Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC

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Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
FREE • August/September 2019

                                       20-page focus
                                       on technology

                        Is this the
                      future of food
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
Looking to start,
grow, scale up or
exit a business?
The Festival of Enterprise – the UK’s largest event
dedicated to helping fast-track business growth for SMEs                                                                      03
and start-ups – comes back to the NEC Birmingham on                                                                           advertisement
October 23 and 24 this year.                                                                                                  feature

Scaling up
Strategy can be side-tracked in the
day-to-day running of a business, and
scaling up can take a back seat with
piles of paperwork, projects going
wrong or dealing with the overflowing
   This shows in the statistics.
According to the ScaleUp Institute,
scale-ups bring in £1.3 trillion of
the £1.9 trillion generated by all UK
SMEs. The remainder is brought in
by millions of companies not making
anywhere near as much of an impact
as they could.
   There are clearly more than a few
secrets business owners need to learn
about scaling up. Fortunately, the
                                          Piers Linney, entrepreneur and start-up specialist, left, and
Festival of Enterprise will reveal all.
                                          James Ashwood, managing director Festival of Enterprise
The festival
More than 150 experts in business         specialist Piers Linney has joined the     team will be hosting a full agenda
growth will take to the stage at the      festival as one of the speakers.           of seminars on how some of our
Festival of Enterprise to share their        Linney is perhaps best known to         customers have transformed the way
secrets with other business owners.       the public for being a ‘dragon’ on the     they work with G Suite and how this
This is where you can learn from          BBC2 television series Dragons’ Den,       has helped them to rapidly scale their
real experiences, hear how they           and for his appearance on Channel          businesses.”
went about getting the funding that       4’s The Secret Millionaire. He will be        The Festival of Enterprise is
enabled their growth, how they grew       sharing his no-nonsense business           designed to provide the owners of
their management and delivery             advice with aspiring business owners.      established SMEs and start-ups with
teams, the big obstacles they                “I am delighted to be speaking          the tools and information they need
overcame and how they re-shaped           at the Festival of Enterprise, which       to achieve fast growth.
their plans as they grew.                 is providing brilliant advice to help         A day at the Festival of Enterprise
    Managing director for the Festival    businesses grow. I’ll be talking about     will put business owners in the ‘ideas
of Enterprise, James Ashwood, said:       my #Startup with Piers Linney course       zone’ and will help them re-focus
“Over the past three years we have        and look forward to sharing this with      on the strategic issues that affect
learned a great deal about the types      you all at the NEC in October,” he         growth.
of information and services business      said.
owners and CEOs are looking for to           The exhibition section of the
support their growth ambitions. This      festival will be packed with attendees
has enabled us to create such an          from small solution providers to
exciting programme.                       specific problems, through to tech
    “Not only are we offering world-      giants like Google, LinkedIn and Dell.
class advice from business-growth            Product marketing manager of
experts, we are also offering real-       Google Cloud, David Taylor, said:
life case studies from successful         “Google Cloud is excited to join the
entrepreneurs who have the                Festival of Enterprise with its focus on
achievements and battle scars to          strategies to scale up.                      Free entrance passes can be obtained by visiting
speak with authority about what it           “Google Cloud offers the tools
takes to innovate and succeed in          needed to transform the way        
today’s business environments. This       businesses work and to help them             by emailing
really is an event not to be missed.”     build a modern infrastructure that will      or by calling 0121 582 0517
    Entrepreneur and start-up             scale with them. The Google Cloud
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
contents                            06                                                    18                          34           Welcome                                                                               05
                                                                                                                                   It is no exaggeration to suggest          embracing entrepreneurs and
                                                                                                                                   that Diane Benussi has a peerless         organisations that are prolific in the
                                                                                                                                   standing in her field.                    region.
                                                                                                                                       A legend of the national family          As our 20-page focus on the tech
           ON THE COVER                   INTERVIEWS                    TECHNOLOGY                                                 law scene, and by all accounts a          and digital sector hopefully reflects,
                                                                        SPECIAL | 26-45                                            formidable presence in the courts,        the city is fast becoming a byword
           12 Hydroponics                 18 Diane Benussi                                                                         Diane has acted for scores of high-       for technology. The number of tech
               The Birmingham                 On the progression        28 David Hall                                              profile figures from the political,       workers in Birmingham – estimated
                                                                                                                                   sporting and entertainment worlds.        at 100,000 – and the work they are
               company leading                of her respected                Taking tech to                                       Her daughter, Helen, has the long-        doing is extraordinary.
               the revolution in              family law firm                 the next level                                       term responsibility of continuing this       Such is the breadth of the subject
               growing fresh food                                                                                                  hugely respected family brand.            we can only really scratch its surface
                                          66 5 minutes with...          34 Autonomous                                                  Meeting the likes of the Benussis
                                                                                                                                   makes this job incredibly rewarding
                                                                                                                                                                             in the room we have available
                                                                                                                                                                             here, but it is hard not to feel real
           FEATURES                           PJ Ellis of Lightbox         vehicles                                                and I could not have enjoyed              optimism when reading the columns

                                              Digital                                                                              interviewing them more.                   and insights from some of the many
                                                                              Realising the dream                                      Likewise Rebecca and Craig            experts in their fields that Birmingham
           06 Paradise is                                                                                                          Struthers. Over in the Jewellery          is truly at the cutting edge when it
              taking shape                                              37 Digbeth                                                 Quarter, the Struthers’ workshop –        comes to technological advances.
               Phase One soon to          SOCIALS                             The centre of a                                      and the methods they use in creating         Elsewhere, our cover story profiles
                                                                                                                                   exquisite timepieces – would not          a company looking to play its part in
               be completed               24 Office opening                   thriving tech scene                                  look out of place in the 1800s. This      helping to feed society in the years
                                                                                                                                   does not deter clients who know           to come. Keep an eye on Alex Fisher
           56 Traditional art                 Celebrations at           40 Combining                                               a beautiful piece of craftsmanship        and his company, Saturn Bioponics.

               Watchmaking is                 The Botanist                 resources
                                                                                                                                   when they see it and are happy               We also provide an update
                                                                                                                                   to pay a premium for the couple’s         on proceedings at the Paradise
               alive and well in the      50 Charity ball                     For 5G success                                       watches.                                  Birmingham development, and are
                                                                                                                                       Benussi & Co and Struthers            delighted to cover several social
               Jewellery Quarter              Gateley’s event in                                                                   Watchmakers are at the very top of        events which have been taking place
                                                                                                                                   their respective games, and there’s       over the summer.
                                              its 18th year                                                                        something reassuring about the way           We hope all of this provides
                                                                                                                                   businesses founded on traditional         a welcome distraction to the
                                          62 Retirement                                                                            attributes such as skill, empathy,        interminable uncertainty surrounding
                                             reception                                                                             brainpower, talent and hard work –
                                                                                                                                   not new-fangled gadgets and gizmos
                                                                                                                                                                                Our next issue comes out in
                                              Saying goodbye after                                                                 – continue to prosper.                    October when – you never know –
                                              40-year career                                                    By HENRY               But Birmingham’s business profile     there might be just a little more clarity
                                                                                                                                   is nothing if not varied, and these       on where the country is heading.
                                                                                                               CARPENTER           more traditional businesses dovetail         Until then, enjoy the rest of the
                                                                                                                          Editor   comfortably with all the technology-      summer.

                      Editor                           Business development                         ONLINE                                              Birmingham Business is published by Midlands Magazines
                                                                                                                                                        Ltd. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is
                      HENRY CARPENTER                  manager/head of advertising                                         prohibited without written permission of the editor. The
                    MIKE MOLONEY                                                                                     publishers have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the
                                                                                                         @brumbiz                                       information in this magazine is accurate at time of going to
                      Editorial director                                                                                                                press. Midlands Magazines accepts no responsibility for the
                                                                                                                                                        consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered
                      CARL JONES                       General enquiries                                                                                by users of any of the information and material contained in
                                                                                                                                                        this publication. The views expressed by our columnists are
                                                                                                                                                        not necessarily those held by the publisher, or editor.
                      Design and layout                                                                  Birmingham-business                            Printed in the UK by The Magazine Printing Company
                      MICHELLE DALTON                                                                                                         
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
A little                                                                                It is almost four years since work
                                                                                                                              started on Birmingham’s largest

                                      closer to                                                                               building project. But, as HENRY
                                                                                                                              CARPENTER reports, the patience

  06                                  Paradise?                                                                                                                                                                                               07
                                                                                                                              asked of everyone who lives or
                                                                                                                              works around the development
feature                                                                                                                       looks soon to be rewarded.                                                                                      feature

                                      The beginning of the end is surely in        on its growth, skills and jobs agenda,     a hotel within the 1.8 million sq ft set
                                                                                                                              of new buildings, and some 17 million
                                                                                                                                                                         topping out was a huge moment for
                                                                                                                                                                         both Paradise and Birmingham. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “As well as creating
                                      sight.                                       and a huge vote of confidence in the
                                         We are assured that Phase                 city.                                      people are expected to pass through        have achieved so many milestones              and sustaining new
                                                                                                                              the site every year.                       over the past 10 years, but this
                                      One of the Paradise Birmingham
                                      development will be completed by
                                                                                      “Thanks to the hard work of a lot
                                                                                   of people, the city continues to move         It is being run by Paradise Circus      one feels extra special and reflects          jobs for the people
                                      Christmas. This means that the first         forward and we are beginning to feel       Limited Partnership, a private-public      the huge momentum behind this                 of Birmingham,
                                      occupiers of the development will be         the very real benefits and economic        joint venture with Birmingham City         incredibly significant scheme.
                                      moving in this year – all on schedule.       uplift of projects like Paradise. But as   Council, with private-sector funding          “Rising above the challenges of            Paradise is also
                                         Which, to many, will be a blessed         well as creating and sustaining new        managed by Hermes Investment
                                                                                                                              Management. Property developer
                                                                                                                                                                         the liquidation of Carillion at the
                                                                                                                                                                         beginning of 2018, the scheme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       about restoring
                                      relief. The residents of, visitors to        jobs for the people of Birmingham,
                                      and motorists around the western             Paradise is also about restoring           Argent oversee the building work.          continues at pace with both initial           and improving
                                                                                                                                 There have been several                 buildings advancing – 2019 will
                                      fringes of the city centre have had
                                      their patience tested to the limits
                                                                                   and improving connectivity for
                                                                                   pedestrians across the city centre         key milestones along Paradise              be even more significant with the             connectivity for
                                      with the development of Paradise             and providing a fitting environment        Birmingham’s timeline.                     completion of the first phase of              pedestrians across
                                      Birmingham.                                  for our historic civic buildings.”            In January, Two Chamberlain             Paradise bringing our first occupiers
                                         For the best part of four years,             So truthfully, will anyone care         Square – the second building in the        to the development.                           the city centre.”
                                      since work started, the air has              a hoot about the disruption and            development – was topped out at a             “This will include the completion of
                                      been filled with rubble dust and the         inconvenience if the £700 million          ceremony which saw a golden bolt           the Phase One public realm that the
                                      noise from drills and machinery; the         development delivers on its own            installed into the steel frame at the      people of Birmingham will be able to
              Rob Groves, Argent,
                                      traffic has ground to a halt around          identification as the most important       top of the building by Cllr Ward who       both witness and be part of.”
               Cllr Ian Ward, BCC,
                                      Paradise Circus, with repercussions          development the city has seen in a         was joined by Rob Groves, regional            While the bulk of the floor space
                  David Ellis, BAM,
                                      throughout the city centre and               generation?                                director of Argent, and David Ellis,       across the Paradise site will be taken
              at the topping out of
                                      beyond.                                         To recap, Paradise Birmingham is        regional director of construction firm     up by offices, both hospitality and
          Two Chamberlain Square
                                         It is little wonder then that reluctant   completely changing the profile of         BAM.                                       retail are also expected to be integral
                                      acceptance gave way to impatience            that area of the city centre between          Overlooking the Town Hall, Council      to the development.
                                      and perhaps a little anger to be             the end of Broad Street and the civic      House and Birmingham Museum and               So there was much excitement with
                                      followed by a beleaguered weariness          offices in Victoria Square. Three new      Art Gallery, Two Chamberlain Square        the announcement of wine bar and
                                      (spot the similarities with Brexit). But     public squares are being created,          sits at the heart of the Paradise          restaurant Vinoteca – which currently
                                      maybe we can now add excitement              as are pedestrian links and a new          development with direct access from        operates five sites across central
                                      to these emotions.                           public transport system, including the     the new public realm. An enhanced          London – launching outside the
                                         It was leader of Birmingham City          hugely-anticipated Midlands Metro          Chamberlain Square will open later         capital for the first time with its arrival
                                      Council, Councillor Ian Ward, who            extension.                                 this year along with the newly-            at Paradise Birmingham.
                                      said earlier this year: “Paradise is an         The development will deliver            completed Centenary Way.                      Vinoteca has taken 3,390 sq ft in
                                      example of Birmingham delivering             offices, shops, bars, restaurants and         As Mr Groves said at the time: “The     Two Chamberlain Square fronting
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
 @FBCManbyBowdler                                                        

feature                                                                                                                                                and growing
                                                                                                                                                       your business
                                                                                                                                                                  Starting a New Business             Franchising
                                                                                                                                                            Buying & Selling a Business               Directors Advice
                                                                                                                                                             Shareholders & Partnership               Business Future Planning &
                                                                                                                                                                           Agreements                 Succession
                                                                                                                                                                              Banking & Finance       General Business Advice

          Chamberlain Square and Centenary           largest building yet – the 280,000 sq   2020s. So there’s still a long way                       Specialist Business Agreements                  Brexit Advice
          Way, and is due to open early in 2020.     ft One Centenary Way – due to start     to go until the last workman leaves
             Charlie Young, co-founder of            this year with a completion date of     the ongoing building site that is the
          Vinoteca, said: “Paradise offers our       2022, and with a 22-storey hotel to     Paradise Birmingham development.
          brand an unbeatable location and           follow.                                    But it’s a phase-by-phase process
          commercial proposition right in the           Finally, Phase Three will offer a    and hopefully the knowledge of
          heart of Birmingham.”                      range of commercial and mixed-use       functioning, tenanted buildings by
             Mr Groves said: “Bringing a             buildings across the northern part      the end of this year will make the
          critically-acclaimed wine bar and          of the site, with the whole project     bitter pill of disruption a great deal
          restaurant brand like Vinoteca to          expected to be completed in the mid     easier to swallow.
          Birmingham really demonstrates
          our aspirations for Paradise. Our
          perfect mix of unbeatable location
          and top-quality design means we
          are the natural choice for innovative
          leisure retailers keen on reaching an
          audience of 17 million people a year.”
             But it is unlikely any of these
          milestones will be greeted with more
          fanfare than the completion of Phase
          One at the end of this year.
             One Chamberlain Square, designed
          by Eric Parry Architects and topped
                                                                                                                                      Award winning legal advice                                     0800 111 6144
          out in December 2017, is an eight-
          storey, 172,000 sq ft building fully let                                                                                    delivered by the region’s
                                                                                                                                      leading lawyers...
          to professional services giant PwC                                                                                                                                                       @FBCManbyBowdler
          which can increase its Birmingham                                                                                                                                                       
          headcount by 1,000 thanks to its
          move. As the first tenants of the
          Paradise site, this is a symbolically                                                                                       FBC Manby Bowdler LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership.
          significant part of Phase One.
             Phase Two of Paradise will see the
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
West Midlands in
   need of more job
10 opportunities
                                               Summer job figures have highlighted        the region’s high unemployment rate.                                                    Snowdonia challenge raises over
                                                                                                                                                                                  £10,000 for cancer charity
                                               a pressing need for greater                However, this remains well above
                                               employment opportunities in the            national figures.
                                               West Midlands.                                “In the same period,
                                                  Although unemployment in the            unemployment in the South East                                                          An intrepid team from Birmingham              They beat their target of raising
                                               region decreased by 0.4%, it still         fell by the same amount to 2.8%.                                                        mechanical and electrical building         £10,000 for the Royal Marsden
                                               remains well above national figures,       In the West Midlands, the drop                                                          services provider J S Wright               Cancer Charity, which supports the
                                               the Greater Birmingham Chambers            was also accompanied by a drop                                                          completed an arduous physical              Royal Marsden Hospital, the cancer
                                               of Commerce emphasised in its              in employment – which remains                                                           challenge through Snowdonia –              centre that treated Stuart, who was
                                               Quarterly Business Report.                 significantly behind the national                                                       raising more than £10,000 for charity.     a foreman at a work site and a close
                                                  And West Midlands employment            average.                                                                                   The 12 directors, employees             friend of the team.
                                               levels are still below the national           “These statistics only reiterate                                                     and friends from the 129-year-old             Managing director Phil Leech
                                               average, having fallen by 0.4%             the need emphasised in our latest                                                       company, which has its headquarters        said: “It was a fantastic day.
                                               between December 2018 and                  Quarterly Business Report to create                                                     on Portland Street in Aston, cycled,       Everyone in the team can feel
                                               February 2019.                             greater employment opportunities                                                        trekked and kayaked for six hours          proud of completing the challenge
                                                  However, the UK enjoyed its             outside of the South.                                                                   over a 36km route in a Snowdon             successfully and raising so much
                                               fastest rise in nominal wages since           “The construction of HS2 is central                                                  Triple Challenge in memory of their        money, which will make a real
                                               2008 in the year to May 2019, while        to this process, and we are pleased                                                     colleague Stuart Rouse who died            difference to the Royal Marsden and
                                               real basic wages rose by 1.7% for the      to see politicians recognising this.                                                    from cancer last year.                     all those affected by cancer.”
          Paul Faulkner, chief executive       last quarter.                                 “Already supporting over 9,000        Laura Banks

                                                                                                                                   Top lawyer ranked in
                of Greater Birmingham             The chamber said the                    jobs across the country, HS2 is
               Chambers of Commerce            Government must create more                expected to create over 100,000
                                               job opportunities outside of the           jobs in the West Midlands alone
                                               south of England in order to tackle        – opportunities the region is
                                               regional unemployment and boost            determined local residents will be

                                                                                                                                   respected directory
                                               employment.                                able to access.”
                                                  Chief executive Paul Faulkner said:        He urged the House of Lords
                                               “It is great to see wages continuing       to similarly demonstrate their
                                               to outpace inflation, which for those      commitment to balancing the UK
                                               in work will mean pay cheques are          economy by passing the HS2 Phase
                                               going further.                             2A: High Speed Rail (West Midlands
                                                  “It is also positive to see a drop in   to Crewe) Bill.

                                                                                                                                   A Birmingham wills and estates             Chambers HNW, giving Thursfields
       New routes announced by budget airline                                                                                      lawyer has repeated her ranking in
                                                                                                                                   the Chambers UK High Net Worth
                                                                                                                                                                              more of the skilled profile that it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           nnn Birmingham-based branding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           agency Orb has purchased marketing
                                                                                                                                   Guide 2019.                                   “We work hard as a team to make           firm Superdream which has gone into
       Wizz Air – the largest low-cost          a range of destinations to connect        we will now operate a total of seven         Laura Banks, a senior associate        sure we give the very best legal             administration.
       airline in Central and Eastern Europe    with family and friends or find their     routes from Birmingham Airport.          solicitor based at Thursfields’            advice to our clients, and it means              Former Superdream staffers Hannah
       – has announced two new routes           next city break is important to us           “We launched our very first Wizz      Birmingham office, has been listed         a lot to us when these efforts have          Moreton and Aaron Jones have joined
       from Birmingham Airport to Poland.       and with these additional routes we       flight to Birmingham in 2015 and         by Chambers for her expertise in           been recognised.”                            Orb’s management team as head
           The first route due to launch on     are able to do just that.                 today we offer seven low-fare            private wealth law.                           Thursfields’ director Shane Miller        of client services and head of digital
       September 16 is to Poznań, Poland’s         “Wizz Air currently operates to        routes to Poland, Romania and                Ms Banks specialises in advising       said: “We’re very proud of Laura and         respectively.
       fifth largest city, with the second      Cluj-Napoca, Budapest, Bucharest,         Hungary.                                 clients on trust and estate matters,       all our other lawyers who regularly             Orb founder Rob Bloxham said:
       route launching the day after to         Warsaw and Wroclaw – adding                  “With fares from only £17.99, we      lifetime giving, wills and tax planning.   feature in directories like Chambers         “Powered by the hugely successful
       Krakow – the seventh Wizz Air route      routes to both Poznań and Krakow          hope to see many happy customers             The entry states that she is           and the Legal500.                            and established Elonex Group who are
       to operate from Birmingham Airport.      in September. The new routes              on board our brand-new Airbus            one of the “associates to watch”              “We aim at being the best law firm        backing the venture, the acquisition
           Tom Screen, aviation director at     are a fantastic addition and we’re        aircraft on routes to Poznań and         in the Birmingham area, citing             possible, and we are delighted when          provides significant financial stability for
       Birmingham Airport, said: “It’s great    really looking forward to growing         Krakow as well as on all the other       various sources describing her as          this is acknowledged by the legal            Superdream’s former clients and staff.
       news that Wizz Air will be operating     our offering with Wizz Air over the       routes in the Wizz network.”             “technically very strong” and having       sector.”                                     This is a great opportunity for us to build
       to Poznań and Krakow. The launch         next few years here at Birmingham            Wizz Air, a Hungarian airline,        “fantastic technical knowledge”.              The Chambers UK HNW Guide                 on existing relationships and take on
       of both routes will mean the airline     Airport.”                                 has been a partner of Birmingham             Ms Banks, who grew up in               is one of the main directories               the biggest agencies across the UK,
       will operate seven routes in total          Tamara Vallois, head of marketing      Airport since June 2015 with its         Birmingham and returned to the             used for finding top lawyers and             as we join the Elonex vision to elevate
       from Birmingham Airport.                 and communications at Wizz Air,           inaugural route to Warsaw, quickly       city after university and law school       law firms, with rankings assessed            Birmingham to the city of collaboration
           “Providing our passengers with       said: “We are delighted to announce       followed by Budapest.                    in Nottingham, said: “I’m thrilled         by experienced researchers and               and creativity that competes globally.”
                                                                                                                                   to have once again been listed by          updated every year.
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
          Food for                                                                                                                                                    13
          thought                                                                                                                                                     story

            Hydroponics is seen by
             many as a sustainable
        answer to help feed society.
            CARL JONES meets the
              boss of a Birmingham
            firm leading the way in
            cultivating the science.

                                       Alex Fisher is pioneering an eco-            various types of planting system           The company’s mission is to deliver
                                       friendly revolution in the fresh food        including multi-layered vertical        sustainable soil-less crop production
                                       growing industry . . . and he’s loving it.   columns, where they are fed on          solutions into commercial agriculture
                                           He now dedicates his working             a carefully controlled blend of         all over the world.
                                       life to preaching the benefits of            nutrient-enriched water and low-cost       “It’s not easy,” he admits. “We are
                                       hydroponic science to an ever-               substrates instead.                     trying to persuade an agricultural
                                       widening and increasingly receptive             Not only does this mean the grower   sector which is traditionally very
                                       global audience.                             has 100% traceability through the       conservative that it needs to embrace
                                           Hydro-what, you say?                     cultivation process, the hydroponic     new ways of thinking.
                                           It’s an adaptable, high-density way      method also offers the capacity            “Maybe naively, when we first
                                       of growing fresh food in a clean, less       to increase the yield in a typical      started this project I thought it would
                                       labour-intensive way. Not planted            greenhouse as much as four or even      be much quicker to take off. But it
                                       in the soil, but raised above ground         fivefold.                               has been a challenge to convince
                                       level in vertical cylinders, lengthening        Fisher is founder and chief          growers whose industry has been
                                       their shelf life and boosting flavour,       executive of Saturn Bioponics,          growing in the soil for thousands of
                                       colour and nutritional values.               who have conducted much of              years.”
                                           Strawberries, lettuce, pak choi,         their research in glasshouses and          In today’s increasingly eco-
                                       herbs – the list is growing all the time.    polytunnels at the University of        sensitive climate, the hydroponic
                                       Hydroponics is now broadening its            Birmingham where hydroponic             message is beginning to strike a
                                       reach to include baby leaf products          science – the most innovative           chord and momentum is slowly but
                                       such as spinach and rocket too, as           and disruptive technology to hit        surely starting to build.
                                       well as tobacco and even medical             the salad, leafy veg and fresh fruit       “Soil was not made to do what
                                       cannabis.                                    growing sector in generations – is      humanity is now asking it to do, with
                                           Instead of being planted into the        being constantly tested, refined and    such intensive food production in
                                       ground, these crops are grown in             expanded.                               fields which were once covered with
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
        forests and other natural vegetation
        before we devastated them,” says
                                                  different growing environments,
                                                  and are now in a position to use this
                                                  know-how to spread a powerful and
                                                                                              He started his hydroponics
                                                                                           journey nine years ago, admitting he
                                                                                           somewhat ‘fell into’ the sector after
                                                                                                                                     used by Saturn Bioponics on a small
                                                                                                                                     scale, working with a friend, gradually
                                                                                                                                     building up links with universities and
                                                                                                                                                                               project with Valefresco, a large-scale
                                                                                                                                                                               salad supplier to many major British
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “It’s not always easy – gaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         planning permission for building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         these kinds of greenhouses can still
story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               story
           “Understandably, this soil starts      environmentally timely message.          eight years in a number of different      eventually securing a patent.                And three years ago, its pioneering    be something of a struggle. There
        to resist. It wants to be left alone to      Payback from a switch to              small businesses and spending                In those early years, there was        work in soil-less science work was        is still a real stigma among local
        operate its own natural eco-system        hydroponic growing methods,              some time working in eastern              very limited funding available for        recognised in the Innovate UK             authorities, for some reason.
        but is instead being forced to do         for a typically sized operation, is      Europe.                                   research and development, but             multi-sector innovation awards for           “But we are talking to, and working
        otherwise. That’s why farmers are         now usually less than three years,          “I actually graduated with a 1st in    more recently the company has             SMEs, winning the national award          with, some massive players who
        having to fight with the soil and use     the company says – such is the           international relations when I was at     been able to refine its technology        for productivity improvement in the       are looking for clean and traceable
        chemicals to grow their produce.          potential for increased yield, product   university here in Birmingham, and        through several Innovate UK-funding       Houses of Parliament.                     products. With hydroponic science
           “With hydroponics, we take the         consistency and quality.                 still have a real interest in politics.   packages.                                    Another feather in the company’s       you have total traceability and
        growing out of the soil, leaving it to       For farmers, the hydroponic           But my earliest years in business            The firm won the DEFRA Innovate        cap can be found at Westminster,          can optimise desirable quality
        do what it does naturally. Of course,     system also removes doubts over          included building and hiring              UK For Growth competition in 2012,        where it is the only business in its      traits – like the sugar/acid balance
        there is an initial investment required   land quality, cuts down the need         marquees whilst I was studying.”          receiving £25,000 to develop an           field to be name-checked in the           in a strawberry – and that’s really
        from a grower to achieve this, but the    for fungicides and herbicides,              He also had a popular restaurant       initial prototype. Then in 2013 it        Government’s current 25-year              appealing to them and their
        benefits are long lasting.                and offers the potential to extend       called Annexe for seven years,            followed this up with an Innovate         environment plan on ways of using         customers.
           “This is a philosophy which we         growing seasons which could also         near the Birmingham law courts,           UK/SBRI contract, again funded            agri-tech developments to improve            “We see a future where not every
        are building as a way forward for         reduce the need for imports.             whilst Saturn Bioponics was pre-          by DEFRA, totalling more than             farm performance, both in terms           crop will be grown hydroponically
        many years to come – the idea that           Fisher is now part of a team of six   commercial.                               £500,000.                                 of profits and the impact on the          – wheat, barley and big cereals will
        we can grow these products without        full-time and four part-time staff at       Fisher initially started developing       This was a really significant step,    environment.                              still be planted in the ground – but
        the need to interfere with our natural    Saturn Bioponics.                        the innovative 3D planting system         allowing the business to create a            Fisher says: “If you take lettuce as   lots more fresh produce and smaller
        environment round us.”                                                                                                       high-quality demonstration piece,         an example, they can be grown using       scale field crops will make the
           After eight years of research and                                                                                         retool the technology, and carry out      95% less water using this system,         change. We’ve even had some initial
        trials, and more than three years of                                                                                         extensive research into different         while strawberries can produce as         conversations about cocoa trees.”
        commercial production, the Saturn
        Hydroponics team has trialled more
                                                  “Soil was not made to do what humanity                                             substrates and nutrients. It also
                                                                                                                                     allowed the business to engage with
                                                                                                                                                                               much as 10 times the average yield
                                                                                                                                                                               per square metre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            It’s slightly premature to be talking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         world domination just yet, but it’s
        than 200 varieties and grown more         is now asking it to do, with such intensive                                        many more farmers and potential              “We have been doing commercial         clear that Saturn Bioponics is looking
        than 1.1 million plants, amassing an                                                                                         end customers, spreading the              crop production for about three           to spread its international wings quite
        array of vitally important data.          food production in fields which were once                                          hydroponics message.                      and a half years now, and growers         dramatically. So, what role does the
           The Birmingham-based experts
        have studied how plants are able
                                                  covered with forests and other natural                                                In 2015 the company received
                                                                                                                                     its most recent Innovate UK grant
                                                                                                                                                                               working with us are now realising the
                                                                                                                                                                               benefits of building big new facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         UK’s second city play in its plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         going forward?
        to adapt and perform in a variety of      vegetation before we devastated them.”                                             of £127,400 to fund a collaborative       to take advantage.                           “As we continue to evolve and
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
“It’s about transforming an industry which
                                                   has traditionally been reluctant to change.
                                                   But that’s a great challenge. “

 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17
        expand, Birmingham is definitely           ventures, partnerships, agencies and      Bioponics is that it has formed a
        somewhere we want to remain,” says         sales agreements.”                        bridge between science and practice,
        Fisher. “It could be, though, that while       What of Brexit? Might that throw      providing technology and specialist

cover                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   news
        our commercial operation remains           a spanner into the works of the           inputs for different crop areas,” he
        in this city, we end up needing to         company’s cross-border growth             says.

story   spread our research and development
        operations elsewhere.
                                                       Fisher doesn’t think so. “I’m not
                                                                                                “With the data collected, both in
                                                                                             our research and our commercial
           “Although there are plenty of very      too worried to be honest. I don’t think   farms, we have seen that through
        important funding streams available        it is going to do us any real favours,    a bespoke combination of crop-
        to businesses such as ours, which          although having said that, the impact     specific strategies and treatments,
                                                                                                                                         Dunton Environmental, SME of the year
        have been so valuable to us, the UK is     of Brexit on UK farming may focus         we can enhance traits such as crop

                                                                                                                                         Success at awards
        actually not particularly well geared up   their minds on the need to look at        consistency, shelf life and overall
        when it comes to supporting farmers        alternative methods, which I suppose      nutritional values.”
        in learning about and adopting novel       could work to our advantage.                 Fisher concludes: “All in all we’re in
        technologies.                                  “As far as our team is concerned,     a very good place right now, but what
           “France, for example, is way ahead      we’re already very international – in     I’m doing involves more than a lifetime
        when it comes to disseminating             fact, until recently I was the only       of work for much more than just one
        innovations through hubs and               English person here!”                     person.                                                                                                            Birmingham restaurateur James
        networks – and we’re going to be               The international band of experts        “It’s about transforming an                                                                                     Wong, Walsall filtration specialists
        doing some work with them in the           includes chief technical officer Arnoud   industry which has traditionally been                                                                              Bowman Stor and Perry Barr-based
        coming period.                             Witteveen, who says the company is        reluctant to change. But that’s a great                                                                            Dunton Environmental were three
           “International markets are where we     making a “significant impact on the       challenge. Frustrating at times, but                                                                               of the winners at the 4th Nachural
        see massive potential over the coming      future of agriculture”.                   fantastic to be involved right                                                                                     Summer Business Awards.
        years, through a combination of joint          “What is unique about Saturn          from the start.”                                                                                                      There was also recognition for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                industrialist Stewart Towe who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                was presented with a Lifetime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Achievement Award for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                commitment to business and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mr Towe, who is chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hadley Group, whose headquarters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                are in Smethwick, has overseen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                growth of the business from £1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                million turnover in the 1970s to one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                approaching almost £200 million.
                                                                                                                                         James Wong, second left, winner of Community Excellence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                He was also recognised for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                commitment to the community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                through various roles, including that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of chairman of the Black Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The keynote speaker at the event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                – which was held at Wolverhampton
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Racecourse and attended by more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                than 500 people – was Greg Reed,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the UK CEO of Homeserve.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The headline sponsor for the event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                was Investec Wealth and Investment,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                whose regional headquarters are in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Colmore Row.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ninder Johal, CEO of Nachural
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and a former president of the Black
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Country Chamber of Commerce, said:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                “We had a fantastic speaker in Greg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Reed who gave an insight into the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                importance of culture and the role of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                investment in training.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “We had a brilliant set of high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                quality nominations from all over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the Midlands and it was fitting that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Stewart Towe was recognised for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                role in giving back to the community
                                 Alex Fisher inspecting produce with a colleague                                                         Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Stewart Towe by Ninder Johal   in which his business operates.”
Growing up Is this the future of food production? - PLUS - SCC
                                                               Diane Benussi is a legend of Birmingham’s legal
                                                               scene and someone you would want fighting
                                                               your corner in the law courts.

            the                                                Since she set up her eponymous practice
                                                               in 1993, the reputation of this charismatic

                                                               lawyer has gone on to resound far beyond the
                                                               Diminutive in stature she may be, but Diane is a
                                                               giant of family law, and Benussi & Co is one of

                                                               the most sought-after niche practices in the UK,
                                                               with many a high-profile figure from the political,                                19
                                                               sporting and entertainment worlds calling on
                                                               the firm to assist and guide them through their
                                                               marital break-ups.
                                                               With forward planning in mind, the responsibility
                                                               of continuing the Benussi brand lies in the
                                                               hands of Diane’s daughter, Helen.

                      HENRY CARPENTER visits the mother-and-daughter
                      team in their Newhall Street offices to hear all about the
                      progression of this deeply respected family firm.

                      Henry Carpenter: Diane, you did          being partisan and letting them know      DB: We realised very early on that
                      your articles in 1974 and I know         we are going to support them, and         the lawyers themselves couldn’t
                      that prior to setting up this firm,      solely them. When we tell clients that    be the shoulder to cry on because
                      you had a law business in Sutton         they often burst into tears.              our charges were very high – that’s
                      Coldfield. Was that a purely family         So, we made the environment as         why we employed a counsellor.
                      law concern as well?                     client-friendly as possible. We had       Surprisingly, men used her more
                      Diane Benussi: No, we did general        an in-house counsellor which was          than women, often to talk about their
                      law. But after a while it became clear   unheard of. We had interview rooms,       business problems and things like
                      to me that a top-class matrimonial       which again was unheard of.               that.
                      and divorce service was needed              Back then, solicitors’ offices were       It is very important that you pick
                      in the city centre, not only for         piled high with files with client names   people up emotionally. I used to do
                      individuals but also for other law       on their spines – we made sure we         two or three interviews in a day and
                      firms to call upon and refer to.         protected client confidentiality.         at the end of it I would be absolutely
                         I decided to set this up as a            I also wanted family lawyers to        exhausted. You’re trying to explain to
                      boutique operation, solely a family      support one another because it is         people who are at rock bottom that
                      law practice. A lot of thought went      such an isolated business because         there is life beyond their husband
                      into the structure of the business: we   you are dealing with clients who are      having an affair, and that they will
                      knew exactly how many supervisors        upset and needing a shoulder to cry       become very different people.
                      we needed, how many fee earners,         on.                                          And that’s the joy, bumping into
                      support staff and so forth. When we      Helen Benussi: We always have             people in different circumstances
                      moved to Birmingham, we started in       music on in reception. The music is       and not recognising them because
                      Waterloo Street before moving here       there to stop people overhearing          they haven’t got red blotchy skin
                      about 15 years ago.                      what’s being said in the interview        and eyes. Suddenly, you see people
                      HC: Benussi and Co was set up as         rooms.                                    looking amazing and those are the
                      a business first and foremost – but      DB: It’s also there because               ones you remember because you put
                      I sense you cared about what you         businessmen sometimes squeeze             so much into getting them up and
                      were doing?                              an appointment here between a             running again.
                      DB: That’s why we did family law. I      multitude of others in their day. They    HC: When you set up this practice
                      had gone through a divorce myself        come in and think they’re getting         in 1993, were you the only niche
                      and I was very involved in the           into a transaction. As soon as they       family law firm?
                      Solicitors Family Law Association.       arrive, they sit in reception with a      DB: In the early days you were
                         You must remember that we             decent cup of coffee listening to         limited to a certain number of
                      are dealing with people who are          music. That’s when they stop being        partners, so firms were quite small.
                      seriously, seriously upset and           businessmen and put on their              But we hit the ground running and
                      depressed; we get through hundreds       personal hat.                             within two years I had to stop taking
                      of boxes of tissues here. It’s about     HC: Tell me about the counsellor.         on work. That was actually a huge
“Birmingham is good for privacy. We can
                                                                                                                                                                                       always reassure clients that they’re not
                                                                                                                                                                                       going to get door-stepped at the courts.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Anyone that’s very visible, courts will let
                                                                                                                                                                                       them in through the back door.”

                                                                                                                                            and focused more on running the
                                                                                                                                            business. I don’t have any clients as
                                                                                                                                            DB: I don’t have any clients either.
                                                                                                                                            Just dealing with new clients is
                                                                                                                                            very, very time consuming and we
                                                                                                                                            do reject about 75% of people who
                                                                                                                                            contact us.
                                                                                                                                            HB: I know there are brilliant lawyers
                                                                                                                                            in our office that would do a much
                                                                                                                                            better job than I would.
                                                                                                                                            HC: Does mediation play a large
                                                                                                                                            part in what you do here?
                                                                                                                                            HB: I think a lot of individuals think
            lift. I was a single mother trying to     was in a Moses basket”. Even on my          independent boutique practices like       they can’t say no when it’s offered to
            run the business and the family, and      first day at uni I was known as Diane       this still in operation?                  them. They feel they have to be seen
            I couldn’t manage all the work I was      Benussi’s daughter, so I decided to         HB: Very few I think. I don’t think       to be attempting it.
            offered.                                  put a hold on it and go down the            many of them had succession               DB: For mediation the two parties
            HC: Helen, what do you remember           accountancy route.                          planning; there was no one to take        absolutely have to be equal. To
            of your mother during your                   I did that for 20 years and then         them over.                                send a housewife who isn’t used to
            childhood?                                mum phoned me a few years ago.              HC: How easily did the legal work,        negotiating into mediation with her
            HB: I remember her as incredibly          There had been rumblings about              acting for clients, come to you?          hotshot husband . . . well, she might
            hard working but I didn’t really          what she was going to do with the           HB: I found it very, very hard work. It   as well roll over and play dead.
            associate her with family law             business with offers coming in to buy       was also incredibly upsetting – some      HC: What percentage of your clients
            specifically.                             her out.                                    of the things you hear are just awful.    come from Birmingham?
            HC: When did the law bug bite you?           I didn’t want this to happen. I didn’t   You can’t believe people treat others     HB: Probably around 70%. We do
            DB: This is a really lovely story . . .   want Benussi and Co to disappear            as they do. But I understood then         get a lot of clients from elsewhere in
            HB: When I moved back to                  into the big guys. I was just so proud      why everyone gets on so well in this      the country, often for added privacy.
            Birmingham after university, I realised   of the brand. We talked about it and        office – and I mean this genuinely,       We also have a core of international
            that everyone seemed to know my           decided I would take it over but            everyone talks to each other and          divorces. All we need is one or two
            mother’s name – it got really tiring,     under the condition that I qualified as     everyone’s mentoring each other. I        face-to-face meetings with them
            beyond funny actually. I decided          a lawyer.                                   realised that’s what gets us through      during their case.
            to do law at Birmingham – this            HC: Are you glad you made that              it. We talk to each other.                DB: Birmingham is good for privacy.
            was back in 1997. On my very first        decision?                                       So no, it wasn’t an easy way in       We can always reassure clients that
            day at university, the lecturer said      HB: Yes I am, but not because I             at all. But I started to look at it as    they’re not going to get door-stepped
            “welcome, there’s a very special          wanted to become a lawyer!                  a business. I decided I didn’t want       at the courts. Anyone that’s very
            lady here today who I met when she        HC: I don’t suppose there are many          to do the practicing of the law           visible, courts will let them in through
                                                                                                                                            the back door.
                                                                                                                                               Our concierge recognises some
                                                                                                                                            of our more high-profile clients. I’m
                                                                                                                                            terrible at recognising them. I saw
                                                                                                                                            someone literally walk into a lamp
                                                                                                                                            post after seeing me and this guy
                                                                                                                                            on the other side of the road. I didn’t
                                                                                                                                            have a clue how famous he was.
                                                                                                                                            HC: Your team of lawyers are all           days. And they specialise from a very     iterations it’s a joke. Leases, for
                                                                                                                                            female. Does this mean that the            early age. One of the worrying things     instance, should go through two or
                                                                                                                                            vast majority of your clients are as       is the overall knowledge of lawyers       maximum three stages of corrections.
                                                                                                                                            well?                                      nowadays, tending to understand              So I’ve seen the law processes
                                                                                                                                            HB: Actually, it’s about half and half.    one tiny little fragment whereas          proliferate and not to the benefit of
                                                                                                                                            DB: Men come to us not because             people used to have a working             anyone. Lawyers doing their 40th
                                                                                                                                            they think we understand anything          knowledge of quite a wide spectrum        correction on a contract . . . that’s
                                                                                                                                            better but because they think it looks     of disciplines.                           not serving clients. It’s tragic I think.
                                                                                                                                            better in court.                              We’ve also had IT in shedloads.        Sorry, I’ll get off my high horse!
                                                                                                                                            HC: Let’s talk about the industry in       When I started during my training         HC: Are there any achievements in
                                                                                                                                            general. Diane, you must have seen         we had a word processor, the first I’d    your career that you look back on
                                                                                                                                            some pretty big changes over the           ever heard of. It was quite a clunky      with particular pride?
                                                                                                                                            last 40 years or so, not least smaller     thing. But what has all this technology   DB: My claim to fame was having
                                                                                                                                            practices being swallowed up by            done? It has hugely increased the         Helen in the final year of university,
                                                                                                                                            bigger firms. What else?                   amount of paperwork. You now have         back in 1973. I don’t have any
                                                                                                                                            DB: Everyone’s a specialist these          contracts that go through so many         standout memories of particular
Training company
              cases. I remember them as people
              but not the details.
                 I saw one person recently who,
              when I asked him if he was well,

                                                                                                                                           expands nationwide
              told me he had just gone through a
              divorce. “I’m so sorry,” I said, and he
              then told me that we had acted for
              him! I honestly didn’t remember. But
              these days I don’t do the divorces
              myself – the person is entirely
              separate from the case.                                                                                                      An HGV driver-training company has
              HC: How has Birmingham changed?                                                                                              invested tens of thousands of pounds
              DB: The business community has                                                                                               in a new fleet of vehicles to continue
              changed over the last 10 years.                                                                                              its expansion and create a national
              Birmingham Forward [the lobby                                                                                                footprint for the business.

     22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23
              group, of which Diane was chair]                                                                                                Birmingham-based A1 Training
              for instance was a very good                                                                                                 Ltd, which provides categories C,
              organisation. It was a bush telegraph,                                                                                       CE and C1 training, as well as B+E,
              a huge network. It was actually very                                                                                         forklift, lorry-loading crane and
interview     full on. There used to be a real party
              scene in the business community and
                                                                                                                                           other industry-related courses, has
                                                                                                                                           invested more than £80,000 in
              I’m not sure if there still is.                                                                                              replacing its fleet – and plans further
              HB: I think there still is. And I still                                                                                      additions over the next 12 months.
              meet people who remark what a nice,                                                                                             Managing director Collin Meredith
              welcoming city it is. Everyone just                                                                                          said: “We have developed a strong
              gets on with everyone in Birmingham.                                                                                         reputation for regional training in and
              People are honest, not bigging                                                                                               around the Midlands, but we have
              themselves up to look good.               family. Helen’s taking a huge weight     name. It’s a great name and always        ambitions to take on more national
              HC: And what about Birmingham             off my shoulders. I don’t want her to    has been. I was in London recently at     coaching and become a one-stop
              plc?                                      go through what I went through – a       a party and this chap asked where I       shop for bespoke training.
              DB: I think it’s going like a train.      good work-life balance is essential,     was from, and I said Birmingham. He          “Updating our fleet means we
              HC: We’ve talked about succession.        something we instil through everyone     knew mum and so did most of the           can continue to give the very best
              Diane, can you see yourself coming        who works here.                          other guests. And I just found that       training.
              into work in five years’ time?            HB: I think the reason why mum           unbelievable. It was really amazing –        “We know we have to look at other
              DB: Never say never. I have no idea       hasn’t retired is we still get lots of   I was so proud.                           ways to address the driver shortage
              how you actually retire. My life has      people ringing up wanting Diane          DB: That’s so lovely! It’s made me        that impacts our industry.
              been this business, along with my         Benussi to act for them. That’s the      want to cry . . . but don’t write that!      “New drivers often find it difficult to
                                                                                                                                           get work due to lack of experience,          employing new staff.                   driver shortage rather than younger,
                                                                                                                                           so we are looking towards building              “It’s a win-win situation because   inexperienced drivers putting a dent
                                                                                                                                           productive links with companies to           it means they are more attractive      into their employer’s vehicles and
                                                                                                                                           put new drivers through mentoring            candidates for jobs because they       taking valuable assets off the road.”
                                                                                                                                           schemes with existing drivers. This          have greater experience and more
                                                                                                                                           gives confidence to company owners           intensive on-the-job tuition.          Collin Meredith of A1 Training with
                                                                                                                                           and insurance companies when                    “It also helps put a dent in the    one of the new Volvo trucks

                   The ultimate country getaway for
                    companies and private clients
                                                                                                                                           Partnership unveiled
                                                                                                                                           Edgbaston Stadium used the first Test
                                                                                                                                           of this summer’s Specsavers Ashes
                                                                                                                                           series to unveil a new partnership
                                                                                                                                           with menswear brand, LUKE.
                                                                                                                                              LUKE is a fashion brand divided
                                                                                                                                           into Luke the Technical Tailor and
                                                                                                                                           Luke Sport. Luke the Technical Tailor
                                                                                                                                           is a menswear offering, while Luke
                                                                                                                                           Sport is a full lifestyle collection
                                                                                                                                           inspired by athleisure and urban
                                                                                                                                           street style.
                                                                                                                                              The partnership, which will run
                                                                                                                                           until the end of 2019, has given LUKE
                                                                                                                                           marquee branding sites within the
                                                                                                                                           stadium bowl at Edgbaston, which
                                                                                                                                           were installed ready for the Test
                                                                                                                                           match and will remain for Vitality
                                                                                                                                           Blast Finals Day on September 21.
                                                                                                                                              Ben Seifas, commercial
                     On-site catering with team of talented chefs.                                                                         partnerships manager at Edgbaston,
                    Five star, en-suite accommodation for up to 30.                                                                        said: “Attracting a global brand like
                                                                                                                                           LUKE to our commercial partners
             For menus and all other information, visit                                                                 portfolio demonstrates just how
                                                                                                                                           attractive cricket and our programme
  Telephone 01948 780785 • Email • Iscoyd Park, Whitchurch SY13 3AT                                                    of major matches at Edgbaston is in
                                                                                                                                           the current sporting landscape.”
24       Agency opening                                                                                                                                                                                                     25
                       Katie Millington and Amrita Aujla   Steve Gregory                                                                               Sarah Courbet and Gemma Bower        Sonya Gonzales Mier

social                                                                                                                                                                                                                       social
                                                                           Marketing agency M3 hosted a
                                                                           special event at The Botanist to mark
                                                                           the official opening of its Birmingham
                                                                              There were several presentations,
                                                                           including talks given by Steve
                                                                           Gregory, the co-founder of Love
                                                                           Sugar Science, and food influencer
                                                                           Niki Webster.
                                                                              Nick Lovett, managing director
                                                                           of M3, said: “Birmingham is a very
                                                                           exciting place to be with lots of
                                                                           interesting regeneration projects,
                                                                           HS2 slowly gathering pace and
                                                                           creative energy that is just waiting to                    Nick Lovett and Sam Hufton      Callum McGuire and Will Barth
                                                                           be harnessed.
                                                                              “We are looking forward to
                                                                           investing even further in its growth
                                                                           and in creating local jobs.”

                                                                           Left: Niki Webster

                                                                           Below, clockwise from left:
                                                                           Nick Lovett, Steve Gregory,
                                                                           Stu Perry, Glen Pawson,
                                                                           Callum McGuire, Niki Webster
                                                                           and Sonya Gonzales Mier

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26 Spotlight on
   technology                       There is a tech revolution in the UK – and
                                    Birmingham is right in the thick of it.
                                    Technology is all about creating long-
                                    term solutions and Birmingham has
                                    embraced it, applying the knowledge to
                                    manufacturing, engineering, healthcare,
                                    media, telecommunications, finance and
                                    many other sectors besides.
                                    In this 20-page section devoted to the
                                    subject, we hope to give at the very least an
                                    indication of where and why the region can
                                    be so proud of its technological advances
                                    across a whole range of sectors.

              In association with
                                       Principal associate, Mills & Reeve

            Few would deny Birmingham                                                                                                                                                                                           falls partly to external bodies to use
            is coming into its own as a tech                                                                                                                                                                                    their wider perspective and strategic
            and digital hub. Ranking as one                                                                                                                                                                                     nous to identify and cultivate vertical
            of the top UK Tech Cities in a                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities.

            recent CBRE report, and home to
            more developers, programmers
            and software architects than any                                                                                                                                                                                    Protecting your
   28                                                                                                                                                                                                                           assets
            other British regional city, it is fast
            establishing itself as a hotbed

            for talent – both encouraging                                                                                                                                                                                       With development and collaboration

spotlight                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     spotlight
            established international players                                                                                                                                                                                   comes vast potential, but also legal
            to locate here and developing an                                                                                                                                                                                    risk. Tech businesses in Birmingham
            exciting pipeline of homegrown                                                                                                                                                                                      and beyond have historically been
            innovation.                                                                                                                                                                                                         too likely to jump into product

                                                         to big
               However, while there is a                                                                                                                                                                                        development and partnerships on
            temptation to position Birmingham                                                                                                                                                                                   an informal basis, dissuaded from
            as a challenger to the tech might                                                                                                                                                                                   enlisting legal help by time and cost
            of Manchester or London, we risk                                                                                                                                                                                    concerns. However, failure to account
            holding ourselves back through                                                                                                                                                                                      for legal implications in early stages

            comparison. Instead, we should be                                                                                                                                                                                   – such as deciding which participant
            looking to carve out our own niche as                                                                                                                                                                               in a collaboration will own the IP,
            a global player, following the example                                                                                                                                                                              making sure that the IP assets are
            of tech centres such as Barcelona                                                                                                                                                                                   original (or lawfully licensed) and
            and Amsterdam and establishing a                                                                                                                                                                                    protected (and registered where
            global reputation from the outset.                                                                                                                                                                                  possible) from the get-go, managing
               Our city already has the skills,                                                                                                                                                                                 contracts effectively and ensuring
            products, services and ideas to                                                                                                                                                                                     data compliance – can be a ticking
            compete on the international stage –
            but crucial in pushing our tech talent       Taking Birmingham                                                                                                                                                      time bomb.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   When these bombs go off, you
            towards the world stage is strategy.
                                                         tech to the next level                                                                                                                                                 lose revenue opportunities (from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                contracts), assets (like IP), money

            Playing the                                                                                                                                                                                                         (through fines or similar), investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                or business sale opportunities, or
            brand game                                Birmingham brands to present a real         and provision of mentorship and         over the past several years – both         regional offer, the internationally
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                even the entire business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Luckily, as the tech industry
            From gaming hubs in Digbeth to a          threat to current sector stalwarts.         expertise, the likes of the West        vertically (through contracting            open bid for innovation found its          evolves, many lawyers and other
            flourishing FinTech offering, taking      Take Blueberry Consultants, based           Midlands Combined Authority,            and sub-contracting with industry          winner no further than Bromsgrove in       professional service providers are
            in data analytics, AI, social media,      in Digbeth, whose video and audio           council-run Digital Birmingham and      stalwarts in tech), and horizontally, as   Wearable Link, the Midlands business       moving with the times as well. We are
            software and screen along the way,        capture program BB FlashBack at             the Midlands arms of Innovate UK        bright thinkers join forces for further    utilising the Internet of Things to        increasingly delivering legal service
            Birmingham’s current tech scene           least matches that of current leads         and Tech Nation should also look        success.                                   provide live feedback from and             and knowledge through workshops
            offers breadth in terms of sector and     in the field, such as Camtasia. Both        to perform a persuasive function,          As larger businesses from across        improve safety on construction sites.      and training based models, so we
            size of business.                         applications offer powerful, efficient      encouraging Birmingham tech to          sectors as varied as banking,                 Government bodies and strategic         can feed in strategic advice at an
               Halesowen alone, for example, has      screen capture of the kind that has         play the brand and promotion game       health, construction and real estate       partners can also be key in                early stage, when it’s needed, but
            been chosen by Texas-originating          fueled a whole new YouTube sub-             (and helping to source the necessary    look to capitalise on the potential        facilitating partnerships between (and     in a very cost-effective way – giving
            software giant Epicor as its UK base,     section of ‘How-To’ programming             resources).                             of innovative tech, Birmingham             opportunities for) businesses across       tech business the tools to protect
            and provided an environment from          videos. The only thing distinguishing          With the right foundation in place   is increasingly defining itself as a       the region. Organisations like the         their intellectual and data assets and
            which Birmingham-born InTouch             the two is brand profile, with              in terms of messaging, assets and       breeding ground for development            West Midlands Combined Authority,          future-proof partnerships. You can
            Games could grow its random-              Camtasia’s online presence being            long-term plan, what stands to          of the raw technology and digital          Digital Birmingham, Innovate UK            still get full legal service if you want it
            generator casino games into an            larger.                                     be gained is impressive. A strong       content. With new organisations –          and Tech Nation have the network           (and sometimes it’s the right level of
            international operation. Birmingham          Here lies the key to unlocking the       brand sets up a business for global     often consisting of a crack team of        and resources to be able to see            service), but when you have a choice,
            has proven itself as an attractive        full potential of Birmingham’s tech         takeover, with localising a tech        less than 10 people – looking for          opportunities for collaboration, and       the more agile, cost-effective ways
            prospect both in terms of building        offering. With products and expertise       product for new markets relatively      opportunities to disseminate their         consult with sector-representative         to meet the needs of a fast-moving
            businesses from the ground up and         already in abundance, and new               cheap and easy, yet likely to result    ideas and make their tech products         organisations to identify needs that       industry make sense.
            as a location for already established     entrants to the market emerging             in turnover and profits multiplying     or skills count, mutually beneficial       could be met (i.e. ‘product’ ideas) by        When it comes to Midlands tech,
            brands.                                   all the time, what is now needed is         almost overnight.                       partnerships are ripe for the taking.      innovative technology developers.          success lies in encouraging our
               Particularly strong is the city’s      greater brand visibility – for individual                                              Collaboration can be headed up by          These agencies are in a position        bright businesses to take a step back

                                                                                                  Collaborate to
            software and digital creative offering.   businesses and the region. Enter                                                    the big players themselves, as in the      to do this more effectively than           and look beyond the day-to-day. This
            Look no further than Birmingham-          government industry bodies and                                                      case of Colmore Tang, who last year        the developers and creatives who           is where external parties, be they
            based Snaptivity: blending innovative
            AI software with robotic cameras to
                                                      strategic partners, able to bring both
                                                      the resource and vision to support          innovate                                launched the £10 million innovation
                                                                                                                                          fund ConstrucTech. The scheme, in
                                                                                                                                                                                     are working on the front line. The
                                                                                                                                                                                     city’s thriving tech community does
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                legal or government funded, should
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                step in to offer the wider, top-down
            provide sports brands, venues and         the effort involved in achieving global     Therefore, Birmingham tech business     providing funding and mentorship           a great job of fostering horizontal        vision. All the key elements are in
            fans with the social-media catnip of      roll-out of local tech offerings.           is set to skyrocket through the right   for start-ups, saw the Birmingham-         collaboration – as proven by               place for us to establish a name for
            ‘candid’ videos of celebrations at live      To the tech innovators currently         strategic steps. These can take the     headquartered firm look for the            various networking groups and tech         ourselves on an international level,
            events. The city is also crammed full     operating in the city, where the            form not only of market expansion       brightest – and most profitable –          incubators joining forces for the city’s   but key steps taken by those on the
            of digital marketing agencies, video      priority is daily production, it will       and brand development, but              new ideas to revitalise construction.      inaugural Birmingham Tech Week,            peripheries could turbocharge our
            producers, and other tech-driven          rarely be easy to free up the time          collaborative practice. Partnership     Attesting to the strength of our           taking place this October. However, it     city’s tech offer.
            creatives who also help to build and      and cash resource required for              involving Birmingham tech business
            promote brand and drive sales.            brand development and international         has seen some of the most exciting      David Hall is a principal associate at national law firm Mills & Reeve. He specialises in digital technology and data,
               There is potential then for            promotion. As well as funding               developments in the industry            and leads the firm’s work in the Birmingham technology sector.
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