Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas

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Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
VOLUME 9 NO 4 		                   AUGUST 2019                                                                                                  PRINT POST 100010937

                                                sta n d t o g e t h e r

T (03) 9254 1860   F (03) 9254 1865   FreeCall 1800 622 889     E   W   The Point is published by the
MELBOURNE OFFICE 120 Clarendon Street, Southbank 3006         HOBART OFFICE 212 Liverpool Street, Hobart 7000      Independent Education Union Victoria
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
 THE POINT August 2019

                       Independent Education Union of Australia
                                       Victoria Tasmania Branch
                          ELECTION NOTICE - E2019/116
                                            Casual Vacancy Election
                                      Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
 Nominations are called for:

 Victoria Tasmania Branch
     - Branch Delegates to Federal Council (3)
 Nominations, which must be in writing and comply with the registered rules of the Organisation, may be
 made at any time from 28/08/2019. Nomination forms are available from the Returning Officer.
 Prospective candidates and nominators should verify their financial status and any other qualifications
 required by the Organisation's rules prior to lodging nominations.

 Nominations must reach the Returning Officer via the lodgement method(s) stipulated below not later than
 4:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on 20/09/2019.

 How to lodge nominations, nominations must be lodged via the following method(s):
    By Post: Kylie Connor, Returning Officer, AEC, GPO BOX 4382 MELBOURNE VIC 3001
    By Hand: Returning Officer, AEC, Level 8 Casselden 2 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000
                 (please make an appointment if lodging document/s by hand)

    By Fax:      02 6293 7603
    By Email: A properly completed nomination form including all necessary signatures and attachments
                 may be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to
     1. Emails to the AEC inbox that appear to be spam may be blocked. It is the responsibility of senders to ensure
        that their email reaches the AEC before the deadline for nominations.
     2. In order to be able to be received by the AEC, emails (including attachments) should be no greater than 6 MB

        in size.
     3. You may call 03 9285 7146 to enquire about the status of your nomination.

 Withdrawing Nominations
 Nominations cannot be withdrawn after 4:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on 20/09/2019.

 Candidate Statements
 Candidates may submit a statement to be included with ballot material. Only statements which comply with
 the Rules and are received by the Returning Officer by 4:00pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST))
 on 20/09/2019 can be accepted.

 Voting Period
                                                                                                                                21 OCTOBER -
 The ballot, if required, will open on 18/10/2019 and close at 12:00 noon Australian Eastern Daylight Time                      1 NOVEMBER 2019
 (AEDT) on 11/11/2019.

 Scrutineers                                                                                                                    A two week internship for
 The appointment of scrutineers opens on 28/08/2019 and closes at 12:00 noon Australian Eastern Daylight                        developing leadership in
 Time (AEDT) on 11/11/2019. A form is available from the Returning Officer for the purposes of appointing                       union women.

 Other Information                                                                                                              For more information email
 Changed Address? Advise the Organisation now.                                                                        
 Please Note: A copy of the AEC's election report can be obtained from the Organisation or from the
 Returning Officer after the completion of the election.

 Kylie Connor
 Returning Officer
 Telephone: 03 9285 7146

What’s in The Point                                                                                              Contact us
 Long service leave                                                                                                                  @IEUVicTas
 Debunking the myths                                                                         Page 3
                                                                                                                 EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING            comment is taken by              School Officers:
 Fixed term contracts                                                                                            ENQUIRIES                        D James, 120 Clarendon Street,   Olivia Blackney
 The good, the bad and the need to do better                                                  Page 5             T: (03) 9254 1860                Southbank 3006. Views            Andrea Hines
                                                                                                                 F: (03) 9254 1865                expressed in articles reflect
                                                                                                                                                  those of the author and are      COUNCIL PRESIDENTS
                                                                                                                 FreeCall: 1800 622 889                                            & DEPUTIES
 August Council reports                                                                                          E:         not necessarily union policy.
 ELICOS members join us for the first time                                                Pages 6, 7             W:                                           Catholic Primary Council
                                                                                                                                                  COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT          President: Maree Shields
                                                                                                                 CONTRIBUTIONS & LETTERS          General Secretary:               Deputy:     Rachael Evans
 Tasmania                                                                                                        from members are welcome         Debra James
                                                                                                                                                                                   Catholic Secondary Council
 Pay rates for support staff in Tasmanian independent schools                               Page 10              and should be forwarded to:      Deputy Secretary:                President: Stephen Hobday
                                                                                                                 The Point PO Box 1320, South     Loretta Cotter                   Deputy:     Ruth Pendavingh
                                                                                                                 Melbourne 3205, or by email      President:
 Special feature                                                                                                 to:                                     Independent Council
 VIEU’s 25th birthday feature                                                         Centre pages                                                Mark Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                   President: Alexandra Abela
                                                                                                                 MELBOURNE OFFICE:                Deputy President:                Deputy:    Rupert Stephenson
                                                                                                                 120 Clarendon Street,            Teresa Huddy
 VIT                                                                                                             Southbank 3006                                                    Tasmanian Council
                                                                                                                                                  Ordinary Members:
 New notification requirements to VIT                                                       Page 16                                                                                President: John Waldock
                                                                                                                 HOBART OFFICE:                   Jason Blackburn
                                                                                                                                                                                   Deputy:    Paul Mannion
                                                                                                                 212 Liverpool Street,            Chris Dite
 IEU Awards                                                                                                      Hobart 7000                      Andrew Dunne                     Principals’ Council
 New IEU Award for Sustainability                                                           Page 18                                               Heather Macardy                  President: John Connors
                                                                                                                 The Point is published by                                         Deputy:      Vince Muscatello
                                                                                                                 the Independent Education        Andrew Wood
 Activism                                                                                                        Union Victoria Tasmania.         Member Resident
                                                                                                                                                  in Tasmania:
 SchoolStrike4Climate - an open letter to IEU members                                       Page 23              EDITORIAL CONTENT:
                                                                                                                 Responsibility for editorial     Kim Merhulik
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
                                                                                                                                                     August 2019 THE POINT

Demystifying Long Service Leave                                                                                                  What of Folau,
Long Service Leave is one of the more complicated                                                                                now that we
and arcane employment entitlements.                                                                                              have Banerji?
H                                                                                                                                E
         ere are three important            without significant disruption             masses of additional work on either              arlier this month, the High Court of Australia
         things all Victorian IEU           and/or additional costs.                   side of a period of leave. Some schools          found that the dismissal of a Department
         members should know –                  Employers cannot have a policy         have resolved this for short periods             of Immigration and Citizenship employee
plus a fourth matter of great               that requires a minimum period of          of LSL by calculating the preparation     in 2012 was lawful. Banerji, an employee of the
irritation to those employed in             notice, and the amount of notice           time that would have applied for          Department was tweeting anonymously under
Victorian Catholic education!               provided cannot be used as the             the period of leave and releasing         the twitter handle @LaLegale. The tweets related
   One day at a time. Employees             sole reason for refusing a leave           teachers for that amount of time to do    to criticisms of the government’s policies -
can now access long service leave for       application. Employers may however         preparation and marking.                  after many years of tweeting, and thousands
periods as short as one day. In the         have a policy which requests a certain        The best outcome is to reach an        of tweets later, the Department terminated
past LSL was normally a period of           amount of notice – and both to assist      understanding about how (and by           her employment for breaching the Australian
13 weeks taken in one, two or three         in your school’s planning and to           whom) work will be done, balancing        Public Service Code of Conduct.
periods. Now the LSL Act (and the           minimise the risk of a ‘reasonable         the needs of the school with the             The APS Code of Conduct is part of the
Catholic EBA) both specifically permit      business grounds’ refusal, it is           rights of the employee. Any direction     employment contract for all Commonwealth
employees to take one or more days          advisable to meet this request where       to do substantial portions of the work    public servants. The Code requires public servants
at a time. There is some complexity         it is possible and practical to do so.     that otherwise would have been done       to behave in a manner that upholds the values
for teachers in independent schools,            Teachers cannot be required to         during the period of leave is plainly     and good reputation of the APS at all times.
but everyone else (support staff in         do all the preparation for periods         unreasonable, as is the direction to      These values include that the APS is apolitical,
independent schools, all staff in           that they are on long service leave. In    undertake all marking arising from        impartial and, professional. At the time of
Catholic schools, all staff in private      a strict legal sense, employees on any     the period of leave (without an agreed    Banerji’s dismissal, her employer justified the
colleges/ELICOS) can take their             form of authorised leave are entitled      corresponding reduction in teaching       dismissal on the basis that her tweeting meant
entitlement in any number of periods        to be relieved of all duties normally      time or other duties).                    that she was not apolitical. Banerji challenged
of as short as one day when they            performed in the period between               If you work in a Victorian             the dismissal by suing for compensation for a
reach 7 years’ service.                     the commencement and conclusion            Catholic School: The CECV Industrial      workplace injury, alleging that a psychological
   Employers cannot require a               of their leave. So, for example, a         Relations Unit is still defending the     disorder was caused by her termination (note,
minimum period of notice for                teacher taking a week of leave could       indefensible current arrangements         this is an unconventional manner to challenge
applying for long service leave.            prepare lessons for the whole period       for payment during LSL. The many          a dismissal). In the first instance, that claim was
Regardless of whether you get LSL           and then, insisting on their lawful        problems include: employees taking        excluded by the law because her injury arose from
under an Award, an Agreement or             entitlement, return and expect lesson      a pay-cut when they go on leave;          a reasonable administrative action (the dismissal)
the Act, the employer is required to        plans to be prepared for their classes     part-time staff being paid much more      by her employer.
grant LSL as it is applied for unless the   for the following week. The IEU            than their normal wage when they             The case that went before the High Court was
employer has ‘reasonable business           recognises that this approach will         go on leave (along with an oversized      about whether the exclusion to bringing the
grounds’ to refuse it. So regardless        often be impractical, so would advise      deduction from their accrued LSL          injury claim was unconstitutional and therefore
of how much notice you give, your           all parties to reach a negotiated          entitlement), and those on short          whether that law is invalid because it infringed on
employer must consider your                 understanding – but it must be an          periods of LSL being paid different       the implied freedom of political communication
application on its merits and can only      understanding which recognises that        amounts for each day. The IEU is          protected by the Constitution. Banerji’s argument
refuse it if your absence will create       being on leave means ‘not working’,        continuing to press for a solution to     failed before the High Court – all seven Justices of
real problems that cannot be resolved       and that it’s not reasonable to load up    all these problems. Stay tuned!           the High Court ruling against her case.
                                                                                                                                    Essentially, we have been reminded (once
                                                                                                                                 again) that we do not have a right to free speech

                                            A long and winding road
                                                                                                                                 in Australia(!). What we have instead is an obscure
                                                                                                                                 implied freedom, which preserves a citizen’s ability
                                                                                                                                 to have discussions with another citizen about
                                                                                                                                 government and politics without unreasonable
                                            As we celebrate 25 years of the merger of the                                        restriction from laws (key word: unreasonable). In
                                                                                                                                 practical terms, this is pretty narrow, and we do not
                                            three sector specific unions in Victoria, we should                                  have a positive right to free speech (as for example
                                            take the time to acknowledge our roots and pay                                       the USA does).
                                            our respects to where we’ve come from, but as                                           Of course, the other case which has received
                                                                                                                                 extensive coverage is that of Israel Folau. On 1
                                            importantly we need to be working on a clear                                         August 2019, Folau’s legal representatives filed
                                            vision of where we are headed over the next                                          documents in the Federal Circuit Court to argue
                                                                                                                                 that Folau maintained his social media accounts
   DEBRA JAMES                              quarter of a century.                                                                wholly disconnected from his employment – so his
                                                                                                                                 dismissal is in breach of the religious protections

                                                                                                                                 under the Fair Work Act. The relevance of Banerji’s
       he origins of our union came         Catholic primary principals with the       that limit our capacity to deliver        case to Folau’s is indirect, in that Banerji’s case
       from the collectivism of Assistant   Catholic primary staff association.        quality teaching and learning and         emphasizes that our legal system is prepared to
       Masters and Assistant Mistresses     Then the movement from a state             technological change which provides       give primacy to the employment contract over
who through their associations              industrial relations system to the         both amazing opportunities but            any real or imagined human rights. The question
agitated for an increase in their           federal jurisdiction, the introduction     has not yet eased those same work         becomes can I be support Banerji’s case but not
salaries. In the early 1900s teachers       of enterprise bargaining and the           pressures. Our professional autonomy      Folau’s? The answer is yes.
were earning as little as 12 – 20 pounds    long, slow, incremental process of         is under constant challenge and              The High Court found many years ago that there
per year, much less than teachers in        improving wages and conditions.            our behaviours and interactions           is an implied freedom of political communication.
government schools and the wages of         Various campaigns have all had one         under overly intrusive and highly         We need the implied freedom and it is very
Assistant Mistresses were much less         thing in common: they have been            judgemental scrutiny. Our work            important, because in Australia, we do not enjoy
than those of their male counterparts.      driven by dedicated, committed and         environment is becoming more              a Bill of Rights, or have a positive right to free
It is against this backdrop that a small,   courageous teachers, principals and        frenetic and in many cases aggressive     speech or any positive human rights enshrined in
yet valiant group of women set out          support staff who know that they are       while our wellbeing seems to be of        legislation or the Constitution. This is different
to achieve an industrial Award that         stronger together, that you don’t give     less concern for some employers. The      from Folau’s case, which is based on an argument
regulated their wages and conditions,       up at the first hurdle and that if you     future of education is in the hands of    that ‘free speech’ trumps private contracts between
finally realised in 1947 with the           don’t fight, you lose.                     our younger teachers and we are have      individuals and commercial entities. Ultimately,
Teachers (Girls’ Schools) Award.               We stand on the shoulders of those      to work hard to keep them with us.        a citizen should have a positive right to speak
    Fast forward through the many           who have gone before us and what              The IEU will continue to fight as      about its government’s policies, because it elects
achievements over the years; the            we have across schools we owe to           it has always done to protect, defend     that government and because the government
inclusion of other independent schools      them, but it is our job to fight for the   and improve the working lives of          is accountable to its citizens. The right to openly
into Awards, the first Award in the         future and the next generation. The        our members. With the support             speak about your government is fundamental to a
Catholic sector, the extension of           next 25 years will contain challenges      and solidarity of our members             democracy – if we do not have this right, then what
Award coverage to education support         already known but not yet resolved         we will succeed.                          does that say about our political system?
staff, the merger of the Association for    - increased workload pressures
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
THE POINT August 2019

200 years on from
the Peterloo Massacre
Looking back at the history of our own union reminds us of the important lessons of the past – and so
we are launching a regular column which will focus on an important moment in union history. We’re
kicking off with a tragic but pivotal event which took place almost exactly 200 years ago in Manchester.

        n the morning of Monday 16          (almost disappeared into the sea by the       more than 1,500 soldiers and constables.     working-class men would get their vote
        August 1819, a large crowd          19th century) and Old Sarum (an area          At about noon, several hundred               – and, as you know, women would wait
        gathered in Manchester for a        outside Salisbury largely abandoned           constables formed two lines in the crowd     another century for theirs.
massive regional meeting, a peaceful        since the Middle Ages) would no               to make a corridor between the house            The legacy of Peterloo and the
rally to call for political reform. The     longer send two MPs to Westminster.           where the magistrates were watching to       struggle of working people continues
gathering was organised by the              The constituency boundaries were              the hustings where the speakers would        today. Because of the efforts of the
Manchester Patriotic Union, a group         out-dated and the ‘rotten boroughs’           address the crowds. At around 1.15pm         working-class in the past and the
agitating for parliamentary reform.         had a disproportionate influence on           Hunt arrived to great cheers – soon after,   mobilising of the masses, today we enjoy
Henry Hunt, a well-known orator and         the membership of the Parliament in           he was arrested by warrant authorised by     rights that were limited in the past to a
pioneer of working-class rights, was        comparison to their population.               the magistrates. In the process, soldiers    small group of people who owned and
scheduled to address the crowd. It is          Conversely, the major urban                and constables launched into the crowd       controlled land and industry. Although
estimated that between 60,000-80,000        centres of Manchester, Salford and            injuring children, men and women. The        we are not completely free from this
of mainly working-class people gathered     Stockport, for example, had a combined        exact number of fatalities on the day is     control today, we enjoy more freedoms
at St Peter’s Fields from surrounding       population of almost one million              not confirmed; however, it is believed to    than our counterparts in the past.
towns – to put it into perspective, at      and were not proportionately                  be between 11-18 people, including an           All working people today should be
that time Manchester’s population was       represented in Parliament.                    infant. Between 400-600 people were          reminded of the great sacrifice that
around 120,000. The crowd consisted            There were 18 volunteer magistrates        injured. Some died on the spot, others       working-class people made at Peterloo,
of men, women and children – families       and a paid full-time magistrate who           died weeks after. Death and injuries         and throughout history.
gathered for a non-violent and peaceful     took charge of law and order in the           resulted from deep sabre cuts to the head       We must always remain alert to any
protest for universal male suffrage. The    Manchester area. These men owned              and arms, or being trampled and ridden       infringement on the rights of working
women were there to assist the men to       valuable property and held professions        over by cavalry. Hunt was imprisoned         people, whoever they may be, wherever
get their vote, as it was considered that   in law, business and even as Church of        for two years following the Peterloo         they may be or whatever industry or
the man’s vote was a vote for the family.   England clergymen. They were unlikely         Massacre on a charge of unlawful and         profession they work in – because an
   Voting was restricted to adult           to be sympathetic to the political reform     seditious assembling for the purpose of      attack on any worker’s rights, is an attack
male owners of freehold land with a         proposed by the predominantly working-        exciting discontent.                         on all workers’ rights.
minimum annual rental value of 40           class people. The magistrates sat                Sadly, the gathering at Peterloo did
shillings. The crowd wanted a reform of     watching the crowds gather in a private       not lead directly to the parliamentary         Rise like Lions after slumber
the parliamentary system for universal      building near the field. They had signed      reform the crowds were seeking. After          In unvanquishable number--
suffrage and to give Manchester proper      up around 400 armed special constables,       the massacre, the authorities closed ranks     Shake your chains to earth like dew
parliamentary representation for the        deployed troops from Manchester, regular      against any change. It would take another      Which in sleep had fallen on you--
first time, so that the so-called ‘rotten   cavalry and infantry as well as two six-      13 years for limited parliamentary reform.     Ye are many -- they are few.
boroughs’ like Dunwich in Suffolk           pounder cannons. In total, there were         It would be many decades later that            – Percy Shelley

Pride Update
The IEU Pride Network was honoured to launch its first event this year with a
presentation from the Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Ro
Allen who spoke about the work undertaken by the Victorian Government
in the Equality portfolio.

      he Commissioner recently                 This month, reforms will be introduced     is written may not match their
      gave evidence before the Royal        into the Victorian Parliament giving          personal presentation.
      Commission regarding Victoria's       transgender and non-binary people the            Having identification that matches
Mental Health System, providing a           ability to change the sex recorded on         a person's identity can be vital for the
much-needed focus on LGBTIQ+ needs.         their birth certificates. This will bring     health and wellbeing of trans and gender
Current figures show that LGBTI young       Victoria into line with the ACT, Tasmania,    diverse people. Removing these cruel and
people between the ages of 16 and 27        Western Australia and South Australia         unnecessary requirements to be able to
are five times more likely to attempt       who have all passed similar laws.             update one’s birth certificate to reflect
suicide than their peers. The statistics       Under the current law in Victoria, a       their true selves is a necessary step in
are even worse for transgender adults,      transgender person must have undergone        acceptance and acknowledgment of
who are nearly 11 times more likely to      sex affirming surgery to have their birth     gender diversity in Victoria.
attempt suicide and for people aged         certificate changed to affirm their gender.      As teachers we are in a powerful
over 16 years with an intersex variation       Surgery comes at a great cost - it is      position to create an inclusive and safe
who are nearly six times more likely.       not covered by Medicare and is not            environment for our students. One of
   Commissioner Allen reminded              readily available in Australia. When          the ways we can achieve this is through
us that it is not a person’s gender         a transgender person is required to           having knowledge of the unique issues
identity, sexuality or intersex             provide documentation, they will need         that affect our students. In the next
identification that is a cause for          to 'out' themselves as transgender to         edition of The Point we will follow up
mental health illness, but rather the       prospective employers, landlords and          this issue with information on how
compounded discrimination faced             in other situations where identification      we can support our LGBTIQ+ and
in everyday life.                           documentation is required, as what            gender diverse students.
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
                                                                                                                                                     August 2019 THE POINT

Fixed term contracts –                                                                                                           Is this what

the good, the bad, and
                                                                                                                                 looks like?

the need to do better
                                                                                                                                 DEPUTY SECRETARY
The Victorian Catholic Agreement obliges the                                                                                     LORETTA COTTER

CECV to provide the IEU with quarterly data on                                                                                   An emboldened federal
fixed term employment statistics.                                                                                                government has re-introduced

                                                                                                                                 its Ensuring Integrity Bill
       his was a requirement in both      school there are people who need to        fixed term contracts compared to 10%
       the 2013 Agreement and the         be replaced due to long service leave      in secondary schools.                       through the Lower House, and
       current one. Earlier years had     or parental leave, but clearly there          The Union has had some good              its passage through the Senate
data based on full-time equivalent        has also been long entrenched (and         outcomes in specific schools (and in
figures, but more recent years            wrong) practice on two key fronts:         the Commission), but much more              crossbench only requires a
provide FTE and head count. We now         Employing LSOs on annual                needs to change. It can’t only be           vote from a couple of senators.

have a very good overview of how             contracts and                           about individuals finding the courage
fixed term employment is tracking.         Employing graduate teachers             to question their contract – that                  his is a union busting Bill that gives
   Overall, in the last five years, the      on one-year contracts to ‘try           is a tough thing for someone who                   extraordinary power to a Minister, the
percentage of people on fixed term           before you buy’                         wants a job the following year. The                Registered Organisations Commission or
contracts has remained at about              Four out of five teachers classified    employing authorities must continue         ‘any person with sufficient interest’ to apply for
20% - that is, one in every five people   as Level 1-1 (beginning teacher) are       to send a clear message to schools to       the deregistration of a union, the disqualification
employed is on a fixed term contract.     on fixed term contracts. This drops to     change their employment practices,          of elected officers, the restriction and control of
There have been some substantive          one in every five by their fifth year of   and, as shown by the data – where           union funds and the suspension of any rights
drops over the last two years in a        teaching. And we wonder why early          there’s a will there’s a way.               such as bargaining.
couple of Dioceses – Sandhurst has        year teachers are considering leaving                                                     Grounds for disqualification include a
dropped by 5.7% (from 24.6% to            the profession!                               Are you on a fixed term                  contravention of the Act such as filing financial
18.9%) and Sale by 8.5% (from 20%            Of concern also is that there           contract? Do you know why? Do               or membership records a day late up to taking
to 11.5%). The Diocese of Ballarat has    is more than twice as much                 you know who you are replacing?             unprotected industrial action. Members in
the highest percentage of people on       insecure employment in Catholic               If you answered yes to the first         Victorian Catholic schools well know that
a fixed term contract – 24.2%. And        primary schools.                           question and no to the other two –          because of the CECV’s persistent refusal to
Melbourne, which employs currently           For example, 33% of Education           contact the IEU.                            negotiate a single interest Enterprise Agreement
over 21,000 staff, has 21.4% of           Support staff are on fixed term               Reps are also encouraged to              – industrial action taken over the last decade
employees on fixed term contracts.        contracts in primary schools               actively raise this issue on behalf of      has by necessity been ‘unprotected’. Nurses who
   The ongoing push over two rounds       compared to 12% in secondary               LSOs, SSOs and graduate teachers            close down beds to protest about conditions are
of bargaining (and in between) is to      schools, and 23% of teachers in            in their schools. Your organiser can        in the same boat.
make certain that people are on valid     Catholic primary schools are on            support you with this.                         This Bill, if passed, places our union and all
fixed term contracts. Yes, in every                                                                                              others in a legislative framework that bears no
                                                                                                                                 resemblance to any other in Australia, but looks a
                                                                                                                                 lot like that found in authoritarian regimes. There

John Marsden - the jury is out
                                                                                                                                 are no equivalent provisions in the Corporations
                                                                                                                                 Act that allow a company to be wound up
                                                                                                                                 because of non-compliance with the law. In
                                                                                                                                 fact, a company can charge dead people fees, or
                                                                                                                                 dump toxic chemicals repeatedly, but a union
Members with their eyes on the media recently                                                                                    could now face cancellation of registration if its
will have noticed significant publicity generated                                                                                members take unprotected industrial action.
by the launch of John Marsden’s new publication.                                                                                    Our union, like others, has a representative
                                                                                                                                 Committee of Management who are elected but

                                                                                                                                 are in effect volunteers – practising teachers,
         e featured on chat shows and     decided to visit the school.               sleepovers with the students two or         principals, and education support members. We
         in the written press giving         Clearly we were keen also to            three times a term in classrooms, on        are established by members and for members
         us his views on the proper       provide membership information,            soiled ‘rat infested mats’. There is paid   who elect us every four years and if they
raising of children, bullying, the        and to establish a union presence          compensation for this last practice.        thought we weren’t doing a good enough job –
failures of traditional education and     at the school. The school is mostly           The IEU rang John Marsden to raise       we wouldn’t be here.
the like. Of course, Mr Marsden is        reliant on the Award for its               these issues but he was unavailable            Yet this Bill would allow the Courts to decide,
completely entitled to put his views      employment conditions, with no             as he was on a book tour and, via           on very narrow grounds that they are required
in the public domain and to earn a        Enterprise Agreement.                      the Alice Miller Head, told the Union       to apply, to close us down or take a range of other
living as a noted author. Apart from         Anecdotally, and without wanting        to put its concerns in an email. We         punitive measures with no requirement to hear
his literary status, Marsden taught in    to be named, staff volunteered that        formally communicated with Mr               from and take into consideration any views
the 80s, and is now principal at the      there were no written contracts of         Marsden on 31 July, requesting a            of the membership.
Candlebark/Alice Miller schools in        employment, their salaries were way        response to a series of questions and          Sharan Burrow, former head of the ACT and
the Macedon Ranges.                       below industry standard, there had         offering to meet with him for clarity.      now General Secretary of the International
   These schools have not                 been no pay increases via percentage       As of going to print, no response has       Trade Union Confederation (ICTFU) has said the
traditionally been high on the IEU’s      or incrementation in 3 years, there        been forthcoming from Mr Marsden            legislation is an ‘extraordinary act of vandalism
radar, Alice Miller having only opened    were no leadership or responsibility       other than an insistence that all           in terms of the democratic rights and freedoms of
as a secondary campus in 2016 on          allowances, personal leave accrued at      communication between the IEU and           Australia’. The government’s own Human Rights
the site of the now closed Macedon        the Award standard up to a maximum         him be in writing.                          Committee has acknowledged that the Bill does
Grammar. Candlebark operates as a         of 10 days (all absences requiring            IEU member presence continues            not sit comfortably with Australia’s obligation
primary campus in Romsey.                 medical certificate), and no regulation    to grow at Alice Miller, there is a sub-    under international law to protect freedom of
   Several calls to the IEU office came   of hours of work, class sizes, extra-      branch rep, and we will work with           association, including the right for members of a
through from staff at Alice Miller late   curricular duties and so on.               members to address their key issues.        union to elect their own officials. The IEU, along
in term 2 and over the break. Some of        Staff also spoke of compulsory          As for the elusive Mr Marsden – we          with the ACTU, will lobby the Senate to reject the
the employment conditions sounded         cleaning of toilet duties with the         look forward to meeting him!                Bill in its entirety.
highly unusual, and the Union             students after school every day, and
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
THE POINT August 2019

August                                     Victorian Catholic Primary Council
Council                                    Reps from Victorian Catholic Primary
                                           schools met on Saturday after the
Round Up!                                  conclusion of the Joint Council meeting.

                                               t was a wonderful opportunity               Other matters raised for assisting      the VCEMEA, and schools where
                                               to share ideas and strategies that       in managing workload were the              this isn’t occurring.
On a bleak winter’s day,                       are being used in some schools to        establishment of an adequate                  Feedback from reps attending
over 100 reps packed                       deal with the large workload issues          communication policy especially            Catholic Primary Council was that
                                           many educators are currently facing.         with regard to outside of school           the Consultative Committee training
the Council meetings                       There was much discussion about the          communication and availability to          delivered at a school’s staff meeting
on 10 August.                              NCCD with the passing of the recent          parents after hours; the possibility       by the IEU assisted enormously in
                                           deadline, and the workload involved.         of streamlining the increasing             attaining a level of functionality at the

                                           It seems that some schools have              requirement for risk assessments to        Consultative Committee that hadn’t
      or the first time a group of         streamlined their collection of data         be done by teachers; and the vast          been there before. Any Reps who wish
      members and reps from ELICOS         whereas others have not made                 difference in workload management          to engage the IEU to deliver this 40
      Colleges attended the Joint          many changes to deal with the                between schools, with a functioning        minute session please contact
Council, and then convened a longer        extra workload.                              Consultative Committee as outlined in      your IEU Organiser.
information and strategic planning
meeting supported by IEU staff.
   Secretary Deb James gave an

                                           Victorian Catholic Secondary Council
overview of the year to date, including
reports from other staff about the
continued long service leave impasse
with the CECV, industrial action at
Al Siraat, going green and a new IEU       Secondary Council focussed
Sustainability Award.
   Guest speaker was Tessa Dehring,        further discussion on the drivers
Director of Nous Group who                 and enablers of workload.
conducted the research into workloads

of Catholic primary principals, deputy
                                                  eps reported that they had            benefit, for example, reducing             government and other relevant bodies.
principals and teachers in 2018. This
                                                  developed a range of approaches       staff briefings/meetings to only           The aim here is to have at least a
research was the result of the 2017
                                                  at local level including better       occur ‘as required’.                       meeting a term and to utilise online
MoU between the Union and the
                                           tracking and local maximum limits for           Council supported the IEU in            meeting options to minimise the time
CECV, and the establishment of a joint
                                           extra-curricular activities, balancing       developing more targeted advice            pressures for those involved.
working party this year, convened by
                                           out additional hours with schools            for members on NCCD requirements              If you are interested in joining, please
NOUS, is also the subject of a MoU
                                           providing load adjustments to reflect,       and workload implications that             email Kylie at
(see next page).
                                           for example, school productions or           must be considered.                        au with subject line ‘Education and
   Tessa’s presentation was well
                                           counting other lunch time activities            In Rep roundup there continue           Professional Issues Advisory Group’
received by reps – there were no
                                           towards yard duty requirements. The          to be some ‘repeat offences’:              for further details.
surprises as the issue of workload
                                           impact of three significant drivers of        fixed term contract issues especially      Council closed with a statement of
intensification has been the topic
                                           workload: continuous reporting, NCCD            for a number of newer staff             support for members at Presentation
of discussion and negotiation over
                                           and general compliance issues were            Parental Leave return to work issues    College Windsor who are dealing with
several rounds of consultation,
                                           also explored.                                  Our thanks to the Catholic Secondary    the sad reality that their school will
Councils, and bargaining. What
                                               The NOUS report confirms that there      members who have expressed                 close by the end of the 2020 school year.
hopefully is different this time is that
                                           is ‘no silver bullet’ when it comes to       interest in participating in our newly
employer representatives have now
                                           ‘fixing’ workload, it will take a range      relaunched Education and Professional
agreed that workload intensification is
                                           of strategies at system, school and          Issues Advisory Group. We look forward
an issue, and something must change.
                                           individual level.                            to this forum providing another
Having independent research confirm
                                               Many reps identified that small shifts   mechanism for members to inform
what members and reps have been
                                           in workplace culture were having good        the work of the IEU in our work with
telling us is the catalyst for ensuring
that the system works to mitigate the
pressures and address the key factors

                                           Victorian Independent Council
identified in the report.
   After a short break, individual
Councils convened to discuss
their key sectoral and local issues.
As always, we thank the great               A small but lively group of reps from the Victorian
commitment of reps who, on top of a         Independent Council discussed a range of issues
hectic schedule, give up some of their
precious personal time to come along        including addressing workload in independent
and be part of our structures. The          schools, the NCCD, bargaining across the sector
atmosphere, despite the chill outside,
was very warm!                              and current issues in schools.

                                                  learly workload remains a huge        commented on as a factor that can          Murray George from Billanook College
                                                  issue, with reps identifying          inhibit genuine discussion and             advising that the principal had written
                                                  a number of ways in which             consultation around reducing workload      to staff to announce that all of them
                                           schools, members and the IEU can work        and expectations – for example, a          would be able to access the improved
                                           together to tackle the issue. At the local   crammed school calendar with plenty        provisions in the Long Service Leave Act
                                           level, reps spoke about the need for         of extra-curricular sport is often a       which includes periods of leave for as
                                           much stronger protocols for dealing          ‘selling’ point for what schools are       short as a day and that the first year of
                                           with parental behaviour transgressions,      offering the student community.            unpaid parental leave counts as service
                                           email policies with ‘teeth’, and the need       There was consensus that factors        for the purposes of accrual.
                                           to review reporting requirements. There      that can address workload issues at           Finally, reps heard a report on
                                           was also detailed discussion about           the school level are connected to strong   bargaining in Victorian independent
                                           the NCCD which they identified as            and supportive leadership, purposeful      schools where the IEU continues to
                                           being a major contributor to increased       communication, and of course               achieve some solid outcomes for
                                           workload for teachers and general staff.     sub-branch strength.                       members, particularly around wages.
                                              The focus on competition in the              Reps also discussed issues around
                                           independent school sector was also           Long Service leave in schools with rep
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
                                                                                                                                              August 2019 THE POINT

  NOUS Report: how
                                                                                                                                            Vox pops at Council!

  hard are we working?
  The NOUS report, which will be available soon to all members, takes a very complex
  issue and tries to break it down into drivers and enablers, as well as recommendations
  for system wide, school wide, and individual areas for focus and management.
                                                                                                                                            Lina Kadziela – Rep

  A                                                                                                                                         Trinity Lutheran College
          cross all three roles – principal,       Excessive and ineffective meetings             collaborate across schools
          deputy principal and teacher –        was one of the most commonly reported           Provision of extra support for
          the average total hours per week      drivers of workload for deputy principals         administrative and non-teaching tasks     Any tips for building union
  exceeded 40 hours in term time, and           and teachers.                                   Implementation of consistent school       presence at schools?
  often exceeded 50 hours, with average            Meetings were either unnecessary,              policies and procedures                      Talking to people and asking
  hours generally higher across the board       scheduled during release time or after          More empowerment of school                them about the union. I’ve always
  for primary principals. Over half of          hours, not purposeful or well-focused,            principals and staff                      felt secure knowing that I had the
  primary principals reported that they         prone to hijacking by others, or too            More effective practices to               union behind me. I had someone to
  had worked between 51 and 60 hours            concerned with compliance.                        leverage technology                       talk to that knew what I was talking
  during the previous week.                        The report also alludes to how the           Prioritising professional development.    about, that didn’t belong to the
     63% of teachers had worked between         relationship between schools and parents          At the school level the report focussed   school, an independent voice.
  41 and 60 hours in the previous week.         was more difficult to navigate. Catering       on the need for much more purposeful
  Consistent with what reps and members         for students with special needs or             communication and engagement,
  have been reporting to us, assessment         complex behavioural issues was putting         empowerment and support for teachers,
  and feedback, and administrative tasks,       pressure on everyone. For teachers it was      and improved boundary setting
  is where activity focus and time has          additional planning and preparation,           around teacher work, for example
  increased. A major component of the           and often extra individual time with           responding to emails.
  perceived increase in administration          students. For school leaders, particularly     Where to from here?
  work was reporting on teaching and            female principals, the levels of abuse            It is the Working Party’s role this
  learning. Teachers reported that the          from parents were reported to have             year to unpack the report, and to
  volume, depth, and frequency of student       significantly increased. All three groups      reach consensus on actions and
  reporting had increased in the last three     reported that the required documentation       recommendations for change. The four
  years. Specialist teachers commented          of learning adjustments for the NCCD           Dioceses are represented, and the IEU
  on the requirements of producing more         had also significantly increased workload,
  reports, with more comments, for very         particularly for teachers.
                                                                                               has four representatives – David Brear,      Jason Blackburn – Rep
                                                                                               Assistant Secretary, Maureen Shembrey,
  high numbers of students. Continuous             A key enabler of manageable workload        Principals’ Officer, Kylie Busk, Secondary   Marist-Sion College
  reporting invited continuous interaction      was good leadership. Participants in           Council Convenor, and Lou Prichard,
  with parents, with many teachers              the survey valued having leaders who                                                        Any tips for reps?
                                                                                               Primary Council Convenor. The Union will
  expressing concern about the level of         valued them, and who provided them             continue to work with our reps and sub-         Develop a good relationship with
  engagement by parents, and no change in       with autonomy. Clear direction, a positive     branches to press for immediate change       your principal wherever you can as
  end of semester reporting requirements.       workplace culture, positive relationships      in some areas – such as emails, meetings     well as members of the leadership
     72% of teachers felt that technology       with parents, and trusted and dependable       and excessive reporting requirements.        team as it means you can have
  had increased their workload over the last    colleagues and support were all important.     We’ll keep you posted about progress         productive dialogues and you’re
  three years, reporting that it had made          On a system wide level, the                 at the system level.                         likely to be consulted more because
  them easier to be contacted both during       report recommends:                                                                          of that. In terms of building your
  and after school hours by parents.             Greater support and opportunities to                                                     branch - reaching out to people
                                                                                                                                            individually is a helpful thing as
                                                                                                                                            often people don’t fully understand
                                                                                                                                            what the union is about. And

ELICOS Teachers Fired Up!
                                                                                                                                            making a good, cheerful presence
                                                                                                                                            in the workplace as opposed to
                                                                                                                                            focusing on negative things.

A large group of ELICOS
(English Language
Intensive Courses for
Overseas Students)
teachers from 13 different
English Language Colleges
joined reps at Victorian
Council on 10 August.                                                                                                                       Emma Dook –
                                                                                                                                            Impact English College

       eachers gave up their Saturday           incorrect classifications based on a refusal        & inviting ELICOS reps or               What do you think are the
       morning to come together to learn        to recognise prior service.                         the IEU Organiser                       barriers towards organising
       about key rights and entitlements and       We were inspired by the determination          Joining and being active on the new
                                                                                                                                            at your workplace?
to workshop plans to transform the ELICOS       of those present to create change in their          ‘Organise ELICOS’ Facebook page
sector into one where they are respected,       workplaces and across the sector. Attendees       Organising ELICOS industry                 I think people go into this job not
paid decent rates and organised to negotiate    committed to following through on                   wide events.                            expecting to stay there for eight
Enterprise Bargaining Agreements.               actions including:                                                                          years. Some people see it as a casual
   It was shocking to learn about some of the    Talking one-on-one with other teachers           Contact the IEU office if you work in   job and up until now there hasn’t
issues ELICOS teachers face, including wage        about their issues & asking others to         the ELICOS sector or would like more       been an example of how things
theft, underpayment of superannuation,             join the IEU                                  information! Email   could be better. Another issue is
insecure casual work, sham contracting,          Creating and sharing information and          or phone 9254 1860.                        having a time to meet as there are
unpaid additional work, sexual harassment          resources on ELICOS issues                                                               morning teachers and evening
claims brushed under the carpet, and             Setting up meetings of potential members                                                 teachers which makes it hard to find
                                                                                                                                            a time and place to talk together.
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
THE POINT August 2019

25 years                                               Redundancies in
young!                                                 Victorian Catholic schools
                                                       Members will be aware of the extensive media coverage
                                                       regarding the closure of Presentation College Windsor
                                                       at the end of 2020, a decision that will impact on the
                                                       professional and personal lives of many members over
                                                       the next year and a half and beyond.

                                UNION PRESIDENT                    hilst the union is actively    opportunity to gain employment             redundant or not. Factors that can’t
                                  MARK WILLIAMS                    engaged with other             elsewhere. Unfortunately, over recent      be used include a staff member’s:
                                                                   stakeholders to support our    years the late notification of potential    union affiliation

                                                       members at Presentation, there are         redundancy by a number of employers         sex, marital status, age or pregnancy
    remember the early nineties of non-                some more immediate redundancy             has created unnecessary stress for          lifestyle
    government education unionism being                situations arising in Victorian Catholic   many staff facing the prospect of           competence/suitability or otherwise
    a time of almost constant rumblings by             schools that will impact on members        losing their job without appropriate        religion.
Committees of Management and union leaders             in 2019. Week three of term three is       time to find another.
                                                                                                                                             Step 4: Notifying the
struggling to cater for a growing membership           the time when a potential redundancy,         As part of this first step employers
with expectations of service also growing. Each        once identified, should be notified to     are required to attempt to resolve the     Redundancy Result
union was still comparatively small. Despite           those potentially affected, including      potential redundancy by:                      If agreement is reached in Step 3, a
our differences, by 1993 the the possibility of        staff, the IEU and the relevant diocese,    reviewing the intentions of             staff member being made redundant
amalgamation was on the table.                         and already a number of potential             staff regarding proposed leave          should be notified within two weeks
   However, it was still fraught with                  redundancies have been notified.              or resignation (Staff should be         and given the relevant notice.
difficulties and I remember the tense, straight           The redundancy guidelines in               provided with an intentions form at     Step 5: Assistance in re-deployment
faced meetings between VCPSA and SACSS                 Appendix 2 of the Victorian Catholic          the time of notification)
                                                                                                                                                Following notice in Step 4, the
accompanied by some ‘eye balling’ as each side         Schools Multi-Enterprise Agreement          looking at a desire from a part-time
                                                                                                                                             employer must co-ordinate re-
queried, ‘Well, what would be the advantage            2018 set out a clear process aimed at         employee to vary their time fraction
                                                                                                                                             deployment assistance with the
of joining with you?’                                  ensuring that a consistent and fair         investigating what efforts can
                                                                                                                                             relevant CEO and make the offer
   As meetings between the three unions                approach to this difficult situation is       be made to re-deploy or retrain
                                                                                                                                             of a period of Leave Without Pay
occurred more regularly, I think there was             applied in all Catholic schools.              existing staff within the school
                                                                                                                                             with a view to deferring the
a growing realisation that the assumed                    The process has the objective of         asking staff whether they would be
                                                                                                                                             possible termination.
‘irreconcilable differences’ did not actually exist.   avoiding or delaying any potential            interested in making a voluntary
The leadership of the three Secretaries was            redundancy, or where this is not              offer to be declared redundant.         Step 6: Redundancy payments
also exemplary and a culture of trust replaced         possible, helping to assist those                                                        Once staff are declared redundant,
                                                                                                  Step 2: Redundancy Document
the tension of the past. We all could see that         declared redundant to find other                                                      severance payments are only
regardless of sector, what we had in common            suitable employment.                          If the processes above fail
                                                                                                                                             made after 15 consecutive working
far outweighed what was different.                                                                to resolve the potential redundancy,
                                                                                                                                             days. If the staff member declared
                                                                                                  the employer must develop a
   So, the amalgamation of 1994, accompanied
with the normal change of management
                                                       There are 6 key steps                      document that sets out the reasons
                                                                                                                                             redundant gets a job within Catholic
                                                                                                                                             education within that time frame the
teething problems, led most of us to soon think        in the process:                            for the redundancy, the number
                                                                                                                                             redundancy will not take effect.
‘Why the hell didn’t we do this earlier!’                                                         and categories of staff likely to be
                                                                                                                                                Redundancies in schools create
   The 1994 amalgamation was originally about                                                     affected, all the alternatives they have
                                                        Step 1: Redundancy Identification                                                    significant stress and uncertainty
dealing with economies of scale and resource                                                      investigated to resolve the potential
                                                          As soon as a potential redundancy                                                  for members, and so if a potential
rationalisation. What I think it actually did was                                                 redundancy and any special funding
                                                       situation is identified in the school                                                 redundancy has been notified at your
turn three fairly insular, young organisations                                                    they have sought to tide them over
                                                       each staff member, the relevant                                                       school make sure that you contact
into one much stronger union. Education is                                                        the redundancy gap.
                                                       Diocesan Director and the IEU must                                                    your IEU Organiser for advice.
education, wherever you come from, and the                                                        Step 3: Redundancy Meeting
                                                       be advised in writing. The end of
different cultural stories which made up each                                                                                                You can find the redundancy
                                                       third week in Term 3 is the latest            As soon as possible after Step 2, the
separate organisation blended to create one                                                                                                  guidelines in Appendix 2 of the
                                                       date at which it is ‘expected’ that        employer and the IEU will meet to
story – the union for all non-government                                                                                                     2018 Agreement on our website.
                                                       the parties will be notified with          discuss the redundancy document and
schools. It also nullified an advantage that
                                                       the objective of allowing suitable         the employer’s proposal. The parties
employers had at that time - the ability to
                                                       time to work through the process           will attempt to agree on what criteria
play one union off against another.
                                                       and to give staff made redundant           are to be used to make the decision
   It would still take a few more years before the
                                                       appropriate notice and maximum             to declare particular staff members
VCSA (the Catholic employer body at the time)
would interact with us productively – and it is
still a point of historical interest that when
the industrial relationship became more
co-operative the VCSA was disbanded by
the Archdiocese!
   Fast forward to what I see as a gradual
                                                       Home at last for our Lady of the Way

disintegration of ‘good will’ in industrial
negotiations as lawyers replace educators. It                rincipal Terence Cooney, sub-        functioning as a school in its own         linked by a covered outdoor area was
has been the strength and determination of                   branch rep Maree Kazaris and a       right. The intention was to then move      filled with energy and enthusiasm
VIEU (now the IEU) which has continued to                    growing staff are very excited       to Wallan East for the commencement        now that the school’s permanent
chart a course marked by values of justice,            to finally have moved to their new         of the 2019 school year.                   location is being occupied. Further
fairness, and determination to make a                  campus location, their ‘home’, on Blue        Delays and red tape once again          building and grounds projects are
difference in the lives of our members. The            Lake Drive, Wallan East. Our Lady of       prevented the move and the already         either in planning or have been
strength and solidarity developed since 1994           the Way School Wallan has taken            growing student population was             approved and soon to be underway.
should hold us in good stead for the future.           rather a circuitous route to their home    then hosted by Assumption College              Like the school population, the IEU
                                                       base. The school came into existence       Kilmore. Finally, midway through           sub-branch is rapidly growing. We
                                                       at the start of 2018 with 66 students,     term 2, the building project was           welcome all of our new members and
 Happy 25 years together                               ranging from prep to year 3, along         completed to the stage that the            applaud them on their perseverance

comrades and colleagues!                               with 10 staff. The building project for
                                                       the school buildings in a new estate
                                                                                                  move could happen!
                                                                                                     It was a grey, wet day that the IEU
                                                                                                                                             in providing high quality education
                                                                                                                                             to their students under challenging
 Solidarity forever!                                   was underway, but nowhere near
                                                       completion. For the 2018 school year,
                                                                                                  visited. The weather did not affect
                                                                                                  the sunny, warm welcome by staff
                                                                                                                                             working conditions.

                                                       Our Lady of the Way was welcomed           and students alike. The campus,
                                                       by St Patrick’s School Kilmore, though     consisting of open plan classrooms
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
                                                                                                                                                    August 2019 THE POINT

 Bargaining Round Up
 Victorian                                    as teachers, and that the College and the    The IEU is consulting members about              At Launceston Church Grammar
                                              IEU will enter into negotiations for an      this proposal as several issues including     the IEU is working hard on 2 new
 School Bargaining                            Agreement covering all staff in 2020.        teachers’ workload, face-to-face teaching     EBAs to cover teachers and general

                                                                                           hours, wages, general staff classification    staff. Negotiations are not progressing
        argaining has not started in            The bargaining dispute continues at        and part-time conditions are needing to       particularly well with the IEU concerned
        the way the IEU had hoped at          Al Siraat College Epping. See article        be addressed. Other issues include notice     that the employer is not prepared to
        the Woodleigh School with the         below for more!                              periods for long service leave and teachers   accept the validity of many claims which
 employer producing a draft Enterprise                                                     returning from parental leave not being       have been put by the union on behalf of
 Agreement prior to listening to any             At Shelford the Bargaining Reps have      offered part-time work or job share.          our growing membership at the school. In
 staff or IEU input, claims or priorities.    asked the school to improve its pay offer                                                  the general staff discussions, the employer
 The school has involved Independent          of two instalments of 1.5% and 1.3% per         At Albury Wodonga Community                accepted that the school was paying
 Schools Victoria (ISV) in drafting a         annum. The only other major outstanding      Partnership, the employer has proposed        teacher assistants less than government
 document with significant proposed cuts      issue is whether workload is to be covered   changes to the existing EBA to the IEU        and Catholic school rates but argued that
 to employment conditions. This includes      in the Agreement, as claimed by the IEU,     because the school has expanded its           the school was a better place to work
 removing the existing right to request       or in policy, as proposed by the school.     operations into Tasmania and South            at, and so employees should just accept
 that parental leave be extended up to                                                     Australia. The IEU is in the process of       inferior pay. In the teacher negotiations
 five years, cutting the 50% staff tuition       Bargaining at Plenty Valley               discussing the proposed amendments to         wages, redundancy and consultation
 discount to 25% and the inclusion of a       International Montessori School has          coverage, structure, LSL and accident make    remain major problems.
 provision which would enable the school      been on hold since Term 1 due to the         up pay. At this stage, we have not been
 to require a teacher in a position of
 leadership to attend work during school
                                              appointment of a new principal. Staff
                                              agreed to wait until the incumbent had
                                                                                           able to reach agreement on most of
                                                                                           these key issues.
                                                                                                                                         Private Providers
 holidays – except for 5 weeks ‘annual        a better grasp of school finances and                                                      and ELICOS
 leave!’ Anticipating IEU claims, the         operational matters.                            At Berry Street, we are in the process
 school has increased the camp allowance                                                   of putting our pay claims and discussing         At Impact, reps have asked the
 by $10 per night and increased paid             Over at Mentone Girls’ Grammar, the       structure of staff at the schools. Other      College to improve their pay offer and
 parental leave from 12 weeks to 14 weeks.    School has agreed to increase salaries       matters raised relate to LSL and              a few other minor items. The College
 The school is so far refusing to provide a   by 3% from 1 February 2020 in exchange       OHS matters.                                  rejected the overwhelming majority of
 detailed marked up document – but other      for the IEU agreeing to postpone                                                           staff and IEU claims and offered a wage
 negative changes are evident - some          commencement of bargaining until Term          At Plenty Valley Christian College          increase that sees teachers only 2%
 reverting to bare legal minima               2, 2020 due to the appointment of a new      negotiations have commenced on a new          above the Modern Award.
 and ‘model’ clauses.                         Principal, Nat Charles, ex Carey Grammar.    EBA with the IEU looking to build on the
                                                                                           existing one, particularly in relation to        English Language Teachers at
 At East Preston Islamic College the first       Bargaining has commenced at Lowther       parental leave and general staff wages.       EC English have voted to reject
 enterprise bargaining meeting has taken      Hall Anglican Grammar in Essendon                                                          management’s wages offer of only
 place with bargaining reps representing
 administration, teaching and learning
                                              for the fifth Enterprise Agreement to
                                              cover members at the school since 1995.
                                                                                           Tasmanian                                     1%! Members are demanding that the
                                                                                                                                         financial information to justify a virtual
 support at the table. An Early Learning      Members aim to build on an already solid     School Bargaining                             wages freeze be provided to IEU reps.
 Centre opened at the start of 2019, and      set of entitlements and hope to maintain                                                   EC English are a multinational company
 canteen staff are now employed by            good salary increases and introduce             The IEU is at the table with Adventist     that bought Embassy English and they
 the school, so the goal is to include all    formal consultation procedures.              Schools in Tasmania progressing a first       seem focussed on reducing wage costs to
 these employees in the new Enterprise                                                     time EBA for teachers. The meetings           extract more profit. If they won’t budge,
 Agreement. The IEU Log of Claims for staff      Likewise, at Korowa the IEU has           have been positive and harmonious. The        members’ next step is to consider a ballot
 pay and conditions has been presented,       finalised a claim which seeks to build       current salary proposal by management         for protected industrial action.
 with parity in pay with Victorian            on the existing EBA with a focus on          is for 2% salary increases, but the IEU
 government schools, and improvement to       tackling workload as well as securing a      is pushing the employer to match
 paid and unpaid parental leave being the     good wages outcome for teachers and          Tasmanian government rates.
 ‘big ticket’ improvements sought. We now     school assistants. The union expects
 await the school’s response.                 to commence negotiations on an EBA              At Eastside Lutheran School Hobart
                                              covering maintenance and clerical and        the IEU is at the table negotiating a first
    At St John’s College Preston, in-         administrative staff once the teachers’      time EBA to cover teachers and general
 principle agreement has been reached to      deal is finalised.                           staff. Good progress is being made and
 sign a Memorandum of Understanding                                                        membership is steadily growing.
 clarifying that General Staff are entitled     At Toorak College the leadership has
 to the same conditions and pay increases     proposed delaying bargaining for a year.

Al Siraat impasse continues

      he bargaining dispute at       Al Siraat are not prepared to           A first very successful           been paid several thousand           personal leave provisions and
      Al Siraat College continues,   sit around waiting for a             industrial action took place in      dollars below Award rates.           no paid parental leave. The
      and industrial action has      document which we understand         July, when teachers handed out          At Victorian Joint Council        College’s refusal to negotiate on
commenced as IEU members             will contain:                        letters to parents explaining        in August, IEU reps from over        these crucial matters shows an
are left with no other option         Wages over $13,000 behind         the dispute. The response from       100 Victorian schools                alarming lack of respect for our
given their employer’s ongoing          parity for experienced            the parental community has           unanimously endorsed the             profession. Council calls on Al
refusal to negotiate. After             teachers                          been extraordinarily supportive,     following resolution:                Siraat College to immediately
rejecting almost everything on        Barriers to automatic             which is a huge testament to the        ‘IEU Joint Council                return to the bargaining table
the employee log of claims and          progression up the salary scale   sincerity of the message from        congratulates members of the         to constructively negotiate an
on two subsequent compromise          Deeply inadequate personal        teachers that for Al Siraat to be    Al Siraat sub-branch for their       Agreement which values the
proposals, the College informed         leave provisions                  a great place for students to        strength and determination in        vital work of teachers.’
bargaining reps that a non-union      No paid parental leave,           learn, it also needs to be a great   campaigning for fair conditions         At the time of writing, further
‘Agreement’ would be drafted            workload limits, consultation     place to work.                       and salaries. Council condemns       industrial and legal action is
for a vote.                             provisions, accident make-up         There has also been increasing    the College’s current proposal,      planned unless the College
   After several months we still        pay, paid domestic violence       media interest in the dispute,       which contains salaries over         agrees to return to negotiations.
haven’t seen any sign of this           leave, arbitration rights… the    particularly following revelations   $13,000 behind the industry
document, but IEU members at            list goes on!                     that some teaching staff had         standard, critically inadequate
Stan d togeth er - IEU Vic/Tas
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