Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report

Page created by Eva Santiago
Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
2020 Global Citizenship Report

Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy            Economy                  People   Environment   Data Appendix

Multiplying Opportunities
Through Innovation
FedEx connects the global economy through innovative technologies,
pioneering approaches, and customer-focused solutions. Whether
we are multiplying growth for our customers and our business,
multiplying the potential of our people, or multiplying efficiencies for
the environment, we use innovation to create value and opportunities
across the world.

2                                                                                               2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                Economy   People   Environment   Data Appendix

Our CSR Strategy  4
Data Appendix    76

About this Report
Our 12th annual Global Citizenship Report
(the “Report”) covers FedEx corporate social
responsibility (CSR) strategies, goals, programs,
and progress. Unless otherwise noted, data covers
each of our operating companies and all geographies
in our 2019 fiscal year, which ended May 31, 2019.
This report has been prepared in accordance with
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards
Core option, and contains disclosures from
the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards
(as well as reference tables for the Task Force
on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board),
which are listed in the Reporting Framework Index.
Key performance highlights are included in the
relevant report chapter, while detailed performance
data, including our year-over-year performance,
is included in the Data Appendix. Scope 1 & 2
GHG emissions data was externally verified by
Cventure LLC.

3                                                                                      2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy            Economy           People   Environment   Data Appendix

Our CSR Strategy
Multiplying Good
With a global reach and purpose-driven mission,
we connect the world responsibly and resourcefully.
At the core of our business, we enable economic growth
for customers through access to markets and innovation,
link businesses through a diverse portfolio of products
and services, and create opportunities for people in more
than 220 countries and territories.

Our sustainability efforts have contributed to an
approximately 40% reduction in CO2 emissions
intensity across the enterprise from FY09 to FY19,
a period in which revenue grew by 96%.
4                                                                                       2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy   Economy   People                     Environment                    Data Appendix

Chairman’s Letter
Multiplying Opportunities
Through Innovation
                                                 As we release this report, the world            Multiplying Opportunities
                                                 is grappling with the novel Coronavirus
                                                 COVID-19 pandemic. During these
                                                                                                 for the Economy, Our People
                                                 unprecedented times, FedEx is one               and the Environment
                                                 of the only companies in the world              Economy: Multiplying Growth
                                                 with the networks and capabilities              for Our Business and Society
                                                 to keep commerce and aid moving.                FedEx supports the ingenuity of business
                                                                                                 owners and powers the economy in a
                                                 With the health and safety of our team          number of ways.
                                                 members as our top priority, FedEx is on
                                                 the front lines of providing relief, building   We fuel the explosive growth of
                                                 upon decades of experience in dealing with      e-commerce. As we maintain a
                                                 natural disasters and medical challenges.       market-leading portfolio for e-commerce
                                                                                                 — the fastest growing segment of our
                                                 This experience and our company values          business — we do so with a sharp focus
                                                 will continue to make FedEx absolutely          on customer needs and the environment.
                                                 essential to providing support on a             For example, Roxo™, the FedEx SameDay
                                                 global scale.                                   Bot™ holds promise for deliveries in
                                                                                                 congested or difficult delivery locations
                                                 This is critical because the world is           and is all electric — using only batteries
                                                 depending on us now more than ever.             that produce zero localized emissions.
                                                 As I said in my recent From the Chairman        Similarly, in 2019, through our collaboration
                                                 and CEO message, it’s who we are and            with Wing, we marked the first scheduled
                                                 what we do.                                     e-commerce delivery via drone in the
                                                 Please take a moment and visit here for the     U.S. and did so with zero emissions.
                                                 latest on how FedEx is responding to the
                                                 outbreak, with a focus on Safety Above All.
Frederick W. Smith
Chairman and CEO                                 As you’ll see in the following report, we’re
                                                 committed to putting our CSR strategy to
                                                 work for the benefit of the global economy,
                                                 our people, and the environment — and
                                                 we’ll carry that commitment through
                                                 as the world responds to and recovers
                                                 from this pandemic.

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Our CSR Strategy                      Economy                             People                     Environment              Data Appendix

We support small and diverse business.           We’re also investing in our team members’        FedEx Cares:
We’ve expanded our Small Business                futures through extensive education and          These are only a few remarkable examples
Grant Contest — which provides a boost           training. Last fiscal year, team members         of how FedEx has been working to benefit
to deserving entrepreneurs through               on average participated in 18 more hours of      the economy, people and the environment.
grants, prizes and FedEx Office services         training than the previous year, and FedEx
— to 10 countries. And we take pride in          provided $15.3 million in tuition assistance     We’re also refocusing our robust giving and
the positive outcomes generated by the           to help employees further their education.       volunteering platform, FedEx Cares. Moving
global businesses we support. As just                                                             forward, the three FedEx Cares pillars
one example, through the sale of its coffee      Environment: Multiplying Efficiencies            are: Global Entrepreneurship, Sustainable
and chocolate products, Moka Origins,            With regard to our physical assets, we’re        Logistics, and Delivering for Good. As you’ll
one of our 2019 winners, provides good           using our Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize         see on page 10, these FedEx Cares pillars
wages to farmers in rural Africa.                sustainability approach in four key areas:       fit perfectly into our overall CSR strategy.
                                                 aircraft efficiency, vehicle efficiency,
It is important to remember that our CSR         sustainable facilities, and sustainable          This new FedEx Cares focus will enable
strategy isn’t independent of our business       materials and recycling.                         us to zero in where our company can
plan to innovate and drive profitable growth.                                                     add the most unique value. And the role
As we anticipate customer needs on               As one illustration of the power of              we play — who we are and what we do
the horizon, we do so with a keen eye            this strategy, last fiscal year alone,           — has never been more important.
on our mission to connect the world              we avoided more than 3 million metric
responsibly and resourcefully.                   tons of CO2e emissions as a result of
                                                 our enterprise-wide fuel and energy
People: Multiplying Potential                    saving initiatives. That’s equivalent            Frederick W. Smith
Continued investments in our people are          to the carbon sequestered — or offset            Chairman and CEO
central to our success. And our first priority   — by more than 4 million acres of U.S.
is “Safety Above All.” That goes for             forests in one year.
our operations on the roads, in the air,
in our facilities, and in our communities.
We source the most up-to-date,
sophisticated safety technology for our
vehicle fleet. Ninety-eight percent of
FedEx Freight tractors and box trucks
now include roll stability, forward collision
mitigation systems, and lane departure
technology. And FedEx Express, Freight,
and Ground use video event data recorder,
or VEDR, technology to improve safety
for our drivers and others on the road.

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Our CSR Strategy     Economy                   People                Environment              Data Appendix

What We Achieved in FY19
Multiplying opportunities for our people,
our business, and our shared environment

40%                                                              23m                             $15.3m
                                  Announced fleet
                                  expansion with

decrease in CO2 emissions
intensity (on a revenue basis)
since FY09
                                  1,000                          kWh renewable
                                                                 energy generated
                                                                                                 in tuition assistance
                                                                                                 to employees
                                  Chanje electric
                                  delivery vehicles

                                  We gave

in goods and services procured
                                  $62.4m 3.1m
7    diverse and small-business   in corporate charitable        metric tons of CO2e emissions avoided 2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
suppliers in the U.S.             contributions                  through fuel- and energy-saving initiatives
Multiplying Opportunities - 2020 Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                    Economy                     People                   Environment                Data Appendix

FedEx Global Network


                                                                       Stansted     Liège
                                                       Mississauga                Paris
                            Indianapolis             Newark
                             Memphis                                                                                                                Osaka
                                             Miami                                                                        Guangzhou

                Fort Worth
                      Mexico City


       >220                  >5,000                    >650                 >15M                679 >180,000
                                                                                                                                              Air Routes
                                                                                                                                              Major Express Hub Locations

    TERRITORIES SERVED                                                   AND PROCESSED EACH
                                                                            BUSINESS DAY

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Our CSR Strategy                       Economy                          People                       Environment                Data Appendix

CSR Approach and Implementation
Our culture, principles, and emphasis on long-term performance have
guided our company since our founding nearly five decades ago.
Similarly, our corporate social responsibility   CSR is at the heart of our business and         Across our organization, we set
(CSR) programs emphasize long-term               central to the connections we make.             enterprise-level strategies to deliver          Our Mission and Values
performance that creates lasting, positive       Key elements of our CSR strategy include        our global CSR goals and commitments.
value for our business and society. Our          environmental efficiency innovations,           Our shared purpose unites and guides            Mission
governance, operations, culture, and CSR         a sustainable supply chain, a diverse and       the implementation of these efforts at the      FedEx Corporation will produce
priorities are closely aligned, as reflected     inclusive workplace, and the robust giving      operating company level. Each operating         superior financial returns for its
in the important role played by the              and volunteering platform known as FedEx        company also reports on a core set of           shareowners by providing high value-
FedEx Board of Directors’ Nominating             Cares. We have aligned our CSR platform         metrics in support of the enterprise            added logistics, transportation, and
& Governance Committee, which has                with our company’s mission and values,          strategy. We prioritize our material            related business services through
oversight responsibility for our CSR strategy    and embedded it into our systems and our        environmental and social issues, as well        focused operating companies.
and programs, and the Compensation               culture. We conduct regular CSR materiality     as the areas where we can use our most          Customer requirements will be met in
Committee, which reviews and discusses           assessments to make sure we remain              valuable assets – global transportation         the highest quality manner appropriate
with management our key human capital            focused on the right CSR priorities for         networks, logistics expertise, and the talent   to each market segment served.
management strategies and programs.              the benefit of our business, our customers,     of our team members – to reduce risks and       FedEx will strive to develop mutually
The Nominating & Governance Committee            our shareowners, our team members,              add the greatest possible value to society.     rewarding relationships with its team
receives updates at least annually from our      and other key stakeholders. Our most recent     Finally, we publicly share not only our         members, partners, and suppliers.
Chief Sustainability Officer, and provides       materiality assessment, completed in FY19       performance results, but our learnings,         Safety will be the first consideration
feedback to inform future activities.            and detailed in this report, demonstrated       challenges, and successes along the             in all operations. Corporate activities
                                                 that CSR continues to play a critical role      way as part of our ongoing commitment           will be conducted to the highest
                                                 in our business success.                        to transparency.                                ethical and professional standards.
                                                 Importantly, in FY19 we mapped our CSR          For more information about the policies
                                                 focus areas, material issues, and actions to    that inform our CSR strategy, see our           Values
                                                 the United Nations Sustainable Development      CSR Policy Statements. Please refer             • People
                                                 Goals (SDGs). Our CSR strategy aligns with      to this report’s Data Appendix for              • Service
                                                 and supports the SDGs in several key areas.     FY19 CSR performance results.                   • Innovation
                                                 Their linkages to our most material issues
                                                                                                                                                 • Integrity
                                                 are included in the Materiality section of
                                                 this report and to our programs and progress                                                    • Responsibility
                                                 in relevant locations of the Economy, People,                                                   • Loyalty
                                                 and Environment chapters.                                                                       • Safety

9                                                                                                                                                            2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
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Our CSR Strategy                Economy                    People                    Environment                  Data Appendix

Our CSR Focus Areas
 CSR Focus Areas             Economy                                      People                                       Environment

                             By connecting businesses and                 We engage and empower our more               By using our global assets, expertise
                             communities through a growing                than 475,000 team members, providing         in efficiency, and commitment to
                             portfolio of services and tools, we          them with safe, inclusive workplaces         innovation, we work to minimize our
                             enable economic growth and make it           and continued career development             environmental footprint, find innovative
                             easier for customers to access new and       opportunities that help them thrive.         solutions, and improve quality of life.
                             existing markets, thereby helping to raise   We are all united by our commitment          Throughout the FedEx organization, our
                             standards of living and improve quality      to the corporate philosophy we call          Reduce, Replace, Revolutionize approach
                             of life. We strive to be a role model        People-Service-Profit (PSP). This reflects   permeates our sustainability efforts,
                             by providing economic opportunities          the shared principles that govern every      with our Environmental Policy guiding
                             to small businesses and people in the        FedEx activity, every day, everywhere        the operating companies in managing
                             communities we serve.                        we work.                                     environmental performance.
                             • Create value for all stakeholders          • Ensure safety in our vehicles,             • Reduce: Minimize or eliminate impacts
                             • Ensure strong business ethics,               air operations, and facilities               from activities and operations
                               preparedness, resiliency, continuity,      • Recruit and retain top talent              • Replace: Apply the right solutions
                               and data security                          • Foster a workplace that is diverse,          in the right applications
                             • Innovate products and services               inclusive, and thriving                    • Revolutionize: Discover and
                               to optimize our business, help our         • Enable continued education,                  utilize cutting-edge technologies
                               customers, and lift economies                satisfying career pathways,                  and solutions
                             • Enable e-commerce and healthy                and world-class training
                               global trade through technology,           • Provide industry-leading benefits
                               advocacy, and service                        to support team member health
                             • Empower entrepreneurship,                  • Support financial well-being and
                               supplier diversity, and job growth           retirement options
                             • Focus on outstanding customer
                               experience, satisfaction, and

 UN Sustainable
 Development Goals

 FedEx Cares                 •    Global entrepreneurship                 •   Delivering for good                      •   Sustainable logistics

10                                                                                                                                      2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                        Economy                              People                       Environment                           Data Appendix

Global CSR Governance
The FedEx Board of Directors plays a key role in our global CSR initiatives.
The FedEx Board of Directors and its               Environmental Sustainability                        promotes consistency of policies across
committees oversee our global CSR                                                                      operating companies and manages
initiatives. The Board is responsible for
                                                   Governance                                          executive development, team member
reviewing and overseeing our culture and           The FedEx Enterprise Sustainability Council         benefits, and diversity strategy. The FedEx
evaluating management’s efforts to align           (FESC) is responsible for setting and               Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Council includes
corporate culture with our stated values and       implementing our company-wide                       members across operating companies who
long-term strategy. Additionally, the Board        sustainability strategy. Our Chief                  coordinate company-wide D&I initiatives.
has delegated to each of its committees            Sustainability Officer chairs the FESC,
responsibility for the oversight of specific       oversees the company-wide implementation            In addition, each FedEx operating company
aspects of our corporate culture and other         of our environmental management system              sets workplace safety goals and implements
CSR activities that fall within the                and reviews performance annually.                   our Safety Above All philosophy through
committee’s areas of responsibility.                                                                   policies and programs relevant to its
                                                   Additionally, enterprise-wide Sustainability        specific operations.
The Nominating & Corporate Governance              Impact Teams (SITs) for global vehicles,
Committee reviews and discusses CSR                facilities, air operations, EarthSmart (marketing   For more information about our programs
and sustainability strategies and programs         and communications), and sourcing allow             for career development, diversity and
with senior leadership, including our              our operating companies to share synergies,         inclusion, and safety, see the People
Chief Sustainability Officer.                      ideas, and innovations. The SITs and operating      chapter of this report.
                                                   companies’ senior sustainability leaders
• The Compensation Committee reviews
                                                   report to our Chief Sustainability Officer.
  and discusses with management
  the company’s key human capital                  For more information about our environmental
  management strategies and programs,              sustainability initiatives, see the Environment
  including diversity and inclusion initiatives.   chapter of this report.
• The Audit Committee reviews the                                                                                  Environmental Sustainability Governance Structure
  implementation and effectiveness                 People CSR Governance
  of the company’s corporate integrity             Our global CSR governance also                                      Board of Directors                            FedEx Enterprise Sustainability
  and compliance programs.                         encompasses a variety of functions and                     Nominating & Governance Committee                             Council – FESC

• The Information Technology Oversight             departments dedicated to our people.
  Committee reviews and discusses                  FedEx executive officers have individual
  with management the company’s                    objectives that include, but are not limited                                             Chief Sustainability Officer                       Sustainability
  technologies, policies, processes and            to, the promotion of our commitment to                                                          Chair — FESC                                Impact Teams

  practices for managing and mitigating            diversity, inclusion, and succession planning
  cybersecurity risks and monitors                 for management positions. Additionally,
  business continuity and disaster recovery        Human Resources (HR) departments in                                                                                                     •   Air Operations
                                                                                                          FedEx Express      FedEx Ground         FedEx Freight         FedEx Office
  capabilities and contingency plans.              each FedEx operating company manage                    Environmental      Environmental       Environmental         Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   EarthSmart
                                                   HR priorities, including team member career                                                                                             •   Facilities
                                                                                                          & Sustainability   & Sustainability    & Sustainability      & Sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Sourcing
                                                   development, engagement, and health and                  Leadership         Leadership          Leadership            Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                                           •   Vehicles
                                                   wellness. Our Corporate HR department

11                                                                                                                                                                         2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                     Economy                           People                                    Environment                       Data Appendix

Materiality – Focusing on What Matters Most
Over the past year, the global business environment has continued                                The outcome of this process was our
                                                                                                 updated materiality matrix, which identifies
                                                                                                                                                                 – those reflecting global priorities and
                                                                                                                                                                 topics that are critical to our business –
to change. The growth of e-commerce, frequency of extreme                                        the topics that matter most to our business,                    remained largely consistent with our initial
                                                                                                 our stakeholders and, more broadly, to                          assessment, while also identifying relevant
weather events, heightened focus on climate change, increased                                    society and our planet. Our 2019 process                        megatrends and their role in our CSR
complexity of global trade, data security concerns, and competitive                              also confirmed the most material topics                         priorities and strategy.

labor markets all continue to impact our operating environment.
Given these evolving factors, it is important   employees around the world. External
to re-evaluate the potential challenges,        stakeholder engagement included phone
opportunities, and topics that are most         interviews with representatives from
important to FedEx, to our stakeholders,        academia, customers, industry associations,                                                             ain
                                                                                                                                                    y ch             Custo
and to society.                                 media, NGOs, and suppliers, as well as an                                                       uppl ers                  me
                                                                                                                                               S    rk
                                                online survey.                                                                                    wo
Our most recent materiality assessment
in 2019 re-evaluated the topics previously      A list of relevant topics was created from

identified as most important from the           this input, before being refined and validated



business perspective, stakeholder               in a full-day workshop with key internal


perspective, and societal perspective,          stakeholders to determine material topics.


and identified new and emerging topics.         Workshop stakeholders represented a
These were then analyzed to determine           broad range of FedEx functions across
opportunities to leverage existing CSR          the company. Materiality was determined
activities and guide our CSR and business       according to:


strategies going forward, while further         1. The topic’s significance, based on

mitigating risks. This 2019 work built             scientific consensus, societal consensus
on our first CSR materiality assessment            (as represented by the SDGs), and
in 2014 and our external stakeholder               stakeholder consensus


review in 2016, and aligned with the                                                                                                                  rs

GRI Reporting Standards guidance and            2. The topic’s potential influence on                                                                      t a ke h o l d
                                                                                                                   Non orga
other best practices to identify, review,          stakeholder assessment and decisions
and revise topics for assessment.
                                                                                                                      -go niz

                                                                                                                          ve atio

Input to the materiality process included a                                                                                 rn n

                                                                                                                              m s   nt

literature review, analysis of global trends,                                                                                  e       a   l                                             G
and benchmarking of leading sustainability
practices. It also included internal and                                                                                                                                    l
external stakeholder engagement. Internal
                                                                                                                                                    dia                 Loca ties
                                                                                                                                                                      om m uni
engagement comprised interviews with                                                                                                                                 c
senior management across the business
and an online survey to hundreds of

12                                                                                                                                                                            2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                       Economy                            People                     Environment                     Data Appendix

Materiality – Focusing on What Matters Most (Continued)

Highest-Ranked Material Topics                   Subsequently, we determined the most
Our highest-rated material topics are            relevant SDGs aligned with those topics.
measured and managed across our owned            This provides a more holistic picture of
and operated businesses. We mapped               our progress and allows us to better
these topics – divided into the categories       identify those areas where our approach
of Global Priorities and Commercially Critical   is effectively addressing stakeholder and
– to our CSR focus areas and approaches.         business needs, as well as those areas
                                                 where changes might be warranted.

Global Priority Topics
These are topics over which FedEx has a significant impact and influence on stakeholder decisions.
They are also topics that stakeholders expect us to address proactively.

 Topic Area          Material Topics                 Relevant UN SDGs                    Relevant Report Chapters and Sections
 Governance          Ethics, integrity,                                                  Our CSR Strategy – Corporate Integrity and Compliance
                     bribery, and corruption                                             Global governance structure and practices, including enterprise-wide ethics and compliance
                                                                                         policies, programs, and training activities

                     Data/IT security                                                    Our CSR Strategy – Data Security and Privacy
                     and data privacy                                                    Information technology security initiatives, policies, and privacy notices, including risk management,
                                                                                         Online FedEx Trust Center with data protection resources, and Global Privacy Office

 Supply chain        Social impact of                                                    Economy – Our Global Supply Chain
                     FedEx supply chains                                                 Supplier diversity, sustainability, and compliance guided by FedEx Supplier Relationship
                                                                                         Management team across all operating companies

 Environment         GHG emissions associated                                            Environment – Energy and GHG Emission Reduction
                     with transportation fleet                                           Fuel efficiency and emission reduction targets, aircraft and vehicle fleet modernization,
                                                                                         alternative fuel strategies, and responsible advocacy for regulatory and policy changes
                                                                                         for fuel efficiency and emission reduction standards
                     Environmental impact                                                Enabling E-Commerce, Expanding What’s Possible
                     on local communities                                                Economy – Driving Innovation
                                                                                         Innovative last-mile delivery solutions, including use of robots and drones, pilot studies to optimize
                                                                                         urban package pickup and delivery, and other advancements to reduce emissions, traffic
                                                                                         congestion, and noise
                                                                                         Convenient package pickup or dropoff locations at more than 94,000 various stores,
                                                                                         FedEx Office locations, and others around the world by the end of 2020

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Materiality – Focusing on What Matters Most (Continued)

 Topic Area    Material Topics          Relevant UN SDGs   Relevant Report Chapters and Sections
 People        Workplace safety                            People – Safety Above All
               and team member                             Wide range of team member vehicle, aviation, and workplace safety training and awareness
               security                                    programs, as well as state-of-the-art safety systems and equipment

               Team member                                 People – Diversity and Inclusion
               diversity and                               Diversity & Inclusion Council to drive an inclusive culture, along with education and numerous
               inclusion                                   initiatives and team member resources to foster a diverse and inclusive environment in our
                                                           operating companies
               Workforce recruitment,                      People – Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent
               retention, pay, hours,                      People – Learning and Development
               conditions, and                             People – Team Member Quality of Life
               development                                 Variety of recruiting, training, career development, and educational assistance opportunities,
                                                           including internships, scholarships, mentoring, and tuition support, as well as world-class
                                                           employee benefits for health and wellness
 Economy       Economic impact                             Economy – Multiplying Possibilities Beyond Our Business
               and access                                  Economy – Our Global Supply Chain
                                                           Our CSR Strategy – FedEx Cares
                                                           Diverse programs to support youth, women, veterans, and others in accessing employment;
                                                           assistance to small-business owners; and cash, in-kind support, and volunteering to benefit
                                                           people and communities

14                                                                                                                            2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
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Materiality – Focusing on What Matters Most (Continued)

Commercially Critical Topics
These are topics that are commercially relevant to our business and that represent a high level of influence on key stakeholder assessments and decisions.

 Topic Area         Material Topics                  UN SDGs                          Relevant Report Chapters and Sections
 Economy            Product and service                                               Enabling E-Commerce, Expanding What’s Possible
                    innovation                                                        Economy – Driving Innovation
                                                                                      Development and testing of Roxo™, the FedEx SameDay Bot, and drone delivery to support
                                                                                      e-commerce growth, while also reducing emissions, traffic congestion, and noise, especially
                                                                                      in busy urban areas; blockchain technology for traceability; packaging innovations to minimize
                                                                                      materials, dimensions, weight, and waste
                    FedEx financial well-being                                        Economy – Multiplying Possibilities in Our Business
                    and profitability                                                 One of the largest U.S.-based companies, with more than 475,000 team members and 6%
                                                                                      increase in FY19 total revenue over FY18

                    Customer experience,                                              Economy – Driving Innovation
                    satisfaction, and service                                         Development and testing of Roxo, the FedEx SameDay Bot, and drone delivery — just two
                                                                                      of our recent innovations with the potential to enhance customer convenience and service

 People             Road and                                                          People – Safety Above All
                    public safety                                                     Fleet enhancements with state-of-the-art safety systems and equipment; driver safety programs
                                                                                      and training; support of community-based road safety programs, such as Safe Kids

 Governance         Business preparedness,                                            Our CSR Strategy – Business Preparedness, Resiliency, and Disaster Response
                    resiliency, and disaster                                          Contingency plans for events such as disasters or social unrest, participation in numerous
                    response                                                          emergency management organizations, and disaster relief aid through in-kind shipping

15                                                                                                                                                           2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
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Responsible Engagement
Growing our business responsibly, resourcefully and in a
forward-thinking manner not only drives the long-term success
of our company, but also benefits millions of stakeholders
by creating income and opportunities for customers,
team members, communities, shareowners, and suppliers.

                                                                    Connecting with Our Stakeholders                 external platforms and protocols, including
                                                                    While formal CSR materiality assessments         the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure
                                                                    inform and refine our approach, goals,           Project), EcoVadis, and Responsible
                                                                    targets, and metrics on environmental,           Business Alliance (RBA). We also report on
                                                                    social, and governance topics, we also           these issues in our own publicly available
                                                                    seek wide-ranging input from our team            documents, such as the FedEx Annual
                                                                    members and external stakeholders through        Report, Proxy Statement, and this report.
                                                                    ongoing engagement efforts. For instance,
                                                                    our proactive shareowner engagement              Minimizing Impacts
                                                                    program allows us to meet regularly with         on Local Communities
                                                                    our largest shareowners to discuss our           We are leveraging a variety of innovative
                                                                    business strategy, operations, sustainability,   approaches to reduce road congestion
                                                                    and social responsibility programs, as well      and emissions, and are testing emerging
                                                                    as corporate governance and other topics         technologies that use robotics, artificial
                                                                    of interest to them. This provides us the        intelligence, and drone technology to
                                                                    feedback needed to better understand             further minimize the impact of motorized
                                                                    their priorities, perspectives, and concerns,    vehicles we have on the road. Across our
                                                                    and effectively address issues that matter       operating companies, we work to minimize
                                                                    most to them.                                    impacts and make sure known impacts
                                                                                                                     do not adversely affect the communities
                                                                    In addition, we recognize that FedEx             where we operate. For instance, FedEx
                                                                    customers around the world are increasingly      Express participates in airport-directed
                                                                    interested in our CSR performance, and           noise monitoring and control programs, and
                                                                    we meet with them when appropriate to            works with industry associations to provide
                                                                    discuss our CSR programs and progress.           accurate information about the benefits
                                                                    To make sure they have additional                and impacts of aviation. As part of new
                                                                    convenient avenues for receiving the             construction at some airports, we perform
                                                                    information they seek, we use a streamlined      a noise analysis on the impact of our
                                                                    approach to share our environmental,             construction as well as the impacts of our
                                                                    social, and governance performance. This         new facilities once they are operational.
                                                                    includes providing detailed information on
                                                                    a wide variety of CSR topics to recognized

16                                                                                                                               2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                       Economy                               People                       Environment                 Data Appendix

CSR Advocacy
To further progress toward our CSR goals, we support responsible
                                                                                                                                                     Alliances for
advocacy such as initiatives that advance next-generation                                                                                            Industry Progress
delivery innovations, talent management, fleet efficiency,                                                                                           FedEx works with various government and

and alternative fuel technology.                                                                                                                     industry organizations to foster innovation
                                                                                                                                                     and improve the transportation sector’s
                                                                                                                                                     environmental, social, and business
                                                                                                                                                     performance including:
For example, we support efforts to              FedEx is also participating in the U.S.               We have also been working with the state
modernize federal laws and regulations that     Department of Transportation Unmanned                 of California to support their public policy   Business and Governance
encourage safety and efficiency advances        Aircraft System IPP in conjunction with               efforts toward zero-emission vehicles.         •   American Trucking Associations
in transportation technology, such as the       the Memphis Shelby-County Airport                     We share the state’s desire for commercially   •   Business Ethics Leadership Alliance
                                                                                                                                                     •   European Express Association
use of robotics and drone technology to         Authority, conducting drone operations                available, scalable, zero-emission vehicles,
                                                                                                                                                     •   Express Association of America
revolutionize package delivery.                 on airport property to generate data                  and we want to make sure that vehicle          •   International Air Transport Association
                                                to help inform future unmanned                        manufacturers plan to develop vehicles             and Airlines for America
In 2019 for the first time in the U.S., a       aircraft system policymaking.                         that can meet our performance needs,           •   International Civil Aviation Organization
drone completed a scheduled commercial                                                                including sufficient power, weight capacity,   •   International Road Assessment Programme
residential delivery to a home in Virginia.     Likewise, FedEx supports responsible                  and other requirements.                        •   The Business Roundtable
The drone delivery was conducted by Wing        policies to advance alternative fuel                                                                 •   Society for Corporate Governance
Aviation LLC, a subsidiary of Alphabet, Inc.,   technologies for the commercial sector.               Also in FY19 and in concert with many          •   U.S. Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                                     •   U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
in collaboration with FedEx Express, as part    From 2007 through 2019, we have                       others in the transportation industry, we
of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s      successfully advocated for legislation and            continued engaging with U.S. federal           Innovation
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration           regulation, such as the U.S. Environmental            lawmakers and regulators to allow larger       • Blockchain in Transport Alliance
Pilot Program (IPP). The delivery of a FedEx    Protection Agency’s Phase 2 fuel efficiency           33‑foot trailers in a twin configuration.        (charter member)
                                                                                                                                                     • Blockchain Research Institute
Express package on October 18, 2019,            and GHG standards, which established                  Notably, this solution does not require
marked the launch of our first scheduled        first-ever GHG standards for all commercial           any change to gross vehicle weight,            People
commercial residential drone delivery           vehicles in the U.S., and incentivizes the            could increase freight capacity by 18%         •   American Industrial Hygiene Association
service and the first scheduled e-commerce      production of clean technology vehicles such          and reduce truck traffic on highways by        •   American Society of Safety Engineers
delivery via drone delivery trial in the        as hybrid-electric, all-electric, alternative fuel,   1.3 billion miles per year. The resulting      •   Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
                                                                                                                                                     •   Inner City Capital Connections
U.S. For more about our first-of-its-kind       fuel cell, and other advanced technology              fuel and emissions savings for our linehaul
                                                                                                                                                     •   Women’s Business Enterprise
testing of drone delivery, see the              vehicles needed by FedEx, as well as other            and freight operations, as well as others,         National Council
Driving Innovation section in the               commercial vehicle fleets.                            could be significant.
Economy chapter of this report.                                                                                                                      Environment
                                                                                                      To learn more, please view our                 • The Electrification Coalition
                                                                                                                                                     • Keystone Policy Center Energy Board
                                                                                                      Policy Perspectives Overview.
                                                                                                                                                     • Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance
                                                                                                                                                     • Securing America’s Future Energy
                                                                                                                                                     • Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council
                                                                                                                                                     • U.S. Department of Energy, National Highway
                                                                                                                                                       Traffic Safety Administration and National
                                                                                                                                                       Clean Fleets Partnership
                                                                                                                                                     • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
                                                                                                                                                       SmartWay ® Program

17                                                                                                                                                                2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                       Economy                              People                       Environment                    Data Appendix

Corporate Integrity and Compliance
FedEx strives to maintain the highest standards of business and
personal ethics. Integrity is essential to the FedEx culture, brand,
and reputation, and is a foundational pillar of the company’s success.
FedEx takes this responsibility seriously and is also committed to
complying with all laws in the countries in which we operate.

Corporate Integrity and                           Code of Conduct
Compliance department                             Trust and reliability are critically important to
Each FedEx operating company works within         our customers. FedEx team members earn
a unique set of regulatory environments and       this trust each day by delivering the Purple
maintains compliance with regional and            Promise. The FedEx Code of Conduct
sector-specific requirements. Globally, the       provides guidance for team members and
FedEx Corporate Integrity and Compliance          demonstrates how to act lawfully and
department serves as a central resource to        ethically at all times. The Code applies
further embed the FedEx commitment to             to every FedEx officer, director, and
integrity in everything we do. Led by our         team member across the enterprise.
Chief Compliance Officer, this department
                                                  As the foundation of our corporate integrity
provides best practices, tools, and guidance,
                                                  and compliance program, the Code sets a             scenarios and examples of how to apply the       When a matter is reported to a manager or
as well as communications and training
                                                  high standard for team member conduct               Code in action. Our officers, directors, and     HR, those team members will review and
to team members across the enterprise.
                                                  worldwide. The Code’s provisions cover,             managers have the additional responsibility      determine whether it should be escalated
FedEx encourages team members to
                                                  among other things, workplace health,               of promoting the principles set forth in         to the Legal department. The Legal
report any potential legal or ethical violation
                                                  safety, and environment; human rights;              the Code and fostering a culture in which        department has criteria for further escalation
to management, Legal, HR, Security,
                                                  money laundering prevention; equal                  ethical conduct is recognized, valued, and       within the Legal department management.
or the 24-hour FedEx Alert Line, which
                                                  opportunity and anti-harassment; conflicts          demonstrated by all team members. Our
is accessible via telephone and online,                                                                                                                Additional policies specify our requirements
                                                  of interest; improper payments and bribes;          commitment to doing the right thing depends
with translations in over 35 languages.                                                                                                                and expectations on a range of integrity
                                                  gifts and entertainment; and data security          on our leaders’ ability to set the proper tone
                                                  and privacy.                                        and address suspected violations promptly,       and compliance matters. These are
For more information about our compliance
                                                                                                      with care and respect.                           developed and updated when we identify
record, as well as compliance in the social
                                                  The Code was first adopted in June 2003                                                              a need for employee clarification, the
and economic area, see the 2019 Proxy
                                                  and continues to be updated periodically.           Pursuant to the Code, if any FedEx officer,      emergence of new regulations, or other
                                                  In 2019, it was updated and streamlined to          director, manager, or employee knows or          external factors. For more information,
                                                  make sure it remains engaging, accessible,          suspects a violation of the Code, any law,       see our policies.
                                                  and relevant to our global team members.            regulation, or FedEx policy, they must report
                                                  The Code helps team members understand              the matter immediately to a manager,
                                                  how to adhere to the laws, ethical standards,       company contact, HR, the FedEx Alert Line,
                                                  ideas, and values relevant to FedEx, offering       FedEx Legal, or Security.

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Corporate Integrity and Compliance (Continued)

Anti-Corruption Policies                         A Workplace Free of                                Combating Human Trafficking
and Practices                                    Harassment and Discrimination                      We share the zero-tolerance policies adopted
We are committed to complying with all           At FedEx, a respective and inclusive work          by the U.S. and other governments against
anti-corruption laws and prohibit bribes         environment for all team members is of             slavery or the trafficking of persons for any
of any type throughout our organization.         utmost importance. Through the Code,               purpose. We prohibit trafficking-related
Our Global Anti-Corruption Policy and            policies on equal opportunity and non-             activities and expect the same of our
related Anti-Corruption Compliance               discrimination, training, and related resources,   suppliers and contractors. We have also
Procedures provide detailed guidance to          we strive to create an environment free of         launched a training program to educate,
team members. Anti-corruption training           harassment and discrimination. Our policy          equip, empower, and mobilize select team
is required for team members in relevant         against retaliation encourages employees           members in this effort.
roles. This includes management in               to come forward to report concerns in good
                                                                                                    See the FedEx Policy Prohibiting Trafficking
international operations, as well as team        faith. We take any report of such behavior
                                                                                                    in Persons for more information about our
members and suppliers who interact with          seriously and treat each incident with
government officials on behalf of FedEx,         confidentiality and sensitivity.
such as customs and border personnel.
                                                 Supporting Human Rights
Our third-party compliance program
                                                 Our commitment to protecting human
includes due diligence, contractual
                                                 rights is an important part of our Code of
anti-corruption representations and
                                                 Conduct. We are committed to protecting
warranties, annual certifications of
                                                 and advancing human rights in all of our
compliance, training, contracts, ongoing
                                                 operations around the world. We prohibit
watch list monitoring, and other practices
                                                 the use of child, compulsory, or forced labor,
to mitigate risks. The Code includes a clear
                                                 and have zero tolerance for and prohibit
prohibition of improper payments and
                                                 slavery and human trafficking. We pay fair
bribes, descriptions of what would be
                                                 wages and comply with wage laws in all
considered improper, questions and
                                                 the countries where we operate. And we
answers, and reference to the Global
                                                 require our third parties and suppliers
Anti-Corruption Policy for more detailed
                                                 to uphold these important principles.

We maintain a robust program to ensure
that our third-party suppliers and contractors
adhere to requirements and expectations for
ethical and compliant behavior at all times.
This begins with background due diligence
and specific contract language, and in some
circumstances extends to internal audits,
business reviews, annual certifications of
compliance, and training in anti-corruption
and other topics.

19                                                                                                                                                       2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
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Corporate Integrity and Compliance (Continued)

Ethics, Integrity, and Compliance                   We also encourage all of our operating            The FedEx Trust Center website highlights
                                                    companies to implement their own                  our Global Privacy Policy, along with
Training and Communications                         communications plans for the Code, drawing        information about how FedEx protects
Regular training is a key component of              on guidance and best practices provided           customer privacy and resources to help
our corporate integrity and compliance              by the Corporate Integrity and Compliance         customers identify, report, and mitigate risks.
program. To ensure our compliance training          team and customized to local operating            Notably, FedEx does not sell its customers’
– including courses in anti-corruption,             environments and languages. This includes         personal data to third parties. For more
antitrust, conflicts of interest, trade controls,   making sure that managers frequently talk         information, please see our 2019 Form 10-K.
insider trading, data privacy, and other            about the Code with employees.
topics covered in the updated Code –
connects deeply with our employees,                 With respect to acquisitions, FedEx takes
we collaborated with a new vendor to                a risk-based approach in determining the
update our online compliance training               type of training new employees will need.
in FY19. The updated online training is             We then develop targeted training materials
engaging and provides numerous ways                 and communications on ethics, compliance,
for team members to connect with the                and related policies designed to make sure
importance of the messages.                         the FedEx culture of compliance is ingrained
                                                    in that new company right away. Staff from
Rollout of the new Code was accompanied             our Corporate Integrity and Compliance
by an array of communications and training.         department and/or regional Legal team
For employees who do not have regular               are available to provide support and
access to computers, such as couriers               training to the newly acquired companies.
and airport ramp personnel, managers
have been given resources and talking               Data Security and Privacy
points about the Code to discuss in pre-
                                                    Protecting the privacy of our customers,
shift meetings. More detailed in-person
                                                    vendors, and team members is critical to
training has also been developed for
                                                    maintaining their trust. We take precautions
certain positions, depending on the role
                                                    to safeguard all personal data and ensure
and associated risks they may face as part
                                                    a secure environment, including customer
of their job. For existing team members,
                                                    transactions. In FY17 and FY18, we took
the pace of training on the Code and other
                                                    the necessary steps to update our privacy
compliance topics has varying recurrence
                                                    practices and policies in response to the
depending on their job duties and the risks
                                                    European Union (EU) General Data Protection
they may face. Every new employee also
                                                    Regulation. This included creating a Global
has exposure to the Code, either through
                                                    Privacy Office that addresses not only
online training or manager discussions.
                                                    EU legislation, but upcoming regulations in
                                                    other regions as well, including the California
                                                    Consumer Privacy Act in 2020. FedEx also
                                                    uses Binding Corporate Rules, which were
                                                    approved in FY19, to enable the flow of
                                                    European data across our organization.

20                                                                                                                                                           2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                       Economy                            People   Environment   Data Appendix

Business Preparedness, Resiliency, and Disaster Response
As a leading global logistics company, we encounter challenging
situations, ranging from natural disasters to social unrest, in the course
of doing business. Preparing for these events is critical to sustaining
our global operations and minimizing impact on customers.
We proactively establish contingency             To further support our internal processes,
plans that focus on restoring service to         we participate in State Emergency
customers while ensuring team member             Operations Centers programs, as well as
safety. We have over 40 years of experience      the FEMA-Northern Command Public-
in proactively addressing situations, such       Private-Partnership program, which brings
as severe weather events, that can occur         private-sector companies like FedEx
at any given time anywhere in the world.         together with national, state, and local
We are adept at implementing contingency         emergency management organizations to
plans at a moment’s notice to respond            work collaboratively before, during, and after
quickly, efficiently, and on a global scale.     disasters. Our active participation in these
This positions us to safely restore operations   initiatives helps us gain the earliest possible
promptly following natural disasters, serve      safe re-entry to affected areas.
our customers as quickly as possible,
and ensure security for their shipments.

Our operating companies have planning
teams that apply sophisticated analytical
models to assess scenarios that could
potentially affect our operations and
develop robust strategies to ensure network
resilience. These tools incorporate a
variety of factors, including but not limited
to population, congestion, and demand
changes. We also have an in-house,
15-staff meteorology division that utilizes
state-of-the-art weather monitoring tools
to manage risks associated with global
weather patterns.

21                                                                                                                       2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                          Economy                            People                    Environment                    Data Appendix

CSR Goals and Progress
In FY19, we made continued progress toward                                                                                                                                Goal            Progress

our social and environmental goals, meeting our
community investment goal ahead of schedule.

Investment in communities                                            Aircraft emissions intensity                                  Vehicle fuel efficiency
Invest $200 million in 200 communities                               Reduce aircraft emissions intensity                           Increase FedEx Express vehicle fuel efficiency
around the world by 2020                                             30% from a 2005 baseline by 2020                              50% from a 2005 baseline by 2025

     $219m                                                             30%                                                           50%
                                                                       24%                                                           40.9%

          Investment goal met in FY19: $219 million since 2016.
          Community goal met in FY18: 378 communities
          benefited since 2016.                                             24% reduction from a 2005 baseline.

     NOTE: FedEx Cares goal was set in 2016 and met in 2019,           NOTE: We have not yet achieved our 30% reduction                   Improved fuel efficiency by 1.3% during FY19,
     ahead of schedule. Our new goal is FedEx Cares 50 by 50           goal due to retained aircraft that had been scheduled
     – we will directly impact 50 million people by our 50th           for retirement. We have announced we will be retiring              contributing to a 40.9% improvement from
     anniversary in 2023.                                              aircraft in FY20.                                                  a 2005 baseline.

22                                                                                                                                                                    2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                         Economy                         People                       Environment                Data Appendix

CSR Goals and Progress (Continued)

               LEED-certified facilities                                     Alternative fuels                                                   Renewable energy
               Seek LEED (Leadership in Energy and                           Obtain 30% of jet fuel from                                         Expand on-site energy generation
               Environmental Design) certification on all                    alternative fuels by 2030                                           and continue to procure renewable
               new U.S. FedEx Express buildings                                                                                                  energy for facilities

FedEx Express (U.S.)                                              Low-carbon, renewable jet fuel

New LEED-certified
facilities in FY19
                                  LEED-certified FedEx
                                  Express facilities at the
                                                                  Red Rock
                                                                  Red Rock Biofuels, which
                                                                  will supply low-carbon,
                                                                                                   1       ST
                                                                                                   The first delivery of
                                                                                                   alternative jet fuels
                                                                                                                                   2 25
                                                                                                                                   New solar
                                                                                                                                   installations in FY19
                                                                                                                                                               Total on-site solar
                                                                                                                                                               installations at end
                                  end of FY19, totaling           renewable jet fuel to            is anticipated in the                                       of FY19
                                  275,850 square meters           FedEx Express, began             second half of 2020.
                                                                  constructing a biodiesel
                                                                  refinery in 2019.
                                                                  The refinery anticipates
                                                                  shipping its first delivery of
                                                                  product by the end of 2020.
     	FedEx Express (Int’l.): 3 LEED-certified facilities
     	FedEx Ground (U.S.): 6 LEED-certified facilities                                                                              	More than 23 million kWh generated in FY19
     	FedEx Office (U.S.): 1 LEED-certified facility                                                                                	13,447 metric tons of CO2e emissions
     	FedEx Freight (U.S): 1 LEED-certified facility                                                                                  avoided in FY19

23                                                                                                                                                         2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                     Economy                           People                      Environment             Data Appendix

FedEx Cares: Community Giving
We believe that investing in communities has the potential
to multiply opportunities around the world. FedEx Cares,
our global community engagement program, is one more way
we live out our purpose of connecting people and possibilities.
We deliver the connections that help           In 2019, we surpassed the citizenship goal       through a combination of charitable giving,
create possibilities in communities globally   we set in 2016 – invest $200 million in          in-kind contributions, and team member
by investing in strategies and programs        200 communities by 2020 – and invested           volunteerism focused on direct and
that align with our values. This includes      a total of $219 million that benefited 378       positive impacts to individuals. Already,
monetary donations, in-kind shipping           communities. Since 2016, we have been            the program is leveraging FedEx business
services, and team member volunteering         honored and humbled to support individuals,      and logistics expertise and combining it
to benefit communities around the world.       communities, and entrepreneurs as they           with team members’ passion to create
FedEx Citizenship evolved its strategy to      work to create a better future. For example,     opportunities and build more vibrant
meet the changing needs of society and         from 2016 to 2019, the contributions             communities worldwide.
our business. FedEx believes we can make       supported include:
even greater impact by strengthening our                                                        For more information, visit the
                                               • D
                                                  elivery of 3,108 relief shipments, with      FedEx Cares website.
commitment to three focus areas.                 humanitarian aid valued at $105.8 million,
                                                 to 888 health clinics and hospitals in
FedEx Cares Focus Areas                          41 countries through Direct Relief.
Global Entrepreneurship
                                               • Access to loans for 10,000 small-business
Providing women and minority
                                                 owners helping their businesses reach
entrepreneurs everywhere with
                                                 new heights.
the tools they need to succeed.
                                               • Training and support for 207 women
Delivering for Good                              entrepreneurs in Latin America and the
Lending our global network and our               Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa,
unparalleled logistics expertise to              and sub-Saharan Africa through the
organizations with mission-critical needs,       ongoing Vital Voices program.
especially in times of disaster, and to help
                                               • Sustainable transportation programs
communities heal, learn, and thrive.
                                                 that benefited 7.3 million+ people globally.
Sustainable Logistics
Sharing our global logistics expertise         In FY20, we launched an ambitious new
to improve urban mobility and accelerate       initiative to build on our good work and
progress toward more sustainable               celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2023.
fleets in order to restore and protect         FedEx Cares 50 by 50 aims to directly
the natural environment.                       impact 50 million people by our 50th year
                                               of operations in 2023. FedEx Cares 50 by
                                               50 enables social change around the world

24                                                                                                                                                 2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                  Economy                     People                   Environment     Data Appendix

Community Giving                                         FY19 Community Giving

                                                         $62.41m                            $53.78m                     $7.70m
Previous goal: Invest $200 million in 200
communities around the world by 2020
(FedEx Cares goal was set in 2016).
New goal: Directly impact 50 million
                                                         Total corporate charitable         Cash grants                 Charitable shipping
people by our 50th anniversary in 2023.                  contributions
Met and exceeded financial contribution goal,
with $219 million invested in communities.
Met and exceeded goal for number of
communities benefited, with 378 in total.
                                                         $.93m                              $8.9m                       24,684
                                                         Corporate marketing and            Team member United          Team member volunteers,
We are committed to actively supporting the              operating company in-kind giving   Way cash contributions      nearly double FY18
communities we serve through the strategic
investment of our people, resources, and

                                                         105,845                            >500
network. We provide financial contributions,
in-kind charitable shipping services, and
team member volunteering to help non-profit
organizations achieve their goals and make a
measurable impact. We also devote additional             Volunteer hours                    Communities participating
resources to FedEx Cares focus areas.

For instance, in support of the Sustainable
Logistics focus area, FedEx has collaborated
with World Resources Institute (WRI) for the
last decade to develop urban mobility solutions
in some of the world’s fastest-growing cities
through a steadfast focus on improved public
transit services. These solutions connect people
to jobs, schools, and opportunities by improving
the quality, safety, and efficiency of public
transport. Through support on topics such as
quality-of-service benchmarking and perception,
fleet electrification, and emissions targets,
driver-safety training, route optimization tools,
asset management, and fleet mobilization and
resiliency planning, this successful collaboration
with WRI has helped over 9 million people in
36 cities across Brazil, China, India, and Mexico.
These projects have scaled to other countries
in Latin America, Europe, and Africa.

25                                                                                                                              2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
Our CSR Strategy                  Economy                        People   Environment   Data Appendix

Awards and Recognition
World’s Most Admired Companies 2019         World’s Best Employers 2019 (15th)
(10th)                                      FORBES
                                            The Civic 50 Listing of America’s Most
100 Best Places to Work 2019 (15th)         Community-Minded Companies 2019
FORTUNE                                     POINTS OF LIGHT

Anti-Corruption and CSR Award               Spotlight Impact Award 2019

Best Workplaces for Diversity 2018          America’s Most Responsible
(15th)                                      Companies 2020 (84th)

Citizens Awards: Best Disaster              America’s Most Responsible Companies
Response and Community                      2020: Travel, Transport, & Logistics
Resilience Program 2019                     Sector (1st)

America’s Top Corporations for              A- Leadership Level Score,
Women’s Business Enterprises 2018           Climate Change Disclosure 2019
                                            Top Corporate
50 Best Companies for Diversity 2018        Solar Users 2018 (14th)
                                            SOLAR ENERGY INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION
                                            Best of the Best Corporation
Innovation by Design Award
                                            for Inclusion 2019
Honoree for Roxo™, the FedEx                NATIONAL BUSINESS INCLUSION CONSORTIUM
SameDay Bot 2019

26                                                                                                               2020 FedEx Global Citizenship Report
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