Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...

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Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Australian academy of Technological sciences and engineering (ATSE)
   Number 150
   June 2008

  Australia’s biomedical
   technology climate
     Contributors discuss our research culture and
outcomes, medical technology prospects, specific
   product research, biopharmaceuticals, funding
  issues, and the journey from research to market
Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...

                                                                      12 	Raising capital for our
                                                                           medical technologies
                                                                           and therapeutics
                                                                      14 	Doing less, but doing
                  Great research                                           it better
                  – how about some
                  outcomes?                                           16 	The journey from research
                  By Peter Andrews                                         to market with biomedicals
                                                                      19 	Biopharmaceuticals:

                                                                           filling the gaps in
                                                                           Australia’s capabilities
                                                                      22 	Emissions trading needs
                                                                           technology investment
                  Medical technology:                                 23 	Structural issues limit
                  prospects for the                                       energy technology R&D
                  21st century
                  By Graeme Clark                                     24 	Urgent action needed
                                                                           on innovation

                                                                      25 	A globally trading,
                                                                      26 	Five innovation giants
                  Biomolecular                                             win 2008 ATSE Clunies Ross
                  engineering:                                             Awards
                  exploiting biological                               28 	Extreme Science takes
                  switches                                                 Brisbane by storm
                  By Anton Middelberg
                                                                      30 	DSTO: a Century of public
                                                                           and private impacts
Cover: The essence of biomedical technology – the science starts in
the laboratory.                                                       32 ATSE in focus
Photo: Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist

                                                                      ATSE is an independent body of eminent Australian engineers and scientists
                                                                      established to promote the application of scientific and engineering knowledge to
                                                                      practical purposes. ATSE Focus is produced to serve this goal.
                                                                      Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors, and do not necessarily
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 ATSE Focus is produced to stimulate discussion and                   appropriate acknowledgement is given to the author and the Academy.
 public policy initiatives on key topics of interest                  Chief Executive Officer: Dr Trevor Evans
 to the Academy and the nation. Many articles are                     Editor: Bill Mackey
                                                                      Technical Consultant: Dr Vaughan Beck FTSE
 contributed by ATSE Fellows with expertise in these
 areas. Opinion pieces on topics of national interest,                Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)
 particularly the Academy’s key interest areas – climate              Address: Ian McLennan House, 197 Royal Parade, Parkville Victoria 3052
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Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...



Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology

Great research – how about
some outcomes?
Australia needs more spin-out companies coming out of its universities and
research institutes, and more of these companies developing into big ones

                 By Peter Andrews

                             productive life due to disease and injury and 70 per
           ustralia’s biomedical research base is outstand-      cent of all health care costs due to disease. Productivity
           ing by any measure – creativity, originality,         losses amount to three times as much again.
           publications in the world’s best journals, even           These are problems that should be susceptible to
           Nobel Prizes – and there is every reason to           our research. By and large, chronic diseases are prevent-
suppose that it will become better yet.                          able, and even those that cannot be prevented can be
     Major investments by Federal and State govern-              treated much more economically and effectively if de-
ments, particularly in Queensland and Victoria, dur-             tected early.
ing this decade are already paying handsome dividends                What do we need to do? First, let’s tackle our ma-
through the attraction and retention of internation-             jor challenge: the risk factors driving our unacceptably
ally acclaimed researchers, the establishment of vibrant         high levels of chronic disease.
and iconic new research institutes, and the building of              By and large, Australian adults are overweight,
knowledge-intensive industries.                                  consume too much alcohol but not enough fruit and
     So, how is it that health costs are climbing, Indig-        vegetables, and do not get enough exercise. More than
enous Australians are dying 17 years younger than the            20 per cent still smoke. In lower socioeconomic groups,
rest of the population and biotechnology companies               remote communities and among Indigenous Austral-
are stagnating? What do we have to do to see serious             ians the prevalence of these risk factors is higher and so
social and commercial returns from our investment in             are the levels of chronic disease.
health and medical research?                                         It is known that the elimination of these risk factors
     In my view, we need to ramp up our investment               can lead to a decade or more of increased life expect-
in translational R&D, using our outstanding research             ancy. What is not known is how to devise and imple-
base as the engine to generate more effective health care        ment programs at the community, workplace or health-
services and a stronger life sciences industry.                  services level that will enable Australians to make the
     Let’s start with the social issues. It is often said that   transition to healthier lifestyles.
every dollar invested in medical research saves $5 in                The answers to these questions do not lie in conven-
health costs. But, despite our considerable investments          tional biomedical research. Rather, we need to build
in health and medical research, Australia’s health bill          on our biomedical research base, and integrate it with
has risen from 5.4 per cent of GDP in 1971 to 9 per              research in the social sciences. We need to expand our
cent in 2006. In the US, which has by far the largest            investment at the interface of the medical and social
medical research budget on the planet, the correspond-           sciences.
ing increase has been from 7 per cent to 15 per cent.                Second, let’s take the opportunity provided by our
     What is driving this increase? In large measure, it is      biomedical research base to lead the way in the predic-
chronic disease. According to the Australian Institute           tion and early detection of chronic disease.
of Health and Welfare, 77 per cent of Australians have               The $1000 genome is fast approaching reality, and
at least one chronic disease condition. Worse, 10 per            will enable genetic predisposition to disease to be pre-
cent of children under 14, and 80 per cent of adults             dicted at birth. At the same time, the identification of
over 65, have three or more such conditions. In total,           biomarkers in blood will enable the rapid, early and
these conditions account for 80 per cent of the loss of          inexpensive detection of chronic disorders, and the

Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology
                  advent of pharmacogenomics will ensure that patients         and revenues and employee numbers have jumped by
                  receive drugs individually tailored to the underlying        a factor of six.
                  causes of their disease.                                          How can we maintain this momentum? Basically
                      Again, these advances will not be the province of        we need two things: more companies spinning out of
                  biomedical research alone, but of collaborative efforts      our universities and biomedical research institutes, and
                  at the interface of information technology, genomics,        more of those small emerging companies being con-
                  biochemistry and nanotechnology. Investment at these         verted into big ones.
                  interfaces, and their intersection with clinical science,         Almost all of Australia’s biomedical research is con-
                  will be the key to translating research excellence into      ducted in public-sector research organisations, but we
                  practical health outcomes.                                   offer these organisations and their researchers little or
                      How about the commercial side? The global phar-          no incentive to translate their research into commercial
                  maceutical industry is worth more than US$500 bil-           outcomes.
                  lion a year, with faster growth and higher rates of return        If we want our biomedical research community to
                  than most other knowledge-intensive industries. The          go beyond excellent teaching and research, we need
                  growth rate of the biotechnology industry is higher          to provide an additional stream of funding that ena-
                  again, and more than half of all new drugs reaching the      bles them to do so. And we need to provide incentives
                  market are now products of biotechnology.                    – such as relief from capital gains tax – that will encour-
                                                                               age individuals, such as the Fellows of ATSE, to invest
                                                 Almost all                    their capital and experience in facilitating the process.
                                                 of Australia’s                     Even then, a further step is required. Australian
                                                 biomedical                    biotechnology companies are commonly listing at one-
                                                 research is                   tenth of the market capitalisation of their US counter-
                                                 conducted in                  parts, and raise one-tenth as much money. They are be-
                                                 public-sector                 ing set up to fail.
                                                 research                           One of the few factors that has historically helped
                                                 organisations, but            them compete internationally – AusIndustry’s Com-
                                                 we offer these                mercial Ready – fell victim to the razor gang in the May
                                                 organisations                 Federal Budget. It will be vital that a successor scheme
                                                 and their                     is rapidly identified, ideally by extending the R&D Tax
                                                 researchers little            Offset to enable tax loss companies to claim a rebate
                                                 or no incentive               equivalent to their entitlements under the R&D Tax
                                                 to translate their            Concession, but without the current counterproductive
                                                 research into                 restrictions on group turnover and R&D expenditure.
                                                 commercial                         The bottom line? We need to maintain our very
                                                 outcomes.                     strong track record in fundamental research, but add
                                                                               real muscle to our ability to translate it into social and
                      Recognising this trend, the international pharma-        commercial outcomes. We need to invest more in re-
                  ceutical industry is presently outsourcing more than 40      search at the interfaces between biomedical, social and
                  per cent of its R&D, compared with four per cent in          clinical sciences, and we need to invest in the processes
                  the early 1990s. Indeed, Queensland clinical-trial com-      that will convert the results of our biomedical research
                  panies are anticipating that revenues from international     into companies, and companies into industries. t
                  pharmaceutical companies will reach $60 million by           Professor Peter Andrews AO FTSE is an eminent
                  2010, and the overall market value of the State’s bio-       Queensland scientist and bio-entrepreneur whose role as
                                                                               Queensland Chief Scientist involves advising government
                  technology industry is projected to be $20 billion, with     on policy and economic development issues associated
                  annual revenues of $4 billion, by 2025.                      with science, research and innovation. Author of more than
                                                                               100 publications and inventor on two patents, he has led
                      Is this plausible?                                       multifunctional scientific teams at research institutions in
                      From a standing start a decade ago, Queensland’s         Victoria and Queensland. Professor Andrews has been at the
                                                                               forefront of initiatives to develop the Australian biotechnology
                  biotechnology industry now has about two dozen               industry and is an active participant in the commercialisation
                  drugs from local biotechnology companies in clinical         of Australian science and research. Since 1985, he has founded,
                                                                               co-founded or been a director of more than 10 scientific
                  trials. In 10 years the number of publicly listed biotech-   companies. He currently serves as a director of two Australian
                  nology firms in Queensland has risen from two to12,          biotechnology companies.                                                                                                                   FOCUS
Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology

Medical technology:
prospects for the 21st century
There is a veritable smorgasbord of small technologies
that could be developed for health care

By Graeme Clark

Small technologies are defined at both a nanoscale and
microscale. According to the national standards, nano is
from 1nm (one nanometre, equal to one-billionth of a
metre) to 100nm, and micro is above that length.

          anoscience is essentially physics and chemistry
          at sizes that are not well understood. With
          bio-applications, physicists and chemists copy
          and learn from biology and, in turn, this helps
us to learn more about biology. But very importantly
this knowledge can be used in health care and to cor-
rect disease.
    The big challenge is to determine what small tech-
nologies are most suited for a range of possible medical
applications. There are nanobiomaterials, nanobiotech-                                                                     Graeme Clark
nology and nanobionics, as well as nanobiomechanics,           peated stressing, such as with pacemakers, or as delivery
biofuel cells and MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical               vehicles for radioisotopes for cancer.
systems) – and many more.                                          A nanobiointerface is one where the material con-
    Biomaterials are the basis of many developments.           nects to the surface of the cell and influences its func-
Bionics (biology and electronics) refers to the transfer       tion. The materials can also be made to conform to the
of electrical charge to and from biological systems, or        shape of cells and proteins. This will allow greater at-
the release of agents that facilitate this transfer: Biofuel   tachment of the cells to the polymers for control of the
cells are being developed at a nano/micro level and can        biological reactions.
be used in the body for bionics and other applications             Biomembranes can be made with porous elements
where electrical charge is required.                           that can let larger molecules pass through more readily
    There are a number of basic elements of nanobio-           than smaller molecules. It could be very important in
materials. When reduced in size, particles can change          the body for the differential release of hormones – for
their function; most often the particles can be used as        example, insulin in diabetes – and there could be feed-
drugs or trophic agents.                                       back from blood glucose levels to control the pore size.
    Nanobioparticles are used with arterial stents to              Drug and cell-delivery systems can involve biode-
reduce post-operative stenosis. But more research is re-       gradable polymers. The drugs and cells may be incor-
quired to reverse the disease process.                         porated within the material during curing. An example
    Nanocomposites are synthesised by dispersing very          of a biodegradable polymer is polyurethane. There is
small inorganic materials in polymers with dendritic-          great versatility in the chemistry to vary the mechani-
like chains. Due to mixing at a molecular level they           cal properties, porosity and integration with biological
have properties that are superior to either constituent.       materials.
They have application in the body where there is re-               With drug delivery, the agents are presently re-

Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology

    Professor Clark and his team at work.

                     leased by passive processes. Drugs may also be assem-       and this is matched to a sensor, then transduced and
                     bled rather than incorporated during the curing pro-        analysed by the computer to produce a map of the pa-
                     cess. Frank Caroso, from the University of Melbourne,       tient’s DNA.
                     has shown that drug-containing capsules can be made              Biochips will be used to analyse blood from a pa-
                     from a spherical core. It is coated with alternate layers   tient, where the chip determines their genetic make-up
                     of polymers that are positively and negatively charged.     or diseased state within minutes. This will be made pos-
                     The core of the capsule is removed, leaving a polymer       sible because the chip will be linked by a high-speed data
                     scaffold; the scaffold can be opened with changes in        cable to a central computer where all the analyses will
                     pH, and the drug incorporated and then later released.      be performed. This will mean that doctors in country
                          Nanobiotechnology applies in particular to the de-     areas will be able to use special diagnostic equipment
                     velopment of nanomaterials for molecular biology, and       and be guided in the management of patients, without
                     genetics procedures in particular. This is done through     having to send them to the city.
                     creating biochips for the analysis of DNA, RNA, genes            Nanobionics may also lead to drug and cell-deliv-
                     and proteins. Most is presently done in vitro with the      ery systems with the use of electro-active polymers. The
                     polymerase chain reaction to amplify the genetic mate-      drugs and cells may be incorporated within the mate-
                     rial under investigation. Real-time analyses are coming     rial during the curing, or assembled together in stages.
                     onto the market.                                            When polypyrrole is oxidised it loses an electron to
                          With nanobiotechnology, for example, a template        become positively charged. This enables it to attract
                     for the amino acid sequences for the DNA is created         and incorporate the negatively charged component of                                                                                                                FOCUS
Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology
a protein or a living cell. The protein, or a nerve growth   This costs the Australian taxpayer $1.7 billion dollars
factor, can then be released by the passage of an electri-   annually. Our research has commenced to analyse the
cal current to neutralise that attraction.                   EEG activity and predict when a seizure is about to
    Carbon nanotubes have great potential. They are          happen. Electrodes in the brain will be used then to
very thin (1/10,000 the diameter of a human hair),           reverse the seizure. To do so safely will require the use
conduct electricity and are strong. They have potential      of nanobionics to ensure that the electrode surfaces and
application in a number of areas of medicine, including      impedance is minimal.
heart valves and stents.                                         Many areas of nanobionics will require electrical
    An example of a biosensor developed through              charge, and batteries made from nanomaterials will be
nanobionics is a 2 × 2-millimetre silicon chip attached      implantable and self-sustaining. The cell will be fuelled
to the skin to measure body temperature. The chip con-       by the body’s metabolic processes for the transformation
tains a temperature sensor in an integrated circuit. A       of two redox reactions for glucose and oxygen. The use
lithium, thin-film battery supplies the very low level of    of electrodes at a nanoscale is also more efficient.
power required by the circuit and the signal processing          Advances in medical devices such as catheters, guide-
and transmission electronics, and an antenna sends the       wires, stents, pacemakers and other invasive products
data by radio signals (radio-frequency transmission) to      have enormously improved diagnostic and therapeutic
a monitor, either in the hospital ward or central nursing    practices in medical care. However, the benefits of cath-
station, when the chip is queried.                           eters and other invasive devices are often limited by the
    There is now considerable optimism that science          occurrence of infections associated with the devices, even
and new technologies can make a major difference to          when the best aseptic techniques are practiced.
health care. This applies in particular to the restoration       Each year, as many as two million hospital patients
of body function and the control of disease.                 in the US develop nosocomial infections, that is
    The first application for nanobionics with spinal        infections which are a result of treatment in a hospital
cord repair is in chronic cases. This may be with cyst       or health care unit, but secondary to the patient’s
formation or avulsion of the anterior rami of the motor      original condition. Approximately 80 per cent of the
nerves.                                                      80,000 annual deaths in this country from nosocomial
    The lateral corticospinal tract is the main motor        infections are device-related. One possible way of
pathway for the control of movement and scaffolds of         preventing these infections is to use biodegradable
electro-active polymer, loaded with growth or inhibi-        polymer and infiltrate it with antibiotic. Furthermore,
tory factors, as well as stem cells, could help bridge the   cells that defend against infection can be incorporated
gap. It has also been shown that electrical currents will    into the material.
help guide the spinal nerves to the right location, so the       The estimated worldwide market for biomaterials is
scaffolds could incorporate conducting components.           about $35 billion, with a predicted growth rate of 12 per
Adult stem cells can be also used and harvested from         cent a year. Biomaterials and medical devices represent a
the fat, muscle and bone marrow and incorporated into        fast-emerging market of about US$260 billion.
the scaffold. Most recently cells have been taken from           Australia can still play a significant role in this mar-
umbilical cord blood and shown to be effective.              ket, underpinned by strategic research. t
    Nanobionics can help improve coronary artery             Professor Graeme Clark is Laureate Professor Emeritus at
stents and reduce complications. Initially a stent is        the University of Melbourne, Founder and Director Emeritus of
                                                             the Bionic Ear Institute, Senior Scientist at St Vincent’s Hospital,
inserted into the artery and expanded. Some 800,000          Melbourne, and Professor at the University of Wollongong.
angioplasties (mostly with stenting) are carried out in      He initiated research at the University of Sydney, then led the
                                                             crucial research at the University of Melbourne and the Bionic
the US each year. In up to 30 per cent of these the artery
                                                             Ear Institute which resulted in the multi-channel cochlear
eventually becomes clogged again, so there is a great        implant (bionic ear) for people with severe to profound hearing
                                                             loss. The device, developed industrially by Cochlear Ltd, is the
need to incorporate drug-eluting material that prevent
                                                             first clinically successful method of restoring brain function,
restenosis.                                                  and the first advance in helping deaf children to communicate,
    Epilepsy affects up to two per cent of the world’s       in the past 200 years. It was the first cochlear implant of any
                                                             type to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
population and one-third do not respond to medication.       as safe and effective for use on children.

Letters to the Editor
ATSE Focus welcomes letters from readers in response to articles. Please keep letters brief to enhance publication
prospects. Longer letters may be run as contributed articles. Please address to

Australia's biomedical technology climate - Australian Academy of ...
Biomedical Technology

     Biomolecular engineering:
     exploiting biological switches
     Many medications, such as anti-cancer drugs, are not water soluble and thus
     difficult to deliver into the human body. This is where biocompatible peptide
     surfactants, such as Pepfactant®, have a role to play

                                   By Anton Middelberg

                                                 made of 20 amino acids linked together in a specific
                                 edical technology spans a range of length       coded sequence. By changing the information sequence
                                 scales, from the smallest pharmaceutical        we can change the function, allowing technological de-
                                 drug that interacts with the body’s pro-        sign. But what are the rules that link surface behaviour
                                 teins, through to engineered devices and,       to amino acid sequence? In exploring this basic ques-
                   ultimately, infrastructure for healthcare. All of these       tion, my PhD students and I made a very interesting ob-
                   technologies function because they detect an input and        servation – some peptide surfactants behaved like real
                   change an output.                                             detergents at the interface, while others behaved more
                        Although macroscopic switches that change health         like food proteins and formed a mechanically strong
                   outcomes at the device and infrastructure level are visi-     interfacial gel. Intrigued, I asked why. Significantly,
                   ble, the molecular-scale switches occurring at the protein    I also asked whether we could create another switch,
                   and cell level are often invisible and poorly understood.     this time within the plane of the interface. Could we
                        Yet at the dawn of the 21st century our understand-      switch the interfacial behaviour between detergent and
                   ing of biological systems is exploding along with our         gel states, in real time and in response to input switches
                   enhanced ability to quantitatively assess molecular-          that were technologically meaningful? In other words,
                   scale events. Armed with this new capability, we are          could we switch the character of the peptide at the in-
                   presented with an unparalleled opportunity to engineer        terface without changing its sequence?
                   new medical technology, as well as an increasing ability           Working with postdoctoral colleague Annette Dex-
                   to cleverly innovate across diverse Australian industries     ter, I solved this challenge to create a peptide surfactant,
                   ranging from food to mining.                                  or Pepfactant®, that we could switch between the two
                        A unique example of biology-inspired technology          interfacial states in response to a change in solution pH.
                   is a new family of surfactants, or detergent-like mole-       We have subsequently built a family of these molecules
                   cules, invented at the University of Queensland, called       and elucidated design rules so that Pepfactant® proper-
                   Pepfactants®.                                                 ties can be tailored for specific applications. Using neu-
                        About 10 years ago, while looking at the comput-         tron science, in conjunction with another postdoctoral
                   er-based structure of a protein, I realised that it had a     colleague, Lizhong He, we have shown that in the gel
                   small region that could switch between two states. In         state the peptide forms a molecularly thin film that has
                   one state this peptide (or small protein) looked like a       mechanical properties similar to collagen. This collagen-
                   surfactant, having distinct hydrophilic and hydropho-         like film helps stabilise foams and emulsions, while the
                   bic regions, while in the other state it resembled a small,   switch allows us to turn off the stabilisation, at will.
                   disorganised polymer. Laboratory synthesis and testing             In 2006 Pepfactants® won a TechConnect Emerg-
                   proved that it did seek out air-water and oil-water inter-    ing Technology Award (TETA) in Boston, USA
                   faces, and that on a molar basis its surface activity was     ( Only three
                   superior to conventional detergents. The natural two-         TETA awards, in three different categories of open
                   state biological switch resulted in a molecule with ex-       international competition, were made – winners were
                   cellent detergent-like properties at an interface coupled     ranked highest in terms of IP strength, value proposi-
                   with the superior solution behaviour of a polymer.            tion and market potential. The technology also won
                        Proteins in nature carry information – they are          the 2006 University of Queensland $100,000 Business

10                                                                                                                FOCUS
Biomedical Technology
Plan Competition, under the leadership of PhD stu-                 The approach of using simple cell factories and
dent Andrew Malcolm, and has been used to establish           well-established process technology will drive down
the first invested spin-out company from the Austra-          the cost of virus-like particle vaccines, opening oppor-
lian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology          tunities for the treatment of disease in the developing
(                                     world. Moreover, molecular control of the particle
     In medical terms, many important medications,            surface suggests that it may be possible to develop new
such as anti-cancer drugs, are difficult to deliver into      vaccines, without necessitating radical re-design of the
the human body because they do not dissolve in wa-            manufacturing process.
ter. Biocompatible peptide surfactants can address this            This approach promises a rapid-response vaccine
problem by dissolving the drugs into tiny oil droplets        technology platform, and we have started to explore its
that are then stabilised by the gel-like film, which may      utility in vaccine design,
also sense changes in pH that occur near or in a cell.        specifically in response to
     But applications go beyond the medical into fields       the threat of pandemic in-
as diverse as mining and functional foods. For example,       fluenza. Such an approach
minerals flotation controls foam using dilution with          would overcome perceived
water – an increasingly scarce resource. We wonder            and real limitations inher-
whether simple foam collapse using a change in pH can         ent in using eggs for vac-
give environmental benefit.                                   cine manufacture.
     In terms of foodstuffs, switching off the surfactant          There is an increasing
behaviour can ease processing during, for example, ice-       awareness that Australian
cream manufacture. Then switching on the gel state            competitiveness will increas- Anton Middelberg and Lizhong He prepare
can stabilise the ice-cream microstructure, replacing fat     ingly require innovation a Pepfactant® sample for characterisation
                                                                                              using the neutron reflectometer SURF at the
with air. This paradigm of processing a well-behaved          both in terms of knowledge Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.
material and then switching on the desired strong ma-         production and its exploi-
terial properties through a change in solution proper-        tation. The opportunities Further reading:
ties is exactly what a spider does when it spins silk.        emerging as a result of better Proceedings of the National Academy of
     The molecular basis for the Pepfactant® interfacial      understanding of biologi- Sciences, USA, 97(10), 5054-5059 (2000)
switch is rather simple. Certain amino acids bind metal       cal processes and systems, Nature Materials, 5(6), 502-506 (2006)
ions, and binding can crosslink adjacent peptides at the      including their ability to Science, 319, 1178-1179 (2008)
interface and change interfacial charge structure, lead-      switch between distinct Journal of the Royal Society Interface,
ing to a gel state. Changing the pH changes binding           states, provide a rich source 5(18), 47-54
strength and allows the linked peptide structure to be        for potential innovation in
mobilised. This is the basis for a generic switch of tech-    medical and non-medical fields.
nological value and we are now exploring its value in              Such innovation, at least in this case, has been facili-
other systems, including viral vaccines.                      tated by flexible research funding associated with a Fed-
     Vaccines have had a huge impact on human health,         eration Fellowship, which has allowed particular themes
and great interest in virus-like particles has recently de-   and ideas to be followed in a strategic manner, and to be
veloped following the successful launch of vaccines for       developed in response to initial results obtained. Such
cervical cancer. Virus-like particles are well tolerated      flexibility is rare in modern technological research, and
and appear to the immune system to be an authentic            my team and I are grateful to the Australian Research
virus, yet do not carry a payload of viral nucleic acid.      Council for encouraging us to follow our ideas. t
In effect, they resemble a Trojan horse and the immune
system mounts an appropriate defence, ignorant of the         Professor Anton Middelberg FTSE is an Australian
                                                              Research Council Federation Fellow and Professor of Chemical
fact that the vessel is, in fact, empty.                      and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Queensland.
     Recently we have shown that it is possible to use        His research focuses on the science of chemical self-assembly
                                                              processing, with the ultimate aim of defining new functional
microbial cell factories to produce virus proteins at         products and new process routes for the manufacture of
very high levels, and in very simple biotechnological         existing products. Professor Middelberg has previously held
                                                              tenured academic positions at Adelaide and Cambridge
processes. After purification using unit operations al-       Universities, a Fulbright fellowship at Berkeley, and was
ready in widespread industrial use, the protein can be        elected Fellow of Selwyn College Cambridge and Fellow of the
                                                              Cambridge-MIT Institute. His awards included the Brodie and
assembled into non-infectious, virus-like nanoparticles       Shedden-Uhde medals of the Institution of Engineers Australia,
by metal-ion switching of self-assembly.                      and he has published more than 150 refereed papers.

FOCUS                                                                                                              11
Biomedical Technology

     Raising capital for our medical
     technologies and therapeutics
     Australian governments have supported medical research for some time now and
     in a few areas we do have a worldwide reputation for ‘punching above our weight’

                                  By Carrie Hillyard

                                         nuation funds to guarantee continued funding.
                             ustralia’s governments have been support-              It will take a few more years of operation for these
                             ing medical research for a considerable time       returns to be comparable with those in countries with a
                             and we now have a worldwide reputation in a        more established VC industry or, indeed, with the pri-
                             few areas, where we punch above our weight.        vate equity industry in Australia, which is much more
                   There has been a recent emphasis on biotechnology and        mature.
                   on growing an Australian industry to support future jobs         The continued support of the superannuation in-
                   growth. This has led to a greater awareness, more com-       dustry is also being compromised by current financial
                   mercial activity from the research institutions and sig-     market conditions, which have dramatically cut the
                   nificant growth in new and expanded research facilities,     value of their listed assets, skewing the percentage allo-
                   particularly in Queensland and Victoria. It has resulted     cation of funds in alternative assets such as VC.
                   in increasing numbers of companies and, with the aid
                   of the pre-seed investment funds, more qualified invest-     Sourcing the money
                   ment opportunities, with a better understanding of the       So we now have VC, but how many of the start-up
                   important factors in growing a biotechnology company.        hopefuls can get funded?
                                                                                    The answer is about two per cent – although the suc-
                   Venture capital                                              cess rate from research groups with solid reputations is
                   A few years ago, the IR&D board posed the questions:         higher. There are now seed funds that can invest up to a
                   ‘Why are we not commercialising some of the inven-           $1 million in a project or start-up company and, while
                   tions from our institutions?’ and ‘Why can’t we access       there are only a handful of early stage VC funds able to
                   superannuation money for early stage companies?’ The         support the growth of medical technology or pharma-
                   answer to both was that there was no venture capital         ceutical development companies, these can invest up to
                   (VC) industry in Australia.                                  $10 to $15 million per company. Additionally, a handful
                        The government had tried to develop programs            of US funds have made investments in Australian compa-
                   previously without much success and a new approach           nies alongside local managers who they know and trust.
                   was needed, which took the form of the Innovation In-            The sort of company that will get funded is likely to
                   vestment Funds (IIF).                                        have some good management, although often the team
                        This scheme was a relatively ‘hands off ’ approach      will only be filled out when funding is secured. It will
                   to encourage private or institutional investors prepared     have a clear barrier to the entry of competitors – usually
                   to invest in first-time funds managers. Its intent was to    patented technology – and a solid plan to get its prod-
                   kick-start a VC industry, which could harness superan-       ucts developed and tested in a clinical setting.
                   nuation money to be invested in commercialising tech-
                   nologies from our research institutions.                     The pitfalls …
                        The IIF has begun to achieve its objective, with the    Companies looking for an investor should think about
                   first licensed managers accessing institutional money for    the value a particular investor brings. It is important
                   their subsequent funds, which are investing in early stage   for the company to do some homework on the investor
                   companies. Australia’s VC industry is now maturing, but      – after all, the board member appointed by the VC firm
                   has yet to provide the consistent returns to the superan-    may be working with the company for some years. It is

12                                                                                                              FOCUS
Biomedical Technology
also essential, if several investors are involved, that the    investor coming in – needs to be sufficient to undertake
investee knows that these investors have the same goals        the safety and early efficacy trials.
for the company.                                                   A company has to have a very clear and realistic
     Many a company has rued the day it accepted money         business plan, which takes into account these various
from an investor only to find that the new investor had        funding rounds.
completely different ideas about its investment. This can
lead to a dysfunctional board or, in one case, a complete      To list … or not to list
restart for the company when an investor packed up its         In the early stages, it is possible to find friends, family
bat and ball and demanded its money back.                      and ‘angel’ investors, although this is much easier with
     Venture investors usually invest in the field of exper-   information than medical technologies. There are also
tise of their staff and provide their industry networks,       pre-seed and commercialisation funds available.
advisers, operational expertise and management skills              Later, the choice is venture investors, listing on the
– as well as money. They will almost always take a board       Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or, possibly, an
seat. It is important to find a syndicate of like-minded       international exchange. In Australia, where the market
investors with deep pockets, as medical technology             is used to funding small mining explorations, biotech-
is likely to need a lot of development capital and the         nology companies have listed straight out of the uni-
investors must be able to fund the company through             versity without looking for VC investors.
several rounds.                                                    Listing brings its own issues, including the need for
     Each round should raise enough to take the com-           the CEO to be diverted by analyst briefings and inves-
pany to the next milestone that will add value. A rule         tor relations, to provide a constant stream of announce-
of thumb might be a ‘seed’ round (just out of the re-          ments to investors and additional costs. It is much
search organisation), which should be enough to get            harder to find subsequent rounds of funding, unless the
to a compound or device that works in animals and is           company is close to product with good news flow, par-
ready for formal preclinical studies. The series A should      ticularly when, as currently, the financial markets lose
be enough to get the product to regulatory (preferably         confidence and many companies struggle along with
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) approval                small market capitalisations, ignored by both industry
to do the first trials. Series B – usually priced by a new     analysts and investors.

                                                                                                   Manufacturing product at Pharmaxis.

FOCUS                                                                                                            13
Biomedical Technology
       As a strategy for raising capital after a couple of              A lot of things have changed in the 10 years that venture
  rounds of VC funding, ASX listing has proved success-            funding has been available for early stage medical technol-
  ful and companies, such as Pharmaxis, have been able             ogy and pharmaceutical development. A number of VC-
  to raise very large amounts of capital to fund the late-         funded companies have reached the stage when their first
  stage clinical development of their lead products.               products have been approved and are being launched.
       However, even late-stage-listed product develop-                 There is now seed and early stage venture money avail-
  ment companies can be affected by the vagaries of the in-        able and companies can access up to about $30 million
  ternational financial markets and investor sentiment and         from Australian VC syndicates and introduced US funds.
  those that do not plan to raise money when the market                 While listing seemed an easy option for many early
  is positive towards growth stocks can be left without suf-       stage companies a few years ago, these companies are now
  ficient funding or having to accept big discounts in order       struggling to find further capital. Listing is a strategy bet-
  to find capital.                                                 ter suited to companies with products in late-stage devel-
                                                                   opment and a planned flow of news to investors. t
  Non-dilutive funding                                             Dr Carrie Hillyard FTSE is a co-founder of CM Capital
  The May Federal Budget delivered a blow to companies             Investments, where she is responsible for the Life Sciences
                                                                   group. CM manages over $260 million in three funds directed
  planning to access AusIndustry’s Commercial Ready                at life sciences and telecommunications technologies. She has
  scheme, which was axed without warning, severely af-             experience through the complete product cycle, from basic
                                                                   research in cancer and endocrinology at the Royal Postgraduate
  fecting potential R&D funding.                                   Medical School, London University, to products on the
      The R&D Tax Offset assists companies spending less           market at Agen Biomedical. She has mentored entrepreneurs,
                                                                   consulted to the biotechnology industry, research institutions
  than $1 million on R&D. Project funding is available from        and commercialisation bodies and served on a number of
  overseas granting agencies, and Australian companies have        government committees including the IR&D board and Tax
                                                                   Concession Committee. Dr Hillyard is a member of the board of
  benefited from the Gates Foundation, the US Department           CathRx Ltd, the Mater Medical Research Institute and a member
  of Defence and National Institutes of Health.                    of the Queensland Government’s Smart State Council.

                                                                                                                                    Frank Fell, Indigenous Training and Development Specialist, Weipa
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Biomedical Technology

Doing less,
but doing it better
In the past, Australia’s early lead in a new field was often lost because research
teams could not match the size and funding of overseas groups, with which they
were competing. However, all this is changing

               By Merilyn Sleigh
                                 side the US – a remarkable achievement considering
Australia’s role as a performer of                           the still small relative size of our research community.
biomedical research
Australia’s contribution to the international biomedi-       Potential for future biomedical
cal research effort has been marked by a number of           research – doing less but doing
high-profile discoveries.                                    it better
    Past successes have included development of Co-          Research Australia has suggested that Australia has
chlear’s bionic ear device, first cloning of three of the    relative strengths in areas such as:
major factors involved in blood cell formation, a pio-       ¢ development of medical devices and biomaterials;
neering position in stem cell research, discovery of the     ¢ stem cell science and tissue replacement, together
role of bacteria in stomach ulcers, and development of          with increasing expertise in clinical evaluation in
Relenza, the first rationally designed small molecule           these areas;
drug based on protein structure.                             ¢ immunology – a traditional research strength; and
    Each of these achievements has sprung from the vi-       ¢ cancer research, both at a fundamental level and via
sion of an outstanding individual or small team, and has        access to extensive tissue libraries, documented pa-
drawn from an extensive background of medical research          tient cohorts and a twin registry.
funded over many years, largely from public sources.             While this is not a comprehensive list, it highlights
    Over the past 20 years we have seen concentration        the potential to further build our edge in selected areas,
of much of Australia’s biomedical research effort into       taking advantage of available government support, as
a number of high-profile research institutes. Following      well as increasing funding from donor, commercial and
two major reviews of medical research, there has been        international sources.
a significant increase in National Health and Medical            Current support covers the spectrum from basic
Research Council (NHMRC) grants, with a tripling in          research (NHMRC) through to commercial develop-
funding between 2001 and 2007, and further increases         ment, including the Cooperative Research Centres
foreshadowed. As well, there is an increasing aware-         Program (researcher-industry linkages), the P3 pro-
ness that excellent research requires state-of-the-art       gram to assist pharmaceutical company development
infrastructure, provision of which has further focused       in Australia, and incentives for venture capital.
activities in major centres (somewhat to the detriment           Continuing investment in infrastructure will in-
of smaller research groups and many universities).           crease the competitiveness of our biomedical research,
    In the past, early leadership in a new field was often   and broaden the skills and capabilities available to turn
lost because Australian research teams could only infre-     discoveries into products in Australia.
quently approach the size and level of funding of overseas
groups, with which they were competing. However, the         Discovery to profits – the rise of
emergence of larger and better-funded research institutes,   biomedical technology industries
along with their increasing capability in commercialising    The initial emphasis for Australian biotechnology was
important discoveries, is changing this situation.           on agriculture (based on the relative strength of this
    Australian research teams are now the largest recip-     sector), rather than pharmaceuticals and diagnostics.
ients of US National Institutes of Health funding out-       However, biomedical technology is the major focus

FOCUS                                                                                                         15
Biomedical Technology
                   of today’s industry in Australia, as it has been from the     ed the Nucleus Group in the 1960s to take Australian-
                   start in the US.                                              manufactured medical products to world markets. This
                       The sector is now well-established and healthy, al-       group spawned a number of successful companies, in-
                   though still vulnerable to stock market fluctuations,         cluding Cochlear, Ausonics and Telectronics. As well, it
                   but small in international terms. It is around one-tenth      generated competitive activity in adjunct areas, such as
                   the size of the industry in the US, based on measures         biomaterials, and a cohort of commercially experienced
                   such as investment and employment, and much smaller           individuals. Many of these are now the CEOs driving
                   in terms of revenues.                                         the continued expansion and maturity of Australia’s
                       The local industry is also much less mature than that     medical device sector, which has established capabilities
                   of the US. For example, the peak period for new company       across the full range from discovery to marketing.
                   formation in the US was 1981-87 – in Australia it peaked
                   more than 10 years later, in 2001. We presently have three    Opportunities and challenges
                   to four times more companies than can be reasonably sup-      for the future
                   ported from available investment capital, suggesting that     With the biomedical technology industry in Australia
                   further consolidation of the industry is overdue.             lagging some five to 10 years behind its US counter-
                       US biotechnology is characterised by many com-            part, further maturation following the pathway already
                   panies in the therapeutics sector generating revenues         trodden in the US, is needed.
                   (more than US$70 billion in 2006), while in Australia,        We can expect:
                   companies such as Pharmaxis and Cellestis are only just       ¢ more company consolidation – companies more ad-
                   beginning to bring their products to the market.                 vanced and closer to revenues on ASX listing, with
                       The more successful Australian companies have                an expectation of greater venture capital investment
                   developed business strategies to cope with local defi-           prior to their initial public offering (IPO);
                   ciencies in markets and supply of capital. Some have          ¢ strategies to grow companies more rapidly and over-
                                                                                    come competitive disadvantages, such as distance
     Australian research teams are now the largest                                  from customers, through international acquisitions
     recipients of US National Institutes of Health                                 and more realistic (internationally competitive, often
     funding outside the US – a remarkable                                          internationally sourced) levels of investment; and
     achievement considering the still small relative                            ¢ successful companies moving further along the val-
     size of our research community.                                                ue chain from discovery through to manufacturing
                                                                                    and marketing, leading to significant revenues from
                   focused on one, or a small number of, niche products, a          marketed products.
                   high-risk, but potentially high-return strategy. Others           Continued government support is needed to main-
                   spread risk by developing technologies with wide ap-          tain competitive advantage through an excellent re-
                   plication, such as in drug delivery, or by partnering later   search base, and for research infrastructure, providing a
                   development of their products with large pharmaceu-           focus for clustering of researchers and industry to maxi-
                   tical or diagnostic companies, more along the lines of        mise the benefits from public and private investment.
                   companies in the US.                                              The biomedical technology sector provides excel-
                        Although Australia was a follower in setting up a        lent opportunities for the future, as a source of wealth
                   biotechnology industry, it was an early achiever in the       based on intellectual – rather than resource – capital.
                   field of medical devices, and export earnings of estab-       Increasing success by local companies and acceleration
                   lished companies, such as Resmed and Cochlear, are            in areas of competitive advantage should provide the
                   substantial. There are currently about 600 medical de-        impetus for expanding investment opportunities and
                   vice companies in Australia, with 30 listed on the ASX        continued sector development. t
                   and annual revenues of about $900 million.                    Dr Merilyn Sleigh has just completed six years as Managing
                        The market capitalisation of listed device compa-        Director of antibody therapeutics company EvoGenix Ltd,
                                                                                 successfully building the company from its start-up stage,
                   nies is greater than $9 billion (about 90 per cent of this    through listing on the ASX, to its recent merger with Peptech
                   attributable to Resmed and Cochlear), compared with           Ltd to form Arana Therapeutics. At earlier stages in her career
                                                                                 she was a senior researcher and manager with CSIRO, Director
                   a market capitalisation for all biotechnology compa-          of Pharmaceutical Research with Peptech and Dean of the
                   nies, excluding CSL, of $5.5 billion.                         Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of New South Wales.
                                                                                 She is now working as a non-executive company director in
                        Leadership in the medical device sector resulted         the broad life sciences sector, and an adviser to biotechnology
                   from the visionary approach of Paul Trainor, who found-       companies and their investors.

16                                                                                                                     FOCUS
Biomedical Technology

The journey from research
to market with biomedicals
Starting with the end in mind is a key to the challenges
of biomedical product commercialisation

By Deborah Rathjen

M                                   now ranks sixth in league tables of worldwide biotech-
              y career in the biotechnology industry        nology. Our late start has impacted commercialisation
              started in 1988, when I joined Australian     success to date, but with continued emphasis on the
              biotechnology company Peptech to initi-       skills required and sufficient capital to support inno-
              ate a new research program focused on an      vative product commercialisation, this lag in skills and
extremely perplexing – yet exciting and completely fasci-   the flow-on effect to outcomes can be remedied.
nating – molecule involved in fighting infection and can-        Among the enabling technologies to come to the
cer: the cytokine, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF).      fore has been that of genomics. The sequencing of the
    Before joining Peptech I had become aware of the        human genome led to a dramatically increased amount
tremendous growth in start-up biotech companies in          of capital available for the discovery of new treatments
the US, many of whom were engaged in research at the        for major diseases, as hopes rose that a new era had be-
very cutting edge of my chosen field of cytokine biol-      gun in the treatment and prevention of disease. But the
ogy, and presenting many opportunities for young bio-       perception is that commercialisation of the outcomes
medical scientists to pursue productive careers within      of this research has lagged.
industry. I was excited by the prospects.                        The lengthy time to market for any new and in-
    Some 20 years down the track much has changed,          novative product in a heavily regulated environment
with significant advancements in enabling technolo-         remains extremely challenging. However, many new
gies giving rise to new therapeutic approaches generat-     target-based therapies are now in clinical development,
ing blockbuster revenues for both pharmaceutical and        with excellent prospects for commercialisation.
biotechnology companies. There has been an explosion             On average, drug companies spend about 40 per
of start-up companies within Australia and the nation       cent of their R&D budget on clinical trials but, de-
                                                            pending on the age and size of the company, this could
                                                            be significantly more. The amount of capital required,
                                                            combined with the time to market and the associated
                                                            regulatory hurdles, and the sheer technical risk, means

                                                                           The lengthy time to market
                                                                           for any new and innovative
                                                                           product in a heavily regulated
                                                                           environment remains extremely
Deborah Rathjen

FOCUS                                                                                                      17
Biomedical technology
                   that the commercialisation of biomedical products re-              We were successful in identifying key regions of
                   quires long-term strategic thinking and commitment            the molecule of commercial interest and filed a patent
                   – by companies, investors and governments.                    application on 7 August 1988. As a late entrant to the
                       I will illustrate these points using two examples         field it was important for us to understand the competi-
                   from my experience.                                           tive landscape and delineate the novelty and inventive-
                                                                                 ness of our work. It was an extremely large patent filing,
                   The commercialisation of                                      with a long list of claims!
                   anti-TNF products: patent wars                                     Time marched on and the patent filings we made
                   In facing up to the challenges of biomedical product          in 1988 successfully passed through the examination
                   commercialisation, starting with the end in mind is par-      phases, despite the crowded TNF patent space, until
                   ticularly important – even critical – as evidenced by the     the granting of the patent in Europe was opposed by
                   development and commercialisation of products that            BASF Knoll.
                   modulate/inhibit the activity of the cytokine TNF.                 Following written argument moved back and forth
                        Product development in this field required strate-       several times, and several meetings with BASF Knoll,
                   gic filing of patent rights in a crowded area to provide a    we eventually ended up before the European Patent Of-
                   basis for revenue generation for products with a myriad       fice for a hearing and decision in 1999.
                   of potential therapeutic applications.                             To cut a long story short, a small Aussie biotech pre-
                        The primary role of TNF is the regulation of im-         vailed and subsequently gained access to significant rev-
                   mune cells, but it also exerts effects on other cell types,   enue streams from both Humira (a BASF Knoll/Abbott
                   including the endothelial cells that line blood vessels.      product) and ultimately Remicade (a Centocor/Johnson
                   Dysregulation and, in particular, overproduction of           & Johnson product) – both blockbuster drugs.
                   TNF have been implicated in a variety of human dis-
                   eases, including Crohn’s Disease and rheumatoid ar-           New treatments for cancer:
                   thritis, as well as cancer.                                   target-based drug discovery
                        The science of TNF had its beginning more than           Until recently, anti-cancer drug discovery involved the
                   100 years ago in the anti-tumour properties of Coley’s        screening of large, unselected libraries of compounds
                   toxins, and in the molecular age in discoveries made          against tumour cell lines in vitro. Active agents were
                   in the late 1960s, mid-1970s and mid-1980s. TNF is            then tested in a range of animal models before clinical
                   a complicated molecule – a homotrimer exerting its            development commenced.
                   pleiotropic effects through two receptors, and with                This undirected approach was lengthy and ineffi-
                   receptor engagement activating multiple intracellular         cient and, as a consequence, expensive – paclitaxel, for
                   signalling pathways.                                          example, took 30 years to progress from bench to clinic.
                        It was, and still remains, a molecule of significant          The recent focus on target-based (genomics-identi-
                   commercial interest. Today the revenues generated by          fied) drug discovery has resulted in a dramatic increase
                   blockers/modulators of TNF, including the antibod-            in the number of new anti-cancer agents in development.
                   ies Remicade® and Enbrel®, is approximately US$8.5            Targeted anti-cancer agents offer the prospect for reduced
                   billion and they have application in the treatment of a       side-effects, and thus a broader therapeutic index. These
                   broad range of autoimmune diseases.                           therapies also offer the opportunity for combined treat-
                        By the late 1980s the TNF patent literature was ex-      ment modalities with conventional cytotoxic agents.
                   tensive and covered the molecule and variants as well              One of a new class of targeted therapies known as
                   as monoclonal antibodies. Our working hypothesis was          vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) is being developed
                   that TNF’s many functions could be segregated in mo-          by Bionomics. The molecule we call BNC105, which is
                   lecular terms by defining key sites on the molecule. We       now in clinical trial in patients with advanced cancer,
                   set about investigating this hypothesis by raising a large    represents an interesting case study in taking the fruits
                   antibody library, both monoclonal and polyclonal anti-        of academic research (initiated at the Research School
                   bodies, to the whole molecule and to isolated peptide         of Chemistry, ANU) into a privately held biotech start-
                   fragments. Then we mapped sites of recognition, using         up ( Melbourne-based Iliad Chemicals), and into clini-
                   a range of epitope mapping techniques, which we then          cal development (by ASX-listed Bionomics, following
                   linked to a range of TNF actions, including tumour cell       its acquisition in 2005 of Iliad).
                   killing and the induction of clotting factors on the sur-          Importantly for patients, BNC105 has an extremely
                   face of endothelial cells.                                                                      u   more on page 20

18                                                                                                                FOCUS
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