SUMMER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Independence Day - Penfield Recreation

Page created by Herman Hubbard
SUMMER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Independence Day - Penfield Recreation
  THIS ISSUE:                                      New
  Independence Day                            Summer Camp
                                              Details Inside!
Summer Concert Series

   SUMMER 2019
SUMMER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Independence Day - Penfield Recreation

    "Master Kim's Summer
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2    Summer 2019                                                                             Penfield Recreation |
SUMMER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Independence Day - Penfield Recreation
General Information

                                                                                                             GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                                                                             1985 Baird Rd. • Penfield, NY 14526
                                                                                                                               (585) 340-8655
                                                                                                        Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

                                                                                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
           PENFIELD TOWN BOARD                                                                General Information............................................................................ 3
   Tony LaFountain.....................................................Supervisor             Recreation Director’s Message........................................................ 4
   Linda Kohl.........................................................Councilwoman            Supervisor’s Message........................................................................ 4
   Paula Metzler..................................................Councilwoman                Community Information...................................................................5-9
   Andy Moore.......................................................... Councilman            Pen Rec Summer Day Camp.......................................................10-11
   Rob Quinn.............................................................. Councilman         Aquatic Programs.........................................................................12-14
                                                                                                  Summer Swim Lessons............................................................. 12
            PENFIELD TOWN CLERK                                                               Youth Programs.............................................................................15-27
                                      Amy Steklof
                                                                                                  Art................................................................................................. 15
                  RECREATION STAFF                                                                Dance........................................................................................... 15
   Chris Bilow..............................................Recreation Director                   Drama........................................................................................... 17
   Linanne Conroy, CPRP..............................Assistant Director                           Education................................................................................17-18
   Andrew Urckfitz........................................Assistant Director                      Fitness.......................................................................................... 18
   Pam Gerace....................................... Recreation Supervisor                        Music............................................................................................ 19
   Sabrina Renner............................. Special Events Assistant                           Science, Nature & Technology...........................................19-22
   Paula Colombo................................................................. Clerk           Sports & Recreation.............................................................22-25
   Anne Coller....................................................................... Clerk       Sports Camps.........................................................................26-27
   Sarah Tomaselli................................................................ Clerk      Family Programs...........................................................................27-28
                                                                                              Adult Programs.............................................................................28-34
                                                                                                  Arts & Crafts...........................................................................28-29
   Tim Masterton................................................ Parks Foreman
                                                                                                  Adult Education.....................................................................29-30
   Jim Kreckman............................................Facilities Foreman
                                                                                                  Fitness, Health & Wellness..................................................30-32
                  TRAILS COMMITTEE                                                                Sports & Recreation.............................................................32-34
   Nels Carman Jr., Chair                                           Ed Lindskoog                  Performing Arts.......................................................................... 34
   Dick Adamus                                                        Aileen Reis                 Out to Lunch................................................................................ 34
   Terry Bruce                                                       Denny Tripp              DEAR (Daytime Education at Recreation)............................................35-42
   Fran Cioppa                                                   Ginny Wilterdink
                                                                                                  Mondays at DEAR...................................................................... 36
   Eleanor Hartquist
                                                                                                  Tuesdays at DEAR...................................................................... 37
              COMMUNITY VICTORY                                                                   Wednesdays at DEAR...........................................................37-39
              GARDEN COMMITTEE                                                                    Thursdays at DEAR...............................................................39-40
   Dot Brenneis, Chair                                              Bonnie Hawk                   Fridays at DEAR.....................................................................40-42
   Gloria Barnes                                                      Larry Krech                 Fundraising and Special Events............................................... 41
   Gordy Barnes                                                     Chris Mandel
                                                                                                  DEAR Adventures....................................................................... 42
   Carol Boyer                                                     Nancy Marrer
                                                                                              Penfield Public Library..................................................................... 43
   Dave Boyer                                                         Greg Smith
   Phyllis Vincelli                                                  Gary Vincelli            Scenic Treks....................................................................................... 44
   Lisa Ford                                                       Mark Whitmire              Town Parks......................................................................................... 45
                                                                                              Reference Numbers & Information................................................ 46
    Our Mission: To enhance the quality of life for the residents                             Registration Info. & Forms..........................................................46-47
   of Penfield by providing a variety of beneficial recreation and
             wellness programs, facilities and services.                                                 Registration Begins May 1st
Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                                                                                        Summer 2019                 3
SUMMER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Independence Day - Penfield Recreation
Message From The Director & Supervisor

                                                        Director’s Message
                           Summer is just around the corner! As               Master Plan identified 4 dimensions to recreation and each area has its
                           you make your summer plans I hope that             own set of recommendations. A few of the recommendation highlights
                           you will look to Penfield Recreation to            from the update include the following:
                           help fill your busy summer schedule. We                  Dimension 1: Indoor Facilities - The town should begin a facility
                           have made several adjustments to some                    improvement plan immediately to identify the facility components
                           of the popular summer programs offered                   best suited for the community.
                           including the summer camp format and the
                           summer concert series has a NEW look.                    Dimension 2: Parks - Begin to develop new athletic fields to meet
                           Be sure to check out all of the numerous                 the needs of the community.
                           programs that the staff have coordinated                 Dimension 3: People - Focus programming opportunities to the
                           for the summer season. I am sure you will                20-39 age group as that is an area currently underserved by the
                           find a number of programs that will interest             department.
                           you; whether you’re interested in taking
                           a class to just sitting in a lawn chair and              Dimension 4: Programs - Programming focus should be focused
enjoying some music during the evening, we have you covered!                        on the areas of health and wellness, performing arts, and
                                                                                    education programs.
I am pleased to report that the department’s update of the Recreation
and Parks Master Plan has been completed. The update took 10 months           These are just a few of the recommendations and I encourage you to
to compile and coordinate. We were able to complete the update                look at the document (available at I am excited to
completely in house with a dedicated committee of Penfield residents,         see these recommendations become reality in the next 5 years. Based
town staff and town board. Thank you to those who volunteered to be a         on the implementation of the last master plan recommendations update
part of this committee and the time and energy you gave to the process.       I expect to see similar success!
Without your dedication and assistance this plan would not be as              Have a great season and all the best to you and your families.
informative and valuable! I would also like to thank all those residents
who participated in the process; from the community input survey to           Christopher K. Bilow
the community input session, we received a lot of useful feedback. The        Recreation Director

                                                     Supervisor’s Message
                              It is good to be writing about upcoming         and strategies to achieve the future vision for Penfield. It is anticipated
                              summer programs and activities compared         the committee will complete their work by the end of 2019.
                              to what seemed to be a never-ending             As we head into late spring and early summer, our Pen-Rec team is
                              winter with snow, cold temperatures,            finalizing plans for the Memorial Day “Ceremony of Remembrance”
                              icy conditions, major wind events, and          to be held on Monday, May 27 at 10:30 AM. This year’s guest speaker
                              generally challenging weather. As always,       will be Monroe County’s Director of Veterans Service Agency, Nicholas
                              I like to give a shout-out and thank you this   Stefanovic. Mr. Stefanovic is a veteran and Penfield resident; we look
                              time of year to our DPW for their hard work     forward to his message at this very popular event.
                              to keep our roadways safe and passable
                              for all. While most of us are all looking to    Additionally, the Penfield Amphitheater & Kiwanis Stage summer
                              hunker down in our homes, they are out in       concert series will take on a new look with a longer season and more
                              severe conditions clearing the way for our      musical programs for our residents to enjoy. Please be sure to join in—
                              travels. Thank you for all your efforts!        there will be music for the whole family. I look forward to seeing you at
                                                                              this year’s events!
                              There are many active initiatives underway
in Penfield since last fall that will begin to wind down as the year          This brochure contains a wealth of information on program offerings for
progresses. First is the Recreation Master Plan update led by Recreation      residents of all ages, messages from sponsors who help cover or off-
Director Chris Bilow and a team of employees and residents. This plan is      set the cost of programs, and general contact information for permits
updated every five years. It functions as a thorough review of program,       and reservations. I would like to recognize all of our sponsors and
facilities, and staffing needs for the next five year period and serves       encourage you to support them as you are doing business in Penfield.
as “table-stakes” for any potential funding or grant opportunities. The       Healthy businesses make for a healthy community.
update is scheduled to be completed and forwarded to the town board           I would also like to recognize and thank the Recreation Department
by mid-April for review and adoption.                                         team for all their efforts in expanding the number of programs and
The next initiative is the Shadow Pines Land Use Advisory Committee.          increasing participation. Penfield Recreation is one of the leaders in
This group of residents and staff members has been meeting for about          community recreation in the county! The team, led by Director Chris,
seven months discussing possible uses for this 206-plus acre property.        includes Andrew, Linanne, Pam, Sabrina, Sarah, Anne, and Paula…
I anticipate that over the next four to six weeks the committee will be       great job all and thank you!
making their recommendations to the town board. The board will review         I look forward to seeing you out in the community or at the town hall.
those recommendations and determine the next steps forward for use of         Thank you for the input and feedback about what you like about Penfield
this wonderful community asset.                                               and, equally important, for your thoughts about what we could be doing
Lastly, the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Update Committee is in full swing         better or differently. Enjoy your spring and summer!
reviewing past and present plans and formulating recommendations to
provide an overall framework for future public and private investment in
our community for the coming decade. This plan will establish policies        (585) 340-8631
4    Summer 2019                                                                                       Penfield Recreation |
Terry Rothfuss Memorial
  Good Neighbor Day
     Join “Terry’s Team” to help your neighbors!
   Saturday, May 11 • 8 AM - 12 PM
 We are looking for volunteers for the 3rd annual
 Terry Rothfuss Memorial Good Neighbor Day
 to help seniors, veterans, or those who are
 disabled to do light yard work and spring clean-up. We
                                                                           Memorial Day
                                                                         Ceremony of
 need volunteers of all ages, so bring the whole family!

                               Know someone who

                               could use the extra
                               hand? Let us know!
                                We will rake out flower beds,
                               plant flowers, fix lawn damage
                                from plows, and much more!
                               Terry Rothfuss was a farmer in east        Mon., May 27 • 10:30 AM
                               Penfield who was a friend to all. He
                               was always ready and willing to help     Veterans Memorial Park, 3100 Atlantic Ave.
                               anyone at any time. When he passed
                               away in 2014 there was a huge hole
                               left in the community. His friends and
                               family want to carry on Terry’s legacy
                                                                                  Guest Speaker:
                               of friendship by continuing to help
                               their community and inspire others to
                                                                            Nick Stefanovic, Director
                               do the same.                               Monroe County Veterans Service Agency

       Penfield Ecumenical Food Shelf
      Summer Food For Kids
        You Can Help By Donating:
        Tuna, macaroni & cheese, cereal,
    canned pasta, cheese/peanut butter crackers,
     applesauce, instant oatmeal packets and
        peanut butter & jelly in plastic jars

            Drop off your food donations
             in the chute at the back of
              the Food Shelf by June 1

    • 585-234-0799
                        United Way Donor Number: #3331
Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                    Summer 2019   5
Community Information
COMMUNITY VICTORY GARDEN                                            TAX RECEIVER
Penfield Community Victory Garden is a space for the Penfield       Margaret Revelle, Receiver of Taxes, can be reached at
community to do organic gardening. The garden is run completely     340-8625 for any questions you might have. Also, check out the
by volunteers and donations. It is located on 3 acres of            Tax Department web page at
Town-owned land at 1748 Five Mile Line Rd.
                                                                    TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE
Bed rentals are available beginning the first day of program        Your Town Clerk’s office provides many services to the
registration each January. More information is available at         Penfield community. Be sure to visit the office at the Town Hall; click on Penfield Community Garden.                for the following:
SPORTSNET                                                             • Issuance of Marriage Licenses (by appointment), Hunting
Residents of Penfield with disabilities may be interested in             and Fishing Licenses, Permits, Handicap Parking Hangers,
SportsNet. SportsNet is a program which provides recreation,             and Dog Licenses. We now offer online dog license renewals
fitness and sports opportunities for people with physical                -, click on Town Clerk’s Office.
disabilities. For more info, call the SportsNet office at             • Notary Services
334-6000 ext.1120.
                                                                      • Items for sale: Penfield Blanket $25, Penfield Landmark
RECREATION E-NEWS                                                        Prints $1/$2/$5/$10; Books: Penfield Past $10, Images of Early
Stay informed with Penfield Recreation’s E-News. Once a week             Penfield $10, Calvin Wooster Owen: Diary of a Nineteenth-
you can receive the latest news and updates from Penfield                Century American $29/$42, Memories of Penfield $10. For
Recreation. Learn about new programs and upcoming events.                more information, contact Amy Steklof at 340-8629.
Be the first to know! To sign up for this newsletter go to            • Passport night: July 25, 6:00-7:30pm.
PENFIELD PLAYERS                                                    COMMUNITY CENTER
Local, non-profit community theater group, sponsored by             Meeting rooms and kitchen area are available to Penfield
Penfield Recreation. The group performs a variety of shows          community non-profit groups and organizations on a permit,
per year. For current production information see page 9 or visit    space available basis. Hours: Mon - Thurs, 8:00 am - 10:00 pm;                                            Fri, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm; Sat, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; and Sun, 2:00 -
                                                                    5:00 pm. Warning: Vehicle parking violations at the NYS Police
PENFIELD POPS BAND                                                  facilities near the Justice Courts at the Community Center will
The Pops Band, conducted by Ken Scott, performs                     be ticketed and towed.
throughout the Penfield/Rochester area year-round. For an up-
to-date performance schedule, please contact the Recreation         SEASONAL JOBS
Dept. at 340-8655.                                                  Applications continuously accepted for the following positions:
Please contact John Jorgensen, band manager, at 385-1392 for        School-Year Lifeguard/WSI, Program Specialist and volunteers.
more information about the band.                                    Applications are available at the Recreation Department Office,
                                                                    1985 Baird Road, Penfield, NY 14526.
Penfield Public Library is located at 1985 Baird                    SPECIAL THANKS
Rd. Penfield Public Library is now a Safe Place                     We appreciate the continuous support & cooperation of the
community partner. Young people seeking                             Penfield and Webster School Districts, NYS Office of Parks,
assistance with housing, safety or other                            Recreation and Historic Preservation, Monroe County Office
crisis situations will be connected at the                          of Aging, NYS Office of Aging, Penfield Fire Company, Penfield
Library with outreach workers from the Center                       Volunteer Ambulance, Zone A Monroe County Sheriff, NYS
for Youth, who will assess the needs of the young                   Police, Arts Cultural Council for Greater Rochester, Lifespan,
person in question and access necessary services.                   Penfield-Perinton Kiwanis, Penfield Rotary Club, Penfield
                                                                    Business Chamber, and our many local groups & organizations.
Penfield Television has been an integral part of the Public,        The program is funded by the NYS Office of Children & Family
Education, and Government Access network since 1985. It             Services through the Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau.
serves the Penfield Community with a broadcast signal through       The Penfield Parks & Recreation Department continues to
Spectrum Cable, channels 1301 and 1303, high definition web         maintain its commitment to quality and excellent service for our
stream at, and through ROKU. Penfield TV             residents through involvement and membership in the Genesee
broadcasts LIVE proceedings of Town, Planning, and Zoning           Valley Recreation & Parks Society, New York State Recreation &
Board of Appeals meetings, along with informational meetings        Parks Society and the National Recreation & Parks Association.
and public hearings. School district, county, state, and national
programs are also submitted for broadcast. Board meetings and
other local programs are made available on-demand through                Our facilities, programs and services
YouTube, Vimeo, and ROKU under channel “Penfield Television.”              continually strive to meet ADA
For more information or assistance viewing Penfield TV’s
programming, please call the department at (585) 340-8661, email
                                                                          guidelines; if you have any special
at, or go to                            needs, please let us know.
6   Summer 2019                                                                           Penfield Recreation |
Community Information

              Penfield Amphitheater
          Summer 2019                                        Music &
         Concert Schedule                                Food Truck Rodeo
            FROM 6:30-8:00PM
                 *Kids/Family events are one hour long
                                                            FRIDAY, JUNE 7
                                                            PENFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT
    JUNE 11: TEAGAN & THE TWEEDS                           BANDS PERFORM 4:30-8:00PM
    JUNE 18: EASTSIDE SWINGTET                              VARIETY OF FOOD TRUCKS –
    JUNE 25: MR. LOOPS (Kids/Family)*                        WINDOWS UP AT 4:00PM
    JULY 30: PAULSEN & BAKER (Kids/Family)*
    AUGUST 20: MR. MUSTARD (Beatles)
    AUGUST 27: MIKE KORNRICH (Kids/Family)*

     Penfield Pops Band Concerts
                JUNE 10 & JULY 15 at 7:00PM
                                                         Penfield Amphitheater
                                                           and Kiwanis Stage
          Tastin’ the Blues                                 is located behind
                                                          Penfield Town Hall,
                  SATURDAY,                               3100 Atlantic Ave.
                SEPTEMBER 14
        Chili Cook Off and Beer Sampling Event
        Music performed by Steve Grills &
      the Roadmasters featuring Joe Beard

Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                              Summer 2019   7
“Under the Tent” Events
                                Brandt Point Park at
                                   1900 Empire Boulevard |

                             Buy local.
                               Eat local.
                                                Penfield Farmers & Craft Market
                                                Every Wednesday from 4:00 to 7:30 pm
                     Penfield                   May 1st thru October 30th
               & Craft
          MARKET                                  Cruise Nights
              at BayTowne Plaza
                                                               at BayTowne
              Every Thursday from 5:00 to 8:00 pm
                                            May 15th thru October 3rd

                                                                 Beats & eats
                                                                           Live music & food trucks
                                                                  Every 3rd Friday from 5:30 - 7:30 pm
                                                                  beginning May 17th & going all summer long!

                          Outdoor Movie Nights
                             Every other Saturday night
                                            beginning May 3rd – 7:45 pm start time
                                                    Great family-oriented movies!

                                                     More Festivals & Community Events...
                                                     Community Music Concerts                       Safety Days with Penfield Fire
                                                     Beer & Wine Tastings                           Dept. & Monroe County Sheriff
                                                     Harvest Festival (October 28)                  Recycle Days
                                                                                                    Bottle Return Days

                   Check our website at or our Facebook page for schedules & updates.
                      Interested in being a vendor at the Penfield Farmers & Craft Market or participating in one of our events?
                             E-mail Howie Jacobson, marketing coordinator at

8   Summer 2019                                                                                         Penfield Recreation |
Peril on the High Seas                                                                    Penfield Players
                          by Billy St. John
                          Directed by Jerry Argetsinger
                           All aboard the H.M.S. Majestic for a riotous full-
                           length melodrama set in the Roaring Twenties!
                           Little does our heroine, the heiress Merry Ann
                           Sweet, know that she is the intended victim of
                           the villainous Snively Swine’s kidnapping plot.
                           With his partner, the slinky and exotic Aracnia
                           Webb, Swine disguises himself as Sir Reginald
                           Rottentot, a British nobleman, in order to gain                                      Summer Readers’ Theatre:
                           the confidence of Merry and her flapper friends.
                           But Merry falls for the handsome waiter, Cary De
                                                                                                                Story Theatre
                                                                                                                Adapted by Paul Sills
                           Mille. Poor Cary—he loves Merry, too, but ship’s
  policy says he can’t get involved with a passenger. Must these two ships                                      FREE PERFORMANCE
  pass in the night? Can Merry stay out of Aracnia’s clutches? A rollicking                                     Saturday, July 27th • 6:00PM
  production filled with twists, turns, and hilarity!                                                           Penfield Amphitheater at Veterans
  8:00PM • Friday & Saturday,                                                                                   Memorial Park for the whole family!
  April 26, 27 • May 3, 4, 10, 11                                                                                Story Theatre is the retelling of famous
  2:00PM • Sunday Matinee, May 5                                                                                 fables from the Grimm Brothers to Aesop.
                                                                                                                 Featuring acting and music, the audience
  All performances will be held at the Penfield Community Center,
                                                                                will be reintroduced to Henny Penny, the Golden Goose, Venus & the Cat,
  1985 Baird Rd., Penfield
                                                                                the Fisherman & his Wife, The Robber Baron and other favorites. Paul
  Tickets available March 28 - Advance: $12                                     Sills’ Story Theatre has been described as “an evening of imaginative and
  WEB: • PHONE: (585) 340-8655                              unpretentious delight” and “an enchanting evening for the entire family.”
  WALK IN: Penfield Recreation Dept., 1985 Baird Road
                                                                                Penfield Players’ presentation of Story Theatre is intended for children
  DOOR: $15 One half hour prior to show time                                    and parents in a picnic-style venue Penfield Amphitheater at Veterans
  WE LOVE GROUPS: $10 seats available to groups of 10 or more                   Memorial Park, 3100 Atlantic Ave. Families and friends are encouraged
                                                                                to bring lawn chairs, blanket, and a picnic supper.
  ADMISSION: Theater doors open 30 minutes prior to curtain
                                                                                Inclement Weather Location: Penfield Community Center, 1985 Baird Road -
  All ticket sales are final.                                                   call 340-8655 or visit

        For more Penfield Players information, please visit

Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                                                    Summer 2019          9
Summer Day Camp 2019
Penfield Recreation’s Summer Day Camp program offers a wide
range of activities and experiences. Day Camp will provide each
child an opportunity to explore new activities along with the fun
and enjoyment of all the past favorites. During the course of the
summer, offerings may include: active games, quiet games, arts/
crafts, sports activities, field days, specials and an event or two
with other day camp sites. Each day camp will also offer unique
activities planned by individual site staff. Your child won’t want to
miss out on all the fun to be had this summer!
Extended Hours Option - available for children enrolled at
the Penfield Community Center and Scribner Camp locations.
“Extended Hours” includes an 8:00AM drop off and a 5:00PM
pick up option. *New for Scribner Rd Site.*

            Penfield Community Center
                     Ages 6-14
Reg. No.     Dates                 Times                        Fee
313001-01    Jul 1-5               9:00AM - 4:00PM              $76
313001-02    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $24
313001-03    Jul 8-12              9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
313001-04    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
313001-05    Jul 15-19             9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
313001-06    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
313001-07    Jul 22-26             9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
313001-08    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
313001-09    Jul 29-Aug 2          9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95                 Scribner Road Elementary
313001-10    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30                         Ages 6-14
313001-11    Aug 5-9               9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95     Reg. No.    Dates               Times                        Fee
313001-12    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30     313002-01   Jul 1-5             9:00AM - 4:00PM              $76
313001-13    Aug 12-16             9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95     313002-02   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $24
313001-14    Extended              8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30     313002-03   Jul 8-12            9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
                                                                        313002-04   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
                  No Summer Camp                                        313002-05   Jul 15-19           9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
                                                                        313002-06   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
                     on July 4th                                        313002-07   Jul 22-26           9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
                                                                        313002-08   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
                                                                        313002-09   Jul 29-Aug 2        9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
                                                                        313002-10   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30
                                                                        313002-11   Aug 5-9             9:00AM - 4:00PM              $95
                                                                        313002-12   Extended            8:00AM - 5:00PM              $30

                                                                                    Summer Camp Field Trips
                                                                                          Ages 6-14
                                                                        Reg. No.    Dates      Times                                 Fee
                                                                        313004-01   Jul 10     Seabreeze                             $37
                                                                        313004-02   Jul 16     Ninja Warrior Training (Ages 6-10)    $24
                                                                        313004-03   Jul 18     Ninja Warrior Training (Ages 11-14)   $24
                                                                        313004-04   Jul 24     Clubhouse Fun Center                  $24
                                                                        313004-05   Jul 31     Horizon Fun FX                        $29
                                                                        313004-06   Aug 14     Seabreeze                             $37

                                                                         Summer Camp is certified by the NYS Department of Health.
                                                                         Participants must provide current immunization records.
                                                                         Participant’s up-to-date records must be sent via email
                                                                         (, fax (585-340-8617), or be mailed/
                                                                         hand-delivered to the Penfield Recreation Dept before/on
                                                                         your child’s first day of Summer Camp.

10    Summer 2019                                                                            Penfield Recreation |
Pee Wee Summer Day Camp
Penfield Recreation’s Pee Wee Summer Day Camp program
offers a wide range of activities and experiences for younger aged
children who might not be ready for regular Summer Day Camp.
During the course of the summer, offerings may include: quiet
games, arts/crafts, field days, specials and an event or two with
other day camp sites.
Pen Rec Pee Wee participants can be signed up to go all day or
just to one of the time slots (morning or afternoon)! Each day
camp will also offer unique activities planned by individual site
staff. Your child won’t want to miss out on all the fun to be had
this summer!

             Scribner Road Elementary
              Ages 3-6, Pre-K – 1st Grade
Reg. No.     Dates               Times                       Fee
313003-01    Jul 1-5             9:00AM - 12:30PM            $44
313003-02    Jul 1-5             12:30PM - 4:00PM            $44
313003-03    Jul 8-12            9:00AM - 12:30PM            $55
313003-04    Jul 8-12            12:30PM - 4:00PM            $55
313003-05    Jul 15-19           9:00AM - 12:30PM            $55
313003-06    Jul 15-19           12:30PM - 4:00PM            $55      Summer Camp is certified by the NYS Department of Health.
313003-07    Jul 22-26           9:00AM - 12:30PM            $55      Participants must provide current immunization records.
313003-08    Jul 22-26           12:30PM - 4:00PM            $55      Participant’s up-to-date records must be sent via email
313003-09    Jul 29-Aug 2        9:00AM - 12:30PM            $55      (, fax (585-340-8617), or be mailed/
313003-10    Jul 29-Aug 2        12:30PM - 4:00PM            $55      hand-delivered to the Penfield Recreation Dept before/on
313003-11    Aug 5-9             9:00AM - 12:30PM            $55      your child’s first day of Summer Camp.
313003-12    Aug 5-9             12:30PM - 4:00PM            $55

                  No Summer Camp
                     on July 4th

                            Adventure Camp
                           Ages 10-14, Mon-Fri
                 Drop Off/Pick Up at Harris Whalen Lodge
        Reg. No.                Dates                                Times                                        Fee
        313005-01               Aug 19-23                            9:00AM - 5:00PM                             $200
        313005-02               Aug 19-23                            8:00AM - 9:00AM                              $30
        Week long camp intended for adventurous participants who enjoy
        being outdoors! Every day will include a different adventure with
        activities like hiking, rafting/paddling, biking, climbing, and other
        outdoor type excursions. Every participant will receive an adventure
        camp itinerary 1 week prior to the start of adventure camp.

Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                            Summer 2019     11
Summer Swim Lessons
                                                                                                        Summer Swim Lessons
                                   REGISTRATION:                                                        Red Cross Levels 1 - 6 (Ages 6-14)
             Summer Swim Lessons (Level 1-6 & Tiny Tadpole)                                             Session          Day         Date                Fee
               registration currently underway. AGES 4-14                                               Session 1         Mon-Fri Jul 1-12               $55
     Red Cross Levels 1-6: 8 lessons • Tadpoles: 4 lessons                                              (8 lessons - no class 7/4 & 7/5)

                                                                                                        Session 2       Mon-Thu Jul 15-25                $55
     SUMMER SWIM LESSON COURSE NUMBERS                                                                  (8 lessons)

     SESSION 1                          SESSION 2                         SESSION 3                     Session 3    Mon-Fri       Jul 29-       Lvl. 1-2 $34
                                                                                                        (5 lessons)		              Aug 2         Lvl. 3-6 $44
 8:00 - 8:35 AM                     8:00 - 8:35 AM                    8:00 - 8:35 AM
 Level 1...............#311250-A    Level 1...............#311270-A   Level 1...............#311290-A                SEE GRID FOR COURSE #S
 Level 2...............#311250-B    Level 2...............#311270-B   Level 2...............#311290-B   Ages 6-14                         Penfield HS Pool
 Level 3...............#311250-C    Level 3...............#311270-C                                     (Must have completed Kindergarten)
                                                                      Tadpole 3A.........#311242-2
 Level 4.............. #311250-D    Level 4.............. #311270-D                                     Non-swimmer through advanced swimmer levels
 Level 5 & 6.......#311250-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311270-E                                         (see dates above). Lessons are held mornings
                                                                      8:00 - 8:45 AM
 Tadpole 1A........#311242-A        Tadpole 2A.......#311242-M        Level 3...............#311290-C   starting at 8:00 AM (see grid for times and course
 Tadpole 1B........#311242-B        Tadpole 2B....... #311242-N       Level 4.............. #311290-D   #’s). Session 1 & 2 are 35-minute lessons each, eight
                                                                      Level 5 & 6.......#311290-E       classes held within a two-week period. Session 3
 8:35 - 9:10 AM                     8:35 - 9:10 AM                                                      is a more intense week of lessons, with five classes
 Level 1...............#311251-A    Level 1...............#311271-A   8:45 - 9:20 AM                    (35-minute lessons for Levels 1 & 2 and 45-minute
 Level 2...............#311251-B    Level 2...............#311271-B   Level 1...............#311291-A   lessons for Levels 3 - 6). Note: Level 6 is either
 Level 3...............#311251-C    Level 3...............#311271-C   Level 2...............#311291-B   Personal Water Safety (P) or Fitness Swimmer (F) -
 Level 4.............. #311251-D    Level 4.............. #311271-D                                     Indicate which level on registration form.
                                                                      Tadpole 3A.........#311242-3
 Level 5 & 6.......#311251-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311271-E
                                                                                                        PARENT OBSERVATION DAYS ARE:
 Tadpole 1A........#311242-C        Tadpole 2A....... #311242-O       8:45 - 9:30 AM
 Tadpole 1B....... #311242-D        Tadpole 2B........ #311242-P      Level 3...............#311291-C   Session 1 - 7/9 • Session 2 - 7/24 • Session 3 - 7/31
                                                                      Level 4.............. #311291-D   If you also register for PCC Day Camp, Day Camp
 9:10 - 9:45 AM                     9:10 - 9:45 AM                    Level 5 & 6.......#311291-E       Staff will walk your child to swim lessons each day
 Level 1...............#311252-A    Level 1...............#311272-A
 Level 2...............#311252-B    Level 2...............#311272-B   9:30 - 10:05 AM
                                                                                                        (see page 10).
 Level 3...............#311252-C    Level 3...............#311272-C   Level 1...............#311292-A
 Level 4.............. #311252-D    Level 4.............. #311272-D   Level 2...............#311292-B
 Level 5 & 6.......#311252-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311272-E                                            We will be offering again this summer
                                                                      Tadpole 3A.........#311242-4
 Tadpole 1A........#311242-E        Tadpole 2A....... #311242-Q                                             a 5-day session with extended time to
 Tadpole 1B........ #311242-F       Tadpole 2B........#311242-R       9:30 - 10:15 AM                     fit swim lessons into your busy summer.
                                                                      Level 3...............#311292-C
 9:45 - 10:20 AM                    9:45 - 10:20 AM                   Level 4.............. #311292-D
                                                                                                            Enjoy the benefits in an intense swim
 Level 1...............#311253-A    Level 1...............#311273-A   Level 5 & 6.......#311292-E          week - 7/29-8/2 (see Session 3 above).
 Level 2...............#311253-B    Level 2...............#311273-B
 Level 3...............#311253-C    Level 3...............#311273-C   10:15 - 10:50 AM
 Level 4.............. #311253-D    Level 4.............. #311273-D   Level 1...............#311293-A
 Level 5 & 6.......#311253-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311273-E       Level 2...............#311293-B
                                                                                                        Summer Swim Lessons
 Tadpole 1A....... #311242-G
                                                                                                        Tiny Tadpoles (Ages 4-5)
                                    Tadpole 2A........ #311242-S      Tadpole 3A......... #311242-5
 Tadpole 1B....... #311242-H        Tadpole 2B........ #311242-T                                        Session    Day            Date                   Fee
                                                                      10:15 - 11:00 AM                  Session 1A Mon-Mon        Jul 1-8                 $39
 10:20 - 10:55 AM                   10:20 - 10:55 AM                  Level 3...............#311293-C   		                        (no class 7/4 & 7/5)
 Level 1...............#311254-A    Level 1...............#311274-A   Level 4.............. #311293-D   Session 1B Tue-Fri        Jul 9-12               $39
 Level 2...............#311254-B    Level 2...............#311274-B   Level 5 & 6.......#311293-E
 Level 3...............#311254-C    Level 3...............#311274-C                                     Session 2A      Mon-Thu Jul 15-18                $39
 Level 4.............. #311254-D    Level 4.............. #311274-D   11:00 - 11:35 AM                  Session 2B      Mon-Thu Jul 22-25                $39
 Level 5 & 6.......#311254-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311274-E       Level 1...............#311294-A
 Tadpole 1A.........#311242-I       Tadpole 2A........#311242-U
                                                                      Level 2...............#311294-B   Session 3A      Mon-Thu Jul 29-Aug 1             $39
 Tadpole 1B......... #311242-J      Tadpole 2B........#311242-V       Tadpole 3A.........#311242-6
                                                                                                                       SEE GRID FOR COURSE #S
 10:55 - 11:30 AM                   10:55 - 11:30 AM                  11:00 - 11:45 AM                  Ages 4-5 (4 lessons)              Penfield HS Pool
 Level 1...............#311255-A    Level 1...............#311275-A   Level 3...............#311294-C   Water safety and basic swimming skills are taught in
 Level 2...............#311255-B    Level 2...............#311275-B   Level 4.............. #311294-D
 Level 3...............#311255-C    Level 3...............#311275-C   Level 5 & 6.......#311294-E
                                                                                                        a playful manner to encourage a love for swimming!
 Level 4.............. #311255-D    Level 4.............. #311275-D                                     Lessons are held Monday through Thursday (except
 Level 5 & 6.......#311255-E        Level 5 & 6.......#311275-E                                         Session 1A) for 35 minutes starting at 8:00AM (see
                                                                       RESERVE                          grid for times and course #). Parent observation day
 Tadpole 1A........#311242-K        Tadpole 2A...... #311242-W
 Tadpole 1B........#311242-L        Tadpole 2B........#311242-X       YOUR SPOT!                        is Wednesday for all sessions except Session 1A is
                                                                                                        Thursday. (Ratio - 1 instructor per 4 children.)
12    Summer 2019                                                                                               Penfield Recreation |

                   AQUATICS                                                  Private Swim Lessons
                                                                             Private swim lessons for ages 4 and up will be offered during
Summer Games 2019                                                            our afternoon family open swim program for the month
Sarah Zelinger, Certified Teacher                                            of July at the Penfield High School pool. The fee will be
Reg. No.     Day          Date          Time                     Fee         $20 per half-hour lesson. Lessons will be instructed by the
311298-A Mon-Thu Jul 29-Aug 1           1:00-3:30PM               $60        Penfield Recreation summer aquatic staff and scheduled
Ages 7-9 (4 classes)                                 Penfield HS Pool       first come, first served, based on instructor availability. To
                                                                             make a reservation for your lesson, please call 249-6881
311298-B Mon-Thu Jul 29-Aug 1           1:00-3:30PM               $60        beginning June 24 and leave a message with the following
Ages 10-13 (4 classes)                               Penfield HS Pool       information:
Come and enjoy a fun-filled program where you will have                               • Your name
a chance to participate in field sports, track events, and water                      • Your child’s name
activities each day. Program includes activities such as: flag team                   • Preferred day of week (M - Th) for your lesson
games, PE game favorites, track events, water sports and more.
Each day please dress for the weather, wear sneakers, bring bathing                   • Number of lessons you would like
suit, towel, and water bottle.                                                        • Approximate Red Cross swim level of your child
Camp director - Sarah Zelinger, certified teacher; Camp staff -                       • What specific skill(s) you wish to improve
members of the PHS swim and track teams
                                                                                      • Telephone numbers where you can
Penfield High School Pool and fields outside of pool entrance – first                 be reached in the afternoons
day meet at pool.

Splash into Family OPEN Swim & Lap Swim                                  Water Safety Instructor Aide Certification
Come and play, swim, and exercise while enjoying our spacious pool       Penfield Recreation Certified Instructor
divided to suit your needs; the shallow end with the 4 x 4 tot dock      Reg. No.    Day         Date             Time                  Fee
for the little ones, the deep end for water-walking or play, and two     311245-A Tue-Wed Jul 2-3                 9:00AM-12:00PM         $49
lanes for lap swimmers. Swimmers who pass the deep end test can          Ages 10-15 (2 classes)                             Penfield HS Pool
also enjoy the 1-meter boards in the diving well!                        Training is provided to individuals who wish to assist Water Safety
Pool rules state:                                                        Instructors in conducting American Red Cross swimming course.
   • All swimmers must be completely toilet trained.                     This training will provide students with the ability to understand
                                                                         the roles and responsibilities of a WSI Aide. This course provides
   • All hair must be secured back.                                      an excellent opportunity for those swimmers who have passed Level
   • A swimming adult must accompany any swimmer                         5 or 6 of the American Red Cross swim course and are looking for
     in the pool who measures less than 50” from                         a way to stay active with swimming and keep up their technique. If
     chin to toe, and under the age of 10.                               you love swimming and want to teach others to swim, you’ll love this
                                                                         course! (The American Red Cross Swimming and Diving Manual
   • An adult must be on deck if swimmer exceeds the                     will be utilized during class and will be available for students to
     height requirement, but is under the age of 10.                     borrow.) Students should bring a notebook, pencil, Level 5 or 6
      Monday-Thursday 7/1 - 7/25 • 1:00 - 3:30 PM (no swim 7/4)          swim card, bathing suit, and towel to first class. Those students
                                                                         who successfully complete this course will have the opportunity to
   Penfield High School Pool Fee: $2.00 per person - pay at pool OR      volunteer with a water safety instructor during session 2 or 3 of the
              PURCHASE A SUMMER FAMILY FUN PASS                          swim program. Limited enrollment.
 FOR $20.00 - ALLOWS UP TO 4 SWIMMERS ENTRY TO FAMILY SWIM               Bring bathing suit and towel
             OFFICE OR AT POOL DURING FAMILY SWIM.                       Prerequisite: Completion of ARC Level 5 and a strong sense of
                                                                         maturity and responsibility

                                                                         American Red Cross Water Safety
                                                                         Instructor Certification Class
                                                                         Joel Freeman, Certified Red Cross Instructor
                                                                         Reg. No.   Day           Date            Time            Fee
                                                                         311230-A Tue & Thu May 21-Jun 20 6:00-9:00PM             $200
                                                                         Ages 16 & up (10 classes)                    Penfield HS Pool
                                                                         (Requirement: Must be 16 years old by 5/21/19)
                                                                         This program is for swimmers who have completed the American
                                                                         Red Cross Swim Level 4 and are interested in becoming instructors
                                                                         for Red Cross Swim programs. You will learn how to instruct the
                                                                         American Red Cross swimming levels, both adult and children’s
                                                                         lessons, and basic water safety. Attendance at all class sessions is
                                                                         required for completion and certification as a water safety instructor.
                                                                         Prerequisite: Completion of Level 4 in the ARC swim course & a
                                                                         strong sense of maturity & responsibility
                                                                         Register immediately for this program.
Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                                       Summer 2019         13

                                                                         Swim Lessons - Parent/Child
                                                                         Ages 6 months - 36 months
                                                                         Reg. No.   Day          Date               Time                     Fee
                                                                         301233-A Sun            Jul 7-Aug 18       12:45-1:15PM             $110
                                                                         301233-B Tue            Jul 9-Aug 20       6:30-7:00PM              $110
                                                                         Ages 6-36 mo. (7 lessons)                       Penfield Sport & Fitness
                                                                                                                           667 Panorama Trail W.
                                                                         Come and enjoy this time in the water with your little one. Learn
                                                                         how to be safe in and around the water with your child. Classes
                                                                         include supervised water activities such as getting into the pool
                                                                         the safe way, underwater exploration readiness, back floats, arm
                                                                         movements, rolling over and much, much more. Lessons are held in
                                                                         20-yard pool, kept at 89° F. Locker rooms available next to pool, &
                                                                         free child care provided. Pool staff are CPR, First Aid & Lifeguard
                                                                         certified. Classes require parent participation.

Springboard Diving                                                       Swim Lessons - Age 3
Joel Freeman, Diving Coach                                               Reg. No.     Day         Date             Time                    Fee
Reg. No.     Day       Date             Time                     Fee     301234-A Sun             Jul 7-Aug 18     10:25-10:55AM          $110
311226-A Mon-Thu Jul 8-11               5:00-6:00PM               $54    301234-B Sun             Jul 7-Aug 18     12:45-1:15PM           $110
Ages 8-18 (4 classes)                                Penfield HS Pool   Age 3 (7 lessons)      Penfield Sport & Fitness, 667 Panorama Trail W.

This course involves the use of one-meter springboards. Instruction      301234-C Tue & Thu Jul 9-25          10:00-10:30AM           $95
is individualized so that each student may progress at his or her        301234-D Tue & Thu Jul 30-Aug 15 10:00-10:30AM               $95
own rate. The diver will be encouraged to go as far as he/she desires    Age 3 (6 lessons) Penfield Sport & Fitness, 667 Panorama Trail W.
at each level. Parent observation is encouraged. Instruction will
include: front approaches, back approaches, inward and twisting          Our pre-beginner program for children age 3 is designed as an
dives. Beginner and experienced divers welcome.                          introduction to swimming and water enjoyment. The student
                                                                         instructor ratio for this class is 5 to 1, with a lifeguard on deck. Pool
                                                                         is 89° F with a parent viewing area. Instructors are Lifeguard, First
Lifeguarding Course with Waterfront Module                               Aid, and CPR certified. Locker rooms available next to pool & free
Joel Freeman, Certified Red Cross Instructor                             child care provided.
Reg. No.   Day           Date            Time                   Fee
311240-A Mon-Fri         Jun 24-28       4:00-9:00PM            $200     Water Yoga
Ages 15 & up (5 classes)                            Penfield HS Pool    Bonnie Sunderville
                                                                         Reg. No.     Day         Date             Time                    Fee
RED CROSS CERTIFIED LIFEGUARD CLASS                                      331222-A Thu             Jul 11-Aug 29 8:15-9:00AM                 $79
Lifeguard books and materials will be available to pick up at            (8 classes)            Penfield Sport & Fitness, 667 Panorama Trail W.
Recreation Office when you register. Read lifeguard book prior to        A class that presents Yoga poses in our 89° F salt-pure pool that
first class. Bring suit, goggles, towel, lifeguard book, and materials   enhances strength, increases range of motion, improves balance, and
to all class sessions. (Swimming requirements during course includes     includes relaxation techniques.
a 2-minute tread water, 300 yd (pool lifeguard) / 550 yd (waterfront
lifeguard) swim using freestyle and breast strokes, as well as a timed
surface dive 7-10 feet, retrieving a 10 lb. object, then swimming 20     H2O                                                             NEW
yards with object held by both hands.)                                   Penfield Sport and Fitness Instructor
                                                                         Reg. No.     Day          Date             Time                     Fee
You must attend all sessions and successfully complete with all          331224-A Tue & Thu Jul 2-Aug 27            2:00-2:50PM               $99
requirements to become a Certified Lifeguard. Bring snack/dinner.        (16 classes, no class 7/4)                      Penfield Sport & Fitness
Fee includes: Lifeguard book and CPR pocket mask.                                                                          667 Panorama Trail W.
                                                                         Set in our 89° F salt-pure pool, this low impact class is suitable for all
                                                                         levels of ability. Designed specifically to benefit those with arthritis,
  Pen Rec Mile Swim Club                                                 osteoporosis, as well as those looking for rehabilitation of joint and
  June is Wellness Month in Penfield. In honor of this we                muscle injuries or surgeries. Class meets 2x per week.
  will be holding a free program on two Saturday afternoons
  to promote wellness. Come in and work towards the goal of
  swimming one mile - 70 laps equals one mile. Achieve your
  goal by attending each Saturday or for those who are regular
  swimmers, come in and swim your 70 laps in one afternoon.
  Prizes will be awarded to those who complete the one-mile
  challenge. (New prize for those who complete it for the
  second, third, fourth or fifth year).
  Join us on Saturdays from 3:00-5:00PM
  on June 8 and June 15.
  See you at the pool!

14    Summer 2019                                                                                 Penfield Recreation |
Youth Programs

Camp Celebration!
Kristin Henderson, Certified Teacher                        NEW
Reg. No.     Day         Date            Time                  Fee
312420-A Mon-Fri         Aug 12-16       9:00AM-12:00PM         $75
Ages 6-10 (5 classes)      Scribner Road Elementary School Room 1A

Does your child love celebrating holidays and doing arts and crafts?
Then this is the perfect summer camp for them! Each day, we will
celebrate a different holiday, including Christmas, Halloween and
Valentine’s Day. Campers will create projects, listen to stories, and
play games. Get ready for five days of festive fun!                      Creative Movement
                                                                         Jodi Marcello, American Dance Academy
(Note: Wear sneakers. Wear old clothes or bring a smock for arts &       Reg. No.     Day       Date         Time                   Fee
crafts. Bring a snack and drink each day.)                               302830-01 Wed-Fri      Jul 24-Aug 2 9:50-10:30AM            $62
                                                                         Ages 3-5 (6 classes)                  Penfield Community Center
Art and Sensory Camp
Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning                     NEW          Children will be introduced to very basic tap & ballet movement.
Reg. No.    Day          Date             Time                 Fee       Participants will focus on group activities to include dance movement,
318020-D Mon-Fri         Aug 19-23        4:30-5:30PM           $60      tumbling, and dance exercise. Music for class is geared towards the
Ages 15 mo.-8 yr., with adult (5 classes) Penfield Community Center     preschool child. Ballet shoes recommended. Boys welcome!
This process-oriented art and sensory class is so much fun for young     Tap, Ballet & Tumbling
children. Not only do they make beautiful works of art, but they         Jodi Marcello, American Dance Academy
will explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and           Reg. No.     Day       Date         Time                  Fee
Math) concepts through the process. They will make art by using          302831-01 Wed-Fri      Jul 24-Aug 2 10:30-11:15AM          $62
catapults, bouncing and throwing, rolling and shaking, gluing and        Ages 5-9 (6 classes)                 Penfield Community Center
pasting, blowing and pulling, whacking and smacking, sticking and
stacking, and more! They get to explore a variety of materials with      Children will develop skills in the area of tap, ballet, and tumbling.
their senses. They will explore slimy, things, ooeygooey things, wet     Ballet shoes recommended along with a pair of hard-sole shoes for tap.
and dry things, rough and smooth things and more. It will be so
much fun, so please dress for the mess!                                  Hip Hop
                                                                         Jodi Marcello, American Dance Academy
Mini Masterpieces Art Camp                                               Reg. No.     Day       Date         Time                  Fee
Lindsey Hall, Art Education                                              302832-01 Wed-Fri      Jul 24-Aug 2 11:15AM-12:00PM        $62
Reg. No.     Day         Date           Time                  Fee        Ages 8-15 (6 classes)                Penfield Community Center
312416-01 Mon-Fri        Aug 19-23      10:40-11:40AM          $44       Boys and girls - enjoy learning the latest dance moves while getting
Ages 4-6 (5 classes)                     Penfield Community Center      a great work out! Dance the afternoon away meeting new friends
Does your child like to get messy and creative? Then join us for a       and having a great time.
week of art fun! We will do a different project each day inspired
by the season, famous artists, or other fun themes. Your little artist   Dance for a Princess
will explore a variety of art styles and materials to create their own   Jodi Marcello, American Dance Academy
masterpieces...or just have fun exploring! This class will be taught     Reg. No.     Day       Date         Time                  Fee
by an art teacher with an MS in Art Education. Wear a smock and a        302833-01 Wed-Fri      Jul 17-19    10:15-11:30AM          $46
smile and get ready for some fun! All materials provided.                302833-02 Wed-Fri      Aug 7-9      10:15-11:30AM          $46
                                                                         Ages 3-9 (3 classes)                 Penfield Community Center
Animation Workshop                                                       Your little ballerina will experience the enchanting world of a
Dave Puls
                                                                         Fairytale Princess. The magical days will include dancing to
Reg. No.     Day        Date            Time                  Fee        princess music, making a princess craft, hearing a princess story, and
312425-A Mon, Tue & Fri Aug 19-23       10:00-11:30AM          $50       emphasizing qualities that make a real princess so special. Costumes
Ages 8-12 (3 classes)                    Penfield Community Center      can be worn to camp. Different princess themes each camp.
Why watch cartoons when you can make them? The young artists
will design their characters and then make a professional- style
model sheet and character description sheet. They will learn how
                                                                         Kick Off Summer – Kids Yoga Camp
                                                                         Jodi Marcello, RYT, LYI                                     NEW
to create a motion map for smooth animation and then do a series         Reg. No.     Day        Date            Time                  Fee
of drawings that will be recorded to video with music. The last 15       302834-01 Wed & Fri Jun 26 & 28         10:15-11:30AM          $69
minutes of the final class will be used to premiere their animation      Ages 5-12 (2 classes)                    Penfield Community Center
for friends and family. A copy of the video will be given to the
Recreation Department for students to borrow. Please bring two #2        Our kick off summer yoga camp includes active yoga practice,
pencils with erasers.                                                    partner and team activities, as well as incorporating mindfulness and
                                                                         relaxation techniques including journaling and art.
Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                                      Summer 2019       15
Youth Programs

                     Visit for more info

            2019-20 SEASON                           2019 SUMMER
               TRYOUTS                                  CAMPS
     Birth Years: 2007-2001 U13-U19                         Libbie Tobin
                   July 19th & 20th                      PreK - 12th Grade
                                                    July 8th -11th (Monday-Thursday)
     Birth Years: 2012-2008 U9-U12
     Saturdays, September 7th & 14th
                                                  Craig Demmin Grades 2-12
                                                         July 15th -19th

16    Summer 2019                                          Penfield Recreation |
Youth Programs

                         DRAMA                                                                 EDUCATION
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR.
Edward Rocha, Bravo Creative Arts Productions                  NEW          Cursive Writing Class
                                                                            Barbara Quinn                                                 NEW
Reg. No.  Day         Date             Time                        Fee      Reg. No.    Day            Date          Time                   Fee
316210-A Tue & Wed Jun 25-Aug 14 5:30-7:00PM                       $200     312415-A Mon-Wed Jul 15-17               9:00AM-12:00PM          $30
                                                                            Grades 3-5 fall ’19 (3 classes)        Dayton’s Corners Schoolhouse/
                                                                                                                          Museum, 1375 Creek St.
         Mon-Thu         Aug 19-22        5:30-7:00PM
                                                                            Your child will learn the lost art of cursive writing in the historic
                                                                            setting of Penfield’s 1857 Dayton’s Corners Schoolhouse! We will
           Fri           Aug 23           7:00PM
                                                                            follow the Palmer Method, and the Hayes Book of Cursive Writing
           Sat           Aug 24           2:00PM
                                                                            worksheets will be used. We will practice push-pulls and ovals on
Ages 5-14                                  Penfield Community Center
                                                                            our school chalkboards, then practice on large paper, then small
Roald Dahl’s timeless story of the world-famous candy man and his           work on worksheets. Paper and writing tools will be provided. Snack
quest to find an heir is a golden ticket to adventure. The delicious        & drink will be provided.
adventures of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory light up the stage in
this captivating adaptation of Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale. Featuring     Kids in the Kitchen
the enchanting songs from the 1971 film in addition to a host of fun        Sherry Murray
new songs, Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR. is a scrumdidilyumptious            Reg. No.    Day           Date          Time                   Fee
musical guaranteed to delight everyone’s sweet tooth.                       312411-01 Fri             Jun 7-21      10:00-11:00AM           $38
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR. follows enigmatic candy manufacturer           Ages 2-6, with adult (3 classes) Penfield Community Center Kitchen
Willy Wonka as he stages a contest by hiding golden tickets in five of      Does your little one love to help in the kitchen? In this class toddlers
his scrumptious candy bars. Whomever comes up with these tickets            and preschoolers will be able to make their own snacks by following
will win a free tour of the Wonka factory, as well as a lifetime supply     simple instructions. They will be encouraged to mix, measure, create,
of candy. Four of the five winning children are insufferable brats, but     and taste new foods. Adults will learn some creative ways to serve
the fifth is a likeable young lad named Charlie Bucket, who takes           old favorites. Each week will center on an age-appropriate theme.
the tour in the company of his equally amiable grandfather. The             We will also read a story, and rotate through 4-5 stations with
children must learn to follow Mr. Wonka’s rules in the factory—or           crafts and activities to do together. Children will practice following
suffer the consequences.                                                    directions, listening to a teacher, taking turns, and using classroom
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR. has a flexible cast size with                  materials appropriately in a relaxed environment with their caregiver
many featured and ensemble roles, including the singing and                 present. Colors, numbers, and shapes will be discussed as well. This
dancing Oompa Loompas. Everyone who registers will receive a                fun class is led by a preschool teacher with a BS in Early Childhood
part in the show!                                                           Education and a Monroe County Food Handling Certificate.
Cast members will also make new friends and learn the value of
teamwork. The program will culminate in a full stage production             Culinary Kids Camp
complete with costumes, sets, lights, sound and choreography.               Sherry Murray
Tuition covers costume rental, sets, props, a show shirt, and cast party.   Reg. No.     Day              Date          Time                Fee
                                                                            312412-01 Mon, Wed, Thu       Jul 15-18     1:00-3:00PM         $95
Technical Theater –                                                         312412-02 Mon, Wed, Thu       Jul 29-Aug 1 1:00-3:00PM          $95
                                                                            Ages 6-9 (3 classes)              Penfield Community Center Kitchen
Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka JR.
Edward Rocha, Bravo Creative Arts Productions                  NEW          Roll up your sleeves, feel the dough, and get ready to slice and
Reg. No.  Day         Date             Time                        Fee      dice. This kids camp will have everyone creating 2-3 recipes a day,
316210-B Tue & Wed Jun 25-Aug 14 5:30-7:00PM                       $125     and some fun crafts to use in the kitchen. Please dress for hands-
                                                                            on cooking, every good chef gets a little messy! Please bring in a large
PRODUCTION WEEK                                                            plastic container labeled with your child’s name. Parents are invited
         Mon-Thu         Aug 19-22        5:30-7:00PM                       to join us the last 15 minutes of class on Thursday to sample our
PERFORMANCE                                                                culinary creations. Please indicate any food allergies.
           Fri           Aug 23           7:00PM                            Space is limited so be sure to sign up early!
           Sat           Aug 24           2:00PM
Ages 8-16                                  Penfield Community Center
Students with interest in any area of technical theater—the Tech
Crew provides all students an opportunity to contribute to theater
together through exploration, creativity, and collaboration. Designed
to be an immersive, hands-on technical theater arts education
program, this group of students will learn about all aspects of
Technical Theater, while creating the lights, set, sound, and all other
technical elements for the summer production. At the beginning of
the session, each student will be assigned a leadership role on the Tech
Crew based on his or her interests—serving as the main overseer for
a specific technical area within the production. Through problem
solving, responsibility, and creative thinking, each crew member will
be empowered to take ownership over his or her area and provide
leadership and instruction to the other Tech Crew members.
Penfield Recreation | 585-340-8655                                                                                           Summer 2019       17
Youth Programs
Preschool Adventures - Single Servings                                      Jedi Training Camp
Sherry Murray                                                               Drew Beeman, Progressive Early Learning
Reg. No.   Day           Date             Time                     Fee      Reg. No.    Day           Date        Time                   Fee
                                                                            318020-C Mon-Fri          Aug 5-9     4:30-5:30PM             $60
                                                                            Ages 4-10, with adult (5 classes)       Penfield Community Center
312413-01 Thu         Jun 13              6:00-7:00PM               $15
                                                                            This Jedi Training class mixes reality and fantasy, mindfulness and
                                                                            meditation, seriousness and fun! Your little padawan will learn the
312413-02 Mon            Jul 1            10:00-11:00AM             $15
                                                                            skills necessary for a Jedi. They will learn to focus and clear their
STREGA NONA                                                                minds. To concentrate and “feel the Force.” They will practice self-
312413-03 Mon            Jul 8            10:00-11:00AM             $15    regulation and emotional regulation skills. They will learn how to
ARE YOU MY MOTHER?                                                         respond, not to react. They will learn basic lightsaber skills, and gain
312413-04 Mon       Jul 22                10:00-11:00AM             $15    control and mastery over their bodies. They will also construct their
                                                                            own lightsaber from everyday household objects! This class is taught
DR. SEUSS                                                                  by “Jedi Master” Drew, with help from “Master Yoda.”
312413-05 Mon            Aug 19           10:00-11:00AM             $15
IT’S A SURPRISE!                                                           Shutterbugs!
312413-06 Mon            Aug 26           10:00-11:00AM          $15       Sabrina Renner, Penfield Recreation
Ages 2-6, with adult               Penfield Community Center Kitchen       Reg. No.     Day        Date            Time                  Fee
Full descriptions available on our website.                                 318030-A Mon            Jun 3-17        5:30-6:30PM            $10
                                                                            Ages 7-12 (3 classes)             Harris Whalen Park upper pavilion
Doll Adventures                                                             Is your little nymph hooked on taking photos? This class is the next
Sherry Murray                                                               step to turning their fascination into a fun, creative, and rewarding
Reg. No.   Day           Date             Time                     Fee      hobby! They will learn the basics of composing a shot, focus,
                                                                            holding still, using light, choosing a subject and background, and
SPA TIME                                                                   more through fun games, activities, and practice photo shoots. Your
312414-01 Thu            Jun 6            6:00-7:00PM               $20    shutterbug will learn to see things with a photographic eye, and
CELEBRATE SUMMER                                                           they’ll be amazed at how different things can look with just a slight
312414-02 Thu     Jul 11                  6:00-7:00PM               $20    change of perspective.
LITTLE CHEF                                                                Participants should bring a digital point-and-shoot camera with a
312414-03 Thu           Aug 29            6:00-7:00PM             $20      clean memory card.
Ages 6 and up, with adult                   Penfield Community Center

Creative classes for kids to make custom accessories for their
American Girl dolls. Projects are sized for dolls 18” or smaller.
Please bring a doll and a sharp pair of scissors to class.
Full descriptions available on our website.                                 Youth Fitness Fun
                                                                            Dave Pfaff, AMP Fitness                                       NEW
Red Cross Babysitting                                                       Reg. No.     Day        Date              Time                   Fee
Domenic Danesi, Red Cross instructor                                        313810-A Mon            Jun 24-Jul 15     6:30-7:15PM             $60
Reg. No.    Day       Date                Time                   Fee        Ages 5-12 (4 classes)                              Harris Whalen Park
316610-A Sat          Jun 15              9:00AM-3:00PM           $80
Ages 11-15                                  Penfield Community Center      This outdoor fitness class for kids will get them moving! The
                                                                            primary focus is to have fun through group fitness activities that will
This course is designed to provide youth (ages 11-15), who are              incorporate skill, strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiorespiratory
planning to babysit, with the knowledge and skills necessary to             endurance. This is a good foundation for playing sports, or just
safely and responsibly care for children and infants. This training         living a healthy lifestyle!
will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to
develop a babysitting business; keep themselves and others safe, and
help children behave. Through hands-on practice, the successful
candidate will receive certification as an American Red Cross
babysitter (certificate will be emailed). Brown bag lunches are
encouraged. Questions - please call Domenic at 281-4208.

Safety First for Children
Domenic Danesi, Ready to Respond Training
Reg. No.   Day         Date           Time                   Fee
316810-A Sat           Jun 15         3:30-5:00PM             $40
Ages 7-13                               Penfield Community Center
This course will teach students how to answer the door, make a
911 call, fire safety, house rules, stranger danger, internet safety, and
some basic first aid. The program includes take-home reference
information for the children. Bring a snack. Questions - please call
Domenic at 281-4208.

18    Summer 2019                                                                                   Penfield Recreation |
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