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                                                                                                        PAGE 03               GLOSSARY

                                                                                                        PAGE 04               FOREWORD

                                                                                                        PAGE 06               NEW ZEALAND’S APPROACH
                                                                                                                              TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

                                                                                                        PAGE 10               LIVING STANDARDS FRAMEWORK AND
                                                                                                                              INDICATORS AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND

                                                                                                        PAGE 14               NEW ZEALAND’S INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                                        PAGE 18               SDG 1                                         PAGE 72    SDG 10
                                                                                                                              NO POVERTY                                               REDUCE INEQUALITIES

                                                                                                        PAGE 24               SDG 2                                         PAGE 78    SDG 11
                                                                                                                              ZERO HUNGER                                              SUSTAINABLE CITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                       AND COMMUNITIES

                                                                                                        PAGE 30               SDG 3                                         PAGE 84    SDG 12
                                                                                                                              GOOD HEALTH AND WELLBEING                                RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION
                                                                                                                                                                                       AND PRODUCTION

                                                                                                        PAGE 36               SDG 4                                         PAGE 90    SDG 13
                                                                                                                              QUALITY EDUCATION                                        CLIMATE ACTION

                                                                                                        PAGE 42               SDG 5                                         PAGE 96    SDG 14
Cover image: Zena Elliott, born 1964, New Zealand.                                                                            GENDER EQUALITY                                          LIFE BELOW WATER
Māori tribal affiliations: Ngāti Awa, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Ngāi Te Rangi, Te Arawa.

Urungi 2014.                                                                                            PAGE 48               SDG 6                                         PAGE 102   SDG 15
Acrylic and spray paint on marine ply.                                                                                        CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION                               LIFE ON LAND
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade.
Courtesy of the artist and Milford Galleries, Dunedin; Photography Glenn Frei.
                                                                                                        PAGE 54               SDG 7                                         PAGE 108   SDG 16
In 2013 Zena Elliott held an exhibition entitled ‘Glokool’ – a name she coined from two words,                                AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN                                     PEACE, JUSTICE AND
                                                                                                                              ENERGY                                                   STRONG INSTITUTIONS
‘global’ and ‘local’. Her art is all about the melding of cultures in New Zealand today – Māori and
Pākehā, local and global – while retaining an individual voice. She celebrates her many influences in   PAGE 60               SDG 8                                         PAGE 114   SDG 17
her vibrant, richly-patterned paintings.                                                                                      DECENT WORK AND                                          PARTNERSHIPS FOR
                                                                                                                              ECONOMIC GROWTH                                          THE GOALS
Elliott’s work draws on both popular culture and fine art: the imagery of computer graphics, video
gaming, and street art, as well as that of abstract painting and customary Māori art. In Urungi (the    PAGE 66               SDG 9
title alludes to navigation), she includes the frond-like koru – a form found in Māori carving and a                          INDUSTRY, INNOVATION
symbol of growth, strength and peace.                                                                                         AND INFRASTRUCTURE



     - KAUA                                      Hapū – Sub-tribe
                                                 He waka eke noa – We are all in this together
                                                                                                     Tangata whenua – People of the land, local
                                                                                                     Taonga – Treasure

                                                 Hui – Meeting
                                                                                                     Te ao Māori – The Māori world
                                                 Iwi – Tribe
                                                                                                     Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi
                                                 Kaitiaki – Caretaker (also means trustee in a
                                                 trust sense)                                        UNEP – United Nations Environment
                                                 Kaitiakitanga – Stewardship
                                                                                                     Waka – Canoe
                                                 Kaua tētahi e whakarērea – Leave no one
                                                 behind                                              Wāhine – Women

                                                 Kaupapa – Purpose                                   Wairua – Spirit
                                                 Mana whenua – Authority over the land               Wānanga – Institution of learning, intensive
                                                 Mātauranga Māori – Māori knowledge and
                                                 understanding of everything                         Whānau – Family
                                                 OECD – Organisation for Economic
                                                 Cooperation and Development
                                                 Ōhanga āmiomio – Circular economy
                                                 Pākehā – European/Caucasian

                                                 Rangatira – Chief/Leader
                                                 Talanoa – Discuss


    NO ONE
                                                 1   All amounts are in New Zealand Dollars.
                                                 2 The use of ‘disabled people’ in this report reflects the current consensus, based on advice
                                                   from the New Zealand Disability Strategy Revision Reference Group, that this is the most
                                                   respectful term recognising that disabling barriers exist within society and not with us as
                                                   individuals. In future, it is possible the disability community will decide to revise the way to
                                                   describe themselves. If this happens, the language can be changed to reflect this.

                                                 3   The Crown – The expression ‘the Crown’ is used frequently in descriptions of New Zealand’s
                                                     current constitutional arrangements. The meaning of ‘the Crown’ varies according to the
                                                     context in which it is used. Generally, it describes executive government conducted by
                                                     Ministers and their departments. It does not normally include organisations having their own
                                                     corporate identities, such as state-owned enterprises.


                                                 The Living Standards Framework is             countries most in need, in particular Small
                                                 innovative in that it measures and            Island Developing States and Least
                                                 analyses the dynamics of wellbeing, as        Developed Countries, with sustainable
                                                 well as risk and resilience across a broad    development a core priority. Sustainable

                                                 range of economic, social and                 development also informs our approach
                                                 environmental domains. The Living             to trade, the environment and security.
                                                 Standards Framework includes a
                                                 ‘dashboard’ (database of indicators) that     Sixty percent of New Zealand’s
                                                 will support progress towards the SDGs.       development cooperation goes to the

                                                                                               Pacific region with a strong focus on
                                                 Statistics New Zealand has also developed     improving Pacific prosperity and
                                                 a set of metrics – Indicators Aotearoa New    economic resilience. The government’s

                                                 Zealand (IANZ). Like the Living Standards     Pacific Reset demonstrates our
                                                 Framework, IANZ goes beyond traditional       commitment to lift our ambition and
                                                 economic measures such as income and          investment in the region. Substantial
                                                 GDP, and includes wellbeing and               new funding will go towards tackling
                                                 sustainable development. IANZ supports        issues such as climate change, health,
                                                 the development of the Living Standards       education, gender and youth.
Dotted in the South Pacific, three hours         Framework as well as monitoring and
from our nearest neighbours, New Zealand         reporting against the SDGs.                   New Zealand recognises that all the
is a nation proud that our isolation has                                                       SDGs, from eradicating poverty to
never lessened our commitment to the             These, along with the government’s science    strengthening the means of
global community.                                advisers, provided an evidence-based          implementation, are connected and
                                                 foundation for our first Wellbeing Budget,    cannot be achieved by governments
As an active member across international         delivered on 30 May 2019, which focused       alone. It requires cooperation and the
                                                 government investment on areas where          participation of all sectors of society.
institutions, New Zealand is committed to
                                                 the greatest benefits could be achieved.      The review highlights some of the crucial
the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
                                                                                               work being undertaken across New
for Sustainable Development and
                                                 While New Zealand has overall a high          Zealand and overseas by individuals,
achievement of the 17 Sustainable
                                                 standard of living, too many of our           businesses and community groups to
Development Goals (SDGs).
                                                 families experience poverty or material       achieve the SDGs.
                                                 hardship. Māori and Pacific peoples, sole
Our first Voluntary National Review
                                                 parent households and people with             As I said at the United Nations General
covers all 17 SDGs with a national lens
                                                 disabilities are over-represented at the      Assembly in September last year:
that reflects our belief in productive,          lower end of the economic spectrum.
sustainable and inclusive development to                                                       We must redouble our efforts to work as
ensure no one is left behind. The report         Child poverty is a particular concern.        a global community.
highlights challenges as well as successes,      New Zealand aims to at least halve child
provides a baseline for future reporting,        poverty within 10 years by 2028 and we        We must rediscover our shared belief in
and identifies areas where more work             have introduced a wide range of               the value of connectedness.
needs to be done.                                measures to support this including a
                                                 Families Package, to boost the incomes        We must demonstrate that collective
Our country’s size, location, history, values    and wellbeing of low-income families.         international action not only works, but
and the partnership between the Crown            The Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018          that it is in all of our best interests.
and Māori are reflected in the review. In        provides an ongoing focus on child
particular we acknowledge that the special       poverty reduction by requiring successive     We must show the next generation that we
status of Māori, as the tangata whenua or        governments to measure and report on          are listening, and that we have heard them.
indigenous people of New Zealand, is             the issue.
fundamental to who we are as a nation.                                                         The SDGs help us demonstrate each of
                                                 New Zealand is committed to supporting        these principles and New Zealand is
New thinking is needed to achieve the            the SDGs alongside our international          committed to them.
vision captured within the SDGs. Rather          partners. In 2018 New Zealand increased its
than measuring progress in purely                Official Development Assistance (ODA) in
economic terms, the New Zealand Treasury         response to the 2030 Agenda and the
is developing a broader set of measures –        sustainable development finance needs of
the Living Standards Framework based on          developing countries. The additional
work done by the OECD – that puts                NZ$714 million allocated over four years
sustainable intergenerational wellbeing at       represents a 30 percent increase in our
the centre of policy-making and the              ODA, lifting it to a projected 0.28 percent   Jacinda Ardern
management of our resources.                     of GNI. New Zealand’s ODA targets             Prime Minister of New Zealand


                                                                                                                                                     A JUST TRANSITION
                                                                                                TREATY OF WAITANGI                                   Ensuring a just transition is about how
                                                                                                                                                     we transform our economy to one that

                                                                                                                                                     is productive, sustainable and inclusive.
                                                                                                New Zealand is founded on a partnership
                                                                                                                                                     It is about creating new opportunities,
                                                                                                between Māori, the tangata whenua or
                                                                                                                                                     new jobs, new skills and new investments.
                                                                                                indigenous people of New Zealand, and the
                                                                                                                                                     It is also about building an understanding
                                                                                                Crown (or government). In 1840 a founding
                                                                                                                                                     of potential pathways to transform
                                                                                                constitutional document, Te Tiriti o Waitangi
                                                                                                                                                     the New Zealand economy and how
                                                                                                (the Treaty of Waitangi), was signed.
                                                                                                                                                     the impacts of the transition will be
                                                                                                The intent was to formalise an enduring
ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GLOBALLY IS A CRITICAL                                        partnership between Māori and the Crown.
                                                                                                                                                     distributed across the economy. A just
                                                                                                                                                     transition requires working alongside
                                                                                                The Treaty encompasses both individual and
CHALLENGE FACING ALL OF US.                                                                     collective rights and provides a framework
                                                                                                                                                     communities, regions and sectors to
                                                                                                                                                     make choices about how we manage the
                                                                                                for the State to promote, protect and respect
                                                                                                                                                     pace and impacts of change in a fair and
                                                                                                indigenous rights.
                                                                                                                                                     inclusive way.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable                  REDEFINING SUCCESS                             The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in good
Development serves as our collective                                                                                                                 Achieving a just transition is a long-term
blueprint to achieve a better and more                                                          faith by representatives of the British Crown
                                                 New Zealand’s policy direction is influenced                                                        process. To be successful it will require
sustainable future for all. It challenges                                                       and by many Māori Chiefs on behalf of their
                                                 by our position as a small independent                                                              managing the pace and timing of change
us to get serious about delivering an                                                           people. The Crown intended Māori to be
                                                 Pacific country, deeply engaged in our                                                              with a mix of policies, government
integrated and balanced social, economic                                                        treated fairly and honourably, particularly
                                                 region and the world. We are a nation of                                                            support and commitment to social
and environmental agenda.                                                                       in the course of land transactions. However,
                                                 explorers and adventurers, and have been                                                            dialogue at multiple levels. The work of
                                                                                                Māori suffered greatly through the process
                                                 since the first waka reached our shores.                                                            the government and its social partners
New Zealand is contributing to                                                                  of colonisation and the government now
                                                 We are agile and adaptable with a mind-set                                                          will need to be underpinned by a deep
achievement of the 2030 Agenda and                                                              acknowledges that since 1840 it has breached
                                                 that enables us to be innovative in the face                                                        understanding of which groups in our
the Sustainable Development Goals                                                               its duties under the Treaty and has accepted
                                                 of new challenges.                                                                                  society will face the most significant
(SDGs) through a combination of                                                                 a moral obligation to resolve Māori
                                                                                                                                                     challenges and the likely nature of
domestic action, international leadership                                                       historical grievances.
                                                 As a people we highly value our egalitarian                                                         those challenges. The government
on global issues and support for                                                                                                                     will work with sectors and communities
                                                 society. But we know that despite our          Today the distinct and special status of Māori as
developing countries. Achievement                                                                                                                    to empower them to develop strategies
                                                 developed status, there are New Zealanders     tangata whenua is of profound importance to
requires a whole of government effort,                                                                                                               for anticipating and responding
                                                 who struggle to achieve a decent level of      New Zealand and fundamental to our identity
working alongside the private sector and                                                                                                             to opportunities and challenges
                                                 wellbeing. Our success as a nation rests on    as a nation. The Treaty is recognised as a
civil society.                                                                                                                                       from transitions.
                                                 far more than just economic indicators.        foundational document of New Zealand that has
This is our first Voluntary National Review                                                     significant constitutional, historical and ongoing
                                                 We are therefore taking a new approach.        importance. It belongs to all New Zealanders
on our implementation of the SDGs.
                                                 We are redefining what success looks           and is a source of both individual and collective    PRODUCTIVITY
We have chosen to address those aspects
                                                 like by putting the wellbeing of all           rights of Māori.
of the 2030 Agenda most relevant to
                                                 New Zealanders at the centre of                                                                     New Zealand wants to be a leader and
New Zealand. The report captures
                                                 everything we do.                                                                                   constructive partner, both nationally and
our current initiatives and high level
plans, and reflects our commitment to                                                                                                                internationally, in the transformation to
                                                 Our approach takes into account                                                                     a modern and sustainable economy. Our
productive, sustainable and inclusive
                                                 New Zealand’s unique characteristics,                                                               direction moves us away from a simple
development as a country and as a
                                                 including the relationship between the                                                              focus on Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
global partner. We intend to provide a
                                                 Crown and Māori as tangata whenua.                                                                  to incorporate environmental and social
foundation for future national reporting
                                                 It builds on our national values, our                                                               factors as well as economic indicators.
to build on.
                                                 collective responsibilities as kaitiaki of
                                                 our environment and the international                                                               Our vision, to improve the wellbeing and
                                                 reputation we are proud of.                                                                         living standards of New Zealanders


through building a productive, sustainable       and more connected communities.               international rules and institutions
and inclusive economy, echoes the                Economic growth and social inclusion are      including those relating to economic
objectives of the SDGs. We are embedding         interdependent. We are determined to          success, environmental protection and
our wellbeing focus into our policy              grow and share more fairly New Zealand’s      natural resource management. We work           PACIFIC WELLBEING
thinking to ensure that the direction of all     prosperity. All New Zealanders should         to strengthen the contribution of trade to
government policy is consistent. This            have equal opportunities to participate       inclusive and sustainable development.         Pacific Aotearoa talanoa with
means thinking holistically about how            in our economy. We will reduce the            We have increased our aid and we target        more than 2,500 Pacific people
policies and programmes impact each              barriers to participation and support         this to countries most in need, particularly   living in New Zealand have
other and contribute to our overall              people and businesses to take advantage       Small Island Developing States and Least       identified what wellbeing means
objectives. To deliver higher living             of the opportunities available. We will       Developed Countries.                           for Pacific peoples today and
standards for New Zealanders, we are             ensure everyone who is able to is earning,                                                   for the future. These talanoa
working to overcome some significant             learning, caring or volunteering.             We focus our contribution on the Pacific       highlighted Pacific identities,
challenges to productivity, sustainability                                                     where we have deepened our partnerships        languages and cultures;
and inclusiveness. Productivity is a key         We recognise that there is disparity          and direct 60 percent of our aid. Alongside    economic development and
driver of economic performance, higher           in outcomes for New Zealanders,               strong market access, we have committed        income; health and wellness; and
wages and higher living standards.               particularly for Māori, Pacific peoples and   to provide 20 percent of our Official          intergenerational opportunities
                                                 women. We are committed to ensuring           Development Assistance as Aid-for-Trade        for youth as key priority areas.
We are at the beginning of a period of           that all New Zealanders benefit from          in the Pacific with the aim of improving
significant change that will impact on our       growth, now and in future generations.        two-way trade, Pacific prosperity and          This has provided the basis to
economy, now and for decades to come.                                                          economic resilience. We have increased         develop the Pacific Aotearoa
These changes include things like our                                                          our commitment to climate related              vision for Pacific peoples: ‘Pacific
demographics, technology, the sharing                                                          financing to $300 million through to 2022.     values are our anchor, with each
economy and climate change. We also
                                                 SUSTAINABILITY                                This will include a focus on adaptation to     generation weaving the foundation
need to respond to changing financial                                                          the impacts of climate change, in line with    for the next to stand on. Pacific
and trade policies of major economies            Our natural capital, or natural resource      Pacific partner priorities.                    communities are leading
around the world. To meet the challenges         base, is woven into the fabric of every                                                      innovations within Aotearoa, the
and take the opportunities of a rapidly          New Zealander’s health and wellbeing,                                                        Pacific region and the world. We
changing world we need to support                the country’s brand and Te Ao Māori. Our
                                                 land, forests, waterways and oceans are
                                                                                               OUR SUSTAINABLE                                are confident in our endeavours,
                                                                                                                                              we are thriving, resilient and
workers and businesses to be inclusive,
                                                 the foundation of our economy.                FUTURE                                         prosperous Pacific Aotearoa.’
resilient and adaptable.

Internationally, we cooperate with partners      New Zealand is in the process of              New Zealand is driving transformation          Pacific Aotearoa places the
to create conditions that enable all             transitioning to a cleaner, greener,          through collaboration and partnerships         aspirations of Pacific peoples
countries to prosper. We are committed           carbon neutral country. We must               between local and central government,          at the centre of thinking and
to development cooperation that embeds           progressively reverse environmental           businesses, workers and unions, rural          decision making. It recognises
the principles of the 2030 Agenda. We            damage and support the economy to             and urban communities and iwi, as              their leadership role and strengths
work for sustainable and inclusive growth        be more sustainable through smart use         well as with international partners.           to drive change from within,
globally, including through strengthened         of technology, education, regulation,         It is essential that participation across      and for, their own communities.
economic governance and stability.               investment and pricing. We must be            sectors, communities and agencies is           It is fundamental that Pacific
                                                 resilient and able to respond to shock        developed and deepened.                        values inform how initiatives are
                                                 events and emerging stresses.                                                                developed. Relationships must be
                                                                                               We want to build a solid and enduring
INCLUSIVITY                                                                                    foundation to achieve a more productive,
                                                                                                                                              effective in a Pacific community
                                                                                                                                              setting. This vision provides
                                                                                               sustainable and inclusive society. Every
The wellbeing of people and communities          GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS                           step counts. We look forward to taking
                                                                                                                                              insight to tailor initiatives to
                                                                                                                                              ensure they resonate with and are
is at the centre of New Zealand’s vision.                                                      ever greater strides towards improving         impactful for Pacific communities.
We are committed to delivering equitable         New Zealand seeks a peaceful world in         the wellbeing of all New Zealanders,
outcomes and enabling current and                which all people live with dignity and        especially the most vulnerable, and to
future generations to achieve higher living      safety, all countries can prosper and our     the delivery of the SDGs.
standards. We are determined to make             shared environment is protected.
New Zealand the best place in the world          We cooperate to advance that goal
to be a child and to build healthier, safer      globally. We work to strengthen


                                                                                                         The LSF is a practical application of       government action will support our
                                                                                                         national and international research         progress towards achieving the SDGs.
                                                                                                         around measuring wellbeing, tailored to
                                                                                                         reflect New Zealand’s unique culture and    In parallel, Statistics New Zealand has
Our conceptualisation of sustainable             to analyse, measure and compare those                   what matters to New Zealanders. To distil   developed Indicators Aotearoa
development is consistent with the spirit        outcomes through a wide and evolving                    and structure this knowledge, and to        New Zealand – Ngā Tūtohu Aotearoa, a
of the 2030 Agenda, which outlines a             set of indicators. The framework covers
                                                                                                         ensure international comparability, the     new suite of statistical indicators that go
series of interconnected goals that are          current wellbeing, future wellbeing
                                                                                                         Treasury drew on the internationally-       beyond economic measures, such as GDP
people-centred and encompass a wide              and risk and resilience across a range
                                                                                                         recognised approach taken by the            and include wellbeing and sustainable
variety of issues affecting the wellbeing        of economic, social and environmental
                                                                                                         Organisation for Economic Co-operation      development to help inform government
of our planet and all of humanity.               indicators. Distribution is important
                                                                                                         and Development (OECD).                     policy and investment decisions. This new
                                                 across all these three concepts.
                                                                                                                                                     tool supports the development of the LSF,
We are redefining what success means
                                                                                                                                                     as well as other governmental wellbeing
for New Zealand. We believe that to be
successful we need to build a productive,
                                                 Within current wellbeing, 12 domains
                                                 reflect wellbeing at a ‘point in time’.       WE BELIEVE THAT TO BE SUCCESSFUL WE                   reporting and analysis activities including
sustainable and inclusive economy,
which improves the wellbeing and
                                                 Four capitals – natural, human, social,
                                                 and financial and physical – are the
                                                                                               NEED TO BUILD A PRODUCTIVE, SUSTAINABLE               monitoring and reporting against the
                                                                                                                                                     SDGs. Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand
living standards of all New Zealanders.          assets that generate wellbeing now            AND INCLUSIVE ECONOMY, WHICH IMPROVES                 is a comprehensive suite of approximately
                                                                                                                                                     100 social, cultural, environmental and
To this end, the New Zealand Treasury,           and into the future. New Zealand’s
the government’s lead economic and               capital stocks include our people’s skills,   THE WELLBEING AND LIVING STANDARDS OF                 economic indicators to measure and track
                                                                                                                                                     New Zealand’s progress over time. There
financial adviser, has developed a Living
Standards Framework (LSF) to improve
                                                 knowledge, and physical and mental
                                                 health; our natural environment; our          ALL NEW ZEALANDERS.                                   will be approximately 20 population and
the depth, breadth and quality of policy         social connections, communities and                                                                 production indicators, providing context
development concerning living standards.         institutions; and the buildings, machines               The LSF includes a dashboard – a            for considering and interpreting the
                                                 and other physical assets that support                  structured database of indicators to        wellbeing indicators.
The Living Standards Framework is a              material living conditions. Links can be                support policy development to lift
high level framework that emphasises             drawn between the LSF current domains                   intergenerational wellbeing. The use of     The indicator suite has been developed to
the diversity of outcomes meaningful for         of wellbeing and future capital stocks and              these tools as part of regular financial    allow for measurement of New Zealand’s
New Zealanders, and helps the Treasury           the SDGs.                                               and economic analysis of options for        current and future wellbeing and


                                                                                               EXAMPLES OF HOW THE SDGs MAP TO INDICATORS AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND
                                                                                                                                                                                       Low income       Experience of discrimination
                                                                                                         Child poverty    Low income                                                   Income adequacy       Income inequality
                                                                                                         Homelessness                                                                  Material wellbeing     Net worth
                                                                                                         Costs of extreme weather events                                               Democratic participation     Justice equity
                                                                                                                                                                                       Health equity

                                                                                                          Soil health     Productive land    Access to
                                                                                                       safe water for recreation and food gathering                                   Homelessness     Housing affordability
                                                                                                          Efficiency of land use     Land assets                                      Housing quality   Overcrowding         Access
                                                                                                          Cultural ecosystem services                                               to natural spaces  Levels of pollutants
New Zealand’s impact on the rest of              The indicators will support government                   Provisioning ecosystem services      Active                                 Victimisation   Resilience of infrastructure
the world. The indicators build on               strategic direction and provide the                   stewardship of land       Net greenhouse gas                                   Waste generation     Heritage assets
international best practice, and have            information needed to guide priorities                emissions      Biodiversity/native species
been tailored to a New Zealand context           and improve the wellbeing of all New
by incorporating topics such as culture,         Zealanders. The indicators will also enable
identity, land and waste. New Zealand’s          local government, businesses, civil society                                                                                            Material intensity, including recycling, land
                                                                                                         Health expectancy         Health equity
                                                                                                                                                                                    fill inflows, second-hand economy         Waste
official statistics agency is partnering         and communities and individuals to                      Mental health status       Amenable mortality
                                                                                                                                                                                    generation       Export of waste (net and gross)
with Māori to further develop the set            make informed choices on wellbeing                      Self-reported health status        Spiritual health
                                                                                                                                                                                        Consumption of greenhouse gases           Energy
of indicators based on concepts of               and sustainability.                                   Suicide     Injury prevalence       Illness
                                                                                                                                                                                    consumption         Efficiency of land use
wellbeing from a Te Ao Māori perspective.                                                              attributable to air quality     Overcrowding
                                                                                                                                                                                        Productive land       Modified land
                                                 The first cut of the indicators will be
This suite of indicators was developed           released in late June 2019. It is intended
                                                                                                          Core competencies         Early childhood                                   Costs of extreme weather events    Global
through broad and inclusive public               that the Treasury will draw indicators
                                                                                                       education       Educational attainment                                       CO2 concentrations     Gross greenhouse gas
consultation. It included input from             and data from the indicator suite for
                                                                                                          Education equity       Literacy, numeracy and                             emissions     Net greenhouse gas emissions
subject matter experts across many               the Living Standards Framework.                       science skills of 15-year olds Intergenerational                               Consumption of net greenhouse gas emissions
sectors, including government, non-              More information on Indicators                        transfer of knowledge                                                          Modified land     Renewable energy
government organisations, academia,              Aotearoa New Zealand can be found at
business and international wellbeing             www.wellbeingindicators.stats.govt.nz.                                                                                               Fish stocks    Ocean acidification
experts – all of which fed into                                                                          Value of unpaid work     Domestic violence                                   Waste flows in waterways and coastal marine
recommendations on the indicator set.                                                                    Experience of discrimination                                               environments     Quality of water resources
To the extent possible, the wellbeing                                                                    Income inequality     Net worth     Low                                      Provisioning ecosystem services
indicators will be disaggregated to track                                                              income     Justice equity    Inequality of                                     Regulating ecosystem services      Cultural
                                                                                                       education outcomes      Health equity                                        ecosystem services     Biodiversity/native
the progress of different groups within
                                                                                                                                                                                    species    Ecological integrity
the population.
                                                                                                          Drinking water quality       Access to safe
Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand                                                                        water for recreation and food gathering
                                                                                                                                                                                       Biodiversity/native species      Ecological
will function as the data source that                                                                                                                                               integrity     Efficiency of land use
                                                                                                          Quality of water resources       Stock of
                                                                                                                                                                                       Productive land      Soil health    Cultural
underpins government analytical                                                                        freshwater resources      Water stress
                                                                                                                                                                                    ecosystem services       Provisioning ecosystem
frameworks and decision making.                                                                           Waste flows into waterways and coastal
                                                                                                                                                                                    services     Regulating ecosystem services
This includes supporting New Zealand’s                                                                 marine environments        Material intensity,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Quality of water resources
reporting on progress on the SDGs.                                                                     including recycling, land fill inflows, second hand
                                                                                                                                                                                       Active stewardship of land

                                                                                                                                                                                      Generalised trust     Institutional trust
                                                                                                                                                                                      Justice equity     Perceptions of safety/
                                                                                                         Energy intensity       Energy resources                                    feelings of safety    Harm against children
                                                                                                         Renewable energy         Energy consumption                                  Victimisation     Experience of discrimination
                                                                                                                                                                                      Domestic violence       Sense of belonging

                                                                                                         Employment rate     Hourly earnings
                                                                                                         Job satisfaction  Job strain      Not in
                                                                                                       employment, education or training                                              Foreign direct investment    Official
                                                                                                         Unemployment      Work/life balance                                        development assistance      Remittances to
                                                                                                         Workplace accidents     Official development                               other countries
                                                                                                       assistance    Consumption of net greenhouse
                                                                                                       gas emissions

                                                                                                         Infrastructure     Resilience of infrastructure
                                                                                                         Modified land       Commuting time to work
                                                                                                         Costs of extreme weather events           Gross
                                                                                                       greenhouse gas emissions          Material intensity,
                                                                                                       including recycling, landfill inflows, second-hand
                                                                                                       economy       Net fixed assets                          For reasons of brevity not all Indicators Aotearoa New Zealand that relate to
                                                                                                                                                               SDGs are shown.



Sustainable development is a core foreign          focus to global cooperation on human         Small Island Developing States and          affordable, reliable and clean energy
policy priority. It is central to the mission      rights and gender equality, climate          Least Developed Countries. We focus         and increased economic and food
of our aid programme and informs                   change, environmental and oceans             our aid on countries where we have          security benefits from sustainable
our approach to trade, environment,                stewardship, open and rules-based            the presence and partnerships to be         fisheries and aquaculture.
development and security policy, as well           trade, disarmament and security.             effective. Globally we have prioritised
as our domestic policy.                            We seek global policy coherence              our support to sustainable agriculture,     Our recently announced Pacific Reset
                                                   including through the elimination of         clean energy and education. Across          signalled a lift in New Zealand’s
                                                   environmentally harmful subsidies            all our aid we pursue development           strategic ambition and investment in
NEW ZEALAND                                        that undermine progress toward               that is resilient, inclusive, sustained     the region. The Reset aims to build
                                                                                                and effective. And we seek to               deeper and more mutual partnerships
COOPERATES FOR                                     sustainability. We advocate for global
                                                                                                strengthen the role of trade in             with Pacific countries, enhance
                                                   systems to work effectively for Small
SUSTAINABLE                                        Island Developing States.                    delivering inclusive and sustainable        coordination with other key partners
DEVELOPMENT ACROSS                                                                              development in developing countries.        and institutions and improve the
THREE KEY SPHERES                                2 We support sustainable development                                                       coherence between New Zealand’s
                                                   in developing countries —                 3 We work for Pacific achievement of           policies – whether domestic or foreign
                                                                                               the SDGs —                                   policy – that have a bearing on the
1   We cooperate for global solutions              New Zealand recognises the
                                                                                               New Zealand is a Pacific country and         Pacific and its people. An additional
    to global challenges —                         sustainable development challenges
                                                                                               we recognise the unique and critical         $714 million in overall aid funding
    New Zealand recognises the                     facing developing countries across
                                                                                               sustainable development challenges           announced in Budget 2018 will be
    importance of effective global                 a range of circumstances. We
                                                                                               facing our region. Our presence and          drawn on to tackle priority issues for
    cooperation to protect and advance             recognise the risk of countries falling
                                                                                               partnerships in the Pacific mean this        the Pacific, in particular economic
    global public goods and to create              behind due to governance, conflict
                                                                                               is where New Zealand’s contribution          resilience, climate change, health,
    conditions that enable all countries           or environmental reasons. We                is most important and can have most          education, gender, human rights
    to realise sustainable development.            recognise the scale, vulnerability and      impact. It is the geographic focus for       and youth.
                                                   climate issues faced by Small Island        our aid.
    New Zealand works for durable                  Developing States. And the middle
    international solutions to global              income country challenge of sustaining       New Zealand works with Pacific Island
    environmental, economic, security              social and economic progress while           countries and the region to support
    and development challenges. We                 making a historic transition to low-         progress against the Pacific Roadmap
    aim to strengthen the international            emissions and environmentally                for Sustainable Development. Our aid
    rules and institutions essential               sustainable development.                     partnerships are responsive to context
    to sustainable development. We                                                              and each country’s issues and priorities.
    are active within and support the              New Zealand targets its aid to               We are working to deliver ambitious
    multilateral system. We bring particular       countries most in need, particularly         targets in terms of expanded access to


SDG SUMMIT—UNIVERSITIES NEW ZEALAND                                                                                     NARRATIVE IMPERATIVE—ME FAMILY SERVICES

New Zealand’s eight universities are                          The theme of the second national SDG                      Narrative Imperative was a 2018                Narrative Imperative is a great example
represented at a national level by                            Summit, to be held in Auckland in                         competition that asked New Zealanders          of the power the SDGs have to engage
Universities New Zealand – Te Pōkai Tara.                     September 2019, is ‘accelerated action,                   to write about the SDGs that they felt         people across a nation and globally
They are working together and with other                      together’, recognising the need for                       passionate about. Co-founded by six            on the economic, environmental and
sectors – specifically central and local                      urgency and cross-sector engagement.                      friends, this volunteer run initiative set     societal dimensions of sustainable
government, civil society, the private                        The Summit hosts have extended the                        out to engage the New Zealand public           development. To read the entries go
sector and youth – to show leadership                         Stakeholder Group to include 350                          in the global agenda for sustainable           to www.narrativeimperative.org.
in the implementation of the SDGs at                          Aotearoa, Auckland District Health Board,                 development. The Narrative Imperative
a national level. This includes hosting a                     EnviroSchools, Forest and Bird, Hui-E!,                   team wanted to provide a platform for
series of national SDG Summits that aim to                    Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand National                      all New Zealanders to engage with the
promote, build and accelerate multi-sector                    Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of                        SDGs they care about, extending the
action to implement the UN’s Sustainable                      Foreign Affairs and Trade, NZ Council                     conversation beyond government’s                                        Tweet
Development Goals in New Zealand.                             for International Development, NZ Green                   policy advisers.
                                                              Building Council, Sustainable Business                                                                              Na_tive @na_tiveNZ•26m
The inaugural national SDG Summit in                          Council and Sustainable Business Network.                 Entries could be written in either Te Reo                 Final few hours to get your submissions
Wellington in 2018 aimed to ‘bring the                                                                                  Māori or English and could be in any                      in for Narrative Imperative! What have
SDGs home to New Zealand’, to ‘inform,                        Stakeholder groups are working with                       written form – including poems, opinion                   you got to say about the #SDGs New
excite and mobilise’ leadership across                        the sectors to assess their current status                articles and short stories. All entries were              Zealand? Applications close tonight 13
                                                                                                                                                                                  May @ 11.59PM NZ time @HelenClarkNZ
the sectors, and to start cross-sectoral                      with regard to the SDGs, catalogue                        uploaded online and anyone residing in
conversations around action. Three                            exemplary initiatives and identify gaps,                  New Zealand had the opportunity to vote                     5: Gender Equality
hundred participants from across the                          challenges and solutions. The second                      for their favourite submission.                             6: Clean Water and Sanitation
                                                                                                                                                                                    7: Affordable and Clean Energy
sectors were given opportunities to find                      summit will formulate cross-sectoral                                                                                  8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
out how government agencies, businesses,                      plans for accelerated action, and these                   In the two months that the competition                      9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                    10: Reduced Inequality
civil society, Māori enterprises and                          plans will be implemented in the run-up                   ran over 200 people submitted an entry                      11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
academia were already using the SDGs                          to the following summit. By encouraging                   and more than 5,000 people voted.                           12: Responsible Consumption and Production
                                                                                                                                                                                    13: Climate Action
and measuring their progress towards                          complementary and integrated planning                                                                                 14: Life Below Water
achieving them. The Summit included                           and action in and across other sectors,                   The Narrative Imperative team were                          15: Life on Land
                                                                                                                                                                                    16: Peace and Justice and Strong Institutions.
international and national keynote                            the summits are expected to play an                       successful in their aim of generating
speakers, panel discussions with sector-                      important and ongoing role in driving                     exposure and engaging New Zealanders
                                                                                                                                                                                  Helen Clark
group leaders and action stations where                       New Zealand’s implementation of                           with the SDGs. The team were interviewed                  @HelenClarkNZ
participants worked together to prepare                       the SDGs.                                                 by Radio New Zealand and former
actionable, investable ideas to progress                                                                                New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark
achievement in pre-polled topics of                                                                                     promoted the competition on social               Replying to @na_tiveNZ
relevance to one or more of the SDGs.                                                                                   media. Teachers across New Zealand had           Hope you get a good response! #SDGs
                                                                                                                        their classrooms discuss the SDGs and            are relevant to #NZ     - as they are to
                                                                                                                        submit an entry.                                 all countries! @jacindaardern

                                                                                                                                                                             Tweet your reply

New Zealand’s first in a series of national, cross-sectoral and action-oriented SDG Summits was hosted by Victoria
University of Wellington in April 2018, and will be followed by the University of Auckland and Auckland University of
Technology hosting in September 2019. Photo Credit: Victoria University of Wellington.


                                                                  NEW ZEALAND CONTEXT                          significantly overrepresented
                                                                                                               among low-income households, as
                                                                                                               are New Zealanders with disabilities.
                                                                  New Zealand is a highly developed
                                                                  country with a high standard of living.
                                                                                                               Child poverty is an area of particular
                                                                  International comparisons indicate that
                                                                                                               concern. Evidence shows that the
                                                                  our low-income and material deprivation
                                                                                                               experience of poverty, especially when
                                                                  population proportions are on a par with     that experience is severe and persistent,
   We want to at least halve child poverty within                 OECD countries’ average performance, but
                                                                  we recognise that we have more work to
                                                                                                               can have a negative impact on the lives
                                                                                                               of children. They may be more likely, on
ten years – the first step is the passing of the Child            do to reduce the rates. We are committed
                                                                  to tackling these issues and improving the
                                                                                                               average, to experience poorer educational

Poverty Reduction Act.                                            wellbeing of all people in New Zealand,
                                                                                                               outcomes, poorer health and have more
                                                                                                               difficulty finding work in adulthood.
                                                                  with a particular focus on reducing child
                                                                  poverty and improving child wellbeing.
                                                                                                               INITIATIVES UNDERWAY
                                                         WE ARE COMMITTED TO INCREASING                        New Zealand has extensive social
                                                         THE STOCK OF PUBLIC HOUSING AND                       protections in place to provide support
                                                                                                               to people when needed. We are also
                                                         AFFORDABLE HOUSING OVER THE NEXT                      undertaking a range of initiatives and
                                                                                                               commitments that will make a significant
                                                         FOUR YEARS.                                           contribution to reducing the proportion
                                                                                                               of New Zealanders living in poverty
                                                                  At the international level we act in         particularly amongst groups that
                                                                  many ways to end poverty. We recently        are overrepresented.
                                                                  increased our Official Development
                                                                  Assistance (ODA) significantly in order      Social protections, including targeted
                                                                  to contribute more to global sustainable     financial and other supports, are available
                                                                  development needs, particularly in           to those seeking employment, and
                                                                  the Pacific. We aim to use our ODA to        support is provided for those people
                                                                  support those most in need.                  with, or who are caring for someone with,
                                                                                                               a health condition, injury, or disability.
                                                                                                               Financial support is available for sole
                                                                                                               parents along with additional support to
                                                                  CHALLENGES                                   help them find part-time work or prepare
                                                                                                               for future work. An important focus of
                                                                  Despite New Zealand’s overall high           employment related support is to provide
                                                                  standard of living, annual household         people with more opportunities to work
                                                                  survey data tells us that a proportion       and earn a good living.
                                                                  of New Zealand households experience
                                                                  poverty or material hardship, with certain   We want New Zealand to be the best
                                                                  groups overrepresented.                      place in the world for children and
                                                                                                               young people. To help achieve that
                                                                  For example, using those households          vision we have introduced new laws.
                                                                  with incomes less than 50 percent of         The Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018
                                                                  equivalised median household income          creates an on-going focus on child
                                                                  as the measure, nine percent of the          poverty, and provides for political
                                                                  population were below this threshold         accountability against published targets.
                                                                  before deducting housing costs in            The new legislation requires successive
                                                                  2015. This increased to 15 percent after     governments to measure and report on
                                                                  deducting housing costs.                     child poverty (using a suite of measures).
                                                                                                               The government has set ten-year targets,
                                                                  The proportion of those below this           aimed at reducing child poverty by
                                                                  poverty threshold varies significantly by    at least half on both low-income and
                                                                  household type and ethnicity. Sole parent    material hardship measures by 2028.
                                                                  households are more likely to be on low-     Intermediate targets have also been set
                                                                  incomes than other types of households.      and seek to reduce the number of children
                                                                  Similarly, household income data shows       in poverty on these same measures by
                                                                  that Māori and Pacific peoples are           tens of thousands in the first three years.



Alongside this, we have increased the            Group to provide advice on options that
size of our Household Economic Survey            could best give effect to its vision for the
sample to 20,000, so that in future we           future direction of the social welfare system.   BY 2021, THE 2017                                                   REDUCE THE NUMBER OF
                                                                                                                                                                      CHILDREN IN POVERTY BY
will have better information about poverty
and hardship for particular populations
                                                 The Group has recommended fundamental
                                                 change to the welfare system, focused on
                                                                                                  FAMILIES PACKAGE,                                                     TENS OF THOUSANDS
and groups.                                      restoring dignity to people so they can          AIMS TO:
                                                 participate meaningfully with their families
Legislative changes also require successive      and communities. The government is
governments to develop and publish a             considering the Group’s recommendations
strategy to improve the wellbeing of all         as a valuable input to the broader work
children; including children with greater        on overhauling the welfare system. It is                                          INCREASE INCOMES FOR
needs as a particular focus. The strategy        expected that achieving the vision will                                         ABOUT 384,000 FAMILIES WITH
will also address reducing child poverty,        require wide systemic change, involve a                                               CHILDREN (62%)
and mitigating the impacts of child poverty      three to five-year work programme and is
and socio-economic disadvantage faced by         likely to take upwards of 10 years to embed.
children. The scope of the first strategy has
been extended to include young people and        We are also working to address the               populations. Whānau Ora is a community          public retirement pension, New Zealand
is due to be published later in 2019.            impact of housing costs on New                   driven programme designed to support            Superannuation, and significant assets
                                                 Zealanders, including those on low-              a holistic approach to improving the            built up by many in this age group,
These actions to reduce child poverty and        incomes. We are committed to increasing          wellbeing of Māori and all New Zealanders.      especially mortgage-free home ownership.
improve child wellbeing will contribute to       the stock of public housing places and           The approach supports whānau to achieve         The voluntary, work-based KiwiSaver
achieving the 2030 Agenda.                       affordable housing over the next four            their aspirations by placing them at the        retirement saving scheme is also helping
                                                 years. We are also focused on achieving          centre of decision making and giving them       people save for retirement. We are also
Our commitment to reduce poverty is              equitable housing outcomes for Māori             greater control of the services they need.      developing a new strategy to prepare
also demonstrated by our recent Families         and other groups with poor housing               Kaiārahi (navigators) typically work with       New Zealand for an ageing population.
Package, which includes a range of tax-          outcomes. Means-tested supplementary             whānau to identify their specific needs         Areas of focus include housing, health,
credit changes and other measures                social welfare supports are available            and aspirations and then help identify and      financial security and work.
that will increase the incomes of low-           to those on low-incomes to assist with           connect them with appropriate services,
income families. When the Package is             accommodation costs.                             education providers, or employment and          We recently increased our Official
fully implemented in 2021, it will boost                                                          business opportunities.                         Development Assistance (ODA)
the incomes of about 384,000 families            For those living in rented accommodation                                                         significantly in response to the 2030
with children, about 62 percent of New           we are progressing work to improve the           Government agencies work jointly with           Agenda and to sustainable development
Zealand’s families with children, and            quality of housing and rental conditions.        disabled people’s organisations to              finance needs, particularly in the Pacific.
reduce the number of children in poverty         This includes legislative changes aimed          implement the Disability Action Plan. The       From 2018, we have allocated an additional
by tens of thousands.                            at improving security of tenure and              current Disability Action Plan 2014-2018        $714 million over a four-year budget cycle,
                                                 implementing the Healthy Homes                   includes actions to increase disabled           representing a 30 percent increase, lifting
Alongside the Families Package, we are           Guarantee Act 2017 to ensure that rental         people’s employment and economic                ODA to a projected 0.28 percent of Gross
acting to address household income levels.       homes are warm and dry.                          opportunities, and testing a new support        National Income.
The minimum wage has been increased                                                               system that empowers persons with
to $17.70 per hour, a 7.2 percent increase,      We know that debt is a factor for many           disabilities to make decisions about            We focus our ODA on the challenges
and this will be further increased over          families experiencing poverty and hardship.      how they spend their disability support         of countries most in need, including
the coming years as economic conditions          A number of initiatives are underway that        funding. A new Disability Action Plan           Small Island Developing States (where
allow. This will raise incomes derived from      may help to reduce poverty and hardship by       2019-2022 is currently being developed,         we allocate 60 percent of our ODA),
employment across many household types,          reducing problem debt. Legislative measures      which will include an action to reduce the      Least Developed Countries, landlocked
including those with low-incomes. Many           are being introduced to address predatory        employment gap between disabled and             developing countries and fragile and
New Zealanders on low-incomes have also          lending, and we are exploring other ways to      non-disabled people.                            conflict affected states. We consider that
benefited from pay equity settlements,           enable access to affordable credit (or other                                                     our ODA has a comparative advantage
in particular groups of predominantly            support) for vulnerable consumers.               Compared to other age groups, older             as a source of financing for countries that
women workers.                                                                                    New Zealanders are less likely to               struggle to access other finance and as a
                                                 The impacts of poverty do not fall equally       experience material hardship or have            catalyst for mobilising resources for regions
The government established an                    across population groups. We are working         low-incomes after housing costs. This           and groups of people most at risk of being
independent Welfare Expert Advisory              to address the specific needs of these           reflects the universal provision of the         left behind.


IN DECEMBER 2018 WE                              experiencing poverty and socio-economic
                                                 disadvantage and those of interest to the
                                                                                               Te Puna Oranga – ‘The Spring of Life’
                                                                                               – is the name of a new community             TE PUNA ORANGA OFFERS
PASSED LEGISLATION TO HELP                       New Zealand agency that administers
                                                 our statutory care, protection and youth
                                                                                               garden and makerspace at ME Family
                                                                                               Services in Māngere East. The name
                                                                                                                                            THE KIND OF SPACE EVERY
ACHIEVE A SIGNIFICANT AND                        justice systems. The new legislation
                                                 requires consultation with children
                                                                                               reflects the wairua of the space and its
                                                                                               role in bringing to life the hopes and
                                                                                                                                            COMMUNITY IS IN NEED OF,
SUSTAINED REDUCTION IN CHILD                     and with Māori. It also makes explicit        aspirations ME Family Services has for       SOMEWHERE PEOPLE CAN
POVERTY, AND TO IMPROVE THE                      reference to the Treaty of Waitangi, the
                                                 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,
                                                                                               our community: a thriving, regenerative
                                                                                               community where everyone and                 GO TO FEEL VALUED, MAKE
WELLBEING OF ALL CHILDREN                        and the UN Convention on the Rights of
                                                 Persons with Disabilities.
                                                                                               everything has value.
                                                                                                                                            A CONTRIBUTION, SHARE
AND YOUNG PEOPLE IN                              The government undertook extensive
                                                                                               From a swamp, to farmland, to the muddy
                                                                                               end of a school field in the middle of
                                                                                                                                            KNOWLEDGE ABOUT GROWING
NEW ZEALAND.                                     public engagement on the strategy in          the suburbs, we wanted to capture the        FOOD AND EATING WELL AND
The legislation requires successive
                                                 2018, including hearing from more than
                                                 6,000 children and young people. This
                                                                                               essence of the space and find out what
                                                                                               its unique contribution could be to the      RETHINK HOW WE CREATE AND
governments to set intermediate (three-
year) and long-term (ten-year) targets
                                                 feedback will help inform the direction
                                                 and content of the first strategy, which is
                                                                                               local community. Using the metaphor of
                                                                                               the swamp, we saw that the space had a
                                                                                                                                            DEAL WITH ‘RUBBISH’.
on a set of child poverty measures.              due to be released later in 2019.             role to play in capturing and regenerating
                                                                                                                                            It provides a doorway in to the wrap-
The government must report on child                                                            the ‘waste’ from our neighbourhood.
                                                                                                                                            around support offered by ME Family
poverty rates each year and outline how          We have also introduced a Child Impact        The space was created in partnership
                                                                                                                                            Services including social work support,
official budget decisions will impact on         Assessment Tool for voluntary use             with MAU Studio, and with the help of
                                                                                                                                            early childhood education, driver
child poverty.                                   by government and non-government              local schools, locally-based architecture
                                                                                                                                            licensing and micro-business support.
                                                 organisations in New Zealand to assess        students and local time-traders.
                                                                                                                                            Most importantly it connects people to
The current government has set its               whether policy proposals will increase the
                                                                                                                                            their local community and to themselves.
intermediate targets, which aim to reduce        wellbeing of children and young people.       The entire site is constructed from
the number of children in poverty by tens                                                      our neighbourhood’s ‘waste’: tyres for
of thousands by 2021, and its long-term          The tool helps to provide a child-centred     garden beds, a shipping container for our
targets, which aim to halve child poverty        assessment where the best interests of        makerspace, a pallet deck and garden
by 2028 (and exceed this on some                 the child are a primary consideration         shed, old bed heads for plant supports.
measures). To help reach these targets,          and the views of children are respected       A water tank collects rain water from our
the government has introduced the                and given due weight. Guidance is also        roof and connects to a rustic outdoor
Families Package – a range of measures           provided on how to ensure that the            kitchen space, where meals can be
that deliver more money to families.             voices of children and young people are       cooked-up straight from the garden.
As well as tax-credits, these include            captured in the design, implementation        The garden is maintained and developed
weekly payments to families of new-              and review of policy decisions.               by ME Family Services staff, alongside
born children and winter energy                                                                many fabulous local time-traders.
payments to low-income families. The
government has also expanded Statistics                                                        Since our official opening in November
New Zealand’s Household Economic                                                               2018, Te Puna Oranga has received
Survey, to strengthen the measuring and                                                        many visitors, from local and central
reporting of child poverty.                                                                    government departments, to local
                                                                                               organisations, schools and neighbours.
New legislation also requires the
government to develop and publish
a strategy to improve the wellbeing
of all children. The strategy must
include a focus on the wellbeing
of those with greater needs, those


   We have a significant role to play in
global food security.                                      NEW ZEALAND CONTEXT                          guarantee a role for Māori in decision-
                                                                                                        making around resource management.

                                                                                                        New Zealand is a long-standing
                                                           New Zealand is a substantial net exporter
                                                                                                        proponent for the removal of barriers
                                                           of food products, playing an important
                                                                                                        to international trade in food products,
                                                           role in global food security through the
                                                                                                        and a strong advocate of a rules-based
                                                           provision of safe and nutritious food
                                                                                                        international trade system aimed at
                                                           products to the world.
                                                                                                        ensuring people have affordable access
                                                                                                        to that food. New Zealand also actively
                                                           New Zealand’s efficient production
                                                                                                        engages in international forums and
                                                           systems and strict regulatory policy
                                                                                                        through multilateral research to raise on-
                                                           regimes ensure the safety and integrity of
                                                                                                        farm productivity (including through the
                                                           our products for international consumers.
                                                                                                        Global Research Alliance on Agricultural
                                                           Meeting high standards has been
                                                                                                        Greenhouse Gases) and international
                                                           driven by more than 30 years without
                                                                                                        cooperation on food supply chain
                                                           production or trade distorting subsidies
                                                                                                        efficiency and integrity.
                                                           for our agriculture and fisheries sectors.
                                                           This has resulted in innovative producers
                                                                                                        Food security is a global challenge and
                                                           who strive to gain maximum value from
                                                                                                        New Zealand is a small country. But this
                                                           New Zealand’s pasture-based agriculture
                                                                                                        does not mean our role is a small one:
                                                           system and quota-managed fisheries.
                                                                                                        through international collaboration we
                                                                                                        can share our expertise with the world
                                                                                                        in areas such as productive and resilient
                                                 NEW ZEALAND’S FOOD PRODUCTION                          food production systems, supply chain
                                                                                                        integrity and biological greenhouse
                                                 CHALLENGE IS TO STAY AT THE FOREFRONT                  gas emissions research. This, combined

                                                 OF GLOBAL CONSUMER DEMAND FOR SAFE                     with strong advocacy for the removal
                                                                                                        of harmful barriers to trade, can allow
                                                 AND SUSTAINABLY PRODUCED FOOD.                         New Zealand to play a significant and
                                                                                                        positive role in global food security and
                                                                                                        sustainable agriculture.
                                                           Goal 2 seeks to double the agricultural
                                                           productivity and incomes of small-scale
                                                           food producers, particularly indigenous      CHALLENGES
                                                           peoples. In New Zealand, Māori are
                                                           significant owners of land assets and        New Zealand’s food production
                                                           drivers of economic activity in food         challenge is to stay at the forefront
                                                           production and export sectors, and           of global consumer demand for safe
                                                           in the economy as a whole. Much of           and sustainably produced food while
                                                           the $55 billion asset base in the Māori      developing innovative ways to assure
                                                           economy is in the primary sectors,           consumers of the safety and integrity of
                                                           including 38 percent of all fisheries        our products.
                                                           quota, 30 percent of lamb production
                                                           and 10 percent of dairy production.          A major challenge for agriculture systems
                                                           Much of the government’s activity has        is climate change. We need to find ways
                                                           been concerned with increasing Māori         to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint
                                                           presence, capability and productivity        of food production to support New
                                                           in these sectors. As well as being major     Zealand’s transition to a low-carbon
                                                           economic players, the principles of          economy and commitments under the
                                                           New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi             Paris Agreement, whilst also ensuring that

You can also read