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                                                     SEPT 2021
                                                    VOL.47 NO.6

JP 9711

Turnkey Range Solutions.
One contract. One vendor.
  One point of contact.
There’s a reason InVeris Training Solutions has fielded
more than 80,000 targets on 122 ranges around the world.
We design and equip the most innovative shooting ranges
for global defense forces to meet the most demanding

Because Seconds Matter™                          

Print Post Approved PP349181/00104                    AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT

                                                                                                                                               12 AIR 6500 SHORTLIST ANNOUNCEMENT
                                                                                                                                SEPT 2021
                                                                                                                               VOL.47 NO.6

Managing Director/Publisher
Marilyn Tangye Butler
                                                   JP 9711                                                                                              Joint Air Battle Management System a step
Phone: +61 (0) 410 529 324                         CORE SIMULATION                                                                                      closer
Email:             CAPABILITY
                                                                                                                                               14 ELECTRONIC WARFARE OF INCREASING
Kym Bergmann
                                                                                                                                                  IMPORTANCE FOR THE ADF
Phone: +61(0)412 539 106                                                                                                                                Even more so in hybrid warfare
                                                                                                                                               18 ASIAN REGION ELECTRONIC WARFARE
Vladimir Karnozov
Arie Egozi                                                                                                                                              A big increase in capability, especially from
Mark Farrer                                                                                                                                             China
Mike Yeo
Geoff Slocombe
George Galdorisi                                   VIRTUAL REALITY                    INTERVIEW                   ASIA REGION
                                                                                                                                               22 1ST PERSON INTERVIEW
                                                    FOR MAINTENANCE
                                                                                     MATT SIBREE,
                                                                                 CAE ASIA-PACIFIC CEO
                                                                                                                   AIRBORNE EW
                                                                                                                   CAPABILITIES                         CAE Managing Director Asia-Pacific,
Australia                                                                                                                                               Matt Sibree
Ventura Media Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd               Cover description: High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems of
PO Box 88, Miranda                               the United States Army and United States Marine Corps launch
NSW 1490 Australia                               rockets during a firepower demonstration held at Shoalwater Bay                               26 MARITIME DOMAIN SIMULATIONS
ABN 76 095 476 065                               Training Area in Queensland, during Talisman Sabre 2021.                                               An increasingly complex environment
                                                 Credit: CoA / Madhur Chitnis
Rose Jeffree
Phone: + 61 (0)2 9526 7188
                                                  REGULARS			                                                                                  30 JP 9711 – CORE SIMULATION CAPABILITY
                                                                                                                                                        One system to bind them all
Fax: + 61 (0)2 9526 1779
Email:             06 EDITOR’S LETTER
                                                            The collapse of Afghanistan and cover ups                                          32 VIRTUAL REALITY AIRCRAFT
                                                                                                                                                  MAINTENANCE TRAINING
                                                                                                                                                        The use of digital technology is surging
Australia, NZ & Asia Pacific,
USA, Canada & South America
                                                  NEWS                                                                                         36 COURT FINDS THALES AUSTRALIA IN
Graham Joss                                       6         Australia and U.S. partner on precision strike                                        BREACH OF IP USE
Sales Director
Phone +61 2 9526 7188                                       EOS expands live fire weapon system 		                                                      A complex case regarding the Austeyr
Fax +61 2 9526 1779                                         activities
Mobile +61 (0) 419 492 836                                                                                                                     37 GUARANTEEING FIRST ROUND ACCURACY
                                                  8         Boeing and Indigenous Defence & 		                                                          A computer can be better than the human brain
                                                            Infrastructure Consortium agreement
Diana Scogna                                                NIOA continues work on 120mm tank 		                                               38 ISRAEL’S TORCH BMS CENTRAL TO
Mobile: +33 6 6252 2547                                     ammunition                                                                            COMBAT OPERATIONS
Fax: +33 1 7079 0534
Email:                                                                                                                           They have no idea what Australia is up to
                                                  9         Elbit workshops human-machine teaming
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Talbar Media                                      10 Frequentis completes C4I acquisition
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                                                                                                                                                                                 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021 3

                                                       THE COLLAPSE OF
                                                       AFGHANISTAN AND THE
                                                       FOLLY OF COVER UPS
                                                       missing personnel being “ghost soldiers”. These         of the culture of secrecy and evasion when it
                                                       imaginary people continued to draw a salary for         comes to defence projects is getting worse. We
                                                       years, which was simply shared out between              now know that the strategically critical Hunter
                                                       corrupt officers. On top of that, despite billions      class frigate program is either 18 months late
                                                       of dollars of military assistance, real soldiers        if you believe Peter Dutton, or two years late if
KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA                               were often unpaid and unfed for the same                you believe Defence bureaucrats. In the middle
                                                       reason – a situation that never ends well.              of this year at Senate Estimates everything

        ike the vast majority of observers, we were       As Australian counter terrorism expert David         was still on time and on budget – and yet now
        surprised at the speed with which the          Kilcullen has tried to explain for years, in many       we discover that there is a massive slip in the
        government of Afghanistan collapsed, but       parts of rural Afghanistan the Taliban enjoy a          program, but only because the Defence Minister
not by the outcome. It is too early to tell whether    measure of support because at least they are            mentioned this in a comment to a friendly
this is some sort of foreign policy disaster for the   able to bring a functioning legal system to bear.       journalist. After that it was confirmed by prime
west in general, and the U.S. in particular, or just   An example of his is that if in a provincial town       contractor BAE Systems.
another misjudgement that will soon be forgotten.      someone went to the police to report that their            The problem appears to be with the parent
To an extent this will be decided by the attitude of   bicycle had been stolen, they would probably            Type 26 design, rather than the Australian
the Taliban and the nature of the new regime and       be beaten up for causing trouble. If the same           specific modifications required for the Hunter
whether it is as ghastly as many fear.                 person reported the theft to the Taliban, as            class – though they can’t be helping. This
   The original invasion of Afghanistan in 2001        Kilcullen described: “They will get their bicycle       is an extraordinary situation where the U.K.
– and Australia’s participation in it – was not        back. It might have blood on it, but they will get      government via the Royal Navy assured the
only the morally correct thing to do, it was also      it back.”                                               world – from Ministers to journalists – that the
in line with our treaty obligations. The U.S. had         There were also cultural misjudgements that          Type 26 was the most mature design that had
been on the receiving end of a massive terror          made the task of the west extremely difficult.          ever been put into construction; that a massive
attack targeting civilians in the Twin Towers –        A central government was installed in Kabul             up-front investment had been made to de-risk
and eliminating that threat benefitted the whole       and then maintained in power with only a                the program; that because a digital twin of
world. The subsequent nation-building part of          pretence of democratic elections and therefore          the ship had been developed, incorporating
the formula has dragged on for another two             always struggled for legitimacy. ISAF propped           changes would be easy – and so on and so
decades because that goal was always going             up the Afghan military with a series of huge            forth. This was all nonsense.
to be impossible to achieve – at least by the          fortifications near towns, blocked off from the            In addition, we still don’t know what is going
methods that were followed.                            community and surrounded with razor wire. If            on with Army’s Battle Management System –
   There are several reasons why the return of         other countries had set up a series of massive          and we suspect nor does the supplier, Elbit.
the Taliban was always likely. Perhaps most            structures all around Australia, only ventured out      Problems are emerging with the Boxer 8x8
importantly was that with the support of Pakistan      in heavily armed convoys and didn’t bother with         vehicles – and as we have previously reported
they were able to constantly withdraw over             the local culture or even learn a few words of the      their main armament can only fire proprietary
the long, historically porous border to rest,          language, imagine how we would feel.                    ammunition that is incompatible with U.S. 30mm
rearm and re-equip – particularly during the              The point in listing these issues is not that they   rounds, depriving them of an enormous supply
winter months. Pakistan also either supported          are the result of 20-20 hindsight, but that they        chain. Making these errors is the same institution
or turned a blind eye to associated terror groups      have always been there, just hiding in plain sight.     that is hell bent on replacing Tiger helicopters –
such as the still mysterious Haqqani network.          Senior Australian military figures have been            now performing satisfactorily – with more than
   Next was the deep-seated corruption of the          aware of these facts – and so have successive           $4 billion worth of similar U.S. platforms that are
security apparatus that included, but was not          Australian governments, but no one has been             at the end of their technological development.
limited to, the Afghan National Army and the           prepared to speak the truth. We are not alone,             Some Governments think it is clever covering
national police force. The former had a nominal        and a similar pattern has occurred in the U.S.          things up, but it just makes them look sneaky
strength of 350,000 but in actual fact probably        and Britain, to name but two others.                    and untrustworthy. Just look at the outcome in
numbered about one third of that with the                 To pivot to domestic matters: a continuation         Afghanistan.

4 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021
                  It takes an Australian company
                to deliver true sovereign capability.

   The Australian Missile Corporation has established a collaboration of leading
Australian companies including SMEs, academic institutions and state governments
             as the core of the Australian guided weapons enterprise.

                     Securing Australia’s Sovereign Defence Capabilities


12 August 2021

The Australian Defence Force and the United
States Armed Forces will partner to develop
a new precision missile capability to further
interoperability and modernise both militaries.
   Australia’s participation in the US led Precision
Strike Missile co-development program contributes
to both nations’ strategic objectives, delivering on
a key aspect of Australia’s 2020 Defence Strategic
   Australia has contributed $70 million to the
$907 million Precision Strike Missile program
(PrSM) to advance long-range precision fire
capabilities of Australian and US militaries.
   The surface-to-surface, all weather, precision-
strike guided missile will be capable of destroying,
neutralising and suppressing diverse targets at        Lockheed Martin High Mobility Rocket Artillery Systems of the United States Army and United States Marine Corps
                                                       launch rockets during a firepower demonstration held at Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland, during Talisman
ranges from 70 to over 400 kilometres.                 Sabre 2021. Credit: CoA / Max Bree
   A recent Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) between the Australian Army and the              EOS EXPANDS LIVE                                               Sanderson stated, “While we complete our
US Military cements this collaboration, with a         FIRE WEAPON SYSTEM                                          design and development work in Australia, most
commitment to increasing the lethality, range          DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN                                   of our live firing to date has had to be conducted
and target engagement of the baseline missile in                                                                   overseas due to the lack of suitable ranges in
                                                       AUSTRALIA                                                   Australia. However the Australian Government’s
                                                       16 August 2021, CANBERRA
   The MOU opens the door for future Australian                                                                    drive to greater domestic defence capability has
industry engagement with potential domestic            EOS Defence Systems today announced the                     provided us with the confidence to invest in the
component manufacture, maintenance, repair,            successful live firing of its Titanis counter               creation of an Australian solution.”
weapon surveillance and research.                      unmanned aerial system (C-UAS) solution at
   Signatory to the MOU, US Army’s Defense             a private range in Australia. This marks the
Exports and Cooperation, Deputy Assistant              conclusion of the first stage of the company’s
Secretary Elizabeth Wilson, said the agreement         ambitious plan to expand live fire weapon system
formalises one of the US military’s largest            development activities in Australia.
cooperative acquisition programs entered into with        CEO for EOS Defence Systems Grant Sanderson
a partner nation.                                      said, “We successfully detected and engaged a
   “Australia’s cooperation with the PrSM              number of UAS targets using the Titanis C-UAS
compliments the U.S. presence in the Indo-Pacific      solution incorporating the R400 remote weapon
Command area of responsibility; reinforces our         station, including moving targets and swarms
dedication to allies in the Indo-Pacific; and sets a   of multiple drone threats. Being able to conduct
path forward for U.S. Army Long Range Precision        weapon system development in Australia                      Drone destroyed by EOS system (EOS photo)
Fires in the region.”                                  represents a significant sovereign capability.”
   The Australian Army’s Head of Land Capability          EOS has been working closely with weapon                    Sanderson continued, “This is a critical first
Major General Simon Stuart, said the precision         and ammunition OEMs and providers, state and                stage in developing our local live firing capability.
strike guided missile will provide the Joint Force     federal agencies, equipment providers, and the              We expect to expand this further to allow for more
Commander with long range and deep strike              land owner to create a field firing area suitable for       complex activities over the coming months.”
capability from the Land.                              a wide range of weapon systems. Infrastructure                 EOS will use the range to live fire a number of
   “Increment 2 of the program, committed under        including hard stand firing points and an approved          its products including the T2000 medium calibre
the MOU, will seek to incorporate technology           ammunition magazine are established, and range              turret and its R400 and R800 remote weapons
that allows ships and air-defence systems to be        instrumentation including shot detection and                stations, directed energy effectors, and the Titanis
engaged,” MAJGEN Stuart said.                          meteorological sensors are being commissioned.              C-UAS solution.

6 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021

IAI's OPAL decentralized battle management solution
changes    decentralized  battle management
              rules of combat
solution changes the rules of combat
    Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) OPAL         in line with operational needs, enabling end
decentralized battle management enables for         users to take swift and relevant actions.
interconnectivity and real-time data sharing             One of the unique capabilities in the OPAL
and thus providing military forces around the       networking layer is that it provides realtime
world to meet the challenges of the modern          communications. Unlike traditional datalinks
combat arena.                                       that provide update rates of several seconds,
    First unveiled in April 2019, OPAL is           OPAL real-time network is being used to
designed to allow warfighters to respond            prevent mid-air collisions between fighter jets
effectively to combat threats characterized         flying in close formations.
by time critical targets (TCT), and forces that          Developed over the past 15 years using
operate both in conjunction with other units        open architecture, OPAL allows customers
and in remote areas, away from C2 coverage,         to program their own applications to
according to Barak Israel, Product Line             match operational needs, after the initial
Manager, and Eyal Yogev, Project Manager,           infrastructure is delivered by IAI.
Conversions and Upgrades Division at                     According to Yogev, the system is inspired
Aviation Group, IAI.                                by Android-like architecture, which all relies
    According to Israel, military forces            on the same infrastructure, instead of the
have been hampered by the fact that                 traditional military systems that relied on         improve the efficiency and survivability of the
combat platforms were not able to directly          dedicated portions of hardware resources            different members, within the same force
communicate with another, such as the lack          and required their own specific software.           and among different forces, such as air and
of connectivity that existed between fourth         “We took the Android concept and brought            ground forces. “The implications for close air
and fifth generation fighter jets.                  it to network-centric warfare. OPAL can             support, for example, are major, Israel stated.
    “Modern warfare is very dynamic. If you         be installed on any platforms - aircraft,           “It changes the doctrine completely.”
don’t respond immediately, the threat won’t         helicopters, UAVs, ground forces and ships.             OPAL shares the internal platform’s data
be there,” Israel stated.                           It can bring any operational capability though      via the selected radios to link up end users,
    The need to share information among             this infrastructure, and make it shareable,         ensuring that information rapidly reaches
various forces, and the critical requirement of     similar to how smartphone applications              one point of the network from the other in
militaries to see the same picture and speak        function,” he said.                                 real time, irrespective of range, geographical
the same language was the driving force                   OPAL is comprised from a range of             obstacles, weather conditions, or operational
behind OPAL’s development.                          different hardware chassis with optimized           developments.
    “If you see something that I can’t see – I      installation configurations, depending on the           OPAL provides customers with a high
want to see what you’re seeing. Not through         platform or end user in question. The chassis       degree of operational independence.
verbal descriptions, but through image and          deliver an advanced application middleware          Customers have the option of ordering IAI’s
video sharing or data set transmissions. My         with optimized applications and where               radio systems and datalinks as a part of
physical location isn’t important anymore for       needed advanced networking connectivity             the OPAL battle management system, or
this to happen,” Israel stated.                     solutions. OPAL features high processing            acquiring OPAL while utilizing their indigenous
    Military forces have been struggling            and graphic capabilities, and deliver essential     existing communications radios and datalink
with the need to acquire sensor to shooter          battlefield services to the participating           networks. Moreover, customers can order
cycles that deliver sufficient information in       members, enabling all users to see the same         operational capabilities (a.k.a) applications
time. Traditional solutions for combat needs        common operating picture in real time and to        from IAI, or develop their own applications
moved slowly. OPAL is based on the desire           communicate in the same language.                   relying on the OPAL application infrastructure
to deliver a focused, affordable solutions in a          The ability to share accurate real time data   provided by IAI.
very short timeframe.                               among the different fighting forces significantly       “In terms of operational doctrine, one
    The end result, Israel said, is significantly                                                       of the most important capabilities OPAL
enhanced lethality and survivability for                                                                provides is introduce new capabilities in a very
customers, as well as savings on life cycle                                                             short time,” said Israel “Once the system is
costs and time.                                                                                         installed, clients are independent. We transfer
    OPAL creates networking connectivity and                                                            the relevant data so that they can develop
enables data sharing among all members of                                                               their own capabilities.”
a fighting force, irrespective of whether they                                                              OPAL is proven and operational on jets,
are airborne, naval or land-based. It uses                                                              training aircraft, refuels, helicopters, mission
software-defined radios and any existing data                                                           aircraft, command and control centers, and
links to share large amounts of real-time data,                                                         ships as well as other platforms.

                                                             Indigenous education and employment prospects.”              Force through its extensive partnerships with global
                                                                iDiC identifies business opportunities for its            manufacturers.
                                                             Indigenous business consortium partners and                      CEO of NIOA, Mr Robert Nioa stated ‘Our work in
                                                             provides turnkey solutions to prime contractors              recapitalising the ADF tank ammunition is part of
                                                             delivering nation-building projects in the infrastructure    a broader, private investment of over $13M NIOA
                                                             and defence industries.                                      has made in Benalla facilities and equipment. NIOA
                                                                “Boeing and iDiC have worked together to create           maintains an exceptional workforce at Benalla which
                                                             a true partnership based on trust and aligned                has grown significantly in the past 12 months to
                                                             values,” said Adam Goodes, chief executive officer           undertake important work for the ADF such as this
                                                             and director of iDiC. “In the pursuit of growth for          ammunition recapitalisation”.
                                                             Indigenous businesses, we operate as one team.”                  Up to 100 jobs will be created by NIOA who signed
                                                                                                                          a new 10-year contract for a tenancy at the Benalla
                                                             NIOA CONTINUES WORK ON                                       munitions factory in Victoria on 29 June 2020.
                                                             120MM TANK AMMUNITION                                            The ongoing refurbishment work is consistent
                                                                                                                          with the Australian Government’s Sovereign
                                                             12 August 2021                                               Industrial Capability Priority (SICP) for Munitions
Caption: Scott Carpendale, vice president and managing
director of Boeing Defence Australia, signs the
                                                             Australian-owned weapons and munitions company               and Small Arms Research, Design, Development
groundbreaking relational head agreement with Adam           NIOA has continued manufacturing operations at the           and Manufacture and the Modern Manufacturing
Goodes, chief executive officer and director of Indigenous
                                                             Government Owned, Contractor Operated (GOCO)                 Initiative which lists Defence as one of six national
Defence and Infrastructure Consortium. (Boeing photo)
                                                             Benalla Munitions Facility in recapitalising 120mm           manufacturing priorities.
BOEING AND INDIGENOUS                                        tank ammunition for the Australian Army’s M1A1                   Founded in regional Queensland in 1973, NIOA
DEFENCE & INFRASTRUCTURE                                     Abrams tank fleet. The recapitalisation work extends         is investing $130m in domestic munitions and
                                                             the life of type of M1028 cannister tank ammunition          explosives manufacturing over the next five years,
CONSORTIUM SIGN AGREEMENT                                    and represents an important initial step for future          including a $60m artillery shell forging plant in
TO ADVANCE INDIGENOUS                                        manufacture of additional tank ammunition natures            Maryborough, Queensland with joint-venture partner
BUSINESSES                                                   at Benalla.                                                  Rheinmetall Waffe Munitions, the Benalla upgrade
12 August 2021                                                  Working in collaboration with Northrop Grumman            and an $11m expansion of its Brisbane warehouse
Boeing Australia and Indigenous Defence and                  Defence Systems (NGDS) and the Capability                    and distribution facility. The company recently
Infrastructure Consortium (iDiC) have signed an              Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) Explosive           secured Stage 1 of Tranche 1 of the LAND 159
agreement to grow and support Aboriginal and Torres          Materiel Branch (EMB), the work extends NIOA’s               program to modernise the Army’s weapons systems
Strait Islander-owned and controlled businesses.             position as one of the largest commercial suppliers          and in 2018 was awarded the $100m LAND17 –
    The groundbreaking, five-year relational head            of non-guided munitions to the Australian Defence            1C.2 future artillery ammunition contract.
agreement will see both businesses operate under
shared guiding principles and a strategic partnership
– making it easier for all of Boeing’s Australian
subsidiaries to engage Indigenous small and
medium enterprises.
    Relational agreements are designed to focus on
the relationship between the businesses – defining
the principles for ethical interactions which are
advantageous to both parties.
    “Boeing Defence Australia has been working
with iDiC since 2017,” said Scott Carpendale, vice
president and managing director of Boeing Defence
    “We’ve spent more than $18.5million with
Indigenous businesses since 2012 and expect
this figure to increase significantly now that all
of Boeing’s Australian subsidiaries can engage
Indigenous owned businesses under the agreement.
    “This agreement bolsters our commitment to
achieving genuine and sustainable reconciliation
between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
and the wider community in Australia. In addition,
                                                             An Australian Army M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank fires its main armament during live-fire training for Exercise
it further builds on our work towards boosting               Exercise Gauntlet Strike at Puckapunyal Military Training Area in Victoria. Credit: CoA / Robert Whitmore

8 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021
ELBIT SYSTEMS OF AUSTRALIA                              to ensure its technology remained world leading.       to emergency services, homeland security and
WORKSHOPS HUMAN MACHINE                                    “Our global businesses successfully partner with    defence agencies,” Mr McLachlan said.
TEAMING WITH UNIVERSITIES                               universities to showcase new technologies and to          “Our collaboration and pursuit of excellence
                                                           demonstrate collaboration between industry and      does not stop with the Victorian Government
                             16 August 2021             research institutions,” Mr McLachlan said.             and Australian universities however, as we want
                                                           “I am extremely proud that we now have the          to support and champion the development of
                              Elbit Systems of          ability to partner with them right here in Australia   a Human Machine Teaming ecosystem within
                              Australia (ELSA)          using our sovereign research and development           Victoria by engaging with multiple SMEs and
                              is teaming up with        (R&D) centre that will grow both Victoria’s and the    research institutions to enable the growth of
                              universities to           nation’s technology footprint.                         Human Machine Teaming technologies and
                              showcase world-              “Australian universities have outstanding           Australian jobs.”
                              leading disruptive        reputations and demonstrated abilities to work            ELSA’s Centre of Excellence Program Manager
                              technologies to benefit   with industry and we are delighted to collaborate      R&D Damian Fratric said the aim of collaborations
                              emergency services,       and have the opportunity to workshop innovative        was to enable universities to present research
                              defence and homeland      solutions for our world-leading technology.”           projects and technologies.
Paul McLachlan (Elbit}
                              security through the         Mr McLachlan said that technology included             “The aim of the workshop series is to discuss
Centre of Excellence in Melbourne.                      command and control solutions based on our             emerging technologies and the possibility of
    The Centre of Excellence, which ELSA launched       E-CIX modular framework, which is an open              developing research projects that could be utilised
in February this year in partnership with the           architecture design that provided a development        to improve decision making and situational
Victorian Government, will kick off its educational     environment that could accommodate third-party         awareness for Human Machine Teaming
collaboration series on Monday August 16.               applications.                                          applications for emergency services, homeland
    ELSA Managing Director, Major General (ret’d)          “The E-CIX framework also enables integration       security and defence,” Mr Fratric said.
Paul McLachlan AO, CSC, said while it was the           of multiple sensors, AI and data fusion capabilities      “We look forward to working with the
first workshop for the new Centre of Excellence in      that augments the user’s situational awareness         educational and research institutions and SMEs
Melbourne, global parent company Elbit Systems          and ability to respond quickly and effectively.        that have reached out since the opening of our
placed great emphasis on working with universities      These are characteristics that are really important    new sovereign R&D hub.”


3 August 2021
• Completion of the acquisition of
  C4i Pty. Ltd., formalised on 30
  July 2021, completes the L3Harris
  transaction of 23 February 2021
• C4i will strengthen Frequentis
  worldwide Defence business and
                                                                                                           Mission critical platform – F-35 (Frequentis image)
  portfolio with its highly secure
  interoperable communications
  solutions for mission-critical environments          communications,” says Frequentis’ CEO Norbert          C4i, headquartered in Melbourne, has been
• C4i will operate as an independent brand in the      Haslacher. “We will combine the strength of         operating successfully in the Defence Command
  high-end Defence trusted supplier market with        Frequentis and C4i mission-critical communication   & Control market for more than 20 years. In the
  specific focus on US, Australia, UK, and allied      platforms, to provide market leading technology     course of the acquisition by Frequentis, C4i is
  markets                                              and solutions based on extensive security,          re-established as an independent brand. It will
  “We are delighted that with the closing for C4i      compliance and export handling processes.           remain a separate business entity within the
we completed the transaction with L3Harris in          Frequentis is a market leader in communication      Frequentis Group with its own ringfenced security
such a short time. As a new entity of the Frequentis   systems for military Air Traffic Management.        protocols and will focus on US, Australia, UK, and
Group, C4i will significantly reinforce Frequentis     Together with C4i, we will now secure a globally    the allied markets. Founded more than 20 years
capabilities in the very important Australian and      dominating position also in the Defence Command     ago, C4i currently has about 80 employees and
US markets for multi-domain cyber secure Defence       & Control market.”                                  most recently generated revenue of about USD 17

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10 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021
million (EUR 14.4 million) per annum.                   generation military satellite communications          to draw on more than 7,000 UGL engineering,
   Darren Gardner, who has been C4i´s Managing          (satcom) capability to Australia under the JP9102     construction, operations and maintenance
Director since 2017 will continue to lead C4i           programme.                                            specialists in developing its end-to-end JP9102
Pty Ltd. Martin Rampl, Frequentis Australasia              The unique teaming arrangement – called Team       solution, while minimising risk and enhancing
Managing Director, will support the integration         Maier – seeks to identify Australian partners in      sovereign defence satellite capability.
process and future positioning of C4i. “Frequentis      the space, technology and academic sectors to             Peter Bierton, Head of Communications of UGL,
will further expand its Defence business in             provide innovative and specilalised military satcom   said: “We are excited to be joining Team Maier.
Australia and US with further investment into           capabilities as part of the JP9102 programme.         Its focus on a truly Australian approach to military
products and facilities,” says Martin Rampl.               As well as delivering a military satcom solution   satcom capability resonates with our desire to
“Australia will benefit from C4i’s sovereign            to the Australian Government, the teaming approach    develop and enhance sovereign capability. We
Australian capability and from increased global         is designed to aid the development of a long-term     believe this type of collaboration can be the catalyst
export opportunities. Finally, the close relationship   sovereign defence and space eco-system and            for the Australian industry to develop international
between Australia and the USA will foster enhanced      capability in Australia.                              leadership in satcom. We are also looking forward
trusted collaboration for US based business.”              A leading asset solutions provider, UGL would      to continuing our positive relationship with Barpa,
                                                        design and construct all ground infrastructure        bringing real value-add work directly to our
AIRBUS WELCOMES UGL TO                                  supporting the JP9102 project, including the          Indigenous population.”
TEAM MAIER IN BID TO DELIVER                            communications systems, network operations                Martin Rowse, Airbus Campaign Lead for the
                                                        and systems integration, as well as its ongoing       JP9102 programme, said: “UGL brings a wealth
NEXT-GENERATION MILITARY                                sustainment.                                          of experience and expertise to Team Maier and
SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS                                   Team Maier will benefit from UGL’s experience      continues to drive our commitment to collaborate
FOR AUSTRALIA                                           supporting the Australian Defence Force over the      with true Australian companies. Airbus is looking
16 August 2021 - CANBERRA                               last two decades, including in the most recent        forward to advancing these great discussions
Airbus today announced that Sydney-based                upgrade works at the Royal Australian Navy            and development work with UGL. We also expect
ground-control infrastructure specialist UGL will       communications and logistics facility at HMAS         our respective capabilities to contribute to the
become the latest local partner to join the Airbus      Harman.                                               best possible solution to meet Australia’s satcom
teaming arrangement in its bid to deliver next-            Under the partnership, Airbus will also be able    requirements.”
AIR 6500

                                                                KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

                     A STEP CLOSER
   The ultimate goal of Network Centric Warfare is to have everything linked – basically every person, platform, sensor and
   weapon is connected to the system and has an IP address. Australia’s three services have been steadily improving their
internal connectivity – with varying levels of success – and now an important further step has been taken in the development
                                               of a fully integrated national system.

                                                                                                                     AIR6502 Phase 1 (previously AIR6500 Phase 2)
Soldiers from 1-1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion                                                                 is the acquisition of a Medium Range Ground-Based
fire a Patriot missile during Exercise Talisman
Sabre 2021 on July 16, 2021, at Camp Growl                                                                        Air Defence capability. Initial Operating Capability
located in Queensland. (U.S. Army photo by Maj.                                                                   is planned for the late 2020s. Defence’s focus
Trevor Wild, 38th ADA BDE Public Affairs.)
                                                                                                                  for 2021 is to further develop acquisition options
                                                                                                                  based on both existing and emerging systems,
                                                                                                                  as well as both commercial and Government-
                                                                                                                  to-Government approaches. This includes further
                                                                                                                  development of detailed operational concepts and
                                                                                                                  functional performance requirements.
                                                                                                                     The Defence Strategic Update 2020 identified
                                                                                                                  that the proliferation of ballistic and advanced
                                                                                                                  missiles means our deployed forces require
                                                                                                                  additional defences to be survivable in combat
                                                                                                                  operations in the region. In response, Defence has
                                                                                                                  established project AIR6503 Phase 1 which will
                                                                                                                  deliver a deployable defensive system against the
                                                                                                                  advanced missile threat, to include ballistic and
                                                                                                                  hypersonic threats. A strong defence against these
                                                                                                                  threats also enhances deterrence. As this project is
                                                                                                                  just commencing, Defence is considering a range of

           n August 5, Defence Minister Peter          the future submarine project, which five years             response options against a suite of advanced high-
           Dutton announced that two companies –       and $2 billion later has yet to deliver anything of        speed missile threats. AIR6503 Phase 1’s Initial
           Lockheed Martin Australia and Northrop      substance – but this is the world that we live in with     Operating Capability is planned for the mid-2030s.
Grumman Australia - have been shortlisted for AIR      an actual tender with, you know, formal performance           AIR6500 Phase 1 will integrate the AIR6502
6500, saying:                                          guarantees and stuff being a thing of the past.            Phase 1 medium range system, AIR6503 Phase 1
  “The Morrison Government’s $2.7 billion              Perhaps this is because AIR 6500 is an evolving            advanced missile defence system, as well as the
investment in a sovereign Joint Air Battle             multi-phase activity, starting life as an Integrated Air   LAND19 Phase 7B short range system as part of
Management System will deliver a critical capability   and Missile Defence System. It is now broader than         a layered Integrated Air and Missile Defence effort.
to defend against increasingly advanced air and        that with the additional objective of full inter-service   It will also integrate other missile defence systems
missile threats.                                       connectivity – though the air and missile defence          such as the E-7A Wedgetail, and Navy’s Air Warfare
  “Through the competitive evaluation process,         part will establish the system architecture.               Destroyer (upgraded under SEA4000) and Future
Australian industry has demonstrated its versatility      A reminder about the overall structure, with an         Frigate (SEA5000). While these are all separate
and adaptability to provide innovative proposals in    update supplied by Defence:                                acquisition projects, the capabilities they represent
the challenging field of Integrated Air and Missile       AIR6500 Phase 1 is the acquisition of a Joint           are managed as part of an Air Force-led Integrated
Defence.                                               Air Battle Management System, which will provide           Air and Missile Defence Multi-Domain Program
  “The Joint Air Battle Management System will         the architecture at the core of the ADF’s future           Management Office formed in early 2020.
connect our ships, aircraft and other capabilities     Integrated Air and Missile Defence capability.                Minister Dutton mentions a figure of $2.7 billion
together in a way that multiplies their defensive      AIR6500 Phase 1 will start delivering capability           for the current phase – AIR 6500 Phase 1 - which
power.”                                                from the mid-2020s. The Commonwealth continues             is slightly more precise than the 2020 Force
  Some readers might shudder at the words              to work to select a Strategic Partner to lead the          Structure Plan that had an estimate in the range
“competitive evaluation process” – pioneered for       delivery of AIR6500 Phase 1.                               $1.8 - $2.8 billion.

12 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021
AIR 6500

   The estimate for Medium Range Ground Based             AIR6500 Program Executive added:                            “Today’s battlespace is the most contested since
Air Defence – AIR 6502 Phase 1 - is $4.9 - $7.3              “AIR6500-1 will make it possible to combine           the Cold War. Offensive missile systems with
billion.                                                  Australia’s integrated battlespace with the U.S and      maturing sophistication from rogue states pose a
   Combining all these capabilities and developing        allied forces, ensuring greater situational awareness    growing threat to the U.S. Helping the U.S. counter
both an Integrated Air and Missile Defence System         and increased interoperability for our military forces   these threats is the Command, Control, Battle
plus a Deployed Ballistic and High-Speed Missile          to combat evolving threats across the region.”           Management & Communications (C2BMC) system,
Defence System is, on paper, RAAF’s largest                  Christine Zeitz, General Manager, Northrop            the integrating element of the U.S. Missile Defense
acquisition ever at somewhere between $15.8               Grumman Asia Pacific said:                               System.
and $23.7 billion. Early trends indicate across all          “Northrop Grumman’s unmatched expertise in               “To strengthen C2BMC’s capability, the Missile
services that as numbers for projects firm up, they       developing complex, multi-domain, multi-mission          Defense Agency awarded Lockheed Martin
strongly trend towards the upper end of what has          weapons systems will help meet Australia's               a $157 million contract to augment C2BMC’S
been estimated earlier.                                   sovereign Integrated Air and Missile Defence needs       engagement support capability for the Ground-
   This also needs to be viewed in conjunction            both today and into the future. Working with             Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system that
with the Government increasing the urgency of             twelve leading Australian SMEs, like Nova Systems        protects the U.S. from long-range ballistic missile
developing a sovereign guided weapons capability.         Australia, AOS Group and Daronmont Technologies          attacks. The GMD system includes silo-based
Even two years ago the obvious candidate for              as some of our capability partners, we will employ       interceptors, connections to sensors on land and
the medium range ground-based missile was the             a highly collaborative ‘Joint Air Battle Management      sea, distributed fire control and launch support
MM-104 Patriot System in its latest PAC-3 iteration,      System Enterprise’ approach, bringing together the       systems.
but now the solution might be a local one – or            best capabilities developed by Australia’s Defence          “Currently, the GMD system engages a threat
at least a co-development with either Raytheon,           industry.                                                using the best single source data from multiple
Lockheed Martin or IAI, the latter now part of the
Australian Missile Corporation.
   Turning to Lockheed Martin and Northrop
                                                          “AIR6500-1 will make it possible to combine Australia’s integrated
Grumman, they both have formidable track records             battlespace with the U.S and allied forces, ensuring greater
in advanced integration activities, cutting edge
technologies, technology transfer and providing
                                                             situational awareness and increased interoperability for our
innovative solutions to complex problems. Both              military forces to combat evolving threats across the region.”
are well established in Australia and are part of
the sovereign industrial framework. It might be a            “Our approach provides significant opportunities      radars. The next upgrade to C2BMC, called Spiral
coincidence, but both companies were the best             for enduring and innovative Australian industry          8.2-7, will provide GMD with a single, real-time,
of the field in consistently and openly explaining to     participation in the ongoing design, development,        composite picture of threat system tracks by
the media what they were bringing to the equation         integration, delivery and sustainment of the JABMS       correlating and fusing data from a broader set of
– by far.                                                 capability.”                                             sensors, including satellites, ground- and ship-
   Both companies unsurprisingly had similar                 Another Christine, this time in the form of           based radars. Once the spiral upgrade is complete,
reactions with Joe North, Chief Executive Lockheed        Christine Harbison, Vice President and General           the GMD system will see the same battlespace
Martin Australia and New Zealand saying that the          Manager, combat systems and mission readiness at         picture currently seen by combatant commanders.
announcement:                                             the parent Northrop Grumman commented:                   Additionally, Spiral 8.2-7 will also enable C2BMC
   “…..marks the next step in AIR6500-1 to work in           “Our US team, in partnership with our Australian      to report hypersonic threat activity onto the Link 16
partnership with the Australian Defence Force and         colleagues, looks forward to providing our advanced      military tactical data link network and display to the
industry partners to support the Royal Australian Air     architecture that has been deployed successfully         operators.”
Force’s vision to transform the Air Force into a next-    across a number of joint all domain command and             Lockheed Martin says that, fielded in 2004,
gen-enabled force through delivering a sovereign          control programs, including Integrated Air and           C2BMC is one of the first operationally deployed
highly advanced Joint Air Battle Management               Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS).            Multi-Domain Systems, integrating systems and
System to protect Australia’s security.”                  Our approach provides significant opportunities          sensors operating in space, on land and at sea.
   “Since 2016, we have been highly committed to          for enduring and innovative Australian industry          The company says the network operates 24/7
supporting the AIR6500-1 project. Our Lockheed            participation in the ongoing design, development,        to support real-world operations at more than
Martin Australia AIR6500-1 team has steadily              integration, delivery and sustainment of the JABMS       30 locations around the world, including U.S.
grown over this time to over 80 Australians in            capability.”                                             Strategic, Northern, European, Indo-Pacific, Space
Adelaide, Canberra, and Williamtown.                         IBCS, which has also been sold to NATO member         and Central Commands.
   “Critical to that effort has been our focus on         Poland is just one reference system available to            Whoever is chosen to lead the activity, it is likely
proactively engaging and establishing important           Northrop Grumman. Not to be outdone, on August           that both companies will be involved in delivering
partnerships with Australian industry to identify and     10 Lockheed Martin announced that they had               the eventual system, with Defence believing there
invest in ‘best of breed’ local capabilities to deliver   been chosen to upgrade the U.S. Missile Defense          is enough work to go around for everyone – which
a truly sovereign capability solution for Australia.”     System’s Multi-Domain Command & Control                  seems a reasonable supposition given the huge
   Steve Froelich, Lockheed Martin Australia              Capability, saying:                                      scale of the planned undertaking.

                                                                                                                                      Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021 13

                                                                    GEOFF SLOCOMBE // VICTORIA

                  IMPORTANCE FOR THE ADF
                            Australia’s strategic environment is changing rapidly, with hybrid warfare coming to the fore.

                                                                                                                       increasingly engage in such activities, operating in a
                                                                                                                       shadowy online influence-for-hire economy.
                                                                                                                           Democratic countries like Australia need to
                                                                                                                       understand that strategic thinking and actions are
                                                                                                                       a long game and democracies must overcome their
                                                                                                                       tendency to view conflict as being initiated by some
                                                                                                                       critical event, rather than as an ongoing phenomenon.
                                                                                                                           ADF Chief Angus Campbell highlighted this, in a
                                                                                                                       speech two years ago, when stating that Western
                                                                                                                       democracies tended to react only when a crisis point
                                                                                                                       had been reached.
                                                                                                                           Fast-moving technology clearly gives the advantage
                                                                                                                       to militaries that can obtain new systems quickly. And
                                                                                                                       it’s a major source of damage and danger to those
                                                                                                                       whose support organisations and materiel reserves
                                                                                                                       aren’t delivering these powerful capabilities into the
                                                                                                                       hands of the soldiers, sailors and aviators.
                                                                                                                           In Australia this clearly creates a need for technology
A Royal Australian Air Force No.33 Squadron KC-30A Multi Role Tanker aircraft extends refuelling hoses prior
to refuelling of a No.6 Squadron EA-18G Growler aircraft during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021.                          development by industry, the Defence Science and
Credit: CoA                                                                                                            Technology Group (DSTG), and academia.
                                                                                                                           Local universities are active in providing courses for

               hat type of warfare is this? Simply that
               the armed forces of countries in the
               region, including our own, are one part
                                                            Authoritarian states are evolving their capacity to develop and
of a broader strategic landscape including political,      deploy offensive tools from their cyber-enabled, information and
economic, industry and civil spheres.
   The art of moving between conventional and
                                                                               hybrid warfare arsenals.
unconventional modes of warfare to exploit an              principles, since they wield tightly held reins of power.
opponent’s specific vulnerabilities, which blurs the          They can employ and/or play by different rules           students which will equip them for careers in defence
distinction between peace and war, represents a            to achieve broad effects rather than narrow gains.          either in industry, DSTG, or the ADF.
huge challenge.                                            Authoritarian leaders don’t have to face periodic              For example, Defence is supporting the Defence
   Conventional warfare is being impacted by new           elections (or if they do, the outcome is hardly in          Centre at Flinders University Tonsley campus,
capabilities and activities in cyberspace, technology      doubt), which aids continuity in strategic planning         which was established in February 2021 with the
and with on-line information. Authoritarian countries      and execution.                                              appointment of Professor Sam Drake, the inaugural
active in the ‘grey zone’ are presenting enormous             Governments around the world are also currently          Chair of Electromagnetic Systems & Security.
challenges to democratic nations like Australia and        grappling with how to deal with disinformation-for-hire        The first academic year of instruction of the EW
its closest allies.                                        operations and cyber-enabled foreign interference.          focussed B.ENG.TECH (Electronic Systems &
   It is conceivable that future conflicts might be won       Australia is deeply concerned about foreign              Security) began in March 2021.
without any shots being fired. But that is only one        interference through social media because like most            Defence industry is fully playing its part.
marker in a long-term strategic timeline.                  other countries, this emerging online phenomenon               APDR asked Boeing Defence Australia (BDA) how
   Authoritarian states are evolving their capacity to     has fallen down the cracks between intelligence,            they are involved in helping prepare the ADF for future
develop and deploy offensive tools from their cyber-       policing and policy agencies. And it’s not only nation-     warfighting.
enabled, information and hybrid warfare arsenals.          states that interfere in elections and manipulate              They told us that autonomous systems will play
Their leaders are not constrained by democratic            political discourse. A range of commercial services         a key role in the battlefield, and will be fitted with

14 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021

a number of sensor packages to support ISR and            EW CAN BE DIVIDED UP BY                                        A useful definition of the three main components
tactical early warning missions. BDA’s internal R&D       THREE DESCRIPTORS                                          of EW was provided to APDR by a Defence
work will increase interoperability between ADF                                                                      spokesperson. This is the way Defence analyse and
platforms, so that EW data can support a broader          Historically, it must be remembered that a previous        provide capabilities as a key part of both ‘grey zone’
range of operational effects.                             subdivision of the EW included Electronic Support          and active warfare.
  ‘The power of the Joint Force is really magnified       Measures (ESM), Electronic Counter Measures                    Electronic Support (ES): Electromagnetic
when you use effects in one domain to achieve             (ECM), and Electronic Counter Counter Measures             support is a division of electromagnetic warfare.
a warfighting outcome in another domain,’ BDA’s           (ECCM).                                                    It involves actions to search for, intercept, identify,
Chief Technology Officer Hugh Webster explained             EW, beyond its original role of passive intelligence     and locate or localise sources of intentional and
to APDR. ‘For example, by better managing the             and protection and active attack, has evolved for          unintentional electromagnetic radiation. It facilitates
electromagnetic spectrum in the air, our forces           several years becoming an essential element in the         immediate threat recognition, threat avoidance,
can get better tactical outcomes in amphibious            deployment of systems of systems in the field of           homing, targeting and planning, as well as
operations.’                                              EMSO (Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Operation).                conducting future operations.

    AIRBORNE EW CAPABILITIES INCREASING                                   Kym Bergmann // CANBERRA
    To date, the service that has invested the most in     F/A-18F Super Hornets, are regularly upgraded           case of read the FMS fine print – and to return to
    EW platforms seems to be the RAAF. This is the         throughout their service life to ensure ongoing         a full complement of 12 aircraft will have to be
    pattern in many other countries because of the         operational relevance, and to maintain                  covered by Australia. Defence says it is currently
    need for aircraft to penetrate heavily defended air    commonality and interoperability with the US            engaged with the US Navy to explore options for
    space, often saturated with hostile ground based       Navy fleet.                                             replacement of Growler A46-311.
    and airborne radars, and to protect themselves            Defence says this is achieved via the Air               Asked about the longevity of the capability,
    from missiles that also use this technology for        Combat and Airborne Electronic Attack (ACEA)            Defence says the current EA-18G withdrawal
    guidance, homing and proximity fusing.                 spiral upgrade program managed by the                   date is expected to be 2035.
       All combat aircraft carry at least a radar          Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group.
    warning receiver – and the ability to jam enemy        As the US Navy develops capability upgrades,            AIR 555 - MC-55 Peregrine
    radar sites and communications are essential           they are considered for implementation within           According to a Defence spokesperson, AIR
    capabilities for modern operations. These              the Australian fleet under the ACEA spiral              555 will deliver four MC-55A aircraft including
    functions are often carried out by separate            upgrade program.                                        mission, ground and support systems and
    aircraft such as Growlers with onboard and                Following the initial agreement in October           Australian-based facilities. The MC-55A is a first-
    podded jammers designed to disrupt various             2017, Defence entered into two new contracts            of-type modified Gulfstream G550 aircraft with
    radar frequencies. Given the flexibility of            in August 2020 to work with the US Navy to              mission systems incorporated by L3 Harris USA.
    electronically scanned radars, several platforms       develop the Next Generation Jammer systems              The project is primarily a developmental Foreign
    not specifically designed for EW nevertheless          that will augment, and ultimately replace, most         Military Sales acquisition through the United
    have powerful jamming and spoofing                     legacy ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming Systems                  States Air Force.
    capabilities, with F-35 and E-7A Wedgetail on          currently used on the EA-18G Growler.                       Peregrine is progressing through the design
    top of the list.                                          The first agreement entails production,              and development stage of the program. Aircraft
       Looking at specialised EW aircraft, as outlined     sustainment and follow-on development of                modifications for the outer mould line (Phase
    in the 2020 Defence Strategic Update and 2020          the ALQ-249(V)1 Next Generation Jammer –                One) are in progress at Gulfstream with four
    Force Structure Plan, Defence will deliver a mix       Mid Band which supports the introduction of             aircraft inducted into the modification program
    of air platforms and ground support systems            advanced electronic jamming technology and              in Savannah, USA. Mission, ground and support
    that will contribute to Australia’s intelligence,      will ensure Australia’s Growler aircraft retain         systems are also in design/development at the
    surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR),                 commonality with their US counterparts.                 L3Harris facility in Greenville, Texas.
    electronic warfare, and strike capabilities.              The USN recently announced achieving                     Facilities are in the build phase, with the
       Defence will invest in key related capabilities     Milestone C for the Mid Band Jammer, allowing           interim operating facility at RAAF Base Edinburgh
    including AIR 555 (MC-55 Peregrine), and the           the start of Low Rate Initial Production. It is         due for completion in second quarter of 2022.
    EA-18G Growler.                                        expected to enter service around 2025.                      During the 2021/2022 calendar year, the
                                                               The overall level of RAAF EW capability was         first four MC-55A airframe modifications will
    EA-18G Growler                                         lost by the destruction of a Growler in January         continue, with the fourth aircraft inducted in
    Royal Australian Air Force No. 6 Squadron              2018 when an engine exploded as the aircraft            August 2021.
    EA-18G Growlers recently participated in               was taking off as part of Exercise Red Flag in              The first aircraft to begin mission system
    Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021.                          Nevada. Many were surprised to discover that            integration (Phase Two) is expected to return to
      EA-18G Growler aircraft, along with their            the accident was not covered by insurance – a           Greenville in second quarter of 2022.

                                                                                                                                        Asia Pacific Defence Reporter SEPT 2021 15
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