Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...

Page created by Charles Nguyen
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Winter 2019
EARLY LEARNERS   January - March

                                       Youth a
                                     Class Re d Adult
                                               er 12
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...

  t’s hard to believe that we are already introducing our
  winter catalog! It seems fall went by in the blink of an
  eye. In addition to the new catalog, we will be trying
something new at the start of the year....texting!
                                                               Communication is vitally important
Obviously, texting has been around for a long time and         to everything we do at Community
we are now able to communicate with you, our students,         Education and we are pleased to
through texts. When classes are cancelled or we are            provide one more way we can get in touch with you. We
declaring a snow day, we will be able to text you, in          promise we won’t overload you with text messages...
addition to calling or sending an email. This is where we      we are only looking to connect via text when it’s really
need your assistance.                                          important to contact you immediately.

Take a moment of your time to update your contact              Talk to you again in the spring!
information in our registration system (see how to edit
your account below.) Please make sure to click “yes” to
receive text messages.
                                                                                                   Executive Director

 A    s Tamra said, now is a great time to       Mission Statement
      update your account information            The mission of Bloomington Community
 in the Eleyo registration system. Here’s        Education is to provide engaging high-quality
 how:                                            lifelong learning opportunities that enrich the
                                                 lives of our diverse community.
 Visit and log
 into your account. On the top, right            Community Education Advisory Council
 hand side of the page, click on your            David Benson, Jackie Doncavage, Brent Larson, Marilyn Nelson,
 name, then “account/relationships.”             Jim Sorum, Heather Starks, and Andrew Wilkins
 Click on “edit.” Your profile will come
 up and you can make any necessary               The Community Education Advisory Council is required by law to meet
 changes.                                        at least four times per year. Interested in becoming a member? Give us
                                                 a call at 952-681-6103 for an application.
 When you put in your cell phone
 number, a message will display asking           School Board Members
 “can receive text messages.” Click              Maureen Bartolotta, Beth Beebe, Tom Bennett, Dick Bergstrom, Nelly
 “yes.” Once you have updated your               Korman, Jim Sorum, and Dawn Steigauf
 contact information, go to the bottom
 of the page and click “update person.”          School Board meetings take place on the second and fourth Monday
                                                 of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the Arlene Bush Board
 There you go. You can now receive               Room at the Educational Services Center, 1350 West 106th Street,
 text messages from Bloomington                  Bloomington, MN. (Exception: If a holiday falls on a Monday, the Board
 Community Education.                            session will be on Tuesday.) The third Monday of the month is reserved
 We will only send you messages when             for a study session, a board meeting or a combination thereof at 7 p.m.
 classes are cancelled, or there is a            unless determined otherwise.
 district declared snow day and your
 class is affected. In addition, we will                                                Bloomington Community
 continue to send you an email or call                                                         Education
 you. Texting is just one more way we                                                 2575 W. 88th Street, Suite 200
 want to be able to communicate with                                                    Bloomington, MN 55431
 you.                                              Register for classes with
                                                   your Visa, MasterCard or                 Catalog published
 And don’t forget, we want to hear from
                                                        Discover Card                    3 times per school year
 you as well. Call, send us an email, stop
 by the office and say hi, and please                  24 hours a day!                  August, December, March
 fill out those class surveys...we love                      Issue No. 2
 reading them!
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Early Learners Academy
    Early Learners                                Early Learners Academy is a fee-based quality childcare program designed to meet
                                                  the needs of families who desire an all-day early education experience for their
                                                  three, four, or five-year-old child.
                                                  Early Learning Services
                                                  Early Learning Services with programming at Pond Center, Southwood Center,
                                                  Valley View Elementary, Washburn Elementary, Indian Mounds Elementary, and Oak
                                                  Grove Elementary is a go-to program for our youngest learners and their families.
                                                  Highly family-centered, Early Learning Services enhances the development of each
                                                  young child and strengthens families by providing a full range of quality education
                                                  and support to meet the unique needs of each family and child.
                                                  Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes help parents meet the challenges
                                                  of parenting and help young children (birth to 5 years) develop socially, physically,
                                                  emotionally, and intellectually. ECFE classes are offered weekly at both Pond Center
                                                  and Southwood Center. Check out the January mini-classes in the Early Learners
                                                  section of this catalog.
                                                  Early Learning Services preschool programs include preschool for three-year-olds
                                                  and preschool for four-year-olds. All of the preschool programming is designed to
                                                  support preschoolers as they develop the skills necessary for lifelong learning. In
                                                  addition, opportunities for families to come and learn alongside their preschooler
                                                  and parent education is included.
                                                  Preschool Screening
                                                  Early Learning Services conducts screenings for children in Bloomington, which help
                                                  identify children who may benefit from early childhood services before they enter
                                                  school and connects them with the appropriate resources and programs.
Driver’s Education
Bloomington Community Education Driver’s Education program is partnering
with A+ Driving School to provide students more options, including a combined
Classroom/Behind the Wheel package. And, a Behind the Wheel only option for
                                                                                               Youth Learners
students taking the classroom portion at the high schools.
Galaxy Middle School Youth Center
During the school year, Galaxy Youth Center provides Bloomington youth in
grades 6-8 a safe and fun place to be with friends after school. Galaxy offers youth
opportunities for involvement in recreational and enrichment programming.                         Winter Early Release Days
Kids’ SAFARI                                                                                   Bloomington Public Schools will have
Kids’ SAFARI encompasses before-and-after-school programs for children                        two early release days during the winter
in kindergarten through grade 5. The focus of the program is on school-age                             session: March 5 & 6.
childcare and enrichment opportunities designed to meet the changing needs of
children and families. This is accomplished through creative learning experiences                 Preschool classes are cancelled
designed to increase social interaction.                                                                  March 5 & 6.
Summer of Laughs, Adventures, and More is an annual summer-long program                        Schools will release students 2 hours
designed to keep kids engaged in enrichment activities. Over 100 camps are                     earlier than their normally scheduled
offered and there’s sure to be one that fits your child’s interest.                                        release times.
                                                                                                Bloomington Community Education
Our Swim Lessons & Water Fitness programs run year-round and offer                             will be offering fun youth enrichment
convenience, affordability, quality staff & facilities, and a community                        options on those days for elementary
atmosphere. For over 30 years, these classes have been a part of our program.
                                                                                                school students who plan to stay at
Adult classes are also offered. Registration opens December 12.
Youth Enrichment
Community Education Youth and Family programs offer a variety of summer,                         Watch your Peachjar email box for
school year and evening enrichment, education and recreation opportunities for                    a special flyer announcing these
children of all ages. Registration opens December 12.                                                enrichment opportunities.

Register for classes at                                                                        952-681-6132 |    1
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Adult Enrichment
                                                Bloomington Adult Enrichment provides over 250 class opportunities.

               Adult Learners                   Offerings include...arts and crafts, business and investment, computers and
                                                technology, cooking, dance and music, finance, fitness, health and wellness,
                                                hobbies, home improvement, and world languages and cultures. Registration
                                                opens December 12.
                                                The CHOICE Alternative High School program recognizes the uniqueness of each
                                                individual and life circumstance, which creates a need for an alternative to the
                                                traditional school setting. CHOICE is designed for those who have fallen behind in
                                                high school, who want to attend a program that better fits their individual needs,
                                                or who have dropped out and want to return to complete their high school
                                                education. CHOICE Alternative High School serves students ages 17-21.
                                                Learning Exchange
                                                Learning Exchange provides lifelong learning and community involvement
                                                opportunities for adults with disabilities. Learning Exchange offers a variety of
                                                customized classes and special events, as well as training and accommodations to
                                                include adults with disabilities, 18 and older, in all community education activities
                                                in Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, and Richfield. Classes take place at various
                                                locations in the four cities.
                                                Metro South Adult Basic Education
                                                Metro South Adult Basic Education provides basic educational opportunities to
                                                adults in Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, and Richfield. Classes are offered in
                                                the areas of GED test preparation, high school diploma programs, English as a
                                                Second Language (ESL), basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics,
                                                and Career Pathways.

       Bloomington Community Education Staff                                                Bloomington Public Schools
                                                                                                 District Website
       TAMRA SIEVE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                              952-681-6102  

       Early Learning                                                                       Community Education Class
       Director of Early Learning Services                          952-681-6214                  Registration
       Early Childhood Screening                                    952-681-6200   
       Program Secretary                                            952-681-6213                  952-681-6132
                                                                                                952-681-6101 (fax)
       Youth Learning
       Swim Coordinator                                           952-681-6134                 Community Education
       Kids’ SAFARI and ELA Secretary                             952-681-6125                 General Phone Number
       Kids’ SAFARI Billing/Registration                          952-681-6128                     952-681-6100
       Inclusion Liaison                                     952-681-6105/6120
       Youth Enrichment, Driver’s Ed Admin.                       952-681-6111
       Youth & Adult Services Director                            952-681-6129                  Bloomington Community Education
       Youth Enrichment Coordinator                               952-681-6108
       Swim Admin.                                                952-681-6113                  @BloomingtonCe

       Adult Learning
       CHOICE Admin. Clerk                                          952-681-6172
       Learning Exchange                                            952-681-6121
       Adult Enrichment Coordinator                                 952-681-6108          Look for our youth class flyers on
       Metro South Director                                         952-681-6107          Peachjar. Go to our website home
       Adult Enrichment/Swim Admin.                                 952-681-6113          page at
       Metro South Information Desk Secretary                       952-681-6170          Click on the peachjar flyers button
                                                                                          on the right hand side of the page.

2   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                 Winter 2019
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Early Learning Services Registration
                                                                    Information on Early Learning Services starts on page 5 in this catalog. You
                                                                    will find classes designed for all stages of early learning. Early Childhood
                                                                    Family Education provides classes for both children and parents/caregivers.
                                                                    Preschool classes are available to prepare your child for kindergarten.

                                                                    Youth and Adult Class Registration
                      Contents                                      In this catalog you will find Youth and Adult Enrichment classes. Whether
                                                                    you are looking for a class to enhance your child’s experience in our after
                    Early Learners                                  school Kids’ SAFARI program or are looking to get your children involved
                                                                    in non-competitive sports, we offer a fantastic array of youth classes. For
                                                                    adults, our classes can help you get your mind and body in shape, teach
  General information................................5              you to express yourself through arts and crafts, or provide sound financial
  ECFE......................................................... 6   advice. To get started, take a look through this catalog and pick your class.
                                                                    The next step is to register. You can register for classes five ways:
  Screening................................................10        • Call us at 952-681-6132 and we can register you by phone.
  Preschool................................................12        • Stop by our office at 2575 West 88th Street, and we can register you in
                                                                     • Mail in the registration form from this catalog, along with your check or
                                                                        credit card information.
                    Youth Learners                                   • Fax the filled out registration form to 952-681-6101.
                                                                     • Register online at
  General information .............................15               Financial Assistance
  Youth Enrichment Classes                                          Bloomington Community Education recognizes that some of our families
                                                                    may need financial assistance to participate in our classes. That’s why we
  Creative Arts..........................................16         offer financial assistance for our Youth and Adult Enrichment classes, our
  Dance, Theater & Music ....................... 17                 Swim classes, coupons to use for children in Kids’ SAFARI, and a sliding fee
                                                                    scale for ECFE classes and Preschool classes.
  Enrichment & Self Reliance .................18
                                                                    Here’s how you can obtain financial assistance:
  Sports, Fitness & Recreation ............... 21                   • For Youth and Adult Enrichment classes, please send an email to
  Swim...................................................... 24 or call 952-681-6108 and request a financial aid
                                                                    • For Swim classes, send an email to or call
                 Adult Learners                                         952-681-6113.
                                                                    • If your child is in Kids’ SAFARI, you are eligible to use the coupon found
  General information .............................31                   on page 23 in this catalog.
                                                                    • For ECFE classes and Preschool classes, use the sliding scale to
  Adult Enrichment Classes                                              determine what you will pay for the class.
  Artistic Endeavors ................................32             Education Foundation of Bloomington
  Business & Investment .........................33                 The Education Foundation of Bloomington provides financial support
  Computers & Technology..................... 42                    for our financial assistance program for Youth Enrichment classes. Their
                                                                    continued support and generous donation ensures that more students
  Culinary Skills.........................................41        receive needed financial assistance to participate in Bloomington Youth
  Dance & Music........................................33           Enrichment classes. We thank them for their support and contribution to
  Finance.................................................. 38      Bloomington Community Education!
  Fitness.....................................................35    About Our Cover Photos
  Health & Wellness................................. 39             Our cover photos are from Early Learning Services, Kids’ SAFARI - (Unity
                                                                    Day), Learning Exchange, and Zan Zan’s Zumba class.
  Hobbies & Special Interests................. 42
  Home Improvement............................. 42

  Related Programs........................... 43
  Registration Information................ 45
  Class Locations............................... 46
  Registration Forms......................... 47

Register for classes at                                                                                   952-681-6132 |   3
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Get Healthy at the Activity Centers!
                                                                                Save the Date!
         The Swenson’s have been annual members of the Activity Centers for the past 6 years. They use the
         JAC track seasonally and enjoy being energized by the competitive cheerleaders who practice on Court
         #1. They are also inspired by watching the adapted floor hockey teams on Courts 4 & 5. Greg and
         Gayle joined the activity centers on the advice of a relative and have found membership to be both
         convenient and a great value. They enjoy walking/running and found itMarch         2, 2019
                                                                                   helps control their cholesterol
         levels and helps combat osteoporosis.
                                                                                       9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
         Activity Centers offer:
         • Selectorized equipment
         • 5 gym courts                                             Oak Grove Middle School
         • Indoor walking/running track
      • Participate in reading activities
         • Free weights, weight machines, cardio equipment      Sponsored by Bloomington Community Education and the
                                                                     Education Foundation of Bloomington Schools
         • Yoga, Zumba and other classes
      • Meet local children’s authors
         • Adult-only locker rooms and showers
         • Dance studio (Jefferson)
         • Fitness reimbursement through most health
      • Fun games
            insurance plans
         • Affordable monthly or annual membership rates                 Greg and Gayle Swenson
      • Literacy exploration
            Jefferson Activity Center                                            Kennedy Activity Center
               4001 West 102nd St.                                                  150 East 98th Street
      • Free snacks Bloomington                 Bloomington

         More information coming soon
                   952-806-7880                                                        952-681-5280

                                                       Activity Centers & Facilities
      Activity Centers                                                        Fitness Classes
      Bloomington Public Schools operate two activity centers: one at         If you have an Activity Center membership, you qualify for
      Jefferson High School and one at Kennedy High School. These             a discount on Adult Enrichment Fitness classes held in the
      centers are available on a membership basis, which gives you            dance studio at the Jefferson Activity Center. To receive
      use of the fitness facilities and community locker rooms during         your discount, pick up the discount form from the Activity
      non-school hours. Each center offers 5 gym courts, an indoor            Center. This form must accompany your registration form
      walking/running track, free weights, weight machines, and cardio        by mail or in person. Not available to use when registering
      equipment. Members really love the selectorized weight room             online.
      equipment available at both centers! Contact the Kennedy main
      desk at 952-681-5280 or the Jefferson main desk at                      Facility Reservations
      952-806-7880 for more information.                                      School buildings are available for use by the community
      Membership                                                              during non-school hours and are great locations for group
                                                                              activities and meetings. There are 19 different buildings,
      Choose from                                                             available with various amenities to fit your needs. We offer
      a convenient                                                            convenient locations and fair rental prices. Have a special
      monthly                                                                 event coming up or planning a meeting and need a large
      or annual                                                               space? Take a look to see what we have to offer.
      membership.                                                             Contact our facility staff: or
      Bloomington                                                    to learn more. Facility calendar
      residents                                                               is available on our website at
      receive a                                                               Look under “facilities” and “availability calendar.”
      discount as do
      who work in
                                                                              Fitness Discount Program
      Bloomington.                                                            The following providers work with the Kennedy and
      District 271                                                            Jefferson Activity Centers to provide fitness discounts*
      employees and                                                                   Health Partners • Blue Cross and Blue Shield
      Active/Retired Military Members also receive a discount. Here’s a                          UCARE • Preferred One
      cost sample of a monthly membership fee structure.                                Medica • Silver and Fit • Silver Sneakers

4   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                       Winter 2019
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Early Learning Services

E     arly Learning Services is a
      Four-Star Parent-Aware rated
      program encompassing
Early Childhood Family Education
(ECFE), Early Childhood Screening,
                                      Center and Southwood Center
                                      offering both ECFE and preschool as
                                      well as preschool programming at
                                                                                 Indian Mounds Elementary and
                                                                                 Oak Grove Elementary. For more
                                                                                 information call 952-681-6200.
and Preschool programming for         four of Bloomington Public Schools
three-year-olds and four-year-olds.   elementary schools: Valley View
Programming is located at Pond        Elementary, Washburn Elementary,

                                                                                Early Childhood Screening
                                                                                                         is available
                                                                                                         to help
                                                                                children who may benefit from
                                                                                early childhood services. Included
                                                                                are vision and hearing tests, as
                                                                                well as screening for development,
                                                                                health, and other factors that
                                                                                may affect your child’s growth.
                                                                                Screening is FREE and should be
                                                                                completed as soon as possible after
                                                                                your child’s 3rd birthday.
                                                                                Call English - 952-681-6200
                                                                                Spanish - 952-681-6219

                                      Early Learners Academy

                                      E     arly Learners Academy is a Four Star Parent Aware rated, all-day
                                            early education program for children ages 3-5 that focuses on
                                            preparing students for kindergarten. The Academy is housed
                                      within three Bloomington Public Schools award-winning elementary
                                      schools. All sites are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                      • Hillcrest Community School: Five-day program
                                      • Poplar Bridge Elementary School: Five-day program
                                      • Westwood Elementary School: Two-, three-, and five-day
                                      programs. For more information call 952-681-6125.
                                      Early Learners Academy was voted by parents as the Most
                                      Loved Preschool in 2018 on Hula Frog!

Register for classes at                                                        952-681-6132 |   5
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Early Childhood
      Family Education: ECFE


      BABY BEGINNINGS                               1-YEAR-OLD MOVERS                          2-YEAR-OLD EXPLORERS
      Enjoy your child’s first class!               They never stop and you never stop         If there is something to learn, a two-
      Whether this is your first child or 3rd,      during this 2nd year of life!              year-old will find it!
      baby classes are for you.                     Our licensed teachers are ready            Two-year-olds are not babies anymore
      Our infant classroom is designed with         and excited to share in that passion       and they are not preschoolers yet. They
      you and your baby in mind. Come in            for learning. Toys and activities are      are taking on new challenges everyday
      comfortable clothes ready to sing and         provided to help learning occur on         and classroom staff are ready and
      play with your baby along with meeting        the move (limited large group times,       prepared for all the adventures. New
      other parents/caregivers with children        low shelves so toddlers can learn          words, new friends and new feelings
      the same age. The teacher will provide        independently, and classroom staff who     are all part of the two-year-old’s
      support and research-based materials          move at their pace and understand          experience at school. Classrooms are
      that will help lay a foundation for your      how to create learning that is age         set up for discovery across all domains
      child’s development. Topics will focus        appropriate). All areas of development     of learning. While parents are in class
      on social emotional, language, and            will be taught whether through             with a parent educator discussing
      motor skills just to name a few of the        classroom set-up or direct teaching.       tantrums, toilet learning and cognitive
      developmental areas. Sleep, nutrition         This is a gradual separation class.        growth, classroom staff provide
      and self-care are often discussed                                                        direct teaching using age appropriate
      weekly.                                                                                  classroom materials.
      This is a non separating class.                                                          This is a gradual separation class.

      ECFE Fees                                         Family Yearly Gross Income
      Program            Income level
                                                        Family      Income level
                          1       2     3      4        Size          1            2                      3                    4
      ECFE Class,         $0     $41 $128.50 $257         2       $0-20,826 $20,827-32,040         $32,041-40,050          $40,051+
      per semester
                                                          3       $0-26,208       $26,209-40,320   $40,320-50,400          $50,401+
      ECFE Class,         $0     $27 $86         $171
      10 week                                             4       $0-31,590       $31,591-48,600   $48,601-60,750          $60,751+
      Sibling Care,       $0     $22 $65         $129     5       $0-36,972       $36,973-56,880   $56,881-71,100          $71,101+
      per semester
                                                          6       $0-42,354       $42,355-65,160   $65,161-81,450          $81,451+
      Sibling Care,       $0     $14 $43         $86
      10 week

6   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                     Winter 2019
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
Y     oung children learn best by moving, exploring, singing and watching the adults
      that care for them most. Bloomington Early Learning Services believes in
      supporting the development of children starting at birth through a partnership
model with families and caregivers. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) staff design
                                                                                           FAQ / ECFE
                                                                                           • Is sibling care available? Yes,
classes and opportunities for families to learn together as we support the learning of       limited sibling care is available
children from birth to starting kindergarten.                                                during ECFE classes for
Come join your community in raising children who are excited to explore, build
                                                                                             siblings ages birth-5. To help
friendships, and learn at every age.                                                         our staffing, you must sign up
                                                                                             for sibling care for the entire
Play is the central work of learning and at Bloomington Early Learning Services, in ECFE
we have designed programing to help your child develop in all areas of learning. Each        session.
classroom is setup for child-focused learning using state designed standards and taught    • Can I bring my baby to class
by our licensed teachers.                                                                    for my older child? Sibling
                                                                                             care is available for siblings
                                                                                             ages birth thru kindergarten.
                                                                                             However, if you have a new
                                                                                             baby who is not ready to
                                                                                             attend sibling care, you may
                                                                                             keep the baby with you
                                                                                             in class until the baby is 6
                                                                                             months old.
                                                                                           • How many classes can I
 3- TO 5-YEAR-OLD                               PRESCHOOL LEARNERS,                          register for? You may register
 PRESCHOOLER                                    PARENT ONLY                                  for one class per child.
 Discovery and friendships are the life of      This class is for parents who have a       • Do I need to be a
 a preschooler!                                 child in preschool. Together you will        Bloomington resident?
 Preschool is a delightful age. Friendships     explore parenting topics such as social      Priority is given to
 are the basis of much of a preschooler’s       emotional development, guiding               Bloomington residents. If
 learning. When a preschool age child           behavior and language development.           space is available, we open
 feels aware of their emotions, manages         With a licensed parent educator you
                                                                                             the class to residents from
 their behavior, and begins to develop          will also talk about ways to help your
                                                                                             other cities. There is a $15
 peer relationships, you see their              child learn at home, make learning
                                                games to play and talk about parenting       surcharge for non-residents.
 cognitive learning grow and develop. Our
 teachers set up classrooms to encourage        challenges you might have. Classes         • Can I bring both of my kids to
 socialization and learning by encouraging      meet once a week for 1 hour with             class? Yes, if they both fit into
 independent play while teaching MN             limited sibling care available.              the age group for the class.
 State standards for early learning.                                                       • Can another caregiver bring
 Parent education is focused on helping                                                      my child to ECFE? Yes, we are
 parents encourage social emotional
                                                                                             happy to have a grandparent
 development, using age appropriate
                                                                                             or another special person
 learning strategies for use at home.
                                                                                             bring your child to class —
 This is a separation class.                                                                 whether it is every week or
                                                                                             just some weeks.
                                                                                           • Can both parents come to
                                                                                             ECFE class? Absolutely, we
                                                                                             welcome all parents!
                                                                                           • If Bloomington Public
                                                                                             Schools are closed or have
                                                                                             an early release, Early
                                                                                             Learning Services will also
                                                                                             be closed (ECFE, Screening
                                                                                             and Preschool). There are
                                                                                             no refunds for canceled
                                                                                             classes due to weather or

Register for classes at                                                                  952-681-6132 |   7
Winter 2019 January - March Youth and Adult Class Registration opens December 12 - Bloomington Public ...
ECFE CLASS SCHEDULE                                     ✩        Indicates: 10-week classes. All other classes are year long.

           MONDAY                   TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                      FRIDAY
              10:45 -
                                         9:45-          ✩              9:45-                     9:45-
                                         11:30                         11:30                     11:30
              Learn and
                                         Ones                          Twos                      Ones
              Play, ages
              baby to 5
                 11:00-                  10:45-         ✩              10:45-
                                                                                                 10:45-                      10:45-12:30
                 12:45                   12:30                                                   12:30                       Preparando
                 Baby                    Twos                          Ones                      Twos

                                         12:00-                        1:45-3:30                 1:45-3:30                   1:15 - 3:00
                                         1:45                          Preschool,                First Time                  Toddlers
                                         Twos                          ages 3-5                  Parent BABY                 12-36
                                                                                                 class FREE                  months
                                                          PERSONALIZED PARENT EDUCATION

                                                          S    ometimes there’s a parenting issue that needs individual
                                                               attention. The ideas/methods you’ve heard are not meeting
                                                               the parenting challenges you have at home. Behavior,
                                                          routines or developmental concerns arise and you need more
                                                          than a few minutes in your ECFE class or connecting with a friend.
                 Twos                                     Make an appointment with a licensed parent educator to discuss
                                                          your parenting challenges, get resources and/or develop a plan
                                                          that will fit you and your family. A follow up consultation will be
                  6:15 -                    6:15 -        offered if necessary and can be scheduled after your first visit.
                  8:00                      8:00
                  Learn                     Learn         Your visit can be scheduled at school, phone, or email.
                  and Play,                 and Play      952-681-6200.
                  ages 3-5

      Typical ECFE Classes                                                 1    Parent/Child Active Learning
                                                                                Activities are a time for you as the parent/caregiver to focus
      Classes include learning for everyone! Every class provides               on the activities your child enjoys most. (Many activities you
      learning for both children and parents/caregivers.                        can also do at home the following week.)
       • A licensed early childhood teacher and paraprofessional                Child’s Active Learning
         are with your child the whole class time. Each classroom
                                                                                This time is in their own age-appropriate classroom. A
         is designed to provide learning toys and materials that are            licensed early childhood teacher and paraprofessional
         just right for your child’s age and development.                       encourage learning through social emotional, language, and
       • Your child’s teacher will provide learning activities and              additional developmental areas.
         experiences that support the Minnesota state standards for        3    Parent/Caregiver Discussion
         children ages birth to 5-years-old.                                    This time is for parents/caregiver to focus on their learning
       • Whether your ECFE class is a separating class or a class               (taught by a licensed parent educator.) Parent/caregiver
         with gradual separating, each class has time for parent                discussion may be in a separate classroom or may occur in the
         education and a time for parent/child learning activities.             early childhood classroom. Parent discussion will include both
                                                                                teacher led topics using the MN Core Curriculum Framework
       • Most classes are made up of 3 parts:                                   and parent/caregiver open discussion on the “joys and
                                                                                concerns” of parenting.

8   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                          Winter 2019
JANUARY MINI CLASSES                                                                 SibCare
    MONDAY                                         WEDNESDAY
                                                                                     Babies through
  2:00-3:00                   10:45-12:30               9:45-11:30am                 Preschoolers
  Parent Picks                Move and Groove           Talk, Read &
  @ Pond Center,              @ Pond Center,            Sing Together @              are all welcome!
  Jan. 7, 14, 28              Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30        Southwood Center,            Any time you sign up
  Parent Picks:               Move & Groove
                                                        Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30           for an ECFE class and
  Don’t have time for a       Class:                    Talk, Read & Sing            have additional children
  full ECFE class? Looking    Children learn through    Together:                    who need loving
  for support from other      movement and play. In     Providing children           educational care, SibCare
  parents? Come join other    this ECFE mini-session    from birth to five with      is available. Experienced
  parents of 0-5-year-olds    come discover fun         consistent, language-
  and a licensed parent
                                                                                     paraprofessionals provide
                              ways of moving and        rich experiences - such
  educator to tackle issues   exploring that promote                                 a safe educational
                                                        as talking, reading,
  families face.              learning for young        and singing - can have       environment for your child.
  Come three Mondays in       children. During our      important benefits on        Classrooms are designed
  January from 2:00-          parent time we will       their brain development      with all ages in mind. Songs,
  3:00 p.m. at Bloomington    discuss how you can       and future school success.   stories and age appropriate
  ELS Pond Center.            encourage movement        Join us for an ECFE mini-
                              and exploration                                        activities are all part of this
  Media and Technology                                  session where together
  - Maintaining a healthy     at home. Come             we will enjoy reading,       fun experience. Separation
  balance in your home.       Wednesdays in January     singing and learning while   is gentle and loving.
                              from 10:45 a.m.-          making new friends. Come     Registration is required
  Raising Responsible
                              12:30 p.m. at Pond        Wednesdays in January
  kids who are helpful &
                                                                                     when you sign up for your
  financially smart!                                    from 9:45-11:30 a.m. at
                                                        Southwood Center.
                                                                                     ECFE class. Sliding fee
  Managing emotions -                                                                applies.
  yours and your kids’!

Move & Groove
Family Fun Night:
Join us for a night of
movement and play. Did you
know this is how children
learn best? Come for a
fun night of discovery and
exploration, leaving with ideas
for supporting movement and
learning at home.
Come Friday, February 8th,
5:30-7:00 p.m. at Pond

Register for classes at                                                        952-681-6132 |   9
What happens
     during an early
     childhood screening?
     A trained professional will check:
     •   Hearing
     •   Vision
     •   Height/weight
     •   Immunizations
     •   Large and small motor skills
     •   Thinking, language and communication
     •   Social and emotional development

     Your child will be screened in these
     important developmental areas:
     •   Preschool Concepts
     •   Communication Skills
     •   Motor Skills
     •   Social Skills
     What age should my child be screened?
     The screening is most valuable when completed
     as soon as possible after the child’s third birthday,
     but must be completed before the child enters
     Where are screenings held?
     Early Learning Services                                  Screening helps you help your child
     9600 3rd Avenue South                                     get ready for kindergarten! You’ll
     Bloomington, MN 55420                                   have the opportunity to discuss any
     Hennepin County South                                    concerns you may have about your
     Social Services Hub (SSSH)                                child’s development. The teacher
     9600 Aldrich Avenue South
     Bloomington, MN 55420
                                                              may refer you and your child to be
                                                             rechecked or to receive services that
                                                                       will help your child.

10   | Bloomington Community Education                                                        Winter 2019
• Answers your parenting questions.       và
                                                                                       Call to make an appointment:         • Gi
                                                                                    Early Childhood     Screening
                                                                                                952-681-6200                   vị

                                                                                    Las Escuelas Públicas de Bloomington
                                                                                    recomiendan que los niños sean
                                                                                    evaluados a la edad de tres años. La
                                                                                    Evaluación es fácil y es buena para
Bloomington Early Childhood                 Trường Mầm Non của Bloomington          su hijo(a)
recommends that children be                 khuyến khich các trẻ em nên có giám     • Saber como está creciendo su
screened at age 3. Screening is free,       định vỡ long ở dộ 3 tuổi. Giám định       niño.
it’s easy and it’s good for your child!     này miễn phi, dễ dàng và rất có lợi     • Conectario con programas de la
Early Childhood Screening helps             cho con của quý vị!                       niñez temprana y otros servicios.
• You find out how your child is            Giám Định Vỡ Lòng giúp                  • Contestar las preguntas que
   doing.                                   • Quý vị biết khả năng hiếu biết hiện     puedan tener los padres.
• Connect you with early childhood            tại của con quý vị.                         Llame para hacer una cita:
   programs and services.                   • Nổi Kết quý vị với các chượng trinh               952-681-6219
• Answers your parenting questions.           và giáo đục vỡ lòng.
                                                                                    Bloomington waxay ku talinayan
     Call to make an appointment:           • Giúp giải đáp các thằc mằc mà quý
                                                                                    in caruurta 3 jirka ah baaritan la
              952-681-6200                     vị có về giáo dục các em.
                                                      Xin gọi đế lấy hẹn:
Las Escuelas Públicas de Bloomington                                                Baaritankas oo ah mid lacag la´aan
recomiendan que los niños sean                                                      ah aadna u fudud una wanagsan
  What dates
evaluados  a la edadaredescreening
                          tres años. La                                             cunugada!
Evaluación             currently
            es fácil y es buena para            How much                            Baaritaanka hore ee carruurnimada
   hijo(a)                                    does screening                        wuxuu ka caawiya
                                                                                    • Waxad oganaysa siduu ilmahaagu
• Screening
   Saber como    está creciendoare
  available Monday-Friday, during the
                                                  cost?                                yahay.
• morning
   Conectario   con programas   de laand                                            • Wuxuu kugu xiriya barnamijyada
            and   early  afternoon,               Early Childhood                      iyo adeegyada horaanta xananada
   niñez temprana    y otros servicios.
  one Saturday per month. Check our
• www.ecscreening.
   Contestar las preguntas que
                                                Screenings are free!                   caruurta.
   puedan  tener los padres.                                                        • Waxad jawaab u helesaa walid                                                                         ahan su´aalaha aad qabtid.
       or callpara hacer una cita:
               to find                                                                 Soo wac si aad balan u qabsatid:
  out about a date                                                                               952-681-6200
 and time that
 will work for your                                                                 Trường Mầm Non của Bloomington
                                       Bloomington Early Childhood
 Is interpreter
                               How do I schedule
                                       recommends that children be
                                       screened at age 3. Screening is free,
                                                                                    khuyến khich các trẻ em nên có giám
                                                                                    định vỡ long ở dộ 3 tuổi. Giám định
 assistance                    an appointment?
                                       it’s easy and it’s good for your child!
                                       Early Childhood Screening helps
                                                                                    này miễn phi, dễ dàng và rất có lợi
                                                                                    cho con của quý vị!
                                       • YouOnline      at your child is
                                               find out how                         Giám Định Vỡ Lòng giúp
 If you or your child                                                               • Quý vị biết khả năng hiếu biết hiện
 needs interpreter
                                       • Connect you with early childhood             tại của con quý vị.
 assistance, please               Call 952-681-6200         (English)
                                          programs and services.                    • Nổi Kết quý vị với các chượng trinh
 let us know when                  952-681-6219
                                       • Answers your(Spanish)
                                                          parenting questions.        và giáo đục vỡ lòng.
 registering for your                                                                                                    Bloo
                                            Call to make an appointment:            • Giúp giải đáp các thằc mằc mà quý
 child’s screening               Questions? Please         email us at
                                                     952-681-6200                      vị có về giáo dục các em.
                                                                                                                         in ca
 appointment.                                                                                                            mari
                                                              Xin gọi đế lấy hẹn:
                                       Las Escuelas Públicas de Bloomington                                              Baar
 What                                                                                            952-681-6200
                                                                                                                         ah aa
                                       recomiendan que los niños sean
 information                                                                                                             cunu
                                       evaluados a la edad de tres años. La
 is gathered at                        Evaluación es fácil y es buena para                                               Baar
 screening?                            su hijo(a)                                                                        wuxu
                                       • Saber                                                                           • W
 Screening consent forms, birth certificate  andcomo  está creciendo
                                                  immunization        su
                                         niño.                                                                              ya
                                       • Conectario con programas de la                                                  • W
                                         niñez temprana y otros servicios.                                                  iyo
                                       • Contestar las preguntas que
 Register for classes at                                                         952-681-6132 | 11ca
                                                                                                                         • W
What is preschool?
      S      tarting preschool is
             an exciting milestone
             in your child’s
      life. The Bloomington
      preschool program is
      committed to preparing
      your child for success in
      kindergarten and beyond!
      Our licensed teachers set
      up classrooms to help
      children discover a love
      for learning while working
      on social emotional skills
      that will help get them
      ready for lifelong learning.
      Our curriculum is based
      upon the MN Early
      Learning Indicators of
      Progress. These state
      standards define what we
      want preschool students
      to know and be able to
      do by the end of the
      preschool year. Preschool
      learning standards and                         are held throughout the year. Parents come     • Meet other families.
      benchmarks are aligned with the district’s     to school with their children to:              • Learn about parenting topics and
      kindergarten standards and benchmarks.         • Participate in classroom learning            readiness skills.
      Parent involvement and education sessions      activities together.

         • Is transportation available? Limited transportation is            • How do I find out my home school? Enter your address in
           available on a sliding fee basis for 4-year-old preschool only.     the school locator on the BPS website: www.bloomington.
         • Does my child need to be toilet trained? Yes, children     If you
           must be toilet trained, no longer in pull-ups, and able to          need help, please call us.
           use the bathroom independently before they start school.          • My child turns 3 in September, can I sign her up after
         • Are there options for an extended preschool day? We do              that? No, September 1st is our cutoff date, which means
           not have full day or extended day preschool through our             we use the age your child is on September 1st. If your
           traditional preschool program. Bloomington Public Schools           child is 3 on September 1st, she would go to 3-year-old
           does offer daycare with a preschool component in Early              preschool. If your child is 4 on September 1st, she would go
           Learners Academy through Community Education. Please                to 4-year-old preschool. We do not early enroll.
           call 952-681-6125 if you are interested in this option.           • My child will be 5 this summer and I would like him to
         • Where will my child go to preschool? 3-year-old preschool           complete another year of preschool, can I sign him up
           classes are held at Pond and Southwood. 4-year-old classes          for 4-year-old preschool? No, if your child is eligible for
           are held at Pond, Southwood, Valley View Elementary,                kindergarten, he is unable to enroll in district preschool.
           Washburn Elementary, Oak Grove Elementary, and Indian             • How can I obtain more information about Kindergarten/
           Mounds Elementary. Your 4-year-old will go to preschool in          Bloomington Public Schools K-12 programing? If you
           your home elementary school if we have a classroom in that          have general questions regarding kindergarten options,
           school. If we do not have preschool in your home elementary         open enrollment or early entrance for kindergarten,
           school, your child will be placed at Pond or Southwood.             please call your home school or the district office at
         • Is my child guaranteed a spot? All families are welcome.            952-681-6555.
           Priority is given to children with demonstrated need based
           on family income, language, development and family
           factors. Final class placement is at the discretion of Early
           Learning Services.

12   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                           Winter 2019
What happens in a typical preschool class?
All of our preschool classes will include the following components during the day:
 • Ease into the day — calm, quiet activities to help children make the transition from home
   to school.
 • Morning or afternoon meeting — greeting, story time, songs, theme-related focus, etc.
 • Small group — a teacher-led, skill-based activity that could include literacy, math, science,
   social or motor skills.
 • Active learning — the heart of preschool. Teachers set up learning centers that provide
   hands-on, self-directed experiences for children.
 • Large motor time — time outside or in the gym to work on large motor skills.
 • Snack time.
 • Regroup to revisit — highlight what happened that day and thinking about the next day.

Three-Year-Old Preschool                                              Four-Year-Old Preschool
Three-year-olds are bursting with energy and enthusiasm for           The year before kindergarten is an exciting time, as your
learning and for making friendships. It is a time of physical,        child’s abilities and independence grow by leaps and
emotional and intellectual change. At 3, your child may be going      bounds! Preschool classes for 4-year-olds focus on providing
to school for the first time. Our preschool program will provide a    a foundation for lifelong learning and to help create social
positive introduction to school. Opportunities to practice social     relationships. Children have both large and small group learning
skills and math, language, art and music activities will help build   experiences in literacy, writing, math, music, art, and science.
a foundation for school success.                                      We offer 4-year-old preschool 5 days per week (M-F) for 2.5
We offer 3-year-old preschool for 2.5 hours a day for 3 days          hours at Pond and Southwood Centers and for those who live in
per week (M-W-F) or 2 days per week (T-Th) at both Pond and           the attendance areas of Valley View, Washburn, Indian Mounds,
Southwood Centers.                                                    and Oak Grove Elementary sections at those schools.

                                              Sliding Fee Scale for Preschool for 3’s and Preschool for 4’s
  FAQ / PRESCHOOL                             FAMILY YEARLY GROSS INCOME
   • Do I have to be a Bloomington            Family    Level 1           Level 2                          Level 3          Level 4
     resident? Yes, our preschool is open     Size
     to Bloomington residents only.
                                                 2     $0-20,826     $20,827-32,040                     $32,041-40,050      $40,051+
   • What if I live elsewhere, but
     my childcare is in Bloomington               3        $0-26,208          $26,209-40,320            $40,320-50,400      $50,401+
     or my older kids go to a                     4        $0-31,590          $31,591-48,600            $48,601-60,750      $60,751+
     Bloomington school? We are
     sorry, our preschools are open to            5        $0-36,972          $36,973-56,880            $56,881-71,100      $71,101+
     Bloomington residents only.
                                                  6        $0-42,354          $42,355-65,160            $65,161-81,450      $81,451+
   • What is our video and photo policy?
     Early Learning Services may take         ONE TIME
     photographs, electronic images, films    REGISTRATION FEE                Level 1         Level 2        Level 3        Level 4
     or video of your child during class.     		                                $0              $0             $30.00        $60.00
     These images may be reproduced,
     printed or broadcast in the Early        MONTHLY
     Learning Services classroom, school      TUITION                         Level 1         Level 2        Level 3       Level 4
     building and website. If you do not      Preschool for 3’s
     want your child’s photo used in the      2 days per week                   $0                 $0           $75.00      $150.00
     above channels of communication,
     you must notify the Early Learning       Preschool for 3’s
     Services office.                         3 days per week”                  $0                 $0         $103.00       $210.00
  • If Bloomington Public Schools are         Preschool for 4’s
    closed or have an early release,          5 days per week”                  $0                 $0         $178.00       $356.00
    Early Learning Services will also
    be closed (ECFE, Screening and            Only Preschool
    Preschool). There are no refunds for      for 4’s Optional Busing         Level 1         Level 2        Level 3        Level 4
    canceled classes due to weather or        PreK 4’s Monthly
    emergencies.                              Transportation Fee                $0              $0             $25.00         $50.00

Register for classes at                                                                       952-681-6132 |    13
How to register
      for classes


                In Person
                Pond Center,                                                    What If Bloomington Public Schools are
                9600 3rd Ave S.                                                 closed or have an early release?
                Bloomington 55420                                               Early Learning Services will also be closed (ECFE, Screening
                                                                                and Preschool). There are no refunds for canceled classes
                                                                                due to weather or emergencies.
      Register online or come in to one of our
      registration days!                                                        EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION
                                                                                While all children grow at their own rate, some children
      Checklist:                                                                experience delays in their development. Special health
                                                                                conditions may also affect children’s development. Early
      ❏ Class Registration                     Childhood Special Education (ECSE) offers (at no cost to
      ❏ Online Student Enrollment             families) information, support and referral services that
      ❏ Birth Certificate                                                       may help a child and family. ECSE provides free special
      To obtain your child’s birth certificate (if your child was born in       education services, including special education teacher
      Minnesota), you can go to any local government service center in          support, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and/or
      the state to get a certificate the same day. You will need to bring a     speech and language therapy, to children from ages birth to
      valid ID and $26. The closest office is the Southdale Service Center      kindergarten. These services can be provided in a variety
      located within Southdale Mall. Or you may also order by email, fax,       of settings including in your home, in a school-based early
      or mail--see and click on “Certificates and        childhood program, or in community-based childcare.
      Records” for more details. If your child was born in another state        Children are eligible for Early Childhood Special Education
      or country, please see us for more information on how to obtain a         through a special education evaluation.
      copy of their birth certificate.                                          Do you have concerns about your child’s
      ❏ Early Childhood Screening                                               development?
      If your child has not been screened, please call 952-681-6200 to
                                                                                HELP ME GROW
      make an appointment.
                                                                                  • Help Me Grow provides resources for families to
      ❏ Registration Fees
                                                                                    understand developmental milestones and learn if
      Find the sliding fee amount you pay for a registration fee and submit
                                                                                    there are concerns. This helps families take the lead in
      with your registration. If you register before May 1, registration fees
                                                                                    seeking additional support or referring their child for a
      will be waived.
                                                                                    comprehensive, confidential screening or evaluation at
      ❏ Immunization Record                                                         no cost.
      Minnesota state law requires each student to be immunized against
      hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chicken pox), polio,     FAMILY LITERACY ACADEMY 2018/2019
      diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. Minnesota law requires one of         Family Literacy Academy provides classes in education and
      the following in order for a child to attend school:                      health for Bloomington parents who are English language
                                                                                learners, and for their young children.
      •   A month-day-year record of required immunizations, signed by
          parents, or                                                           • Adult English education
      •   a signed statement from a parent, physician or clinic stating         • Early childhood education
          the child has had at least one dose of each vaccine and is in the     • Parenting education
          process of completing the series, or                                  • Health education
      •   a notarized signature stating personal objection or a physician’s     • Connection to the community and its resources.
          signature stating medical objection to vaccination.                   Registration is limited to low income families and enrollment
      ❏ Proof of Income                                                         requires proof of income, adult English language testing,
                                                                                and early childhood screening for preschoolers. Some
                                                                                transportation is provided and the program is free of charge.
                                                                                For more information, please call us at 952-681-6200 or
                                                                                952-681-6219 (Español).

14   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                          Winter 2019
Youth Enrichment
                Learners                                                      C      ommunity Education
                                                                                     Youth and Family
                                                                                     Enrichment programs
                                                                              offer a variety of school-year,
                                                                              evening and summer education
                                                                              and recreation opportunities for

                                                                              children of all ages. Programs
        loomington Community Education                                        are available on an on-going
        takes great pride in our comprehensive                                basis at a variety of school
        swim program.                                                         locations throughout the district.
Lessons cover all ages from Parent & Child,                                   For more information call:
Little Swimmers, Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Swimmers,               952-681-6132.
and Adults. Fitness and Open/Lap Swim is also available. For more
information call: 952-681-6132.                                              SLAM

                                                                             S      ummer of Laughs,
                                                                                    Adventures and More
                                                                                    (SLAM) brings together
                                                                             a diverse list of enrichment
                                                                             opportunities for students
                                                                                                     K-8. SLAM
                                                                                                     classes are
                                                                             as 5-day camps. The 2019 SLAM
                                                                             catalog will be available in late
                                                                             February. For more information
                                                                             call: 952-681-6132.
                                                                             Driver’s Education

K     ids’ SAFARI accepts all
      students residing in or
      attending an elementary
                                                                             B      loomington Community
                                                                                    Education offers two
                                                                                    options for Driver’s
                                                                             Education: a package of
                                                                             classroom and behind the
school in Bloomington.
During the school year, Kids’                                                wheel training or a stand-alone
SAFARI provides programming for students enrolled in kindergarten            behind the wheel training
through grade 5. During the summer, Kids’ SAFARI provides full-              tailor-made for students
day programming for students entering kindergarten through the               taking classroom instruction
completion of grade 5. For more information call: 952-681-6128.              at the high schools. For more
                                                                             information call 952-681-6111.


                    G        alaxy Middle School Youth Centers provide Bloomington youth in grades 6-8 a
                             safe and fun place to be with friends after school. While at Galaxy, youth may
                             participate in clubs. During unstructured time, youth can hang out together in the
                    lounge, watch movies, play video games, or do homework in the computer lab. Galaxy
                    is a joint program between Bloomington Public Schools and the City of Bloomington. For
                    more information call: 952-681-6512.

Register for classes at                                                 952-681-6132 |    15
Cuddly, Cute and Fun to Create!
                    Creative                          with Watch Me Draw!
                    Arts                              Gr. K-5 Draw, Paint and Sculpt spring
                                                      animals! Draw a friendly hedgehog,
                                                      paint a baby chick, use clay to create a
                                                      colorful caterpillar and more. We’ll have
                                                      fun creating works of art that celebrate
                                                      Instructor: Watch Me Draw!
      Winter Art Lab!                                 Watch Me Draw! offers a proven curriculum
      with Watch Me Draw!                             that uniquely combines traditional and
      Gr. K-5 Draw, Paint and Sculpt your             contemporary approaches to create
      favorite wintertime activities! Create          innovative, fun art experiences for kids. Our
      a hockey player, a skiing bear, paint a         purpose is to give children the confidence and
      snowman sipping on cocoa and more.              the skills to enjoy their innate artistic side
                                                      in all their endeavors. We are a Minnesota-      Parent/Child Canvas Painting:
      We’ll have fun creating masterpieces
                                                      owned company partnering with Community          Lovable Llamas
      from our cozy classroom, and you take
                                                      Education since 1999.                             New Class! Age 6+ Have a blast and
      home your creations when you’re done!
                                                      WMDCC3-WB                     5 Sessions - $65   spend quality time together painting
      Instructor: Watch Me Draw!                      Mondays, Jan. 28-Mar. 4        3:30-4:30 p.m.    Lovable Llamas! You’ll each paint your
      WMDWA3-WW                  5 Sessions - $65     (No Class Feb. 18)                               own canvas, so your masterpieces can
      Wednesdays, Jan. 16-Feb. 13 3:30-4:30 p.m.      WB Cafeteria                                     stand alone, or hang as one cute llama
      WW Lunchroom
                                                      WMDCC3-IM                  5 Sessions - $65      family portrait. No experience necessary.
      WMDWA3-VV                    5 Sessions - $65   Wednesdays, Feb. 13-Mar. 20 3:30-4:30 p.m.       The instructor will lead you step-by-step
      Thursdays, Jan. 24-Feb. 21    3:30-4:30 p.m.    (No Class Mar. 6)                                through the painting process. If you
      VVE Lunchroom                                   IM Lunchroom                                     would like to bring more than one child to
      WMDWA3-PB                    5 Sessions - $65   WMDCC3-HC                     5 Sessions - $65   class with you, call us for pricing options.
      Thursdays, Feb. 14-Mar. 21    3:30-4:30 p.m.    Fridays, Feb. 15-Mar. 22              4-5 p.m.   Instructor: Watch Me Draw!
      (No Class Mar. 7)                               (No Class Mar. 8)
                                                                                                       WMDLL3-CEC                    1 Session - $45
      PB Lunchroom                                    HC Lunchroom
                                                                                                       Saturday, Feb. 9                9-10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                       CEC 236/237

                                                      A Day of Drawing with Kidcreate Studio
                                                      Gr. K-5 If it’s drawing, painting, and cartooning you’re after, then this is the class for
                                                      you! Join us for a class full of drawing fun! In this introductory drawing class, basic
                                                      techniques and principles of drawing will be taught. You will master a simple step-by-
                                                      step drawing method as you create drawings that glow in the dark, artwork that pops
                                                      out at you, a painting on a real canvas board, and so much more.
                                                      Instructor: Kidcreate Studio
      Kidcreate Studio’s award-winning                KSDD3-OL                     4 Sessions - $69    KSDD3-RV                     4 Sessions - $69
      art classes allow kids to explore               Thursdays, Jan. 24-Feb. 14 3:30-4:30 p.m.        Fridays, Feb. 8-Mar. 1        3:40-4:40 p.m.
      art in an environment full of                   OLE Lunchroom                                    RV Lunchroom
      giggles and grins. In class, kids               KSDD3-NH                   4 Sessions - $69      KSDD3-HC                     4 Sessions - $69
      create fridge-worthy masterpieces               Wednesdays, Jan. 30-Feb. 20 3:30-4:30 p.m.       Mondays, Feb. 25-Mar. 18             4-5 p.m.
      while learning art concepts and                 NH Lunchroom                                     HC Lunchroom
      experimenting with different                    Glitter & Glow with Kidcreate Studio
      art materials. Curriculum is age                Gr. K-5 What rules supreme in your child’s world? Art projects that glitter or glow-in-
      appropriate and designed to                     the-dark? No need for your child to choose when you sign them up for this art class!
      inspire. Classes provide a fun,                 We will work with a variety of art supplies including clay, glow-in-the-dark paint, and
      self-esteem building atmosphere                 lots of lots of glitter! The kids will create snow globes that glow in the dark, butterflies
      full of “I did it” moments. Making              that shimmer and glimmer, an Eiffel Tower with stars that twinkle, and so much more.
      a mess is the best with Kidcreate               Instructor: Kidcreate Studio
      Studio! For more information                    KSGG3-PB                     4 Sessions - $69    KSGG3-OL                   4 Sessions - $69
      about Kidcreate Studio visit www.               Tuesdays, Jan. 22-Feb. 12     3:30-4:30 p.m.     Thursdays, Feb. 21-Mar. 21  3:30-4:30 p.m.
                                                      PB Lunchroom                                     (No Class Mar. 7)                                                                             OLE Lunchroom
                                                      KSGG3-OG                     4 Sessions - $69
                                                      Tuesdays, Feb. 19-Mar. 19     3:30-4:30 p.m.
                                                      (No Class Mar. 5)
                                                      OGE Lunchroom

16   | Bloomington Community Education                                                                                              Winter 2019
Homeward Bound Theatre Company (HBTC) is a non-profit,
               Dance, Theater                    professional performing arts organization, committed to providing
               & Music                           theatrical productions, drama sketches, and workshops for youth
                                                 through adults. The focus of HBTC is a vision of bringing a performing
Drama Kids:                                      arts experience that encourages family values and positive relationships.
Character Workshop!
Gr. 1-5 This is Drama Kids’ first ever
                                                 Beat Goes On                                         Clowning Around
class devoted to learning the tricks of           New Class! Gr. K-3 By using rhythm                   New Class! Gr. 3-5 Learn about clowns,
characterization! We will explore the            instruments, hand clapping, musical                  their props, costumes, and personalities.
ways we use our voices, our bodies, and          games and songs, your student will be                Discover the clown in you as you explore
our imagination to bring a character             introduced to the rhythmic side of music.            the art of performance with skits, gags,
to life on stage. Whether you are an             Your child will leave this class with their          stories, and magic.
experienced actor or brand new to                toes tapping!                                        Instructor: Homeward Bound Theatre
drama, this class will make you feel             Instructor: Homeward Bound Theatre                   HBCA3-OL                    4 Sessions - $48
confident acting out any role. This              HBBG3-PB                      3 Sessions - $45       Tuesdays, Feb. 19-Mar. 19        3:30-5 p.m.
workshop is a perfect opportunity to             Tuesdays, Feb. 5-19               3:30-5 p.m.        (No Class Mar. 5)
work on performance skills in a low-             PB Lunchroom                                         OLE Lunchroom
pressure environment and to get ahead in
                                                 HBBG3-VV                      3 Sessions - $45       HBCA3-OG                   4 Sessions - $48
the acting game! We will have an informal        Thursdays, Feb. 7-21              3:30-5 p.m.        Thursdays, Feb. 21-Mar. 21      3:30-5 p.m.
showcase on the last day of class.               VVE Lunchroom                                        (No Class Mar. 7)
Instructor: Drama Kids International                                                                  OGE Lunchroom
                                                 HBBG3-IM                      3 Sessions - $45
Drama Kids is the worldwide leader in            Mondays, Feb. 25-Mar. 11          3:30-5 p.m.        HBCA3-WW                    4 Sessions - $48
children’s drama. Our classes, camps, and        IM Lunchroom                                         Fridays, Feb. 22-Mar. 22         3:30-5 p.m.
teen programs help build self-esteem,                                                                 (No Class Mar. 8)
confidence, character, leadership, speaking                                                           WW Lunchroom
and acting skills. We help children uncover
their abundant inner self-worth, and we focus
on building these life skills through dramatic
play like no one else!
DKCW3-RV                    7 Sessions - $109
Mondays, Jan. 28-Mar. 18      3:40-4:40 p.m.
(No Class Feb. 18)
RV Lunchroom
DKCW3-PB                  7 Sessions - $109
Tuesdays, Jan. 29-Mar. 19    3:30-4:30 p.m.
(No Class Feb. 19)
PB Lunchroom

                                                   Parent/Child French Baking with Alliance Francaise - Crêpes
                                                    New Class! Adult/Child 6+ In this parent/child class, you will prepare for a
                                                   traditional French holiday, La Chandeleur, by making a variety of sweet and savory
                                                   crêpes. Take a sweet break from the darkness of winter and enjoy some delicious
                                                   crêpes you can make at home! Learn master chef skills in a class led by a French
                                                   instructor. No French experience required. The class is taught in English and
                                                   French as appropriate for students.
                                                   Instructor: Alliance Francaise
                                                   ECVC3-JHS                        1 Session - $75
                                                   Thursday, Jan. 31                       5-7 p.m.
                                                   JHS A100

Register for classes at                                                                                  952-681-6132 |     17
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