AGSM CAREERS MONTH 2015 - DAILY SUMMARY - AGSM @ UNSW Business School Career Development Centre - UNSW Business ...

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AGSM CAREERS MONTH 2015 - DAILY SUMMARY - AGSM @ UNSW Business School Career Development Centre - UNSW Business ...
                       MONTH 2015
                    DAILY SUMMARY

                     AGSM @ UNSW Business School
                     Career Development Centre
Never Stand Still    Business School
Attendees                                            –– Ahmed Fahour, CEO - Auspost
Brad Noakes, Partner & Managing Director             –– Melodie Potts Rosevar, CEO – Teach for
Michael Schniering, Principal  Alumnus 2010             Australia - revolutionising education system
Dorothee Ihm, Project Leader    Alumnus 2011         –– Adam Jacobs, Co-Founder of The Iconic
Paul McNamara, Project Leader   Alumnus 2012         –– There is a real diversity in what the BCG
Frederik Mayeres, Consultant    Alumnus 2015            people go on to do and you are encouraged
Maisie Farmer, Recruitment Lead                         to follow your passions
BCG global firm | 80+ offices | 46+ countries        –– Very serious about social impact and
                                                        undertake >300 social impact projects
–– BCG is rapidly growing, the past several years       annually
   has seen the firm has double in size, growing     –– Working with Bill and Melinda Gates, worked
   the fastest out of all the strategy firms            on addressing global malaria problems, were
–– Operating in four cities domestically - Sydney,      engaged to assist on the response to Ebola
   Canberra, Perth and Melbourne                        outbreak and delivered a plan to help Ebola
–– Diverse portfolio, every year about 30               be contained
   different clients across all industries           –– Have worked for over decade on supporting
–– Diverse set of people, +21 nationalities             the indigenous empowerment through Darwin
   throughout the organisation, large focus on          Foundation
   international recruiting                          Brad Noakes
–– 49% female pipeline to partnership                –– Been with BCG for twelve years
–– 75% work performed is with repeat clients         –– What they are seeing today is that the
–– About a third of clients have been with BCG          demand for strategic advisors is increasing
   for >19 years                                        dramatically
–– Consulting isn’t easy, interesting but tough      –– Industry and government departments need
–– Work life balance is taken very seriously            assistance to navigate the fast changing
–– BCG recently collaborated with Professor             business environment
   Leslie Perlow (Harvard), Sleeping With Your       Dorothee Ihm
   Smart Phone                                       –– Joined AGSM from Germany in 2010
–– People were feeling like the demands from         –– Background in cultural studies and geography,
   business meant you had to be ‘on’ all the time       did masters in geography before commencing
–– Took findings from the study and implemented         MBA
   PTO - Predictability, Teaming, Open               –– Never thought she would use the geography
   Communication                                        masters in professional life, but used advanced
–– This initiative has drastically changed the
                                                        geo analysis on BCG engagements, got to
   working environment and career satisfaction
                                                        apply geo spatial analysis
–– Training is taken very seriously, invest 4.5
                                                     –– Importance on industry focus/expertise, not
   weeks training for each person annually
                                                        so typical when joining BCG at Consultant
–– Structured training, Regional training, In-
                                                        level, joined with a bit of a focus on telco and
   house training, Global training, importance
   placed on mixing with international BCG              media and has been able to work on several
   offices                                              very high stakes telecommunication projects
–– Day to day learning in the project environment,      to enhance specialisation
   peer to peer learning, consulting role helps      –– Best part of working with BCG is that you are
   you grow much faster than perhaps the                working on issues that are important to the
   corporate environment, stretches you faster          CEO, can work on projects worth billions of
–– BCG take their alumni relationships very             dollars, projects that are changing the path of
   serious                                              this country and large organisations
–– As you are generally working in small teams,      BCG Digital Ventures
   your input is impacting change, you can see       –– About 18 months ago started BCG DV,
   the results of your work                             founded in LA and has grown through
–– Undertook an engagement in Singapore in              acquisition and organic growth, fast growing
   2013, started as a three week project, ended      –– Work with clients to come up with new
   up being 4/5 months, not an industry she was         products, services, new venture ideas,
   familiar with, had to strengthen other muscles,      innovation sprint, potential opportunities to
   got home every other week, enjoyed getting
                                                     –– Will bring in mix of skills, designers, customer
   to know new city, new team, engagement was
                                                        research, entrepreneurs, to work with clients
   a good example for apprenticeship, concept           to rapidly prototype new business
   of learning from your peers, learning in that     –– Sydney office started with an acquisition and
   case experience                                      is now working with several core clients
–– Worked under project leader, only one year        –– In terms of intake, look for slightly different
   ahead in tenure but saw how fast you learn           skill set, project management, technology,
–– There are a range of opportunities to work           digital skills
   abroad, temporary transfers, structured one       –– Run as a separate business, recruited through
   year exchanges                                       a different stream
–– Heading up local BCG women’s initiative,          What does a typical engagement team
   The X Files                                       look like and how does an MBA fit in?
–– Not meant to give women an unfair advantage       Paul:
   but to foster a sense of affiliation within the   –– There is no typical answer, his first project
   organisation                                         consisted of a team of two, has worked in
–– They run a few events annual to create a             teams of 15/20, the average is around 4/5
   community of women within BCG, providing             people
   support, working with senior female role          –– Role of consultant, you are expected to
   models, try to pair more junior women with           engage from your very first project, you will
   senior leaders, mentorships, encourage               work closely with senior consultants for the
   everyone to learn about flexible work                first three months but you are expected to
                                                        talk up and have input
                                                     –– You are hired for your experience and smarts
–– Part time is available at BCG, very strong
                                                        and are expected to be ‘on’ straight away
   commitment to make client facing roles
   available on a part time basis                    –– Worked across a variety of projects since
–– Strong market position means they can factor         joining after MBA, you are expected to
   in flexible work options for client engagements      leverage your background, clients expect to
Michael Schniering                                      hear from you
–– Pretty well balanced across industry sectors,     –– It is important to have an understanding the
                                                        organisation dynamics, complexities involved
   mix of public and private engagements,
                                                        in implementing projects, in building those
   banking, telco, media, consumer
–– Undertake large scale major transformation,
   whole company transformation, new growth          Does BCG play in the healthcare
   models, new business build, mainly in the         landscape?
   private sector, helping companies to use their    –– Performed work both with federal government
   data effectively                                     and private
                                                     –– Engaged to look at the evolving roles of
How much time for Sydney consultants                    insurance providers in healthcare space,
spend on international projects?                        there is lots of disruption in this sector,
–– First year is spent working primarily out            looked at the utilisation of cost of care, public
   of Australia, they like to ensure you are            policy at a national level, work with pharma
   trained up before you can undertake an               on bringing new products to market, its an
   ambassadorship/temporary transfer                    interesting and dynamic sector, in the midst
–– Gets lots of opportunities to work overseas          of change and disruption
   but has worked primarily in Sydney due to         –– Brad: working with one of Australia’s largest
                                                        health insurers, going from insurer to assurer,
   family commitments
                                                        how they think about their customers
–– Traditionally consulting has been fee for          –– Same goes with working with clients, they
   service, more akin to other professional              work very much hand in hand, try and affect
   services                                              change at all levels of the business, focused
–– Long time ago clients demanded more in                on impacting change throughout the client
   terms of committing to delivering an outcome          business, not just at the CEO level
   and impact BCG results now being linked to         –– Frederik: openness in regards to client work,
   result of client                                      the door is always open, there are no stupid
–– More innovative structures being used to              questions
   affect the outcome clients are trying to           –– Currently working in case with DV,
   achieve                                               communicated very clearly that we have
–– Committed to working with client to figure out        only started, most knowledge sits within the
   what the best option is for them, particularly        organisation
   in large scale transformation projects
                                                      What are they looking for?
Which sector is expecting the most                    –– Creativity and curiosity, looking for analytical
growth?                                                  thinking and willingness to bring new ideas
–– Australian economy is seeing massive                  and experience
   disruption across all sectors                      –– Curiosity as to what the underlying cause is
–– BCG run a portfolio and don’t try to concentrate      for the clients
   on any particular area, see growth in all areas    –– They want you to be interested and enthusiastic
–– Have some big bets but typically against              through interview and application process,
   sectors that they are underweight in but don’t        not too interested in the answer, want to see
   have a crystal ball, can’t predict who will be        how you get there, want to see how you think
   growing                                            –– Looking for demonstrated leadership and
–– Growth is the most important thing for any            good team members, the role you play can
   company in private sector can do                      change from project to project
How much creativity are you allowed?                  –– Interview process is in three rounds, each
–– A lot, never really come with a ready                 round has two interviews, case study and
   framework or a typical way of addressing the          culture fit
   issue                                              –– 40 minutes per interview
–– Come at it from a different perspective, BCG       –– They want to see your experience and skills,
   has two streams; generalist consultants and           what have you done in the past, what are you
   expert consultants                                    looking to achieve, why BCG, what are you
–– BCG investing heavily in getting people with          hoping for your career at BCG
   lateral expertise to help develop portfolio in     –– Looking to get hands dirty, ability to poke
   areas that require a particular set of skills,        and prod to ask the right questions, the tools
   works across a variety of projects                    you use and the approach you take, how you
–– Illustrates the willingness to try new things         demonstrate your experience, how do you go
   and adapt to changing market                          about solving the problem, what questions do
–– Opportunity to get involved in a mixture of           you ask, how do a I decompose the problem
   things, open and willing culture, if you have         to its core parts, what data do I need to
   a new way of solving things, you will be              answer the question
   supported to test your theory                          Applications open: 18th September
Cultural perspective differentiation?                     Applications close: 20th September
–– Focused on finding the solution and                –– Address cover letter to Maisie Farmer – make
   strategy, delivering impact for the client in a       your cover letter stand out, they do read
   collaborative way, BCG at its heart is a true         them and it is your opportunity to show some
   global partnership                                    personality
–– It’s about the best idea, best thinking rather     –– No more than three page resume!
   than a hierarchical structure
–– If the newest member of the team has a great               Apply via the career
   idea, they are given as much attention as a               management platform
Attendees                                            Various streams within McKinsey?
Ben Fletcher, Partner                                –– Not enough to have a team of generalists any
Rob Allan, Senior Implementation Leader                 more, clients demand more
                                 Alumnus 1991        –– One bar set across the streams, different skill
Jesse Scott, Associate Principal                        sets to reach that bar, as the market demand
Tiina Tolonsen, Recruitment Lead Sydney                 changes the business must adapt
Sheridan Kerr, Generalist Recruitment Lead
                                                     –– Still seen as the same team but gives access
                                                        to specialised skillsets
Ben Fletcher
–– Partner with Sydney office and heads up the       Social responsibility, what are McKinsey
   Marketing and Sales practice                      doing?
–– Joined as an Associate straight out of            –– Acts on three of four levels
   business school                                   –– As an individual you are able to get staffed on
–– Was a lawyer prior to undertaking MBA at
                                                        projects that you personally care about, but
–– Heads up recruiting for Australia                    you can also opt out if you are opposed e.g.
                                                        tobacco industry
Jesse Scott
–– Associate Principal with Sydney office, leads     –– At an office level they will focus on specific
   manufacturing practice                               a cause, e.g. have invested in teams working
–– Week is typically spent between NZ, Australia,       with indigenous health engaging ex doctors to
   India                                                engage with McKinsey to look at the solution
–– Was a journalist before undertaking MBA at        –– At a firm level, there serious fire power to
                                                        work on causes at a global level, e.g. climate
Rob Allan                                               change, facilitating big global meetings, 2020
–– Recruited from AGSM into generalist practice,
                                                        world summit
   then engagement manager
–– Left firm to vc,pe in the states, founded a       –– Ben: passionate about Australia and NZ
   company in Australia, ipoed and ran as CEO           working together to take over the world,
   Back at firm for the implementation practice         working with CEOs Diabetes, now running
   for three years                                      biggest private test in the world, biggest
Tiina tolonSen                                          database in the world looking at all around
–– Recruiter for McKinsey Australia                     diabetes prevention
Sheridan Kerr                                        –– How do we change how chronic healthcare is
–– Generalist recruitment for Australia business        delivered in Australia, empower GPs to drive
                                                        better healthcare across Australia, change
–– When you are thinking about consulting,              the dialogue, how do we roll this out across
   think about do you really want. Do you think         the country
   McKinsey would be a good place for you?           –– Working with top male CEOs working on
–– Consider the path you want to join, generalist,      addressing gender inequality
   implementation,      business      technology     –– Addressing the start-up culture in Australia,
   operations, operations                               how do we drive this culture across Australian
–– Implementation more suited to people with a          business, from a national perspective this is
   number of years of experience “doing things          having a huge impact on how we do business
   rather than thinking about things”
Global opportunity and collaboration                  What attracted Rob back to McKinsey?
with other offices                                    –– It’s somewhat unique in the spread and depth
–– Jesse: started in Sydney as an Associate,             as to how widely held the McKinsey values
   promoted to Engagement Manager and                    are, they are lived by not just talked about
   transferred to LA for a couple of years,           –– Many times they will walk away from business
   at each tenure level you are able to move             because it is more important to deliver what
   around. There is a formal mechanism to do             they feel is right, strengthens reputation in
   2 years rotational program, can move project          the long run
   by project, 30-40% of people in Australia as       –– You can sometimes be encouraged in the
   shipped in from overseas                              corporate world to compromise your values,
–– McKinsey are one firm, global profit sharing,         you have the permission to do what is right
   everything decided on a one firm basis,               and make the right choice, McKinsey will
   internal knowledge system, who are the                support rather than challenge, sometimes
   experts globally, knowledge sharing, you can          can get it wrong, but value driven culture
   pick up the phone to anyone around the world          makes McKinsey very unique
–– Whole philosophy is about doing better, never
                                                      Is there an academic cut off?
   cookie cutter approach
                                                      –– They look for a variety of things, not
–– Bring international skillsets together to             just academics but these are important,
   work on engagements, the global scale of              demonstrates high performance
   McKinsey is a real asset                           –– Look for demonstrated leadership roles,
What does it feel like, what does it look                examples of achievements
like to work at McKinsey?                             –– They read your cover letters, looking for
–– Rob: Seen from both sides, life at McKinsey           something that sparks the interest
   is amazingly varied, no typical story to tell      –– No real minimum bar, just one factor out of
–– From a client perspective, there should be            four, work experience important
                                                      –– Three weeks ago hired Head of Strategy at
   no ‘McKinsey’ when on engagement, the
                                                         ASX listed company, joining McKinsey at an
   client team members are part of the team,
                                                         Associate level, took approximately $200k
   collaborative approach
                                                         pay cut, five year track to partner
–– Occassionally undertake fully independent          –– Minimum         professional        experience
   engagements but they are quite rare, e.g.             requirements for implementation
   should a company be privatised, they would
                                                      Learning and development
   be looking for independent insights
                                                      –– Jesse: transitioning from journalism to
–– It should feel like you are working as an
                                                         consulting, McKinsey approach to make you
   independent trusted adviser
                                                         comfortable with consulting, boot camp to
–– Always come with that perspective, will be            learn how McKinsey works, how they make
   always be honest with the advice and work             slides, how they think about strategy
   with the clients best interests at the forefront   –– For the first three months, you aren’t charged
–– McKinsey are thought partners, working                out, paired up with someone else who is
   alongside their clients                               responsible for you doing ok
Culture and McKinsey values                           –– By the time you are 4/5 months in, you are
–– Culture - insecure over achievers, always             ready to go
   trying to prove themselves, hardworking,           –– At every tenure there is a formal training
   very smart, enjoy doing what they do, love            program, send you away for training in the
   of problem solving, intense project teams,            next level of skills you need to know, e.g.
   committed to getting best result for your             from project manager to junior partner, week
   client, the McKinsey values build on that, all        long training program, how do you have
   about delivering value                                those close counsellor conversations, how
–– We are honest about what is right for the             do you work with clients on their business but
   client business, set aside personal ambition          also work with you to develop your personal
   to do what is right for the client                    career goals
–– Topic specific training - course in Germany,      –– Looking for a source of distinctiveness
   how do you bring the best in lean to your         –– Re: fit - please do some self-reflection
   clients                                              beforehand, what’s a challenge you faced?
–– Most important part of working for McKinsey          When did you lead a team, etc
   - insane level of feedback and coaching, you      –– Focus on I - be humble by pointing out how
   will be appraised continually                        awesome you are
–– This is a people orientated business,
   beginning of every week you are to set your       Case Examples
   goals, at the end of each project, the partners   –– Facts : client is Total Steel, only manufacturer
   will review your work, by the time you get to        of steel in NZ, sells here and international.
   six months, you know exactly how you are             International sales make nothing, concentrate
   going, always aware of what you need to              on domestic, sells through distributors, CEO
   work on                                              calls to buy one of the distributors
–– Provided with informal and formal mentorships,
                                                     –– Don’t repeat back word for word what you
   apprenticeship model, put on a project with
                                                        have heard, demonstrate you have listened
   one lead partner, one engagement manager,
                                                        to the entire question and understood the
   team of 3-6 people, that’s your team, up to
                                                        problem you are addressing
   you to solve the problem
                                                     –– Play it back in a way that makes it easier to
–– Until you make engagement manager, there is          elicit more information from the interviewer
   not much flexibility in roles, you are focused    –– Visually be able to play this back, want to
   on development of consulting skills, first year      see if you can start thinking in a way that will
   you will be directed at each step of the way         help clients, your job is to make sense of the
–– Expected to get to reach Engagement                  confusion
   Manager after two years at Associate level        –– Follow up with first question, why do you think
   (MBA level), then you start picking the              they want to do that?
   functions you more identify with, can do more     –– Structure up your answer, talk through your
   part time programs                                   thinking, don’t just get straight to the answer
–– Have implemented a scheme where they              –– Quantitative question is never hard, but
   buddy up an Engagement Manager with a                can be under pressure, simple maths and
   Senior Associate so Engagement Manager               percentages
   move to more flexible work options                –– You can get into trouble when you confuse
–– Take time program, any time throughout the           what is actually being asked - active listening!!!
   year you can take 4-6 weeks during the year       –– Then wrap up question, forget about there
   after engagements                                    being a right way to answer, answer with
Interview process                                       what you think, take a position, don’t sit on
                                                        the fence
–– This is designed to test whether you will
                                                     –– Cases aren’t there to trap you, they want to
   succeed at the firm and they want you to get
                                                        see whether you will actually enjoy the work
–– You are assigned a buddy, make use of this,            Applications open: 18th September
   your conversations with your buddy are not             Applications close: 20th September
   evaluated, they know not everyone performs        –– First round of interviews will commence on
   at their best under pressure so designed to          25th September
   take some of the stress out of the interview      –– Don’t get too stressed about the stream you
   process                                              are applying for, most will be generalist at an
–– Interviews are conducted in two parts, fit and       MBA level
–– It is a mistake to think that the case is worth           Apply via the career
   more than fit, it is not                                 management platform
Port Jackson Partners

Philip Stern, Director                               –– One where there is significant resources
Anthony Gray, Associate                                 involved that can’t be easily reversed,
James Lamb, Associate                                   designing tailored solutions, not rolling out a
Why is Port Jackson different and what is
                                                     –– Creative and innovative thinking
happening in the consulting landscape?
                                                     –– Fact based consulting, data and information
–– They are a leading strategy consulting firm,
                                                        driven and long term client relationships
   we would like to be number one on the clients
   speed dial                                        Typical team for us...
–– Set corporate direction, define business          –– Relationship principal, consulting principal
   strategy, shape clients organisation                 then small number of consultants, 2-3
                                                        Consultants involved in a very hands on
–– Firm started by two ex-McKinsey partners,
                                                        manner rather than a small cog/big wheel
   Terry Arcus and Fred Hilmer (former Vice
   Chancellor of UNSW)                                  scenario
–– Small firm, 10 Principals, 52 staff in total      –– World class principals, consulting really is
–– Idea intensive versus process intensive              learned through direct experience, they learn
–– Sit in the idea intensive space, concentrate         most of what they learn on the job
   on bespoke solutions, high price, high quality    –– Direct access to the leadership team, rapid
                                                        development of consulting skills
–– Growth enables you tackle more interesting        –– Designed business model to be attractive
   problems, PJP have grown consistently over           to clients, but have found that it is more
   the past 25 years but not interested in growth       attractive to candidates too
   for the sake of growth, taking on more good
                                                     –– Distinctive offering - exposure to senior
   people, allows you to take on more good work
–– Focused on achieving lasting impact on client
   performance                                       Candidate profile
–– Problem solving leadership, working on CEOs       –– Have either a first class honours degree or at
   most strategic issues                                least distinction average
                                                     –– 25% university medallists
Why are we unique?
–– Focused on the most critical issues, narrowly     –– Variety of backgrounds, law, commercial
   focused on the projects undertaken                   engineering, science, medicine, arts
–– Small principal intensive teams                   –– Wide variety of professional background
–– Structured career development with small          –– Academic achievements is high across the
   firm feel, bespoke solutions                         firm
–– Experienced and diverse range of partnership      –– James’ first project as an analyst, sent to
   experience                                           Mongolia to work on negotiation strategy
–– Smaller partner to non-partner ratio than the        between company and government based on
   larger strategy houses
                                                        analytics he had done
–– Servicing Top tier clients - global leaders       –– Career development, personal professional
   across industry, in many cases it’s the largest      coaching, development leader, international
   player in the industry, want to work where           exchange, in partnership with Courts+Co
   they have significant impact on the company          Switzerland
   and industry
                                                     –– All projects are very strategy focused, pure
–– Focused on the critical issues                       strategy work
–– Big picture corporate issues, transformational
   in nature, complex strategic decision             Work life balance?
                                                     –– We work hard, projects are very high level
Specific training programs for new
Do you recruit in intakes?                           recruits?
–– Recruit all year round, fit in when target        –– Series of training models. Consulting 101,
   market makes sense, looking all the time             bare bones, really learn by just getting stuck
   for good people, intend to keep small firm           into it, training available all the way though,
   structure                                            rolling training program, once a month formal
–– Looking across range of experience                   training programs
Open to sponsoring international                     –– No one is put in the situation you aren’t
candidates?                                             supported for, small team structure allows for
–– Yes                                                  a lot of mentoring and coaching

–– Returning clients at about 75%                    Plans to diversify into implementation
                                                     and digital?
–– High percentage this year with repeat people
                                                     –– A lot of the strategy pieces involve digital
   rather than clients, people now as CEO, trust
                                                        strategies and advising people on strategic
   based relationships
                                                        digital distribution
  Rather sell problem solutions                      –– Model is not well suited where you need high
                                                        leverage, sticking to core business
                 than sell work
                                                     –– 20-25% of work was offshore, relationship
–– Exchange       program     with     Courts+Co
                                                        based work, know the people making the
   Switzerland used mainly to exchange people
   but starting to working on joint projects         –– James spent 6 months back and forth in
–– Heavy idea intensive, do you partner with the        Mongolia and nearly a year in Switzerland
   implementation firms?                             –– More relationship based, the CEOs bring PJP
–– Can design change architecture, sometimes            over
   we partner if it makes sense or as part of
                                                     Benefits of small team?
   the recommendation to bring someone in to         –– Know everyone in the office, you can ask
   implement the blueprint                              anyone for help as everyone knows each
–– We are often there for implementation but            other, very close knit culture
   more blueprint focused than hands on the          –– Small teams tend to take a lot of the politics
   tools                                                out of the equation, not necessary to get
–– Industry agnostic, not industry specialists,         involved in politics to succeed, if you do good
   bring strategic thinking into the picture, work      work, if you are well liked, you will do well
   would largely mirror what is happening in the     Who do we recruit?
   Australian economy                                –– Smart, driven people with a history of impact
–– Largely dealing with growth strategy,                and leadership
   resources, financial services, health, product    –– High levels of analytical competency
   development, retail, agricultural, telco,         –– Broad range of experiences outside of your
   depends on what is happening within the              professional and academic life
   economy                                           –– Need to be ready to be client facing as soon
                                                        as you start
–– Tend to only work with one client in the sector
   due to the nature of work undertaken              Note - current FT students, please consider
Recruitment process                                    applying closer to your graduation date
–– Couple of interviews before partner rounds,
   similar to most firms, fit and case               –– Include cover letter, resume, University
How much input do you get for projects?
                                                     –– No application deadline, rolling recruitment
–– Can express interest in the project, can put
                                                     –– Contact:
   your hand up to move around
–– Do try to take preferences into account, cant
   in every case meet everyone’s needs. Best
                                                            Apply via the career
   service of client comes first                           management platform
Francoise Michel
          Consulting Recruitment Refresher

–– Consulting firms will all want to interview you       be able to establish relationship between
   with a case, your GMAT and networking will            numbers quickly
   do nothing should you fail the case                –– Numbers are vital, they can cost you offers
–– They will expect you to be prepared and to         –– Don’t be scared, it will generally be primary
   have practiced cases prior to the interview           school type maths
–– Cases are good training to assist with
                                                      –– They want to see you be action orientated
   structuring your thoughts, good for consulting
                                                      –– Drive an answer, be focused and pragmatic
   but also relevant for other types of interviews,
                                                      –– Don’t forget what is the main issue and don’t
   corporates are also using case as part of their
                                                         get too carried away
   interview process
                                                      –– Show business acumen
Why case?                                             –– It’s unlikely you will know the industry or the
–– They want to see how you are under pressure,          case and you don’t need to have prior industry
   how you behave when you are put on the spot           experience to be able to work through the
–– Test your logic in a real business situation          case
–– Do they want to work with you? Do they like        –– Talk about risks to the extent that you can
   the way you think?                                 –– Be able to prioritise and get to the essential
–– Want to see if you actually enjoy that type           part of the problem, it is not necessary to
   of work, if you don’t enjoy the process, you          explore every little part of the problem
   probably won’t like consulting
                                                      How to prepare?
–– Test how well do you communicate, how
                                                      –– Most of the firms will have cases on their
   articulate are you?
                                                         website, will give you an insight as to how
–– How do you deal with ambiguity? How do
                                                         they like cases to be done
   you find solutions with small amounts of
                                                      –– Try reverse engineering a current affair
What are they looking for?                            –– Look at what had to be true for this decision
–– Testing analytics                                     to be taken
–– Want to see you are logical, solve things          –– How did they convince the shareholders?
   one by one, see some structure, set out a          –– Why are they doing this? How are they
   framework and you work through the problem            doing this? Make sure you are up to date on
   from top to bottom                                    business trends/changes
–– Common sense!
                                                      –– Review! Try to learn from the cases you’ve
–– Check how comfortable you are with the
                                                         done, see where you can improve
                                                      –– Understand new levels, see where the
–– Creativity, lateral thinking, innovative, new
                                                         transitions are
   ideas, set yourself apart from the other
                                                              Just reading cases is not
–– They like to be surprised, show a different
   way of thinking
                                                        enough! You need the element
                                                       of surprise, you need the stress
–– Basic maths and manipulation of variables,                                 situation
   you need to be at ease with numbers and
–– Know what you are looking for!                     –– Stay clear of irrelevant questions, always
–– Go through the segmentation - how, who,               consider what is the “So What?”
   why, what?                                         –– The case is a conversation, don’t fire out
–– Prepare your questions, what sort of questions        questions like a robot, be mindful about how
   do you need to know about:                            conduct your questions
    • Customers – demographics, preferences,          –– “This is my assumption, do we have some
      segments, price sensitivity, habits,               data to back that up?” Verify your opinion
      distribution preference, numbers, needs         –– Don’t forget to answer the original question
    • Company - size, core capability, business       –– Don’t stumble with maths
      model, objective, budget, growth, structure,    –– Don’t give a poor conclusion, be structured
      goals, service/product, stakeholders               in your wrap up “the problem was this and
    • Market - cycle, size, distribution, number of      this. We looked at this and this and I would
      players, profitability, competition, threats       recommend this...”
    • Competition - Size, number, barriers to         How to make a great start?
      entry, substitutes, trends, advantages          –– Make sure you listen to the question, to the
    • Other - internal, management, culture,             interviewer hints, think about your approach,
      who is making the decisions, skill sets,           what would be the common sense answer
      networks, what are the relevant KPI for         –– Simplify the issue, no need to go straight to
      the industry, what is happening with the           frameworks, think logically about the issue
      economy                                         –– Tell the interview what you think you will do,
Classic types of cases, basically boiled                 don’t just name the buckets, put a thread
down to a few models...                                  through it, tell the story, what is the “So
–– New direction                                         What?!”
–– Change of scope                                    –– First impression is key, the intro sets the
–– Operational improvement                               scene
–– Entry of threat
                                                      How to be successful?
–– Each firm will likely ask you to do an
                                                      –– Lead the discussion, you are the consultant,
   operational improvement case
                                                         you are in charge to the discussion
–– Plan well ahead, practice various types of         –– Show good client skills
   cases, various sources of case and practice        –– Don’t limit yourself to frameworks, think
   partners                                              through the problem logically
The do’ s and don’t’s                                 Be in charge
–– Don’t jump straight into the case without          –– Tell the interviewer how you see how the
   thinking about what the problem is, actively          problem and how you plan to tackle the
   listen to the issue                                   answer, plan your questions, be data driven,
–– What are you trying to answer                         be precise, know where you are going
–– Take your time, always take a couple of            –– Where you can, give some conclusions along
   minutes to think about the issue                      the way if appropriate and possible
–– Always give an introduction                        –– Ensure you wrap up with a punchy
–– Be sure to listen carefully and watch out for         recommendation
   cues from the interviewer, they want you to        –– Good to address the risks of the strategy you
   do well                                               plan to take
–– It is common to fail to ask about the client,      –– You are the consultant, shows your
   what is important to them?                            communication skills, client engagement
–– Don’t be vague with your questioning, be              style and remember, it is a conversation, they
   direct                                                want to see if you enjoy this type of work
–– Don’t limit yourself to frameworks, this makes     Listen, look out for clues
   the cases boring, they are already consultants     –– Remain clam, don’t show panic and you are
   and they have heard it all before, it isn’t very      able to take time to order your thoughts
   original, doesn’t show how clever you are and      –– Make sure you know the problem you are
   you won’t differentiate yourself from the other       solving
   candidates                                         –– Think out loud, if you realise you have an
–– Frameworks can be too narrow and inflexible,          error, say so
   can give you a great start but are not to relied   –– Don’t pursue something if it isn’t worth it,
   upon                                                  watch for clues from your interviewer
–– Good to help for preparation and to order          –– Be careful of assumptions, state clearly what
   your thoughts but don’t be rigid with your use        you are assuming, you could be wrong
   of the frameworks, create your own personal
                                                      –– Be yourself, don’t try and be a McKinsey
                                                         person or BCG person, show your personality,
Be logical and structured                                people like authenticity
–– Develop a logical path, develop your               –– Demonstrate your enthusiasm, show that you
   hypothesis, how are you going to get there?           are enjoying the process
–– Be organised, one thing at a time, if you are      –– Don’t be afraid to ask questions
   looking at variable costs, look at ALL of the      –– Smile, make eye contact, do you want to work
   variable costs, don’t switch between                  with the person interviewing you?
–– Stay on the case, keep in mind what is the
                                                      Make sure you learn from the interview
   question you are answering
                                                      –– What could you have done better, what did
–– If you get lost, think what is the big picture,
                                                         you do well, how well did you communicate?
   what is the purpose of the case?
                                                      –– Don’t be afraid to ask how you could improve
–– Beware of assumptions, find a way to back up       –– Do not argue with the interviewer!
   what you can with facts                            –– Order your paper, mind map it in a logical
–– Data driven means maths, multiplication               fashion that works for you, draw up the sheet
   percentages                                           as to how you are going to answer the issue
–– End with strong recommendation, it is just as      –– Don’t    introduce    new    ideas    in  the
   important as the intro                                recommendation, if it hasn’t been discussed
–– Like an executive summary, recap the                  during the case, don’t mention it in the wrap
   question, what you found, what are the risks,         up
   what can we do to minimise, use the data

–– Approaching the case, time is of the essence,
   allocate your time
–– Try to prioritise, low hanging fruit, if you run
   out of time mention what else you would have
   looked at
–– Cases are usually about money, if you get lost
   always keep in mind ‘show me the money’,
   how you increase revenue / reduce cost /
   increase efficiency
–– What is relevant to the industry you are
Robert Bustos-McNeill, Partner                            meat, how to optimise the best cuts from
Nathan Tuck, Associate                                    the carcass, how do you package it, only
Shyamala Chandrasekar, Associate                          discovered bacon was from pig during this
Ly Dang, Recruitment Lead
–– Robert: law grad specialised in arts law, MBA       –– Recent project, largest insurer, how do you
   from LBS, joined firm three years ago, went            organise your different brands to better target
   to industry at perpetual, run own business for         the customers, looked at different customer
   a little while, joined ATK to help grow financial      segments, very targeted proposition
   services practice
                                                       –– Ly: been with the firm for 19 months, looks
–– Interesting engagement: working with large
                                                          after campus recruitment and induction/on
   insurer, previously structured business into
   two brands, decided to organise by customer
                                                       Travel opportunities?
   segment, consumer business and commercial
                                                       –– Nathan: 6 months ago was asked to do a
   business, designed shared service between
                                                          strategy project in Amsterdam, ways to reduce
   the two businesses
                                                          costs in a sales and marketing divisions,
–– Nathan: background in financial institutions,          team of about 40 ATK people working on this
   completed law and commerce degree, joined              project , great international exposure, mostly
   Macquarie in investment banking, then                  made up from consultants from Berlin office
   corporate finance advisory for NAB, MBA             –– Provides the opportunity to do what you do
   from Insead, joined ATK post MBA and has               but in a different culture
   been with the firm for two years
                                                       International transfers and
–– Interesting engagement: talking to CFO,             secondments?
   problem was it was a large company doing            –– Can be short term basis or you can be fully
   large and complicated things, CFO not really           seconded to global offices, firm is keen
   sure what actually happens between different           on global mobility to assist with building
   departments as decisions were being made               relationships across offices
   at all levels and not communicated, go find         –– Invested in global mobility capability, ATK
   out how it works, where is the decision                now have a team to assist with moving people
   making happening, presented to CFO on how              and their families around
   to better handle the separate departments           –– As an associate, you would expect to be
–– Also, working on banking branch space for              staffed nationally to begin with, but if you
   the future, as technology changes how we               have an interest to work globally, there are
   engage, what decisions need to be made                 channels available
   now to address that in the future
                                                       What are three main industries?
–– Shyamala: been with ATK for 1.5 years,              –– Telco, Retail, Financial Services
   started as an engineer in oil and gas, MBA
                                                       Strategy or implementation?
   from Insead
                                                       –– Bit of a mix, more focused on operations
–– Interesting project: Shyamala is a vegetarian,         optimisation rather than pure strategy, but
   did some strategy piece for meat company,              more on the front end than involved in the
   had no idea regarding different cuts of                heavy implementation work
–– You will always do training with people from
Who works on the proposals?
                                                        across the global offices
–– Typically the partners are the sales people,
                                                      –– Mentorship program, assigned a principal
   but referrals come through various teams
                                                        or partner to assist developing your career
   within the firm, everyone is encouraged to ‘on
   sell’ and identify new ways to assist clients        progression plan, mentor also vouches for
–– It is up to everyone to identify changes in the      you in feedback process, usually meet with
   market and discuss with clients                      mentors twice a month to see how you are
How do the roles evolve?
1. Entry level role would be Business Analyst,        –– BA   and   Associate    level   are   recruiting
   join out of undergrad with the main focus is         generalists, ability to work across sectors
   on modelling and analysis                          –– They will make an effort to put you in an
2. Senior BA which shifts the focus from                industry where you feel comfortable
   pure modelling to then start to structure
                                                      What is the ATK differentiator?
   out problems, looking at how to go from
                                                      –– The people, very collaborative culture, when
   hypotheses to analysis to a model
3. Associate (MBA level), primarily lead client         working within the clients team we sit with
   teams, problem structuring, modelling,               them, socialise with them, are part of their
   facilitation                                         team through the journey, collaborate with
4. Manager, increased responsibility managing           client teams to solve the problem, constant
   across teams, both client side and within ATK,       coaching and training
   still involved in problem solving but with more    –– Whilst smaller than the competitors they’re
   of a project management focus, lynchpin of           growing really fast and looking to double in
   the teams                                            next couple of years
5. Principal, providing insight to problem solving,   –– A lot of lateral hires, Associates joining from
   running multiple project streams, delivering         industry enabling a diverse environment in
   current engagement while looking what else           terms of approaches to solving problems
   can be done
                                                        which impacts how they work together
6. Partner, responsible for development of client
   relationships, identify new revenue streams,       –– Consulting is an individual person to person
   develop long term relationships, visibility          activity, the client experience is dependent
   across multiple engagements                          on the individual they are working with
                                                      –– ATK model is rarely to take away the problem
–– Manager level and below will typically be
   dedicated full time to specific engagements          and work on the solution and return to present
   rather than several projects at once                 an answer
                                                      –– Will always work with clients on the problem
MBA entry process?
                                                        and impart knowledge and development to
–– First week is on boarding, basics as to what
                                                        the client teams while on engagement
  is expected, how it all works, how we do what
  we do, where do we work, prepare you for            –– About 80% of the work undertaken is repeat
  your first project                                    business
–– International training, how do you structure       –– if they don’t have strong relationships with
  a problem, how to test your hypotheses,               the client they will often decline taking on the
  presentation skills                                   project
–– Ad hoc training provided at every level,           –– Strong focus on maintaining longstanding
  fixed training curriculum to equip you as you         relationships
  progress you career through the levels
How do we give back to community?                     –– Pathway to parents, extended parental leave
–– Undertake on a lot of pro bono, working with          and formal commitment that people can come
   Social Investing Australia to helping them            back on flexible hours, this can get structured
   build venture fund and UNICEF to develop              into projects
   their corporate connections within Australia       Recruitment process?
–– If someone has a passion project, they are         –– First round is an analytical test, followed by
   encouraged to bring it into the office, engage        two interviews, both case and fit, fit will be
   the ATK team to help                                  about some specific experiences from your
Challenging case?                                        resume
–– Rob - as an analyst was sent to the outer          –– Second round, same format
   parts of Fremantle to collect information on
   people operating a lime kiln, highly politicised       Applications open: 18th September
                                                          Applications close: 23rd September
–– Nathan - coming in half way through the
                                                      –– Offers made by 6th October
   project can be tricky, feels like you are in a
                                                      –– Two cohorts intakes a year, in February and
   race and everyone else has a head start but
   everyone is very supportive of you finding
   your feet
                                                             Apply via the career
–– Shyamala – engaged on a project for a
                                                            management platform
   manufacturing company with a plant in
   Tasmania and one in Thailand, the decision
   was made to close the Tasmanian plant and
   had to work alongside the client team who
   didn’t know, made things tricky

–– Fridays in the office, typically time is spent
   on client site four days a week and try to get
   everyone back on a Friday
Work life balance?
–– Consulting is a hard driving profession,
   challenging aspects are the intense client
   focus and travel required to do your job
–– The aspire for people to have a long career
   with the firm, work with their people to try
   keep work/life balance in check
–– Barometer method, Head of Operations
   surveys everyone once a week about their
   hours and job satisfaction, ‘are you getting
   the development opportunities expected?
   Are you managing the work load?’, collects
   information anonymously and provides
   reports to partner level, look at how they are
   running the project

–– The hours will typically even out, you will be
   expected to work hard and long hours are par
   for the course in consulting
–– Stuart McCreery, Principal                           Peck who had a long history of undertaking
–– Euan Lay, Associate     Alumnus 2011                 road projects
–– Raj Agnihotri, Senior Consultant   Alumnus 2015   –– Designed the WestConnex projects to
                                                        connect Western Sydney to the ports, bleed
–– Advisian (formerly Evans & Peck) is a                into urban infrastructure, making multiple
   subsidiary of Worley Parsons, commercial             journeys possible
   advisory with deep domain expertise in            –– Played a role in conception and now in the
   hydrocarbons,    infrastructure,  minerals,          delivery of the project
   metals and chemicals                              –– Assisting with strategic thinking
–– Stuart McCreery - joined Evans and peck 11
   years ago                                         –– International convention centre in Darling
Where are we today?                                  –– Government authority, Infrastructure NSW,
–– Worley Parsons in 46 countries, 30k                  saw the need for facilities
   employees, $7b in revenue                         –– Lead the transaction process, tendering
–– Advisian in 19 countries, 3k people and $150m        process and award of the contracts for the
   in revenue, strong ambitions for growth              building
Our vision?
                                                     –– Renewable power - personal energy
–– World class advisory business with a focused
                                                        consumption needs to reduce, renewable
   more on the front end of delivery of projects
                                                        power now needs to be at least 50% of the
–– Consists of two main services, management
   consulting and technical advisory
                                                     –– Advisian has two parts, depth of technical
–– Sectors      mainly:       transport,   social
                                                        experience and skills within the company and
   infrastructure, utilities, minerals and metals
                                                        align it with commercial and transactional
   and hydrocarbons
–– Service lines - asset delivery, procurement       –– Working with Transgrid to create a renewable
   strategy, operations improvements, business          energy hub between NSW and QLD, to
   case, due diligence, people and organisation         harvest and sell energy
–– Four offices in Australia: Brisbane, Sydney,      –– Market is changing due to renewable power,
   Melbourne and Perth                                  Worley Parsons historically do power projects,
Where do we play?                                       new world needs renewable energy options
–– In regards to the front end strategy houses,      People and culture
   technical advisory, big 4 accountancy firms,      –– Strategy to be real world advisers
   we sit in the middle                              –– Structure? Advisian is a very fluid organisation,
–– Not too focused on the technical advisory            no real hierarchy, assignments generally
   space, do have in house technical consulting         3 months, work closely with principals,
   but it is not a focus                                MBA hires expected to bring in energy and
                                                        horsepower, quality of deliverables
Recent projects                                      –– Looking for lateral thinkers and problem
                                                        solvers, innovative solutions, team players,
–– WestConnex       project,    when     liberal
                                                        need to be adaptable to who you work with,
   government got into power, promised to start
                                                        thrive on a variety of work Quietly confident,
   new motorway project but didn’t really know
                                                        effective communicators, know how to speak
   what that would look like, engaged Evans &           and when to speak
–– Every second Friday. Someone will do a.           How does project allocation work?
   presentation on an assignment they are            –– Generally staffed locally, if there is a specific
   working on, relaxed format CEO, Dennis Finn          skill set that someone in Perth has then they
   Advisian has strong sports culture, Sydney to        will discuss moving, if you are interested in a
   gong ride                                            specific area, they will support by putting you
What are we looking for?                                in touch
–– Technical background, majority of employees       –– You don’t belong to a certain sector, it’s really
   have an engineering background but this is           about what you are interested in, necessary
   not a prerequisite                                   to market yourself across the business
–– Effective communicators and lateral thinking
                                                     –– Travel will depend on your circumstance and
   self-starters, Advisian is a place where you
                                                        the projects you want to get involved in, some
   have to be able to talk about what you want to
                                                        travel a lot, some don’t travel much at all
   do moving forward and relies on individuals
   to get in there and talk about where you want
   to go, put yourself out there
–– Entrepreneurial
–– MBA level will join at Senior Consultant or       –– If you meet criteria, be prepared to attend
   Associate                                            a series of interviews, no hard deadlines,
–– Fairly flat organisation structure                   constantly looking for new people and are
–– Industry knowledge, typically looking for a          flexible in terms of timeframes
   background in a capital intensive industry        –– Cilla Everitt –
Induction program/training program?
–– No formal induction program, performance
                                                             Apply via the career
   review process, assist with work on your
                                                            management platform
   development areas, set up with a mentor
–– It’s important to be able to come in and
   network, you need to let people know what
   you are passionate about, it’s up to you to
   drive your own progression within the firm
What is the interview process like?
–– Series of interview, three or four rounds
–– Looking at your background, what have you
   done, why are you interested in Advisian
–– Interested in what you have done, no case
   interview, real world problems
–– Look to introduce you to a variety of people
   throughout the organisation, looking at
   whether you are a good cultural, intellectual
   and commercial fit
–– Important to have a series of conversations
Is there collaboration between global
–– A little bit, still establishing those lines of
   communication, very much a people business,
   prefer to develop those connections face to
Meredith Chester, Associate Director - Deals           Consulting
Jackson Smith, Assurance                               –– Management consulting, strategy consulting,
Chris McNamara, Tax and Legal                             technology consulting, risk consulting
Jess Lembryk, Assurance                                –– Strategy& part of the strategy through
Kate Kuryan, Manager - Corporate Advisory                 execution model, focused on the front end
John Lee, Associate - Risk Consulting                     strategy work, PwC management consulting
William Woodward, Associate - Risk Consulting             team focused on integration
Elle Rowe, Campus Relationship Manager                 –– Aligned across different industries
                                                       –– Addressing somewhat vague issues, identify
                                                          solution, assist with implementation
   Delivering a one firm solution                      –– Technology consulting is on growth phase
                      for a client
                                                       Why did you join PwC?
Assurance / due diligence                              –– Enjoyed the PwC approach, attitude to pro
–– Give companies comfort over controls and               bono work
   financial reporting                                 –– Joined out of undergrad, felt like the people
–– Three streams in assurance - Risk, financial           were on the same level, appreciated that they
   services, consumer industry products and               work with your through the joining process
   services, diverse client base                       –– Good reputation, ability to work with big
–– Every client you work with is different with           players on big projects
   different needs                                     –– Ability to look at things differently
–– Risk assurance, working across big banks,           –– Recruit a broad range of people from a variety
   financial institutions, look at entire portfolio,      of background
   broad range of industry
–– Risk assurance is about data assurance and          What does your day look like?
   internal controls assurance                         –– Very dynamic, might be working on four
–– Working across the lions-share of ASX                  different clients in the one day, very agile,
   200, high level exposure to leading global             feel like you are adding value to the firm and
   corporations                                           the client
                                                       –– One of the strategies is to be a value adding
Tax                                                       firm and have societal relevance
–– Corporate tax team - three areas: compliance,       –– Engagement orientated, interaction with
   due diligence, tax structuring                         clients, better understanding of the business
–– E.g - big global reorganisation, need to               every day
   consider tax implications, assemble legal           –– Unpredictable, in a good way but have the
   team to compliment tax service as part of the          ability to structure your day that works for you
   one firm approach
                                                       How many hours do you do a week?
Deals                                                  –– Hours do vary depending on what you are
–– Transaction based, 8 areas: evaluations team,          working on, given the opportunity to have
   modelling team, transaction services, M&A              flexibility
   team, debt capital advisory team, real estate       –– All roles are flexible, engineered to fit what is
   advisory team, capital projects, infrastructure        the best for you as an employee and you do
   advisory team, insolvency team                         your best work
–– Broad range of skills, not necessary to have        –– Really good team environment, everyone
   an accounting background                               stays together+
–– Working across teams to customise advice
–– Working across a diverse range of industries
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