For the World Market 2021 - Pumps and Compressors with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology - VDMA Verlag
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Pumps + Systems Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Pumps and Compressors for the World Market 2021 with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology
Pumps + Systems Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Pumps and Compressors for the World Market 2021 with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology
2 PUMPS & SYSTEMS / COMPRESSORS, COMPRESSED AIR & VACUUM TECHNOLOGY Contents Contents 4 Editorial Pumps and compressors survive the crisis year better than other mechanical engineering sectors 6 We got through the crisis year relatively well Pump and compressor manufacturers have often been able to compensate for slumps. They are benefitting from strong demand from China 10 Hope about a revival of trade fair business VDMA supports German companies at foreign trade fairs 12 The technologies for the hydrogen economy are ready Green hydrogen is the tommorrow‘s best energy carrier In intelligent pump technology, connected components ensure the Part I: safe operation of systems. Page 14 Pumps & Systems 14 Smart pumps prevent clogging in wastewater systems Integrated control leads to greater efficiency and environmental protection 20 Dry-running special pumps ensure maximum safety levels when tankers and railway tank cars are being emptied – even with difficult media Special pumps have high intrinsic safety, so that even if a fault occurs, there is no unsafe condition 26 Hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps with linear drives allow precise metering of minute quantities Adapted systems should ensure that the final product produced meets the required quality standards 32 Speed-controlled, high-pressure and metering pumps Even drop-sized quantities can be ensure efficient water recycling metered with the newly developed Membrane technologies are used to remove pollutants pump. Page 26 and germs from the water, thus reducing water consumption and the amount of wastewater 38 Additive manufacturing enables the production of innovative heating and cooling elements for controlling the temperature of metering pumps The new technology leads to an optimal distribution of fluids and enables integrative and compact components Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS / COMPRESSORS, COMPRESSED AIR & VACUUM TECHNOLOGY 3 44 Pumps & Systems: Overview of companies & user industries 52 Imprint 53 Current press releases 54 List of advertisers Part II: Compressors, Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology 56 CO2 heat pumps with turbo compressor are driving forward In the future, climate-friendly the energy transition on the district heating network hydrogen could power not only The use of heat pumps can be implemented quickly cars and trucks, but also ships and aircraft. and without much effort Page 62 62 Compressors are key elements in building an efficient hydrogen economy Modularization and standardization must help to reduce manufacturing costs via economies of scale 68 Digitalisation ensures a more reliable supply of compressed air for the pharmaceutical industry Oil-free compressed compressors ensure the necessary cleanliness of the treated compressed air 74 High-performance vacuum technology and reliable leak detection improve the efficiency of solar power plants Solar power plants are making an increasing contribution when it comes to also including the heating sector in the energy transition 80 Compressors, Compressed Air & Vacuum Technology: Compact oil-free compressors Overview of companies & user industries considerably increase flexibility in the production of medicines. Page 68 90 Brand Name & Trade Fair Register Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
4 EDITORIAL Pumps and compressors survive the crisis year better than other mechanical engineering sectors Dear Customers and Readers, The year 2020 won’t be forgotten quickly. The coronavirus pandemic not only caused an economic slump around the globe. It also affected each of us in one way or another. We can also already say that it will have a lasting impact on behaviour in many areas of business, from travel and trade fairs to working from home. This global crisis also hit the pumps and compressors sector hard, even though our very wide-ranging customers helped ensure that our slump was far milder than that of mechanical engineering as a whole. This edition of Pumps and Compressors for the World Market 2021 begins with an interview with Christoph Singrün, the managing director of our associations, in which he presents the situation facing our companies and outlines Dr. Sönke Brodersen their expectations for the future. The omnipresence of the pandemic has forced many issues into the background. And yet, away from the worldwide infection-related activity and its direct consequences, important work was done last year. In the summer, the German government passed its National Hydrogen Strategy, which aims to provide a coherent action framework for the future production, transportation, use and reuse of hydrogen. It is a framework designed to encourage innovation and investment in new value-adding chains. For manufacturers of compressors in particular Alexander Peters this represents a chance to expand their market significantly. The industry is ready. Also with regard to the required path. For the time being, in line with the phase-out of coal and lignite as well as nuclear energy, at least in Europe, natural gas and liquid natural gas must plug the gap previously filled by oil and gas applications. Here too compressors are employed. In this issue, we will be discussing hydrogen no fewer than three times: in an interview with Christoph Singrün, in an overview by association of the specific opportunities for this energy source, and finally in an article by a new VDMA member company in Switzerland. Almost completely out of the public eye, the Asia-Pacific free trade agreement known as the RCEP was signed in late 2020. This has created a common economic space that covers 2.2 billion people and about a third of the world’s economic output. This doesn‘t exactly facilitate matters for the export-oriented companies in our sector. We and others must therefore urgently consider how the EU can respond to these new developments. From our perspective, there is a lot to be said for creating a counterweight with the United States and thus making another attempt at establishing a transatlantic free trade agreement. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
EDITORIAL 5 Source: The pandemic has been extremely challenging for the companies in our industry. Nevertheless, it has not slowed the pace of innovation or crushed our optimism about the future. Our companies are tirelessly driving forward their development work, enabling new applications and presenting their customers with the best possible solutions. The specialist articles in this issue also showcase this in impressive manner. As usual, you will also find lots of exciting information in this magazine. If you are particularly interested in a certain topic or have questions about it, simply contact the authors. The experts will be happy to discuss the matter with you. For now we wish you pleasant reading. Dr. Sönke Brodersen Alexander Peters Global Executive Officer Committees Managing Partner and Associations, KSB SE & Co. KGaA NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP Chairman of the VDMA association Chairman of the VDMA association Pumps + Systems Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT “We got through the crisis year relatively well” Pump and compressor manufacturers have often been able to compensate for slumps. They are benefitting from strong demand from China. Interview with Christoph Singrün, the Managing Director of the VDMA associations Pumps + Systems and Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology. What impact did the coronavirus pandemic and vacuum technology decreased by about 5%. have on the companies in your sector in 2020? Exports dropped by 11%. The decline in exports Christoph Singrün Mechanical engineering as a whole managed to has a very significant impact on the economic end last year reasonably well. According to esti- situation at individual companies because ex- mates by the German Federal Statistical Office, ports make up 70-90% of their sales, depending we in the mechanical engineering sector suf- on the sector. Overall we can say that we got fered a drop in sales of about 12% in real terms. through the crisis year 2020 relatively well. That’s the biggest slump since the 2009 finan- cial crisis. The pumps and systems sector and Why wasn’t the slump as pronounced for that of compressors, compressed air and vacu- pumps and compressors as it was in other areas um technology also witnessed a slump, al- of mechanical engineering? though theirs was not quite as dramatic. Pumps Both sectors produce what are known as inter- and systems recorded an 8% decline in sales in disciplinary technologies that are supplied to 2020. Exports fell by about 10%. The internal many different areas. If one customer segment market was somewhat more stable than export is suffering, another is doing better. For exam- business. Sales of compressors, compressed air ple, there was a drop in sales in the chemical Incoming orders and turnover in Germany – Pumps Volume index 2015 = 100 Incoming orders Turnover 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 12-month moving average Non-adjusted indices Source: VDMA Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7 industry, which is especially important for fluid stance, you want to develop together with the pumps in particular. By contrast, there was a Chinese. Efficiency standards are one such ex- growth in building technology – another im- ample. Climate change affects us all worldwide, portant customer sector – because construction so we must try to develop global standards. remains strong both in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Another reason is that our industries The Regional Comprehensive Economic depend less on the hard-hit auto industry and Partnership (RCEP) has created the world’s the associated supply industry. largest free trade zone. Standards will probably be developed there too. Did the supply chains remain intact during Free trade zones generally have their own spe- the various lockdowns? cific standards. Manufacturers outside such Many people were holding their breath in March zones must ensure they meet these standards and April last year and were curious to find out well so that they can offer the relevant products whether the procurement lines would hold. At efficiently and cost-effectively. It’s not as if out- times, things got extremely tight, partly be- side manufacturers are excluded. But it’s clear cause some suppliers were affected by the com- that the customs issue will arise in the medium plete lockdowns imposed in Spain and Italy, term. We at the VDMA see the RCEP agreement countries that were hit especially hard at the as a kind of warning shot for the EU; a wake-up start. However, some manufacturers had the call for EU trade policy. In our view, it’s very clear wisdom and foresight to increase their stocks that China wants to use this agreement to un- very early on in the year. These were then able to derpin its economic and political aspirations. maintain their ability to supply customers during the particularly difficult period in March Isn’t this development an incentive for a and April. The situation then stabilised again for new TTIP? many companies from May onwards. A transatlantic trade agreement like the TTIP would be equally beneficial to Europe and the How important is it for companies that US and could indeed constitute a counterbal- China recovered quickly from its economic ance to the RCEP region in Asia. Without a downturn and even managed to grow over doubt, Asia is the world’s fastest-growing conti- the year as a whole? nent. You can see that in the pace of market de- Since the middle of last year, China has once velopment and the rapidly growing wealth of again been the global growth driver. Our com- the people there. In the light of this, the US and panies benefit from that too. In 2020, we sold Europe must watch out that they don’t weaken China pumps worth a total of EUR 600 million. each other. Although there are many challeng- That’s more than 10% of our domestic produc- es, primarily with regard to standards, their re- tion. China has also become the most important spective economic blocks should move closer market for pump manufacturers, even ahead of together. the United States. The situation is similar for compressors, compressed air and vacuum tech- Many people see hydrogen as the new nology, which exported goods worth almost crude oil. What opportunities does this offer EUR 700 million to China. Business is booming. mechanical engineering? Manufacturers are profiting from very high de- The increasing use of hydrogen is bringing mand from there. wide-ranging opportunities for compressor manufacturers in particular. After all, compres- Will this continue? sors are an indispensable link in the hydrogen As China continues to grow, strong competitors value-adding chain. That’s why representatives will also develop there, and sooner or later they of compressor manufacturers sit on the Nation- too will be on the global market. We are already al Hydrogen Council, which advises the German seeing Chinese colleagues becoming more ac- government on the implementation and further tive in the international standardisation bodies development of its National Hydrogen Strategy. that develop internationally applicable stan- The VDMA already set up its Power-to-X working dards for pumps and compressors. Certain stan- group two years ago in an effort to sound out dards are even being set in China for the domes- the opportunities hydrogen offers the mechani- tic market. These must be followed if, for in- cal engineering sector in general. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Incoming orders and turnover in Germany Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology Volume index 2015 = 100 Incoming orders Turnover 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 12-month moving average Non-adjusted indices Source: VDMA How is the sector progressing with What’s your prognosis for 2021? digitisation? There is a great deal of uncertainty. Neverthe- We are continuing to work on an OPC UA stan- less, the companies we represent have done an dard. This will set a milestone in machine com- enormous amount to remain productive. They munication by providing a common machine have also learnt a lot. Thanks to the measures language and thus accelerate digitisation sig- they have implemented, the supply chains are nificantly. In future, pumps or compressors will very stable again. For mechanical engineering as have a communication interface what can be a whole, we at the VDMA predict real produc- addressed from various directions – by the man- tion growth of about 4%. We are a little more ufacturer as well as the user. The draft for the cautious with regard to pumps and compressors OPC UA standard for regular and vacuum pumps because they are classic late-cycle movers: Any- is already at the international approval stage. one building a new plant orders his pumps and The compressed-air sector will also be ready in compressors last. We therefore expect sales in the first half of 2021. the pump sector to be stagnant or maybe even a little more. For compressors, compressed air and What advances have been made with the vacuum technology, we are assuming real sales extended product approach (EPA)? growth of at least 1%. We are confident that we will make a large stride forwards in this area too this year. That’s important because the EPA is about improving the energy efficiency of pumps and thus about climate protection. We would be further still by now if the European Commission hadn’t surprisingly demanded clarification on some formal issues. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
You expect the highest efficiency – we take care of that You need your equipment to run reliably and efficiently at optimized cost. Sulzer offers the services that help you achieve this. Be it pumps, turbines, compressors, motors or generators, we have the expertise to help you to run your machines at the highest efficiency. Contact us to discover your best service solution.
10 INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS Just like at many other congress centres around the globe, the flagpoles outside the trade fair complex Source: in Berlin remained bare in 2020. Hope about a revival of trade fair business Ulrike Mätje The coronavirus pandemic almost brought trade fairs to their knees in 2020. However, as the crisis is mastered, business will pick up anew. Small and medium-sized companies will then once again be able to take part in foreign trade fairs cost-effectively through involvement in joint German booths. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS 11 International trade fairs tumbled like dominos That‘s because companies that take part in in 2020. This further slashed the sales of many joint booths needn’t bear the cost of either companies for whom trade fairs are an im- booth building or organisation. They can there- portant revenue stream and who were already fore primarily focus on their own exhibits and struggling because of the pandemic. Because booth personnel. Of the approximately 3000 trade fairs were often cancelled at short notice, internationally significant trade fairs held out- companies were frequently left sitting on their side the EU, between 250 and 280 a year have preparatory costs. Some organisers tried to been integrated into the BMWi foreign trade save what could be saved through hastily con- fair programme. ceived virtual trade fairs. However, a survey of mechanical engineering representatives found The ministry is assisted in its selection by the that such solutions could never be a satisfac- Association of the German Trade Fair Industry tory alternative. Even fairs held with hygiene (AUMA) and industry associations. The pro- measures and strict social distancing rules gramme is aimed at SMEs in order to support were considered unattractive by respondents them in opening up international markets and because it allegedly prevented spontaneity. thus also creating and maintaining jobs in This, they claimed, was particularly important Germany. Every year, the industry associations at industrial trade fairs. Work is currently un- tell the BMWi which trade fairs they believe derway developing hybrid concepts combin- Germany should have joint booths at. AUMA ing online and in-person events for the future. finally agrees the overall programme together Even so, it’s still unclear what these will look with the associations and the ministry. like, which elements of in-person events can successfully be transferred online or how the two formats can be combined. All hopes are therefore currently pinned on eliminating the virus – or at least keeping it in check – so that trade fair business can be ratcheted up again. We can see this in China, where infections had been brought under control by the middle of last year and where the first in-person fairs have already been held. The associations within the VDMA decide The German Federal Ministry for Econom- which trade fairs are relevant and important ic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is sticking to its for their member companies. A joint stand foreign trade fair programme in spite of the is then applied for on their behalf. The VDMA coronavirus pandemic and will continue offer- is responsible for about a third of all applica- ing joint German booths at many internation- tions. This commitment is obvious given that al trade fairs. These “German pavilions” offer it represents a sector dominated by SMEs companies an opportunity to present them- and e xport-oriented companies. The applica- selves that they would not otherwise have been tions are always submitted two years in ad- able to envisage due to the associated cost and vance. The VDMA filed a total of 81 applica- organisational effort. Such presentations on tions for 2021 and has submitted 78 thus far the relevant markets are particularly important for 2022. for small and medium-sized mechanical engi- neering firms with high export quotas. Compa- Useful links and further information: nies that appear under the “Made in Germany” banner at such joint booths also save them- selves a lot of organisational effort at a reason- able price. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
12 HYDROGEN STRATEGY Hydrogen offers a solution for many current challenges. Source: The technologies for the hydrogen economy are ready Christoph Singrün Green hydrogen represents the energy source of the hour for tackling climate change. It is an indispensable part of the energy transition in industry, transportation and the heating sector. However, before we can capitalise fully on the advantages of this environmentally friendly gas, we must first invest in the infrastructure for hydrogen technology. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
HYDROGEN STRATEGY 13 At the very latest since the German govern- To promote the expansion of the hydrogen ment passed its National Hydrogen Strategy in economy, we could begin by approving “blue” the summer of 2020, hydrogen has been on ev- hydrogen alongside the green variety. Although eryone’s lips. That’s because it signals the gov- blue hydrogen is made from fossil fuels, the ernment’s intention to make Germany a fore- CO2 generated by this process is scooped up in runner in green hydrogen and the global leader a process known as carbon capture and stor- in hydrogen technology in the long term. The age (CCS). Norway has been employing CCS for VDMA wholeheartedly welcomes this aim. Me- a long time. There, carbon dioxide produced chanical engineering and plant construction when splitting fossil methane to generate companies already provide all the technologies hydrogen is pumped into disused oil and gas needed to implement the strategy at every lev- industry mineshafts, which are subsequently el, from hydrogen production and transporta- sealed. Germany has so far rejected such an tion to the various applications. Specifically, the approach. Climate protection is a global task. plan is to, for example, build electrolysis plants, Green hydrogen can play an important role in transform natural gas networks into hydrogen this. However, because regenerative energies networks and even provide hydrogen refuelling like wind and sunlight are not available equally stations for end users. Compressors – especial- everywhere, we will need international cooper- ly piston and diaphragm compressors – play an ation in the future to ensure that green elec- important role at every level. Representatives tricity can reach those areas where it is needed of compressor manufacturers therefore sit on to produce hydrogen. the National Hydrogen Council, which advises the German government on how to implement the National Hydrogen Strategy. Green hydrogen is essential for the Enormous volumes of this energy source will be energy transition in industry, transport needed to build up a hydrogen economy. How- ever, there is not currently enough so-called and in the heating sector “green” hydrogen, which is produced through electrolysis using electricity from renewable sources. And only green hydrogen can help The basic technology is available. The result- slash our CO2 output. A number of electrolysis ing opportunities and requirements have al- plants are planned in the windier regions of ready been discussed within the VDMA’s P2X4A northern Germany and are expected to begin (Power to X for Applications) working group operation in the coming years. But the volumes for the past two years. In a next step, we must won’t be sufficient. In the medium term, we now create the framework conditions that will will therefore have no choice but to import allow the hydrogen economy to be built up as green hydrogen. quickly and broadly as possible. In principle, hy- drogen technology is nothing new. Hydrogen is still a comparatively expensive energy source. Scaling up production will make it cheaper. However, the crucial aspect here is that the sys- tem concept is taken into account. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
In intelligent pump technology, connected components ensure the safe operation of systems. Source: Wilo SE Smart pumps prevent clogging in wastewater systems Matthias Pantze Pump systems with integrated control are not just reliable and energy-efficient. They also help operators deal with the ever-increasing challenges they face in terms of sewage transport. As a result, they contribute to higher economic efficiency and better environmental protection. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS 15 When looking to improve sustainability, as rainwater, to the Hamburg wastewater resources should be conserved wherever possi- treatment plant where over 150 million m³ of ble. In terms of water, this means only using as sewage are treated each year. much as is necessary to achieve a reliable sup- ply. Water-saving measures are therefore becoming increasingly important in many System efficiency is now 10 percentage points applications. However, these savings also pose higher than the level of the old pump due significant challenges for the industry. Reduc- to the combination of new hydraulics and high ing flushing volumes, for example, results in a greater concentration of solids in domestic efficiency motor. sewage. These solids then increasingly settle in the pumps, hindering their operation. In addi- tion, items such as wet wipes that contain The problem with pumping station 87 fibres are increasingly being disposed of in toi- lets – which is not the proper place for them, One of the 420 sewage pumping stations is and it leads to additional burdens being placed located in the district of Billstedt, in the very on the pumps. Due to climate change, longer east of the city. It was here in 1975 that pump- dry periods alternating with heavy rainfall are ing station 87 was constructed on Max-Pech- increasingly causing solids to be deposited in stein-Straße. It receives 1,400 m³ of sewage channels in combined systems. These are then each day from the Mümmelmannsberg resi- carried in high concentrations into pumping dential area and conveys it via a nominal diam- stations along with rainwater. When all of eter DN 500 pressure pipe under the A1 motor- these problems occur together, a classic sew- way and the Glinder Au river into the next open age pump can barely function properly. Other channel. As time went on, it became apparent challenges the pumps are facing include that the sewage was increasingly contaminated demands for higher energy efficiency and with fats, solids and fibres from domestic greater digitalisation to further increase inte- sewage and roadway drainage. In 2009, the gration into processes. In order to meet all structure was upgraded: the three old pumps these challenges, a new smart-pump has been were replaced by two new units integrating developed. It provides a holistic solution for the three essential aspects of sewage transport: Source: WILO SE reliability, energy efficiency and connectivity. The new pump combines the latest insights in hydraulic design, motor technology and inte- grated control intelligence completed with Eth- ernet connectivity. The pump can easily be retrofitted, as is the case in Hamburg In the city of Hamburg, the foundations for a modern drinking water and sewage network were laid as part of a reconstruction process carried out after the Great Fire of Hamburg in 1842. In Germany’s second largest city, parts of it still remain in operation today. With the growth of the city, the capacities of the water infrastructure were continuously expanded and modernised. Today, the local HAMBURG WASSER utility supplies 2.2 million people with over 110 million m³ of water every year via its 16 waterworks. 420 pumping stations pump Fig. 1: High breakdown costs made the utilisation of new technology at the pumping both domestic and commercial sewage, as well station a necessity. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
16 INNOVATIONS & TRENDS floating layers but meant that all solids now Source: WILO SE had to be conveyed through the two pumps, which led to clogging up to 27 times in 2016 for one of the pumps alone. The pump was subse- quently retrofitted with a fixed blade insert, and frequency converters with integrated flushing programmes were also installed. As a result, instances of clogging in the pump had been halved, with an average of one incident remaining per month. However, even this out- come was not satisfactory since it still involved high and unscheduled service costs. New pump with several special features HAMBURG WASSER decided to use a new pump, Fig. 2: The heart and nerve centre of the smart pump is the control electronics, which which had been launched in 2018, at pumping is located in the motor head. station 87. The utility supplier hoped that prob- lems could be got under control there once and for all. The newly developed system solution cooled motors in a vertical dry well installation. consisted of a new hydraulic in which an open Machines in a 6-pole design with single-chan- two-channel impeller runs against a fixed suc- nel impellers and a discharge port nominal tion port with a spiral groove, in combination diameter of DN 200 were installed. The increas- with a permanent magnet motor with inte- ing amounts of solids in the pumping station grated control electronics and a network inter- resulted in the formation of thick floating lay- face. The goal of this development was finding ers that had to be regularly extracted every four the best possible compromise between the weeks at high cost. To try and mitigate the highest levels of reliability in connection with problem, a mixer was installed in the pump very high energy efficiency due to an overall effi- sump as part of modernisation works in 2016. ciency of up to 70 % and state-of-the-art Ether- This measure solved the problem with the net-based connectivity. For the first time ever, Source: WILO SE Fig. 3: An unassuming exterior: pumping station 87 on Max-Pechstein-Straße. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS 17 motor sets of energy efficiency class IE5 and an the master-slave-logic principle, the extended Ethernet interface were installed in a submers- software version also includes an automatic ible sewage pump. This new development made function for an operating mode that optimises it the first submersible pump that could com- energy efficiency. municate directly with the station’s control sys- tem via the standard Modbus TCP, as well as via the new industry standard OPC UA. Higher efficiency Another special feature is the integrated pump As per the concept design, the new DN 150 control software. It is available in two versions: nominal diameter pump with cooled FKT motor it can be connected to existing PLC systems or was installed along with the smaller software independently control the operation of up to version in February 2019. System efficiency is four pumps of the same type. Along with pro- now 10 percentage points higher than the level cessing the integrated vibration sensor technol- of the old pump due to the combination of new ogy, which is visually displayed in the integrated hydraulics and high efficiency motor. This has web interface alongside the digital rating plate already resulted in an annual saving of and maintenance logbooks, the electronics in 1,300 kWh per pump despite the short running the pump always includes integrated clogging time of the pump in the system of only 4 hours detection in connection with automatic flush- per day. The energetic effect would be much ing cycles. In addition to the above-mentioned higher with an extended running time. Opera- multi-pump control that operates according to tional reliability was an even more important Advertisement The One-off. Our process pumps for the chemical industry are unique solutions specially for our customers. They always ensure we achieve what we are capable of and what is required. Find out more at
18 INNOVATIONS & TRENDS The pump control software is basically designed Source: WILO SE in such a way that all parameters are pre-set at the factory so that commissioning can take place as quickly as possible. The control pro- grams, however, are of an open design so that the operator can adjust practically any setting. This permitted, for example, changes to be made to the responsivity of the clogging detec- tion so that the system eventually settled at five flush cycles per 100 pump cycles. Using the new pump, which is not only significantly smaller but also only half the weight of the old model at the same duty point, has already resulted in an additional 65 % reduction in the number of times the pump has clogged up in the first year compared with the previous measures; this cor- responds to a more than 80 % reduction in the Fig. 4: The new pump is clearly more compact than the previous unit. number of breakdowns compared with the original set-up. For the operator HAMBURG WASSER, this has resulted in further savings of factor for the operator than these savings around 5,000 euros per year in relation to the because, up to the start of the upgrade, the old cost of resolving breakdowns. This means that pump had already failed three times since the the replacement pump has reached it’s return beginning of the year. on invest after approximately two years. The open design of the software allows reliability to be further optimised and continuous updates The pump control software is fundamentally ensure that the system remains at the cutting edge of development. designed in such a way that all parameters are pre-set at the factory so that commissioning can take place as quickly as possible. Predictive maintenance options Connectivity is a further advantage of the smart sewage pump. In the event that a fault message One special feature of the new system is that is received from the pumping station, the opera- the pump always controls the external fre- tor HAMBURG WASSER has the option to use quency converter and not vice versa, as is usu- the existing control system to connect to the ally the case. This innovation means that the pump’s web server via the VPN tunnel in order pump – complete with a system to detect clog- to obtain further information on the status of ging that is specially adapted to the hydraulics the pump system. Using this technology, main- – can carry out specific flushing cycles in the event of imminent clogging of the pump impel- Source: WILO SE ler. In addition, the pump can automatically parameterise the frequency converter, which is why the electrical commissioning in the pump- ing station could be carried out on the existing frequency converter within a matter of min- utes. During the one-year trial period, there was a specific focus on the autumn and winter period since experience has shown that most problems occur during this time. Since this was the first pump of its kind in the field, adjust- ments to the pump parameters were to be Fig. 5: The pump‘s integrated web server makes expected. commissioning quick and easy. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS 19 Source: WILO SE Fig. 6: The integrated graphical web interface enables the operator to carry out remote access and remote diagnosis. tenance requirements can be detected remotely nation of reliability, energy efficiency and con- and error messages can be evaluated and fur- nectivity can provide operators with significant ther differentiated in order to better assess how potential for savings. Intelligent sewage pumps urgent it is to deploy personnel. therefore represent new means to meet the challenges of sewage transport, both now and While it remains the case that hydraulics, in the future. mechanics and electrics require increasingly high levels of expenditure to gain small Author: improvements, digitalisation in the form of Matthias Pantze intelligent control systems still holds enormous Group Director Market Segment – potential for optimising pumping stations. The Water Management & Industry case study in Hamburg shows that the combi- WILO SE, Dortmund Advertisement CVS engineering GmbH Grossmattstraße 12 + 14 79618 Rheinfelden Tel.: +49 7623 71 741- 0 Fax: +49 7623 71 741- 90 | Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
In the petrochemical industry, special pumps are indispensable for many tasks. Source: Dry-running special pumps ensure maximum safety levels when tankers and railway tank cars are being emptied – even with difficult media Frank Bungartz The emptying of tanker trucks and railway tank cars containing difficult media is a major challenge for standard centrifugal pumps. Substances such as sulfuric acid, phenol, tar and zinc tetrachloride or even muddy, crystallizing or corrosive media push them to their limits. Dry-running special centrifugal pumps are a help here. They enable fast and complete emptying and also offer operators the highest levels of process reliability. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS 21 Conventional centrifugal pumps quickly reach It all depends on the seal their limits in the case of applications involving certain gases or media that are difficult to Also in the case of centrifugal pumps, the task pump. During the pumping process the liquid of the seal is to prevent the discharge of the level falls, which causes gas to be entrained medium between the rotating shaft and the towards the end. However, gases reduce the stationary housing. In the case of difficult performance of the pump and cause uneven media in particular, this could result in environ- running. If there is a high gas input, there is mental and health hazards. There are numer- even a risk that the flow will break off com- ous requirements on how these hazards should pletely. Breakdowns are then unavoidable. be minimized or avoided. Maximum allowable Many operators attempt to prevent these workplace concentrations, for example, indi- unplanned downtimes through the use of diag- cate the maximum permitted concentration of nostic and early warning systems for fault a substance as a gas or vapor at a workplace. detection. However, there is also a disadvan- The Technical Instructions on Air Quality Con- tage to this solution. Additional monitoring sys- trol (TA Luft) and the ATEX guidelines for Ger- tems result in further sources of error. More- many stipulate which shaft seals must be used over, residual quantities of the pumped medium in such cases. remain in the tank. Time-consuming and costly cleaning work and potential complications are the result. Special pumps have a high degree of intrinsic Operators do not have these problems if they safety, which means that their design use special centrifugal pumps for difficult ensures that no unsafe condition occurs even media. These special pumps do indeed have a high degree of intrinsic safety, i.e. their design if there is a fault. ensures that no unsafe condition occurs even if there is a fault. In technical terms, this is achieved through the intelligent application of The hydrodynamic shaft seal is best suited for process physics. The design of these vertical preventing the leakage of a medium. This seal pumps has unique control characteristics that predominantly consists of additional blades on work without suction. Without any mechanical the rear of the impeller. This conveys the pump- or electrical control device, the flow rate is ing medium away from the shaft opening and reduced automatically. The principle is based on thus protects the downstream secondary shaft pressure equalization between the pump seal system. This seal was used in combination impeller and the feed vessel. This pump type, with the conical stuffing box as long ago as the which is self-venting even during operation, 1930s. During subsequent development it was does not require a frequency converter or volu- even used later on for a single-stage, horizontal metric flow measurement. Their NPSH value is chemical pump with magnetic coupling. almost zero, which means that they generally Thanks to the intelligent design, in which not operate without cavitation. This applies to all media, including substances with hazard Source: Bungartz potential, which is the decisive aspect for the selection of the appropriate seal of the pump shafts with respect to the atmospheric environ- ment. The combination of an extremely low NPSH value, the ability to pump gas-laden liq- uids as well and the use of intrinsically safe seals enables tanker trucks, railway tank cars and other vessels to be emptied quickly and completely without any vortex and without the pumping process being interrupted while main- taining maximum safety levels – even in the event of operating errors. Fig. 1: Tanker unloading from below Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
22 INNOVATIONS & TRENDS tankers or railway tank cars are completely Source: Bungartz emptied or if the suction slide valve has been accidentally closed, there is no risk whatsoever to the pump or shaft seal. Due to the perma- nent venting effect, gas bubbles do not result in any interruption to delivery. These are also par- tially returned to the respective intake vessel through a gas balance line. Repeatedly tested in practice Special centrifugal pumps are the solution of choice for many plant operators. One example: an international corporate group required Fig. 2: Functional show-model of a tanker unloading process: the glass railway tank pumps for unloading sulfuric acid from railway car is unloaded quickly and completely with a self-regulating pump. tank cars in a new construction project. Three aspects were of priority for this customer: the unloading should be carried out from below, only the magnetic coupling but also the bear- the emptying of residues should be complete ing unit runs without any product contact, this without additional vessel pressurizing and – hermetically sealed pump is permanently finally – the highest level of safety had to be capable of dry running. guaranteed. Through early planning and the use of a special centrifugal pump from the ver- As hydrodynamic sealing systems are wear-free, tical range, the self-regulating physics with an they can be operated for several years with little NPSHR < 0.1 m meant that it was possible to maintenance and high annual pumping times. dispense with the construction of a pit. Other The intrinsically safe and self-regulating special infrastructure adjustments that would have pumps combine the so-called hydrodynamic been necessary with standard pumps due to seal as the primary seal with a downstream sec- the corresponding suction head were not ondary seal. Depending on the requirements of required either. Further advantages of the mag- the medium to be pumped, this can be a gland, netically coupled pump used are the maximum a lip or mechanical seal or a magnetic coupling. levels of safety in the event of leakages, the ease of use and savings in energy consumption. All sealing systems have one thing in common. The intrinsically safe special centrifugal pump Even at zero delivery, neither the pump nor the will discharge the media without any faults for seal or bearing is negatively affected. Even if the the next 15 years. Important features of an intrinsically safe pump design: • self-regulating • self-venting • zero delivery rate-proof • dry-running and operationally safe • 3-phase compatible • insensitive to gas bubbles Source: Bungartz Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
Air Compressor Range HAUG.Sirius 10 – 100 7.5 – 30.0 100 – 1000 200 400 Low and Medium Pressure High and Highest Pressure Final Pressure Max. Power Volume Flow Range Final Pressure Max. Power Volume Flow Range [barg][barg] [kW] [kW] [m³/h] [m³/h] 10 – 150 40 – 400 35.5– – 18.5 15.0 9 – 26 8– 80 Source: Bungartz 150 – 400 11 – 55.0 20 – 130 Advertisement 10 – 80 15 – 55.0 75 – 350 Dependable 150 – 350 10 – 100 40 – 500 compression 20 – 75.0 3790– – 250.0 90.0 40 – 150 – 100 – 435 with hermetically gas-tight 200 – 600 10 – 100 15 – 90.0 200 60 400– 395 piston 10 – 100 compressors 90 – 250.0 HAUG.Cygnus 5 – 30 0.37 – 2.2 max. 12 oil-lubricated HAUG.Taurus 5 – 60 4 – 11.0 max. 45up to 500 barg Sauer Compressors offers from their HAUG.Orion product 5 – 60 lines 11 – 30.0and max. 160 oil-free up to 450 barg HAUG.Sirius 7.5 – 30.0 10 – 100 100 – 1000 range ■ a wide of oil-free, dry-running and oil-lubricated compressor types suitable200 4 for a variety of gases ■ maintenance-free drive due to gas-tight magnetic coupling High and Highest Pressure ■ high inlet pressure for energy-efficient operation Max. Power Final Pressure Volume Flow Range [barg] [kW] [m³/h] Fig. 3: A complete pumping system consisting of a self-regulating centrifugal pump, pump stand and feed vessel saves both time and space. 150 – 400 5.5 – 15.0 9 – 26 150 – 400 Inlet 11 – Pressure: 55.0 up to 30 barg 20 – 130 Final Pressure: up to 500 barg 150 – 350 20 – 75.0 In another project, the unloading of an entire Max. Power: 140 – –250 150 kW train for the delivery of raw materials was to be 100 – 500 90 – 250.0 200 – made possible for reasons of economic effi- 200 40 ciency. One difficulty was the product that was to be pumped. The pumped medium was diffi- cult to handle because of its high viscosity. A dif- ferent special vertical centrifugal pump was designed for such challenges. On the product oil-lubricated side, this special pump is equipped with a gap up to 500 barg seal, and on the atmosphere side with a dry-run- ning magnetic coupling. The pump works with- oil-free out bearings in the pumped liquid. up to 450 barg A gas barrier with friction-free throttle bush- oil-free & dry running, hermetically gas-tight ings protects the grease-lubricated roller bear- ings from the product vapors. The shaft gap sealing concept is characterized by several com- ponents. On the one hand, the complete hydro- dynamic relief of the bearing and sealing unit from the pump delivery pressure. This is achieved by means of back vanes and the gas barrier, which prevents the pumped product and product vapors from entering the bearing unit. On the other hand, there is the eddy cur- rent-free magnetic coupling, which hermeti- oil-lubricated, hermetically gas-tight cally seals the pump from the environment. Thanks to the vertical orientation of the pump, the bearing and sealing unit runs entirely with- out product contact, even in the event of a seal- ing gas failure. The roller bearings have a service For more information visit our websites
24 INNOVATIONS & TRENDS Success factor for difficult media: dry-running safety Many pumps use the medium that is to be pumped to adequately lubricate the slide bearings and cool the seal that is used. Dry-running safety is the ability of a pump to operate permanently without any medium. This is achieved by decoupling the bearing and sealing unit from the pumped liquid. Source: Bungartz life of more than five years in continuous opera- tankers. Here, too, a special pump was used. tion. In order to reduce the viscosity, the tem- Despite the high viscosity of the mixed sub- perature of the medium is increased. At an stances, it is now possible to discharge them operating temperature of approx. 90° the sub- quickly and safely. Due to the fact that the spe- stance becomes free-flowing and flows through cial pump has proved to be reliable over many the piping system directly into the reservoir due years, no thought was given to an otherwise to the negative pressure that is generated in the standard redundant design. This saved costs. reservoir of the system. Changing the mechanical seal cartridge after a long period of use was quickly carried out during In another application, an operator collects dif- maintenance. Due to the unusual control char- ferent substances for residual recycling in tank- acteristics and the sealing concept selected for ers under environmentally-friendly conditions. the application, the complete emptying of the Everything is there – from tar, heavy oil and tankers was carried out reliably without any grease to flammable liquids or solvents, textile outages or problems. residues and plastic parts. For emptying the tankers, a discharge device is used, consisting of the pump combined with a filter for the coarse Significant Cost Advantages parts and a reservoir. The discharging process takes place from below. The most important Through the use of special centrifugal pumps, condition was the complete emptying of the the operator can save costs to a significant extent. For example, no pits need to be exca- vated, which normal priming centrifugal pumps Source: Bungartz require as a rule for the necessary suction head. Furthermore, no monitoring is required, so that investments in additional control or regulation systems can also be saved. There is therefore no need to be wary of malfunctions or breakdowns caused by measurement and control technol- ogy. High operational reliability, generous main- tenance intervals and long service lives are typi- cal of all special centrifugal pumps. Author: Graduate Engineer Frank Bungartz Managing Director Paul Bungartz GmbH & Co. KG, Euskirchen Fig. 4: Self-venting special centrifugal pump Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
ASI 35 Modular tracer gas leak detector The highest performance for industrial leak detection systems ■ Integral and localizing test (vacuum and sniffing) for both tracer gases: helium and hydrogen ■ Short cycle time due to highest pumping speed ■ Maximum reliability and robustness for high uptime ■ Easy to integrate due to small dimensions and modular design Are you looking for a perfect vacuum solution? Please contact us: Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH · Germany · T +49 6441 802-0 ·
Even drop-sized quantities can be metered with the newly developed pump. Source: ProMinent Hydraulic diaphragm metering pumps with linear drives allow precise metering of minute quantities Michael Birmelin Oscillating displacement pumps are ideally suited to metering liquids. Metering small or micro-quantities at medium or high pressure levels does however place serious demands on the pump. Adapted systems should ensure that the end product satisfies the quality standards required. In many cases, this cannot be achieved with commercial technologies or can only be done at great cost. Metering pumps with linear drives open up new possibilities here. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
PUMPS & SYSTEMS 27 With an oscillating displacement pump, each If the entire adjustment range needs to be big- metering process comprises the steps of pump- ger, the two parameters must be combined. ing, measuring and setting the fluid flow to be Adjustment ranges of up to 1:30 can then be metered. It also pumps and thereby raises the reliably achieved. The adjustment ranges of the pressure level just like any other pump. Its individual parameters are either connected in delivery flow can be adjusted by continuously series by a process control system or are linked altering the stroke length, stroke volume or with two independent control circuits. Ideally stroke rate. It measures following the measur- operators want the metering for their applica- ing cup principle by repeatedly displacing a tions to be individually adapted to their needs. specified stroke volume. The specified stroke In the best case scenario, this means a variable volume depends on the construction of the liq- motion profile: a discharge stroke individually uid ends: a metering unit with plunger or fitted matched to the job in hand and a suction stroke with a diaphragm. also optimised for the application. The proper- ties of the fluids being metered, such as viscos- ity and chemical resistance, also need to be Hydraulics at high feed pressures taken into account as do any special hydraulic features. Diaphragm heads with a mechanically driven diaphragm are suited to small to medium metering flows and low feed pressures of up to Source: ProMinent around 20 bar. Fitted with step motors or a sole- noid drive, they are a popular choice and domi- nate the current metering pump market. How- ever, with diaphragm heads with a hydraulically driven diaphragm, the plunger is not in direct contact with the delivery fluid as is the case with plunger pumps. Rather, the plunger moves around in a hydraulic liquid and the volume dis- placed by the plunger is transferred to the actual liquid being pumped via a diaphragm. The main difference from the mechanical dia- phragm drive is the fact that the diaphragm always operates with pressure compensation and is therefore also suited to very high feed pressures of up to 3,000 bar. Thanks to their Fig. 1: Standard motor-driven metering pump – sine curve with constant discharge and suction stroke high compressive strength, diaphragm pumps with hydraulically driven diaphragms achieve considerably better dosing precision than those Source: ProMinent with mechanically driven diaphragms. Both step motors and 3-phase AC motors are used as drive motors. Changeable adjustment ranges The metering process is basically characterised by two parameters: the stroke length and speed. The stroke length is set between 0 and 100 percent. The parameters are adjusted mechanically or electrically. In practice, an adjustment range of 1:10 is normal. The speed of the electric drive motor is controlled in an adjustment range of 1:3 to 1:5 with a frequency Fig. 2: Linear motor-driven metering pump – virtually continuous metering with minimal pauses in metering converter. Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
28 INNOVATIONS & TRENDS More complex metering processes, such as Source: ProMinent those used for filling, can only be achieved with an individually optimised speed profile. In the best case scenario, this means two-parameter control, combined with a third parameter, which corresponds to a variable motion profile. This allows the profile to be matched precisely to the prevailing requirements: when the pump is injecting medium into a process, the dis- charge stroke and suction stroke profiles can be set separately as required. Both the properties of the fluids being metered, such as viscosity, chemical resistance etc., and the special hydrau- lic features are thereby taken into account during the metering stroke. Fig. 3: Recently developed linear motor-driven metering pump – metering highly With filling processes, for example, this includes viscous fluids, optimised with a long suction stroke minimising the amount of fluid splashed onto the nozzle and avoiding drips. The metering motion needed for this is the oscillating Unregulated metering pumps in standard tech- dynamic stroke travel in both directions (Fig. 4). nology meter low-viscosity media in a gently A drive unit, which performs a directly con- pulsating manner using equal discharge and trolled oscillating motion for the discharge and suction strokes (Fig. 1). Conventional drives, suction stroke without any deflection of motion such as step motors or solenoid drives, are used. or power, would be ideal for this. And a pump In the case of regulated metering pumps, such with a linear drive does just that. The electrical as pumps with linear drives, virtually continu- energy supplied is converted straight into an ous metering can however be achieved with oscillating motion. minimal pauses in metering. A long, slow metering stroke is performed followed by a rapid suction stroke (Fig. 2). Advantages of the direct drive Linear motors are direct drives, which produce More complex metering processes, such linear motion in a purely electric manner with- out gears or other mechanical deflection aids. as those used for filling, can only be The function of a linear motor can be envisaged achieved with an individually optimised as follows: With a rotating synchronous motor, the magnetic rotating field is produced by coils speed profile. offset in a circle (stator). When rotating, the rotor follows the energy field with the perma- nent magnets. With linear motors, the windings The metering profile of a regulated metering are arranged on a straight section. The so-called pump with a linear drive can also be adapted rotor, fitted with permanent magnets, follows especially to the flow characteristics of highly the offset coils of the stator and therefore the viscous fluids: the dosing head is completely oscillating travelling magnetic field. The stator filled in a slow suction stroke, followed by a length and the pairs of coils and magnets are short discharge stroke to inject the medium proportional to potential force. The excess (Fig. 3). length of the magnets thereby produces a con- stant force over the entire movement range. Both pumps with regulated solenoid drives and vector-controlled frequency converters modify In comparison, with motor-driven metering the distance-time diagram, but these are still a pumps the motion of the electric rotation long way off a real, free definition of the com- motor is reduced by a gear reduction ratio from plete motion profile. the motor speed to the stroke rate needed for Pumps and Compressors for the World Market with Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology 2021
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