Page created by Javier Myers
Apply now to join the third cohort of IHF Young
executive leaders (YEL). 35 young healthcare
professionals from 14 countries already had the
chance to work together in 2019 and 2020 about
various health issues they had in common. You too,
join this adventure and enjoy the chance to exchange
with your peers worldwide on capital healthcare
challenges and opportunities.

Benefits include:
   Participate in a highly professional and
   interdisciplinary dialogue about various healthcare
   topics with a dynamic and friendly group;
   Learn from experts through exclusive online
   Host a session at the IHF World Hospital Congress
   to be held 8-11 November 2021 in Barcelona, Spain

8th - 11th November 2021

                                     People on board:
                                     Transforming Healthcare
                                     Blending agility , responsiveness , resilience

  The World Hospital Congress is a unique global forum that brings together leaders of hospitals,
  health services, and healthcare organizations to share knowledge, expertise, experiences and best
                       practices in leadership, management and service delivery.

THEME 1. Digital                         THEME 2. Towards an                      THEME 3. People at
and technology driven                    integrated concept of health             the center of healthcare
transformations                          and care services model: value           system transformations
1.1 Artificial Intelligence              driven transformations                   3.1 How to put citizens at
    for smart health and care.           2.1 Enabling the flexibility of              the center of health and care.
1.2 Big accurate data: how it                organizations to adapt quickly       3.2 Humanistic centered care.
    helps us.                                to changes, addressing
                                             accelerated innovation               3.3 Professionals leading
1.3 How is digital health                    adoption.                                transformations: the strength
    transforming the way                                                              of professionals to promote
    health systems are run and           2.2 Key results that really matter:          transformation.
    healthcare is delivered.                 patients outcomes as the
                                             driver for better healthcare.        3.4 From health management
1.4 Glocalization: new actors,                                                         to ethical leadership
    new rules, global healthcare         2.3 Health and care sustainability
    invaders in the local                    supported by applied research
    healthcare set.                          and innovation adoption.
                                         2.4 Global Healthcare, global
                                             mobility, global access:
                                             towards a liquid borderless
                                             healthcare system.

                                  Join us in
                                                More information at:



                                 Technical secretariat: GrupoRIC
                                  T. +34 93 410 86 46 . .

                                                                                                     Manila Doctors Hospital launches
                                                                                                     accessible healthcare for deaf
                                                                                                     patients amid the pandemic
                                                                                                     Manila Doctors Hospital,

                                                                                                     Madrid’s Regional Ministry of Health
                                                                                                     safeguards frontliners through
                                                                                                     a streamlined PPE procurement
                                                                                                     Regional Ministry of Health, Madrid
                                                                                                     Health Service, Spain

                                               Hong Kong transforms convention centers,              37
Ronald Lavater, Chief Executive Officer,       resorts to help public hospitals in COVID fight       Myongji Hospital leads South
International Hospital Federation              Hospital Authority, Hong Kong                         Korea’s pandemic response with
                                                                                                     an innovative dual-track healthcare

                                                                                                     Myongji Hospital, Myongji Medical
Dr. Lawrence Lai, Committee
                                                                                                     Foundation Korea
Chairman, Program Committee                    Hospital Regional del Instituto

                                               Salvadoreño del Seguro Social sets the

                                               standard in El Salvador with integrated
                                               pandemic response
                                               Hospital COVID Instituto Salvadoreño del
Program Committee Members                      Seguro Social San Miguel, El Salvador                 Northwell Health leads New York’s
                                                                                                     pandemic response with humanity
                                                                                                     and innovation

List of Recognized Hospitals
                                               Hospital Márcio Cunha upholds its
                                                                                                     Northwell Health, USA

                                               philanthropic legacy by providing humane
                                               healthcare to vulnerable patients                     42
09                                             Hospital Márcio Cunha, Brazil                         Madeira stays ahead of regional

                                                                                                     peers with a proactive COVID
Japan’s Ashikaga Red Cross Hospital                                                                  strategy
capitalizes on modern design to battle                                                               Secretaria Regional de Saúde e
COVID-19                                       Singapore clinicians build pioneering                 Proteção Civil, Madeira, Portugal
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga                    low-cost ventilator for COVID-19 patients
Hospital, Japan                                SG-INSPIRE, Singapore

12                                             31                                                    44
                                                                                                     Pathology Queensland beats
Augusta Victoria Hospital shelters             Pregnant in a pandemic: Lagos Island                  logistics barriers to deliver
high-risk patients amid pandemic               Maternity Hospital keeps expecting                    statewide testing capability
and political conflict                         mothers safe as COVID rages                           Pathology Queensland,
Augusta Victoria Hospital, Palestine           Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, Nigeria              Queensland Health, Australia

Dubai Health Authority’s dynamic                                      Established in 1929, the International Hospital Federation is an international
Shield Programme halts pandemic spread                                not for profit, non-governmental membership organization. Its members
through innovation and collaboration                                  are worldwide hospitals and healthcare organizations having a distinct
Dubai Health Authority,                                               relationship with the provision of healthcare. IHF provides its members with
United Arab Emirates                           a platform for the exchange of knowledge and strategic experience as well as opportunities for
                                               international collaborations with different actors in the health sector. IHF recognizes the essential

                                               role of hospitals and health care organizations in providing health care, supporting health services
                                               and offering education. Its role is to help international hospitals work towards improving the level of
                                               the services they deliver to the population with the primary goal of improving the health of society.
Groote Schuur Hospital uses an       
innovative multidisciplinary
                                               The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the International Hospital
strategy to win the COVID war
                                               Federation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any
Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa
                                               manner without the written permission of the copyright owner.

   4     IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                                 

                  This once-in-a-century pandemic has shown us that even in                            Across the globe, healthcare workers have shown
                  the most difficult situations, healthcare professionals will                         innovation, altruism, and dedication in fighting
                  always find ways to uphold their oath of caring for the sick. As                     the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are in
                  you read through these pages, you will find that healthcare                          unprecedented challenging times, hospital leaders
                  professionals and organizations across the world have                                along with their frontline staffs rose to the challenge
skillfully adapted and innovated throughout the course of this unprecedented         and transformed their operations and services in order to provide the
global health crisis.                                                                best care possible for their patients and communities.
  We are honored that a total of 103 hospitals and healthcare organizations             Through the vision of Dr. Eric de Roodenbeke, the International
from 28 countries have spared the time and effort to participate in Beyond           Hospital Federation launched the Beyond the Call of Duty recognition
the Call of Duty. These institutions ranged from relatively small health centers     program to highlight the pivotal role that hospitals played in the
or standalone hospitals, to major acute general hospitals, national health and       battle against COVID-19 and to showcase a sampling of the many
hospital networks, dental and pathology services, and even health authorities        powerful and heartfelt stories.
or ministries of entire regions or countries.                                           We called the recognition program Beyond the Call of Duty to
  Some of these organizations would normally be providing services                   draw attention to the extra efforts hospitals, their clinical personnel
exclusively for a select group of patients, such as women and children, the          and leadership teams have made in the fight against COVID-19. Like
hearing impaired, or terminally ill patients. And yet, when the pandemic             soldiers heading to battle, this phrase reflects the immense bravery
struck, all of these healthcare providers went out of their way to respond to the    shown by our frontline healthcare staff and leaders in the face of great
COVID-19 pandemic by providing enhanced and uninterrupted care for their             adversity. One of our main goals is to gather diverse and outstanding
patients and community in their own unique and innovative way.                       stories of how hospitals responded to the pandemic from different
  Each of the entries we have received has its own unique story to tell.             regionals of the world. We opened the call for entries in July, and we
Despite this, there are also some striking similarities in the way hospitals have    have received an overwhelming number of submissions from various
responded to the pandemic. For example, most hospitals would respond to              hospitals and health service providers across the globe. Each entry tells
the pandemic by evolving from phase to phase. This starts with a preparatory         a compelling story of how hospitals and their dedicated teams have
phase, where hospitals formulate their own pandemic response plan and                remained steadfast in their work even under extremely demanding
infection control policies under the direction of relevant health authorities.       circumstances not seen since the 1918 influenza pandemic.
This then evolves to the battle phase, where hospitals have to use all resources        Even after the pandemic, we believe that some of the innovations
at their disposal to rapidly build their capacity for diagnosing, isolating and      and new approaches which were used to respond to this crisis will
treating the unending number of patients with suspected or confirmed                 continue to be beneficial for the hospital industry. For example, the
COVID-19. This finally leads to the recovery phase, where hospitals have to          use of digital health solutions will provide greater access to many
create and establish a new norm for service delivery when the COVID situation        patients in a more efficient manner past the crisis. The use of digital
is under control, in order to ensure that the care for non-COVID patients would      health has long been underway in most hospitals and health systems;
not be adversely compromised.                                                        COVID-19 only served to rapidly accelerate its use and adoption by
  Different hospitals also faced similar challenges. First, each had to find         both providers and patients.
effective ways and means to isolate and contain the rapid spread of the disease         As the new Chief Executive Officer, the International Hospital
in their own community and healthcare setting. Second, each facility had to          Federation as a global organization will continue its commitment to
rapidly plan and build capacity for the management of an unprecedented               helping hospitals and healthcare organizations deliver better services
number of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. Lastly, healthcare              at all levels. For over nine decades, we have been the voice of hospitals
organizations had to ensure that their staff are protected from contracting          worldwide. Through our work, we aim to provide a platform where
the disease by providing proper and adequate Protective Personal Equipment           the global healthcare community can share their knowledge and
(PPE) and by ensuring that they are working in a safe environment.                   improve their performance in catering to the needs of people across
  The entries we have received show the endless ingenuity and dedication             the globe.
of healthcare professionals across the globe. If possible, all should be selected       Now more than any other time in recent history, there is a need
for this special publication. That said, the entries in the following pages are      for international collaboration among our health services. Through
designed to show how different hospitals in various countries all over the           this recognition program, the IHF aims to shine a light at some of
world have been responding to the pandemic in a way which is unique to               the many hospitals which had a significant positive impact during
their own situation and circumstances.                                               this time of uncertainty and provide hospitals a platform to share
  I wish to commend all hospitals which have participated in this Recognition        their stories and knowledge to the world. By fostering international
Program for having braved this pandemic beyond their call of duty. We owe            collaboration, our goal is to not only bring solutions to the present
much to the hospitals and their healthcare workers, for their response to this       crisis but also to help the healthcare sector become ready for similar
dreaded disease is a testament of their altruism, dedication, professionalism        situations in the future. We are extremely grateful to our members
and hard work under the most trying circumstances. On behalf of the IHF,             and partners who have helped make this program a success, and we
I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to all members of the Review        honor our hospitals and their teams who have worked endless hours
Committee for their invaluable advice, support and contribution, without             and faced physical and mental exhaustion for most of this year in the
which this recognition program would not have been as successful.                    fight against COVID-19.

Dr. Lawrence Lai                                                                     Ronald Lavater
Committee Chairman, Program Committee                                                Chief Executive Officer, International Hospital Federation                                                      IHF Beyond the World
                                                                                           Call of Hospitals
                                                                                                   Duty for COVID-19:
                                                                                                             and Health
                                                                                                                         IHF Special
                                                                                                                                 Vol. Feature
                                                                                                                                      55 No. 2          5

                                                                Dr. Lawrence Lai
                                                                Honorary Member, IHF
                                                                (Hong Kong)

           Prof. Carlos Pereira Alves                          Dr. Sita Ratna Devi         Mr. Charles Evans
           President, Portuguese                               Chair, Board of Trustees,   Honorary Member, IHF;
           Association for Hospital                            International Alliance of   President, International
           Development (Portugal)                              Patient Organisations       Health Services Group

           Dr. Anna Garcia-Altes                               Dr. Ann-Lise Guisset
           Director, Catalan Health                            Integrated Health           Ms. Triona Fortune
           System Observatory,                                 Services Department,        Managing Director,
           Agency for Health                                   World Health                Fortune Quality
           Quality and Assessment                              Organization                Accreditation Services
           of Catalonia (Spain)                                (Switzerland)               (FQAS) (Ireland)

           Dr. Kwang Tae Kim                                   Dr. Satoru Komatsumoto      Ms. Salma Jaouni
           Past President, IHF;                                Chief Executive Officer     Chief Executive Officer,
           Chairman, Daerim                                    and Director, Ashikaga      Health Care Accreditation
           Saint Mary’s Hospital                               Red Cross Hospital; Vice-   Council (Jordan)
           (South Korea)                                       President, Japan Hospital
                                                               Association; President,
                                                               Asian Hospital Federation

                                                                                           Dr. Wui-Chiang Lee
           Dr. Layla McCay                                                                 Chief, Department
           Director of International                           Dr. Erik Kreyberg
                                                               Normann                     of Medical Affairs
           Relations, NHS                                                                  and Planning, Taipei
           Confederation (United                               Past President, IHF; CEO,
                                                               Normann Consulting          Veterans General
           Kingdom)                                                                        Hospital (Taiwan)

                                                               Dr. Bernardo Ramirez        Ms. Alison Verhoeven
           Ms. Jehan Al Fannah                                 Director of Global          Chief Executive,
           Head of Performance                                 Initiatives HMI/COHPA,      Australian Healthcare
           Improvement, Royal                                  University of Central       and Hospitals
           Hospital (Oman)                                     Florida (USA)               Association (Australia)

6   IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                 
The IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 Recognition
Program recognizes over 100 hospitals across 28 countries
The International Hospital Federation (IHF) has designated              of healthcare, from technological innovations in diagnosis
the 15th of December as a global day of awareness for hospital          and treatment, to restructuring workflow systems and
and health service providers that have delivered exceptional            doctor-patient interactions.
service amid the coronavirus pandemic.                                    The International Hospital Federation Beyond the Call of
   After a call for entries in July, the IHF is awarding special        Duty for COVID-19 Program is sponsored by the Japanese
recognition to 103 hospitals and health service providers               Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital – Nikken Group and the
across 28 countries for demonstrating initiative, agility,              International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers &
and an incredible capacity to innovate under extraordinary              Associations (IFPMA).
circumstances. They have instituted changes in the provision              Below is the list of all recognized institutions.

                                              Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 Recognized Hospitals and
                                              Health Service Providers
                                              ■   Clínica Modelo Lanús (Argentina)
                                              ■   Dental Health Services Victoria (Australia)
                                              ■   Heathcote Health & Energesse (Australia)
                                              ■   Pathology Queensland, Queensland Health (Australia)
                                              ■   Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (Australia)
                                              ■   SA Pathology (Australia)
                                              ■   Hospital of the Brothers of St. John of God Vienna, Austria (Austria)
                                              ■   Clinique Saint-Luc Bouge (Belgium)
                                              ■   UZ Brussel (Belgium)
                                              ■   Hospital de Cubatão (Brazil)
                                              ■   Hospital Márcio Cunha (Brazil)
                                              ■   Hospital Municipal Carlos Chagas (Brazil)
                                              ■   Pronep Life Care Sodexo (Brazil)
                                              ■   Hospital COVID Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social San miguel (El Salvador)
                                              ■   Hospital Nacional de Ilobasco (El Salvador)
                                              ■   Hospital Nacional Rosales (El Salvador)
                                              ■   Hospital Nacional San Juan De Dios de San Miguel (El Salvador)
                                              ■   Hospital Nacional San Pedro (El Salvador)
                                              ■   Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center (Greece)
                                              ■   Hospital Authority (Hong Kong)
  Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19
 Recognized Hospitals is sponsored by...      ■   Apollo Health & Lifestyle Ltd. (India)
                                              ■   Apollo Speciality Hospitals - Madurai (India)
                                              ■   Bharath Clinics and Women's Speciality Trust (India)
                                              ■   Fortis Hospital Mohali (India)
                                              ■   APSS - Healthcare Trust of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
                                              ■   Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital (Japan)
                                              ■   Istiklal Hospital (Jordan)
                                              ■   Prince Hamza Hospital (Jordan)
                                              ■   Royal Medical Services (Jordan)
                                              ■   The Specialty Hospital (Jordan)
                                              ■   Asan Medical Center (Korea, Republic of)
                                              ■   Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Services Daegu Hospital (Korea, Republic of)
                                              ■   Myongji Hospital, Myongji Medical Foundation (South Korea)
                                              ■   National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital (South Korea)
                                              ■   Al Amiri Hospital (Kuwait)
                                              ■   Taiba Hospital (Kuwait)
                                              ■   Lagos Island Maternity Hospital (Nigeria)
                                              ■   Aster Al Raffah, Hospital (Oman)
                                              ■   Royal Hospital (Oman)
                                              ■   Augusta Victoria Hospital (Palestinian Territories)
                                              ■   The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi (Pakistan)
                                              ■   Caba District Hospital (Philippines)                                               IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature   7

                                                                                                    Photo courtesy of Northwell Health, USA

■ Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Hospital and Sanitarium                ■     Consorci Sanitari de l'Alt Penedès i Garraf (Spain)
  (Philippines)                                                         ■     Consorci Sanitari Integral (Spain)
■ Makati Medical Center (Philippines)                                   ■     Institut Català de la Salut (Spain)
■ Manila Doctors Hospital (Philippines)                                 ■     Regional Ministry of Health. Madrid Health Service (Spain)
■ Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital and Medical Center                   ■     Sant Joan de Déu Serveis Sociosanitaris – Esplugues de
  (Philippines)                                                               Llobregat (Spain)
■ National Kidney and Transplant Institute (Philippines)                ■     Antai Medical Care Corporation Antai Tian-Sheng Memorial
■ Region II Trauma and Medical Center (Philippines)                           Hospital (Taiwan)
■ Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (Philippines)                   ■     Cheng Hsin General Hospital (Taiwan)
■ SPZOZ Człuchów (Poland)                                               ■     Dr. Hung’s ENT Clinic (Taiwan)
■ APDP - Diabetes Portugal (Portugal)                                   ■     Al Zahra Hospital Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
■ Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga, EPE (Portugal)            ■     Aster DM Healthcare (United Arab Emirates)
■ Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, EPE                   ■     Aster Hospitals (United Arab Emirates)
  (Portugal)                                                            ■     Aster Pharmacy & Clinics (United Arab Emirates)
■ Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central (Portugal)             ■     Dubai Health Authority (United Arab Emirates)
■ Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte (Portugal)               ■     Latifa Women And Children Hospital (United Arab Emirates)
■ Centro Hospitalar Universitário São João (Portugal)                   ■     Medcare Hospital Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
■ Hospital Arcebispo João Crisóstomo, Cantanhede (Portugal)             ■     Medcare Women & Children Hospital (United Arab Emirates)
■ Hospital Center Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)                ■     Rashid Hospital (United Arab Emirates)
■ Hospital de Cascais (Portugal)                                        ■     UAE Ministry of Health & Prevention- MOHAP (United Arab
■ INEM - Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica, IP                          Emirates)
  (Portugal)                                                            ■     Advocate Aurora Health (United States)
■ IPO de Coimbra, Francisco Gentil, EPE (Portugal)                      ■     Bon Secours (United States)
■ Instituto S. João de Deus (Portugal)                                  ■     Bristol Hospital, Inc. (United States)
■ Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Riba D´Ave (Portugal)                   ■     Cone Health (United States)
■ Secretaria Regional de Saúde e Proteção Civil (Portugal)              ■     Freeman Health System (United States)
■ SPMS and DGS (Portugal)                                               ■     North Oaks Health System (United States)
■ Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda, EPE (Portugal)                      ■     Northwell Health (United States)
■ Aster Sanad Hospital (Saudi Arabia)                                   ■     Norwegian American Hospital (United States)
■ SG-Inspire (Singapore)                                                ■     Novant Health (United States)
■ Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore)                                    ■     Providence (United States)
■ Groote Schuur Hospital (South Africa)                                 ■     Rush University Medical Center (United States)
■ Althaia, Xarxa Assistencial Universitaria de Manresa, FP (Spain)      ■     Trinity Health (United States)
■ Consorci Hospitalari de Vic (Spain)                                   ■     UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (United States)

   8       IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                       
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital, Japan


Japan’s Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital capitalizes
on modern design to battle COVID-19

                   Japanese Red
                   Cross Ashikaga

WHEN THE Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga
Hospital first opened its doors in 2011, it
stood out in the Japanese healthcare
system because all of its rooms were
private. This set-up is a rarity in Japan,
where most hospitals offer shared rooms
or ward beds. Nine years later, when the        “With the emergence of the pandemic,          Each of its rooms also uses air-catalyzed
pandemic struck, Ashikaga Red Cross             our hospital is the only hospital             disinfection   coating    (HBE),   which
Hospital’s unique and modern design             designated by the government to accept        degrades harmful substances such as
worked to its advantage in caring for           severely ill COVID-19 patients in the         viruses and volatile organic compounds.
COVID-19 patients.                              Tochigi Prefecture,” he added.                   With the looming COVID-19 outbreak
   “When      planning      the   hospital’s                                                  early in 2020, the hospital immediately
construction, my vision was not only to         Advanced infection control systems            planned and put in place a robust plan
build the hospital as a next-generation            Even before the pandemic, Japanese         to further enhance infection control
green hospital, the first in Japan, but also    Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital already           capacities and capabilities in combatting
as a safe hospital with great emphasis on       had protocols in place to deal with           the pandemic. “The Japanese Red Cross
infection control facilities for prevention     infectious diseases. The hospital has an      Ashikaga Hospital is a JCI certified
and containment of nosocomial infections        infection control zone set up on the 9th      hospital. Our staff have sufficient
as well as management of patients with          floor, equipped with High-Efficiency          knowledge of infection control and
highly contagious diseases,” explained Dr.      Particulate Air (HEPA) filters to protect     are required to attend obligatory PPE
Satoru Komatsumoto, Hospital Director.          patients and healthcare workers alike.        training twice a month. Because of this,                                           IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature   9
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital, Japan


coupled with our advanced infection
control facilities, our hospital is therefore
always prepared for major infectious
disease outbreaks at all times,” Dr.
Komatsumoto explained.
   First, the hospital converted its
auditorium to allow it to be used as an
isolation facility for COVID-19 patients.
The auditorium was originally intended
to double as an evacuation center for
disaster victims, with emergency cots
stored under the stage and medical
gases available through wall fittings.
With the advent of the pandemic, the
hospital constructed isolation booths
separated by clamped wooden frames.
These booths are named tsu-na-gi,
which means “to connect” in Japanese.
   Second, the hospital set up a solar
carport with infection control tents to
serve as a triage area for suspected or
confirmed COVID-19 patients. “The tents
allow patients to access the hospital
without getting wet in the rain, and the
electricity generated by the solar panels
would be used to reduce CO2 emissions.
In the event of an outbreak or disaster,
we are also considering installing tents
under the carport as a triage area. With its
facility infrastructures, such as manhole
toilets, water supply and ready access           to protect its staff. For instance, it has   hood is enclosed by a vinyl curtain, and it
to power, our solar carport and isolation        introduced and used a new exhaust            is fitted with a HEPA filter to supply clean
tents are well equipped for COVID-19             hood for face-to-face infection control.     air. These reduce the risk of infection
outbreaks or other disasters,” Dr. Satoru        The exhaust hood separates medical           through patient droplets.
explained.                                       personnel and patients while still              Other changes include the use
   The hospital also designed new ways           allowing face-to-face interactions. The      of AI camera systems to detect the
                                                                                              body temperatures of those visiting
                                                                                              the hospital. The system can also
                                                                                              prevent visitors who are not wearing
                                                                                              masks from entering the hospital. This
                                                                                              prevents potentially infectious persons
                                                                                              from entering the hospital compound.

   10      IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                     
Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital, Japan


The hospital has also installed UV air purifiers
in the cafeteria used by medical staff.
   “After having treated about 50 severe
COVID-19 patients and performed over
2000 PCR tests for suspected patients to
date, I am happy to say that we have risen
to the challenges of COVID-19. With our
well-equipped infection control facilities
and knowledgeable staff, we have no
nosocomial infections or clusters in our
hospital, and most importantly, none of
our health care staff have been infected
by this dreaded disease,” Dr. Satoru noted.

State-of-the-art design and facilities
   The Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga                    The hospital’s single-occupancy rooms         order to safeguard both the people and
Hospital is a state-of-the-art facility that       were designed to provide the best                building in case of a major earthquake.
features an environment-friendly and               environment for the care and recovery            The entire structure is supported by 157
disaster-resistant design. The hospital was        of patients. Multiple-occupancy rooms,           huge dampers and stabilized by shock-
constructed in collaboration with various          by their very nature, drastically reduce a       absorbing pistons.
stakeholders, including experts from the           patient’s privacy while further increasing the     In the coming years, the hospital aims to
Department of Facility Sciences at the             risk of disease transmission. Other factors      solidify its position as the central hospital
National Institute of Public Health and            such as room temperature preferences,            for the Ryomo region. It will strengthen
architectural experts from Tokyo University,       odors, sounds and voices also negatively         coordination with other members of
Nagoya University, Hiroshima International         impact the patient’s hospital experience.        the regional medical community and
University, Hokusho University and Tokyo              The entire hospital complex is a next-        engage in the further enhancement of
Metropolitan University.                           generation green hospital designed to            emergency, disaster relief, perinatal and
   For instance, rather than a single large        lower energy needs and CO2 emissions.            other medical care delivery systems.
structure, the hospital was designed in a          It has its own solar and wind renewable          As Japan’s demographics evolve, the
modular way, centered on the main ward             energy system to offset its energy needs,        Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital
building. The central treatment building,          and it also has roof-mounted green plant         will continue to work to reevaluate,
outpatient building and others are                 zones and a groundwater heat pump                improve and adapt its doctors, nurses,
separate structures designed to be able to         system. Moreover, the hospital utilizes          administrative staff and facilities to meet
be changed or expanded in the future.              the latest quake-absorbing technology in         this challenge.                                                IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature     11
Augusta Victoria Hospital, Palestinian Territories


Augusta Victoria Hospital shelters high-risk
patients amid pandemic and political conflict

                   Augusta Victoria

ARMED        WITH       compassion      and
dedication, healthcare professionals in
Jerusalem’s Augusta Victoria Hospital
(AVH) are fighting COVID-19 in extremely
difficult circumstances. The hospital,
which provides specialized cancer and
dialysis treatment in Palestine, grapples
both with the pandemic and the effects
of a long-running territorial conflict.
   AVH has no emergency room or
ambulance, and its patients are the
highest risk group imaginable. The
hospital, therefore, took every precaution
to protect its vulnerable patients and
the staff who attend to them. When the
first cases of COVID-19 were detected in
Palestine, AVH immediately activated
its Emergency Preparedness Plan,
which included establishing strict health
protocols and scaling down operations.
   “The obstacles that we faced were the
political conflict and financial challenges,
along with the accumulating debts
of the Palestinian Ministry of Finance.
Additionally, due to the country’s
lockdown, it was more challenging to
receive essential pharmaceuticals and
supplies for our regular cancer patients
and it wasn’t easy to find ventilators           suspected and/or confirmed cases of            companions are paramount. Many of its
for COVID-19 patients,” stated Walid             cancer and dialysis patients. Moreover, four   patients and most of its staff come from
Nammour, Chief Executive Officer at AVH.         separate tents for donning and doffing         the Bethlehem district, which endured a
   AVH responded quickly to the                  were also established, and the staff was       strict lockdown when COVID cases were
pandemic despite these obstacles. Within         trained on proper protective techniques        first detected in the West Bank. To ensure
a week, a triaging tent was set up at            and how to transfer medications and            that its patients continued to receive
the AVH entrance to assess everyone’s            meals to infected and suspected cases.         the care they need, around 300 patients
symptoms before entering the facility.           AVH staff actively investigated, mapped,       who require essential treatments were
Non-urgent procedures were postponed,            and isolated infected cases, which has         accommodated at five different hostels.
while essential healthcare services such         significantly helped in controlling the        Staff from infected areas were also
as hemodialysis and chemotherapy were            virus.                                         accommodated.
continued.                                                                                         “Since cancer and hemodialysis are
   Three external centers on campus              Service beyond healthcare                      essential treatments that cannot be
were also modified and remodeled with               At AVH, concern for the human               postponed or delayed, AVH had to provide
necessary medical equipment to receive           rights and dignity of patients and their       all that was necessary to continue with

   12      IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                     
Augusta Victoria Hospital, Palestinian Territories


these services while providing a safe
environment to these high-risk groups
and the staff in contact with them,”
Nammour shared.
   AVH also provided free transportation
to patients while maintaining social
distancing protocols. All meals, snacks
and beverages were also made
freely    available.   Medications,    also
complimentary, were even delivered to
patients in order to limit the number of
people reaching the hospital. To date, AVH
remains the only hospital in the region
that provides free accommodations,
transportation, and food for patients,
companions, and staff.
   Although AVH is not a COVID treatment
hospital, it still established an isolated
laboratory section to test COVID-19
specimens. AVH is the only hospital in
                                                 “Thinking                                     Ministry of Health, District Coordination
                                                                                               Offices (DCO) and governors of different
Jerusalem to provide COVID-19 testing
for its staff and patients. Thanks to its
                                                 and working                                   cities. These efforts ensured the smooth
                                                                                               movement of patients and staff to and
in-house testing capability, test results
are made available within just three to
                                                 strategically,                                from the hospital. AVH also cooperated
                                                                                               with other hospitals in the West Bank to
four hours. Currently, a new and fully-
equipped unit has also been built to
                                                 setting priorities,                           coordinate treatment for patients who
                                                                                               could not be accommodated at the AVH
isolate suspected cases. This effort has         halting non-                                  facility.
not been done elsewhere in Palestine.                                                             AVH’s efforts have been recognized
                                                 urgent services,                              by      the   international      community.
Emerging from the crisis
                                                 and ensuring
                                                                                               A major stakeholder, the Lutheran World
  Against all odds, AVH has been able                                                          Federation, lauded AVH’s activities during

                                                 safe delivery
to successfully manage the COVID-19                                                            the pandemic and has also recognized its
pandemic and provide exceptional                                                               humanitarian staff who continue working
services to its patients and staff. AVH’s
remarkable pandemic response was                 of services                                   with passion despite pressure and stress.
                                                                                               International media outlets, such as the
made possible by the tireless dedication
of its staff and stakeholders. Healthcare        were all critical                             renowned Al-Jazeera TV channel, have
                                                                                               also covered AVH’s efforts at managing
workers had to either stay away from
their homes or put their families at risk for
                                                 in managing                                   the pandemic.
                                                                                                  After postponing its non-urgent
the sake of fulfilling their duties. Hospital
executives treated its staff as heroes,
                                                 the COVID-19                                  services from March to May, AVH has
                                                                                               since resumed full operations after having
providing free meals and accommodation
for all and extending leave privileges for
                                                 situation.”                                   successfully dealt with the first wave of the
                                                                                               pandemic. It also plans to move forward
staff who become infected.                                                                     with establishing new services such as
  “Thinking and working strategically,           Walid Nammour, CEO                            palliative care and geriatric care centers.
setting priorities, halting non-urgent                                                            “AVH will continue serving the
services, and ensuring safe delivery of            A comprehensive communication               Palestinian population in the provision of
services were all critical in managing          system was also crucial to AVH’s pandemic      the highest standards of diagnostic and
the COVID-19 situation. Our success was         response. AVH established robust internal      clinical health services, all in an effective,
supported by our team spirit and sense          and external communication plans               efficient, and sustainable manner.
of ownership, staff compassion and              during the pandemic, providing constant        Nevertheless, AVH is still taking every
commitment, the support of stakeholders,        updates to its staff and stakeholders. To      precaution to keep its patients and staff
and above all, the selfless value system        guarantee its uninterrupted operations,        safe, while promoting medical excellence,
that AVH has efficiently internalized and       AVH also liaised with both Palestinian and     professionalism and quality service,”
implemented,” Nammour noted.                    Israeli government entities, such as the       Nammour said.                                            IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature     13

The road to building trust                                                                     Controlling this pandemic is ultimately
                                                                                             about vaccinations, not vaccines, and

in COVID-19 vaccines                                                                         we need to start planning vaccination
                                                                                             campaigns now. The International
                                                                                             Hospital Federation’s (IHF) “Beyond The
VACCINES ARE one of the most cost              regulatory standards for approval of          Call of Duty for COVID-19” Response
effective interventions we have to             COVID-19 vaccines and have committed          Recognition Program acknowledges
safeguard public health and yet during         to publish all the clinical trials in peer    outstanding and innovative responses
this pandemic we have seen a decrease          reviewed        publications,    publishing   to the pandemic. The courageous
in public confidence. The latest World         details to an extent like never before;       work hospitals and healthcare workers
Economic Forum/Ipsos survey found              whether they are good or bad. By doing        showcased during this difficult period
that the number of people willing to get       this, we hope to address concerns of          highlights the vital role they play in caring
a COVID-19 vaccine has dropped to 73%          people who are vaccine hesitant. It is to     for us as well as protecting us.
from 77%. This is a major concern as we        nobody’s advantage that either vaccine          When COVID-19 vaccines will start
cannot achieve a global herd immunity          manufacturers, or regulators for that         to be deployed, we must respect that
if too many people opt-out of receiving        matter cut corners. It will only serve to     some people might be anxious about
the vaccine due to mistrust. COVID-19          undermine the unprecedented efforts of        getting them, and it will be important
anywhere remains a threat everywhere           all involved.                                 that we can answer all their concerns and
and so a global concerted effort is a             COVID-19 has made us realize the           demonstrate that safety and effectiveness
prerequisite to overcoming the pandemic.       critical role that healthcare professionals   has never been compromised. As
   The survey highlighted the biggest          (HCPs) play to tackle the global pandemic,    countries take on the huge task of rolling
vaccine confidence concerns among              but also to continue to provide essential     out immunization programs, HCP will be
responders were around side effects            health services. They are the backbone        called upon again. We thank them, we
and fears that clinical trials were moving     of any health systems and without them,       applaud them; and we want to support
too fast. Responding to the concerns           hospitals, primary care centres and           them in helping answer those questions
underscores the importance of trusted          outpatient facilities would come to a         that we can. Vaccine makers and the
voices to explain how vaccines work, how       grinding halt. It will be paramount that      biopharmaceutical industry as a whole,
the clinical trials for COVID vaccines are     HCPs feel confident about COVID-19            will be on the front foot, explaining how
just as thorough than for other vaccines,      vaccines, first as individuals, but also      vaccines are produced, distributed, and
and how regulatory agencies must and           because HCPs are usually the first port       monitored. It is in all of our best interest.
are scrutinising all the data and where        of call for people either receiving or
possible sharing them widely.                  enquiring about vaccines. They are a
   Since the start of the pandemic,            pillar in their communities and a trusted                  Thomas B. Cueni
                                                                                                          Director General of International
vaccine makers have voiced their strong        platform to quell fears or worries patients                Federation of Pharmaceutical
commitment to rigorous scientific and          may have surrounding the vaccine.                          Manufacturers (IFPMA)

  14     IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                        
Dubai Health Authority, UAE


Dubai Health Authority’s
dynamic Shield Programme
halts pandemic spread through
innovation and collaboration

                     Dubai Health

WHILE MUCH of the world was still
oblivious to COVID-19, the Dubai Health
Authority (DHA) was already laying the
groundwork for an aggressive system to
fight the virus. As early as January 2020,
the DHA had formulated its pioneering
Dubai Shield Programme.
   The Dubai Shield Programme is
composed of four main initiatives.
The first project involved increasing
Dubai’s COVID-19 testing capacity, while
the second focused on boosting the
availability of isolation and quarantine
facilities. The third project was centered
on improving the treatment and
hospitalization of COVID-19 patients.
Lastly, the fourth initiative involved
creating a city-wide network for real-time
communicable disease surveillance.

Staying one step ahead
   Under the Dubai Shield Programme,
DHA introduced a Novel Collaborative            to increase the number of available              The DHA also paid particular attention
Approach among the public and private           isolation beds. Apart from building new        to ensure that critical care services were
sector, allowing it to rapidly increase the     facilities, the DHA also converted 59          not    interrupted. It helped hospitals
testing capacity of its hospitals from          hotels and non-medical buildings into          shift smoothly to telemedicine where
300 tests to over 15000 tests per day           quarantine & isolation facilities. As a        applicable,   but     essential    services
and raising Dubai’s overall daily testing       result, DHA’s capacity of isolation beds       continued to be provided on-site. A key
capacity to 80,000 tests per day. All           went up from 250 to 46,000 beds.               enabler towards DHA’s continuity of
PCR tests were processed through a                 After securing its testing and isolation    care was the Doctor for Every Citizen
unified laboratory information system,          capability, the DHA then enhanced its          (DFEC) which DHA had launched in
allowing the DHA to maintain a 24-hour          attention to ensure the provision of           December 2019. DFEC provides 24/7
turnaround time for test results.               highest-quality treatment for COVID-19         medical consultancy services focusing
   By using prefabricated modular               patients. Despite a global shortage of         mainly on patients at highest risks of
materials, the DHA was able to build new        medical supplies, the DHA succeeded            exposure including elderlies, immunity
healthcare facilities within just 60 days,      in ensuring the availability of ventilators,   diseases’ & chronic diseases’ patients.
whereas such projects would typically           medicines, and personal protective             Compared to 877 beneficiaries during
take seven months to complete. The DHA          equipment to safeguard patients’               Dec-Feb2020, DFEC benefited more
also collaborated with the private sector       recovery.                                      than 45,000 patients since March 2020.                                            IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature   15
Dubai Health Authority, UAE


The DHA’s Blood Donation Centre
was also successful in maintaining
adequate    blood     supply,   creating
separate pathways for COVID-19 plasma
donations and a new temporary location
for COVID-free donations.
  Last but not least, the Dubai Shield
Programme      also    implemented     a
real-time    communicable        disease
management system known as the
Hasana Project. Hasana enables an
emirate-wide network for reliable,
accurate and real-time communicable
disease oversight. It provides a unified
system that connects public and
private healthcare facilities, allowing
the authorities to better control and
mitigate the spread of diseases.

Unified and fact-driven decision-
  The Dubai Shield Programme was                 clinical indicators, and geographical      published by Forbes.
made possible through the involvement            heat maps.                                    With the knowledge gained through
of all internal and external stakeholders.          The DHA also engaged with external      its successful pandemic response, Dubai
The program involved all corporations            stakeholders such as private hospitals     is now well-equipped to deal with other
and sectors under the DHA, with                  and clinics, pharmaceutical companies,     communicable diseases in the future.
various       multidisciplinary    teams         and providers of medical instruments.      Through the Dubai Shield Programme,
working cohesively for each project.             As a result, the DHA guaranteed smooth     the city can easily provide long-term
DHA’s leadership also used a real-               supply chain management, ensuring          care for patients, as well as operate field
time crisis management dashboard,                the availability of medical supplies       hospitals and isolation centers even at
which provided a 360-degree view of              while at the same time preventing the      a short notice. The Hasana project can
the city’s COVID-19 statistics and key           establishment of monopolies.               also be used as a public health oversight
performance indicators (KPIs). The                  Dubai’s efforts also played a crucial   program for large-scale events, such
dashboard enabled rapid fact-based               role in being recognized as among the      as Expo 2020-2021, allowing Dubai to
decision-making by showing real-time             best countries in terms of COVID-19        maintain its edge as a global leader in
data included bed capacity, quality and          safety according to a recent report        the events industry.

   16      IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                  
Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa


Groote Schuur Hospital uses                                                                   A holistic approach
                                                                                                Groote Schuur Hospital used a multi-

an innovative multidisciplinary                                                               faceted approach in dealing with the
                                                                                              pandemic. It involved all stakeholders,

strategy to win the COVID war                                                                 and it addressed governance, corporate,
                                                                                              and clinical concerns. For instance, from
                                                                                              the governance side, the CEO conducted
                                                                                              daily huddles with all stakeholders,
                                                that the flow of suspected COVID              including the hospital management
                                                patients did not pose a risk to others.       team, the clinical heads of department,
                    Groote Schuur               PPE had to be procured and many               and even with labor unions.
                    Hospital                    policies were drafted to ensure that            “All the senior executives played a role
                    South Africa                everyone knew what to do,” explained          in managing different aspects of the
                                                Dr. Bhavna Patel, Chief Executive             work to be done. Once a decision was
                                                Officer of Groote Schuur Hospital.            taken by the CEO, the managers’ task
WHEN THE pandemic struck Cape                     The hospital was prepared by the            was to implement and report back the
Town early in March, the management             time its first COVID-positive patient         following day. The clinicians involved in
of Groote Schuur Hospital knew that             arrived on the first of April. As the         infectious diseases were also part of the
their institution would soon be at the          pandemic continued to rage, Groote            team advising the CEO, together with
forefront of battling COVID. Known as           Schuur commissioned more wards                infection, prevention and control and
a premier academic hospital, Groote             to accommodate the influx of people.          occupational health nurses. Early and
Schuur had to rapidly reorient its              “As patients arrived, we remained two         frequent engagement with labor unions
activities in preparation for treating          wards ahead all the time. At the peak         averted many related concerns with
a large number of COVID-positive                of the pandemic, we had seven COVID           staff as the union leaders were involved
patients.                                       wards, five PUI wards and seven ICU           and assisted to disseminate information.
   “We started preparing around March           areas accommodating confirmed or              Such a cohesive response was valuable
with the de-escalation of theater and           suspected COVID patients. Clinically, our     for the organization and helped improve
outpatient activities. Staff had to be          hospital saw the most patients in our         the overall governance since the action
risk assessed and various infrastructure        province, totaling 2600 Covid positive        was responsive and altered in line with
needs had to be prepared. A testing             patients and almost 5000 PUI patients         the needs at the time,” Dr. Patel shared.
center was established early, ensuring          over the past 6 months,” Dr. Patel said.        On the corporate aspect, hospital                                           IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature   17
Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa


management ensured that all staff                burnout. This was done for nurses and          “We were the first
underwent risk assessments before                doctors, resulting in a team of surgeons,
they were allocated to COVID wards.              oncologists, gynecologists, all working        in the country
Financial matters were addressed to              alongside the physicians. There were also
ensure that there was no shortage                relief teams in place to ensure that staff     to implement
                                                                                                high flow nasal
of items needed. The hospital made               who contracted COVID could rest and
significant investments to procure PPE           recover.

                                                                                                oxygen. We had
and various equipment. Necessary                    Groote     Schuur     also    employed
capital was also used to increase the            innovative methods to care for its
number of ancillary staff such as porters
and security personnel. “Despite this,
                                                 patients.    “We were the first in the
                                                 country to implement high flow nasal           about 40 patients
financial compliance was achieved with
a clean audit and we remained within
                                                 oxygen. We had about 40 patients using
                                                 this equipment at the peak. They were
                                                                                                using this
budget with the financial year,” Dr. Patel
                                                 cared for in the general wards and saved
                                                 on ventilator spaces. We probably treated
                                                                                                equipment at the
   Most importantly, on the clinical side,
the hospital established multidisciplinary
                                                 the highest cohort of patients on high
                                                 flow oxygen in our country and perhaps
teams to rotate through the wards, with          even in the world,” Dr. Patel said.
sufficient rest between shifts to prevent        Beyond the pandemic                            Dr. Bhavna Patel, CEO

   18      IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                   
Groote Schuur Hospital, South Africa


   As with many healthcare facilities,
the biggest challenge faced by Groote
Schuur hospital was managing staff
anxiety and fear. This was addressed
through the appointment of consultant
psychologists on-site, who provided
counseling services. In addition, an
internal team made up of a psychiatrist,
a psychologist and an occupational
therapist walked the floors to engage
staff and counsel them either individually
or in teams. A third team of trained
COVID champions also interacted with
staff in their respective areas.
   Groote Schuur was not spared from
fatalities, as five of its staff members
succumbed to COVID. With each
death, management ensured that
colleagues were given an opportunity
to mourn, and each fallen frontliner
was commemorated through a short
memorial held in the garden.
   “We have had many reflective sessions
on the lessons learned during COVID             of a change management process. The            never allow so many lives to be lost in
and as the CEO, my mantra was always            multidisciplinary integration of the teams     this manner again. We need a 3-5 year
that if we have not learned anything            will also be sustained.”                       change in strategy,” Dr. Patel said.
from this then all the lives lost will            Beyond the pandemic, Groote Schuur             “Our hospital has seen the most
have been wasted,” Dr. Patel noted. “As         will leverage its position as a healthcare     patients and lessons learned have
such, through the reflections, the most         leader to adequately address underlying        been shared with colleagues across the
important lesson has been around                conditions among its patients. “Death          country. Private sector colleagues have
staff wellness and safety and this has          was highest among patients with                also requested to work more closely
now become a number one priority                diabetes and hypertension. A platform-         with our hospital. The impact has been
for our hospital. A wellness strategy is        wide approach to strengthen health             tremendous and very encouraging for
being developed around this and all the         systems will be used to address this.          a future that involves all stakeholders,
initiatives implemented during COVID            Our ultimate goal has to be improving          who by working together can assist us
will be integrated into the program,            the health of our population and all           to improve the health of our population,”
linking it to safety, quality and enhancing     steps must be taken. Whether through           Dr. Patel shared.
ongoing skills and competency as part           COVID or any other pandemic, we should                                            IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature   19
Hospital Authority, Hong Kong


Hong Kong transforms convention centers,
resorts to help public hospitals in COVID fight

                  Hong Kong

FINDING ENOUGH space to isolate
patients is difficult in densely populated
urban centers like Hong Kong. With a
limited number of hospital beds across
the territory, Hong Kong’s Hospital
Authority (HA) had to find creative ways
to effectively isolate and treat suspected
patients without overburdening the
public health system.
   The solution came in the form of
temporary medical facilities set up in
existing public spaces. Hong Kong is
home to a number of large convention
centers, which had been rendered
idle because of the pandemic. To cope
with the surge in COVID cases, the HA
converted one of the largest convention
centers and other public spaces into
community facilities, with each facility
able to accommodate hundreds of
   Patients having moderate or severe            Though these facilities provided enough         For instance, the world-famous AsiaWorld
symptoms or those with co-morbidities            space, they still had to be extensively         Expo convention center was transformed
are prioritized for hospital care in             repurposed to make them suitable for            into a community treatment facility in
public hospitals. This made it necessary         infection control. Thus, the HA had to          August, equipped with enough beds to
to identify and repurpose suitable               overcome limitations posed by each              accommodate around 900 patients with
community sites that can be promptly             facility’s original infrastructure, location,   mild symptoms. Another community
activated to manage confirmed cases              size, and layout, and make them fit for a       facility was set up at the Lei Yue Mun Park
with mild symptoms.                              healthcare setting.                             and Holiday Village, a recreational resort
   The HA has to make timely decisions              Apart from these challenges, the             located east of Hong Kong island. Lei Yue
on setting up the community facilities so        HA also faced difficulties in urgently          Mun could accommodate around 350
as to conserve the resources in hospitals        sourcing large numbers of appropriate           patients in en- suite rooms.
for the severe and needy patients. One of        furniture      and    equipment      needed        These additional community facilities
the biggest challenges faced by the HA           to set up these community facilities.           can be activated flexibly and promptly,
in setting up the community facilities is        Manpower availability was also an issue.        according to the outbreak scenario
the identification of suitable sites that        To cope with staffing concerns, the HA          when the HA’s isolation capacity is about
can be promptly activated in a very short        reached out to various public hospitals         to be saturated after due consideration of
timeframe.                                       for the mobilization of staff to operate the    the magnitude, pace and nature of the
                                                 facilities at such short notice.                outbreak.
Transforming public spaces                          Within weeks, the HA was able to                The community            facilities  use
The sites identified by the HA included          repurpose these large facilities into           information technology to enable
exhibition halls and recreation villages.        suitable isolation and treatment centers.       efficient        communication         and

   20      IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature                                       
Hospital Authority, Hong Kong


information sharing among patients                 Hong Kong had early success in              immediately         executed       by     related
and staff. Each facility features an on-site    containing the virus, but space availability   functional departments such as finance,
electronic dashboard that displays vital        became critical when the city’s third          procurement, and human resources.
signs and other necessary information.          coronavirus wave began in late July.              This clear and streamlined command
To maintain isolation and distancing,           With more than a hundred cases being           and      governance         structure   facilitate
healthcare workers use teleconsultation         reported per day, some confirmed               HA to make timely decisions and
to conduct regular checks on each               patients had to wait for admission to          communicate effectively. Internally, different
patient. Since the patients staying at          public hospitals due to tight capacity.        communication channels have also
the community facilities are capable of            By using these community facilities,        been established, such as staff bulletins,
caring for themselves, they are remotely        the waiting queue in the community was         publications, designated webpage and in-
monitored through electronic health             successfully cleared and confirmed cases       house messaging mobile apps. These are
platforms. Patients can take their vital        at different recovery stages were placed       used to update and disseminate important
signs, and clinical data collected would        and cared for at appropriate settings.         COVID-19 information effectively and
be instantly available to the healthcare        The community facilities have optimized        efficiently among staff. The HA also keeps in
workers on duty.                                healthcare resources and allowed HA            close communication with the Government
                                                to stratify patients according to their        and various external stakeholders such as
Easing the pressure on public hospitals         needs and conditions. The resources can        the private healthcare sector and the media.
   The HA had very limited airborne             therefore be best utilized for the most-          The      establishment         of    different
isolation facilities prior to the opening of    needy group of patients having more            community           facilities     within      an
the community treatment facilities. HA          severe symptoms and/or co-morbidities.         exceptionally short timeframe was done to
hospitals could only accommodate 1,700             All levels of the HA worked together in     alleviate the demand pressure of hospital
patients and would not be able to cope          managing these community facilities. The       isolation beds. These measures left room
with sharp increases in the number of           updates and progress of the community          for public hospitals to focus on caring for
patients and close contacts should the          facilities are regularly reported to the       more severely ill patients. These pandemic
number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong          senior management of the HA, who               measures were widely welcomed by the
increase drastically. Limited bed space in      also steer the direction of associated         public and considered highly significant
public hospitals posed a key challenge to       operational issues, human resources            for this hard-fought battle against the
Hong Kong’s containment strategy, which         aspects, infection control and clinical        COVID-19 pandemic. Feedback                 from
consisted of identifying, isolating, and        management guidelines. Any decisions           patients       treated       at the community
treating all suspected patients.                made by the HA senior management               facilities are also very positive.                                            IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19: An IHF Special Feature        21
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