need for schools to complete an NEPS psychologists and HSE receiving a single allocation for special application process annually is a professionals can provide to schools in educational teaching resources in positive step.” terms of assessment for intervention, January of each year, as opposed to a However, she said the claim that and review and guidance depends on staggered allocation process comprising schools will no longer have to wait for resourcing of those services. “Currently general allocations and NCSE assessments to receive supports in NEPS is significantly under resourced,” allocations. schools had been made before. “Previous she warned. “In addition, speech and Schools will no longer have to wait for models promised that schools would be language therapists, mental health assessments for children to receive frontloaded with resources to provide professionals and occupational supports in schools. Children who need support to those who needed it without therapists are either in short supply or support can have that support provided delay,” she said, “is did not prove to be non-existent in the education system.” INTOUCH 19 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
NuachtCMÉ VereFostermedal winners Mary Immaculate College Left:PicturedattherecentMaryImmaculate Right:EibhlínRyanfromThurles(BEdinEducation College(MIC)conferringceremonieswasEllen andPsychologygraduate)waspresentedwiththe O’ReganfromSchull,CoCork,whowasawardedthe BonnVereFosterAwardinMIC.RosenaJordan BonnVereFosterAward,presentedbyRosena presentedEibhlínwiththeVereFosterMedalfor Jordan,INTOPresident,forfirstplaceinTeaching achievingfirstplaceintheTeachingPracticeand PracticeandCurriculumEducation. CurriculumEducation. Marino Institute of Education JointrecipientsoftheVereFostermedalintheProfessionalMasterofEducation(PME)group, YvonneVanston(BEd)ispresentedwiththeVereFosterawardby JulieCoyne(left)andAedínNíLoideáin(right),arepresentedwiththeirmedalsbyDrPatricia DeirbhileNicCraith,INTODirectorofEducationandResearch. Slevin,DirectorofSchoolPlacement AlsopicturedareProfAnneO’GaraandDrPatriciaSlevin. Details of Vere Foster medal winners from St Patrick’s College and Froebel College were printed in December’s issue of InTouch. INTOUCH 20 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews Focus on social visibility and support for LgBT teachers The INTO LGBT Teachers’ Group supports and advances the cause of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender primary school teachers in Ireland. The group has worked hard to end discrimination against LGBT teachers and in 2015 welcomed the amendment of Section 37.1 of the Employment Equality Act. This year the INTO LGBT group is continuing to build awareness of teaching resources for primary schools to address homophobic and transphobic bullying. They look forward to reaching out to INTO members across the country in their renewed focus on social visibility and support for LGBT teachers. This will include an increased focus on regional meetings and social events, with dates planned in Cork and Sligo. Social nights, meetings and events 2017 Dublin Friday, 29 April Dublin Pride, 24 June Friday, 17 November Sligo Saturday, 23 September Cork Saturday, 11 March Contact the INTO LGBT group at: www.into.ie/lgbt This Good Practice Guidelines poster can be downloaded intolgbtgroupsecretary@gmail.com 0874683376 from www.into.ie/lgbt/lGBT_goodpractice.pdf and @INTOLGBTeachersGroup @intolgbt displayed in your classroom INTOUCH 21 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews Congress general secretary Teacher slams unequal pay exchange scheme In an interview with the Irish Examiner last needed to address the haemorrhage of Extension to scheme month, Patricia King, General Secretary of skills and so on, whether it is doctors, approved ICTU, laid out key demands for the union nurses, teachers, engineers, whatever it is. The DES has approved an extension of the side which she said are being flagged up She said public sector pay had taken maximum period for which a teacher with the Public Service Pay Commission. cuts through the pension levy, hours were exchange may occur for teachers in their “Lower pay for new entrants would added to people’s workload and fifth or sixth year of the scheme for one have to be removed,” she said, allowances abolished. further year to allow time for “Multiplicity of pay rates for the same job Ms King said this would “have to form” consideration of a voluntary transfer is not tenable. It’s unfair. It is part of any successor to LRA. scheme at primary. unreasonable to expect people to work in This is subject to the other provisions of those circumstances and it needs to be the circular being complied with, i.e. addressed.” application by the teacher to his/her She also said any new public sector pay board of management and the approval deal would have to address the of the board of management being haemorrhaging of skills and staff which obtained. The Department will write to has reached a “crisis” point in some the teachers and schools affected advising professions. In addition to tackling them of the extension shortly. unequal pay rates, Ms King warned that The announcement follows gaps in the numbers in health or teaching engagements with the DES where the would have to be tackled by reducing INTO has been exploring how concerns childcare and housing costs. about mobility for permanent teachers She said that a key concern — in might be addressed. On foot of these addition to pay restoration — was how to representations, the INTO looks forward to restore numbers after a whole period of engaging with the DES and Management doing more with less. She said the ICTU to devise a scheme which would address has told the Commission that they PatriciaKing,GeneralSecretary,ICTU the issue of permanent teacher mobility. School Meals Programme INTO queries ‘hard sell’ to schools During the last term a number of some 35,000 extra school breakfasts will larger food suppliers to ask them to schools contacted the INTO outlining be provided in non-DEIS schools from refrain from contacting schools, approaches from commercial companies the start of the new school year and will pressurising them to apply for the seeking to sign primary schools up to be expanded in future years. additional funding as announced in the school meals scheme. ese e INTO contacted the Department Budget 2017. approaches appeared to follow an of Social Protection (DSP) which e DSP is at present engaging with announcement in Budget 2017 of administers the scheme in this regard. DES to identify the most disadvantaged increased funding to the School Meals e DSP replied that, following this schools. e DSP will then contact these Programme, which will rise by €5.7 query from the INTO, the Department schools early in 2017 and invite them to million to €47.7 million in 2017. Of these, had been in touch with a number of the avail of the School Meals Scheme. EmployeeAssistanceService/InspireWorkplaceServices (formerlyCarecall) Carecall, which provided the Employment Assistance Scheme for Existing telephone contact details will remain the same for now. teachers, has been re-named Inspire Workplace Services. Freephone: 1800 411 057 (ROI) 0808 800 0002 (NI) Following its recent merger with EAP Consultants in Ireland, the Email: support@carecallwellbeing.ie company will conduct business under the name Inspire or contact through https://www.inspirewellbeing.org/ Workplace Services with offices in Belfast, Dublin and Edinburgh. workplaces/contact-us The business address of the company is Lombard House, Website: www.carecallwellbeing.ie or Lombard Street, Belfast BT1 1BH. https://www.inspirewellbeing.org/workplaces INTOUCH 23 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews E D u c aT I O N cO N f E R E N c E Transforming lives through education Professor Brian Mac Craith, President of arguments and create and co-create DCU, addressed the INTO Consultative content. That is what we should be Conference on Education last November. focussing on.” The DCU Institute of Education now incorporates St Patrick’s College of Education, innOVaTiVE PEdaGOGiEs Church of Ireland College of Education, He identified modalities of learning or Mater Dei College of Education and the innovative pedagogies to match the DCU School of Education. The son of two nature of the 21st century learner, primary teachers, Professor Mac Craith surrounded by streams of information spoke about the pivotal role of teachers causing them to learn in different ways, in the education system in the context of learning best as active participants and unprecedented global and national engaging with information in radically challenges. Education, he said, will be different ways. He advocated peer-to- central to Ireland’s social wellbeing and peer collaborative learning, inquiry- future economic prosperity, and central to based learning (IBL) and problem-based the system are teachers. Referring to learning (PBL). Ireland’s ability to attract foreign direct The significant shift towards inquiry- investment based on three Ts – taxation, based learning and problem-based talent and track record, he spoke of the learning necessitates a similar shift in the need to ensure Ireland has one of the type of continuing professional world’s leading education systems. development offered to teachers and Prof Mac Craith outlined the ProfessorBrianMacCraithaddressingdelegatesat CPD should include learning events importance of teachers for the 21st theINTOEducationConferenceinNovember where there are opportunities for century enabling students to flourish in a collaborations among teachers in which challenging world, a world that is information and applying that they can engage in active learning. connected, globalised, knowledge-based, information in a sensible way.” digital, aging, developing and urbanised. He said that Ireland could achieve much diGiTaL LEaRninG “A country that, 25 years ago, was more from our national education system Professor Mac Craith spoke about the essentially mono-ethnic is now the if we had a coherent approach and uneven adoption of technology to second most globalised country in the aligned objectives along all the elements enhance learning, teaching and world. In preparing our students to of the education continuum. He argued, assessment in Irish schools. flourish in that world we have to take that many of the problems that we now face “I am pleased that the new digital into account. This has a direct bearing on happen at transition points, between strategy for schools, which was launched the focus of our education system and, primary and secondary and, in particular, last year, will address some of the issues. therefore, on the role of the teacher.” between secondary and third level. It sets out a clear vision for the role of In terms of change and the “If we set about identifying the overall digital technologies in enhancing unpredictability of the future, he argued outcomes that we want in terms of our learning, teaching and assessment in that we must equip students with a set of education system and develop those schools and it is worth quoting from it “so personal skills or attributes that will enable along every stage of the system we would that Ireland’s young people become them to navigate the particular challenges have a much more successful outcome I engaged thinkers, active learners, of the coming decades. “And these are think. I think it is very surprising that knowledge constructors and global skills such as leadership, creativity, critical there is actually no overall strategy for citizens who participate fully in society thinking, problem solving. One of the key education in this country.” and the economy.” ones, I would argue, is making sense of Critically, he acknowledged the information. It used to be that a family assEssMEnT challenges and stated that resources will home that had Encyclopaedia Britannica Any discussion around developing be required for the management of IT had this advantage. You could get access attributes and students brings us logically infrastructure in schools and for upskilling to information that was hugely to the critical issue of assessment. “Really, teachers in the use of technology, for important. Accessing information is no assessment should be designed to providing courses that influence longer the issue – it takes nanoseconds to measure students’ ability to collaborate, pedagogical orientation as well as CPD on get any information you want. What is diagnose problems, plan investigations, the pedagogy associated with the use of important is assessing information, research information, construct models, technology in teaching, learning and distilling information, making sense of debate with peers, form coherent assessment. INTOUCH 25 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
INTOnews In the media In print places is crazy. We could have up to 1,000 agreements have enabled public services teachers looking to go…“ However, the to still be provided, it’s not a Rolls Royce Bruton delivers €30m in IT INTO’s Peter Mullan said a recruitment model but it didn’t stop completely. While grants to schools drive like this would leave the Irish the country did limp through there have Richard Bruton has announced €30 million education sector at crisis point. He said: “I been a lot of casualties,” he says. in IT grants for primary and secondary have an email which just landed this Irish Examiner, 19 Dec 2016 schools as part of his department’s digital morning about a school in Cork that has strategy…But teachers have argued that three vacancies but couldn’t get someone Budget 2017 the grant is ‘totally inadequate’ and will not to fill them. Irish teachers are very much The INTO expressed criticism regarding cover the cost of replacing old equipment. in demand because there is global Budget 2017 stating: “The Government's Sheila Nunan, General Secretary of the recognition of the quality of Irish teacher plan for education was in tatters because INTO, said the funding equated to just 40 education. One international report the Budget had failed to match the euro per child of which nine euro would actually said that we were the best in the ambition with the resources.” The INTO go straight back to the government in world. Rents in urban areas are a statement continues: “The total failure to taxes. She said the announcement failed significant barrier to employment. I would increase day-to-day funding for schools to address key concerns of primary schools call on the Government to restore pay for will leave primary schools dependent on such as access to reliable high speed new entrants to pre-cut levels, they have continued voluntary fundraising and broadband. “Today’s announcement to begin paying equally for equal work. parental contributions …” would not provide for the upgrading of There is certainly a teacher shortage in Eolas Magazine, 1 Dec 2016 equipment and also failed to provide any Ireland at the moment and if that figure commitment to technical support to were to leave the market at the end of , schools …” this school year, it would only exacerbate TheINTOPressOfficewelcomes Irish Daily Mail, 4 Jan 2017 things …” contactfromteacherswhomight The Irish Sun, 22 Dec 2016 bewillingtohighlightissuesinthe Religion may be out of core curriculum for primary Public sector pay deals: mediaintheformofacasestudy. schools Bridging the gap between Thiscouldrelatetoanynumberof Consultation process: The INTO welcomed the two sides issuesincludingemployment,home the consultation process saying there was a Elaine Loughlin, Bernard Harbour and ownershiporsalaryorschoolissues very real sense of overload among primary Eddie Molly examine and discuss recent suchasclasssize,fundingorresources. teachers. The union’s general secretary public sector pay deals… As INTO Ifyouarewillingtotalktoajournalist Sheila Nunan said primary teachers were assistant general secretary Peter Mullan pleaseemailpmullan@into.iein teaching seven curriculum areas with each said: “There have been cutbacks. I don’t confidence. one further sub-divided into more subjects. think the system is as good as it was. But “They are then expected to teach all these certainly Croke Park and the other to multiple groups of children in large classes while at the same time provide additional learning programmes for children with special needs and very able pupils,” she On the airwaves said, “While teachers are told to select ‘a la Barrscéalta carte’ from a ‘menu’ curriculum, the expectation still tends to be that, at the end Bíonn clúdach cuimsitheach ar gach cinéal ábhar a bhaineann le pobal Dhún na of the year, all areas will be covered. This is nGall sa bhaile agus i gcéin ar Barrscéalta, mar aon le scéalta as Na Sé Chontae, an an unrealistic goal which this process must Cabhán agus Muineachán. Deirbhile Nic Craith Irish National Teachers' address.” She said it was important that any Organisation, Andy Caomhánach, Enda Bonner, John Campbell, Gearóid Sona, review retains the breadth and balance in John Sheamúis Ó Fearraigh. the learning experiences provided for RTE Raidió na Gaeltachta, 30 Nov 2016 children... The Irish Times, 28 Dec 2016 Maths and science results The 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) study. Middle East school INTO director of education and research, Deirbhile Nic Craith, joins the programme Hundreds of Irish teachers are being lured to share her thoughts on the 2015 trends in international maths and science abroad by lucrative posts in the Middle study. East where they can earn almost double The Comment Line, Midwest Radio, 30 Nov 2016 their current salaries...Teach and Explore boss Eoin Bolger said: “The demand for INTOUCH 27 JaNUary/FebrUary 2017
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