FREEFIBRE - HamiltonPress GET 3 MONTHS OF - Neighbourly

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019     HAMILTON’S NO. 1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019       HAMILTON’S NO. 1 COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER
                                                                                            153 Peachgrove Road, Claudelands, Hamilton
                                                                                            Derryn Brunton CDT(Wgt)PGDipCDT(Otago)

            Born to drive                                                           to election
                                                                                    LIBBY WILSON

                                                                                    If you’re a Hamilton council candidate promising a
                                                                                    rates cut, be prepared to explain how you’ll make it
                                                                                        Hamilton City Council chief executive Richard
                                                                                    Briggs and his team are putting those kinds of
                                                                                    questions to council hopefuls, encouraging them to
                                                                                    flesh out their policies.
                                                                                        He’s put out a ‘‘really direct’’ pre-election report
                                                                                    which he hopes will encourage more people to stand
                                                                                    or vote, and it contains tricky questions and a list of
                                                                                    the major challenges facing the city.
                                                                                        It’s a challenging time to be in charge of Hamilton,
                                                                                    the report says, and wrong decisions now could leave
                                                                                    lasting consequences.
                                                                                        ‘‘A lot of people during the election process make
                                                                                    promises, but they don’t get the chance to explain the
                                                                                    consequences of those promises,’’ Briggs said. ‘‘If
                                                                                    they’re saying they want to cut rates, that’s a valid
                                                                                    position. But ... one thing affects something else. If
                                                                                    rates go down, what’s going to be the offset? If you’re
                                            If someone tells Marcus Madill he       going to save money, where? If you’re going to
                                            can’t do it, he doesn’t listen. The     increase money on playgrounds, if you don’t increase
                                            "Good bugger" , 50, has the             your overall budget, where are you going to take that
                                            degenerative progressive genetic        money from?’’
                                            disease SMA that’s placed him in a
                                            motorised wheelchair since he was
                                                                                        Many candidates have a plan, he said, but some
                                            six. Despite the condition, Madill      may not have understood all the consequences, and
                                            built bikes, sped around paddocks       the Hamilton City Council 2019 pre-election report is a
                                            in go-carts and investigated the        prompt to flesh out their policies.
                                            insides of lawnmowers as a kid.             Local government elections will be held in October,
                                            Now, long time friend David             and nominations formally opened on Friday.
                                            Crawford set up a Givealittle page in       Briggs warned candidates to base their views on
                                            a bid to realise the Hamilton man’s     fact when he released the report, which raises
                                            dream of travelling from Waikato to     questions from what should go to fund rates cuts, to
                                            Canterbury for Rangiora’s Muscle
                                                                                    how much to spend on getting more people to vote.
                                            Car Madness. READ THE FULL STORY, P5
                                                                                    Council will put any candidate responses received on
                                                                                    the yourcityelections website.
                                                                                        The questions reflect things the community has
                                                                                    been asking, Briggs said, and management isn’t trying
                                                                                    to suggest answers.

                                                                                    CONTINUED Page 28

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4   HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                                    

YOUR LOCAL NEWS                                                                                             

Boarding houses a homeless fix                                                                                                                                           Quick
                                                                                                                                                                      07 849 9666
LIBBY WILSON                                                                                                                                           

The old-style boarding house run
by a stern but kindly landlord                                                                                                                               CONTACT US
could be the answer to New Zea-
land’s homeless problem, says a                                                                                                                              ADDRESS: 500 Anglesea St,
man who’s spent much of his life                                                                                                                             Hamilton
trying to fix the issue.
    And the government should                                                                                                                                NEWS: 07 849 9666,
think seriously about setting up                                                                                                                   
modern and reputable versions of
the once-maligned doss house.                                                                                                                                ADVERTISING:
    Done right, they give structure                                                                                                                          Print: Lenora Rillstone. lenora.
and community as well as a place                                                                                                                   , 027 505 2944.
to live, Hamilton Christian                                                                                                                                  Hash Janjua,,
Nightshelter Trust manager                                                                                                                                   027 505 2944
Peter Humphreys said.
    The 60-year-old is about to step                                                                                                                         Online: Jodie Snooks,
down after 11 years in the role,                                                                                                                   , 027 602 2764
and said many people need
ongoing support to stay in a                                                                                                                                 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING:
house.                                                                                                                                                       0800 835 323 or 849 6080,
    ‘‘What used to work really well                                                                                                                
was the boarding house environ-
ment, where there was a paternal       Peter Humphreys has spent 11 years as manager of Hamilton Christian Nightshelter Trust, and is about to step down.    FAMILY NOTICES:
or maternal person running it,                                                                                                           MARK TAYLOR/STUFF   Email or
and they’d keep an eye on them,                                                                                                                              call 0800 287 322.
and they’d have a community..., if     overseeing each one.                   settle.                                    He does little things, like
they misbehaved they were told            Housing NZ said it offers com-          At the moment, people who           acknowledging birthdays, as            POSTAL ADDRESS:
off, and hygiene was kept up.’’        munity group housing for people        leave       Hamilton’s    homeless      some guests might not have cel-        Hamilton Press, Private Bag 3086,
    There’s a serious shortage of      with specialist needs, which may       shelters do okay in a Housing NZ        ebrated theirs for a decade or         Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240.
affordable housing at the              have live-in management or 24/7        home with income-related rent,          more.
moment, said Humphreys, who            care.                                  Humphreys said.                            Once, Humphreys cut the             MISSED DELIVERY
co chairs the NZ Coalition to End         Other initiatives include dev-          Those who pay $220-odd              toenails of a man called Greg and      Log a missed delivery on the
Homelessness.                          elopments such as Grey’s Avenue        dollars a week in a private rental      heard about his life.                  website: or call
    He manages two shelters: a         in central Auckland, which will        struggle to survive on what little         Greg was in his sixties,            0800 339 000.
men’s one in the Hamilton CBD,         combine public housing with 24/7       is left of their benefit.               couldn’t reach his feet, and talked
which can take 27, and one for up      on-site support services and               And while society often             about getting the bash from his        NZ MEDIA COUNCIL
to nine women in Hamilton East.        security, medical facilities, and      blames the homeless person,             dad, good and bad foster care, and     This paper adheres to the principles
    He imagines boarding houses        shared spaces.                         Humphreys said there’s always           turning to drink and drugs.            of the New Zealand Media Council.
with Housing New Zealand as the           Tenancy managers are also           an underlying precursor such as                                                To find out more or complain visit
landlord, and         a   manager      responsible for helping tenants        childhood abuse or foster care.         CONTINUED Page 28            

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                                                                        55 Pembroke Street, Hamilton Lake, Hamilton                                                                                                                   JULY 24, 2019, HAMILTON PRESS          5

Petrolhead’s dream to hear engines roar
MAXINE JACOBS                                                                                                                             out and about and being
A petrolhead who lost both his                                                                                                                But the former drag racer,
legs, the use of his arms and                                                                                                             four-wheel driver and cruiser
suffers from spinal muscular                                                                                                              wouldn’t let the setbacks get
atrophy (SMA) is about to                                                                                                                 the best of him.
realise his dream of attending                                                                                                                Long time friend David
one of the biggest car shows in                                                                                                           Crawford set up a Givealittle
the southern hemisphere.                                                                                                                  page in a bid to realise the
   ‘‘Good bugger’’ Marcus                                                                                                                 Hamilton man’s dream of
Madill, 50, has the degenerative                                                                                                          travelling from Waikato to
genetic disease SMA that’s                                                                                                                Canterbury for Rangiora’s
placed him in a motorised                                                                                                                 Muscle Car Madness.
wheelchair since he was six.                                                                                                                  ‘‘Marcus is a good bugger
   This means nerve cells in                                                                                                              and deserves a break, he is my
his spinal chord die which                                                                                                                brother from another mother,
causes muscles that would be                                                                                                              let’s all help make some dreams
controlled by the cells to                                                                                                                come true for him.’’
weaken, and as more cells die                                                                                                                 Now almost $4000 has been
the weaker the muscle becomes                                                                                                             donated to help Marcus Madill
until they are unable to move.                                                                                                            road trip from Waikato to
   Despite the condition,                                                                                                                 Canterbury for Muscle Car
Madill built bikes, sped around                                                                                                           Madness, and he’s
paddocks in go-carts and                                                                                                                  overwhelmed by the support.
investigated the insides of                                                                                                                   Madill confirmed that he
lawnmowers as a kid.                                                                                                                      and his friends will be boosting
   ‘‘Anything with a motor                                                                                                                down to the show in his V8 van,
appealed to me,’’ he said.                                                                                                                but admitted there’s still a lot of
   His home is scattered with                                                                                                             organisation to come.
motorsport paraphernalia as a                                                                                                                 Happily, he and his posse
shrine to his love of engines, as     Marcus Madill has                                                                                   have accepted free tickets to the
well as beautiful barn doors,         been in a wheelchair                                                                                30th anniversary show in
tables, clocks and light fittings     since he was six, but                                                                               January from Craig Sottle, the
he’s built from discarded             it’s never held him                                                                                 creator of Muscle Car Madness.
                                      back from doing the
materials.                                                                                                                                    Sottle assured Stuff that
                                      things he loves.
   He even made a speed racer         DOMINICO ZAPATA/STUFF                                                                               Madill would get a prime spot
wheelchair that reached                                                                                                                   at the skid pad next year, and
60kmh, which was aptly named                                                                                                              offers are already coming in to
M.A.R.C.II.                                                                                                                               take Madill out in the hundreds
   Madill had to have a leg                                                                                                               of hot rods that cruise the
amputated in 2011 after an                                                                                                                event.
accident, and then had his          and physical toll.             pretty much near impossible       and build.                               ‘‘This is his dream.
other leg amputated in April          ‘‘I’m a practical person.    now, which is hard to deal with     ‘‘I’ve lost the ability to drive   Whatever is possible we’ll
this year. Madill said his          Mucking around in the shed     because I have ideas in my        now, which is a real bummer          make it happen.’’
condition had taken a mental        with my tools and welding is   head that I just want to create   because I really liked getting
6            HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                            

Traditional storytelling as healing
AARON LEAMAN                                                                                                                                                    material, our source knowledge,
                                                                                                                                                                Māori knowledge.’’
Andre McLachlan likens Māori                                                                                                                                      Dr Kopua has being using
indigenous stories to peer                                                                                                                                      pūrākau in a clinical setting
reviewed journal articles.                                                                                                                                      since the mid-1990s.
   The stories, handed down                                                                                                                                        Using Pūrākau is a way for
from generation to generation,                                                                                                                                  practitioners and educators to
convey traditional values and                                                                                                                                   be able to talk with Māori, as
strategies to overcome adversity                                                                                                                                well as develop a better under-
and maintain wellbeing.                                                                                                                                         standing of what’s happening in
   ‘‘Pūrākau (stories) have been                                                                                                                              people’s lives, Waitoki said.
peer reviewed over time,’’                                                                                                                                         ‘‘In terms of the Ministry for
McLachlan explains.                                                                                                                                             Children and the uplifting of
   ‘‘We wouldn’t be still talking                                                                                                                               children ... imagine a situation
about it if there was nothing in it                                                                                                                             where the Ministry for Children
and we wouldn’t be talking                                                                                                                                      is looking at a pūrākau model
about it if it was just entertain-                                                                                                                              and the pūrākau story is a
ing, we’d create other stuff. The                                                                                                                               healthy connected family.
[pūrākau] have lessons in it.’’                                                                                                                                  ‘‘ There are issues but the
   McLachlan, a clinical psy-                                                                                                                                   solutions are developed within
chologist and academic at the                                                                                                                                   the family, everyone has mana,
Wintec Centre for Health and                                                                                                                                    there’s giving, there’s taking,
Social Practice, is currently co-                                                                                                                               but the core part of it is that
organising a workshop for                                                                                                                                       you’re trying to keep the family
Māori educators and health and                                                                                                                                 intact.
social practitioners exploring                                                                                                                                     ‘‘ The resources are put into
how pūrākau can be used in                                                                                                                                    ensuring that happens, rather
their work.                                                                                                                                                     than stripping the family apart
   The full day workshop is                                                                                                                                     and putting these children with
being held at Wintec’s Te Kōpū                                                                                                                                somebody else.’’
Mānia o Kirikiriroa marae on                                                                                                                                      In an educational setting,
August 3 and will be hosted by                                                                                                                                  pūrākau can be used as a power-
Mark Kopua and Dr Diana                Wintec academic and clinical psychologist Andre McLachlan and Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki, a clinical psychologist           ful learning tool as it appeals to
Kopua. The pair have extensive         and senior research fellow at Waikato University.                                             AARON LEAMAN/STUFF         children’s      creativity    and
knowledge and experience                                                                                                                                        imagination, and different learn-
applying pūrākau in practice.        overcoming challenges, stories        senior research fellow at Wai-           ‘‘What needs to be understood             ing styles.
   McLachlan said there is a           of love, stories of how we learn      kato       University,      said      is that the majority of Māori                  McLachlan attended one of
growing interest in using              and how we pick up particular         storytelling was an important         would have grown up with non-                the Kopuas’ workshops in April
pūrākau as therapy.                  skills, and how we advance our-       way for past generations to com-      Māori stories,’’ Waitoki said.              and described it as an inter-
   ‘‘If you’re looking at pūrākau    selves. So that can be drawn          municate human experiences               ‘‘I grew up with Greek                    active experience. The Wintec
being the stories of our               from these stories and applied to     and understand life.                  stories, I grew up with English              workshop          has      drawn
ancestors, there are values that       people’s current day health              Using pūrākau revitalises        stories. So going back to these              participants from as far away as
are portrayed and that can be          journeys.’’                           Māori language, culture and          [Māori] stories, it decolonises             Auckland and Hastings. A focus
applied today.                            Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki, a         knowledge, and applies it in an       our experiences in life, so we               will be given to Māori creation
   ‘‘There      are   stories     of   clinical psychologist and a           everyday context.                     engage      with    our    source            stories.

              AS SEEN
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                                       HOUSE & LAND PACKAGES
                                                     Priced to sell - available now

     393a Peachgrove Rd – Fairfield                                  Lot 1 Ladeira Place, Fitzroy – Hamilton
                                                 3     1   1    1                                               3       2     1        2
     $627,640 | House 125m 2 | Section 472m 2                        $691,000 | House 160m 2 | Section 441m 2

     Lot 29 Kimbrae Drive, Rototuna – Hamilton                       Lot 2 Ladeira Place, Fitzroy – Hamilton
                                                 4     2   2    2                                               4       2     2        2
      $866,365 | House 203m 2 | Section 550m 2                       $710,000 | House 179m 2 | Section 542 2
8            HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                                 

Backyard banter                                                                                          IN ASSOCIATION WITH NEIGHBOURLY AND ITS PARTNERS

Shower mum-to-be with attention
                                                                                                                                                                     massage or mani/pedi or go out
’’Baby shower’’, ’’baby sprinkle’’ or ’’meet the                                                                                                                     for dinner or dessert with a
baby’’ shower – whichever it is, it’s time to get                                                                                                                    couple of the mum-to-be’s
                                                                                                                                                                     favourite friends. If she’s not a
organised, writes Erin Reilly.                                                                                                                                       fan of the classic baby shower
                                                                                                                                                                     games, organise some still life
Opinion: Forget glowing skin,                                                                                                                                        painting or floral arranging, or
luscious hair, midday Netflix                                                                                                                                        serve up some fancy mocktails
binges and midnight visits to the                                                                                                                                    instead.
McDonald’s drive-thru; what                                                                                                                                             If someone is expecting a
every almost-mum lives for               Neighbourly is a NZ-owned                                                                                                   second (or more) baby, don’t
during their pregnancy is the            social media site creating                                                                                                  think that this excludes them
classic baby shower.                     easy ways for neighbours                                                                                                    from having another shower.
    A baby shower celebrates the         to talk and connect. Join                                                                                                      Instead of throwing a big bash
imminent arrival of a brand new          us at or                                                                                                  usually reserved for the first
baby . . . but if we’re being totally    download our new iPhone                                                                                                     baby, consider a ‘‘baby
honest, it’s really all about the        and Android apps.                                                                                                           sprinkle’’, which is a much
mum. Traditionally, it’s an                                                                                                                                          lighter and more relaxed
excuse for the mama-to-be to               When it comes to the                                                                                                      version. If you’ve run out of time
have a lovely afternoon with all        invitation list, first figure out                                                                                            to organise a shindig (or Baby
her best lady-friends and family        what kind of party you’re                                                                                                    arrives sooner than expected),
members, and be spoilt with lots        throwing. If you’re sticking to a                                                                                            don’t worry: there’s a growing
of gifts.                               traditional baby shower, start                                                                                               trend of waiting until Baby has
    If you’ve been tasked with the      with their nearest and dearest       A baby shower celebrates the imminent arrival of a new baby . . . but it’s              arrived, then throwing a ‘‘meet
job of organising a baby shower,        friends and family members.          really all about the mum.                                                               the baby’’ shower. A baby
there are a few things you should          If you’re keen for a big event,                                                                                           shower is a lovely opportunity
think about – starting with             extend the invitation to             could hold a baby shower or              but they can be a bit expensive. If            for almost-mums to relax and
timing. Most baby showers are           workmates, primary school            Baby Q at a house, a park, the           you’re keen to keep costs down,                unwind with their favourite
held in the third trimester,            friends and third cousins twice      beach, a cafe . . . just about           ask your community on                          people before the stress, fatigue
roughly a month before Baby is          removed. Some expectant              anywhere, really.                        Neighbourly if anyone has any                  and uncertainty of motherhood
due. If there’s more than one           couples want to celebrate both          If you’re holding your                spare bits and pieces you could                arrives. Whatever kind of party
baby in Mama’s tummy, you               parents so ‘Baby Qs’ and more        gathering outdoors, it’s a good          borrow.                                        you decide to throw, the mum-to-
probably want to schedule the           casual gatherings are becoming       idea to have a wet-weather                    Not keen on a traditional                 be will appreciate the downtime
party sooner because they’ll            increasingly popular too.            backup – just in case.                   baby shower but still keen to do               before sleepless nights and spew
probably arrive earlier.                   Next, lock down a venue. You      Decorations are always nice too,         . . . something? Organise a                    cloths become the norm.

                    R TA TM
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                               "                             Villages Act 2003.

                      Going on holiday? Put your newspaper on hold.
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My name is Anthony Clarke. I am seven years old and I live in Maungaraki. We have the
best neighbours ever, Bob and Christine Lane.
I can remember one time when our car broke down and I could not get to Keas. Bob
saw us having trouble, came over and offered me a lift in his car and I was right on time.
If he was not there, I would have missed Keas altogether. When we go away, Bob
always offers to look after our house, plants, pets and collect the mail. Another time my
baby brother Lucas was very bored and Bob came over with his grandchildren’s baby
toys for Lucas to have.
Mum remembers a time before Lucas was born when our fireplace was too hot and
exploding inside and Dad was away. Mum was scared and went next door with me. Bob
called the fire department to check things out and Bob and his wife Christine made
Mum a cup of tea to calm her down. A further time when Dad was late home, Mum
broke and dislocated her toe. Bob (an ex-ambulance officer) came over to help her.
When we haven’t seen them for a while, Christine and Bob always invite Mum, Dad and
us in for a hot drink, biscuit and a good chat.
We are so lucky to have the most caring neighbours you could ever hope for.
– Nominated by Anthony Clarke

   We’re looking for the nicest neighbours in town. Nominate someone in your
   ’hood – and your special neighbour could feature in community newspapers
   around New Zealand as an inspiration to us all. Plus, you’ll both receive a $25
   Prezzy® card! A Nice Neighbour is someone who has helped make a difference in
   your life – or the lives of others. Let us know why your neighbour is so nice by
   sharing a few words at

10   HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                                

Goodbye guns at buy-back event
GERALD PIDDOCK                                                                                                                                             correct procedures and to answer
                                                                                                                                                           any questions the owner has.
Some handed over what they                                                                                                                                     From there, the gun owner
described as their ‘babies’, while                                                                                                                         meets with an assessor who
others parted with guns that had                                                                                                                           inspected and values the firearm.
sat unused for years.                                                                                                                                      Once that is completed, the fire-
   But at the end of Waikato’s                                                                                                                             arm is checked again to ensure it
first firearm buy-back event in                                                                                                                            is safe, and stored.
Te Aroha on Saturday, 140 newly-                                                                                                                               The firearms are then
banned weapons were in police                                                                                                                              destroyed, Waikato District Com-
hands.                                                                                                                                                     mander Acting Superintendent
   It was the first of 29 collections                                                                                                                      Warwick Morehu said.
planned across the region by                                                                                                                                   He said about 30 people had
police from July through to Sept-                                                                                                      From left, Tony     come through the Te Aroha event
ember and one of eight collection                                                                                                      Watts, Frank Lin    within the first half hour of the
events held across the country on                                                                                                      and Tony            doors being opened, some having
July 20 in the wake of the ban-                                                                                                        Kleuskens wait      travelled as far as Whakatane to
                                                                                                                                       to surrender
ning of most types of semi-                                                                                                            their firearms at
                                                                                                                                                           be there.
automatic firearms in response                                                                                                         the first               ‘‘We expected people to travel
to the Christchurch Mosque                                                                                                             Government          to get here and not use their own
shooting.                                                                                                                              gun buy-back        local collection points to get here
   In Waikato, 79 owners parted                                                                                                        event to take       for whatever reason. We saw this
with guns and 305 parts and                                                                                                            place in Waikato    in Christchurch where people
accessories, while nationwide,                                                                                                         in Te Aroha.        travelled for two-and-a-half
692 firearms owners handed in a                                                                                                        MARK TAYLOR/        hours.’’
total of 1055 prohibited firearms                                                                                                                              This is despite collections
and 2315 parts and accessories.                                                                                                                            over the next week taking place
   In return firearms owners                                                                                                                               in King Country, Hamilton,
were paid out $1,757,414.               took nearly two hours.               what price he will get for the         capacity of five rounds.               Morrinsville and Huntly.
   People of all ages came to sur-          Hamilton man David John-         rifle. He had owned it for two            ‘‘It’s not an easy thing to give        ‘‘It’s fair to say that some
render their firearms at the Sil-       stone was handing in an AR 15        years and had shot 1000 rounds         up,’’ he said.                         people are a little bit nervous
ver Fern Farms Event Centre.            rifle, which he and his son had      through it so far.                        ‘‘But best be rid of it than        about this – as we are – this is the
The first were waiting for armed        used for target shooting at a gun        One Matamata man who did           caught with it.’’                      first time for us and them, but I
police to open the doors in the         club range.                          not want to be identified because         Another man said he was             think people are really keen to do
early morning, followed by a                He was philosophical about       he did not want people knowing         upset at having to hand in his ‘‘      the right thing and get the
steady stream of people.                having to surrender the firearm.     he owned a firearm, was handing        babies’’ while another said,           firearms in, pass them over and
   About 50 had come through by             ‘‘I understand why they are      in a pump action shotgun that          ‘‘Once again people that do every-     we want to give everyone a fair
11am.                                   doing it, but most people that I     held 14 shots.                         thing right get pinged’’.              price for their firearms.’’
   Most surrendered a single            know who have got this (sort of          He had owned the firearm for          On arrival at a buy-back event          He said most of the people
firearm, while others brought in        rifle) are pretty sensible people,   30 years. He said he had not used      police check the firearms to           coming in so far have been posi-
four to five guns.                      but it is what it is.                it for a few years but had used it a   ensure they are empty of ammu-         tive.
   How long the process took                ‘‘ But I do think the whole      lot in the past. Its large round       nition. People are then led                ‘‘Generally everyone’s upbeat
depended on what was being              thing was rushed and we didn’t       capacity meant it was now illegal      through a holding area where           and they just want to come in and
surrendered. For some, it took          get a lot of say in it.’’            under the new gun regulations          police speak to the gun owners to      get this matter sorted as quick
about 15 minutes. For others, it            He said it was hard to know      that stipulate a maximum               make sure they have followed           and as painlessly as possible.’’

                                IF IT’S
                       HAPPENING NOW
                             CALL 1 11                                                      IF IT’S
                                                                                            ALREADY HAPPENED
                                                                                            USE 105
                                                                                           There’s a new way to report non-emergencies to Police.
                                                                                           Use if you’ve had something stolen, your property
                                                                                          has been intentionally damaged or have lost property to report. You can
                                                                                          also get updates here on a Police report you’ve already made, or add
                                                                                         information to it. Call 105 to report anything else that’s already happened.
                                                                                         Just remember, in an emergency, always call 111.

       NZP0467_D2                                                                                                                               JULY 24, 2019, HAMILTON PRESS          11

Conversations                                                                                                  GET IN TOUCH ONLINE

Migration mess damages reputation
                                     migrants in their right minds                                                                                                 While many countries
                                     will continue to regard New                                                                                                   are tightening up on
GORDON                               Zealand as a viable option.                                                                                                   immigration due to
CAMPBELL                                Single-handedly, INZ has                                                                                                   hatred and racism,
TALKING POLITICS                                                                                                                                                   New Zealand’s
                                     been doing considerable harm to
                                                                                                                                                                   approach is driven by
                                     the New Zealand economy, and                                                                                                  incompetence.     123RF
                                     to our international reputation.
OPINION: Our population is              Education NZ, for example, is
ageing. We need migrants, and        the agency tasked with
skilled migrants in particular.      marketing this country
   So does the rest of the world.    internationally as an education
   Therefore, you’d think every      destination. Education has
country would be competing to        become our fourth biggest export
attract migrants with those          sector, worth $5.1 billion
skills to their shores. Across       annually.
Europe, however, the populist           However, briefing documents
parties of the far Right have been   released under the Official
promoting hatred of immigrants.      Information Act indicate that
The entire Brexit process has        INZ is putting this entire
been driven by anti-immigrant        industry at risk through a
sentiment while in the United        combination of abrupt policy
States, President Donald Trump       shifts, inexplicable visa delays         Business, which has been           need to be staffed accordingly?       Zealand has been urging people
has been mobilising white            and inconsistent, opaque             experiencing its own visa delay           Not INZ, evidently.                to come here to study and taken
America against the alleged          decisions.                           nightmares, has also been                 The 2018 restructure has been a    their money in fees upfront –
threat posed by foreigners.             This is deeply ironic, given      incurring significant costs.           textbook case of the illusory gains   only to have INZ subject them to
   Nor has New Zealand been          that greater consistency in              The restructuring closed or        made from firing experienced staff    interminable delays and
entirely immune to this              decision-making was one of the       downgraded all INZ’s overseas          and cutting labour costs. After $8    uncertainty via a process
contagion. Two parties in the        goals of the restructuring carried   offices, except those in Mumbai        million was paid out in               lacking in respect or
coalition government                 out at INZ in 2018.                  and Beijing. This has created          redundancy, expensive                 compassion.
campaigned at the 2017 election         Between October last year         processing bottlenecks in              contractors have had to be hired to      No doubt, INZ will eventually
on promises to cut immigration.      and January 31 alone, the delays     Mumbai and delays in INZ’s             meet the demand. Instead of the       be able to point to economic
   Uniquely though, our              in visa processing cost New          local offices. Who would have          projected $32 million gains from      gains from reduced labour costs.
hostility is being expressed         Zealand educational institutions     thought that if you close              the restructure, the net gains are    By then, though, the damage
through bureaucratic                 an estimated $NZ33.36 million in     overseas offices and axe the staff     now reportedly estimated to be ...    done to New Zealand’s
incompetence rather than by          lost revenues, not counting the      with institutional knowledge           zero.                                 international reputation as a
populist racism. Intentionally or    losses from money not being          and language skills, those                Ultimately, the debacle at INZ     destination for skilled people
otherwise, Immigration NZ            spent here on accommodation          applications will then funnel          has made accomplices out of all       and students will have been
(INZ) is ensuring that few skilled   and living costs.                    into centres onshore, which will       of us. Via Education NZ, New          incalculable.


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                                                                                                                                                      BY THE NUMBERS
A strategy to reduce the road toll
                                                                                                                                                      In 2010, there were 375 deaths.
to a number not seen since 1949
                                                                                                                                                      By 2013, the figures had dipped to
has been released.
                                                                                                                                                      254 deaths.
    The Government’s ‘‘Road to
                                                                                                                                                      By last year there were 377 deaths,
Zero’’ 2020-30 road safety strategy
                                                                                                                                                      just one fewer than in 2017.
consultation document outlines
                                                                                                                                                      So far this year there have been 206
how it aims to reduce deaths and
serious injuries on our roads by
40 per cent by 2030.
    Released for consultation, it                                                                                                                     roundabouts being included in
replaces the ‘‘Safer Journeys’’                                                                                                                       the 2021-24 land transport
2010-20 strategy, which didn’t                                                                                                                        programme.
include a target and had no                                                                                                                               The strategy will aim to lift
impact on reducing the road toll                                                                                                                      minimum standards for new and
over the decade, with the number                                                                                                                      used vehicles coming into the
of deaths and injuries increasing                                                                                                                     country, review the warrants of
at a much faster rate than can be                                                                                                                     fitness system, and promoting
explained by traffic growth.                                                                                                                          the ‘‘scrappage of less safe
    The new strategy acknow-
ledges its predecessor was not
implemented as intended,
because of a lack of buy-in,
investment and leadership, and
the new strategy was based on
                                          Road to ZERO                                                                                                vehicles’’.
                                                                                                                                                          Enforcement is being tackled
                                                                                                                                                      through a review of penalties,
                                                                                                                                                      with consultation on proposed
                                                                                                                                                      changes likely to occur later this
                                                                                                                                                      year. Success on five focus areas
Vision Zero, a global movement         responsible drivers,’’ the strategy      ‘‘Other countries that have      injuries over the 10 years.          (infrastructure and speed,
that had seen dramatic decreases       states.                               adopted this approach have made        The lower toll will be achieved   vehicles, workplace, road user
in road tolls in the nations, cities       Associate Transport Minister      sustained progress in significant   through investment in                choices and system
and states that had adopted it.        Julie Anne Genter said she felt       reductions in deaths and serious    infrastructure such as median        management) will be monitored
    Vision Zero does not mean          people were ‘‘ready to see            injuries. The progress can’t        barriers and rumble strips,          as part of the strategy.
‘‘zero crashes’’. Instead, it is a     action’’.                             always be seen year to year, but    improved enforcement, setting            The document will be
concept that deaths or serious             ‘‘The thing now will be           over an extended period of time     lower safety speeds in some          available on the Ministry of
injuries should never be               ensuring that the public have         you can certainly see a big         areas, improving vehicle safety      Transport website, and public
regarded as an acceptable toll of      their opportunity to have a say,      reduction.’’                        and ‘‘tackling risk taking on our    submissions can be made
mobility.                              and then we can get on with it,’’        The strategy has a target of     roads’’.                             between now and August 14.
    ‘‘Traditionally we have            she said.                             reducing death and serious             The strategy states that about
focused most of our efforts to             The target had been arrived at    injuries on the roads by 40 per     87 per cent of current speed
achieve safe roads on trying to        following ‘‘extensive modelling’’.    cent by 2030, from 2018 figures     limits are unsuitable and
improve driving skills, and                ‘‘We understand what we need      (377 deaths and 2598 serious        reducing these was a priority,
addressing risk-taking                 to do in terms of enforcement,        injuries). That would mean the      with rule changes likely next
behaviours. While this is              infrastructure and speed              road toll in 2030 would be 226.     year. Safety improvements were       JOIN THE CONVERSATION
important, it will not solve the       management in order to achieve        The last time we had a lower        under way as part of the             Either post a comment on our
road safety problem by itself. No-     the target we put in place.’’         road toll was 1949 (218).           $1.3 billion Safe Networks           Neighbourly page or send us a
one expects to crash, but people           Genter said progress towards         It would also mean 750 fewer     Programme announced last year,       letter to the editor. Just go to our
make mistakes – including those        the target would be monitored         people would be killed and 5600     and the strategy points to more      page on Neighbourly, then select
of us who are usually careful and      each year.                            fewer people would suffer serious   median barriers and                  letters under the Contact menu.

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Cycling: The terror and triumph
                                                                                                                           Have you seen me? The cycle
                                                                                                                        lane disappears in front of me,
                                                                                                                        merging, seemingly at random,
                                                                                                                        with a car lane full of fast-moving

         here are many reasons I                                                                                        vehicles. The disappearance of
         cycle to work most days.                                                                                       the cycle lane (I can see it
         My health, my fitness                                                                                          reappear briefly 100 metres or so
         and part of my                                                                                                 further down the street before
contribution to responding to our                                                                                       disappearing again) seems
climate crisis.                                                                                                         arbitrary and foolish to me.
   I enjoy the freedom of cycling,                                                                                         What would I know though?
the ability to doodle along the                                                                                         I’m sure that the city council
road, car-free and carefree with                                                                                        roading engineers know far more
not a worry in the world.                                                                                               about this than I do and have
   As I cycle, there is just one                                                                                        tested the safety of the cycle lane    work or school. On a typical
thought that continues to crop up                                                                                       design extensively.                    morning commute to work, I will
in my mind.                                                                                                                Have you seen me? I can             have two or three close calls with
   Have you seen me? I can see                                                                                          hear you approaching from              drivers who haven’t seen me,
you’ve pulled up in your car to a                                                                                       behind me. In front of me is a left-   don’t care or, perhaps, are
give way ahead of me, on my left.                                                                                       turn lane that, should you be          completely oblivious to the
I’m quite visible; I’m wearing                                                                                          turning left, requires you to cross    existence of cyclists.
bright colours and have my                                                                                              the bike lane I’m occupying.              Terror and triumph is how I
lights on, even during the day.                                                                                         Another marvel of road safety          view my cycle commute to and
But have you seen me, or will                                                                                           engineering.                           from work each morning.
you pull out in front of me?                                                                                               Will you wait for me to safely         Terror of the seemingly
   Have you seen me? I can see                                                                                          get ahead of you before you cross      oblivious drivers all around me,
you parked ahead of me. Your                                                                                            the tenuous safety of my cycle         triumph at the completion of a
brake lights are on and I can see                                                                                       lane, or will you charge ahead of      successful commute.
you sitting in your car. This                                                                                           me and cut across to save those           Have you seen me? My
makes me nervous that you’re                                                                                            precious two seconds?                  assumption must be that you’ve
about to pull into traffic or get                                                                                          Have you seen me? I am              not, and that your arrogance
out of your car, opening your           ‘‘You are 1200kg or so of person and fast-moving vehicle, if you run into me,   100kg or so of person, cycle and       while safely cocooned in your
door in front of me and giving me       then I lose and you win. Simple as that.’’              MAX BENDER/UNSPLASH     laptop bag, doing my best to get       steel protector overcomes any
the unenviable choice of hitting                                                                                        to work safely. You are 1200kg or      awareness you may have of me.
your door or swerving into traffic      driving and/or parked and/or           symbols fairly frequently within         so of person and fast-moving              I hope so though.
to avoid it. Are you going to           waiting to turn in the cycle lane.     its bounds.                              vehicle, if you run into me, then I       Please pay attention to my
check your mirror or look over          The cycle lane is pretty obvious.          I wonder if you randomly             lose and you win. Simple as that.      existence.
your shoulder before you pull out       It has a bright white lane             drive in lanes designed for other           ‘‘Good morning,’’ and, ‘‘Good          Thank you, from an average
or open your door?                      marking its boundaries and,            vehicles or if you reserve this          luck,’’ we cyclists say to each        guy who likes to cycle to work.
   Have you seen me? It seems           sometimes, a bright green              arrogant and dangerous                   other at the traffic lights, hoping    ■ Stuff Nation: To share your
clear that you’ve not; you’re           surface. Oh, it also has cyclist       behaviour strictly for cycle lanes.      that we will all safely arrive at      story go to

 37 Killarney Rd, HAMILTON Frankton (Next to Railway Line)
 PH: 07 847 9900 MON-FRI 8.30AM-5.00PM, SAT 9.30AM 2PM
14   HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                                                      

Painful holiday money gouges
                                                                                                                                                                                 CALL TO ACTION
                                                                                                                                                                                 Got a question for Rob or an issue
ROB                                                                                                                                                                              you want him to tackle? Contact
STOCK                                                                                                                                                                            Rob by going online to Neighbourly
MONEY MATTERS                                                                                                                                                                    and type the name of our
                                                                                                                                                                                 newspaper into the search bar.

         he erosion of spending                                                                                                                                                  Click our name and select Contact
         power caused by foreign                                                                                                                                                 from the menu bar and ‘‘message
         exchange charges is                                                                                                                                                     our reporter’’ from the drop-down
         enough to make a person                                                                                                                                                 menu.
hope Facebook’s Libra is
   Facebook, which has around
two billion users, wants to                                                                                                                                                      brings both currency conversion
launch a global digital currency,                                                                                                                                                value loss, and fees, sometimes
which people all around the                                                                                                                                                      dreadful fees, if you do things
world could use to make                                                                                                                                                          like withdraw cash from an
payments and send money to                                                                                                                                                       overseas ATM using your credit
each other.                                                                                                                                                                      card (currency conversion, ATM
   If successful, you could use it                                                                                                                                               transaction fee, interest on the
to pay for your groceries at                                                                                                                                                     money withdrawn).
Countdown, or your cappuccino                                                                                                                                                        Credit and debit cards
in Turin.                                                                                                                                                                        transaction fees are inexplicably
   It seems to offer a future                                                                                                                                                    high; 1.85 per cent for Kiwibank
where Kiwi holidaymakers                 Travellers face outrageously high fees on spending while overseas.                                                            123RF     credit card to 2.5 per cent for
never have to get foreign                                                                                                                                                        Kiwibank debit cards and ANZ,
currency when heading abroad,            labour standards, and our                                                                      I can understand that.                   TSB and Westpac credit cards,
or get gouged by your credit card        politicians have let them.                            GOLDEN RULES:                                As online financial                  according to Moneyhub.
provider when they make a                    Just think of it: Amazon,                                                                  researcher Moneyhub points                   Travel cards also have some
                                                                                               * Focus on total cost of holiday
payment overseas.                        Book Depository and Netflix (not                                                               out, spending overseas can be            pretty high fees, especially if
                                                                                               spending money
   A global digital currency has         collecting GST), Lime (allowed                                                                 done in cash, by credit or eftpos        people spend in currencies not
                                                                                               * Never buy cash at the airport
the ability to take an awful lot of      faulty Lime scooters to be                                                                     card, prepaid travel card, or (yes,      loaded onto the card.
                                                                                               * Research the charges/currency
currency costs out of a                  ridden), Facebook (live-streamed                                                               really) travellers cheques.                  The sheer complexity of the
                                                                                               conversion fees on your card
traveller’s life, just as email,         terror), Google (has arranged its                                                                  For one, or two country              multi-layers of charging for
texting, Facebook and Skype              tax affairs to pay a small amount                                                              jaunts, cash is great.                   transacting overseas makes it
slashed people’s costs for               of tax) and Uber (remember the                        dependent on the existence of the            It’s good for budgeting, and         hard for ordinary people to
keeping in contact with relatives        early failure to abide by driver                      New Zealand dollar.                      avoiding repeated fees, but it           compare value, which means
and friends overseas.                    safety screening laws).                                  And yet, the history of global        carries a level of risk of theft. If     banks and credit cards don’t
   Personally, I have grave                  Libra promises more of the                        technology companies is if they          you go to the same countries             compete on price.
concerns about the idea of Libra.        same.                                                 save us money, and make life             time after time, any unspent                 The banks and credit card
   Technology companies have                 The official interest rates we                    easier, the public will embrace          cash can be stored for future use,       companies have created the
ridden roughshod over our laws,          use to manage the economy, anti-                      the personal gain over the               avoiding the fees to convert it          perfect conditions for Facebook
undermined our tax base,                 money laundering laws, and                            societal threat.                         back into Kiwi dollars.                  to launch an assault on our
subverted our moral values and           personal privacy are all highly                          Having just tripped overseas,             Using debit and credit cards         currency sovereignty.

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Council gets to work on Hamilton roads
Motorists may need to plan their travel        up.                                            On Wednesday 25 July, council will        Hamilton East, and footpaths will be
more carefully over the next few weeks             Further west, on Te Rapa Rd,            replace the controller at the traffic        widened.
as the city undergoes a series of planned      workers will be water cutting – a pro-      lights at the intersection of Hall St and        The project is on track to be finished
road works.                                    cess that involves altering the top layer   Norton Rd.                                   by the end of July.
   Resealing, water cutting, and foot-         of the road to improve skid resistance.        In the south, the first step in               On Morrinsville Rd, Mahoe St and
path and kerb replacements, are all                The key site is the 80kmh section of    unlocking a new neighbourhood in the         Dalesford St, water mains will continue
scheduled for July and August.                 Te Rapa Rd, north of McKee Street. But      Peacockes Rd area is about to begin.         to be installed until the end of the
   But there are also larger ongoing           there will also be water cutting work       Council will be relocating underground       month.
projects, including the cycleways to be        done outside the Equestrian Centre at       services to enable construction of a new         Over on Rimu and Rata streets, work
added to Claudelands Bridge, Hamilton          Pukete Rd, remedial work at Wairere         roundabout                             on    to install a waste water storage tank will
City Council said in a media release.          Drive – between River Rd and Pukete         State Highway 3/Ohaupo Rd. The work          continue, and work is also set to be com-
   The work is weather dependent, how-         Rd – and at Victoria St between             will mean the southern end of Dixon Rd       pleted at the end of July.
ever, and may be deferred if it rains.         Liverpool St and Mill St.                   will close to through traffic from 24 July       And from Monday 29 July, a six-week
   Between July 22 and 26, council will            Kerbs and channels will be replaced     to 31 October. There will be a detour via    project at Claudelands Bridge will see
be resealing the intersections at Sand-        on Eton Dr and Newton Pl in Silverdale,     Garden Heights Ave/Pelorus St for            cycle infrastructure installed, and lower
wich and Bryant roads, and at Sand-            between 19 and 26 July, and in Pine Ave,    residents and road users.                    speed limits applied, to provide a safer
wich and Delamare roads.                       Melville, from July 22 to August 2.            Over the next week, concrete will be      passageway, particularly for people on
   Road users are encouraged to use                Footpaths on Odette St will also be     poured for new kerb and channel at the       bikes. The bridge will be closed at night
alternative routes to avoid traffic build-     replaced during this period.                Te Aroha St/Grey St roundabout at            during this period for construction.

                                                              GREEN PATCH
                                                                     680 Grey Street, Hamilton
                                                                     Ph: 07 8553626

                                                                      MULTI CUISINE FOOD SUPERMARKET

Hamilton retailers have been caught selling
                                                                                      $1.99                                                           $0.99
tobacco products to underage people by
                                                              NZ ORANGES                    KG                    LEEK                                     EACH
enforcement officers working for the Waikato

retailers                                                                             $0.99
                                                                                                                  SHIITAKE                             $3.99
caught out                                                    SILVER BEET                  EACH
                                                                                                                  MUSHROOM                                 PACK

Twelve tobacco retailers in Hamilton
have been caught selling cigarettes to
underage people in an undercover sting
operation by the Waikato District
Health Board.
   The DHB’s Public Health team visi-
ted 145 retailers in the Hamilton City
area during the week of Monday, May 27
with two volunteers aged 16 and 17
years old, attempting to buy cigarettes.
                                                                                      $0.99                       JUMBO                                $6.50
   Retailers selling tobacco products to                      AVOCADO                      EACH                   EGGS                                  TRAY 20s
underage buyers will be referred to the
Ministry of Health and will be issued
with infringement notices that carry
$500 fines.
   Smokefree enforcement officers use
these volunteers when undertaking con-
trolled purchase operations to ensure
tobacco retailers comply with the
Smoke-free Environments Act, which
                                                                                     $0.99                                                            $1.49
prohibits the sale of tobacco products to
persons under 18 years of age.
   Smokefree enforcement officer Pania                        ROSE
Te Haate said that while ideally there                                                     KG                                                               BAG
would have been no sales at all to
minors, they were pleased that the
                                                              APPLES                                              SPINACH
majority of retailers asked the volunteer
for their ID, and did not sell to them.
   Retailers are advised to always ask                        SPECIALS VALID FROM 25/7/2019 TO 28/7/2019
anyone who looks younger than 25
years for identification when selling                              OPENING HOURS: MON – SUN 8:30am till 6:30pm
tobacco products. The only acceptable                                    FREE CUSTOMER PARKING
forms of identification are a New Zea-

land drivers licence, passport, or a suit-                    FULL RANGE OF VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN PRODUCTS
able 18+ card.
16               HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                               

Community cookbook                                                                                                   NADIA LIM IN ASSOCIATION WITH MY FOOD BAG

Indulge your passion for perfect pasta
CHICKEN LASAGNE                                                                                                                                        Each week
Serves 4-6                                                                                                                                             Nadia gives
Ready in 60 minutes                                                                                                                                    you another
                                                                                                                                                       easy recipe for
Ingredients                                                                                                                                            your family and
                                                                                                                                                       you’ll find all the
Filling                                                                                                                                                ingredients in
■ 1 brown onion                                                                                                                                        My Food Bag.
■ 2 carrots                                                                                                                                  
■ 1 Tbsp lasagne spices (2 tsp
garlic powder, 1⁄2 tsp dried                                                                                                                           Recipe courtesy of My Food Bag,
oregano, 1⁄4 tsp dried marjoram, 1⁄4                                                                                                                   from its Bargain Box offering.
tsp dried rosemary)
■ 3⁄4 tsp salt                                                                                                                                         in a pot on medium heat. Add
■ 600g chicken breasts                                                                                                                                 flour and salt and cook, stirring
■ 3 Tbsp tomato paste                                                                                                                                  constantly for 1-2 minutes.
■ 1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes                                                                                                                        Whisk in milk, 1⁄2 cup at a time,
■ 1⁄2 cup chicken stock                                                                                                                                until smooth. Bring to a gentle
■ 200g or 8 sheets dried lasagne                                                                                                                       simmer and cook for 1-2 minutes
(e.g. Diamond, San Remo)                                                                                                                               until slightly thickened. Season
■ 100g baby spinach                                                                                                                                    to taste.
                                                                                                                                                       Make lasagne: Spoon half the
White sauce                                                                                                                                            filling into the baking dish and
■ 3 Tbsp butter                                                                                                                                        spread out evenly. Top with half
■ 3 Tbsp flour                                                                                                                                         the lasagne sheets and repeat
■ 1⁄4 tsp salt                                                                                                                                         with remaining filling and
■ 21⁄2 cups milk                                                                                                                                       lasagne sheets. Pour over white
■ 1⁄2 cup grated Parmesan cheese                                                                                                                       sauce and sprinkle with cheese.
                                                                                                                                                       Bake lasagne: Bake for 25-30
Method                                                                                                                                                 minutes, until pasta is tender
Preheat oven to 200C. Set aside a           little oil in a fry-pan on high heat   minutes, until chicken is white     6-7 minutes, until slightly     and cheese is golden brown.
baking dish (about 25cmx35cm).              and cook onion and carrots for         all over.                           thickened and reduced. Stir     Allow to sit for 5 minutes before
Prep veges: Finely dice onion               about 3 minutes, until softened.       Cook filling: Add tomato paste,     through spinach and season to   serving.
and grate carrots. Pat chicken              Add lasagne spices, salt and           canned tomatoes and stock,          taste.
dry, dice 1cm and season. Heat a            chicken and cook for about 4           bring to a simmer and cook for      Cook white sauce: Melt butter

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18   HAMILTON PRESS, JULY 24, 2019                                                                                                                                

What’s On
EVENTS/CLUBS/                          clubs: Tuesday, 11am-3pm, contact     Interesting speakers, trips, and       Promoted by the Hamilton Vintage       9.30am until mid-April. Come and
                                       Linda: 0224718030; and Friday,        other activities for partly or fully   and Classic Car Club. For more         join us for a morning of fun bowls,
GROUPS                                 11am-3pm, contact Kym:                retired. Methodist Melville Centre,    information phone Richard.             some coaching and fellowship. For
Waikato Patchworkers and               0272451402. Open club night,          second Monday of each month at         Walking group: Join the Pukete         info contact Bill, 021 687 114 or 839
Quilters Guild: Beginners to           Wednesday, 7pm-9:45pm contact         10am. Phone Judy 843 4820.             Neighbourhood House every              5522.
professional, sharing a common         Kym: 0272451402. Waikato Table        Waikato Miniature Club: Meets          Thursday at 9.30am. All ages and       Wanderers Tramping Club:
interest in patchwork and quilting.    Tennis Stadium, Edgecumbe Park.       second Saturday of each month,         abilities. Phone 07 849 1115.          Tramping with a club takes you to
Meet 1.15pm on the second              Readers wanted: Looking for           10am to 3pm at the St. Johns           Hamsouth Baptist Church:               new places, makes new friends,
Saturday of each month at the          readers to form a daytime book        Methodist Church, 20 Wellington        Coffee cake and chat every             and enhances your safety,
Chartwell Cooperating Church, 124      group in Hamilton. Meet monthly       St, Hamilton East. Contact: Colleen    Wednesday, 10am til 11.30am 131
Comries Rd, Chartwell. Email:          and borrow books and discussion       0276209952 or Sheryl 8568467.          Ohaupo Rd, Glenview. Drop in for       Hamilton Central Rotary Club:                   notes from Book Discussion            Indoor bowls:Livingstone Church        friendly banter and/or join in craft   Meets at Sky City every Monday,
Friends of Waiwhakareke: 9am           Scheme. Small fee. Contact            hall in Livingstone Ave. Social        corner. Roz 07 846 0097.               12pm. Contact Melissa 027
last Saturday of the month at for details.         bowls. Mondays at 1pm to 2.45pm.       Riverside Garden Club: Meetings        6027581.
Brymer Rd carpark opposite             Hamilton Genealogy Society:           Community information                  second Monday of the month at          St Francis Indoor Bowls Club:
Hamilton Zoo. All welcome to help      Meets every third Monday in the       mornings: Join the Pukete              Hamilton Gardens Pavilion in the       Meets every Thursday 7.15pm –
with planting or plant releasing.      month, 9.30am, and first Thursday     Neighbourhood House once a             Chartwell Room at 1pm. Contact         9.30pm in St Francis Church hall, 92
Bring boots and morning tea.           evening 7.30pm. Co-operating          month for free community info          Sue on 8499369.                        Mansell Ave, for non-competitive
Contact:                               Parish Hall, Comries Rd, Chartwell.   mornings. Covering a range of          Classic Car meet night: Last           friendly bowling. Contact Jenny
FriendsOfWaiwhakareke@g-               Hamilton Sing Ong Tai Chi:            topics and presented by leaders in     Thursday of the month, Cock and        0210538010 or Barbara                               Tuesday 6pm at Forest Lake            their respective fields, 11am-12pm,    Bull Hamilton, 5pm onwards.            0212392995.
Kirikiriroa Powertalk:Gain             Primary School hall, Storey Ave,      free entry. Contact 849 1115.          Classic cars, American cars, hot       Altrusa Club of Hamilton:
confidence in speaking in public by    Hamilton. Contact Mark 021            South City Plunket Playgroup:          rods. muscle cars, all welcome.        Women’s service club. Meet at Sky
joining friendly group. First and      1573241.                              Plunket rooms on Trigg Pl in Bader.    Rebus Club of Riverside                City every second Tuesday of each
third Monday at 7.30pm at Waikato      Wordplay on Saturday                  Every Thursday from 10am-12pm          Hamilton: Social club for 65s-plus     month at 6pm. Contact the
Bridge Club, 56 Brookfield St.         Toastmasters Club: 9am -              for 0-5 year olds. Bring something     retirees; meet third Tuesdays          secretary,
Contact Evelyn 853 6468.               10.30am at Hamilton City Library,     for shared morning tea or provide      Hamilton Gardens for interesting
Waikato Embroiderers                   Garden Pl. Come along and             your own. Beth 021 236 8658.           speakers. Club promotes                Lochiel Scottish Country Dance
Guild:Stitch-ins are every             conquer your fear of public           Rock’ n’ Roll Club night: Every        fellowship, friendship and fun         Club: Dancing every Tuesday, at St
Wednesday, 10am-2pm and first          speaking. Phone Ralph 020 4016        Wednesday, 7pm. Memphis                through social times, lunches and      John’s Church Hall, Wellington St,
two Mondays of each month 7pm-         4192.                                 Rockers R’n’R Club, Frankton Rugby     activities. Interested and maybe       Hamilton East. Beginners 7-8pm.
9pm; monthly meeting every third       Harmony Chorus Hamilton:              Sports Club Rooms, Riflerange Rd.      join? Contact Gorham: 855 4757;        Others continue until 9.30pm.
Thursday, 7.30pm, St James             Meet every Friday, St Luke’s Church   See                         Social dancing for adults and
Church, 82 Nixon St. Contact           Melville, 10.15am - 1.45am. Email     Classic Car Meet Sunday: All           Hamilton Speakeasy Monthly             children. No partner required.
Sharon: 824 4815.                      harmonychorushamilton@g-              classic cars, and hot rods of all      Jazz: The second Sunday of every       Social Squash: Hamilton Squash
Gardening Group: Meets on the                             makes and models. Meet at              month, 2pm - 5pm, $5 entry. Nivara     and Tennis Club (first two sessions
last Friday of each month at the All   Mahjong: Monday at 1pm at the         Classics Museum car park, 11           Lounge, Basement 266 Victoria St,      free). Juniors on Thursday 4pm –
Saints Church, Sandwich Rd, St         Beerescourt Bowling Club, 68          Railside Pl, Frankton on the first     Hamilton.                              6pm and include coaching. Senior
Andrews at 1pm. 855 5158 or 021        Maeroa Rd. Coaching available for     Sunday of every month. 8am -           Claudelands Bowling Club:              club nights are Fridays from 6pm
110 7878.                              beginners. Phone June 843 4017.       10am. Monthly cash prizes and give     Regular club roll-ups, 9.30am and      onward. 325 Tristram St, Hamilton.
Waikato Table Tennis: Social           Friendship Club of Glenview:          aways. Buffet breakfast available.     Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays         Contact:

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