Page created by Thelma Hicks
For over three years, we have been accompanied by the motto 'The Sounds
  of Smarter Banking' in the product and services brochure – Finnova Day
  provided us with the pictures. This year, we had to cancel Finnova Day and
  have a creative rethink. Our current source of pictures is musician and in-
  teraction designer Jonas Friedemann Heuer. With his modular synthesizer,
  he set the suites of our Finnova Banking Software to music. Heuer's 'gener-
  ative art' is a balancing act between creativity and analysis. He docu-
  mented the creative process for us with highly attractive photos. And for
  the first time, with this publication, you can listen to them: use the QR
  codes on the next page for music, videos and background information on
  Heuer's art. In the  chapter , we
  look to the future with digital experience, analytics and open banking. As
  usual, you will find an overview of our products at the end.

  We hope you find what you read and hear interesting.
2   Finnova Banking Software
    Value proposition for our customers
                                                                                                                      Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                            Table of contents    3

                                                                         Finnova at a glance                                               6

                                                                         Solutions for Smarter Banking                                     9

                                                                         Value proposition for our customers                             10

                                                                         Success for customer segments                                   12

                                                                         Banking – The future is now                                  I–XX

                                                                         Finnova Banking Software at a glance                            18

                                                                         Further development of the Finnova Banking Software             27

                                                                         Finnova Client Engagement Suite                                 32

                                                                         Finnova Core Suite                                              48

                                                                         Finnova Management Suite                                        70

                                                                         Finnova Open Platform                                           78

                                                                         Finnova Services                                                88

                                                                         Licence and price Model                                         98

                                                                         Overview of all products100
"Basic musical elements have been extracted from the
                   Finnova brand sound and rearranged: key, time signature,
                   musical phrases, melodies and tones. Finnova's company
                   melody is picked up by the machine, but constantly var-
                   ied and thus newly interpreted time and again. The varia-
                   tion is influenced by the logic of the Finnova core. This in-
                   fluences the sound of Finnova as a company and its
                   employees on the one hand, and the logic of the Finnova
                   software and the machine on the other hand, bringing
                   about a new musical result of the Finnova brand."

                   J. F. Heuer
                   Designer & musician

                                                             The Finnova brand,
                                                             musically interpreted
6   Finnova Banking Software
    Finnova at a glance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Finnova at a glance    7

                               Finnova at a glance                                                                                           To the advantage of our customers                                       Our shareholder base
                                                                                                                                             With the Finnova Banking Software and the accompanying                  We are a 100% self-financed limited company under Swiss
                               Since 1974, Finnova has stood for innovative banking                                                          services – from analysis and consulting to training, through to         law. Various stakeholder groups are represented in our share-
                                                                                                                                             operation and support – our community can reap the benefits             holder base, in which all owners have a long-term commitment
                               solutions – in development, in operation and in advisory.                                                     of a high-performance and reliable banking platform. With its           and share the company vision.
                               Together with our customers and partners, we focus on the                                                     breadth and depth of functionality, it can be used for various               The majority shareholder of Finnova (registered as finnova
                                                                                                                                             business models, be it front-to-back, end-to-end or bank-spe-           AG Bankware) is the German IT consulting and system integra-
                               digital transformation and open banking, thus supporting                                                      cific. The attractive total cost of ownership (TCO) is an impor-        tion company msg systems ag. As part of the msg group, we
                               our around 100 customers from the financial services sector                                                   tant criterion. Finnova banks have had a leading position on            have access to this globally designed network that includes
                                                                                                                                             the market in this regard for years.                                    over 8,000 experts and offers strategic consulting as well as
                               in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein in                                                         As a result of the extension with the Open Platform for            value-adding IT solutions, primarily for sectors with vertical
                               being sustainably profitable and competitive.                                                                 operation and the integration of a comprehensive ecosystem,             value-added chains, such as insurance companies, banks and
                                                                                                                                             our customers are able to differentiate themselves even more            the public sector. In addition, several customer banks, our stra-
                                                                                                                                             on the market in times of digitalisation.                               tegic partner Swisscom and members of our Executive Board
                                                                                                                                                  Finnova also offers complete flexibility in choosing the           also have shares. This balanced structure, which is also re-
                                                                                                                                             most appropriate operating model for the bank. This applies             flected in the Board of Directors, incorporates the interests
                                                                                                                                             for individual or multi-tenant installation and BPO services in         of the most important stakeholder groups. All of this enables
                                                                                                                                             equal measure. Banks benefit from a functioning market when             strategic corporate management designed to be long-term
                                                                                                                                             it comes to selecting an operating partner.                             and sustainable and makes us a reliable partner.
    The comprehensive functionality, stability and performance           Optimisation of time to market                                           From Finnova's own Application Management, we now                       Hans Zehtmaier (founder and CEO, and from 1 January
    you would expect of modern banking software are just three           The ongoing optimisation of processes and the cooperation           also provide our products and solutions as an SaaS solution.            2020 onwards, chairman of the supervisory board of msg sys-
    of many strong arguments that characterise the Finnova Bank-         with our Community, the use of modern and consistent archi-         The offer extends from individual products to the full range            tems ag) has been chairman of Finnova's Board of Directors
    ing Software and that our customers have appreciated for             tectural concepts, increased efficiency and the deployment of       of functions of the Finnova Banking Software.                           since 2015.
    years. Regardless of whether during peak loads like the year-        dedicated and experienced development teams improve the
    end processing or during the high-performance processing             time to market and increase the effectiveness of our devel-                                                                                 Our Executive Board
    of scaled-up and consistent banking processes, the Finnova           opment. With the right solutions at the right time, we enable                                                                               Finnova's Executive Board comprises the CEO and the heads
    Banking Software forms the basis of a modern and high-per-           our customers to serve and work their markets sensibly and                                                                                  of the six business units: Services, Development, Product
    formance bank.                                                       to meet the needs of their bank clients. The openness of the                                                                                Management, Technology Competence Center, Business De-
         In light of increasingly heterogenous needs, the growing        Finnova Banking Software with its Open Platform is becoming                                                                                 velopment & Sales and Corporate Development & Finance.
    speed of change on the market as well as blurred boundaries          increasingly important for this. As a result, banks can benefit
    between sectors and new competitors, we position ourselves           from innovations in the area of digital front-office applications
    as a reliable and innovative solution provider with the develop-     and position themselves actively in competition with the ex-
    ment of new solutions and operating models. As a result of a         isting and new market participants.
    modern architecture, consistent opening up and substantial in-
    vestments in digitalisation at the client interface, we offer Fin-   Development of new business areas
    nova customers comprehensive flexibility and differentiation         In addition to strengthening the client base in private bank-
    on the market. Thanks to the Open Platform and the orches-           ing, the number of satisfied clients in retail banking and the
    tration capability of a digital ecosystem, bank clients' needs       expansion of Finnova's own ecosystem, Finnova has further
    can be fulfilled and realised. We support our customers in the       marketable assets to be able to develop new growth areas in
    successful implementation of their digital strategy, both with       bank-related sectors.
    our own products and with a broad-based partner network.                  Finnova Analytics is gaining in importance with the de-
                                                                         velopment of new markets and new market segments. New
                                                                         paths open up – also outside the financial sector – as a result
                                                                         of platform independence and the possibility of using differ-
                                                                         ent data sources.

                                                                         Strengthening of entrepreneurial action
                                                                         Entrepreneurial action will play a central role in the implemen-
                                                                         tation of our Strategy 2025. We promote and demand intra-
                                                                         preneurship from our over 400 committed and talented em-
                                                                         ployees – independence and personal initiative are important
                                                                         elements in this.

                                                                                                                                                                      Left to right: Olaf Romer, Markus Metzger, Simon Kauth, Hendrik Lang, Daniel Bernasconi, Raphael Widmer, Jörg Steinemann
Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                Solutions for Smarter Banking     9

           Solutions for Smarter Banking
           More than ever, successful business models in banking re-
           quire the intelligent use of technology. The digitalisation of
           banking, increasing pressure of competition and costs as well
           as increasing compliance requirements are driving forces. In
           this interplay, we offer our customers efficient and innovative
           IT solutions, enabling 'smarter banking' with the open Finnova

The single-source banking solution
As an open, complete package, the Finnova Banking Software offers banks a broad
range of functions, enabling consistent data storage and processing, up-to-date in-
teraction with clients and comprehensive data analysis.
     The Core Suite is the centrepiece of the Finnova Banking Software. It represents
the Systems of Record, which guarantee processing that is as automated as far as
possible and data storage, and this with sharply rising volumes, high speed and an
increasing process orientation. The data is used and supplemented by the Systems
of Engagement (Client Engagement Suite) and the Systems of Insight (Manage-
ment Suite). The Systems of Engagement address customer experience, mobility
and context-oriented services and information – with the aim of increasing the in-
teraction of products and services for bank clients and making their banking activi-
ties as easy as possible. Last but not least, the Systems of Insight provide analyses
concerning clients, products and markets as well as in-house procedures – with the
aim of making informed decisions, of continuously introducing improvements and
innovations, and of having risks under control at all times.
     The Open Platform of the Finnova Banking Software enables integrations for
third-party, development and service partners. It is also used for the integration and
orchestration of Finnova's own applications and suites. This makes way for an open
ecosystem. Bank clients continuously perceive processes in a digitalised manner.
In accordance with the 'Systems of...', Finnova takes on different roles as business
driver and/or business enabler.

                       FINNOVA AS A                                                 FINNOVA AS A
                     BUSINESS ENABLER                                              BUSINESS DRIVER

        SYSTEMS OF                      SYSTEMS OF                   SYSTEMS OF                FINNOVA ECOSYSTEM
       ENGAGEMENT                         INSIGHT                      RECORD                      & DELIVERY

   Client Engagement Suite          Management Suite                  Core Suite                     Open Platform
10   Finnova Banking Software
     Value proposition for our customers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Value proposition for our customers   11

                                 Value proposition for our customers
                                 Thanks to an extensive ecosystem and versatile partnerships,                                       A single-source solution
                                                                                                                                    With us, customers get everything from one source, from business analysis and
                                 our customers benefit from an extremely modern, reliable and                                       consulting to solution architectures, technology, products and solutions, through
                                 high-performance standard solution with breadth and depth                                          to training and support. In particular, this means we can implement special require-
                                                                                                                                    ments of our banks quickly and together.
                                 of functionality, as well as high-grade individualisation – all
                                 with an attractive total cost of ownership (TCO).                                                  Stability and low TCO
                                                                                                                                    Our software has been operating reliably for years in varied constellations of use. It
                                                                                                                                    is characterised by the stability that our customers highly value, whether for peak
                                                                                                                                    loads such as the year-end processing or for rolling out new functionalities as a re-
                                                                                                                                    sult of continuous releasing.
                                                                                                                                         Thanks to the high-grade standardisation and the single-source approach, we
                                                                                                                                    can build and maintain our software cost-effectively. This allows us to keep produc-
                                                                                                                                    tion costs low for our customers. The unique parameterisation capability enables
                   The value chains of banking processes are increasingly shifting to the bank client                               our customers to optimise and automate the processing of their bank transactions,
                   via digital solutions and services. This makes a consistent and media disruption-free                            and to industrialise their processes. The flexible operating models also contribute
                   orchestration of data and communication channels possible. Identification with                                   to our customers achieving a very attractive TCO.
                   the brand of the respective bank also increases with a consistent user experience.
                   Therefore, reliability, availability and security of a solution will also be important for
                   banks in future. We build our solutions according to this principle.

                   Customer knowledge and proximity
                   Our customers have always been the focus of our thinking and actions. Thanks to                      Cost-to-Income Ratio (CIR) Ranking of Swiss Retail Banks 2019
                   them and the constant collaborative exchange, we keep pace with market devel-                        (Basis 2018)

                   opments. Only this way can we set the right priorities and drive the further devel-
                   opment of our standard solution forward for the benefit of our customers. Among                      Ranking Bank		                                                     CIR   Ranking Bank		                                                         CIR
                   other things, the newer Finnova solutions such as Advisor Workbench, Loan Advi-
                   sory, Investment Cockpit, Analytical Framework and Open Platform came into be-                        1		    Banque Cantonale de Fribourg*                           34.31%    7		    Appenzeller Kantonalbank*                                 45.91%
                   ing within the framework of this close exchange.                                                      2		    Bank Leerau Genossenschaft*                             43.10%    9		    Graubündner Kantonalbank*                                 46.72%
                                                                                                                         3		    Schwyzer Kantonalbank*                                  43.58%   10		    Banque Cantonale du Valais*                               46.97%
                                                                                                                         4		    AEK Bank 1826 Genossenschaft*                           44.25%   11		    Regiobank Männedorf AG*                                   47.05%
                                                                                                                         5			Zuger Kantonalbank*                                        44.93%   12			   Clientis Sparcassa 1816 Genossenschaft*                   47.18%
                                                                                                                         6		    Schaffhauser Kantonalbank*                              45.46%   15			   Migros Bank AG*                                           47.41 %
                                 Ecosystem and Community
                                 The Finnova Community of banks and partner companies brings together the largest                                                                                                             Source: IFZ Retail Banking Study 2019, p. 65
                                 and most diversified banking ecosystem in Switzerland. Across dedicated commit-                                                                                                                                            *Finnova bank
                                 tees, we offer the banks and partners at various levels of management and perfor-
                                 mance a platform to actively participate in the product design and strategic direc-
                                 tion, and to drive innovations forward together.

                                 Freedom of choice and flexibility
                                 Whether an individual installation, operation on a multi-tenant tower, software as
                                 a service or a BPO service, our customers can choose the most suitable operating
                                 model and operating partner for them.
                                     In all operating models, they benefit from our continuous releasing process –
                                 on a quarterly basis, or even on a monthly basis, if desired. New software is rolled
                                 out incrementally.
12   Finnova Banking Software
     Success for customer segments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Success for customer segments     13

                                Success for customer segments
                                Finnova actively manages Switzerland's largest banking com-
                                munity, consisting of around 80 universal banks and 20 pri-
                                vate banks. Supplemented by over 100 partner companies, it
                                offers customers a comprehensive ecosystem together with
                                the accompanying services of Finnova.

                  >> Universal and retail banks                                                           >> Transaction banks                                             >> BPO providers
                     The focus of universal and retail banks is on increased efficiency and compre-          The most efficient processing possible of payments, se-          Efficiency in banking is achieved today by breaking down
                     hensive functionalities. We support them with our highly automated software,            curities, foreign exchange and loans for other banks is          the value chain and outsourcing standard processes to
                     high STP rates and efficient processes. The Finnova Banking Software stan-              the core competence of transaction banks. The Finnova            BPO providers. The Finnova Banking Software is ideally
                     dard solution already contains a very broad functionality for universal and retail      Banking Software helps them achieve this with maxi-              suited as a backbone for the industrialisation of banking
                     banks that can be individually extended, notably through our open partner               mum scalability, high STP rates and maximum automa-              processes. In addition, it offers a user platform espe-
                     ecosystem.                                                                              tion.                                                            cially designed for BPO providers, with which processes
                                                                                                                                                                              for several banks can be handled simultaneously.
                       Banque Cantonale de Fribourg                                                          InCore Bank
                       Clientis banks                                                                        VZ Depository Bank                                               Finanz-Logistik
                       ESPRIT network                                                                                                                                         Sobaco/InCore Bank
                       Graubündner Kantonalbank                                                                                                                               Swisscom
                       Migros Bank                                                                        >> Digital asset banks
                       Valiant                                                                               Already during the phases preceding market maturity,
                                                                                                             Finnova was engaged with the topics of 'cryptocurren-         >> Fintechs and development companies
                                                                                                             cies' and 'digital assets'.                                      The integration solutions of the Open Platform enable a
                  >> Private banks                                                                                  The first digital asset bank in the world was given       systematic connection of various systems to the Finnova
                     The change in private banking with growing compliance requirements, margin              the green light from FINMA at the end of August 2019             Banking Software. The Finnova platform thus becomes
                     pressure and changed client needs results in new business models. We offer              and started productive operation on the basis of the             an open ecosystem that supports the interaction of vari-
                     private banks specific functionalities such as our new Portfolio Management             Finnova Banking Software at the start of September               ous actors such as banks' own development teams, op-
                     System and the Advisor Workbench. They also have the possibility of simple              2019. With the integration of custody, brokerage and to-         erating partners, development companies, fintech busi-
                     connection of best-of-breed third-party solutions, which are already being              kenization applications, a fully integrated solution can be      nesses and BPO partners. It helps Finnova to increase
                     used in many forms in private banking via FIL Integration Services. With its in-        designed in combination with the core banking function-          agility in the provision of functionalities and to meet the
                     tegrated functions and interfaces, the Finnova Banking Software offers a                alities.                                                         challenges resulting from the breakdown of the value
                     compliant implementation of regulatory and tax requirements, leaving private                                                                             chain and the technological change in banking more
                     banks on the safe side – at an overall attractive TCO.                                  Sygnum                                                           quickly.
                                                                                                             InCore Bank
                       Habib Bank Zurich                                                                                                                                      Camunda
                       Lienhardt & Partner Privatbank                                                                                                                         Contovista
                       Mercantil Bank (Switzerland)                                                       >> Financial services                                               Crypto Finance
                       Neue Bank (Liechtenstein)                                                             In the area of financial services, we address the seg-           Ergon Informatik
                       Privatbank Bellerive                                                                  ment of non-banks, which, although offering bank-re-             Jemmic
                       REYL & CIE                                                                            lated services on the basis of their business model, do          Netcetera
                                                                                                             not require a full core banking system. With Finnova's           ti&m
                                                                                                             SaaS model, customers have the advantage of using the
                                                                                                             Finnova Banking Software on a modular basis as well as
                                                                                                             being able to flexibly choose the functionalities used and
                                                                                                             planned extension stages.

                                                                                                             Liberty (pension provision platform)

     The listed names are an extract from the reference lists.
14   Finnova Banking Software
     Value proposition for our customers   >> Banking – The future is now                                                                                         I
                                                                                                                                                        Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                             Value proposition for our customers

                                                                            The only thing that does not change is change itself.
                                                                            The future has never been set in stone; it is a moving target. Un-
                                                                            predictable developments can throw us off course and force us
                                                                            to rethink – 2020 has provided us with a stark reminder of this.
                                                                            However, the better we understand the past and present, the
                                                                            better we are prepared to fact the uncertainties of the future.
                                                                            Trends come and go, but the challenge of making progress and
                                                                            remaining flexible remains. Our technical experts are required
                                                                            to analyse trends, identify opportunities and not lose sight of
                                                                            the wood for the digital trees on a daily basis. On the following
                                                                            pages, three of them have their say and highlight three exciting
                                                                            topics that are already shaping future banking today.

                                                                            Digital experience                                             II


                                                                            Open banking                                                 XIV

Knorr The company history of Knorr
began in 1838 with the foundation of
the company 'C.H. KNORR, milling
products, regional goods and soup
factory' by Carl Heinrich Knorr in Heil-
bronn, Germany. At the time, nobody
suspected that the Knorr products
would be among the most successful
consumer goods worldwide 150 years
later. Convenience food and haute
cuisine address different client needs
today: convenience and time saving
on the one hand, and quality and ex-
perience on the other hand.
IV   >> Banking – The future is now         >> Digital Experience                                                                                                                                                                        V

Fast food or haute
In banking, as with food, the force of habit applies. A famil-
iar taste gives us the certainty that the product is good. At
the same time, it is in our nature to want to broaden our
horizons and try new things that were not known to us be-
fore now. What happens if regular bank clients acquire new

            When making important decisions, in particular         History repeats itself
            when settling financial matters, we act in ac-         Asset management, lending business and pay-
            cordance with the principle of trust. This trust       ment transactions: these traditional tasks are
                                                                                                                                                                        An embodiment of personal service is the 'Kronenhalle', one of
            does not come about overnight – however, it            deeply rooted in the DNA of Swiss bankers and                                                        Zurich's most traditional upscale restaurants with a traditional
            can be gambled away quickly. Traditional banks         their regulation goes back as far as the 14th                                                        menu. The 'Kronenhalle' was opened in 1924. It is still known for
            with their long-standing level of trust therefore      century. However, the Swiss banking system                                                           its impeccable service and good cuisine today. You book a table by
            still have an almost unbeatable asset at their         only made a breakthrough in 1850 when the                                                            telephone or email and not via a booking platform.
            disposal. But what if the regular clients acquire      first commercial banks (e.g. the Swiss Credit
            new tastes? And if they not only jump on the           Institution and the Swiss Bank Corporation)
            bandwagon of new food trends, but also that            honed in on the financing of railway construc-
            of digital banking trends?                             tion and on growing large-scale industry. As      They all share the tactic used: They offer a set
                  The traditional banks must first classify dig-   a counterpart to these large banks, numerous      of basic services and features that is aimed at
            italisation correctly for themselves and see it        resourceful credit institutions (including many   a single selected group, namely digitally savvy                        GLOSSARY
            as an opportunity. Why not selectively extend          cantonal banks) emerged between 1860 and          clients. The same applies as for a good burger:
            the menu? A bank can also benefit from digi-           1880, tailoring their services to the needs of    quick, simple, cheap. They are therefore focus-                        Customer experience (CX) Customer experien-
            talisation without having to turn away from its        tradespeople and the middle class according to    ing on basic needs for accounts, cards and pay-                        ce relates to the experience had, for example,
            fundamental values. A new trend is also ulti-          the motto 'small bank vs. large bank'.            ment transactions, as well as lower fees for                           before purchasing a product or the use of a
            mately quickly tried out. However, the reverse                                                           services and currencies.                                               service/product.
            also applies: If the challenger banks – the hip        Burger instead of banquet: simple, fast                Thanks to this simplicity (foregoing expen-
            food trucks of banking, so to speak – want more        and highly segmented                              sive physical presence, eliminating complex                            Legacy system In computer science, this term
                                                                                                                                                                                            designates an established application
            then just an amuse-bouche, they not only need          If you apply the events from the time around      advisory services), the focus on a single tar-
                                                                                                                                                                                            (software) developed over time, which is often
            to vie for the favour of the clientele, but also       1860 to the present, a similar pattern emerges.   get group and the use of highly developed IT
                                                                                                                                                                                            characterised by its high degree of complexity
            build long-term trust and thereby generate sus-        Today, with Yapeal, Neon, Zak and most re-        systems, banks can rely on processes that are
                                                                                                                                                                                            and lack of flexibility.
            tainable financial benefits.                           cently Flow, four Swiss fintechs are already      standardised and highly automated processes.
                                                                   driving forward the smartphone banking mar-       However, in theory, this highly efficient busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                            Neobank A neobank is usually a young bank that
                                                                   ket with seemingly new offers. With Revolut,      ness model is only possible if the start takes
                                                                                                                                                                                            newly defines banking for its target groups. A
                                                                   N26 and Transferwise, international challenger    place without a legacy system, in other words
                                                                                                                                                                                            neobank is also often designated as a challen-
                                                                   banks have also discovered Switzerland as an      from scratch and without manual processes or                           ger bank.
                                                                   interesting market and are about to assail the    mixed heterogenous IT systems.
                                                                   established banking institutions.
VI         >> Banking – The future is now               >> Digital Experience                                                                                                                                                                                           VII

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE AUTHOR

                           Traditional bank                                          Neobank/challenger bank

Trust                      Arisen and confirmed over time                            Only partially available and needs to be confirmed

Advisory                   Personal and individual                                   Digital offers (mostly in self-service form)
                                                                                                                                                 Digital? Phygital!
Range                      Comprehensive in breadth (savings, payments,              Specialised in selected topics                              Only few traditional companies appear to be
                           financing, investments, pension provision) and depth
                                                                                                                                                 ready to fully reinvent themselves and to set
                                                                                                                                                 aside the semi-automated IT systems and pro-
Target group               Universal (private clients, business clients)             Specialised and mainly themed
                                                                                                                                                 cesses from decades of experience. It makes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PHILIPP ZIMMERMANN
Product development        Inside-out: Old wine in new bottles                       Outside-in: Radical client orientation                      little sense for traditional banks to abandon ev-                             Head of
                                                                                                                                                 erything they have tried and tested to begin                                  Product Management Digital Banking
Strengths                  Solid financing and efficient quality management          Short decision-making processes and client focus as a       almost as a startup again. But how can they                                   Finnova
                                                                                     maxim                                                       prove themselves in the digitalisation race?
                                                                                                                                                       The traditional governing bodies of most                                'The digital ecosystem offers endless
Weaknesses                 Inflexible for the reduction of legacy in products,       Missing client base and limited equity capital              banking institutions may well say 'We differ-                                 possibilities for achieving dynamic balance in
                           systems and processes                                                                                                 entiate ourselves through our customer service                                the client–bank relationship, thereby taking
                                                                                                                                                 and personal advisory'. But is that enough? Af-                               banking to the next level of advancement.'
Opportunities              Transformation: Offers in new (digital) channels          Enhancement: Larger client base or expansion of the         ter all, challenger banks make absolutely no
                                                                                     product range
                                                                                                                                                 compromises when focussing on clients. Al-
                                                                                                                                                 though neobanks do not have the basis of trust
Risks                      Loss of potential future target groups                    Race against the clock: Will the critical mass be reached
                                                                                                                                                 of a traditional institution and their clients can-
                                                                                     fast enough?
                                                                                                                                                 not expect personal advisory, they are fully ori-
Sources of income          Interest rate difference business, fees, advisory         Mostly fees/currency exchange                               ented towards their digitally savvy clients with
                           business                                                                                                              a very specific need with their modern IT sys-
                                                                                                                                                 tems. They ensure the digital client experience
                                                                                                                                                 (also a form of service quality) is amazingly sim-
                                                                                                                                                 ple, with transparent information across the se-
                                                                                                                                                 lected channels.
                                                                                                                                                       Therefore, 'phygital' is a great opportu-
                                                                                                                                                 nity for traditional banks, with the connection

Therefore, 'phygital' is a                                                                                                                       of physical and digital worlds: merging exist-
                                                                                                                                                 ing strengths in personal advisory with innova-
great opportunity for tradi-                                                      and relationship management as well as a wide                  tive channels and offers and thereby creating
                                                                                  range of products. Not to mention the coffers                  a competitive hybrid model. Even if the digital
tional banks, with the con-                                                       filled to the brim despite margin pressure,                    universe is quick, simple and cost-effective, the
nection of physical and dig-                                                      which enable the technological development                     human factor must not be ignored. In the fu-
                                                                                  or conversion of IT systems without constantly                 ture, clients will also need a person they trust
ital worlds.                                                                      having to plan financing rounds. Therefore, in                 as a contact for more complex transactions;
                                                                                  essence, the banks have robustness and oper-                   know-how cannot be simply outsourced to cli-
                                                                                  ational advantages at their disposal, with which               ents continually.
                                                                                  they can pit themselves against their challeng-
                                                                                  ers.                                                           Food must taste good to the guest, not to
                                                                                       In distribution, neobanks namely sense the                the cook                                              on the competition and adjust the menu se-
                                                                                  disadvantages of their often too young market                  It is essential that banks not only expand their      lectively and perhaps only seasonally to find
                  All that glitters digitally is not gold                         presence if they have not yet reached critical                 digital platforms, but also learn from the great-     out how its clientele reacts. It understands that
                  Whoever hastily proclaims the superiority of                    mass for their platform. New market entrants                   est advantages of their competition: their un-        the consumer not only appreciates the food,
                  neobanks over their traditional opponents has                   want to win the duel for more efficient pro-                   conditional outside-in business model. The cli-       but also has expectations regarding ambience.
                  learnt little from history. It is not only basic ser-           cessing of standard business, but the margin                   ent is king, and the offer is focused on them.        If the menu needs to be adjusted long-term,
                  vices that provide for a sustainable and eco-                   in basic business is too small – how long can                  Whoever wishes to survive long-term will do           the question arises as to whether the existing
                  nomically profitable client relationship. Tightly               they actually stick with this business model?                  well to orient themselves towards the needs           kitchen team is flexible enough or if they need
                  organised, established banks with robust struc-                 They do not yet have the range of necessary                    of consumers, thereby making the customer             to look for a new head chef. Perhaps the tal-
                  tures not only have efficient quality manage-                   capabilities at their disposal to be able to make              experience a high priority.                           ented chef of the hip and trendy bistro on the
                  ment at their disposal – just think of the recent               a sustainable impact on the banking business                         A good restaurant knows the big food            corner is headhunted or its owner recognises
                  debacle surrounding Wirecard – but also de-                     as a universal service provider. And they do not               trends and reacts if the demand from custom-          the advantage of a partnership with the estab-
                  cades of experience in the area of customer                     want this either.                                              ers changes substantially. It will keep an eye        lished gourmet restaurant?

Syrian hieroglyphics Over 3,000 years
ago, people deliberately took care to
leave behind traces and history. Hie-
roglyphics have been used in various
places on this earth. In our part of the
world, stonemasons signed their sto-
nes – unique and unmistakable, just
like the digital fingerprint of a digital
user today.
X    >> Banking – The future is now        >> Analytics                                                                                                                                                                      XI

'You are what
you click' – Digital
fingerprint analysis
                                                                                                                      Thanks to findings from digital fingerprint anal-
                                                                                                                      ysis, banks can counteract the criminal forces
                                                                                                                                                                           'Digital fingerprint analy-
                                                                                                                      and their ultimate goal of getting to clients'
                                                                                                                      assets efficiently and effectively. Even if, at      ses increase the protection
                                                                                                                      worst, a social engineering or phishing at-
                                                                                                                      tack takes place, in combination with dynamic
                                                                                                                                                                           of bank clients, secure the
Digitalisation influences almost all areas of our professional                                                        real-time transaction monitoring, banks are in       bank's reputation and reach
and private lives. And each interaction via digital channels                                                          a position to detect and stop fraudulent trans-
                                                                                                                      actions on time.
                                                                                                                                                                           their potential in the imple-
leaves traces: It identifies and classifies us as consumers                                                                                                                mentation of the UYC con-
                                                                                                                      From a puzzle piece to the full picture
with certain preferences, interests, needs and habits. But                                                            The traces of our interactions and behaviour
what use is that to banking and bank clients?                                                                         as consumers on the digital channels are de-
                                                                                                                      termined by the technical tools made available
                                                                                                                      to us, in other words terminal devices and gad-
                                                                                                                      gets such as a keyboard, mouse, touchscreen
                                                                                                                      or the gyroscope of a mobile phone, or simply
                                                                                                                      by the technical parameters of the respective
                                                                                                                      devices such as language settings, IP address,           GLOSSARY
                                                                                                                      operating system, geolocation, etc.
                                                                                                                           Whether a person types quickly or slowly,           Dynamic real-time transaction monitoring The
                                                                                                                      how often they make which mistakes and                   observation and analysis of transaction data in
                                                                                                                      how quickly they correct them – this is all per-         real time with the aim of gaining insights about
            In banking, digitalisation has primarily found its   Protecting clients and the bank's                    sonal information that reflects behaviour and            clients, their profiles and their behaviour. As the
            way into payment transactions and asset gener-       reputation                                           habits. Together with the analysis of the typi-          most dynamic of all data sources, transaction
            ation, but also increasingly into processes that     At the same time, as a result of the intelligent     cal transactions for this person and of their al-        monitoring is used in the most diverse subject
            are recurring or were previously demanding in        processing and use of the available information,     ready known risk profile and behavioural pat-            areas, e.g. fraud detection and prevention,
            terms of staff. The analysis of the information –    the digital fingerprint should also enable banks     terns, this information gives a complete picture.        credit risk analysis and analytical CRM.
            knowingly or unknowingly – left behind by bank       to protect the clients' integrity, i.e. to protect   If the bank notices unusual behaviour, it can
            clients, the so-called digital fingerprint, can be   them from harm, thereby also protecting the          react quickly.                                           Gyroscope of mobile phones The gyroscope is
            used by the banks for various tasks.                 bank's integrity. The attackers are not the only                                                              an instrument that ensures that the orientation
                 Main objective of the banks: They want to       ones that are technically well equipped – the        Full potential is only reached in the right              of the smartphone in three-dimensional space
            be able to make better offers to their clients,      banks also have the possibility of positioning       environment                                              and its exact positioning along the axes
                                                                                                                                                                               can be precisely analysed. The tilt of each
            even more precisely tailored to their needs. To      themselves with new methods and of coun-             Some elements of the digital fingerprints are
                                                                                                                                                                               person's hand when using a mobile phone and
            achieve this objective, banks must continue to       teracting attacks.                                   already being used. Some of the techniques
                                                                                                                                                                               their movement patterns are individual and act
            learn how to know and understand their clients            Whether social engineering, phishing,           used, viewed in isolation, are already innovative
                                                                                                                                                                               in the same way as a fingerprint.
            even better, to identify their needs and to pre-     malware attacks or suspicious Covid-19 cam-          and are being further developed on an ongo-
            dict their behaviour. In turn, this should have a    paigns – the methods used by cybercriminals          ing basis. However, the digital fingerprint only
                                                                                                                                                                               UYC concept 'UYC' stands for 'understand your
            positive impact on turnover, client satisfaction     and fraudsters to obtain the private data of cli-    reaches its full potential if is used as part of a
                                                                                                                                                                               customer'. This highlights clients from all
            as well as client complaints and client attrition.   ents is becoming increasingly more dynamic,          holistic UYC concept such as that of Finnova.
                                                                                                                                                                               possible perspectives in their facets and
                                                                 refined and sophisticated. Uncovering, under-        In the interplay, it even increases the effective-       behaviour patterns. This results in a consistent
                                                                 standing and preventing all of these methods         ness of the already established UYC compo-               and uniform analytical 360-degree view of
                                                                 on time amounts almost to a 'mission: impos-         nents. These include, for example, dynamic               clients, which allows the bank to better
                                                                 sible'. However, these attack fronts external to     transaction monitoring, dynamic risk-based               understand them and to better assess risks,
                                                                 the bank are also not where a bank can and           profiling and behavioural analysis.                      dangers and potential.
                                                                 should be applying its protective mechanism
                                                                 as the bank has little control over them. Fur-
                                                                 thermore, the defence is naturally always one
                                                                 step behind.
XII      >> Banking – The future is now           >> Analytics                                   XIII

                                   THE AUTHOR

                                   NIKOLAI TSENOV
                                   Product Manager
                                   Data, Analytics & Compliance

                                   'Analytics is not an end in itself but rather a
                                   means to an end. We cannot reduce the
                                   complexity of the environment itself, but using
                                   analytics we can understand it better, simplify
                                   its management and make the best possible

Whether voice analysis, facial recognition or iris
scan – the 360-degree view of clients will be
extended on an ongoing basis. Technical, bio-
metric and behavioural data will always provide
a well-rounded overall view. Even if this may
sound scary at first, it primarily concerns the
protection of clients. Sensibilisation and close
cooperation are therefore important. The dia-
logue between data protection specialists, cli-
ents and software manufacturers should inten-
sify and thus promote mutual understanding
and trust. The right technical environment on
the bank's side is also important for fully ex-                     The transparent client in
ploiting the potential of new possibilities such                   the controversy between
as the digital fingerprint. This pays off because                     protection of personal
at the centre of all these efforts ultimately lies                  and individual rights and
the protection of both the clients' and the                       the utmost satisfaction of
bank's integrity.                                             their implicit needs

Switchboard Industrialisation of data
transmission actually began with the
patent registration of Bell in 1876. At
the time, the conversing parties had to
be physically connected with each ot-
her, as this picture from around 1900
shows. There is similar behaviour to-
day in banking. The traditional one-to-
one interfaces still exist, but open
APIs and API management make the
whole process dynamic. New con-
cepts – and open banking – are
around the corner.
XVI   >> Banking – The future is now           >> Open Banking                                                                                                                                                                           XVII

Open banking in                                                                                                               Forms of business ecosystems in the area of
                                                                                                                              open banking

Switzerland – Myths,


facts, opportunities

                                                                                                                          DEGREE OF OPENNESS

Open banking is a hot topic for the future development of
the financial services sector internationally.. Open banking
has gained in importance, not least because of regulatory
requirements in the EU and in countries outside of Europe.                                                                                                                  Dedicated


                                                                                                                                               very low             BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATIONS                                        high

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             © Finnova

             Open banking provides the opportunity to pro-       The facts
             mote new business models and innovations. It        There is currently no obligation to open up soft-
             challenges the financial services sector to be      ware in Switzerland. The Swiss Bankers Asso-
             active and to take a stance. The media hype         ciation rejected such a regulation in a position
             surrounding the topic of open banking has fu-       paper and trusts in the self-regulation of the
             elled numerous myths and lead to numerous           sector. Banks and interest groups are free to de-   In Switzerland, there is currently a particular                    The vision of is to beco-
             misunderstandings.                                  cide whether, for whom and under which condi-       focus on corporate clients with regard to open                     me the company network in the area of connec-
                                                                 tions they would like to open up their systems,     banking services. Retail clients of Swiss banks                    tivity. To accomplish this vision, OpenBanking-
             Common myths                                        i.e. make data available. In any case, pressure     are waiting in vain for access to open banking            relies on four approaches:
                                                                                                                                                                                        >> Networking – Vessel for networking in the
             >> Open banking is for fintechs; traditional fi-    from the EU, consumer protection and data pro-      services, such as multi-banking. Currently, the
                                                                                                                                                                                             context of open banking
                nancial services providers are losing out        tection, or even from end clients, will dictate     necessary standards, a common understand-
                                                                                                                                                                                        >> Knowledge platform – Articles and first-
                and must relinquish the client interface and     the conditions of opening.                          ing of 'helvetisation' (yes, this exists in spite
                                                                                                                                                                                             hand information on the topic of open ban-
                client data.                                          In Europe, the business cases for account      of standardised API definitions), and guidelines
             >> Interplay in the open banking ecosystem is       information and payment initiation services are     for operationalisation are lacking. Various ini-
                                                                                                                                                                                        >> Community APIs – Adaptation and operatio-
                clearly defined, as are the relevant roles.      consistently regulated on the basis of the PSD2     tiatives driven by SIX, SFTI and OpenBanking-
                                                                                                                                                                                             nalisation of the best API standards in Swit-
             >> Possible business models are obvious or          regulation. However, for the time being, the are attempting to close this gap. For
                are emerging.                                    new requirement of two-factor authentication,       this step to succeed, Swiss banks must ideally                     >> Developer portal – quick and simple possibi-
             >> Integration in open banking is very simple       the cumbersome and differently operation-           agree on a common standard and then imple-                              lity of testing the Community APIs
                and intuitive.                                   alised process of consent management, and           ment it at operational level. Standardised in-
             >> The necessary standards concerning inter-        the various API standards are creating more         terfaces are worthless if they are not correctly                   The founding partners of OpenBankingProject.
                faces, contracts and security are available      hurdles for users in the European market.           and uniformly implemented on a platform (i.e.                      ch are convinced that is only possible to overco-
                and defined.                                          In light of the situation, numerous Euro-      operationalised) and if they cannot be tried and                   me the challenges of open banking and to suc-
                                                                 pean market participants are following the strat-   tested with exceptional loads.                                     cessfully take advantage of the opportunities
                                                                 egy of implementing the minimum PSD2 re-                                                                               with a cooperative and open approach.
                                                                 quirements and, in parallel, implementing their     The opportunities
                                                                 own APIs and business cases within their eco-       Despite these unpromising general require-
             Study 'Ecosystems 2021 – what will the future       system.                                             ments, the open banking movement offers new
             bring?' by Deloitte/BEI St. Gallen                                                                      options for business model innovations.
XVIII >> Banking – The future is now               >> Open Banking                                                                                                                                                                                                            XIX

THE AUTHOR                                                                  The foundation of the London financial centre is directly
                                                                             linked with the lenders from Lombardy and the intensi-
                                                                               ve trading with America. Loan agreements were con-
                                                                                cluded in places such as is shown here: The emblem
                                                                                 from 1677 originates from a goldsmith called Stokes
                                                                                and was adopted by Lloyds Bank in 1884. The logo of
                                                                                the National Bank of New Zealand arose from this in
                                                                                 1978. Lombard Street in London and the signs of the
                                                                             banks that were around at the time are still evidence of
                                                                                this. Open banking is the expression of digitalisation
                                                                                                  and further market openings today.

Product Manager

'Open banking is here to stay. We are
convinced that there are no alternatives. In an
ever-faster changing world, cooperation will
soon be the only way to achieve client focus.'
                                                                         Standardisation of the offered products and
                                                                         services is indispensable for designing busi-
                                                                         ness ecosystems such as this to be profitable.
                                                                         Obstacles for users can be removed, such as
                                                                         different authentication methods for different
                                                                         banks, and the necessary compatibility can be
                                                                         achieved, e.g. for multi-banking. In the financial
                                                                         services sector, such efforts are still in their in-
                                                                         fancy, with the exception of the payment ser-
                                                                         vices sector.

                                                                         Among all the myths, the fact remains that                      GLOSSARY
                                                                         Open Banking is less a technical challenge and
                                                                         more a change process and cultural change. It                   API management Holistic management of           and added value in joint business models         Multi-banking Thanks to multi-banking, cli-
                                                                         needs to be driven forward with conviction by                   programming interfaces. This includes,          through joint use of resources (e.g. via a       ents can view and manage all accounts, and
                                                                         banks, financial services providers, fintechs and               among other things, interface publishing, en-   platform) and adherence to jointly agreed        make transactions conveniently on just one
                                                                         core banking software providers. This is key for                forcement of usage guidelines, access cont-     values (governance).                             platform. Instead of having to log in again for
                                                                         taking the step into a new era of banking with                  rol, maintenance of the community of sub-                                                        each account with each bank, only one login
                                                                                                                                         scribers, recording of usage statistics and     Banking in the value chain The following         is required on the platform.
                                                                         corresponding business models.
                                                                                                                                         creation of performance reports.                question gets to the heart of the matter: As a
                                                                              Open banking is not a yes or no decision,
                                                                                                                                                                                         financial services provider, how do I position   Business ecosystem A dynamic network
                   If you imagine open banking as a business eco-        but rather a journey that favours new strate-
                                                                                                                                         PSD2 The second Payment Services Directi-       my products and services most efficiently        structure of interdependent stakeholders
                   system, various fields of action can be defined.      gies. Participating in this journey is associated
                                                                                                                                         ve is an EU directive from the European Com-    where the real client need is?                   that create and develop new values together
                   Financial services providers need to consider         with opportunities and risks, and forms the ba-
                                                                                                                                         mission in the area of law on payment ser-                                                       by aligning their individual needs and capabi-
                   in which fields of action they want to be pres-       sis for the implementation of a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                         vices for regulation of payment services        Open API An open application programming         lities with a common purpose.
                   ent and with which of their products and ser-         digitalisation strategy. The significance of col-
                                                                                                                                         and payment service providers throughout        interface that allows application programs to
                   vices. Ideally, the path leads to a holistic strat-   laborative business models (business ecosys-                    the European Union (EU) and the European        interact and share data. It is often a REST
                   egy of opening. It is necessary to consider what      tems) will increase as they mean innovative                     Economic Area (EEA). The aim of the regula-     implementation that prepares a particular
                   the desired business model should look like in        services can be offered and new earning op-                     tion is to promote Europe-wide competition      service or software function whilst protec-
                   this 'brave new open banking world'. The De-          portunities can be developed.                                   and participation in the payments sector,       ting the rest of the application.
                   loitte/BEI St. Gallen study 'Ecosystems 2021 –             If we all work together, we can stay in con-               also by non-banks. Furthermore, harmonisa-
                   what will the future bring?' clearly shows that       trol without getting sidetracked.                tion of user protection and rights and duties   REST Representational State Transfer
                   added value and client interaction will increas-                                                                      for payment service provides and users          (REST) designates a programming paradigm
                   ingly shift towards business ecosystems, so                                                                           should create equal conditions for competiti-   for shared systems, particularly for web ser-
                   'banking in the value chain' will be ever more                                                                        on.                                             vices. REST is an abstraction of the structu-
                   important. So-called open APIs are the key to                                                                                                                         re and behaviour of the worldwide web. The
                   offering products and services in these busi-                                                                         Ecosystems Dynamically developing commu-        aim of REST is to create an architectural sty-
                   ness ecosystems.                                                                                                      nities of parties such as businesses, consu-    le that better represents the requirements of
                                                                                                                                         mers or institutions, which create markets      the modern internet.
Finnova Banking Software
Value proposition for our customers   15
18   Finnova Banking Software
     At a glance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    At a glance   19

                                Finnova Banking Software at a glance                                                                                                Value Creation Processes

                                                                                                                                                                                                             CLIENT ENGAGEMENT SUITE
                                The Finnova Banking Software is a comprehensive front-to-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MANAGEMENT SUITE
                                back software product for retail, universal and private banks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       OPEN PLATFORM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CORE SUITE
                                A consistent process orientation and a modular architecture
                                enable a flexible adaptation and integration of the business                                                                        Management Processes
                                                                                                                                                                     Bank Management
                                functionalities required by banks, their clients and BPO pro-
                                viders today.
                                                                                                                                                                    Business Process Management

                    Value creation processes                                                                            Management processes
                    In times of transformation towards digital excellence and increasing competitive pressure,          The effective control of a bank and fulfilment of compliance
                    banks are required to focus on the market services that create added value for their clients,       requirements front to back require clearly defined processes
                    and for which their clients are therefore willing to pay an appropriate price. This means banks     along the value added chain of a bank, as well as consistent
                    can optimise their profitability via the added value generated. The turnover of the banks is pri-   data storage and aggregation.
                    marily composed of the three following value creation processes.
                                                                                                                        >> Bank Management                                               >> Business Process Management
                    >> Payments                                                                                            Managing a bank in a dynamic environment with an ev-             By consistently aligning bank transactions to the clients'
                       Digitalisation has significantly simplified the basic function 'Payment Transactions'. Now-         er-increasing number of competitors and in an increas-           needs, banks are able to create genuine added value for
                       adays, payments are increasingly made via mobile devices, around the clock. Thanks to               ingly regulated market challenges many banks and their           their clients. User-centred, effective and flexible process
                       a consistent optimisation of front-to-back banking processes, it is possible to design sim-         managers. Management decisions need to be taken on               management that allows both strongly and weakly struc-
                       ple touchpoints for the client as a way to create a unique client experience. In order for          the basis of verifiable facts and in-depth analyses, which       tured processes is growing in importance – and with it
                       this to happen, straight through processing and a high-performance validation and pro-              requires a comprehensive, coherent and consistent data           technical software support in the form of integrated
                       cessing engine are also necessary. Most of the basic products of banks, such as ac-                 and information base.                                            front-to-back core banking solutions like the Finnova
                       counts or cards, and their administration are also allocated to the payment transaction                                                                              Banking Software.
                       processes.                                                                                       >> Compliance
                                                                                                                           Increasing compliance requirements on the part of regu-
                    >> Financing                                                                                           lators and authorities also present new challenges for
                       While financing needs were previously addressed mainly at a regional level, digitalisation          the client-bank relationship. These challenges can be
                       has largely eliminated geographical restrictions and low interest rates have brought new            met by consistently focusing our software development
                       competitors such as pension funds to the market. The importance of fast, cost-efficient             on the client and thus on the banking needs. Therefore,
                       and effective front-to-back processing in the lending business is growing, taking into ac-          compliance is becoming an integral part of the interac-
                       count risks and regulatory requirements – from client acquisition to an overall view from           tion between the client and the bank. Technology is
                       a management perspective.                                                                           changing approaches to compliance in two ways: firstly,
                                                                                                                           the importance of an information-oriented approach
                    >> Investments                                                                                         rather than a process-oriented approach is increasing.
                       The complexity of processes in the investment business is continuously increasing as                The keyword here is 'behavioural patterns'. Secondly,
                       well. This places higher demands on all those involved, from the client to the client advi-         the degree of automation of searches can be signifi-
                       sor, through to compliance and back office employees – especially as not only national              cantly increased as it gains in breadth, depth and quality.
                       regulatory authorities and domestic and foreign tax authorities, but also special bilateral
                       solutions play a part in this. New and innovative technology-based business models chal-
                       lenge conventional advisory methods. In this context, it is important to create added
                       value for the bank clients that can be offset. Simple implementation and the costs play
                       an important role for the bank. This places considerable demands on the flexibility of
                       multiple systems such as tracking, valuation, alert, exception handling and reporting, to
                       name but a few.
20   Finnova Banking Software
     At a glance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Value proposition for our customers   21

                        The Finnova Banking Software is divided into three user-oriented product suites,
                        supplemented by the Open Platform, which itself is divided into product groups.
                        Expansions take place in all suites in accordance with the strategic focus. The sup-
                        plements to the standard product available today are presented in this brochure un-
                        der the associated suite and in the chapter 'Overview of all products'. We inform
                        our customers and partners about the further development of the Finnova Banking
                        Software in the quarterly Finnova Product Update.

     Finnova Banking Software

     Strategic Focus
                                                Digitalisation                        Industrialisation, Standardisation                 Data, Analytics & Compliance                                Ecosystem

                                       Bank Clients & Client Advisors              Middle Office, Back Office & BPO Experts                    Bank Managers                                 Third-Party Partners

     Products                             Client Engagement Suite                                 Core Suite                                  Management Suite                                     Open Platform

      Payments                          E-Banking & Mobile Banking                                Payments                             Financial Accounting & Controlling                        Solution Integration

                                               Branch & ATM                                       Financing                                   Risk & Compliance                                    Orchestration
                                             Advisor Workbench                             Investment Management                             Regulatory Reporting                          Master Data Management

      Bank Management                           Loan Advisory                              Investment Operations                                   Analytics                                 Runtime Environment

                                           Customer Management                                Clients & Products
      Business Process Management
                                              Business Banking                                       Tax

     Services & Solutions

                                        Enterprise &                Consulting &             Integration &                  Data &                    Quality               Application Mgmt &
                                    Solution Architecture             Projects               Orchestration                 Analytics                 Assurance                Cloud Solutions

                        Smarter banking with three coordinated business suites and the Open
                        The Finnova Banking Software is divided into three business suites and the Open
                        Platform. The suites address fundamentally different stakeholders. As its name
                        suggests, the Core Suite stands for the central element of core banking and is the
                        real backbone of the Finnova Banking Software for achieving high-performance
                        industrialisation and digitalisation and ensuring 24/7 operation of straight through
                        processing in real time. The other two suites build on this and focus accordingly.
                        The Client Engagement Suite ensures the interaction between client and bank. It
                        includes all channels, self-service offers in the portal, e-banking and mobile bank-
                        ing, as well as processes managed by advisors or service centres at the teller. The
                        Management Suite constitutes the information and management centre for the bank
                        management, which gets the maximum out of data using analytical approaches.
                        The Open Platform is the link within the Finnova Banking Software and to custom-
                        ised and third-party solutions.
                             We commit to high consistency of business processes across the whole Finnova
                        Banking Software, up to and including partner applications.
22   Finnova Banking Software
     At a glance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Finnova Banking Software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         At a glance   23

     Finnova Client Engagement Suite                                                                  Finnova Core Suite                                                                                                        Finnova Management Suite                                                                        Finnova Open Platform
     The Client Engagement Suite addresses the interaction with                                       The focus of the Core Suite is on transactionality and the data                                                           The keyword of the Management Suite is 'interpretation'. The                                    The Open Platform makes the Finnova ecosystem more acces-
     clients. Its central task is the best possible support of banks                                  master role. A high-performance, robust core application de-                                                              use of all available data to be able to make informed deci-                                     sible to customers, partners and third-party providers, while
     in client communication on all channels available to them.                                       signed to provide the highest degree of automation and stand-                                                             sions is a main task of the Management Suite. This also takes                                   enabling them to design their own ecosystems. It embodies
     The orchestration of processes and content in the interaction                                    ardisation is an indispensable asset for financial services pro-                                                          place with analytical tools under the heading of artificial intel-                              the openness of the Finnova Banking Software and its solu-
     with clients is of utmost importance. This ensures consistency                                   viders. The functionally rich, integrable and modularised Core                                                            ligence and machine learning. In particular, the Management                                     tions. In times of ever faster change, innovation and agility
     across all channels as well as a user experience optimised for                                   Suite fulfils the requirements imposed on core banking.                                                                   Suite also addresses needs in the areas of integrated bank                                      are sought-after qualities. In order that the operated Finnova
     digital excellence, and offers banks the possibility of flexibly                                      The Core Suite is the central workplace, above all for the                                                           management such as financial and company accounting, risk                                       solution can better satisfy these needs, the Open Platform is
     equipping the available channels with functionalities and pro-                                   middle and back office, as well as for our BPO partners. It is                                                            management, compliance and legal reporting, and is thus the                                     being further designed and developed on an ongoing basis in
     cess steps. The Client Engagement Suite is currently being                                       and remains the backbone of the Finnova Banking Software                                                                  comprehensive instrument for bank and risk management.                                          close cooperation with key players in the Finnova ecosystem.
     expanded with a focus on investment. We take into account                                        and comprises the known specialist modules. The structure                                                                 It pools analyses and reports and in addition, its functional-                                  Digitalised and industrialised banking will be possible in the
     the increasing demands of end clients in mobile banking and                                      of the Core Suite covers all modules with payment transac-                                                                ities cover the ever-increasing compliance requirements in                                      future if solutions can be built and operated to be compatible
     e-banking, and support innovations in the area of ATMs and                                       tions, financing, investments, portfolio management, basic                                                                the banking sector.                                                                             with XaaS. The Open Platform product groups target differ-
     the connection of market places. In the area of external asset                                   products, client and advisory processing. The master data re-                                                                                                                                                             ent stakeholders in the Finnova ecosystem with their specific
     management and in the repositioning of our customer banks                                        tention is located here accordingly. For example, client master,                                                                                                                                                          needs and requirements – from customised developments
     in the local branch business, we also offer attractive solutions                                 card administration, interest rates, fees, charges and limits are                                                                                                                                                         via Solution Integration to quality assurance and high-perfor-
     which enable banks to differentiate themselves on the market                                     integrated here. The parameterisable process management                                                                                                                                                                   mance, cost-effective operation.
     using modern information and communication technologies.                                         guarantees the banks an efficient and individual integration.
          This use of technology also requires a new generation of                                    The focus of the Core Suite is on the quick and comprehen-
     workplace for advisors and service centres to support them                                       sive processing of all business cases and the unrestricted,
     in their daily sales activities. This workplace is role-based and                                role-based access to all data, as well as the fulfilment of op-
     offers an integral client and advisor perspective, as well as en-                                erative security requirements in real time.
     abling a direct change to various advisory tools in the areas of
     financing, investments and pension provision.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Operating models
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In times of eroding margins and increased cost pressure, a low TCO is important for the com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     petitiveness of banks. For this, the selection of the right and appropriate operating model of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     its IT solution plays a central role for the bank. The Finnova model is based on an open part-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ner approach. Our customers can choose between different partners and operating models.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In practice, different operating models and integrations of third-party solutions have become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     established – from individual installations to multi-tenant towers with a parallel operation of 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     banks (in the past, there were also over 40 banks on one tower), from cost-effective standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     solutions to the implementation of complex special requirements with third-party solutions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for example in the private banking sector.

                                Existing multi-tenant towers*

                                                           SOFTWARE PROVIDER                         SOFTWARE PROVIDER                               SOFTWARE PROVIDER                            SOFTWARE PROVIDER                              SOFTWARE PROVIDER                       SOFTWARE PROVIDER                            SOFTWARE PROVIDER
                                                           FINNOVA                                   FINNOVA                                         FINNOVA                                      FINNOVA                                        FINNOVA                                 FINNOVA                                      FINNOVA
                                                           LICENCE                                   LICENCE                                         LICENCE                                      LICENCE                                        LICENCE                                 LICENCE                                      LICENCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 INCORE                                  SWISSCOM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RESELLER                                RESELLER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12 x INCORE/                                                                           2 x FINNOVA
                                       2 x GKB                                       5 x SÄNTIS                                23 x CLIENTIS                                   26 x ESPRIT                                       SOBACO                                6 x SWISSCOM               FULL -               SAAS

                                 BPO        AM       ITO                       BPO            AM      ITO                BPO         AM        ITO                       BPO                 AM       ITO             BPO           AM     ITO                         BPO        AM        ITO              BPO               AM      ITO

                                *according to the number of banks in 2021
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