Page created by Stanley Tate
Inside...       Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SUU remembers
  Gary Giles
Vol. 12 No. 10
                          Sports      Wednesday, February 5, 2020

 4   Opinion             Down 19
10   Showcase            points,
14   Life                 Lady
25   Sports           Reds rally
30   Classifieds       to stun
33   Comics/Puzzles   Thunder


                                             Dodgeballers come
                                              together for 4th
                                             Annual fundraising
                                                         Page 14
                                                                              corey baumgartner
2    Wednesday, February 5, 2020                                                  NEWS                                                              Iron County Today

Home Builders
holds awards
   banquet                                                                                                                                               photos courtesy of ichba

Robert Bulloch accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award from               Adam Hahn Recognizes Matt Phillips,     Velocity Homes, Builder of Year 2019, award accepted
Ross Ford, Utah HBA Exec Officer, accompaied by his wife Sherry, Steve      accompanied by his wife Leanne, as    for Spencer Jones by (from left) son Kyle, mother Shirley,
  Dailey Utah HBA President, and Adam Hahn Iron County HBA 2019.              Associate Member of Year 2019.        Velocity VP Brian Johnson, and Adam Hahn, HBA Pres.
Iron County Today                                                                 News                                                   Wednesday, February 5, 2020     3

                                   southern utah university news

 SUU remembers former SUU receives Carnegie
  Professor Gary Giles Community Engagement
            from David Bishop
              For Iron Count y Today
                                                  nationally ranked and among the most
                                                  popular for SUU students.
                                                      “He was instrumental in helping me
    It is with sadness that Southern Utah         decide my career path and is still a large              from David Bishop                and core themes,” said Earl
University shares the news that former            influence in my life today,” said Scott                 For Iron Count y Today           Mulderink, professor of history
professor Gary N. Giles passed away on            Johnson, SUU graduate and former SUU                                                     and facilitator of the appli-
Tuesday, January 28 at the age of 82. Giles       alumni president. “As a professor, he was              CEDAR CITY — Evidence of          cation process. “Personally, I
dedicated a substantial portion of his life to extremely supportive. Gary was always                 the institutional commitment          want to thank everyone who
SUU, serving the University for 34 years.         willing to talk things through and not just        to community engagement,              contributed to this team effort
    “Over the years, I have                                          to learn the material, but to   Southern Utah University              and the successful outcome.
had the opportunity to talk                                          learn the application of that   has once again earned the             We can be proud of joining
to a lot of SUU alumni and                                           material. In particular, he     Community Engagement                  a relatively small number of
inquiring about the welfare                                          focused on the importance       Classification from the               higher education institutions
of favorite professors seems                                         of strong ethics in account-    Carnegie Foundation for the           in the United States that
to be a central theme of                                             ing and how that applied        Advancement of Teaching. SUU          effectively promote and are
those conversations,” said                                           to the job. Thirty years        has held the designation for          recognized for community
Dr. Robert Eves, interim                                             after graduating, I still use   a decade and is among fewer           engagement.”
provost at SUU. “I can                                               techniques that he taught       than one percent of higher                The Carnegie Community
honestly say that Professor                                          me.”                            education institutions nation-        Engagement Classification has
Giles was one of those                                                   Giles was honored           ally to receive it.                   been the leading framework
most often remembered by                                             countless times throughout          “Community engagement             for institutional assessment
alumni. His influence on the                                         his career including earning    has become deeper, more               and recognition of community
students he touched is truly                                         SUU’s first-ever Professor of   pervasive, better integrated,         engagement in U.S. higher
remarkable. A keen wit, a                                            the Year Award, Outstanding     and sustained at SUU than it          education for the past 14 years
quick smile, and a kind word                                         Educator Award, and a place     was in 2010 when the classifi-        with multiple classification
are how I remember Gary                                              in the Hall of Honor in SUU’s   cation was first awarded,” said       cycles in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2015
Giles. Clearly, his students                                         Great Hall.                     President Scott L Wyatt. “The         and 2020.
remember him in much the                                                 Giles attended both         collaboration between the                 "The important thing to
same way.”                                                           SUU (then the College of        university and local commu-           remember is this is not just a
    Giles is remembered for                                          Southern Utah) and Brigham      nity has been exceptionally           designation," said Pam Branin,
his humor, compassion, and                                           Young University during his     strong from the start, each           director of the Community
an extraordinary dedication                                          undergraduate education.        supporting the other. Over the        Engagement Center. "This
to students. His influence
                                                      Courtesy Photo
                                                                     And after graduating from       years, in particular since 2010,      is a reflection of the many
                                          Gary N. Giles                                              the community SUU serves has          faculty and staff that are

reached beyond the class-                                            BYU with a bachelor’s
room with his focus always                                           degree in accounting, Giles     grown to encompass regions            involved across campus
on the person, before the            Gary was                        was one of the first to         around the world.”
                                                                                                         According to the Carnegie
                                                                                                                                           and the students that are
                                                                                                                                           contributing thousands of
class and the grades.
    “Gary was a dear friend             a dear                       complete BYU’s Master of
                                                                     Accountancy program.            Foundation, community                 hours of service each year.
                                                                                                     engagement describes the col-         This designation recognizes
and highly respected emeri-
tus professor of accounting,”
                                         friend                          Giles and his wife, Vera
                                                                     Jean Giles, met during          laboration between institutions       everyone on our campus and in
said Dr. Mary Pearson, dean
of the School of Business.
                                   and highly                        his time at the College of
                                                                     Southern Utah. Together
                                                                                                     of higher education and their
                                                                                                     larger communities for the
                                                                                                                                           our community."
                                                                                                                                               With a long history of com-
“He was renowned for his            respected                        they have seven children,       mutually beneficial exchange
                                                                                                     of knowledge and resources.
                                                                                                                                           munity engagement, SUU is
                                                                                                                                           committed to being “a dynamic
uncanny ability to remem-
ber every student's name,             emeritus                       many of whom have
                                                                     attended SUU. He made a         To be selected, institutions          teaching and learning commu-
                                                                                                     provide examples of universi-         nity that engages students in
origin, and family history. He
truly exemplified a stu-
                                   professor of                      deep and lasting impact on
                                                                     the institution and will be     ty-wide practices exhibiting          experiential education leading
dent-focused education and        accounting”                        greatly missed.                 community engagement and
                                                                                                     alignment in mission, culture,
                                                                                                                                           to personal growth, civic
                                                                                                                                           responsibility, and professional
will be forever remembered                                               “He was always a listener
                                                                                                     leadership resources, and             excellence.” The Community
for his positive impact on            » Dr. Mary Pearson and that’s why people came                  practices through a self-study.       Engagement classification
the accounting program and                                           to him,” said Dana Giles
the thousands of students who crossed his         Magleby, Giles’s daughter. “People that knew       The materials and institutions        underscores and enhances
path.”                                            he always had the time for them. He didn’t         are then assessed by a national       SUU’s ongoing efforts to fulfill a
    During his time at SUU, Giles was             just teach numbers, he taught life.”               review committee.                     wide range of institutional and
instrumental in the design and implemen-              Funeral services will be held Saturday,            “One of the keys to retain-       community responsibilities.
tation of the University’s first Bachelor         February 8 at 12 p.m. at the Cross Hollow          ing the Carnegie Community                The Carnegie Foundation
of Accounting program in 1965 and then            Stake Center. The viewing Friday, February 7       Engagement classification             for the Advancement of
later the development of the Master of            from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, February       was our ability to highlight
Accountancy program. Both programs are            8 from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.                          fidelity to SUU's mission, vision,                 see Carnegie     »9
4       Wednesday, February 5, 2020                                                               NEWS                                                         Iron County Today

         R. Gail Stahle
            Publisher                          of the Week
                                          from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher
     Deborah Martineau
        Office Manager              “Facts do not cease to
                                    exist because they are
                                                  » Aldous Huxley
          Scott Stahle
        Sales Manager
            801.755.5999             Submit your letter at, or email
                                      them to or bring/mail
          Patti Bostick                 them to 389 N 100 W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All
     Sales Representative
                                       letters must be signed, be brief (generally under
                                     300 words in length), list the author’s city and give
                                      the writer’s telephone number (phone number will
            435.592.1030                 not be printed). We reserve the right to edit all
                                        letters for length or content. For letters arriving
         Editorial                        electronically, we will use the author’s e-mail
                                                  address in lieu of a signature.
     Corey Baumgartner
       Managing Editor

                                     Power to the "little people"
         Tom Zulewski
         Sports Writer

          Shay Baruffi
                                   The opinions stated in this article are solely those       mob rule based on rumors, misun-           keeping new businesses and residents
     Layout/Design                   of the author and not of Iron County Today.              derstandings, and prejudice. As an         from moving to Utah.

                                                                                              example, a survey of people in Arkansas         There is nothing wrong with voters
          Devin Christ                    ven bright, responsible, and                        found that a majority thought Pres.        rebuking elected officials if they think
      Creative Director                   admired people can stub their                       Obama was not a citizen of the United      their legislators got it wrong, and to his            toe. This happened last month                       States. But Wilson’s defense of legisla-   credit Wilson admitted that the state
                                   when one of Utah’s sharpest and most                       tors reflecting the view of constituents   leadership needs to both listen and
       Circulation                 rational legislators, House Speaker Brad                   is not necessarily true since most         explain to voters what and why it is
                                   Wilson, lamented that Utahns often                         Utahns cannot even name their Utah         doing what it’s doing.
         Taisha Powell             do a disservice when they overturn a                       House or Senate representative.                 One member of the House leader-
          S. Cedar City
                                   decision of his colleagues.                                    Indeed, the public has been flexing    ship team complained that voters were
                                       To many readers, Wilson’s                                                                         being fed misconceptions about the
                                   comments reeked of arrogance.                                                                         tax reform bill. Too many voters didn’t
      Stormee Anderson             How dare the “little people”                                                                          understand the ramifications if it were
     N. Cedar City/Enoch           question those on Capitol                                                                             repealed.        Hill! Wilson was obviously                                                                                 Okay, but whose fault is that? It’s

        Wendy Hanson
                                   exasperated by the common
                                   folk speaking out against
                                   the long-debated tax reform
                                                                                                         Cyclops                         not the fault of the voters if they mis-
                                                                                                                                         construed legislation. The Legislature
                                                                                                                                         did a poor sales job, and it is not good
                                   package, but a problem for                                                                            enough to admonish voters for not
            435.477.9100           the House Speaker was that                                                  by Bryan GRAY             rubberstamping the decisions of the
                                   all but one of the Republican                                                                         “better educated” body.
         Iron County Today is
                                   gubernatorial candidates also                                                                              Another attempt at tax reform is
     distributed free of charge,   opposed it.                                                                                           inevitable since sales tax growth is
     thanks to our advertisers.
    It is hand-delivered to over       In his opening speech to the 2020                      its muscle in recent years by passing      slowing, creating a future shortfall for
    14,000 households in Cedar     Legislature, Wilson expressed his view                     referendums on medical marijuana,          some essential services. Gov. Herbert
      City, Enoch and Parowan
     and is available in several   that it is dangerous to allow citizen                      Medicaid, jerrymandering, and tax          and GOP legislators are correct in
     rack locations in Iron and
           Beaver Counties.
                                   referendums to set government policy.                      reform. It is apparent that Utahns don’t   asking the gubernatorial candidates,
                                   Good governance, he said, comes from                       want a full sales tax on non-prepared      “So if you don’t like what we proposed,
                                   elected officials who study the issues                     food or a hike in gasoline tax. Neither    you come up with something better!”
     389 N 100 W, Suite 12
    Cedar City, Utah 84721         and then use their best judgement to                       was there an outpouring of applause for         But don’t lambast citizen petitions
        Ph: 435-867-1865           represent the will of the people or what                   an income tax cut, especially at a time    when, in the case of polling on tax
       Fax: 435-867-1866           is best for the citizens.                                  when the state is leading the nation       reform, only 25% of Utahns supported                I understand where he is coming                        in most economic growth categories.        it. You can trust your legislator without
                                   from. Direct democracy can lead to                         Obviously, our current rate is not         bowing down to him.
Iron County Today                                                          News                              Wednesday, February 5, 2020   5


 Time for Senate  From the Editor
to end Democrat A year in the making
                                                                ne year ago I accepted

                                                                the Managing Editor
                                                                position here at the
                                                       Iron County Today newspaper.

                                                       It seems like only yesterday
       mericans for Limited
       Government President Rick      Op/              that I took that leap of faith.
                                                       I knew the responsibility

       Manning issued the follow-                      entrusted to me was great, to
ing statement urging to Senate to                      not only continue to carry the
acquit President Donald Trump of                       torch, but to makes its flames            Corey
all charges:                                           of influence burn brighter,         Baumgartner
    “The Senate should end Adam Schiff’s partisan      warmer and reach farther             Managing Editor
impeachment fantasy tonight. The Democrat              throughout Iron Country.
majority in the House of Representatives has               Along the way I’ve definitely had my challenges,
embarrassed themselves and have been exposed           curve-balls and sledgehammers to deal with
for their craven effort to politically weaponize the   and work through. I’ve made some mistakes and
once somber impeachment process.                       been befuddled and bamboozled a time or two by
    “For those still clinging to the idea that if      conundrums, but I’m a better editor and person
the House Democrats can just call more wit-            for them. Nevertheless, (and thankfully) I’ve also
nesses on the Senate floor that somehow they           got the best team of capable, caring and carrying
will stumble upon something resembling an              people in my corner. It really does make a differ-
impeachable offense, you will have your chances        ence when you know you’ve got people willing to
in November of 2020 to make your voice heard.          call you out, calm you down and carry you through
But please know that the House impeachment             whatever needs to be endured and conquered,

                                                       even if the challenges aren’t always concerning
                                                       work. Isn’t that what teams do? Perhaps. It’s cer-
           The House                                   tainly what families do and that’s what we are. And
                                                       you, our readers, are a special part of our family.
       impeachment                                         So, as I continue forward into another year, I
                                                       humbly ask for your continued support as I pledge
         was nothing                                   my best to bring you stories of information and
                                                       inspiration. Stories to inform and also transform
    more than Kabuki                                   your life and help make and keep Iron County the
                                                       best place to live, work and play. Let’s go!
        Theatre on a
      national stage”
   » Rick Manning, President, Americans
                for Limited Government
was never about convicting Donald Trump,
instead it was nothing more than a chance for
coastal politicians to preen in front of cameras
and raise money to fund their future political
ambitions. The House impeachment was nothing
more than Kabuki Theatre on a national stage
with fundraising appeals accompanying every
manufactured highlight.
    It is truly sad that the House’s political ambi-
tions were put ahead of our national interest, but
in some ways it was good for America to witness
the lengths Democrats will go to win power as
we head into the 2020 election. It is time to end
impeachment today, and let the Senate get back to
confirming judges who will make an impact for a
    To view online:
6      Wednesday, February 5, 2020                                                               NEWS                                                                          Iron County Today

                           Utah Legislative Update                                                                                                     Bookings
                                                                                                                                        Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s
Dear friends and neighbors,                                            a $43 million deficit. These numbers are early estimates, we    Department and Cedar City Police Department. Those arrested
                                                                       will receive updated estimates in the coming weeks.              are innocent until proven guilty. For a juvenile the name is
As every year, I am sending out an important Legislative                                                                               “(Male/Female) Juvenile Offender” and juvenile is of age less
Feedback survey that will be coming out at the beginning of                                                                                                    than 18 years.
next week. I urge you to complete it and send back to me.              Tax Reform Repeal
It's to gather your feedback, input, concerns and ideas as             One of the first bills we passed this session was House Bill    January 27             Cedar City, UT           BENTLEY
we start this 2020 Utah Legislative Session. Your feedback             185--Tax Restructuring Revisions - Repeal, which, as the
                                                                                                                                                              Retail Theft             Washington, UT
                                                                                                                                       MARK Z ALLEY
is extremely important and helps me greatly as I represent             name suggests, repealed all parts of the tax reform package     Cedar City, UT         MICHAEL J                Purch/Poss/
and serve you as your senator in the Utah Legislature.                                                                                                        LOPOUR                   Consume by
                                                                       we passed in December. While we still have a structural         Retail Theft                                    Minor - Measurable
                                                                                                                                                              Cedar City, UT it begins! We kicked off the 2020 Gen-                        issue we need to address with the budget, it became clear       RUSTIN C               Fail to Comply w/        Amounts
eral Legislative Session on Monday, January                                          during the signature gathering for the referen-   COLBURN                Court                    HARRISON
                                                                                     dum that many citizens have strong concerns       Cedar City, UT                                  BUTLER
27. The opening day is largely ceremonial,                                                                                             DRUG - Poss Drug
and we were fortunate to have Elder Ulisses                                          around the tax legislation passed over a month                           January 31               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                       Paraphernalia                                   Purch/Poss/
Soares from the Church of Jesus Christ of                                            ago. Additionally, it would have been difficult                          JOHN H TINGEY
                                                                                                                                       DANIEL R                                        Consume by
Latter-day Saints offer the invocation, the Utah                                     to pass a balanced budget for the year if tax     ATKINSON               Enoch, UT                Minor - Measurable
Air National Guard present the colors, and the                                       code changed halfway through the year via         New Harmony,           DUI - w/2 Prior          Amounts
Utah Symphony perform the national anthem.                                           ballot vote. The bill passed unanimously in       UT                     Convictions in
                                                                                                                                                                                       KAITLYN COLES
                                                                                     the Senate, with only one dissenting vote in      DUI                    10 yrs., Alcohol
It's going to be a great legislative session, with                                                                                                            Restr. DL, Interlock     St. George, UT
many important bills to discuss and things to                                        the House. We do not plan to pass major tax       EVAN K                 Device Req., Speed       Purch/Poss/
accomplish.                                                                          reform legislation during this session.           BLANDFORD              Regulations              Consume by
                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT                                  Minor - Measurable
Here are some of the highlights from Week 1                                                                                            DRUG - Poss C/S        JOSHUA E WILLIS          Amounts
at Capitol Hill:                                                                      Upcoming Legislation                             Marijuana/Spice        Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                                              Theft/Firearm            HANNAH J
                                                                                      Some of the most unique or controversial bills   RONALD H TAIT          Operable Veh,            HICKSTEIN
                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT                                  Cedar City, UT
Preliminary Budget Numbers                                  Sen. Evan
                                                                                      we see during the session make their way         Aggravated Assault
                                                                                                                                                              Burglary/Veh, Theft
                                                                                                                                                              - $500 to $1500          Purch/Poss/
                                                                                      into the news and, in turn, generate a lot of                                                    Consume by
As a member of the Executive Appropriations                  VICKERS                  interest. Here are some of those bills below.    January 28             NICHOLAS V               Minor - Measurable
Committee, one of my main focuses each ses-         Utah Senate District 28
                                                                                                                                                              IBARRA                   Amounts
sion is the budget. In December, we received                                                                                           JEFFERY L              Cedar City, UT
preliminary revenue estimates for Fiscal Year                                 Front License Plate                                      CALDWELL               DRUG - Poss C/S
                                                                                                                                                                                       CLAYTON M
                                                                                                                                       La Verkin, UT
2019, and it reemphasizes the structural issue we have with     While you might not know it from driving around, in Utah               Poss Dangerous         DRUG - Poss Drug         Chesterfield, MO
our budget that will eventually need to be addressed. As        we require both front and back license plates on vehicles.             Weapon by Restr,       Paraphernlia             Purch/Poss/
you can see below, based on the early revenue estimates,                                                                               DRUG - Poss C/S                                 Consume by
                                                                As it currently stands however, it is only a secondary                                        SHANE                    Minor - Measurable
while the Education Fund is sitting comfortably with a $106     offense, meaning police officers cannot pull a vehicle                 Sched I/II/Analog,     PRESTWICH                Amounts
million surplus, our General Fund, that we use to fund the                                                                             DRUG - Poss Drug       Cedar City, UT
                                                                over solely due to the absence of a front plate. But, they             Paraphernalia,                                  LEXIS S KELLER
majority of the services and functions of government, shows can issue a citation if they pull you over for a different                 Stop Lamps - Turn
                                                                                                                                                              Assault, Unlawful
                                                                                                                                                              Detention                Cedar City, UT
                                                                violation, and you are also missing a front plate. Senate Bill         Signals                                         Purch/Poss/
                                                                85--License Plate Position Amendments, would reclassify                ASHLEY A               February 1               Consume by
                                                                an individual’s failure to display a front license plate as a          FRAZIER                                         Minor - Measurable
                                                                                                                                                              KENDRICK R               Amounts
                                                                primary offense. This has generated a lot of concern and               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                       Protective Order       JOHNSON                  LANCE T LAWSON
                                                                discussion; however, the bill sponsor has decided to no                                       Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                       Violation                                       Cedar City, UT
                                                                longer run this bill.                                                                         DRUG - Poss Drug
                                                                                                                                       JHON S JAQUIZ                                   Purch/Poss/
                                                                                                                                                              Paraphernalia,           Consume by
                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT         Disorderly Conduct,
                                                                       Fetal Remain Disposal                                           Retail Theft           Threats Against
                                                                                                                                                                                       Minor - Measurable
                                                                                                                                       JEAN C LEWIS           Life/Property
                                                                       Any bill that touches on abortion is a hotbed for debate.                                                       NAYAH D RAMOS
                                                                       One bill that has made the news this week is Senate Bill        Cedar City, UT         DONNA M                  Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                       Assault on Health      CHENEY
                                                                       67-- Disposition of Fetal Remains, which seeks to give          Care Provider                                   Purch/Poss/
                                                                                                                                                              Cedar City, UT
                                                                       women the choice on the final disposition of fetal remains                             Retail Theft
                                                                                                                                                                                       Consume by
                                                                                                                                       HLA THAUNG                                      Minor - Measurable
                                                                       following an abortion or miscarriage, and requires the
                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT         JACOB N JESSOP           Amounts
                                                                       hospital or clinic to handle those remains in a respectful      Child ABuse/Neglect    New Harmony,
                                                                       manner. There is some false information going around                                   UT
                                                                                                                                                                                       CAMERON R
                                                                                                                                       MALE JUV                                        SHORT
                                                                       about this bill in that would require women to bury the         OFFENDER               Witness Tampering,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT
                                                                       aborted or lost child. This bill simply gives women a choice.   Cedar City
                                                                                                                                                                                       Fail to Report
                                                                       Nothing is required of parents if they wish for the health-     Assault                DIAMOND                  Accident, Damage
                                                                       care facility to handle the final disposal.                                            FULLMER                  less than $1500,
                                                                                                                                       FEM JUV
                                                                                                                                       OFFENDER               Cedar City, UT           Reckless Driving,
                                                                                                                                                              Stalking                 Probation/Parole
                                                                                                                                       Cedar City, UT
                                                                       Firearms                                                        Criminal Trespass      PAYTON J JESUS
                                                                                                                                                                                       Violation, DUI - w/2
                                                                                                                                                                                       Prior Convictions
                                                                       It seems like each year now we see more and more                FEM JUV                Kanarraville, UT
                                                                                                                                                                                       in 10 yrs., Drive on
                                                                                                                                       OFFENDER               Weapon While
                                                                       legislation on firearms. This year I have already heard about                          Under Influence,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Susp/Revo/Den w/
                                                                       a number of bills. House Bill 109--Universal Background         Cedar City, UT                                  Prior Conviction.
                                                                                                                                       Threats Against        Threat w/Weapon,
                                                                       Checks for Firearm Purchasers would require a background        Life/Property, Tele-   Intoxication,            RODRICK L WARD
                                                                       check for the transfer of a firearm between persons who         phone Harassment       Assault, Criminal        Cedar City, UT
                                                                       are not federal firearm licensees, with the exception of                               Mischief                 Purch/Poss/
                                                                                                                                                                                       Consume by
                                                                       family members and law enforcement agencies and officers.       January 29             CLIFF A JONES
                                                                                                                                                                                       Minor - Measurable
                                                                       Senate Bill 33--Firearm Identification Amendments, makes                               Cedar City, UT
                                                                                                                                       KIEFER P WOOD          DUI
                                                                       it a 3rd degree felony to alter or remove any identifying       Cedar City, UT                                  MAKALL R
                                                                       marks on a firearm, or to be in possession of a firearm with    Forcible Sodomy                                 WHETTEN
                                                                                                                                                              February 2
                                                                       identifying markings removed. Neither of these bills are        LILLIAN D                                       Cedar City, UT
                                                                       far along in the process yet, but I am already hearing from     WALKER                 THANE J SAVAGE           Purch/Poss/
                                                                       many of my constituents on House Bill 109.                      Cedar City, UT         Cedar City, UT           Consume by
                                                                                                                                       Retail Theft           DRUG - C/S Sched         Minor - Measurable
                                                                       Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your                               III/IV/V, DUI, DRUG      Amounts
                                                                       State Senator, it is truly an honor and a privilege. Please     JACOB S                - Poss C/S Sched I/II/
                                                                                                                                       WILLIAMS               Analog                   February 3
                                                                       watch for that survey coming out and share your thoughts        Cedar City, UT
                                                                       with me.                                                        Intoxication           LEE M SCOTT              BRYCE K ROSS
                                                                                                                                                              Millcreek, UT            Cedar City, UT
                                                      Courtesy Photo   Thanks,                                                         January 30             Aggravated Assault       Child Abuse,
        Hildale City Councilman Jared Nichol and his                                                                                                          w/Injury                 Criminal Neg
                                                                       Evan Vickers                                                    MERCEDIE K
    daughter, Gracie, visited me at Utah's Capitol Hill this week,                                                                     HIGH
                                                                                                                                                              MAYSON L
     for Elected Official Day. It was a treat to meet them both.       Senate District 28
8   Wednesday, February 5, 2020                                            NEWS                                                         Iron County Today

African-American protagonists, experiences are
essential parts of history that deserve attention
     from Grateful Amercian                 The organization– now known          Negro History Week was officially      Humanities. Cole once said that
          Book Prize                    as the Association for the Study of      re-branded, and expanded to what       Americans had become “historical
        For Iron Count y Today          African American Life and History        is now Black History Month, by         amnesiacs.”
                                        [ASAALH] — sponsored the first           President Gerald Ford.                     They inaugurated the Prize in
    WASHINGTON, DC – February           Negro History Week in 1926 and               “The African-American expe-        2015 to encourage authors and pub-
is “Black History Month” and there      honored the birthdays of Abraham         rience has been an integral part       lishers to produce more interesting
is an extra incentive to celebrate:     Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.          of our nation’s history since the      books of historical fiction and
2020 is the 150th anniversary               Lincoln, born in a log cabin on      colonial times. Black Americans dis-   non-fiction for adolescents, with
of the 15th amendment to the            February 12, 1809, is considered the     tinguished themselves during the       the hope that over time, historical
Constitution.                                                                                                           literacy would rise.
    The provision, ratified on
February 3, 1870, mandates “the                                                                                         Recommended reading by the
right of citizens of the United                        Black History Month                                              Grateful American Book Prize
States to vote shall not be denied or                                                                                   judges
abridged by the United States or by                                                                                     »»Dark Sky Rising: Reconstruction
any State on account of race, color,    country’s best president; Douglass,      Revolutionary War, endured great         And The Dawn Of Jim Crow by
or previous condition of servitude.”    an ally of Lincoln, was born a slave     suffering before and after the Civil     Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Tonya
    Black History Month did not         on February 14, 1818, and later          War, and still managed to make           Bolden; [2019 Honorable Mention].
become an official festivity until      distinguished himself as an aboli-       great contributions in science, art,   »»Hidden Figures, [2017 Prize win-
1976; however, it was begun when        tionist, author, educator, orator, and   literature, and sports,” says David      ner], by Margot Lee Shetterly.
historian Carter G. Woodson, and        statesman.                               Bruce Smith.                           »»Dreamland Burning [2017
Jesse E. Moorland, an educator and         Negro History Week quickly                Smith co-founded The Grateful        Honorable Mention], by Jennifer
a prominent civic leader, started       evolved into an event that inspired      American Book Prize, a history           Latham.
the Association for the Study of        schools and communities through-         advocacy initiative, with the late     »»Freedom’s Price, [2016 Honorable
Negro Life and History, to publicize    out the country to participate. By       Dr. Bruce Cole, former chairman of       Mention], by Michaela MacColl and
African-American accomplishments.       1976—the country’s bicentennial—         the National Endowment for the           Rosemary Nichols.
Iron County Today                                                                           News                                                      Wednesday, February 5, 2020              9

                                                  Last Week's Government News
           Compiled by Corey                       Trump defense team member                      AUMF do not provide legal justification for   to Canada and Mexico. With the passage
            Baumgartner                            former Florida Attorney Pam                    war with Iran. Throughout 2019, Iran has      of USMCA, we look forward to not only

              Iron Count y Today
                                                   Bondi nails Joe, Hunter Biden                  engaged in reckless escalation culminating
                                                                                                  in the December 31, 2019 attack on the
                                                                                                                                                maintaining, but expanding our trade and
                                                                                                                                                investment ties with our closest interna-
                                                   Ukraine conflict of interest                   U.S. embassy in Baghdad by Iranian            tional trade partners."
  Sen. Lee Statement on not                        Fairfax, Va. — Americans for Limited           proxies, which the President responded to
                                                                                                                                                And from the Utah Manufacturers Associa-
  needing more witnesses                           Government President Rick Manning              with a targeted killing of Soleimani. The
                                                                                                                                                tion: “USMCA is a win for manufacturers of
                                                   today issued the following statement           Resolution also acknowledges the Trump
  WASHINGTON DC — Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)                                                            Administration’s restraint and appropriate    all sizes—from small family businesses to
                                                   regarding the arguments of Pam Bondi,
  issued the following statement Friday                                                           response to Iranian escalation throughout     large well-known manufacturing compa-
                                                   the former Florida Attorney General, before
  after voting not to hear from witnesses at                                                      2019.                                         nies. The USMCA will finally provide Utah
                                                   the US Senate today: “The entirety of the
  President Trump’s impeachment trial: “We                                                                                                      manufacturers the certainty they need to
                                                   House impeachment case rests on the
  have heard from 13 witnesses via video                                                                                                        continue growing the economy and assist
                                                   presumption that there was nothing to
  during this trial. We have heard hours of        be concerned about relating to former          Sen. Lee statement on signing                 in creating significant jobs both in the
  argument. We have received hundreds of           Vice President Joe Biden’s son’s Board         of USMCA                                      state and across the country that depend
  pages of legal briefs and thousands of                                                                                                        on foreign trade. The Utah Manufacturers
                                                   membership with the Ukraine natural            WASHINGTON DC — Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)
  pages of supporting documents. We know                                                                                                        Association is proud to have been a part
                                                   gas firm Burisma. Bondi’s meticulous           issued the following statement Wednesday
  what happened: President Trump directed                                                                                                       of discussions with our representatives
                                                   outlining of the Burisma corruption case       after President Trump signed the United
  his staff to ask President Zelensky to issue                                                                                                  in Congress to shape the USMCA. Utah
                                                   and the public reporting of it, makes it       States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA):
  a statement announcing an investigation                                                                                                       manufacturers will greatly benefit from
                                                   unambiguously clear that the President not     “The USMCA is a huge win for all of Utah,
  into ‘Burisma and the 2016 elections.’                                                                                                        this agreement as will the Utah economy.”
                                                   only was correct to ask for the Ukrainians     especially the more than 120,000 Utahns
  President Zelensky declined. Ukraine             to get to the bottom of the allegations, but   whose jobs depend on trade with Mexico
  received its aid anyway, and President
  Zelensky met with President Trump. That’s
                                                   would have been derelict in his duties and     and Canada. Utah dairy farmers, manufac-      Sen. Lee Statement on
  it. That’s what happened. No new witness
                                                   responsibilities if he had not done so.”       turers, and the agriculture community will    President’s Middle East Peace
  would change or contradict these facts.
                                                                                                  all benefit from continued free and fair
  That is why I voted to move on without           Curtis resolution reiterates                   trade with our immediate neighbors to the
                                                                                                  north and south. This update to our trade     WASHINGTON DC — Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)
  hearing from additional witnesses. Like any      no legal justification for war                 policy moves the U.S., Mexico, and Canada     issued the following statement Tuesday
  other trial court, the Senate – here sitting
  as a court of impeachment – has both the
                                                   with Iran in AUMF                              further into the 21st century, setting        after reviewing President Trump’s Vision
                                                                                                  mutually beneficial standards regarding       for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future
  authority and the obligation to decline to       WASHINGTON DC — Rep. John Curtis
                                                                                                  the treatment of digital services and         for Israel and the Palestinian People: “Pres-
  hold a full trial where the material facts of    (R-UT), member of the House Foreign
                                                                                                  e-commerce.”                                  ident Trump’s Middle East peace proposal
  the case are not in dispute.”                    Affairs Committee, introduced a resolution
                                                                                                                                                provides a bold new direction towards
                                                   emphasizing that the current Authorization     World Trade Center Utah president and CEO     a better future in the Middle East. This
                                                   for Use of Military Force (AUMF) did not       Miles Hansen added: "More than 121,000
  If the House gets 19 witnesses                   provide legal justification for war with       Utah jobs depend directly on trade with
                                                                                                                                                diplomatic effort lays out a clear blueprint
                                                                                                                                                to achieve strong relations between Israel
  so should the President                          Iran. “The resolution I introduced today       Canada and Mexico. In 2018 alone, Utah        and its neighbors and to bring an end to
                                                   acknowledges a simple fact: The current        companies exported nearly $2.7 billion
  Fairfax, Va. — Americans for Limited                                                                                                          the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
                                                   Authorization for Use of Military Force
  Government President Rick Manning today
                                                   (AUMF) do not provide legal justification
  issued the following statement urging that
                                                   for war with Iran. From this starting point,
  if witnesses are allowed in the Senate,
                                                   Congress should revisit the AUMF and have
  the President’s legal team should have
                                                   a thoughtful, bipartisan discussion on how
  discretion to call as many witnesses as
                                                   best to approach this subject to address
  they want: “Should the Senate decide to
                                                   current and future threats against the
  open the door to witnesses, the President
                                                   United States.”
  should be allowed to call any witness given
  the House of Representatives decision to         Background:
  not allow his participation in the House
  impeachment efforts. At the very least,          In June 2019, the Trump Administration
  the President should be allowed to call          stated that the 2001 and 2002 Authorization
  any witness who was requested by House           for Use of Military Force (AUMF) did not
  Republicans including Alexandra Chalupa,         allow the U.S. to engage in war with Iran
  Eric Ciaramella, Joe and Hunter Biden.           Last week, Democratic leadership brought
  The Senate should not allow the House            forward a vote on H.R. 2456 which calls
  Managers to use their floor to further           for repealing of the 2002 AUMF and H.R.
  their failed witch hunt, without affording       5543 which blocks funds for the use of any
  the President expansive rights to present        military force in or against Iran without
  alternative witnesses who demonstrate why        Congressional declaration of war, a new
  the inclusion of Biden and/or Burisma into       AUMF, or a national emergency. Both bills
  the conversation with Ukrainian President        were brought up for votes after recent
  Volodymyr Zelensky. If the House gets 19         altercations with the country of Iran and in
  witnesses, then so should the President.”        response to perceived escalations towards
  To view online: https://getliberty.              war. In response, Congressman Curtis
  org/2020/01/if-the-house-gets-19-witnesses-      introduced this resolution to reaffirm the
  then-so-should-the-president/                    sense of Congress that the 2001 and 2002

Carnegie                                          universities in 1970 as a research
                                                  tool to describe and represent the
« Continued from page 3
                                                  diversity of U.S. higher education. The
                                                  Carnegie Classification of Institutions
Teaching aims to build a field around             of Higher Education (now housed
solving long-standing inequities                  at Indiana University Bloomington’s
in educational outcomes. The                      Center for Postsecondary Research)
Foundation, through the work of                   continues to be used for a wide range
the Carnegie Commission on Higher                 of purposes by academic researchers,
Education, developed the first                    institutional personnel, policymakers,
typology of American colleges and                 and others.
10                                                         Wednesday, February 5, 2020

                                            The Arts &
                                          in Iron County

     by Amanda DeBry
     For Iron Count y Today

     While SUU wel-
 comes artists from
 all over the world
 for their Art Insights
 series, they are always
 excited to host Utah-
 native artists, to show
 students the successes
 and talents of artists
 close to home. SUU
 and the College of
 Performing and
 Visual Arts are proud
 to host prominent
 Utah painter Brian
 Kershisnik on February
 6, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in
 the SUU Auditorium.
 This event is free and
 open to the public.
     Brian Kershisnik
 grew up dividing his
 time between his dad’s
 overseas assignments
 as a petroleum geol-
 ogist, and summers
 spent with cousins
 in Rock Springs,
 Wyoming. He was a
 friendly, curious kid
 and with no notion at
 all of what he wanted
 to be when he grew up.
 Though he drew often
 to entertain himself, it
 never occurred to him
 that people actually
 did that for a living.
     After trying his
 hand at ceramics
 at Brigham Young
 University, Kershisnik
 was not happy with
 the results. His friend
 Lee Bennion encour-
 aged him to give
 painting a try. Gallery

                              SUU W elcome s A rt ist
 owner Dolores Chase
 noticed his exhibitions
 and encouraged him in
 his professional career.

                              Brian Kershisnik
 One art professor
 described his style as
 primitive-realist, and
 his paintings have a
 dream-like quality that
 is focused on idealized

     see Kershisnik    » 12
                                                                                kent miles
Iron County Today                                                                   showcase                                          Wednesday, February 5, 2020        11

   Your dollars can make a
     difference right here
   by Mary Anne ANDERSEN                 said, “This is of worth. Your desires
        Cedar Cit y Arts Council         are of worth.”

                                             I am talking, of course, about
       ome years ago when I was          the mini-grants provided to those
       writing a monthly column for      very artists by the Cedar City Arts
       The Spectrum I commented          Council. For anywhere between fifty
on the happy results when talent         and five hundred dollars you can be
and money come into sync. We had         a blessing in the life of an aspiring
been to the Bellagio in Las Vegas        artist of any genre right here. And
and walked through the beautiful         your connection will be personal,
Christmas display in their atrium.       as you and your benefactree will
On the way home, I began musing          learn about each other. It is quite
on what happens when a person            a different experience from an
with money says to a                                   impersonal donation
person with talent, “Do                                through the mail.
your thing and I will                                      Here is how to do
finance it.” Too often,                                it: Go to the Cedar City                                                                                 Courtesy of SUU

both those attributes                                  Arts Council site and               SUU's Adjunct Professor of Voice, Shannon Birch, performs during last year's
do not exist in the                                    click on “support”. At

                                                                                          An Evening of Music
same person; think of                                  the top is membership
impoverished artists                                   information, but all
and millionaires with no taste. They     the way at the bottom is an orange

                                                                                         with SUU Music Faculty
need each other.                         “donate now” button. Decide how
    And I really do want to further      much you will donate, fill out the
the presence of beauty in our world,     payment information, and push
but I am unsure of how best to do        said button. You’ll receive a thank
that. I sigh when I throw away the       you and information about who will                     by Ashley H. Pollock                the Abendmusik Faculty Recital!”
numerous appeals for help that           receive your support.                            SUU College of Performing & Visual Arts       The music faculty and adjunct
appear in my mailbox each month.             Who wouldn’t love to be the                                                            faculty are trained in many areas of
Who isn’t touched by the needs of        person responsible for this grin                     The faculty and adjunct faculty       the discipline with years of experi-
cancer research, African poverty, or     when Nathan Washburn knew he                    for the Department of Music at             ence and performance. This concert
Special Olympics events? But my          could now buy a new banjo?!!                    Southern Utah University (SUU)             gives them the opportunity to show
contribution would be small and                                                          are gathering together to share            students and the local community
ineffectual in the overpowering                                                          their talents with students and the        their abilities as well as give back to
presence of crushing need.                                                               community in Cedar City, Utah.             those who so greatly support their
    But I can make a difference at                                                       Abendmusik Faculty Recital will be         efforts throughout the year.
home, in our very own community.                                                         held on Monday, February 10, 2020              Jon Yerby, Adjunct Professor
With just a couple of hundred                                                            at 7:30 p.m. in the Thorley Recital        at SUU, shares, “Abendmusik, or
dollars I could help a music student                                                     Hall of the Music                                               ‘evening music’

purchase a better instrument to                                                          Building on SUU’s                                               is a free concert
improve her education. She might                                                         campus. This                 Live music                         hosted by the
teach one of my grandchildren one
day. I could help a young father
                                                                                         concert is free
                                                                                         and open to the          performances                           College of Music
                                                                                                                                                         at Southern Utah
publish his book about a chartreuse
moose. That would encourage the
                                                                                              Dr. Lawrence
                                                                                                                  are in integral                        University. This
                                                                                                                                                         an opportunity to
writer’s literary skills and give                                                        Johnson, Chair of      part of our local                        hear members of
giggles to little readers.
    I still hold dear the story of the
                                                                                         the Department
                                                                                         of Music, states,
                                                                                                                arts community”                          the music faculty
                                                                                                                                                         practice, or
middle-aged businessman in our                                                           “It is always a
city who was raised in a family that                                                     pleasure for the
                                                                                                                                » Jon Yerby, SUU rather,         ‘perform’
                                                                                                                                                         what they preach!
scoffed at anything of an artistic                                                       faculty of the                       Adjunct Professor Live music
nature. They prided themselves on                                                        SUU Department                                                  performances
never having gone to a Shakespeare                                                       of Music to showcase their talents         are in integral part of our local arts
play. But this son wanted to write.                                                      and share them with the students           community and we are fortunate
Poetry, no less. He attended a                                                           and community. This year we have           to have such a talented group of
reading by a poet brought into                                                           decided to combine forces with             professors here at SUU. See you at
our community as a guest and                                             courtesy ccac   the full time and adjunct faculty          Abendmusik!”
went away feeling that his wish to              Local musician, Nathan                   performing together in one annual              Immerse yourself in an evening of
express himself was valid. He went         Washburn, of the Washburn Family              recital. We have several new faculty       music with the Abendmusik Faculty
home and wrote a poem that very              Bluegrass Band, was thrilled to to
                                           receive funds for a new banjo thanks
                                                                                         that you will definitely want to hear.     Recital. For more information about
night. I am so happy that I had a          to the Cedar City Arts Council Artists'       So, we invite everyone to attend and       the Department of Music at SUU,
part in exposing him to a world that                Mini-Grant Program.                  enjoy our gift to the community with please visit
12    Wednesday, February 5, 2020                                               showcase                                                                   Iron County Today

                                                                                                                               « Continued from page 10
 with 11th-                                                                                                                    human figures. Kershisnik views art as a way to
                                                                                                                               “become more human.”
 Foulk and                                                                                                                         Brian Hoover, Professor of Art at Southern
 his painting                                                                                                                  Utah University said, “Personally, I've always
 of his sister                                                                                                                 admired the work of Brian Kershisnik. The
    Esme,                                                                                                                      paintings I have seen of his tended to be large
 which SBSU
  purchased                                                                                                                    figurative pieces. Many of them depict people
   for their                                                                                                                   that are defying gravity and seem to float in
 permanant                                                                                                                     landscapes or interiors. Many of them seem to
  collection.                                                                                                                  be spiritual in nature or based on family…I am
                                                                                                                               confident that all who attend Brian’s presenta-
                                                                                                                               tion will be inspired by this prolific Utah based
                                                                                                                                   Brian Kershisnik’s work is featured in collec-
                                                                                                                               tions and shows all over the world, and in many
                                                                                                                               prominent places across the state. His work can
                                                                                        courtesy State Bank of Southern Utah
                                                                                                                               found in the Brigham Young University Museum

   State Bank of Southern Utah awards
                                                                                                                               of Art, the permanent collection of The Church
                                                                                                                               of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Covey
                                                                                                                               Center for the Arts, David Ericson Fine Art in

 high school student in SUMA exhibition
                                                                                                                               Salt Lake City, UT, and Meyer Gallery in Park
                                                                                                                               City, UT.
                                                                                                                                   Enjoy this presentation from Utah artist
                                                                                                                               Brian Kershisnik on February 6, 2020 at 7:00
    As part of Square One:              about what I am painting and I         Award, Awards of Excellence,                    p.m. in the SUU Auditorium. For more informa-
Southwest Regional High School          care about Esmé a lot.”                and Honorable Mentions. The                     tion, please visit
Exhibition, on view at Southern              This inaugural exhibition         award winners, except for the
Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) until         provides a unique experience for       purchase award, were selected
Feb. 15, State Bank of Southern         young artists in southwestern          by the Square One jurors, Roland
Utah (SBSU) purchased Esmé from         Utah to participate in a muse-         Lee, local watercolor artist,
Tuacahn High School for the Arts        um-level opportunity for profes-       Christine Baczek, photographer
11th-grade student Asher Foulk.         sional growth. SUMA partnered          and co-founder of Luminaria,
    “State Bank of Southern Utah        with Southwest Educational             and Stuart Robinson, assistant
is proud to celebrate the talent        Development Center (SEDC)              professor of art education at
of our local high school students       to provide a space for the next        Southern Utah University.
by sponsoring Square One:               generation of artists to start their       The Jurors’ Choice Award was
Southwest Regional High School          careers and invite the commu-          presented to Naji Runs Through,
Exhibition,” said Tyler H. Brown,       nity to see the work of these          grade 12, Tuacahn High School
SBSU director of marketing. “I          underrepresented artists. SUMA         for the Arts. Runs Through was
was thrilled by the quality and         and SEDC worked with local art         selected on his body of work in
quantity of work displayed by           teachers in Beaver, Iron, Garfield,    the show featuring No Child Left
these young southern Utah artists.      Kane, Millard and Washington           Behind, No Child Left Behind, 2019
With all the negative news we           counties for student submissions.      and MMIW: Nēhiyaw, 2018.
hear, it is reassuring to talk to and        “One of my central concepts           Honorable Mentions were
see the talent and beauty created       as an art educator is to create        presented to the following
by these students.”                     opportunities for students to make     local students for the indicated
    The acrylic painting, created       excellent work and then make           artworks:
by Foulk in 2019, was awarded the       it public,” said Steven Stradley,      »»Baylee Davis, grade 12, Canyon
SBSU Purchase Award during the          visual arts faculty at Tuacahn High      View High School, Self Portrait,
Square One opening reception            School for the Arts. “Community          2018
on Thursday, January 9. Foulk           support of students is crucial on      »»Zoe Petersen, grade 12, Cedar
was awarded $750 for the piece          so many levels as it reinforces          High School, Midnight Journey,
that will be placed in the bank’s       strong work, builds community            2019
permanent collection. Foulk was         awareness of vibrant young artists,    »»Phoenix Saville, grade 12,
inspired by his sister to create this   and prepares students to engage          Parowan High School, Me, 2019
work of art.                            in deeper ways in the immediate        »»Ella Wrankle, grade 10, Cedar
    “Most of the reason for making      future as well as college and career     High School, Beyond the
this painting comes from how            planning. Work presented publicly        Clouds, 2019
close I am to Esmé. She is my           provides real-world experience             More information about the
sister, my best friend, and she         that, coupled with community           exhibition can be found on SUMA’s
is very inspiring,” said Foulk. “I      support, offers positive and truth-    website at
wanted to paint her because             ful feedback of artistic endeavors.    Admission to the museum is free
she is interesting to look at and            In addition to the purchase       and open to the public thanks to
I thought her hair would be cool        award from SBSU, other awards          the above sponsors and by Cedar
to paint. I think that it is easier     presented during the opening           City RAP Tax, Utah Division of Arts
to make good work when I care           reception were Jurors’ Choice          and Museums and Zions Bank.
Iron County Today                                                            showcase                                             Wednesday, February 5, 2020        13

   A Star in
 Iron County
                by Lynne Brown
                For Iron Count y Today

   If you’ve ever heard of, or watched,
the classic Disney movie, Lady and
the Tramp, you may be excited to
know that we have the star of the
live action Disney motion picture,
living right in our own Iron County.
    Disney has done
remakes of movies but
this movie is a remake
from a cartoon. Finding
the perfect real-life
animals to play the parts
of Lady, Tramp, Trusty,
Jock, Peg, Bull and the
whole crew was a big
effort for Disney. They
scoured the country to
find the perfect cast for
the movie.                                                                                                                                                   gail workman
    One of the stars of the                                              Iron County local dog trainer, Gail Workman, poses with the stars of Disney's Lady and the
movie, Lady, is owned by                                                                Tramp. She is also the owner of Lady, whose real name is Rose.
Iron County’s local dog
trainer, Gail Workman.                                                 Spaniels that were competing at this       movie, “Lady and the Tramp”.
Lady’s real name is Rose                                               event, Rose was the dog that the Disney        Come meet Rose and Gail and watch the movie
and Rose was a “star”                                                  scout couldn’t keep her eyes off of. The   with friends on February 14, 2020 at the Iron County
before Disney ever found                                               rest is history.                           Visitors Center at 581 North Main Street, Cedar
her.                                                                       Rose has been on the road a lot        City. Doors will open at 5 pm and the movie will
    Gail was contacted                                                  over the last year with filming and on    begin at 7 pm. Have your picture taken with your
by Disney due to Gail’s reputation and her chosen         publicity tours but she will be home on Valentine’s     favorite Valentine and share refreshments for a small
breed, the Cocker Spaniel. Gail, not knowing who          Day, February 14th. Friends of Festival Country         donation. Due to limited space, please reserve a spot
was calling or why they wanted to see her dogs, said      K9s plan to have a screening of the newly released      by calling Lynne Brown at 435-590-7451.
she would be at an AKC Hunt Test in California with
some dogs and could meet with them there to see
some of her dogs.
    Rose was a hunting companion who didn’t get
along with her original owner’s other dogs so Rose
came to Gail at the age of 4 years old “needing a
job.” Anyone with a high energy, focused breed like
a Cocker Spaniel or perhaps a Border Collie, knows
what this means.
    Gail has been showing, competing, and training
Cocker Spaniels and other breeds for over 35 years.
She has been Director of Education for Friends of
Festival Country K9s (the group that built the new
Enoch Dog Park) since 2013.
    One of Gail’s main methods of training is clicker
training. It just so happens, that is how they train
animals to perform in the movies. It is a positive
reinforcement based training that involves clickers
and treats. Basically, you are getting an animal to do
something positive, on their own, and when they do
the action that you want, they get a click and a treat.
    Rose had training issues that needed to be
worked out. After Gail worked through some of
Rose’s issues through training, Rose was entered
into an AKC hunting test where Rose earned her
Junior Hunter title. Although Gail had other Cocker
14                                                                                                                  Wednesday, February 5, 2020
                                                       & Personal
                                                      Interest in
                                                     Iron County

                       DODGEBALLERS COME TOGETHER TO
                    the 4th annual
                  charity dodge ball
            throw-down was more like a
         smack-down as players dove, ducked
        and dodged to stay alive. Let's just say
        that hunger wasn't the only thing that
       got smashed in the face. Brave warriors,
     including the Dodge Fathers and the Bruised
      and Confused, hurled colored balls and got
      battered as they battled on in the name of
      charity and to help "Make Dodge Ball Great
      Again." In the end, everyone had a ball (and
        a bruise...or two). Ryan Huff even got in
         on the action by attempting to juggle
            pins while trying to dodge balls
              being thrown at him by kids.
                                                                    in the


                                                                                       In the final two
                                                                                  matches of the tourney,
                                                                                  the young substitute Cherry
                                                                                 Bombers beat Evictus for the
                                                                                 "Ultimate Loser" title. And for
                                                                              the 4th year in a row, no one could
                                                                             stop the undefeated champions: the
                                                                               "Unstoppa-Balls." Though, Savage
                                                                               Apparel gave them a run for their
                                                                                money. You know what they say,
                                                                                "5th time's a charm." Don't Stop
                                                                                   Ballievin and we'll see you
                                                                                            next year!
                                                                                                                            PHOTOS BY COREY BAUMGARTNER
Iron County Today                                                            life                                                Wednesday, February 5, 2020          15

Frozen with post-holiday stress? Let it go!
       erhaps the busiest season of the year          reasons to read a book. Examples include                 to help you through the stress of tough times,
       concluded just over a month ago. While         increased brain power, comprehension and                 whether you've had a bad day at work or a year
       it is noted as being one of most joyful        relaxation. It is also linked to improving the ability   filled with loss or chronic illness. Since your sup-
times of year, many folks tend to over-indulge,       to relate to others. (         portive family, friends, and co-workers are such
over-commit, and over-spend making it difficult       preventative-health/benefits-of-reading-re-              an important part of your life, it's never too soon
to de-stress and get back into a healthier routine.   al-books ). Leisure reading is also thought to help      to cultivate these important relationships.” (www.
    Below are a few key tips encouraging healthy      students take tests because of an increase in their )
behaviors everyone should desire to incorporate       ability to understand instructions and interpret
on a regular basis - whether it is used to cope       sentences. Finally, for parents who take the time        Get a 10 minute massage
with post-holiday blues or to simply reinforce a      to read stories, there is an increase of bonding            Professional massages have their advantages

sense of well-being.                                                                                           but they can be expensive. Consider investing in a
                                                                                                               vibrating back or foot massager or even use a less
At least 7 hours of sleep                                 The brief reminders                                  expensive manual massage gadget. Even a tennis
    You probably know someone who gets by                                                                      ball can be used for feet and back. Oh, and don’t
on 6 hours of sleep or less. However, according             may be just what                                   overlook a courtesy massage offered by a family
to WebMD (                                                                       member or close friend. Sometimes we don’t even
guide/sleep-requirements ), “Getting too little              is needed to get                                  realize we are stressed until we take a minute to
sleep creates a ‘sleep debt,’ which is much like
being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your             through a tough day!                                   loosen up tight muscles.

body will demand that the debt be repaid. We                                                                   Deep breathing
don't seem to adapt to getting less sleep than we                                                                 Breathing deeply sends the message to the
need- while we may get used to a sleep-depriving                                                               brain that it is time to calm down and relax.
schedule, our judgment, reaction time, and other                                                               The response is that the body then relaxes and
functions are still impaired.” Other problems or
symptoms related to lack of sleep include, loss of                               Kathy's                       we begin to breathe similarly to when we are
                                                                                                               normally relaxed, like when we are falling asleep.
memory, depression, an increase in susceptibility
of becoming ill, and lower tolerance for pain.                                       corner                    This type of exercise does not require any special
10-minute walk                                                                  by Kathleen Riggs              Stretch
   While the benefits of longer-duration exercise                           Utah State Universit y Extension       After sitting for long periods of time or
are many, some people, due to a lack of interest,                                                              concentrating on a task for a while, muscles tend
time, or health issues, cannot participate in high                                                             to become tense. Simple stretching exercises
or moderate intensity activities or exercise.         between parent and child as well as the child’s          for neck, shoulders, back and even hands are
Thankfully, it is now known that 3-4 shorter          interest in pursuing additional books to read.           very beneficial to combat stress and tension. For
time periods of exercise are beneficial and the                                                                some simple instructions and photos see the
exercise can be as simple as taking 10-minute         Enjoy a funny movie/TV show                              Reader’s Digest website:
walks at different intervals throughout the day.          The Mayo Clinic reports many benefits of             stretching-exercises-for-stress-relief/
What are the benefits? They may include lowering      laughter (See                     Keep a list of these simple eight tips for
blood pressure, increasing bone density, toning       stress-relief/SR000344). Whether it is from              stress reduction close by for reference. The brief
of muscles, reduce severity of diabetes, increase     something on the screen or something read or             reminders may be just what is needed to get
sense of well-being, and yes, even weight loss.       heard as a joke, enjoying a humorous moment can          through a tough day!
Also, after a brief walk, the person can attack a     help relieve stress. Also mentioned is that laughter
task with renewed energy and concentration.           increases the intake of oxygen and endorphins
                                                      released by the brain and aid in muscle relaxation.      Kathleen Riggs is the Utah State University Extension Family
Leisure reading                                                                                                and Consumer Sciences Professor for Iron County. Questions
   Summarizing points made in an article posted       Call/visit a friend                                      or comments may be sent to or call
on there are eight science-backed         “A strong social support network can be critical                             435-586-8132.
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