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WELCOME                   Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                   CONTENTS ISSUE 27 | JULY 2019
                                                   INDUSTRY NEWS
                                                   Potential High Court Challenge Over Victorian LCT.................................................................4
                                                   Voortman To Take Over As CEO..................................................................................................5
                                                   Bailment And Floor Plan Facilities: The Risks..........................................................................6
                                                   ACL – When Does A Consumer Lose The Right To Reject Their Vehicle?.............................7
CONTACT AADA                                       The Impact Of The Federal Election On The Retail New Motor Vehicle Industry..................8
Office 6, Level 4, 150 Albert Road                 Application Of LCT To Trade-Ins................................................................................................10
South Melbourne, VIC 3205                          Human Capital Index...................................................................................................................13
936B Glenhuntly Rd,
                                                   Electric Vehicles To Outsell Conventional Cars Within 20 Years...........................................15
Caulfield South, VIC 3162
                                                   UK Dealerships To Need EV Accreditation...............................................................................15
Issue No. 27 | JULY 2019
                                                   Book Now For NADA 2020.........................................................................................................16
PUBLISHER: AADA                                    More Aussies Plan To Finance At Dealership, But Online Threat Is Real............................17
MANAGING EDITOR: Luke Prendergast                  Telephone Skills: Boost Your Sales And Customer Happiness............................................20
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Charles Bayer                   Anjali Rao Returns As Convention Host...................................................................................23
                                                   To 2020 + Beyond.........................................................................................................................24
                                                   Political Slant For Opening Breakfast......................................................................................25
                                                   Be Informed - Don’t Miss The General Session......................................................................26
Mobile: 0413 854 779                               NADA VP Weighs In On Disruption............................................................................................27
Phone (03) 9576 9944 | Fax (03) 9576 7277          Automotive Shopper Engagement: Lessons From eCommerce Leaders..........................29
                                                   Show Your Footy Skills In Valvoline Handball Comp..............................................................29
DELIVERY/CHANGE OF ADDRESS                         Expanded Team Events Program Now Includes Marketing Session...................................30
(03) 9576 9944 or                                  JLR Boss To Deliver Keynote Address.....................................................................................32                     Take Advantage Of New Free Expo Open Day.........................................................................33
EDITORIAL                                          Don’t Miss Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC At The Carsales Luncheon.......................................34                     Join Dr. Richard Harris SC OAM For The Auto-It Opening Breakfast..................................35
EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING OFFICE                     What Will An Automotive Code Mean For You?.......................................................................36
936B Glenhuntly Rd,                                Gender Diversity In The Workforce...........................................................................................39
Caulfield South, VIC 3162                          Prepare Yourself For F&I Changes...........................................................................................40
                                                   Maximising ROI In Tough Times................................................................................................41
                                                   Succession Plan Or Sell?............................................................................................................42
                                                   Service Department: The Missing Millions..............................................................................42
No responsibility is accepted by the publisher     Connect A Multi-Generational Workforce................................................................................43
for the accuracy of information contained          Used Cars - Structuring Your Dealership To Effectively Meet
in advertisements in the Automotive Dealer
magazine. Publication of any advertisement does    The Needs Of Today’s Consumer..............................................................................................43
not constitute endorsement by the publisher
of any product, nor warrant its suitability.
                                                   Time Value Of Money For Used Cars........................................................................................44
Advertisements are published as submitted by       Driving F&I Excellence In 2020..................................................................................................44
                                                   Create A Winning Digital Platform............................................................................................45
No part of this magazine may be reproduced         What Are Customers Really Seeing Before They Get To Your Showroom?........................45
without the publisher’s written permission.
                                                   How Employee Turnover Is Killing Your Profit........................................................................46
The views expressed in Automotive Dealer by
                                                   The Evolution Of Mobility – Global Trends And What It Means For Australian Dealers.....46
external contributors and advertisers are not      Maximising Your Fixed Operations Sales And Systems.........................................................47
necessarily those of AADA.
                                                   Removing Friction: Becoming A Consumer-Centric Dealership..........................................47
                               AUSTRALIAN          MOTORSPORT
       @AADA_ASN               AUTOMOTIVE DEALER
                               ASSOCIATION         New Touring Car Series: Is This The Start Of Something Big Or Small
                                                   For Australian Motor Sport?......................................................................................................18

We’d like to hear from you about what’s been        supporting junior sporting clubs or sponsoring a                        It’s a pity that the community work being done
happening at your dealership that you think         charity event.                                                          by Dealers is a well-kept secret. We intend to
could be worth passing on to our readers.                                                                                   change that. AADA is determined to generate a
                                                    We would like to know.
                                                                                                                            greater respect for new car franchise Dealers
It can be anything from a unique sale, a fleet
                                                    Whatever the story you have, it will be good                            as compassionate business people. Part of our
deal or a story about a member of your staff who
                                                    reading. Send us the information and key                                strategy is to remind the media, politicians and
recently accomplished a notable feat.
                                                    contact details and we will follow it up. If you                        opinion makers that, by employing over 66,000
It could be a ‘feel good’ community initiative      have photographs of the endeavour so much                               people, AADA members make a substantial
you have undertaken involving local schools,        the better.                                                             contribution to the Australian economy.
INDUSTRY NEWS             Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       ADA is investigating the possibility        There are already so many taxes on cars in        informed senior counsel talking to us about
       of mounting a High Court challenge          Australia: a 5 percent tariff on cars imported    aspects of this tax that may be in breach of our
       against the Victorian Government’s          from the UK and Europe, 10 percent GST plus       Constitution.”
planned increase of stamp duty that will           the Federal Government’s 33 percent LCT on
effectively act as a further Luxury Car Tax.       vehicles over $66,331. AADA considers this        It is unclear whether it is possible to challenge
                                                   ‘Luxury’ Car Tax especially unfair considering    a government regarding the legality of a tax,
AADA is consulting with legal experts to           the numbers show that Toyota customers pay        but Mr Blackhall said AADA is determined
determine whether states have taxing powers        more in LCT than most buyers of prestige          to find out exactly what taxing powers state
under the Australian Constitution.                 brands.                                           governments have under the Constitution and,
                                                                                                     if necessary and feasible, take that challenge all
Victorian stamp duty is currently 4.2 percent      The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age             the way to the High Court.
of the total cost of cars below the federal LCT    recently revealed that Toyota customers
threshold of $66,331 and 5.2 percent for cars      collectively pay more than buyers of Ferraris,    The potential ramifications of an increase
over this amount. The Victorian Government’s       Porsches, Lamborghinis and most other             in stamp duty by one state could include
May budget stated that it would increase the       prestige brands under the Federal LCT.            consumers purchasing their new vehicle in
stamp duty on cars over $100,000 to 7 percent,                                                       another state, buying a car below the threshold
while for cars selling for more than $150,000      Mr Blackhall said if Victoria was allowed to      or exploiting other loopholes, including
stamp duty would rise to 9 percent. These          effectively add its own LCT, other states and     enlisting the help of Dealers to avoid the
changes will take effect from 1 July 2019.         territories would follow suit, adding to the      higher stamp duty.
                                                   already unfair impost on Australian motorists
This comes a year after Queensland introduced      and automotive Dealers. Western Australia         One factor that might assist AADA in this
an extra 2 percent stamp duty on vehicles          already imposes 6.5 percent stamp duty on         fight is the negotiations regarding a Free Trade
priced over $100,000.                              new cars priced over $50,000.                     Agreement with Europe. Vehicles imported
                                                                                                     from Japan, Thailand, South Korea and the
With the NSW Opposition proposing a similar        “Treasurers are treasurers; once they see         USA are tariff-free, but those from the UK and
stamp duty increase before it was defeated         one of their counterparts dip into the car        Europe still attract a 5 percent import tariff.
in this year’s election, AADA CEO, David           buyer’s wallet, our concern is it will become
Blackhall, said the Association is concerned       contagious and other states might get the same    The EU is likely to regard the Federal LCT and
other states might follow suit. AADA is,           idea,” Mr Blackhall said.                         state stamp duties as ‘discriminatory tariffs’
therefore, considering a constitutional                                                              and could pressure the Australian Government
challenge over what is effectively a state-based   “We are taking advice on the legality of what’s   to remove or reduce them.
LCT.                                               happened, and there are serious-minded, well-

4 | JULY 2019 |
INDUSTRY NEWS             Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      ADA is pleased to announce the                with the Australian Automobile Association          for the next six months, to assist with the
      appointment of James Voortman as              and 18 months as Adviser to the Office of the       transition and continue his work on the
      the Australian Automotive Dealer              Minister for Urban Infrastructure.                  development of an Automotive Franchise
Association’s new Chief Executive Officer,                                                              Code of Conduct.
commencing his responsibilities on 1 July           The AADA Board is thrilled that Mr
2019.                                               Voortman has taken up this key position and         “The board and I would like to sincerely thank
                                                    is looking forward to working with him to           outgoing CEO, David Blackhall, for his hard
                                                    further the interests of franchised new car         work and dedication over the last three years,”
                                                    Dealers across Australia.                           Mr Keating said.

                                                    AADA Chairman Terry Keating said Mr
                                                    Voortman was the outstanding candidate of
                                                    those who expressed interest in the position.

                                                    “We are pleased that he has accepted the role.
                                                    Given his role as our Director of Policy, we
                                                    expect a strong continuity across both policy
                                                    and advocacy on behalf of our members,” Mr
                                                    Keating said.

                                                    “James also brings experience from working
                                                    with other associations in the automotive
                                                    sector and most recently as an advisor to a
                                                    federal minister.”

                                                    Mr Keating acknowledged the ongoing role of         “David provided invaluable leadership and is
Mr Voortman has extensive policy and                AADA Chief Operating Officer, Brian Savage,         largely responsible for the significant gains the
automotive advocacy experience and has              who provides significant industry experience,       AADA has made in recent years.
worked as an advisor to a Federal Minister as       having worked in dealerships, OEMs and
                                                                                                        “Every new car Dealer in Australia owes
well as in several senior policy roles within a     automotive industry associations.
                                                                                                        David a debt of gratitude for the focus,
range of industry associations. He has been
                                                    “Brian was appointed to this role earlier in        commitment and, in many cases, the
responsible for all political engagement and
                                                    the year and will play an important role in         resolution he has brought to issues in a time
external and internal communication strategy.
                                                    the AADA secretariat, with a strong focus on        of extreme disruption. Whilst he is stepping
Mr Voortman has been deputy CEO of                  working with our most important resource,           down from his current role of CEO, he has
AADA since February and has been Executive          our members,” Mr Keating said.                      agreed to continue with us in a consulting role,
Director, Policy & Communications since                                                                 essentially to complete our work in making a
September 2017. He previously spent more            He paid tribute to outgoing CEO, David              mandatory code for our industry a reality.”
than three years as National Policy Manager         Blackhall, who will continue as a consultant

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INDUSTRY NEWS            Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      he world of bailment agreements,            such as the Dealer not remitting funds to       Sales of motor vehicles on consignment
      floor plan facilities, consignment          the financier within the contractual period,
      sales, personal property securities         then the financier may consider its other       Most states impose legislation in relation
legislation, the tort of conversion and           legal rights including its right to immediate   to the licencing of a Dealer and part of the
transfer of title is a legal and financial        repossession of vehicles.                       legislative requirements, certainly in NSW,
maze that all of the participants, namely                                                         is that in relation to sales of motor vehicles
bailment/floor plan financier, Dealer,            For instance, if at any given time a            on consignment. Consignment sales often
consumer and retail financier, all enter but      financier’s risk is several million dollars     involve members of the public but can be
struggle to exit when things go wrong.            because there is a time lag between the         used as a method of financing by a financier.
                                                  goods having been sold and delivered to
Given the industry is currently experiencing      the customer but not yet remitted to the        The requirements include the establishment
many challenging operating conditions the         financier, then the financier may take the      of a trust account on behalf of the consignor
risk of breaching financial agreements with       view that such a risk cannot be tolerated       and payment into the trust account of all
financiers is higher than in recent years.        and seek to repossess all of its bailed goods   amounts received by the Dealer in relation to
                                                  and terminate or suspend its financing until    the particular vehicle. Usually the Dealer has
In this article we consider some general          the risk exposure is rectified. Such actions    1 business day to ensure the funds are in the
issues and risks to Dealers of certain actions    would be extremely damaging for a Dealer        trust account. Failure to comply incurs fines.
which may put them at financial and/or            as in effect it would no longer have stock
legal risk. Dealers are encouraged to seek                                                        State legislation commonly also enables
                                                  to trade and the commercial damage to
independent legal advice on their specific                                                        disciplinary action against a Dealer for failure
                                                  reputation could be severe.
circumstances if there are concerns in                                                            to comply with the requirements of the Act.
relation to these matters.                        The immediate right to possession may           This could cause a loss of licence which in the
                                                  also give the financier a further cause of      case of consignment sales is a likely outcome.
Bailment/Floor Plan Finance Agreements            action known as conversion. Conversion is
                                                  when one deals with a chattel, in this case
Most Dealers will have in place some form
                                                  a vehicle, in a manner repugnant to the         Further to the above, Dealers need to manage
of bailment or floor plan facility agreement.
                                                  immediate right of possession of the true       their bailment/floor plan facility agreements
The specific terms and conditions of
                                                  owner. Importantly, the tort of conversion      with great care and ensure that they are
each agreement should be examined and
                                                  may also affect a transaction between           complying with the terms of their agreements.
understood by Dealers.
                                                  Dealers in relation to the sale of a vehicle.   If things are not going to plan, Dealers should
A common theme in most of these                                                                   identify it early and contact their financial
                                                  The risk of curtailments also increases
agreements is that the Dealer’s financier                                                         advisors and floorplan providers to develop
                                                  in periods of lower demand and causes
has the right to conduct an audit to ensure                                                       a correction strategy. Holding off in the hope
                                                  cash flow pressures for Dealers which in
that the Dealer is complying with the terms                                                       that the market will improve is not a good plan,
                                                  turn lead to poor financial management
of the agreement. If the audit reveals risks,                                                     especially when inadvertent breaches and poor
                                                  decisions and risks.
                                                                                                  financial management could lead to severe
                                                                                                  consequences in tough industry conditions.
6 | JULY 2019 |
INDUSTRY NEWS              Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                     consumer to whom they are supplied causes          the vehicle; the vehicle was damaged after
                       Vinesh George                 them to become of unacceptable quality, or fails   being delivered to the consumer, and the
                       Company Secretary             to take reasonable steps to prevent them from      vehicle, part or component has been attached
                       and Legal Counsel,            becoming of unacceptable quality; and they are     to or incorporated in some other property and
                       AADA | Principal,             damaged by abnormal use.”                          cannot be detached without damaging it.
                       VS George Lawyers
                                                     While the law does not define abnormal use,        This would mean, for example, that even if a

      ike other consumers, under Australian          the wear and tear and gradual deterioration        consumer establishes that their vehicle is of
      Consumer Law (ACL), vehicle                    of a vehicle through normal use does               unacceptable quality as a result of a flaw in the
      purchasers have a consumer guarantee           not qualify. The breaking down of parts,           manufacture of the vehicle, they will not be
that their vehicle is fit for purpose, acceptable    scratching, scuffing and discolouration is a       entitled to reject the vehicle if they have since
in appearance and finish, free from defects,         normal and predictable part of vehicle use         caused unrelated damage to their vehicle. The
safe and durable. Consumers whose vehicles           and is not considered abnormal. An example         most likely scenario here is where a consumer
have major faults and are therefore not of           of abnormal use could include leaving the          has not looked after the vehicle and it suffers
acceptable quality have the right to reject          roof of a convertible vehicle open resulting in    from significant interior and/or exterior
their goods and seek a refund or replacement         interior damage, or using it over rough terrain    damage – something more than fair wear and
from the Dealer. There are, however,                 for which a vehicle is not suitable. A consumer    tear.
circumstances outlined in the ACL in which           cannot reject their vehicle on the basis of
a consumer will lose their right to reject           unacceptable quality if they were responsible      It seems logical that a consumer who has failed
and therefore Dealers and manufacturer/              for it and if they used the vehicle abnormally.    to look after a vehicle should not benefit from
distributors are not obligated to replace or                                                            the right to reject. This is why s262 provides
refund the customer’s vehicle.                       Even if a consumer is not responsible for          some qualifications to the consumer’s rights.
                                                     causing the vehicle to be of unacceptable          Dealers and manufacturers/distributors
For a consumer to be entitled to reject their        quality there are still a number of                are entitled to take this into account when
vehicle on the basis of unacceptable quality         circumstances outlined in section 262 of           determining a consumer’s right.
they must not have caused, by action or              the ACL that could result in a consumer
inaction, the unacceptable quality.                  losing their right to reject a vehicle. These      For further information,
                                                     include: the rejection period has passed; the      contact Vinesh George on 0404 077 078
Section 54(6) of the ACL states that, “goods         consumer has lost, destroyed or disposed of        or email
do not fail to be of acceptable quality if the

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INDUSTRY NEWS             Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                   behaviours within the franchised new car retail       by the Department of Industry, Innovation
                     Evan Stents                   industry which were (and are) not effectively         and Science designed to promote growth
                     Lead Partner,                 being prevented by the existing Franchising           in small business. $1.4million in funding
                     Automotive Industry           Code of Conduct.                                      has been allocated over two years for the
                     Group, HWL                                                                          development of that package.
                     Ebsworth Lawyers              In the months following the ALP's
                                                   announcement the Coalition also announced             In its response to the AADA pre-election
                                                   its support for the introduction of a Dealer          questionnaire, the Coalition stated

      he months that followed the AADA             Code, and there were several other significant        (presumably referring to the Code) that
      Convention in September 2018, leading        policy announcements.                                 it would implement reform to support
      up to the May 2019 Federal Election,                                                               'appropriate commercial dealing and
saw many significant developments in               AADA's advocacy for the Dealer Code had               competition in the new car retail supply chain'
policy-making for the Australian retail new        come in the context of a period of fairly             and that it was investigating 'reforms to level
motor vehicle industry. As a result of the         longstanding scrutiny by the ACCC and ASIC            the playing field in relationships between
Coalition Government's recent re-election,         into the conduct of motor vehicle Dealers and         Dealers and manufacturers'. No further detail
the automotive industry can expect to see          manufacturers, culminating in several reports         was offered, but the specific aspects of the
further developments arising out of polices        in 2018 that were critical of the industry. It also   'un-level playing field' that AADA has cited
concerning a proposed Dealer Code, the             came through the opportunity presented by             in its submissions to the Parliamentary Joint
outcome of the Federal Parliamentary Joint         the Parliamentary Joint Committee's inquiry           Committee included:
Committee's inquiry into franchising and           into the franchising sector.
the Royal Commission on the Banking,                                                                      • establishing tenure and renewal
Superannuation and Financial Services              Although some of the detail in the major                 rights commensurate with levels of
Industry (Royal Commission).                       parties' policy announcements on the                     investment made by Dealers;
                                                   automotive industry differed, the AADA's pre-
On 4 September 2018, at the AADA                   election scorecard ranked both parties equally         • making renewal options exercisable by
Convention held at the Gold Coast Convention       across four broad policy categories – including          dealers (not manufacturers) provided
Centre, the Shadow Treasurer, Dr Andrew            ruling out used car imports. So now what?                the Dealer is not in breach of their
Leigh, announced that the Australian Labor                                                                  Dealer agreement
Party would, if elected, enact a Dealer-specific   In terms of the development and
automotive industry code (a Dealer Code).          implementation of the Dealer Code, the                 • alternatively, prohibiting
                                                   Coalition announced in December 2018, in                 manufacturers from issuing non-
The announcement came after AADA had               its Budget update – the Mid-Year Fiscal and              renewal notices without first issuing a
advocated strongly for a Dealer Code to            Economic Outlook (MYEFO) papers – that                   written statement setting out why the
help address the power imbalance between           the Dealer Code would be developed as part of            manufacturer has decided not to renew
Dealers and manufacturers – and to address         a broader range of reforms being considered              that Dealer, what steps the Dealer could

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  • BUY/SELL ADVISORY • BUSINESS VALUATIONS • DUE DILIGENCE • OEM/FINANCIER PROPOSALS • PROCESS CONSULTING                                   John Mihelakis 0431 110 774 •
take to address those reasons and what        The extent to which the draft Dealer Code           • abolish the point-of-sale exemption
  rights the Dealer has to challenge those      addresses some or all of these issues is yet to       of retail Dealers from the National
  reasons if the Dealer disagrees;              be seen. However, it will be the first piece of       Consumer Credit Protection Act (in
                                                regulation focused solely on the interactions         practical terms, while some Dealers
• require manufacturers to buy                  between motor vehicle manufacturers and               may obtain their own Australian Credit
  back dealers' inventory of new and            Dealers – as opposed to attempting a 'one             Licence, the abolition of the point of
  demonstrator vehicles, parts and tools        size fits all approach' to regulating the entire      sale exemption will likely result in
  required to have been purchased by            franchising sector.                                   most Dealers being appointed as credit
  Dealers, at the Dealers' cost price,                                                                representatives and thereby assuming
  upon the expiry or termination of their       In terms of vehicle emissions, the Coalition          additional obligations to consumers).
  Dealer agreements;                            announced before the election that it would
                                                develop emissions policies for the reduction       Finally, other than the development of the
• prohibit manufacturers from requiring,        of vehicle emissions through the established       Dealer Code or emissions policies, the
  encouraging or facilitating Dealers to        Ministerial Forum on Vehicle Emissions. The        Coalition also announced in late March 2019
  engage in 'pre-retail' or 'cyber car' sales   Ministerial Forum was established in 2015 and      that a Coalition Government would consider
  reporting;                                    has released a number of Regulatory Impact         amending the existing unfair contract terms
                                                Statements in respect of vehicle emissions, fuel   regime so that it applied without the existing
• prohibit manufacturers from
                                                efficiency and fuel standards.                     restrictive threshold on a relatively small
  terminating Dealers for failing to meet
                                                                                                   number of employees. If this proposal is
  performance targets that are unrealistic      The Government's response to the Royal             enacted, subject to the detail of the proposal,
  given manufacturers' market shares;           Commission was released in February 2019.          the unfair contracts regime will apply all
                                                Among other things, it makes clear the             small businesses, including motor vehicle
• prohibit manufacturers from
                                                Government's intention to:                         Dealers. This will have its own consequences
  prescribing how Dealers must respond
  to consumer requests, complaints,                                                                on manufacturers independent to the
                                                 • establish a deferred sales model for
  claims or legal proceedings in                                                                   introduction of the Dealer Code (in particular,
                                                   the sale of add-on insurance requiring
  circumstances where Dealers owe                                                                  for example, in relation to unilateral variations
                                                   consumers to separately engage with
  independent statutory obligations to                                                             to Dealer agreements).
                                                   the insurance provider rather than
  consumers; and                                   purchasing the insurance product at the         This article was written by Evan Stents - Lead
                                                   same time as a motor vehicle;                   Partner, and Christian Teese - Senior Associate,
• limiting manufacturers' ability to
  unilaterally vary Dealer agreements                                                              Automotive Industry Group | HWL Ebsworth
                                                 • provide ASIC with the ability to cap
  – including by the implementation                                                                Lawyers
                                                   commissions that may be paid to motor
  (or termination) of policies which are           vehicle Dealers in relation to the sale of
  made to operate as terms of the Dealer           add-on insurance products; and
  agreements themselves.

                                                                                          | JULY 2019 | 9
INDUSTRY NEWS                  Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                                is likely to impact the Dealer’s margin                       previously payable in respect of any
                         André Spnovic                          (particularly if not factored into the total price            previous sale or importation of the car, or
                         Partner, Indirect Tax,                 agreed with customers). Secondly, the ATO has
                         Deloitte Tax Services                  identified this as a risk area and, accordingly,           c) The car is sold to another Dealer who
                         Pty Ltd                                Dealers should expect questions concerning                    quotes in relation to the sale. (See our
                                                                trade-in vehicles if subject to an LCT review.                article on page 11 of the December 2018
                                                                                                                              edition of Automotive Dealer.)
                                                                Dealers who sell a trade-in that meets the

     here is a misconception amongst some                       definition of a luxury car, i.e. a car with a          Alternatively, in some cases where the scenarios
     Dealers that Luxury Car Tax (LCT) is                       value above the LCT threshold, are likely to be        above do not apply, Dealers may be entitled to
     not payable in relation to sales of cars that              required to account for LCT on the sale unless         account for a reduced LCT liability compared
have been traded in. Whilst the circumstances                   any of the below scenarios apply:                      to that which would otherwise be payable. For
in which a Dealer is required to account for                                                                           example, if the LCT that would be payable
LCT on sales of trade-ins may be limited in                         a) The car is more than two years old              on the sale is greater than the total LCT
practice, Dealers should still be aware of the                         (meaning when sold, more than two               previously payable in respect of any previous
scenarios in which they may be required to                             years have passed since the car was             sale or importation of the car, the selling Dealer
account for LCT on these sales.                                        imported into Australia)                        should be entitled to reduce the amount of
                                                                                                                       LCT it accounts for by the total amount of LCT
This is particularly important for Dealers                          b) LCT that would be payable on the sale           previously payable. This is typically relevant for
for two key reasons. Firstly, any LCT liability                        is equal to or less than the total LCT          cars that appreciate in value.

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If a Dealer does not account for LCT, or             to determine the LCT previously payable and          knowledge of whether any LCT was payable,
accounts for a reduced LCT amount, in                what evidence should selling Dealers hold            and if so, how much was payable. Similarly,
relation to the sale of a trade-in luxury car, the   to support their conclusion? The ATO has             identifying the Dealer who previously sold the
Dealer should keep records to substantiate           not specifically addressed this issue, however       vehicle can be reliant on details included on the
why that position was taken. Dealers can often       we suggest selling Dealers should conduct            car, e.g. stickers or plates, or obtaining a copy of
readily produce evidence to support a view           reasonable inquiries to determine the LCT            the service logbook.
that scenario a) or c) above applies (where          previously payable. These may include:
applicable). It can, however, be more difficult                                                           Selling Dealers should consider the information
for the selling Dealer to substantiate the amount     • asking the person who traded in the               gathered from their inquiries in light of LCT
of LCT previously payable (particularly as LCT          vehicle whether they have any information         principles. Call, email or other correspondence
payable under the LCT Act may not match                 to show the LCT that was payable and              records should be kept to demonstrate the
the LCT that importers and/or Dealers have              from whom they bought the car, and/or             inquiries undertaken. If the LCT previously
accounted for earlier in the supply chain). This                                                          payable cannot reasonably be determined and
                                                      • asking the Dealer who previously sold the         the other scenarios above do not apply, Dealers
is a consequence of the selling Dealer having no
                                                        vehicle how much LCT was payable when             should consider taking a conservative position
direct involvement in the earlier importation or
                                                        they sold the car.                                and accounting for the full amount of LCT
sale/s of the car.
                                                     Conducting these inquiries can be challenging.
The question then becomes what level of
                                                     Often the person trading in the vehicle has no
investigation should selling Dealers undertake

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INDUSTRY NEWS              Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                    influence a dealership’s performance through        Accepting, of course, that there are many
                      Randall Bryson                its people. The BDO Human Capital (HC)              factors influence overall performance, the
                      Partner,                      Index looks to combine critical workforce           largest single driver relates to people. It comes
                      BDO Automotive                elements, such as availability, capability and      as no surprise then that there is a positive
                                                    engagement, as well as labour cost measures,        linear correlation between the BDO HC Index
                                                    to determine which of these elements can lead       result and the net profit to sales achieved for
                                                    to more sustained dealership performance            dealerships reviewed.

      mployees continue to be the single            and improvements in workforce productivity.
                                                    The BDO HC Index will allow leaders to focus        For further information on the BDO Human
      largest expense in a dealership business
                                                    attention on the areas that provide the highest     Capital Index, please contact the following
      and there is no doubt the effectiveness
                                                    return on investment.                               BDO representative-
of your people is the difference between
outstanding and average results, which                                                                  CRISTIAN ULLOA
                                                    Whilst the BDO HC Index can draw
is more pertinent in challenging trading                                                                Partner – Human Capital
                                                    attention to the critical workforce dynamics
conditions. Understanding the key influences                                                            Direct: +61 7 3237 5950
                                                    of a dealership, it is heavily influenced by
that differentiate high performers is difficult,                                                        Mobile: +61 404 800 931
                                                    the industry and the organisational focus. A
but critical in unlocking the full potential of                                               
                                                    more dynamic industry, such as automotive
your workforce.
                                                    retail, will need to pay more attention to its
                                                                                                        MARK WARD
BDO have developed a framework to assist in         workforce capability and ensure emerging
                                                                                                        Partner - Automotive
understanding the impact your workforce is          capabilities are identified and addressed early
                                                                                                        Direct: +61 7 3237 5744
having on achieving your strategic ambitions.       and regularly.
                                                                                                        Mobile: +61 402 443 566
Unlike more traditional disciplines, human                                                    
                                                    Higher performing dealerships tend to have a
resource (HR) professionals have struggled to
                                                    BDO HC Index result of 6 or above, whereas
develop a method of valuing and assessing the                                                           RANDALL BRYSON
                                                    the below average performing dealerships
impact its workforce can have on the success                                                            Partner - Automotive
                                                    tend to see results below 4 on the 10-point
of a dealership.                                                                                        Direct: +61 7 3237 5792
                                                    BDO HC Index scale. What appears to have
                                                                                                        Mobile: +61 418 778 265
In conjunction with our clients, we have            the greatest impact on performance for higher
developed a methodology that moves us               performing dealerships is their ability to retain
closer to understanding the critical levers that    key elements of their workforce.
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FEATURES          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

          orldwide sales of electric vehicles      million sales in 2018 and EVs just 2 million.           Europe and the US growing their share to 20
          (EVs) will overtake those of             Half of those sales are in China, the world’s           percent and 16 percent respectively.
          traditional internal combustion          largest EV market.
engine (ICE) passenger vehicles within 20                                                                  This change could happen ever faster if nations
years, according to research published last        Even in China, EVs currently make up less               adopt more progressive emissions targets.
month.                                             than five percent of passenger car sales, and           Nine countries, including Denmark, Italy, and
                                                   the ratio is not much better elsewhere, with            Norway, have already committed to banning
Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicted             six percent in the United States and only 0.2           ICE vehicles.
in May that EV sales would top 50 million by       percent in Australia.
2038, surpassing the 47 million conventional                                                               It will, however, still be a while before EVs fully
passenger vehicle sales. Within two more years     Things are slowly changing. China last year             replace the current fleet of ICE vehicles. The
EV sales will reach 56 million, 10 million more    had its first fall in car sales in 20 years, but its    average age of cars on Australia’s roads is 10.1
than ICE sales.                                    EV sales grew. And the rest of the world is             years (about 11 years in the US), and the sheer
                                                   catching up. China’s share of the EV market             number of such vehicles is huge.
This marks a massive shift from today’s            will fall from 50 to 25 percent by 2040, with
market, which saw ICE vehicles account for 85

      new UK government-backed scheme              when buying an alternatively-fuelled vehicle as         Following a pilot scheme that ran from
      will give an official stamp of approval      opposed to petrol or diesel cars.                       November 2018 to February 2019, in which
      to dealerships that are skilled in selling                                                           the EV skills of 12 dealerships were audited, it
and servicing electric vehicles (EVs).             As a result, retailers need to be able to answer        is already estimated there will be 130 electric
                                                   all the questions customers may have, explain           vehicle approved sites across the UK by the
The ‘Electric Vehicle Approved’ brand aims to      the benefits of owning an EV, clarify any               end of 2019.
create a trusted brand and promote Dealers         possible confusion and, in addition, that
that have been approved to crack down on           servicing an electric car requires a different          Future of Mobility Minister, Jesse Norman,
poor advice and increase the confidence of         level of specialisation and training.                   said, “Record levels of ultra-low emission
drivers looking to buy EVs.                                                                                vehicles on our roads are good news as we seek
                                                   The standard for EV Dealer accreditation –              to end the sale of new conventional diesel and
Many consumers are said to find buying a           developed by the National Franchised Dealers            petrol cars and vans by 2040.
plug-in car more complex than purchasing an        Association (NFDA) and the Energy Saving
internal combustion engine vehicle; they need      Trust – will also encourage car Dealers to              “The accreditation recognises businesses with
to consider different elements – such as battery   develop their expertise in servicing EVs as the         knowledge, capability and commitment to
range and the availability of charging points –    UK moves towards a zero-emission future.                electric vehicles and will help encourage more
                                                                                                           car owners to switch to a greener alternative.”

                                                                                                 | JULY 2019 | 15
FEATURES         Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                                                                                                  NADA Study
                                                                                                                                  Tour 2020

LAS VEGAS February 13-17

      ookings are open now for the 2020          dealership industry Expo and a tour of a              • DMS and CRM Providers
      AADA Study Tour to the NADA                leading Las Vegas dealership.                         • Facility Design/Improvement/
      Show in Las Vegas. The AADA Study                                                                  Furnishings
Tour is a premium tour package featuring         You can access all of this for just AU$2,999 per
                                                 person, twin share, or AU$3,799 per person            • Finance and Insurance
not just one of the world’s largest business
conventions but a massive Expo, visits to        for a private room.*                                  • Parts, Service, Body Shop
US dealerships, the International Industry                                                             • Remarketing
                                                 The NADA Show attracts more than 22,000
Relations Dinner, Australia Party networking                                                           • Social Media/Communication
                                                 attendees made up of auto retailers, OEMs
function and the opportunity to see the sights
                                                 and allied industry executives. More than             • Training and Education
in one of the world’s most exciting cities.
                                                 10,000 dealerships are represented. They come         • Vehicle Inventory Software/Valuation
Taking place from February 13 to 17,             together to hear the latest insights, analysis and
                                                                                                       • Vehicle OEMs
the NADA Show is the industry's largest          strategies for the future of automotive retailing.
                                                 Topics covered include Dealer operations,             • Vehicle Reconditioning
marketplace of automotive and dealership
products and technologies. Global automotive     marketing and digital strategy, personnel             • Website Hosting and Strategies.
leaders rub shoulders with everyday Dealers,     management and the latest automotive
OEM representatives and allied industry          regulations and legislation. Show attendees          Combine that with unrivalled networking
professionals.                                   get the most up-to-date information on data          opportunities, international visitors, world-
                                                 management, EVs and OEM relations directly,          class speakers and an incredible social
The AADA Study Tour is always a popular          from NADA’s own Academy instructors and              program, and you begin to understand why
ticket and 2020 promises to be even more         industry experts.                                    the AADA Study Tour to NADA is a must
so, with the lowest prices we have ever                                                               for any Dealer serious about putting their
offered. The full Study Tour experience,         The incredible NADA Expo fills the Las Vegas         dealership at the cutting-edge of our industry.
from 13 to 17 February, includes four nights’    Convention Center, with over 500 exhibitors
accommodation at the world-famous Caesar’s       taking up more than 650,000 square feet              Register online at
Palace Hotel & Casino, entry to the AADA         of exhibit space. Products and services are          and prepare to reboot your mind on what is
Gumtree International Industry Relations         available in the following categories:               possible for your dealership now and into the
Dinner featuring 2019 NADA Chairman,                                                                  future.
                                                   • Advertising/Marketing/Promotion
Charlie Gilchrist, the exclusive AADA Carsales     • Aftermarket/Accessories                          *Price based on .69 US/AU exchange rates as at
& Pentana Solutions Australia Party, NADA                                                             25/06/19 and is subject to change.
                                                   • Business Consulting/Accounting
Dealer registration, the world’s biggest auto

16 | JULY 2019 |
FEATURES          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      he second annual FICO survey on
      automotive financing has revealed that
      35 percent of Australian consumers
plan to find their next auto loan at a dealer, up
by 14 percent from last year.

Another 35 percent plan to look online for
their next car loan, which is down by 7 percent
since 2017.

Silicon Valley analytic software firm FICO’s
second annual global survey on consumers’
automotive finance experience also revealed a       The survey revealed selling of add-on                “Car loans are still being underwritten using a
6 percent decline in visiting a bank/lender.        insurance was way down. Last year 64 percent         very manual process”, Mr Swyny said.
                                                    of car buyers said they were offered auto
The survey was conducted before the Hayne           insurance as part of their financing experience,     “One way the banks and dealerships can fight
Royal Commission into Banking was                   but that fell to 38 percent this year.               back against online competition is to automate
completed.                                                                                               the back end systems to improve the customer
                                                    FICO’s survey found that 84 percent of               experience.”
“This trend looks like good news for                Australians initiated their financing discussion,
dealerships and puts Australian consumers           as opposed to responding to an offer. In             The survey showed that, in Australia, 67
more in line with North America and parts of        addition, 67 percent said they felt in control       percent of consumers had to wait more than
Europe, where the preference for the Dealer         of the automotive financing process. Just over       30 minutes to complete their loan transactions.
channel is strong,” said Paul Swyny, FICO           half (52 percent) considered one lender the          Globally, 30 percent of respondents felt they
Australia client partner.                           last time they secured a loan, while 43 percent      had to wait too long to complete the financing
                                                    considered two or more lenders, yet almost           process. A similar number of Australians, 31
“However, the research, which was conducted         half of those who plan to go online for their        percent, said they would be open to instant,
part way through the Australian Banking             next round of automotive financing said they         pre-qualified offers to improve expediency
Royal Commission, may not be reflective of          want to comparison shop.                             and avoid dealing with a bank or doing extra
current sentiment. The banks were already                                                                paperwork. Only 14 percent said they wouldn’t
taking a reputational hit in the media, but the     “Consumers are taking greater control of the         be open to an instant loan offer, with a further
commission was only critical of Dealer lending      auto financing process, so banks, dealerships        56 percent in the ‘Maybe’ category.
later in the piece.”                                and other lenders have an opportunity to
                                                    leverage technology and data to recognise            “In the future, offers and approvals will be
The Hayne Royal Commission denounced                pre-purchase behaviour signals and identify          increasingly automated, based on credit scores
the use of flex commissions, which have since       Australians likely to be in the market for a         and fraud risk analysis,” Mr Swyny said.
been banned.                                        vehicle, and then initiate personalised offers,”
                                                                                                         “We expect more loan providers will employ
“But thanks to this and other findings of the       Mr Swyny said.
                                                                                                         technology solutions that will assist to
Hayne report, dealerships likely have some          Mr Swyny said the market is ripe for change,         rapidly generate optimised loan offers and
work to do to maintain the ground they’d            with competition in the finance space growing        automatically offer them to the consumer,
gained since last year’s automotive financing       thanks to the rise of online competitors.            offering choice and the ability to comparison
study,” Mr Swyny said.                              We’re seeing this shift across the Tasman,           shop.”
When asked about how good a deal they felt          with 44 percent of New Zealand consumers
                                                                                                         FICO’s independent research surveyed
they received on their most recent car loan,        ranking online financing as their first choice
                                                                                                         2,000 adult consumers across nine countries
31 percent of respondents said they got an          for their next loan, up 4 percent on last year.
                                                                                                         including the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile,
excellent deal and 59 percent said they got         New Zealanders surveyed cited convenience,
                                                                                                         Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Spain and
a good deal. Only 8 percent said they got a         comparison shopping across lenders and speed
                                                                                                         the UK. Respondents were those between the
poor deal and just 2 percent felt they had been     as their main reasons for shopping for finance
                                                                                                         ages of 18-64 who acquired a loan on a new or
swindled.                                           online.
                                                                                                         used vehicle within the last three years.

                                                                                               | JULY 2019 | 17
MOTORSPORT             Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                    MB: It is somewhat of a mixed bag, but               JC: Have the 16-18 cars that have come into
                                                    certainly Hyundai are a standout, as are             Australia all been previously raced overseas?
                                                    Audi and Honda, either directly with the
                     John Crennan                   manufacturers or their Dealer Councils.
                                                                                                         MB: No, 90 percent of the cars are brand new
                     Motorsport Contributor                                                              and not previously raced.
                                                    JC: Turning now to Australia, how is your
                                                                                                         JC: How is the relationship between TCR
                                                    relationship with global TCR Headquarters
                                                                                                         Australia and the Team’s governed? Is it like

                                                                                                         Supercars, with a franchise agreement?
    ohn Crennan throws TCR Managing
                                                    MB: We operate with a licence agreement and
    Director, Matt Braid, 21 questions a few                                                             MB: No, it is not a franchise deal.
                                                    the term is a lengthy one.
    days prior to being handed the keys to a
                                                                                                         JC: How demanding are your criteria for
new door in Australian motor sport.                 JC: I understand in Australia the TCR Global
                                                                                                         appointing teams? Is there a formal application
                                                    Agreement is with ARC (Australian Racing
JC: Where are the global headquarters of TCR                                                             process?
                                                    Group). Who and what are they?
(Touring Car Racing)?
                                                                                                         MB: There are no set, specific criteria; however,
                                                    MB: ARC is a privately held entity with three
MB: The principal offices are in England                                                                 we want all TCR Australia teams to be
                                                    owners and directors: me, former CEO of
and Italy. The series is owned by the ‘World                                                             professionally presented, self-sufficient, and to
                                                    Wilson Security, John McMullen, and a third
Sporting Consultants’. The series is the                                                                 share our vision of offering a first-class product
                                                    party who wishes to remain private.
brainchild of former World Touring Car                                                                   on and off the track.
Championship Manager, Marcello Lotti, who           JC: What benefits did the TCR Licencing
                                                                                                         JC: Do any of the owners/directors have any
continues to be the driving force.                  Agreement bring to ARC to assist and facilitate
                                                                                                         direct or indirect financial interest in any of the
                                                    the best possible start-up phase?
JC: How long has TCR been operating and                                                                  teams?
in which regions prior to this expansion into       MB: The start-up support has been outstanding
                                                                                                         MB: No
Australia?                                          with things such as databases and templates for
                                                    both the technical and commercial operational        JC: Whilst your selection of Aaron Noonan and
MB: Marcello Lotti established it in 2014, so
                                                    disciplines and start-up experiences in other        Greg Rust as your commentary team is a strong
this will be its sixth season. There are four
                                                    countries. It will be a two-way street, however,     move, all top sports broadcasts these days have
internationally sanctioned series globally,
                                                    as TCR Global have been impressed with               a big name who has deep understanding of the
with 12 regional series, primarily throughout
                                                    many of our own early initiatives and are most       sport from the inside and top class experience
Europe, working to the TCR regulations.
                                                    interested in what learnings they can glean          ‘behind the wheel’. Any plans on this?
JC: I noted in an article that TCR don’t allow      from the Australian series.
                                                                                                         MB: Everyone will be pleasantly surprised with
fully-fledged factory/manufacturer support.
                                                    JC: How many brands do you currently have            our television format where it will take on a
What then is the level of support permitted by
                                                    over the line?                                       very entertaining, concise, Big Bash theme,
                                                                                                         with Saturday’s telecast qualifying and race
                                                    MB: We currently have eight brands committed
MB: The crucial ethos of TCR is cost-                                                                    format airing for an hour, from 2pm–3pm, and
                                                    of the 14 brands that are internationally
effectiveness, ensuring a level playing field for                                                        Sunday for two hours, 2pm–4pm.
                                                    homologated. (These eight are) Audi, Alfa,
everyone and not disadvantaging any teams
                                                    Hyundai, Honda, VW, Opel, Subaru and                 JC: Do you have a primary/naming rights
or brands. TCR do not allow a manufacturer
                                                    Renault. We also have a lot of work in progress      sponsor and how has the appetite been from
to own a team or a car; however, they are free
                                                    in attracting more brands to the series.             sponsors for this new series?
to provide sponsorship dollars or in-kind
support within the normal parameters of sports      JC: I understand the series owns the cars. Is this   MB: We will be announcing our naming rights
sponsorship.                                        correct?                                             sponsor on the Friday just prior to the race
                                                                                                         weekend (this interview was conducted earlier
JC: With the established overseas operations        MB: No. The teams own most of the cars and
                                                                                                         in May; the series naming rights sponsor has
have there been any manufacturers who stand         those that don’t have a buyback/lease program
                                                                                                         since been revealed to be carsales). What we are
out in terms of the way they have embraced          in place.
                                                                                                         finding with the sponsor market is enthusiasm
                                                                                                         and interest because our business model is far
18 | JULY 2019 |
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