The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress

Page created by Bill Thornton
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

VICTORY: The ANC came out victorious in the 2019 general elections which were seen as the most difficult since the dawn of democracy in 1994. SADTU once again played a decisive role during the
campaigning phase in support of its own resolutions. Members of this leadershi p collective were deployed to various provinces to work in support of the campaign programmes that were developed
towards the elections. In most instances the provincial and national war rooms were resolutely led by SADTU deployees. In the picture,the staff at national office joined COSATU affiliates and
conducted blitzes in Gauteng. Pic by: Nthabiseng Nkosi.

The National General Elections have
come and gone as we march towards
SADTU’s 9th National Congress
By: Cde Mugwena Maluleke, SADTU                 conditions in our society at large and the       of the Union - through their respective          milestone that we reached together over

General Secretary                               education sector in particular. Our rallying     constitutional structures - will have the        the last 5 years, include but are not limited
                                                call in the 7th National Congress was:           right to participate in the decision-making      to the following:
               omrades, members of
                                                “Restoring our revolutionary character as        and policy formulation processes.
               SADTU, it is once again a                                                                                                          •    A few years ago during the course
                                                a union of professionals, agents of change          Constitutionally, a National Congress
               source of great joy for me                                                                                                              of this term, the Union relocated to
                                                and champions of people’s education for          marks the end of the term for the
               to present this edition of                                                                                                              its new premises in Kempton Park,
                                                people’s power”. This call was a clear           leadership collective currently at the helm
               the Educators’ Voice. This                                                                                                              the SADTU Village. The facility is
                                                recommitment by SADTU members                    of the Union. It therefore goes without
publication has since its inception afforded                                                                                                           intended to be multipurpose in nature,
                                                to the Union’s founding principles as            saying that one of the central tasks of a
us considerable latitude to communicate                                                                                                                to eventually benefit all members of
                                                emphatically expressed in the 2030               national congress is to provide a medium
the views and decisions of the Union at                                                                                                                the Union and it is the result of a long
                                                Vision.                                          to this National Executive Committee to
varying levels.                                                                                                                                        standing resolution.
                                                   A SADTU member understands that               account to you as members, the owners of
  In 2010, when we met for the 7th                                                                                                                •    Over the last 5 years, the Union
                                                education does not exist for its own             the Union and its basic unit of life.
National Congress, we agreed on a                                                                                                                      focused on understanding and
                                                sake but rather as a powerful tool in our           We can all be proud as SADTU
plan: we called that plan the SADTU                                                                                                                    developing teacher professionalism
                                                collective efforts to transform our society      members, of the journey that we have
2030 Vision. As part of the plan, we                                                                                                                   through the Curtis Nkondo
                                                for the better. It is for this primary reason    travelled over the past 5 year term, it
made a number of central commitments                                                                                                                   Institute for Professional Teacher
                                                that we will continue to seek better ways        certainly was not easy at times but your
which include our resolve to drastically                                                                                                               Development, a report to this effect
                                                to improve the machinery that is SADTU,          loyalty and love for the Union made it
improve member service, to help in                                                                                                                     has been produced and our intention
                                                to service her members, to protect and           possible for us to grow from strength
creating a learning nation, to help build                                                                                                              is to influence the development
                                                fight for them. We link this directly with       to strength. It has been a perilous yet
a development orientated nation state, to                                                                                                              of progressive education policy.
                                                the fundamental right to education of the        worthwhile journey, one that saw us
ensure worker unity and delivery based                                                                                                                 Furthermore, our institute reached
                                                working class child.                             ticking a number of substantial and
organisational excellence.                                                                                                                             no less than 120 000 teachers in
                                                   The upcoming National Congress                monumental boxes en route to the
  We made these commitments in full                                                                                                                    about three years. The institute’s
                                                affords us an opportunity to embark on           realisation of the Union’s 2030 Vision.
view and understanding of the prevailing                                                                                                               basket of training programmes
                                                a deep reflective process, every member             Comrades, some of the more notable
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
2         EDUCATORS’ VOICE                                  JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

Continued from page 1

      includes CAPS, Foundation Phase                 launching its academic and research            country and to contribute to their                exploitative collecting/collection?
      Training, PLC training, Assessment              platform, the SADTU Journal. This              economic well-being and their own                 agencies.
      for Learning, SMT Leadership,                   is a distinctly pioneering way with            empowerment.                                      It is also high time that we protect
      Intermediate Phase Training and NSC             which to view a union in education.        •   At a time when our federation                     our future by ensuring that where
      Accounting Training. This is SADTU              Our understanding is that SADTU                COSATU was facing arduous                         educational literature and or material
      emphatically saying, we are part of             should be a thought leader in the              challenges that could have led to its             is concerned, no archaic pieces of
      the solution!!!                                 development of progressive education           implosion, it took the fortitude and              legislation will be an impediment to
•     With unrelenting vigour, we had                 policy.                                        resolve of SADTU to defend, rebuild               the acquisition of knowledge. In the
      to fight to regain and sustain                  We cannot be bystanders whilst so-             and rejuvenate it. In many local                  same breath, we must ensure that our
      organisational stability in provinces           called educationalists, academics              offices of the federation, SADTU                  heritage, the works of our forebears,
      such as the Eastern Cape and Free               and others formulate policies that             is the central pillar around which                is given the necessary stature and
      State. As comrades would appreciate,            we should implement. The journal               the operations and campaigns are                  protection.
      some of our provinces were viewed as            will afford all sectors of society both        hinged on. The union’s unparalleled          • The Union has introduced new
      fertile ground to establish an internal         academic and not, including members            mobilisation capacity has more                    mass communication systems that
      rebellion against the Union, but                of SADTU, a medium through which               often than not assisted the federation            embrace the digital advances of our
      history has it on record that, SADTU            ideas and best practice can be shared          with retaining its public image as a              times. We now utilise communication
      is still here, we are even stronger,            taking into account the accepted               militant, fighting and campaigning                mechanisms that assist the national
      more united and are going nowhere.              academic/scientific standards.                 organisation for all the workers.                 office to disseminate information to
•     Our majority in the various collective          This, my comrades, is the first of its     •    Our growing influence on the                     members directly and more rapidly.
      bargaining platforms such as the                kind for a union in South Africa and            international stage would be difficult           We have introduced a hybrid model
      PSSCBC, the ELRC and all but one                on the continent, in other words, we            for anyone to ignore. SADTU has                  that integrates both direct routes
      of the PELRCs has not been eroded               want to go beyond rhetoric in our               consolidated its leadership role on              of mass communication like text
      at all. We are still the biggest union          effort to positively influence education        the international stage through the              messaging directly to members, and
      in the public sector. This, we believe,         policy and curriculum development.              work that we do as part of Education             various social media platforms. One
      is largely due to our effective and         •   We are pleased to report that the               International. SADTU has a very                  of our provinces has even launched
      efficient organising machinery.                 SADTU Savings and Credit Co-                    audible voice globally and we are                the “SADTU App”, whose main task
      The organised labour space has                  operative (SADTU SACCO) has been                able to utilise that space to influence          is to facilitate communication with
      become increasingly competitive over            granted a license to provide banking            campaigns at that level.                         members and to avail resources for
      the last few years. We had to compete           services to members and employees               Some of these campaigns include                  them that would help with classroom
      for membership against breakaway                of SADTU. The SADTU SACCO                       our anti-privatisation of, and in                related matters.
      pseudo-unions and in some instances             will be entirely for members and                education. It is often multi-national      Comrades, violence in schools remains
      against unions from within our own              employees of SADTU.                             companies like Pearson, whose              one of our biggest concerns. As we go
      federation.                                     The license has been issued in                  modus operandi is to aggressively          to the national congress, we should
      The ability to not only sustain but             terms of section 40C (2) of the Co-             enter into the markets of especially       think deeply about the dignity of all
      consolidate our significant majority,           operative Banks Act 40 of 2007 to               developing nations and take over the       education workers and learners. The
      made it possible for us to defend               register as a Co-operative Financial            education value chain by offering          Union has resolved on the establishment
      the fundamental right to association            Institution. The Prudential Authority           multiple and linked services. They         of an ongoing campaign that will touch
      and as a consequence collective                 of the Reserve Bank has issued the              even fund bridge academies and so-         each and every corner of our land. The,
      bargaining. Over the last five years,           registration certificate for SADTU              called low fee private schools.            “#IAmASchoolFan” campaign will invite
      this has to be by far the most epic             SACCO and this enables us to take               They convince governments to               all peace loving citizens to join in the fight
      battle that we have had to embark on.           a big step closer to providing co-              acquire learning and teaching              against violence in our schools.
      Today, we can confidently state                 operative banking services that will be         material from companies related to         This fight is for the restoration of
      that despite the ambitions of our               available to all our 256 000 members            their publishing empire; as we speak,      the dignity of those in our learning
      class and ideological adversaries,              and employees.                                  no less than 78% of the revenue            institutions. This fight is for the protection
      unions have not been reduced to                 A Co-operative Bank is a non-profit             created through the acquisition of         of the future of the children. The
      organised spectators in the discourse           financial institution that provides             LTSM goes to non-South African             campaign should seek to bring everyone
      of the conditions of service of public          services to its members who are                 companies.                                 on board to appreciate that burning of
      servants. Securing what we still                owners and users. It exercises the              A topical discussion currently on the      institutions when they demand services
      think is a better salary deal for our           co-operative principle of democratic            global stage is the one related to the     such as tarred roads, housing and basic
      members, during a time where our                member control, in which member-                legislative framework on intellectual      needs denies the children dignity.
      employer was put under extreme                  owners have a say on how it is                  property and how it affects the level      In our true character as a militant
      pressure by the rating agencies to cut          governed and managed. Co-operative              of accessibility to textbooks for poor     and caring union, we are ready to do
      the public sector wage bill, is a sure          banking generally follows a principle           learners for educational purposes.         everything that has to be done to end the
      sign of the impregnable wall that we            of high interest paid in member                 The big multi-national publishing          violence that undermines the dignity of
      have built around our right to bargain          deposits and low interest on loans.             companies are currently standing in        our members and our children. We have
      collectively.                                   Any profits made (surpluses) are                the way of a progressive copyright         to develop a zero tolerance approach
      Over the above 7% on average                    returned to the members.                        amendment bill that, if signed into        when comes to violence in our learning
      salary increment that we received, we           We are taking a long-term view                  law, means “fair use” doctrine             institutions. We are also calling for
      achieved our long standing goal to              to invest in our members, for our               will come into the picture, this           localised multi-stakeholder summits on
      equalise the pay progression across             members and therefore advancing                 means that the real owners of the          school violence to complement what has
      the public service at 1.5% per annum            their economic well-being. By                   original intellectual property will        been done at national level.
      to employees appointed in the service           creating the SADTU SACCO, we                    be protected and benefit from their        I hope you will enjoy this edition of your
      in terms of all the relevant legislation.       seek to address the financial needs             talent instead of dying as paupers         publication.
•     The union is on the verge of                    of teachers and their families in this          due to unscrupulous, parasitic and
                                                                                                                                                 Education is a public good!!!

    Know more about GEPF
    1. Why are GEPF members being                 2. As the GEPF members, we are flood-          pensions. This guarantees that benefits        GEPF pays catch -up pension increases
      taxed while working (salaries) and             ed by financial advisors encouraging        are paid out efficiently, accurately and on    to affected pensioners.
      even when they withdraw pension                us to leave the GEPF because other          time, through the funds that are invested
      benefits?                                      funds are more lucrative than the           responsibly and are accounted for.             The GEPF also offers non – contributory
                                                     GEPF. How true is this?                                                                    benefits which members do not contrib-
    The South African Revenue Services                                                           GEPF is a defined pension fund, which          ute for, like the Funeral Benefit, Spouse
    (SARS) taxes all forms of income includ-      This is not true. The Government Em-           means members’ benefits are guaranteed         Pension and Child’s Pension. Both
    ing pension benefits. The Income Tax Act      ployees Pension Fund (GEPF) has got            and do not depend on the overall invest-       members and pensioners can claim for a
    58 of 1962, prescribes the basis on which     over 1.2 million active members, more          ment performance. This gives its mem-          Funeral Benefit while the Spouse Pension
    pension benefits must be taxed. The tax-      than 400 000 pensioners and beneficia-         bers and pensioners peace of mind about        is for life, meaning that as long as the
    ation for pension benefits on the mode of     ries and assets of more than R1.8 trillion.    their financial security after retirement.     lawful recipient is alive, he / she will
    exit from the pension fund, namely;           This makes the GEPF one of Africa’s                                                           receive the benefit until they pass on.
                                                  largest pension funds, thus sustainable        Moreover, its benefits are protected
    • Withdrawal,                                 for a foreseeable future.                      against inflation. For example, accord-        The above – mentioned benefits
    • Retirement, Death or Severance Ben-                                                        ing to the fund rules, the annual pension      are not offered by any other Fund,
    efits                                         GEPF is governed by law (the GEP Law           increase to GEPF pensioners must be            therefore there is no reason to leave
                                                  Proclamation 21 of 1996) which deter-          at least 75% of the average increase in        the GEPF and join other funds
    Depending on the mode of exit the appli-      mines what kind of benefits members are        consumer inflation in the period 1 De-
    cable tax tables as prescribed by SARS        entitled to, how to pay for those benefits,    cember – 30 November of the previous
    will be applicable.                           and how to invest to safeguard members’        year. When pension falls behind inflation,
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.                                  EDUCATORS’ VOICE                      3

                                       SADTU leads in the TVET sector
                                       SADTU wishes to put to rest all myths about its relevance in
                                       the TVET Sector since the 2015 migration of TVET Lecturers
  The Educators’ Voice is a quartely
  publication distributed to 250 000
 South African Democratic Teachers’
                                       to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
           Union members.
                                       By: Mompati Jones Galorale                    Lecturers is the one that was established          Public Basic Education (system).
                                                                                     at the ELRC in 2009 (See ELRC                   • Addendum to C/A 1 of 2010: To effect
Letters to the Editor: Nomusa Cembi
                                                                                     Collective Agreement(s) 4 & 5 of 2007              the movement of permanently employed
          Tel: 011 971 2000            MYTH: TVET Lecturers cannot belong
                                                                                     and the Founding Agreement of 2009).               Lecturers from REQV 10, 11 & 12 to
        Fax: 011 971 2066/67           to SADTU because they are employed
    E-mail:        through the PublicService Act.                                                                   REQV 13 for salary purposes.
                                                                                     MYTH: Conditions of service for
 Post: Postnet Suite 106, Private X5   FACT: The majority of TVET Lecturers                                                          • 1 of 2013: Generic Contract of
                                                                                     Lecturers are negotiated at the Bargaining
          Aston Manor, 1630            have always belonged to SADTU:                                                                   Employment. The purpose hereof
                                                                                     Unit of the GPSSBC.
                                                                                                                                        was to standardise the contract of
                                       • When they were employed by the              FACT(S): There are no negotiations                 employment and eliminate the different
      Advertising enquiries:           Department of Education through the           taking place pertaining to the conditions          forms of contracts that resulted in
         Account manager:              Employment ofEducators Act;                   of service                                         differentiated conditions of employment
      Charlotte De La Harpe            • When they were employed by FET              for TVET Lecturers at the GPSSBC                   and remuneration packages between
       Tel: 011 493 7233/43            Colleges through FETC Act; and                currently. To date there is no single              Colleges.
    Email:       • NOW when they are employed through          Collective Agreement concluded at the           • 2 of 2013: Permanent appointment
           the Public Service Act (post-migration)       GPSSBC on behalf of TVET Lecturers.                of serving Temporary and Contract
                                       NB.: There is NO legislation in South         The current conditions of service for              Lecturers who have been in the employ
       Design and layout:              Africa that dictates to which union           the TVET Lecturers emanated from the               of further Education and training
     C&R Printing Works Pty Ltd        employees should belong. It is a right that   Collective Agreements concluded at the             Colleges for a period of 12 months or              every employee has as enshrined in the        FETC Bargaining of the ELRC in 2013.               longer.              Constitution of this country.                 Those Collective Agreements form the            • 3 of 2013: Establishing Parity between
                                                                                     basis of the current conditions of service         conditions of service (Benefits) of
            Printed by:                MYTH: There is an established                 for TVET Lecturers.                                College appointed Lecturers in Public
     C&R Printing Works Pty Ltd        Bargaining Unit for TVET Lecturers at         (Thanks to SADTU!!!)                               Further Education and Training
      3 View Street, Ophirton          the GPSSBC.                                                                                      Colleges, with those employed in the
             Booysens                  FACT(S): There is no Bargaining Unit          Refer to the following Collective                  Public Service.
                                       established for TVET Lecturers at the         Agreements:                                     • 4 of 2013: Policy on Recruitment
                                       GPSSBC. The Bargaining Unit at the            • 1 of 2010: Establishing Parity of Salaries       and Selection for Lecturing Staff in
                                       GPSSBC was established for the Support           for Lecturing Staff and Office-based            the Further Education and Training
                                       Staff (See GPSSBC Collective Agreement           Lecturers employed in the Further               Colleges.
                                       2 of 2014).                                      Education and Training Colleges, with        • 5 of 2013: Agreement on the Transfer
                                       The only existing Bargaining Unit for the        those of Educators employed in the
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
4         EDUCATORS’ VOICE                                JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

  (Migration) of Further Education and          January 2016) to the Commissioners             and advised ALL of its members never         • 6 328 belong to SADTU (59.46%);
  Training Lecturers from the Public            and Employer(s) clarifying the                 to sign any acknowledgement of debt
                                                                                                                                            Therefore, SADTU remains the Majority
  FET Colleges to the Department of             jurisdiction matter, hence the disputes of     with the DHET on the pension liability.
                                                                                                                                            Union at TVET Colleges.
  Higher Education and Training in terms        TVET Lecturers are still being heard at      DHET HR Circular No. 8 of 2018 dated
  of Section 12 of the FET Colleges             the ELRC, and the DHET is still paying       27 February 2018: The employer finally         IT’S A FACT!!!!!!
  Amendment Act 3 of 2012 and subject           levies to that effect.                       agreed with SADTU’s long standing              • 4 314 TVET Lecturers are shared
  to Section 197 of the Labour relations                                                     argument that all pension liabilitiesthat        amongst other unions and the
  Act, 66 of 1995.                            FACT(S): DISPUTES DECLARED AND                 arose as result of a discriminatory and          unorganised. (40.58%)
                                              WON BY SADTU AGAINST DHET ON                   inconsistent top-up payments to Lecturers
MYTH: The ELRC does not have                  BEHALF OF TVET LECTURERS:                      appointed on promotional posts, should be      OTHER INTERESTING FACTS…
jurisdiction over TVET matters.               • Settlement agreement reached by              borne by the Employer.                         Please refer to the 2018/19 Annual Report
FACT: The ELRC has jurisdiction over            SADTU and DHET at the ELRC on the                                                           of the GPSSBC and see for yourself who
TVET matters. No other bargaining or            22 May 2017 on the dispute “Refusal          SADTU has consistently and persistently        is the majority in that Bargaining Council.
dispute resolution structure has been           / Failure to bargain.” The DHET              argued that Lecturers cannot and               (Vote Weights for 2018/19)
established yet.                                committed, in the settlement agreement,      should not be punished for the mistakes        Figures will never lie.
Why is the DHET still paying levies             to resuscitate collective bargaining         committed by the Employer. The
for Lecturers to the ELRC if the ELRC           for both TVET and CET Sector at the          Employer initially wanted to push the          The South African Democratic
does not have any jurisdiction on TVET          ELRC.                                        payment of pension liabilities to the          Teachers’Union (SADTU), doesn’t believe
matters?                                      • Settlement agreement reached by              Lecturers and SADTU alone stood against        in empty rhetoric and lies because TVET
                                                SADTU and DHET at the ELRC                   the Employer’s position.                       lecturers are not statistics but human
Refer to the PSCBC Council Decision:
                                                on 09 May 2017 in which the DHET             Had it not been for SADTU’s resilience         beings; we care about and respect them.
• Council meeting of 30 June 2015
                                                committed to pay all Outstanding             and uncompromising posture on the
• Decision No. 17 on the Scopes of                                                                                                          That statistics cannot be manipulated
                                                Historical Pay Progression to all            matter, DHET would have forced the
  Bargaining Councils: …Status quo                                                                                                          & conveniently repackaged to suit a
                                                qualifying Lecturers;                        Lecturers to pay for mistakes they did not
  in respect of the Lecturers and Support                                                                                                   particular agenda.
                                              • Top-up Issue: Lecturers who were             commit.
  Staff shall remain until Parties to the                                                                                                   Beware of those coming to you disguised
                                                promoted but paid top-up salary
  PSCBC agree otherwise…                                                                     FACT: NUMBERS / FIGURES DON’T                  as extraordinary ideologues, they
                                                instead of the correct salary on
  (What is the “status quo”? That               PERSAL: The DHET had initially               LIE                                            are reactionary agents of doom and
  Lecturers shall remain at the ELRC            wanted the affected Lecturers to be paid                                                    gloom who have reduced our fellow
                                                                                             As at 31 December 2018:
  whilst Support Staff shall remain at the      from their pockets the shortfallpensions                                                    professionals in the TVET sector to a mere
  GPSSBC.)                                      shortfall caused by the top-up salaries      • 10 642 TVET Lecturers employed by            statistic to tick the box for their own self-
• Subsequent ELRC correspondence (14            for promoted Lecturers. SADTU refused          DHET,                                        serving reasons.

SADTU joins the reading revolution
“It is indisputable that young readers enjoy reading stories that connect to their souls and culture…This initiative by the
DBE and NECT can help our society in valuing all languages, in particular indigenous languages. We therefore believe reading
materials must be made available in all languages so that parents can be part of reading with their children, using mother
tongue at home, “ (SADTU Message of support extracted from National Reading Coalition (NRC) Launch Booklet).

                                              not only learners but the country as a         proactive in getting
                                              whole. Initially, the coalition aims to        South Africans to adopt
                                              target schools in 25% of the Education         a culture of reading,
                                              Department circuits in North West,             which inevitably,
                                              Limpopo & Mpumalanga. This involves            according to research,
                                              263 circuits out of a total of 1051 circuits   aids in bolstering
                                              countrywide.                                   overall improvement in
                                                 As one of the NECT’s long-term              educational outcomes
                                              strategic partners, SADTU welcomed             in schools.
                                              the introduction of the NRC, particularly         The NRC succeeded
                                              endorsing the ever-strong calls for the        in handing out over 1
                                              inclusion of mother tongue instruction in      000 books of various
                                              the classroom.                                 titles, including Winnie
                                                 On the 9th of March, SADTU invited          Mandela’s biography,
                                              the NRC, through the NECT, to join             Half of a Yellow
                                              the Union’s International Women’s Day          Sun, Americanah
                                              celebrations held in four provinces –          by Nigerian Author
                                              Eastern Cape, Limpopo, North West and          Chimamanda Ngozi
READ: Learner Thina Tshabalala reads          the main event in Bethlehem in the Free        Adichie and Little Sons ANC Women’s League Secretary Meokgo Matuba (left) Basic
in her language at the launch of the          State.                                         by Zakes Mda.              Education Minister Angie Motshekga (centre) and Free State
“Reading Revolution Campaign.” and               The main celebration in Bethlehem,             The books are           Premier Sisi Ntombela. Minister Motshekga urged women to

International Women’s Day Celebration         was attended by, among others; Basic           intended to be ‘travel     be innovative. “The challenge for women in this generation is
            n 15 February 2019,               Education Minister Angie Motshekga,            books’, meaning            to be innovative. Women should use innovation to deal with
            the National Education            COSATU President Zingiswa Losi, Free           recipients are             issues affecting them.”
            Collaboration Trust (NECT),       State Premier Sisi Ntombela, ANC NEC           encouraged to read and
                                              member David Mahlobo, ANC Women’s              pass on to the next person with the aim         • Exchange or donate books to your
            together with the Department                                                                                                         local school library.
of Basic Education (DBE) responded to         League General Secretary Moekgo                of one book reaching 10 people in a year.
                                              Matuba and the leadership of the Tripartite    A ‘Readers Name’ list was inserted into         •   Parents - read to your children and let
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s challenge to
                                              Alliance in the province.                      each book, to be filled in by each reader           them read to you.
start a reading revolution, with the launch
of the National Reading Coalition (NRC).         The celebrations served to honour           before passing the book on to someone           • Write a book - we have stories to share.
  The launch of the NRC was preceded          women for the struggles they have              else. To encourage participation, readers
by the widely publicised Progress in          enduredto emancipate women and a               were invited to share
International Reading Literacy Study          platform for the NRC to galvanise              an image of their name
(PIRLS), released in 2017. The study          educators who are seen as role models          on the Readers Name
found that 78% of Grade 4 learners in         for learners, to lead by example by            list on NECT’s social
South Africa could not read for meaning,      being at the forefront of the reading          media pages to stand
scoring the lowest benchmark of below         revolution. “Who can be the agents of          a chance of winning a
400 out of a possible 1000 points when        the envisioned long-lasting change other       voucher worth R500.
tested in their home language. Moreover,      than the 433 000 comrades who take the
the South African Book Development            primary responsibility of bringing up our      How can you join the
Council’s 2016 survey into reading and        children? Let’s make reading cool again!”      #ReadingRevolution?
book reading behaviour of adults, reveals     proclaimed NECT CEO, Godwin Khosa,
                                                                                             • Start a book club
that only 14% of adults in the country read   during his speech in Bethlehem.
                                                                                                with friends and
a printed book for leisure.                      The NRC/SADTU partnership also
  The NRC is a continuation of efforts        aimed to initiate a book donation drive
                                              for educators and urged everyone to be         • Read every day,         TRAVEL BOOKS: SADTU members receiving books from NECT
to improve the reading outcomes of                                                              you will love it.      officials to read and pass to others as part of the campaign.
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.                        EDUCATORS’ VOICE                     5

SADTU and JENN join hands
to acknowledge outstanding
performance in Eastern Cape.
              he South African Democratic
              Teachers’ Union (SADTU)
              together with JENN Training
              and Consultancy organized
the second annual teachers’ awards held
at East London International Convention
Centre on the 09th February 2019. The
teachers who were given the awards are
the members of the union who attained
more than 80% in the subjects that they
taught in 2018 National Senior Certificate.
   The awards initiative started last year
and during that time, the union awarded
111 members and this year the num-
ber increased to 300 awardees. JENN
Training and Consultancy contributed
to the awards ceremony by securing the
venue and catering for all 600 delegates
that were invited, JENN further sponsored      SADTU Vice President for Gender,Dorcus Sekabate                     Mr. Mosanku Pholo representing JENN with award
                                               (left) with Minister of Basic Education honorable Angie             reci pient and another representative from sponsor
the event by giving certificates to all 300
                                               Motshekga (right) awarding one of the reci pients.
winners and provided corporate gifts to
selected stakeholders that were attending.
   Speaking at the event, the representative
of JENN said that they do not want to be
seen as a mere sponsor to the awards cere-
mony, but instead as partners in pursuit of
a better education system in the province.
JENN Training and Consultancy has now
been operating in the Eastern Cape for
two years providing interventions in six
   The teachers that were honoured were
awarded in different categories that
included amongst others; best school prin-
cipal, special school, and best performing
region etc. Some of the big winners of
the day included Toli Senior Secondary
School and Saint James Senior Secondary
   The event was attended by various
education stakeholders that included
SADTU Vice President for Gender,               The overall performer St James School with SADTU provincial Chairperson Thabile Kunene and SADTU Vice President
Dorcus Sekabate, Eastern Cape provincial       for Gender,Dorcus Sekabate.
chairperson of SADTU Thabile Kunene,
                                               serves as a good symbol for promoting
provincial Secretary Chris Mdingi, Head
                                               excellence. As her parting shot, the min-
of Department from provincial depart-
                                               ister challenged all the teachers to, lift as
ment of education Themba Kojane as well
                                               they rise.
as the minister of Basic Education, Angie
                                                  The Eastern Cape has over the past two
                                               years, shown improvement in the matric
   In her keynote address, Minister
                                               pass rate. In 2017, the province attained
Motshekg praised SADTU for hosting
                                               a 65, 8% pass which was an increase
the event in recognition and acknowl-
                                               of more than 5% from 2016’s 59, 3%.
edgement of teachers; she said teachers
                                               In 2018, the province achieved 70, 6%
must always remember that they are the
                                               which highlighted a further improvement
workers of a special kind, who have a
                                               in the overall performance of the prov-
responsibility of building the nation. She
further reminded the teachers that their
sacrifices will be in vain if the African
                                               The article and photographs are supplied
child is not educated.
                                               by Jenn Training and Consultancy
   Minister Motshega said the awards                                                           Award reci pients celebrating outside East London ICC
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
6        EDUCATORS’ VOICE                                JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

Western Cape Provincial General
Council Declaration
Fountain Hotel, Cape Town 16 -17 June 2019
                                                                             schools is a clear example of
                                                                             corporate capture.
                                                                         •   Thus, we declare to defend
                                                                             collective bargaining,
                                                                             workers’ rights and defend
                                                                             people’s power for people’s
                                                                             education, defend our
                                                                             organisation SADTU and
                                                                             defend the ANC-led alliance
                                                                             and its progressive policies.
                                                                             Against the above, our
                                                                             defence is formed by the
                                                                             reality that all the gains we
                                                                             have made have never come
Jonavon Rustin Provincial Secretary and Nonzaliseko Mzizi, SADTU             cheap.
National Negotiator                                                                                          Sibongile Kwazi,Deputy Provincial Secretary

                                                                         •   Therefore, we call for an
        he South African                 towards an ANC victory.             end to all hostilities within
        Democratic teachers                                                  the ANC and furthermore,
        Union (SADTU) Western        •   Thus, the PGC mandated
                                         all members of the union            as SADTU in the Western
Cape, convened its Provincial                                                Cape, we declare our full
General Council (PGC) from 16-           to double their efforts in
                                         changing the conditions             support for the ANC in the
17 June 2019 at Fountain Hotel,                                              upcoming local government
Cape Town.                               of our people, the working
                                         class in particular. Thus,          elections.
   The Provincial General                we have been mindful of
Council was attended by                                                  •   We also call on all our
                                         the frosty relationship we          members to participate
delegates from all of our                have with the provincial
structures from the length                                                   in ensuring that the ANC
                                         government, which on many           build its base for the local
and breadth of the Province,             occasions, uses SADTU
representing 12 700 members                                                  government elections in two
                                         members as scapegoats               years’ time, with a renewed
throughout the province. In              when the policies of the DA
line with the constitution of                                                strategy to improve on the
                                         are crumbling.                      showing in the national
the organisation, all the reports
were tabled and adopted. Deputy      •   The PGC resolved that               elections. It is against this
President, comrade Cele, gave            any assault or killing of a         background that we make
input on behalf of the National          teacher or any public servant       no apology when we say
Executive Committee.                     amounts to treason and that         members of SADTU must
                                         the criminal procedures             participate in the life of
   We received political messages                                            South African democracy,
of solidarity from the ANC               should be amended to
                                         classify an attack on a             both as members of ANC or
represented by the Provincial                                                members of the independent
Chairperson of the youth league,         teacher or public servant as
                                         treason.                            electoral commission (IEC),
comrade Khalid Sayed who is the                                              working independently and
Shadow minster for Education         •   The PGC noted that we will          professional as teachers
in the Provincial Legislature.           oppose the Western Cape             generally did in several
We also received a message of            Schools Amendment Act               elections.
support from the Vanguard Party,         with all our might.
the SACP through its Provincial                                          •   The PGC resolved that we
chairperson comrade Anthony          •   It is for this reason that          must economically empower       •   The council resolved to                   and transphobia and will
Dietrich and the workers voice           SADTU vehemently                    all public servants by share        popularise the SADTU APP                  fight for the inclusion
Comrade Andile Ngqaneka.                 disagreed and rejected              allocation in the PIC.              to improve communication                  of gender identity in our
                                         the privatisation of public                                                                                       polices.
• The PGC recognised                                                                                             with or members and
                                         schools, the sale of alcohol,   •   The PGC declares work a
     the political epoch and             the introduction of SEA,            feasible model to give a girl       promote online training.           •      The PGC declares that we
     particular milestones this          inspection, etc by the              child a quality education.      •   The PGC declares that we                  will make our documents
     year: 43 years since the            provincial government.                                                                                            available to be transcribed
                                                                         •   The PGC rejects the                 will advocate strengthening
     Soweto uprising, 63 years                                                                                                                             into braille, to enable the
     since District Six had been     •   In fact, the privatisation          proposed new promotion              the legal department in
                                         of schools (Collaboration           and progress policy for             SADTU, to advance the                     blind and partially sighted
     declared as a whites-only
     area, 64 years since the            Schools) works against the          Foundation phase, as it will        interests of the members.                 to participate actively in the
     freedom charter was adopted         important declaration of the        disadvantage our young                                                        union.
                                         freedom charter which states        learners.                       •   The council further declared
     by the real congress of the                                                                                                                    •      We declare that we will
                                         “The doors of learning and                                              that we will challenge
     people.                                                             •   The union declares that                                                       work towards transformation
                                         culture shall be opened”.                                               presiding officers, who act
•   Our PGC took place after                                                 it will work tirelessly to          outside the rules prescribed              in sport and the promotion
    the National Elections were      •   It for this reason SADTU            improve the conditions of                                                     of our culture for inclusion
                                                                                                                 in the Arbitration act. We
    held and did an analysis             agrees that the privatisation       service of ECD workers in           further declare that we                   and social cohesion.
    of the ANC’s performance             (Collaboration Schools) of          line with the Employment of
                                         public schools is meant to                                              will embark on training            •      On finance, the union
    nationally and in the                                                    Educators Act and mobilise
                                         take the control of schools         for collective bargaining for       programmes to capacitate                  declares that recruitment will
                                         from the community and              all ECD workers.                    union representatives                     be prioritised to increase the
•   SADTU noted the                      forms part of tactics to                                                to provide quality                        union’s income.
    challenges facing our                weaken SADTU. This              •   We will further popularise          representation.
    movement, but declared               privatisation of schools is         the SADTU Co-op bank to                                                •      The PGC declared that a
    that we will not tolerate            an attempt to commodify             ensure our members become       •   SADTU declares that                       policy be adopted to assist
    opposition parties and the           education and a second              financially secure and              it will fight all forms of                small regions and branches
    liberal media dictating to the       leg of the provincial               promote savings.                    victimisation in schools                  to be financially viable.
    progressive forces how to            government’s attempt to         •   The PGC declares that it
    resolve its challenges.              weaken the union as they                                            •   We, as PGC, declare that           •      We further declare that a
                                                                             will provide clarity on the
                                         tried with the haphazard                                                we will work to promote                   minimum programme will
•   The union adopted a                                                      classroom visit protocol,
                                         closure of schools. In fact,        in the interest of quality          LGBTIQ+ rights, addressing                be designed for the branches
    minimum programme to                 to us, the privatisation of         learning and teaching.              the issues of homophobia                  to capacitate members.
    map out our contribution
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.                                  EDUCATORS’ VOICE                         7


IMF’s report on SA’s dire education
system is news to most township and rural teachers
A recently released IMF report paints a bleak picture of South Africa’s education system stating that
on average, teachers in South Africa miss 11% of teaching time due to absenteeism. But while the
report claims roughly 20% are absent Mondays and Fridays, most teachers, especially from township
and rural areas actually teach on Saturdays and sacrifice their holidays. SADTU’s media team visited
the Winnie Mandela Secondary School to get first-hand information on what happens in school.

              ccording to the 2019 school   to get 100%. To achieve that, we teach        time to come here because I love it; I love    when learners are in class, preparing
              calendar learners should be   during holidays and Saturdays,” she says.     teaching,“ Mabusela says.                      meals for them, and it is always a great
              enjoying their end-of first      The school is in an informal area where       English teacher, Steven Masemola            relief during lunch as they all make their
              quarter vacation. However,    it is difficult for some learners, to even    knows there is no holiday for Grade 12         way to receive these meals.
for eight Grade 12 teachers at Winnie       find a place to study at home. “Some do       and has no qualms with that. For him, this        The school not only caters for Nelson
Mandela Secondary School and 238            not have electricity at home, so we need to   is about the future of his learners. “One      Mandela learners, learners as far away as
                                                                                          thing that is important about teaching is      Limpopo whose parents work in Gauteng,
learners, Saturdays and school holidays     help them, “Mam Mabusela explains.
                                                                                          that you are not here for yourself but you     attend these classes during the holidays
are more or less normal school days.            Holiday classes also provide the
                                                                                          are here for these kids,” he says.             when they come to visit their parents. For
Clad in their school uniforms, they are     teachers with the opportunity to provide          Being at school, Masemola is not           the school management and teachers , this
in classrooms behind the school’s locked    learners with individual attention as         only helping his learners to advance           is not a big deal as they want to see every
gates, being taught. The only difference    some are progressed learners. Of the 238      academically but the school is also            learner making it in life.
is that, instead of a normal seven hour     matrics, 83 are progressed learners but       providing learners with a safe haven.             Masemola has been teaching for 20
day they spend five hours in class on       they are not progressed in all subjects.         “You saw when you came here, the            years and his greatest satisfaction is to see
Saturdays and school holidays.                 To the teachers, working beyond            roads are closed, so there are challenges      his learners succeed in life.
   According to the School’s Deputy         the normal working hours makes no             in the area,” he explains.                         “When I meet some of my former kids,
Principal, Mam Mabusela, the teachers       difference in their take home pay but it is      The school has the support of the           sometimes I can’t recognise them, they
and the learners are sacrificing their      well worth the sacrifice.                     community and parents who allow their          are the ones who greet me, they are far
precious time because they want to             “You need passion to be a teacher. It      children to attend during the holidays.        ahead of me in terms of progress in life,”
improve their results. “We are striving     is not about money. I am sacrificing my       Community members also work hard               he says.
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
8         EDUCATORS’ VOICE                              JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

An input on Matric Results Focus
In what seems to be the norm at the beginning of each year, matric results are released around
the country. The different provinces are queued and ranked in relation to their performance and
schools are classified as performing or non-performing. Different subjects at various levels of
the system are also tagged according to performance. In the main, statistical information is the
basic source for the final figures arrived at. This leads to a fundamental question on whether
our education system, in practice, is driven by quantity and is less concerned about quality?
By Mkhuseli Mafunda, North West Provincial Education Convener.
                                                                                          rate. The reality is that candidates who          and that information gets released
                                                                                          modularise the final examinations, do not         during tests or examinations. Critical
                                                                                          receive much tangible academic support.           learning skills are compromised in
                                                                                            What needs to be done? I have a                 the process. This has a tendency of
                                                                                          few suggestions. These will require a             catching up with those who attend
                                                                                          turnaround strategy whose main focus              Higher Education Institutions, as they,
                                                                                          would be prioritised accordingly:                 regardless of the quality of Grade 12
                                                                                          -   There has to be a concerted effort            pass, struggle to adjust.
                                                                                              towards investing in the Foundation       -   Preparing teachers for the Fourth
                                                                                              Phase. Research shows that high               Industrial Revolution is critical. The
                                                                                              quality programmes at early years             Teacher Laptop Initiative has been
                                                                                              and grades have the potential to spill        a failure due to the fact that, among
                                                                                              over into senior grades and later years       others, educators were expected
                                                                                              of the learner. Foundational skills           to make a partial payment for this
                                                                                              in education have a pivotal role in           learning, teaching and administrative
                                                                                              grounding the learner in different            tool but also because the private
                                                                                              facets of their educational journey.          sector had seen a quick money
                                                                                              Resources have to be invested in the          making scheme. To enhance teaching,
                                                                                              foundation of our education system.           educators have to be supplied with
                                                                                              With time it should be possible to            devices free of charge and be trained
                                                                                              predict the pass quality/rate per phase       to use them.
                                                                                              from the foundation phase of the
                                                                                              system. This could have the potential     -    As Deputy Minister of Basic
                                                                                              of creating matric results from the           Education Enver Surty champions
                                                                                              foundational level.                           the course, the private sector must
                                                                                                                                            also make real commitments: zero-
                                                                                          -   The successful retention of learners          rating school items, dedicated Wi-Fi
                                                                                              in the system is also a matter that           in all schools and data-free dedicated
                                                                                              needs attention. For example at the           educational applications. This will
                                                                                              FET band the number of learners in            have a positive impact on accessing
                                                                                              Grade 10 is drastically reduced in            education and will create a platform
                                                                                              Grade 12 – the system is not able to          to improve the quality of knowledge,
North West Education Convenor Mkhuseli Mafunda.                                               convincingly account for the learners         skills and output. This will also

                                                                                              who go missing in-between Grades              be responding to the directive of
          he focus of the education system   the school will be declared dysfunctional        10 and 12. Surely, there are some who         the National Development Plan, as
          in South Africa has always been    and the perception has its own impact on         opt for TVET colleges but we are              captured by the Department of Basic
          on Grade 12, the exit/entry        the morale of the school community. This         unable to indicate where the majority         Education’s Strategic Plan, which
          grade for the Further Education    results in some schools developing some          “disappear” to.                               seeks to “roll out broadband ICT
and Training (FET) band. This has seen       subtle methods of sifting learners who       -   Provincial Education Departments              Infrastructure” in schools. Further,
a lot of pressure being put on Provincial    proceed to matric, in fact some even sift        still continue to underspend on the           the Education White Paper 7 goal,
Education Departments, which ultimately      from Grade 8 as they admit new learners,         Maths-Science and Technology grant            of enhancing achievement through
flows over to schools. The result is that    they admit in a manner to pre-empt the           and this has the long term effect of          access to information by blending
Grade 12 teachers spend the year trying      Grade 12 results.                                ultimately not being able to produce          pedagogy and technology, will be a
to ensure that they cover the syllabus         We also need to acknowledge some               more leaners for Mathematics and              step closer to being achieved.
whilst preparing learners for the end-of-    other challenges inherent in the system          Science at FET band.
year examinations. The unintended result     and how they impact on education and                                                       In conclusion, the foundation stages of
would be focussing more on preparation       learner performance.                         -   Whilst it would be helpful to             the learner’s education require attention
of the learners for the examinations           The Progression of Learners is a               have intervention programmes,             in order to have learners progressing
and not putting enough emphasis on           challenge which creates chaos in the             particularly in Grade 12, which take      to higher grades and phases with skills
the requisite skills that the learner must   system. The number of progressed learners        the form of camps, among others,          and requisite competencies. Intervention
master. In such an instance knowledge        in a school may lead to negative labelling       the system should avoid having            programmes must be deployed towards
becomes dormant because of lack of or        of teachers and schools. The system also         camps developing into an “alternative     establishing a solid foundation. Numeracy
insufficient skills.                         doesn’t have a clear monitoring system           education system” which is more           and literacy would have great spin-offs in
   The number game’s main interest           of progressed learners across the phases.        about preparing learners for exams;       senior grades and phases. The retention
is checking the number of candidates         Equally related to this is the issue of          thus missing out on the requisite         rate of learners across the grades cannot
who wrote against how many passed.           singling out learners as progressed; this        learning competencies and skills that     be over-emphasized. We must be a
Naturally a school with 27 candidates        has the potential to impact negatively on        must be mastered by the learners.         quality-driven system. In order to achieve
who all pass, will statistically be ranked   the self esteem of learners.                     This ends up in the “banking model        this, teacher development and upskilling
as having performed better than a school       The decision of the 2015 Council               of education” which was observed          programmes should be mandatory.
where 175 out of 180 candidates passed...    of Education Ministers (CEM) to                  by the Paulo Freire, the Brazilian        Acknowledgement of inputs made by
That is the danger of numbers which does     make matric learners modularise the              Education scholar. The banking model      Faseega Solomon, Western Cape SADTU
not see the value in the numbers. The        examinations is a proof/action/device/           means students are the recipients of      Provincial Education Convener)
lower the pass rate the higher the chances   method that sought to heighten the pass          information deposited by the teachers
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.                                  EDUCATORS’ VOICE                       9

SADTU well represented in the NTA awards
SADTU members entered the annual National Teaching Awards organised by the Department
of Basic Education to honour teachers who show dedication, creativity and innovation in the
profession. Out of the 11 categories teachers compete in, SADTU members took the first
price in three categories. They are Phenyo Victorian Violet Koka, Marcus Thobya Matsebane
and Mfanafuthi “MJ”Joseph Nkosi

                                                                                            not struggle in career choices in the near

                                                                                            Does being a SADTU member
                                                                                            complement your work as a teacher?

                                                                                            Being a SADTU member complements
                                                                                            my job because SADTU provides me
                                                                                            with the necessary support so that I
                                                                                            can produce quality teaching. SADTU
                                                                                            has always encouraged me to honour
                                                                                            my profession, dignify the teaching
                                                                                            profession and work hard.

                                                                                            Now that you have won being a
                                                                                            SADTU, what is your view about those
                                                                                            who say SADTU members don’t have
                                                                                            the interest of learners at heart?
Phenyo Victorian Violet Koka flanked by Basic Education Minister                            My view about those who say SADTU
Angie Motshekga (left) and former Minister in the Presidency,                               member do not have the interest of their
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (right)                                                              learners at heart is they speak because        Marcus Thobya Matsebane
                                                                                            they have not met the likes of Miss
                                                                                            Phenyo Koda who is a proud SADTU               supported by the circuit manager and the
PHENYO VICTORIAN VIOLET                      my own hands, and I design resources           member who was taught by the Union             District Director simple because they have
KOKA, “When I teach, I also                  from waste materials. I do not expect my       to love her work and to honour her             seen the good work that i am doing in the
parent”                                      school to do everything for me because         learners’rights. My union encourages me        school, circuit and the district.The main
                                             I understand at times the school finances      to respect therights of the learners and to    reason was to share with other colleagues
Teacher at Dikobo Primary School,            cannot cover all our needs.                    make sure I am in class, teaching and not      throughout the country the good practices
Limpopo                                                                                     abusing my powers upon my learners. I          in my school but I was just doing my
                                             What does teaching mean to you?                sacrifice my time, finances and strength       work to the best of my ability and people
Winner of the Primary School Teaching                                                       towards improving the lives of learners        noticed and encouraged me to enter.
Award                                        To me teaching means life changing and
                                             giving hope to the underprivileged and         within my reach.
                                                                                                                                           What do you think made you the
How and why did you enter the                disadvantaged community. It is bringing        What message would you like to give to         winner?
Awards?                                      hope to the discouraged souls, and laying      fellow SADTU comrades now that you
                                             a solid and meaningful foundation so the                                                      Throughout my schooling days I have
I first entered the National Teaching                                                       have won?                                      always strived for excellence. I graduated
                                             learners can discover their God-given
Awards in 2017. My principal, Mr MK          talents and purpose at an early age. It is     My message to fellow SADTU comrades:           as the top student at the college among
Mahlahlani had done class visits and         also developing them into responsible          Be a good employee, do what you are            133 students in my initial training as
he suggested to me, to the staff and the     citizens of our country. When you are                                                         a teacher. I obtained my FDE (Further
                                                                                            hired to do. To be an excellent teacher,
School Governing Body (SGB) that I           teaching you are also parenting. I reach                                                      Diploma in Education) majoring in
                                                                                            work beyond your normal call of duty and
enter. They all told me they have faith in   out to my learners’ disadvantaged homes.                                                      Mathematics, Physics and chemistry
                                                                                            always be willing to share.                    with cum laude i.e. with distinction at the
me. That, on its own, gave me confidence.    My “being a teacher” occurs even outside
I received lots of support from my school,                                                  How has the award impacted you                 University of Johannesburg again winning
                                             classroom walls. I expose learners
circuit and district. My principal, Mr                                                      personally and professionally?                 the top student award among 40 students
                                             to various extra-curricular activities                                                        from various provinces. My Honours
Mahlahlani, is also an award winner          such as athletics and encourage them           Winning this award has proved to me that
(2018) under the category: Primary                                                                                                         and Masters Degrees were both obtained
                                             to participate in school projects that         hard work and dedication can be paid off.      with Cum Laude at UNISA. I have also
School Leadership. Mr Mahlalani and          generates our school some money. I take        NTA encourages one to grow. Through
Dr Maluleke at our district have been                                                                                                      acquired other degrees, diplomas and
                                             upon myself the responsibility to mother       this award doors have opened for me;           certificates with excellent marks.
by my side since I entered in 2017 and       and give support to the learners. I also       including furthering my studies for free
always believed that I could make it.        work in assisting the school to get funds      from 2010. The award has also inspired         Ever since I taught learners, I have always
Mr Mulaudzi, a coordinator from my           for school infrastructure improvement.         the youth from my community who have           inspired them to excel in everything they
province also gave me his full support.                                                     now developed more love and respect for        do. I motivate my educators to also excel
I have also been given support by the        How and when did you enter the                 this profession.                               in all they do. I set very high standards
parents of my learners, SGB and my own       teaching profession?                                                                          for my learners and I encourage parents
family. Being an NTA candidate one                                                                                                         to assist their children to meet these high
needs such support.                          I entered the profession at the age of 24 in   MARCUS THOBYA MATSEBANE                        standards. In everything I do, I do it to
                                             2013 at Lekkerbreek Primary School after                                                      the best of my ability and I always go an
                                                                                            - “I always confess I am winner
What do you think made you a winner?         completing my four year Degree in Early                                                       extra mile in my work as a principal. All
                                             Childhood Development Specialization
                                                                                            with my learners before we
                                                                                                                                           these have made me to be the best of the
What I think made me a winner is my          at the University of KwaZulu Natal             commence classes.”                             best and a cut above the rest.
selfless contributions and dedication        (Edgewood Campus) I studied through a
to the school and my community. The                                                         Principal of Rapoho Primary School,             I also believe that I am always a winner.
                                             bursary from the Limpopo Department of         Limpopo Province
little sacrifices that I make on daily       Education by Dr Aaron Motswaledi                                                              I always confess that I am a winner with
basis to better the lives of learners that                                                                                                 my learners before we commence with
                                                                                            Winner of the Excellence in Primary
are untrusted in my care. I serve the        What do you like best about being a                                                           our classes in the morning, in the evening
                                                                                            School Leadership Category:                    and on Saturdays. And above all, I also
department of education beyond my job        teacher?
description with love and passion, through                                                  Why and how did you enter the                  believe that working hard at all times has
my personal spare time and money. I do       Being a teacher that I am, I enjoy the         Awards?                                        made me to be a winner. I learnt from my
not wait for a developmental “change” to     mother-to-child relationship that I have                                                      secondary school that hard work promotes
happen to my school, but I am a change       with my learners and laying a good             I never decided on my own to enter             peace and happiness and I have been
maker! For example: I painted my own         foundation for them to discover their          the Awards; I was nominated by my              working hard always.
classroom, from my own pocket and using      talents at an early age so that they may       colleagues and the nomination was
                                                                                                                                           What does teaching mean to you?
The National General Elections have come and gone as we march towards SADTU's 9th National Congress
10          EDUCATORS’ VOICE                                JUNE/JULY 2019 • VOL 21 • NO 1.

It means changing the lives of learners        kept me going throughout the years, these                                                       impossible. I believe teaching is a calling
forever. I don’t teach learners to pass        pillars I got them from the Holy Bible                                                          more than cheque collection scheme. Due
exams only but I teach them to acquire                                                                                                         to unfavourable conditions teachers come
skills, values and knowledge that will         1.   I am the best, Psalm 139 : 14 says                                                         across in different schools, it make it hard
sustain them throughout their lives on              , I am fearfully and wonderfully                                                           to become a good teacher, then calling
earth and also for eternity.                        made. In short it means I am very
                                                                                                                                               and love for learners come in.
                                                    unique and very special and there is
When and how did you enter the                      none like me, i don’t have to copy                                                         What do you like most about being a
teaching profession?                                anybody and I am an original and I                                                         teacher?
                                                    can come up with original solutions
I entered the teaching profession on the            to the challenges i face daily                                                             Helping learners conquer achievements
16th of January 1995. After passing Grade
                                               2.   I can do it, Phillipians 4 :13. I can                                                      that they had never thought of attempting
12, I wanted to pursue nursing as a career
because I wanted to earn some income                do all things through Christ who                                                           is fulfilling. The majority of the learners
in order tp assist my mom and two                   strengthens me, nothing is too                                                             in my school are from poor backgrounds,
siblings. I now know that God had it well           difficult for me. I can do ALL things                                                      they therefore have fewer resources. But
planned that I was going to be a teacher.      3.   God is always with me, Matthew 28                                                          I go out even to businesses for resources.
Before I went to the nursing college, I             : 20, ...Behold i am with you always                                                       One of the companies, Arcelor Mittal
met a community leader (Mr Letlalo)                 even unto the end of the age. When                                                         Science helps us with equipment to do
who assisted me to gain admission at the            no one is around, I know that God is                                                       experiments. Teaching for me does not
college and my Rector, Mr Masekwameng               ever with me.                                                                              end at school, I have converted my garage
assisted me to apply for a bursary. I                                                                                                          at home and have turned it into a centre
worked very hard in the three years at         4.   I am a winner, Romans 8 : 37. In         Mfanafuthi “MJ” Joseph Nkosi
                                                    all these things we are more than                                                          where I teach after school. This centre is
College and became a very dedicated,
                                                    conquerors through him who loved         School Teaching but four days before the          helping learners from more than 5 schools
determined and disciplined teacher
                                                    us. This means that I can overcome       district adjudication process, they called        in Newcastle. Last academic year (2018)
What do you like most about being a                 every obstacle, defeat every enemy       me and asked if I could enter under the           Grade 12 Physical Science class, we used
teacher?                                            and win every battle.                    Physical Science category. I switched             to start classes at 7am and also Saturday
                                                                                             and had to cross-night preparing my new           evening classes at my house. By March,
I like spending time with my learners          5.   This is my day, Psalm 118: 24, This
                                                                                             presentation. I presented and got position        they were reaching no less than 80%. In
helping them to acquire skills, values,             is the day that the Lord has made,
                                                                                             1 in the Majuba District. We then moved           the end of year mark, I receive a 93% pass
attitudes and knowledge which makes                 let us be glad and rejoice in it. I am
                                                    born for a time like this, it is not a   to the cluster and in September, to the           in Physical Science. 60% received more
them world overcomes. It gives me great                                                      province. Three weeks later, I got a call
joy to see my learners grow and become              mistake that we are alive today and                                                        than 60% pass and I got three distinctions.
                                                    we are teachers. God knew us before      that I would be the ambassador for my             I am motivated by the motto,” Aspire to
successful and very responsible citizens
                                                    the world was founded and made us        province (KwaZulu-Natal) in the Physical          inspire before you expire.”
that help our country‘s economy to grow
                                                    teachers in a time like this, he knows   Science (FET) category in the National
and also play a vital role to come up
with real and tangible solutions to the             very well that we have all it takes to   Teaching Awards                                   Does being a SADTU member
challenges we face today.                           be successful teachers today.                                                              complement your work as a teacher?
                                                                                             What do you think made you the
Does being a SADTU member                      How has the award impacted you                winner?                                           It is complementing. The Union has
complement your work as a teacher?             personally and professionally?                                                                  pledged to use me to teach others in the
                                                                                             In whatever I do, I strive for excellence.
                                               The award has greatly motivated me and        I am motivated by the story of Joseph in          province as a lead teacher.
To a certain extent, yes. But I think
SADTU can do more in terms of                  immensely increased my self esteem. I         the Bible who was taken to captivity but          Now that you have won being a SADTU
developing us to do our work better.           have been working very hard throughout        he excelled as a slave. He was taken to           member, what is your view about those
Leadership and management workshops,           the years and thought that no one is          prison and he became the best prisoner.
                                               watching, but I have learnt that God                                                            who say SADTU members dont have
conferences and seminars can be                                                              He excelled in whatever situation he was
                                               rewards hard and excellent work and he                                                          the interest of their learners at heart?
conducted for SADTU managers as                                                              in. I believe God blesses excellence, so if
well as subject content workshops for          has rewarded me. This has motivated           I am given a task. I give it all. I live by the   It is a dangerous statement to
educators                                      me and I will sacrifice more of my time,      saying; “give your best and God will do
                                               energy, skills and knowledge to greatly                                                         assign performance to a group or an
                                                                                             the rest.”                                        organisation. Performance is an individual
Now that you have won being a                  improve the lives of the learners in my
SADTU, what is your view about those           community, circuit, district, province,       When and how did you enter the                    thing. I live for my family. No one has
who say SADTU members don’t have               country, continent and the entire world.      teaching profession?                              ever influenced me not to perform. I am a
the interest of learners at heart?             Professionally, the award has given                                                             lead teacher in the province
                                                                                             I am a qualified Geologist with a BSc
                                               me more respect and recognition and
 I believe that every teacher whether                                                        in Geology from the University of                 What message would you like to give to
                                               more platform to motivate and inspire
a SADTU member or not, if he or she                                                          KwaZulu-Natal (Westville). I entered              fellow SADTU comrades now that you
                                               my fellow principals, teachers, circuit
is a teacher by calling, despite all the                                                     the teaching profession in 2013 at                have won?
                                               officials and everybody who is involved
challenges, will do all it takes to ensure                                                   Panorama Combined School after I
                                               in education. The award has also given
that learners get the best quality education                                                 could not find work in the mining sector          I would urge members to enter National
                                               me the opportunity to study further as I
and will uphold the learners interest at all                                                 due to retrenchments after the Marikana           Teacher Awards. As a young teacher,
                                               got a bursary to study ONLINE on how to
times. I am a SADTU member and my                                                            Massacre saga. I dropped my CV at                 the awards have made me to become up
                                               integrate ICT into teaching and learning.
learners’ interest is at the centre of my                                                    district offices and received a call four         to date with policies. They provide one
                                               I am very inspired and plan on completing
heart. I have proven beyond any doubt                                                        weeks later. When I completed my                  with good exposure. I have managed to
                                               my doctoral degree in the next two years.
that I do everything in my power to give                                                     matric with a distinction in Physical             communicate with other peers. I would
my learners the best quality education
                                                                                             Science, teaching was not in my mind. I           recommend that members enter, more
even in the deep rural areas of Limpopo,       MFANAFUTHI JOSEPH NKOSI                       went to University to do engineering but          especially young teachers but you need to
Having said that I won’t agree with the        - From a qualified Geologist to the           I was accepted in Biological Sciences             be a hard-working educator.
general statement that SADTU members           best performing teacher.
don’t have the interest of their learners at                                                 which gave me a good foundation for
                                                                                             Natural Sciences but later switched to            How has the award impacted you
heart.                                         Winner of the Excellence in Teaching
                                               Physical Science (FET) Award.                 Physics which I loved more than my Zulu           personally and professionally?
What message would you like to give to                                                       language. After graduation I was taken
fellow SADTU comrades now that you                                                           at Panorama to teach Mathematics and              Winning of NTA impacted me in a big
                                               Physical Science Teacher at Panorama
                                                                                                                                               way. I did not believe that I will one
have won?                                      Combined School, Newcastle in                 Mathematical Literacy as a substitute
                                                                                                                                               day be recognised as one of the good
                                               KwaZulu-Natal                                 educator for four months. After a year,           physical Science teachers in the country.
Let us do our best in shaping the future                                                     the Physical Science teacher resigned
of our country by being the best teachers      Why and how did you enter the                                                                   This taught not to underestimate the
                                                                                             and I came in to teach Natural Sciences           potential God had placed in me and to
to our learners. Let us play our roles as      Awards?                                       and Physical Sciences (FET). In 2015,             always excel in everything I do. Now my
educators to the fullest, despite the trying
                                               I got to know about the NTA’s in 2015.        I registered for the Post Graduate                understanding of education as a whole
challenges that we face as South African
                                                                                             Certificate in Education (PGCE) with              and Physical Science is not the same
educators. Let us all remember the words       My principal, Mr Mthethwa who
                                                                                             Unisa and majored in Geography and                any more. It gave me the opportunity to
of Martin Luther King Junior who said : “      entered the for the Secondary School                                                            interact and network with good Physical
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run    Leadership category, approached me in         Natural Sciences.
                                                                                                                                               Science educators around South Africa
then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl,       2018 and asked me to enter. He inspires                                                         which positively impacted my delivery
                                                                                             What does teaching mean to you?
but whatever you do keep on moving             me and my family gave me support. I                                                             of content in class and hoping it will also
forward”. Furthermore i want to remind                                                       It means working with young minds,
                                               fetched the forms and registered under                                                          impact my Grade 12 results.
all our educators of the 5 pillars that have                                                 moulding them and making them
                                               the category, Excellence in Secondary
                                                                                             achieve what they initially thought was
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