AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours

Page created by Todd Santos
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
Southern & East
Wildlife Adventure Tours

South Africa • Botswana • Namibia • Zimbabwe • eswatini • LESOTHO
   Mozambique • Zambia • Malawi • Kenya • Tanzania • Uganda

  DRIFTERS EXPERIENCES • comfortable accommodated tours
  Adventure camping tours • tailor made Botswana safaris
       greenfire lodge collection • Self-drive tours

                                                                    w w w. d r i f ter s .c
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
   gENERAL INFORMATION..................................................................................... 3
   SAFARI TRUCK INFORMATION...........................................................................4
   GREENFIRE LODGES .......................................................................................... 42
   DEPARTURE POINTS........................................................................................... 46
   DEPARTURE DATES & PRICES..........................................................................47                                                                                                       Luangwa                    Lilongwe
   SOUTH AFRICA SELF-DRIVE.............................................................................52                                                                                                                            MALAWI
   CAMPING GEAR INFORMATION.......................................................................56                                                                              LUSAKA    Zambezi
   BOOKING CONDITIONS & GENERAL INFO..................................................95                                                                          zambia

                                                                                                                                                                         Victoria                          MANA POOLS
                                                                                                                                                                                           Lake Kariba    NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                                                                              Chobe                                         Harare
   KRUGER PARK | 5 DAY BUSHVELD SAFARI................................................... 8                                                 MOREMI
                                                                                                                                           RESERVE                 NXAI PAN
   BOTSWANA SALT PANS | 5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI..................................10                                                            Oka-                 NATIONAL PARK                                Save
                                                                                                                                           vango                                                  Matobo
   BOTSWANA NATIONAL PARK | 5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI...................... 12                                                                  Delta Maun

   UNEXPLORED GARDEN ROUTE | 7 DAY SAFARI........................................ 14                                                                          Makgadikgadi
                                                                                                                                                                Salt Pans
   SAFARI & BEACH | 7 DAY EXPERIENCE......................................................... 16                                                     Ghanzi
                                                                                                                                                                                    Francistown                                                Murch
   LOWER ZAMBEZI | 6 DAY Canoe SAFARI................................................... 18                                                            Central                                                   Kruger
   4X4 SELF-DRIVE TOUR | 9 DAY SAFARI...................................................... 20                                                                                                                  National


AccomModated Tours
                                                                                                                                                                    Johannesburg                              eswatini

  SOUTH AFRICA | 18 day OVERLAND SAFARI............................................ 24                                                                                                                                                          Bwind
  BOTSWANA | 16 DAY OVERLAND SAFARI....................................................28                                    Fish River
                                                                                                                              Canyon                                    Drakensberg
  NAMIBIA | 16 DAY ADVENTURE SAFARI........................................................32
                                                                                                                             SOUTH AFRICA
  BOTSWANA | maun lodgE.............................................................................40                                                                                      Durban         Umdloti

  BOTSWANA | private TAILOR MADE safaris......................................... 41
                                                                                                                                                                                             Wild Coast

camping tours
                                                                                                                          Cape Town

                                                                                                                                         MOSSEL BAY
   BOTSWANA | 16 DAY overland SAFARI................................................... 60                                                             Knysna
                                                                                                                                                                                             W                                            E
   NAMIBIA | 16 DAY ADVENTURE SAFARI....................................................... 64
   KENYA/TANZANIA | 12 DAY overland SAFARI......................................72
   UGANDA | 13 DAY overland safari..........................................................76
   SOUTHERN HIGHLIGHTS | 16 DAY ADVENTURE SAFARI....................... 80                                                                                                                                            S
   SOUTHERN CIRCLE | 24 DAY OVERLAND EXPLORER............................ 84
   ZIMBABWE AND ZAMBIA | 16 DAY overland SAFARI..........................88                                         Accommodated
                                                                                                                      & CAMPING
What Drifters offers you                                                                                                                                                                                                    LUSAKA


                                                                                                                                                                                                           zambia                             CHIRUND

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Victoria               Lake
    37 Years of proven                                                                                                                                                                                                 Falls               Kariba
                                                            Excellent backup facilities
 experience in adventure                                        in all areas of operation
                                                                                                                            Etosha Nat. Park                                                          Chobe                                            H

          travel                                                                                                                                     Namutoni

                                                                                                                            brandberg                                                        Maun                          Nata
  Fully inclusive tours – our
                                                                  Small groups of                                                                                                                     Makgadikgadi
packages even include hidden
                                                              international adventure                                                                                                                   Salt Pans
 costs like the entry fee into                                                                                                                                                              Ghanzi
                                                                     travellers                                                                        Windhoek                                                                 Francistown
         Victoria Falls                                                                                             Swakopmund

      Qualified and
                                                                                                                       Sossusvlei         namibia                                BOTSWANA
                                                             Wide selection of camping
 knowledgeable full time                                                                                                 Desert Camp
                                                             and accommodated tours
professional safari guides

                                                                                                                                                                  Fish River
  A fleet of custom built,                                                                                                                                         Canyon                                        Drakensberg
                                                                   Regular departures
  state of the art safari
                                                                  throughout the year
                                                                                                                                                                    SOUTH AFRICA                                           Lesotho

  Only our trucks offer                                        Tours for every holiday
                                                              budget ranging from 5 to                                                                                                                                                    Wild Coast
 guests the comfort of a
     built in kitchen                                                  24 Days                                                                                                          OUDSHOORN

                                                                                                                                                     Cape Town
                                                                                                                                                                              MOSSEL BAY

  2        www.dri f ter s.c o. z a                                                                                                                       HERMANUS
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
The Original Green                              sustainable future for generations to come.
                                                           Company                                         All our Drifters staff have the opportunity to
                                                           Drifters has a proud history of conservation    improve and advance their skill level through
                                                           that spans over 3 decades. Our approach         a study support program in place for them.
                                                           to running tours in a safe and sustainable
                                                           manner is green to the core with numerous       Caring for the environment to insure that
                                                           projects launched over the years that not       future generations will be able to travel with
                                                           only benefit the environment and local          us and have the same experience we offer
                                                           communities but also our guests on tour         now is part of the essence of Drifters and
                                                           giving them a unique and sustainable            remains a focus point for everyone on the
                                                           experience.                                     team. Visiting sensitive nature areas is part
                                                                                                           of our experience and our guides insure we
                                                           Over the last 36 years we have invested in      offer a fantastic experience but one that is
                                                           the environment and local communities           controlled and has no damaging effect on
                                                           rebuilding nature areas that was once on        nature. Avoiding single use plastic where
UE                                                         the verge of destruction and employing local    ever possible and the active promotion of
                                                           communities to gain from the proceeds of        safe and sustainable water use are two
                                                           tourism. Our properties like the Drakensberg    key aspects. Travelling through developing
                                                           Lodge in South Africa, our desert reserve       counties where limited facilities exists for
                                                           in Namibia, the Maun Lodge in Botswana          good waste management our guides make
                                                           and the Lodges in Balule adjacent to Kruger     a point of leaving each campsite clean and
                                                           Park are shining examples of years of           in pristine condition.
                                                           rehabilitation and investment to turn these
               uganda                                      properties into thriving nature areas filled    As the oldest adventure tour company in
                    Victoria Nile                          with indigenous plant and animal species.       South Africa our approach to a sustainable
                                     kenya                                                                 future and the implementation of
                                                           Our efforts do not stop at rehabilitating       sustainable practices has been the focus
                                                  Lake     nature areas but expands to the local           since 1983. It remains one of the core
                  Entebbe            Masai
                                                           communities that live in the areas we visit     values for the company and its employees
               Lake Mburo
              National Park
                                                           and work. Employing only local guides from      driven to a greener future for all. Our
 al                                              Nairobi   Southern Africa for our scheduled groups        affiliation to numerous governing bodies in
                                                           tours is just the beginning. Throughout our     Southern Africa that control and regulate the
                                                           tour routes we employ local people that         tourism industry is a stamp of approval for
                            Crater           Arusha        live in the vicinity of our lodges insuring a   the practices implemented.


                                                           Our Heritage                                    or small hotels. Drifters tours are based
                                                           Established in 1983, Drifters has become        on twin shared accommodation; however
                                                           the leaders in adventure travel throughout      we do not charge a single supplement for
                                                           Southern and East Africa. Our team of           individual bookings.
                                                           passionate staff are all from Southern
                                                           Africa ensuring local expertize in all areas.   Our Customers
                                                           Over more than 3 decades Drifters has built     We target adventure-minded people, who
                                                           up a vast infrastructure of Drifters owned      through their own active participation in
                                                           vehicles, boats, canoes and adventure           the tours get maximum enjoyment. Our
                                                           equipment which means clients are able          clients are normally down-to-earth people
                                                           to enjoy the best of Africa without added       from all walks of life and from all corners
                                                           expense. Our focus from the start has been      of the globe, who by choice have selected
      Luangwa                    Lilongwe                  on running sustainable tours in sensitive       an adventure safari in order to enjoy the
                                                           nature areas that will allow generations of     maximum experience.
                              MALAWI                                                                       If you really wish to spend your time on an
                                                           guests to all have the same experiences as
                                                           those before them. By involving and working     African safari with a small international
                                                           with local communities, employing local         group, and you relish the thought of an
DU                                                         staff and actively investing in conservation    environmentally educative and adventurous
                                                           means our guests enjoy an authentic             experience where Roughing it and Loving it
                                                           experience that enhances the overall tour       is the order of the day, then Drifters is your
 Harare             MOZAMBIQUE                             experience and has a positive impact on         only choice.
 bwe                                                       nature and the people of Southern and East
                                                           Africa.                                         Itineraries
                                                                                                           The day by day descriptions published in this
o                                                          Our Product                                     brochure or on the website are intended as a
                                                           All of our tours are inclined toward the        guideline only. Adventure travel by nature is
                                                           interesting and often unique fauna and flora    unpredictable and weather patterns, game
                                                           of Africa and for this reason we often leave    migrations, road conditions, travelling times
                                                           the beaten track to explore remote areas        and a multitude of other factors associated
        National                                           where little or no familiar infrastructure      with travel in Africa may necessitate itinerary
          Park   Inhambane
                                                           exists. In these areas we generally camp, but   changes that ultimately are for the client’s
                                                           all equipment is supplied, and no previous      benefit. An open and flexible approach, a
                                                           experience is necessary. All that you need      willingness to participate in the day to day
                                             AFRICA        to bring along is a sense of adventure and      of the tour procedures and an awareness
      eswatini                                             the clothes you will wear. (For the camping     of the elements are essential in order to get
                                                           tours you also need to bring your sleeping      the most out of your tour experience.
        Land                                               bag!) When we enter built-up areas where
                                                           facilities exist, we use Lodges, tented units



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AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
Drifters    VEHICLE infor mation

                                                   5                                             6

                                                                                   9                                                 3
                                        2                                                                        8


 refreshingly cool Fridge and                                                                                     USB charging ports to
                                                          custom built Fully functional
     freezer facilities & A 400ℓ                                                                                recharge your batteries on
                                                                 masterchef kitchen.
  clean drinking water tank.                                                                                                 the go.

                                                                                                                Massive windows offering
     Individual Client Lockers,                              Forward facing reclining                       unparalleled views for nature
     Easy access for clients.                               seats for maximum comfort.                           and scenic photography.

        A client safe to store away valuables, such as passports and moneybags,
 1      while out on activities.                                                   6   Individual travel bag behind each seat for small items.

 2      A friendly, professional and qualified guide.                              7   Long Range Fuel Tanks.

                                                                                       Maps provided for client use & Library of Reference books and
 3      Mobile toilet and shower facilities.                                       8   guide manuals.

                                                                                       Ample space and storage for a comfortable ride throughout
 4      Storage compartments for all our tents, chairs, camp beds & spare parts.   9   Southern and East Africa.

        PA System for easy communication between the guide and clients as
 5      well as to play music on longer drives.

4 4 w ww.dri
             f ter
                 f ter
                       o.zao. z a
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
Reliable                            Safe                       Practical                                Comfortable

  A ll ve h i cl es a re d es i gne d in a m a nne r t h a t r e f lects
    o u r d e c a d es o f ex p er ie nc e in t h e sa f a r i indu st ry .

                                                   4x4 truck
                                                   For the Uganda tour we use a 4 x 4 truck similar to the standard truck, but
                                                   specifically adapted to suit rough terrain. These vehicles are also fully equipped
                                                   for maximum client comfort.

 land cruiser
 The Scheduled Botswana Tours and the Botswana Private Safaris make use of custom
 built Land Cruisers to explore the wilderness areas of Botswana. These vehicles are
 fully equipped with all the necessary equipment needed in this rugged terrain.

                                                  All Drifters guides are qualified, full-time professionals, registered with the Field
                                                  Guide Association of Southern Africa and South African Tourism. All guides are
                                                  specifically registered and licensed in order to provide you with an informative, safe,
                                                  and enjoyable experience whatever your choice of safari.

Vehicle Information

                                                                                                                  w w w. d r i f ter s .c   5
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
safari & beach Experience to mozambique                                                                   unexplored GARDEN
ROUTE Experience                      luxury lower ZAMBEZI canoe safari                                                          tag along
self-DRIVE south africa                              private scheduled moremi or pans safari

 for those with
   limited time
  in search of
  a bucket list                                          zambia                 LUSAKA                                         MALAWI

                                                                   Victoria                        MANA POOLS
                                                                     Falls                        NATIONAL PARK

                                                              NXAI PAN
                                                            NATIONAL PARK
                                                  Maun                   Nata
                                                         PANS NATIONAL PARK

                                                   Central                                               Kruger
                                                   Kalahari                                             National
           namibia                                                                                        Park

                                      BOTSWANA                                                                     Inhambane

                                                               Johannesburg                           eswatini                     N

                         Fish River                                                                     Land

                           SOUTH AFRICA                                                  Durban
                                                                                                                     W                       E

                                                                                       Wild Coast
                     Cape Town
                                      MOSSEL BAY
                                                    Knysna                                                                         S

      PO Box 4712, Cresta 2118, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA | Tel: (+27 11) 888 1160 • Fax: (+27 11) 888 1020
 6    www.dri f ter s.c o. z a E-mail: • Website:
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
w w w. d r i f ter s .c   7
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
Drifters experiences

                                    KRUGER                                             LIMPOPO PROVINCE
                                                                                                BUSH LODGE

                                                                         SOUTH AFRICA

                                        Johannesburg to Johannesburg           Johannesburg
                                        5 DAY KRUGER SAFARI                                   MPUMALANGA


                                                                   4 NIGHTS LODGE
                                    8   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
The Mpumalanga area is one of great                    INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
contrast, bordered in the west by the              •      Exclusive Private Reserve                           INCLUDED HIG HLI G HTS
towering escarpment, with lush indigenous          •      Morning guided walk in Big 5 area               •    Dullstroom
forests, crystal-clear streams and plunging        •      Afternoon game drive / night drive

                                                                                                                                                                  Drifters experiences
waterfalls, and then falling away into the                                                                •    Private game reserve
flat Lowveld bushveld, home to one of the          DAY 3: PANORAMA ROUTE - HAZYVIEW                       •    Exclusive bush lodge
richest diversities of fauna and flora in the      Rising with the African sun, we enjoy a hearty         •    Bush walk - “Big 5”
world. Well known private reserves and the         breakfast, before setting off to explore the
renowned Kruger National Park are located          highlights of the Panorama Route. Our first            •    Open vehicle game drive
in this area. We spend time, both in Kruger        stop will be to view the impressive Blyde River        •    Night game drive
National Park, and on our own private              Canyon, then on to Bourke’s Luck Potholes,             •    Panorama route drive
reserve, which is unfenced to Kruger Park.         God’s Window, and the cozy little town of
Being privately owned, we have the freedom         Graskop, where we enjoy an own expense                 •    Blyde River Canyon
to conduct game walks, open vehicle game           lunch. The Panorama Route offers guests                •    3 Rondawels
                                                   some of the best natural wonders in the area
drives and night drives on our property.           and we will spend as much time as possible at          •    Bourke’s Luck Potholes
                                                   each of the highlights.                                •    God’s Window
Departing from the Greenfire Lodge,                This afternoon we make our way to the                  •    Kruger National Park
Johannesburg at 06h30, we set off on the           tranquil GREENFIRE LODGE HAZYVIEW, a                   •    Forest walk
scenic road to Mpumalanga. We enjoy a lunch        log cabin built spectacularly on stilts in the
stop in the historic town of Dullstroom, before    indigenous forest on the banks of the Sabie
we wind our way down the Drakensberg               River. Time permitting, guests are able to do
escarpment and into the untamed Lowveld.           a nature walk on the property and enjoy the
                                                   surrounding forest. We spend two nights here.              D e pa r t ur e s
The road is filled with scenic beauty, from                                                               This tour departs from Johannesburg every
mountain passes to the Acacia trees scattered      BD
across the African bushveld.                                                                              Sunday
We spend the next two nights at our well-          •     Greenfire Lodge Hazyview - Log Cabins            See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
appointed PRIVATE BUSH LODGE, which is
situated in a private reserve within the greater       INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                       At time of going to print the above itinerary
Kruger National Park, an area where animals        •      Panorama Route
roam naturally and unrestricted. Being on a                                                               was correct, but Drifters continually strive
                                                   •      God’s Window                                    to offer our clients the best available
privately owned reserve allows us the freedom      •      Bourke’s Luck Potholes
to explore the wilderness in search of a variety                                                          tour options, and as such we reserve the
                                                   •      3 Rondavels
of animals, both on foot and in open game                                                                 right to change aspects of the itinerary at
drive vehicles, day and night.                                                                            our discretion. During the validity period
                                                       OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES
                                                   •     Gorge Swing                                      of the published itinerary, conditions
The tented lodge blends into the bush and
offers comfortable beds, en-suite bathrooms,                                                              may change, roads may be improved
a refreshing splash pool, and stunning views       DAY 4: KRUGER NAT. PARK                                or deteriorate, contracted camps and
over the surrounding wilderness, including a       An early start, we depart the lodge at sunrise         accommodation facilities may change
water hole frequented by a variety of game.        and travel the short distance to enter a               standards, optional activities might
Dinner tonight is cooked in the traditional        different area of the Kruger National Park,            become available or be discontinued,
manner over an open fire. D                        for a full day of game viewing. Game driving
                                                   slowly in search of the many animals that              new border posts open or existing ones
                                                   inhabit this area, we enjoy the high vantage           become congested, etc.          Drifters are
    ACCOMMODATION                                  point and comfort of our well-equipped                 continuously monitoring all of the factors
•     Bush Lodge - Twin-Bedded                     vehicle. Our guide will take time to explain
      en suite Tented Units                        the behaviour of the animals we see in this            that contribute to a successful tour, and
                                                   fascinating environment.                               will make amendments to the published
    INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                                                                          itinerary if circumstances so demand, or
•      Scenic drive down to the Lowveld region     Although most of the day will be spent game            if we believe that the change will enhance
                                                   viewing, we will stop at various designated            the tour.
•      Private Game Reserve Accommodation          sites to stretch our legs, to enjoy brunch, and
                                                   to visit one of the park’s rest camps. Late this
DAY 2: BUSH LODGE                                  afternoon we exit the park and return to the
                                                                                                              Important information
As is the custom in the bush, we start the         comfort of our GREENFIRE LODGE HAZYVIEW
day with a light breakfast of coffee and rusks     Brunch D
(a traditional South African biscuit), before                                                             This tour is fully accommodated and all linen
embarking on a guided game walk within                 ACCOMMODATION                                      and towels are supplied. Seasonal malaria
this Big 5 area. Although we will walk for                                                                precautions may be advisable and are locally
some three hours, the purpose is not to cover      •     Greenfire Lodge Hazyview - Log Cabins
                                                                                                          obtainable. Game viewing on foot is difficult,
distance, but rather to search for animals and                                                            so we also place importance on some of the
to focus on the smaller things one misses              INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
                                                                                                          smaller aspects of the bush. It can get very hot
while out driving around in the bush. A Drifters
guide and/or tracker will lead the walk. Before
                                                          Southern Section of Kruger National Park
                                                          Full Day Game Drive
                                                                                                          so suitable precautions against sunburn should          KRUGER PARK | 5 DAY KRUGER SAFARI
the heat of the day sets in, we return to the                                                             be taken.
lodge for a sumptuous brunch, after which
it’s time to relax around the lodge and enjoy      DAY 5: JOHANNESBURG                                    Our price includes all transport, food, coffee,
the serenity of the surrounding wilderness. A      After a relaxed breakfast, we depart Hazyview          tea, accommodation, walks, game drives,
nearby waterhole in front of the camp is the       and make our way back to Johannesburg. The
                                                   tour will end in the late afternoon, on arrival at     entry fees and permits, group equipment and a
source of water for many animals that come                                                                professional guide.
here to quench their thirst, and game viewing      the Greenfire Johannesburg Lodge. B
from the swimming pool is an excellent way to
avoid the heat.                                     INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                          The price does not include alcohol, bottled water
                                                                                                          and soft drinks, curios, tips and meals whilst
                                                   • Scenic drive
In the afternoon, we conduct an open vehicle                                                              in transit to and from Johannesburg. Before
game drive which develops into an extensive                                                               departure, clients will be required to enter
night drive, all the time searching for animals.   AIRPORT DROP-OFF:
                                                                                                          into an agreement pertaining to our booking
We will drive in search of animals until just      On the last day of tour the guide will make a
                                                                                                          conditions and general information. Clients
before sunset, when the guide will stop for        short stop at the Johannesburg airport (O R
                                                                                                          are required to have their own comprehensive
us to enjoy a sundowner drink as the sun sets      Tambo International) in order for guests that
                                                                                                          personal travel insurance.
over the bushveld. Once it is dark we continue     have evening flights to leave the tour.
our game drive. Being in the bush at night         Please note: Drifters cannot guarantee a
provides us with the opportunity of viewing                                                               A valid passport is required by everyone.
                                                   specific time of arrival at the airport and will not
nocturnal animals.                                                                                        This tour will visit South Africa and it is the
                                                   take any responsibility for delays on the road.
This evening we enjoy a hearty bush “braai”                                                               client’s responsibility to ensure they have the
cooked on an open fire. Fall asleep to the         Should guests need to fly back on the last day,
                                                                                                          appropriate visas required for this trip.
sounds of the wild. Brunch D                       the flights must be evening departures.

    ACCOMMODATION                                                                                         Meal Guide:
•     Bush Lodge - Twin-Bedded                                                                            B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner
      en suite Tented Unit

                                                                                                                               w w w. d r i f ter s .c   9
AFRICA Wildlife Adventure Tours - Drifters Adventure Tours
Drifters experiences



                                              Botswana                                                                MOREMI
                                                                                                                                            NXAI PAN
                                                                                                                                          NATIONAL PARK

                                                                 SALT PANS          brandberg                                   Maun                   Nata
                                                                                                                                       PANS NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                 MAUN TO MAUN
                                                               5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI

                                                                                  Desert Camp
                                                         SER V ICED
                                                          CAMPIN G

                                                                                                       Fish River

                                                                                                   Cape Town
                                                                                                                    MOSSEL BAY

                                                                              2 NIGHTS LODGE | 2 NIGHTS SERVICED CAMPING
                                              10   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a
The casual visitor to Botswana could                camp setup, with our staff erecting your
         be excused for seeing the country as                tent and taking care of all camp duties.               INCLUDED HIG HLI G HTS
         kilometer upon kilometer of flat, desolate          There is no participation required from you.       •    Serviced camping in national parks
         scrubland with little or no surface water.

                                                                                                                                                                          Drifters experiences
         But on closer inspection, coupled with local                                                           •    Pristine & remote Campsites
         knowledge, a whole new world will manifest
         itself, and what is arguably Africa’s finest
                                                             •     Serviced Wild Camping                        •    Makgadikgadi Salt Pans
         wildlife destination is revealed. Botswana                                                             •    Makgadikgadi Pans National Park
                                                                 INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
         is a country the size of France, with over a
                                                             •      Scenic drive
         quarter of its land is set aside exclusively for
                                                             •      Makgadikgadi Pans National Park
                                                                                                                •    Baines Baobabs
         nature conservation.
                                                             •      Nxai Pans National Park                     •    Nxai Pans National Park
                                                             •      Wild camping
        DAY 1: ARRIVAL - MAUN LODGE                                                                             •    Private Tour
                                                             •      Stargazing (weather permitting)
        You will be met by Drifter’s staff at Maun
AKA                                                          •      Baines’ Baobabs
        Airport, and transferred to the Drifters Maun
        Lodge. The lodge is located on the banks of
                                                             DAY 4: MAUN LODGE
                                                                                                                    D e pa r t ur e s
        the seasonal Boteti River outside Maun, and
       CHIRUNDU                                              An early breakfast and a final game drive,
        offers comfortable accommodation in tented
                                                             before we head back to the Drifters Maun           This tour departs on available selected
        units overlooking the river. This afternoon
                                                             Lodge.                                             dates
        there will be time to relax at the pool, or a walk
                                                             This afternoon there is time to relax and
        to explore the local village of Chenoga can be
                                                             unwind after the adventure, to enjoy a cold
        arranged. Tonight you enjoy a catered meal at                                                           See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
                                                             drink or two, and perhaps enjoy a swim after
        the lodge. D
                                                             the dusty trail. You enjoy a catered meal at the
                                                             lodge tonight. B L D                               At time of going to print the above itinerary
         • Drifters Maun Tented Lodge                                                                           was correct but Drifters continually strive
                                                                 ACCOMMODATION                                  to offer our clients the best available
                                                             •     Drifters Maun Tented Lodge                   tour options and as such we reserve the
         DAY 2: Makgadikgadi Pans Nat. Park
         Matobo breakfast at the lodge we venture                                                               right to change aspects of the itinerary at
                                                             DAY 5: MAUN
         eastward into the spectacular Makgadikgadi                                                             our discretion. During the validity of the
                                                             After breakfast at the lodge our staff will
         Salt Pans National Park. Oceans of golden                                                              published itinerary conditions will change,
                                                             transfer you to Maun Airport. Time permitting,
         grass give way to the stark white pans,
                                                             an optional game flight over the Okavango          roads are improved or deteriorate often
         under a very big sky. You will travel in a well-
                                                             Delta can be arranged (own expense). B             opening up new routes, contracted camps
         equipped, open 4x4 Land Cruiser, with our
         local Motswana guide and a camp assistant.                                                             and accommodation facilities change
                                                                 OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES
         The 4x4 isn’t just for show, as the national                                                           standards, optional activities become
                                                             •     Scenic flight over the Okavango Delta
         parks are truly wild  places, the roads just
                           Kruger                                                                               available or are discontinued, new
         tracks in the sand.
                          National                                                                              border posts open and old ones become
                             Park                                                                               congested, etc. Drifters are continuously
         We spend most of the day game driving in this
         truly unique area. The savannah    grassland                                                           monitoring all of the factors that make up
         supports a variety of plains game, and in                                                              a successful tour and as such will make
         the summer months, when the pans fill with                                                             amendments to the published itineraries
         water, flocks of flamingos are common.                                                                 if circumstances demand or if we believe
                                                                                                                that the change will enhance the tour.
         In the late afternoon we might take a stroll
         onto the pans, simply to experience
                                   Maputo the vast
         emptiness, the silence and the stark beauty.
         This evening we camp under a vast panoply                                                                  Important information
         of stars, with some of the best stargazing you

                                                                                                                                                                          BOTSWANA | 5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI | SALT PANS
                          Zulu                                                                                  This trip requires a valid passport, and for
         could hope to do.  LD
                          Land                                                                                  certain nationalities, a visa for Botswana.
          ACCOMMODATION                                                                                         Seasonal malaria precautions are necessary
         • Serviced Camping in true wilderness                                                                  and are locally obtainable. Drifters will supply
                                                                                                                linen during the tour (sheets, blanket, sleeping
         INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                                                                           bag, pillow and towel). A barrel bag or backpack
        • ScenicUmdloti
                 Drive                                                                                          is best suited for this trip (suitcases do not
        • Makgadikgadi Pans National Park                                                                       easily fit into the luggage space provided). An
        • Wild Camping under the stars                                                                          extra day pack or camera bag is advised.
        • Stargazing (weather permitting)                                                                       Spending money will be required for restaurant
                                                                                                                meals, drinks, visas, tips and curios. Our price
         DAY 3: NXAI PANS
       Coastwe travel north towards Nxai Pan                                                                    includes all food as specified, coffee, tea, fruit
         National Park, seasonal home to large herds                                                            juice at breakfast, transport, professional
         of zebra and other plains game. Baines’                                                                guides, accommodation, group equipment,
         Baobabs are also found here. Made famous                                                               permits and park entrance fees.
         in explorer Thomas Baines’ 1862 painting,                                                              Our price does not include restaurant meals
         the trees are thousands of years old. We                                                               where stipulated, visas, tips, curios, optional
         will explore the park, game driving in search                                                          excursions, alcohol, bottled water or soft drinks,
         of giraffe, zebra, wildebeest and elephant,                                                            airport taxes or airfares. Before departure
         and the predators that are never far behind.                                                           clients will be required to enter into an
         Tonight we camp in the park, at a site near the
                                                                                                                agreement pertaining to our booking conditions
         famous baobabs, and again experience the
         serenity of the vast emptiness and the star-                                                           and general information.
         studded sky. B L D                                                                                     Clients are required to have their own
                                                                                                                comprehensive personal travel insurance.
         The Private Botswana Tour offers the added
         value of a serviced camping experience in                                                              Meal Guide:
         the national parks. During the camping
                                                                                                                B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner
         part of the tour Drifters staff will handle the

                                                                                                                                      w w w. d r i f ter s .c   11
Drifters experiences



                                                                                                                   MOREMI       Moremi
                                                                                                                   RESERVE               NXAI PAN
                                                                                                                                       NATIONAL PARK

                                                                                 brandberg                                   Maun                   Nata
                                                                                                                                    PANS NATIONAL PARK
                                                                               MAUN TO MAUN
                                                              5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI                                            Central

                                                                                             namibia             BOTSWANA

                                                                               Desert Camp
                                                      SER V ICED
                                                       CAMPIN G

                                                                                                    Fish River


                                                                                                Cape Town
                                                                                                                 MOSSEL BAY

                                                                           2 NIGHTS LODGE | 2 NIGHTS SERVICED CAMPING
                                           12   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a
The casual visitor to Botswana could                DAY 4: Maun Lodge
         be excused for seeing the country as                This morning we do our last game drive, on            INCLUDED HIG HLI G HTS
         kilometre upon kilometre of flat, desolate          the way out of the park. We then head back        •    Serviced camping in national parks

                                                                                                                                                                       Drifters experiences
         scrubland with little or no surface water.          to the Drifters Maun Lodge. This afternoon        •    Pristine & remote campsites
         But on closer inspection, coupled with local        there is time to relax and unwind after the
                                                                                                               •    Maun
         knowledge, a whole new world will manifest          adventure, to enjoy a cold drink or two, and
         itself, and what is arguably Africa’s finest        perhaps enjoy a swim after the dusty trail. You   •    Moremi / Khwai
         wildlife destination is revealed. Botswana          enjoy a catered meal at the lodge tonight.        •    Private tour
         is a country the size of France, with over a        BLD
         quarter of its land is set aside exclusively for

         nature conservation.                                    ACCOMMODATION                                     D e pa r t ur e s
                                                             •     Drifters Maun Tented Lodge                  This tour departs on available selected
        DAY 1: ARRIVAL - MAUN LODGE                                                                            dates
        You will be met by Drifter’s staff at Maun
       CHIRUNDU                                              DAY 5: Departure
        Airport, and transferred to the Drifters Maun        After breakfast at the lodge our staff will       See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
        Lodge. The   lodge
                  MANA      is located on the banks of
                          POOLS                              transfer you Maun Airport. Time permitting,
        the seasonal    BotetiPARK
                               River outside Maun, and       an optional game flight over the Okavango         At time of going to print the above itinerary
        offers comfortable accommodation in tented           Delta can be arranged (own expense). B            was correct but Drifters continually strive
        units overlooking the river. This afternoon                                                            to offer our clients the best available
        there will be time to relax at the pool, or a walk       OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                           tour options and as such we reserve the
        to explore the local village of Chenoga can be       •     Scenic flight over the Okavango Delta       right to change aspects of the itinerary at
        arranged. Tonight you enjoy a catered meal at                                                          our discretion. During the validity of the
        the lodge. D                                                                                           published itinerary conditions will change,
                                                                                                               roads are improved or deteriorate often
         DAY 2 - 3: Moremi / Khwai                                                                             opening up new routes, contracted camps
         You have breakfast at the lodge, before                                                               and accommodation facilities change
         departing for Moremi National Park. You will                                                          standards, optional activities become
         travel in a well-equipped, open 4x4 Land                                                              available or are discontinued, new
         Cruiser, with our local Motswana guide and a                                                          border posts open and old ones become
         camp assistant. National
                           The 4x4 isn’t just for show,                                                        congested, etc. Drifters are continuously
         as the national parks are truly wild places, the
                             Park                                                                              monitoring all of the factors that make up
         roads just tracks in the sand. We will game                                                           a successful tour and as such will make
         drive in the park for most of the day, arriving                                                       amendments to the published itineraries
         towards sunset at our exclusive private                                                               if circumstances demand or if we believe
         campsite, which is no more than a GPS                                                                 that the change will enhance the tour.
         point in the bush, completely secluded and
         undeveloped. It is as if we are the first people
         here, and are alone in the world. We bring
                                                                                                                   Important information
         everything we will need with us, and leave                                                            This trip requires a valid passport, and for
         nothing behind when
                          Zuluwe depart.                                                                       certain nationalities, a visa for Botswana.
                          Land                                                                                 Seasonal malaria precautions are necessary

                                                                                                                                                                       BOTSWANA | 5 DAY CAMPING SAFARI | moremi
        We spend a second night, camping at either                                                             and are locally obtainable. Drifters will supply
        the same site, and spending the day game                                                               linen during the tour (sheets, blanket, sleeping
        driving, or moving to a new site, game driving                                                         bag, pillow and towel). A barrel bag or backpack
        on the way.Umdloti
                    Road and weather conditions, and                                                           is best suited for this trip (suitcases do not
        booking availability will determine the exact                                                          easily fit into the luggage space provided). An
                                                                                                               extra day pack or camera bag is advised.
        itinerary. B L D; B L D
                                                                                                               Spending money will be required for restaurant
                                                                                                               meals, drinks, visas, tips and curios. Our price
         Serviced Camping
                                                                                                               includes all food as specified, coffee, tea, fruit
          private Botswana tour offers the added                                                               juice at breakfast, transport, professional
         value of a serviced camping experience                                                                guides, accommodation, group equipment,
         in the national parks. During the camping                                                             permits and park entrance fees.
         part of the tour drifters staff will handle the                                                       Our price does not include restaurant meals
         camp setup, with our staff erecting your                                                              where stipulated, visas, tips, curios, optional
         tent and taking care of all camp duties.                                                              excursions, alcohol, bottled water or soft drinks,
         There is no participation required from you.                                                          airport taxes or airfares. Before departure
                                                                                                               clients will be required to enter into an
                                                                                                               agreement pertaining to our booking conditions
                                                                                                               and general information.
         •     Serviced Camping in true wilderness
                                                                                                               Clients are required to have their own
                                                                                                               comprehensive personal travel insurance.
         •      Scenic drive
         •      Kwhai / Moremi Game Drive                                                                      Meal Guide:
         •      Wild camping under the stars
                                                                                                               B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner
         •      Stargazing (weather permitting)

                                                                                                                                     w w w. d r i f ter s .c 13
Drifters experiences


                                                                            Desert Camp


                                              GARDEN                                                        SOUTH AFRICA

                                               ROUTE         Cape Town to Cape Town
                                                                                                Cape Town

                                                                                                                  MOSSEL BAY
                                                                  7 DAY SAFARI                                                  Knysna


                                                                                          6 NIGHTS LODGE
                                         14   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a

      The Garden Route of South Africa offers Kruger   ACCOMMODATION                                               INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
      visitors a variety of experiences with unique  • Under Milkwood Lodge                                    •      Cape Agulhas
      fauna and flora. This tour explores some of National                                                     •      Hermanus
      the highlights the area has to offer, giving    Park
                                                       INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                            •      Betty’s bay

                                                                                                                                                                      Drifters experiences
      visitors with limited time a fantastic glimpse • Meerkat encounter (weather permitting)                  •      Scenic drive along False Bay
      into this fascinating part of the country.     • Outeniqua Mountains
      Departing from the Mother City we explore      • KnysnaInhambane
      the dry interior, enjoy some local wine,
      follow the famous Route 62, enjoy game           OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES
      viewing and explore the dramatic coastline     • Local dining experience
      along the Atlantic Ocean.                                                                                      INCLUDED HIG HLI G HTS
                                                     DAY 4: KNYSNA
      The tour offers the perfect combinations of    After breakfast at our lodge, we head for the             •      Garden Route
annesburg         on  the Garden Route.              indigenous Knysna forest, where we enjoy
                                                     a guided walk with a local expert, who will               •      Kirstenbosch Gardens
                                                     share his  insight to the area, its history and
      DAY 1: CAPE TOWN TO ROBERTSON                  the fascinating plant life that gives the Garden          •      Wine tasting
      Our tour starts at 08h00 in Sea Point, at      Route its name.
      the Greenfire Lodge Cape Town. After a few                                                               •      Oudtshoorn
      formalities and a briefing, we make our way    We return to town in time for lunch at a local
      to the world-renowned Kirstenbosch Gardens,Zulurestaurant, and again have the afternoon                  •      Knysna
      for an introduction to the unique flora foundLand
                                                     free to enjoy some of the optional activities
      along the Garden Route. The Cape Floral        on offer. Tonight we’ll eat at one of the many            •      Forest walks
      Kingdom contains over 9000 species, nearly     restaurants in town. B
      70% of which are endemic, and includes over                                                              •      Open vehicle game drives
      a third of all plant species found in South      ACCOMMODATION
      Africa.                                        • Under Milkwood Lodge                                    •      False Bay
         We then cross the Cape Flats, via Stellenbosch       INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
         to Franschhoek, and then over Franschhoek   Umdloti• Guided forest walk
         Pass. Using roads less Durban
                                  traveled, we cross the                                                             D e pa r t ur e s
         Breede River, before stopping to enjoy wine          OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                              This tour departs from Cape Town on
         tasting at a vineyard in the Robertson area.       • Boat cruise
         We overnight in comfortable accommodation                                                             selected Saturdays
                                                            • Mountain biking
         in Robertson and enjoy a catered meal. D
                                                            DAY 5: KNYSNA TO GAME RESERVE                      See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
           ACCOMMODATION                                    Today we follow the coastline to George, and
         • Gubas De Hoek                                    from there make our way to one of the Big 5
                             Wild Coast                                                                        At time of going to print the above itinerary
                                                            game reserves located on the Garden Route.
           INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                     After checking into our accommodation, we
         • Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens                                                                      was correct, but Drifters continually strive
                                                            enjoy an afternoon open-vehicle game drive,
         • Visit to Stellenbosch and Franschhoek            with the chance to see many of the same            to offer our clients the best available
         • Wine tasting                                     species you could see in the Kruger Park,          tour options, and as such we reserve the
                                                            and a few that are unique to this area. These      right to change aspects of the itinerary at
         DAY 2: ROBERTSON TO OUDTSHOORN                     lodges have pioneered the re-introduction of
         After a relaxed breakfast we depart for            wildlife in an area that was previously rich       our discretion. During the validity period
         Montagu, famous for its dried fruit, where         in game species, but where, for many years,        of the published itinerary, conditions
         we join the famous Route 62 to travel east         human activity reduced the area of suitable
         through the heart of the Klein Karoo. This         habitat to such an extent that many species        may change, roads may be improved
         scenic road passes through small towns like        became locally extinct. It is good to have them    or deteriorate, contracted camps and
         Barrydale, Ladismith and Calitzdorp, strung        back.
         out along the valley between the Langeberg                                                            accommodation facilities may change
         and Swartberg mountain ranges. We enjoy a          We enjoy a relaxed evening and a catered           standards, optional activities might
         picnic lunch today, with beautiful views of the    meal at the lodge. B L D                           become available or be discontinued,
         Swartberg Mountains.
                                                                                                               new border posts open or existing ones
         After lunch we make our way toward the             • Garden Route Game Lodge                          become congested, etc.          Drifters are
         ostrich capital of South Africa, Oudtshoorn,                                                          continuously monitoring all of the factors
         where we spend the night in comfortable              INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
         accommodation, just outside the town. This         • Scenic drive along coast                         that contribute to a successful tour, and
         evening a local expert will give a talk explaining • Private game reserve                             will make amendments to the published
         the breathtaking southern night sky (weather       • Afternoon game drive

                                                                                                                                                                      UNEXPLORED GARDEN ROUTE | 7 DAY SAFARI
         permitting). The clear, dry Karoo air is perfect                                                      itinerary if circumstances so demand, or
         for stargazing. B L D                              DAY 6: GAME RESERVE                                if we believe that the change will enhance
                                                            We spend our day at the reserve, with morning      the tour.
           ACCOMMODATION                                    and afternoon game drives included, and
         • De Zeekoe Lodge                                  enough time between to relax and enjoy the
                                                            views. Local guides will share their in-depth
           INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                     knowledge of the area and its history, and of            Important information
         • Route 62                                         the social webs and behaviour of the various
         • Montagu                                                                                             This tour is fully accommodated and all linen
                                                            animals on the reserve. B D                        and towels are supplied. Our price includes all
         • Swartberg Mountains
         • Star gazing (weather permitting)                   ACCOMMODATION                                    transport, food, coffee, tea, accommodation,
                                                            • Garden Route Game Lodge                          walks, game drives, entry fees and permits,
           OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                                                                                 group equipment and a professional guide.
         • Visit to local ostrich farm                        INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
                                                            • Two game drives                                  The price does not include alcohol, bottled
         DAY 3: OUDTSHOORN TO KNYSNA                        • Private reserve                                  water and soft drinks, curios, tips and meals
         Today we rise before the sun and make our way
         to a local meerkat manor. Seated comfortably                                                          where indicated. Before departure, clients
                                                              OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                              will be required to enter into an agreement
         around their burrows, we watch as they come        • Mountain biking
         out to greet the day, while a local guide tells                                                       pertaining to our booking conditions and
         us about these fascinating creatures and           DAY 7: GAME RESERVE – CAPE TOWN                    general information. Clients are required to
         their social behaviour. Then, after breakfast,     Our last morning, we depart after breakfast        have their own comprehensive personal travel
         we drive over the spectacular Outeniqua            and make our way to the southernmost tip of        insurance.
         Mountains, before descending to the coastal        Africa – Cape Agulhas. We spend some time
         town of Knysna. We have the afternoon free to      here, before continuing to Hermanus, famous        A valid passport is required by everyone.
         explore the town, or to partake in an optional     around the world for its shore-based whale
         activity.                                                                                             This tour will visit South Africa, and it is the
                                                            watching. We enjoy an own expense lunch            client’s responsibility to insure they have the
         Tonight we can eat at one of the local             at a local restaurant, before following the        appropriate visas required for this trip.
         restaurants (own expense), but you may             coastal route back to Cape Town. This is one
         also take the opportunity to help prepare an       of the most scenic drives in South Africa, and
         authentic African meal, and have dinner, with      a late afternoon stop, time permitting, to visit
         members of the local community. This is a                                                             Meal Guide:
         unique dining experience. Your Drifters guide      the penguins at Betty’s Bay is recommended.
         can make the arrangements if you would like        The tour ends on arrival at the Greenfire Cape     B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner
         to do this (own expense). B                        Town Lodge in Sea Point. B

                                                                                                                                    w w w. d r i f ter s .c 15


                                                                                                                             Victoria                        MANA POOLS
  Drifters experiences

                                                                                                                               Falls                        NATIONAL PARK
 Etosha Nat. Park                                                                                                    Chobe
                                                                                                    MOREMI                               Hwange
                                                                                                    RESERVE             NXAI PAN
                                                                  waterberg                                           NATIONAL PARK
brandberg                                                                                                     Maun                Nata

                                                                      Windhoek                                                        Francistown
pmund                                                                                                                                                              MOZAMBIQUE


sert Camp


                                                     & BEACH

                                                                                     Fish River                                                                   Land
                                                              Johannesburg to Johannesburg
                                                                             7 DAY SAFARI                                                Lesotho               Umdloti

                                                          ACCOMMODATED                                                                            Wild Coast

                                                                             Cape Town
                                                                                                  MOSSEL BAY

                                                                                                               6 NIGHTS LODGE
                                                     16   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a
A perfect getaway that combines some of           DAY 5: MOZAMBIQUE – ZULULAND
the best game viewing in South Africa with        This morning, after breakfast at the lodge,            INCLUDED HIG HLI G HTS
the white sandy beaches of Mozambique.            we make our way back to Maputo by boat.            •    Private game reserve
We explore the African bush, spending as          Reunited with our vehicle, we travel south to

                                                                                                                                                             Drifters experiences
                                                                                                     •    Mozambique
much time as possible on safari in search of      enter South Africa at Kosi Bay Border Post.
animals in the renowned Kruger Park area,         Now in the Kingdom of Zululand, we travel          •    Private beaches
before we cross the border into Mozambique.       the short distance to one of the private game      •    Boat transfer Maputo
We spend several days at a private lodge          reserves in the area where we check in to          •    African culture
located on a secluded peninsula enjoying          our lodge for the next two nights. In the late     •    Open vehicle game drives
the sun and surf along the shores of the          afternoon we go on a game drive, exploring
warm Indian Ocean. Finally we cross back          the area along the shores of Lake Jozini,
                                                                                                     •    Zululand
into South Africa, and spend some time in         before returning to the lodge for dinner.          •    Secluded beach resort
Zululand, on a private game reserve, before
we make our way back to Johannesburg.             Guests with limited time have the option to
                                                  leave the tour in Maputo and fly home from             OPTIONAL ACTI V ITIES
DAY 1: JOHANNESBURG – PRIVATE                     here. B L D                                        •    Scuba diving
       BUSH LODGE                                                                                    •    Snorkelling
Departing from the Greenfire Lodge                    ACCOMMODATION                                  •    Village walks
Johannesburg at 06h30, we follow the main         •     White Elephant Safari Lodge
road east to the Lowveld of South Africa,                                                            •    Fishing
location of the famed Kruger Park and many            INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                   •    Dhow sailing trip
well-known private game reserves. We spend        •      Boat transfer to Mozambique
the night on one of these private reserves,       •      Private game reserve
in the spectacular mountains of the big five      •      Open vehicle game drive                         D e pa r t ur e s
Mthethomusha Game Reserve. This afternoon                                                            This tour departs from Johannesburg on
we explore the reserve on an open-vehicle         DAY 6: ZULULAND                                    selected Saturdays.
game drive. D                                     We rise early, and as usual, enjoy a cup of
                                                  coffee or tea before embarking on a morning        See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
 ACCOMMODATION                                    game activity. Our expert local guides will tell
• Bongani Mountain Lodge                          us about the surrounding environment and all       At time of going to print the above itinerary
                                                                                                     was correct, but Drifters continually strive
                                                  the animals that we find here.
                                                                                                     to offer our clients the best available
    INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                                                                     tour options, and as such we reserve the
•      Scenic drive through South Africa          We have some time in the afternoon to relax        right to change aspects of the itinerary at
•      Afternoon game drive                       and take in the beauty of the surrounding          our discretion. During the validity period
                                                  bush, before again departing in the late           of the published itinerary, conditions
DAY 2: MOZAMBIQUE                                 afternoon on another open vehicle game             may change, roads may be improved
As is custom in the bush, we wake up early        drive. We return to the lodge for dinner, and      or deteriorate, contracted camps and
to enjoy the African sunrise over a coffee,       make a toast to our last evening in the bush.      accommodation facilities may change
before we embark on a short morning game          BLD                                                standards, optional activities might
drive. We return to the lodge for breakfast,                                                         become available or be discontinued,
after which we drive the short distance to            ACCOMMODATION                                  new border posts open or existing ones
                                                                                                     become congested, etc.          Drifters are
the Mozambique border, and then on to the         •     White Elephant Safari Lodge
                                                                                                     continuously monitoring all of the factors
capital city, Maputo. We make our way to the                                                         that contribute to a successful tour, and
harbour, exchanging our vehicle for a boat,        INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                      will make amendments to the published
which transfers us to our lodge, situated on      •   Morning and afternoon game                     itinerary if circumstances so demand, or

                                                                                                                                                             SAFARI & beach | 7 DAY SAFARI & BEACH EXPERIENCE
a secluded peninsula across Maputo Bay. We            experiences                                    if we believe that the change will enhance
arrive in the afternoon, and settle in to spend   • Private game reserve                             the tour.
the next 3 nights in a beach paradise. B D
                                                  DAY 7: ZULULAND – JHB
 ACCOMMODATION                                    After breakfast we depart for Johannesburg,            Important information
• Machangulo Beach Lodge                          stopping along the way for an own expense          This tour is fully accommodated and all linen
                                                  lunch, and arriving in Johannesburg in the         and towels are supplied. Seasonal malaria
    INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                  late afternoon. The tour ends at the Greenfire     precautions may be advisable and are locally
•      Morning game drive                         Johannesburg Lodge. B                              obtainable. Game viewing on foot is difficult,
•      Maputo                                                                                        so we also place importance on some of the
•      Boat transfer                                  INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                   smaller aspects of the bush. It can get very hot
                                                  •      Scenic drive to Johannesburg                so suitable precautions against sunburn should
                                                                                                     be taken.
We have the following two days to soak up the                                                        Our price includes all transport, food, coffee,
sun and enjoy the warm Indian Ocean and                                                              tea, accommodation, walks, game drives,
white sandy beaches. Our accommodation                                                               entry fees and permits, group equipment and a
offers a variety of optional activities from                                                         professional guide.
scuba diving and snorkelling to local village
tours. Explore the estuaries on a kayak or test                                                      The price does not include alcohol, bottled water
your hand at fishing. For those that prefer a                                                        and soft drinks, curios, tips and meals whilst
more relaxed approach the private picnic                                                             in transit to and from Johannesburg. Before
on the beach is a must. Extra allowance for                                                          departure, clients will be required to enter
activities must be made and are all arranged                                                         into an agreement pertaining to our booking
on location. B L D, B L D                                                                            conditions and general information. Clients
                                                                                                     are required to have their own comprehensive
                                                                                                     personal travel insurance.
•     Machangulo Beach Lodge                                                                         A valid passport is required by everyone. This
                                                                                                     tour will visit South Africa and Mozambique, it
    OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                                                                              is the client’s responsibility to insure they have
•     Scuba diving                                                                                   the appropriate visas required for this trip.
•     Snorkelling
•     Kayaking                                                                                       Meal Guide:
•     Village walks
•     Many more                                                                                      B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner

                                                                                                                           w w w. d r i f ter s .c 17
Drifters experiences

                                                         LOWER                                    zambia



                                                                                                        Victoria                        MANA POOLS
                                                              LUSAKA TO LUSAKA                                                         NATIONAL PARK
sha Nat. Park                                  6 DAY canoe SAFARI                              Chobe


dberg                                                                                                         Nata
                                                                                              PANS NATIONAL PARK
                                                  Windhoek                                                     Francistown
                                                                                       Central                                                Kruger
                                                                                       Kalahari                                              National


      ZAMBEZI | 6 DAY Canoe SAFARI


                                                                     Fish River                                                              Land


                                                                     4 NIGHTS LODGE | 1 Nights SERVICED CAMPING
                                                                                                           Wild Coast
                                     18   www.dri f ter s.c o. z a                OUDSHOORN
                                                          Cape Town
The ultimate Lower Zambezi canoe                    Our lunch will be on one of the sand banks
        adventure done in comfort. The tour explores        along the way with time to rest and relax.           INCLUDED HIG HLIG HTS
        the Zambezi valley by canoe, boat and               Once we arrive at our accommodation for the      •    3 Day Lower Zambezi Canoe Safari
        vehicle, giving visitors the opportunity to         evening guests have several options on how

                                                                                                                                                                     Drifters experiences
        see the Zambezi Valley in a truly unique way.       to spend the afternoon. Options will include a   •    Private Island Accommodation
        Guided by our local experts, clients have the       game drive into the game management area,
        opportunity to immerse themselves in the            fishing on the river or a sundowner cruise.
                                                                                                             •    1 Night Serviced Camping
        beauty and remoteness of the valley while           Our dinner is served at the Lodge and we drift   •    Game drive in Lower Zambezi
        enjoying the comforts of an accommodated            away to the sounds of the night. B L D
        safari.                                                                                                   National Park
        DAY 1: LUSAKA TO ZAMBEZI                            • Munyemeshi Lodge
                                                                                                             •    Fully supported tour
        Guests arrive at the Lusaka International                                                            •    Boat cruise on Zambezi
        airport and after clearing immigration and           INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
        collecting baggage they are met by the transfer     • Guided canoe trip on Lower Zambezi
        driver and taken to our accommodation for           • Lunch on Island in Zambezi
                                                                                                                 De pa r t ur e s
        the night.                                          • Private Island Accommodation

        Gwabi River Lodge is located on the banks of            OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                          This tour starts from Lusaka on selected
        the Kafue river and offer spectacular views of      •     Game Drive                                 Sundays
        the surrounding area. This afternoon we enjoy       •     Fishing
        a sunset boat cruise and sundowners on the                                                           See page 47 - 50 for prices & dates.
        river as our first introduction of the days to      DAY 4: ZAMBEZI
        come. We enjoy a catered meal and a relaxed         We enjoy a hearty breakfast before departing     At time of going to print the above itinerary
        evening at the lodge. D                             on our final canoe adventure into the Lower
                                                                                                             was correct but Drifters continually strive
                                                            Zambezi National Park. We travel through the
            ACCOMMODATION                                   heart of the valley and immerse ourselves        to offer our clients the best available
        •     Gwabi River Lodge                             in the surrounding beauty. We have our           tour options and as such we reserve the
                                                            traditional lunch and afternoon break along      right to change aspects of the itinerary at
            INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                    the banks of the river before departing to our   our discretion. During the validity of the
        •      Airport Transfer                             private island camp for the night.               published itinerary conditions will change,
        •      Sunset Boat Cruise                                                                            roads are improved or deteriorate often
        •      Kafue River Views                            Our last evening is spent on a private island
                                                            in a fly camp setup for the group and offers     opening up new routes, contracted camps
        DAY 2: ZAMBEZI                                      a truly unique experience and a night under      and accommodation facilities change
        We enjoy a delicious breakfast at the lodge         the stars.                                       standards, optional activities become
        before our guide conducts a safety briefing                                                          available or are discontinued, new
        for our canoe trip over the next 3 days. Once       There is plenty of time in the afternoon to      border posts open and old ones become
        ready and packed we embark on our once in           relax or partake in one of the activities on     congested, etc. Drifters are continuously
        a life time canoe safari through the Zambezi        offer. We enjoy a catered meal on our island
                                                                                                             monitoring all of the factors that make up
        Valley. Our journey begins on the Kafue river       and settle in for a relaxed evening. B L D
        but soon joins the Lower Zambezi and gives                                                           a successful tour and as such will make
        us the opportunity to view the multitude of             ACCOMMODATION                                amendments to the published itineraries
        birds found in the area along with the bigger       •     Serviced Camping                           if circumstances demand or if we believe
        mammals along the banks of the river.                                                                that the change will enhance the tour.
                                                                INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY
        This afternoon we enjoy our lunch on one of         •      Guided canoe trip on Lower Zambezi
        the islands in the river prepared by our staff      •      Lunch on Island in Zambezi
        and a break over the heat of the day. From          •      Serviced Camping on Private Island            Important information
        here we continue the short distance to our                                                           This tour is fully accommodated and all linen
        secluded Island Bush camp where we spend            DAY 5: ZAMBEZI
                                                                                                             and towels are supplied. Seasonal malaria
        the night. Once checked into our rooms              We rise early this morning and after the
                                                                                                             precautions may be advisable. Game viewing
        there will be opportunity for guests to go on       traditional coffee or tea with rusks we depart
                                                                                                             on foot is difficult, so we also place importance
        a guided birding walk, visit a local village, try   on a guided game drive in an open safari
                                                                                                             on some of the smaller aspects of the bush. It
        your hand at fishing or simply relax and enjoy      vehicle into the Lower Zambezi National Park.
        the surrounding views.                              We enjoy a packed breakfast in the park          can get very hot so suitable precautions against
Inhambane                                                   spending maximum time in search of animals.      sunburn should be taken.
        We have dinner and spend the evening                In the afternoon we slowly make our way back
        around the campfire listening to the sounds of      to the river and enjoy lunch before we depart    Our price includes all transport, food, coffee,
        the African Bush. B L D                             on a boat cruise back to Gwabi.                  tea, accommodation, canoes and equipment,
                                                                                                             game drives, entry fees and permits, group
                                                                                                                                                                     ZAMBEZI | 6 DAY Canoe SAFARI

            ACCOMMODATION                                   On arrival we settle into our rooms and enjoy    equipment and a professional guide. Bottled
        •     Tsika Island Bush Camp                        our dinner at the Lodge and drink a farewell     water will be supplied while on the river.
aputo                                                       toast to our adventure. B L D
            INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                                                                     The price does not include alcohol, soft drinks,
        •      Guided canoe trip on Lower Zambezi            ACCOMMODATION                                   curios and tips. Before departure, clients will be
        •      Lunch on Island in Zambezi                   • Gwabi River Lodge                              required to enter into an agreement pertaining
        •      Private Island Accommodation                                                                  to our booking conditions and general
                                                             INCLUDED HIGHLIGHTS/ACTIVITY                    information. Clients are required to have their
         OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES                                •   Game drive in Lower Zambezi                  own comprehensive personal travel insurance.
        • Guided bird walk                                      National Park
        • Village Walk                                      • Boat cruise on Zambezi                         A valid passport is required by everyone.
        • Fishing                                                                                            This tour will visit South Africa and it is the
                                                            DAY 6: ZAMBEZI to LUSAKA                         client’s responsibility to insure they have the
        DAY 3: ZAMBEZI                                      We enjoy a relaxed breakfast at the Lodge        appropriate visas required for this trip.
        We enjoy a relaxed breakfast on our island          before check out and our transfer back to the
        before we set off for the second day of our         airport in Lusaka. B
        canoe safari. The Valley is rich in fauna
        and flora and our guide will take time to tell                                                       Meal Guide:
        us more about the sights and sounds we                                                               B = Breakfast; L = Lunch; D = Dinner
        encounter along the way.

                                                                                                                                   w w w. d r i f ter s .c 19
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