Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround

Page created by Cindy Waters
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
Sedbergh & District

 April 2020                           Issue 386                        Donation £1
    They say that a week is a long time      aware they’ll either be cancelled or
in politics, well, in a coronavirus crisis   changed. The diary will return once
it’s a very long time indeed.                things settle down.
    There is no diary in this edition. If       Double check any other dates you
you need to check planned dates              come across too.
please check an old edition and be              Stay safe and well.          Ed.

                            SELF ISOLATING DUE TO COVID-19.
                                  WE CAN HELP WITH :-
                             PRACTICAL HELP AND ADVICE
                                A FRIENDLY PHONE CALL
                              COLLECTING PRESCRIPTIONS
                           NEWPAPER AND MAGAZINE DELIVERY
                         IF YOU NEED HELP PLEASE CONTACT US ON
                                   07872 017730
            CLOSING DATE: 15th of every month for everything
            S & D Lookaround 72 Main Street, Sedbergh LA10 5AD
                          Mobile: 07464 - 895425
e-mail: ~ Web Site:
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
A View From The Fells (Cartoon)       7       People’s Hall News                       22
Art Society Report                   44       Plan For Tomorrow, Live For Today        38
Changes At The Information Centre    20       Poetry Challenge 2                       28
Child For Dorothy                    25       Queens Gardens Update                    21
Community Swifts                     53       Red Squirrel Group                       57
Coronavirus And Sedbergh              5       Sedbergh And District Community Fund     24
Coronavirus Shopping                 13       Sedbergh Environmental Market            18
Councillor’s Corner                  15       Sedbergh Golf Club…. 30 Years On!        43
Covid 19 Advice                       9       Sedbergh Ladies N.F.U.                   63
Dales Local Plan                     60       Sedbergh Parish Council                  16
David Bracken & Talking Lookaround   23       Sedbergh School News                     46
Dentdale 1920 To 2020                68       Spring Cleaning                          56
Dentdale Head To Foot                58       Spring Show - Cancelled                  12
Dentdale Keeping In Touch            10
                                              Ta-Ra For Now                            20
Digging For Britons!                 63
                                              The Dementia Bus                         40
Family Musings                       61
                                              Thorns Through Time                      65
February Weather                     62
                                              Tim’s Column                             14
Fellini’s Ambleside                  52
                                              Turning Paper Back Into Trees…           51
First Aid For Trauma                 42
                                              Village Voices Review                    24
First Responders And The Virus       12
                                              W.I. Dentdale                            33
Frankie Cowin Tournament             24
                                              W.I. Killington                          36
Free ‘Safe And Well Visits’          23
                                              W.I. Sedbergh                            29
Government Guidance                   8
                                              William (Bill) Corpe                     23
Habitats Survey                      50
Known Cancellations                  10                   Other Information
Markets To Supermarkets              67
                                              Advertising In Lookaround                 4
Nature Notes                         55       Bed & Breakfast                          75
Passover                             60       Bus Time Tables                          82
                                              Car Parking Charges                      69
                       Events                 Editorial                                69
Dent Easter Sale (Cancelled)         14       Groups and Organisations                 76
Grief Share                          11       Lookaround Editorial Team                85
Medical Centre                       23       Lookaround Information                   73
Reflections Concert (Postponed)       5       People’s Hall Hire Rates                 81
Sedbergh Market                       9       Personal Messages                        69
Spring Show April (Cancelled)        26       Places of Interest                       79
Weekly Coffee Morning (Cancelled)     3       Public Information / Telephone Numbers   88
                                              Puzzles                                  70
          COVER PHOTO                         Religious Information                    86
     Oystercatchers—Killington                Regular Meetings                         78
               Colin Cowperthwaite            Train Times                              84
                                              Useful Phone Numbers                     67
                                          Page 2
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
Business Adverts
Able Memorials                         50    Lakes Scaffolding                        27
Andrew Allan                           44    Laura's Loom                             17
Anita Harris Hairdressing              49    Little Owls                              63
Bannister Physiotherapist              59    Matthew Cook Stonemason                  43
Black Bull                             66    Middleton Mole Ploughing                 57
Craig Chamberlain I.T.                 62    MK Conversions Ltd                       55
Cross Keys                             39    Parkin And Jackson                       53
Cumbria Stoves                          8    Pennine Outdoor Fabrics                  58
Dalton Burial Ground                   52    Peoples' Hall                            46
David Jermy Homes and Gardens          54
                                             Red Squirrel                             16
Dawsons Fuels                          48
                                             Richard Hoggarth Builders                25
Duncan Law Plumber                     12
                                             Robert Powell Web Design                 15
First 4 Home Improvement               30
                                             Royal British Legion Feb                 18
Fritz Hyrnyk                           60
                                             Ryan Simpson Septic Tanks                24
Garsdale Design                        40
                                             Sedbergh and District COVID 19 Support   1
GJ Baines                              19
                                             Sheila Shuttleworth Dressmaker           45
H&M Craftsmen Kitchens                 38
                                             SK Decorating                            22
Helping Hand                           24
                                             Smart Design                             32
Ian Higginbotham Painter               20
                                             Spanish and French Lessons               28
J.J. Martin Funeral Director           51
JE Wilkinson                           33    Stephenson and Wilson                    56

Jed's Gardening Services               21    Steve Hopps Handyman                     67
JHS Joinery                            22    Stramongate Press                        41
June Parker Acupuncture                31    Temptations Craft Boutique               35
K.L. Venning Slaters Ltd                6    The Head At Middleton                    29
Kay Whittle                             11   Tooby's Electrical                       34
Killington Marquees                    36    Treadwell Flooring                       42
KW Electricals                         65    Valerie Hinde Architect                  47
L.D. Taxis                             13    Wools Of Cumbria                         36

                   Weekly Coffee Morning St Andrews Church
                     Every Wednesday 9:30am to 12 Noon
                            BUT IT WILL BE BACK!
                      Groups who would like to run a Coffee Morning
                         please call Pat Allen on 015396 21545

                                         Page 3
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
Advertising in Lookaround
 For advertisers key points to note       CONTACT INFORMATION
are as follows :-                         Email:
 We will print an advert supplied by
    you, or we can design one for         Phone:
    you.                                  07464 895425
 If you supply the advert please         Address:
    give it to us as a MS Publisher       Lookaround,
    file, an MS Word file or a jpeg. We   72 Main Street,
    will print adverts supplied as pdfs   Sedbergh,
    but the quality may suffer,           Cumbria,
 We accept hardcopy adverts and          LA10 5AD
    will try to reproduce them. Please
    let us know if you require a            Items can also be delivered by hand
    specific font.                        to Sedbergh & District Tourist
 Adverts will be printed in the sizes    Information Centre at the above
    specified below and should be         address (72 Main Street) during open
    supplied in one of these sizes.       hours, and deposited in the
 We do not print whole page              Lookaround Post Box inside the
    adverts but will print half page      office,
    adverts opposite each other.
 If you buy a year’s worth of
                                          PAYMENT INFORMATION
    advertising (11 adverts) we will
                                          Cheques Payable to :
    only charge for 10
                                          Sedbergh & District Lookaround
 New advertisers buying 3 months
    or more worth of adverts will get     Account:
    an extra one free                     Sedbergh and District Lookaround
 Further details for advertising and     Account Number:
    articles may be found in the          23388557
    Lookaround Information Section        Sort Code:
    at the end of the magazine.           20-55-41
       Advertising Rates                  Invoice Number, your name or
  Single Column 2.56” x 1"   = £7.50
  Single Column 2.56” x 2"   =£10.00
  Single Column 2.56” x 3"   =£12.50       This account is valid from January
  Single Column 2.56” x 4"   =£15.00      2019. No other account details are
  Double Column 5.2” x 2"    =£15.00      valid for current payments.
  Double Column 5.2” x 3"    =£20.00
  Double Column 5.2” x 4"    =£25.00       PLEASE REMEMBER TO
  B & B and Camp-sites       = £2.00      INCLUDE THE INVOICE NUMBER
  Personal & Small Ads       = £1.00      WHEN PAYING BY BACS
                                    Page 4
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
               SEDBERGH                        See the article on K.I.T. - page 10.
                                 Editorial                 ASSISTANCE -
   In the light of recent government               SEDBERGH AND DISTRICT
announcements and likely future                  COVID 19 SUPPORT GROUP
restrictions life will change radically        By now we hope most people
for us here in Sedbergh. In order for        within Sedbergh will be aware that
the town we love to come through the         there is a local support for anybody
other side of this crisis in as good a       who has a need for practical help
state as possible we, the population         during the current crisis. Practical
of Sedbergh must act to preserve the         help means help with shopping,
town, the life we have here and              getting a newspaper or magazine,
ourselves.                                   collecting prescriptions, or even just
       SHOPS AND BUSINESSES                  having a chat with a friendly voice
   The businesses that are permitted         over the phone.
to remain open in town will be                 The Support Group started as a
struggling to adapt and we must help         Facebook group, organized by a
them. Telephoned and emailed orders          number of people including Judith
collected from outside the shop later        Aston, Laura Reeves and Dawn
that day or the next is safer than           Walling, and within a week or so has
going in. For those businesses that
are not permitted to open this is a
time of crisis so if you have ideas that
might help them adapt while still
following government advice please
                                                   Saturday April 4th at 7.30pm
get in touch with them to make your                     In Tunstall Church
suggestion. Until the government
announces measures for the self                    Avelina Wright (soprano) and
employed we need to help these in                 Naomi Lidiard (mezzo soprano)
any way we can. This might include                singing Purcell, Pergolesi, Bach,
                                                      Couperin and more in a
financial assistance if you feel able to
provide it.
                                                      Lent concert
                                                     in aid of the Tower repairs.
   We are blessed with an abundance
of paths and access land to walk on              Tickets are £15 to include a glass of
but there will be tendency to frequent           wine and refreshments and can be
well known routes and paths at                               purchased at
routine times. This will increase the
chance of encountering other people               or Nick Gillibrand 015242 71231
at kissing gates, stiles, gates, fenced
paths etc. Try to vary your walk times                    Beautiful voices
and choose less frequented routes.                         in a beautiful
Now is the time to explore and find                       church ! Don't
new ones!                                                     miss it!

                                       Page 5
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
nearly 200 members. It provides a        make contact with them by ‘’phone or
focus for the community effort in        online and check they are okay on an
helping all those who need practical     ongoing basis.
help in the current crisis. Sedbergh                   LOOKAROUND
Parish Council and Sedbergh School           Like everybody else at the moment
both support the group with resources    we at Lookaround have little idea
and personnel.                           what the coming months will bring. As
   At the moment the Facebook group      you can see we have managed to
(Sedbergh and District COVID 19          publish the April edition, but May will
Support Group) has over 200              be more problematical. We’ll need
members, and is providing a useful       articles to publish. Much of our
forum, both to obtain help and to post   content is reports from all the groups,
information. For those not on-line a     organisations, clubs, and social
phone Help Line is available (07872      activities that contribute to our
017730) and those who prefer to use      community, and right now, they are all
email rather than Facebook can           closed down. So if you have an idea
contact the group on                     for an article, please write it and send                      it in to us. Or if the muse strikes you,
   However please continue to ensure     write a story or a poem. Make up a
that your neighbours or friends and      quiz (I’m getting pub quiz withdrawal
friends are well and happy. Please

    Over 50 years experience in roofing, renowned for our
  excellence in working with natural slate, we offer superior
            levels of quality, expertise and value.
     For a FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE please call 015396 24481

                                   Page 6
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
symptoms right now). Any of these           and advertising. Many businesses are
would be more than welcome.                 unable to function normally, so
    Lookaround does have a reserve,         naturally, requirements for advertising
which means that we will be able to         will change. Normally we get a
publish a print edition, at least for the   turnover of advertisers, old ones stop
moment. As long as we can get it            advertising, but new ones replace
printed. If we can’t get it printed we’ll   them. How much that will continue
post it onto the website and make it        during the current situation is hard to
available immediately. As with              know. We are continuing to publish
everything, we’ll have to take the          advertisements, but I’m sure you’re
current circumstances into account,         aware that many local businesses,
and work within those constraints. But      our advertisers, are closed or working
if it remains possible, and we have         under severe restrictions. Because of
the content, we will continue to            this any current adverts will continue
produce Lookaround.                         free of charge, and, once the crisis is
    Of course, Lookaround is going to       over we’ll return to a chargeable
suffer financially. We have two             basis and publish as many
sources of income, from donations           advertisements as were due.

                                      Page 7
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
GENERAL GOVERNMENT               of time spent out of their homes and
  GUIDANCE FROM 23RD MARCH              should keep two metres (6ft) away
      UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE              from people they do not live with.
                        HM Government      The government is also stopping all
   People should only leave home for    social events, including weddings,
one of four reasons:1. Shopping for     baptisms and other ceremonies - but
basic necessities such as food and      funerals will be allowed.
medicine. Shopping trips should be         Businesses that will not need to
as infrequent as possible.              close include:
   2. One form of exercise a day           •    Restaurants, cafes and work
such as a run, walk, or cycle. This     canteens - but only for food delivery
should be done alone or only with       and takeaway services
people you live with.                      •    Supermarkets and other
   3. Any medical need, or to           premises selling food, including
provide care or to help a vulnerable    market stalls
person. This includes moving children      •    "Health shops" such as
under the age of 18 between their       pharmacies
parents' homes, where applicable.          •    Petrol stations, garages and
Key workers or those with children      car rental businesses
identified as vulnerable can continue      •    Bicycle shops
to take their children to school.          •    Home and hardware shops
   4. Travelling to and from work,         •    Launderettes and dry cleaners
but only where work absolutely             •    Pet shops
cannot be done from homeEven               •    Newsagents and post offices
when following the above guidance,         •    Banks
people should minimise the amount          Other premises including libraries,
                                        non-essential shops, playgrounds,
                                        outdoor gyms and places of worship
   Cumbria Stoves Ltd                   have been ordered to close.
                                           Parks will remain open for exercise
    Supply and installation of          but people are not allowed to gather
 Wood, Multifuel and Gas Stoves         in groups.
                                           Community centres can remain
         Flue and Chimney
                                        open but only for the purpose of
          Lining Services               "hosting essential voluntary or public
       Inglenook Specialists            services" such as food banks or
 Fully Qualified and experienced        service for homeless people, the
          Hetas engineers               guidance says.
           01539 821061                    Hotels, hostels, campsites and             caravan parks must also close unless
           SHOWROOM:                    key workers need to stay there, or if
   34A Main Street, Staveley,           other people staying there cannot
             Nr Kendal                  return to their primary residence.

                                  Page 8
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
COVID 19 CORONA VIRUS                 6. Learn how to self-isolate.
                ADVICE                   Guidance can be found on the NHS
                        Deborah Waller   website:
   10 ways you can protect yourself,     conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-
your loved ones and your community:      isolation-advice/
   1. Meet with household                   7. Create a list of local
members, other relatives, friends and    organisations that you and your
neighbours to discuss what to do if a    neighbours can contact in the event
COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your         that one of you need access to
community and what the needs of          information, healthcare services,
each person will be.                     support, or resources. Consider
   2. If your neighbourhood has a        including organisations that provide
website or social media page,            mental health or counselling services,
consider joining it to maintain access   food, and other supplies.
to neighbours, information, and             8. Create an emergency contact
resources. Alternatively, share phone    list of family, friends, neighbours,
numbers and email addresses              healthcare providers, teachers,
particularly with those who are          employers, the local public health
isolated or vulnerable.                  department, and other community
   3. Consider establishing a            resources.
‘buddy’ system within your community        9. Learn about the emergency
to ensure everyone stays connected       operations plan at your child’s school
to COVID-19 related news, services       or childcare facility, and your
and can receive support safely, such     employer’s emergency operations
as essentials deliveries.                plan.
   4. Plan ways to care for those           10. Practice everyday preventive
who might be at greater risk for         actions including regular hand
serious complications.                   washing.
   5. Choose a room in your home         • The NHS provides guidance on
that can be used to separate sick             how to wash hands: https://
household members from those who    
are healthy.

                                   Page 9
Sedbergh & District - Sedbergh Lookaround
body/best-way-to-wash-your-         key points above have been sourced
    hands/.                             from:
• The World Health Organisation         coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/
    provides guidance on basic          home/get-your-household-ready-for-
    protective measures: https://       COVID-19.html.               Regards and keep well,
    diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/       Central Support Team at
    advice-for-public                   Neighbourhood Watch
• The Centre for Disease Control           NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH
    and Prevention provides guidance    NETWORK | Building Safer and
    on handwashing for families         Stronger Communities                   Email:
    family.html                              KEEPING IN TOUCH-DENTDALE
   Please note: whilst we encourage                                   Sarah Woof
you to follow advice from UK                Myself, and others who have
Government we are also sharing links    offered to help are setting up’Keeping
to organisations such as the Centre     in Touch’ (KIT).in Dent and Dale - or
for Disease Control and Prevention      wherever you live.
an agency which works 24/7 to               If vulnerable people and people
protect the safety, health, and         who think they might have the
security of America from threats here   Coved19 virus are to self-isolate help
and around the world. Some of our       will be needed. We can help with a
                                        range of tasks including collection of
                                        prescriptions/ food and household
                                        items for someone who "is staying
                                        home " at the moment. Or offer
                                        support by perhaps phoning them
                                        every day or a few times a week,
                                        deliver a cake to the doorstep, walk
                                        the dog, and so on. While a lot of
                                        people have family to help out, in
                                        some cases they will also be 'self-
                                        isolating' too or live far away!
                                            Please contact me, Sarah Woof on
                                        015396 25212 and leave a message
                                        if I don't answer, or text/ring
                                        07837988438 (no message facility)
                                        and along with others who have
                                        offered to help we will do what we
                                        can. I am not sure what we do when
                                        money is involved but we will work it
                                        out when needed.
                                            Don't be lonely, don’t be worried,
                                        we care. Remember KIT.

                                 Page 10
           TO HEALTH RISK                                                    07498
                           Myles Ripley                                      870267
          SEDBERGH FESTIVAL                   07498 870267
   Sedbergh Festival 3-14th June
2020 is CANCELLED in accordance             Tuesday drop in coffee mornings
with ongoing corona virus                      are currently suspended.
recommendations and our concern
for public safety. You may imagine           In the meantime we will be offering a telephone
                                            service; please call the Grief Share number above
our sadness and despair after years                            if we can help
of planning. Our hearts go out to so
many musical ensembles who will be
suffering all over the UK and beyond -
Stuart Manger                                               VE DAY
                 AGE UK                      The commemoration of VE Day will
   Age UK are cancelling all the          take place in a different format based
activities they organise, including the   on current Government advice.
lunch club and dancing, until late           Garsdale VE Day Barn Dance
April, at which point they will decide    postponed.
what to do next.                                        GRIEF SHARE
            DENTDALE CHOIR                   Sedbergh Grief Share - Tuesday
   The Dentdale Choir is sorry to         drop in coffee mornings are currently
announce the postponement of its          suspended.
concert, which was planned for May                ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
3rd. We hope to reschedule the               Along with the rest of the country,
concert for October. All being well       the 75th Anniversary of VE Day
both Peter Van Hull and John              organised by the Sedbergh Branch
Cunningham, our very special guest        on Friday 8th May has been
soloists, mentioned in the March          Postponed to a later date to be fixed.
Lookaround, will still be able to join       The proposed Poster Displays will
us. Choir practices have also been        still appear in Leightons Hairdressers
suspended until further notice but will   and the Dentist Windows as planned
resume as soon as possible. At least,     from mid April(ish) to 8th May. It is
during these very strange times, we       hoped to have a Display/Exhibition in
can all keep singing!                     St Andrew’s Church at the same time.
            COFFEE MORNING                These will obviously be subject to
   Coffee Mornings in St Andrews          conditions and restrictions issued at
have been postponed for the               the time.
foreseeable future.                          The Coffee Morning in March was
            SEDBERGH GALA                 cancelled and the April one will be
   Owing to recent government             too. Thank you to everyone for their
announcements in response to the          support and we look forward to the
Coronavirus the Sedbergh Gala will        Country getting back on its feet in due
be postponed until further notice.        time.

                                   Page 11
working on entries, we will keep the
                                          same subject categories in 2021. We
                                          would like to thank the Sedbergh
 Plumbing & Heating Engineer              District Community Trust for a grant
                                          to buy new table clothes, which will
     Bathroom Suites & Tiling             be used to improve the displays next
     Central Heating Systems              year and for many years after that.
        General Plumbing                  Also, a big thank you to Chris
                                          Whitehead, who has made us a new
             Mob: 07796 544596            yellow box for entry forms
              Tel: 015396 20930
                                                  SEDBERGH FIRST
                                           RESPONDERS AND CORONA
         FLICKS IN THE FELLS                            VIRUS
   Many thanks to those of you who                                  Myles Ripley
voted for our next film. The winner       Your Sedbergh First responder
was Mrs Lowry & Son.Unfortunately team are still active and will respond
with the current Coronavirus           to any calls that we are alerted to via
pandemic we've decided that we're      the North West Ambulance Service
going to postpone the screening until (NWAS) ie the 999 people. However
the situation improves. Rest assured
that we'll be showing the film (we've
already bought the disk!) as soon as
we can in St. Andrews Church.                       HCPC Registered
In the meantime, keep yourselves
healthy and try to stay positive. Look          Kay Whittle
after each other, and we hope to see     MSSCh DipPodMed MBChA MInstChP
you all soon.
                                         Pedi-Care House, Howgill Lane,
       SPRING SHOW HAS BEEN                    Sedbergh LA10 5AD
                          Marion Wood        Tel: 015396 22122

  Sadly, the Spring Show has been
cancelled for this year. The
committee has decided to do this, as
there would be a large number of
people in a confined space, at what is            Open 09:00 - 4:30
predicted to be the peak period of the
coronavirus epidemic in this country.       Please phone for appointments
We intend to hold the next Spring                 Closed on Mondays
Show on Saturday 20th March 2021
                                                            Supplier of
so, please, put the date in your diary.                   “Softop”
                                                     HJ Hall       sockssocks
For those of you who have been              Argan oil & cream; Arnica gel & Aloe Vera

                                    Page 12
we will not be called out to any                 CORONAVIRUS SHOPPING
patient who is known to have the                                 The Editorial Team
virus or showing symptoms of the              Martin Powell would like to inform
virus. If we go to a call and find that    customers that they are welcome to
the patient is showing clear               open an account and use telephone
symptoms then we are advised to            ordering in order to assist with social
alert 999 and to withdraw to a safe        distancing during the forthcoming
distance. We do not have full              months. Please telephone orders
protective clothing. So heart attacks,     after 9-30 AM in order to avoid the
strokes, and many other 999 type           ‘rush hour’. A list of commonly
situations will still be covered. While    ordered items is available on
we hope that we never have to see          demand. Contactless card payments
you (!) we have now responded to           are welcomed or even preferred for
over 200 calls in the community and        the same hygiene reasons. Other
hope to continue to serve you.             businesses in the town may wish to
   If anybody would like some general      follow this example which will also
first aid training do get in touch as we   help with getting supplies to those
are more than willing to do CPR,           who are self isolating and whose
defibrillator familiarisation sessions.    friends, family or neighbours are
                                           helping with essential shopping.

                                     Page 13
TIM’S COLUMN                 Coronavirus is already quite long and
                              Tim Farron   no doubt by the time you read this it
   I am feeling really nervous as I        will be much longer.
write this. I hope by the time you get       The elections for South Lakeland
to read it we are all feeling a bit more   District Council in May have been
confident about what is going on in        postponed until May next year so you
the world. But at the moment we are        won’t be seeing me on your doorstep
seeing the cancellation of all sorts of    quite as much over the coming weeks
events where lots of people were due       as you might have hoped (actually
to gather. Rather ambitiously I had        you might be a bit relieved about
entered myself in both the Dentdale        that!).
Run and the Coniston 14 races and            Mind you, even without the election
both have sadly had to postpone or         cancellation I am far from sure it
cancel for this year.                      would be wise for us to go around
   There is talk of elderly people self-   knocking on people’s doors at the
isolating for several weeks, I have        moment.
had a text from my GP’s surgery              Clearly this is going to have a big
telling me that they are closed for        impact on our economy. We depend
face to face appointments. The list of     so much on tourism around here.
things being affected by the               Events like the Dentdale Run bring

                     St. Andrew’s Dent
                    EASTER MONDAY
    TEAS & LUNCHES    13th April 2020
                          DENT MEMORIAL

                              HALL                             CHILDRENS’ GAMES
                                                                   AND CRAFT
                      10.00am—1.00pm                               ACTIVITIES

                          COMPETITIONS           BRIC A BRAC
       NEARLY                                                        PLANTS
        NEW                                                         CUTTINGS
                                ALL WELCOME
                             RAFFLE DRAW 12.30pm

                                    Page 14
lots of visitors to the area, if they              COUNCILLOR’S CORNER
aren’t happening then fewer people                                         Suzie Pye
will be around staying in our hotels          The official advice around Covid-19
and guest houses, eating in our            is changing almost hourly. It is very
restaurants and buying things in our       difficult to offer any solid information
shops. Even if people are not              which will still be valid at the time of
planning to take part in rather hilly      publication. I recommend staying
runs I worry that they may just plan to    connected to the official government
stay home and avoid as much human          information via reputable news outlets
contact as possible. I suppose you         and
could argue that if you want to avoid         At the time of writing, people with
human contact then walking across          suspected coronavirus symptoms are
the Howgills is as good a way to do        beginning to self-isolate, and the over
that as any, but I am not sure people      70’s have been told to prepare to stay
will see it like that. Added to which we   at home for an extended period in
have a lot more older people living        order to protect themselves from the
around here and they are the people        virus. Everyone is advised to avoid
more vulnerable to this virus. And yet     non-essential contact with others and
currently Cumbria only gets £36 per        unnecessary travel. Everyone should
head public health spending                start working from home where they
allocation when the national average       possibly can. People should avoid
is £63 per head and many parts of          pubs, clubs, theatres and other such
London are getting £100 per head.          social venues
Something I challenged the Secretary          This is going to be a marathon, not
of State for Health to sort out urgently   a sprint (to quote the Health
during questions on Health and             Secretary). Most of us will face the
Social Care in the House of                prospect of fighting off the
Commons the other day. We shall            coronavirus at some point. But there
see what action the Government             will also be wider, longer lasting
takes when they announce their new         implications. Some will experience
local authority public health grant        poverty, perhaps for the first time.
allocations.                               Small businesses will suffer, some
   I shall keep pushing the
Government to ensure we receive as
good a care in this part of the country               Robert Powell
as anywhere else. In the meantime if
you have any issues you need my
help with, don’t worry the team are          Website Design &
still working away. Just drop me an
email at or give          Management
us a ring on 01539 723 403.
   Thank you for your support and                       Tel: 20482
please try to stay healthy
                                    Page 15
people’s mental wellbeing may                 SEDBERGH PARISH COUNCIL
decline, families will face lengthy                                Janey Hassam
childcare dilemmas and some of us           This report covers items from the
will, sadly, become bereaved.             Parish Council meetings held in
   The next few months are going to       February and March 2020. The next
test our resilience - both as             monthly meeting is planned to be
individuals, and as a nation. But I am    held on Thursday 9th April 2020 at
convinced the thing that will get us      7.30pm. The meetings will be held in
through the other side is community.      the Committee Room, Sedbergh
The support network of friends,           People’s Hall, Howgill Lane,
families, and neighbours will be          Sedbergh.
crucial. Groups are starting to appear      Coronavirus
in each parish, made up of volunteers       Members discussed the current
offering their services to those in       concerns over Coronavirus and
need: help with shopping, dog             considered ways in which the town
walking, prescription services, and       could facilitate help and assistance if/
offers of chats on the phone. In times    when stricter measures are
of crisis, communities like ours really   implemented by the Government. A
do pull together to look after the most   short presentation was also given by
vulnerable – thank you to anyone          the Principal of Sedbergh School,
involved in helping in this way.          outlining their current plan/
   We are gregarious creatures, us        contingency arrangement in the
humans - we aren’t designed to thrive     school community. Members are
in isolation. Therefore even if we        aware that the situation remains fluid,
need to keep physical distance            nationally and locally, and will be
between us, we can still regularly        seeking advice and guidance from
communicate, be it over the phone,        relevant authorities, as and when
video calling, emailing, or pigeon        required at this unprecedented time.
post. I am hoping the weather will be       Maryfell play area/paddock
on our side, so that at least we might      Members have requested South
be able to chat over garden fences.       Lakeland District Council to consider
   By the time this is printed,           including the paddock at Maryfell play
everyone should be aware of how to
access various help and advice,
whether that is through the                           Sedbergh
community volunteers, SLDC, CCC,
or Tim Farron’s office. However, if you    Red Squirrel Group
are not sure where to access help,         Local conservation
please do give me a call or drop me a      for your red squirrels.
line.                                      Report sightings of             reds or greys,
07584 528 462. Stay well!                  or to Join / donate at

                                   Page 16
area in their Public Spaces Protection       Please note that members of the
Order, due for review in 2021. This        public are invited to our monthly
would prohibit dogs in the paddock,        Meetings where, as always, they are
and provide an extended safe place         able to comment or ask questions.
for children/young people to play.         Public Participation is at the
   Queens Garden                           beginning of the Agenda and should
   There were hopes to introduce           anyone wish to speak, they would be
some new trees to the garden, with a       welcome to attend.
desire to work towards creating an           If you have any thoughts/views on
Arboretum in the future. This would        any of the above, or wish to contact
see the introduction of some smaller       Sedbergh Parish Council, please
species of trees, such as Acer and         email me at
Maple trees.                     
   Other Matters Various other               Please also note that a full
matters were discussed: including          reference copy of all documents
Planning items, Amenities and              relating to meetings is held at 72
Finance. CCTV provision had been           Main Street in the Parish Council
declined in February, due to costs         Office, with agendas and minutes
and uncertainty over location of the       available online at
camera. The Wednesday Market was 
discussed, due to a change effective
from the 1st April, whereby the Parish
Council will commence administration
for the market. However, gazebo/
table hire will remain with the
Information Centre. Grants were
agreed in support of Hells Fells
Family Festival and the Royal British
Legion’s VE Day commemorative
event for the town. Ongoing projects
were also discussed, including
Jubilee Fountain, Loftus Hill (lease
renewal) and Joss Lane (plans to
resurface) car parks, and ongoing
plans for the future permanent repair
of Millthrop Bridge, notably
highlighting the Parish Council’s
concern over appropriate traffic
management measures being in
place when the bridge is closed.
   Sedbergh Parish Council is seeking
a new Internal Auditor. If you would
like to know more please do get in
touch, via the email below, in the first
                                    Page 17
SEDBERGH ENVIRONMENTAL                 wicks, with dyes and fragrances all
               MARKET                      eco-friendly. Scents include French
                        Michelle Hartley   Vanilla, Arabian Oud and Sage and
  On the 29th February the Sedbergh        Sea Salt. Owen Jones and Jane
Environmental Network had our              Bradley showed off their basketry
second Eco Market which was                weaving skills, cutting and shaping
another great success! Despite the         various sustainable wood products
horrific weather of Storm Dennis the       which they grow, coppice and harvest
proceeding week, all but two of the        themselves. The granola made by
stallholders came and had a                Beans n Lentils were great flavours,
wonderful time.                            with many of the ingredients organic
  There was Always Rustic who              or locally sourced, all with the added
makes wonderful wooden creations           bonus of biodegradable packaging.
including novel animal coat racks and         Providing information on the
hooks, fantastical bird houses and         environment was the Woodland Trust,
practical small furniture all from         a fantastic woodland conservation
reclaimed wood materials. The              organisation protecting sites all over
Penrith ENJO representative came           Cumbria and the UK, including the
and explained the fantastic climate        nearby Hebblethwaite Hall Woods.
neutral and zero waste cleaning            Frankly Cotton, as the name
products. The cleaning system              suggests, makes a fabulous range of
requires no harmful chemicals just         reusable cotton products to replace
water and the innovative ENJOtex           ones that would be thrown away,
clothes. Gabe’s Vegan Cakes had an         while other items are made from
incredible selection of organic and        upcycled fabrics. Paul from Eden e-
vegan cakes, some baked and some           Motion came with his extensive
raw, but all delicious! Even the           knowledge of different electric bikes
packaging was eco-friendly, with the       and their positive impact on the
cake boxes made from sugarcane.            environment. Also on display was an
  Howgill Handmade Candles                 original Sinclair C5, a battery electric
brought a beautifully scented range of     velomobile from the 1980s.
soy wax candles made with natural

                              ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
          If you or yours have ever served in any of our armed forces
       and you feel that the Royal British Legion can help you in any way,
                    please call 0808 802 8080 (free phone).
                 Your local Sedbergh Branch meets on the second
          Thursday of every month in the White Hart Club at 7:15pm and
               needs new members in order to keep up its good work.
              You do not need to have served in the Armed Forces to be a member.
                              Membership costs £17.00 - call 20964
                             email: for a form.
                               For more information, visit our website:

                                    Page 18
Sedbergh Primary School sold pre-
loved bric-a-brac and collected plastic
waste for recycling. Just another way
the school is trying to be more
environmentally friendly. Charcuterie
free-range meats were sold by
Stonehouse Smokery who believe in
using every part of the pig so there is
no waste. Preventing waste also
includes their packaging with paper
wraps and biodegradable vacuum
bags. Robin and Wren had a lovely             •   Project Management
selection of macramé crafts using
recycled and biodegradable cotton,            •   New Builds
upcycled jars, pre-loved plant pots           •   Extensions
and mineral based paints.
   Delicious and creamy vegan fudge
                                              •   Roofing
was sold by Mariner’s Fudge. A                •   New Fitted Kitchens
former submarine chef, this ex-               •   Ground Works
military man now makes fudge such
as Chocolate Orange, Irish Cream              •   Plant Hire
and Strawberry Smoothie.                      •   Drains
Sedbergh’s very own Westwood                  Unblocked/Cleaned/Repaired
Books brought a fabulous selection of
second hand and eco books, with                    Contact George on:
plenty more available at their store.               Tel: 015396 21287
Alongside the books were beautiful                  Mob: 07977514229
paper creations, flowers, boxes and         Email:
bows made from upcycled paper.              Web:
   Kidz on Trend, an eco-shop,
brought along a wonderful range of
products, including bamboo cups,          times a year! If you were unable to
bowls and lunchboxes, loose leaf          come to this market, keep an eye out
teas and accessories, solid bar           for future events, or if you would like
shampoos & conditioners and Klean         to get involved in the next market or
Kanteen water bottles. Lunch, served      the Sedbergh Environmental Network
by Feed of the Sun, was delicious         contact us at
organic plant-based foods. The menu       sedberghecomarket@greencobweb.c
included sweetcorn & pepper fritters There are so many ways to help
in a tortilla wrap and Moroccan spiced    the environment, please visit our
chickpea & aubergine stew, along          Facebook page for information, tips
with loose-leaf herbal teas.              and learn about other eco events
   With such a great turnout we are       nearby!
looking to have eco markets a few

                                   Page 19
SOME CHANGES AT THE                              TA-RA FOR NOW
      INFORMATION AND BOOK                                             Andi Chapple
                 CENTRE                        This spring is going to mess up a
                           Andi Chapple     lot of people's plans, but if our plans
   By the time you read this, we            go as we hope, by the time you read
should have a new manager at the            this Helen and I should have moved
info centre. Laura King lives in Dent       away from Sedbergh.
with her family and we are looking             We expect to be on Skye for the
forward to welcoming her. Good luck,        spring and m ybe summer (get in
Laura! Please do drop in and say            touch if you're up there!) and to land
hello.                                      back in Lancaster towards the end of
   That means that I'm moving on; I         the year. I just wanted to take a
want to pay tribute to the two-dozen        minute to say a heartfelt thankyou to
volunteer staff and directors who           everyone in Sedbergh for your
make the work of the Information and        warmth and welcome over the past
Book Centre possible, and who have          18 years.
made my job easier, and to say a big           It's been a great place to live, I
thank you.                                  have learnt so much about rural life
   We have also bought a new printer        and about life as it's lived anywhere,
– it's a colour laser and will do A4 and    and I have definitely been changed
A3 size. Being a laser printer, its         by my time here. I will think of you all
output looks a little shinier than what     and the town with great fondness. My
we could do before, and getting the         email will continue to be
print-outs wet is less of a problem if you want to get
than it was. We've looked at what we        in touch ever.
are charging and we have decided to            Thanks again, take care, Andi
have our first price rise for a long time   Chapple
to 20p for A4 and 40p for A3. Printing         Lookaround would like to thank
is possible from web pages and files        Andi for all his work over the past
on a USB stick or attached to an            years and wish him and Helen all the
email to and we         best for his new life in faraway
can scan and photocopy too.                 Lancaster!                            Ed.

                                     Page 20
                               Ann Parratt    JED’S GARDENING SERVICES
   The YDNP Woodlands Officer has                  Regular gardening work
visited the Gardens and                                    undertaken
recommended that we plant some                  Lawn mowing, strimming, pruning,
ornamental trees on both sides of the                planting, weeding, etc.
central yew hedges (the glades),                    MANy yEARS’ ExpERIENCE
forming an Arboretum. The PC will                     Tel. Jed 015396 21480
apply for a grant from SLDC to cover           Or email
the cost of the trees and planting. The          Fully insured. Refs available
recommended ornamental trees are
maples, birches and cherry trees. In
addition honeysuckle, hawthorn etc
would be purchased to enhance the            grassy areas. A nature trail or similar
wildlife corridors on each side of the       might be developed in the future.
Gardens.                                        •     BA4N has requested to lay a
   •     An audit of the steps has           cable along the eastern boundary of
taken place recently and the PC will         the garden, to allow connection to
be reviewing what needs to be done           various points/property.
and going out to tender for the                 •     Events. We are hoping to
necessary work.                              have another Songs of Praise event
   •     It has been agreed that a           at the end of June, the planning will
regular inspection of trees should           go ahead, but we will have to see
take place particularly after high           how the present virus situation spans
winds, and a Tree Safety Policy is to        out. We would also like to do another
be drawn up by the PC. If you have           Music and Tea in the Gardens event
concerns about any tree and the              later in the year…….we can only wait
safety of that tree, in the first instance   and see what happens
please contact The Clerk to the                 •     Working Party. Once the
Parish Council, Janey Hassan                 weather settles down it would be           great for the Friends of Queens
   •     All walls and structures will       Gardens to gather in the Gardens to
also be audited in the future.               undertake some work. It will be up to
   •     A Child Protection Policy has       individuals to decide if they would like
been sent to Sedbergh School as              to take part or not, but we'll be in the
pupils help in the Gardens every             fresh air, we don't have to work side
Thursday afternoon, clearing debris,         by side and we can bring our own
moving cut branches for burning and          refreshments. Anyone wishing to help
generally helping the PC gardner,            who is not presently a 'Friend of
Mitch.                                       Queens Gardens' would also be very
   •     Children are most welcome in        welcome.
the gardens, including bikes on the             Please contact Ann on 20964 for
perimeter tracks, but not on the             further information.

                                      Page 21
The work should commence in
                                         May. There may be some changes to
                                         the access and some noise. We will
                                         minimise these disruptions as far as
                                         reasonably practical. We have never
                                         closed yet during all the work we
                                         have done since 2013. Should hirers
                                         have any concerns please contact
                                            Notice of AGM: Sedbergh People’s
                                            To be held on Monday 6 April 2020
                                         at 7.30pm in the Committee Room to
                                         receive the Chair and Treasurer’s
                                         reports and elect the Trustees for the
                                         following year.
                                            All residents of the Sedbergh Civil
          Stefan Kliszat                 Parish   are invited to attend.
                                            The Committee invite nominations
          07971666785                    to serve as Trustees.
          015396 20524                      Registered Charity (since 1956)
                                            Dr Gina Barney, Hon Secretary
        PEOPLE’S HALL NEWS                  The meeting cannot take place due
                         Dr Gina Barney to current restrictions, a new date will
  Re-roofing the Hall roof               be announced in due course
  Some will remember Denis doing a
barrel roll in 1982 to raise money to
re-roof the 1956 hall roof. Well it
needs doing again as it leaks in an           JHS Joinery
erratic and irregular manner – wrong          Qualified and Experienced Joiner
kind of rain, wind and whatever? The          Providing a Quality Service
means to do anything with                    • Laminate Floor
decorating, lighting and heating will        • Spindle Balusters
get spoilt. Denis has not been               • Internal & External Doors
available to roll on this occasion. But,     • Wall & Floor Tiling
fortunately, we have been awarded            • Flat Pack Assembly
funding from the Sedbergh                    • Any small jobs considered
Community Fund, Sedbergh United               Jim Speak
Charities, SLDC via Councillor                Carpenter Joiner
Lancaster, Dulverton Trust, Strummer
Calling, the Hadfield, Garfield               Tel: 07496 946204
Weston, and Sunley Trusts, whom we
gratefully thank. These funds plus our
Hall’s Reserve Fund will meet the
£40,000 required.
                                     Page 22
                               Rita Corpe
   The family of the late Bill Corpe
would like to thank everyone for all
the kind cards and generous words of          will be closed for Training Purposes
comfort they received on Bill’s death         at 1pm on the following afternoons:-
in early February and all those who
managed to attend his funeral in St                    2020
Andrew’s Church, Dent in spite of the         Wednesday 22nd April
dreadful weather. Special thanks              Wednesday 20th May
goes to all who took part in the              Thursday 11th June
service, especially Roger Bush’s
superb playing of the organ and all
the professional support from Rev               FREE ‘SAFE AND WELL VISITS’
Andrew McMullon. Rev Christine                                                Dani Hall
Brown, Lay Reader Judith Bush,                 Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service
Brian Goad and Edward Waller.               offers free ‘Safe and Well Visits’ to
Thank you, too, for the very generous       help people live independently and
donations of over £1000 given in Bill’s     deal with any potential fire hazards in
memory to the Sedbergh Medical              their homes.
Centre’s Patients’ Fund and St                 During the visit, we will carry out a
Andrew’s Church, Dent. The superb           home fire safety assessment, where
refreshments in the hall after the          we can help you design a fire escape
service helped to make the whole            plan so that you and your family will
occasion a wonderful tribute to him.        know how to react and escape if you
   Rita, Helen, Jennifer, Judi and          have a fire.
Matthew                                        We’ll provide you with a free smoke
                                            alarm if you haven’t got any working
    DAVID BRACKEN & TALKING                 smoke alarms in your property. We’ll
           LOOKAROUND                       provide a health questionnaire with
                     Rosemary Handley       simple questions on social wellbeing,
  David who had recently retired from       preventing slips, trips and falls at
teaching.stepped into the breach            home, and advice on smoking
caused by the sudden death of               cessation and reducing alcohol
Richard Thomas who had been our             consumption and where to get further
recording technician since the              support if you need it. We also
Lookaround started.                         provide atrial fibrillation testing to
  With typical skill and thoroughness       identify your heart rate and will refer
David had all the idiosyncrasies of the     you to the GP if necessary.
system sorted in no time. His quiet            To book a “Safe and Well” visit
manner and unflappability put even          please contact Cumbria Fire and
the most nervous of readers at their        Rescue Service on: Tel: 0800 358
ease. He was a real “pro” and we will       4777 Email:
miss him.

                                     Page 23
stories. Helen Bromley is an
 a helping hand                            extraordinary writer whose
 Linda Greensmith                          monologues revealed 8 very different
                                           characters to us.
 07919 152526                                 The actors engaged our attention                  from the outset. There were some
                                           very memorable performances. Their
 A friendly and reliable service           tales made us laugh but also touched
 for older people                          us at times with their poignancy. The
                                           final lines in the monologues were
 Shopping : Transport                      frequently very surprising and
 Companionship : Home Help
                                           extremely funny.

            TOURNAMENT                               COMMUNITY FUND
                           Diane Cowin                         Tony Reed Screen
   Diane Cowin and family would like         During the Financial year 2019 –
to say thankyou to Dean, Kate, and         2020 the fund made grants to twenty-
Diane for all their hard work in           four organisations totalling £32,155
organising the Tournament at the           the highest annual award since the
Club on Sat 14th March. Also all the       Charity Shops formation.
people who donated raffle prizes. A          We are extremely indebted to all
massive Thank You. It was                  our volunteers who have made this
unbelievable. Thank you also to the        possible and would like to thank them
board sponsors. The total sum raised       for their continued support.
was £608.15 which will be shared
between the Air Ambulance and
MacMillan nurses. Thank you once
again for all the support, and last but     SEPTIC TANK EMPTYING
not least, “The Winner” Will Thexton.          Fast efficient Service
Congratulations to him, well done.
You played a fantastic game.                  Very competitive prices
   So hopefully see you all next year.
                                                     SKIP HIRE
      VILLAGE VOICES REVIEW                      Ideal for rubble, soil,
          Spellbound Theatre
                                 S.Cross       builder's waste and stone
   The People’s Hall felt like a village
fête on Friday evening with bunting,             Ryan Simpson
beer tent, tombola, raffle, Bat the Rat
and a produce stall, complete with
                                                   07766 971 167
misspelt labels.                                   015395 68318
   The scene was set for members of  
the Spellbound Theatre to tell their

                                    Page 24
                      Sandra Gold Wood
    Last month we left Dorothy in an
excited mood after arranging to meet                HOGGARTH
with a man she met at the garage              RN & HE Hoggarth Building & Repairs
after helping him out by paying his
                                                   40 years experience
    Dorothy was aware that the garage
staff were watching her as she
walked towards her own car. She                   All Types of Building Work
couldn’t have cared less, she was                      No Job Too Small
very pleased with herself and couldn’t           Mini-Digger work undertaken
wait to get home and look for
something suitable to wear.                          Tel:
    Sighing at the pile of clothes on her        015396 20805
bed Dorothy wondered why she                         Mob:
found it so difficult to choose an outfit.       07799 420433
She knew it would take about 20
minutes to drive to the Cherry Garden
restaurant so she would need to set          boots finished her look and just on
off by twenty to seven. Abandoning           6.45pm she headed for the car. She
her search for something suitable to         had never felt so daring.
wear she sat down at her dressing               Arriving at the Chery Garden a little
table and started to put on her make-        late Dorothy felt a surge of
up.                                          excitement as if this was actually a
    Tonight Dorothy did this with more       date. The restaurant was
care than usual and was pleased with         sympathetically lit and tables were set
the result. She brushed her hair away        in booths for privacy. She scanned
from her face and used hair spray to         the room for David Logan but he
keep it in place. All was well except        wasn’t there. Feeling deflated she
she still hadn’t resolved what to wear.      sighed and turned to leave and
Maybe the answer was the proverbial          stepped straight into David’s arms.
‘little black dress’ always a winner. It        ‘Oh ye of little faith, he laughed
was then she caught sight of a dress         noting the surprise on her face, I was
still hanging in the wardrobe. She           across the road waiting for you. I
remembered that she had brought it           didn’t want to sit in here and look like
on a whim and Howard had                     I had been stood up if you didn’t
disapproved of it so she had never           come.’
worn it. Now she slipped it on                  ‘Oh I see, said a flustered Dorothy,
enjoying the feel of the soft jersey         feeling his warmth and closeness
material against her skin. It fitted her     acutely.
beautifully and the deep burgundy               ‘You look ravishing by the way, I
colour suited her skin tone. Earrings,       would have come across the road
jacket and some nice little ankle            straight away but I so enjoyed

                                      Page 25
watching you walk, said David his              Dorothy held her breath; he was
arm around her waist and his smile          married of course. The food arrived
twinkling. Dorothy felt her heart flutter   and David did not refer to the
at the sound of his words. She              ‘something’ he should tell her instead
realised that she was in danger of          he talked of trivial things. During the
making a complete fool of herself.          meal Dorothy told him she was a
Well she thought, if that was the case      widow partly hoping it would prompt
she was going to enjoy every minute.        him to reveal his marriageable status.
   Settled in the cosy booth they           In her mind she imagined herself
ordered drinks and choose from the          telling him all that she had learnt
menu deciding to share a variety of         about Howard since his death.
Chinese dishes. Dorothy felt so at          Thinking again she decided not to
ease; While they waited for the food        spoil a good evening
to arrive David made her laugh by re-          The bill came and he pushed it to
counting everyday incidents in a            one side asking if she would like a
comic way, when suddenly he                 coffee. She said yes not wanting the
announced;                                  evening to be over.
   ‘Dorothy, there is something I              ‘Dorothy I said early I had
should tell you.’                           something to tell you, well it’s like

              Spring Show
                    Saturday 25th April 2020

                  Date next year
                 20th March 2021
                                      Page 26
‘Oh David, there is no need for you      it’s not what you think. Yes, I was
to say, I guessed, its quite alright I am   married and that is why I am in the
enjoying the evening I’m not                position I’m in now which is totally
expecting anything more.’                   penniless. What I am trying to tell you
   ‘What have you guessed Dorothy’          is that I can’t pay you back and I can’t
   ‘Why that you are married of             pay the bill here either.’
course, no one as charming as you, I            Dorothy looked at his face and saw
mean you must be,’ the moment she           that he was telling the truth and she
said it she could see that he didn’t        started laughing and as David’s
know what to say and then she               expression turned from surprise to
noticed that his shirt looked in need of    disbelief she laughed even harder.
an iron and his cuffs were a frayed,            ‘Well I didn’t expect that’, she said
‘Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to pry,        trying not to laugh again.
look, really, I have been making                David explained that his business
assumptions, just give me what you          partner had embezzled the life out of
owe me and I’ll be on my way,’ she          his company leaving him to pay off all
added sadly looking down at the table       the creditors. While his wife had not
in front of her.                            been prepared to suffer a drop in
   ‘Dorothy, Dorothy, he said reaching      status so had divorced him and gone
for her hand across the table, No, no       to join her brother in America. He

          AKES                                              & Domestic

                                                         No Job Too Big
                                                        No Job Too Small

                                                       Free Estimates with
                                                         No Obligations
              SIMON SHAW
     Based in Kendal - covering Cumbria

   Tel:     01539 734745
   Mob:     07917 064767

                                     Page 27
went on to tell Dorothy that his house   back and hand it in to Sleepy
had been re-possessed and that he        Elephant, 41 Main Street, Sedbergh
now rented a small flat.                 by the end of April.
    ‘Oh David I’m so sorry.’                There will be several places around
    ‘Well, it’s not all bad news, as you town where the poems will be
know that I went for an interview        displayed (no contact details will
today and I got the job! I start next    appear), so your work will be
week.’                                   available to everyone to read.
    They both started laughing at this.     We will chose a subject each
    The weeks and months went by         month which applies loosely to
and Dorothy and David spent most of      Sedbergh life and hope at the end of
their evenings and weekends              the year to have a collection of
together. Their friendship had quickly   poems that can be published.
deepened as they shared their               Here is April’s Subject - LEARNING
sorrows, their hopes and their              Please write about LEARNING in
dreams. One evening as they sat on       the form of a TRICUBE
the sofa sharing a brandy. David leant      A TRICUBE is a modern form of
over and kissed her then slipping off    poetry that has 3 syllables per line, 3
the sofa on to his knees with a grand    lines per verse and 3 verses in each
flourish he pulled out a ring box and    poem. The poem may rhyme or not
popped it open and smiling at her he     as you chose.
said;                                       Example of a Tricube.
    ‘You know this is a lovely house but    RESIST
it lacks something’.                        I avoid
    ‘Oh and what’s that’, asked Dorothy     dead end streets
smiling broadly and wondering how           like the plague
he was going to word his proposal.          because I
    ‘Firstly, some newlyweds and in a       don’t enjoy
little while how about some children.’      backtracking
                    The End.                but the plague
                                            is a street
     POETRY CHALLENGE NO. 2                 with no end
                          Carole Nelson PLEASE HAVE A GO, its good fun
   Over the next year Sedbergh           and if you write a poem each month
Literary Trust is challenging YOU to     you will have a little book of your own
‘make Sedbergh and district more         work at the end of the year, how good
poetic’. Each month we will explain      is that?
an aspect of the formal ‘rules’ which
poets use to build their poems.
   We are asking YOU to write a
                                                   Spanish & French lessons
poem based on the ‘rule’ explained
                                                         in Sedbergh.
that month. Print it out or write it out
                                             Beginner, intermediate & advanced.
very neatly, add your name and a                 Alan Marcus 07 3754 26095
contact number and/or email on the

                                    Page 28
SEDBERGH WI REPORT               the history of the famous voyage and
                            Moira Folks   talked, too, about its Cumbrian
    What do the words ‘Mutiny on The      connections.
Bounty’ conjure up for you? For me,          The ‘Bounty’ was commissioned by
it’s the vision of a three-masted         the Royal Navy in 1787 to sail to
sailing ship with huge sails billowing    Tahiti to collect breadfruit plants to
in the wind, plunging through choppy      take to the West Indies, where they
tropical blue seas and white foam, or     would be grown as a cheap and
battling against massive waves,           nutritious crop to feed the slaves on
fighting its way around the globe with    the British plantations. Unfortunately,
Marlon Brando, Trevor Howard and          because of delay in fitting out the
Richard Harris valiantly trying to keep   vessel to carry cargo in tropical
control, in the 1962 Hollywood film.      conditions, it set off west on
Well, we didn’t see any moving            December 23rd, several months later
pictures on March 11th in the             than planned, and hit terrible winter
People’s Hall but we saw a large          storms at Cape Horn, the tip of South
number of colour slides taken by our      America. It was forced to turn back,
speaker and ‘Bounty’ fanatic, Peter       striking east via South Africa, and
Logan from Morecambe, who told us         reaching Tahiti on 26 October 1788.

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