AUGUST 2020 | ISSUE 103


                                NARPO members
                                  trek to Everest
                                     Base Camp

LIFE:                         WORK:                        LEISURE:
Changes to Welfare Benefits   Ministry of Defence Police   Creating an Accessible Garden

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ON THE          AUGUST 2020 | ISSUE 103

   LIFE after the Police                                   WORK after the Police                           LEISURE after the Police

                                                          SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT:                                      IT’S A REGULAR THING:

                                                                                                                 The Chief’s Briefs            45
Welcome note
                                                            22                                                     Readers’ Letters            66
Welcome to the August issue
of NARPO News.                                                                                                          NARPO News             8
The world is still a very strange place
and we sincerely hope you and your                         Hearing Star
family have managed through the                            prepare to re-open                                   President’s Review         13
past three months.
There are now some small glimmers
                                                                                                                     LLA COVID-19
of hope as England and Wales begin
                                                                                                                    Survey Results
to open up again, and in this issue
 we have updates from many of our
 Partners on their plans for reopening                      32                                                     Benefits Update         18
 and making their businesses COVID
 secure, as well as ideas on how you
 can enjoy the last of the summer                                                                        Impact of Coronavirus             21
 safely, and looking beyond the
 summer to the future, we have help
                                                          Ministry of Defence
                                                                                                                    Balancing the
 and inspiration from across the life,                    Police
                                                                                                                 (personal) Books          24
 work, leisure spectrum to help you
 make the most of your retirement.
                                                                                                                                 Debt      26
    Opinions expressed by authors and services
offered by advertisers are not specifically endorsed
by the Association.
                                                            34                                          Westminster Round-up               28
    The Editor reserves the right to refuse or
withdraw advertisements at his discretion and
does not accept liability for clerical or printer’s
errors, although every care is taken to avoid
                                                                                                           Computer Know How               31
mistakes. Advertisements in NARPOnews are
                                                          Everest Trek
accepted by the National Association of Retired
Police Officers only on the understanding that the                                                              The National Trust         40
advertisers warrant that the advertisements do
not contravene the Trade Description Act 1968,
the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Business
Advertisements (Disclosure) Order of 1997 and                                                                          Travel Rights       42
conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice.
    Articles contributed by the editorial staff may not
be reproduced without permission in writing from
The Editor.
                                                            52                                             Holiday Lettings 2020           44
   NARPO News is published by The National
Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO).
    NARPO News is delivered to you as part of a
                                                                                                                 Time Out Puzzles          49
package of NARPO membership benefits, including           Creating an
                                                                                                                     Range Rover
goods and services we offer when you join and
continue to be a Member. How we do this, and              Accessible Garden
                                                                                                                    Marks 50 Years
process your personal information, is contained
in our Privacy Policy, which is available at www. You can also request a hard copy from
NARPO HQ.                                                 Mailing info
   For further information about NARPO, its               It is important that you notify NARPO HQ of any changes to your
services, branches and approved advertisers,              address as soon as possible. Please quote your membership number
please visit our website at                 which is printed above your name on the envelope in which NARPO
    To facilitate a prompt reply when contacting          News is delivered. Please telephone 01924 362 166
the office by email, please quote your membership
number.                                                               NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wak­efield, West Yorkshire WF1 2QP
                                                                      Tel: 01924 362166     Email:       Website:
Designed & Produced by © Wilson Design House 2020.


                                              Welcome to the August edition, it seems like
                                              summer started in May but ended in June! Hopefully
                                              some more good weather is on its way to help us all
                                              get through these difficult times.

 The Chief ’s Briefs
     I write this just as the Government         just 29% of a working wage when they         make sure that when they reach retirement
 have relaxed the restrictions and allowed       retire. To put this into perspective, the    age their pension will allow them to live
 pubs and shops to reopen whilst still           OECD average is 63% and the average for      above the poverty line and not plunge
 observing the social distancing rules.          EU member states is 71%. Elsewhere, the      them into poverty. Because our wealth
 Recent events in the Capital, Liverpool         pension rate in the United States is 49%,    is the present value of future incomes,
 and elsewhere has shown us that                 while in China, which is home to more than   scrapping the triple lock will effectively
 these rules are ignored by many, and            1.4 billion people, the rate is 83%.         impoverish younger generations today
 extremely difficult to enforce by our              As part of our Later Life Ambitions       more than old people. Far from promoting
 serving colleagues, who are faced with a        partnership we have written to the           intergenerational fairness, scrapping the
 real dilemma and the inevitable criticism       Chancellor Rishi Sunak urging the            triple lock will deal yet another blow to
 if they respond in a too hard or too soft       Government to honour their Manifesto         young people who have already been
 manner. What is totally unacceptable is         pledge to maintain the triple lock, whilst   comparatively disadvantaged.
 the violence and hatred shown towards           recognising that COVID-19 has put
 our serving colleagues which has resulted       significant pressure on HM Treasury,         Widows Pension for Life
 in over 250 of them sustaining injuries,        and aspects of fiscal policy will need          Together with the Police Federation
 some serious.                                   to be reviewed. We pointed out that:         we continue to progress this claim.
     Over the last few months I have had         our members are very conscious of            Statements have now been obtained
 several ‘virtual meetings’ with MP’s from       the economic impact of the pandemic,         from the lead applicants and other
 all parties to bring our concerns to their      particularly on younger people, and          supporting witnesses and our legal team
 attention which included: The Police            we are keen to ensure that any fiscal        are now preparing the necessary legal
 Covenant, Widows Pensions For Life, the         decisions are fair and equitable. We         documentation, with a view to lodging the
 role of retired officers during COVID-19        are willing to meet with your officials to   claim at The High Court in Manchester at
 and support for the mental health and           discuss potential solutions that would       the end of July/beginning of August. For
 wellbeing of retired officers.                  be equitable for older people, while         continuing updates on the claim please
    I must thank Dehenna Davison                 supporting your efforts to balance fiscal    check our website at
 MP who tabled several questions in              spending. We are keen to find effective
 Parliament around mental health and             solutions that prevent pensioner poverty,    Email account hacking
 the wellbeing of retired officers. The          and get the economy moving, as we               We are receiving an increasing number
 Government response can be seen in this         understand that this is of paramount         of calls and emails from Members to
 issue on page 14.                               importance to the future of the country.     inform us that their email accounts have
                                                   We must remember that todays               been ‘hacked’. This is particularly worrying
 State Pension and the                           younger generation are tomorrows             during these difficult times and if you are
                                                                                              concerned or just want to check if your
                                                 pensioners, and we owe it to them to
 Triple Lock                                                                                  account has been compromised just visit:
    Recent newspaper reports have                                                    then enter
 called for the abolition of the ‘triple                                                      your email address and you can see if you

 lock’ guarantee on state pensions,                                                           have been involved in a breach and the
 perpetuating the myth that all Britons                                                       data has been compromised. You can also
 pensioners are privileged and that the                 UK pensioners                         check if your password has previously
 state pension only serves to highlight the
 intergenerational unfairness argument.
                                                      receive the lowest                      been exposed in any data breaches.
                                                                                                 If you receive a scam email please
 What is true is that compared to many                  pension in the                        forward it to
 continental countries our state pension is
 rather meagre and almost 2 million of UK              developed world                        Stay safe everyone.
 pensioners live in poverty.                          receiving just 29%
    According to the Organization for
 Economic Co-operation and Development
 (OECD), which analysed data from its 35
 member countries and a number of other
                                                         of a working
                                                         wage when
 nations, UK pensioners receive the lowest                they retire.                        Steve Edwards
 pension in the developed world receiving
                                                                                              - THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE


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                                             First Independence Election
                                               November 2020 sees 50 years since I           his family. After the election they emigrated
                                             and the others in the intake 464 B arrived at   to Queensland, Australia to run a farm.

 Travel                                      DPTC Ryton on Dunsmore near Coventry.
                                                 I wonder if any member of that intake
                                                                                             Their daughter was married in London and
                                                                                             my wife and I were invited to the wedding
 Insurance                                   in other parts of the country is a member       and I visited them at their farm in 2008. We
                                                                                             still remain in regular contact by email.
                                             of NARPO - I would hope so - and hope
                                             that they see this letter.                          If anyone would wish to contact me
     A number of members have                                                                either from my initial training days or who
 contacted me regarding the NARPO                I completed 30 years’ service so 2020
                                             is also 20 years since I retired along with     was one of the 580 in Zimbabwe they can
 travel insurance. What I can tell you                                                       contact me on:
 is that the renewal for our travel          those others who did likewise.
 insurance has increased this year              2020 also sees 40 years since I and              Kindest regards to them all and by
 and as always it is worth shopping          580 other ‘British Bobbies’ were flown to       the time anyone reads this hopefully the
 around. AXA provide the insurance           Rhodesia / Zimbabwe to help supervise           lockdown will be well and truly over and
 but it is managed by Towergate Health       their first independence election in 1980       the Coronavirus situation will be almost
 & Protection their number is 0800           which resulted in Robert Mugabe coming          at an end and we’ll be back to something
 389 7721. They are an independently         to power. I was stationed in the Mount          like normal. Whatever ‘normal’ is by then.
 authorised broker, who acts on              Darwin / Centenary part of the country          Barry Orton - Leicestershire Branch
 your behalf. Word of warning if you         which is where I met a tobacco farmer and
 cancel your insurance you may
 not be eligible to rejoin should you
 be unable to get travel insurance           Healthcare Travel Insurance
 elsewhere. If you want to discuss
                                                 On reading Gordon Lilly’s experience        and my wife everyday, always she could call
 your insurance you should contact
                                             with AXA Health Insurance I too would highly    them anytime day or night. After discharge
 Towergate on the number given,
                                             recommend AXA. I became ill in Thailand,        they offered to fly us back with a doctor and
 some members are contacting AXA
                                             was admitted to Intensive Care with heart       nurse, but as I was unstable for sometime
 and then Narpo at Wakefield only
                                             failure for 7 days and then hospitalised for    they kept in touch arranging medication
 to be told they will have to contact
                                             7 days. I cannot emphasise enough how           and Consultant visits. On return to UK they
 Towergate as each insurance is
                                             fantastic AXA were. The only hiccup was         kept in contact before discharging me, and
 between the company and the client.
                                             trying to contact them initially, as we only    after submitting my invoices all were paid
                                             had the Tunbridge Wells number and they         in full straight into my bank account within a
 389 7721. Don't forget if you are only
                                             do not work Saturday afternoon or Sunday,       week. An excellent service in every way.
 travelling within Europe the cost of the
                                             so had to wait till Monday to get transferred   Gareth Jones - London
 insurance is reduced.
                                             to International AXA in Chicago. They took
                                             over and liaised directly with the hospital
                                                                                                 Travel Insurance
                                                                                                    Re NARPO travel insurance,
                                                                                                 despite the increase in price it is
                                                                                                 excellent value for money! We have

                                                                                                 had their annual worldwide cover for
                                                                                                 a while.

  Support for local schools
                                                                                                    It started a few years ago when
                                                                                                 Alison was first diagnosed with

  Relief caretakers
                                                                                                 cancer and I had a heart problem.
                                                                                                    The insurance we had at the
                                                                                                 time wanted to cancel the cruise we
  Nationwide                                                                                     were booked on and refund deposit.
                                                                                                 Then the cheeky sods would only
  TIB urgently need more retired police officers with DIY skills to support                      cover the cruise without covering for
  the huge number of local schools requiring relief caretakers to help them                      cancer and charge £1000 per week!
  re-open and get back on track. Even schools which remain closed
                                                                                                    We were pointed towards the
  require part time support running basic security and H&S checks.                               NARPO scheme who would cover
                                                                                                 both of us, regardless of pre existing
  Works usually within 30 mins of your home. No qualifications required.                         conditions, as long as a Dr doesn't
                                                                                                 advise against travelling.
  Please register online so we can alert you when schools near you need help.
                                                                                                    Basically, very much recommend
                                                                                                 NARPO for anyone with pre existing                                                             TIB         conditions.
                                                                                                 Barry Charlesworth - Cumbria


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                                                                Apply quickly and                                        easily online
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 available to you may be restricted.                            as a Police Mutual customer*
*Loans are not currently available for PSNI members
 and their families.
PMGI Limited, trading as Police Mutual is acting as a credit broker for Salary Finance Limited. Salary
Finance Limited acts as credit broker exclusively for associated company Salary Finance Loans Limited,
which is acting as lender for the purposes of entering into a consumer credit agreement. PMGI Limited is
authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England & Wales No. 1073408.
Registered office: Alexandra House, Queen Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6QS. Financial Services
Register No. 114942.
Salary Finance Limited and Salary Finance Loans Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority (firm reference numbers: 758053 and 734585) and are registered in England & Wales
(company numbers: 09677777 and 07643748) at one Hammersmith Broadway, London, W6 9DL.
                                                                                               LOANSAD 20201

Ex Pc Frank Shaw celebrates 100 years
and becomes Derbyshire Life Member
    Due to the powers of social media, I       Tamworth were (especially Becci) to
 got to hear that the Derbyshire Police and    arrange this lovely and momentous
 Crime Commissioner, Hardyal Dhindsa           occasion, to take place for Frank on
 had congratulated Frank on reaching 100       behalf of Derbyshire NARPO. I would
 years of age. I didn’t know Frank myself,     also like to thank the NARPO staff for
 but a quick search showed we had a            their time and effort to make this happen.
 member F W Shaw, albeit with no contact       It just shows in these trying times how
 details. I found out that Frank was in a      wonderful, kind and helpful people are.
 nursing home in Tamworth and it was              And yes some of you may recognise
 decided that we should offer Frank Life       Frank’s name as back in 1974,
 Membership.                                   whilst a Traffic Officer in Buxton, he
    Due to the pandemic and not being          was kidnapped by 33-year-old ex-
 able to visit Frank, I arranged with Ms       Broadmoor patient Barry Robinson
 Becci Paul, Lead Activities Co-ordinator at   at gunpoint and made to drive him
 the nursing home to receive the certificate   to Blackpool, where thankfully Barry
 from NARPO HQ, arrange for it to be           Robinson handed himself in.
 framed and present it to Frank.               Sean Murphy -
    I cannot tell you how good the staff       Derbyshire Branch Secretary
 at Park Farm Lodge Nursing Home,

 Dyfed Powys Celebrate VE Day
   Sadly, the Coronavirus pandemic             themselves with a drink of their choice.     Youngest poster - Anthony Griffiths who
 meant that many people were only able to          Thirty-eight photos were posted, with    will shortly be joining NARPO.
 commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE        a wide variety of drinks featured. Four      Poster from furthest away - again, the
 Day on Friday, 8th May within their own       virtual awards were made (no prizes          award goes to Rob and Julia Wilson who
 homes.                                        unfortunately) as follows: Smartest          live in Tenerife.
    However, to commemorate the end            dressed - Rob Wilson (Rob later admitted        Well done to Phil (Hoppy) Hopkins
 of hostilities in Europe, Phil Hopkins,       that below his shirt and tie he was          for organising the well supported event
 Dyfed Powys branch held a virtual wine        wearing shorts and trainers)! Oldest         that certainly helped to lighten the mood
 o’clock event on Facebook. Dyfed Powys        poster - Elfed Watkins from Newtown          during these dark times.
 members were invited to post photos of        (age not disclosed).                         Hugh Colley - Dyfed Powys


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  Kevin Howlett of Hearing Star commented “we are delighted to have donated over
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              Don’t like the idea of carrying a remote                                               NARPO 2020 brochure!
              control? Use your phone!                                                               Educate yourself on channels,
                Today, our hearing technology can be set up to give the                              programs and dual micro-
              wearer easy access and control of their hearing aids via                               phones.Includes pricing with
              their smart phone.                                                                     product information, members
                You will be shown how to use the functions of the                                    reviews and much more.
              hearing aids from your own phone. They’ll even provide                                 Call us to order your copy.
              the aid(s) location if lost!

For your copy of Hearing Star’s 2020 brochure, NARPO members may contact us:
Tel: 0800 03 23 771 email: Online:


  NARPO News continued...

  Dyfed Powys Member charts COVID-19 Recovery
  Dear NARPO members                                 During the first few
     First of all, a big thank you for the very   weeks I was unable
  kind messages of support that Laura and         to stand in the shower
  I have received whilst recovering from          or wash without
  COVID-19.                                       assistance from my
                                                  wife. Anything physical
      Why this virus affects some worse
                                                  required more oxygen
  than others is not understood. One thing
                                                  and sparked off
  is certain, it has spread fear and anxiety
                                                  another long coughing
  amongst all of us.
                                                  bout. I had a stool
     I spent 8 days at home and 14 days           inside the shower
  in hospital fighting COVID-19. I was 12         and one outside to
  stone 10 lbs. going into hospital and 11        conserve energy.
  stone 5 lbs. coming out. As I ate every
                                                     Once I was washed
  scrap of food they gave me, it just shows
                                                  and dressed, I would
  the energy required by the human body to
                                                  have to lay on the bed
  overcome this virus.
                                                  until I had the energy
     I left Glangwili Hospital, Carmarthen on     to walk to the lounge.
  the 30th of April. Before being discharged
                                                      Whilst I was able to
  I had to pass a simple assessment; walk
                                                  sit out on the back patio
  along a short corridor, up a small flight of
                                                  within a couple of days,
  stairs and still have a saturated oxygen
                                                  it wasn’t until the end
  level above 90%. I have never been so
                                                  of the third week that I
  determined to pass a fitness test.
                                                  started to walk across                           I think in addition to the usual health
  I can assure you, on that day, it was far
                                                  the lawn, a distance of about 30 metres. I     advice, the best tips I can give for anyone
  more challenging than any PSU fitness
                                                  have recorded in my diary “walked across       who may have to deal with COVID-19 is:
  assessment I’ve ever done.
                                                  back lawn x 6 and sparked coughing, so
     I was warned how difficult things might                                                     1. Follow the health advice on 111 on-line
                                                  had to sit down”
  be, but to be honest, once I got out of that                                                   and seek help early if you are concerned.
                                                     As the weeks went on, I would include       If it hadn’t been for Laura, I would have
  hospital bed I was totally shocked at how
                                                  this walking in my daily strength building.    been a typical bloke and left it another few
  weak and fatigued I was. I was advised
                                                  I set a timer on my phone and did 10           days - which may have been too late.
  to keep a diary which I have done every
                                                  minutes, slowly increasing as the weeks
  day, and now that I look back, I can see                                                       2. Make sure you have a thermometer in
                                                  went by to 25 minutes. I also progressed
  the progress.                                                                                  the house to monitor your temperature.
                                                  from using the resistance bands that
                                                  the physio gave me, to lifting some light      3. Purchase a Pulse Oximeter to measure
                                                  dumbbells to try and recover some upper        your oxygen saturation levels. This is a
                                                  body strength.                                 small device that fits on the end of your
                                                                                                 finger and tells you if you have sufficient
                                                     At about week 6, the very forceful
                                                                                                 oxygen in your blood. This reading will
                                                  coughing bouts seemed to stop overnight.
                                                                                                 be helpful to monitor your condition and
                                                  This was marvelous, but unfortunately
                                                                                                 to help a health care professional assess
                                                  as my lower back muscles had been
                                                                                                 you over the phone. When I arrived at
                                                  aggravated by the coughing, I developed
                                                                                                 hospital, my oxygen saturation level was
                                                  sciatica which was an added, very painful
                                                                                                 84%, significantly lower than the normal
                                                  and debilitating problem.
                                                                                                 level of 95-100%.
                                                      I have now been home for 9 weeks.
                                                                                                 4.If you live alone, make sure someone
                                                  I still get breathless on exertion but it is
                                                                                                 telephones regularly; the fatigue is so
                                                  greatly improved. What I’m lacking now is
                                                                                                 great you may not have the strength to
                                                  stamina and I still get quite fatigued. My
                                                                                                 ask for help.
                                                  wife Laura’s (who also caught the virus)
                                                  longer term symptoms were fatigue and an           Once again, thank you for all the
                                                  impaired sense of smell. Where she found       messages of support. We hope you and
                                                  the energy to look after me is a testament     your loved ones stay safe and COVID-19
                                                  to her strength and fitness. She returned to   is something that disappears into history.
                                                  work a month ago and now feels ready to        Best wishes
                                                  return to her running, which is something      Derek & Laura Edwards -
                                                  she has done for many years.                   Dyfed Powys Branch


Leeds Member flies high with second career in Public Health
   NARPO Leeds Branch Member, Val              her Speciality
Barker has not let the grass grow under        Registrars, Helen
her feet since retiring from the Police. She   Christmas, a Public
has become a Senior Public Health Official     Health Registrar,
and is now a leading authority on the          played in the
subject; having held several Directorships     important work to
with various local authorities and has been    achieve this multi-
the Head of the Postgraduate School            agency agreement.
of Public Health at Health Education           As a result of this,
Yorkshire and the Humber since 2009.           Helen received a
   Her school played a major role in           Commendation
developing a National Consensus                from the Chief
Statement with fire and rescue services,       Constable of
police, social care services, and the          Lancashire, Mr.
ambulance service. The consensus aims          Andy Rhodes                                                         Val Barker -
                                                                           Helen Christmas -
to develop joint strategies for prevention     QPM BA (Hons)                   c Healt h Regis trar         Leeds Branch Member
and health improvement and prevention          which cited
of crime and the protection of vulnerable      her dedication,
people. By working together at early           enthusiasm and                                   Public Health in the UK”.
intervention to address the common             commitment to the National Police and                Helen said, “I’m really proud and
factors that bring people into contact with    Health Consensus Programme”.                     humbled and also very conscious that
the police and criminal justice system             Val commented, “I am really proud           none of this would have happened without
and leads to poor health; they can jointly     of the key work Helen Contributed to            the support of Val Barker and I thank her
improve public safety and reduce crime.        the National Consensus Report, which            for creating the opportunities but more
   Val identified the key role one of          will significantly make a great impact on       importantly for believing in me.”

 NARPO Bereavement Booklet - ‘in time of need’
     The last few months have been                At present, each branch makes its
 particularly difficult for many people        own arrangements to give advice to
 especially the ones who have lost their       bereaved members. Not every branch
 loved ones. Not just from the awful virus     has a dedicated welfare officer whilst
 which has spread all over the world but       some branch committee members
 also many from natural causes. The loss       undertake this role to give help and
 is often compounded by not being able to      advice to a family when a bereavement
 say a goodbye as one would wish.              occurs, but this can result in different
     It is often the case that just one        levels of support and advice given.
 person in a household deals with the              So, whilst unable to carry out their
 bills, banks, pension providers and other     normal duties, a few members of your
 such authorities, but should that person      National Executive Committee (NEC)
 be the one who dies, unless there are         decided they would research and
 clear instructions, a family can be at a      examine the information we are able to
 loss as to who to inform or what those        give to grieving families or to those who
 who are left may need to do.                  have been left with the unenviable task of
     Some do not know who to contact or        taking care of the deceased estate and
 how. Hopefully, this booklet will make        all the different agencies and accounts
 life a little easier for those left behind.   that require attention.
 Profoundly deaf people, for example,              They have now put together a booklet
 and some others may find it especially        with all the information needed to help
 difficult using a telephone or making         should a bereavement take place. The
 communication with a Pension provider         booklet has been designed to be easy to         branches and their respective Pension
 or the former force from which the            understand and explains the procedures          administrators.
 deceased received their pension.              that will need to be followed. It is generic      To obtain a copy of this booklet please
                                               in its content so that it refers to all         contact your local branch.


  NARPO News continued...

  COVID-19 Update from the Police Treatment Centres
     The NARPO readership will be very
  much aware that due to the current
  COVID-19 pandemic, the Police
  Treatment Centres took the difficult
  decision in March to close both of its
  centres at Harrogate and Auchterarder
  until further notice, which means that we
  are unable to deliver treatment or offer
  B&B breaks at the moment. We have also
  been forced to postpone and cancel many
  of our fundraising events and initiatives,
  which are a key source of income for
  the charity.
      Unfortunately as at the time of writing
  we still do not know when we will be able
  to reopen the Centres, but we can assure
  you that we are working hard behind
  the scenes, reviewing all of the relevant
  government and clinical guidance, to
  ensure that when we do re-open our
  patients will be able to receive the very
  best level of service and optimum benefit
  from their stays.
     We have already started to plan for our
  re-opening and this has included many
  changes within the centres themselves             Perhaps most significantly, I am             closure of our Centres and that has
  such as increased hand wash stations          delighted to say that despite some               included the maintenance of our real
  which you will see everywhere, protective     herculean challenges, we have managed            estate. During the lockdown we have not
  screens on receptions and many other          to keep the contractors on site at our           been able to recruit any new serving or
  protective measures which will ensure         Harrogate centre who have been working           retired donors or to do any fundraising, so
  that we are able to create a safe and         hard in a safe and socially distant way on       I would ask all of you to think about how
  secure environment for both patients          our new Clinical Services wing which will        you might be able to support the PTC and
  and employees.                                provide an additional 20 bedrooms at our         St George’s Police Children Trust.
      Despite the challenges imposed            Harrogate Centre, and further improve                I do not think that any of us really know
  by the lockdown a very small group of         and expand our class leading Wellbeing           what is ahead of us and I certainly do
  employees at the PTC have continued           Programme, which continues to grow and           not have any special insight to offer, but
  to work behind the scenes in a variety of     grow. The new Wing remains on track to           what I can assure you is that the PTC
  ways ranging from sharing tips and advice     open in Spring 2021, and will further add        is too important to the police family to
  across social media from our expert           to the already excellent work at both            ever fail, so despite these uncertainties
  teams and partners to look after your         our Centres.                                     and challenges that are everywhere at
  mental and physical wellbeing, running a          I am also delighted to announce that         the moment, we aim to come out of the
  telephone physio advice line, continuing      Northamptonshire Police joined the PTC           other side of this lockdown in a stronger
  to offer monthly cash prizes in our charity   in March 2020 and this has meant that            position, opening up as quickly and safely
  lottery, continuing to pay weekly support     all of their retired officers are now eligible   as possible, and to ensure that when
  allowances and ex-gratia support to           to sign up to the PTC as donors and to           we do reopen, we are able to continue
  Police Families through St George’s           benefit from treatment with us.                  to offer the class-leading treatment that
  Police Children Trust and taking on some          I know that the eligibility change that      our police family members expect and
  new beneficiaries.                            all retired officers who now live in the PTC     deserve as befitting the very best police
                                                constituency area, are now also eligible         service in the world.
                                                to sign up to the PTC regardless of what            In these difficult and uncertain times,
                                                their original Force affiliation was has         we would like to thank you for your
                                                already been communicated, but I think it        continued support and hope you are
                                                is worthwhile re-emphasising this change.        staying safe and well.
                                                This was an important move and one               Patrick Cairns - CEO PTC/SGPCT
                                                which I believe demonstrates the value
                                                and respect that the PTC continues to
                                                give to our retired officers.          
                                                  There is still a significant cost to the
                                                work we do at the PTC even during the


                                                                                                Signs of the light at the end
                                                                                                of the lockdown tunnel
                                                                                                getting brighter but actions
                                                                                                of people could mean it
Eastbourne and                                                                                  loses brightness.
District Branch

                                                President’s Review
                                                   Looking at what happened at the end             the membership at large. Home working
                                                of June and you see how some people                and technology have helped Wakefield
                                                act without thoughts for COVID-19 and              continue their good work, regular office
                                                the impact it can have on their friends,           meetings via Microsoft teams does I hope
                                                family and other people particularly the           lessen the feeling of isolation
                                                elderly and those with underlying health              As you would expect no actual face to
                                                conditions. Going back a few years                 face meetings have taken place but there
                                                people thought health and safety was a             have been many on Zoom and Teams.
                                                matter of common sense. My response                One of the first Teams meetings was with
                                                was that common sense is not as                    Connect and our partners in Later Life
   Canon Bob Butler, Eastbourne and             common as people think.                            Ambitions (LLA) who continue working
District Branch’s Honorary Chaplain, retired       Please stay safe and keep others safe           hard to progress matters on your behalf.
from the post having served and supported       by exercising the actions Government,                 The AGM of the Public Service
the branch for more than 30 years.              public health and the scientific advisers          Pensioners Council was cancelled,
  At the recent Branch Annual Christmas         suggest.                                           although the Executive Board were able
Lunch, the Chairman Keith Bowman                   I believe I should also recognise the           to use a Zoom meeting and agreed
(NEC), presented Bob and his wife               sterling work that the NHS and the Care            with a paper produced by the Treasurer
Barbara, with a vase engraved “Bob &            sector staff have done over the last few           Steve Edwards to get the finances on a
Barbara - Thank You For Your Great              months as well as the hard work that the           more secure footing by recommending
Dedication and Everlasting Friendship           Police have had to perform and comment             an increase in member organisations
2019 - Eastbourne and District NARPO”.          on the disgraceful conduct of many                 annual fees. This has been agreed by the
    Bob remains an Honorary Members of          people who feel that the uniforms is there         constituent associations.
the Branch.                                     for people to use as a target. It is not, and          Something incredibly frustrating was
                                                politicians and courts should ensure that          the news that the BBC are to end free
                                                appropriate sentencing is used to tackle           TV licences for most over-75s. Many
                                                any assault on any front-line staff.
NARPO and Affinity                                Having got that out off my chest can I
                                                                                                   older people have suffered increased
                                                                                                   loneliness during the lockdown. Not being

Resolutions Launch                              once again say that I hope that you are
                                                keeping safe and well.
                                                                                                   able to see family and friends is a major
                                                                                                   concern and enhances the isolation many

Legal Advice                                       I am proud that I am able to again              feel. We have campaigned hard to keep
                                                thank the office for continuing to provide         licences free for over 75’s and believe
                                                                                                   that the Government should take back the
Helpline                                        a service to the NEC, to branches and
                                                                                                   financing not the BBC. The TV is a source
                                                                                                   of companionship and a time filler for so

   We are delighted to announce that
                                                                                                       I’d like to sign off this quarter by taking
our partners Affinity Resolutions will be
providing NARPO members with a free
                                                           We have                                 the opportunity to personally welcome the
legal advice helpline and quarterly email             campaigned hard                              many new members who have recently
                                                                                                   joined us. It’s great to have you on board
newsletter on legal topics.
   The advice line will guide members
                                                       to keep licences                            and I would like you to know that we
to where they can find information on                  free for over 75’s                          are working hard to keep our services
                                                                                                   uninterrupted during the pandemic.
any legal problem. To use this new
membership benefit please register at:
                                                       and believe that
                                                       the Government
   The link will take you to the registration
form and FAQs which explain this new
benefit in more detail.
                                                      should take back
                                                      the financing not
                                                                                    ‘‘             Brian Burdus
    Once you have registered you will be
able to phone Bernard or Suzanne from
                                                           the BBC.                                President
Affinity Resolutions about any legal problem.


  NARPO News continued...

  Questions on Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
  for retired Officers raised in Parliament
  Last month Dehenna Davison MP tabled the following                                              staff. This helps Chief Constables in their
                                                                                                  duty to ensure the wellbeing of all officers
  questions in Parliament on mental health and                                                    and staff, by signposting to relevant
                                                                                                  services and additional support.
  wellbeing on NARPO’s behalf. The questions we                                                       However, we want to go further, and
  asked on your behalf are listed below.                                                          have therefore accelerated work to
                                                                                                  introduce a Police Covenant, recognising
                                                                                                  the service and sacrifice of those who
  Police: Retirement                               Police: Retirement                             work, or have worked, in policing and to
     To ask the Secretary of State for                To ask the Secretary of State for           deliver the practical support they need.
  the Home Department, what steps her              the Home Department, what plans her            The key areas of focus will be physical
  Department is taking to support the              Department has to offer mental health          protection, health and wellbeing and
  mental wellbeing of retired police officers.     and wellbeing support to police officers       support for families.
  Police: Mental Health                            on retirement.                                     Following an 8 week public
                                                      All the question received the same          consultation on the principle and scope
     To ask the Secretary of State for the                                                        of the Police Covenant, we are currently
  Home Department, what assessment she             answer from the Minister for Policing and
                                                   the Fire Service, Kit Malthouse:               analysing the responses and intend to
  has made of the long-term effect on a                                                           publish our response during the summer.
  person’s mental health and wellbeing of             The Government takes the mental             Mental health and wellbeing support
  serving in the police.                           health and wellbeing of our police             specifically for retired officers, including
  Police: Retirement                               extremely seriously and we understand          any additional needs as a result of the
                                                   that the current crisis will have an impact    COVID-19 response, will be considered
     To ask the Secretary of State for the
                                                   on all of those working in policing,           as part of this.
  Home Department, what assessment her
                                                   including those who have re-joined forces
  Department has made of the potential                                                               The Police Covenant will be put into
                                                   to support the response to COVID-19.
  merits of including support for the mental                                                      law as part of the Police Protection and
  health of retired police officers through the       We have invested in programmes              Powers Bill announced in the Queen’s
  proposed Police Covenant.                        which offer help directly to police officers   Speech; we aim to introduce the Bill later
                                                   and staff. This includes £7.5 million to       this session.
  Police: Re-employment
                                                   fund the development of the National
      To ask the Secretary of State for the        Police Wellbeing Service (NPWS), which            NARPO will continue to monitor the
  Home Department, what assessment her             was launched in April 2019.                    Government’s response to the Police
  Department has made of the effect of the                                                        Covenant consultation but it is positive
                                                      The NPWS has developed evidence-            that mental health and wellbeing support
  COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health
                                                   based guidance, advice, tools and              specially for retired officers will be
  and wellbeing of recently retired police
                                                   resources which can be accessed by             considered.
  officers who have re-joined forces during
                                                   forces, as well as individual officers and
  that outbreak.

  National Police Memorial Day                                                                          Tell us
      Unfortunately, due to the current
  restrictions the Trustees have taken the
  difficult decision to cancel this year’s
  event, which was due to be held at
  Lincoln Cathedral on the 27th September.
     The Trustees are absolutely committed
  that National Police Memorial Day will be
  commemorated over the last weekend of                                                                If you have any news that you
  this September and will do so in a way                                                             would like to see included in the
  that will enable everyone to be part of it.                                                        NARPO news section then please
     The concept is to prepare a pre-                                                                get in touch.
  recorded clip and make it available to                                                             We would like to hear from you!
  commemorate NPMD20. The exact way in             any size appropriate in the circumstances.        Please contact:
  which this will be done will depend on the       Further information is available on the
  pandemic situation, but it has the flexibility   website at:
  to be used by individuals or gatherings of

NARPONews 15

 Later Life Ambitions
 Coronavirus Survey Results
 COVID-19 has affected every aspect of everyone’s lives and it is important
 for NARPO to understand the specific implications for our members.
     That is why, as a part of our
  membership of Later Life Ambitions (LLA),
  NARPO recently invited members to
  respond to a survey on how Coronavirus
  has affected your life. Thank you to all
  who took the time to respond. We are
  pleased to share the results of this survey
  with you here.

  • We had 3171 responses in total, 30.5%
  of those who answered were aged 71-80
  and nearly 82% were male;
  • A majority of respondents felt either
  affected (43%) or severely affected
  (18.86%) by coronavirus;
  • Nearly 90% of respondents highlighted
  an inability to see friends and family
  as the biggest challenge that they’re
  facing, the second largest challenge was
  increased difficulty with completing daily
  tasks such as shopping and the third
  largest was boredom;

  Mental Health                                 Nearly 90% of respondents highlighted an inability
  • Nearly 80% of respondents have used
  DIY/gardening to fill their time;
                                                to see friends and family as the biggest challenge
  • The internet was the most used              that they’re facing, the second largest challenge was
  resource during lockdown, with 93.5% of       increased difficulty with completing daily tasks such
  respondents using it. TV was the second
  most used resource, with 89.5% of             as shopping and the third largest was boredom
  respondents using it;
  • 69.9% of respondents have been              for Government assistance.”                    • 42% of respondents found LLA or
  using video calling platforms throughout                                                     their associations’ email updates the
  lockdown;                                     • 32.7% of respondents said they had
                                                lost savings and investments, such as a        most useful. There were also positive
  • 32% of respondents said that in general     private pension, due to the outbreak.          responses for website updates and
  they have felt anxious or concerned.                                                         social media.
                                                Social Care                                        Surveys such as these provide an
  Finances                                                                                     invaluable source of data for NARPO
                                                • More than 40% of respondents rely on
  • Thankfully, 74.8% of respondents have       friends/family to provide their social care.   and our LLA partners to use in our
  not suffered with reduced income or                                                          representations to politicians and have
  increased costs as a result of coronavirus;   Looking ahead                                  helped shape our discussions on the
  • Of those who have been affected                                                            impact of COVID-19 on older persons.
                                                • TV is the medium most relied on to
  economically, it was often due to higher                                                     We will continue to survey members
                                                receive information on the coronavirus
  prices as a result of shopping online or                                                     on topics of importance to them and
                                                crisis - with more than half of respondents
  shopping more frequently. Others citied                                                      have recently joined with the Associated
                                                (53%) saying it is the medium they use
  their income being reduced as a result of                                                    Retirement Community Operator (ARCO)
  being self-employed;                                                                         to improve our understanding of what
                                                • Respondents prioritised economic             specialist housing and support people
  • One respondent said their income            stability (48.5%) as the most important        may want in later life. You can find more
  from self-employment had “reduced             things for the government to focus on,         information on how to take part in new
  considerably.” Another said “matters are      over other issues such as public health        survey via the LLA website:
  made worse due to my not being eligible       (40%) and social care (5%);          


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  Benefits update
  State Benefits                                interpreter. The customer uses a video
                                                link accessed through their own computer,
                                                                                              State pension payments after you start
                                                                                              receiving it. You need to contact the
      • The Department for Work &               smartphone or tablet. The interpreter will    Pension Service on 0800 731 0469. You
  Pensions (DWP) has experienced a              then speak to a DWP agent, relaying the       can only defer your State pension once
  huge increase in claims, with their phone     conversation by phone. There is no need       during your retirement.
  lines being extremely busy as a result.       for anyone to be in the same location and
  They have moved 10,000 existing staff to      the customer does not have to book the        General
  help boost capacity and will be recruiting    service in advance.
                                                                                                  • Research from the Association
  more. They are asking people to apply
                                                                                              of British Insurers (ABI) shows that
  for Universal Credit online and to only
                                                                                              around 1.6 million pension pots worth an
  call DWP to book their initial telephone
                                                                                              estimated £19.4 billion have been lost,
  appointment. Because the lines are
                                                                                              as people move home but don’t tell their
  busy, local jobcentres will also try to
                                                                                              pension providers their new address.
  call customers if they see the customer
                                                                                              This is the equivalent of £13,000 lost
  has applied online but hasn’t yet got an
                                                                                              per person. In an ABI survey, nine out of
  appointment booked.
                                                                                              10 people said they automatically think
       • More than 1.5 million new claims                                                     about telling their GP or dentist about
  have been made to Universal Credit                                                          their change of address, but only one
  since 1st March 2020. People who made                                                       in 25 think about updating their pension
  their claims when lockdown first began                                                      scheme. People have, on average, 11
  started to receive payments from 22nd                                                       different jobs over their lifetime and move
  April, with 93% of people forecast to                                                       home eight times, which makes it easy
  receive their payments in full and on                                                       to lose track of pensions. The Pension
  time. Where people haven’t been paid,            • The DWP has introduced two               Tracing Service will help you track down
  it is often due to the claimant needing to    important temporary measures to help          lost retirement pots at
  provide information, such as a correct        unpaid carers through the current             find-pension-contact-details
  bank account number, and DWP staff will       emergency. Unpaid carers will be able
                                                                                                 • The DWP has teamed up with
  attempt to contact claimants to fill in any   to continue to claim Carer’s Allowance if
                                                                                              regulators and other bodies to produce
  blanks.                                       they have a temporary break in caring,
                                                                                              a guide for pension savers. The Pension
                                                because they or the person they care
                                                                                              Protection Fund (PPF) is the public
                                                for gets coronavirus or if they have to
                                                                                              body set up to protect people who have

                                                isolate because of it. Under normal rules
                                                                                              a defined benefit pension scheme with
                                                there are restrictions on breaks in care,
            More than                           but these have been lifted. Providing
                                                                                              an employer who becomes insolvent.
                                                                                              The Financial Services Compensation
                                                emotional support rather than just more
         1.5 million new                        traditional forms of care to a disabled
                                                                                              Scheme (FSCS), Money and Pensions
                                                                                              Service (MaPS), the Pensions Regulator
        claims have been                        person will also now count towards the
                                                                                              (TPR), the Financial Conduct Authority
                                                Carer’s Allowance threshold of 35 hours
             made to                                                                          (FCA) and the Pensions Ombudsman

        Universal Credit
             since 1st
           March 2020
                                   ‘‘           of care a week.
                                                    • Almost half (47%) of 55- to 64-year-
                                                olds do not know that deferring their State
                                                pension will increase these payments
                                                when they start to claim them, according
                                                                                              have also worked in partnership with
                                                                                              PPF and DWP to create a guide outlining

                                                to research by pension provider Just
                                                Retirement. Putting off the age you claim
                                                the State pension means the amount you
                                                receive eventually can go up significantly.
     • Video Relay Service (VRS) has now        State pension is not paid automatically,
  been extended to customers claiming           so you need to make a claim to start
  Universal Credit. Over the coming months      receiving it. You can delay when this
  VRS will be further extended into all         happens, known as deferring your State
  DWP services. VRS is already available        pension. With the new State pension now
  for British Sign Language (BSL) people        £175.20 a week, deferring for one year
  who claim DWP disability benefits as          can increase the amount you receive
  well as Access to Work. VRS enables           by £10.16 a week or £528.32 a year. It
  BSL people to contact DWP via a BSL           is also possible to start deferring your


                                               £71 million of new funds from dormant             Fake online resources - such as false

                                               accounts alongside £79 million already        coronavirus maps - that deliver malware
                                               unlocked that will be repurposed to help      (malicious software) to damage or infiltrate
      Unscrupulous                             charities’ coronavirus response and           data on your computer. A prominent
       criminals are                           recovery.                                     example of the type of links to avoid
                                                                                             clicking because it has deployed malware
  exploiting fears about                          • The NHS prescription charge has
                                               increased by 15 pence to £9.15 for each
                                                                                             is ‘corona-virus-map[dot]com’.
   Covid-19 to prey on                         prescribed item, with effect from 1st April   Refund scams
                                               2020. Individuals will be charged the new
  vulnerable members                           amount if they collect prescriptions after
                                                                                                Fake companies offering holiday
                                                                                             refunds for people who have been forced
    of the public who                          1st April regardless of whether their GP

    are now isolated
     from family and
                                 ‘‘            issued the prescription before this date.
                                                  • Unscrupulous criminals are exploiting
                                               fears about COVID-19 to prey on vulnerable
                                               members of the public who are now
                                                                                             to cancel their trips. If you’re seeking a
                                                                                             refund, please be wary of fake websites
                                                                                             set up to claim holiday refunds.

                                               isolated from family and friends. Please
                                               remember to be vigilant as there has been
                                               an increase of coronavirus-related scams.
                                               Some examples which have been reported
                                               to Trading Standards are as follows:
protections in place, and directing savers
to free, impartial advice. The move            Doorstep crime
comes as both the PPF and FSCS report
an increase in the number of enquiries            Criminals targeting older people on
they have received from concerned              their doorstep and offering to do their
pension savers seeking guidance during         shopping. Thieves take the money and
COVID-19. The TPR, FCA and MaPS are            do not return.
all actively working to raise awareness of        Fake doorstep cleansing services that
the risk of pension scams at this time. You    offer to clean drives and doorways to kill
can find the guide and more information        bacteria and help prevent the spread of
on the PPF website,              the virus.                                    Telephone scams
   • In the last two years, the Competition                                                     As more people self-isolate at home,
and Markets Authority (CMA) has taken                                                        there is an increasing risk that telephone
action against five of the UK’s biggest                                                      scams will also rise, including criminals
banks and building societies for breaching                                                   claiming to be your bank, mortgage lender
rules that require them to send a text                                                       or utility company.
alert to customers with personal current
accounts, warning them of fees before                                                        Donation scams
banks charge them for an unarranged                                                             There have been reports of thieves
overdraft. Receiving this alert is designed                                                  extorting money from consumers by
to give people time to take action and avoid                                                 claiming they are collecting donations for
any unexpected charges. The CMA dealt                                                        a COVID-19 ‘vaccine’.
with some of the worst breaches by issuing
legally binding directions, which ensured
that banks were committed to refunding
those affected. In some cases, the banks                                                     If you have a benefits query you can
and building societies also voluntarily        Online scams                                  contact Wordshop direct quoting your
offered to pay interest on the charges.                                                      NARPO membership number:
                                                  Email scams that trick people into
   • The Culture Secretary has                 opening malicious attachments, which          Email:
announced that £150 million from dormant       put personal information, passwords,          Fax: 01935 812800 or
bank and building society accounts is          contacts and bank details at risk. Some of    Post: Benefits Information,
to be unlocked to help charities, social       these emails have lured people to click on    Consultant, Wordshop,
enterprises and vulnerable individuals         attachments by offering information about     7 Tilton Court, Digby Road,
during the coronavirus outbreak. This          people in the local area who are affected     Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3NL
includes accelerating the release of           by coronavirus.


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