CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District

Page created by Wanda Walker
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
                                                       FALL 2020

    GAME NIGHT        TRICK OR        TRUNK OR        NORTH POLE
4   P. 14        10   TREAT      24   TREAT       5   EXPRESS
                      P. 14           P. 15           P. 15
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
         C I N E
   E D I

                                                                       Life keeps moving.
                                                                            So should you.

                   847.388.5477 |
                   1401 North Midlothian Road | Mundelein, IL 60060-1149
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
Mundelein Park &
Recreation District Board
   of Commissioners
                                                    Message from Ron Salski,
                                                    Executive Director

                                                    The Mundelein Park and Recreation District continues to
                                                    focus on our patrons’ safety with all our programs, facilities,
                                                    and services. As we navigate the future, the District is ready
                                                    to adapt and adjust while providing a quality park system.
                                                    We delayed some key administrative projects such as a
                                                    community-wide survey and the strategic plan and specific
    Jesus (Jesse) Ortega                            capital maintenance expenses while looking for opportunities
                                                    to strengthen our park system.

                            Some high points include:
                            • Golf rounds have been steady despite challenging guidelines.
                            • Dance participation remains strong through innovative virtual programs and a
                              planned virtual dance recital.
                            • Diamond Lake Beach and Spray Park have renewed popularity.
                            • Tennis courts were full daily.

                            We will continue to follow the Governor’s Restore Illinois guidelines, so please visit our
       Wallace Frasier      website to view the most recent updates. We’ve noticed more people experiencing our
       Vice President       many beautiful parks. We encourage our residents to walk our paths, enjoy our new
                            Asbury Park playground or resurfaced tennis/basketball courts.

                            We decided to print and deliver the fall brochure since residents continually value the
                            physical copy. Look for the fall brochure in your mailbox in early August.

                            Highlights include:
                            • An expanded youth basketball program for boys and girls (page 30–31)
                            • A continuation of the extremely popular Porch Parties (page 13)
        Pat McGrath         • Restructured Fall Special events to ensure your safety (page 14–15)
         Treasurer          • Spanish programs for children (page 21–22)
                            • Virtual cooking classes and cake camps (page 24)

                            On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, we thank you for your patience during this
                            challenging time. Your virtual and on-site participation plays a crucial role in moving
                            the Mundelein Park & Recreation District forward.

        Kevin Dolan

       Bob Knudson
       Commissioner                                                                                   Fall 2020        1
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
    Mundelein Community Center/              Heather Burnes                        PARKS DEPARTMENT
    Administrative Offices                   Dance Coordinator                     1501 N. Midlothian Road
    1401 N. Midlothian Road                    847.566.0430
    Mundelein, IL 60060                      847.566.0675
    P 847.566.0650 | F 847.566.8557                                                Derek Solberg, CPSI, CPO
                                             Erica De Luca, CPO, AFO               Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds
                                             Aquatics Manager            
    Hours: M–F, 8:30 am–5 pm
    ADMINISTRATION                                                                 John Rogers, CPO
    DEPARTMENT                               Gwendolyn Fuesz                       Building Maintenance Supervisor
                                             Aquatics Supervisor         
    Ron Salski, CPRP                            847.388.5466
    Executive Director                       847.388.5437                                                     Brian Jeske, CPSI, CPBM
    847.388.5460                             Laurie Gembara                        Grounds Maintenance Supervisor
                                             Director, Big & Little and  
    Sarah Bannon                             Learning Center Preschool             847.388.5467
    Human Resource Manager                        847.388.5440                          STEEPLE CHASE GOLF CLUB
    847.388.5461                                                                   200 N. La Vista Drive
                                             Kelsey Fuller, CPRP                   P 847.949.8900
    Nerissa Brueckbauer                      Community Center Operations Manager
    Risk Manager                               847.388.5453
    847.388.5446                                                                   Bill Brolley
                                             April Lee                             Golf Operations Manager/PGA
    Christa Lawrence                         Customer Service Supervisor           Professional
    Marketing Manager                                847.388.5450                          847.388.5480
                                             Marissa Moravec, CPRP                 Jon Karl
    Debbie McInerney                         Recreation Supervisor                 Assistant Golf Operations Manager
    Superintendent of Business Services 
    & Technology                             847.566.4790                          847.388.5481
    847.388.5456                             Cheri Rehor                           Ron Doruff
                                             Recreation Supervisor                 Golf Course Superintendent
    Tracie Ouimet                     
    Corporate & Community Relations          847.388.5452                          847.388.5486
    847.388.5429                             Linda Renz                            Scott Ragland
                                             Customer Service Coordinator          Steeple Chase Golf Club Pro Shop Manager
    RECREATION DEPARTMENT                    847.388.5451                          847.949.8900
    Matt LaPorte, CPRP                       Kelli Schillaci
    Superintendent of Recreation             Recreation Supervisor               AFO–Aquatics Facility Operator
    847.388.5458                             847.388.5447                            CPRP–Certified Park and Recreation Professional
                                                                                     CPSI–Certified Playground Safety Inspector
                                                                                     CPO–Certified Pool Operator
    Scott Schleiden, CPRP                    Nicole Schaller                         CPA–Certified Public Accountant
    Assistant Superintendent of Recreation   Fitness Coordinator                     CPBM–Certified Prescribed Burn Manager  
    847.388.5462                             847.388.5432
                                             Matt Wells                             Emergency: Call 911
                                             Athletic Coordinator                   Nonemergency: Mundelein Police
                                                 Department 847.968.4600

2         847.566.0650
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
Barefoot Bay
1461 N. Midlothian Road | 847.566.8661

Big & Little Child Development
1401 N. Midlothian Road | 847.388.5440

Dance Studio/Kracklauer Park
100 N. Seymour Avenue | 847.566.0675

Diamond Lake Recreation Center
(Learning Center Preschool)
1016 Diamond Lake Road | 847.388.5440
                                              Table of Contents
Dunbar Recreation Center
888 Dunbar Road | 847.566.0650
                                              ADULT/TEEN                                                   PARKS & FACILITIES
Indoor Pool                                   Adult Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43        Facility/Park Locations . . . . . . . 10-11
1401 N. Midlothian Road | 847.388.5436        Adult Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42        Facility/Shelter Rentals . . . . . . . . 8-9
                                                                                                           Park Info & Policies. . . . . . . . 4, 53-54
Mundelein Heritage Museum                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS/STAFF. . . . 1
601 E. Noel Drive                                                                                          PARTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
                                              CHILD CARE
For information, call 847.566.8122
                                              Big & Little Early Childhood. . . 16-17                      PRESCHOOL
NovaCare Fitness Center                                                                                    Big & Little Early Childhood. . . . 16-17
                                              COOKING/BAKING CLASSES
1401 N. Midlothian Road | 847.388.5430                                                                     Learning Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
                                              Kids Cooking/Baking. . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
Regent Center                                                                                              SPECIAL EVENTS
1200 Regent Drive | 847.566.4790              DANCE                                                        Family Game Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . .            14
                                              Tot Dance (Ages 1–3) . . . . . . . . . 21-22                 Doggy Trick or Treat. . . . . . . . . . . . .           14
                                              Long Term Dance. . . . . . . . . . . .  36-38                Boo Bash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
                                                                                                           North Pole Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . .           15
                                              DAY OFF PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . .  20
      Affiliated Community                    EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS
                                                                                                           ADA Info.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
          Organizations                       Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22
                                                                                                           Green Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                              Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25-26
                                                                                                           Refunds/Scholarships. . . . . . . . . .  54
  Mundelein Baseball & Softball Association   FITNESS                                                      TTY Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 54
                                              Adult/Teen Wellness . . . . . . . . 44-46
  Mundelein Lady Mustangs Feeder              NovaCare Fitness Center. . . . .  47-50
  Basketball                                                                                               Lessons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-52
                                              Group Exercise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49                   Personal Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50            TENNIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33
  Lake County Stallions
                                              GOLF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40-41      YOUTH PROGRAMS
                                              GYMNASTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34             Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22-24
  Mundelein AYSO Soccer/Special Needs
                                                                                                           Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-31
                                              KARATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35     Youth Basketball Leagues. . . . . 30-31
                                              ORG/COMMITTEES                                               HOW TO REGISTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
         Other Community                      Recreation Advisory, (MASC). . . . . . 4
                                                                                                           REGISTRATION/WAIVER. . . .  55-56
          Organizations                       Mundelein Parks Foundation. . . . . . 5
                                              SRACLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
 Mundelein Soccer Club
 Mundelein Mustangs Swim Club                                                                                                                           Fall 2020                  3
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
Check the website for the latest
YOUR PARKS                                                                 updates on playground status.

                                                                                                                        6 ft.

                                                                                                         Remember to socially distance

             Our Mission                                                     Help Your Parks — Become a Volunteer
             Mundelein Park & Recreation District is committed to            Create a meaningful and positive impact on your
             connecting the community with quality recreation through        community. To learn more about volunteer opportunities,
             diverse programs, facilities and open space.                    call 847.566.0650 or apply online.

             Our Vision                                                      Park Board and Meetings
             To be the leader for environmental preservation, recreation     Mundelein Park & Recreation District is a governmental
             activities and unique facilities for those we serve.            agency established for the purpose of providing parks,
                                                                             facilities and recreation programs for the community. The
             Park Rules to Remember                                          Park District is responsible for maintenance, operation and
                                                                             administration of these entities under its jurisdiction. The
             • Parks are open daily, dawn to dusk (unless otherwise
                                                                             Park District is governed by five elected commissioners
                                                                             who set policy for the District's operation. Park District
             • Be courteous to others sharing your parks                     Board meetings are held the second and fourth Monday of
             • Supervise children at all times                               each month, 7:30 pm, at the Mundelein Community Center
             • Leave nature as you found it for others to enjoy and          (1401 N. Midlothian Road, 3rd Floor). The public is welcome
               dispose of litter in proper receptacles                       to attend.

             • Dogs are permitted in Mundelein parks. Dogs must be
               leashed and pet owners/walkers must clean up after            Recreation Advisory Committee
               their pet
                                                                             Share your ideas! The Mundelein Park & Recreation
             • Golfing is permitted only at Steeple Chase Golf Club          District Advisory Committee meets quarterly in an effort
             • Vehicles must park in designated areas and stay on            to continually provide outstanding recreation programs,
               roads and driveways                                           services and events. For more information, contact
                                                                             Matt LaPorte at 847.388.5458 (mlaporte@
             • Vehicles left after closing will be towed at
               owner’s expense
             • Report any vandalism to the Parks Department,
               847.388.5463                                                  Mundelein After School Coalition
             • Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and vaping products               The Mundelein After School Coalition partners students
               are prohibited                                                and community members to share ideas and work together
                                                                             for a strong community. Members include the Mundelein
             Sharing Your Parks                                              Park & Recreation District, Mundelein Police Department,
                                                                             Mundelein High School, Mundelein School Districts 75 and
             Throughout the year, remember to share your parks safely.       76, Fremont District 79 and Fremont Public Library.
             Please watch your speed, stopping and signaling when
             driving around park zones. The Illinois General Assembly        Residents and area businesses are invited to monthly
             Law has established special traffic protections while           meetings to share ideas. For more information, contact the
             passing parks and recreation facilities and areas. The          Mundelein Police Department at 847.968.3775.
             Mundelein Police Department may issue tickets on and/
             or near Park District properties to individuals who violate
             traffic laws.

 4           847.566.0650
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)                         Special Recreation Association of Central
Mundelein Park & Recreation District complies with            Lake County
the Americans with Disabilities Act which prohibits the                            Mundelein Park & Recreation District
discrimination in the provision of services, programs,                             is a cooperative member agency of
or facilities to individuals with disabilities. For more                           the Special Recreation Association of
information on ADA or inclusion opportunities, call                                Central Lake County (SRACLC). The
847.566.0650. If you feel you have been discriminated                              association provides community-
against, please contact us immediately.                       based therapeutic recreation programs and services to
                                                              people of all ages with disabilities or special needs.

Mundelein Parks Foundation                                    SRACLC is a cooperative effort of the Grayslake,
                                                              Mundelein, and Vernon Hills Park Districts and the
                    The Mundelein Parks Foundation
                                                              Villages of Hawthorn Woods, Lincolnshire, Libertyville
                    encourages health and recreation
                                                              and Lake Zurich. Individuals residing within the legal
                    for the community through funding
                                                              boundaries of the member agencies are considered
                    efforts that help promote and
                                                              “residents” of SRACLC and may take advantage of the
                    enhance facilities, services, programs,
                                                              specialized leisure services.
                    parks and special projects.
                                                              SRACLC programs range from cultural arts, sports,
The Mundelein Parks Foundation is a nonprofit 501 (c)
                                                              adaptive sports, Special Olympics, special events and
(3) charitable organization governed by an independent,
                                                              day camps. SRACLC recognizes that some people with
voluntary board. The foundation seeks to strengthen
                                                              disabilities prefer to participate in recreation programs
community and family ties with a self-generating funding
                                                              within their own park district. SRACLC provides support
source raised through special events. Funds raised help
                                                              for these programs through extra staff, if necessary, sign
finance recreational scholarships and support special
                                                              language interpreters, behavior management support,
projects. For more information or to donate, contact Matt
                                                              disability awareness training and other adaptive services
LaPorte at 847.388.5458 (
                                                              required for safe and successful participation. SRACLC
                                                              needs you. To help out or for more information, call
                                                              847.816.4866 or visit

    Give a Gift of
    a Living Legacy
    Mundelein Park & Recreation District
    Tree Dedication Program
    Mundelein Park & Recreation District’s Tree Dedication
    Program is an excellent way to celebrate, commemorate
    and honor.
    Mundelein Park & Recreation District’s Tree Dedication Program
    is a great way to remember, honor and commemorate. Recognize
    a special person or event in your or someone’s life—all while
    keeping things “green” and benefiting the environment,
    community and future generations. For more information, contact
    Derek Solberg at 847.388.5463 (                                                                                             Fall 2020         5
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
REGISTRATION              ration
                    Regist s

               Ways to Register                                                 Please note: Due to the uncertainty of COVID-19,
                                                                                changes to registrations may be made at any time.

               Registrations are processed on a first-come-first-served         Online Program Registration Available
               basis. Please register early — programs fill quickly. If a
                                                                                The Mundelein Park & Recreation District offers online
               program is full, registrants will be notified. If desired, you
                                                                                registration for recreation programs. This convenient
               will be added to a waitlist.
                                                                                registration process is free, and the website offers a
               R = Resident rates                                               secure payment area.
               NR = Nonresident rates
                                                                                Our online registration system is called ActiveNET.
               M= Member rates
                                                                                Residents and nonresidents are able to enroll in
               NM= Nonmember rates
                                                                                activities and make secure payments online from any
               If you have any questions regarding residency or registration,   computer. Current MPRD customers are able to enroll
               contact Customer Service at 847.566.0650 or registration@        using their email; new customers can set up an account
                                                   online or in person. NO PAPERWORK NECESSARY.
                                                                                The website allows customers to search for activities
                                                                                by season, date, and age. Resident and nonresident
               ONLINE: Convenient online registration.                          status is determined in the system. Customers are able
               Visit (details at right).                     to view program availability and enroll immediately.
                                                                                Participants are also able to easily monitor the entire
                                                                                family’s activities.
               MAIL: Send forms (pages 55–56) and payment to:
               	Program Registration
                 Mundelein Park & Recreation District                             Learn how to register online:
                 1401 N. Midlothian Road                                
                 Mundelein, IL 60060

               FAX: Fax the completed forms (pages 55–56) to:
               847.566.8557. Confirmation receipts are emailed for all

               After-Hours Drop-Off Box:
               A drop box is available outside in the front circle entrance.
               TTY Use: During business hours, the Illinois Relay Center
               will relay information between hearing and hearing-                        224.263.3006
               impaired persons. If you use a TTY and want to reach the
               Park District, the Communications Assistant will voice your         Ways to Access Rainout Line Information
               typed words to the person using a standard telephone and            • Download the free iPhone or Android app
               type the standard phone user's words to you. Dial 711 or              from your App Store (Search for Mundelein
               800.526.0844 for assistance.                                          Park & Recreation District in the app)
                                                                                   • View program status below or via the
                                                                                   • Sign up for customized email or text
                                                                                     messages for the program areas of your
                                                                                   Call our RainoutLine to find out the status of
               Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, American Express®                    the program area of your choice
               and checks (payable to Mundelein Park & Recreation
               District) accepted.                                                 RED: CANCELED/CLOSED
                                                                                   YELLOW: DELAYED/QUESTIONABLE
                                                                                   GREEN: IT’S A GO

  6            847.566.0650
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
My New Mask/Mi Nueva Mascara
          Available for purchase at Mundelein Community
                Center and on! $10 ea.
             All proceeds benefit Mundelein Parks Foundation.
     This reassuring story helps children understand why they need to wear a mask
    and acknowledges how life is different during the Covid-19 pandemic. The story
     is told twice, once in English and once in Spanish. It was written and illustrated
    by Mundelein Park & Recreation District’s Marketing Manager, Christa Lawrence.

                                               The Mundelein Parks Foundation
                                               promotes health and recreation for the
                                               community through funding efforts that
                                               help promote and enhance facilities,
                                               services, programs, parks and special

                     1401 N. MIDLOTHIAN RD., MUNDELEIN, IL 60060 | 847.566.0650 | MUNDELEINPARKS.ORG                                                                                     Fall 2020   7
CONNECTIONS FALL 2020 - SEP FAMILY - Mundelein Park District
RENTALS                                                             PLEASE NOTE: RESTRICTIONS APPLY DURING
                                                                    PHASE 4 OF RESTORE ILLINOIS.

                                                                    Facility and
                                                                    Shelter Rentals
          Rental Details
          Facility and park permits/reservations must be submitted at least 14 days in advance. Fees must be paid in full,
          excluding Regent Center and Dunbar Recreation Center which require only a deposit. Deposits are nonrefundable in
          event of cancellation. A picnic permit is required for groups of 10 or more at any shelter. Permits and reservations can be
          handled at the Customer Service Desk at the Mundelein Community Center during regular business hours. Park District
          programs and events have booking priority.


                                                                            Kracklauer Park Gazebo
                 Shelter Rentals: Enjoy Your Parks                          Note: The Kracklauer Gazebo is not available in
                                                                            2020 due to construction.
          Choose from a variety of affordable, scenic parks for a
          rustic, natural setting for your special event, family reunion,   Located in the heart of Mundelein, this scenic setting
          picnic or corporate function. All shelters include picnic         offers an intimate gazebo for weddings or similar
          tables. Some include nearby toilets, water and recreation         ceremonies. No picnic rentals are permitted. Concert
          opportunities. Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and vaping             rentals are available on a case-by-case basis. Rentals
          products are not permitted on Park District grounds.              are available daily for a maximum of two hours. Alcohol,
          Deposits are required. Reservations must be made in               tobacco, marijuana and vaping products are not permitted.
          advance. Refundable security deposit: $100.                       Refundable security deposit: $100.
          Parks close at dusk.
                                                                            Call 847.566.0650 for details.
          Call 847.566.0650 for details.                                    Located at 100 N. Seymour Avenue.
          Shelter Locations:                                                Days            Hours            Cost (R/NR)
                                                                            M–Su            9 am–Dusk        $50/100 (2 hrs)
          • Diamond Lake Sports Complex (IL Route 60/83)
          • Community Park Shelter (N. Midlothian Road)
          • Bob Lewandowski Park (S. Prairie Street)
          • Longmeadow Park (Somerset Lane)
          Days             Hours               Cost (R/NR)
          M–Su             8 hr Max            $50/100

 8        847.566.0650
Steeple Chase Golf Club
                                                                 Regent Center
An ideal location for your corporate or private outing.          Note: Available for rental after Labor Day.
Enjoy striking beauty indoors, overlooking the green, or
outdoors under a tent. Custom packages available with            Enjoy this 2,000-sq.-ft. room featuring a dance floor, public
breakfast and lunch menus, scoring, prizes and more.             address system, commercial kitchen, and outdoor patio/
                                                                 deck. Take in the picturesque view with surrounding trail
Call 847.949.8900 for details.                                   and pond. Kids’ playground in back provides fun for young
Located at 200 N. La Vista Drive.                                guests. Alcohol may be served if liquor liability insurance
                                                                 is purchased. Insurance can be purchased through the
                                                                 Park District's insurance company for an additional fee.
                                                                 Refundable security deposit: $300. ($500 if alcohol is
                                                                 served) Maximum capacity: 110

                                                                 Call 847.566.0650 for details and availability.
                                                                 Located at 1200 Regent Drive.
                                                                 Days       Hours               Cost (R/NR) (2 hour min)
                                                                 F          5 pm–11 pm          $110/135 per hour
                                                                 Sa         10 am–11 pm         $110/135 per hour
                                                                 Su         10 am–9 pm          $110/135 per hour
Indoor Pool
Note: The indoor pool is not currently available.
The four-lane, competition-style heated indoor pool is
available for private rentals. Rentals include use of the pool
locker room and sauna (sauna: ages 18+). Rentals must be
reserved two weeks in advance. $100 refundable deposit is
required. Maximum capacity: 50

Call 847.566.0650 for details or to schedule a tour.
Located at 1401 N. Midlothian Road.
Days             Hours              Cost (R/NR)
                                                                 Dunbar Recreation Center
F                6–7:30 pm          $150/225
                                                                 Note: Available for rental after Labor Day.
Sa               3–4:30 pm          $150/225
Su               3–4:30 pm          $150/225                     Enjoy Dunbar's large rooms with picturesque views. Alco-
                                                                 hol may be served if liquor liability insurance is purchased.
                                                                 Insurance can be purchased through the Park District's
Gym at Mundelein Community Center
                                                                 insurance company for an additional fee. Refundable
Looking for gym time for your leagues? Hold your practice,       security deposit: $200 per room ($400 if alcohol is
group outing or weekend tournament at the Mundelein              served) Maximum capacity: 50
Community Center’s gym. There’s plenty of space with
two recreational-sized courts (1/2 gym each). Great for          Call 847.566.0650 for details and availability.
volleyball or basketball. Early morning, select evenings and     Located at 888 Dunbar Rd.
weekend hours are available.                                     Days    Hours
                                                                 Sa      8 am–11 pm
Call Matt Wells at 847.388.5449 for details or to schedule
                                                                 Su      8 am–9 pm
a tour. Located at 1401 N. Midlothian Road.
                                                                 Rooms		            Cost (R/NR) (2 hour min)
                                                                 Room 2		           $60/75 per hour
                                                                 Kitchen		          $25/35 per hour
                                                                 		                 (Kitchen available as an add-on only)
                                                                 Gymnasium		$35 /50 per hour                                                                                                      Fall 2020       9
YOUR PARKS                                                                                                                                                          6 ft.

                                                                                                                                                    Remember to socially distance


                                                                              N Midlothian Rd
                         IL                            21
                              Ro                                                                       23


                                                                                                                                                            St. Marys
                                                       W Ma
                                                                  ple Av
                                                                        e (IL 1

                                                                                                                            N Lake St (IL 45)
                                                                                                76)                   18
                                                                                                                                                E Map              6)
                                                                                                                                                     le A ve (IL 17

                                                                    W Hawley St

                                                                                                  28             22                                            9

       W Hawley St                                                                                    Division St.

                                                              3                                                                     14                                           10

                                                                              4                             5                                                                         24

                                                                                                                Courtland St


                          29                                                                                          25                                      19

                                                                                                                             S Lake St (I
                                                                              thian Rd


                                                                        26                                  31
                                                                         id l o

                                                                                                            32        17                                      Allanson Rd




                                  Lake                            34

                                                                                                                  Diamond 2                            27
                                                                                                       30                                                            6
                                                                                                                           Diamond Lake Rd

                                     Lake                                                                                                                          Townline Rd (IL Route 60)

     Parks are open from Dawn to Dusk.                        Emergency: Call 911
     (See Park Rules page 4)                                  Non-emergency: Call Mundelein Police Park Patrol, 847.968.4600

10      847.566.0650
Basketball Courts


                                                                                                                                                                                Tennis Courts

                                                                                                                                                                                                Walking Path

                                                                                                                                               Picnic Area
                                                                          Ball Fields


 1 Asbury Park, Harrison Avenue                                    12         •                                 •          •           •          •                                               •            Lake, 3,000-ft. walk/jog path

 2 Boat Launch, Diamond Lake Road                                   4                                                                                                                                          Boat launch (permit required)

 3 Scott Brown Park, Southport Road                                 6         •                 •                          •           •                                             •                         Pickleball

 4 Cambridge Country Park, Crystal St. & Regent Dr.                11                                           •          •           •                           •                              •            Regent Center, stocked lake, jog path (.43 mi.)

 5 Cardinal Terrace Park, Courtland St. & Pershing Ave.           2.5                                           •                                                                                 •            Wetland conservation & detention area,

                                                                                                                                                                                                               *Recently acquired 17 acres, just off of Shady
 6 Clearbrook Park, Route 45 & Clearbrook Park Dr.                23*         •                                            •                                                                                   Lane. Master plan development is underway.

 7 Diamond Lake Recreation Center, Diamond Lake Road              100                                                      •           •          •                •                                           Beach & picnic area

 8 Diamond Lake Sports Complex, IL Route 60/83                     43                                                                  •          •              •                                •
                                                                                                                                                                                                               9-hole disc golf, shuffleboard, bocce court,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               soccer field, shelter rental

 9 Fairhaven Park, N. Prospect Avenue                               4                           •                          •
 10 Hanrahan Park, Noel Drive                                      10         •                 •               •          •           •          •                •                 •            •            Fitness trails (3,500 ft.)

 11 Hickory Park, Hickory Street                                    7         •                 •                          •           •
 12 Holcomb Park, Goodwin Place and NW Holcomb Drive               .4                                                      •
 13 Indian Trails Park, Eagle & Arrowhead Drive                     2                           •                          •                                       •                 •
 14 Kracklauer Park, Seymour Avenue                               2.6                                           •          •           •          •                                  •            •            Dance studio, gazebo

 15 Lakewood Heights Park, E. Orchard Street                       1.5        •                 •                          •
 16 Leo Leathers Park, Buckingham Road & Manor Lane                21         •                 •               •          •           •          •                                               •            Disc golf course

 17 Bob Lewandowski Park, S. Prairie Street                         3                                           •          •           •          •              •                                             Lake front fishing

 18 Lincoln Park, Ridgefield Avenue & Laramie Street                4         •                 •                          •           •                                                                       Leased area

 19 L
     ions Field (Mundelein Heritage Museum),
    Noel & Countryside Dr.
                                                                    2                                           •                      •                                                                       Museum, skatepark, horseshoes

 20 Lone Tree Park, Brice & James Avenue                            .1                                                                                                                                         Landscaped area

 21 Longmeadow Park, Somerset Lane                                48.9        •                                            •           •          •              •                                •            Gazebo, soccer fields

 22 Memorial Park, Emerald & Pershing Avenue                        6         •                 •                          •           •          •                                  •                         Pickleball

                                                                                        Community Center, Big and Little Development Center, indoor pool, NovaCare Fitness Center,
                                                                                              Spray Park, Barefoot Bay Family Aquatic Center, Dunbar Recreation Center,
 23 Keith Mione Community Park, Midlothian Road                   153
                                                                                                   shelter, sled hill, fishing, tennis court, pickleball, basketball court,
                                                                                                             athletic fields (lighted softball, soccer, football).

 24 Maurice Noll Park, Hampton Lane                                12         •                 •               •          •           •          •                                  •            •            Stocked lake, trail access

 25 Orchard Basin, Orchard Street                                   2                                                      •                                                                                   Passive wetland restoration

 26 Orchard View, IL Route 60                                       5                                                                                                                             •            Wetland restoration, walking path (2,270 ft.)

 27 Gordon Ray Park, Ray's Lane                                   4.5         •                 •                          •                                       •
 28 Carl Sandburg Community Gym, Hawley Street                                                                                                                                                                 Shared gym facility

                                                                                                   18-hole, Ken Killian-designed course with bentgrass fairways, a clubhouse, pro shop,
 29 Steeple Chase Golf Club, La Vista Drive                       203
                                                                                                                                   and banquet facility.

 30 John Wiech Park, IL Route 60/83                               .25                                                                                                                                          Snowmobile trail link

 31, 32 Wilderness Park & Wilderness Park South, Hillside Drive   12/2                                          •          •                                                                                   Wetland area

 33 Woodlands Park, Kasting Lane                                   19                                                      •                                                                                   Nature viewing area

 34 Wortham Park, Wortham Drive                                   8.8         •                                 •          •           •          •                                  •
                                                                                                                                                                                shelter available for rent                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fall 2020                      11

                   Birthday Parties
                   Party Times & Days                                              Reservations: Reservations are required two weeks in
                                                                                   advance. Payment is required with reservation.
                   Parties: Saturdays & Sundays 1–2:30 pm
                                                                                   For more information and to schedule your party contact
                   Party Prices                                                    Kelli Schillaci, Recreation Supervisor at kschillaci@
                                                                          or 847.388.5447.
                   Party costs cover up to 15 child guests. Additional guests
                   are $15 per child. You only need to pay the fee for 15
                   guests to book your party. You will be charged for any
                   additional guests over the 15 after the party.

                   • Theme Party: $250
                   • Create your own theme: $275
                   • Magic Party: $300
                   • Balloon Animal Party: $300

                   Kids Party Details: Parties include a decorated room, a
                   party host, all paper goods, activities, games, crafts, water
                   and lemonade.
                   Everything is included with your party except for food and
                   cake. We ask that adults drop-off and pick-up child guests.
                   Only the birthday child's parents will be allowed to stay at
                   this time.

   12              847.566.0650                                                                                             224.263.3006
Front Porch Party (All Ages)

                     Fee: $35
                     August Prog: 0035.33.2
                     September Prog: 0033.33.3
                     October Prog: 0034.33.3
                     November Prog: 0035.33.3

                     Celebrate someone special in your life by ordering a front porch party! The perfect way to
                     send entertainment to their front door step in hopes of bringing a smile to their face. After
                     registering you must email Kelli Schillaci at to arrange the
                     party package drop off. Orders must be made 1 week in advance. If you are ordering this
                     for someone outside of your house, we require you to let them know we will be dropping
                     off the party package. We only will be delivering to Mundelein.
                     This package includes a 10 ft colorful balloon garland display that we can set up on a
                     fence or front porch with zip ties or you can ask that it be left at front door to be brought
                     inside. These fun balloon displays last up to 2 weeks inside and 1 week outside (weather
                     dependent).                                                                                         Fall 2020   13

                                    Friday, September 4, 6–7:15 pm
                                    (Ages 5+)
                                    $10 residents/$12 nonresidents
                                    Prog 0004.20.3
                                    Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
                                    This will be a night full of laughs as families go head to
                                    head in silly minute to win it challenges, trivia, and games!
                                    Remember this night by snapping some photos in our
                                    photo booth! Snacks and drinks will be served.

                                    Every person attending must register and pay.
                                    Games will be age appropriate for children ages 5 and up.

                                    Face coverings are required at this event.

                                Doggy Trick-or-Treat
                                FREE EVENT!
                                Saturday, October 10, 12–2 pm
                                Held at Barefoot Bay Parking Lot
                                Dress up your dog and show off their best tricks for treats at
                                our third annual doggy trick-or-treat! Families and all friendly
                                dogs are welcome at this on-leash free howl-o-ween event.
                                Strut your mutt through Community Park where your pup
                                will have the opportunity to bob for weenies, participate in
                                an agility course, trick or treat, pose in a photo booth, search
                                for bones in the graveyard, and costume contests and some
                                surprise new activities! All dogs must be accompanied by a
                                person over 15 years. Costumes not required but encouraged.

                                Face coverings are required at this event.

  14             847.566.0650                                                            224.263.3006
                                                         FREE! Boo Bash Trunk or Treat
                                                         (Ages 3–11)

                                                         Saturday, October 24, 2:30–5 pm
                                                         (Raindate: Sunday, Oct 25)
                                                         Held at Barefoot Bay Parking Lot

                                                         This is a FREE Halloween-themed event for the entire
                                                         family. To promote safety guidelines, we are making
                                                         the event a Trunk or Treat this year. Please dress for
                                                         the weather. Candy and treats will be provided by local
                                                         businesses. No registration is required and costumes are
                                                         encouraged. Parental supervision is required of all children.
                                                         Children should bring a bag for candy. Face coverings are
                                                         required at this event.

                                                         Avoid the lines with a Fast Pass!
                                                         Fast Pass Time: 2–2:30
                                                         Prog: 0001.20.3
                                                         Fee: $2

                                                         The first 100 people can avoid the lines with a Fast Pass,
                                                         available for purchase online.
                                                         ALL AGES require a fast pass for early entry.

                                                         Proceeds from the sale of the Fast Pass benefit the
                                                         Mundelein Parks Foundation, which provides recreational
                                                         scholarships to financially disadvantaged families in

   (Ages 4+)
   Saturday, Dec 5, 4–6:30 pm
   Sunday, Dec 6, 4–6:30
   Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
   $15 resident/$20 nonresident
   Prog 0003.20.3
   All aboard! Dress in your jammies and take
   an "imaginary" trip with us to the North Pole!
   Upon entering our imaginary train station
   each child will receive a souvenir Golden
   Train Ticket and activity booklet. Children will
   be seated in the gymnasium 6 ft apart, served hot cocoa and cookies by the "train chefs" as they put on a fun show
   dancing down the "train" isles. We will sing holiday carols and watch a classic holiday movie on the big inflatable
   screen. Bring your letters for Santa as we will have some elves stopping by to grab the letters and pass out a
   small gift to each registered child from Santa. Wait, did someone say Santa? Yes! Although Santa needs to stay at
   the North Pole this year, he will be sending us a very special video message. There will also be a photo booth to
   capture a memory of this magical night. Face coverings are required at this event.                                                                                             Fall 2020          15
FULL-DAY/HALF-DAY PRESCHOOL              Lile          Mundelein Community Center
                                CHILD                   1401 N. Midlothian Road, Mundelein
                                DEVELOPMENT             Laurie Gembara, Director
                                CENTER                  847.388.5440

                              Year-Round, Quality Child Care for Ages 2 to 6
                              Big & Little Child Development Center is a state-licensed child development center          Daily activities include:
                              for up to 103 children, ages two to six. Our professionally-trained staff provide a         •   Circle Time
                              fun, engaging, and educational environment. Our facility features six, kid-friendly         •   Art, Dramatic Play and Blocks
                              classrooms (16-18 children, based on the overall age of the children enrolled).             •   Science/Discovery Center
                                                                                                                          •   Manipulatives
                              Children at Big & Little enjoy the facility’s full-sized gym, Spray Park (a unique          •   Language Arts
                              summertime water/play activity area just for younger children), and a private,              •   Sensory Motor Activities
                              fenced playground. Big & Little offers convenient child care from 6:30 am to                •   Music/Movement
                              6 pm, Monday through Friday, year-round, excluding major holidays. Full and part-           •   Library Corner
                              time options as well as a morning preschool help meet the needs of busy parents.            •   Outdoor Play
                                                                                                                          •   Cooking Activities
                                                                                                                          •   Field Trips (select dates)
                              About our Program
                              At Big & Little, your child is provided with a warm, nurturing, stimulating, and            Tuition Schedule
                              challenging environment that promotes social, emotional, physical and intellectual          Sibling discount available
                              growth. Our goal is to help your child experience the joy of learning, instill a sense of   for full-time
                              curiosity, and provide an atmosphere of discovery and exploration.
                                                                                                                          Full-Time Enrollment
                              Big & Little stresses activities that facilitate language development, increase             (5 full days per week)
                              sensory awareness, and enhance an understanding of the environment.                         6:30 am–6 pm
                              Independence, self-confidence and positive self-esteem are encouraged.                      Cost: $260/week (per child)

                                                                                                                          Part-Time Regular (Daily)
                              Curriculum                                                                                  (2–day minimum)
                                                                                                                          6:30 am–6 pm
                              Our theme-based curriculum provides a wide variety of activities and interest areas.        Cost: $58/day (per child)
                              Cooperative play is encouraged while meeting developmental needs. Our daily
                              schedule provides ample opportunity for active and quiet play, as well as fine and          Preschool
                              gross motor activities.                                                                     8:30 am–12:30 pm
                                                                                                                          (2–day minimum)
                                                                                                                          Cost: $33/day (per child)
                              Big & Little Child Development Center is owned and operated by Mundelein Park &
                              Recreation District

    16                         847.566.0650
                                                                                                                          47.38                 8.5440
                                                                                                                    a t 8
                                             To schedule a tour, contact L

The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees,            at filing cust.html, or at any USDA office , or call 866.632.9992
and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex,        to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested
gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial   in the form. Send your complete complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of
or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income derived from any        Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC
public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program              20250-9410, by fax 202.690 .7442 or email at program. Individuals who are
or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all           deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay
programs and/or employment activities) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint              Service at 800.877 .8339; or 800.845.6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination complaint Form, found online                 employer.                                                                                                                                                                  Fall 2020                             17
                                                                           LEARNING CENTER
                                                                           Diamond Lake Recreation Center
                                                                           1016 Diamond Lake Rd. Mundelein
                                                                           For more information, contact
                                                                           Laurie Gembara, Director of Learning Center Preschool
                                                                           847.388.5440 (direct line)

            Welcome to Learning Center Preschool                              Staffing
            Learning Center Preschool programs are designed to                The three year old classrooms have two staff persons.
            provide education through recreation and give children            The four and five year old classes have a teacher, and an
            the opportunity to grow emotionally, intellectually,              aide that assists both classrooms. The Pre-K program has
            and socially. Preschool classes are in session from mid-          both a teacher and an aide in the classroom.
            September to mid-May.

            Our goal is to prepare your child for their first elementary
            school experience by developing their self-confidence,              Mid-year enrollment
            independence, and cooperation.
                                                                                Mid-year enrollment will be taken on an
            Plus, there is age-appropriate outdoor play equipment and           individual basis and subject to availability. For
            extended class times.                                               further information or questions, please contact
                                                                                Laurie Gembara at 847.388.5440 or lgembara@
            Visit us and discover all the great things the Learning   
            Center Preschool has to offer. For further information
            or to schedule a tour, please call Laurie Gembara, at

            Payment Info and Details
            Pay in Full and save $50 off the cost of the entire program!

            Payment Plan: Partial payment with approximately
            20% down payment at time of registration. The
            balance is divided into 8 monthly payments. Auto pay
            is mandatory for families who elect to make monthly
            payments. You must complete an additional form with
            credit card information or voided check. Payment will be
            automatically deducted on the first of each month from
            September 1–April 1. Your child will not be permitted to
            continue class if payments are not made. Failure to make
            payments or arrangements by these dates will result in a
            $25 late fee. A signed waiver must be on file with the Park
            District prior to the start of class. Information packets are
            mailed in late August and will include information about a
            parent meeting or open house prior to the start of classes.

 18         847.566.0650
                       2020–2021 PRESCHOOL
                                             OFUR PROGRAMS
                                               ALL 2018–SPRING 2019

Program: Ages 3–4                            Program: Ages 4–5                            Program: Pre-K Enrichment
Children must be at least                    Children must be at least                    Children must be at least
age 3 by September 1, 2020.                  age 4 by September 1, 2020.                  age 4 by September 1, 2020.
Children must be toilet trained.
                                             This theme-based program includes            This class meets four afternoons per
This level focuses on developing             an introduction to the alphabet (letter      week. It has the same emphasis
socialization skills through games,          recognition and sounds), art, musical        as the preschool program for ages
stories and group activities. Children       activities, manipulatives, number            four to five, with additional time
also develop self-awareness and              recognition, and the mastery of shapes       spent on language, math, writing,
fundamental skills such as cooperation,      and colors. The development of small         science and social studies.
listening, sharing and interacting with      and large motor skills are also practiced
peers. Alphabet, numbers, shapes,            daily.
and colors are introduced.

(Classes start the week
of September 14)

Preschool (Ages 3–4)
Prog        Day           Time                   (R/NR)                    Down Payment               8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0007.21.1   TuTh          9–11:30 am             $1100/1196                $220                       $110/122
0008.21.1   TuTh          9:15–11:45 am          $1100/1196                $220                       $110/122

Preschool (Ages 4–5)
Prog        Day           Time                   (R/NR)                    Down Payment               8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0009.21.1   MWF           8:45–11:45 am          $1480/1616                $296                       $148/165
0010.21.1   MWF           9 am–12 pm             $1480/1616                $296                       $148/165

Pre-K Enrichment
Prog        Day           Time                   (R/NR)                    Down Payment               8 Monthly Payments (R/NR)
0011.21.1   M–Th          11:45 am–2:45 pm       $2064/2224                $416                       $206/226                                                                                               Fall 2020         19

                           Day Off Programs
                           School Day Off Programs (Ages Kindergarten through 6th Grade)
                           If you are looking for something for your child to do the next day off of school, leave the
                           planning to us. Each School Day Off Program, led by Rec Connection/Trails Day Camp staff,
                           may include a special action day of games, sports, crafts, or special event or field trip. You
                           may drop your child off beginning at 6:45 am and pick up no later than 6 pm. Dress children
                           appropriately for outdoor activities. Children who do not attend our Rec Connection program
                           will need to complete a "Day Off Information/Emergency Contact Sheet".

                           Registration closes approximately two weeks prior to the program date.

                           Program cost is $40 for Rec Connection members and $50 for nonmembers, per day. For
                           more information contact Cheri Rehor at 847.388.5452 or

                           Dates for the School Day Off Program are based on the D75 school calendar. In the event the
                           school calendar changes, the School Day Off program dates may be modified accordingly.

                           Held at Dunbar Recreation Center

                                Prog        Day      Date            Time                   Deadline       M/NM
                                0002.27.3    F       Sep 4           6:45 am–6 pm           Aug 24         $40/50
                                0003.27.3   M        Sep 28          6:45 am–6 pm           Sep 18         $40/50
                                0004.27.3   M        Oct 12          6:45 am–6 pm           Oct 2          $40/50
                                0005.27.3   Th       Oct 29          6:45 am–6 pm           Oct 19         $40/50
                                0006.27.3    F       Oct 30          6:45 am–6 pm           Oct 19         $40/50
                                0007.27.3   W        Nov 25          6:45 am–6 pm           Nov 17         $40/50
                                0008.27.3    F       Dec 18          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0009.27.3   M        Dec 21          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0010.27.3   Tu       Dec 22          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0011.27.3   W        Dec 23          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0012.27.3   M        Dec 28          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0013.27.3   Tu       Dec 29          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0014.27.3   W        Dec 30          6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50
                                0015.27.3   M        Jan 4           6:45 am–6 pm           Dec 8          $40/50

 20              847.566.0650                                                                                          224.263.3006
Preschool/Youth Enrichment
Tot Open Gym Drop-in (Ages 0–5 w/adult)
                                                                  Movin' with Music (18–36 mos w/adult)
Jumpstart your morning with our Tot Open Gym. Let your
kids explore free play, learn to socialize with peers, and    Movin' with Music is a class for our littlest dancers!
make new friends in a gymnasium full of toys, games, and      Care Givers and their little ones will explore music and
crafts. Pack a sack lunch and a blanket as we will have a     movement together. Sing, dance and shake your sillies out
picnic each week while listening to a story. Led by Kelli     with developmentally appropriate rhymes, activities and
Schillaci. Parent or guardian must participate.               rhythms. Parent or caregiver will participate with their
                                                              toddler. Instructed by Dance Staff. (4 wks)
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Fridays, Sep 18–Nov 20 from 10 am–12 pm                       Under Phase 4 all classes will be held in person at the
Fee: $5 residents/$7 nonresidents (per child ages 1+)         location listed. Face coverings and social distancing will
No walk-ins. All participants must register 24 hours in       be practiced. Should the situation arise and we revert to
advance. Visit for details.                Phase 3, dancers will be placed on a rotation to allow
Questions? Contact Kelli at     dancers to participate part time in person at the location
                                                              listed (with face coverings and social distancing) and part
                                                              time virtually join class from home. If we revert to Phase
Zumbini (Ages 0–4 w/adult)                                    2, all dancers will join class virtually from home.
BabyFirst Zumbini® is an early childhood education
program that uses original music and movements to             Held at Mundelein Community Center
promote cognitive, social, fine motor skill, and emotional    Prog        Day   Date            Time             R/NR
development for children ages 0-4, all while creating the     0002.31.3   W     Sep 9–30        10:45–11:15 am   $20/30
ultimate bonding experience for you and your child! The
                                                              0003.31.3   W     Oct 7–28        10:45–11:15 am   $20/30
program combines music, dance and educational tools for
45 minutes of can’t-stop, won’t-stop bonding, learning,       0004.31.3   W     Nov 4–25        10:45–11:15 am   $20/30
and fun! When you register for class you will receive a
code number to download the music of one of the Zumbini       Deslizate123 (Ages 2–5 w/adult)
characters! Adults must participate. Led by Claudia Oster.
(8 wks and 6 wks)                                             Children in this class don’t sit still for long! Through
                                                              music, books, activities, games and crafts, children will
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center                              go on adventures to begin learning another language.
                                                              Communication is key, and in this unique class you and
Prog        Day   Date            Time            R/NR        your child will learn the fundamentals of Spanish
0003.33.3   W     Sep 9–Oct 28    10–10:45 am     $125/136    through fun and games. Adults must participate.
0004.33.3   W     Nov 4–Dec 16    10–10:45 am     $94/102     Led by Claudia Oster. (8 wks/6 wks)
No class on November 25
                                                              Held at Dunbar Recreation Center

Little Explorers (6–18 mos w/adult)                           Prog        Day   Date            Time             R/NR
                                                              0001.33.3   Sa    Sep 5–Oct 24    10–10:45 am      $120/132
In this class, we will let our little ones explore and get
                                                              0002.33.3 Sa      Oct 31–Dec 12   10–10:45 am      $90/99
messy! Each sensory center will contain a theme with
materials and props to allow each child to play and           No class on November 28
discover in a creative and dramatic play. Please note that
some of the material in the class will be baby appropriate
food. This class is one Sunday per month. The class dates
are Sep 13, Oct 11, Nov 8 and Dec 13. Led by Claudia Oster.

Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Held on Sep 13, Oct 11, Nov 8 and Dec 13

Prog        Day     Time                 R/NR
0005.33.3   Su      10–10:45 am          $72/80                                                                                               Fall 2020           21

                 Youth Enrichment
                                                                                   Deslizate123 "Conversation" (Ages 6–9)
                      Ballerina Princesses (Ages 3–5)
                                                                                   Let's practice Spanish today! Most of us know some
                 Come dance like all your favorite princesses while learning       Spanish words, but it is hard to put them together to make
                 basic ballet skills. Dancers can wear ballet attire or dress as   sentences. In this class, we will practice Spanish using
                 their favorite princess. Pink ballet shoes preferred. Dancer      vocabulary words, having conversations, and by making
                 must be toilet trained. Led by Heather Burnes. (4 wks)            crafts! Led by Claudia Oster. (8 wks/6 wks)
                 Under Phase 4 all classes will be held in person at the           Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
                 location listed. Face coverings and social distancing will
                 be practiced. Should the situation arise and we revert to         Prog         Day     Date           Time           R/NR
                 Phase 3, dancers will be placed on a rotation to allow            0024.33.3    W       Sep 9–Oct 28   4:45–5:45 pm   $120/132
                 dancers to participate part time in person at the location        0025.33.2    W       Nov 4–Dec 16   4:45–5:45 pm   $90/99
                 listed (with face coverings and social distancing) and part       No class on Nov 25
                 time virtually join class from home. If we revert to Phase
                 2, all dancers will join class virtually from home.

                 Held at Mundelein Community Center                                   Chess Wizards (Ages 6–12)

                 Prog         Day       Date           Time           R/NR
                                                                                   Enter into the magical and exciting world of chess with
                                                                                   Chess Wizards! You will participate in epic chess games,
                 0005.31.3     Th       Sep 3–24       10:30–11 am    $20/30
                                                                                   fun and interactive lessons, tournaments, team matches,
                 0006.31.3     Th       Oct 1–22       10:30–11 am    $20/30       trivia and more! Our specialized classes are a blast
                 0007.31.3     Th       Oct 29–Nov 19 10:30–11 am     $20/30       for everyone kindergarten through fifth. Whether you
                                                                                   have been playing chess for your entire life and want to
                                                                                   improve, are brand new to the game, or you just want to
                      Wow! It's Magic (Ages 5–12)                                  have a fun experience with your friends—Chess Wizards is
                 New tricks are offered every session so you can enroll            the place for you! (11 wks)
                 again and again. Tricks are geared towards kids' ages             Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
                 and all materials are included. Build your confidence and
                 amaze your family and friends. Put on your own magic              Prog        Day    Date             Time           R/NR
                 show with card tricks, coin tricks and sleight of hand.           0018.33.3 Tu       Sep 8–Nov 17     4:15–5:15 pm   $180/190
                 Led by The Magic Team of Gary Kantor.

                 Held at Mundelein Community Center
                                                                                       RoboThink After School Robotics Club
                 Prog         Day       Date           Time           R/NR         (Ages 6–12)
                 0019.33.3     W        Sep 9          5–5:55 pm      $20/22
                                                                                   Have fun building amazing robots using RoboThink's
                                                                                   academically oriented STEM program. Equipped with
                 Deslizate123 "Introduction" (Ages 6–9)                            our exclusive kits, students create robots of all shapes,
                                                                                   sizes and functions. Engineering concepts are presented
                 Today is a great opportunity to practice and learn Spanish!
                                                                                   through our trained instructors and picture-based
                 This class is perfect for children that want to learn Spanish
                                                                                   instructions. Students apply these concepts as they build
                 and/or improve basic vocabulary. In this fun class, children
                                                                                   and play with their robots. No prior experience is required.
                 will dive into Spanish in a fun way. We will explore new
                                                                                   (8 wks)
                 vocabulary words, have conversations, play games, and
                 make a craft. Led by Claudia Oster. (8 wks/6 wks)                 Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
                 Held at Dunbar Recreation Center                                  Prog        Day    Date               Time         R/NR
                 Prog        Day      Date           Time            R/NR          0020.33.3 M        Sep 14–Nov 2       4–5:30 pm    $185/200
                 0022.33.3   W        Sep 9–Oct 28   3:30–4:30 pm    $120/132
                 0023.33.3   W        Nov 4–Dec 16   3:30–4:30 pm    $90/99
                 No class on Nov 25

  22             847.566.0650                                                                                                     224.263.3006
       RoboThink Battle Bots Workshop (Ages 6–12)
Learn how to build robots, then battle your creations
against other robots in our exciting workshop! Our
lesson plans are built around RoboThink's innovative kits,
which include gears, motors, sensors and mainboards.
The activities are interactive, hands-on and engaging to
promote learning in a fun way! No prior experience is

Held at Dunbar Recreation Center

Prog        Day       Date          Time               R/NR
0021.33.3    Sa       Oct 17        10 am–12 pm        $28/32

       Kitchen Sink Studio (Ages 2–Adult)
Join us in our new DIY classes where we will create trendy
crafts and projects from scratch. The instructor will lead
participants in completing the craft using simple step by           Because every child should play
step instructions while sipping some favorite fall drinks!
All materials needed to make the project will be supplied.       The Mundelein Parks Foundation promotes
Led by Kelli Schillaci.                                           health and recreation for the community
                                                                 through funding efforts that help promote
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center.                                and enhance facilities, services, programs,
                                                                         parks and special projects.
Fall Floral Hoop Wreath & Apple Cider (Ages 14+)
Prog        Day      Date       Time              R/NR               The Mundelein Parks Foundation is a
0028.33.3     F      Sep 18     5–6 pm            $20/25         nonprofit 501 (c) (3) charitable organization
                                                                   governed by an independent, voluntary
Ombre Pumpkin Painting & Punch (Ages 2–5 w/adult)                board. The Foundation seeks to strengthen
Prog        Day      Date       Time              R/NR              community and family ties with a self-
0029.33.3    Tu      Sep 29     10–11 am          $10/12          generating funding source raised through
                                                                  special events. Funds raised help finance
Ombre Pumpkin Painting & Punch (Ages 5–13)                      recreational scholarships and support special
Prog        Day      Date       Time              R/NR                 projects. For more information,
0030.33.3    Tu      Sep 29     6–7 pm            $12/15                      call 847.566.0650.
                                                                        Now you can donate online!
Floral Pumpkin Centerpiece & Pumpkin Spice Coffee
(Ages 14+)
Prog        Day      Date       Time              R/NR
0031.33.3    Tu      Sep 29     6–7 pm            $40/45

Wood Beaded Pumpkin Décor & Hot Cocoa (Ages 14+)
Prog        Day      Date       Time              R/NR
0032.33.3    Tu      Oct 27     5–6 pm            $30/35                                                                                        Fall 2020           23

                 Cooking & Baking Classes
                        Cupcake Wars (Ages 9–13)                                           iCook @ Home (Ages 5–11)
                 5 teams of 2 bakers will battle it out to compete for the                       Join us for hours of fun with our live virtual,
                 Cupcake War Champion Title! Each team will follow a                             hands-on Cooking Classes. iCook is a really fun,
                 recipe, bake 12 cupcakes and decorate their cupcakes to                         interactive after-school cooking program for
                 match a surprise theme. A panel of judges will score on                         children. Our mission is simple: to help teach
                 taste, presentation, and creativity! The winning team will         children to love everything about food–cooking, eating
                 also get free registration for our next season's Cupcake           delicious and healthful dishes, learning about different
                 Wars! Each teammate must register. Please list teammate            cultures and stories behind the food. We start with great
                 upon registering. Led by Kelli Schillaci.                          recipes and fresh ingredients, and engaging activities.
                                                                                    Our chefs-in-training will learn how to make a variety
                 Held at Dunbar Recreation Center                                   of healthy, delicious and fun recipes. Our little chefs will
                                                                                    “travel” around the world and learn about food and culture
                 Prog          Day     Date         Time               R/NR
                                                                                    of some of the most exotic countries. We will master
                 0010.33.3     Sa      Oct 3        10 am–12:30 pm         $35 ea
                                                                                    cooking safety, slicing, dicing, chopping, folding, baking,
                                                                                    zesting, mixing and more. (8 wks)
                        Scary Sweet! (Ages 2–13)                                    Prog        Day        Date                   Time         R/NR
                 Sink your teeth into some sugary treats made by you!               0007.33.3    F         Sep 11–Oct 30          4–5 pm       $126/136
                 From creepy Shirley Temples to edible eyeballs these
                 treats will look so gross it's scary! With simple step by
                 step instructions you will learn how to create treats into                Cake Camp (Ages 8–15)
                 something that will turn a few heads. Led by Kelli Schillaci.
                                                                                    In this cake camp your child will learn how to bake a
                 Held at Dunbar Recreation Center                                   cake, use frosting tips and be guided in making edible
                                                                                    decorations using fondant. Each child will bring home
                 Ages 2–5 w/adult                                                   the cutest cake created by them for your family to enjoy.
                 Prog          Day    Date           Time              R/NR
                                                                                    Please pack your child a sack lunch as we will have a lunch
                                                                                    break and an activity break throughout this four hour
                 0008.33.3      Tu    Oct 13         10–11 am          $15/17
                                                                                    camp. Each child will get a take home box to transport
                                                                                    their cake or cupcakes home. Led by Kelli Schillaci.
                 Ages 5–13
                 Prog          Day    Date           Time              R/NR         Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
                 0009.33.3      Tu    Oct 13         4:45–6 pm         $20/22
                                                                                    Pumpkin Cake
                                                                                    Prog             Day      Date         Time               R/NR
                        Thankful for Treats! (Ages 2–13)                            0011.33.3        W        Nov 4        10 am–2 pm         $55/65
                                                                                    0012.33.3        Th       Nov 5        10 am–2 pm         $55/65
                 In this class each child will be creating 6 cupcakes that will
                 trick their families into thinking they made a Thanksgiving        Fall Cake
                 feast! The instructor will use step by step instructions on        Prog             Day      Date         Time               R/NR
                 how to create each cupcake into looking like a different
                                                                                    0013.33.3        W        Nov 11       10 am–2 pm         $55/65
                 Thanksgiving dish! Led by Kelli Schillaci.
                                                                                    0014.33.3        Th       Nov 12       10 am–2 pm         $55/65
                 Held at Dunbar Recreation Center                                   0015.33.3        Sa       Nov 14       10 am–2 pm         $55/65

                 Ages 2–5 w/adult
                 Prog           Day        Date            Time            R/NR
                 0016.33.3       Tu        Nov 17          10–11 am        $12/15

                 Ages 5–13
                 Prog           Day        Date            Time            R/NR
                 0017.33.3       Tu        Nov 17          4–5:15 pm       $15/17

  24             847.566.0650                                                                                                              224.263.3006
Preschool/Youth Sports
       Adult & Tot T-Ball Training (Ages 2–3 w/adult)                       Soccer/T-Ball Combo (Ages 3–4 w/parent)
Adults can enjoy America’s favorite pastime with their child.   This class is a perfect for young ones who are full of
Young children will develop motor skills while having fun       energy and parents who are looking of an introduction
throwing, catching, batting and base running like the big       to t-ball and soccer. Socialization, teamwork, following
kids. Adults and their little athletes will enjoy making new    directions, key motor skills and having fun will be the focus
friends and working together to learn the basics of game        in this non-competitive environment. For the first three
play in this exciting class. Led by SportsKids Inc. (6 wks)     weeks of class we will focus on soccer and the second
                                                                three weeks we will work on t-ball skills. The last class will
Held at Community Park Soccer Fields (Session I) &              be a fun game of each sport. A fun game will be played at
Community Center Gym (Session II)                               the end of each class. Led by Sports R Us Staff. (6 wks)
Prog        Day    Date              Time            R/NR
                                                                Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
0061.22.3   Tu     Sep 8–Oct 13      5:45–6:30 pm    $45/50
0062.22.3 Tu       Oct 20–Dec 1      5:45–6:30 pm    $45/50     Prog        Day      Date                   Time           R/NR
No class on Nov 24                                              0067.22.3   Sa       Sep 12–Oct 17          9–9:50 am      $60/65
                                                                0068.22.3 Sa         Nov 7–Dec 19           9–9:50 am      $60/65
Tiny Tot Multi-Sport Mania (Ages 2–3 w/adult)                   No class on Nov 28

Sign up your little one for the ultimate first time sports
experience! Each week adults will assist their tots as they
play a body-challenging sport, improve listening skills, and
learn how to follow directions. A variety of sports such
as soccer, t-ball, basketball, and kickball will be explored
through fun games and partner play. This is a great
opportunity to get active with your child in a positive and
controlled setting. Led by SportsKids Inc. (6 wks)

Held at Mundelein Community Center

Prog         Day      Date           Time            R/NR
0063.22.3     W       Sep 9–Oct 14   5:45–6:30 pm    $45/50
0064.22.3     W       Oct 21–Dec 2   5:45–6:30 pm    $45/50
No class on Nov 25
                                                                    NEW! Parent N’ Child Gymnastics & Fitness
                                                                (Ages 3-5 w/parent)
       Adult & Tot Soccer (Ages 2–3 w/adult)                    Children with the help of their parents are introduced to
                                                                artistic gymnastics and physical fitness through movement
Adults will enjoy time with their toddlers learning the
                                                                exploration. We will work on tumbling, beam, bar and vault
skills, moves and joy of playing soccer. Emphasis will be on
                                                                activities as well as develop fitness skills such as flexibility,
the basic skills of soccer in a fun and relaxed environment.
                                                                strength and speed. Rhythmic gymnastics movements
Age appropriate drills, games, and equipment will be used
                                                                using balls, hula hoops and ribbons will also be taught.
to help the tots learn, develop motor skills, coordination,
                                                                Children are challenged to develop new cognitive and
balance, listening and social skills. Led by SportsKids Inc.
                                                                physical skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
(6 wks)
                                                                Led by SportsKids Inc. (6 wks)
Held at Mundelein Community Center
                                                                Held at Mundelein Community Center
Prog        Day      Date            Time            R/NR
                                                                Prog        Day   Date               Time                 R/NR
0065.22.3    Sa      Sep 12–Oct 17   10–10:45 am     $45/50
                                                                0071.22.3   Sa    Oct 24–Dec 5       11:30 am–12:15 pm    $45/50
0066.22.3    Sa      Oct 24–Dec 5    10–10:45 am     $45/50
                                                                No class on Nov 28
No class on Nov 28                                                                                                       Fall 2020           25
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