2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.

2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.

A comprehensive guide to independent
automobile dealers and affiliated service
providers across the state of Virginia.

                     1525 HUGUENOT RD, MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23113
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
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    2 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
From the President: Andrew Wiley, Consumers Auto Warehouse........................................................................ 2
2020 State Quality Dealer: Charles Bryant, Jr., Bryant Motorsports Auto Sales................................................... 3
2020-2021 Board of Directors............................................................................................................................... 5
History of VIADA.................................................................................................................................................... 6
2021 Dealer-Operator Course Schedule............................................................................................................... 9
Fight Curbstoning.................................................................................................................................................. 7
District 1 / Tidewater Independent Automobile Dealers....................................................................................... 10
New Member Benefit: Online Recertification Course.......................................................................................... 17
District 2 / Central Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers.............................................................................. 18
District 3 / Roanoke Area Independent Automobile Dealers .............................................................................. 24
VIADA–Working for the Benefit of Independent Automobile Dealers.................................................................. 27
District 4 / Northern Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers........................................................................... 28
Want More Exposure?......................................................................................................................................... 35
District 5 / Southern Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers........................................................................... 36
District 6 / Western Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers............................................................................ 38
Virginia Independent Auto Dealers PAC Thank You............................................................................................ 39
District 7 / Shenandoah Valley Independent Automobile Dealers....................................................................... 40
NIADA Code of Ethics......................................................................................................................................... 43
Auction App Participants..................................................................................................................................... 45
District 8 / Southwestern Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers................................................................... 46
Free Enterprise Award......................................................................................................................................... 49
Ladies Auxiliary................................................................................................................................................... 50
VIADA & NIADA Past Presidents........................................................................................................................ 51
Honorary Life Directors and Honorary Members and Executive Directors.......................................................... 51
Virginia’s NIADA Eagle Award Recipients........................................................................................................... 52
Past State Quality Dealers.................................................................................................................................. 53
Current Members Who Have Served NIADA ..................................................................................................... 53
Title, License, Lien, Sales and Use Tax Information............................................................................................ 54
Motor Vehicle Dealer Board and Field Representatives...................................................................................... 56
Advertiser Index.................................................................................................................................................. 57
VIADA Bylaws..................................................................................................................................................... 58
Membership Cross Reference - Alphabetical Order by Last Name..................................................................... 61
Two for the Price of One: VIADA & NIADA Membership!.................................................................................... 66
NIADA Association Executive Council................................................................................................................. 67
VIADA Staff.......................................................................................................................................................... 68

                                                                                                               2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 1
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
                                                   BELONGING TO THE VIADA IS THE SINGLE
                                                   BEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN MAKE IN
                                                   YOUR BUSINESS THIS YEAR. As a member
                                                   of this Association, your dealership gains access
                                                   to a wealth of knowledge, training, discounts,
                                                   and opportunities unavailable to others. You also
                                                   join an elite group of entrepreneurs working hard
                                                   in their communities to serve the needs of their
                                                   customers, staff, and vendors.

                                                   Financially, you gain discounts and rebates
                                                   from vendors like your local auctions, auto
                                                   parts suppliers, software providers, lenders and
                                                   product agencies that total tens of thousands of
                                                   dollars. Many dealers receive well more in rebate
                                                   checks from these exclusive partners than their
                  ANDREW WILEY                     membership costs per year. Additionally, you
                  PRESIDENT, VIADA                 automatically become a member of the National
                  Consumers Auto Warehouse         Independent Automobile Dealers Association
                  Staunton, VA                     and gain access to their member discounts as

                  As a member, you also get to influence legislation important to the used car industry
                  through the association’s activities and efforts in Richmond and Washington.
                  The VIADA is the voice of the independent dealer when dealing with our elected
                  officials and the agencies that regulate our activities like the DMV and Motor
                  Vehicle Dealer Board. Every independent dealer serving on the MVDB is also a
                  member of the VIADA (including myself).

                  Finally, you get access to training, compliance assistance, and education from
                  leaders in the industry both locally and nationally. From our Dealer Education
                  Summits, to title classes, to our discounted dealer certification program, the
                  VIADA will help you stay informed and compliant in today’s legally challenging

                  Please keep this membership directory handy and spend a few minutes looking
                  through it. It contains valuable information about vendors, your fellow dealers, the
                  history of our Association, and ways you can get involved with improving your own
                  dealership and our industry as a whole. Thank you for belonging to the VIADA,
                  and good selling!

2 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
                                                        Congratulations to
               Symbol of Quality

     VIADA                                       VIADA’s 2020 State Quality Dealer

         OF THE YEAR                                 Charles Bryant, Jr.
             2020                                  Bryant Motorsports Auto Sales

                                            DISTRICT 1 / Tidewater
Charlie Bryant is a second-generation dealer and a lifetime    Well known for his commitment to his community, Charlie
student of the auto industry. In 2004, he founded Bryant       received a Certificate of Appreciation for providing cars
Motorsports Auto Sales, and over the past 15 years, he has     to the Portsmouth Fire Department for training purposes.
opened an auto credit department, wholesale division, and      He generously donates to race teams, including the Kyle
acquired 2 salvage yards while increasing his team from 4      Petty’s Victory Junction Gang Camp. He is currently the
to 40 employees.                                               Larry King Laws Langley Speedway Enduro Division
Employees state they feel a part of a team and, more           Sponsor. He provides uniforms for sports teams, hosts
importantly, a family. They share in the joy of their          an annual car show for the community, supports a family
accomplishments and appreciate the integrity and               in need at Christmas and has also been known to give a
caring nature of Charlie and his wife, Holly. They praise      vehicle to an elderly couple in need or the title to a customer
Charlie’s commitment to their personal success, as well        who was behind in their payments due to health issues. His
as the success of the business. Charlie even trained and       family is very active in their church.
supported a former employee when he wanted to open his
own business, and they continue to do business together        His sister wrote, “They (Charlie and his wife) will be the first
today.                                                         to tell you that they are truly blessed and because they are
                                                               so humble, they do not grasp what a blessing they are to
Fellow independent and franchise dealers alike testify to      others. They would also be the first to say that they are not
his integrity and sense of fair play when dealing with both    perfect people, but they do strive to be people mindful of
dealers and consumers. The Motor Vehicle Dealer Board          their daily living.”
reports no customer complaints and his inspection results
reflect “a dealership that recognizes the importance of        Charlie has been a member of VIADA
getting things done correctly.” He is a three-time recipient   since 2005.
of the District One Quality Dealer of the Year Award, voted
by his peers.

                                                                                  2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 3
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.

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2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
                                    STATE OFFICERS

Chairman of the Board           President                    Vice President                   Vice President
  & President-Elect            Andrew Wiley                  Craig Amelung                  Matt McMurray, CMD
   Don Sullivan, Sr.          Consumers Auto             Manheim Fredericksburg            Campus Automotive, Inc.
 Sullivan Auto Trading          Warehouse                  Fredericksburg, VA                 Blacksburg, VA
  Fredericksburg, VA           Staunton, VA

    Vice President              Secretary                        Treasurer
       Joe Ramon               Eddie Haley                   Don Sullivan, Jr.
  Commonwealth Auto           Route 11 Valley              Sullivan Auto Trading
          Group                 Auto Sales                  Fredericksburg, VA
   Virginia Beach, VA          Verona, VA

District 1 Tidewater                District 4 Northern                        District 7 Shenandoah
Joe Ramon                           Christopher Maher, Sr.                     Eddie Haley
Commonwealth Auto Group             Car Credit Nation                          Route 11 Valley Auto Sales
4493 Shore Dr.                      5058 Front Royal Pike                      790 N. Main St.
Virginia Beach, VA 23455            White Post, VA 22663                       Mt. Crawford, VA 22841
757-282-6888                        540-869-2500                               540-438-8842
joeanthony07@yahoo.com              chris@carcreditnation.com

District 2 Central                  District 5 Southern
                                    Brent Toone                                District 8 Southwestern
Omar White                                                                     Ricky McReynolds
                                    Lakeview Motors
City To City Auto Sales LLC                                                    Country Auto Sales, Inc.
                                    7514 Hwy. 58 W
5020 Williamsburg Rd.                                                          2994 Lee Hwy.
                                    Clarkesville, VA 23927
Richmond, VA 23231                  434-374-5511                               Bristol, VA 24201
804-726-6496                        lakeview7514@gmail.com                     276-669-5100
ojgold@hotmail.com                                                             ram24031001@gmail.com
                                    District 6 Western
District 3 Roanoke                  Bobby Steele                               Past Presidents
Brad White                          Steele's Auto Sales                        Don Sullivan Sr., Sullivan Auto Trading
2240 W Main St.                     8914 Leesville Rd.                         Chris Maher, Car Credit Nation
Mike Witt Motor Sales, LLC.         Lynchburg, VA 24501
                                                                               Rob Fisher, Northside Auto Sales
Salem, VA 24153                     434-239-5587
                                    bsteele254@gmail.com                       Wanda Lewark, Auto Buying Service


                                                                             2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 5
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.

The Virginia Independent Automobile            that impact us, legislators are contacted     or services offered to the industry, as
Dealers Association, Inc., (VIADA) was         and the pros and cons are relayed             well as the ability to network with other
officially organized and incorporated in       to them so that the best outcome can          dealer-operators. Communication with
1960 and traces its beginning back 62          be negotiated. Members are also               members is accomplished predomi-
years ago to a group of Norfolk dealers        encouraged through a grassroots effort        nately through the quarterly magazine
who formed a local association to fight        to contact their legislators to relay their   and annual Membership Directory, our
unfair laws and regulations.                   support or opposition to the proposed         Facebook page, and email lists.
VIADA is a 501(c)(6) tax exempt trade                                                        As an additional service, and an
association affiliated with the National       VIADA also has staff that attend all          additional source of revenue to
Independent       Automobile    Dealers        meetings of the Motor Vehicle Dealer          accomplish all that we do, VIADA
Association (NIADA). When you join             Board and provide input regarding             maintains an inventory of specialized
the state association, you automatically       proposed policies and regulations.            business forms and supplies for sale.
become a member of NIADA. VIADA                                                              Agreements with some vendors also
employs an Executive Director who              Both of the activities – lobbying and the     provide discounts or rebates directly to
executes policies set by the VIADA             MVDB – require an intense amount of           members.
Board of Directors. He is responsible for      time which either would not happen or
the day-to-day management activities of        certainly would be less effective without     The impact that an industry has on
the Association, including the activities      the support of members year after year.       legislative and regulatory issues is
and performances of the employees.                                                           typically determined by the number
                                               Other benefits and services provided by       of businesses/individuals its trade
VIADA’s mission is to inform, educate,         VIADA include a 1-800 Hot Line where          association represents. With fewer
and represent motor vehicle dealers in         an industry expert can answer 95%             numbers, you have less clout; more
all forums, and to work in cooperation         of our members’ questions/concerns            representation means more constituents
with other organizations for the               about MVDB and DMV regulations and            are paying attention to what their
betterment of this industry and to make        policies. Educational workshops and           legislator is doing to either help or hurt
the Commonwealth of Virginia a safer           seminars as well as the annual Con-           the industry. And, the more complex the
community for all.                             vention and Expo are held to educate          industry becomes, the more an actively
                                               dealer-operators and their employees          involved trade association is needed.
Legislatively, VIADA retains a lawyer-         so that all can be compliant. VIADA           Thank you for being a part of VIADA’s
lobbyist to represent VIADA before             currently has eight districts, each with      effectiveness to protect the industry.
the General Assembly. All legislation          its own leadership team, who hold
introduced is reviewed to determine if         meetings throughout the year allowing                  Please see our staff
there is an impact on the independent          opportunities for members and non-                     listing on page 68.
automobile industry. If there are any          members to learn of new technologies

6 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
         PRICE OF ONE!
         VIADA & NIADA
 Don’t forget your VIADA membership
    includes NIADA membership,
   which also provides a wealth of
      information and benefits!
    Check it out at NIADA.com.

Curbstoning: The act of selling at the curb without benefit of
a license.

• Buys vehicles (may be only one) with the intent to sell
   them for a profit
• Is not a licensed motor vehicle dealer
• Does not have a local business license
• Does not pay state taxes
• Does not pay federal taxes
• Does not have any overhead
• Uses property belonging to others for display of vehicles
   (property owners can be held liable for allowing the
• In many cases “jumps title,” thereby obscuring the
   identity of the true seller and evading payment of tax and
   title fees. Jumping titles is a criminal offense and can be
   charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor, pay a fine not to
   exceed $2,500, and be sentenced to not more than 12
   months in jail. May now be enforced by local police and
   zoning departments

Visit viada.org/curbstoning, download the form (instructions
are included on the form), and send to DMV!

                                                                 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 7
2021 Membership Directory - A comprehensive guide to independent automobile dealers and affiliated service providers across the state of Virginia.
Call Today

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                          Serving Auto Dealers Since 1988
Courses are led by Tommie                COURSE SCHEDULE
Melendez, Director of Education          January 12-13        Spring Hill Suites, Hampton, VA
for VIADA. Tommie began her              January 26-27        Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
automotive career in 1998, running       February 9-10        Hampton Inn & Suites Roanoke Airport, Roanoke, VA
all aspects of a fast-growing            February 23-24       Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
dealership. While the primary focus      March 9-10           Home2 Suites by Hilton, Chantilly, VA
in the beginning was wholesale,          March 23-24          Courtyard Marriott, Danville, VA
                                         April 6-7            Double Tree by Hilton, Charlottesville, VA
the dealership later expanded to
                                         April 20-21          Spring Hill Suites, Hampton, VA
retail, BHPH and a modest service        May 11-12            Holiday Inn, Fredericksburg, VA
department. She served as VIADA          May 25-26            Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
District 4 President for two years.      June 8-9             Hampton Inn & Suites Roanoke Airport, Roanoke, VA
Tommie has held positions as a           June 22-23           Home2 Suites by Hilton, Chantilly, VA
Collection Manager and then as           July 13-14           Spring Hill Suites, Hampton, VA
Business Development Manager for         July 27-28           Holiday Inn Conference Center, Fredericksburg, VA
a subprime lender. Her most recent       August 10-11         Courtyard Marriott, Danville, VA
                                         August 24-25         Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
experience in the automotive industry
                                         September 7-8        Double Tree by Hilton, Charlottesville, VA
was in the floorplanning division. Her   September 21-22      Holiday Inn Conference Center, Fredericksburg, VA
variety of qualifications and passion    October 7-8          Lansdowne Resort, Leesburg, VA
for the auto industry have made her      October 26-27        Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
an excellent choice as educator for      November 9-10        Spring Hill Suites, Hampton, VA
new dealers. She was hired in 2020       November 16-17       Richmond Downtown Hilton, Richmond, VA
to bring her expertise to VIADA’s        December 7-8         Home2 Suites by Hilton, Chantilly, VA
Education Programs.
                                                   For more information about taking a class, please visit

    • Monitoring Online Reviews, Creating Custom              • Enterprise Risk Audits for A Top to Bottom
      Responses, and Resolving Customer Complaints              Analysis to Unearth and Stop Problems Before
      on Behalf of Dealers                                      They Happen
    • Settling Disputes for Dealers with Difficult            • Creating and Maintaining Compliance
      Customers or Sensitive Employees                          Management Systems (CMS) As Mandated by
    • Solving Regulatory Inquiries from Dealer Boards,          the CFPB
      the FTC, AGs etc.                                       • Training on Automotive and RV Industry Best
    • “We’ve Got Your Back” Advertising Service,                Practices
      Reviewing Print Ads, Television Commercials,            • Inspecting Deal Jackets to Catch and Kill Any
      and Websites to Ensure Best Practices and                 Irregular Business Practices
      Compliance                                              • Create, Write, or Update Employee Handbooks

                                     We look forward to hearing from you.
                                  Tom Kline, Lead Consultant & Founder
                                757-434-7656 | tomk@bettervantagepoint.com

                                                                               2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 9

             CHAIRMAN OF THE                    PRESIDENT                     VICE PRESIDENT/STATE           SECRETARY/
             BOARD                              Joe Ramon                     DIRECTOR                       TREASURER
             Weldon Whitehurst                  Commonwealth Auto             Don Boucher                    Karen Culpepper
             Virginia Beach Truck Center        Group, Inc.                   Courtesy Auto Sales            ADS Management Group

             1 Stop Auto                        700Credit LLC                 A & L RV Sales LLC             Affordable Auto & Truck Inc
             6440 Virginia Beach Blvd           31440 Northwestern Hwy #250   7001 Jefferson Davis Hwy       1605 Pleasure House Rd
             Norfolk, VA 23502                  Farmington Hills, MI 48334    Richmond, VA 23237             Virginia Beach, VA 23455
             (757) 455-8600                     (313) 749-0182                rustys@alrvsales.com           (757) 612-8889
             ssivak@my1stopauto.com             bfischer@700credit.com        Russell Stover                 affordablevb@gmail.com
             my1stopauto.com                    700credit.com                                                Gary J Levine
             Steve Sivak                        Britney Fischer               ACM Auto Sales LLC
                                                                              (757) 706-0667                 AJs Auto Repair & Sales Inc
             1st Choice Auto Sales Inc          A - Z Auto Sales LLC          acmautosalesllc@gmail.com      15450 Benns Church Blvd
             11306 Jefferson Ave                10000 Jefferson Ave           Capri Bland                    Smithfield, VA 23430
             Newport News, VA 23601             Newport News, VA 23605                                       (757) 542-4111
             (757) 596-3325                     (757) 595-2502                Action Auto Specialist         askewl@cox.net
             1stchoiceautosales@gmail.com       azautos10@yahoo.com           6990 N Military Hwy            Laureen Askew
             1stchoiceusedcars.com              Shafiq Azizi                  Norfolk, VA 23518
             Leslie Garnett-Tibbitt                                           (757) 286-5306                 All American Auto Sales
                                                A & G Auto Sales              acarforyou@msn.com             35539 General Mahone Blvd
             506 Auto Sales                     5012 Virginia Beach Blvd      actionautospecialist.com       Ivor, VA 23866
             11300 Jefferson Ave                Virginia Beach, VA 23462      Brian Glass                    (757) 859-6362
             Newport News, VA 23601             (757) 490-4755                                               Charles F Clark
             (757) 324-8224                     tearnest@agauto.com           ADS Management Group
             Dealer506@outlook.com              agauto.com                    506 N Main St Ste A            All In One Auto
             Brian Kerzel                       Andreas Loizou                Suffolk, VA 23434              1111 Airline Blvd
                                                                              (757) 287-7925                 Portsmouth, VA 23707
                                                                              kculpepper@adsmgtgroup.com     (757) 399-1111
                                                                              adsmgtgroup.com                admin@airlineauto.com
                                                                              Carl Farris                    all-in-oneauto.com
                                                                                                             Larry T Bailey Sr.
                                                                              Advantage Motors Inc
                                          Donald J. Boucher, Jr.              9917 Jefferson Ave             American Recovery
                                                                              Newport News, VA 23605         Association
                                           VIADA District 1 President
                                                                              (757) 246-4111                 1400 Corporate Dr Ste 175
                                                                              advantagemotors953@yahoo.com   Irving, TX 75038
                                                                              Hassan Elsayyad                (972) 755-4755
                  Buy Cars, Trucks, Vans & Sport Utilities                                                   les@americanrecoveryassn.org
                800 S Military Hwy                 Office: 757-424-6404
                Virginia Beach, VA 23464             Cell: 757-560-1866                                      Les McCook

                    Help Us, Help You – Support VIADA.
                  Please renew your membership on time!

                                 Members are cross referenced by Dealer-Operator Name & District beginning on page 61.
                                                      All information updated as of January 2021.

             10 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory

                                                                                                                                        DISTRICT 1
America’s Auto Auction           Auto Land Auto Sales Inc         Beach Auto Brokers Inc           Blue Collar Auto Sales
656 S Military Hwy               1608 Independence Blvd           3510 E Little Creek Rd           3439 Sewells Point Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464         Virginia Beach, VA 23455         Norfolk, VA 23518                Norfolk, VA 23518
(757) 487-3464                   (757) 460-5669                   (757) 480-6500                   (949) 701-9189
jerry.daisey@AmericasAuto-       credit@autolandvb.com            brian@beachautobrokers.com       bluecollarauto757@yahoo.com
Auction.com                      Hamid Abdolahzadeh               beachautobrokers.com             Ronald Jessup
americasautoauction.com                                           Brian Jones
Jerry Daisey                     Auto Max of Gloucester                                            Bryant Motorsports Auto
                                 3968 George Washington Mem Hwy   Beb Automotive                   Sales Inc
Atlantic Auto & Truck Sales      Ordinary, VA 23131               6400 N Military Hwy Ste B        2230 High St
1195 Lance Rd                    (804) 695-0660                   Norfolk, VA 23518                Portsmouth, VA 23704
Norfolk, VA 23502                dianneniblett@yahoo.com          (757) 753-2742                   (757) 393-2600
(757) 461-6867                   automaxofgloucester.com          bebautomotive@gmail.com          bryantmotorsportsauto@gmail.
lisam@atlanticremarketing.com    Dianne Volpe-Niblett             Ensar Birlik                     com
Atlanticremarketing.com                                                                            bryantmotorsportsautosales.com
William Summs Sr.                Auto Max of York County Inc      Bell Auto Sport LLC              Charles Bryant Jr.
                                 4727 Geo Wash Mem Hwy            2024 Campostella Rd
Atlantic Auto Aid SVR GPS        Yorktown, VA 23692               Chesapeake, VA 23324             CAR Financial Services Inc
1000 Truitt Ct                   (757) 877-6471                   (757) 579-8679                   59 Skyline Dr Ste 1700
Virginia Beach, VA 23454         jobson999@yahoo.com              callngifts@verizon.net           Lake Mary, FL 32738
(888) 804-1628                   automaxofyorkcounty.net          bellautosportva.com              (407) 804-6247
bob@atlanticautoaid.com          Robert Jobson                    Kenneth E Bell                   acacia.cordero@carfinancial.com
Bob Phelan                                                                                         carfinancial.com
                                 Autobahn Sales Inc               Best Buy Wheels                  Acacia Cordero
Atlantic Financial Services      120 W Pembroke Ave               1740 Virginia Beach Blvd
424 Thistley Ln                  Hampton, VA 23669                Virginia Beach, VA 23454         Carafello's Auto Sales LLC
Chesapeake, VA 23322             (757) 723-2112                   (757) 478-1428                   6328 E Virginia Beach Blvd
(252) 202-4422                   autobahn2@verizon.net            alecjacob11@msn.com              Norfolk, VA 23502
bstaples@afsloans.com            Lori Lamb                        bbwautos.com                     (757) 452-6099
afsloans.com                                                      Alec Jacob                       rcarafello79@hotmail.com
Burnie Staples                   Automotive Care Express Inc                                       Ryan Carafello
                                 2700 Wilroy Rd                   Better Vantage Point, LLC
Auction Credit Enterprise LLC    Suffolk, VA 23434                808 Gates Avenue Ste B3          CarBucks Floor Plans
656 S Military Hwy               (757) 397-7200                   Norfolk, VA 23517                417 Woods Lake Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23464         1aceinc@cox.net                  (757) 434-7656                   Greenville, SC 29607
(757) 938-3899                   automotivecareexpress.com        tomk@bettervantagepoint.com      (864) 234-9696
dillan.smith@auctioncredit.com   Rodney Greeno                    bettervantagepoint.com           jessica.sullivan@usecarbucks.
auctioncredit.com                                                 Tom Kline                        com
Dillan Smith                     Autoplex of Virginia Beach                                        usecarbucks.com
                                 5176 Virginia Beach Blvd         Blankenship Auto Inc             Michael Doherty
Auto City                        Virginia Beach, VA 23462         23267 Lankford Hwy
3512 Airline Blvd                (757) 462-6556                   Accomack, VA 23301               CarDirect LLC
Portsmouth, VA 23701             markb1158@gmail.com              (757) 787-3619                   4740 Shore Dr
(757) 488-0881                   Mark Blumenthal                  blankenshipauto21@yahoo.com      Virginia Beach, VA 23455
karen@autocitycars.com                                            blankenshipautoinc.com           (757) 464-1200
AutoCityCars.com                 AutoPro Virginia LLC             Robert Blankenship               brian@beachautobrokers.com
Karen Lester                     533 Virginia Beach Blvd                                           cardirectusa.com
                                 Virginia Beach, VA 23451                                          Brian Jones
Auto Haus                        (757) 937-8296
101 Greene Dr                    autoprova@hotmail.com
Yorktown, VA 23692               Umit Kanik
(757) 898-7121
edie@autohausva.com              B & E Auto Service Inc
                                 5018 Euclid Rd
                                 Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Edie Moore
                                 (757) 497-1526
Auto House LLC
                                 Joseph David Barnard
5137 Shore Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23455         Beach Auto
(757) 372-2608                   5564 Virginia Beach Blvd
autohouseva@gmail.com            Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Sherzad Israilov                 (757) 420-2770
                                 Mohamed Khedar

                                                                                    2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 11
             Carmax                             Commonwealth Auto             CXB Auto Sales LLC               East Coast Auto Sales LLC
             12966 Jefferson Ave                Group Inc                     764 S Military Hwy               3427 Holland Rd Ste C
             Newport News, VA 23608             4493 Shore Drive              Virginia Beach, VA 23464         Virginia Beach, VA 23452
             (757) 833-1060                     Virginia Beach, VA 23455      (757) 995-4950                   (757) 301-9677
             AP_EPRO_Invoices@Carmax.           (757) 282-6888                cxbautosales@gmail.com           sales@eastcoastautosalesllc.com
             com                                joeanthony07@yahoo.com        cxbautsales.com                  eastcoastautosalesllc.com
             carmax.com                         Joe Ramon                     Joe Tuozzoli                     Eric Senn
             William Nash
                                                Commonwealth                  DealerRE                         East Coast Truck & Trailer
             Carmax                             Motorsports LLC               7319 Martin St Ste 4             Sales Inc
             3801 Bonney Rd                     3481 Geo Wash Mem Hwy         Gloucester, VA 23061             2906 Elmhurst Ln
             Virginia Beach, VA 23452           Hayes, VA 23072               (804) 824-9533                   Portsmouth, VA 23701
             AP_EPRO_Invoices@Carmax.           (804) 642-2200                tim@dealerre.com                 (757) 465-2200
             com                                randy@commonwealthmotors-     cardealerreinsurance.com         brudiger@ectts.com
             William Nash                       ports.com                     Tim Byrd                         ectts.com
                                                Randy Barbee III                                               Barry E Rudiger
             Carolina Finance LLC                                             Drive Now Auto Sales LLC
             1228 Progressive Dr Ste 101        Complete Auto Repair &        2424 E Little Creek Rd           EF Motorsports
             Chesapeake, VA 23320               Service                       Norfolk, VA 23518                1366 S Military Hwy
             (757) 366-0503                     3900 Garwood Ave              (757) 963-5090                   Chesapeake, VA 23320
             wchristopher@carolina-finance.     Portsmouth, VA 23701          drivenowautosalesllc@gmail.com   (757) 457-3300
             com                                (757) 724-6930                Euciles Andrade                  efmotorsport@gmail.com
             carolina-finance.com               emajette@live.com                                              efmotorsports.com
             Wendi Christopher                  Elton Majette                 Drive Time                       Eddie Falk Jr.
                                                                              1705 S Military Hwy
             CBR Auto Sales Inc                 Connect Auto Sales            Chesapeake, VA 23320             Eggleston Services
             900 B Portsmouth Blvd              3400 Airline Blvd             (757) 448-6262                   3525 N Military Hwy
             Suffolk, VA 23434                  Portsmouth , VA 23701         legal.licensing@drivetime.com    Norfolk, VA 23518
             (757) 539-9466                     (757) 735-0363                Donald Reese                     (757) 963-8393
             A-Creed@cox.net                    cmodlin26@icloud.com                                           atkinsonjr.paul@egglestonser-
             Charles Reed                       Chris Modlin                  Drive Time                       vices.org
                                                                              11203 Jefferson Ave              egglestonservices.org
             Chesapeake RV Solutions            County Auto Brokers Inc       Newport News, VA 23601           Paul Atkinson Jr.
             3360 S Battlefield Blvd            7006 Geo Wash Mem Hwy         (757) 597-0930
             Chesapeake, VA 23322               Yorktown, VA 23692            samantha.davis@drivetime.com     Elite Auto Club LLC
             (757) 432-0222                     (757) 833-0000                drivetime.com                    (757) 309-5688
             jacqueline@chesapeakervsolu-       devan.cab@gmail.com           Donald Reese                     eliteautoclubva@gmail.com
             tions.com                          Devan Hartsock                                                 Clarence Reynolds
             chesapeakervsolutions.com                                        Drivers Choice
             Timothy Loen                       Courtesy Auto Sales           11400 Jefferson Ave              Elite Motors
                                                800 S Military Hwy            Newport News, VA 23601           1730 Virginia Beach Blvd
             Chosen Payments                    Virginia Beach, VA 23464      (757) 706-3478                   Virginia Beach, VA 23454
             900 Circle 75 Pkwy Ste 540         (757) 523-6404                shannonringram@yahoo.com         (757) 422-2920
             Atlanta, GA 30339                  carol@courtesyautosales.com   Shannon Ducote                   elitemotorsva@hotmail.com
             (470) 344-0144                     CourtesyAutoSales.com                                          elitemotorsva.com
             richards@chosenpayments-atl.com    Donald Boucher Jr.            Driveway Motors                  Savvas A Sakkadas
             chosenpayments.com                                               5176 Virginia Beach Blvd
                                                CreditMax Auto Sales LLC
             Richard Scalesse                                                 Virginia Beach, VA 23462         Enterprise Car Sales
                                                402 Carolina Rd
                                                                              (757) 391-4543                   3252 Virginia Beach Blvd
                                                Suffolk, VA 23434
             Commercial Software Inc                                          office@drivewaymotors.com        Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                (757) 934-3456
             ComSoft                                                          Roman Palancica                  (757) 583-7653
             5214 Western Blvd                                                                                 tommy.pelfrey@ehi.com
             Raleigh, NC 27606
                                                Wayne Chellis                 Earls Credit Auto Sales          enterprise.com
             (919) 851-2010                                                   2553 Airline Blvd                Tommy Pelfrey
             chip.cooper@comsoft.com            CWMW Processing LLC           Portsmouth, VA 23701
             comsoft.com                        112 Jensen Dr # 113           (757) 488-8331
             Chip Cooper Jr.                    Virginia Beach, VA 23451      rwj2553@gmail.com
                                                (757) 288-4100                earlscreditauto.com
                                                cwmwprocessing@aol.com        Richard Johnson
                                                Charlie Williams

                                 Members are cross referenced by Dealer-Operator Name & District beginning on page 61.
                                                      All information updated as of January 2021.          Enterprise Car Sales
                                                                                                           947 J Clyde Morris Blvd

             12 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory

                                                                                                                                    DISTRICT 1
Newport News, VA 23601        G.E.M’s Auto Sales & Service    GWC Warranty                     Heritage Motor Co Inc
(757) 596-4103                7520 N Military Hwy             40 Coal St                       5151 Shore Dr
tommy.pelfrey@ehi.com         Norfolk, VA 23518               Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773           Virginia Beach, VA 23455
enterprisecarsales.com        (757) 938-4337                  (570) 208-3610                   (757) 363-7777
Tommy Pelfrey                 dennis@gemsautosales.net        kvinciarelli@gwcwarranty.com     sk@autohmc.com
                              gemsautosales.net               gwcwarranty.com                  heritagemotorcompany.com
Enterprise Rent-A-Car         Arthur Graham                   Kelli Vinciarelli                Stelios Karayiannis
233 Water Country Pkwy
Williamsburg, VA 23185        GAC Automotive Center           H & H Truck Center               Hilton Motors Inc
(630) 461-1001                2100 Portsmouth Blvd            9916 Jefferson Ave               10412 Warwick Blvd
VAACCOUNTSPAYABLE4@           Portsmouth, VA 23707            Newport News, VA 23605           Newport News, VA 23601
EHI.COM                       (757) 393-4021                  (757) 599-8421                   (757) 873-0540
Mark Chilcott                 gac@jezzicorp.com               donnaholloway777@gmail.com       elmashad5000@yahoo.com
                              Frank Eates                     handhtruckcenter.net             hiltonmotors.com
E-Z Auto                                                      John Holloway                    Ashraf Elmashad
9930 Jefferson Ave            Galaxy Motors
Newport News, VA 23605        6990 N Military Highway Ste B   Hal’s Auto Sales LLC             Holiday Motors
(757) 596-4400                Norfolk, VA 23518               3500-B Robs Drive                3203 Victory Blvd
henry@ezauto.hrcoxmail.com    (757) 839-4510                  Suffolk, VA 23434                Portsmouth, VA 23702
ezautova.com                  galaxymotorsva@gmail.com        (757) 328-3907                   (757) 487-7333
J Henry Jones III             Kasim Baltaci                   howieboy85@yahoo.com             chad.holiday74@gmail.com
                                                              halsautosales.com                HolidayMotors.com
EZ Ride Auto Sales LLC        Garrett Motors Inc              Hal K Nystrom                    Chad Henry
28130 Southampton Pkwy        1601 W Pembroke Ave
Courtland, VA 23837           Hampton, VA 23661               Hampton Insurance                HRFT Finance Inc
(757) 653-2790                (757) 722-2919                  Agency LLC                       3515 Airline Blvd
ezrideautosales1@gmail.com    garrettmotorsinc@gmail.com      1007 N King St                   Portsmouth, VA 23701
Richard Byrum                 garrettmotorsinc.com            Hampton, VA 23669                (757) 405-0223
                              Ronald Garrett                  (757) 251-7058                   hrftfinance@verizon.net
Flint Auto                                                    office@hia-insurance.com         John T Mathews
936 Professional Pl B-1       GEICO Local - Hampton           Charles Ellis
Chesapeake, VA 23320          Roads                                                            Import 4 Less
(757) 305-6224                4389 Virginia Beach Blvd        Hampton Roads Harley             706 7th St
flint.auto05@gmail.com        Virginia Beach, VA 23462        Davidson Inc                     Portsmouth, VA 23704
William Flint                 (757) 480-4147                  6450 Geo Wash Mem Hwy            (757) 399-0066
                              bewillis@geico.com              Yorktown, VA 23692               carmaker50@yahoo.com
Friedman Associates           geico.com/va-beach              (757) 872-7223                   Mohsen Azadbakht
233 Business Park Dr #200     Ben Willis                      maryhrhd@aol.com
Virginia Beach, VA 23462                                      hrhd.com                         Industrial Acceptance Corp
(757) 420-9600                Gemini Auto                     Mary Hughes                      138 Orange St
neil@friedman-insurance.com   4990 Geo Wash Mem Hwy                                            New Haven, CT 06510
friedman-insurance.com        Hayes, VA 23072                 Hayes Auto Sales                 (203) 654-2734
Howard R Friedman             (804) 993-7088                  2753 Geo Wash Mem Hwy            rlagreca@iaccredit.com
                              geminiautova@gmail.com          Hayes, VA 23072                  mycreditadvance.com
Funderburk Auto               geminiauto.com                  (804) 642-0098                   David Fischer
Wholesalers                   David Wojcik                    wfo1111@hotmail.com
1123 S Military Hwy                                                                            International Auto
                                                              Keith Rodgers
Chesapeake, VA 23320          Genita Threet                                                    Wholesalers
(757) 747-6090                (757) 842-1921                                                   4960 Virginia Beach Blvd
                                                              Health Plus - Hive Business
funderburkauto@yahoo.com      gdt268@icloud.com                                                Virginia Beach, VA 23462
                                                              Solutions (AFLAC)
Christopher Funderburk        Genita Threet                                                    (757) 499-8611
                                                              5269 Greenwich Road Ste 100
                                                              Virginia Beach, VA 23462         sales@1internationalauto.com
G & H Sales Associates Inc    Green Light Auto Sales          (757) 737-0637                   1internationalauto.com
930 E Little Creek Rd         1719 Virginia Beach Blvd        katherine_moore@us.aflac.com     Davoad T Moghadam
Norfolk, VA 23518             Virginia Beach, VA 23454        Katie Moore
(757) 588-0420                (757) 425-9444                                                   Joel’s Auto Wholesale Inc
ghc123@aol.com                nick@greenlightautovb.com       Heider Marketing &               5700 Curlew Dr
Oliver H Garrison Jr.         GREENLIGHTAUTOVB.COM            Advertising                      Norfolk, VA 23502
                              Nick Carroll                    4663 Haygood Road                (757) 455-6330
                                                              Virginia Beach, VA 23455         joelktosh@yahoo.com
                                                              (757) 447-4987                   inhousefinancing.net
                                                              rheider@hmaads.com               Joel K Tosh
                                                              Ronald Heider

                                                                                2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 13
             Johnson’s Mustang &                Lux Auto Sales LLC            NAE Federal Credit Union      Paragon Automotive
             Truck Parts                        10103 Jefferson Ave           755 N Battlefield Blvd        5048 Virginia Beach Blvd
             4513 Bainbridge Blvd               Newport News, VA 23605        Chesapeake, VA 23320          Virginia Beach, VA 23462
             Chesapeake, VA 23320               (757) 595-4555                (757) 410-2000                (757) 384-3100
             (757) 545-8370                     luxautosalellc@gmail.com      astout@naefcu.org             Paragonautomotive1@gmail.com
             johnsonsmustangandtrucks@          Dontae Dozier                 naefcu.org                    paragonauto-va.com
             gmail.com                                                        Amy Stout                     Afaq Ahmed Aziz
             facebook.com/johnsonsmus-          Maguire & Sons Auto
             tangandtrucks                      Brokers                       Neptune Auto Sales            Parkview Auto Sales
             Jimmy G Johnson                    764 S Military Hwy            4989 Virginia Beach Blvd      5915 Jefferson Ave
                                                Virginia Beach, VA 23464      Virginia Beach, VA 23462      Newport News, VA 23605
             Kar Crazy II LLC                   (757) 747-2277                (757) 965-4322                (757) 245-3123
             851 S Lynnhaven Rd                 maguireandsons@yahoo.com      lannin@neptuneautosales.com   parkviewinc111@msn.com
             Virginia Beach, VA 23452           maguireandsons.com            neptuneautosales.com          Carol Wright
             (757) 631-1133                     Nancy Monroe                  Lannin Norkeveck
             tichysr@gmail.com                                                                              Patierno Group LLC
             chiefsauto.com                     Marlin Motors Wholesale Inc   NextGear Capital              528 N County Dr
             Terry Tichy Sr.                    5029 E Princess Anne Rd       11799 N College Ave           Wakefield, VA 23888
                                                Norfolk, VA 23502             Carmel, IN 46032              (434) 812-4077
             Kevin Hodapp                       (757) 481-7777                (317) 975-2657                Anthonypatierno1@gmail.com
             (757) 609-1110                     fishbonefox@aol.com           lori.kahre@coxautoinc.com     Anthony Patierno
             hodapp.kevin@gmail.com             Jeff H Fox                    nextgearcapital.com
             Kevin Hodapp                                                     Lisa Williams                 Patriot Auto Sales
                                                Midtown Motors Inc                                          3554 N Military Hwy
             KMJ Used Auto Sales                9952 Warwick Blvd             O’Berry Service Center Inc    Norfolk, VA 23518
             2600 Deep Creek Blvd               Newport News, VA 23601        529 N Main St                 (757) 287-3200
             Portsmouth, VA 23704               (757) 596-8445                Emporia, VA 23847             milcouch@cox.net
             (757) 359-2223                     midx2@yahoo.com               (434) 634-0037                patriotautosales.us
             kmjinvestments1085@gmail.com       John D Forney                 Gregoberry@live.com           Michael Miller
             Keith Jones                                                      Greg O’Berry
                                                Mike Duman Mitsubishi                                       Pay Here Used Cars
             LA Auto Star Inc                   2300 Godwin Blvd              Off The Hook Automotive       1723 W Pembroke Ave
             1766 Virginia Beach Blvd           Suffolk, VA 23434             1201 S Military Hwy           Hampton, VA 23661
             Virginia Beach, VA 23454           (757) 539-1000                Chesapeake, VA 23320          (757) 722-1761
             (757) 333-4232                     mike.duman@mikeduman.com      (757) 547-6328                sales@payhereusedcars.net
             vitali@laautostar.com              mikeduman.com                 donald.belin@icloud.com       payhereusedcars.net
             LAAutoStar.com                     Mike D Duman                  Donald Belin                  Jackie Brady
             Vitali Livits
                                                Mike’s Auto Sales Inc         Old Point National Bank       Pembroke Auto Sales
             Legacy Motors                      2153 Old Greenbrier Rd        101 E Queen St                4753 Virginia Beach Blvd
             1530 E Little Creek Rd             Chesapeake, VA 23320          Hampton, VA 23669             Virginia Beach, VA 23462
             Norfolk, VA 23518                  (757) 227-5640                (757) 728-1200                (757) 499-7629
             (757) 963-5667                     mike@mikespaint.net           lfarnham@oldpoint.com         sales@PembrokeAutoSales.com
             legacymotorsales@gmail.com         mikesautosalesinc.net         oldpoint.com                  PembrokeAutoSales.com
             Michael Hibben                     Mike T Abenante               Lars Farnham                  Thomas Joynt Sr.

             Liberty Motors LLC                 Monte Motors LLC              Opulent Motors                Peninsula Auto Gallery
             3101 S Military Hwy                3605 Dartmouth St             321 E Mercury Blvd            1425 W Pembroke Ave
             Chesapeake, VA 23323               Portsmouth, VA 23707          Hampton, VA 23663             Hampton, VA 23661
             (757) 673-0321                     (757) 975-3663                (757) 637-8947                (757) 722-3754
             valibertymotors@gmail.com          montemotorsllc@gmail.com      opulentmotors360@gmail.com    peninsulaautogallery@gmail.com
             Hassen Allani                      Sermonte Jones                Vernon Cromartie              peninsulaautogallery.com
                                                                                                            Joshua Dickson
             Little Joe’s Mitsubishi            My Car LLC                    P.A.C.
             1601 S Military Hwy Ste A          930 S Military Hwy            1340 Head of River Rd         Pete’s Custom Auto Service
             Chesapeake, VA 23320               Virginia Beach, VA 23464      Chesapeake, VA 23322          10165 Jefferson Ave
             (757) 420-8214                     (757) 424-8888                (757) 421-2525                Newport News, VA 23605
             joefalk@cox.net                    ireallylikemycar@yahoo.com    peoplesauction@aol.com        (757) 599-6000
             littlejoesautos.com                Michael D King                Jack Peoples Jr.              petescustomauto@aol.com
             Joseph Falk                                                                                    Donald Lee Medlin

                                 Members are cross referenced by Dealer-Operator Name & District beginning on page 61.
                                                      All information updated as of January 2021.

             14 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory

                                                                                                                                        DISTRICT 1
Pete’s Custom Cycle and         Professional Financial            Screening One Inc                Southside Harley Davidson
Auto LLC                        Services of Virginia, LLC         3922 Coconut Palm Dr Ste 250     385 N Witchduck Rd
2519 S Military Hwy Ste A       700 B Middle Ground Blvd          Tampa, FL 33619                  Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Chesapeake, VA 23320            Newport News, VA 23606            (888) 327-6511 x703102           (757) 499-8964
(757) 696-8300                  (757) 599-4438                    Paul Craddock                    sbenoit@hrhd.com
petescustomcycle@gmail.com      mitchell.randall@pfs-corp.net     Cell 919-247-1250                hrhd.com
petescustomcycles.com           pfs-corp.net                      paul.craddock@screeningone.com   Steve Benoit
Deborah Cutchins                Mitchell Randall
                                                                  Select Automotive.Com            Starr Motors Inc
Point Financial                 ProGuard Warranty                 5073 Virginia Beach Blvd         2584 Pruden Blvd
2240 Campostella Rd             407 McAlpine St                   Virginia Beach, VA 23462         Suffolk, VA 23434
Chesapeake, VA 23324            Avoca, PA 18641                   (757) 412-1234                   (757) 539-0214
(757) 543-9000                  (877) 474-9462                    gloizou@selectautomotive.com     clay@starrmotors.com
hollypointauto@cox.net          wecare@proguardwarranty.com       selectautomotive.com             starrmotors.com
Phil Rowland                    proguardwarranty.com              George Loizou                    Clay White
                                Dominic Limongelli
Precision Motorcycle Inc                                          Shore Drive Auto World           State Line Auto Sales
129 Southgate Ave               Quick Time Auto Body LLC          5657 Shore Dr                    4298 Lankford Hwy
Virginia Beach, VA 23462        1556 Azalea Garden Rd             Virginia Beach, VA 23455         New Church, VA 23415
(757) 248-8004                  Norfolk, VA 23502                 (757) 962-2066                   (757) 824-5054
precisionmotorcycle@gmail.com   (757) 853-6503                    shoredriveautoworld.com          frost1jeep@aol.com
precisionmotorcycle.com         Doug.qtautobody@gmail.com         Amirreza Sharifian               statelineauto.com
Steven J. Martineau             Douglas Warren                                                     Mark S Frostrom Sr.
                                                                  Smithfield Auto and Truck
Premier Auto Brokers Inc.       R & R Motor Co Inc                Center                           Steve’s Auto Sales Inc
184 S Rosemont Rd               919 E Little Creek Rd             928 S Church St                  3469 N Military Hwy
Virginia Beach, VA 23452        Norfolk, VA 23518                 Smithfield, VA 23430             Norfolk, VA 23518
(757) 490-8282                  (757) 480-1100                    (757) 357-4400                   (757) 857-1111
mary@premierautobrokers.com     sales@randrmotors.net             tony@smithfieldautocenter.com    mjmotors12@yahoo.com
premierautobrokers.com          randrmotors.net                   smithfieldautocenter.com         stevesautosalesonline.com
Thomas O’Gorman                 Harry Rhea                        Anthony Macioci                  L Steve Gossett

Prestige Auto Group LLC         Roger Fowler’s Sales &            Smithfield Family                Sunrise Auto & Cycle
4125 Portsmouth Blvd Ste A      Service Inc                       Automotive LLC                   Sales Inc
Portsmouth, VA 23701            8648 Whaleyville Blvd             1802 S Church St                 1559 E Little Creek Rd
(757) 576-4734                  Suffolk, VA 23438                 Smithfield, VA 23430             Norfolk, VA 23518
prestigeautogroup16@yahoo.com   (757) 986-2441                    (757) 357-4949                   (757) 583-2223
Martin P Hernandez              rogerfowlersales.service@         lightfoot.tom@gmail.com          ridesunrisecycles@gmail.com
                                gmail.com                         smithfieldfamilyautomotive.com   sunrisecycle.com
Price’s Auto Sales              rogerfowlerssalesandservice.com   Tommy E Lightfoot                Aaron Littman
152 N Witchduck Rd              Sandi Freeman
Virginia Beach, VA 23462                                          Snyder’s R.V.                    Supreme Motorsport
(757) 777-2319                  Royalty Motors LLC                5632 Virginia Beach Blvd         8100 Shore Dr
les@pricestrans.com             3303 Airline Blvd Ste 3H          Virginia Beach, VA 23462         Norfolk, VA 23518
Leslie Eldridge                 Portsmouth, VA 23701              (757) 499-8000                   (757) 963-2337
                                (757) 381-9983                    j.snyder@snydersrv.com           Christopher Epps
Priority Buy Here Pay Here      royaltymotors1@gmail.com          snydersrv.com
7454 N Military Hwy             David W Bracy                     Jeremy W Snyder                  SurgeMetrix
Norfolk, VA 23518                                                                                  4613 N University Dr
(757) 648-1940                  S&B Auto Sales LLC                Solera TitleTec                  Coral Springs, FL 33067
rob.kelley@priorityauto.com     5936 B Village St                 1301 Solana Blvd. Bldg 2         (954) 507-6454
prioritybuyherepayhere.com      Portsmouth, VA 23703              Ste 2100                         chuck.studebaker@surgeme-
Robert Kelley                   (757) 729-5856                    Westlake, TX 76262               trix.com
                                sbautosales@outlook.com           (817) 688-6738                   Chuck Studebaker
Priority Buy Here Pay Here      Terard Sessoms                    bailey.hicks@solera.com
Newport News                                                      Shane Hartle                     The Auto Connection
13151 Jefferson Ave Bldg-A      Saunders Motor                                                     6401 E Virginia Beach Blvd
Newport News, VA 23608          Company LLC                       Sono Auto Sales Inc              Norfolk, VA 23502
(757) 648-1940                  1700 West Pembroke Ave            900 Poindexter St                (757) 228-1762
Robert Kelley                   Hampton, VA 23661                 Chesapeake, VA 23324             lhiggins@theautoconnection.com
                                (757) 722-2169                    (757) 545-3000                   theautoconnection.com
                                saundersmotorcompany@             jessica@sonoautosales.com        Leyna Higgins
                                gmail.com                         sonoautosales.com
                                Kyle P Saunders Sr.               Jason Ewell

                                                                                    2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 15
             The Car Exchange                   Trinity Pre Owned Auto        VPI Services (Vehicle            WTKR Channel News 3
             1165 Lynnhaven Pkwy                Sales Inc                     Purchase Inspections)            720 Boush St
             Virginia Beach, VA 23452           5139 E Virginia Beach Blvd    1253 Jensen Dr Suite 101         Norfolk, VA 23510
             (757) 368-5500                     Norfolk, VA 23502             Virginia Beach, VA 23451         (757) 446-1324
             mcjmu@yahoo.com                    (757) 963-2299                (757) 980-5783                   john.witte@wtkr.com
             jax@thecarexchangeva.com           alridd@msn.com                vpiservicesllc@gmail.com         wtkr.com
             Mark Taylor                        trinitypreowned.com           vpi-services.com                 John Witte
                                                Andre L Riddick               Erik Beierholm
             The Car Exchange                                                                                  Your Kar Company Inc
             756 S Military Hwy                 United Auto Wholesalers LLC   West Atlantic Auto               7912 Becket St
             Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464     3600 Airline Blvd             Group LLC                        Norfolk, VA 23518
             (757) 420-0010                     Portsmouth, VA 23701          319 W Atlantic St                (757) 480-0100
             zachary.kyler@gmail.com            (757) 499-0006                Emporia, VA 23847                yourkarco@gmail.com
             Zachary Kyler                      uawllc@gmail.com              (434) 829-6580                   yourkarco.com
                                                unitedautovirginia.com        Boycegreen@gmail.com             Mark Dolson
             The Salvation Army                 Hope H Wallace1               Westatlanticautogroup.com
             5524 Virginia Beach Blvd                                         Boyce L Green
             Virginia Beach, VA 23462           VA Beach Truck Center
             (757) 216-4228                     200 Dorset Ave                Wholesale Direct Auto Sales
             jocelyn.owens@uss.salvation-       Virginia Beach, VA 23462      12944 Jefferson Ave
             army.org                           (757) 406-2277                Newport News, VA 23608
             salvationarmy.org                  sales@vbtruckcenter.com       (757) 243-2222
             Jocelyn Renee Owens                vbtruckcenter.com             madeluca5@yahoo.com
                                                Weldon Whitehurst             Michael DeLuca
             Tidewater Auto Sales Inc
             5585 E Virginia Beach Blvd         Vail Automotive               White's Auto Sales LLC
             Norfolk, VA 23502                  5659 E Virginia Beach Blvd    4108 Geo Wash Hwy
             (757) 461-3355                     Norfolk, VA 23502             Portsmouth, VA 23702
             cars@tidewaterauto.com             (757) 461-7552                (757) 966-2893
             tidewaterauto.com                  vailautomotive@msn.com        ricowhite@rocketmail.com
             Glenn D Barnes                     vailautomotive.com            Delrico White
                                                Charles Vail Jr.

             Top Motors LLC                     Vans of Great Bridge          Wine Automotive
             2492 Airline Blvd Ste A            1109 S Battlefield Blvd       343 N Battlefield Blvd Ste 100
             Portsmouth, VA 23701               Chesapeake, VA 23322          Chesapeake, VA 23320
             (757) 337-8763                     (757) 482-9112                (757) 410-2400
             topmotorsdealer@gmail.com          sales@vansofgreatbridge.com   jay@wineautomotive.com
             topmotorsva.net                    vansofgreatbridge.com         wineautomotive.com
             Pablo Osle                         Todd Carey                    Jay Sawyer

             Trimax Auto Group Inc              Virginia Direct Auto Inc      Winn Auto Sales
             6400 N Military Hwy                5124 Fletchers Arch           (669) 224-8212
             Norfolk, VA 23518                  Virginia Beach, VA 23462      mnn2737@email.vccs.edu
             (757) 222-0522                     (757) 422-3031                Minh Nguyen
             trimaxautova@gmail.com             vadirectauto@gmail.com
             trimaxauto.com                     vadirectauto.com
             Tarik Gurel                        Saad Bouazzaoui

             16 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
                                                                                    Mobile Dea

                                                                                                                                       UNITS WEEKLY AT
                         4805 PHILADELPHIA RD, P.O. BOX 200, BELCAMP, MD 21017                                                      BEL AIR AUTO AUCTION!

                         EVERY THURSDAY                                                             TUESDAYS                  WEDNESDAYS
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    Station              THURSDAYS                              2nd TUESDAY of the Month
                         CLAYTON STATION                        MONTHLY SPECIALTY SALES
                         8:00am                                 COMMERCIAL VEHICLE SALE                       OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
                         WEEKLY DEALER SALE                     9:00am                                        11:00am
                         LAST THURSDAY
                         of the Month
                         STATE & COUNTY SALE

                                                                                                                 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 17

             PRESIDENT/STATE                    VICE PRESIDENT/STATE             TREASURER/STATE
             DIRECTOR                           DIRECTOR                         DIRECTOR
             Omar White                         Melinda Anderson                 Lonnie Johnson
             City to City Auto Sales            Top Tier Motors LLC              Compact Auto Works, Inc.

             13Leads Facebook Marketing         Angel’s Auto Sales LLC           Auto World of Chester          Baldwin’s Auto Sales Inc
             103 E Jefferson Street             4950 Jefferson Davis Hwy Ste A   2400 W Hundred Rd              1200 W Virginia Ave
             Clinton, MO 64735                  N Chesterfield, VA 23234         Chester, VA 23831              Crewe, VA 23930
             (941) 720-8350                     (804) 477-0267                   (804) 748-4400                 (434) 645-7104
             sales@13leads.com                  angelsautollc@gmail.com          autoworld3@verizon.net         brnbaldwin3@gmail.com
             13leads.com                        angelsautosalesllc.com           autoworldofchester.com         Larry W Baldwin
             Justin Osburn                      Samuel D Flores Silva            Lyndon Harrison
                                                                                                                Basic Auto Sales
             360 Trucking Equipment             Atlantic Union Bank              AutoHub of Virginia LLC        4905 W Broad St
             Sales/Auction LLC                  1773 Parham Rd                   4218 W Broad St                Richmond, VA 23230
             5867 Richmond Hwy                  Henrico, VA 23229                Richmond, VA 23230             (804) 355-5783
             Tappahannock, VA 22560             (804) 254-6200                   (804) 355-3565                 rena@basicautorva.com
             (804) 925-6222                     charles.muncy@atlanticunion-     morybamba@gmail.com            basicautosales.com
             360salesandauction@gmail.com       bank.com                         Mory Bamba                     Kory Hummer
             Thelma Gray                        atlanticunionbank.com
                                                Charles Muncy                    Automax of Virginia Inc.       Belt Auto Sales LLC
             Action Auto Parts                                                   14100 Jefferson Davis Hwy      130 E Belt Blvd
             1001 Hercules Rd                   Auto Credit Line Inc             Chester, VA 23831              Richmond, VA 23224
             Hopewell, VA 23860                 4800 Nine Mile Rd                (804) 400-4399                 (804) 918-8626
             (804) 458-0091                     Richmond, VA 23223               barryadenauer@gmail.com        badranwaleed@yahoo.com
             actionautopartsinc@gmail.com       (804) 864-4500                   Barry J Adenauer               Waleed I Badran
             Tracy Lewis                        trey@patrickauto.com
                                                autocreditline.net               Autopart International         Bill Britt Motors Inc.
                                                William Patrick                  192 Mansfield Ave              14498 Washington Hwy
                                                                                 Norton, MA 02766               Ashland, VA 23005
                                                                                 (301) 752-2950                 (804) 449-7476
                                                                                 Joe.Therres@autopartintl.com   cbritt0598@gmail.com
                                                                                 Joe Therres                    William Britt Jr.

                                                                                 AutoZone                       Broaddus Used Cars
                                                                                 1506 Boulevard                 9532 Fairview Rd
                                                                                 Colonial Heights, VA 23834     Partlow, VA 22534
                                                                                 (804) 524-9513                 (804) 448-2093
                                                                                 sean.jordan@autozone.com       jeanstewartauto@gmail.com
                                                                                 autozonepro.com                H Stewart Broaddus Jr.
                                                                                 Sean Jordan

                                 Members are cross referenced by Dealer-Operator Name & District beginning on page 61.
                                                      All information updated as of January 2021.

             18 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
Bruce Auto Parts Inc         Carmax                        Chris Dimitris                   Crestwood Auto Center LLC
8218 Mechanicsville Tpke     901 Murray Olds Dr            (804) 794-2886                   2301 N Lombardy St
Mechanicsville, VA 23111     Midlothian, VA 23114          csdimitris@gmail.com             Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 443-5866               (804) 317-7264                autodiscounters.net              (804) 447-8961
s.bruce@bruceautoparts.com   AP_EPRO_Invoices@Carmax.      Chris Dimitris                   crestwoodcars@outlook.com
bruceautoparts.com           com                                                            Phillip Williams
Scott Bruce                  carmax.com                    City To City Auto Sales LLC
                             William Nash                  507 E Laburnam Ave               Cumberland Auto Service Inc
C & P Auto Sales Inc                                       Richmond, VA 23222               1296 Anderson Hwy
4407 Jefferson Davis Hwy     Carmax Auto Superstores Inc   (804) 729-6322                   Cumberland, VA 23040
Richmond, VA 23234           12800 Tuckahoe Creek Pkwy     racewaycitytocity@gmail.com      (804) 492-4861
(804) 271-8181               Richmond, VA 23238            Omar White                       cumberlandauto@verizon.net
candp.rva@aol.com            (804) 747-0422                                                 Gregory T Atkinson
Steve Konwerski              AP_EPRO_INVOICES@Car-         City To City Auto Sales LLC
                             Max.com                       5020 Williamsburg Rd             Davis Auto Sales II
C L Hyman Auto Wholesale     carmax.com                    Richmond, VA 23231               10016 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Of Virginia Inc              Thomas D Nash                 (804) 726-6496                   Richmond, VA 23237
11049 Air Park Rd                                          dlewismiller1959@yahoo.com       (804) 271-0030

                                                                                                                                 DISTRICT 2
Ashland, VA 23005            Carmax Auto Superstores Inc   city2cityauto.comOmar White      gail@davisautosales.com
(804) 798-6661               11090 West Broad St                                            davisautosales.com
clhymanauto@hotmail.com      Glen Allen, VA 23060          Colonial Heights Auto            Gail D Davis
hymanwholesale.com           (804) 346-2277                Center Inc
Christian Hyman              AP_EPRO_Invoices@Carmax.      910 Boulevard                    Davis Auto Sales, Inc.
                             com                           Colonial Heights, VA 23834       382 N Main Street
Callao Car Center            carmax.comWilliam Nash        (804) 451-0290                   Kilmarnock, VA 22482
311 Northumberland Hwy                                     dcooke@chccva.com                (804) 435-1818
Callao, VA 22435             Cars of America               Thomas Cooke Jr.                 davisautosalesandservice@
(804) 529-6969               4610 Boydton Plank Rd.                                         gmail.com
callaocarcenter@gmail.com    North Dinwiddie, VA 23803     Commonwealth Motors LLC          davisautosalesservice.com
callaocarcenter.com          (804) 691-1234                9101 Jefferson Davis Hwy         Ed Davis Jr
John Wayland Newsome         Mohammad.salem97@gmail.com    N Chesterfield, VA 23237
                             Mohammad Salem                (804) 275-4946                   Davis Trucks & More
Capitol Motors of                                          commonwealthmotorsllc@           800 E Hundred Rd
Richmond LLC                 Carvana LLC                   comcast.net                      Chester, VA 23836
7221 W Broad St              1930 W Rio Salado Pkwy        commonwealthmotorsllc.com        (804) 404-9511
Henrico, VA 23294            Tempe, AZ 85281               Tracy D Sakowitz                 gail@davisautosales.com
(804) 430-9100               (602) 852-6604                                                 davisautosales.com
capitolmotorsrva@gmail.com   licensing@carvana.com         Compact Auto Works and           James W Davis Sr.
Jahan Cardenas               Paul Breaux                   Sales, Inc
                                                           20815 Chesterfield Plaza         Dollar Bills of Farmville Inc
Car Castle                   Carz Unlimited LLC            South Chesterfield, VA 23803     513 E Third St
7300 Brook Rd                133 E Belt Blvd Unit A        (804) 520-9007                   Farmville, VA 23901
Richmond, VA 23227           Richmond, VA 23224            lracingson1@aol.com              (434) 392-8831
(804) 562-8586               (804) 588-9553                compactautoworks.com             dollarbills.farmville@gmail.com
carcastlerva@gmail.com       carzunlimitedllc@gmail.com    Lonnie Johnson                   dollarbillsfarmville.com
carcastlerva.com             carzunlimitedllc.com                                           Ralph D Brightwell
Paul Tashner                 Brian Hairston                Contigo Auto Sales
                                                           3509 Jefferson Davis Hwy         Drive Time
Cardinal Auto Sales LLC      Celebrity Motors VA           Richmond, VA 23234               3300 Mechanicsville Tpke
11611 Jefferson Davis Hwy    2 East Belt Blvd              (804) 230-1800                   Richmond, VA 23223
Chester, VA 23831            Richmond, VA 23224            chrislebronautosales@gmail.com   (804) 321-1130
(804) 768-6009               (804) 715-8323                Chris Lebron                     samantha.davis@drivetime.com
cardinalas@verizon.net       sampsonfament@ymail.com                                        drivetime.com
cardinal-autosales.com       Marquis Sampson               Copart                           Donald Reese
James Blackburn Sr.                                        5701 Whiteside Rd
                             Choice Auto                   Sandston, VA 23150               Drive Time
CarLotz                      2812 Mechanicsville Tpke      (804) 328-1023                   9301 Midlothian Tpke
11944B Midlothian Tpke       Henrico, VA 23223             cindy.cockerham@copart.com       Richmond, VA 23235
Midlothian, VA 23113         (804) 709-1919                copart.com                       (804) 727-1777
(804) 897-2757               choiceautorva@gmail.com       Cindy Cockerham                  legal.licensing@drivetime.com
acameron@carlotz.com         Ikechukwu Igweike                                              Demond Austin
John Foley

                                                                             2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory | 19
             Drive Time Sales & Finance         Enterprise                      Faram Auto Sales Inc            Gilliam Motors Inc
             Corporation                        8000 West Broad St              209 Jefferson Davis Hwy         1336 Main St
             1720 W Rio Salado Pkwy             Richmond, VA 23294              Richmond, VA 23224              Dillwyn, VA 23936
             Tempe, AZ 85281                    (757) 486-7896                  (804) 562-4190                  (434) 983-2026
             (602) 852-6600                     michael.bruce1@ehi.com          jamalramanou@hotmail.com        gilliammotors@embarqmail.com
             legal.licensing@drivetime.com      enterprise.com                  faramauto.com                   gilliammotors.net
             drivetime.com                      Michael Bruce                   Jamal Ramanou                   Mattie Gilliam
             Don Reese
                                                Enterprise                      Fastlane Auto Sales             Green Automotive
             Dunn-Rite Auto Group               4115 Jacque St                  6 W Nine Mile Rd                310 N Main St
             60 Hawthorne Ave                   Richmond, VA 23230              Highland Springs, VA 23075      Blackstone, VA 23824
             Kilmarnock, VA 22482               (804) 355-7956                  (804) 326-1483                  (434) 292-7285
             (804) 435-2021                     michael.bruce1@ehi.com          rehatlee@netscape.com           dbarks01@hotmail.com
             mlissadunn1@yahoo.com              enterprise.com                  Richard Hollins                 greenautomobileblackstone.com
             dunnriteauto.com                   Michael Bruce                                                   Lawrence B Green
             M’Lissa L Dunn                                                     Feild’s Auto Sales Inc
                                                Enterprise Car Sales            102 S Washington Hwy            H & D Sales LLC
             East End Auto Sales Inc            8605 Midlothian Tpke            Ashland, VA 23005               1671 Cumberland Rd

             3114 Williamsburg Rd               Richmond, VA 23235              (804) 798-3555                  Farmville, VA 23901
             Richmond, VA 23231                 (804) 330-0900                  chip@ashlandtowingandtrans-     (434) 808-4826
             (804) 222-6565                     tommy.pelfrey@ehi.com           port.com                        handdautosales@gmail.com
             eastendautosales@gmail.com         Tommy Pelfrey                   Harry Feild                     Kevin Dunn
             Leo F. Gay Jr.                     Excel Auto Sales II             Five Star Car and Truck LLC     H L McGeorge Auto Sales Inc
                                                19915 Halifax Rd                7305 Brook Rd                   1398 Tappahannock Blvd
             East Side Automotive LLC           Carson, VA 23830                Richmond, VA 23227              Tappahannock, VA 22560
             404 W Williamsburg Rd Ste C        (434) 246-4646                  (804) 262-8200                  (804) 443-4808
             Sandston, VA 23150                 carsonhaulingco@aol.com         fivestarcarandtruck@yahoo.com   mcgeorgeauto@verizon.net
             (804) 737-7535                     Roy Brockwell                   Howard Dobbins III              McGeorgeauto.net
             forrelldowden@aol.com                                                                              Howard McGeorge Jr.
             Forrell Dowden                     Experts Motors LLC              Fulton Bank
                                                5406 Williamsburg Rd            9030 Stony Point Pkwy Ste 200   H&C Auto Inc.
             Easy Ride Auto Sales Inc           Sandston, VA 23150              Richmond, VA 23235              2536 Turkey Creek Rd
             11625 Jefferson Davis Hwy          (804) 277-2448                  (804) 565-4401                  Oilville, VA 23129
             Chester, VA 23831                  expertsmotorsllc@gmail.com      Paul McIntosh                   (804) 339-1560
             (804) 706-9670                     Kobby Sparks                                                    hcautoinc@gmail.com
             easyrideauto@comcast.net                                           Gantt Insurance Agency Inc      hcautoinc.com
             easyrideautosales.net              Exquizit Auto Sales             1801 E Third St                 Richard Call
             John Hattar                        20203 McKenny Hwy Ste B         Farmville, VA 23901
                                                Stony Creek, VA 23882           (434) 392-7200                  Hamilton Classic Cars
             Elliott’s Auto Sales               (804) 252-4516                  don@ganttagency.com             13200 Littlefield St
             23795 Rogers Clark Blvd            exquizitautosales@outlook.com   ganttagency.com                 Chester, VA 23836
             Ruther Glen, VA 22546              Eric Johnson                    Don Gantt                       (804) 530-1300
             (804) 448-4634                                                                                     hamiltonclassiccars@gmail.com
             sandra@elliottsautosales.          F & A Auto Sales Inc            Gary’s Wholesaling LTD          hamiltonclassiccars.com
             comcastbiz.net                     621 McKinney Blvd               8812 Brook Rd                   Tommy Hamilton
             myelliottsautosales.com            Colonial Beach, VA 22443        Glen Allen, VA 23060
             Sandra Pelter                      (804) 224-0588                  (804) 672-1593                  Hayden’s RV’S
                                                fandacorvette@aol.com           gwcars1@comcast.net             8910 Burge Ave
             Emperial Motorsports Corp          facorvette.com                  Gary Wilberger                  N Chesterfield, VA 23237
             7301-A Staples Mill Rd             Frank Coates III                                                (804) 279-8700
             Richmond, VA 23228                                                 General Auto Sales LLC          shelby.walsh@verizon.net
             (804) 233-0900                     Family Auto Sales LLC           6102 Nine Mile Rd               haydensrvs.net
             sales@emperialmotorsports.com      3626 Boulevard Ste A            Richmond, VA 23223              Charles Cheek
             Adrian Benniefield Jr              Colonial Heights, VA 23834      (804) 737-0085
                                                (804) 524-4998                  sales@generalautosalesva.com
                                                sryan611@aol.com                Meshack Obinna
                                                Michele H Ryan

                                 Members are cross referenced by Dealer-Operator Name & District beginning on page 61.
                                                      All information updated as of January 2021.

             20 | 2021 VIADA Membership and Services Directory
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