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1328 PERMEABILITY OF DUAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMPARATIVE STUDY INCLUDING AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, FRANCE, AND SLOVENIA WORK PACKAGE DELIVERABLE T3 Horizontal and vertical permeability of T3.1 Study report on horizontal and vertical dual permeability of dual education education AUTHORS DELIVERY DATE PETANOVITSCH ALEXANDER - ibw August 2020 SCHMID KURT - ibw on behalf of Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim STATUS DISTRIBUTION LEVEL Final report Public
CONTENT 1 SUMMARIES 5 SUMMARY (EN) 5 SUMMARY (DE) 7 SUMMARY (FR) 10 SUMMARY (IT) 13 SUMMARY (SL) 16 2 INTRODUCTION 18 3 DUAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING: COUNTRY OVERVIEW 20 3.1 AUSTRIA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 GERMANY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3 FRANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.4 ITALY: OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................................. 26 3.4.1 AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO 26 3.4.2 AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO 27 3.5 SLOVENIA ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29 3.6 SWITZERLAND ..................................................................................................................................................................... 31 4 VERTICAL PERMEABILITY OF DUAL VET REGARDING HIGHER EDUCATION 33 4.1 AUSTRIA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.1.1 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 33 4.1.2 UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION EXAMINATION 33 4.1.3 RECOGNITION OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING/PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE AT UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES 34 4.1.4 SUPPORT PROGRAM “APPRENTICESHIP WITH UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION” 34 4.1.5 VOCATIONAL ACADEMY 35 4.1.6 EXCURSUS: NON-TRADITIONAL ACCESS TO APPRENTICESHIP 35 4.2 GERMANY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 36 4.2.1 ACADEMIC APTITUDE TEST 36 4.2.2 DOUBLE QUALIFICATION PROGRAM 36 4.2.3 DUAL COURSE OF STUDY 36 4.2.4 UPPER VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 36 4.2.5 MASTER CRAFTSPERSON EXAMINATION 37 4.2.6 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING OR WORK EXPERIENCES: SUBJECT-SPECIFIC UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE FOR THE PROFESSIONALLY QUALIFIED 37 4.2.7 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 37 4.2.8EXCURSUS: NON-TRADITIONAL ACCESS TO APPRENTICESHIP 38 4.3 SWITZERLAND .................................................................................................................................................................... 39 4.3.1 ACCESS TO UNIVERSITIES - GENERAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION FOR ADULTS 39 4.3.2 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION AND PASSERELLE 39 4.3.3 ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS/SPECIAL ADMISSION PROCEDURES 40 4.3.4ACCESS TO UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES – UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION IN COMBINATION WITH PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 40
4.3.5 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE: ADMISSION SUR DOSSIER 41 4.3.6 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 41 4.3.7 EXCURSUS: NON-TRADITIONAL ACCESS TO APPRENTICESHIP 41 4.4 FRANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 4.4.1 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 43 4.4.2 DIPLOMA FOR ACCESS TO UNIVERSITY STUDIES 44 4.4.3RECOGNITION OF PRIOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE 44 4.5 ITALY: AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO ........................................................................................ 45 4.5.1 APPRENTICESHIP AND UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 45 4.5.2 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE 45 4.5.3 EXCURSUS: NON-TRADITIONAL ACCESS TO APPRENTICESHIP 45 4.6 ITALY: AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO ............................................................................................. 46 4.6.1 APPRENTICESHIP AND UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 46 4.6.2 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE 47 4.7 SLOVENIA ............................................................................................................................................................................... 47 4.7.1 VOCATIONAL UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE QUALIFICATION 47 4.7.2 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE 47 4.8 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 48 5 HORIZONTAL PERMEABILITY REGARDING DUAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING 51 5.1 AUSTRIA .................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 5.2 GERMANY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52 5.3 SWITZERLAND .................................................................................................................................................................... 53 5.4 FRANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 5.5 ITALY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 5.5.1 AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF BOLZANO 54 5.5.2 AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO 55 5.6 SLOVENIA ............................................................................................................................................................................... 55 5.7 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 55 6 INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY 58 6.1 COUNTRY PROFILES ....................................................................................................................................................... 58 6.2 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 62 8 REFERENCES 65 3
LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1: Education and training system in Austria .................................................................................................. 21 Figure 3-2: Education and training system in Germany ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 3-3: Differences between apprenticeship schemes in France ............................................................. 24 Figure 3-4: Education and training system in France ................................................................................................ 25 Figure 3-5: Education and training system in Italy ....................................................................................................... 28 Figure 3-6: Education and training system in Slovenia ............................................................................................. 30 Figure 3-7: Education and training system in Switzerland ..................................................................................... 32 Figure 4-1: Aspects of vertical permeability regarding dual VET in the Alpine Space........................... 50 Figure 5-1: Aspects of horizontal permeability regarding dual VET in the Alpine Space .................... 57 Figure 6-1: Aspects of international permeability regarding dual VET in the Alpine Space ............... 61 Contact: 4
1 SUMMARIES SUMMARY (EN) Dual vocational education and training 1 compared to academic tracks and/or full- (VET) plays an important role within the VET time schoolbased VET programmes that of- systems of the Alpine Space countries, as it is fer double degrees. one of the main pathways to gain entry into The current analysis shows that there are se- a professional career. veral possibilities for a vertical or horizontal The “traditional” concept of apprenticeship transition in all countries of the Alpine Space. training was initially designed as a sort of sy- Regarding vertical permeability, special stemic “one way street” with the sole and sin- examinations or courses lead apprenticeship gle purpose of providing a professional qua- graduates to a HE entrance qualification. In lification for apprentices and the immediate addition there are programmes in which transition into the labour market. As a result, learners can acquire both, a dual VET qualifi- this pathway has so far not provided access cation and a HE entrance qualification, at the to Higher Education (HE). Due to the Bolo- same time. The recognition of prior learning gna Process permeability has gained greater (RPL) (formal, non-formal or in-formal lear- attention from the educational society and ning) is also an important element in per- therefore much has changed since then. This meability initiatives. However, these me- report sheds light onto the current situation thods are currently not systematically esta- of permeability within the educational sy- blished in any of the Alpine countries – ex- stems in the alpine space. For this purpose, cept in France with its long tradition of using the vertical, i.e. the change between the le- recognition procedures 2 to enable learning vels in both directions, the horizontal, the mobility regardless of the context of the ac- change between VET and HE as well as the quired knowledge. international permeability between the edu- Measures relating to horizontal permeabi- cation systems of the different countries are lity can as well be analysed on the basis of examined. Additionally, the report gives re- the three categories mentioned (external ad- commendations for action to improve the at- ditional examinations, internal modifications tractiveness of dual VET. of VET and RPL). Most interestingly, no initia- Due to the fast change in the modern labour tives or approaches for external additional markets and the fact that a constantly gro- examinations were identified that would wing number of people are striving for HE, provide horizontal access to other VET path- more permeability in both vertical and hori- ways/programmes. Internal modifications of zontal terms is urgently needed. Dual VET dual VET are currently not systematically must provide options that give access to HE established in any of the Alpine countries – to maintain its attractiveness, especially except in Austria, where they are implemen- 1 2 dual VET; the term apprenticeship [training] will be used Validation of Professional Experience (VAP) and Valida- synonymously in this report. tion of Acquired Experience (VAE) 5
ted as modular apprenticeship training con- other’s experiences to find out if and how to cepts or as a combination of different VET adopt permeability measures for their natio- programs. In contrast, RPL is the approach nal situation/context. used by many countries in the Alpine region Firstly, there are measures that can be ta- to enable horizontal permeability. An exam- ken within a country and the respective na- ple of this is the reduction of training dura- tional education and training system. Promi- tion for learners who have already acquired a sing fields of action are a higher degree of qualification with similar learning outcomes. modularization for dual VET, creating new Regarding international permeability, RPL dual VET tracks that combine apprentice- is also the most widely used approach. There ship training with a HE entrance qualifica- are even some forms of bi- or multilateral tion, enabling admission to higher education agreements on mutual recognition of voca- for existing degrees and establishing a com- tional qualifications in almost all countries of prehensive system for recognition of prior the Alpine Space. Officially regulated proce- learning and professional experience. dures for formal recognition of professions Secondly, international initiatives could be and/or degrees are quite common as well. In broader in scope, i.e. involving two or more contrast, no external additional examina- countries. Through standardizing and syste- tions have been used to enable permeability matizing assessment and accreditation pro- in dual VET between the countries of the Al- cesses for dual VET degrees, the traditional pine region up to now. And even outside the bilateral setting of international recognition Alpine region there is only one example of an might be extended. Another approach is ba- internal modification of dual VET in the form sed on cross-border cooperation, like jointly of transnational VET: In the German-Dutch defining curricula and learning outcomes border area, standards for a cross-border cur- forming a “common region of apprentice- riculum are developed3. ship training”. One of the major challenges for permeability The report also sheds light on areas (within is the diversity of occupational concepts in and/or between countries) where no per- the countries of the Alpine Region. An occu- meability options exist up to now. These pation is usually defined in close cooperation “blank spots” may be used as starting points with stakeholders from the relevant occupa- for elaborating some basic ideas about per- tional field. Its composition is therefore hi- meability. One field of action might be to use ghly influenced by contextual factors of the external additional exams/trainings to foster respective country (economic structure, size horizontal as well as international mobility. of enterprises, etc.). For this reason, the more Bridging offers like “pas-serelles” and/or trai- diverse dual VET systems and economic nings (i.e. that might fill qualifica-tion gaps) structures between countries are, the grea- to ease movements between VET tracks ter the challenge of fostering international and/or countries of the Alpine Space might permeability. be establi-shed. Similarly, internal modifica- OPTIONS FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT tions of dual VET (i.e. combining dual VET and full-time school-based VET program- The report highlights the fact that there are mes) might be an option to foster horizontal many options, especially at national level, to permeability. enhance vertical, horizontal and internatio- nal permeability in dual VET. The countries of the Alpine Space can learn from each 3 Transnationale Berufsausbildung im deutsch-nieder- ländischen Grenzgebiet (TraBbi); BÖTTCHER ET. AL. 2013; karte.php?D=321&F=18&M=137&S=M%C3%BClhei- mer%20Ausbildungsservice&V=list 6
SUMMARY (DE) Die duale Berufsbildung 4 spielt in den auch horizontal dringend erforderlich. Die Berufsbildungssystemen der Alpenraumlän- duale Berufsbildung muss Optionen bieten, der eine wichtige Rolle, da sie eine der wich- tigsten Möglichkeiten darstellt eine berufli- die den Zugang zur Hochschulbildung che Laufbahn zu beginnen. ermöglichen, um ihre Attraktivität zu erhal- ten, insbesondere im Vergleich zu akademi- Das "traditionelle" Konzept der Lehrling- schen Studiengängen und/oder vollzei- sausbildung war ursprünglich als eine Art sy- tschulischen Berufsbildungsprogrammen, stemische "Einbahnstraße" konzipiert, mit die Doppelabschlüsse bieten. dem obersten Ziel, den Lehrlingen eine berufliche Qualifikation zu vermitteln um Die aktuelle Analyse zeigt, dass es in allen den sofortigen Übergang in den Ar- Ländern des Alpenraums mehrere Mögli- beitsmarkt zu ermöglichen. Folglich hat die- chkeiten für einen vertikalen oder horizonta- ser Weg bisher keinen Zugang zur Hoch- len Übergang gibt. So führen unter anderem schulbildung ermöglicht. Durch den Bolo- spezielle Prüfungen oder Kurse die Absol- gna-Prozess jedoch, hat das Thema Dur- ventInnen einer dualen Berufsausbildung zu chlässigkeit in bildungspolitischen Kreisen einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung und an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen, so dass sich ermöglichen so einen vertikalen Übergang. seither viel verändert hat. Der vorliegende Darüber hinaus gibt es Programme, in de- Bericht beleuchtet die aktuelle Situation der nen die Lernenden gleichzeitig eine duale Durchlässigkeit innerhalb der Bildungssy- Berufsbildung und eine Hochschulzugang- steme im Alpenraum. Dazu werden die ver- sberechtigung erwerben können. Die Aner- tikale, d.h. der Wechsel zwischen den Ebe- kennung von Vorkenntnissen (durch forma- nen in beiden Richtungen, die Horizontale, les, non-formales oder informelles Lernen) ist der Wechsel zwischen Berufsbildung und ebenfalls ein zentrales Element der Dur- Hochschulbildung sowie die internationale chlässigkeitsinitiativen. Allerdings sind diese Durchlässigkeit zwischen den Bildungssy- Methoden derzeit in keinem der Alpenländer stemen der verschiedenen Länder unter- systematisch etabliert – abgesehen von sucht. Zusätzlich spricht der Bericht Han- Frankreich mit seiner langen Tradition der dlungsempfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Anwendung von formalen, non-formalen Attraktivität der dualen Berufsbildung in den oder informellen Lernmethoden. Alpenländern aus. Auch Maßnahmen zur horizontalen Dur- Aufgrund des raschen Wandels auf den mo- chlässigkeit können anhand der drei ge- dernen Arbeitsmärkten und der Tatsache, nannten Kategorien (externe Zusatzprüfun- dass eine ständig wachsende Zahl von Men- gen, interne Modifikationen der Berufsbil- schen eine Hochschulausbildung anstrebt, dung und des RPL) analysiert werden. Am in- ist mehr Durchlässigkeit sowohl vertikal als teressantesten ist jedoch, dass keine Initiati- ven oder Ansätze für externe Zusatzprüfun- gen identifiziert werden konnten, die einen 4 Duale Berufsausbildung und die Bezeichnung Lehr- lingsausbildung werden in diesem Bericht synonym ver- wendet. 7
horizontalen Zugang zu anderen Berufsbil- mit Akteuren aus dem jeweiligen Berufsfeld. dungswegen/Programmen ermöglichen Seine Zusammensetzung wird daher stark würden. Interne Modifikationen der dualen von Kontextfaktoren des jeweiligen Landes Berufsbildung sind derzeit zudem in keinem (Wirtschaftsstruktur, Betriebsgröße etc.) der Alpenländer systematisch etabliert - mit beeinflusst. Aus diesem Grund sind die Un- Ausnahme von Österreich, wo sie als modu- terschiede in den dualen Berufsbildungssy- lare Lehrlingsausbildungskonzepte oder als stemen und Wirtschaftsstrukturen zwischen Kombination verschiedener Berufsbil- den Ländern größer. dungsprogramme umgesetzt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Anerkennung von OPTIONEN FÜR DIE ZUKÜNFTIGE ENTWIC- Vorkenntnissen der von vielen Ländern des KLUNG Alpenraums verwendete Ansatz, um eine horizontale Durchlässigkeit zu ermöglichen. Der Bericht unterstreicht die Tatsache, dass Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Verkürzung der es insbesondere auf nationaler Ebene viele Ausbildungsdauer für Lernende, die zuvor Möglichkeiten gibt, die vertikale, horizontale bereits eine Qualifikation mit ähnlichen Ler- und internationale Durchlässigkeit in der nergebnissen erworben haben. dualen Berufsbildung zu verbessern. Die Länder des Alpenraums können dabei von Im Hinblick auf die internationale Durchläs- einem Erfahrungsaustausch profitieren sigkeit ist die Anerkennung von Vorkennt- und herausfinden, ob und wie Durchläs- nissen auch der am weitesten verbreitete sigkeitsmaßnahmen für ihre nationale Situa- Ansatz. In fast allen Ländern des Alpenraums tion/ihren nationalen Kontext eingesetzt gibt es sogar einige Formen bi- oder multila- werden können. teraler Vereinbarungen zur gegenseitigen Rückzündung von beruflichen Qualifikatio- Zum einen gibt es Maßnahmen, die in ei- nen. Offiziell geregelte Verfahren zur forma- nem Land und innerhalb des jeweiligen na- len Anerkennung von Berufen und/oder Ab- tionalen Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystems schlüssen sind ebenfalls verbreitet. ergriffen werden können. Vorrangige Han- dlungsfelder sind ein höherer Modularisie- Externe Zusatzprüfungen zur Ermöglichung rungsgrad der dualen Berufsausbildung, die der Durchlässigkeit in der dualen Schaffung neuer dualer Berufsbil- Berufsausbildung zwischen den Ländern dungswege, die eine Lehrlingsausbildung des Alpenraums wurden dagegen bisher mit einer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung nicht eingesetzt. Und auch außerhalb des Al- kombinieren, die Ermöglichung des Hoch- penraums gibt es nur ein Beispiel für eine in- schulzugangs für bestehende Abschlüsse terne Modifikation der dualen Berufsbildung und die Etablierung eines umfassenden Sy- in Form einer transnationalen Berufsbil- stems zur Anerkennung von Vorbildung und dung: Im deutsch-niederländischen Grenz- Berufserfahrung. raum werden Standards für ein grenzüber- schreitendes Curriculum5 entwickelt. Zweitens könnten internationale Initiativen breiter angelegt sein, d.h. zwei oder mehr Eine der größten Herausforderungen für die Länder einbeziehen. Durch die Standardi- Durchlässigkeit ist die Unterschiedlichkeit sierung und Systematisierung der Bewertu- der Berufskonzepte in den Ländern des Al- ngs- und Akkreditierungsprozesse für duale penraums. Die Definition eines Berufes erfo- Berufsbildungsabschlüsse könnte der tradi- lgt in der Regel in enger Zusammenarbeit 5 Transnationale Berufsausbildung im deutsch-nieder- ländischen Grenzgebiet (TraBbi); BÖTTCHER ET. AL. 2013; karte.php?D=321&F=18&M=137&S=M%C3%BClhei- mer%20Ausbildungsservice&V=list 8
tionelle bilaterale Rahmen der internationa- len Anerkennung erweitert werden. Ein an- derer Ansatz basiert auf grenzüberschreiten- der Zusammenarbeit, wie z.B. die gemein- same Festlegung von Curricula und Lernin- halten, die eine "gemeinsame Region der Lehrlingsausbildung" bilden. Der Bericht beleuchtet auch Bereiche (in- nerhalb und/oder zwischen den Ländern), in denen es bisher keine Durchlässigkeitsoptio- nen gibt. Diese "weißen Flecken" können als Ausgangspunkt für die Ausarbeitung einiger grundlegender Ideen zur Durchlässigkeit dienen. Ein Aktionsfeld könnte die Nutzung externer Zusatzprüfungen/-ausbildungen sein, um sowohl die horizontale als auch die internationale Mobilität zu fördern. Über- brückungsangebote wie "passerelles" und/oder Ausbildungen (d.h. die Qualifika- tionslücken füllen könnten) zur Erleichte- rung der Mobilität zwischen Berufsbil- dungswegen und/oder Ländern des Alpen- raums könnten geschaffen werden. In ähnli- cher Weise könnten interne Modifikationen der dualen Berufsbildung (d.h. die Kombina- tion von dualer Berufsbildung und vollzei- tschulischen Berufsbildungsprogrammen) eine Option sein, um die horizontale Dur- chlässigkeit zu fördern. 9
SUMMARY (FR) La formation professionnelle en alternance un diplôme d'entrée à l'enseignement supé- (EFP)6 joue un rôle important dans les systè- rieur. mes d'EFP des pays de l’espace Alpin car il s'agit d'une des principales voies d'accès à En outre, il existe des programmes dans le- l'entrée dans une carrière professionnelle. squels les apprenants peuvent acquérir une double qualification en matière de formation Le concept "traditionnel" de formation en professionnelle et une entrée dans l'en- apprentissage a été initialement conçu seignement supérieur qualifiant, dans le comme une sorte de "voie unique" dans le même temps. La reconnaissance des acquis seul et unique but de fournir la qualification de l’apprentissage (apprentissage formel, professionnelle des apprentis et la transition non formel) est également un élément im- vers le marché du travail. En conséquence, portant des initiatives de perméabilité. Ce- cette voie n'a pas permis jusqu'à présent pendant, ces méthodes ne sont actuelle- d'accéder à l’enseignement supérieur. En rai- ment pas établies de manière systématique son de la perméabilité le processus de Bolo- dans chacun des pays alpins - sauf en France, gne a bénéficié d'une plus grande attention qui a une longue tradition d'utilisation de de la part de la communauté éducative la so- procédures de reconnaissance pour permet- ciété et donc beaucoup de choses ont tre la mobilité d'apprentissage, quel que soit changé depuis. le contexte des connaissances acquises. Ce rapport met en lumière la situation ac- Les mesures relatives à la perméabilité hori- tuelle de la perméabilité au sein des systè- zontale peuvent bien être analysées sur la mes éducatifs dans l'espace alpin. À cette fin, base des trois catégories mentionnées (exa- il examine la « perméabilité verticale », c'est- mens complémentaires externes, examens à-dire le changement à niveau égal dans les internes modifications de l'EFP et de la re- deux directions (enseignent classique et pro- connaissance des apprentissages). Il est éga- fessionnel) et la « perméabilité horizontale », lement intéressant de constater qu’aucune c’est-à-dire le passage entre la formation initiative ou approche pour des examens ex- professionnelle et l'enseignement supérieur, ternes supplémentaires n’ont été identifiées, ainsi que la « perméabilité internationale » qui permettraient un accès horizontal à d'au- entre les systèmes éducatifs des différents tres filières/programmes d'EFP. Les modifi- pays. En outre, le rapport donne des recom- cations internes de la formation profession- mandations d'actions pour améliorer l'at- nelle en alternance ne sont actuellement tractivité de l'EFP en alternance. établies systématiquement dans aucun des pays alpins - sauf en Autriche, où elles sont L'analyse actuelle montre qu'il existe plu- mises en œuvre sous la forme de concepts sieurs possibilités de transition verticale ou de formation modulaire en apprentissage ou horizontale dans tous les pays de l'Espace al- d'une combinaison de différents program- pin. En ce qui concerne la perméabilité ver- mes de formation professionnelle. ticale, des examens ou des cours spéciaux conduisent les diplômés de l'apprentissage à 6 double EFP; le terme apprentissage [formation] sera utilisé de manière synonyme dans ce rapport 10
En revanche, la reconnaissance de l’appren- OPTIONS POUR UN DÉVELOPPEMENT tissage est l'approche utilisée par de nom- FUTUR breux pays de la région alpine pour permet- tre une perméabilité horizontale. Un exem- Le rapport souligne le fait qu'il existe de ple de cette approche est la réduction de la nombreuses options, en particulier au niveau durée de formation pour les apprenants qui national, pour améliorer la perméabilité ver- ont déjà acquis une qualification avec des ticale, horizontale et internationale dans résultats d'apprentissage similaires. l'EFP en alternance. Les pays de l'Espace al- pin peuvent tirer des enseignements de cha- En ce qui concerne la perméabilité interna- que expérience pour étudier la faisabilité et tionale, la reconnaissance des apprentissa- les mesures de perméabilité à adopter dans ges est également l'approche la plus utilisée. leur situation / contexte national. Il existe même des formes d'accords bi- ou multilatéraux sur la reconnaissance mu- Premièrement, il existe des mesures qui tuelle des qualifications professionnelles peuvent être prises au sein d'un pays et du dans presque tous les pays de l'Espace alpin. système national d'éducation et de forma- Les procédures officiellement réglementées tion correspondant. Les domaines d'action pour la reconnaissance officielle des profes- prometteurs sont un degré plus élevé de sions et/ou des diplômes sont également as- modularisation de l'EFP en alternance avec sez courantes. En revanche, jusqu'à présent, la création de nouvelles filières d'EFP en al- aucun examen externe supplémentaire n'a ternance qui combinent la formation en ap- été utilisé pour permettre la perméabilité de prentissage et un diplôme d'entrée à l'en- la formation professionnelle en alternance seignement supérieur, la possibilité d'ac- entre les pays de la région alpine. Et même céder à l'enseignement supérieur pour les di- en dehors de la région alpine, il n'existe qu'un plômes existants et la mise en place d'un sy- seul exemple d’adaptation interne de l’ap- stème complet de reconnaissance et de va- prentissage professionnel sous la forme lorisation des acquis et de l'expérience pro- d'une formation professionnelle transnatio- fessionnelle. nale : dans la zone frontalière germano-néer- landaise, des modules existent pour un pro- Deuxièmement, les initiatives internationa- gramme d'études transfrontalier7. les pourraient avoir une portée plus large, c'est-à-dire impliquer deux ou plusieurs L'un des principaux défis en matière de per- pays. En normalisant et en systématisant les méabilité est la diversité des concepts pro- processus d'évaluation et d'accréditation des fessionnels dans les pays de la région alpine. diplômes d'EFP en alternance, le cadre bila- Une profession est généralement définie en téral traditionnel de la reconnaissance inter- étroite collaboration avec les acteurs du do- nationale pourrait être étendu. Une autre ap- maine professionnel concerné. Sa composi- proche est basée sur la coopération tran- tion est donc fortement influencée par les sfrontalière, comme la définition conjointe facteurs contextuels du pays concerné des programmes et des résultats d'appren- (structure économique, taille des entrepri- tissage formant une "région commune de ses, etc.). Pour cette raison, plus les systèmes formation en apprentissage". d'EFP en alternance et les structures écono- miques sont diverses entre les pays plus le Le rapport met également en lumière les zo- défi de promouvoir la perméabilité interna- nes (au sein des pays et/ou entre les pays) où tionale est important. 7 Formation professionnelle transnationale dans la ré- gion frontalière germano-néerlandaise (TraBbi); karte.php?D=321&F=18&M=137&S=M%C3%BClhei- BÖTTCHER ET. AL. 2013; mer%20Ausbildungsservice&V=list 11
aucune option de perméabilité n'existe ju- squ'à présent. Ces "points vides" peuvent servir de point de départ pour élaborer quel- ques idées de base sur la perméabilité. Un domaine d'action pourrait consister à uti- liser des examens ou des formations exter- nes supplémentaires pour favoriser la mobi- lité horizontale et internationale. Des passe- relles et/ou des formations (c'est-à-dire qui pourraient combler les lacunes en matière de qualification) pourraient être mises en place pour faciliter les déplacements entre les filières d'EFP et/ou les pays de l'Espace al- pin. De même, des modifications internes de l'EFP en alternance (c'est-à-dire combinant l'EFP en alternance et les programmes d'EFP scolaires à temps plein) pourraient être une option pour favoriser la perméabilité hori- zontale. 12
SUMMARY (IT) L’istruzione e la formazione professionale A causa del rapido cambiamento nel mer- duale8 svolge un ruolo importante all'interno cato del lavoro moderno e del numero co- dei paesi dello Spazio Alpino, poiché è uno stantemente crescente di persone che in- dei percorsi principali per iniziare una car- tende impegnarsi nell'istruzione superiore, riera professionale. una maggiore permeabilità sia in termini verticali che orizzontali è urgentemente ne- Il concetto “tradizionale” di formazione in ap- cessaria. Il sistema duale di istruzione e for- prendistato è stato inizialmente concepito mazione professionale deve fornire opzioni come una sorta di “strada a senso unico” si- che diano accesso all'istruzione superiore per stemica, con il solo e unico scopo di fornire mantenere la sua attrattiva, soprattutto ri- una qualificazione professionale agli appren- spetto ai percorsi accademici e/o ai pro- disti e la transizione immediata nel mercato grammi di istruzione e formazione professio- del lavoro. Di conseguenza, questo percorso nale a tempo pieno che offrono doppi di- finora non ha consentito l'accesso all'istru- plomi. zione superiore (formazione terziaria). Grazie al Processo di Bologna 9 la permeabilità ha L'attuale analisi mostra che ci sono diverse guadagnato una maggiore attenzione da possibilità per una transizione verticale o parte della società dell’istruzione e da allora orizzontale in tutti i paesi dello Spazio Alpino. molto è cambiato. Per quanto riguarda la permeabilità verti- cale, esami o corsi speciali consentono ai Questo rapporto fa luce sullo stato attuale qualificati in apprendistato di ottenere una della permeabilità all'interno dei sistemi edu- qualifica di ingresso per l’istruzione supe- cativi nello Spazio Alpino. A tal fine, vengono riore. Inoltre, ci sono programmi in cui gli stu- esaminate la permeabilità verticale, ovvero il denti possono acquisire contemporanea- cambio tra i livelli in entrambe le direzioni, e mente una qualifica professionale in appren- l'orizzontale, ovvero il passaggio da forma- distato e una qualifica di ingresso per l’istru- zione professionale e istruzione secondaria a zione superiore. Il riconoscimento dell'ap- parità di livello, nonché la permeabilità inter- prendimento precedente (RAP) (apprendi- nazionale tra i sistemi educativi dei diversi mento formale, non formale o informale) è paesi. Inoltre, il rapporto fornisce raccoman- anche un elemento importante nelle inizia- dazioni per azioni volte a migliorare l'attratti- tive di permeabilità. Tuttavia, oggi questi me- vità del sistema duale di istruzione e forma- todi non sono stabiliti in modo sistematico in zione professionale. nessuno dei paesi alpini - ad eccezione della Francia con la sua lunga tradizione di utilizzo di procedure di riconoscimento 10 per con- sentire la mobilità dell'apprendimento, indi- pendentemente dal contesto delle cono- scenze acquisite. 8 9 formazione professionale duale; in questo report, i ter- mini “apprendistato” e “formazione” sono utilizzati inter- 10 cambiabilmente. Riconoscimento dell'esperienza professionale (REP) e validazione dell'esperienza acquisita (VAE) 13
Anche le misure relative alla permeabilità Una delle principali sfide per la permeabilità orizzontale possono essere analizzate sulla è la diversità nella terminologia e nei concetti base delle tre categorie menzionate (esami delle singole professioni, nei paesi delle re- esterni aggiuntivi, modifiche interne di VET e gioni alpine. La definizione di una profes- RAP). E’ interessante notare che non sono sione in genere è realizzata in stretta coope- state identificate iniziative o approcci per ul- razione con gli stakeholder interessati del teriori esami esterni per consentire un ac- settore professionale pertinente. La sua de- cesso orizzontale ad altri percorsi/pro- scrizione è quindi fortemente influenzata dai grammi di IeFP. Attualmente in nessuno dei fattori contestuali del rispettivo paese (strut- paesi alpini sono state stabilite modifiche in- tura economica, dimensione delle imprese, terne al sistema duale della formazione pro- ecc.). Per questo motivo, più sono diversi i si- fessionale in modo sistematico, tranne in Au- stemi di Istruzione e Formazione Professio- stria dove sono implementate come concetti nale duale e le relative infrastrutture econo- di formazione di apprendistato modulare o miche, maggiore è la sfida di promuovere la come combinazione di diversi programmi di permeabilità internazionale. formazione professionale. Al contrario, il RAP è l'approccio utilizzato da molti paesi della re- PROSPETTIVE PER LO SVILUPPO FUTURO gione alpina per consentire la permeabilità DELLA PERMEABILITA’ NELLA FORMA- orizzontale. Un esempio di ciò è la riduzione ZIONE DUALE della durata della formazione per gli studenti che hanno già acquisito una qualifica con ri- Il rapporto evidenzia che ci sono molte op- sultati di apprendimento simili. zioni, soprattutto a livello nazionale, per mi- gliorare permeabilità verticale, orizzontale e Per quanto riguarda la permeabilità inter- internazionale nella formazione professio- nazionale, RAP è l’approccio più diffuso. Esi- nale duale. I paesi dello Spazio Alpino pos- stono anche altre forme di accordi bilaterali sono imparare tra loro e dalle proprie espe- o multilaterali sul riconoscimento reciproco rienze per scoprire se e come adottare mi- delle qualifiche professionali in quasi tutti i sure di permeabilità per la loro situazione / paesi dello Spazio Alpino. Anche le proce- contesto nazionale. dure ufficialmente regolamentate per il rico- noscimento formale delle professioni e / o dei In primo luogo, ci sono misure che possono diplomi sono abbastanza comuni. Al contra- essere prese all'interno di un singolo paese e rio, non sono diffusi ulteriori esami esterni del rispettivo sistema nazionale di istruzione alle istituzioni formative per consentire la e formazione. I campi d'azione promettenti permeabilità nella formazione professionale sono un grado più elevato di modularizza- duale tra i paesi delle regioni alpine, fino ad zione per la formazione professionale duale, ora. Al di fuori delle Alpi c'è solo un esempio creando dei percorsi di Istruzione e Forma- di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale zione Professionale che combinano la forma- transnazionale: nell’area di confine tedesco- zione in apprendistato con una qualifica/ti- olandese, vengono sviluppati gli standard tolo di ingresso nella formazione terziaria, per un curriculum transfrontaliero11. che consentirebbe l'ammissione a livelli su- periori di istruzione per qualifiche e diplomi esistenti e la creazione di un sistema com- 11 Transnationale Berufsausbildung im deutsch-nieder- 2013; ländischen Grenzgebiet (TraBbi); BÖTTCHER ET. AL. karte.php?D=321&F=18&M=137&S=M%C3%BClhei- mer%20Ausbil-dungsservice&V=list 14
pleto per il riconoscimento dell'apprendi- mento precedente e dell’esperienza profes- sionale. In secondo luogo, le iniziative di permeabilità internazionale potrebbero essere di portata più ampia, vale a dire coinvolgendo più di due paesi. Attraverso la standardizzazione e la sistematizzazione dei processi di valuta- zione e accreditamento per le qualifiche e i diplomi nella formazione professionale duale, si potrebbero attivare dei riconosci- menti bilaterali dei titoli a livello internazio- nale, su più paesi. Un altro approccio si basa sul concetto di cooperazione transfronta- liera, che prevede la definizione congiunta di percorsi di studio e apprendimento che an- drebbero a formare una o più “regioni co- muni” per l’apprendistato in formazione duale. Il rapporto fa luce anche sulle aree (all'in- terno e / o tra i singoli paesi) in cui non esi- stono opzioni di permeabilità allo stato at- tuale. Queste “masse mancanti” possono essere utilizzate come punti di partenza per elaborare alcune idee di base sulla permea- bilità. Un campo d'azione potrebbe essere quello di utilizzare esami / corsi di formazione aggiuntivi esterni alle Istituzioni Formative per promuovere la permeabilità orizzontale, così come la mobilità internazionale. Potreb- bero essere attivati strumenti di collega- mento come le cosiddette “passerelle” e/o corsi di formazione successivi (che potreb- bero colmare le lacune eventuali delle quali- ficazioni), per facilitare le transizioni tra i per- corsi di Istruzione e Formazione Professio- nale tra i paesi dello Spazio Alpino. Allo stesso modo, le modifiche interne alla formazione duale (ad es. combinando la for- mazione duale e la formazione professionale tradizionale a tempo pieno) potrebbero es- sere un'opzione per promuovere la permea- bilità orizzontale. 15
SUMMARY (SL) vseh državah alpskega prostora. Glede verti- Dualno poklicno izobraževanje in usposabl- kalne prepustnosti posebni izpiti ali tečaji vo- janje (PIU) 12 ima pomembno vlogo v siste- dijo diplomante vajeništva na visokošolsko mih poklicnega izobraževanja in usposablja- kvalifi kacijo. Poleg tega obstajajo programi, nja v državah alpskega področja, saj je to ena v katerih lahko učenci glavnih poti za začetek lastne poklicne ka- pridobiti oboje, dvojno kvalifikacijo za po- riere. klicno izobraževanje in vstop v visokošolsko izobraževanje istočasno. Priznanje predhod- "Tradicionalni" koncept vajeništva je bil nega učenja (RPL) (formalno, neformalno ali prvotno zasnovan po sistemu »enosmerne neformalno učenje)je tudi pomemben ele- ulice« z edinim namenom, zagotavljanja po- ment pri pobudah za prepustnost. Vendar te klicne usposobljenosti za vajence in takojšnje metode trenutno niso še v veljavi prehod na trg dela. Kot rezultat, ta pot doslej v nobeni alpski državi, razen v Franciji z dol- ni omogočala dostopa do višješolskega izo- goletno tradicijo uporabe postopkov prizna- braževanja. Zaradi prepustnosti, ki ga bolon- vanja za omogočanje učne mobilnosti ne jski proces omogoča je vajeništvo pridobilo glede na kontekst pridobljenega znanja. večjo veljavo v družbi saj se je od začetka pa do sedaj veliko spremenilo. To poročilo Ukrepe v zvezi z vodoravno prepustnostjo je osvetljuje trenutno stanje prepustnosti v izo- dobro analizirati na podlagi treh omenjenih braževalnem sistemu na alpskem področja. kategorij (zunanji dodatni pregledi, notranji V ta namen predstavlja vertikala spremembo spremembe poklicnega izobraževanja in med ravnmi v obe smeri, horizontala, pa priznavanja pridobljenih kompetenc). Na- preučuje mednarodno prepustnost med izo- jbolj zanimivo je, da ni bilo identificirane braževalnimi sistemi v različnih državah. Po- pobude ali pristopa za zunanje dodatne pre- leg tega poročilo vsebuje priporočila za glede, da bi zagotovili horizontalno dostop ukrepe za izboljšanje privlačnost dualnega do drugih poti / programov srednjega poklic- poklicnega izobraževanja. nega izobraževanja. Notranje spremembe dualnega poklicnega izobraževanja trenu- Zaradi hitrih sprememb na sodobnih trgih tno niso sistematično opredeljene v nobeni dela in dejstva, da je vedno več ljudi, ki si pri- alpski državi – razen v Avstriji, kjer se izvajajo zadevajo za vstop v višješolsko izobraževanje, kot koncept usposabljanja modularnega va- je v vertikalni in horizontali nujno potrebna jeništva ali kot kombinacija različnih progra- večja prepustnost. V dualne sistemu poklic- mov poklicnega izobraževanja in usposablja- nega izobraževanja je potrebno zagotoviti nja. Nasprotno pa pristop RPL uporabljajo možnosti, ki omogočajo dostop do višješol- številne države v alpski regiji, da zagotavljajo skega izobraževanja tudi z namenom večje vodoravno prepustnost. Primer tega je zma- privlačnosti , še posebej v primerjavi z njšanje trajanja usposabljanja za učence, ki akademskim in / ali programi poklicnega izo- so že braževanja v redni šolski obliki pridobili kvalifikacijo s podobnimi učnimi re- Trenutna analiza kaže, da obstaja več zultati. možnosti za navpični ali vodoravni prehod v 12 Dual VET; izraz vajeništvo (usposabljanje) se bo v na- daljevanju poročila uporabljal sinonimno 16
Glede mednarodne prepustnosti je tudi RPL Prvič, obstajajo ukrepi, ki jih je mogoče spre- najpogosteje uporabljen pristop. Obstajajo jeti v okviru nacionalnega izobraževanje in celo nekateri usposabljanja.. Obetavna področja delovanja dvostranski ali večstranski sporazumi o so višja modulacija za dualno poklicno izo- vzajemnem priznavanju poklicnih kvalifikacij braževanje in usposabljanje, ki ustvarja nove v skoraj vseh državah alpskega prostora. dodatne kvalifikacije za poklicno izobraževa- Uradno urejeni postopki za formalno prizna- nje in usposabljanje, ki kombinira vajeniško vanje poklicev in / ali diplom so prav tako po- usposabljanje z vpisno kvalifikacijo za HE, le gosti. V nasprotju s tem do sedaj za omo- ta pa omogoča sprejem na višje gočanje prepustnosti dualnega poklicnega izobraževanje za obstoječe diplomante in izobraževanja in usposabljanja med vzpostavitev celovitega sistem za priznava- državami alpskega prostora niso bili uporabl- nje predhodnega učenja in priznavanje pri- jeni dodatni pregledi. Pa tudi zunaj alpskega dobljenih poklicnih izkušnje. področja poznamo samo en primer notranje spremembe dualnega poklicnega izo- Drugič, mednarodne pobude bi lahko bile v braževanja v obliki mednacionalnega poklic- širšem sklopu, vključno z dvema ali več nega izobraževanj in usposabljanja: v državami. Skozi standardizacijo in sistemati- nemško-nizozemsko obmejnem območju so zacijo ocenjevanja in akreditacije za pridobi- razviti standardi za priznavanje čezmejnega vanje druge stopnje poklicnega izobraževa- življenjepisa. nja in usposabljanja so podaljšanji tudi po- stopki za tradicionalno dvostransko določi- Eden glavnih izzivov za prepustnost je razno- tev mednarodnega priznanja. Drugi pristop likost poklicnih konceptov v državah al- temelji na čezmejnem pristopu sodelovanja, pskega področja. Poklic je običajno opredel- kot je usposabljanje za skupno določanje jen natančno v sodelovanju z zainteresira- učnih načrtov in učenja "skupna regija vaje- nimi stranmi iz ustreznih poklicnih dejavno- ništva". sti. Na njegovo sestavo imajo torej velik vpliv kontekstni dejavniki posamezne države(go- Poročilo osvetljuje tudi področja (znotraj in / spodarska struktura, velikost podjetij itd.). ali med državami), kjer niso obstajale Zaradi tega, bolj kot so raznoliki dualni si- možnosti prepustnosti kot obstajajo zdaj. Te stemi in gospodarske strukture med "pomanjkljivosti" se lahko uporabljajo kot iz- državami, večji je izziv spodbujanja medna- hodišča za pripravo nekaterih osnovnih idej o rodne prepustnosti. prepustnosti. Eno od področij delovanja je lahko uporaba zunanjih dodatnih izpitov ozi- OPCIJE ZA NADALJNJI RAZVOJ roma usposabljanja za pospeševanje hori- zontalne prepustnosti in mednarodne mo- Poročilo poudarja dejstvo, da obstaja veliko bilnosti. Mobilnost bi se olajšala tudi s pre- možnosti, zlasti na nacionalni ravni za po- mostitvenimi pobudami kot so "pasarele" večanje vertikalne, horizontalna in medna- in/ali treningi (tj. ki bi lahko izpolnili kvalifi- rodna prepustnost pri dualnem poklicnem kacije vrzeli). Podobno lahko notranje spre- izobraževanju in usposabljanju. Države al- membe dualnega poklicnega izobraževanja pskega prostora se lahko učijo iz izkušnje in usposabljanja (tj. združevanje dvojnega drugih, da bi ugotovile, ali in kako sprejeti poklicnega programa in šolskega izo- ukrepe prepustnosti za njihov nacionalni po- braževanje) spodbujajo horizontalno prepu- ložaj / kontekst. stnost. 17
2 INTRODUCTION Policy makers and stakeholders at national On the basis of the present study, policy sug- and EU level have recognised the important gestions for improving permeability in the role of dual vocational education in ensuring individual Alpine states and internationally a smooth transition to work and in promo- were developed in a joint process of the pro- ting entrepreneurship and innovation. ject partners. Based on the recommenda- tions for action in the report, strategic part- However, countries in the Alpine Space are in ners for cooperation agreements between very different starting positions. Even long- educational institutions were identified. Fi- established dual education systems face nally, agreements were made between challenges such as attracting employers, in- these partners to promote horizontal and clusion of marginalised groups, demo- vertical permeability. In addition, measures graphic change and the transformation of were developed specifically for a smoother work by increasing digitalisation. transition between vocational education and The aim of the project is to meet these chal- training and the higher education sector. lenges and to increase the attractiveness of The study presents an overview of the cur- dual vocational education, especially in the rent state and the barriers regarding hori- craft trades in the Alpine region. The project zontal and vertical permeability within dual would like to implement this in three sub- vocational education and training in the Al- areas: A better orientation, a better training pine Space. In order to reduce such barriers for the trainers and more permeability within and hindrances it will make suggestions for and between the educational systems. collaboration options. Both the vertical permeability to the univer- Methodically the study is based on an exten- sity system and the horizontal permeability sive review of the relevant national and inter- between the countries of the Alpine Space national research literature as well as EU po- are important for the attractiveness of dual licy documents. A fundamental ressource wi- vocational education. The present study con- thin this research context is the CEDEFOP siders these two dimensions and gives re- Refernet information on national settings. commendations for action to improve per- meability. Furthermore the aspect of inter- In the following chapter three an overview of national mobility in form of recognition of the current status of the vocational educa- formal degrees and non-formal certificates tion and training systems – and especially will also be addressed. about the apprenticeship systems - in the countries of the Alpine Space is presented. The study was commissioned by the Techni- cal University of Rosenheim in cooperation Chapter four deals with national mecha- with eight project partners from the six Al- nisms in place to enhance the vertical per- pine states and the EUSALP Action Group 3. meability path in regard of apprenticeshp The report "Dual Systems in the regions of training; chapter five centers around the re- the alpine space", which was carried out by spective horizontal aspects of permeability. INAPP in cooperation with Action Group 3, In section six the international facets of per- was used as a basis for the present study. The meability are described. In the final chapter expertise of the EUSALP Action Group 3 also conclusions and recommendations are for- contributed to the finalisation of this report. mulated based on the research results. 18
On a technical note regarding Italy only the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bol- zano will be considered as the Italian project partners are located in these regions. 19
3 DUAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING: COUNTRY OVERVIEW years. There are some special forms for spe- 3.1 AUSTRIA cific target groups like the supra-company The dual apprenticeship system in Austria is apprenticeships 15 for unemployed young a well established scheme at the upper se- people having difficulties finding a training condary level of vocational education and company or apprenticeship training in so- training (VET). It exists for a very long period called training alliances16. of time and is well regarded among em- The scheme is financed through the enter- ployers and employees. The social partners prises (costs of company-based training and work together within the system very closely: remuneration of apprentices) as well as pu- The Federal Advisory Board on Apprentice- blic funds (school-based education in part- ship13 for example is an essential body within time vocational schools).17 There are financial the apprenticeship system and is composed incentives for companies looking to become of representatives from the Austrian Econo- a training enterprise. Companies who want mic Chambers, the Chamber of Labour etc. to train apprentices are obliged to provide a The main legal basis can be found in the Vo- suitable learning environment as well as an cational Training Act14. authorised IVET trainer. There is a contrac- Austria is a country with one of the highest tual agreement between the training com- shares of IVET-students at upper secondary pany and the apprentice. In regard of the le- level in Europe: about 80 percent of all stu- gal status of the apprentice he/she is consi- dents are in IVET, half of them in full-time dered an employee as well as a learner. VET schools and colleges, the other half en- The regular form of dual apprenticeship trai- rols in dual apprenticeships. At the end of ning is open to everyone who has completed 2018 in total about 108.000 people were en- the 9-year compulsory education. The mini- rolled in an apprenticeship in Austria; cur- mum age for enrolment is 14 years whereas rently there are about 200 different appren- more than half of the beginners are between ticeship programmes. 15 and 16 years old; there is no maximum age The regular apprenticeship training takes defined. place in the company and the vocational school, whereby the company-based trai- ning comprises approx. 80 percent of the training period, the school-based training approx. 20 percent. The usual duration of an apprenticeship is between two and four 13 16 Bundes-Berufsausbildungsbeirat Ausbildungsverbünde 14 17 Berufsausbildungsgesetz On the general aspects of financial incentives within 15 Überbetriebliche Lehrlingsausbildung the apprenticeship system see e.g. SCHMID 2019 20
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