Page created by Justin Turner
April 2021

                                                                                 AERO INDIA REVIEW
                                                                                 CELERA 500L ANALYSIS
                                                                                 EARTH OBSERVATION

April 2021
Volume 48 Number 4

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Royal Aeronautical Society

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Volume 48 Number 4
April 2021

   EDITORIAL                                                                                                                 Contents
   The ‘white heat’ of a                                                                                                    Regulars
   defence review                                                                                                            4 Radome
                                                                                                                             The latest aviation and
                                                                                                                             aeronautical intelligence,
                                                                                                                                                                                          12 Transmission
                                                                                                                                                                                          Your letters, emails, tweets
                                                                                                                                                                                          and social media feedback.
  As AEROSPACE goes to press, the UK government is set to unveil what has                                                    analysis and comment.
                                                                                                                                                                                          58 The Last Word
  been touted as the most radical defence review in a generation, preparing                                                  11 Pushing the Envelope                                      Keith Hayward questions
  Britain’s armed forces and getting them ‘match fit’ for the near-peer and                                                  Rob Coppinger considers                                      whether the Brabazon
  ‘grey zone’ conflicts of the 21st Century – where potential adversaries may                                                European studies of                                          Committee of the 1940s is
                                                                                                                             Reaction Engines’ SABRE                                      the best role model for the
  field advanced EW, cyber, weaponised drones, stealth fighters, satellites and                                                                                                           UK’s future aerospace plans.
  hypersonics. Aiming to become a ‘science and technology superpower’ the
  first half of the Integrated Review, Global Britain in a Competitive Age, sets
  out the UK’s strategic ambitions. The emphasis on science and technology, a
  new ‘DARPA’-like high-risk body and mentions of FCAS are welcome moves                                                                                                                 26 Private eyes on Earth
                                                                                                                                                                                         How small satellites are leading
  by the UK to invest in future capabilities and boost the ‘prosperity agenda’.                                                                                                          a revolution in 24/7 Earth
  Significantly, the review also mentions that the 2012 ‘competition by default’                                                                                                         observation.
  rules for defence procurement will be reversed, with national industrial capability

                                                                                                                                                                               Spencer Lisenby
  prioritised over off-the-shelf foreign imports. Yet, to pay for these future
  capabilities, the current armed forces are set to be reduced significantly. While                                         14                                                                                         30
  the Army looks to take the brunt, RAF airlift is to be cut with the early retirement
  of C-130J fleet and the axing of No 32 Sqn (The Royal Flight). ISR is to take                                              Airline pilot training – time
                                                                                                                             to revisit the basics?
  a hammering with no crewed replacements for Sentinel or Islander spyplanes
                                                                                                                             Does the Covid-19 pandemic                                  A need for speed
  and the crucial ‘force multiplers’ of E-7 Wedgetails reduced to just three. While                                          present an opportunity to                                   A model glider enthusiast flies
  a decision over final F-35 numbers beyond 48 has been postponed, current                                                   reset and improve airline pilot                             a glider at 548mph using the
  combat air is to be reduced, with 24 Tranche 1 Typhoons retired early. Some of                                             training?                                                   principle of dynamic soaring.
  these cuts in conventional forces are thus set to be balanced by a more opaque                                             18 Soaring aspirations
  and muscular UK nuclear deterrence posture, betting that raising the cap on                                                Report on the 2021 Aero
  nuclear warheads will tide things over until these new future capabilities are in                                          India aerospace and defence                                  34 Shape shifters
                                                                                                                             airshow.                                                     How new technology is
  service.                                                                                                                                                                                enabling engineers to create
                                                                                                                                                                                          morphing aircraft which can
  Tim Robinson FRAeS, Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                                                     change shape in flight.
                                                                                                                                                               Otto Aviation @RAeSTimR

      Correspondence on all aerospace matters is welcome at:

Editor-in-Chief                            Editorial Office                           2021 AEROSPACE subscription
Tim Robinson, FRAeS
+44 (0)20 7670 4353
                                           Royal Aeronautical Society
                                           No.4 Hamilton Place
                                                                                      rates: Non-members, £190
                                                                                      To place your order, contact:                                                            38               London W1J 7BQ, UK                         Wayne J Davis
Deputy Editor
                                           +44 (0)20 7670 4300                        +44 (0)20 7670 4354                    Going with the flow                                         Reimagining the future of
                                                                                                                 civil aviation
Bill Read, FRAeS                                                                                                             An analysis of the radical
+44 (0)20 7670 4351                                                                             efficiency and economic
                                                                                      Any member not requiring a print                                                                   A Cranfield University virtual                  AEROSPACE is published by the Royal        version of this magazine should        advantages claimed for Otto                                 summit looked at opportunities
                                           Aeronautical Society (RAeS).               contact:    Aviation’s unconventionally-
Production Manager                                                                                                                                                                       for the international aerospace
Wayne J Davis                              Chief Executive                            USA: Periodical postage paid at        shaped Celera 500L.                                         industry in a post-Covid world.
+44 (0)20 7670 4354                        Sir Brian Burridge CBE FRAeS               Champlain New York and additional                Advertising                                offices.
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                                           Unless specifically attributed, no                                                44 Message from our President                 material in AEROSPACE shall be taken       ISSN 2052-451X
Production Executive                       to represent the opinion of the RAeS.                                             45 M
                                                                                                                                 essage from our Chief Executive
Annabel Hallam                             Reproduction of material used in this                                             46 Book Reviews
+44 (0)20 7670 4361                        publication is not permitted without the             written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.                                           49 Library Additions
Book Review Editors                        Printed by Buxton Press Limited,                                                  50 New Members Spotlight
                                           Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire
Tony Pilmer and Katrina Sudell
                                           SK17 6AE, UK
                                                                                                                             51 2021 RAeS AGM
                                                                                                                             52 RAeS Diary
Original artwork
©Wayne J Davis/RAeS                        Distributed by Royal Mail                                                         54 Obituaries

                 Additional content is available to view online at:
                     Including: UK sustainable aviation fuels, New Member Spotlight, Peace talks in Airbus-Boeing
                                                                                                                                            Read AEROSPACE and the insight blog on your
                  subsidy row?, Drone and aircraft collision tests, 150 years of wind tunnels, In the March 2021 issue of                   smartphone or tablet with the AEROSPACE app
Online                AEROSPACE, The future of military rotorcraft, Aero India show report, Transonic model glider.            APP              available from iTunes and Google Play
Front cover: Cessna 172 cockpit instruments. (123rf)

       @aerosociety          i   Find us on LinkedIn       f    Find us on Facebook                                                                                            APRIL 2021            13

                           New engines
                           The S-64F+ would also see the
                           existing P&W JFTD12 engines
                           replaced with new, as yet
                           unnamed, more powerful
                           turboshaft engines and a

                                     Enter the Matrix
                                     Erickson has partnered with Sikorsky to
                                     bring its autonomous fly-by-wire
                                     Matrix Technology to the S-64F+ to
                                     allow optionally piloted operations.
                                     Trialled by Sikorsky on its S-76
                                     demonstrator, Matrix and new cockpit
                                     avionics will also enhance situational
                                     awareness and flight safety in the piloted
                                     mode during day and night operations.
                                     An HUD may also be fitted.

4              AEROSPACE
New composite blades
                                       The S-64F+ would feature FAA-certificated
                                       composite main rotor blades, giving
                                       performance gains, including increased
                                       payload and climb rate, reduced vibration, fuel
                                       savings and interchangeability with legacy

                                       Water cannon
                                       The civil firefighting variant of the S-64F+ would
                                       also feature an enhanced water cannon, able to
                                       tackle high-rise fires from 70m away and capable
                                       of pumping 800 gallons of water a minute.


21st Century Skycrane
Portland, US-based Erickson, which holds the type certificate for the
CH-64 heavy-lift helicopter, still in service in civil roles, such as
firefighting as the Air Crane, has proposed a modernised military variant
with autonomous capabilities. The updated fly-by-wire S-64F+ Air
Crane would be optionally piloted, and would allow US Army Chinooks
and USMC CH-53K helicopters to be freed up for front-line duties. The
S-64F+ will also be pitched at the civil firefighting market. The company
plans to fly an optionally piloted version next year and is converting its
famous ‘Elvis’ S-64 to act as the S-64F+ prototype. Customer deliveries
are expected to begin in 2024.

                                                                                 APRIL 2021   5
      AIR TRANSPORT                                                           AEROSPACE

     Post-Covid airline pilot                                            First delivery of global vaccine-
     shortage predicted                                                  sharing scheme touches down
      A new survey from             for the deep-seated
      the consulting arm of         global airline pilot
      Oliver Wyman claims           shortage, with 25,000-
      that airlines could suffer    35,000 current and
      from a ‘supply shock’         future pilots choosing
      shortage of pilots by up      alternative career paths
      to 12,000 worldwide           over the next decade.
      by 2023 and potentially       The report says that the

      up to 50,000 by 2025,         shortage will be most
      as aviation recovers          acute in North America
      from the Covid-19             which has an ageing                       On 24 February, a UNICEF cargo flight, carrying 600,000 vaccines, touched
      pandemic. The firm            pilot population, many                    down in Accra, Ghana, the first delivery of vaccines under a global vaccine-sharing
      says the pandemic is          of whom have already                      scheme. The COVAX vaccines were flown in from Mumbai, India, using an Emirates
      a ‘momentary reprieve’        retired early.                            Boeing 777 airliner.

     AIR TRANSPORT                                                                                                 AEROSPACE

     Lufthansa reports worst ever loss                                                                             Deliveries for regional
                                                                                                                   airframers nosedive

                                                                                                                   Turboprop manufacturer        to deliver around
                                                                                                                   ATR has revealed              20 aircraft this year.
                                                                                                                   its delivery figures          Meanwhile, Brazilian
                                                                                                                   for 2020, with the            aircraft manufacturer
                                                                                                                   airframer handing over        Embraer delivered 130
                                                                                                                   just ten aircraft due         jets in 2020, down from
                                                                                                                   to the effects of the         198 in 2019. The 2020
                                                                                                                   pandemic on air travel,       deliveries comprised 44
                                                                                                                   with only one aircraft        commercial aircraft, 56
      German flag carrier Lufthansa has announced its worst-ever annual results, with an                           delivered in the first nine   light jets and 30 large
      operating loss of €5.5bn for the full year due to the air travel shutdown caused by                          months. This compares         business jets. It also
      the Covid-19 pandemic. The airline carried 76% fewer passengers in 2020 and is                               with 68 turboprops            handed over the fourth
      currently burning through €300m a month. In light of this, Lufthansa CEO Carsten                             handed over in 2019.          C-390 airlifter to the
      Spohr said that the airline’s A380s, currently grounded, will now not return to service.                     The company expects           Brazilian AF in 2020.

                                   stop taxpayers’ money                                                           phase, along with aligning    parts, or assembling
    The UK government has          being invested in high-risk            BAE Systems has                          parallel development with     satellites in orbit, would
    launched a new innovation      projects. It is set to be              revealed that the Tempest                international partners,       allow for larger, lighter
    and research agency, with      operational in 2022.                   crewed fighter portion                   were the two priorities for   antennas, without the
    a remit to pursue risky but                                           of the UK’s FCAS future                  the programme this year.      need to fold them up or
    high pay-off projects. The     Hong Kong-based carrier                combat systems is set to                                               make them structurally
    £800m ARIA (Advanced           Cathay Pacific has                     transition from the R&D                  Airbus Space has              strong enough to survive a
    Research and Invention         announced a record loss                phase to the Concept                     announced that it has         rocket launch.
    Agency) is patterned           of $2.8bn for 2020 as a                and Assessment phase                     won a two-year study
    after the US DARPA             result of the pandemic.                this summer. Talking to                  contract to investigate       eVTOL start-up Joby
    organisation. Designed         The airline had previously             reporters ahead of the                   the feasibility of building   Aviation has gone public
    to respond rapidly and         reported a profit of $220m             imminent approval of the                 satellites in LEO. The        on the New York Stock
    empower scientists and         in 2019. Due to the crisis,            project’s outline business               PERIOD (PERASPERA             Exchange and merged
    inventors, ARIA will be        it is also retiring 34 aircraft        case, the programme’s                    In-Orbit Demonstration)       with Reinvent Technology
    exempt from freedom            early, while nearly 50% of             BAE head, Michael                        project, it is envisaged,     Partners, a special purpose
    of information laws and        its fleet are now in long-             Christie, said that the                  would lead to an orbital      acquisition company,
    restrictions in place to       term storage.                          transition to this next                  demonstrator. 3D printing     (SPAC) – giving it access

SPACEFLIGHT                                                     AEROSPACE

China and Russia to team New Zealand start-up reveals HAPS
up on Lunar base         plans

                                                                                                                                                              Kea Aerospace
Russia has announced            with the Chinese space
that it will not continue its   agency, CNSA, to build an
current partnership on the      ‘international lunar science
International Space Station     station’ on the surface or
(ISS) with the US onto the      in orbit around the Moon
proposed NASA-led Lunar         that would be operational
Gateway space station –         in the 2030s. Other nations
which has already seen          would also be invited to
space agencies from Europe,     join. Notably, Russia has not
Canada and Japan agree to       signed the US-sponsored         Canterbury-based Kea Aerospace, a start-up from New Zealand, has revealed plans to
co-operate on this project.     Artemis Accords, which          develop a solar-powered high-altitude psuedo-satellite (HAPS) drone which could stay
Instead, Russia’s space         outline guidelines for          aloft for months at a time. The Kea Atmos would have a wingspan of 32m, a payload of
agency, Roscosmos, has          peaceful co-exploration and     10kg and be able to stay aloft for over 90 days at altitudes of 65,000ft. The HAPS UAV will
signed an agreement             exploitation of the Moon.       be initially aimed at the aerial imaging sector.

DEFENCE                                                                                            AIR TRANSPORT

Turkish Aerospace unveils electric                                                                 Engines shed parts in flight
unpiloted attack helicopter                                                                        on same day
                                                                                                   On 21 February on           Netherlands. Meanwhile,

                                                                                                   different sides of the      on the same day, a
                                                                                                   Atlantic, debris was        United Airlines Boeing
                                                                                                   shed by two P&W             777 was forced to divert
                                                                                                   turbofans in two similar,   back to Denver after an
                                                                                                   but apparently unrelated,   engine failure of one
                                                                                                   incidents. In the first     of its P&W4077s. The
                                                                                                   incident, parts from        aircraft landed safely,
                                                                                                   a Longview Aviation         with video taken by
                                                                                                   Boeing 747 freighter        passengers showing the
                                                                                                   injured one woman           entire cowling had come
Turkish Aerospace has released the first photos of a new unpiloted six-ton attack                  on the ground after         off, with the engine also
helicopter, the T629 ATAK, it has rolled out. Details are scarce but the UAV is said to be         falling from a PW4056       on fire. Initial examination
electric or hybrid electric-powered and is based on the piloted twin-seat T129 attack              engine during take-off      has revealed that two fan
helicopter, with the cockpit faired over and batteries where the crew would sit.                   from Maastricht, The        blades had fractured.

to $1.6bn of funding.           Aerospace. The                  (APD) tax as a way of
Joby, which has now             contribution of a certifiable   stimulating demand in the          New Zealand’s Rocket        Diamond Aircraft has
conducted 1,000 test            battery for aerospace           domestic air travel market         Lab has announced that      won an order from North
flights with its passenger      systems, along with             and reinvigorating the             it is to go public with a   Carolina-based pilot
eVTOL, says it intends to       partner Baines Simmons,         battered airline sector.           merger with SPAC Vector     training school Blue
begin air taxi services in      leverages Electroflight’s       A consultation has been            Acquisition Corp, making    Line Aviation for 50 new
2024. Its five-seat eVTOL,      experience working on           launched.                          for a company worth         aircraft. The order includes
has a range of 150miles at      electric racing aircraft,                                          $4.1bn.The company will     single engine DA40 NGs,
200mph.                         with its latest collaboration   The first Taiwanese                use this cash boost to      twin engine DA42-VIs and
                                being on the Rolls-Royce        AIDC T-5 Yung Yin                  help develop Neutron, a     a Diamond simulator, with
Gloucester-based                ACCEL electric aircraft,        (Brave Eagle) advanced             larger eight-ton launcher   the option for 50 additional
Electroflight is to develop     set to fly later this year.     jet trainer/light fighter          than its current Electron   aircraft. The flight school
a high-energy battery                                           is shortly to be handed            vehicle, which will be      is expanding with a new
system for the all-             The UK government               over to the Republic of            suitable for mega-          50,000sq ft $16m HQ at
electric ES-19 airliner         is reported to be               China Air Force (RoCAF)            constellations, beyond      Johnston Regional Airport,
under development               considering cutting             for operational testing            LEO missions and will be    expected to open later this
from Sweden’s Heart             the air passenger duty          and evaluation.                    human-rated.                year.

                                                                                                                                                APRIL 2021                    7
                         DEFENCE                                                        AIR TRANSPORT

                    USAF mulls ‘clean sheet’                                            MAX orders begin to return
                    F-16 replacement

                                                                                                                                                                                     Flair Airlines
                    The USAF has said that          fifth-gen minus’ platform to
                    it intends to study the         replace 1970s-era F-16s
                    potential for replacing         and a more affordable
                    its Lockheed Martin             fighter than F-22 and
                    F-16s with a new ‘clean         F-35s. While new-build,
                    sheet’ Generation 4.5           updated F-16s have
                    or -5 multirole fighter.        been proposed, Brown
                    Revealed by the US Air          said: “I want to be able to         Boeing has announced it has won an order for 24 737 MAX 8s from a new customer,
                    Force Chief of Staff,           build something new and             private investment group, 777 Partners. The deal also includes options on a further 60 of
                    Gen Charles Brown, the          different that’s not the F-16       the narrowbodies for 777’s unnamed ‘affiliated operating low-cost partners’ – believed to
                    service is set to start a       – that has some of those            be Canadian budget airline, Flair Airlines (above with 737-800), of which 777 Partners
                    study on its mix of fighters    capabilities but gets there         owns a 25% stake. Meanwhile, US airline United Airlines is to purchase 25 Boeing 737
                    which could include a           faster and features a digital       MAXs and accelerate deliveries of 45 existing MAX orders as it looks towards a rebound
                    new ‘Four and a half or         approach.”                          in air travel.

                         SPACEFLIGHT                                                                                    GENERAL AVIATION

                     Developers plan luxury ‘space                                                                      NetJets signs MoU for
                     hotel’ by 2030                                                                                     supersonic bizjets
                                                                                    A space construction company        Global business aviation       would provide supersonic
                                                                                    has revealed ambitious plans        operator NetJets, along        flight training. Meanwhile,
                                                                                    to build the world’s first luxury   with its sister company        Aerion is partnering
                                                                                    ‘space hotel’ in LEO. The           FlightSafety International,    with NASA’s Langley
                                                                                    Gateway Foundation says             has signed an MoU with         Research Center to study
                                                                                    construction of its Voyager         Aerion for the rights          technology to support the
                                                                                    Station would begin in 2026,        to acquire 20 of its           development of Mach 3-5
                                                                                    with the hotel expected to          supersonic AS2 bizjets.        passenger aircraft. The
                                                                                    open to tourists by 2030. A         The deal brings Aerion’s       research includes a range
                                                                                    ring-shaped space station,          backlog for its Mach 1.4       of propulsion systems,
    Gateway Foundation

                                                                                    it would have capacity for          SSBJs to $10bn, with           thermal management
                                                                                    280 guests and 112 crew,            NetJets becoming the           technologies, integrated
                                                                                    and would rotate to provide         exclusive operator for         power systems and cabin
                                                                                    artificial gravity.                 Aerion Connect, while FSI      technology.

                         NEWS IN BRIEF
                                                    range narrowbody yet                the first export customer       exploded 8mins later           announced a partnership
                     Boeing has submitted           from Airbus and is set to           for the US-built Sikorsky       after a high-altitude flight   to bid for the UK
                     technical comments             enter service in 2023.              CH-53K King Stallion,           test on 3 March, in Boca       Maritime & Coastguard
                     to regulators for the                                              heavy-lift helicopter which     Chica, Texas. The vehicle      Agency’s (MCA) Second
                     installation of central fuel   Dutch flag carrier KLM              will replace its existing       was seen to land heavily       Generation Search and
                     tanks for Airbus’ latest       has taken delivery of its           CH-53D fleet. The IAF           but safely in one piece on     Rescue (UKSAR2G)
                     A321XLR, alleging that         first Embraer E195 E2               currently operates 22           its landing legs but then      service. The current SAR
                     the location presents          regional aircraft. The E195         of the ageing CH-53D            a fire developed near its      contract is operated by
                     an increased fire risk.        E2, acquired via ICBC               models and will replace         base and the rocket then       Bristow Group and set to
                     The submission to EASA         Leasing, will be used by            these with between 20-25        exploded at the 8mins          run until 2026.
                     says that: “The location       KLM’s Cityhopper arm,               of the latest CH-53K            mark. The flight was
                     of such an integral            where it brings the total           variants, which are also        the third in a series of       Rolls-Royce is to
                     fuel tank immediately          number of Embraer jets              set to enter service with       trials to demonstrate the      collaborate with Italian
                     aft of the main landing        up to 50. KLM has leasing           the US Marine Corps.            high-altitude flip re-entry    airframer Tecnam and
                     gear presents the most         options for 25 E2s.                                                 manoeuvre.                     Norwegian regional
                     extensive range of threats                                         SpaceX’s latest Starship                                       airline Widerøe to
                     to be considered.” The         The Israeli MoD has                 prototype SN10                  Airbus Helicopters and         develop an all-electric
                     A321XLR, is the longest        announced it is to become           successfully landed, then       Draken Europe have             nine-passenger

8                        AEROSPACE
Dassault Aviation
 GENERAL AVIATION                                                                                                 AEROSPACE

                                                                                                                  Ukraine to nationalise
                                                                                                                  Motor Sich
                                                                                                                  Ukraine’s National Security   drawn disapproval from
                                                                                                                  and Defense Council           Washington, with the US
                                                                                                                  has announced it will         State Department placing
                                                                                                                  nationalise helicopter        the company on a blacklist
                                                                                                                  and aircraft engine maker     in January 2021. Motor
                                                                                                                  Motor Sich and take it        Sich has already assisted
                                                                                                                  into public ownership to      China in producing the
                                                                                                                  avoid a Chinese corporate     AL-222-25F jet engine
 Falcon 6X makes maiden flight                                                                                    takeover attempt. China’s     for the Hongdu L-15
                                                                                                                  Skyrizon is a majority        advanced trainer and the
 Dassault Aviation’s new Falcon 6X business jet has made its first flight from the
                                                                                                                  shareholder in Motor          D-30-KP for the Xian
 company’s Mérignac plant on 10 March. The one-hour 30min flight tested aircraft
                                                                                                                  Sich but long-standing        H-6 bombers, as well
 handling, engines and aircraft systems. Two more Falcon 6X aircraft are scheduled to
                                                                                                                  attempts to take over the     as smaller turbojets for
 join the test fleet and begin flight tests soon.
                                                                                                                  rest of the company have      missiles.

AIR TRANSPORT                                                   DEFENCE
                                                                                                                                    UK publishes
Airliner leasing mega                                                                                                          Integrated Review
General Electric has          aircaft on their books or
announced a $30bn             18% of the global leasing
deal to sell its GE           market. GE is reported
Capital Aviation Services     to be making the deal as
(GECAS) aircraft leasing      a result of troubles with
business to Irish lessor      its GE Capital financial
AerCap which already          division which has already       The UK has published its long-awaited Integrated Review of Security, Defence,
operates International        sold off a number of             Development and Foreign Policy, setting out its ambitions for the UK to become a
Lease Finance                 other business interests         science and technology superpower, while modernising forces for 21st Century threats.
Corporation (ILFC). The       to focus on its industrial       While FCAS/Tempest will receive £2bn over the next four years and defence R&D will
two companies are the         sectors of power, aviation       see £6.6bn injected in the same period, there will be early retirements for RAF aircraft,
world’s biggest airliner      and healthcare. The deal         including 24 Tranche 1 Typhoons by 2025, 14 C-130Js by 2023, four BAe 146s, 36
leasing concerns, with a      awaits shareholder and           Hawk T1s by 2025, as well as Sentinel R1 and E-3D Sentry fleets to be withdrawn this
combined fleet of 2,098       regulatory approval,             year.

commuter aircraft, the        Correction
P-Volt. The P-Volt, based     In the March edition of          ON THE MOVE
on the P2012 Traveller,       AEROSPACE, in the feature                                                                                         Emma Gilthorpe is the
will help Norway achieve      ‘Blade Runners for 2040+         Former Airbus CEO                                  AVM Ian Gale RAF is to be     new CEO of the UK’s Jet
                              it was incorrectly stated that
its goal of making all        the Airbus Head of Product
                                                               Tom Enders and Airbus                              promoted Air Marshal and      Zero Council.
domestic flights zero-        Policy and Strategy was          ex-commercial sales chief                          become Director General,
emission by 2040.             Jerome Coombe. It should         John Leahy have joined                             Joint Force Development in    Alan Warnes is the Group
                              have been Jerome Combe.          the advisory panel of start-                       UK Strategic Command.         Editor Modern Military at
UK airlines reported                                           up Universal Hydrogen,                                                           Key Publishing.
                              We apologise for any
a surge on flight and         confusion caused.                headed by ex-Airbus CTO                            Rajeev Suri is the new
holiday bookings after the                                     Paul Eremenko.                                     CEO of Inmarsat.              Juan Carlos Salazar of
government announced a        bookings had risen 600%                                                                                           Columbia has been named
potential phased plan to      on the news that travel          New interim Chief                                  Ed Clark is to take over      as the new Secretary
exit lockdown and restart     may restart from mid-May.        Executive of ADS Group                             from Walt Odisho as VP        General of the International
international travel.         Other holiday and airline        is Kevin Craven, taking                            and General Manager           Civil Aviation Organization
EasyJet said flight           firms, such as TUI and           over from Paul Everitt who                         of the Boeing 737             (ICAO), beginning 1
bookings had jumped           Jet2 reported similar            stepped down at the end                            programme.                    August. He succeeds Dr
300%, while holiday           surges.                          of March.                                                                        Fang Liu of China.

                                                                                                                                                                 APRIL 2021          9
By the Numbers
     Understanding the world of Aerospace through data

     The UK Integrated Review – air power
                 C-130J to be retired                           Tranche 1 Typhoons
                    14 0 (2023)                                    retired in 2025
                                                                    24 0 (2025)
      Modernisation of Puma fleet
     in 2023-25 with new medium
                                           £2bn Investment in
                                                                    14 additional extended range
                                                                     Chinooks to be procured,
                                                                      retiring 9 of older models

           BAe 146 fleet (32Sqn)           £6.6bn investment on          3 x E-3D Sentry fleet
             retired by 2022                   defence R&D                   retired this year

             36 Hawk T1s (excluding T1A
                                                                  E-7 Wedgetail fleet
             Red Arrows) retired by 2025                          capped at 3 from 5

Pushing the Envelope
Exploring advances on the leading edge of aerospace
                                                                                                                             Robert Coppinger

Europe wrestles with rocket
                ircraft-like operations for space launches     aerospace agency, Office National d’Etudes et de
                could be key to effectively replenish          Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA), Hyperstar
                mega-constellations’ failed satellites.        would launch horizontally from the French space
                The UK spaceplane, Skylon, and its             agency, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales’ (CNES)
                air-breathing SABRE rocket engine              spaceport in French Guiana. ONERA said that it
have been the subject of recent market and technology          used Reaction Engine’s SABRE data in its Hyperstar
studies. This year, an engineering test model of SABRE’s       calculations. The Hyperstar studies have only been
air-breathing core will be demonstrated in ground tests,       conceptual, Reaction Engines said, not detailed
not a flight weight model. In February, Reaction Engines       engineering projects. Skylon was designed for 15t
announced that it had completed its test programmes            satellites at a time when large telecommunications
for two important SABRE subsystems: the HX3 heat               spacecraft were a key customer for space launch.
exchanger and the engine pre-burner. SABRE stands              Hyperstar has the same capacity but the customer
for synergetic air-breathing rocket engine and, while          is expected to be an operator wanting to send a
Skylon was a single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) concept              number of smaller satellites as the trend towards
with a 15t payload capacity, the recent intra-European         miniaturisation has finally come to satellites. In a
investigations have focused on a two-stage-to-orbit            CNES/ONERA/Reaction Engines’ paper submitted
(TSTO) approach.                                               to the European Conference for Aeronautics and
     Skylon was the brainchild of UK propulsion company        Aerospace Sciences, held in 2019, Hyperstar was
Reaction Engines, whose founder, Alan Bond, and his            deemed a viable concept.
team, also designed the SABRE engine. Skylon would
use its engine’s air-breathing capability to carry less        The launch market
fuel than a conventional rocket, which needs to keep
on board all of its propellant, giving it that SSTO ability.   The most recent Hyperstar/SABRE study was
SABRE has a supersonic air intake that captures and            completed in December last year. Carried out by
slows the incoming airflow which means it can operate          ESA and Reaction Engines, it examined a TSTO for
beyond Mach 5 before having to change to rocket                the launch market in the 2030s. Further studies
mode. While in air-breathing mode, the engine intake’s         are expected, including by ONERA. For the 2020s,
pre-cooler cools in a fraction of a second that incoming       Europe’s next expendable launcher, Ariane 6, will
air, whose 1,000°C temperature would otherwise melt            serve the satellite market. Its first flight is planned for
the engine’s interior. This heat absorption allows SABRE       the second quarter of 2022. ONERA views Hyperstar
to operate at higher speeds than existing propulsion           as ‘too innovative’ to be able to be compared with            SABRE HAS A
systems and the heat absorbed by the pre-cooler                Ariane 6 and sees SABRE as the biggest technical
is recycled to help power the engine, reducing fuel            challenge for the spaceplane. However, while all these
consumption.                                                   studies have been ongoing, SpaceX has already
                                                                                                                             AIR INTAKE
                                                               shown the viability of vertical launch with reusable first    THAT CAPTURES
Hyperstar                                                      stages and it is now working on its Saturn V scale            AND SLOWS
                                                               reusable Starship rocket.                                     THE INCOMING
The European TSTO concept, known as Hyperstar,                      Reaction Engines’ Business Development and               AIRFLOW WHICH
uses SABRE in the same way but would launch                    Strategy Executive, Oliver Nailard, sees Starship             MEANS IT CAN
a second stage from its payload bay. Since 2017,               and its huge 100t plus payload capacity as good for
SABRE-powered TSTO concepts have been                          initially deploying a mega-constellation but overkill for
                                                                                                                             OPERATE BEYOND
examined by the European Space Agency (ESA) and                replenishing it, leaving a niche for SABRE-powered            MACH 5 BEFORE
the UK and French space and aerospace research                 spaceplanes. ESA, meanwhile is also developing                HAVING TO
agencies, along with European launch provider                  reusable rocket technology, namely its Themis                 CHANGE TO
Arianespace. Under the studies with the French                 reusable methane-fuelled first stage.                         ROCKET MODE

                                                                                                                                       APRIL 2021   11
     LETTERS AND ONLINE                                                @aerosociety                        i   Find us on LinkedIn   f    Find us on Facebook

     Integrated Propeller Plane design critique
     I was pleased to see my                                                                                                                                                                bending loads as there is

                                                                                                                                                                     Conseil et Technique
     comments on the Hybrid-                                                                                                                                                                no alleviation from the fuel
     Electric Trijet published                                                                                                                                                              weight.
     in the March issue of                                                                                                                                                                  (ii) Increased undercarriage
     AEROSPACE(1). However,                                                                                                                                                                 and fuselage landing loads,
     I was surprised to see a                                                                                                                                                               including spin-up and spring-
     similar proposal for the                                                                                                                                                               back, as the landing weight
     Integrated Propeller Plane                                                                                                                                                             will be the same as the
     (IP2) on pages 4-5(2) which                                                                                                                                                            MTOW of 75,000kg (there
     will have some of the same                                                                                                                                                             is no change in mass from
     issues, especially the very                                                                                                                                                            a chemical reaction, i.e. the
     tall undercarriage and                                                                                                                                                                 battery weight is constant at
     rear ‘propulsor’, for which                                                                                                                                                            20,000kg).
     the following points need                                                                                                                                                              (iii) The underfloor batteries
     consideration:                                                                                                                                                                         will require, heavy fire and
     - The rear propulsor, even with    French engineering and design consultancy Conseil et Technique’s concept for the Integrated
                                                                                                                                                                                            fume protection, plus a
     contra-rotating fans, must         Propeller Plane (IP2) electric-powered zero-emissions airliner.
                                                                                                                                                                                            cooling system. As the weight
     surely be considered as a                                                                                                                                                              of a battery-powered aircraft
     single engine which clearly                                                                                                                                                            does not reduce in flight it
     will not meet certification        to the fuselage is not clear                             3metres,. The centrifugal               the uncontained fan blade                          will be restricted to the lower,
     requirements, as the               but appears to be at three                               forces and bearing/roller               trajectory does not pass                           bumpy and less efficient, flight
     fragments from a failed fan        points, the tail bumper and                              velocity will be exceedingly            through the cockpit area.                          levels for the flight duration.
     rotor will take out the second     forward empennage, which is                              high.                                   Removing 20,000kg of fuel,
     rotor.                             structurally inadequate for the                          - Fuselages are not reinforced          mainly from the wing, and                          As with the Hybrid-Electric
     - Uncontained fragments from       nacelle and the aft attachment                           for uncontained fan blade               replacing it with 20,000kg of                      Trijet, the forward section
     failed rotor blade(s) could        of the empennage.                                        failure, so there is no                 batteries in the fuselage will                     looks quite good.
     severely damage, or remove,        - The rotors and electric                                weight saving for the rear              result in a tremendous weight
     the empennage.                     motors seem to be rotating on                            mounting of the propulsor.              penalty due to:                                    Peter Gambardella
     - The nacelle attachment           a very large diameter, possibly                          The requirement is that                 (i) Increased wing shear/                          MRAeS

     Farnborough wind tunnels                                                                    UK airline pilots left in lurch after Brexit
     I was most interested to                                                                    The government’s decision to            and pilots for many years                          a European licence. With

     read the Winds of Change                                                                    leave the EASA partnership              since the decision to leave                        the prospects of growth
     article in the March edition                                                                has, and will have, a huge              the EU was confirmed; the                          and activity in UK airlines
     of AEROSPACE(3), in which                                                                   impact on the recovery of               UK CAA were unable to                              looking gloomy, it appears the
     Brian Riddle gave us an                                                                     our already fragile industry            provide any clear information                      government has done little
     excellent review of the early                                                               for many years to come. As              about what lay ahead, as                           more than create a huge pool
     part of the 150 year history of                                                             a UK CAA APTL holder,                   nothing had been decided                           of professional pilots that are
     wind tunnels around the world.                                                              this concerns me greatly.               or agreed. This led to many                        now a burden on the state,
     Your readers may like to know                                                               We have seen the past year              airlines spurning UK Licences                      not to mention the many
     that, through the efforts of the                                                            have huge implications and              in favour of safer EASA                            trainee pilots in UK ATOs
     Farnborough Air Sciences                                                                    consequences for airlines,              options. A great many of my                        on the brink of obtaining
     Trust (FAST), the 24ft wind                                                                 aerospace engineers and                 colleagues and I optimistically                    an equally restricting (and
     tunnel in Building Q 121 at                                                                 professional pilots alike.              held onto our UK licences in                       tremendously expensive)
                                        The main wind turbine fan in                                                                     the hope that an agreement
     Farnborough, which opened in                                                                Membership of EASA does                                                                    qualification. I wonder how
                                        Farnborough building Q121.                                                                       would be reached. Right
     1935 and was in full-time use                                                               not require membership with                                                                the government plans to
     up to 1996, is now preserved                                                                the EU, as demonstrated by              before the Christmas closure,                      steer the country through the
                                        recent years and are expected
     as a Grade One listed building.                                                             Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein          and after many of the transfer                     stormy conditions ahead for
                                        to restart after 17 May when
     Similarly, the later Supersonic                                                             and Switzerland, so why has             deadlines had passed, it was                       the aviation industry? Will we
                                        the government lockdown
     and Transonic wind tunnels                                                                  our membership to EASA                  confirmed that the UK would                        see more of the industry’s big
                                        restrictions are lifted.
     in Building R 133 have also                                                                 been stripped as part of the            leave EASA: a significant                          UK players, such as Airbus,
                                        Bookings can then be made
     been listed as Grade One,                                                                   Brexit deal? What has the               implication, that meant many                       easyJet, Rolls-Royce, IAG,
                                        by visiting the FAST website at
     while the tunnel in Building R                                                              government (and importantly             thousands of UK licences                           etc, move operations onto the
     52 has been listed as Grade                                                                 the aviation industry in Britain)       would be worthless within                          continent? Is this all worth it
     Two. Guided visits to these                                                                 gained? The lack of clarity on          the EU overnight. The only                         for a blue passport?
                                        Sir Donald Spiers
     tunnels have been possible in                                                               the matter has been a key               option on the table now is
                                                                                                 issue of concern for airlines           to apply from scratch for                          N N Patel

                                              Aviation success story                                                                        Appeal for Vulcan museum
                                                                                                 Nigel Rosendale Great

                                                                                Naveed Kapadia

                                                                                                 article. I feel like I’ve just read
                                                                                                 about me in this. The single
                                                                                                 Comanche was a magnificent
                                                                                                 aircraft for its time. But trying
                                                                                                 to sync in the props on full
                                                                                                 go, the twin makes some
                                                                                                 beautiful noise on take-off.
History of wind tunnels
Alex Liberson [On History                                                                        Naveed Kapadia Was a
of wind tunnels(3)] Interesting                                                                  while back... I think it was a
but a little lacking in detail,               Stephen Fontinelle [On                             Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche
no mention of Bristol’s wind                  Naveed Kapadia Careers in                          B , at EGTK - Oxford. Thank
tunnel history from 1919 to                   Aerospace blog on how to                           you Royal Aeronautical                     The Vulcan to the Sky Trust (VTST) has launched a £4m
the present day.                              succeed as a business leader                       Society for featuring me.                  appeal to enable it to build a hangar at Doncaster Sheffield
                                              in the aviation sector(6)] Love                    There are some amazing                     Airport which will be used to exhibit the preserved Vulcan
                                              this... well done buddy.                           colleagues and career case                 bomber XH558. To be called The Vulcan Experience, the
Doug Greenwell It would be                                                                       studies on the website                     hangar will also incorporate the Green Technology Hub,
nice to have a decent history                                                                    and plenty of examples of                  designed to inspire young people to become the engineers
of UK wind tunnels. NASA                      Martin Robinson Glad to                            resilience in the face of                  who will devise the technical solutions to the global climate
has put a lot of effort over                  see you in a cockpit! Looks                        adversity. The team has done               challenge. For more details see
the years into documenting                    like a twin com.                                   a remarkable job. Thank you.               executive-alliance/
its tunnel stories, eg NASA
SP-440, but the only book in
                                                                                                                                                                               RAeS lectures online
the UK of similar scope (that
I know of) is Mike Dobson’s                   From the RAeS photo archives                                                                                                    @Nickel23Matt There is
‘Wind Beneath the Wings’ on                                                                                                                                                   some amazingly good content

the RAE Bedford tunnels.                                                                                                                                                      being put online and freely
                                                                                                                                                                              available. I think the bar has
Chinese drone tests                                                                                                                        On 13 March the RAeS               been set for the future!
                                                                                                                                           Pakistan Division held an online

                                                                                                                                           ‘aviation school’ outreach/
                                                                                                                                           STEM session via Zoom.
                                                                                                                                                                              @jonititan I really hope these
                                                                                                                                                                              are all going on YouTube
                                                                                                                                                                              afterwards as I now count
                                                                                                                                                                              three @AeroSociety branch
                                                                                                                                                                              lectures happening at the
                                                                                                                                                                              same time today.
In December 2007, Drone DJ
reported that the Civil Aviation
Administration of China had
                                                                                                                                                                              Drone threat to aircraft
conducted collision tests in
                                              Close-up of the cylinders making up a Bristol Taurus                                                                            exaggerated?
which a cockpit mock-up was                                                                                                                Parachute update
                                              14-cylinder, two-row radial engine of around 1,100hp. Its
launched at a stationary drone.
                                              sleeve valve design gave it an uncluttered exterior, low                                                                        @AviationVincent [On
                                                                                                                                           @al_brock I wonder if
Sweyn Alsopout [On                            mechanical noise, relatively low weight and compactness.                                                                        drone vs aircraft impact tests(4)]
                                                                                                                                           anyone is offering a lecture
drone collision tests(4)] Higher              Due to its protracted development and reliability problems,                                                                     Most UTM operations are
                                                                                                                                           on current parachute
fidelity and perhaps more                     engine deliveries did not start until just before WW2 and                                                                       below 400 feet so maybe this
                                                                                                                                           technologies? Any recent
representative tests were                     it was only used in two production aircraft, the Fairey                                                                         is overestimating the risks
                                                                                                                                           Heinrich course graduates or
done a while ago in China(5).                 Albacore and Bristol Beaufort, both torpedo bombers.                                                                            somewhat. The ‘?’ is indeed a ?

   1. AEROSPACE, March 2021, p 12, Transmission
   2. AEROSPACE, March 2021, p 4, Blueprint
   3. AEROSPACE, March 2021, p 14, Winds of change

     @aerosociety     i             f                                                                                         APRIL 2021      13
        Pilot training reset

                                                                                                                                                           British Airways
     Airline pilot training
     Time to revisit the basics?
     Captain JOHN LEAHY and Captain ROBERT SCOTT from the RAeS Flight Operations
     Group, argue that the Covid-19 pause in air transport provides a once-in-a-generation
     opportunity to reset airline pilot training to better meet the challenges of more
     automated aircraft and skill fade.

                                                    any recent airline accidents have       with less flight time on real aircraft, less exposure
                                                    shown clear evidence of a common        to the resultant stress of actual flight and much of
                                                    cause, whether from fatal crashes       it, computer-based. Simulator time is reduced in
                                                    or devastating hull losses without      many cases to the minimum required to achieve
                                                    fatalities. That common cause is the    certification requirements. Among the drivers for these
                               inability of the pilots, in far too many cases, to cope      reductions have been better automation and more
                               with the situation they have faced. Sometimes it was         reliable warning systems, resulting in aircraft that are
                               when the automatic systems failed, requiring them to         considered to be easier to fly. Currently, pilot training is
                               fly manually. In others, they were trying to deal with       a combination of mastery of basic handling skills and
                               what should have been a relatively benign situation          the ability to manage complex automated systems,
                               and they simply did not cope.                                with an increasing emphasis on the latter. Thus,
                                    Members of the Flight Operations Group (FOG)            although management of automation has improved,
                               of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) have                less and less time is now spent on developing and
                               been studying these matters for some time but                maintaining the basic skills that are so necessary
                               individually, rather than as a group, with a common          when automation fails or causes confusion.
                               purpose. The members came together recently to                     This article is intended to bring to the attention of
                               discuss the reintroduction of the 737 MAX and                pilots, regulators, airline executives, flight operations
                               what sort of training would be needed to achieve the         managers, ab initio training schools and safety
                               best outcome. It very quickly became apparent that           management teams that, in our view, change is
                               concerns about training standards on the 737 MAX             needed and needed now. ICAO has set a target of
                               were not restricted to that aircraft alone. It was obvious   2030 to achieve zero fatalities. That was reached for
                               that there is a need to review the way that pilots are       jet-powered commercial aircraft in 2017 but, since
                               trained to fly all types of public transport aircraft.       then, the accident rate has increased again, with loss
                                    Pilot training has changed greatly, particularly        of control being a frequent cause. It seems clear from
                               in the last two decades. It is shorter in duration,          accident and incident reports that some pilots are not

being trained to a sufficiently high standard to manage        Of particular concern was the fact that a high
their aircraft in anything much more than routine        percentage of the few accidents that were occurring
circumstances. Even the slightest deviations from the    fell into one category, Loss of Control in Flight (LOC-I).
norm have resulted in aircraft accidents that should     Nothing to do with extraordinary and demanding
have been totally avoidable.                             circumstances but instead the pilots’ failure to
      Of major concern is the fact that ‘loss of control cope with the most fundamental activity, that of
in flight’ has been the number one cause of fatalities   being capable of using the aircraft flight controls to
in aircraft accidents for many years, yet the training   manage the flight path of the aircraft. Although the
required to address this most fundamental pilot activity actual loss of control was sometimes triggered by
is obviously not being carried out to the extent that it external factors, such as adverse weather, it was often
should. A strong safety culture with an emphasis on      compounded by human factors, such as poor decision-
pilot performance excellence must be supported at        making, technology mode confusion, poor manual
the highest level in any airline, whatever the perceived handling skills and inadequate communications
financial costs.                                         between the pilots. In almost all cases, LOC-I resulted
      Due to the Covid pause that has hit                                 in a non-survivable accident.
the airline industry so hard, there is time                                    This situation still prevails, so it is
available to do something before aviation                                 appropriate to ask the question, ‘How
recovers to 2019 levels which is forecast                                 is the risk evaluated and thus the
to take three or more years. We view this                                 amount of training which is considered
as a great opportunity to start making the                                appropriate?’ It would appear that,
improvements that are so necessary in                                     in some airlines, the industry’s low
                                                  A STRONG
the field of airline pilot training.                                      accident rate equates to a low risk and
      This article addresses what appear         SAFETY                   thus any training that extends beyond
to be significant shortcomings in the            CULTURE WITH satisfying regulatory requirements and
way that some airline pilots are trained         AN EMPHASIS              the recommendations of the original
today. However, it also acknowledges                                      equipment manufacturer (OEM) is an
the significant contribution to aviation
                                                 ON PILOT                 unnecessary expense. This completely
safety that is made by so many within the PERFORMANCE                     overlooks the fact that the decision may
aviation industry on a daily basis.              EXCELLENCE               then restrict the knowledge and skills of
                                                 MUST BE                  the pilots concerned to a narrow range
A history of LOC-I                                                        and make it extremely difficult for them
                                                 SUPPORTED AT to cope with unforeseen events.
Commercial aviation safety has shown             THE HIGHEST                   On the other hand, it should be
a massive and welcome improvement                LEVEL IN                 noted  that there have been a significant
since the 50s and 60s when aircraft                                       number of serious incidents over
                                                 ANY AIRLINE,
accidents were more frequent. The                                         the years that were only prevented
industry has always endeavoured to learn WHATEVER THE from becoming tragic accidents by
from the causes of every accident and            PERCEIVED                the successful actions of the pilots,
to implement solutions. 2017 saw no              FINANCIAL                who demonstrated competence
fatalities worldwide on large commercial                                  and professionalism that could only
aircraft. Compared with 20 years earlier,
                                                 COSTS                    have been the product of sound
when 2,500 fatalities per annum were                                      training where basic handling skills
commonplace, this is commendable. It might have          were considered to be a fundamental requirement
been thought that we had reached a state of near         to operating an aircraft, regardless of its technical
perfection in aviation safety. Advances in technology    sophistication. In these instances, the pilots were
appeared to be making up for shortcomings in pilots’     faced with extraordinary challenges, yet succeeded in
abilities. The new training model, whereby advances      mitigating the outcomes.
in technology enabled much-reduced pilot training
programmes – a significant selling point for aircraft    Some landmark examples are shown below:
manufacturers and eagerly embraced by airlines –
                                                         ● Boeing 747-200 – Near Jakarta – June 1982 –
seemed to be working.
                                                             Four engine flameout due to volcanic ash;
      However, some aviation safety professionals
were concerned that this apparent improvement in         ● McDonnell Douglas DC10 – Sioux City – July
flight safety may be concealing a disturbing trend.          1989 – Uncontained tail-mounted engine failure
Serious incidents were still occurring, some of which        and multiple systems failures;
were only prevented from becoming fatal accidents        ●   Airbus A320 – Hudson River, New York – January
by happenstance and a measure of luck. However,               2009 – Bird strike and subsequent ditching;
because the incidents did not result in fatalities, they ● Airbus A380 – Singapore – November 2010 –
were not widely reported and nor did they affect the          Uncontained engine failure and multiple systems
accident statistics.                                          failure.

                                                                                                           APRIL 2021    15
          Pilot training reset

                                 A wide disparity in standards                               of regulatory approval, that their regulators are
                                                                                             competent and would never permit standards to fall
                                 Why is it that some airlines have an excellent safety       below a safe level. In most cases that is true but,
                                 record over many decades while others do not? It is         to believe that standards are universal is incorrect
                                 the view of the group that this is not just a matter of     because we know from experience that they are
     IN THIS MODERN              luck. It is abundantly clear, from our many years of        not homogeneous across all borders and nor are
                                 working in the industry, that some airlines set a high      regulatory authorities infallible.
     AGE THERE                   standard that far exceeds the minimum required by               Indeed, even the FAA has been castigated
     REALLY IS NO                the regulations. This may include such measures             publicly in the US by a Congressional Enquiry and
     EXCUSE FOR                  as only recruiting superior candidates from the best        one can conclude that if the FAA can be found
                                 training colleges and training them to the highest          wanting, others may too. The Final Committee
     FAILING TO                  standards, not only at the entry stage but on an            Report: BOEING 737 MAX by Congress in October
     TRAIN PILOTS                ongoing basis during their time with the airline. Yes,      2020 stated in its conclusion: ‘Traditionally, the FAA
     PROPERLY                    the cost is higher but, to coin an old phrase: ‘If you      has been the primary leader of the world’s civilian
                                 think training is expensive, try having an accident’!       aviation authorities, but questions raised about the
                                      At the other end of the scale, some operators          FAA’s role in the 737 MAX crisis have punctured its
                                 struggle to even reach the bar set by the regulators,       reputation as the gold standard in aviation safety and
                                 exemplified by the number of airlines that are unable       international civil aviation authorities.’
                                 to satisfy the accepted standards and end up on                 The FOG is concerned about the wide disparity
                                 the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or the            in safety standards of airlines, and of their pilots,
                                 European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)                together with a similar disparity in regulators
                                 banned airline list.                                        and regulatory oversight. Alignment of training
                                      The situation is complicated by the fact that there    methodology on a global scale will lead to better
                                 are different training methods in use globally and          exchanges of ideas and understanding of each
                                 there is not universal agreement on which ones are          other’s operational challenges and an overall increase
                                 better than others. In some cases, culture influences       in operating standards.
                                 the decisions on which ones to use, while in others
                                 the decision can be financial or even based on the          The decline of essential skills
                                 recommendations of regulators or OEMs. Tools,
                                 such as AQP, CBTA, MPL and EBT are popular in               Forty years ago, technology was changing at a
                                 the industry, though have gained different traction         fast rate, which resulted in accidents due to a poor
                                 in different operating environments. There is no            understanding of that technology. Over time, a
                                 shortage of good ideas plus a genuine desire on             focus on managing the technical capabilities of the
                                 the part of many to train to the highest standards,         aircraft assumed greater emphasis than teaching
                                 yet some airlines stick to training to the minimum          the traditional basic handling skills. This was a major
                                 standards commensurate with incurring the least             change in the demands placed on pilots but made
                                 costs.                                                      good use of the new efficiencies of modern aircraft.
                                      There is a view held by many, including board          However, we would argue this left us with a deficit
                                 members of some airlines, that what keeps the world         of basic skills which should be the foundation stone
                                 of aviation safe is a robust and uniform international      on which other skills are built, those that lie dormant
                                 system of regulation. If that is satisfied, they believe,   most of the time but assume immense importance
                                 their airlines can operate safely under that umbrella       when the technology fails and the pilots need to

     CAE pilot training

deal with an aircraft that is exhibiting unfamiliar and       outside the control of the management team, so the
challenging handling characteristics.                         focus can move to other areas, including pilot training.
     In the event of an aircraft accident, it is sometimes    Unless senior management prioritise the need for
tempting to attribute the cause to some failure of the        the highest standards of training, it may be tempting
pilots to perform to the standard expected of them.           to make cuts to the training budget. This may be
This may shroud other factors behind the events               done on the basis that ‘improvements’ in automation,
which led to the accident. As the complexity of the           simulation and smarter training techniques permit this
operating environment increases, the demands                  to be done without compromising safety. This group
placed on the pilots also increases. While automation         challenges that notion. This reduction in training does
has relieved pilots of many routine handling tasks,           not encourage the development and maintenance of
essential skills have declined through lack of practice       the skills and knowledge that are essential to safely
and may not be present when needed, such as when              and competently operate today’s complex aircraft,
workload increases dramatically. Typically, this can          something that is borne out by those accident reports
occur when pilots are distracted by events, particularly      that cite lack of pilot ability as a major causal factor.
those known to exhibit ‘startle’ characteristics. Unless           Good training may be more expensive but it
the pilots have a solid foundation of                                         should be viewed as an essential
training that enables them to easily                                          investment in safety. The loss of an
control the aircraft while they deal with                                     aircraft, passengers and crew is not only
any abnormalities that are occurring,                                         a financial loss but a dreadful human
the outcome will be compromised.                                              tragedy, especially when the accident
Unfortunately, accident reports indicate                                      was avoidable. Aircraft manufacturers
that, in far too many instances, the pilots                                   have developed amazing aircraft over the
struggle to identify the problem and
                                                  FLYING IS NOT               years, that contribute enormously to the
decide on the correct course of action,           INHERENTLY                  safety and financial success of the airline
all while trying to control an aircraft in        DANGEROUS,                  industry. However, this has resulted in
circumstances that are totally different          BUT TO AN                   a situation where, as the complexity of
to the ones they have become used to in                                       aircraft and their operating environment
regular training sessions.                        EVEN GREATER have increased, arguably the quality of
                                                  EXTENT THAN                 training has decreased. The automation
The consequences                                  THE SEA, IT                 that is meant to ease the challenges
                                                                              of operating complex aircraft has to be
                                                  IS TERRIBLY
The current accident rate is relatively                                       matched by pilot competency which is
low compared to the past and it could             UNFORGIVING                 lacking at times.
be assumed that all is well in the                OF THE LEAST                     In this modern age there really is no
industry. However, it is not the number           ERROR                       excuse    for failing to train pilots properly.
of accidents that is at issue here; it is                                     The standards are clearly established
the fact that so many of them were                                   FAA and adhered to by the more responsible
avoidable, had the pilots used basic                      Human Error airlines who recognise that a poorly
skills to recover from the situations they              in commercial trained pilot has the potential to be an
found themselves in. The lack of these             aviation accidents: enormous liability. Pilots do not set out
skills raises the question – were the                   DOT/FAA/AM- to cause accidents and are often the
skills ever in place or is this evidence of                        06/18 victims themselves of management
skill fade, due to an over-reliance on the                                    decisions to shortcut recruitment and
automatics?                                                                   training methods. In this technology-
     There are undoubtedly some excellent flying              driven and innovative age, there are many ways to
training schools that deliver first rate graduates.           control the high costs of pilot training. Part-task
However, some pilots can undergo inadequate ab                training devices, and other proven tools, provided in
initio training courses with the emphasis on getting          an efficient training environment, can go a long way
them through quickly and as inexpensively as possible.        towards consolidating a pilot’s knowledge and skills.
Thus, they start their careers poorly prepared for the        The aim is not necessarily more training but better
challenges of converting on to larger, more complex           training.
aircraft in an airline setting which, in turn, is often            Training methods vary and different airlines may
carried out in accordance with a significantly reduced        jealously guard their preferred ways of achieving the
airline training model. Unless these pilots can enjoy         required standards. The FOG does not mandate any
rigorous training within the airline they have joined,        particular training methods but merely wishes to see
they will remain at a severe disadvantage as far as           all airlines strive to achieve an equal and universal
skills and knowledge are concerned.                           standard of excellence that ensures the highest
     All airlines operate in a very challenging financial     standards of pilot competency.
environment. There is always pressure to reduce                    This, and only this, will stop the needless loss of
costs. Fuel costs and engineering costs are largely           lives and aircraft.

                                                                                                                 APRIL 2021     17
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