FORTY 2021 SECTION B - Townnews
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PAGE 2 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly March 5, 2021 TERI WILDER, 35 Employer: Northeastern Center course in my senior year of high school, I skills both clinically and professionally Education: Bachelor of science in found myself approached by a 12-year-old and begin to guide others in the develop- psychology (minored in French); master who told me she wanted to commit ment of theirs. I was not always sure of of science in counseling psychology and suicide. The school was unprepared to becoming a leader, but I find enjoyment in mental health counseling; PhD (Pursuant) handle the situation that day, no guidance the everyday experience of both my work in counseling education and supervision counselor or principals on the property, and the direct application of my knowl- Community organizations: Noble not even the school nurse. They asked edge and experience to others. County Drug Court; Noble County me to sit with her, talk with her, despite What has been your greatest mistake Chamber of Commerce; previously — being 18 with no professional experience. thus far and what lessons did you learn North Dakota Governor’s Council Reha- Afterward, I spoke with a favorite teacher from it? By far, the biggest mistake I’ve bilitation Committee and the psychology teacher, affirming that had thus far was not taking the opportu- Hobbies: Reading, singing and time the things I said and did were appropriate nity for leadership sooner. I had allowed with my family. and right. This was the turning point that nervousness and fear to keep me from Why are you in northeast Indiana? made me want to be a therapist, without a fully embracing a director’s role years After having my first child in North doubt, and feel that I could do well with earlier, uncertain of my qualifications, Dakota and realizing how distant we were it. whether I could do the job justice, and from family, we moved to Indiana to be Where did your first paycheck come just doubting my overall skills and qual- closer to family, allowing us to raise our from and what was your job then? ifications. Since then, I have learned children with family present and nearby. Long before I had my first “real” job, I that if it does not scare you, you are not What is it about your profession babysat. I babysat for the neighbors, I growing. Anxiety can be healthy and can that you enjoy and why? Counseling babysat for my niece, and I babysat for be a guiding factor into allowing you to and therapy are my passion. Psychology my cousins. I was good at it and always develop yourself, but also, change can be fascinates me, and understanding human willing to do it, so I had a lot of people challenging. Rather than avoid or pull- nature helps me to work with people on calling me for sitter jobs. When I did back from challenges, I have learned a 1-to-1 basis. I absolutely love being a get my first real job, I worked as a dish- to embrace them and allow myself to get asked this question a lot, particularly therapist and helping people find their washer in a bar/restaurant and then as a continue to be challenged. by friends who tell me, “I don’t know way through the dark times in their lives. vendor at a movie theater. What are your current professional how you do it.” I have had to create a I have spent a great deal of my life in Who was your biggest supporter goals? Currently, I am working on delicate balance, in which I spend my school for counseling and psychology, who helped you advance in your completing my PhD in counseling educa- weekdays with my career, my evenings providing me with a solid foundation of career? My mom has always been a huge tion and supervision. Completion of this with my family, nights and weekends study and understanding of the science. I supporter of me, allowing me to explore degree program will allow me to take on a completing schoolwork (after the kids have taken this education and am focusing my dreams and encouraging me to follow teaching role or to continue in my super- are in bed) and ensuring that extras are on completing my PhD to help train new them. She never let me give up, even vision and leadership within my organiza- balanced into a very delicate schedule. I members of the counseling industry on when it was tough. She encouraged me to tion. I am currently beginning the disser- spend a lot of late nights doing school- being passionate, motivated, and effective keep going, reminding me of the Serenity tation phase of my degree and preparing work and planning how the next day will clinicians. Prayer. Unbeknownst to her, the Serenity to begin recruiting research participants. It look. I have a supportive family who push What does success mean to you? Prayer is popular in recovery and while is a very exciting time! me forward and help me with my kids, Success means that I have reached and I never realized I would be working so How do you remain current/relevant when needed. achieved my individual goals that I have heavily in substance abuse treatment, it’s in your profession? One of the benefits What do you do to relax? I enjoy set for myself and am pursuing those that right where I ended up. Secretly, my dad of being a lifetime learner, is that I am reading when I have some down time. I have not yet been achieved. It means that would also tell everyone he met that his continually learning about changes in the enjoy playing games with my kids and I continue to push forward, regardless of daughter was going to be a “psychologist” field and engaging in constant research, going to parks with them, as well as, the struggles, and can see my mission in someday. While I am not a psychologist, I utilizing journals and articles that I have traveling. I take the chances that I get to my everyday life of helping others and am a therapist and an associate director. access to through my school and profes- travel to new places and sharing these being present for my family. What has been your biggest accom- sional memberships. My profession, experiences with my children. As a child, what did you want to be plishment thus far in your career? I feel employer, and current licensure status What book do you recommend? when you grew up? My mom always like I have had so many accomplishments require ongoing continuing education “Pride and Prejudice” told me I reminded her of a librarian in my career, achieving so much and to ensure that skills remain up to date. I Based on what you know now, what because of how much I loved to read. I having such wonderful experiences along engage in annual trainings and seek out would you tell your high school self? even wore my hair in a ponytail always, the way. If I had to highlight any one additional skill building trainings that Don’t ever let fear hold you back! You which apparently was something that big achievement, it would have been my allow me to stay up to date in the most can fly, you can travel, you can experi- librarians did. However, I initially saw promotion to an associate director. Not recent advances within the field. ence the world. Don’t hesitate to do the myself working with computers because only was it a move into leadership, but it How do you balance your career, things your heart leads you to, but also they fascinated me. After a Psych101 was also an opportunity to advance my family, life and community service? I don’t forget to ask for help you need it. CONGRATULATES Kasey Shirey, General Manager/Partner 260-244-5111 3100 - 3040 E. Business, U.S. 30, Columbia City
March 5, 2021 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly PAGE 3 LUKE HOFFMAN, 35 Employer: Vice president of construc- them with their own personal and profes- elevate my knowledge by obtaining new tion at Granite Ridge Builders sional growth. certifications and licenses; currently I am Education: Concordia Lutheran High What does success mean to you? studying to receive my Master Graduate School 2004; IPFW - associate of archi- Success means to be fulfilled and happy, Builder certification. I also attend the Inter- tectural engineering 2006 and bachelor of which is all I want for myself and anyone. national Builder Show every year and visit science for construction engineering 2009 I want to know that my life was not lived several different contractors in the industry Community organizations: I serve in vain and that I took advantage of every factories and businesses. on the Fort Wayne Home Builders Asso- day. How do you balance your career, ciation, currently acting as vice president. As a child, what did you want to family, life and community service? It I’ve partnered with several organizations be when you grew up? I wanted to be a is not easy, and it doesn’t’ always work to facilitate our Granite Ridge Community professional soccer player. out but it takes being intentional about my Service Day including NeighborLink, the Where did your first paycheck come priorities. My family and my health must SPCA, Gigi’s Playhouse, and more. from and what was your job then? My be forefront of mind because without them, Hobbies: Spending time with my first paycheck came from running my what is everything else for? I carve specific children at the lake boating, fishing, paper route. time in my schedule for every aspect of swimming, and being with the rest of my Who was your biggest supporter who my life such as picking my kids up from family. I also enjoy reading, traveling, helped you advance in your career? school, going to their events, having date and working on DIY home improvement My dad for being my representation of projects. I’ve completed several marathons, nights, etc. true determination, Tony Reincke for his half-marathons, and an Ironman compe- example of immense passion for what What do you do to relax? Occasion- tition. I am also a lifelong Chicago Bears he does, and countless local business ally, I will make time to completely unplug fan. owners who have shown me the power of from technology and escape to nature; Why are you in northeast Indiana? partnership. either to a cabin or camping. No cellphone, determined. It isn’t really a mistake if it I was born and raised in Fort Wayne What has been your biggest accom- helps your grow and learn; it’s more just no internet, just me and the outdoors. That and have always admired how the city plishment thus far in your career? another opportunity. is when I truly feel relaxed. continues to grow and change and the Helping others see their true potential and What are your current professional What book do you recommend? “The unlimited potential it has. watching as they overcome their own fears goals? To continue to help others achieve Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre What is it about your profession that and perceived limitations. Another pillar professional and personal success through Dumas you enjoy and why? I enjoy that every of pride for me would be that we, Granite guidance and education as well as my own Based on what you know now, what day is different with new challenges to Ridge Builders, have helped over 5,000 growth. would you tell your high school self? face. I get excited about the process of families into a place that they can call How do you remain current/relevant Continue to push yourself outside of problem-solving and coming up with a home. in your profession? I take every oppor- your comfort zone and always strive for solution as well as researching along the What has been your greatest mistake tunity to educate myself whether through personal growth. To not be so afraid of way. I am also passionate about educated thus far and what lessons did you learn my own research or attending classes and failing and to look at my mistakes as step- and training my colleagues and assisting from it? My greatest mistake is to be workshops. I am also always looking to pingstones of opportunity. KELLIE ADKINS, 30 Employer: Fort Wayne Parks and What has been your biggest accom- myself. I want to use my position of privi- Recreation / City of Fort Wayne plishment thus far in your career? lege and power to correct injustices. Education: Northrop High School – At FWP&R I think one of my proudest How do you remain current/relevant Class of 2009; bachelor’s in biological achievements is the sunflower field at in your profession? Continued education sciences from Purdue Fort Wayne – 2013; Salomon Farm Park. Soil tests had not and openness to change are important to currently enrolled at Indiana Tech for been done since before I was hired, and me. I am fortunate enough to work for an Organizational Leadership certification we found that one field had abysmal soil; organization that invests in its employees Community organizations: Volunteer crops would not grow well in this field. in this way, such as sending us to confer- for Fort Wayne Derby Girls; member of In 2019 after brainstorming with my team ences. I also enjoy making connections LC Nature Park, Indiana Buddhist Temple at the time we decided to try cheap black and bringing community partners together, Hobbies: Roller skating is my main oil sunflower seeds just to see what would so I find myself talking to local, state, and hobby. I started playing roller derby happen. The field was a major tourist national groups. I’m always searching in 2009 then retired in 2018. I started attraction that year and gained the park a for new methods. I also enjoy problem “aggressively” roller skating in skate lot of exposure. The next step was to create solving, so when I identify a need or a parks in 2016 and now teach others how a sunflower U-Pick to develop an addi- barrier I am excited to research ways to to safely skate in parks. Outdoor recre- tional revenue stream, because Salomon deal with each. ation is my other passion and I enjoy Farm Park does not receive tax dollars to How do you balance your career, backpacking, hiking, and kayaking. I also support its operational expenses (so it must family, life and community service? enjoy crocheting, painting, and playing operate like a business). In 2020 we added I am a firm believer in play! Play is an Dungeons and Dragons and board games. issues that negatively impact wildlife, specialty varieties of sunflowers and we important tool to shaping our perceptions Why are you in northeast Indiana? ecosystems, and people. I started volun- safely opened the sunflower U-Pick. We and rejuvenating our minds. I don’t have I am Fort Wayne born and raised! After teering at 11 by collecting donations for were overwhelmed by the support of Fort a family unit, although I thoroughly enjoy college I spent one year in Maine, 1 year Animal Care and Control each year. At 13 Wayne. In that short time we made compa- being an aunt of 3 nephews and 1 niece. I in northwest Indiana, and one year in I started volunteering for the Fort Wayne rable revenue to that of our main revenue am serious about my work, but I’m equally southern California, but found my way Children’s Zoo, and by 15 I was a volun- stream (facility rentals). Not only was it a serious about leisure time because I under- back to NE Indiana when I was hired at teer for Black Pine Animal Sanctuary. At huge financial success for the park, it was stand how important it is to my physical Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation. 18 I joined the North American Freshwater rewarding to see the field bring so many and mental health. Keeping a regular What is it about your profession that Turtle Research Group and became a people joy in a year that was full of stress, schedule helps me ensure I have time for you enjoy and why? Strengthening our volunteer researcher and interpreter. heartbreak, and disappointment. family and leisure activities outside of sense of community and creating avenues Where did your first paycheck come What has been your greatest mistake work. for people to play all while protecting from and what was your job then? My thus far and what lessons did you learn What do you do to relax? There’s natural resources are all rewarding aspects very first paying job was a hostess job at from it? I can easily get caught up in nothing more relaxing for me than of my career. I like to identify community a corporate restaurant that my older sister other people’s experiences and emotions spending time in nature with my two dogs. barriers that prevent people from accessing worked at. I didn’t enjoy the job and didn’t and have learned to deal with highly When I need to recharge, my dogs and I services provided by FWP&R. I try to use get along with management, so I quickly sensitive issues much more mindfully. hit the trail; sometimes it’s a day hike at my privilege and the resources available found a different job at a pet store. Without getting in to details (to protect an ACRES nature preserve or sometimes to me to create more inclusive and acces- Who was your biggest supporter who privacy of others) I remember a time I was we take a weekend hiking/camping trip in sible services and amenities for all people helped you advance in your career? swept up in someone else’s frustrations the backcountry. It’s refreshing to be fully to enjoy. When I am frustrated at work I There are a lot of folks that I think contrib- and anger, which I projected on to other present in the moment and enjoy all the make an effort to visit parks and watch uted to my success, but by far my dad has colleagues and created a disrespectful wonders nature has to offer. wildlife and people enjoy the fruits of been my greatest supporter. My parents situation. It’s embarrassing to look back What book do you recommend? “The labor from me and my colleagues. It puts were always supportive of my volunteer on, but I have learned ways to slow down, Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas. As a the impact of our work into perspective. endeavors (imagine driving your 15 year reflect on a situation from many angles, white woman, this book gave me incred- It’s also my greatest honor to be in a posi- old to and from Albion once a week so and have found colleagues I trust enough ible perspective and sense of sympathy. It’s tion to defend natural resources. she could volunteer). At 17 my mom with whom I can share ideas or concerns. an easy read and has the potential to open What does success mean to you? tragically and unexpectedly passed away, The experience and process has helped to minds and hearts if given the chance. Success to me is the ability to create a so my dad was the one to see me off to ground and humble me. Based on what you know now, what strong sense of community and to connect my first college in Maine and tolerate my What are your current professional would you tell your high school self? people to nature. gallivanting all over the country as I tried goals? I wish I could say I have a gran- DUMP THAT GUY AND PROSPER, SIS. As a child, what did you want to be carving out a career for myself. After diose 5-year plan of becoming some super Really though, it’s more about knowing when you grew up? I knew I wanted to mom passed my dad began volunteering successful career-woman, but in reality I how to determine what relationships are work with animals and nature in some at Black Pine with me. My dad has always don’t. My goal is to always be in a career beneficial and which are harmful. Deter- capacity and I knew I wanted to do some- supported my older sister and I, whether in which I am helping. I’m not out to mine your boundaries in a relationship and thing that would help others. I was a raging we wanted to start a big family or focus on make a lot of money, a name for myself, speak open and honestly when they are animal activist and as I grew and learned a career, he has cheered us both on every or gain power. I simply want to do good crossed. It is not overreacting to ask for I started caring more for environmental step of the way. and enrich my community, wherever I find what you want and need.
PAGE 4 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly March 5, 2021 ANDREW THOMAS, 38 Employer: Indiana Legal Services Where did your first paycheck come focusing on my career and family. I have Education: Juris doctorate, master of from and what was your job then? My since much improved my health. I have public administration first paycheck came from mowing lawns learned it is crucial to take care of your- Community organizations: The in the summer. self, even when serving others. Villages (foster parent), Big Brothers Big Who was your biggest supporter What are your current professional Sisters of Northeast Indiana (“Big” volun- who helped you advance in your goals? I hope to continue to learn and teer), and Fort Wayne Area Community career? My Uncle Jim, a lawyer and one master being an attorney. Band (band member) of the best people I ever knew, provided How do you remain current/relevant Hobbies: Music, writing, cooking. me with a copy of “Team of Rivals” in your profession? The law is always Why are you in northeast Indiana: (about Abraham Lincoln) when I was changing, as are the challenges facing my I was offered employment in Fort Wayne trying to decide what to do for a career. clients. It is crucial to remain flexible and seven years ago and it became my home. I realized later he had nudged me into have the ability to learn and adapt to new What is it about your profession that becoming an attorney. challenges. you enjoy and why? I help people solve What has been your biggest accom- How do you balance your career, urgent, complicated legal issues every day plishment thus far in your career? family, life and community service? I for folks that otherwise would not be able Starting the Tenant Assistance Legal get very little sleep, especially with two to get help. Clinic, which has served hundreds of Fort toddlers at home. What does success mean to you? Wayne residents to help avoid eviction What do you do to relax? I enjoy Success is being a little better today than I from their homes during the pandemic. writing, movies, and cooking to help was yesterday. What has been your greatest mistake relax. what would you tell your high school As a child, what did you want to be thus far and what lessons did you learn What book do you recommend? self? Failing is necessary, being normal when you grew up? Classical musician from it? For quite a while I did not focus “Evicted” by Matthew Desmond is boring, and kindness is the greatest in an orchestra. on my personal and mental health when Based on what you know now, strength. DAVID GRANT, 39 Employer: Creative Technology Solu- Where did your first paycheck come knowledge in relevant fields. Additionally, tions, Inc. I am also the executive director from and what was your job then?My we need to be students of our profession. for Sari Bari USA as a volunteer. brother and I mowed yards in the summer The world moves too quickly to succeed Education: High school – I grew for a couple years starting when I was by just doing what you do each workday. up about an hour outside of Detroit and around 10. We worked hard, and I was I need to be engaging with news, reading attended a small, private school called making around $100 a week, which felt blogs and books, following industry West Highland Christian Academy. like a ridiculous amount. I had other odd leaders, listening to podcasts, and contin- I graduated from Grace College in jobs and taught music lessons, but I’d say ually updating and reimagining. It can be December 2003 with a BS in religious my first “job” job was as summer labor a challenge to maintain your own identity studies and minors in music and youth for the Oakland County Road Commis- while engaging so deeply in your profes- ministries. I plan to graduate this summer sion near Detroit. I was working on the sion, but growth demands we enter into from Trine University with an MS in busi- guardrail crew. that struggle. ness analytics. Who was your biggest supporter How do you balance your career, Community organizations: I am on who helped you advance in your family, life and community service? the leadership team and co-lead worship career? I’ve been fortunate to have an Sometimes … not very well. I think ministries at my church with my wife, army of supporters throughout my life. preparation and understanding the possi- Marah, at Branches Vineyard Church in In particular, my parents always encour- bility that life happens in seasons is Warsaw. I am a member of the North Star aged me to dream and be what I want important. I try to keep reminding myself BNI chapter in Fort Wayne. to be. Also, my wife, Marah, and I will of what I want moving forward and let Hobbies: I am a HUGE fan of my two be married for 20 years this January 1st, that guide my understanding of what I dogs, Remy — a shepherd/Rottweiler and have dreamed together and supported need to do today. Then I just stick to the mix and Millie — a chocolate lab, and I each other as we figure out what our plan. Right now, the balance may be all let them take me on walks as frequently a woman to choose from if she will find futures will look like. She never questions greater success in her journey of freedom “out of whack,” but maybe it needs to as weather permits. My wife and I have my ability and encourages me on toward be for now so things can be right in the been part of our CrossFit gym, CrossFit by taking advantage of them (job training, our plans. school benefit program for their children, future. Haymaker, in Warsaw. I love playing my What has been your biggest accom- What do you do to relax? In our electric guitar. I like to pretend that I am preventative health checks, HIV/AIDS plishment thus far in your career? It is support). MY job is to do what is possible house, we are happy with cuddling on in a “biker gang” with a buddy of mine. the relationships that feel most significant. the couch with our chocolate lab, Millie, What really happens is we tinker with our for HER to be what she is. I’ve had a positive career and have exited That’s the point, and that’s what I do and our Shepherd-Rottweiler mix, Remy, bikes, go out for rides, and bump fists at each job knowing I provided value and while we binge-watch (insert favorite traffic lights. whether I’m working with a small busi- have maintained positive relationships ness in Fort Wayne or sharing the story of show of the week). When it’s nice out, we Why are you in northeast Indiana? with my employer. I enjoy knowing that a woman in India. all go for a walk. We also LOVE visiting My wife, Marah and I never intended on I was valuable and hope these contacts What does success mean to you? our nieces and nephews and having vaca- staying around after college, but life and consider me trustworthy and a friend. I’ve Success is a process. It is directional. I tions where we head out in the morning jobs kept us here. We’ve come around to had opportunities to get to know people the idea, and now are happy to be in such want to know where and who I want to without much of a plan and let the day around the world and cherish the fact that an exciting place where we can enjoy be, understand what I’m coming from, I have friends I deeply love and care for happen to us. the benefits and excitement of a big city and recognize where I’ve come from me in a couple different countries on the What book do you recommend? To within a small and inviting environment, and where I am today, in this moment. other side of the globe. be honest, I tend to really enjoy instruc- as we have found in Fort Wayne. We’re Success is moving to become more of What has been your greatest mistake tional manuals, so I don’t know what I happy to call Northeast Indiana our home. what I hope to become. At the same thus far and what lessons did you read is particularly interesting to most. I What is it about your profession that time, I try to be careful when talking learn from it? I give myself opportuni- suppose, for business, I found “Traction” you enjoy and why? I fill a couple roles about failure. If I didn’t take a step in ties too frequently that remind me that by Gino Wickman to be really helpful in at Creative Technology Solutions, Inc the direction of what I want to become, I can’t do this (life, work… whatever) thinking through organizational structure (CTSi). I am the Director of Marketing is that really failure, or is it that maybe I on my own. We need each other, and and growth. “Pre-Suasion” by Robert and Sales. I help out when needed as a don’t really know what I want to become. that requires vulnerability, honesty, and Cialdini is helpful for marketing. I’m technician. I serve customers as a busi- Maybe I need to adjust my goals. After teamwork. Particularly when times are a person of faith and I found the “Red ness analyst. In whatever capacity I am all, who decides what I want to be other tough, responding to fear or difficulty can Letter Revolution: What if Jesus Really sliding into with a customer or helping to than me? I also believe strongly in recog- tend to drive me inward, and that’s where Meant What He Said” by Shane Claiborne grow our business, I want to be a worker nizing the length of the journey. I don’t things fall apart. That’s what I’ve learned. and Tony Campolo to be a great way to who provides value to those I am working need to beat myself up for where I am DON’T do it alone. process how to love genuinely. Although for. I enjoy helping to make something today, or by the apparent stagnation I What are your current profes- a little rough at times, for a good, honest, happen — to help someone meet their feel this week. It’s going to take time, sional goals? I’m working to complete and uplifting experience of life, I love objectives. That what I like about working and that’s what we have. I want to give a master’s degree from Trine University every David Sedaris book. Finally, if you with our customers. It’s an opportunity myself, and others in the same way, grace in business analytics, and will hopefully really do want the “geeky” stuff, “Auto- to help them to use technology, rather and move on. graduate this summer. This is one step mate the Boring Stuff With Python” by than fight it, to support growth for their As a child, what did you want to toward developing business opportuni- Al Sweigart is a fun starter for beginners business. be when you grew up? When I was ties to offer consulting services that are looking to learn programing. The same is true for my work with Sari young, all I wanted to be was a brain predictive and guide customers to proac- Based on what you know now, what Bari. The purpose of Sari Bari USA is to surgeon. I have no idea where that came tive decisions to motivate their growth. would you tell your high school self? I support a platform on which the business from or why that was what I wanted to I want to grow to be a resource to work don’t think I took advantage of resources of Sari Bari, based in Kolkata, India, can do. I remember my parents being enter- through problems and support business in available to me that could have helped thrive so there are product orders coming tained but supportive of the idea, even their process to accomplish their goals. me to better understand myself and take in to facilitate employment opportunities purchasing a computer game called “Life How do you remain current/rele- some more meaningful steps in my career. for women who have been exploited by or Death,” which was a simplified doctor vant in your profession? Of course, I believe I wasted time and spent a lot the sex industry, or who are vulnerable “simulation.” I don’t remember where that technology is changing constantly. of energy trying to discover who I am. I to human trafficking. Additionally, we dream died, but I’m honestly glad. I’ll Ongoing education, study, and certifica- don’t know if I would have listened, but raise funds to make services available for leave brain surgery to the professionals. tions are important to continue increasing I’d want to help in that process.
March 5, 2021 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly PAGE 5 OLIVIA FABIAN, 32 Employer: One Lucky Guitar interesting and fun! or that the accomplishment would mean Education: I have a bachelor’s degree What does success mean to you? more if I did it all on my own. I now in marketing with a minor in fine art To me, success means being happy and see that work is so much stronger when and an associate’s degree in manage- fulfilled in your work and appreciated by multiple perspectives are included. ment. Though the education that set me those you trust. What are your current professional up for the most success in my career As a child, what did you want to be goals? My current professional goal is came from years of being homeschooled when you grew up? As a kid I wanted to to learn and thrive in my new role of and watching my mom make the most be a NASCAR Driver or Olympic figure associate creative director. I also have amazing things you could ever dream of. skater. Or ninja. an ongoing ambition to encourage and Community organizations: I am Where did your first paycheck come help girls to be leaders in advertising and one of the founding members of Middle from and what was your job then? I production. Waves Music Festival and co-founder was a professional figure skater and an How do you remain current/relevant of HollyPop Pop up Shops. One Lucky ice skating coach as a teen and continued in your profession? I remain relevant Guitar is my real in with community that career into my 20s. I also taught in my profession by being surround by organizations, though. We serve the most martial arts classes from a young age and the most talented people I have ever met inspiring nonprofits and organizations eventually helped my dad run his studio. in my life every single day. Just being and it’s so fulfilling to create meaningful Who was your biggest supporter near sharp and talented people helps you work for these people who are doing who helped you advance in your pick up the nuances of being good at this incredible things for our neighbors. career? Matt Kelley believed in me and job. Observing, overhearing, and even Hobbies: My hobbies are Legos, gave me the chance of a lifetime. Nancy chitchat become areas to learn new and lightsaber battles, coloring and making Ruedebusch and Jamie Fabian taught me exciting things. things out of recycled materials. I have how to work really hard to utilize great How do you balance your career, a 6-year-old son and making him a nice opportunities. Cheryl Fabian and Monia family, life and community service? I young man is my main hobby. Though, Alexander gave me the tools to think don’t balance everything very well, but Honorable Mention: “Seinfeld” + margar- truth be told, our interests do have a lot creatively and trust my instincts. But my husband Derek Mauger is a very itas is my patented relaxation technique if of overlap. Derek Mauger makes it all possible. understanding and supportive person of all else fails. Why are you in northeast Indiana? What has been your biggest accom- this action-packed, fun-filled life we’ve What book do you recommend? Northeast Indiana is big enough to be plishment thus far in your career? created. Without his work, there is no “Becoming” by Michelle Obama; “The fun and small enough to do things that Becoming an associate creative director way I would be able to do mine. Also, Chiffon Trenches” by André Leon Talley; matter. was a big deal for me. I have always we have the most amazing network of “How to Write a Song” by Jeff Tweedy. What is it about your profession created things but to know that a place grandparents, they are more like X-Men Not a book BUT “Beauty is Embar- that you enjoy and why? I like to be like One Lucky Guitar thinks that I’m characters, and they hop in to support my rassing” is my favorite documentary and presented with a challenge and then worthy to help guide creative work is an family at a moment’s notice. I think everyone should watch it. figure out how to make it happen. Last honor. What do you do to relax? I’m in a Based on what you know now, what week I was on set filming a room full What has been your greatest club called The Circus Ladies and we do would you tell your high school self? of kittens. The week before that we mistake thus far and what lessons did all sorts of themed activities and adven- I would tell my younger self that being launched a project to bring meaningful you learn from it? My greatest mistake tures. These gals are always encour- scrappy and being true to your weirdo change to our community. The challenges is not asking others for help. I had this aging and make sure everyone is taking self is the thing that is going to bring you vary greatly which is what makes my job feeling of not wanting to bother others care of themselves and feels supported. success. Trust your instincts, girl.
PAGE 6 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly March 5, 2021 AARYN EADY, 28 Employer: Greater Fort Wayne Inc. accomplishment thus far in your experience, talent, and resources further. Education: Homestead High School, career? I have two that are equally signif- How do you remain current/relevant graduating class of 2011 with honors; icant! In Bloomington, I lead a volunteer in your profession? On any given day, Indiana University Bloomington, grad- after-school reading program for Boys & I can be talking to leaders in 10 to 15 uating class of 2016 with a bachelor of Girls Club for 4 years. A full-time paid different businesses across our commu- science in human biology with a concen- position became open there and I was nity; I’m interfacing with people outside tration in human health and disease, encouraged to apply. My interview was of my organization the majority of my minors in Spanish, chemistry and public at 8:30 a.m.; by 11 a.m. I was hired. I time, creating connections that allow me health went from a volunteer to the Program to best serve those external needs. I am Community organizations: Northeast Director in 2 hours. Similarly, when I privileged to be the only black woman in Indiana Chamber Coalition member, I am started at GFW Inc. in April of 2019, I my organization, and I am very blessed also fortunate to have been and currently was in a more entry-level role as a project that I have space created for me to be be a part of several community initiatives coordinator. In August 2019, there was proud in that identity and acknowledged and projects in partnership with various an opening for a director role, and I was often at the community level. local agencies, in a more behind-the- honored and very grateful to be promoted How do you balance your career, scenes logistics role. internally into my current role as director family, life and community service? Hobbies: I have always loved trav- of investor engagement. Different areas of life get interchange- eling. I have only been out of the country What has been your greatest mistake able levels of priority depending what’s once, China in 2010, but mostly in the thus far and what lessons did you going on for me. Some times of the year country. I hope to resume domestic trav- learn from it? My greatest mistake was are really career heavy, others are more eling again soon, slowly building up to not speaking up for myself in a difficult personal life heavy. I am grateful that this my first real international trip. Anything or more. I think those two elements of situation where my professionalism and season in my life allows more time for me that has to do with arts and culture is satisfaction and aspiration have to be my personal character was being unjustly to prioritize “just me,” so I can adapt into also a hobby of mine — a museum or art combined in order to have success. attacked, verbally, to my face. I learned balance easily when I need to. gallery, theater, cultural performances, As a child, what did you want to be that not saying anything IS saying some- What do you do to relax? As a etc. when you grew up? I wanted to be a thing and that it’s perfectly fine to grace- natural introvert, just going home after Why are you in northeast Indiana? doctor. fully and decently let ANYBODY know a busy day and being quiet is enough. Northeast Indiana is the only home I’ve Where did your first paycheck come they cannot talk to you any kind of way. When the weather is nice, I love walking known. After my sister and I graduated from and what was your job then? Period. our parks and listening to music. My from college, I came back home to be The Indiana University Bloomington What are your current professional grandpa and late grandma have had the with my family. Undergraduate Office of Admissions, I goals? I have numerous of goals within same house for over 50 years — pretty What is it about your profession that was an admissions application processor/ my current role that are right now in rural. In the spring, I’m out sitting in the you enjoy and why? I love that commu- recruiter. progress! In addition to that, I want to garage just talking to him. All you hear is nity service is built into my profession. As Who was your biggest supporter grow into an identity of being a career the wind in the trees and I am at absolute a chamber professional, community-cen- who helped you advance in your “student,” where I’m doing because peace. tric initiatives are just a day-to-day part career? My mom, Stephanie Eady. She I’ve learned to do, not doing because I What book do you recommend? The of my role. I get to be a part of projects has always had a vision for my profes- did. I value education and want to focus Book of Proverbs; it will get you together that help and support other people first. sional and personal future, and I value her more on professional development and every time. I get to pull on all of my non-profit and speaking that into life over me even when mastering my career craft from industry Based on what you know now, what customer service experience to help a lot I didn’t see it for myself. She has forever professionals, learning best practices, would you tell your high school self? of people and businesses in ways that go encouraged me to do things in my career and becoming lifelong learner within Take the ACT. It’s never too early to start much further beyond me. that I was “just a little not ready” to do, multiple areas so that I can translate building your personal economy, so start What does success mean to you? and I have always grown and become those skills anywhere. My biggest profes- now. NOTHING is without consequence, Success to me means that I am happy better because of it. Thank you, Mom, I sional goal for this year is to be more good or bad. Take driver’s ed. IU is an where I am, and simultaneously am love you! involved in community organizations, EXCELLENT university to go to. Mind working toward my desires for greater What has been your biggest boards, committees, etc. and extend my the business that gets you to graduation.
March 5, 2021 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly PAGE 7 SETH NASH, 39 Employer: I work as president and workplace, John Susaraba gave me my network of advisors and friends from GM at Dutch Made, a part of Ambassador first opportunity at Biomet. Wil Boren other disciplines and industries helps Enterprises. helped shape me into a business leader. bring fresh perspectives. Education: Bachelor of arts, Grace Jim Lancaster taught me how to bring How do you balance your career, College 2004; I’m currently enrolled in systems and discipline to managing a family, life and community service? For the advanced management program at the team. In the last few years, Daryle Doden me, “balance” doesn’t work. The word University of Chicago Booth School of has been a major accelerator of my implies separate and equal. That’s not Business. growth. He’s a coach, mentor and friend. realistic or even beneficial. Instead, my Community organizations: I What has been your biggest accom- goal is to integrate these parts of my life. currently serve on the board of trustees plishment thus far in your career? I was I want my family to be included in my for Grace College and Seminary, and part of a team at Biomet that reshaped work. I want my coworkers to see me as we’re very active in our church. I recently the company after we were taken private. not just a professional, but also as a dad, completed my term on the board of direc- We developed a global approach to our husband, and member of the community. tors for the Center for Whitley County business, expanded market share, and I’m better in each role when I let the Youth. It’s a fantastic organization serving reinvented our product offering. It was other parts of me shine through. youth in our community. an intense but highly rewarding time. I’ll That being said, we’ve also worked to Hobbies: I enjoy photography, cycling always look back on that team and what establish some rhythms. Erin and I have a and reading. I like to say I’ve got a pretty we accomplished with fondness. date night every week. We’re very disci- fast bicycle with a slow engine! Board What has been your greatest mistake plined about protecting this time. We have service and volunteering has really been thus far and what lessons did you learn family dinners a couple of nights a week. my biggest hobby through the years. I’m from it? During my time with Biomet, Our phones are not welcome at the dinner learning the benefit of really engaging in I led us into a deal that ended up being table. Sunday mornings are reserved for some rest and relaxation. a very expensive mistake. At the heart time with our church family. I’m learning Why are you in northeast Indiana? of my error was avoiding some people to be a fully present, integrated person Initially, I came to northeast Indiana to I perceived to be difficult who had a wherever I am. attend college at Grace. After gradua- perspective that I needed but didn’t want What do you do to relax? I enjoy tion, I started working with Biomet and to hear. Because I didn’t actively seek unstructured time with our family and to competing and comparing myself with my wife, Erin, and I decided to stay in their input, and even avoided it, I cost us friends; a good playlist, a nice glass of the area. We’ve stayed because it’s a others. However, I’ve learned that success a lot of time and money. wine, something tasty to eat and lingering wonderful place to live and raise a family. is really about doing the very best with I’ve learned to invite dissent and to conversation are relaxing. Our region is rich with opportunity and what I’ve been given and helping those pursue people who may seem difficult, What book do you recommend? it’s rewarding to be a part of a vibrant, around me do the same. encouraging the team to be fully assertive The Bible. I grew up in church and even growing community. As a child, what did you want to be and cooperative to ensure we get the best majored in biblical studies, but I began What is it about your profession that when you grew up? Early on, I wanted result. to experience some powerful change in you enjoy and why? I enjoy building to be a surgeon or an attorney, probably What are your current professional my life when I really started to read it for great teams that build great products. It’s because of the earning potential. As an goals? My professional goals are focused myself. I would recommend that someone rewarding to help people grow as leaders adolescent, I thought I’d become a pastor. on helping Dutch Made provide better new to the Bible start reading in Proverbs. and see them tackle big challenges. Where did your first paycheck come service to our customers, improve profit- There is incredible wisdom to be found. Working as part of Ambassador Enter- from and what was your job then? ability, and increase opportunity for our Based on what you know now, what prises is especially rewarding because When I was about 12, I had an afternoon team members. would you tell your high school self? of the variety of markets we have the paper route for the Wooster Daily Record, How do you remain current/rele- Take school more seriously. Study math opportunity to touch. It’s early in my our hometown newspaper. That’s pretty vant in your profession? Reading is and finance. You actually will use that time with Dutch Made, but I can already old-fashioned sounding to my kids. key. I try to identify areas where I need stuff one day. Read more. Work less. tell I’m going to enjoy working with our Who was your biggest supporter to grow or develop new knowledge and Develop better habits. Discipline is your team there. We have some very dedicated, who helped you advance in your build a reading list to help accelerate my friend. Relax. Joke around a little more. talented craftspeople who produce an career? My wife, Erin, has been my learning. I’m also taking some classes at Don’t take yourself so seriously. Don’t amazing product. Helping teams like ours biggest supporter, by far. Without her the University of Chicago Booth School care so much about girls. God will bring achieve more is exciting for me. encouragement and the way in which of Business. It’s a huge privilege to the right woman into your life at the right What does success mean to you? My she carries a heavy load for our family at interact with the faculty and my fellow time. Treat your friends well. Become a definition of success used to be related home, I would not be where I am. In the students there. Finally, maintaining a man of integrity. TYLER CLEVERLY, 38 Employer: United Way of DeKalb be when you grew up? Growing up thinking that I could take on a new role County – executive director I always wanted to be a professional and turn around bad situations overnight. Education: Master of arts – physical basketball player. I soon enough real- To fix any issue and make a change for education with an emphasis in sport ized that was not going to happen, so I the better, you must first see what the administration, Ball State University shifted my focus on ways to be involved root of the problem is and then find ways (2007); bachelor of science – sport in sports besides playing. That lead me to to correct that issue before you can help administration with a minor in founda- a ten-year career coaching or working in move any team or organization forward. tions of management, Ball State Univer- the WNBA, NBA and Division I basket- What are your current professional sity (2006); DeKalb High School (2000) ball prior to returning to DeKalb County. goals? My goal is to continue being Community organizations: Neigh- Where did your first paycheck come a voice for lasting change in DeKalb borLink DeKalb County; Auburn from and what was your job then? County. Classic Noon Lions Club; St. Martin’s My first paycheck came from delivering How do you remain current/relevant Healthcare; Young Professionals DeKalb newspapers in Auburn with my brother in your profession? To remain current in County; DeKalb LEADS; Youth Sports when I was 8. my profession, I continue to learn what for basketball, baseball, and soccer Who was your biggest supporter the needs are of our county. I am always Hobbies: Watching sports and doing who helped you advance in your meeting with people to learn what the community service projects career? I have had many supporters needs are and finding ways that we can Why are you in northeast Indiana? over the years that allowed me to follow try and partner with others to provide the I was born and raised in DeKalb County my dream of working in basketball. The best resources possible. and wanted my kids to grow up in the steadying voice over the ten years would How do you balance your career, best county possible. be my wife, as she was the one who held family, life and community service? What is it about your profession that everything together when I was always Balance has always been a struggle for you enjoy and why? I love making a on the road recruiting or traveling for an me. Community service has always been difference in our community. I served on away game. something that I have focused on, even next person, so it might not be considered the board with the United Way of DeKalb What has been your biggest accom- before being in my current role. If I have relaxing, but I do enjoy being on the court County before becoming the executive plishment thus far in your career? My the time to make a lasting change, I am or field as often as I can. I also spend a director. There is a large need of assis- biggest accomplishment in my career always willing to join in. That service decent amount of time talking to coaches tance needed in our county, therefore to would probably be helping lead Florida has now become a career, so those work around the country about their teams and make a greater impact, we must identify State to the Elite Eight in the 2010 hand-in-hand. Trying to find more time trying to give advice or ideas when I can. those needs and react quicker than we NCAA Tournament. My most recent for my family, is my weakness. I try and What book do you recommend? ever have before. major accomplishment would be helping coach my kids in any sport they play and “What is Your WHAT” by Steve Olsher What does success mean to you? lead a task force of community leaders be present at all their events, but I need to Based on what you know now, what Success means that I did everything in in our relief efforts during the current continue trying to find more time to spend would you tell your high school self? my ability to make a lasting change on pandemic. as a family outside of sports. To focus on giving to others more than the lives of those I interact with and chal- What has been your greatest What do you do to relax? I am not worrying about yourself. If you take care lenge them to become a better version of mistake thus far and what lessons did sure I would consider it “relaxing,” but in of others, they will take care of you right themselves in the future. you learn from it? The greatest mistake my free time I really enjoy working with back. Doing the right thing is better than As a child, what did you want to I have made this far in my career was youth sports. I am as competitive as the doing whatever is quick and easy.
PAGE 8 Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly March 5, 2021 BETH ANNE JOHNSON, 35 Employer: Home Builders Association when you grew up? My family visited someone else. The best advice I could give of Fort Wayne, Inc. Sea World when I was still in elemen- from my mistakes is truly spending some Education: Homestead High School; tary school, and since then, I had always time looking within for fulfillment before bachelor of science in advertising and wanted to be a dolphin trainer. looking to the outside world. graphic design from the University of Where did your first paycheck come What are your current professional Southern Indiana from and what was your job then? goals? I want to start working towards Community organizations: YLNI, My first paycheck came from the down- getting my MBA. It’s been on my radar for Junior Achievement town Fort Wayne YMCA where I was a years, I’ve just never pulled the trigger. Hobbies: I enjoy being active outdoors, lifeguard. How do you remain current/relevant reading a good book, binging a great show, Who was your biggest supporter who in your profession? I do my best to be spending time with family and friends, and helped you advance in your career? Rex involved in professional groups that will enjoying snow skiing and scuba diving Dillinger, one of my old co-workers and a aid in keeping me up to date on relevant while on vacation. great mentor, has always been one of my trade information and training. It also Why are you in northeast Indiana? biggest supporters. He sees my potential provides a great peer network to lean on. I grew up in Fort Wayne and moved back and continues to push me never to settle. We can learn a lot from professionals to the city in 2017 to be closer to the ones What has been your biggest accom- in the same field, whether it be by their I love. plishment thus far in your career? successes or failures. What is it about your profession that Besides being recognized with this great How do you balance your career, you enjoy and why? My favorite thing group, I’d say my most significant accom- family, life and community service? Life you’re looking for a casual read, I’d recom- about my profession is the great network plishment has been being recognized as is hectic and the balancing act is hard. If mend “The Wreckless Oath We Made” by of people I get to interact with. I am the 2018 new executive officer from the you don’t make time for the things that Bryn Greenwood. It’s a suspenseful love constantly pushed to do my best and reach National Association of Home Builders. are important to you, they won’t happen. I story. outside my comfort zone. What has been your greatest mistake use my calendar for everything. Often, I’ll Based on what you know now, what What does success mean to you? To thus far and what lessons did you book out time with friends 3-4 weeks in would you tell your high school self? me, success means using and developing learn from it? I think one of my greatest advance to make sure nothing interferes. You’re never going to have all the answers, your skills to do good in the world and mistakes was not spending time on my What do you do to relax? I enjoy and your life will continue to evolve and overcoming fears that hold you back from own after college. It’s hard to know your going to the gym to work out the day’s change over time. Don’t get stuck in the your true potential. wants, needs, likes and dislikes when stress or unwind with a glass of wine. past. Always move forward and work As a child, what did you want to be making decisions to suit yourself and What book do you recommend? If towards your future. BETH MCAVOY, 39 Employer: NeighborLink Fort Wayne in a particular subject, and I would relay to industry newsletters and sign up for as director of operations the information to the on-call tutor in that webinars. The pandemic has made that Education: Bachelor of science from topic. I was 16 years old and a junior in easier, as more virtual trainings are readily Indiana University, Kelley School of Busi- high school when I did this job. available. ness. Concentration in marketing. Who was your biggest supporter who How do you balance your career, Community organizations: I am the helped you advance in your career? My family, life and community service? co-chair of Middle Waves Music Festival husband. I have had quite a few career NeighborLink takes the approach of work- and on the board of the Community Devel- moves, but he’s always supported my life integration, over balance. Anyone opment Corporation. It’s been a wild ride desire to tackle new roles. who has tried to achieve the balance has being in charge of a music festival in a What has been your biggest accom- probably noticed the right balance can pandemic. Our team worked incredibly plishment thus far in your career? be hard to achieve. You always feel like hard to plan the 2020 festival, which had to My biggest accomplishment has been something is lacking. Something may be canceled. We cannot wait to return to a successfully working in the advertising/ always need more attention. At Neighbor- time when it’s safe to hang out with 5,000 marketing industry. I didn’t start after Link, we recognize that and realize it’s all of your pals in the community you love. college in the field and was rejected by part of one whole life. Requirements for Hobbies: I love going to concerts and nearly every advertising company in Fort your time will ebb and flow, and it’s your spending time with friends and family. Wayne at some point. Ten years after grad- responsibility to manage your time as best Why are you in northeast Indiana? uating college, I started my first job in the as possible. And then sometimes, you just I came back after college to be near my industry. I knew I had the skills and could family but have stayed because of the finally prove it to myself. go with it. My 8-week-old son napped in opportunities to contribute to making the What has been your greatest mistake a box of T-shirts during setup for Middle community a better place. So much has Enjoying what you do and being proud of thus far and what lessons did you learn Waves Music Festival 2018. changed in the area since 2003, for the your accomplishments. from it? My greatest mistake is trying to What do you do to relax? I enjoy better. It’s be amazing to be a part of some As a child, what did you want to make too many changes too fast in a work- spending time with my family (husband huge community projects from the inside, be when you grew up? I don’t really place. I learned that people do not like and 2-year-old son), going to Pretty Lake and not just as a spectator. remember what I wanted to be as a child. change. I learned to fully investigate if a with my family, going to concerts, and What is it about your profession that In college, I wanted to work in advertising. change is truly needed. If so, walk people being out and about in Fort Wayne. you enjoy and why? I love working at I am fortunate to have had that experience. through the process so they can see the What book do you recommend? I NeighborLink because it’s an incredible Where did your first paycheck come benefit of the change. just finished “How to Be an Antiracist” by organization that mobilizes people to help from and what was your job then? What are your current professional Ibram X. Kendi. I recommend that every marginalized neighbors in Fort Wayne My first paying job was a Homework goals? I want to keep on learning as much single person read it. through tangible ways. Not only does the Helpline attendant for Lincoln Financial. as I can and build my skills as a manager Based on what you know now, what organization do great work, but my role They offered phone tutoring assistance of people. would you tell your high school self? really aligns with my strengths. for their employees’ kids. A kid or parent How do you remain current/relevant Nothing will go as you plan it out in your What does success mean to you? would call me saying they needed help in your profession? I try to subscribe head. Get used to it. DUSTIN PAPENBROCK, 36 Employer: Churubusco Police from and what was your job then? Eel new training opportunities with an open Department River Golf Course Pro-shop staff mind and relying on the officers I am Education: Four years of college Who was your biggest supporter surrounded by. Community organizations: Head who helped you advance in your How do you balance your career, Golf Coach/Churubusco High School career? My parents and Fred Ray! family, life and community service? Hobbies: Golf, hunting, shooting What has been your biggest accom- Listen and allow yourself to be humbled sports, archery plishment thus far in your career? by the people you surround yourself with. Why are you in northeast Indiana? I Receiving a Life Saving Award. Maintaining friendships outside of law love my hometown and family. What has been your greatest mistake enforcement has been a high priority for What is it about your profession that thus far and what lessons did you learn myself in this career. you enjoy and why? The diversity of from it? Spending too much time at work What do you do to relax? I enjoy each day along with the other officers in and missing out on important family golfing and hunting to get my mind off Churubusco. events. This continues to be something work. What does success mean to you? that I must become better at. What book do you recommend? Raising my two boys to be better than I What are your current professional “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink am. goals? To become a full-time firearms and Leif Babin As a child, what did you want to be instructor. Based on what you know now, what when you grew up? Police officer How do you remain current/rele- would you tell your high school self? Where did your first paycheck come vant in your profession? Always taking Treat others better!
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