Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help

Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Sawston Scene
  April–May 2020

      with all our usual features PL US Coronavirus:
questions answered • myth-busting • local info • help
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Sawston Scene            F
                                                                                                        VOL U M E 5 1 I S S U E 1

                                                                                            irst of all, to anyone who is
                                                                                            reading Sawston Scene for
                                                                                            the first time, welcome!
                                                                                     We are your award-winning
                                                                                                                                                 April–May 2020

                                                                                                                             Tribute to Ann Redshaw
                                                                                                                             Production team and deadlines
                                                                                                                             Readers’ letters
                                                                                                                             Granta Medical Practices
                                                                                      village magazine, produced and
I n this issue, amid much else, we say farewell to our
  utterly fantastic Pictures Editor, Ann Redshaw.
More than anyone else, she has transformed the way
                                                                                      delivered by volunteers for the
                                                                                      last fifty years – coincidentally,
                                                                                                                             Sawston COV ID -19 Mutual Aid Group
                                                                                                                             Corona virus: official advice
                                                                                      this is our anniversary issue.         Corona virus: your questions answered      8
Sawston Scene looks.
                                                                                          To our regular readers, thank      Addenbrooke’s hospital                     9
   She’s taken beautiful photos for our covers and
                                                                                      you for your support; we’ll sort       Corona virus: myth-busting                10
taught other people how to take them too. She’s
                                                           out those subs forms another time.
persuaded many, many Sawston children to pose                                                                                J HC                                      11
                                                              To those who delivered issues, a massive thank you.
beautifully and got permission from their carers for                                                                         Age U K                                   11
                                                           We took advice about how to do it safely from two
them to feature on our pages. She’s been a regular at                                                                        Fifty years of SYD                        12
                                                           local scientists, Dr Catherine J. Merrick and Dr Ben
village events trying to work out how to make a field                                                                        Cambridgeshire Child and Family Centres   14
                                                           Grimshaw, and I am hugely grateful to them for sharing
full of people look interesting.
                                                           their expertise so generously at a time when everything           Sawston Nursery                           14
   Behind the scenes, she’s converted thousands of
                                                           was going crazy this week.                                        Pippins Preschool                         15
colour photos into black and white, and learned the
                                                              Editing the magazine has been an upsetting task as             Village College                           16
black arts of photo editing, right from our first issue
                                                           report after report listed cancelled events that I knew
where she moved a hook out of someone’s head.                                                                                It was fifty years ago today…             17
                                                           had often meant months of preparation. Underneath it
   She’s also been a wonderful investigative journalist,                                                                     Bellbird School                           18
                                                           all I could feel the tremors of everything shifting:
delving into village issues and finding out facts from                                                                       Wellcome Genome Campus                    18
                                                           people losing their jobs, businesses losing their
the people who actually know them – in this, we hope                                                                         Church Institute                          19
                                                           customers, the village in upheaval. I cried, often.
(once she’s had a break) she will continue.
                                                              Sawston Scene will do absolutely everything it can to          Can flycatchers be spotted?               19
   We are hugely grateful to her for all she has done.
                                                           help this village get back on its feet. But I know that           Scouts                                    20
                                                           you, reader, will be doing what you can too. We may be            A breath of life                          21
                                                           thinking that it’s too soon and for now we need to look
                                                                                                                             Nature Notes                              22
                                                           after ourselves. But… back in January I had a phone
                                                           call from a reader. “I’ve got a story I want to tell you,” a      S ERV IC ES                               23
                                                           lady said. She told me her name but said she didn’t               C O RON AVIRU S CH AN G E S               24
                                                           want it printed. “It was my ninetieth birthday so I’d             D IRECT O RY                              26
                                                           dyed my hair the brightest pink you ever saw in your              Challis Trust                             27
                                                           life. I’ve never had so much fun or so many kisses!               Fun Run                                   29
                                                              “Anyway, I went to buy a lottery ticket at the Spar
                                                                                                                             Village History Society                   29
                                                           and as I was searching in my bag for some change they
                                                                                                                             Timebank                                  32
                                                           said ‘Don’t worry, it’s paid for.’ There was a man behind
                                                           me and unbeknownst to me he had paid. I flew out of               Royal British Legion                      32
                                                           the door, but there was nobody in sight. It was one of            Libraries                                 34
                                                           the nicest things that’s ever happened to me!”                    Sawston WI                                34
                                                              And it’s one of the best phone calls I’ve ever had.            Pampisford W I                            34
                                                           The man who bought that lottery ticket spent just £2,             Fond Memories of a Diary Editor           36
                                                           and made that lady so happy she wanted to tell the
                                                                                                                             The Diary Editor Goes Digital             36
                                                           village. So. No act of kindness is too small. In fact, the
                                                                                                                             District Council report                   38
                                                           small acts get us into practice for the bigger acts. What
                                                           will get us through these next months is kindness.                Churches                                  40
                                                           Please, please, let’s all try to be kind.                         Sports Centre                             42
                                                                                                               Beck Laxton   Andy’s Allotment                          44
                                                                                                                ED IT O R    Fifty years old                           46

                                                           April–May 2020                                                                                               3
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Sawston Scene      ED I TO R
                                                                  Readers,                                                                             cancer ward at
                                                                                                                                                       Addenbrooke’s where
                                                                                                                                                       Max was treated for a
                                                                                                                                                       brain tumour. They are
                                                                                                                                                       also collecting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              collect and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              deliver in a safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                              way. Our contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                              number is 07799
                                                                                                                                                                                                              063122. Rachel
                   Beck Laxton
           95 High Street, Sawston,
           Cambridgeshire, CB22 3HJ
                  01223 562871

                   A DVE RTI SI NG
                 John Godwood
                                                                  SCEN E ME MO RI ES
                                                                  I became involved with Sawston
                                                                                                          couldn’t cope for more than a year
                                                                                                          with a young family and career to
                                                                                                                                                       anything for the
                                                                                                                                                       amazing doctors and nurses at
                                                                                                                                                       Addenbrooke’s that work do hard
                                                                                                                                                       especially at this time! We will

                                                                                                                                                                        GRANTA MEDICAL PRACTICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                T HR E E CH EE R S
                                                                                                                                                                                                A welcome sight for those residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               who use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Princess Drive! Irene Gruby 

                           COPY                                   Scene years ago doing collating by      attend to as well. So well done to           Dr James Morrow, Managing Partner, 16th March 2020:          population the Covid-19 virus is a mild illness which can
                Yasmin Emerson                                    hand going round andround the           you for enduring the last ten years!                                                                      be safely managed at home with rest, paracetamol and
                                   table in the room we used at the           However, we have stayed as worker         C O RON AV I RU S (COV I D -1 9 ) U P DAT E                  fluids just like a normal flu-like illness. However, for
                       P I C TU R E S                             Free Church.                            bees for the rest of the first fifty years   Unfortunately the number of people affected by the           those with significant other medical problems and for
                  Chris Glasbey                                      Jean Osborne got me involved. It     of the magazine, acting as local             coronavirus causing Covid-19 is increasing rapidly and       the elderly it can be more serious.
                  01223 833700                                    was a nice group of volunteers and      distributors around where we live.           this new virus is taking a foothold within our community.       With this in mind we have postponed all face-to-face
                               we all got on very well. We certainly      We have watched the Scene                    At Granta Medical Practices we have a dedicated           G P appointments and some routine nurse appointments.
                      FEATU R E S                                 got a lot of exercise but it was fun.   blossom and grow under a number of           Covid emergency team who are meeting daily to discuss        This is for both our patients’ safety and the safety of our
                   Marc Kerr                                      I also did some delivering of the       editors, notably Jean Osborne (still         how we can continue to provide the best possible care        staff. Instead we are offering an enhanced telephone
                                  magazine at one time. I think I only    active on the committee – well               for our patients. As a practice we are fortunate in having   service from clinicians. If you would like to receive a
                         SP ORT S
                                                                  stopped after moving to Stapleford.     done, Jean) and yourself (and                both multiple sites and a large team of people, including    phone call please ring 0300 234 5555 (8am to 6pm,
                 Alan Chamley                                        I still enjoy Sawston Scene and      Yasmin) over the last decade.                those with experience of managing this sort of situation.    Monday to Friday) or contact us with non-urgent queries
                 01223 836890                                     I look forward to my copy coming           The Sawston Scene is a well               This gives us options for delivery of care that are not      by email on We will still
                                 through the door. Long may it           established (and award-winning)              open to many practices during any epidemic.                  see patients where it is clinically essential, after we have
                SU B S C R I P T ION S
                                                                  continue – I know a lot of hard work    contributor and resource for the                                                                          done a remote assessment. We are working hard to make
                   Cheryl Ellis                                   goes into it. Muriel Orchard            local community and we are proud             UP TO DATE IN FORM ATI ON:                                   sure that those who are housebound will continue to
                  01223 834853                                                                            to be part of its history and delighted      At a national level the Public Health England website:       receive their medications.
                                   T HE JOY OF C OL L AT I N G             with its ongoing success. Well done       As a community we can help each other – both by
                                                                  My wife, Jeannette, and I, have been    and many congratulations to all              and N HS U K website:                                        following the advice given and by helping look after those
                  Jean Osborne                                    involved with the Sawston Scene         involved. David and Jeannette Warner                  who may need help within our communities. If you are
                  01223 832472                                    since the very early days but were                                                   provide up-to-date information about the national            able to volunteer to help out in your immediate area,
                                  not quite founder members!              FO R M ER E DI TO R                          situation and plans, and health advice.                      please email your details to
                     ACCOU N TS                                      We were both on the committee        It is difficult to comprehend that              At Granta we will be keeping our website
                 Mike Tapson                                      involved in collating and, in my        fifty years have passed since the first updated regularly to        PRAC TI C AL ADVIC E
                01223 500700                                      case, using Letraset (rub-down dry      issue in April 1970.                         reflect the local situation and our actions at Granta,       First and foremost is the need to wash your hands on a
                               transfer letters) onto the typed            All the aims and hopes of that           along with our social media accounts. We may also use        regular basis – warm water and soap for at least twenty
                           DI A RY                                masters to provide headings and add     first issue, and much more, have             SMS messaging to mobile phones to communicate any            seconds. This alone will help slow down the spread of
            Enter your events at                                  character to the magazine.              been achieved. This is due to the            urgent messages. Please let us know if you have changed      the virus and help protect you, your family and our
                                 An anecdote from the very early      many dedicated, talented, and                your mobile number or have one you haven’t told us.          community.   SS
                                                                  years relates to a young lady on the    imaginative people who have                                                                                                            d note that green bins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Bag your used tissues, an
                   Designed and typeset by
                       Beck Laxton                                committee (who I shall call Karen)      worked so hard through the years to          PRI ORITISATION                                                                         38 >>
                                                                  who went touting for people to help     keep the magazine going. They                The current evidence is that for the vast majority of the       are cancelled. See page
                      Printed by
             E & E Plumridge Ltd, Linton                          with collating. Our neighbour at the    have developed it into the
         Sawston Scene is not responsible for the opinions
                                                                  time (who I shall call John) told me    professional and interesting                  SAWSTO N COVI D- 19 MUTUAL AI D                                 can to support you through these challenges.
                                                                  of his excitement on being asked if     magazine it is today, in 2020.
    expressed by contributors or the content of advertisements,                                                                                                  e are a group of people in Sawston                       You may see a flier through your doors in the
         and is not associated with Sawston Parish Council,
     except that members of the production team may also be       he was interested in what he had            A very big thank you to everyone                   who want to help during this                           coming days or have had one already, probably with
                         parish councillors.                      heard as ‘copulating’ having never      – and very best wishes for the future.        difficult time: perhaps doing and picking up                    #ViralKindness at bottom right.
                Copyright is retained by the writers,             heard the term collating. He was        June Thomas, Editor 1970 to 1971              shopping and prescriptions or supporting                          Please contact the person named on the leaflet
          artists and photographers. If you would like to
        reproduce any content, please contact the editor.
                                                                  soon made to understand!                                                              with a friendly voice over the phone to                         and we will contact our group of local neighbours
                                                                     I was editor for just one year       EG G S F O R                                  those experiencing difficulties through self-isolation.     to help provide what you need.
              Deadline for June–July 2020:
                  Sunday 17th May                                 which I enjoyed but soon discovered     A DD EN BRO OK E’ S                              We are not a replacement for any medical advice or         Stay safe and stay well.
      To find out how to send in an article, put an
                                                                  that when the rest of the editorial     My son Max Mckenzie and his                   any healthcare needs but a friendly group of people           Contact the number you have or 01223 562 871 if
          event in the diary, or advertise, go to                 committee went home it was down         brother Harley are collecting Easter          who care about our neighbours. We will do what we           you haven’t or email
                                    to me to tie everything together! I     eggs in again for the children at the

4                                                                                                                                     April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                         5
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Adam Lewis of Sawston
    your local tree surgeon
     All types of tree work undertaken
                                                               ANDREW EVANS
                                                        01954 780 999 – 01223 864335

                                                        ✓ Carpet Cleaning
                                                                                Family Business Since 1980
                                                                                               ✓ Carpet & Fabric Protection
                                                                                                                                                  Your local
                                                                                                                                                 kebab van
                                                                                                                                                 since 1985
                                                                                                                                              Link Road lay-by
                                                                                                                                                                                  official advice
                                                        ✓ Upholstery Cleaning                  ✓ Allergy Relief Treatment
                                                        ✓ Tile & Grout Cleaning                ✓ Odour Eradication                                5pm to 11pm
                                                        ✓ Leather Cleaning                     ✓ Stain Removal
     For free advice and a free quote:                  ✓ Oriental Rug Cleaning                ✓ Carpet Fitting
                                                                                                                               Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
                                                                                                                                 5pm to 12pm Saturday, Sunday
      01223 721767 · 07786 636110                                                                                                           Short of time? Call 07798 717444                                                                                                                          then pick up your order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               From the U K government at

                                                                                                                                                                                         he N HS in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and

               BRICK HOUSE                                 C&C            Blinds                                              Cambridge Garden Machinery
                                                                                                                                      Sales, services and repairs
                                                                                                                              Free collection and delivery in local area
                                                                                                                                                                                         Public Health England (PH E ) are well prepared
                                                                                                                                                                                         for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The N HS
                                                                                                                                                                                  has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               T     he advice for anyone in any setting is to follow these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     main guidelines.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID -
                                                           supply and fit all kinds of blinds
               COFFEE SHOP                                         Any size, any colour
                                                                                                                                  Authorised Hayter service centre                patients and N HS staff while also ensuring services are     19) are recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or
                                                                                                                                                                                  available to the public as normal.                           high temperature.
               Freshly made                                        All made to measure                                                                                               The country is moving into the ‘Delay’ stage of the          If you have these symptoms, however mild, stay at
         Breakfast – Lunch – Coffee                                For free quotes, call:                                                                                         response to coronavirus.                                     home and do not leave your house for 7 days from when
                                                                                                                                         01223 833570
    Monday to Saturday 8am to 4pm · Sunday 9am to 2pm                 01223 211171                                                                                                                                  your symptoms started. You do not need to call N H S 111

                                                          Cerberus Security C H I R O P O D I S T
             Link Road, Sawston: 07909 617613
                                                                      07761 262070                                                        STAY AT HOME IF YOU HAV E EITHER:                            to go into self-isolation.
                                                                                                                                                                                  • a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your            If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are

                                                                                                                                                                                    chest or back                                              no better after 7 days, contact N H S 111 online. If you
                                                                                                                                                                                  • a new, continuous cough – this means you've started        have no internet access, you should call N H S 111. For a

                                                                                      of Sawston
                                                                                                                                  David Levy MSSCh MBChA
                                                                                                                                        practising since 1993
                                                                                                                                                                                    coughing repeatedly                                        medical emergency dial 999.
                 Based in Linton
                                                                                      OAP discount
        All types of traditional blinds                                                                                               • Home visiting practice
                                                                                      No call-out fee
     Free measuring, free quotation, free                                                                                                                                            Do not go to a G P surgery, pharmacy or hospital.            Wash your hands more often than usual, for twenty
                                                                                                                                     • Saturday morning clinic
                                                                                      Police vetted
          fitting, seven days a week                                                                                                                                                                                                           seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after
                                                           Call us now on 01223 902 234
                                                                                                                                       £20 nail-cutting service
                                                                                                                                                    You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're        coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being

                                                                                                                                   at Billson Opticians, Sawston
            or text 07774 168833                                                                                                                                                  staying at home.                                             in public areas where other people are doing so. Use
                                                                                                01223 834634 • 07966 136972                                                                                     hand sanitiser if that’s all you have access to.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Testing for coronavirus is not needed if you're staying      To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or
                                                                            E J Harvey                                        The Garden Boys                                     at home (also called self-isolation).                        sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your
                                                               Painting & Decorating                                          locally based & eminently affordable                                                                             sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue, and
                                                                 Quality decoration                                               Fencing, hedge cutting, pruning,                HOW LONG TO STAY AT HOME                                     throw the tissue in a bin immediately. Then wash your
                                                                   Dustless sanding                                             turfing, patios, garden maintenance,              • If you have symptoms, stay at home for 7 days              hands or use a hand sanitising gel.
                                                            Clean, friendly, reliable service                                          and much more besides.                     • If you live with other people, they should stay at home       Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and
                                                                      Free quotes                                                     Contact John (old boy) or                     for 14 days from the day the first person got symptoms     surfaces using your regular cleaning products to reduce
                                                                                                                                    Ian (quite a bit younger boy)
                                                                         07732 873171                                          T: 01223 833490 M: 07886 873086
                                                                                                                                                                                  • If you live with someone who is 70 or over, has a long-    the risk of passing the infection on to other people.
                                                                                           Email:                    term condition, is pregnant or has a weakened                 At the current time and based on our understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                    immune system, try to find somewhere else for them to      of what is known of C OVID -19 and other similar
                                                                                                                                                                                    stay for 14 days.                                          respiratory viruses, it is likely that older people and those
    The Gas Specialist Ltd                              Reiki & Crystal Healing
                                                        including children and
                                                                                                                                  L. A. Kerridge                                  • If you have to stay at home together, try to keep away     with chronic medical conditions may be vulnerable to
    (Dave Hatter) 01223 844866                          animals                                                                     painting and decorating                         from each other as much as possible.                       severe disease. As more information emerges,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               recommendations may change. 
                                                        (Linton – You Beauty Cambridge)          Email
                                                                                                  15 years + experienced tradesman                                                                                                                   SS
    Service and repair all domestic gas
                                                        Community Reiki                          Phone                         Quality interior and exterior decoration           USE THE NH S 111 ON LINE
    appliances: boilers, cookers, fires                                                          07815 608897
                                                        Healing Clinic                           Instagram                             Artex ceilings smoothed                    CORON AV IRU S SERVI CE IF:
                                                        (Linton Village Hall)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PL EASE NOTE
    Power flushing of central                                                                    @Kalma_Reiki                         Free estimates and quotes                   • you feel you cannot cope with your
                                                                                                 Facebook                                                                                                                          These pages were edited on Sunday 22nd March 2020 then
    heating systems                                     Relaxation Classes                                                       Telephone 01223 832 745
                                                                                                 @KalmaReiki                                                                        symptoms at home                               printed on 23rd to 25th March. By the time you read this, things
                                                        (Linton, Sawston, Stapleford,            Website
    GSR 131405 Est 1994                                                                                                                                                           • your condition gets worse                      may have changed. Please try to keep up to date while staying safe.
                                                        Arthur Rank)                                Mobile 07843 850 484
                                                                                                                                                                                  • your symptoms do not get better after          See page 5 for websites to look at or phone:
    LAY ELECTRICAL                                             Qualified Surgical                                             ARE
                                                                                                                              ARE Y
                                                                                                                              AR  YOU
                                                                                                                                  YO IN
                                                                                                                                      I PA
                                                                                                                                        PAIN                                        seven days                                         To put you in touch with your neighbours
                                                                                                                                                                                    Only call 111 if you cannot get help               Sawston Mutual Aid: 01223 562 871
         sales and repairs                                       Chiropodist                                                             Call 012
                                                                                                                                         Cal  01
                                                                                                                                              0122  8
                                                                                                                                                    84 48
                                                                                                                                                    844 488
                                                                                                                                                        4                         online.                                              Local council members for help and advice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brian Milnes, South Cambs District Council:
    washing machines · vacuum                                Julie A Boagey MSSCh MBChA
                                                                                                                              Shelfo   Physiotherap
                                                                                                                                       Phy                                          As this is a fast-moving situation, you            07971 886113
      cleaners · TVs · videos                                         Phone 01799 530216                                                                                          should stay up to date with the latest N HS          Clerk of Sawston Parish Council: 01223 832470
                                                                      Mobile 07866 698869                                     S
                                                                                                                                t       Hatt
                                                                                                                                        H      B
                                                                                                                                                 S                                guidelines or ask a friend or neighbour to           Chair of Sawston Parish Council: 07940 859660
     66 High Street, Great Shelford                                                                                                A Chartered Physiotherapist                    phone you if they change.
                                                           For private treatment in your own home                                      Registered with the HPC
               01223 842488
6                                                                                                                                                               April–May 2020    April–May 2020                                                                                                           7
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Coronavirus:                                                                                                                      England to expand the virus testing programme.
                                                                                                                                  Engineers are working on accessible, open-source designs
                                                                                                                                  for manufacturing respirators. Logistics experts are trying
                                                                                                                                                                                                mammal and then into humans, but such problems are
                                                                                                                                                                                                not unique to China. They can happen anywhere when
                                                                                                                                                                                                people encounter animals. The Ebola virus emerged in

your questions answered
                                                                                                                                  to organise all the offers of help into workable teams.       central Africa – possibly from a bat, but no one is certain
                                                                                                                                  And of course, those who can work directly on studying        – while the MER S virus emerged in the Middle East,
                                                                                                                                  coronavirus – developing candidate vaccines or drug           where it circulates in camels. For all we know, the next
                                                                                                                                  treatments – are still at work: these are the only            emerging virus could appear in a British farm, but it

          ll the information below is gathered from               from patients who have recovered from an infection, or          laboratories in Cambridge that have not shut down.            would probably be unhelpful to name it ‘British flu’!
          reputable sources such as the World Health              even to synthesise new antibodies in the lab, to see if             The outbreak of COVID -19 has drawn together
          Organisation (W HO ) and other scientific groups        they are able to fight off the infection in patients whose      scientists and companies in a way we haven’t seen before.     Can my pets catch the virus, and can they spread it?
around the world. More data are being generated every             own bodies cannot do so effectively.                            Where normally companies might compete to be the first        There has been one instance of a dog being infected in
day, so the numbers and information below are the                                                                                 to discover a new treatment, all the leading scientists       Hong Kong, but to date there is no evidence that a dog,
current best estimates, and may change over time. Please          How soon can we hope to have a coronavirus vaccine?             have been working together on COVID -19 to tackle the         cat or any pet can transmit the virus that causes COV ID -
refer to the W H O for the latest information.                    With previous disease outbreaks, it has taken a long time       outbreak. The BioIndustry Association (BIA ) in the UK        19. It is mainly spread through droplets produced when
   Dr Catherine J. Merrick, Senior lecturer at Cambridge          to start developing new vaccines. First, scientists must        is one example where scientists from across the country       an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks – so to
University, Department of Pathology                               gather enough information about a disease, and sequence         have been brought together, driving efforts to develop        protect yourself, clean your hands frequently and
   Dr Ben Grimshaw, Research Scientist at Kymab Ltd               the genome from any new virus. For C OV ID -19, the             vaccines, antibodies and other treatments. New testing        thoroughly. However, the W HO continues to monitor
                                                                  virus was identified and sequenced extremely quickly, so        methods now being developed will be faster and more           the latest research on this and will update us as new
What are we doing to develop new drugs against                    vaccine design and testing has already begun. A                 reliable, to give a more accurate picture of how the virus    findings are available.
coronavirus, and how quickly?                                     company in the USA (Moderna Therapeutics) created a             is spreading through the population. Other barriers, such        It does seem likely that this virus came originally from
Developing a brand new drug to combat any human                   possible vaccine just forty-two days after the C OVID -19       as the ability to make large amounts of a drug/vaccine in     animals, but these are unlikely to be domesticated pets.
disease is a long and expensive process. It needs many            genome was published, with the aim to start testing this        a short space of time, are also being investigated.           The genome sequence information that we have from the
rounds of safety and efficacy testing called ‘clinical trials’.   in humans in April. There are more than thirty                                                                                COVID -19 virus allows us to trace back where the virus
These are crucial because unsafe drugs can have                   companies and academic institutions around the world            Is this really ‘the Chinese virus’, as President Trump        may have originated, and current information is that
devastating consequences – just remember thalidomide              investigating possible vaccines, and a lot of collaboration     has been calling it?                                          sometime in the 1970s to 80s, the virus was transmitted
in the 1950s and 60s. However, we might not have time             between companies.                                              Viruses have no race or nationality, so this designation is   from bats to another (as yet unknown) non-human
for this whole process when facing C OV ID -19. So                   The aim is to make a vaccine as soon as possible. Sir        basically meaningless. In fact, the World Health              species. It was then passed on to humans sometime
instead, scientists are mainly concentrating on trying out        Patrick Vallance (the government’s chief science adviser)       Organisation advises against naming any new diseases          between October and December 2019 (the first case was
existing drugs that might work in this new                                                                                        via geography or nationality, to avoid stigmatising one       reported by the WHO on 8th December 2019).
context. We already know that they are safe and
effective against other infections, so we have a
                                                          “Those studying coronavirus are                                         group of people. (An example would be the obsolete
                                                                                                                                  ‘Spanish flu’ of 1918: that virus probably didn’t actually    Permission from WHO is not required for the use of WHO
head-start on the testing – but can they help us
with C OV ID -19? Clinical trials are still required,
                                                        the only laboratories in Cambridge                                        originate in Spain but instead in the U SA . The Spanish
                                                                                                                                  were not to blame for the pandemic. Yet the name
                                                                                                                                                                                                materials issued under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Intergovernmental Organization
giving these drugs to a large number of infected                  that have not shut down.”                                       stuck.) This new coronavirus did apparently originate in      (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO ) licence: see
patients to see if they can reduce disease                                                                                        China, probably jumping from a bat into another               about/who-we-are/publishing-policies/copyright 
symptoms, and whether there are any bad side effects.             has said that a timeframe of twelve to eighteen months is
   Two main candidates at present are a group of ‘anti-           “not unreasonable to assume”, but some companies have
virals’ developed for infections like H IV , and a drug
called chloroquine that was once widely used against
                                                                  ambitious aims to have a vaccine even sooner than that.
                                                                  Nevertheless, it is vital to test any new vaccine for its
                                                                                                                                           ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL
malaria. Clinical trials on both of these, and others too,        safety and possible side-effects, usually in animals before
are underway right now – for example, the U K -based              humans, and this process cannot safely be truncated.            All non-essential face-to-face outpatient                     Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group said:
company Synairgen have just announced that they                      If a vaccine is found, one major obstacle facing the         appointments and planned procedures and operations            “As part of our preparations for an increase in coronavirus
intend to start a Phase II clinical trial imminently, using       world will be the ability to make enough of it to               will be postponed.                                            cases, we need to ensure that we have as many beds
a drug that was previously tested in asthma patients with         vaccinate enough people to provide general protection              This is effective from this Friday 20th March 2020,        available as possible across Cambridgeshire and
viral respiratory infections. We should have results from         against the virus. So, when we get to the point of having       and will last for a period of at least three months.          Peterborough to care for patients with severe respiratory
all these trials within a few months. Nobody is expecting         an effective vaccine, it is likely that governments will           We appreciate that this is unwelcome news. We would        problems when the number of infections peaks.
a miracle cure, but we do believe that some of the drugs          choose to vaccinate vulnerable people and key workers           like to reassure you that you will remain in your current        “Therefore, in line with well-established plans
might reduce the symptoms.                                        first, before the general population, since demand will         pathway for your appointment, and that you will not be        for situations like this, we are now suspending all non-
   A word of warning, though – if you have these drugs            initially be higher than supply.                                asked to go back to your GP to get re-referred once           urgent elective operations and outpatient treatment from
at home, or are trying to buy them online against a                                                                               normal service resumes.                                       20 March for at least three months, with some other
possible COVID -19 infection, this would be ‘off-label            What are local and national scientists doing to help?              We will update you when we can to let you know             procedures likely to be rescheduled before then so we can
self-prescribing’: it is a potentially dangerous risk to take     The Cambridge area has a large population of scientists         when your appointment can be rescheduled.                     train our staff and adapt certain areas.
any drug until there is solid medical evidence that it            associated with Cambridge University and with local                If you have not heard anything from the hospital              “Urgent and emergency cases and cancer treatments
really works against this disease!                                science and technology firms. Many of us are now                regarding your appointment you should still come in.          will be carrying on as normal, but we know many
   Finally, it might possible to develop sophisticated new        confined to our homes because our workplaces are                   Urgent and emergency cases and cancer treatments           people waiting for treatment will be disappointed or
drugs called ‘antibody therapeutics’ against C OV ID -19.         closed, but we are far from idle! Biologists with suitable      will be carrying on as normal.                                worried, and we will be contacting everyone affected as
Biotechnology companies are working to test antibodies            training are offering their services to Public Health              A spokesperson for the Cambridgeshire and                  soon as possible.”  SS

8                                                                                                                April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                           9
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Coronavirus:                                                                                                                 eliminate viruses that may • DO talk to others using technology available
                                                                                                                             be on your hands and             (WhatsApp/Zoom/Skype/phones/FaceTime etc)
                                                                                                                             avoid infection that could • DO offer help if you're able to (Sawston Mutual
                                                                                                                             occur by then touching           Aid group)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Should I wear a mask to protect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Only wear a mask if you are ill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with COVID -19 symptoms

                                                                                                                             your eyes, mouth, and         • DO ask for help if you need it                            (especially coughing) or looking
                                                                                                                             nose. These viruses are       • DO get fresh air, even if it's just going out into        after someone who may have
                                                                                                                             highly sensitive to              the garden.                                              COV ID -19. Disposable face masks
                                                                                                                             detergents, such as those                                                                 can only be used once. If you are
                                                                                                                             in soap and in the powder/detergent used for washing            not ill or looking after someone who is ill then you are

      or the benefit of reaaders without internet             Can eating garlic help prevent infection?                      machines, so washing your hands with soap, and washing          wasting a mask. There is a world-wide shortage of masks,
      access, here is advice from the World Heath             Garlic is a healthy food that may have some                    your clothes/bedding with your usual detergent and              so W H O urges people to use masks wisely. W HO advises
      Organization website at                     antimicrobial properties. However, there is no evidence        settings (no need to increase the temperature) is the most      rational use of medical masks to avoid unnecessary
                                                              from the current outbreak that eating garlic has               effective way to protect yourself and those around you.         wastage of precious resources and mis-use of masks.   SS
Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are          protected people from the new coronavirus.
younger people also susceptible?
People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus     Can spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body                     is taking measures to ensure the                                     perishable foods and household items with
(2019-nCoV or CoV-2). Older people, and people with
pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma,
                                                              kill the new coronavirus?
                                                              No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will
                                                                                                                             J   HC
                                                                                                                                 wellbeing of its staff and visiting clients
                                                                                                                             and stakeholders during the current health
                                                                                                                                                                                                           some urgency. If you’re able to add a couple
                                                                                                                                                                                                           more items to your regular shop to help
diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to      not kill viruses that have already entered your body.          emergency, and we are monitoring these                                        ensure J HC has enough stock to maintain
becoming severely ill with the virus. W HO advises            Spraying such substances can be harmful to clothes or          daily. At the time of going to press the                                      this important service for local people in real
people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves        mucous membranes (i.e. eyes, mouth). Be aware that             charity is operating a normal service but                                     need we’d be very grateful.
from the virus, for example by following good hand            both alcohol and chlorine can be useful to disinfect           please check our website regularly for                                                     We can also accept donations of
hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.                         surfaces, but they need to be used under appropriate           updates. Telephone appointments                 John Huntingdon’s Charity               money to help those locally in this
                                                              recommendations.                                               will be made available in future, if                 difficult time. Cheques can be made
Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat                                                                         required.                                              01223 492 492                    payable   to John Huntingdon’s
the new coronavirus?                                          Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help                                                                 Charity, and we can accept bank
To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to         prevent infection with the new coronavirus?                    VISITIN G JHC IN PERS ON                                                                transfers: please contact us for
prevent or treat the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV).             No. There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose       If you need to speak to one of our                                                      details. We will distribute funds to
However, those infected with the virus should receive         with saline has protected people from infection with the       advisers or wish to visit the J HC offices for any other         local people who come to us facing hardship.
appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those     new coronavirus. There is some limited evidence that           reason but feel unwell, especially if you have been to an           Donations of food or cash can be delivered to the JH C
with severe illness should receive optimized supportive       regularly rinsing nose with saline can help people             infected area or have been in contact with someone who           offices at 189 High Street, Sawston CB 22 3 H J during our
care. Some specific treatments are under investigation        recover more quickly from the common cold. However,            has, you should stay at home and telephone us on                 normal opening hours, and there are drop-off points at
and will be tested through clinical trials. W HO is helping   regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent       492492 instead.                                                  Footprints Café in Sawston Free Church, St. Mary’s
to accelerate research and development efforts with a         respiratory infections.                                           It is very important to check and                  Church and in the Sawston Co-op. However, this is
range of partners.                                                                                                  regularly for the latest medical guidance.            being reviewed on a daily basis so best to telephone or
                                                              Are hand dryers effective in killing the new coronavirus?                                                                       check the website first. The distribution of food bags to
Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the         No. Hand dryers are not effective in killing the 2019-         FOOD AND C A SH DONATI ONS                                       those in need is at J HC . If you know of someone who
new coronavirus?                                              nCoV. To protect yourself against the new coronavirus,         We are anticipating increased demand locally for help            needs a food bag, please get in touch.
No. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal          you should frequently clean your hands with an alcohol-        from our foodbank and welcome your donations of non-                Jill Hayden, Charity Manager     SS
vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib)                based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Once
vaccine, do not provide protection against the new            your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly
coronavirus. The virus is so new and different that it
needs its own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop
a vaccine against 2019-nCoV, and W H O is supporting
                                                              by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.

                                                              Can an ultraviolet disinfection lamp kill the new
                                                                                                                              P   lease be
                                                                                                                                  assured that
                                                                                                                              we are monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                respiratory diseases and diabetes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   We must also prioritise those who do not have
                                                                                                                                                                                                any external support (such as family, friends or
their efforts. Although these other vaccines are not          coronavirus?                                                    Public Health and                                                 neighbours supporting them).
effective against 2019-nCoV, vaccination against              UV lamps should not be used to sterilise hands or other         Government                                                           If you think you may have the virus and have
respiratory illnesses is highly recommended to protect        areas of skin as UV radiation can cause skin irritation.        advice daily and                                                  symptoms of high temperature, cough, shortness of
your health.                                                                                                                  are responding accordingly.                                    breath, please let us know.
                                                              Taking a hot bath does not prevent the new                         We are likely to be delivering our services differently
Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the      coronavirus disease.                                            in order to reduce the risk of infection and spreading           If you have been advised to self-isolate and need
new coronavirus?                                              Taking a hot bath will not prevent you from catching            the infection. You will be kept informed of any changes        extra support from us please contact us:
No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only             COVID -19. Your normal body temperature remains                 that affect you.
bacteria. The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus          around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the temperature of            We are supporting thousands of older people (and               PHON E 0300 666 9860
and, therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a means     your bath or shower. Actually, taking a hot bath with           the number is rising) and must prioritise those who are           EMA IL
of prevention or treatment. However, if you are               extremely hot water can be harmful, as it can burn you.         considered to be at higher risk, namely those with
hospitalized for the 2019-nCoV, you may receive               The best way to protect yourself against COVID -19 is by        conditions such as cardiovascular disease, chronic
antibiotics because bacterial co-infection is possible.       frequently cleaning your hands. By doing this you

10                                                                                                          April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                            11
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
Fifty years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    young members start to truly discover themselves
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and grow in confidence. Having launched SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Juniors in 2005 and more recently (since 2016)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    directed SYD Seniors, I am absolutely delighted to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    be returning to SYD Juniors this year to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                    our newest leadership team in continuing to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the jewel shine bright!

                                                                                                                                                                                                     SYD 7S AGE 11-1 2 SC HOOL YEA R 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jackie Green, S YD 7s founder and director 2009 –
                                                                                                                                                                                                    SYD 7s is now going in to its twelfth year and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    now an established part of the S Y D family and
                                                                                                                              we work with today and have since 1970. Sawston Youth          the SYD calendar. As a group, S Y D 7s has probably
                                                                                                                              Drama is not just a musical theatre group. SYD Seniors is      undergone more changes than the other groups as it has
                                                                                                                              not just the flagship of youth entertainment. This is
                                                                                                                              something special, and we will keep that flag flying for the
                                                                                                                              next fifty years too.

          short history of Sawston Youth Drama… S Y D          what matters the most – the enjoyment of the young
          started life as Sawston Youth Centre Drama           people we work with. For half a century SYD Seniors            SYD JUNIORS AGE 12–14 , (YEAR S 8 AN D 9)
          Group in 1968, with students from the local          have entertained the people of Sawston and surrounding         Adam Bonner, S YD Juniors founder and director 2005–15,
village college joining together for improvised drama          villages, fostered talents and developed skills, built         S YD Seniors Director 2016–19, S YD Juniors Director 2020
sessions. In 1970 the first major musical – Oklahoma! –        friendships and given those who are now professional           SYD Juniors is a testament to the popularity of musical
was performed. For the next twenty-eight years the             performers their first taste of the spotlight. We look back    theatre among young people and the safe, creative,
group worked hard to produce shows and give the young          and reflect on the successes of years gone by and aspire to    supportive and nurturing environment that has been
people of the community something rewarding and                take the group even further.                                   developed at SYD through the hard work and
exciting to do.                                                                                                               dedication of so many people. As a former member and
   In 1998 the group became Sawston Youth Drama                                                                               performer in SYD Seniors, I witnessed first-hand the
with the input of a youth committee and a new                                                                                 rapid transformation that the group went through due
production team. SY D blossomed and along the way                                                                             to the increased popularity and accessibility of musical       grown and developed over the years. Our very
we formed new groups to cope with the increasing                                                                              theatre. It was becoming more and more difficult to            first production was a semi-devised piece called Ocean
demand. SY D Juniors were born in 2004, putting on                                                                            select shows and give opportunities to all of our members      World and was performed in the Henry Morris Hall – a
their first show – The Young Ones – in 2005, while                                                                            and so SYD Juniors was born!                                   steep learning curve for all involved and a great way to
S YD 7s were launched in 2009 and performed Ocean                                                                                Launching SYD Juniors with my friend and fellow SYD         kick things off. We then discovered our beloved ‘Disney
World the same year. To cater to adults we launched                                                                           member Sam Billing, supported by Mark Long, was such           Junior’ range of musicals that seemed a perfect fit for our
Sawston Theatre Company, then called S Y D Seniors,                                                                           a thrill and meant that we were able to work with and          group and we have performed many of the well-known
with a concert in 2009. In 2011 we renamed the main                                                                           impact more young people, tailor our directing to better       Junior versions of the shows including Alice in
S YD group SY D Seniors to avoid any confusion                                                                                suit their experience, push the boundaries on show             Wonderland, Mulan, Lion King and Aladdin.
between one group and the whole company.                                                                                      selection and raise the bar in nearly every area of SYD ,         Over the years, we have developed a series of musical
   Now in our fiftieth anniversary year we are working                                                                        from set design to sound, costumes to lighting, directing      theatre introductory workshops that take place over the
with around a hundred and forty young people and                                                                              and of course performance quality.                             first term, focusing on all aspects of musical theatre from
have built a team of around thirty leaders who give up                                                                           SYD Juniors is the jewel in the crown, where as a leader    singing and dancing to acting and improvisation to
their time voluntarily. Since those founding days S Y D           Now in the fiftieth Anniversary year it is a privilege      you have the pleasure of watching our
has seen over a thousand young people through our              and an honour to take the helm of this great legacy on,
doors and onto the stage. For some, S Y D is about             directing Seniors for the first time. Having founded SYD
performing. For others, a place to be with friends. For all    7s in 2009 with Jackie Green and James Camp, then
of us, though, S Y D is something very special.                taking over SYD Juniors from Adam Bonner in 2016, I
   Here is what our current directors have to say about        have worked hard to develop SYD as a group and always
their individual groups and about their time at S Y D .        been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and
                                                               professionalism of the cast and production teams alike.
SY D SENIORS AGE 14–18 (Y EAR S 10 +)                             This year we perform The Young Ones, a fitting
Gareth Furbank (SYD 7s founder and director 2009–15, SYD       production for this special year – a story of plucky
Juniors director 2016–19, SYD Seniors director 2020) writes…   youngsters who meet at a youth club with a passion for
For the last forty-nine years, S Y D Seniors has been ‘the     performance and music, taking on society through the
flagship of youth entertainment’ as we used to say. From       power of musical theatre. The passion of the characters in
Oklahoma! in 1970 to Annie in 2019, the group has              the show and their love for their youth club is indeed
grown and evolved in myriad ways but never lost sight of       appropriate as it echoes the heart of all the young people

12                                                                                                           April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                          13
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
costumes and make-up. The second and third terms are         shows and concerts over the next five years.                      t seems difficult to think a                                                                 after children turn three
spent auditioning, rehearsing and performing our chosen      Unfortunately due to commitments by many of the                   long way ahead now writes                                                                    years old – every child is
show and year by year the production values have gone        leaders, the group has not performed for a couple of              MANDY TODD , but like                                                                        entitled to this. Younger
up and up. We started off back in 2009 with no set or        years. However, we are thrilled to now be able to put on      preschools around the country,                                                                   children may be eligible
costumes – we now have a dedicated technical team,           a concert of songs from past SYD shows to kick off the        we at Pippins were about to                                                                      for funding from age two.
stage crew and costume and make-up department that           celebrations for SYD ’s fiftieth anniversary year.            start offering sessions for                                                                      Many are also eligible for
produce the most wonderful sets, lighting and costumes.         My own involvement with SYD started when I                 children who are eligible to                                                                      more than fifteen hours of
All this makes for a truly professional experience for our   performed in Fiddler on the Roof in 1976 and I went on to     start in September 2020. If                                                                       funding – visit
youngest performers, giving them a great foundation for      perform in many productions, coming back to be in             your child is about two years
then going on to perform with S Y D Juniors and Seniors.     Follies in 1996. When ST C was formed it seemed like          old, now is a good time to start                                 for more information
                                                             coming home to be able to perform again on the Marven         thinking about their preschool.                                   on childcare costs, and we can chat about how many
SAW STON THEATR E COMPANY (STC) 1 8+                         Centre stage. I’m not sure why it has such a pull over me                                                                       hours are available. If you need to pay for sessions, then
Dawn Furbank, S YD member 1976–96, S T C member 2010         or many other leaders who have performed elsewhere as         WH Y PR ESC HOOL?                                                 we currently charge £16.50 per three-hour session.
– present                                                    well – it certainly can’t be the smell of the building we     What does ‘going to Pippins’ mean for children? At
The idea of an adult group for S Y D leaders, past members   all know and love! Our rehearsals can be hard work but        Pippins, we accept children aged two years and six                CHOOS ING A PRE SCHOOL
and other interested people was discussed off and on for a   are filled with laughter and there is a tremendous            months up to just before they go to primary school (if            Does your child have to go to the primary school next to
while before eventually S T C was formed in 2009. The        camaraderie between the members. The opportunity for          you need childcare for younger children, you need a               their preschool? No, it’s entirely up to you which primary
primary aim of ST C was to have a sustainable group that     all of us to perform as an extension of SYD is a real         nursery or childminder). At this age, most children are           schools you put on the application form. Like most
gave opportunities to adults in the area, while supporting   privilege and knowing that we can help the group by           ready to play away from home for a few hours – and they           preschools locally, we have a team of parents and
S YD and raising some much-needed funds for the group.       raising extra funds hopefully means the group will be         learn such a lot through play. Communicating, sharing,            grandparents who form the committee which oversees
We put on our first full production in 2011 and further      here for many years to come.    SS                           counting, colours, reading, role play, running, dancing,          Pippins, much like the governing body at a primary school.
                                                                                                                           singing, eating new food, gardening... it’s all go!               Pippins staff make sure that parents are part of life here at
                                                                                                                              Staff help children to develop their understanding of          Pippins – we know that you are your child’s first teachers!
                                                                                                                           the world around them, and work towards a successful                 One parent told us: “As a former childcare

                                          T     ina Spencer,
                                                Head of
                                          nursery, recently
                                                                                            Tina created a booklet
                                                                                         explaining the SE ND
                                                                                         process to share with staff,
                                                                                                                           start at primary school. At Pippins, we try to offer as
                                                                                                                           broad an experience as possible for our children – this
                                                                                                                                                                                             professional, I am very picky about who looks after my
                                                                                                                                                                                             child. The Pippins staff are outstanding! From before my
                                                                                                                           year, we’ve introduced outdoor Forest School sessions.            son even started attending Pippins, I felt like all of the
                                          celebrated being                               parents and carers, as often      The joy the children have got from playing in the trees is        staff were so interested in getting to know him as an
                                          one of the first                               people are not
                                                                                                                           astonishing – and they’re so much more confident at               individual, and working with me to make sure he felt
                                          people in the                                  knowledgeable about the
                                                                                                                           using their bodies to move around. We have weekly                 confident and happy from his first day. Now, I can’t get
                                          county to achieve the new Level 3     support available and the process
F   ollowing the most recent
    Government announcements we
have taken the difficult decision to
                                          qualification for those working
                                          with children with Special
                                                                                involved. The staff have been
                                                                                trained to create clear Individual
                                                                                                                           sports and Musical Bumps sessions too – last week, a
                                                                                                                           child listened to a C D and recognised correctly that a
                                                                                                                           violin was playing!
                                                                                                                                                                                             him to leave at the end of the day!” Another parent said,
                                                                                                                                                                                             “My son is more confident, more physically able and
                                                                                                                                                                                             much more social and vocal since his time at Pippins.
                                          Educational Needs and Disability      Child Plans with short and long
cancel all of our groups from centres     (S E N D ). Tina was already the      term targets all of which are                 It’s amazing how happy children are to try new food            You’ve been so kind and encouraging to him. We are all
and outreach venues. We have              designated Special Educational        shared with parents and carers.            when they see their friends having some. At Pippins,              so grateful to all of you at Pippins and thank you from
taken this step to protect you and        Needs Coordinator and took the           Having a child’s additional needs       children bring in fruit and veg to share in the morning.          the bottom of our hearts.”
your families, and our staff teams        qualification to develop her role     already identified helps to ensure a       Last week, one child pointed at a pineapple and said
and to prevent the spread of              within the nursery.                   smooth transition from nursery to          “What’s that?” When we explained it was pineapple, he             WHE N ARE YOU OPEN? W HE N C A N I VIS IT?
infection. For now, our doors will            Through undertaking the           school. And doing the course will          said he wasn’t sure about pineapple but agreed to have a          Like most preschools, we’re usually open for 38 weeks a
remain open for pre-arranged              course, Tina was pleased to also be   help us help ensure the children           little try. “Okay, I’ll take just the one piece so that there’s   year during school term-time only. Children can attend
appointments and individual callers.      able to enhance the team’s            achieve the best possible outcomes         some left for my friends.”                                        from 9am to noon, or noon to 3pm, or 9am to 3pm.
   We recognise how important it is       understanding and awareness of        in their learning and development.
that families and community               working with S E N D children. It     Vivien Rowell                              WH EN SHOULD I A PPLY?                                            CORONAVI RUS UPDATE
members can continue to access            was important to ensure                                                          Most preschools keep a waiting list – so you can sign             Like all educational settings, we are awaiting further
information and vital social support      we were all working                                                              your child up from a few months old, if you’d like. It’s          instruction from the local authority as to what form
during this time. Our teams are still     together for the best                                                            best to enquire about signing up before they turn two, as         Pippins will be operating in the foreseeable future. As
available to support in a variety of      interest of the child and                                                        otherwise you may find that there aren’t any spaces. But          advised by the Government, we will do all we can to stay
ways; we will use social media to         families involved.                                                               it’s worth enquiring at any age – often a preschool will be       open, in some form, for the children of key workers,
provide information updates and               “I now understand how                                                        able to find a space for older children, as we all want to        others in the frontline services and children with certain
welcome you to contact us on:             early identification of                                                          help make sure children are ready for primary school              needs. We will keep you updated by email and will also
01954 284672                              needs, together with                                                             when that times come.                                             put any information on our website and Facebook as soon
   For families receiving one to one      appropriate support, can                                                                                                                           as we know more. To clarify, this means that from Friday
support our staff will be in touch to     help children who have                                                           HOW MU CH DOES IT C OST?                                          20th March, Pippins will be closed until further notice.
discuss the help you may need.            Special Educational Needs                                                        It might not cost you anything at all! At Pippins, we                Once everything has settled back to normal, you’d be
   Please do not hesitate to contact      or disabilities to achieve                                                       accept various forms of early years funding; Funded 2s,           very welcome to bring your child in for a visit – at
us if you need our support.               and thrive leading to good                                                       extended entitlement, childcare vouchers... The                   Pippins, every day is an open day! Thank you for all your
Sally Stephenson                          transitions in life,” she says.                                                  government pay for fifteen hours per week from the term           support in this very challenging time for us all. 

14                                                                                                        April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                              15
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
                                  he school is now closed for                                                                     While we were busy                                                                          We managed to pose the
                                  normal business until                                                                        coding we were also                                                                            best selfie out of all the
                                  further notice. From                                                                         tasked to create a project                                                                     teams, experimenting
                          Monday 23rd March, as outlined                                                                       that might help the world                                                                      with posters and
                          in the government's guidance, the                                                                    in the future. For our                                                                         experimenting with
                          school will only open for                                                                            innovation project we                                                                          poses. Not only did we
                          vulnerable children and those                                                                        chose to create a better                                                                       leave with two medals,
                          children of key workers where it is                                                                  way for storing bikes.                                                                         we also left with a box
                          absolutely necessary to send them                                                                    However, we discovered                                                                         of chocolates, which we
                          into school. No other pupils                                                                         Japan was already                                                                              happily consumed.
should attend school and should instead stay at home                                                                           working on a similar                                                                              We gained a lot of
completing work online as set on ShowMyHomework                                                                                prototype design, and so                                                                       useful knowledge and
each day (from Tuesday 24th March; work on Monday                                                                              we had to make ours                                                                            experience from doing
will be generic tasks).                                         then delighted to win a plaque for the Prep Room door,         totally unique. To achieve this we took a look at what       this project that will not only help us to do better next
   It is important that as few pupils as possible are in        one of only five winners recognised in this way.               the Japanese hadn't done and worked around that. In the      year but will also help us generally. For example, we
school to protect the safety of staff and pupils while the         Technician Mrs Kerr said, “It is lovely to be recognised    end, we created a fully sustainable and awesome project,     learnt about how to function in a competition
school remains open. All pupils attending must be agreed        in this way and to feel valued as part of the team. We all     including our own working model/prototype. During the        environment. It was a challenge, and next year in this
in advance with the school. It is also essential that no        love being part of the Science department.”                    competition we made a presentation, which was pretty         and in any other competitions we compete in we will
other pupils visit the school or are seen near the school –                                                                    successful, and I am proud to say we all contributed.        be able to perform better.
waiting outside the school gates on New Road, at any            HAIRDRESSING COM PETITION                                      Although we did not win an award for the best                Leah Benjafield, Toby Cockerill, Isaac Dean, Stuart
point during the extended school day, 8am to 6pm.               Well done to the Year 11 Hairdressing pupils, who              presentation, we did win two medals for our contribution     Holland, Oscar Horton, Finlay Rae, and Matthew
Children should be at home.                                     recently took part in a competition between themselves         and we also won the selfie contest! How phenomenal!          Ranasinghe, Years 7–10  SS
   Parents have been informed of these details via email        to create an image of beauty as part of their course work.
(in-touch messages).                                            They set themselves very high standards, and all

   Please do not come on to the                                                      produced outstanding work, focusing            n these truly extraordinary         and due respect to the national         vital that we minimise the risk to
school site unless it is essential.                                                  on diverse themes, such as Carnival,           circumstances, we are               emergency- shows the remarkable         staff and pupils who do attend and
                                                                                     Flowers, and Grease. A lot of effort           enormously proud of the             potential of our pupils and your        therefore we sincerely request all
ARTS AGREEMENT SIGNED                                                                went into all their creations, from        tremendous efforts of our staff to      children. We could not be more          parents and carers to do the right
We further confirmed our                                                             preparation, mood boards to their          remain open over the last few           proud of their core values, their       thing and to keep children at home.
commitment to the arts recently                                                       overall design. They should all be        weeks at Sawston Village College.       sense of community and their               We will also be hosting Icknield
when Arts Council England and                                                         very proud of their achievements.            It has been necessary to respond     compassion for others. Each day we      Primary School on our site; at times
Anglian Learning signed a formal                                                         Mrs Arnold, Cover Supervisor           to ever-evolving government             have been reminded of why we do         like these, it is so important that we
agreement, and we are now the                                                                                                   announcements and a rapidly             our jobs: to encourage, to motivate,    work together as a community.
only trust in the country to have                                                    FIRST LEG O LEAG UE                        changing situation. However, at         to inspire, to excite, to prepare and      From all the staff at Sawston
such a partnership.                                                                  COMPETITION                                every turn, staff members have          to serve the citizens of tomorrow.      Village College, we send our very
   At the launch event, pupils                                                        We went to the Cambridge                  provided pupils with as near as            For now, we move into the next       best wishes to every person and
from across the trust were able to showcase their artistic      University Department of Engineering to take part in            normal routines as possible. We         phase of school provision. For the      family in the community. As the
talent before the formal signing of the Memorandum of           the first Lego League competition. When we arrived              have done all that we can to keep       foreseeable future, we are open only    great writer Maya Angelou said:
Understanding undertaken by Darren Henley, Chief                at the department we saw how many people we were                our pupils reassured in a calm and      to the children of emergency key        “You may not control all the events
Executive of Arts Council England, and Jonathan                 up against, and it was a bit terrifying as there were lots      safe environment with an                workers and the most vulnerable         that happen to you, but you can
Culpin, Anglian Learning’s C E O , who said: “This              of people there with t-shirts, hats and costumes to             unstinting focus on learning.           children. Even for these pupils, we     decide not to be reduced by them”.
demonstrates our commitment to working with arts and            support their teams. We could see immediately that                 That our pupils have risen to the    remain open only for those for             Jonathan Russell, Principal,
heritage partners in designing a culture-rich curriculum        we definitely had a long way to go if we wanted to win          challenge -with maturity, sensitivity   whom there is no alternative. It is     Sawston Village College  SS
that enables all pupils to advance their creative skills and    the competition.
literacy regardless of their background or starting point.”        The robot we designed went on a mission, a mission to
   Sawston Village College, like all trust schools,
recognises that arts and culture play a significant role in
the lives of children, supporting their personal
                                                                get as many points as possible to help us win. We started
                                                                the day in a small base where we prepared our robot and
                                                                got team Benny ready for the run. Our first round was
                                                                                                                               It was fifty years
development and progression into adulthood. This
partnership will help us to promote the arts and create
further opportunities for all pupils.
                                                                okay and the second round was good. After the second
                                                                round we had quite a while to wait so we had some
                                                                lunch. After our lunch we had our third round, which
                                                                                                                               ago today…
                                                                was okay. After the third round we had our Innovation
                TECHO GNIT ION W EEK
                As part of Techognition Week, the
                science technicians submitted a poster
                                                                Project which was where we did very well after
                                                                discovering that the Box Mission took very little time
                                                                and got a huge number of points for a task that was easy
                                                                                                                               T    he four women who started
                                                                                                                                    Sawston Scene with the
                                                                                                                               April–May 1970 issue. From left to
                made by some science classes recognising        if done correctly. We got over 90 points. After that we        right: Jean Osborne, June Thomas,
                the excellent work they do, and were            had to present our Innovation Project.                         June Hoar and Cathy Odell.

16                                                                                                            April–May 2020   April–May 2020                                                                                                        17
Sawston Scene - FREE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE with all our usual features PLUS Coronavirus: questions answered myth-busting local info help
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