The Messenger - ESO (European Southern Observatory)
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The Messenger No. 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 st? e r b y po the s eng ollo df w Mes e an i n g T h e e e nve l o p rec eiv on th u e. te d s iss t t o keepe URL prinover of thi Wan ill need t the back h c w You ation on m i nfo r SPHERE Unveils the True Face of the Largest Main Belt Asteroids 2018 Visiting Committee Report The ASPECS Survey
ESO, the European Southern Observa- Contents tory, is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe. It is The Organisation supported by 16 Member States: Austria, Rix H.-W. – The 2018 Visiting Committee Report 3 Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Barcons X. – Following Up on the Recommendations of the Visiting Committee 5 France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Telescopes and Instrumentation Sweden, Switzerland and the United Schmidtobreick L. et al. – NaCo — The Story of a Lifetime 7 Kingdom, along with the host country of Chile and with Australia as a Strategic Astronomical Science Partner. ESO’s programme is focused Vernazza P. et al. – SPHERE Unveils the True Face of the on the design, construction and opera- Largest Main Belt Asteroids 13 tion of powerful ground-based observing Aravena M. et al. – The ASPECS Survey: An ALMA Large Programme facilities. ESO operates three observato- Targeting the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field 17 ries in Chile: at La Silla, at P aranal, site of Pietrzyński G. et al. – The Araucaria Project Establishes the the Very Large Telescope, and at Llano Most Precise Benchmark for Cosmic Distances 24 de Chajnantor. ESO is the European partner in the Atacama Large Millimeter/ Astronomical News submillimeter Array (ALMA). Currently Patat F. et al. – ESO’s Peer Review Panel Achieves Gender Balance 30 ESO is engaged in the construction of the Saviane I. et al. – Report on the ESO Workshop Extremely Large Telescope. “The Galactic Bulge at the Crossroads” 31 Saviane I. et al. – Report on the ESO Workshop “The La Silla Observatory — The Messenger is published, in hardcopy From Inauguration to the Future” 36 and electronic form, four times a year. Belfiore F., Thomas R., Navarrete C. – Fellows at ESO 41 ESO produces and distributes a wide Personnel Movements 44 variety of media connected to its activi- ties. For further information, including Annual Index 2019 (Nos. 175–178) 46 postal subscription to The Messenger, contact the ESO Department of Commu- nication at: ESO Headquarters Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2 85748 Garching bei München, Germany Phone +498932006-0 The Messenger Editor: Gaitee A. J. Hussain Layout, Typesetting, Graphics: Lorenzo Benassi, Jutta Boxheimer Design, P roduction: Jutta Boxheimer Proofreading: Peter Grimley w Printed by omb2 Print GmbH, Lindberghstraße 17, 80939 Munich, Germany Unless otherwise indicated, all images in The Messenger are courtesy of ESO, except authored contributions which are Front cover: The unique capabilities of the SPHERE instrument on courtesy of the respective authors. ESO’s Very Large Telescope have enabled it to obtain the sharpest images of a double asteroid as it flew by Earth on 25 May 2019. © ESO 2020 While this double asteroid was not itself a threatening object, sci- ISSN 0722-6691 entists used the opportunity to rehearse the response to a hazard- ous Near-Earth Object (NEO), proving that ESO’s front-line tech- nology could play a key role in planetary defence. This artist’s impression shows both components of the double asteroid 1999 KW4 during its Earth fly-by. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser 2 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
The Organisation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5184 The 2018 Visiting Committee Report Hans-Walter Rix 1 and history. Looking to the future, the VC challenges are successfully met. concluded that ESO is indeed set for ESO is aware of those challenges, and a successful implementation of the ELT if some of them have been emphasised 1 MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany the Organisation — and its Council — in the VC’s recommendations. address a number of challenges, some of which are pointed out in this report. ESO should continue to optimise its ESO’s activities are externally assessed organisational health and efficiency by: every few years by a Visiting Committee strengthening both strategic planning composed of a panel of senior external ESO’s strengths and excellence of, and agility in, personnel recruitment experts who report their findings to the and fostering in-house mobility; amelio- ESO Council and Director General. The The VC found ESO to be a world-class rating both overbooking and project- assessment is based on an extensive science organisation, truly exceptional in multiplexing among individual staff mem- set of presentations, reports and inter- many respects. It has implemented and bers; ensuring that long-term planning views with ESO staff conducted during is operating a suite of observatories and security for ELT key expertise remains visits to all ESO sites. Here we summa- instrumentation that is unrivalled in its feasible within the matrix framework; and rise the report and recommendations combination of quality and breadth; the continuing to improve the communica- produced as a result of the latest Visit- success of the Very Large Telescope tion flow, both upwards and downwards, ing Committee assessment, which took Interferometer (VLTI) with the adaptive- within the Organisation. place at the end of 2018 and was pre- optics-assisted, two-object, multiple sented to the ESO Council in June 2019. beam-combiner GRAVITY is just one example. ESO’s facilities enable its user ELT implementation community to carry out astrophysics on a The ESO Visiting Committee (VC) offers par with other world-class facilities. The The VC was very impressed with the its external assessment of how ESO is VC notes that Atacama Large Millimeter/ state of the ELT planning and implemen- complying with its mission to provide submillimeter Array (ALMA) astrophysics tation, as well as ESO’s awareness of world-class facilities for astronomy and to carried out by the ESO community is truly the complexity and enormity of this ambi- foster astronomical collaborations. To outstanding at a global level. tious project. In light of the complexity, this end, the VC considered the competi- the VC recommends that ESO pay even tiveness of the research carried out by The basic organisational structure within closer attention to two aspects. First, a the ESO community and evaluated the ESO is suited to its tasks, and it has tightly integrated telescope-instrumentation- calibre and range of ESO’s observatory a track record of adapting to new chal- operations approach is key to the timely activities. The VC also looked at ESO’s lenges. ESO can also draw on a deep success of the ELT and an important organisational health and readiness to pool of talent; the VC found a high level of aspect of mitigating budgetary and reach its strategic goals, in particular the staff dedication to its mission, and gener- scheduling risks; these three aspects of implementation of the Extremely Large ally high employee motivation with a posi- the ELT must be tied together even more Telescope (ELT) programme. tive gradient. closely than in the case of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Second, strong and This report is based on the VC’s two site The VC found that, in looking towards coherent scientific leadership of the over- visits — carried out between 22 and the future, ESO leadership appears to all ELT effort must be in place throughout 26 October and 19 and 27 November be striking a good balance between its implementation. 2018 in Garching and Chile, respectively ambitious vision, dedication to excellence — and extensive materials provided in its observatory facilities and moving The VC also considered other aspects before and during these site visits. The towards healthy planning realism. of ESO, such as its outreach strategy report was informed by numerous direct and the involvement in the Atacama interactions with ESO staff at all levels Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) and the of the Organisation. All of the main rec- Optimising ESO’s organisational Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). ommendations reported here reflect con- structure sensus within the VC. In light of these strengths, the VC paid Summary of recommendations The VC came to the conclusion that, particular attention to the question of at present, not only is ESO fulfilling the whether ESO is ready to implement the Articulating the current ESO strategy essential elements of its mission ELT in the coming decade while continu- superbly, but it is also a beacon of sci- ing to maintain its cutting-edge strengths ESO has successfully implemented most ence in Europe and the world and a at the existing observatories (i.e., the of the strategic vision that was laid out global leader in astronomy. Internally, La Silla Paranal Observatory) and sus- in 2004. The VC recommends that the ESO is a strong and largely healthy taining its strong role in ALMA. It is the ESO Council and the Director General organisation, with strains and issues VC’s view that ESO can accomplish this, develop and formally document ESO’s at a level that is to be expected for an as there are no obvious show-stoppers, strategic vision for the next decade. The endeavour of this ambition, complexity and that it will succeed if a number of VC strongly supports ESO’s overriding The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 3
The Organisation Rix H.-W., The 2018 Visiting Committee Report focus on the implementation of the ELT experienced by some staff; and finding On CTA implementation while maintaining current strengths. The ways to assure long-term planning VC therefore acknowledges and supports security for key ELT expertise within the The VC concurs with ESO that CTA is an the conclusion that any responsible articu matrix framework. exciting scientific prospect in collabora- lation of the current strategy may leave lit- tion with a strong consortium. The VC is tle or no room for the implementation of also concerned that unforeseen efforts any other major new programmes in the Strategic and efficient recruitment related to CTA on ESO’s part could dis- near future. tract from the implementation of the ELT Among aspects of organisational effi- and strongly recommends that ESO’s pri- ciency, extensive near-term recruitment oritisation, role and effort in CTA do not Ensuring the budget envelope for ESO’s of highly qualified personnel will be key grow beyond what is currently planned. mission to ESO’s mission success in the coming years. The VC recommends that ESO The VC appreciates ESO’s current rigour review all aspects and all actors involved On the future of APEX and realism in determining the resources in efficiently and successfully bringing in needed for the implementation of the new talent; this is to ensure that recruit- APEX is currently working well and pro- ELT. It is the VC’s view that, as an organi- ment is both proactive and strategic, as ducing good science. The VC recom- sation, ESO is robust and efficient well as efficient and rapid in practice. The mends that ESO examine critically enough to successfully implement the VC also recommends that ESO continue whether APEX will remain scientifically ELT within the currently forecast resource to improve the effectiveness of in-house indispensable for its user community need, which strains the contribution career mobility and development. as ALMA matures, beyond the current envelope of the Member States. The VC contractual arrangement. strongly encourages the ESO Council to push for the provision of the required A close telescope-instrumentation- (forecast) budget, as this will indeed operations approach for the ELT On education and outreach strategy ensure ESO’s global leadership in astron- omy for decades to come. In light of the ELT’s complexity, the VC The VC recommends that ESO clarify recommends that ESO pay close atten- and strengthen its vision, and implemen- tion to a very tightly integrated telescope- tation, of its education and outreach Optimising ESO’s organisational health instrumentation-operations approach. effort, with a closer integration and coor- and efficiency In the VC’s view, this is key to the timely dination of these activities in Europe success of the ELT and is an important and Chile. In Garching, the VC sees a The VC found ESO to be a strong, healthy aspect of mitigating budgetary and serious risk that the tremendous potential and efficient organisation overall, with scheduling risks. Specifically, the VC of ESO’s Supernova will not be realised, highly talented and motivated staff. recommends that the ELT Programme given its current lean level of staffing. The organisational strains that will inevita- deepen its connections with both the The VC was unconvinced that augment- bly result from ESO’s ambitious plans external instrument teams and the future ing the current operations model merely will require continued and strengthened LPO operations team, in a spirit of close by external fundraising alone would lead effort towards organisational optimisation. collaboration. to an education and outreach effort that lives up to ESO’s vision. Specific recommendations follow: – The VC recommends that ESO con- Overall science leadership for the ELT tinue to address or mitigate both Note the historic and the inevitable political The VC recommends that ESO ensure a The Visiting Committee 2018 was composed of differences in its staff arrangements, strong science leadership of the overall Masimo Altarelli, Rebecca Bernstein (Vice-Chair), such as aspects of the 50/50–80/20 ELT effort as it will be critical to the ELT’s Sofia Feltzing, Robert Kennicutt, Anne-Marie science/duty contracts for scientists, or long-term scientific success and impact. Lagrange, Hilton Lewis, Elena Pian, Hans-Walter aspects of the international/local staff Such leadership is key to fully considering Rix (Chair) and Patrick Roche. categories among technical and scien- the needs of the telescope, the instru- tific staff in Chile. ments, the AO and the operations from – The optimisation of the matrix structure the viewpoint of the ELT’s overall scientific at ESO Garching, which has gained utility; it will also ensure that appropriate widespread acceptance, must c ontinue trade-offs are made between performance by: eliminating or reducing oversub- and capability on the one hand, and scription of staff resources; addressing budget, schedule and risk on the other. the extensive project fragmentation 4 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
The Organisation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5185 Following Up on the Recommendations of the Visiting Committee Xavier Barcons 1 The ultimate goal of this exercise is to risks and costs of building the ELT and obtain external and expert guidance bringing it into operation; continuing to on areas where action needs to be taken, recruit the necessary staff to support 1 ESO at the very least because there is always the ELT — avoiding overloading and pro- room for improvement. However, as a ject fragmentation in the matrix; intensify- member of ESO, it is also rewarding to ing the understanding between ELT Like most scientific organisations, ESO read in the report that in the committee’s construction and Paranal operations as periodically invites advice from an view ESO is fulfilling its mission very well as enhancing ESO’s technical external expert panel that assesses the well, and that with the support of Council involvement in ELT instrument develop- performance of the Organisation, and the adoption of a number of recom- ment; empowering and further support- and formulates a number of recommen- mendations the Organisation is bound to ing the ELT Programme Scientist in over- dations. The most recent ESO Visiting succeed in its current endeavour, that seeing all scientific aspects of the ELT; Committee travelled to all of the ESO of building and bringing into operation clarifying the interfaces with CTA-South sites in the last months of 2018 and the ELT, while maintaining the VLT/I and to ensure that the project develops delivered its report to Council in June ALMA at the forefront of worldwide without affecting the other projects in 2019. The committee, whose composi- astronomy. It gave me great pleasure to Paranal; discussing the future of the tion and mandate had been approved convey the congratulations of the Visiting Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) by ESO Council, was constituted by Committee to all ESO personnel. in a cost-neutral way for ESO and defin- a set of internationally renowned scien- ing a communication strategy that capi- tists who possess complementary A number of actions aligned with the Vis- talises on ESO’s scientific achievements areas of expertise covering all aspects iting Committee recommendations are and the added value of ESO’s pro- of ESO’s function. I am extremely grate- now being taken after discussion with the grammes to society. ful to all committee members for their ESO Council. Updates on these actions hard work and very careful preparation will be reported to and discussed with I have no doubt that the recommenda- of their report. An extract of the main Council as they progress. The ongoing tions of the Visiting Committee will conclusions and recommendations is actions include: support to ESO Council strengthen ESO and increase the likeli- presented in the preceding article. in discussing an updated strategy; a hood that it succeeds in its mission. careful and continuous updating of the ESO/B. Tafreshi ( Paranal Observatory with the Milky Way appearing to stretch directly upwards from one of the Unit Telescopes. The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 5
Telescopes and Instrumentation Enrico Sacchetti/ESO Inside Antu (Unit Telescope 1) of the VLT. FORS2 (the yellow instrument) is mounted at the Cassegrain and NaCo — seen here on the right — is mounted at the Nasmyth B focus, with KMOS on the left at the Nasmyth A focus.
Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5186 NaCo — The Story of a Lifetime Linda Schmidtobreick 1 stellar clusters, Solar System objects, The odyssey begins Nancy Ageorges 2 SN 1987A and several extragalactic Paola Amico1 sources. We present a short history of Numerous boxes containing the many Wolfgang Brandner 3 the life and achievements of NaCo from parts of NAOS and CONICA arrived at Suzana Cerda 1 the viewpoint of the Instrument Opera- ESO’s Paranal Observatory on 24 Octo- Claudia Cid 1 tion Team, Instrument Scientists, and ber 2001. Astronomers and engineers Laird Close 4 Instrument Engineers. from ESO and the participating institutes Eduardo Garces 1 and organisations a, b began the pains- Gordon Gillet 5 taking task of assembly on the Nasmyth Julien H. Girard 6 Introduction B platform of UT4 (see Figure 1). After Patricia Guajardo 1 days of technical tests and adjustments, George Hau 7 The Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System working around the clock, the team finally Wolfgang Hummel 1 (NAOS) was developed by a French con- declared the instrument fit to attempt its Yves Jung 1 sortium a in collaboration with ESO, and the first-light observation. Markus Kasper 1 COudé Near-Infrared CAmera (CONICA) Christopher Lidman 8 was built by a German consortium b in The UT4 dome was opened at sunset on Lars Kristian Lundin 1 collaboration with ESO. Together they 25 November 2001 and a small, rather Pedro Mardones 9 form NAOS-CONICA (NaCo) which was apprehensive, group gathered in the VLT Dimitri Mawet 10 the first instrument with an adaptive Control Room, peering intensively at the Jared O’Neal 11 optics (AO) system on the Very Large computer screens over the shoulders of Emanuela Pompei 1 Telescope (VLT). It was first installed at their colleagues the telescope and instru- Ricardo Schmutzer 1 the Nasmyth B focus of UT4 (Yepun), ment operators. As the basic calibrations Karleyne Silva 12 where it stayed from 2001 through 2013. required at this early stage were success- Jonathan Smoker 1 In 2014 it was reinstalled on UT1 (Antu) fully completed, the suspense rose, as Christian Soenke 1 at the Nasmyth A. Early tests and results did expectations as the special moment Lowell E. Tacconi-Garman 1 from commissioning runs showed that, approached when finally the telescope Elena Valenti 1 by compensating for a large fraction operator pushed the button that sent the Javier Valenzuela 1 of the atmospheric turbulence, it could telescope towards the first test object, Jose Velasquez 1 obtain spatial resolutions close to the an otherwise undistinguished star in our Gerard Zins 1 8-metre telescope’s diffraction limit. The Milky Way. AO system was equipped with both visi- ble and infrared, Shack–Hartmann type, The uncorrected image was recorded by 1 ESO wavefront sensors; the latter enabled the near-infrared imager and spectro- 2 KT Optics GmbH, Germany observations inside regions that are graph CONICA and it soon appeared on 3 MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany highly obscured by interstellar dust and 4 University of Arizona, Tucson, USA therefore unobservable in visible light. Figure 1. NAOS (light blue) and CONICA (red) are 5 Independent engineer, Antofagasta, For almost 18 years, NaCo provided multi- attached to the Nasmyth B adapter of UT4 (Yepun). Chile mode, AO-corrected observations in the The control electronics are housed in the white 6 STSCI, Baltimore, USA 1–5 μm range. c abinets. 7 University of Bath, UK 8 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 9 Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile 10 Caltech/JPL, Pasadena, USA 11 Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, USA 12 Gemini Observatory, La Serena, Chile NaCo was switched off on 2 October 2019, almost 18 years after its first light. The last exposure was of the standard star HD590 as part of the close-out calibrations. To date, 699 papers have been published using NaCo data, including observations of the Galactic centre, direct images of exoplanets orbiting their stars, young stellar objects, brown dwarfs, massive stars, The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 7
Telescopes and Instrumentation Schmidtobreick L. et al., NaCo — The Story of a Lifetime the computer screen. With a full width Figure 2 (left). The first image with NAOS-CONICA of a star (V magnitude half maximum (FWHM) diameter of only of 8) obtained before (left) and 0.50 arcseconds, it already showed good after (right) the adaptive optics was image quality, thanks to the atmospheric switched on. conditions on that night. Then the NAOS Uncorrected AO corrected image image adaptive optics system was switched FWHM: 0.50″ FWHM: 0.07″ on, thereby “closing the loop” for the first time on a celestial object. As the deform- able mirror in NAOS began to follow the “orders” that were being issued 400 times a second by its control computer, Figure 3 (below). The giant planet the stellar image on the computer screen S aturn as observed with the VLT NAOS-CONICA Adaptive Optics seemed to pull itself together. What sec- Left: uncorrected Right: corrected instrument on 8 December 2001. onds before had been a jumping, blurry patch of light suddenly became a rock- steady, razor-sharp and brilliant spot. The entire room burst into applause with happy faces and smiles all round. Nowa- days, we are used to getting these sharp and steady images whenever the loop of an adaptive optics system closes. But at the time of NaCo’s first light, this must have been a truly magical moment. The diameter of this first image was measured as 0.068 arcseconds (see Figure 2). Even during those early tests and com- missioning nights, NaCo delivered impressive astronomical results. Among the first images to be obtained was one of the stellar cluster NGC 3603, a high mass star-forming region. Only with the new, high-resolution K-band images was it possible to finally study the elusive ESO/S. Gillessen et al. class of brown dwarfs in such a starburst environment. Another early highlight was the observation of Io, the innermost of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter and the most volcanically active place in the Solar System (see press release eso0204 1 for details). And then of course, there was the “Lord of the Rings”, Saturn itself, in all its beauty. These observations were very challenging. CONICA’s field of view had to be steadied on Saturn, NAOS had to track the small moon Tethys, the reference source for the adaptive optics, and UT4 was tracking a star used for Figure 4. The central parts of our determining active optics corrections g alaxy as observed in the near- and autoguiding. As Figure 3 shows, it infrared with NaCo. By following the worked. motions of the most central stars over more than 16 years, astronomers were able to determine the mass of the However, the commissioning itself was supermassive black hole in the centre. also under a lot of pressure. Firstly, there was strong competition for precious con- and NaCo was supposed to start moni- and it became a key instrument for moni- sole places because the fibre positioner toring this region. There was a big rush to toring the motions of the stars close to for FLAMES was being commissioned at get NaCo operational in time for an early the Galactic centre for many years. By the same time. Secondly, the centre of epoch observation. In fact, NaCo turned measuring these stellar orbits with such our Galaxy becomes observable in April out to perform excellently (see Figure 4) amazing precision, it was possible to 8 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
conclude that the central invisible object Figure 5. This composite image shows an exoplanet (the red spot on the is very likely to be a supermassive black lower left), orbiting the brown dwarf hole (Gillessen et al., 2009). 2M1207 (centre). 2M1207b is the first exoplanet directly imaged and the first discovered orbiting a brown dwarf. It was imaged for the first time The early years with NaCo on UT4 in 2004. Not everything worked immediately though and that’s why NaCo is also a story of encounters and friendships between astronomers, amazing engi- neers and dedicated telescope opera- tors. From the beginning, the instrument appeared to have its own moods and people had to comply with these to successfully operate NaCo and keep it observing through the night. Sometimes it just didn’t work, often it required enor- mous effort and c ollaboration between various departments to get it up and running. Only with time and improved monitoring were these moods attributed but also very nervously as it was not clear prism which allowed simultaneous spec- — at least to a large degree — to specific whether Paranal was in the right viewing troscopy from J- to M-band, the installa- atmospheric behaviour. In this way, NaCo zone. When the event did happen, the tion of order-sorting filters that allowed also taught us the importance of monitor- tension broke and the visiting astronomer L-band and H+K-band spectroscopy at ing and recording ambient physical prop- started applauding and kissed his wife. various spectral resolutions, and the erties as well as instrumental perfor- Afterwards everyone involved celebrated Fabry-Perot interferometer to take narrow- mance, now regular practice with all with excellent French cheese the smell of band observations tunable between instruments. which lingered until the next day. 2 and 2.5 µm. Also the detector was upgraded, the new Aladdin III detector Then there have been all the unforeseen Another of these special moments was having better cosmetics, linear range and circumstances: when the only NaCo- the observation of 2M1207, a brown readout noise. trained night astronomer fell sick just dwarf in the young TW Hya association. before the first visiting observer run, and In a series of NaCo exposures, a tiny red However, the NaCo instrument concept a colleague had to take over at the last speck of light was discovered only was always considered a flexible one, minute; when, in the aftermath of NASA’s 0.8 arcseconds away from 2M1207 (see and this triggered new ideas about how Deep Impact mission 2, NaCo broke Figure 5). The thrill of seeing this faint to extend and optimise the capabilities down just before the time-critical obser- source of light in real-time on the instru- of NaCo, especially for certain astronomi vations, was urgently fixed and was still ment display is indescribable. Was this cal applications. For example, exoplanets, cooling down at the most crucial moment; actually a planet orbiting the brown where for any kind of direct imaging and when the NAOS field selector broke, dwarf? A spectrum taken with NaCo the main problem is the high contrast requiring two intensive weeks on the shows the signatures of water molecules between the light of the host star and the mountain to repair it. The Instrument Sci- and confirms that the object must be light of the planet. Of course, larger plan- entist at the time also vividly remembers comparatively small, cold and of about ets are easier to observe, as are planets the time when UT4 was observing with five Jupiter masses. However, to prove around faint stars. It is no surprise that the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Obser- that it is a planet orbiting the brown dwarf, the first imaged planet was a giant, Jupiter- vations in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) more images over a longer time interval like planet around a brown dwarf. To under wonderful conditions and they had to be obtained. Only a year later, it decrease the contrast between star and needed to check some NAOS connec- was c onfirmed that indeed NaCo had planet, new modes were invented, such tion. They opened one of the cabinets taken the first image of a planet outside as simultaneous differential imaging and caused a complete shutdown of the our Solar System (Chauvin et al., 2005). (Lenzen et al., 2004), the four-quadrant telescope — and a shock for everyone phase mask together with a Lyot-Stop involved. coronograph (Boccaletti et al., 2004), New observing modes a pupil stabilised mode for Angular Differ- On the other hand, there have been ential Imaging (Kasper et al., 2009), the numerous special moments, like the Pluto After several years of operation, a num- Apodising-Phase-Plate coronograph occultation, when astronomers, opera- ber of previously planned upgrades to (Kenworthy et al., 2010), and the Annular- tors, engineers and everyone else were NaCo were carried out (Kasper et al., Groove-Phase-Mask (AGPM) corono- all waiting enthusiastically for the event, 2005). These included the low-resolution graph (Mawet et al., 2013). NaCo served The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 9
Telescopes and Instrumentation Schmidtobreick L. et al., NaCo — The Story of a Lifetime as a testbed to implement and evaluate Dear outstanding professionals, all of them. two nights ago our NACO had the last whisper on sky after observing a bright star. Other attempts were made to increase the spatial resolution and get down to It’s been more than 20 years of amazing science and unique achievements!! the diffraction limit with a well calibrated point spread function. The interferometric Together we’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. mode using Sparse Aperture Masking Engineers fighting their way through dichroics and wave front sensor. Astronomers (SAM; Lacour et al., 2011) as well as worshipping a closed loop with seeing 2.0ʺ and coherence time 0.5 ms. speckle holography (Schödel & Girard, We watched violent storms on Jupiter’s pole, planets orbiting desolate stars, 2012) and speckle imaging without AO Galactic Center glittering in the dark. (Rengaswamy et al., 2014) served in All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. this respect and broadened the possibili- Time to die. ties for NaCo science cases. Your sincerely, One of the major changes on Paranal in Antu on behalf of NACO general but especially for NaCo and SINFONI was the installation of the first ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laser Guide Star (LGS) facility, a collabo- ration between ESO and MPE. NaCo had Estimados colegas, to be upgraded for the extended spot of the LGS. A System for Tip-tilt Removal dos noches atras NACO dio su ultima mirada al cielo. with Avalanche Photodiodes (STRAP) was installed, along with a new laser Fueron mas de 20 años de maravillosa ciencia y resultados unicos!! dichroic and a new wavefront sensor len- slet array with a larger field of view. The Juntos vimos cosas que ustedes no se pueden ni imaginar. NaCo upgrade for LGSF was a collabora- Ingenieros enfrentandose con dicroicos y sensores de frente de onda. tion between the Institut de Planétologie Astronomos cerrando el loop en condiciones proibitivas. et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG) Hemos visto tempestas al polo norte de Jupiter, planetas orbitando estrellas and ESO, led by Gerard Zins who was at desoladas, el Centro Galactico parpadeando en la oscuridad. IPAG at that time (Kasper et al., 2010). Todos estos momentos se perderan en el tiempo, como lagrimas en la lluvia. Again, the collaboration made all the dif- Es tiempo de morir. ference and much fun was had working with the Garching AO group installing the Cariños, laser. Even the non-AO astronomers viv- Antu por NACO idly remember being involved in the first nights of laser observations. Because the Figure 6. This email was sent by the support astron- needed to get everything up and running. omers after NaCo’s last night of operation. It shows automated plane detection software had NaCo’s facilities were drastically reduced what NaCo means for most of us: lots of emotions, not yet been approved for safety, every- lots of memories, and wonderful people working — no more spectroscopy and everything body was helping out with plane spotting, together. had to be done in service mode, since standing outside with a radio on the tele- Paranal did not have sufficient engineer- scope platform, watching the sky, and close to the black hole that the extreme ing resources to keep all the modes up sending the stop-propagation order if a gravity would make the effects of general and running. plane was getting too close. relativity detectable. For this event, new instruments like GRAVITY were created, Apart from the regular Galactic centre but an instrument was needed to actually observations, another main science The final years follow the star and determine the precise driver was the imaging of planets with the orbit before and after the encounter. new AGPM mask, and the reduced NaCo In 2013, NaCo was supposed to be So, in 2014 NaCo was brought back to was of course also offered in open time decommissioned. However, an important life, this time installed on the Nasmyth A to the community. In 2018, after a major astronomical event was on the horizon — focus of UT1. Consternation arose when problem with the detector controler, the the close encounter of the star S2 with it became clear that the CONICA detec- visible wavefront sensor had to be the black hole in the centre of our Galaxy. tor couldn’t be brought back to life. Luck- decommissioned. At that time, NaCo As mentioned above, since the beginning ily, ISAAC had been decommissioned required several hours attention to be of its operation NaCo played a key role a few years before and had also been operational at night and may have become in monitoring the motions of stars close equipped with an Aladdin detector. So the most cursed instrument on Paranal to our Galactic centre. Now in 2018, the old ISAAC detector was refurbished but, when working, it delivered spectacu- one of these stars, S2, which has a highly and put into NaCo. Some long and lar images; the monitoring and astrometry elliptical orbit, was supposed to get so frustrating re-commissioning runs were of the Galactic centre was a great success 10 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
(GRAVITY Collaboration et al., 2018) and Explorer (MUSE) and the Enhanced Kenworthy, M. et al. 2010, The Messenger, 141, 2 Lacour, S. et al. 2011, The Messenger, 146, 18 even in its old age NaCo was still contrib- Resolution Imager and Spectrograph Lenzen, R. et al. 2004, SPIE, 5492, 970 uting to exciting science results. At the (ERIS) are being operated at Paranal or Mawet, D. et al. 2013, A&A, 552, L13 moment of writing, 699 papers have been will be coming soon. AO techniques will Rengaswamy, S. et al. 2014, The Messenger, 155, 12 published using NaCo data 3. be key for any instrument on the ELT in Schödel, R. & Girard, J. H. 2012, The Messenger, 150, 26 future. All of these operational modes NaCo’s last night of operation, 1 October were originally tested on NaCo. We are 2019, was cloudy, so a planned last-light continuously improving these techniques Links image of Io could not be taken. Last light but, to quote a former Instrument Scien- 1 SO Press Release 0204 showing NaCo image of E was instead recorded from the standard tist, “NaCo was instrumental in making Saturn’s rings: star HD590 at 04:22:50 UT on 30 Sep- adaptive optics mainstream”. eso0204 tember 2019. After that last night of oper- 2 N ASA Deep Impact mission: https://www.jpl.nasa. ation, a very emotional email was sent gov/missions/deep-impact/ 3 Acknowledgements Publications with NaCo: by the night crew to all colleagues in boolany=or&boolaut=or&boolti=or&year- Paranal (see Figure 6), expressing the We acknowledge the extensive use of ESO press to=2020&instrument%5B%5D=naco&boolins=or&- emotions that we all felt when NaCo was releases, ESO newsletters and ESO images. Many booltel=or&search=Search finally switched off. people have contributed to making NaCo observa- 4 NaCo’s history: tions possible. We would like to thank the engineers decommissioned/naco/History.html and scientists who built the instrument, and those who developed and installed new modes at later Beyond NaCo stages, the various commissioning teams, the hard- Notes ware and software engineers who kept this delicate a instrument in good shape, the colleagues in he French consortium consisted of Office National T NaCo leaves a legacy of amazing data Garching working on instrumental upgrades, pipe- d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), that are available in the archive. The pipe- line development, quality control and user support, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG) line will be kept alive and updated with all the members of the Instrument Operation Team and Observatoire de Paris (DESPA and DASGAL). system changes in order to ensure the over the time, and all the support astronomers and The Project Manager was Gérard Rousset telescope operators using NaCo at UT1 or UT4. Last (ONERA), the Instrument Responsible was François ongoing use of these data. A history of but not least, we would like to thank the astronomi- Lacombe (Observatoire de Paris) and the Project NaCo, in particular a list of events that cal community for their interest and for using NaCo Scientist was Anne-Marie Lagrange (Laboratoire might influence which calibrations to take to advance their fascinating science cases. d’Astrophysique de Grenoble). It was supported by for which epoch of observations is availa- the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU) of the Centre National de la Recherche Sci- ble on NaCo’s webpage 4. References entifique (CNRS). b T he German Consortium included the Max-Planck- Of course, NaCo is not the end by any Boccaletti, A. et al. 2004, PASP, 116, 1061 Institut für Astronomie (MPIA) (Heidelberg) and the means. AO continues to evolve, new Chauvin, G. et al. 2005, A&A, 438, L25 Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik Gillessen, S. et al. 2009, ApJ, 692, 1075 (MPE) (Garching). The Principal Investigator (PI) was generations of AO instruments like the GRAVITY Collaboration et al. 2018, A&A, 615, L15 Rainer Lenzen (MPIA), with Reiner Hofmann (MPE) Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Kasper, M. et al. 2005, The Messenger, 119, 9 as Co-Investigator. Exoplanet REsearch instrument Kasper, M. et al. 2009, The Messenger, 137, 8 (SPHERE), the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Kasper, M. et al. 2010, The Messenger, 140, 8 ESO/Callingham et al. The VISIR instrument on ESO’s VLT captured this stunning image of a newly-discovered massive binary star system. Nicknamed Apep after an ancient Egyptian deity, it could be the first gam- ma-ray burst progenitor to be found in our galaxy. The triple star system was captured by the NACOadaptive optics instrument on the VLT. The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 11
Astronomical Science ESO/M. Kornmesser This artist’s impression shows the exiled asteroid 2004 EW95, the first carbon-rich asteroid con- firmed to exist in the Kuiper Belt and a relic of the primordial Solar System. This curious object likely formed in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and must have been transported billions of kilometres from its origin to its current home in the Kuiper Belt.
Astronomical Science DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5187 SPHERE Unveils the True Face of the Largest Main Belt Asteroids Pierre Vernazza 1 Mars and Jupiter (typically between Explorer [OSIRIS-Rex], Hayabusa 1 & 2) Laurent Jorda 1 2 and 3.3 astronomical units [au]). The or from remote imaging with the Hubble Benoit Carry 2 diversity in their surface composition (for Space Telescope (HST) and adaptive- Josef Hanuš 3 example, metallic iron, basalt, mixtures of optics-equipped ground-based tele- Michaël Marsset 4 silicates such as olivine and pyroxene, scopes (for example, the VLT and the Matti Viikinkoski 5 water-rich silicates, water ice) — as Keck Observatory) in the case of the larg- Franck Marchis 1, 6 inferred from spectroscopic observations est bodies. Miroslav Brož 3 — and their orbital distribution across the Alexis Drouard 1 main belt (see, for example, Vernazza & The drastic increase in angular resolution Thierry Fusco 1, 7 Beck, 2017 for a review) have provided (by about a factor of three) with respect Romain Fétick1, 7 unique constraints to Solar System for- to the HST that is possible with the Marin Ferrais 1 mation models which could not have new generation of adaptive optics using & the HARISSA team been derived from observations of the the Zurich imaging polarimeter (ZIMPOL) giant or telluric planets themselves. on SPHERE indicates that the largest main-belt asteroids become resolvable 1 ix Marseille Université, CNRS, LAM A It is now understood that the present- worlds and are thus no longer extended (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de day asteroid belt hosts bodies that were point sources. To place this in context, Marseille), France formed at large heliocentric distances these asteroids have diameters greater 2 Université Côte d’Azur, Observatoire de (> 10 au) as well as bodies that may have than 100 km and angular sizes typically la Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Laboratoire formed close to the Sun (< 1.5 au) and greater than 100 milliarcseconds (mas). Lagrange, Nice, France that they have ended up at their current With the SPHERE instrument, craters 3 Institute of Astronomy, Charles Univer- location following giant planet migration with diameters greater than approxi- sity, Prague, Czech Republic (see, for example, the Nice and Grand mately 30 km can now be identified on 4 Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Tack models; Levison et al., 2009; Walsh the surfaces of main-belt asteroids and Planetary Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, et al., 2011) as well as gravitational inter- the shapes of the largest asteroids can USA action with the embryos of the telluric be accurately reconstructed (for example, 5 Department of Mathematics and planets (Bottke et al., 2006). Broadly Marsset et al., 2017). Statistics, Tampere University, Finland speaking, the idea that the asteroid belt 6 SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center, is a condensed sample of the primordial To maximise the science return of the Mountain View, USA Solar System has gradually emerged. SPHERE instrument in the field of aster- 7 ONERA/DOTA, Université Paris Saclay, oid studies, we proposed an ESO Large Chatillon, France Whereas our understanding of the sur- Programme with the aim of characteris- face composition of asteroids and its dis- ing the shape, density, internal and com- tribution across the asteroid belt has positional structure, and surface topo Over the past 2.5 years, we have been improved enormously over the last dec- graphy of a statistically significant fraction carrying out disc-resolved observations ade, see recent reviews by Burbine (2014) of D > 100-kilometre main-belt asteroids of a substantial fraction of all large and Vernazza & Beck (2017) the same (~ 35 out of ~ 200 asteroids). Our sample (D > 100 km) main-belt asteroids, moni- cannot be said regarding their internal covers the major compositional classes toring them at high angular resolution structure, which is best characterised (S, B/C, Ch/Cgh, X, P/D; DeMeo et al., throughout their rotation, and sampling by their density. To constrain the density, 2009; DeMeo & Carry, 2013). The survey the main compositional classes, using one needs to fully reconstruct the 3D started in April 2017 and ended success- the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast shape of a body, to estimate its volume fully in September 2019. Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE) instru- and to determine its mass from its ment on the VLT. These observations gravitational interaction with other aster- enable us to characterise the internal oids, preferably (whenever possible) with Methods structure of our targets from their its own satellite(s). density as well as their cratering record To achieve our science objectives, we down to ~ 30 km in diameter. Such This is due to the fact that disc-resolved image our targets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL information, in turn, places unpre observations of asteroids — contrary throughout their rotation (we collect cedented constraints on models of the to disc-integrated observations of these images every ~ 60 degrees in planeto- formation of the Solar System and same bodies (from light curves and/or centric longitude). These images are sub- the collisional evolution of the main belt. visible and infrared spectroscopy) — sequently reduced and deconvolved have so far been obtained with sufficient with the MISTRAL algorithm (Fusco et al., spatial resolution for only a few bodies, 2003; Mugnier, Conan & Fusco, 2004) Scientific context either from dedicated interplanetary mis- using a point spread function (PSF). sions (for example, Galileo, Near Earth At the beginning of our observing pro- Asteroids are minor planets ranging in Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR), Rosetta, gramme, we were observing a stellar PSF size from a few metres to a few hundred Dawn, Origins-Spectral Interpretation- either before or just after every asteroid kilometres which are located between Resource Identification-Security-Regolith observation. However, because the The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 13
Astronomical Science Vernazza P. et al., SPHERE Unveils the True Face of the Largest Main Belt Asteroids deconvolution with the stellar PSF did not produce systematically satisfactory Phase: 0.00 (2018-05-20T06:41:53:277) results, we investigated alternative meth- Lepida (~ 45 km) ods to increase the sharpness of the image. We noticed that in several cases Oppia (~ 40 km) we achieved a better result by using stellar PSFs acquired on different nights. Numisia (~ 30 km) We therefore tested the deconvolution Urbinia (~ 24 km) process with synthetic PSFs modeled by Vestalia a 2D Moffat function. The deconvolution Terra using a Moffat PSF always converged towards an acceptable solution by vary- Rheasilvia ing the Moffat parameters (Fétick et al., 2019). We therefore started systematically Eusebia (~ 26 km) using a parametric PSF to deconvolve our images (for example, Viikinkoski et al., Phase: 0.13 (2018-06-08T05:27:05:809) 2018; Fétick et al., 2019). Notably, the case of Vesta (Figure 1) has confirmed the accuracy of our image deconvolution algorithm. Nevertheless, it is clear that Numisia (~ 30 km) our programme provides a strong motiva- Vestalia tion for further development of deconvo- Terra lution algorithms in order to limit artefacts with additional priors, incorporate non- axisymmetric features of the stellar PSF, and improve convergence and stability. Aricia tholus The deconvolved images serve as input to a 3D shape reconstruction algorithm (ADAM; Viikinkoski, Kaasalainen & Durech, 2015 or MPCD; Jorda et al., 2016). Even Phase: 0.24 (2018-07-10T01:59:52:994) though we already have low-resolution, convex, shape models from existing light curves for all our targets, the SPHERE data allow us to drastically Aricia tholus improve those models by producing more realistic non-convex shape models, reveal- Octavia (~ 30 km) ing the topography of individual craters (D ≥ 30 km). Thus, thanks to SPHERE’s unique angular resolution, we have been able to open an entirely new window on asteroid exploration. Cratering records that are now available for our targets allow us to address their global geology, as in the case of (7) Iris for instance (Hanus et al., 2019). Hereafter, we summarise some of the Figure 1. Comparison of the VLT/SPHERE decon- volved images of Vesta (left column) with synthetic main results obtained so far. These projections of the Dawn model produced with The methods we employ to derive the results illustrate well the diversity of the OASIS and with albedo information (right column). physical properties of our targets science questions that can be investi- The main structures that can be identified in both have been validated in the case of the gated via such an imaging survey. the SPHERE images and the synthetic ones are highlighted: craters are outlined by squares and asteroid (21) Lutetia (Carry et al., 2010, albedo features by circles. Reproduced from Fétick 2012), which is a relatively small object et al., 2019. (D ~ 98 km) compared to our targets. A bluffing view of (4) Vesta The asteroid was visited by the ESA tral properties similar to those of Vesta Rosetta mission in 2010 (Sierks et al., With a mean diameter of 525 km (Russell (Binzel & Xu, 1993). It was understood 2011). With our methods, the inferred spin et al., 2013), (4) Vesta is the second larg- that these bodies originated as fragments coordinates were accurate to one degree est body in the asteroid belt. In the early from Vesta that had been excavated in and the absolute dimensions to within 1990s, telescopic observations of small one or more giant impacts. A few years 2 km with respect to those derived from asteroids on similar orbits revealed the later, observations performed with the the Rosetta fly-by data. presence of numerous bodies with spec- HST revealed the presence of an impact 14 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
crater 460 km in diameter near the south 2017-07-10T09:06:56 2017-08-24T02:57:48 pole of Vesta (Thomas et al., 1997), thus confirming the collisional origin of the Vesta-like bodies. Later on, the NASA Dawn mission characterised the surface topography of Vesta in detail, revealing the existence of two overlapping basins in the south polar region and a central peak whose height rivals that of Olympus Mons on Mars (for example, Russell et al., 2012; Jaumann et al., 2012; Marchi et al., 2012; Schenk et al., 2012). Nonza Our SPHERE images have recovered the (D ~ 75 km) surface of Vesta in great detail (Figure 1; Fétick et al., 2019). Most of the main top- Figure 2. SPHERE/ZIMPOL images of (89) Julia oid population and because they enable deconvolved with the MISTRAL algorithm. Nonza, ographic features present across Vesta’s investigations of properties and pro- the likely impact crater at the origin of a small colli- surface can be readily recognised from sional family, is highlighted. cesses that are often difficult to probe by the ground. These include the south pole other means. In particular, Earth-based impact basin and its prominent central observations of binaries and triples pro- peak, several D ≥ 25 kilometre-sized cra- studies, the future will only get brighter with vide the most powerful way of deriving ters and also Matronalia Rupes, including the resolving power of the extremely large precise masses and thus densities for a its steep scarp and its small and big arcs. telescopes (ESO’s ELT, the Thirty Meter substantial number of objects (for exam- On the basis of our observations, it fol- Telescope [TMT], and the Giant Magellan ple, Descamps et al., 2011; Marchis et lows that next-generation telescopes with Telescope [GMT]). All-sky surveys using al., 2013). The only other way to constrain mirror sizes in the range 30–40 m (for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will surely asteroid masses with similar precision example, ESO’s ELT) should in principle discover many new small families. The is with dedicated interplanetary missions, be able to resolve the remaining major follow-up with adaptive optics observa- either a fly-by for the largest ones (as in topographic features of (4) Vesta (i.e., tions of their parent bodies may allow us to the case of (21) Lutetia) or a rendezvous equatorial troughs, north-south crater reconstruct the respective impact craters (for example, the Dawn mission, OSIRIS- dichotomy), provided that they operate at at the origin of these families. Rex and Hayabusa 1 & 2). the diffraction limit in the visible. At the same time, such investigations Direct imaging performed in the course may help to establish new meteorite- of our Large Programme is a very effi- A bright future for asteroid family asteroid connections. Indeed, asteroid cient way of discovering new moons, studies families likely constitute a major source constraining their orbital parameters and of meteorites. The case of Vesta supports hence the total mass of the system (pri- Our SPHERE observations of asteroid such a hypothesis, it being likely that mary + secondary). In the case of a small (89) Julia (Vernazza et al., 2018; Fig- the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) secondary (which is always the case for ure 2), a D ~ 140 km S-type asteroid and meteorites — achondrite meteorites our targets), the total mass is dominated the parent body of a small collisional which account for about 6% of falls — by the primary, implying that the mass of family that consists of 66 known mem- are derived from its family. In the near the primary can be well constrained (usu- bers with D < 2.5 km, have revealed the future, it will therefore become possible ally with < 10% uncertainty). presence of an impact crater (~ 75 km to search for the origin locations of wide) that could be the origin of this fam- individual meteorite falls using their cos- Our programme has allowed us to dis- ily. In addition, we studied both the mic ray exposure ages — which indicate cover a moon around the C-type asteroid impact event by means of smoothed par- the time they have been traveling in (31) Euphrosyne (Vernazza et al., 2019). ticular hydrodynamic simulations and space since being excavated from their With an estimated diameter of ~ 270 km, the subsequent long-term orbital evolu- parent body — in conjunction with the Euphrosyne is so far the largest known tion of the asteroid family, to determine its estimated asteroid family ages and main-belt asteroid with a companion. age (30–120 Myr). It follows that the same high-angular-resolution imaging observa- We have also investigated the composi- type of science investigation that could tions of the presumed parent bodies. tional structure of the binary asteroid (41) be performed 20 years ago with the HST Daphne (Carry et al., 2019; Figure 3). Our in the case of (4) Vesta and the discovery observations imply a density similar to of its south pole impact basin at the Asteroids with satellites that of CM chondrites, and thus a homo- origin of the Vesta family (Thomas et al., geneous internal structure for that object, 1997) can now be performed for many Multiple-asteroid systems (binaries, in agreement with numerical models sim- D > 100 km main-belt asteroids with VLT/ triples) are important because they ulating the early thermal evolution of the SPHERE. In the field of asteroid-family represent a sizable fraction of the aster- parent bodies of CM chondrites. The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020 15
Astronomical Science Vernazza P. et al., SPHERE Unveils the True Face of the Largest Main Belt Asteroids Figure 3. Images of (41) References Daphne and its satellite. ESO–VLT 2017-05-05 ESO–VLT 2017-05-20 Daphne’s image is dis- SPHERE/IFS 22:51 SPHERE/ZIMPOL 00:52 Binzel, R. P. & Xu, S. 1993, Science, 260, 186B played in the inner circle YJH Daphne R Daphne Bottke, W. F. et al. 2006, Nature, 439, 821 and the outer region Burbine, T. H. 2014, in Planets, Asteroids, Comets shows the satellite after and the Solar System, Vol. 2 of Treatise on Geo halo removal (high- chemistry, ed. Davis, A. M., (2nd ed.; Amsterdam: lighted by a small circle). Elsevier), 365 Reproduced from Carry DeMeo, F. E. et al. 2009, Icarus, 202, 160 et al. (2019). DeMeo, F. E. & Carry, B. 2013, Icarus, 226, 723 Descamps, P. et al. 2011, Icarus, 211, 1022 Carry, B. et al. 2010, A&A, 523, A94 N Carry, B. et al. 2012, Planet. Space Sci., 66, 200 0.5ೀ Carry, B. et al. 2019, A&A, 623, 132 E Fétick, R. J. L. et al. 2019, A&A, 623, 6 Fusco, T. et al. 2003, Proc. SPIE, 4839, 1065 Hanus, J. et al. 2019, A&A, 624, 121 Perspectives adaptive-optics imaging of main-belt Jaumann, R. et al. 2012, Science, 336, 687 asteroids will allow us to resolve craters Jorda, L. et al. 2016, Icarus, 277, 257 New opportunities for ground-based down to ~ 2–5 km in size implying that Levison, H. F. et al. 2009, Nature, 460, 364 asteroid exploration, namely geophysical we shall be able to characterise their Marchi, S. et al. 2012, Science, 336, 690 Marchis, F. et al. 2013, Icarus, 224, 178 and geological studies, are becoming global geological history from the ground. Marsset, M. et al. 2017, A&A, 604, A64 available thanks to SPHERE’s unique Consequently, missions performing cos- Mugnier, L., Fusco, T. & Conan, J.-M. 2004, capabilities. Also, the present work repre- mochemistry experiments, landing and JOSAA, 21, 1841 sents the beginning of a new era of eventually returning a sample, should be Russell, C. T. et al. 2012, Science, 336, 684 Russell, C. T. et al. 2013, Meteoriti. Planet. Sci., asteroid-family studies. Notably, our preferred at the forefront of in-situ 48, 2076 SPHERE observations using the VLT have exploration. Schenk, P. et al. 2012, Science, 336, 694 demonstrated in a striking manner how Sierks, H. et al. 2011, Science, 334, 487 the gap between interplanetary missions Thomas, P. C. et al. 1997, Science, 277, 1492 Acknowledgements Vernazza, P. & Beck, P. 2017, Planetesimals: Early and ground-based observations is get- Differentiation and Consequences for Planets, ting narrower (Fétick et al., 2019). With Pierre Vernazza, Benoit Carry, and Alexis Drouard (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press), the advent of extremely large telescopes were supported by CNRS/INSU/PNP. Josef Hanuš 269 (ESO’s ELT, GMT, TMT), the science was supported by the Czech Science Foundation Vernazza, P. et al. 2018, A&A, 618, A154 through grant 18-09470S. Thierry Fusco and Romain Vernazza, P. et al. 2019, CBET, 4627 objectives of future interplanetary mis- Fétick are partially funded by DGA and ONERA. Viikinkoski, M., Kaasalainen, M. & Durech, J. 2015, sions will have to be carefully thought out Michaël Marsset was supported by the National A&A, 576, A8 so that these missions will complement, Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant Viikinkoski, M. et al. 2018, A&A, 619, L3 rather than duplicate, what will be No. 80NSSC18K0849 issued through the Planetary Walsh, K. J. et al. 2011, Nature, 475, 206 achieved via Earth-based telescopic Astronomy Program. Franck Marchis was supported by NSF grant number 1743015. observations. For instance, future ELT ESO/M. Zamani Paranal Observatory at sunset. 16 The Messenger 179 – Quarter 1 | 2020
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