kth royal institute
                                                   of technology

        Doctoral Thesis in Technology and Health

        Serious Game Approach for
        Improving Healthcare Logistics
        CHEN ZHANG

Stockholm, Sweden 2020
Serious Game Approach for
Improving Healthcare Logistics

Academic Dissertation which, with due permission of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
is submitted for public defence for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy on 14th of October,
at 9:30 a.m, in Hälsovägen 11C, Stockholm

Doctoral Thesis in Technology and Health
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden 2020
© Chen Zhang

ISBN 978-91-7873-645-4

Printed by: Universitetsservice US-AB, Sweden 2020
Although serious games are central to corporate learning of needed skills
for industrial operations sectors, their use for managing healthcare
logistics has rarely been discussed from the perspective of game
mechanics in terms of motivation, engagement and the achievement of
the desired objectives. This thesis discusses serious games as a method
for improving healthcare logistics with a case study in paediatric
emergency medicine. This case is also exemplary for many other
situations in the hospital sector.
To understand the methodological state-of-the-art, in the first study, a
systematic literature review of the simulation and gaming methods used
to address logistical issues in healthcare was first of all performed based
on eliciting two-hundred-and-seventy-three identified journal articles.
The review found that the simulation studies focused on the modelling
of work system mechanisms, whereas the introduction of game elements
specifically designed for promoting desired behaviours, although
pertinent, remained unexplored. Consider the type of problems that are
addressed using simulation models, these models may be ideal
candidates for addressing a wide variety of logistical issues.
Intrigued by these findings, the second study explored a serious game
design based on a simulation model representing patient flow
characteristics and systemic resource configurations. The results
indicate that the participatory allocation of resources would improve
pure simulation-based predictions; nevertheless, the players felt
challenged for a total management of the simulated emergency
department. The simulation with a participatory aspect provides a
challenging environment flexible enough to account for the demand-and-
provision balance, preferences from actors, and the use of relevant
game mechanics to reflect logistical aspects.
This led to the third study incorporating the roles of the managers
responsible for patient flow stratification in a parallel functioning
healthcare production system and the specially designed scoring-based
feature on top of healthcare production logistics to facilitate desirable
behaviours in favour of overcoming access blocks and to monitor learning
progress in corporation training situations. These features were tested in
game-based learning activities under different modalities. Scores for the
Game Experience Questionnaire and the data of in-game learning
behaviours were collected to allow quantitative research to evaluate the
experience, acceptance and effect of learning. The serious game in this
thesis contrasts with that of previous applications in health which tend
to be less challenging and of low difficulty levels. Scores and transitions
of learning behaviours stems from a game design aiming to achieve the
expected outcomes in learning the logistical management principles of
healthcare and the delivery of the production decisions in a meaningful
In order to understand the effect of environmental stimuli on decision-
making processes, in the fourth study, behavioural aspects were
investigated in a more detailed level. Choice modelling of the revealed
data from most of experiments was conducted to further estimate the
efficacy of game elements as factors potentially influencing healthcare
production decisions. The results showed that the effectiveness of the
proposed scoring system is approximately identical to that of the
contingent game elements, whereas the diminution of resource
utilization is detrimental for choosing the patient transfer alternative.
Certain suggestions on game design were also made.
This thesis showed that a serious game, if rightly designed, could be a
valuable tool in the case of practising decision making processes in
health systems and understanding the impact of environmental
parameters in a simulated environment with real operational data. The
thesis might also serve as a reliable source of reference for game
designers who wish to model and simulate complex social-technical
systems that can be dictated by operational circumstances.

Serious game, Simulation, Decision-making, Production choices,
Emergency medicine

Även om seriösa spel är centrala för företagslärande av relevanta
färdigheter i industriella verksamhetssektorer, har deras användning för
sjukvårdslogistik sällan diskuterats ur spelmekanikens perspektiv vad
gäller motivation, engagemang och uppnående av de önskade målen. I
denna avhandling diskuteras seriösa spel som en metod för att förbättra
vårdlogistiken, illustrerat med en fallstudie inom pediatrisk akutmedicin.
Detta fall är också representativt för många andra situationer inom
Som första studie utfördes en systematisk litteraturundresökning för att
kartlägga det allra senaste inom metodik för simulering och spel för
logistiska frågeställningar inom hälso- och sjukvården, detta baserat på
273 identifierade vetenskapliga tidskriftsartiklar. Granskningen visade
att simuleringsstudierna främst fokuserade på modellering av
arbetssystemmekanismer, medan införandet av spelelement som
utformats särskilt för att främja önskade beteenden, även om de var
relevanta, förblev outforskade. Med tanke på de problem som hjälpts att
besvaras genom simuleringsmodeller, kan dessa modeller vara lämpliga
kandidater för att utforska en rad frågeställningar inom logistik.
Som en vidareutveckling utforskade den andra studien en seriös
speldesign baserad på en simuleringsmodell som representerade
patientflöde, dess egenskaper och systemiska resurskonfigurationer.
Resultaten tydde på att deltagarstyrd resursfördelning kan förbättra
simuleringsbaserade prognosresultat. Spelarna kände att en total
hantering av den simulerade akutmottagningen var utmanande.
Simuleringen med deltagaraspekter tillhandahöll en utmanande miljö
som var tillräckligt flexibel för att ta hänsyn till efterfrågan-och-
provision balans, aktörers preferenser, samt användande av relevant
spelmekanik för att reflektera logistiska aspekter.
Detta ledde till att den tredje studien innehöll roller för de chefer som
ansvarar för patientflödesstratifiering i ett parallellt sjukvårds-
produktionssystem och den specialdesignade poängbaserade funktionen
ovanpå logistiken för hälso- och sjukvårdsproduktion. Detta för att
främja önskvärda beteenden och övervinna åtkomstblockering, samt
övervaka inlärningsframsteg i företagets utbildningssituationer. Dessa
funktioner testades i spelbaserade inlärningsaktiviteter under olika
modaliteter. Poäng från Game Experience Questionnaire och data från
inlärningsbeteenden i spelet samlades in för att kvantitativt utvärdera
inlärningens erfarenhet, acceptans och effekt. Den seriösa spelet i
denna avhandling kontrasterar mot tidigare tillämpningar inom
hälsovetenskap som tenderar att vara mindre utmanande med låg
svårighetsgrad. Poäng och övergångar i lärandebeteenden härrör från en
speldesign där det gäller att uppnå de förväntade resultaten vad gäller
att lära sig hälso- och sjukvårdens logistiska förvaltningsprinciper och
leveransen av produktionsbeslut på ett meningsfullt sätt.
I den fjärde studien undersöktes beteendeaspekter på en mer detaljerad
nivå för att försöka förstå effekten av miljöstimuli på beslutsprocesser.
Modellering av beslutsprocesser från experimentell data genomfördes för
att ytterligare skatta effekten av spelelement som faktorer som
potentiellt påverkar beslut I sjukvårdsproduktion. Resultaten visade att
effektiviteten i det föreslagna poängsystemet är nära identisk med den
för kontingenta spelelement, medan en minskning i resursutnyttjande
påverkar alternativ för patientöverföring negativt. Vissa förslag på
speldesign kunde också ges.
Denna avhandling visade att ett seriöst spel, om rätt utformat, kan vara
ett värdefullt verktyg för träning angående beslutsprocesser i hälso- och
sjukvårdssystem och för att förstå inverkan av miljöparametrar i en
simulerad miljö baserad på verkliga driftsdata. Avhandlingen kan även
tjäna som en pålitlig referenskälla för speldesigners som vill modellera
och simulera komplexa social-tekniska system som styrs av operativa

Allvarliga spel, Simulering, Beslutsfattande, Produktionsval, Akutmedicin
List of Papers

Paper I
C. Zhang, T. Grandits, K. P. Härenstam, J. B. Hauge, and S. Meijer, A
systematic literature review of simulation models for non-technical skill
training in healthcare logistics, Advances in Simulation, vol. 3, no. 1, Jul.

Paper II
C. Zhang, K. P. Härenstam, S. Meijer, and A. S. Darwich, Serious Gaming
of Logistics Management in Paediatric Emergency Medicine,
International Journal of Serious Games, vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 2020.

Paper III
C. Zhang, J. Baalsrud Hauge, K. P. Härenstam, and S. Meijer, Game
Experience and Learning Effect of a Scoring-based Mechanic for
Logistical Aspects of Paediatric Emergency Medicine, JMIR Serious
Games, revision, Aug. 2020.

Paper IV
C. Zhang and S. Meijer, Estimating the Effect of Game Elements on
Healthcare Production Decisions: Choice Modelling based on Serious
Gaming, Submitted to Entertainment Computing, Sep. 2020.
My contributions of the listed papers
Paper I: The research idea was facilitated by Zhang, Grandits and Meijer.
Zhang suggested the adherence to the PRISMA protocol and worked
together with Grandits to inquire research articles. Zhang and Grandits
conducted a paper-to-paper examination, categorized papers, came up
with major conclusions and wrote the systematic literature review. Pukk
Härenstam and Baalsrud Hauge and Meijer supported the in editing and
writing. Zhang and the supervisors were addressing comments from
reviewers and stayed contacted with the editorial team until the article
was published.

Paper II: The research idea was facilitated by Zhang and Meijer. Zhang
performed the field visits, downloaded the flow data from the enterprise
resource planning system of the modelled emergency department, and
constructed the simulation. Zhang wrote the paper with subject domain
guidance from Kiku Härenstam. The supervisors supported in highlighting
the contributions of the paper. Darwich supported in writing. Zhang was
addressing comments from reviewers and stay contacted with the
editorial team of the journal until the article was published.

Paper III: The research idea was discussed and finalized between Zhang,
Pukk Härenstam and Meijer. Zhang realized the serious game in
modalities with design and development feedback from the supervisors.
Zhang was the facilitator of game sessions and collected play data from
the participants. Zhang processed, analysed, and interpreted the data
with feedbacks from Baalsrud Hauge and Meijer. Pukk Härenstam helped
editing some chapters of the contribution. Zhang and Meijer were
addressing comments from reviewers and stayed contacted with the
editorial team of the journal.

Paper IV: The research idea was facilitated by Zhang and Meijer. Zhang
prepared the dataset based on the results of the third paper and on the
proceedings from the sessions. Zhang constructed, estimated, and
interpreted the behavioural model. Zhang wrote the paper with
feedback provided by Meijer on clarifications, justifications, and
positioning of research efforts in the literature of activity-based models.
Related publication, not included in the thesis

Paper V
C. Zhang and S. Meijer, “A Simulation Game of Patient Transportation,”
in Neo-Simulation and Gaming Toward Active Learning, R. Hamada, S.
Soranastaporn, H. Kanegae, P. Dumrongrojwatthana, S. Chaisanit, P.
Rizzi, and V. Dumblekar, Eds. Singapore: Springer, 2019, pp. 53–66.

Paper VI
C. Zhang, J. Baalsrud Hauge, K. P. Härenstam, and S. Meijer, “A Serious
Logistical Game of Paediatric Emergency Medicine: Proposed Scoring
Mechanism and Pilot Test,” in Games and Learning Alliance, vol. 11899,
A. Liapis, G. N. Yannakakis, M. Gentile, and M. Ninaus, Eds. Cham:
Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 468–478.

The author’s contribution in those publications was proposing research
ideas, research design, data collection and analysis and writing the
papers. Paper V was a theoretical contribution. Paper VI was extended
to Paper III to incorporate an improved structure of the scoring system
and to employ multiple quantitative methods for the exploration of the
game experience and learning telemetry.

Many organizations, both governmental and institutional, in Sweden and
many individuals from the industry kindly provided, by different
opportunities, a large proportion of the inspiration and information
necessary for writing this thesis and attached articles. To all of these I
would like to deliver my sincere gratitude for the very much needed
helps and supports.

However, it would miss the boat not to delivery my appreciation for the
assistance provided by Kiku Pukk Härenstam, a researcher of quality and
safety engineering and an experienced physician in paediatric
emergency care, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge and Sebastiaan Meijer,
experts in gaming simulations and production logistics, and all the
fellows affiliated to the School of Technology and Health.

I wake up every morning to believe that thesis is all about myself, yet
various gaming and simulation organizations have been the drivers of
fruitful discussions and inspirational references, particularly; the
International Simulation and Gaming Association, and the Gaming and
Learning Alliance; both of these are Europe-based organizations. I am
also thankful for the significant knowledge and lessons learned about the
field from participating conferences affiliated to these boards.

Acknowledgement is made to the KTH-CSC funding (agreement number:
201600160048); Nordforsk for the International Doctoral PhD course of
Analysis and Modelling for Sustainable Manufacturing and Logistics
offered by Carisma RCT Ltd. in collaboration with the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology and Emerald Group Publishing; and
Jubilee foundations for my travelling to conferences.
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................1

   1.1 Strides taken by gaming applications ....................................................2

   1.2 Serious games in operations management teaching and learning ....4

       1.2.1 Medicine and health ..........................................................................4

       1.2.2 Logistics and transport management..............................................5

       1.2.3 Energy management ..........................................................................6

       1.2.4 Urban planning and management ...................................................6

       1.2.4 Roadmap for serious gaming: summary .........................................7

   1.3 Research questions ....................................................................................8

   1.4 Case study description ..............................................................................9

   1.5 Research objectives ................................................................................11

   1.6 Research contributions ...........................................................................13

   1.7 Thesis outline ...........................................................................................16

2. Methodological review ..................................................................................18

   2.1 Gaming and simulation ...........................................................................18

   2.2 Behavioural choice modelling of healthcare production decisions 22

   2.3 Analytical approaches to gaming experience and learning
   telemetry .........................................................................................................23

   2.4 Logistics management principle in healthcare productions ............24

   2.5 Game design approaches........................................................................24

3. Research summaries ......................................................................................25

   3.1 State-of-art of simulation and gaming for healthcare logistics ......25

   3.2 A simulation model of a healthcare production system ...................28
3.3 Game mechanics selection for production types of games..............30

   3.4 Game design and development .............................................................33

   3.5 Game experience and learning telemetry ..........................................38

   3.6 Estimating the impact of game elements ...........................................40

   3.7 Simulation predictions enriched by gameplay outcomes .................41

4. Meta reflection and methodological discussion .......................................43

   4.1 Implications on game design approach ................................................43

   4.2 Implications on game mechanics ..........................................................44

       4.2.1 Review on the planning mechanic ................................................45

       4.2.2 Review on the status mechanic .....................................................45

       4.2.3 Review on the selection and production choices .......................46

       4.2.4 Representation of complexity ........................................................46

   4.3 Strengths and weaknesses of contributions ........................................47

5. Synthesis and future perspectives ..............................................................50

References ...........................................................................................................54

Articles .................................................................................................................66

Serious game: games that do not have entertainment, enjoyment or fun
as their primary purpose (Michael & Chen, 2005)

Educational game: games specifically designed to teach a certain subject,
expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event
or culture, or learn a skill (Spaulding, 2012)

Simulation game1: games that are tempering realistic situations in
interactive settings for purposes of training and analysis

Business simulation: simulations, games and experimental techniques as
teaching methods in the disciplines of business, management, and
related fields (The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential
Learning, retrieved August 2020)

Social simulation: a research method and field that applies
computational methods to study issues in the social sciences (Takahashi,
Sallach & Rouchier 2007)

Edutainment: the process of entertaining people at the same time as you
are teaching them something (The Cambridge Dictionary)


ED: Emergency Department

GEQ: Game Experience Questionnaire

PT: Production throughput

AE: Activity executions

RM: Resource management

PR: Production resilience

MR: Managing resources

    Working definition.
EP: Editing profiles

IC: Inviting cooperation

FT: Finishing tasks

1. Introduction
Pressure on healthcare systems persists at the global level. Over 2019-
2023, health spending is expected to grow by 5%, up from 2.7 % over
2014-18 [1]. For the major markets, the BRICS will encounter a 117%
increase in health spending in the coming decade, and increases are
projected for all developed countries and regions [2]. The increasing
demand for healthcare is being driven by a broad set of factors such as
socio-demographic changes, growing expectations of quality and safety
care, a shortage of a qualified workforce, and the evolution of business
models. Consequently, governments and agencies must respond with
efficiently delivered care. A timely and effective logistical flow is
paramount for dealing with healthcare demands on that regard. The
need for corporate training is higher than ever in fighting against an
increasingly challenging operative environment and overcoming access
blocks across hospitals. To achieve systems engineering aims,
researchers and scholars have started to adopt gaming methods in
recent years [3] [4].

As understood by the present academic sphere and industrial sectors,
serious games and simulations with participatory inquiries appear to be a
type of gaming purposed for contextual applications with desired
objectives and balancing of an entertainment computing system and
representation of reality. The first serious game recognized in the
populace, namely the HUTSPIEL suit published by the Operation
Research Office from John Hopkins University to simulate the
devastation that would occur in a global nuclear war [5], was published
even long before the video games worked as the mainstream of play and
fun in the digitalization era [6]. Finally, The emergence of serious games
as a field has been facilitated by Abt’s quote in his book [7]:

“Games may be played seriously or casually. We are concerned with
‘Serious Games’ in the sense that these games have explicit and
carefully thought-out educational purpose and are not intended to be
played primarily for amusement. This does not mean that serious games
are not, or should not be, entertaining.”
Although the development of the field benefits from the rapid
accomplishment of modelling and simulation technologies, serious game
design and application are inspired by games in historical settings. Board
games were mostly relied upon in the majority of human history before
the invention of computers and are still being accepted as an important
modality [8] [9], as they provide advantages in the representation of the
complexities of social interactions. It is therefore critical to understand
from the ancestors of today’s games which characteristics, indications
from the outcomes of play and other aspects making gaming and
simulations successful in formative situations.

1.1 Strides taken by gaming applications
Reading across research records, the oldest fully functioning game
associated with clear outcomes of play was the sandtable chess match
crafted by Gongshuban in 450 BC. As a civil engineer and architect,
Gongshuban in his dialogue with Mo Zi used models of military tuples for
a regional administration planning effort in the sinosphere ChunQiu era
[10]. In order to establish a reasonable consensus, Mo Zi allotted a belly
belt and the food plates to represent the city and deployable
machineries, whereby Gongshuban came about tactics and skilled crafts
on the offensive side of the simulation. After a back-and-force process,
Gongshuban was not able to take advantages across the board after Mo
Zi discovered the optimal combination of the stone catapult, crossbows
and logistical bars to defend against scaling ladders. This exchange of
ideas based on facets of a real-world system forecasted various scenarios,
remarkably steering the whole planning process to a successful project.
In approximately 400 BC, despite different opinions at the intersection
of gaming and learning, Plato and Aristotle wrote about the meanings of
play and explicitly outlined their recreational and education purposes.
As the timeline in Fig.1 illustrated, the advances in gaming theory
continued until Huizinga published Homo Ludens [11]. In this book, the
five characteristics of games were defined as (1) playing a game is
freedom, (2) playing a game is not real life, (3) the locality and duration
of games are distinct from ordinary life, (4) playing a game demands
absolute and supreme order, and (5) playing a game is not connected
with material interest or profit.
to training skills or the communication of specified messages to

1.2 Serious games in operations management teaching and learning
For either conveying important messages to recipients or purposeful
training of soft skills, serious games fit well in management teaching and
learning situations; they allow user-centred inquiries and represent the
complexity of production systems, so that users can tackle complex
issues in service-based organizations. This process could be supported by
some design and development protocols well established by scholars in
this field. Facilitators can also deploy educational technologies such as
digital enterprise resource planning boards with business intelligence,
commonly by offering a gamified scenario comprising the real-world
systems with learning goals. In comparison to other types of training
environments, educational games always focuses on the edutainment
effect, admittedly lacking meaningful activities from players and
peculiar characteristics of the modelled system. Computer simulations
as an approximation of the operation of processes provide an
experimental learning platform and the player’s explicit control over a
suitable type of subject matter [21]; however, these may fall short in
interactivity, social relatedness, and retention. This section further
provides a retrospective description of how the representation of
complexity is being handled in gaming applications.

1.2.1 Medicine and health
To improve task performance for the staff working on the ground, non-
technical skills was first assessed for safety and protective measures by
the European Civil Aviation Council in the 1980s [22], further being
implemented for many industries inclusive of safety management
training of marine transport, railways and healthcare, especially with
the help of serious gaming and simulations. Non-technical skills training
for expert performance in health were first approved in anaesthesia [23].
Since then the importance of non-technical skills for safe care delivery
has been acknowledged worldwide. Not since the empirical validation
has a technology so altered the nature of clinical training for healthcare
professionals as simulation-based training, shown in previous studies on
the positive impact of reducing mortality and morbidity [24] [25].

From the 1990s, the effectiveness of the simulation-based instrument for
non-technical skills training gained acceptance in a wide range of low-
resource and high-risk settings. Amid this, scenarios with experimental
setup have served ulterior goals comparted to case study methods
regarding performance and strategy outcomes [26]. It is part of the mix
of curriculums delivered at various medical educational levels for
participants’ acquisitions of sense-making [27], communication,
decision-making [28], planning and adaptation of work as central to
coordination of care and operational resilience [29]. However, up until
now these means have been used mostly for training teams in critical
situations and that there are few applications of serious gaming
applications for training the non-technical skills of day-to-day operations
such as coordination of care or patient flow management. In addition to
training effort, serious games could be an efficient technique for testing
which models of management, leadership and organizations would apply
for the work environment.

1.2.2 Logistics and transport management
Logistics management research has inherited many serious game and
simulation applications. They are highly motivating; on-line simulation
games train management skills for complex chains, and they better
facilitate the learning process than board games. As the most
remarkable exercise in a classroom setting, the Beer Distribution Game,
originally a board game, illustrates the system dynamics of food
distribution systems [30], in particular, the “bullwhip” effect observed
in real operations [31]. Later, the board game format evolved into its
more recent screen-based business simulations [32]. Some researchers
argued that the digital modality should be the prioritized media type,
given the efficacy of all previous results, and aimed to enlighten
educators about computer literary as it applies to digitalized serious
games, finding them invariably advantageous for achieving the principal
objective [33]. Simulation games offer a medium to counteract demand
surges from player participation, a process in which the cognitive
analysis of flows and resources is expected.

Transportation management studies based on games and simulations
consider virtual scenarios a safe container for experimentation. Several
mature simulation games representing transportation business
administration tackle on decision-making on a wide variety of
operational issues. The EuroTruck Simulator is an entertainment game
providing a learning platform in which the player starts as the owner of
a freight forwarding agency [28]. A complete and functional
transportation network is simulated in a realistic fashion. The usefulness
and reliability of experiments using realistic simulator depend on how
the players react to environmental changes. In the EuroTruck simulator
applications, researchers consider the phenomenon of profound boredom,
its value in self-realization and the experimental conditions of the
player’s in-game existence, and its potential presence in all types of
computer games [35].

1.2.3 Energy management
Energy management research applies simulation and serious games to
adapt behaviours among individual citizens towards a sustainable energy
consumption pattern among citizens. Specifically, in the nuclear energy
franchise, the simulation game Energy City, which has both urban
dynamics and entertainment components, was effective in promoting a
positive perception of nuclear power [36]. The game was created to
educate young teenagers on sustainable energy resources; in the game,
the player aims to overcome the societal issues encountered by policy
making and cultivate a responsible consumption and production portfolio
designed in step-based, continuous decision-making processes and
balancing economic, environmental and societal perspectives [37]. The
pervasive and pedagogical benefits are harvested from the modelling
and simulation of interactions between system components, similar to
other energy gaming applications [38] .

1.2.4 Urban planning and management
Urban planning and city management studies increasingly rely on
participatory simulation and serious games to see on how individuals,
organizations and institutions could be affected by each other in a
dynamic city environment. Specifically, the SimCity game characterizes
on how the modelling and visualization of complex systems could
support game-based comprehension of concepts and principles in
teaching and learning scenarios [39]. This game is reported to find its
success in the domains of political science [40], sociology [41] and
geography [42]. The representation of business intelligence, system
dynamics and organizational structures in a sophisticated simulation
model enables the player to adopt a speculative view; indeed, the
utilization of simulation and gaming applications is rooted in
constructivist theory in which students acquire knowledge best through
active learning [43] [44].

1.2.4 Roadmap for serious gaming: summary
The deployment of serious games in specific application areas is able to
leverage the utility of the learning experience despite being challenged
by the representation of complexity in simulated environments and the
lack of concrete guidelines for game creation. As pointed out by a
documentary from the Games and Learning Alliance, in tandem with the
abovementioned advances in the field, it would be difficult to have one
single design standard that would fit all except from the case of re-use
[45]. However, game designers should focus on the holistic consideration
of factors such as intended outcome, game element selection, modelling
and simulation techniques, analytical methods and evaluation
approaches. More importantly, context-dependent decision-makings
should be evident in serious games for corporate training of soft skills
[46]; in the case of accomplishing desirable objectives, they must
achieve a balance between preserving realism while also not
overwhelming participants, which would negatively affect their
experience and flow. This necessary balance leads to requirements for
game designers regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of game
elements, which must be meaningful and relevant for participants.
Understanding the effect of game elements for organizing the
protagonists of real production systems would be a contribution toward
meeting the “Representation of Complexity” challenge by 2030, which
has been identified by the community as an important research direction.
1.3 Research questions
As revealed by the retrospective of the field, there has been only
limited investigation into the pertinent representation of production
aspects in healthcare systems, as these have been overlooked in favour
of mediating managerial skills in serious games. It requires specially
designed artefacts in the game absent the representation of logistical
aspects in general and underexplored utilization of gaming methods for
addressing healthcare management issues in particular. The previous
review reveals that much of the effort invested in serious gaming and
simulations has been on behalf of urban planning, logistics and transport
systems; gaming studies on the logistical problems of healthcare systems
have been absent. With a slightly increasing allocation of research
interests at this intersection, a few studies have started to use serious
gaming methods. One main reason for this emerging trend is that most
healthcare systems are confronting growing costs and resource
consumption, making the improvement of efficiency in operative
environments attractive. Even though the effect of game elements has
not been fully elucidated, this issue has merit for further study, given
that most healthcare management is confronted by a low-resource
setting, overcrowding and operational inefficiency and imbalances.

According to the gala roadmap report, the challenge could thus be
outlined [45]:

The challenge for the serious gaming community in addressing logistical
challenges in healthcare systems is how to design, in the most efficient
and useful manner, a gaming environment that can serve as a research
platform for investigating the impacts of environmental changes.
Gamification technologies could be applied on top of this environment
to safeguard against production choices that do not meet the keenest
requirements, while the outcome of play could be behavioural models
estimated to offer the promise of reducing imbalances and
inefficiencies. It is possible to meet this goal while respecting the
statutory rules of the real system by the progressive introduction of
pertinent, specially designed game elements.
This study aimed to explore game element design and to understand its
acceptance and its usefulness for improving healthcare logistics
management subjects to operational conditions and patient flow
characteristics. Extensive previous literature discusses using simulation
and gaming for training coordination and team-working skills in medicine
and nursing, yet the potential to help players approach the logistical
aspects of healthcare and to mediate managerial skills remains
unexplored; this could be a denial of the essential logistics management
skills that are critical for sustaining organizational resilience in limited
resource healthcare settings. The practical aspect of this study aims to
be useful to the corporate training communities by demonstrating how
to design, develop and deploy a serious game for training non-technical
skills in service-based organizations, elaborated by the following core
research questions.

1. What is the state-of-art of serious gaming and simulations for
logistical aspects in healthcare?

2. How should serious games be designed for training resource
management skills in emergency medicine?

3. In what ways does the use of scoring-based mechanics and modalities
influence game experience and learning behaviours?

4. What do the behavioural models of production choices in simulated
environments signify for serious game design?

5. How could outcomes of play enrich simulation-based predictions?

1.4 Case study description
The thesis utilizes real data from an ED and behavioural data from a set
of game-based practices, with all needed approvals having been
obtained. The paediatric ED is part of the children’s hospital, and it
receives patients with complex health problems and critical illnesses
from a large spatially diverse area. In 2017 alone, fifty-three thousand
visits with over one hundred primary causes (fever, headache, etc.)
were recorded. Due to the availability of primary care facilities that are
open 24/7 and because a referral from primary care is not required,
many patients choose to come directly to hospital-based EDs. Individual
arrival time, length of stay, wait time before seeing doctors and
priorities are also collected from the data. In addition to patient flow
data, configurations of human resources, floorplans and structural care
pathways were documented based on multiple visits to the paediatric ED
in 2017 and 2018. The medical activities frequently executed for child
patients, their time horizons and the required health human resources
are drafted with the help of consultation with ED employees via a
thorough, iterative process. This information is used to create unique
patient profiles in a simulated environment. Overall, the reason for
using actual data from multiple sources is to create a serious game
capable of representing complexity. Through this effort, it is believed
that participants in the serious game will be directly connected to a
highly realistic operating environment. The serious game therefore could
serve as a living lab, offering ex ante assessments of healthcare
production in reality.

The second dataset utilized in this work is behavioural, environmental
and survey data collected from voluntary participants with management
and engineering education backgrounds in game-based learning sessions.
At the time the game sessions were implemented, all participants were
involved in education programs. The behavioural data captures learning
engagement attributes and production decisions as the players proceed
in the game. Survey data based on the Core and the Social Presence
Modules of the GEQ were collected. The modules comprise multiple
dimensions and a rich set of question items; responses are based on a
Likert scale. The robust design of the questionnaire guarantees a holistic
evaluation of the game experience. These quantitative measurements
enable the assessment of the gameplay experience and meaningfulness
considering different aspects. Finally, environmental data on operative
metrics and score updates were logged and used for modelling and
analysis. The gameplay took place over a time period of nine months
starting in August 2019. In total, thirty-six students joined the gameplay
in different modalities. Board game play was first implemented,
followed by a two-week break. After the break, the participants played
the digital version. This experimental setup minimizes any subjective
bias that could be engendered by different individuals. Meanwhile, this
study deploys a relevantly sufficient sample size and rich choice
situations to record heterogeneous preferences.

1.5 Research objectives
Research objective 1: to examine the simulation technologies that could
be used to foster understanding of various situations and decision-
making processes in healthcare logistics. (Paper I)

In Paper I, using simulation as a means for training was the specific lens
through which the literature was understood. It focuses on the synthesis
of simulation and gaming applications for a wide variety of healthcare
logistics topics based on a query-based search strategy in the Web of
Science Core Collection, ACM digital library, and JSTOR databases.
Common logistical aspects for healthcare logistics are summarized. After
the literature review, event-based simulation and systems dynamics
were identified as the main modelling tools. Although there are fewer
contributions in this field than in event and systems dynamic simulations,
agent-based simulation has received stable attention in recent years.
However, gaming simulations are underexplored for addressing logistical
problems, hindering the efforts to understand how games could be
designed and used. Event-based simulation remains an understudied
research strategy in this field, which indicates a risk that the full
potential of gaming methods that have been demonstrated successful in
other industrial operation sectors is not being deployed.

Research objective 2: to construct a serious game based on a simulation
model of healthcare production that emulates the reciprocal
relationship between the work system mechanism and patient inflow.
(Paper II)

Paper II aims to develop a simulation model based on real data from the
studied ED. Game mechanics that are closely connected to the simulated
operative environment are selected, discussed and compared with
previous studies. Paper III partially addresses serious game design.
Because this represents an attempt to design games in such a new
domain, the effect of the modality is not clear. Therefore, a serious
game is established in different modalities by transferring the simulation
model into a board game and a multiplayer online digital game that is
supported by game elements. In particular, a serious game has been
developed to incorporate a scoring-based element that tracks the
participant with regard to logistical aspects of healthcare logistics.

Research objective 3: to understand the learning behaviour transitions
subject to impacts from the scoring-based system and the game
experience as a whole. (Paper III)

Paper III adopts quantitative approaches to analyse the influence of the
scoring-based system and the general patterns of learning behaviours.
Learning engagement attributes are particularly defined for this study,
bearing in mind the expected actions from players in such a production
type of game. User data are collected via in-game probes, and hence
after analysis, using a lag-sequence model and regression analysis. The
game experience is understood by the Core and Social Presence Modules
of the GEQ. The questionnaire scores are compared with those of serious
games recently applied in healthcare-related situations.

Research objective 4: to estimate a choice model in face of the change
in environmental parameters and the stimuli from the scoring-based
system. (Paper IV)

Paper IV, based on the discrete choice theory made accessible by game
elements, constructs a nested logit model to explore the effectiveness
of the game elements. The effectiveness is quantified, which can be
helpful for guiding serious game design or for introducing gamification
frameworks in real working environments in favour of certain production

Research objective 5: to provide an ex ante assessment of operative
metrics (Paper II and Paper IV)

Although the above-mentioned research questions will be covered in this
work, it is valuable to explore technological forecasting based on
simulation and gaming. The resultant findings in Papers II and IV
illustrate the potential of serious gaming for guiding real production.
be mediated, and a usability study focused on advantages and
weaknesses of gaming approaches.

While healthcare logistics has been defined in various ways by
researchers, in this thesis, we define it as “operational handling for the
delivery of care, including its supportive services, from origination to
recipient.” For patient-centred care, healthcare logistics relate to
patient flows through the healthcare system or hospitals and require a
coordinated effort from the provider side. In this context, the quality,
safety, and efficiency of services for patients are keywords that result in
work system mechanisms and team processes as preliminary factors.

Based on the design approach by Klevers el al. [47], the serious game
integrates a simulation model of the production system in paediatric
emergency medicine to provide a risk-free operative environment. The
represented processes are written in BPMN notations to be generic and
playable, thus making it convenient to reproduce the work system
through an industrial simulation fashion, namely, a computer model for
creating virtual production systems. The basic entities of healthcare
logistics operations and their mechanisms are integrated into the serious
game, including shifts, organizational structures and patient arrival
processes. An agent-based and discrete-event approach is adapted for
the representation of patients and workers.

A gamification design based on a scoring mechanism is applied to inform
the importance of logistical processes in the delivery of healthcare and
to steer behavioural changes that could be useful for eliminating access
blocks and overcrowding in healthcare. Real-world processes in logistics
are represented, with the intention of capturing the main actors in
service delivery, their interactions with patient flows and the work
environment. The serious game is used to identify successful
coordination strategies, prior to which, score-based gamification is
applied to balance role plays in parallel functioning units.

In-game production choices are analysed as decision-making processes in
which individual participants optimize and plan based on their
preferences, background and understanding of the system. How players
make their choice sets and choose between resource management
strategy alternatives is imitated by a production model, along with
patients’ reception of service from a given state to their discharge. The
evaluation of structured model parameters is based on user-generated
data and content from non-intrusive data tracking accompanied by other
approaches, such as behaviour coding. Attention is given to the choice-
set available to the serious game participants, after which structured
knowledge from gaming is available by applying user modelling methods.

The research contributions of this work are in the body of knowledge of
serious games and decision-making science, specifically in using
quantitative technologies to inform decision-making at individual and
aggregate levels. The main contribution to the serious game field is the
exploration and empirical study of the systemization of game elements
for mediating managerial skills in healthcare production, the evaluation
of efficacy and effectiveness and the reflection on lessons learned from
the process. Serious game design is expected to be auditable and
transferable to similar contexts:

1. Representation of complexity based on a multi-method simulation
approach for modelling an ED.

2. Development of a serious game based on elements closely connected
to the logistical aspects of healthcare management and operations.

3. Investigation of the impact of game elements on production decisions
based on individual choice modelling.

From the methodological point of view, some empirical advances have
been made to improve operations management by providing the
healthcare context:

1. Extension of the behavioural choice model to a service provision
context potentially affected by gamification features and game
dynamics as psychological and environmental stimuli, respectively.

2. Evaluation of player experience for a non-recreational game in
different modalities based on the GEQ.
3. Development of a serious game methodology for the technological
forecasting of operational metrics for logistics and production.

Examples of potential applications include organizational resilience
analysis, service coordination, effects of work system changes,
assessment of operational policies as strategies, patient flow analysis,
and the active learning of non-technical skills.

1.7 Thesis outline
The remainder of this work consists of four chapters, as outlined in Fig.
3. In the next section, recent approaches and technologies at the
intersection of gaming, simulation and behavioural science are revisited.
Chapter three delivers a research summary based on four attached
articles. The significance of the findings is elucidated by comparing the
research findings to previous works in the field, bearing in mind
limitations and future perspectives. Last but not least, the articles are
attached as appendix.
2. Methodological review
This chapter revolves around the primary methods in the gaming
research pipeline used by research articles to draw conclusions regarding
the effectiveness of design, experience, effects on learning, user
modelling and predictions. The applications relevant to gaming design
and learning effects on management science that have been presented
in the previous chapters offer the promise of integrating the advanced
state of complexity into gaming media. Simulation models of systemic
features based on reality are a highly motivating context in which to
investigate learning behaviours and decision-making and to reflect upon
whether mediation of the very much needed knowledge, skills, and
attitudes as desirable objectives has been met.

2.1 Gaming and simulation
From previous chapters, we know that simulation-based learning
activities with high realism and fidelity allow participants to embrace
complex concepts and solve complex problems. However, for
operational situations, there are still no training and learning platforms
that can be used to learn skills in typical daily management and
logistical decisions. In order to create simulations and games that are
valuable for training in non-technical skills [48], it is important to know
which types of problems should be addressed by which types of
simulations and games, an important guideline for a person who works as
a nurse, doctor or manager in the hospital. To design meaningful and
relevant scenarios for participants in organizational settings, it is also
necessary to incorporate social dynamics.

Before venturing further into the literature to explore what different
types of games are used for, it is useful to consider a few definitions
from the glossary of terms used in connection to serious games. At times,
the terms are treated interchangeably, leading to authors writing one
thing but actually meaning something different. For example, not all
serious games are considered gaming simulations, which mainly concern
the representation of complexity. This section is thus an opportunity to
examine the landscape and emphasize the interests involved in gaming.
Regarding this issue, pure computer simulations, serious games, business
simulations and social simulations can be identified from the state-of-
the-art through a synthesis of the literature and of recent illustrative
examples, regardless of which real systems are being represented.

Here, we define gaming in this work as an application-oriented
interactive approach destined for serious purposes. As suggested by Per
Backlund, serious games are defined as the application of gaming
technology, processes, and design to solve the problems faced by
businesses and other organizations [49]. By providing the problem-
solving focus for organizational issues, serious games represent the main
type of gaming media in every level of application. The classic serious
games in teaching include the Harvard Business School Management
Simulation, which allows teams to practice decision-making skills in all
areas of business and which has a strong connection with production
management teaching and learning [50]. Recent examples with clinical
benefits are evidenced by the adoption of serious gaming in the medical
education domain, raising the possibility of teaching declarative
knowledge and training for specific scenarios that are hard to reproduce
in the daily curriculum [51]. In the following session, typical
contributions are identified from high-profile journals in the field of
simulation, gaming and management science. Afterwards, the
characteristics of the different gaming simulation types are summarized.

Formerly, computer simulations referred to interactive techniques based
on scenarios and environmental changes in military training situations.
More recently, they also model real industrial systems with states and
transitions [52], providing the ability to study the impacts of different
scenarios in a ‘safe container’. Computer simulations in management
studies use discrete-event simulation, systems dynamics and agent-
based simulation paradigms, which simulate both technical and social
aspects of complex systems and represent validity in a collective manner
[53]. Contemporary simulation studies tackle all areas of management
studies, including logistics [54], transportation [55], and healthcare
delivery [56]. The methodological advances include the multi-method
simulation modelling of complex processes [57] and its integration with
gaming methods [58] that enrich computational models and prediction

Business simulations are a sequential decision-making exercise
structured around business operation models, in which participants
assume the responsibility for managing simulated operations [59]; they
play an important role in extending the case study teaching method to
feature the projection of players into the game [60]. An early example
was the “Top Management Decision Simulation”, after which the
majority of US business schools used gaming techniques in teaching [61].
Business simulations characterize a type of gaming media that can
address strategic and operational decision-making. Recent business
simulations are relied upon in corporate training to understand
fundamental economic and operational theories for administering
service-based organizations [62] [63].

Social simulations unravel issues in sociology via computer simulations.
Researchers have conducted simulation experiments to replicate human
behavioural processes and multi-agent systems. Brown constructed an
agent-based mixed logit model of vehicle choice for the technological
forecasting of consumer preferences and their impacts on electronic
vehicle market segmentations [64]. Rising up to the challenge of ageing
societies, the spatial planning of day-care centres through the elicitation
of residents’ socio-economic mechanisms and operating rules has been
enabled by agent-based modelling on the NetLogo platform [65].
Irrational and subjective behaviours in crisis situations can be
represented by modelling and simulation based on interview statements,
potentially eliminating the underestimation of dangers and/or abilities

As illustrated in Table 1, these games are instrumented to not only focus
on the activation of learning via user-centred content delivery but also
to incorporate multiplayer interactions. Although business simulations
characterize the classic teaching methods in operations management,
serious games hold significant promise for benefitting decision-making
skills training on tactical and clinical levels.
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