Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...

Page created by Lori Nunez
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Five years of the
 Leaders in
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...

 Foreword                                                   1
 Supporting the Academy’s strategy                          3
 Sustainable development at the Academy                     7
 What is the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships programme?   8
 Programme objectives                                       9
 Programme timeline                                         11
 Our access to global innovation ecosystems                 15
 LIF Community                                              17
 Engineering to meet the Sustainable Development Goals      21
 LIF Advance                                                25
 Building partnerships                                      27
 Country spotlights                                         32
 Conclusion                                                 75
 Acknowledgements                                           77
 LIF steering committee                                     79
 About the Newton Fund                                      81
 LIF participants                                           82
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Engineering matters. It underpins our                                                                           The programme is
daily lives, drives economic growth,                                                                            helping to mobilise
plays a critical role in addressing major                                                                       the global engineering
global challenges and helps ensure our
readiness for the future.
                                                                                                                community and create
                                                                                                                strong international
Our goal is to harness the power of
                                                                                                                alliances to support
engineering to build a sustainable society
and an inclusive economy that works for                                                                         sustainability.”
everyone. We believe that engineers can
be influential agents of change in the drive
for a more sustainable society, providing
leadership both within and beyond the
UK. They are also drivers of innovation and
economic opportunity, leveraging advances
in research to develop and deliver new         We put partnership working at the heart of        As the UK’s national academy for
products, services and enterprises that        our approach. For the past five years the LIF     engineering, we have a responsibility to
generate jobs and value to society.            programme has been funded by the Newton           provide leadership for engineering and
                                               Fund, managed by the UK Department for            technology, and technical leadership for
The Leaders in Innovation Fellowships
                                               Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy          wider society. As President, I am committed
(LIF) programme builds on the success of
                                               (BEIS). All activities are developed in           to working with Academy staff, Fellows
the Academy’s Enterprise Hub to expand
                                               collaboration with local governments and          and partners to deliver this leadership with
this entrepreneurial ambition to a global
                                               funders, which ensures that they meet local       authenticity, inclusivity and empathy, so
scale, working with partners in the UK
                                               development priorities as part of the Official    that the Academy can serve as a progressive
and in 17 countries across five continents,
                                               Development Assistance (ODA) eligibility.         force that keeps humanity at the heart
to create a thriving global community
                                                                                                 of engineering and delivers tangible,
of engineering innovators, each building       As I write, the world is tackling the biggest     meaningful benefits to society. The LIF
successful businesses, while tackling the      public health crisis of our time, a pandemic      Programme offers many fine examples
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and         that has called for rapid innovation to           of such progressive leadership and
supporting the economies of the UK and the     protect lives and livelihoods across the globe.   engineering enterprise in action.
partner countries.                             There has never been a more urgent need
                                               for engineering expertise to inform public        Professor Sir Jim McDonald
                                               debate and provide workable solutions to our      FREng FRSE
                                               shared challenges.                                President, Royal Academy of Engineering

1  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                                 Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  2
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Supporting the Academy’s
Science, research and innovation are crucial
for finding solutions to societal challenges,
                                                  A global network of                               A partnership with the
helping us to deliver better quality of life,     leaders in innovation                             UK diplomatic service
economic growth and environmental
                                                  Since 2015, LIF has worked alongside              With diplomatic support, the LIF
                                                  agencies in 17 ODA-eligible countries             programme has benefited from working
However, when these solutions do not reach        to produce a global network of over               closely with the UK Ambassadorial and
the people in need of them, they are not          1,100 innovators, each building their             High Commission Teams in each ODA
only redundant but costly to the funders and      own businesses within a strong support            country. Their guidance and valuable local
communities who never had the opportunity         structure, nationally, regionally and globally.   knowledge has been invaluable to the
to be impacted by them.                           LIF participants have become influencers          success of the LIF projects.
                                                  and decision-makers and developed a
Ideas, however brilliant and laudable, will not   huge range of solutions to tackle various
achieve their impact unless converted into        SDGs, which have gone on to be produced,
innovations through entrepreneurship. This        trialled and created more than 2,500 jobs.
has been clearly demonstrated in the UK, and
most notably by the Academy’s Enterprise Hub
that uses the tools of mentorship, coaching
and education to enable innovators to:

n develop an entrepreneurial mindset

n become leaders and role models in their
n build global partnerships to help
  commercialise life-changing products and
  services for the benefit of society.

This holds equally true for achieving the UN’s
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). LIF
builds not only SDG impact but also esteem
for (UK) engineering and increases the trade in
innovations across the world.

3  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                      Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  4
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Supporting the Academy’s
Through international collaboration, the
LIF programme attracts some of the most
                                              Nurturing an                                        The LIF programme is a crucial
                                                                                                  vessel for the science, research and
promising global science, research and        entrepreneurial                                     innovation community aiming to
innovation talent to the UK. International    mindset                                             do just that.
scientific partnerships have benefited the
UK in countless ways, from better access      Collaboration is a core skill of business and       Building partnerships and making
to markets for products and services, to      needed to make successful innovations. While        connections is integral to the LIF
innovations that help advance the UK’s        many other training programmes focus on             programme. If you would like to
economic and security priorities.             content only, from the onset LIF focused on         find out more about how you can
                                              the influence and impact an entrepreneurial         get involved, please get in touch at
LIF participants have a lasting connection    mindset can have on an individual.                  info-LIF@raeng.ac.uk
with the UK and the partnerships they build
help to strengthen relationships between      Working together and with peers to achieve
the UK and their own countries.               common goals, sharing experiences and
                                              lessons learned not only improves each
                                              entrepreneur’s chance of success but creates
                                              lasting trust, which if nurtured can go on to
                                              create bonds between countries.

                                              We need engineering solutions to tackle the
                                              world’s greatest challenges, yet without an
                                              entrepreneurial mindset it is very difficult to
                                              create products and services to benefit society.
                                              Moreover, without a supportive ecosystem and
                                              community of innovators to learn from and
                                              partner with, it is nearly impossible. To meet
                                              the SDGs we need entrepreneurial leaders
                                              who serve humanity, who are dedicated to
                                              improving the economic and social welfare of
                                              their communities and protecting our planet
                                              for future generations.

5  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                  Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  6
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Sustainable development                                What is the Leaders in Innovation
at the Academy                                         Fellowships programme?
The Leaders in Innovation Fellowships programme        The Leaders in Innovation Fellowships      It is a year-long programme of bespoke
is delivered as part of the Academy’s sustainable      Programme (LIF) brings together            support including:
development work.                                      emerging leaders in the global
                                                                                                  n expert mentoring
                                                       innovation community who have an
The Academy’s engineering for development activities   engineering-based innovation that          n on-going support at the home institution
and programmes are focused on advancing                has the potential to contribute to the
engineering’s contribution to a safer, healthier,                                                 n access to an international network of peer
                                                       social and economic development              innovators and mentors
more prosperous world for people in                    of their country through
developing countries and emerging                                                                 n access to resources, webinars and
                                                       commercialisation. The programme
economies, tackling the global                                                                      opportunities on the LIF online
                                                       is delivered as part of the UK Newton
challenges of our time.                                                                             community
                                                       Fund in partnership with in-country
                                                       organisations.                             n in-country and regional events.
In 2015 the United Nations
published the Sustainable                              It is uniquely placed in that it targets   The training is highly tailored to each
Development Goals (SDGs) as                            researchers and academics to build         participant’s own goals and challenges.
the blueprint to achieve a better,                     their capacity to turn ideas and           It lays the foundations for launching a
more sustainable future for all.                       research into products and take on         product and emphasises skills such as
Engineering makes a crucial                            an entrepreneurial mind and skill set.     negotiation, teambuilding, resilience
contribution to each and every                         The LIF programme provides access          and effective communication.
goal, and the Academy’s                                to high-quality skills training focused
activities engage with and                             on commercialisation, a network
support attaining them.                                of peers in their own country, the
                                                       UK and around the world, and
                                                       a rich and varied experience
                                                       with immediate and long-term
                                                       benefits for their innovations.

7  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                           Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  8
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Programme activities
Programme                                                   include:

objectives                                                             Business skills
                                                                                            Short-term outcomes                     Long-term outcomes
                                                                    Experiential learning
                                                                    Peer-to-peer learning
LIF helps researchers to                             Residential
commercialise their innovations                       training
                                                                     Visits to partners /   n   Adoption of an entrepreneurial
                                                     (two weeks)        local experts
Through training, mentoring and networking                                                      mindset and steps towards           n   Increased business startups, survival
activities, the LIF programme helps researchers to                                              commercialisation                       and performance
adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, acquire new                                               n   Greater number of new products      n   New and decent jobs created
knowledge and skills, and grow their networks.                           Workshops /            and services finalised
                                                     Follow-on       1:1 project support
                                                      support           Work with role
                                                     (six months)          models           n   Increased knowledge of
                                                                                                                                    n   Greater adoption of engineering
                                                                                                entrepreneurial approaches in
                                                                                                                                        innovation to address economic,
                                                                                                home organisations
                                                                                                                                        social, and environmental
                                                                                            n   Adoption of evidence-based              challenges
                                                                                                business practices
                                                                       Sharing alumni
                                                                       success stories
                                                     Promotion        Impact reporting
                                                        of LIF                                                                      n   Improved ecosystem to support
                                                       alumni                                                                           entrepreneurship and innovation

                                                                                            n   Expanded and diverse networks       n   Increased local and international
                                                                                                                                        collaboration between firms and research
                                                                      Access to a global
                                                                                                                                        institutions that advance and promote
                                                                    community of alumni                                                 engineering innovation
                                                                     Support resources
                                                                    Webinars and forums
                                                      LIF online    Listing of events and
                                                     community          opportunities

9  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                  Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  10
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
A total of

Programme timeline                                                                                                              Africa Innovates, a regional
                                                                                                                               hub in Nairobi, Kenya with LIF
                                                                                                                                participants from South Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                Asia Innovates is held
                                                                                                                                                                                                in Kuala Lumpur,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Malaysia for alumni
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in further funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               has been
                                                                                                                                   and Egypt, and Africa Prize                                  across South-East Asia.
                                                                                                                                   for Engineering Innovation                                   LIF6 – Jordan joins the
                                                                                                                                                entrepreneurs.                                  LIF programme.
                                                                                                                                            LIF4 – Kenya joins

                                                                                                                                          the LIF programme.

                                                            LIF2 – The LIF
                                                            programme expands to
                                                            include China, Colombia,

                                                            Egypt and Turkey.
   The Newton Fund

   is launched by the                                                                   partner
   UK government’s                                                                     countries                                                                                                                                       The LIF Advance
   Department for                                                                                                                                                                                                                        programme is
   Business, Energy and               partner                                                                                                                                                                                        launched, with the
   Industrial Strategy, to           countries                                                                                            2017 to 2018                                               2019 to 2020                     theme of Disability
   promote the economic                                                                                                                                                                                                          inclusion and reducing
   development and                                                                                                                                                                                                                healthcare inequalities.
   welfare of the partner                                                                                                                                                                                                 The LIF Community Building
   countries.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      grants programme is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    launched, supporting
                                                                 2015 to 2016                                                                                          2018 to 2019                                                    LIF alumni to build
                                                                                                                                                                                                 countries                      entrepreneurial networks
                                                                                                                                               new jobs have been                                                              in their local and regional
                                                                                                                                                 created by LIF                                                                                  contexts.

                                                                                                                                                                         South America                                         A further 1,500 new jobs
                                                                                                                                                                    regional hub is held                                       have been created by LIF
                                           2015                                            2016 to 2017                                                         in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                                       participants’ companies.
                                                                                                                  countries                                 with alumni from Brazil, Chile,
                                                                                                                                                                  Colombia and Malaysia.
                                                                                       The LIF programme runs
                                                                                                                                                              The LIF Online Community
                                   LIF1 – The Royal Academy                            its first regional hub – Southeast
                                    of Engineering launches                            Asia Innovates – in Bangkok,
             2014                      the LIF programme in                            Thailand bringing together                                        Over $60 million in funding has
                                      partnership with Brazil,                         participants from Vietnam,                                        been raised by LIF participants in
                                         China, India, Mexico,                         Thailand and the Philippines.                                         support of their innovations.
                                       South Africa, Thailand                          LIF3 – The Philippines, Thailand,                                            LIF5 – Peru joins the LIF
                                                and Vietnam.                           Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia                                                         programme.
                                                                                       join the LIF programme.

11  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                                                                        Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  12
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Bringing together
        emerging leaders
        from across the
        We have supported more
        than 1,000 innovators                                                                                  India
        from all 17 Newton Fund                                                              Turkey
        partner countries.

                                                      Mexico           Colombia                                                                             Philippines
                        In order to solve the
                        complex problems of today,
                        we need to create a culture
                        of working together on a
                        common solution. The LIF                                           Kenya               Thailand
                        programme was the first
                        and most useful step                   Peru
                        forward for us.”                                                                                     Malaysia

                                                               Chile              South
                                                                        Brazil    Africa

13  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                       Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  14
Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme - Five years of the - Royal ...
Our access to global
innovation ecosystems
The LIF programme was set up to
build international links through
an innovation network, and it has
surpassed these ambitions.

It has built new innovation networks
                                                        Brazil                                                                               China
internationally, as well as tapping into                                                                                              Chinese Academy of
                                                  FAPESP (Sao Paolo)
existing local and national ecosystems            Public foundation                                                                       Engineering
at the highest level for the benefit of its                                                                                            National academy
entrepreneurs.                                        Colombia
                                                       Ruta-N                                                                               India
The Academy has been able to work with           Public joint venture                                                                        CIIE
                                                                               Kenya                          Egypt                  Centre of excellence
government agencies and established                                         Kenya National                 Science and
                                                        Mexico                                                                    backed by the government
innovation-support institutions in 17           Secretaría de Economía    Innovation Agency                Technology
countries. By connecting to the existing                                       Ministry                 Development Fund                   Malaysia
infrastructure at the highest levels, we have                                                                Ministry                 Malaysian Industry-
                                                       Peru                  South Africa                                            Government group for
been able to build an international network
                                                    CONCYTEC             Technology Innovation                  Jordan                 High Technology
that has real power to transform businesses                                     Agency                   The Higher Council
                                                Governing institution                                                                  National agency
with this support. The Academy has a firm                                   National agency                for Science and
understanding of the needs and appetite                                                                                                  Philippines
                                                                                                       Technology / Industrial
for innovation and commercialisation                                                                                                Department of Science
                                                                                                              R&D Fund
across all sectors in our countries of focus.                                                                                          and Technology
                                                                                                        Public independent
It can identify where positive change can                                                                     institution
be developed or implemented through                                                                                                        Thailand
                                                                                                               Turkey             Thailand Science, Research
programmes like LIF, where the Academy                                                                        TUBITAK
plays a leading role in shaping content.                                                                                              and Innovation, and
                                                                                                          National agency          The National Science and
This has dramatically increased the                                                                                                Technology Development
international reach and influence of the                                                                                                    Agency
                                                                                                                                       National agency
Academy, creating many connections that
would have otherwise not been possible.                                                                                                    Vietnam
                                                                                                                                     Vietnam Academy of
                                                                                                                                    Science and Technology
                                                                                                                                    National academy and
                                                                                                                                       research institute

15  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                 Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  16
LIF Community
Our community of over 1,100
innovators from 17 countries
are working to solve the
most pressing sustainable
                                   Our community
development challenges for         was created to:
their countries, but also the
UK and globally.

After the LIF programme
residential training and follow-
on support, participants join a
network of alumni to continue
their entrepreneurial journey.

Since 2015, we have established
a global community of academic         ESTABLISH                INCREASE                  PROVIDE                 ENCOURAGE                               DEVELOP
researchers, innovators, experts
and mentors who support,
inspire, teach and push
each other forward in their
entrepreneurial journeys.
                                         Establish a global     Increase formal and       Provide alumni with     Encourage alumni to                       Develop local
                                       peer-to-peer network   informal collaborations   the tools and resources    take on leadership                      communities of
                                           of innovators          with key actors in         to help in their       roles within their                   engaged innovators
                                        inspired to change       the UK innovation         commercialisation           community                         beyond LIF alumni,
                                             and grow                ecosystem                   journey                                                 to share and apply
                                                                                                                                                         an entrepreneurial

17  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                           Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  18
About the community                                                    Community grants
We are proud of the network we have                                     Through the Community Grants

created, and have seen first-hand                                       Programme, we have supported over
how powerful connections can lead to                                    30 awardees to design and develop
partnership, knowledge sharing and                                      collaborative community projects to develop
new opportunities.                                                      LIF networks nationally and internationally.
                                                  Aside from the
The community makes it easy to connect          technical learning      Our awardees are entrepreneurial leaders.
with entrepreneurs who are passionate           I got from LIF, it’s    Through their projects they have developed
about tackling some of the world’s biggest    really the community      their local innovation ecosystems,                             alumni engaged
challenges and to transfer new research        that has had a huge      motivated their peers, and generated new                         in knowledge
into real-world applications.                     impact on me.”        opportunities to raise the profile of alumni                         sharing
                                                                        and further their commercialisation journeys.                     between January
From agriculture and food to transportation                                                                                                and March 2021
and renewable energy, working prototype
to early market traction and scaling up,
our alumni cover a variety of sectors and                                                                               Awardees, known as LIF champions, are running
different stages in the development of                                                                                  17 pilot projects, which received funding of up to
their startups.                                                                                                         £5,000 each for six months. They have:

We invite you to browse their innovation                                     By engaging with local                     n engaged over 530 alumni in knowledge sharing
                                                                         incubators and policy makers                     and networking activities, which resulted in 192
profiles, which showcase technology
                                                                         as one LIF network with many                     quality new business contacts for alumni
that covers the breadth of engineering
                                                                       members, we are hoping to get our
for a sustainable society and an inclusive                                                                              n collaborated or set-up new partnerships with 85
                                                                       members’ needs and feedback taken
economy. Alumni profiles are available at                                                                                 other organisations
                                                                         more seriously and addressed
                                                                         in a timely way to benefit the
                                                                                                                        n established 25 channels of communication via
                                                                            whole local entrepreneur                      social media and received over 30 mentions about

                                                                                  ecosystem.”                             their projects in the local media
                                                                                  Ahmet, Turkey
                                                                                                                        n developed their innovation ecosystems through
                                                                                                                          through 38 events which engaged over 3,000
                                                                                                                          external stakeholders
                              channels of
                            communication                                                                               n enabled 100 alumni mentoring relationships to
                              established                                                                                 benefit both LIF alumni and entrepreneurs within
                                                                                                                          the local ecosystem.

19  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                        Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  20
Engineering to meet the                                                                                        Our programme has supported innovators working across all
                                                                                                               17 SDGs to tackle the world’s biggest challenges by transferring

Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                                                               new research into real-world applications.

The 17 SDGs are an urgent call for action                        SDG 8 Decent work and economic
by all countries in a global partnership.                        growth
Our innovators are harnessing the power
                                                                 Over 2,500 jobs have been created by
of engineering to meet the UN’s SDGs.
                                                                 alumni commercialising their innovations,
The goals recognise that ending poverty                          contributing to a sustained and inclusive
and other deprivations must go hand-in-                          economic growth that can drive progress,                                            22        36
hand with strategies that improve health                         create decent jobs for all and improve
and education, reduce inequality, and spur                       living standards.
                                                                                                                                                9                       38
economic growth – all while tackling climate

change and working to preserve our oceans                        SDG 9 Industries, innovation and                                         11
and forests.                                                     infrastructure
Through the support of the LIF programme,                        We support alumni to promote new                                     9                                            33
our innovators have launched hundreds of                         technologies and facilitate international
remarkable products. These products and                          trade. Through this we work towards
services align to various SDGs and have                          inclusive and sustainable industrialisation
                                                                                                                                     50         alumni working                       5
created credible impact, from providing                          – furthering global economic growth and
clean water in disaster-affected areas and
improving the safety of critical infrastructure,
                                                                 social development.
                                                                                                                                                  towards the
                                                                                                                                       84                                         39
to widening access to healthcare and                             SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals                                                  SDGs
nutrition, making agriculture more
                                                                 LIF encourages governments, civil society,
sustainable and developing innovative ways
                                                                 scientists, academia, and the private                                         75                           44
to produce cleaner and more efficient energy.
                                                                 sector to come together at the global,
                                                                                                                                                    40              89
Alumni innovations are working towards                           regional, national and local levels to form                                              200
the achievement of all 17 SDGs and the LIF                       multilateral partnerships with the shared
programme itself is also directly enabling                       purpose of innovating for a better society.
SDG8, SDG9 and SDG17. Diversity and
inclusion is embedded across all activities,       This means that for more than 1,100
and the LIF programme benefits greatly from        entrepreneurs from 17 countries, the UK is
having access to a global community of over        now a partner of choice, and recognised as a
1,000 innovators to bring diverse and unique       valuable and trustworthy partner as we tackle
perspectives to tackling global issues.            existential problems to humanity.

21  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                                         Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  22
Engineering to meet the
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 3: Good health and                                                                           SDG 4: Quality Education, and                 SDG 12: Responsible
wellbeing                                   Catherine Wanjoya (LIF6, Kenya)
                                                                                                 SDG 10: Reduced inequalities                  consumption and production
Project CARE (COVID-19 African Rapid                                                             Petro Erasmus (LIF5, South Africa)
                                                                                                                                               and SDG 13: Climate action
                                            Catherine pivoted her business
Entrepreneurs)                                                                                                                                 Enrique Alejandro Moreno Munetones
                                            Silmak Agencies, which                               Petro Erasmus is addressing under-
                                            manufactures biodegradable                                                                         (LIF3, Colombia)
Entrepreneurial leaders have been                                                                achievement in maths in South Africa
critical in helping communities face the    sanitary pads and disposal using                     with Maths Whartels, an innovative board      Alex and Gabriel Moreno’s company
biggest public health crisis of our time.   eco-friendly incinerators. She has                   game and app for primary school children      Fiquetex S.A.S is disrupting the plastic
                                            used her incinerators to safely dispose              to improve maths literacy and increase        sector with a biodegradable and
The Academy has mobilised over 50           of used PPE on-site in homes, hospitals              their chances of science, medicine and        economic alternative to plastic,
African entrepreneurs from its Africa       and other health facilities in Kenya. She has        engineering careers.                          helping to reduce carbon
Prize for Engineering Innovation            successfully piloted three incinerators and                                                        emissions and combat climate
and LIF programme to address                has safely disposed of over 4,400 masks.             Petro was awarded a research grant to
                                                                                                                                               change. The non-woven
the consequences and impacts of                                                                  collaborate with Loughborough University’s
                                            Dr Maryam Amra Jordaan                                                                             textile material is a plastic
COVID-19 in their communities. LIF                                                               Centre for Mathematical Cognition to test
                                            (LIF6, South Africa)                                                                               substitute, which uses the
alumni responded to the call for rapid                                                           Maths Whartels material with children from
                                                                                                                                               raw materials of fique fiber
innovation and pivoted their businesses                                                          the UK. The product range is available from
                                            Maryam was one of the                                                                              and natural rubber latex to
to manufacture and supply personal                                                               Mindmuzik (www.mindmuzik.com) and has
                                            winners of the Scaling Out                                                                         create products including carry-
protective equipment (PPE) and                                                                   been on sale since December 2020.
                                            For Impact programme                                                                               on bags, packaging materials,
addressed health and other challenges
                                            facilitated by Liminal in the                                                                      scouring pads, cut flower wrapping
imposed by COVID-19
                                            UK and the Technology                                                                              and vegan leathers.
with their products
                                            Innovation Agency (TIA) in
and services.                                                                                                                                  Fiquetex secured investment of £1.1 million
                                            South Africa. She is in the
                                            process of setting up a pilot                                                                      and is currently setting up its production
                                            plant to manufacture filament                                                                      line. Fiquetex was granted a patent of
                                            from thermoplastic polymer,                                                                        invention for 20 years and countries
                                            polyethylene terephthalate (PET)                                                                   around the world have expressed interest
                                            for use in 3D printing applications                                                                in distributing its products and buying
                                            and will be developing filament using renewable                                                    materials. Its work was recently recognised
                                            materials and recycled plastic, to provide cheaper                                                 as ‘Best postgraduate idea’ by a University of
                                            and greener filament than existing options. She                                                    Oxford competition searching for the most
                                            is considering sugar cane as a possible source, as                                                 innovative and impactful entrepreneurs.
                                            well as other renewable sources..

23  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                               Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  24
LIF Advance
LIF Advanced launched in 2020 to compliment           Andrea Siller (LIF5, Mexico)         Brian Mwenda (LIF6, Kenya)
the original LIF training programme objectives.
It offers bespoke training for selected alumni        Andrea has connected with            Brian and his organisation Hope Tech
focused on UK relationship-building and               Forte Medical and the University     Plus have built the ultimate walking
business growth activities.                           of Southampton to expand             companion for any visually impaired
                                                      her network in the UK. She has       person anywhere in the world. He has
It brings together a carefully selected cohort that   published results and data to        collaborated with Blind Veterans in
includes one innovator from each LIF country to       support marketing her product        the UK to trial his personal navigation
focus on a theme.                                     Recopad, a discreet urine sample     device with people who are blind and
Participants receive tailored relationship-           collection for dependent patients.   visually impaired and is working on the
building opportunities in the UK with people                                               UK as his first market.
and organisations that can help them fulfil
their commercial potential.
                                                                                           Boonrat Lohwongwatana
The programme has already initiated                                                        (LIF2, Thailand)
100 connections into the UK. These
included introductions to subject                                                          Boonrat collaborated with the
experts, which has led to many                                                             University of Oxford as part of the
participants pivoting their offering                                                       Academy’s Transforming Systems
in response to the input and                                                               through Partnership programme,
feedback received. Many                                                                    which aims to build engineering
participants now see the                                                                   teaching, research and innovation
UK as a primary initial                                                                    capacity through collaboration
market for their medtech                                                                   with local stakeholders and UK
innovations.                                                                               academics. His innovation, Meticuly,
                                                                                           is a 3D printing medical device that

                                                                                           creates personalised bone implants
                                                                                           with AI-assisted technology. Boonrat
                                                                                           has increased his staff to 35 people
                                                                                           and increased production rates –
                            connections                                                    the company is now making two
                            into the UK                                                    custom implants a day.

25  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                     Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  26
Building partnerships                                                                           Chirag Panchal
                                                                                                (LIF6, India)
                                                                                                Chirag’s company Enerlyf, an air
Building partnerships and forging              Dr Aida Azmi (LIF6, Malaysia)                    conditioning system that uses
connections are central to the LIF                                                              machine learning and artificial                                           Devrim Pesen Okvur
programme.                                     Dr Aida Azmi’s innovation UnaCoffee, a           intelligence to monitor users                                             (LIF3, Turkey)
                                               functional coffee with less caffeine and added   cooling needs, maintain room
Through a collaborative approach,              protein and vitamin B content, led to her                                                                                  Devrim has expanded her startup
                                                                                                temperature and save up to 45%
expanding and diversifying their               signing a memorandum of understanding                                                                                      INITIO to the UK. Her organ-on-
                                                                                                in air conditioning bills. He has
networks, many alumni have furthered           with the Malaysian Academy of Small and                                                                                    chips device and assays provide
                                                                                                collaborated with Ecosync, a
their innovations and developed as             Medium Entrepreneurship Development                                                                                        an innovative approach to cancer
                                                                                                UK-based heating management         Wei Wang
entrepreneurial leaders.                       (MASMED), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).                                                                                diagnostics and drug discovery
                                                                                                enterprise, to work on projects     (LIF2, China)
                                               In March 2021, she co-led the Feed Your          related to energy efficiency.                                             which can reduce costs ten-fold,
LIF alumni have partnered with universities,   Future Programme with MASMED to develop                                              In 2019, Dr Wang collaborated         achieve results ten times faster
research institutions and organisations in     entrepreneurship culture and graduate                                                with St John’s Innovation             and minimise animal testing.
the UK and internationally on collaborative    employability skills for over 300 students.                                          Centre, Cambridge and                 The business is currently based in
projects that benefit innovation ecosystems
                                                                                                                                    Cranfield University to set up a      Aderley Park Cheshire, UK.
through job creation and economic growth       The programme aims to encourage
due to new products and services in the        entrepreneurship culture among students as                                           UK-based research company e
market, and influence research and policy.     well as to help with graduate employability.                                         on the recovery technology of
                                                                                                                                    waste Li-ion batteries for electric

                     The LIF programme
                      has provided me
                      with the skills and
                    confidence to nurture
                     and grow Malaysia’s

27  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                               Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  28
Building partnerships                                                                    Zeinab El Maadawi (LIF2, Egypt)
                                                                                         Zeinab and her team collaborated with
                                                                                         researchers from University College London
Edgar Raygoza (LIF3, Mexico)                                                             on a seed-funded transnational educational
                                                                                         project to create digital and face to face
In 2017 Edgar partnered with the National                                                educational materials to promote the concept
Graphene Institute in the UK to develop                                                  and values of circular economy for children
lubricating additives using nanotechnology                                               and adolescents in Egypt, Kenya, Turkey
techniques to reduce CO2 emissions and                                                   and the UK. The idea for the project was
greenhouse gases.                                                                        developed as part of a Frontiers event and has
                                                                                         been featured at the UN global SDSN Edu
                                                                                         Guide: Accelerating Education for the SDGs in

                                                                                         Frontiers of Engineering for Development is
                                                                                         an interdisciplinary symposia that facilitates
                                                                                         national and international collaboration
                                                                                         to tackle global development challenges.
                                                                                         Participants include 38 LIF alumni, who have
                                                                                         worked alongside international collaborators
                                                                                         from research institutes and organisations
                                                                                         worldwide.                                         Ayyappan Asokan (LIF1, India)
                                                                                                                                            Ayyappan’s EdTech platform Ofabee is a
                                                                                                                                            Software as a Service platform that helps
                                                                                                                                            educators and coaching institutes to
                                                                                                                                            launch their own branded learning app
                                                                                                                                            to create and sell their courses online.
                                                                                                                                            It was acquired by OLIVE Group, an
                                             Zinhle Ngidi (LIF6, South Africa)                                                              e-learning company based in Ireland.

                                             Zinhle’s company Igugu Clean Tech
                                             PTY(LTD) grows nicotine-free tobacco
                                             and converts its seed oil into biodiesel.
                                             During the LIF London Residential, Zinhle
                                             connected with Green Fuels, a UK-based
                                             bio-fuel processing equipment vendor.

29  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                          Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  30

31  Royal Academy of Engineering       Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  32
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                             Paulo Pinheiro’s innovation
                                                                                                                                                               The Wheelie; Paulo Pinheiro, LIF3;

Brazil                                                                                        Innovation                                                        Emily Shinzato, LIF3.

                                                                                              Paulo Pinheiro has created a
                                                                                              wheelchair accessory called
                                                                                              The Wheelie, which uses facial
                                                                                              expressions to control a motorised
                                                                                              wheelchair for users with
                                                                                              restricted upper-body mobility.
                                                                                              n Mechanical, medical and health,
                                                                                                systems and computing

                                                                                              Lisane Valdo’s fatigue and
                                                                                              risk management system
                                                                                              improves shift workers’ safety by
The LIF programme has been running in partnership with
                                                                                              monitoring signs of fatigue and
the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in Brazil              Eimi Arikawa, LIF6
                                                                                              sleep deprivation and providing
since 2014.
                                                                                              employers with solutions to
FAPESP is a public foundation, funded by the taxpayer in                                      mitigate them.
the State of São Paulo, with a mission to support research                                    n Systems and computing,
projects in higher education and research institutions in all                                   biotechnology and bioengineering
fields of knowledge.
                                                                                              Emily Shinzato’s company,

In 2019 the LIF programme also partnered with CERTI to
build on the successful collaboration with FAPESP in São                                      Treevia, is an online SmartForest
                                                                In six months, I made two     monitoring system that uses
Paulo and expand its national reach in Brazil.
                                                                years progress with the       Internet of Things technologies to
CERTI is a technology-based institution, based in               help and support of my        obtain real-time information such
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina. Founded in 1984, CERTI                                         as forest growth, temperature
                                                                mentor. LIF gave me the       and moisture in planted forests,
supports the development of products, research and
consulting services and has accumulated years of experience     support I needed to face      enabling forestry managers to
in hardware, software design and manufacturing.                 the difficulties of being a   make faster and more effective

The institution has also promoted the Brazilian technological
                                                                woman in an engineering       decisions.
                                                                                                                                               LIF participants
ecosystem, supporting innovative entrepreneurship through
                                                                business in Brazil.”          n Systems and computing,
incubators, startup accelerators and venture capital funds.     Lisane Valdo, LIF2

33  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                   Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  34
The LIF programme partnered with
the Scientific and Technological
Development Support Fund (FONDEF)
in Chile from 2014 to 2017.

The FONDEF program was established
in 1991 to promote ties and partnerships
among research institutions, corporations
and other entities. Its goal is to develop
applied research projects that can
improve Chile’s competitiveness and the
population’s quality of life.

When Chile graduated from the DAC                                     Without a doubt the
list in 2017 and was no longer eligible to
participate in activities funded by the
                                                                     participation in LIF was
Newton Fund, the partnership between                                 a turning point for me
the LIF programme and FONDEF ended.
However, FONDEF continues to meet                                     and for my company”
its objective of enhancing a culture of
entrepreneurship and innovation within

universities through the Programme for
Valorisation of Research at Universities (VIU),
which promotes creating new business
ventures, or research-intensive enterprises
among university students.

The LIF alumni community in Chile is still
active, and the country continues to be
supportive of LIF activities.
                                                  LIF participants

35  Royal Academy of Engineering                                              Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  36
China                                                                                   Case study
                                                                                        Guangyin Yuan
                                                                                        China, LIF3 participant 2016/17

                                                                                        Biodegradable bone implants

                                                                                        Traditional bone implants tend to
                                                                                        be made of titanium and require a
                                                                                        supplemental surgery to remove them
                                                                                        after the bone has healed.

                                                                                        In addition to putting the patient through
The LIF programme has run with China since                                              more pain, stress and risk, this second
2015 in partnership with the Chinese Academy                                            intervention also places an unnecessary burden
of Engineering.                                                LIF participants         on the global healthcare system, with 40% of over
                                                                                        50-year-olds likely to experience a bone fracture
The Chinese Academy of Engineering is a                             supported           during their lifetime.
national organisation composed of elected
members, and election is the highest honour                                             Aided by the LIF programme’s business training,
in the Chinese engineering and technological                                            Guangyin Yuan’s company has developed
sciences community. By initiating and                                                   biodegradable magnesium-based implants that
conducting strategic studies and consultancy                                            gradually dissolve as the bone recovers.
for decision-making, the academy devotes itself   Through LIF, I learned how to         Avoiding the second surgery improves the speed
to promoting the progress of engineering and      think like a businessperson as                                                                   Ten years ago, I witnessed my
                                                                                        and quality of the patient’s recovery, as well as
technological sciences.                                                                                                                            nephew undergo surgeries to remove
                                                  well as a scientist; evaluating the   reducing the cost of bone fractures to the healthcare
The Newton Fund forms the UK contribution         value of my research and thinking     system by 40%.                                             titanium plates for a facial fracture
to the UK-China Research and Innovation           outside the box.                                                                                 caused by a serious motorcycle injury.
                                                                                        Moreover, trials have shown that magnesium
Partnership Fund.                                                                                                                                  At the time, I was researching the
                                                  The LIF programme not only            alloys are stronger than other biodegradable
                                                  prevented us from wasting funds,      polymers, present no side effects, and the release         use of magnesium for the automotive
                                                  but helped us accelerate the          of magnesium around the fracture can aid healing,          industry, and I realised the material’s
                                                  process of turning innovation into    accelerating the rate of repair by 20%.                    unique properties would help others
                                                  an enterprise.”                                                                                  avoid the pain he was subjected to.”
                                                  Guangyin Yuan, LIF3

37  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                       Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  38
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                                Jimy Aguirre’s innovation GreenyWave;

                                                                                                                                                                  Juan Correa’s Vortex Deflector, José

                                                                                                Innovation                                                         María Córdova International Airport;
                                                                                                                                                                    Jennifer Rodriguez, LIF6.

                                                                                                Jimy Aguirre’s innovation,
                                                                                                GreenyWave, is a smart meter to
                                                                                                improve water infrastructure and
                                                                                                water resource use.
                                                                                                n Systems and computing,
The LIF programme has been running in                                                             environment
Colombia since 2015. The LIF programme partners
with Ruta N in Colombia.
                                                                                                Jennifer Rodriguez has created
Ruta N is a publicly funded organisation based in                                               VBraille, a platform and braille
Medellin. It was founded in 2011 to streamline the city’s                                       device that automatically
innovation ecosystem, promoting the development of                                              translates Braille to English
innovative, technology-based businesses to increase the            Eliana Camargo, LIF6         or Spanish, ensuring quality
competitiveness of the city and the region and improve the                                      education and inclusion in society
quality of life of its inhabitants.                                                             for deaf, blind and deaf-blind
Ruta N serves as a launch site for businesses operating in
Medellin, works with universities and the private sector to                                     n Communications, education,
                                                                                                  electronics and sensors
promote innovation and support entrepreneurs, and provides
technology training and education for young people, making the
city and region the best place for entrepreneurship.               I don’t think about          Juan Correa’s Vortex Deflector
                                                                                                uses jet-blast control technology

Between 2015 and 2016 the LIF programme was supported by
                                                                   innovation as just
                                                                                                to reduce the carbon footprint and
Colciencias (now Minciencias, the Colombian Ministry of Science,   research projects and        increase efficiency in the aviation
Technology and Innovation).                                        scientific papers anymore.   industry.
                                                                   Now I’m aware of the         n Environment, transport and
Newton Fund in Colombia:                                           impact that I could have       infrastructure

The partnership with Colombia is called the Newton-Caldas          on society and the
Fund, named after Francisco José de Caldas. Caldas was a           economy by taking
mathematician, geographer, military engineer and inventor who      my research from the
is widely considered the first Colombian scientist, and a leader                                                                                  LIF participants
                                                                   laboratory to market.”
in the fight for Colombian independence.                                                                                                          supported
                                                                   Maria Rolden, LIF4

39  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                      Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  40
Egypt                                                                                  Case study
                                                                                       Irene Fahim
                                                                                       Egypt, LIF5 participant 2018/19

                                                                                       Durable and low-cost biodegradable
The LIF programme has run in Egypt since 2015
                                                                                       plastic from agricultural waste
in partnership with the Science, Technology and
Innovation Funding Authority (STDF).                                                   Plastic pollution is a global issue. In 2016, over 320
                                                                                       million tons of plastic was produced worldwide – a
STDF stimulates Egyptian scientific society by funding
                                                                                       figure set to double by 2034.
research and establishing scientific partnerships in many
countries. It aims to keep track of advancing technologies                             In many developing countries, such as Egypt, the
to help Egypt stay competitive internationally, as well as         Gamal Ammar, LIF5   move towards sustainable alternatives is rarely
linking scientific research to technological and economic                              considered due to the high cost of implementing
development and cooperating with civil society institutions.                           such policies. With this in mind, Irene Fahim and her
                                                                                       team developed Coflastic, a low-cost biodegradable
Building on the success of the partnership with STDF, the
                                                                                       plastic made from agricultural and food waste,
British University in Egypt joined the LIF programme as
                                                                                       supported by the LIF programme.
an additional partner for one year in 2019.
                                                                                       It maintains the same properties as its synthetic
                                                                                       counterpart – durable, flexible, and hygienic – and
                                                                                       can be used to form craft products, food packaging,
                                                                                       and homeware.
                                                                                                                                                     The LIF programme was

                                                                                       Plastic waste is often dumped in landfill, where              instrumental in helping my project
                                                                                       it takes up valuable space and can cause serious              reach new heights.
                                                                                       damage to the environment and our health.
                                                                                       Coflastic reduces the risk to the environment                 I worked closely with my
                                                                                       by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and soil                 mentor, engaging with plastics
                                                                                       contamination.                                                manufacturers and conducting
                                                                                                                                                     market analysis, to fully understand
                                                                                                                                                     the plastics supply chain in Egypt
                                                            LIF participants                                                                         and find potential investors.”
41  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                          Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  42
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                                  Soumalaya Mukherjee’s cold storage
                                                                                                                                                                    unit; Abhimanyu Singh, LIF5;

India                                                                                            Innovation                                                          Siddhant Tarawala’s innovation

                                                                                                 Siddhant Tarawala has created
                                                                                                 a unisex pocket urinal that turns
                                                                                                 urine into a hygienic, odourless,
                                                                                                 non-liquid state. The urinal
                                                                                                 can be used in a wide range of
                                                                                                 scenarios including humanitarian
The LIF programme has been running in India since                                                emergencies and for people with
2014. In India, LIF is partnered with the Centre for                                             limited mobility.
Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE).
                                                                                                 n Environment, medical and
CIIE helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into viable businesses
by incubating, accelerating, mentoring and funding
innovative startups.                                                 Pankaj Parashar, LIF5       Hexpressions is a low-cost,
                                                                                                 modular housing system designed
It supports the entrepreneurial landscape of India through                                       by Abhimanyu Singh, which uses
initiatives that have attracted and supported businesses                                         honeycomb paper composite
in various sectors, including incubators, accelerators, seed                                     panelling as a replacement for
investments and publications.                                                                    traditional construction materials.
                                                                                                 n Civil, environment, manufacturing
Newton Fund in India:                                                                              and design

The collaboration between the UK and India under

the Newton Fund is known as the Newton-Bhabha
                                                                   The LIF programme             Soumalya Mukherjee has created
Partnership, which was established in 2014.                        included lots of great        a portable cold storage unit that
                                                                   advice around the             reduces waste in the food supply
It is a major bilateral initiative for facilitating research and                                 chain and allows rural farmers in
                                                                   nuances of running a
innovation collaborations between two countries. It aims                                         India to efficiently transport their
to address global challenges through collaborative efforts         business, but also gave       produce.
and brings world-class excellence together from both               my project international
                                                                                                 n Agriculture and food, environment,
countries.                                                         credibility, which provided     medical and health
                                                                   me with the confidence to                                                        LIF participants
                                                                   continue down this path.”                                                        supported
                                                                   Pankaj Parashar, LIF5

43  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                        Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  44
Innovation spotlight
Indonesia                                    LIF enabled me to develop as
                                             a leader. It provided me with   Puffer is a device created            Ferry Sugandhi has
                                             tools and skills to measure     by Septian Suryo to clean             created an aquaculture
                                                                             seawater or grey water,               crowdfunding platform –
                                             performance and plan for
                                                                             which has been used to                inFishta – which provides
                                             business growth, as well as     provide clean water to coastal        equitable access to finance
                                             enabling me to lead, inspire    communities in Indonesia.             for fish farmers.
                                             my team and improve their       n Civil, environment                  n Systems and computing,
                                             performance.”                                                           agriculture and food

                                             Farhaniza Farhan, LIF5

The LIF programme has been running in
Indonesia since 2016 in partnership with
Ristek-BRIN, a merger of two institutions
– the Directorate General of Higher
Education and the Ministry of Research
and Technology.

Ristek-BRIN coordinates private and
state universities, the Private University
Coordinator (KOPERTIS) and other
government agencies.

                                                                                                    Left: Ferry Sugandhi, LIF5
                                                                                                     Middle: Septian Suryo and
                                                                                                      (right) his innovation,
                                                                                                                                     57        LIF participants

45  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                 Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  46
Case study
                                                              Yolla Miranda
                                                              Indonesia, LIF6 participant 2019/20

                                                              PT. Sainsgo MASKIT
                                                              Carbon fibre face masks

                                                              Indonesia has the third highest rate of pollution
                                                              and the second highest rate of tuberculosis – an
                                                              airborne disease – in the world.

                                                              Combined with the COVID-19 crisis, the national
                                                              demand for face masks is higher than ever. The
                                                              LIF programme helped Yolla Miranda to adapt the
                                   of LIF participants        resources and expertise of her company, Sainsgo
                                                              Karya, to manufacture face masks that will help
                                   said the programme was     people breathe easier and live longer.
                                    very important to their   Yolla’s industry-leading MASKITs have activated
                                    personal development      carbon-fibre filters with a nano-silver coating. The
                                                              activated carbon side absorbs pollutants, including
                                                              particulate matter and volatile organic compounds,
                                                              while the silver nanoparticles act as antibacterial and
                                                              antiviral agents.

                                                              They are used in more than 10 hospitals for doctors            Resilience was one of the key topics in the
                                                              and nurses on the frontlines of the pandemic, as               LIF6 residential training. Exactly one week
                                                              well as being available to commuters, contractors              later, the first COVID-19 case arose in my
                                                              and patients.                                                  country. Many suppliers closed, unable to
                                                                                                                             meet the higher demand for face masks.
                                                              With current manufacturing capacity at 100,000
                                                              masks per month, they are being rolled out in                  I adapted my business model to be able to
                                                              Indonesia, with plans to expand across Asia.                   meet that demand and help my country.
                                                                                                                             That resilience is something I would not
                                                                                                                             have had without the LIF programme.”

47  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                               Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  48
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                              Feras Kafiah, LIF6;
                                                                                                                                                                Saeed Albawab, LIF6;

Jordan                                                                                       Innovation                                                          Bara Wahbeh’s innovation AKYAS.

                                                                                             Saeed Albawab’s company
                                                                                             Green On makes Life Cells, building
                                                                                             bricks to create vegetation walls in
                                                                                             households and back gardens.
                                                                                             n Environment, biotechnology
The LIF programme launched in Jordan in 2019                                                   and bioengineering
is delivered in partnership with the Industrial
Research and Development Fund (IRDF) affiliated
                                                                                             Feras Kafiah has developed
to the Higher Council for Science and Technology.
                                                                                             SmartCure, a blanket used in
The IRDF aims to bridge the gap between industry                                             the construction field to improve
and academia, promote innovation, enhance the                                                the speed and efficiency of the
competitiveness of national industries, and develop the          Bayan Al-Btoush, LIF6       concrete curing process.
capacity of Jordanian researchers. It was established in 1994                                n Civil, manufacturing and design
and operates under the Higher Council for Science and
Technology, a national entity established to help integrate
                                                                                             Bara Wahbeh’s innovation,
research and development and science and technology
                                                                                             AKYAS, is a decentralised toilet
into the Jordanian economy.
                                                                                             that provides sanitation using
                                                                                             no water, energy or pre-existing
Newton Fund in Jordan:                                                                       infrastructure and converts human

                                                                                             waste to safe soil fertiliser in two
The Newton Fund in Jordan has been named the Newton-            The greatest value
Khalidi Fund in honour of the Jordanian biochemist                                           days.
                                                                has been building
Dr Usama al-Khalidi who dedicated his life to teaching                                       n Environment, chemical and
                                                                relationships with fellows     process
generations of scientists and medical students across the
Arab world.                                                     and individuals. Some of
                                                                them have translated into
                                                                personal friendships and
                                                                others into professional
                                                                relationships which have                                                        LIF participants
                                                                a high value for us.”                                                           supported
                                                                Bara Wahbeh, LIF6

49  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                    Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  50
Clockwise from right:
                                                                                                                                                                Peter Mwangi LIF5;
                                                                                                                                                                  Jack Oyugi’s high-value protein;

Kenya                                                                                         Innovation                                                           Catherine Wanjoya, LIF6.


                                                                                              Tambua is an app designed by
                                                                                              Levit Nudi that uses barcode,
                                                                                              QR code and location tracking
                                                                                              technology to help consumers
                                                                                              verify authenticity of products
Since 2017, the LIF programme has been running
                                                                                              before buying them.
in Kenya in partnership with the Kenya National
Innovation Agency (KENIA). KENIA is established                                               n Systems and computing,
under the Science, Technology and Innovation (STandI)                                           communications
Act of 2013.
                                                                                              Jack Oyugi has produced an
KENIA performs various functions, which include:                                              affordable, high-value protein for
n supporting commercialisation of innovations and research      Samwel Kimani Mwaniki, LIF5   livestock feed from water hyacinth,
  outputs across all sectors of the economy                                                   an invasive weed that covers nearly
                                                                                              70% of Kenya’s lakes.
n scouting for and nurturing innovative ideas
                                                                                              n Agriculture and food, biotechnology
n recognition and motivation of innovators through an award                                     and bioengineering
  system for innovations
n increasing awareness of intellectual property among                                         Catherine Wanjoya’s business,
  innovators                                                                                  Silmak Agencies, produces end-
n engaging and partnering with universities, innovation hubs                                  to-end menstrual health products

  and incubation centres for purposes of nurturing innovators
                                                                 My LIF mentor helped         and services, including eco-
  and entrepreneurs.                                             me to identify different     friendly sanitary pads and home
                                                                 funding sources, so that     incinerators to dispose of the waste.
Newton Fund in Kenya:                                            we are not relying solely    n Environment, medical and
The partnership between the UK and Kenya is known as the         on government grants.          health

Newton-Utafiti Fund. ‘Utafiti’ is a Swahili word that means      This means our project is
‘research’. The Fund in Kenya is administered in partnership     much more sustainable
with the Kenyan Ministry of Education.                           and we can grow our                                                              LIF participants
                                                                 business faster.”                                                                supported
                                                                 Joy Nyawire Riungu, LIF5

51  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                      Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  52
Case study
Kevin Mureithi Maina
Kenya, LIF5 participant 2018/19

Eco Blocks and Tiles
Sustainable construction blocks and
roofing tiles
Over the last six decades, over eight billion tons of

                                                                                                   Over 300
plastic has been produced worldwide, but only 9%
is likely to have been recycled. The vast majority of
plastic waste accumulates in landfills, polluting the
natural and urban environment. With LIF’s strategic
business support, Kevin and his team developed Eco
Blocks and Tiles, manufacturing environmentally
                                                                                                    new partnerships
friendly building materials from plastic waste.                                                      reported by LIF
The construction blocks and roofing tiles are better                                               participants to date
value than commercially available solutions such as
clay and concrete, as they are lighter, more durable
and enable clients to save up to 40% in timber

The company has also created job opportunities
for young people and unofficial waste collectors in
Kenya, engaging them in the principles of circular
economy and building their capacity to create
                                                        I am passionate about solving urban
sustainable alternatives themselves. This not only
                                                        issues with principles of circular
alleviates some of the local demand for construction
                                                        economy and sustainability.
materials, but also Kenya’s reliance on imports from
other countries.                                        These practices are not widely applied
                                                        in Kenya, and I’ve seen so much of our
                                                        waste thrown away when it has a lot of
                                                        potential to be reused and recycled – it
                                                        shouldn’t have to be that way.”

53  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                          Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  54
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                                          Rahinah Ibrahim’s Oceanori;
                                                                                                                                                            Azah Anir Norman, LIF5;

Malaysia                                                                                    Innovation                                                       Che Fai Yeong, LIF4.

                                                                                            Rahinah Ibrahim’s Oceanori is a
                                                                                            support programme for coastal
                                                                                            communities that incentivises
                                                                                            and funds the use of wastewater
                                                                                            treatment technology to clean
The LIF programme has been running in Malaysia                                              up oceans and water sources
                                                                                            through income from improved
since 2016 in partnership with the Malaysian
                                                                                            seaweed quality.
Industry-Government Group for High technology
(MIGHT).                                                                                    n Environment, agriculture and
MIGHT is a think-tank that plays a key role in developing
Malaysia’s high technology for business through its private-
                                                                  Norziana Jamil, LIF5      Azah Anir Norman has created
public consensus building and business nurturing platforms.
                                                                                            a mobile-based content verifier
It is an organisation built on the strength of public-private                               to alleviate misinterpretation of
partnership with more than 80 local and international                                       content from the Quran shared
members from industry, government and academia.                                             on social media.
In 2018, the Royal Academy of Engineering partnered with                                    n Systems and computing,
MIGHT to deliver the Leaders in Innovation Accelerator, an                                    communications, education
investment-readiness programme for Malaysian LIF alumni.
                                                                                            Che Fai Yeong’s innovation is

Newton Fund in Malaysia:                                                                    a portable rehabilitation robot
                                                                LIF helped us improve the   to help stroke patients recover
The Newton Fund is known as the Newton-Ungku Omar               focus of the innovation     through physiotherapy training
Fund in Malaysia. It is named after a well-known Malaysian
scientist, Professor Datuk Dr Ungku Omar Ungku Ahmad,
                                                                and gave us a better        at home to regain functional
to commemorate his contribution to medical and health           understanding of
sciences research, which improved the health of the             the market need and         n Systems and computing, medical
                                                                                              and health, biotechnology and
population, including eliminating malaria among poor and        demand.”                      bioengineering
marginalised communities in Malaysia.
                                                                Fatimah Ibrahim, LIF4                                                       LIF participants

55  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                                                Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  56
Clockwise from left:
                                                                                                                                         Andrea Siller Gonzales’ RECOPAD;
                                                                                                                                           Constantino Lopez Macias, LIF5;

Mexico                                                                 Innovation                                                           Jose Manuel Aguilar Yanez.

                                          The training I received      spotlight
                                          helped me to develop
                                          a new vision for my
                                          project and generate new     RECOPAD is a urine sample
                                                                       collection device created by Andrea
                                          important collaborations.”   Siller Gonzáles for dependent
                                          Constantino III Roberto      patients. It is able to take a viable
                                          Lopez Macias, LIF5           urine sample in a comfortable,
                                                                       effective, and non-invasive way.
                                                                       n Medical and health, biotechnology
                                                                         and bioengineering, manufacturing
                                                                         and design

                                                                       Constantino III Roberto
The LIF programme is supported by the
                                                                       López Macías has developed
Mexican Ministry of the Economy.
                                                                       nanoparticles that improve a
It has been running in Mexico since its                                vaccine’s capacity to protect
inception in 2014, where it works in                                   against important global diseases
partnership with Red OTT (Mexican                                      induced by the bacteria from the
Technology Transfer Offices network).                                  genus Salmonella.
Red OTT is a national organisation                                     n Medical and health, chemical
with the goal of creating spaces of                                      and process, biotechnology and
collaboration and participation for

technology transfer offices and
professionals since 2012.                                              DermaGene is a pharmaceutical
                                                                       cream formulation created by
                                                                       José Manuel Aguilar Yañez
                                                                       for healing epithelial wound.
                                                                       The active ingredients prevent
                                                                       infection, promote cell division and
                                                                       migration, and the formation of
                                                                       new blood vessels.
                                                                       n Medical and health, chemical
                                                                                                                        LIF participants
                                                                         and process, biotechnology and
                                          Andrea Siller, LIF5

57  Royal Academy of Engineering                                                                               Five years of the Leaders in Innovation Fellowships Programme  58
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