25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries

25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
Spring 2017      Volume 26 Number 1

                Published Quarterly by The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia


                                                                    Inside: Teams that Work and Why

                                                                                            Publications Mail Agreement: 40010827
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries

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25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
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                   P U B L I S H E D BY T H E S O C I E T Y O F N OTA R I E S P U B L I C O F B C

                 TEAMS THAT WORK
                    AND WHY!                                                                             The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?
                                                                                                         PROFILE OF A BC NOTARY

      THE PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY                                                                       Second in the Series that Showcases
      Leadership Legacies that Inspire                                                             6    the Winners of the Dr. Bernard W. Hoeter Award
      Tammy Morin Nakashima                                                                              for Achieving the Highest Marks on all the
                                                                                                         Notarial Statutory Examinations
                                                                                                         BC Notary Harman Virk, Abbotsford              26
      Teamwork since 1926                                                                           7
      Wayne Braid                                                                                        BC Notaries in The News                             28
                                                                                                         Lilián Cazacu
                                                                                                         Morrie Baillie
      Happy Anniversaries!                                                                          8
                                                                                                         Senad Sijercic
      Val Wilson
      Create a Dream Team                                                                       10       Sharing Support and Knowledge                       29
      Rachelle Lee                                                                                       Lorne Mann
      IN PRAISE OF WINE, CHEESE,                                                                         WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
      AND OLDER WORKERS                                                                                  John Salvador, Notary Public (Retired), 92          30
      How to Woo, Engage,                                                                                ORIGINAL RECIPE
      and Retain Your Maturing Employees                                                        14       John’s Favourite Dish:
      Rhonda Latreille                                                                                   Spaghetti and Meatballs
      Cheryl Kwok                                                                               16       with Fresh Tomato Sauce                             33

      Nazirah Premji                                                                                17   BC Notaries
                                                                                                         at the BC Mortgage Brokers Conference               34
      Editor’s                                                                                      17   Patricia Wright

      (Elizabeth Exter) Lauren Exter                                                            18       Services a BC Notary Can Provide                     21
      Tiah Workman                                                                              19
      Roy Cammack and Gordon Hepner                                                             20
      Kim Vickers                                                                                   21
      (Judi Piccolo) Cheri Shannon                                                              22
      Donna Van Beek and Kelsey Krische                                                         23
                                                                                                         Building Better Communities, One Grant at a Time
      Cassandra Coolin                                                                          24
                                                                                                         The Board of Governors                              35
      Successful Teaming                                                                        25
      David Watts and Clinton Wai Yin Lee                                                                30TH   Anniversary Celebration Event                36

                                                                The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?
    “A professional penman, a copyist, a scribe . . . a Notary.” Thus the Oxford English Dictionary describes
    a Scrivener, the craftsman charged with ensuring that the written affairs of others flow smoothly, seamlessly, and
    accurately. Where a Scrivener must record the files accurately, it’s the Notary whose Seal is bond.
         We chose The Scrivener as the name of our magazine to celebrate the Notary’s role in drafting, communicating,
    authenticating, and getting the facts straight. We strive to publish articles about points of law and the Notary profession
    for the education and enjoyment of our members, our allied professionals in business, and the public in British Columbia.

                                                               The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                   Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
    Business to Business                                          18, 67
    LETTERS44                                                                                       Published by
    SURVEYING                                                                                The Society of Notaries Public
    Adapting in a Changing World 	                                     46                        of British Columbia
    Chuck Salmon
    Connecting Animal Lovers with Animal Charities	                    48               Editor-in-Chief   Val Wilson
    Leanne McConnachie                                                                   Legal Editors     Wayne Braid, Ken Sherk
    ELDER CARE                                                                           Administration    Amber Rooke
    HEALTH CARE CONSENT, AGING, AND DEMENTIA                                             Courier 		        Lightspeed Courier & Logistics
    Mapping Law and Practice in BC	                                    52               Photographer      Gary Wildman
    Krista James
                                                                                                      The Scrivener
    Don’t go it Alone!	                                                54                email: scrivener@society.notaries.bc.ca
    Barb Kirby                                                                            website: www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
    To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate?	                             55                   The Society of Notaries Public of BC
    Andréa Agnoloni
                                                                                                        604 681-4516
    Forensic Genealogical Research	                                    58
    Suzanne Simpson                                                                                 To send photographs
                                                                                                to The Scrivener, please see
    Tracing Assets	                                                    60                    the Editor's column on page 17.
    Trevor Todd
    WILLS AND ESTATES                                                                    All rights reserved. Contents may not be
    Mediation for Estate Disputes	                                     62               reprinted or reproduced without written
    Michael Butterfield                                                                  permission from the publisher.
    CHILDREN AND THE LAW                                                                 This journal is a forum for discussion,
    Children’s Views and Why They Matter	                              64               not a medium of official pronouncement.
    Mary E. Mouat, QC
                                                                                         The Society does not, in any sense, endorse
    PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL SUCCESS                                                    or accept responsibility for opinions
    Polishing Your Self-Image	                                         68               expressed by contributors.
    Carla Rieger
    I Love to Sing!	                                                   70
    Rick Evans
    A Look at Foreign Buyer Tax in BC and Beyond 	                     71
    TRAVEL                                                                                 CANADA POST: PUBLICATIONS MAIL
    Our Trip to San Francisco                                          72                 AGREEMENT No. 40010827
    Aryan and Ishan Sablok
                                                                                           Postage Paid at Vancouver, BC
    Stepping Out in Mongolia	                                          74                 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN
    Trevor Todd                                                                            ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT.
    TECHNOLOGY                                                                             THE SOCIETY OF NOTARIES
    Spring Tech/Auto                                                   76                 PUBLIC OF BC
    Akash Sablok                                                                           BOX 44
    Where in the World Has The Scrivener Been?		                       78                 SUITE 700 – 625 HOWE STREET
                                                                                           VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2T6

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017           The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS                5
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
           OF THE SOCIETY

                                                                            Tammy Morin Nakashima

                       Leadership Legacies
                           that Inspire

            o you remember when                 success…is based on the sum                               In The Five Dysfunctions
                                                of individual contributions.”                        of a Team, Patrick Lencioni says,
            the word TEAM in                                                                         “Not Finance. Not Strategy.
                                                     Josh Bersin writes that Deloitte
            business first became               launched a study of people challenges                Not Technology. It is team work that
                                                in business, “Deloitte Human Capital                 remains the ultimate competitive
    a buzzword? It caught my                                                                         advantage because it is so powerful
                                                Trends 2016.” A timely subject,
    attention back when.                        it discusses organization and demands                and so rare.”
                                                in business today. In its studies                        Jack Canfeld in his book
         It was revolutionary to characterize   of the workforce, the article notes,                 The Success Principles states,
    the boss as a member of a team              “Millennials, which now make up                      “Every high achiever has a powerful
    alongside the staff. The archaic            more than 50% of the workforce                       team of key staff members,
    office hierarchy was being replaced         (more in many countries), are looking                consultants, vendors and helpers… .”
    with a more innovative mindset              for mission and values at work, and
    where workers and bosses alike were                                                                   Together with this from Dolly
                                                when they work in small teams they                   Parton, “If your actions create a legacy
    being recognized as equally valuable        need a shared culture to ensure that
    and essential to the success of the                                                              that inspires others to dream more,
                                                strategies, programs and compliance                  learn more, do more, and become
    company. That new model of thinking         take place in a consistent way.”
    has generated great success for the                                                              more, then you are an excellent
    likes of Starbucks and Google.                                                                   leader,” all those statements succinctly
                                                                                                     encapsulate the fundamentals needed
        There is much to be said about            “Not Finance. Not Strategy.                        for an organization to succeed.
    company structure. Styles are
    described as                                          Not Technology.                                 From my seat on the Boards
                                                  It is team work that remains                       of The Society of Notaries Public
    •	vertical, meaning the familiar                                                                of BC and The Notary Foundation,
       multiple-layer reporting, and                 the ultimate competitive                        I can proudly say we know those
    •	horizontal, denoting minimal layers          advantage because it is so                       principles to be true. The solid
       of management.                                 powerful and so rare.”                         leadership of The Society’s Executive
        Both styles recognize at the core                                                            Director Wayne Braid during these
    that the cohesive team yields the best                                                           past 17 years is a sterling example
    results.                                         Deloitte has done many studies—                 of a legacy.

         Dr. Richard Ronay, a professor         compliance programs, for example,                         As a high achiever with an
    at Columbia Business School and             that always show building a culture of               incomparable work ethic, coupled with
    author of The Path to Glory is Paved        compliances is far more effective than               his respect for and insight into people
    With Hierarchy, borrows from a              giving people tools or processes to                  and his gift for bringing out their best,
    Kellogg School of Management                make sure they do as they are told.                  Wayne has inspired us to dream more,
    study referencing company styles                Whichever style you adopt, what                  learn more, and become more.
    against basketball and baseball             remains consistent is that people                        Our undying gratitude to
    teams. He states, “Basketball               need to work together to yield the best              you, Wayne, our Leader who has
    teams rely heavily on co-ordination         results. And the right Team Leader will              not wavered or been deterred.
    for success… . A baseball’s team’s          make all the difference.                             Team Notary is strong and well! s

                                                The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries

                                                                                       Wayne Braid


                                  since 1926

       or the past 12 months,                                                                needed to be some accountability and
                                                On November 2, 1926,                         enhanced education. On November 2,
       we have been celebrating                                                              1926, they got together and formed
                                                 they got together and
       our 90th Anniversary Year.                formed the governing
                                                                                             the governing body called The Society
                                                                                             of Notaries Public of British Columbia.
    The Society of Notaries Public was          body called The Society                      That took great teamwork because
incorporated as the governing body of                                                        written communication at the time
BC Notaries in our province in 1926.
                                                   of Notaries Public                        was limited to sending letters and
     Our milestone has motivated me
                                                  of British Columbia.                       invitations by mail.
to look back into our archives to review                                                          The first Roll of Notaries Public
how we got to where we are today.          Columbia until his retirement in                  lists 626 members! Their town names
I am pleased to share with you some        1864. Douglas is often credited as                jump off the page—places most of
of the things I discovered.                “The Father of British Columbia.”                 us have never heard of like Anyox,
    As well as historical information,                                   Wikipedia           Athalmer, Brighouse, Burton, Eburne,
I saw the leaders of the early                                                               Jubilee, Nahun, Silverton, Willow River,
                                               The first Notary in the Colony                Wistaria, and Wyatt Bay.
organization worked diligently together    of British Columbia was appointed
to make certain that Notarial services     by Governor Douglas that year.                         At that time there were Notaries
in British Columbia were of the highest                                                      at work in the small towns where it is
standard.                                      The Colony began to grow as                   a struggle to get members to practise
                                           people started to settle all over the             today, like Ashcroft, Barrier, Beaverdell,
     In June 1846 the Oregon Treaty
                                           area. Because citizens needed to                  Burns Lake, Hazelton, Massett,
set the US and the British North
                                           record their land purchases and take              François Lake, Giscome, Golden, Port
American border at the 49th parallel,
                                           care of other areas of commerce,                  Mellon, Skidegate, and Telkwa.
with the exception of Vancouver
Island, retained in its entirety by        Notaries continued to be appointed
                                                                                                 As I read through the 626 names,
the British. Prior to the Treaty, the      to provide those important services.              a couple caught my eye.
Hudson's Bay Company controlled                 In 1866, Vancouver Island                      Dufferin Pattullo
the land west of the Rocky (Stony)         became part of the Colony of British                of Prince Rupert,
Mountains down the coast; they             Columbia and Victoria became the                    who went on to
appointed their own judges and             united Colony’s capital. On July 20,                become the 22nd
recorders.                                 1871, British Columbia became                       Premier of British
    The main settlements on                the 6th province of Canada with                     Columbia (1933
Vancouver Island belonged to the           the agreement that the Canadian                     to 1941). Of course the Pattullo
Hudson’s Bay Company. The Island           Government would extend the                         Bridge is named in his honour.
was made a Crown Colony in 1849,           Canadian Pacific Railway to the west
                                                                                                Alex Matthew,
with Richard Blanchard as Governor.        coast and assume the Colony’s $1.5
                                                                                                a Notary in
                                           million debt. British Columbia’s Latin
    From 1851 to 1864, Sir                                                                      Vancouver,
James Douglas was Governor of              motto is Splendor sine occasu—
                                                                                                Secretary of The
the Colony of Vancouver Island.            Splendour without Diminishment.                      Society of Notaries,
In 1858, he also became the first              The Notaries that had been                       and an MLA and
Governor of the Colony of British          appointed started an Association—                    Cabinet Minister in
Columbia and remained Governor of          “the Association of Notaries.”                       W.A.C. Bennett’s
both Vancouver Island and British          The leaders soon recognized there                    Social Credit Government

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017             The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS                     7
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
It is interesting that the list                                     KEYNOTE
      indicates the members were pretty
      well all men—quite a departure from
      2017, when over 55 percent of our                                                                            Val Wilson
      members in the BC Notary profession

      are women.
           In 1927 the Notary Executive
      Team consisted of Jack Loutet of North
      Vancouver as President—Mr. Loutet
      had been the driving force to bring the
      Notaries of the Province (and the former
      Colony of British Columbia) together as a
      profession, and Vice Presidents E. Hand
      of Vancouver, H. E. Dill of Nelson,
      J. Islay Muter of Duncan, C.R. Gilbert of                                   The Scrivener Magazine                                  25 Years
      Terrace, and H. H. McVity of Revelstoke.
                                                                                  The Notary Foundation of BC                             30 Years
      There were 14 Directors from various
      communities—Nakusp, Agassiz, Victoria,                                      The Society of Notaries Public of BC                    90 Years
      Nanaimo, and New Westminster.                                               Canada’s Sesquicentennial                              150 Years

                                                                                           That’s a Lot of Merriment!
                                                                                                                         The success of The Scrivener is due
                                                                                                                         to a dedicated team of people committed
                                                                    YEARS                                                to making the magazine the very best
                  Hazelton                                                                                               it can be . . . for you . . . quarterly!
      Prince    Telkwa
                               Willow River
      Rupert      Burns Lake
                                   Giscome                                                         The 30th Anniversary Celebration Event
                      François Lake                                                                of The Notary Foundation of BC, fully sponsored
                                                                                                   by Do Process and ProSuite Software Limited,
                                                                Building Better Communities,
                                                                                                   highlighted the good works of The Foundation
                                        Barriere Golden
                                                                    One Grant at a Time            in our province. You may read about it on page 36.
                                Ashcroft Revelstoke
                                                     Burton    For almost a year, The Society of Notaries Public has been enjoying its
                               Port Mellon Beaverdell
                                VANCOUVER           Nelson
                                                               90th year as an incorporated organization whose members serve the people
                     Duncan                                                                        of British Columbia through noncontentious
                                                                                                   legal matters. Services include Wills,
                                                                                                   Powers of Attorney, Representation
          British Columbia was well                                                                Agreements, and more. Please see page 21.
      represented geographically on the
      Board. The Secretary was J. Eades
      Ward of Vancouver; the office was
      located at 417 Pender Street; the                                                                                          And we are all looking forward

      phone number was Trinity 4827.
                                                                                                                                  to Canada’s sesquicentennial

           Members of the Board travelled
      by train to the meetings and the
                                                                                                                                    celebrations this Summer!
      Directors paid their own train fares.
      A review of the records from that
      first Board meeting indicated they                                                      MY FAVOURITE TEAMWORK TIP
      established the membership dues
      for The Society at $3.00 a year!                         Take the time to be courteous to yourself and others.

          This first team of BC Notaries                       Courtesy, patience, and appreciation feel good to the giver and even better
      provided a strong foundation for                         to the receiver.
      today’s Team Notary and set our                          As you will read in our theme section about Teams That Work, courtesy, respect,
      Trusted Tradition in motion. s                           and kindness help build cooperation, agreement, and strong relationships. s

                                                              The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                         Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
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25 Inside: Teams that Work and Why - BC Notaries
                                                                                                                                                 Rachelle Lee

                                        Create a

       magine your day filled                                            3.	Individual team members seek                                             of a story about a new CEO who has
                                                                             to be of service to each other                                           been hired to save a company from
       with amazing teamwork . . .                                           and the team.                                                            failure. While Lencioni’s model is
       what would that be like?                                          4.	People hold themselves                                                   true-to-life and simple to understand,
                                                                             accountable for their attitude,                                          the hard work for leaders comes in
      If you’re one of the lucky ones                                        their contribution, learning                                             deciding to make a change and taking
 to have that situation daily at work or                                     opportunities, and their mistakes.                                       the consistent actions required to
 in other arenas of your life, then you                                                                                                               create lasting change.
 know what it feels like to be a part                                    5.	Team members celebrate each
 of highly productive and rewarding                                          other’s accomplishments and are                                          What are the Five Dysfunctions
 teamwork.                                                                   happy to see their teammates                                             of a Team?
      Individuals who work in teams                                                                                                                   Dysfunction #1:
 that function well together have more                                                                                                                Absence of Trust
 enjoyment and a greater sense of                                              Individuals who work                                                   (Resulting Problem: Invulnerability)
 accomplishment. They thrive on being
 efficient and innovative and are very                                         in teams that function                                                 Trust is the base for creating an
 effective at producing high-quality                                         well together have more                                                  effective team When team members
 and a high-quantity of results. They                                                                                                                 are reluctant to be vulnerable with
                                                                             enjoyment and a greater                                                  one another and are unwilling to
 feel supported by being in a group
 “community” because there’s concern                                         sense of accomplishment.                                                 admit their mistakes and weaknesses
 for the mutual benefit of the group                                                                                                                  or to ask for help, there is absence
 as well as the individuals and they                                                                                                                  of trust among team members.
                                                                             In his excellent book The Five
 have a great sense of contribution                                                                                                                   Lack of trust is also created by a
                                                                         Dysfunctions of a Team (Jossey-Bass,
 to something bigger than themselves;                                                                                                                 perceived need for self-preservation.
                                                                         2002), Patrick Lencioni identifies
 they take pride in doing their part.                                    the Five Dysfunctions that inhibit                                           Dysfunction #2:
      As a result, team members feel                                     a team’s success. In all my years                                            Fear of Conflict
 valued for their contribution and they                                  of practice as an organizational                                             (Resulting Problem: Artificial Harmony)
 are motivated to support the success                                    development consultant, I have found
                                                                         Lencioni’s model of teams provides the                                       High-performing teams engage in
 of other team members.
                                                                         most relatable, practical, and simple                                        healthy conflict and passionate debate
 What constitutes good teamwork?                                                              understanding                                           about issues that are important to the
     1.	Everyone on the team feels their                                                     of why teams fail                                       team. Teams that lack trust are unable
         team members have the greater                                                        and what to do                                          to engage in unfiltered debate about
         good at heart and intentions                                                         about it.                                               key issues.
         that are in the best interests                                                                His book                                           In that environment, inferior
         of other individuals and the
                                            Copyright Patrick Lencioni

                                                                                                  is written as a                                     decisions are made because team
         team as a whole.                                                                         fable, making                                       members withhold their ideas
     2.	Everyone develops innovative                                                             it easy to read                                     and opinions for fear they may be
         ideas together. Time spent                                                               and understand                                      misinterpreted and thus contribute to
         as a team is energizing!                                                                 through the telling                                 unwarranted personally charged conflict.

                                                                         The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                                       Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
Copyright Patrick Lencioni
Dysfunction #3:                                                                                                 Step 2: Create a Vision
Lack of Commitment                                                                                              for Your Ideal Team
(Resulting Problem: Ambiguity)                                                                                  Decide what your ideal team would
It’s difficult for team members                                                                                 be: What’s your vision of the best
to commit to decisions in an                                                                                    team imaginable? Really visualize
environment that doesn’t support                                                                                by imagining what going to work would
healthy conflict. Team members                                                                                  be like when you are part of a great
need to feel comfortable to question                                                                            team.
or debate issues important to the
                                         the Five Dysfunctions at work, you                                      • W
                                                                                                                    hat’s the energy level in the
team, otherwise ambiguity prevails.
                                         have a decision to make. One decision                                     office?
The desire for consensus and the need
                                         is to remain status quo, hoping things                                  • W
                                                                                                                    hat aspects of your ideal team
for certainty also contribute to that
                                         will change over time, or you decide                                      would be exciting and inspiring?
                                         to take action and focus on creating
    Lack of direction and commitment     a high-performing team. If you take                                     • H
                                                                                                                    ow would the team celebrate
within the team can make some            the “action” path, here are the ways                                      successes?
employees unhappy, particularly          to move along that journey.                                             • H
                                                                                                                    ow would they act to solve
high-performing employees. They will                                                                               problems and learn from
often self-select out of those types                                                                               mistakes?
of environments, which only serves          Once you’ve taken a hard                                             • H
                                                                                                                    ow would everyone feel
to make the remaining team further          look at your team to see
rooted in mediocrity.                                                                                              at the end of every day?
                                             if you recognize the Five                                           • W
                                                                                                                    hen conflicts arise (and they
Dysfunction #4:
                                            Dysfunctions at work, you                                              will!), how would they be handled?
Avoidance of Accountability
(Resulting Problem: Low Standards)          have a decision to make.
                                                                                                                Step 3: Assess Your Team’s Strengths
When teams don’t commit to                  One decision is to remain
                                                                                                                Great teams work hard at communicating
decisions or a clear plan of action,        status quo, hoping things                                           well, which starts with a desire to learn
even the most focused and driven
                                            will change over time, or                                           about, understand, and respect every
individuals won’t confront actions and
behaviours that may be detrimental          you decide to take action                                           individual’s motivational strengths and
                                                                                                                style. High-performing teams have a
to the overall good of the team. When          and focus on creating                                            mix of behavioural styles, each with
the environment does not encourage
                                             a high-performing team.                                            its own corresponding strengths and
and embrace constructive feedback,
it not only hurts the team, it hurts                                                                            conflict triggers.
individual members of the team                                                                                       These styles were identified by
as well, because they aren’t given       Step 1: Take Inventory                                                 the late Dr. Elias Porter in his research
the opportunity to reach their full      Often, I ask a group how well they                                     that resulted in the creation of a very
potential.                               work together as a team and I get                                      effective assessment tool called “The
                                         very positive responses, things such                                   Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)”
Dysfunction #5:                          as “we really communicate well,”                                       that I recommend every organization
Inattention to Results                   “we like working with each other,”                                     use as a foundational assessment
(Resulting Problem: Status and Ego)      and “we have a really good team                                        tool for team development. Among
Team members naturally tend to           here.” When I do an anonymous                                          the many excellent behavioural
put their own needs (ego, career         assessment with each individual                                        assessment tools, the SDI is one
development, recognition, and so on)     in a team, the results often show                                      of the best for ease of completion,
ahead of the collective goals of the     a very different story.                                                accuracy, and practical applicability
team when individuals aren’t held             I recommend taking time to                                        to everyday interpersonal situations.
accountable. If a team cannot stay       honestly evaluate how your team                                             According to Dr. Porter, high-
focused on the right priorities and      is doing using Lencioni’s Five-                                        performing teams are made up of
collective results, opportunities for    Dysfunctions Team Assessment                                           people who bring different strengths
growth are missed and the business       to identify the degree to which the                                    to the group, know their limitations and
ultimately suffers.                      Five Dysfunctions are negatively                                       what strengths they need to develop,
    Once you’ve taken a hard look        affecting your team’s development                                      and understand how and when to
at your team to see if you recognize     and potential.                                                         utilize each individual’s strengths.

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017           The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS            11
Summary of the Four Main                   Step 4: Develop Your Leadership Skills               biggest dysfunction of a team—the
 Motivational Behavioural Strengths                                                              absence of trust. You can’t work
                                            Transition and change are challenging
 Styles Identified in the SDI                                                                    on the other dysfunctions unless
                                            for people. In your efforts to develop
                                                                                                 trust is established and they must
     1. The Altruistic Nurturing Teammate   a great team, individuals will require
                                                                                                 be developed in order. In his book,
 These individuals feel really good when    leadership and coaching to help
                                                                                                 Lencioni has suggestions for fixing
 they have been helpful and supportive      them go outside their comfort zone
                                                                                                 the Five Dysfunctions, including
 to others. They care about how the         to be vulnerable and create better
                                                                                                 trust-building exercises. Bring your
 people on the team are doing and           relationships with their teammates.
                                                                                                 team together on a regular basis to
 whether or not they are feeling good           Learn and develop management                     work on the dysfunctions to make
 about being part of it. The rest of        coaching skills so you can mentor and                sure they don’t creep into the working
 the team needs to be mindful not to        tutor your team on how to identify and               relationships among the team. It’s not
 lean on those teammates too much,          contribute their individual strengths,               a one-time fix; you have to be vigilant
 however, because those individuals         be more effective communicators, and                 that the dysfunctions don’t sneak back
 have a hard time saying No to requests     become leaders in their own right.                   over time.
 because of their desire to help. Getting
 overloaded triggers conflict for them.     Step 5: Be intentional                               Step 6: Lead by Example.
     2.	The Analytical Independent         in Building an Effective Team                        Be the Greatest Team Member
         Teammate                           John Addison, author of Real                         You Can Be
 These individuals really thrive on         Leadership, says to “Make your                       To create a great team culture, you
 analyzing information so they can          ‘someday’ into your ‘everyday.’”                     need to model the positive behaviour
 make the “right” decision. To do that      Don’t wait to see what happens.                      you would like to see from others
 well, they like to have lots of time       Involve your team in talking about your              on the team, particularly in areas
 on their own to study the facts and        vision for the team and get their input              like self-reflection and development,
 make sure all information has been         on what goals to set to accomplish                   communication, problem-solving,
 reviewed. Therefore, unreasonably          the vision. Make sure the goals are                  providing corrective feedback, conflict
 tight deadlines, rash directives, or the   achievable and measurable and are                    resolution, accountability, and
 lack of independent thinking time can      reviewed for relevancy along the way.                providing support and encouragement
 trigger conflict for those teammates.      Make goals-setting and measurement                   through mentoring and tutoring.
                                            a regular team exercise and remember                     Do some honest self-reflection to
     3.	The Goal-Oriented Assertive
                                            to have fun celebrating successful                   see what growth you need in each of
         Teammate                           achievement of the goals!                            those areas and take steps to develop
 The strength of these teammates
                                                Work on fixing the Five                          your skills. Teams respond well when
 is their desire to drive forward to
                                            Dysfunctions and start from the                      they see good teamwork in action!
 achieve goals. They will often be
 the first to step up to lead the team
 toward accomplishments. Too much
 discussion and process create
 concern about missing opportunities,
 which can trigger conflict for those
     4.	The Flexible Adaptable Teammate
 These individuals love being part of
 a team, sharing information openly,
 and seeking opinions from other
 teammates. They love flexibility
 and the opportunity to discuss and
 brainstorm until there’s consensus
 among the group. They are challenged
 when people don’t behave in the
 best interest of the team or withhold
 information or when there aren’t
 opportunities to try new and different
 ways of doing things.

                                            The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia               Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
There are many ways
                                                 to show appreciation
Step 7. Create an Environment                        and celebrate                        Step 9. Celebrate Often,
of Innovation and Experimentation                  a team’s success.                      Not Just the Big Stuff
Help your team clearly understand                                                         There are many ways to show
where the goal posts are and where       		 iii.	How well they take                      appreciation and celebrate a team’s
the boundaries of risk are. Beyond                responsibility and ownership            success. Don’t underestimate the
that, let them try running various                of mistakes and shortfalls              power of noticing someone’s good
“plays” in doing the work. There is                                                       performance with a heartfelt “thank
power in creating a self-managed team    f.	Does the team’s leader hold all              you.” The key is to show appreciation
that has influence on how the work           members of the team equally                  for specific things so they know exactly
gets done and is given the opportunity       accountable for performance?                 what they are doing right and should
to try new ways of approaching things.   g.	Are performance deficits dealt               keep repeating. For example, instead of
People are more committed when they          with in a timely, respectful manner          saying “thanks for always doing a good
can freely use their knowledge and           before problems become too large             job,” say “thank you for letting the
skills rather than simply completing         (corrective feedback coaching)?              client know exactly what information
the tasks dictated to them.              h.	Does the team have an agreed set             he needs to bring to us so we can
                                             of procedures and documentation              complete his conveyance efficiently.”
Step 8. Measure Success                      and do individual team members                    Another way to help a team
Don’t wait to see what happens.              follow them so everyone receives             celebrate together is a regular informal
Take steps to determine exactly how          the same information?                        gathering where they can get to know
things are going and revisit goals       i.	Is every team member’s time                  each other better. Perhaps a mid-week
consistently. There’s a great saying         respected?                                   or end-of-the-week “tasty treat” break
you’ve likely heard, “Things that get                                                     is a way to bring everyone together to
                                         		 i.    Do meetings have agendas?               chat about how it’s going, what they
measured get done.” People like
to know clearly what the goals and       		 ii.	Does everyone show up on                 have planned for the weekend, and
expectations are and exactly what                time, contribute, and take               so on. If that is done on a consistent
their part is in contributing to the             action on items to which                 basis, all the team members will feel
team’s success. We hear a lot about              they agree?                              as if they can participate, even when
measurement, but what exactly should                                                      they have deadlines or they are away
                                         j.	Are team members comfortable
be measured to determine how a team                                                       that particular week.
                                             speaking up?
is doing?                                                                                      Tangible rewards are also nice
                                         k.	Is there a regular “health-check”
Here are some areas to review                                                             from time to time. The important
                                             on how the team is doing?
regularly.                                                                                consideration is to make sure
                                         l.	Is good work getting noticed—                everyone gets the same reward
a.	Which of the Five Dysfunctions           not just the problems?                       at the same time.
    are limiting the team’s success?
                                         m.	Do team members have an                            In summary, great teamwork is a
b.	Have team goals been                     appropriate person for venting               fulfilling way to accomplish much more
    well defined?                            and receiving support, rather than           than you could imagine doing as an
c.	Are team goals reviewed                  taking their negativity to the whole         individual.
    on a consistent basis—weekly,            team?
                                                                                               Taking the action necessary
    bi-weekly, monthly?                  n.	Does the team regularly get                  to develop a great team solidifies
d.	Have performance standards               positive reinforcement and do they           people’s commitment to their work
    been set, agreed, and clearly            have opportunities to celebrate              and also to each other. That makes
    communicated?                            wins and build stronger bonds                each team member’s work life much
                                             with each other?                             more rewarding and, in turn, your
e.	Do team members hold
    themselves accountable                   While those measurement                      clients will experience a more positive
    by considering the following?        areas are general considerations,                level of engagement, service, and
                                         work with your team to make them                 commitment! s
		 i.	How their own work                measurable as much as possible
       contributes to the team                                                            Rachelle Lee is Vice President
                                         so they aren’t subjective. Clarity is
                                                                                          at Einblau & Associates.
		 ii.	How well they foster teamwork    very important to a team’s success;
        by engaging and supporting       people need to know exactly what                 Telephone: 403 680-2250
        their team members’ to be        measures to strive for, beyond financial         rachelle.lee@mac.com
        successful                       performance numbers.                             www.einblau.com

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017            The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS            13

                                                                                     Rhonda Latreille


                                                                                                                                            Photo credit: Gordon Roberts
           How to Woo, Engage,
               and Retain
         Your Maturing Employees

           hile the majority                  Staying in an existing job after                 •	Resentment that older workers
                                          the traditional retirement age and                      are holding onto senior positions,
           of your maturing               re‑entering the market after age 65+                    costing more, and creating a glass
           employees are there            can present unique challenges for                       ceiling for younger workers
                                          older workers because of the attitudes
 because they want to be,                 of some younger workers.
                                                                                               •	Younger managers feeling
                                                                                                  uncomfortable supervising older
 increasing numbers of maturing           •	Discrimination in the form of                        workers
 employees are there because                 negative stereotypes of older
                                             workers, as well as corporate                          Those perceived obstacles and
 they need to be, for financial              structural discrimination relative                myths, when confronted by facts, are
                                             to continued health and pension                   fully eliminated or easily managed.
 reasons.                                                                                      That provides a powerful opportunity
                                             benefits for choosing continued
                                             employment                                        for businesses to continue to prosper
     They are reliable, loyal, mature,                                                         (when they get it right) from the value
 professional, and experienced.                                                                presented by those devoted loyal
 They are known to have an exceptional                                                         colleagues and friends.
 work ethic and appreciate the                 According to McKinsey
 opportunity to share and pass on their       Quarterly Survey, “...the                        Tips for Greater Engagement and
 knowledge.                                   baby boomer generation                           Retention of Mature Employees
      Most have probably been with you          is the best-educated,                          1.	Acknowledge and appreciate
 for quite a while now and you have                                                                their experience, knowledge,
                                              most highly skilled aging                            and contribution.
 likely invested much in their training
 and development. They understand
                                              workforce in US history.”                        2.	Let them know you want them
 your values, your corporate culture,                                                              to stay.
 your customers, and the job that needs   •	Assumptions that older workers
 to be done. They are ideal members                                                            3.	Provide opportunities for social
                                             cannot learn new skills                               inclusion, networking, knowledge
 of the workforce.
                                          •	Assumptions that older workers                        transfer, and mentoring.
      According to McKinsey Quarterly        will present increasing health                    4.	Match the skills to the tasks,
 Survey, “...the baby boomer generation      challenges requiring special                          independent of age.
 is the best-educated, most highly           accommodations and more
 skilled aging workforce in US history.      time off                                          5.	Ensure younger supervisors know
 Although they’re only about 40 percent                                                            how to recognize, accept, and
 of the workforce, they comprise more     •	Assumptions that older workers                        celebrate older workers’ skills and
 than half of all managers and almost        will be leaving soon and it is a                      experience, while learning how
 half of all professionals, such as          waste of resources to re-train them                   to continue to define, set, and
 doctors and lawyers.”                       and set up flexible systems                           monitor expectations.

                                          The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia               Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
Set up an “on-call” roster
       for retired employees
                                                 Recovery is Possible.You can help.
                                                                                     When your clients remember Coast Mental
    to fill temporary positions.                                                     Health Foundation in their Will, they help
      They already know the                                                          make recovery from mental illness possible
      company, culture, and                                                          for thousands of British Columbians.
          job requirements.                                                                Coast Mental Health Foundation
                                                                                              Registration Number: 86150 8018 RR0001

6.	Establish options for flexible work                                                  For more information, please visit
    hours, schedules, and job-sharing.                                                        coastmentalhealth.com
7.	Offer training opportunities                                                       or contact us directly at 604-349-2217.
    to learn new skills.
8.	Create alternatives for phased
9.	Set up an “on-call” roster for
    retired employees to fill temporary
    positions. They already know
    the company, culture, and job
     For the past many decades,
employers have benefitted
tremendously from the dedication
and commitment of the baby boomers
who have worked and still do work
for them. Often described as “driven”
and “workaholics,” they served
as a valuable resource and asset
for many businesses.
     That established intellectual and
human capital needs an environment
that is welcoming and personally
satisfying. It doesn’t take a lot of
re‑construction and cost—just enough
flexibility, appreciation, and creativity         TheWESA                           Trevor Todd is an old hat (and trusted
to allow the mature baby boomer                                                     expert) at estate litigation who believes
to “serve well and age well.”                     changed.
                                                                                    the new law is a game-changer- for
    Like a fine Stilton cheese and                And it's a                        his business and for your inheritance.
a Bordeaux wine, under the right                  sweeping
conditions we aging baby boomers                                                    Call Trevor to get a jumpstart on
do offer a magical experience. s                  change.                           the changes. He knows them inside
Rhonda Latreille, MBA, CPCA, is the                                                 and out. Plus he loves to listen and
founder of Age-Friendly Business®.                                                  to talk- a lot.
Telephone: 1-877-272-7575

    Like a fine Stilton cheese
      and a Bordeaux wine,
   under the right conditions
   we aging baby boomers do
   offer a magical experience.

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017             The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS    15
Cheryl Kwok

                                             Cheryl Kwok and her husband Eric Tong

      was commissioned in                                                                      our personal and work lives and we are
                                            I think another factor of why                      always on the same page.
     June 2016 and jumped into                 we work well together is                             Also, talking about work during
     business the following week.             that we both love what we                        dinner is not so bad when your spouse
 I didn’t have time to hire extra                                                              actually understands what is going
                                            do and we are excited to see                       on! Many people ask if we fight a lot
 staff so I’ve been glad to have my         what new milestones we can                         or if we are sick of each other yet.
 husband Eric Tong working with               reach together as partners                       The answer is Nope!

 me as my trusted conveyancer                    at home and at work!                               I think another factor of why we work
                                                                                               well together is that we both love what
 who helped set up the office and                                                              we do and we are excited to see what
                                               During busy times, we can stay                  new milestones we can reach together
 is the office manager.                                                                        as partners at home and at work! s
                                          late to clear up files or pop into the
      Because we both already knew        office on weekends. We understand                    Cheryl Kwok Notary Corp.
 some of the ins and outs of running an   each other; when either of us is
 office and were full-time conveyancers   stressed from a long day at work, we                 Richmond
 prior to my becoming a BC Notary, we     work together to resolve any problems                info@kwoknotary.com
 are able to handle a large amount of     or plan out a week. By working                       www.kwoknotary.com
 conveyancing files.                      together, we avoid conflicts in planning             Telephone: 604 330-2088

                                          The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
Nazirah Premji
                                                                                                     Prefer Paperless?
                                                                                                  We will notify you by email
                                                                                                 when the magazine is posted
                                                                                                      online, quarterly.
                                                                                                         Please visit
                                                                                                          or email

                                                                                                       NEXT ISSUE
                                                                                                      Summer 2017

                                                                                                      Article Deadline
                             Nazirah Premji and Donna Simpson                                              May 1
                                                                                                    Advertising Deadline

    have been a BC Notary                                                                                 June 10
                                                 Teamwork divides the tasks
   for 25 years and Donna                         and multiplies the success!
   has been my conveyancer
for about 11 years.                                Open, honest, polite, and respectful
                                                                                                         The MiX
                                              communication is paramount. Verbal                  The MiX showcases articles
     From day one, I clearly set my           communication is not always necessary               on a variety of timely topics.
expectations with respect to work             (see picture… we often show up to work
ethics, office procedures, and the            in very similar colours!).                          Before submitting an article,
priority of customer service. Of course                                                                  please contact
there is flexibility within reason.               We are aware that both of us
                                              are needed for the office to function             scrivener@society.notaries.bc.ca.
     We have a relationship of mutual         cohesively, like a teeter-totter.
respect. Donna is not only my
                                                   We each have clearly defined
conveyancer, she is the backbone of                                                                  To Send Photographs
                                              roles and responsibilities in the
this office. She is my confidante and
                                              office as well as in each transaction.
                                                                                                       to the Magazine
has earned my total trust and is most                                                          •	Go to www.graffiki.ca
                                              Hence, accountability is clear and
definitely considered family.                                                                     and click on Send A File.
                                              it avoids potential conflict. Nothing
     Our work is demanding and                is taken personally but rather used              •	From the top box, delete the
stressful, yet the tone of our office is      as an opportunity to learn and grow.                words “Your e-mail” and type
always jovial. We take every opportunity      An attitude of gratitude is nurtured
to include humour in the day with                                                                 your email address in there.
                                              in our office.
clients, family, and colleagues.                                                               •	Send up to 5 original size
                                                  Teamwork divides the tasks and
    We both strive for excellence in          multiplies the success! s                           photos at once.
everything we do. Our support for each
                                              Nazirah A. Premji, Notary Public
other is not limited to the office but                                                          scrivener@society.notaries.bc.ca
extends beyond that to each other’s           New Westminster                                       Telephone: 604 681-4516
respective families, friends, and             napremji@gmail.com                                www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
community work.                               Telephone: 604 521-8550

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017                 The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS        17
                                                                                                                                                   Lauren Exter

            FOR SALE
      WelI-established Notary practice—over 25 years.

      Within walking distance to Vancouver Chinatown,
                  Gastown, and Yaletown.

                       For information,
             please contact npsale@outIook.com.

                                                                                                              From the left: Notary Elizabeth, Jo-Ann Pye,
                                                                                                                         and husband Lauren!

                                     Assisting Business Families
                                       with Business Success                                                urs is a small team, just the three
                                        and Family Harmony                                                  of us, and we are highly compatible.
                                       Dr. Ian Macnaughton                                                  For instance, I am married
                                          MBA, PhD, FRI, RI, FEA
                                                                                                    to the Notary!
                                       810 – 1199 West Pender Street
                                          Vancouver, BC V6E 2R1                                         I retired from teaching (as the head of the
                                          Telephone: 604 681-4599                                   IT Department in a middle school) when Elizabeth
                                            ian@macnaughton.ca                                      became a Notary. I didn’t want to sit around and
                                                                                                    do nothing. I told her, “For the past 6 years, I have
                                                                                                    been teaching all the skills needed to run this office.”
                                                                                                    She took me up on it.
                                                                                                         I am the office manager, IT administrator,
                                                                                                    conveyancer, receptionist, and general factotum
                                                                                                    of our office. I do mostly things my wife can’t do
                                                                                                    (like formatting this response so The Scrivener can
                                       Alexander Ning Notary Corporation                            read it) and she does things I mostly can’t do, like
                                            Suite 230, 8911 Beckwith Road
     Alex Ning                                                                                      interacting with and interviewing clients, networking
                                            Richmond, BC Canada V6X 1V4
                                                                                                    with Realtors and local lawyers, and reviewing my
     Notary Public, Mediator,                       Email: alex@annc.ca
     Immigration & Refugee Counsel                    Fax: 604 270-4751
                                                                                                    work for errors I miss (not many, but a necessary
                                                   Direct: 604 270-8155                             function).
                                              Telephone: 604 270-8384                                    We also have an excellent part-time employee.
                                                                                                    This delightful woman brings much to our office.
                                                                                                    Jo-Ann’s main function is to be a runner to financial
                                                                                                    institutions and legal offices and to complete bank
                                                                                                    reports and what we call “closing packages” for our
                                                                                                        We all have our roles and enjoy working together.
                                                                                                    We have a good reputation in our community and have
                                                                                                    “the best clients,” at least according to one of our
                                                                                                    competitors. s
                                                                                                    Elizabeth Exter, Notary Public
                                                                                                    Powell River
                                                                                                    Telephone: 604 485-5518

                                                                 The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                 Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
Tiah Workman

                            From left: Amber Hobbis, Heather McDonald, Tiah Workman, and Morgan Darbyshire

           y staff’s comments                                                                  work hard at our jobs, but take every
                                                                                               opportunity to share a story or thought
           are that we work well                      I have a great staff                     when there is a break in the action.
           together because I am                    and I like to take every                   We really enjoy the camaraderie built
                                                                                               on humour, respect, and some really,
not a “bossy” boss. They say                      opportunity to make sure                     really long hours at work!
I never make them feel stupid or                  they know I feel that way.
                                                                                                   I have a great staff and I like to
belittle them for making errors.                        I know they do.                        take every opportunity to make sure they
                                                                                               know I feel that way. I know they do. s
I appreciate that because I am
                                                                                               Tiah M. Workman Notary Corporation
a big believer in our working                    Luckily, few of those learning
together as a team, so as far                 opportunities present themselves.                Nanaimo
                                                   I think the main reason we work             tiahw@nanaimonotary.ca
as I am concerned, errors are                 well together is that we laugh . . .             www.nanaimonotary.ca
learning opportunities.                       a lot! We keep our heads down and                Telephone: 250 756-7720

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017                 The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS            19
Roy Cammack and Gordon Hepner
           TEAMS THAT WORK

                                          We may be strong as individuals but together we are stronger!
                         Back row from left: Linda, Ashley, Hanna, Kristina, Lynn. Front row from left: Gordon, Dawn, Roy

           his firm has its roots in              seamlessly together to serve their                         Gordon’s recent arrival has now
                                                  growing client base. All staff members                sparked a rejuvenation with all facets
           1982 when Roy Cammack                  are carefully screened and trained                    of this practice being actively updated.
           joined BC Notary Joyce                 to meet the varied needs within the                       Clients and staff know that Roy’s
                                                  office. They all enjoy close working                  already well-established practice now
     Alp in their business partnership            relationships with the Notaries they                  has a guaranteed future and they will
     “Alp & Cammack Notaries                      support.                                              continue to provide the highest level
     Public.”                                                                                           of service for all those who come
                                                       After time with regular social                   through the doors of Cammack Hepner
          Joyce retired and history repeated      events, the office atmosphere has                     Notary Corporation. s
     itself when Gordon Hepner joined Roy         become more like a family instead of
                                                                                                        Cammack Hepner Notary Corporation
     Cammack. Their business partnership          just employer/employee relationships.
     is called “Cammack Hepner Notary                                                                   South Surrey
     Corporation.”                                    There are no egos in this office                  Roy@CammackHepner.ca
         Their dedicated team includes            but rather there is a true sense of                   Gordon@CammackHepner.ca
     2 BC Notaries and 7 full-time and            camaraderie and support for one                       www.CammackHepner.ca
     3 part-time staff members who work           another in making them truly a “team.”                Telephone: 604 538-3388

                                                   The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia               Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
TEAMS THAT WORK                                                        Kim Vickers         Services a BC Notary
                                                                                                     Can Provide
                                                                                                	Affidavits for All Documents required
                                                                                                  at a Public Registry within BC
                                                                                                  Certified True Copies of Documents
                                                                                                  of International Documents
                                                                                                  Notarizations/Attestations of Signatures
                                                                                                  Personal Property Security Agreements
                                                                                                  Statutory Declarations
                     Jen                  Kim                       Lisa
                                                                                               Personal Planning
                                                                                                  Estate Planning
                                                                                                  Health Care Declarations
                                                                                                  Powers of Attorney
                                                                                                  Representation Agreements
                                                                                                  Wills Preparation
                                                                                                  Wills Searches
                                  Niki               Marion                                       Authorization of Minor Child Travel

                                                                                                  Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel
          y team works                      If a particular team member has gone                  Passport Application Documentation
                                            above and beyond the call of duty, she                Proof of Identity for Travel Purposes
          extremely well together           is commended for her hard work and
          because we always                 her extra care and attention.
                                                                                                  Business Purchase/Sale
encourage one another—as                        We also acknowledge we are all                  	Commercial Leases
                                            human and make mistakes sometimes.                    and Assignment of Leases
well as our clients, Realtors,              When it happens, we learn from our                    Contracts and Agreements
mortgage brokers, and so on—                mistakes so they won’t happen again.
                                                                                               Property Matters
to communicate with us so we                                                                       Easements and Rights of Way
                                                                                                   Insurance Loss Declarations
are all on the same page.                           Our team is courteous,                         Manufactured Home Transfers
                                                 friendly, and approachable.                       Mortgage Refinancing Documentation
     We tell our clients we are part                                                               Purchaser’s Side of Foreclosures
of their team and if everyone on their           We do our best to make the                        Refinancing
team communicates well with one                   environment in our office                      	Residential and Commercial
another, there is less chance of a                                                                 Real Estate Transfers
problem arising. We continually check             welcoming. If people feel
                                                                                                 	Restrictive Covenants
in with our clients to ensure they feel            comfortable in an office,                       and Builder’s Liens
comfortable with what is happening                   they will come back.                        	Subdivisions and
and we invite them to reach out if they                                                            Statutory Building
have questions, now and in the future.                                                             Schemes
     A happy client is a good source             Every single team member is                       Zoning Applications
of referrals, as is a happy Realtor         an important part of the team.                     Marine
and a happy mortgage broker.                We have one another’s back—always.                  	Marine Bills of Sale and Mortgages
    Our team is courteous, friendly,        I feel extremely blessed to have such                 Marine Protestations
and approachable. We do our best to         wonderful, strong women on my
                                                                                               Some BC Notaries provide these services.
make the environment in our office          team. s
welcoming. If people feel comfortable                                                             Marriage Licences
                                            Kim Vickers & Associates                              Mediation
in an office, they will come back.
                                            Notary Public                                         Real Estate Disclosure Statements
    When compliments come in, I tell
the clients their good experience with      North Vancouver                                         368 BC Notaries to Serve You!
our office is the result of our entire      kim@kimvickersnotary.com                             For the BC Notary office nearest you,
team. We all work hard to ensure            www.kimvickersnotary.com
                                                                                                      please call 1-800-663-0343
the files are done professionally.          Telephone: 604 985-9812/988-0806
                                                                                                      or visit www.notaries.bc.ca.
Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017                 The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS              21
Cheri Shannon           Three years ago I came to work for this
                                                                                                       most wonderful lady. Because of Judi’s
                                                                                                       compassion and love for people and
                                                                                                       family, she took me under her wing. I was
                                                                                                       barely able to turn on a computer; she
                                                                                                       gave me a new start! From the exceptional
                                                                                                       skills and endless hours of mentoring from
                                                                                                       Zoë, Catheigh, and Cheri, I now possess
                                                                                                       skills I never thought possible. We are all
                                                                                                       committed to a high standard of client
                                                                                                       care and vision for the future of this
                                                                                                       outstanding firm.
                                                                                                                                   Sandi Hurlburt

                                                                                                       Our Notary is the reason our team works
                                                                                                       so well. She has created an environment
        From left to right: Sandi Hurlburt, Catheigh Annely, Judi Piccolo, Bill Ramsey,                that is a positive place to spend our
                             Zoë Brunchmann, and Cheri Shannon                                         working days. Judi shows kindness and

          ur office consists                          Judi appreciates and relies on her               respect to each of us and in turn we treat
                                                 staff; that frees her to spend more                   her and each other the same way. Ours
          of Judi Piccolo,                       quality time with clients. The office staff           is a very busy office with many demands.
          Notary Public                          members work well together as a team                  We follow the example of our Notary; she
                                                 and no one has a prima donna attitude.                is why she has such a hardworking and
 extraordinaire; Bill Ramsey,                    All suggestions are respected and the
                                                                                                       dedicated team by her side.
 bookkeeper and Judi’s                           office pulls together to come up with
                                                                                                                                 Zoë Brunchmann
                                                 a proposal or guide sheet to keep the
 husband; Zoë Brunchmann                         office running smoothly and efficiently.              Judi herself is kind, thoughtful, fair-
 and Cheri Shannon, senior                                                                             minded, encouraging, and compassionate.
 legal assistants; Sandi Hurlburt,                     Very committed to her                           Cheri and Zoë have so well expressed my
                                                       staff and clients, Judi is                      sentiments. Judi truly is the secret to why
 junior legal assistant; and                                                                           our team works so well.
 Catheigh Annely, secretary.                           an amazing person and                                                     Catheigh Annely
                                                       employer who is much
      The office is located in The                  appreciated by her staff. She                      Judi is very committed to giving her clients
 Hacienda, a lovely part of the old                                                                    the best service for their money. Each
 downtown Langley City. The office                  never forgets a birthday and                       staff member is very proficient in his or
 is very spacious. Judi has decorated                each birthday is celebrated                       her respective duties and we work well
 it with interesting art pieces and                      with an office lunch.                         together to achieve the same goals.
 collectibles.                                                                                                                       Bill Ramsey
      Each staff member has a large                   Very committed to her staff and
 and comfortable work area and the               clients, Judi is an amazing person and
 freedom to decorate with family photos          employer who is much appreciated by                     What I absolutely love about all my
 and pictures and to listen to music.            her staff. She never forgets a birthday                 staff is that we respect each other,
 The office environment promotes                 and each birthday is celebrated with                    we have great work ethics and a good
 collaboration and brainstorming among           an office lunch.                                        sense of humour, and nobody gets
 the employees, allowing them to                      All members of the team have a                     moody! My staff works together as
 perform to the best of their abilities.         clear vision of where the company is                    a team. When they have a suggestion
      Our very busy office has many              pointed and everyone works hard to do                   to improve the office, they get their
 demands but there always seems to               their best, resulting in giving clients                 heads together and come up with a
 be laughter at some point of each day           better service. s                                       proposal without interrupting me in
 and we make time to check in with               Judith A Piccolo Notary Corporation                     my office. I get to see the end result
 each other about how we are doing                                                                       and to spend more quality time with
 and what is going on in our lives. Judi         Langley                                                 my clients. I am so lucky to have such
 absolutely loves the respect we have            info@langleynotaries.com                                good people around me!
 for each other, our great work ethics,          www.langleynotaries.com                                                                     Judi
 and our good senses of humour.                  Telephone: 604 534-0144

                                                  The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia               Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017
Donna Van Beek and Kelsey Krische

                   Staff Meeting in the French Quarter of New Orleans. From left: Lynda, Sonja, Kelsey, Donna, and Cathe

        ur office staff is                                                                      over 10 years. We truly know and like
                                                  Getting to the point of being                 each other and spend lots of time
        comprised of five ladies:                  a well-oiled machine does                    together—inside and outside of the
        Cathe, Sonja, Lynda,                       not happen automatically.
                                                                                                office! In December, we all went on an
                                                                                                “office retreat” to New Orleans where
Kelsey, and Donna.                                                                              we spent 5 days shopping, listening to
We form an impressive team,                    picture,” beyond our respective roles.           jazz, participating in a city run, eating
                                               That comprehensive knowledge is                  good food, and being tourists! s
working together efficiently                   important in allowing us to help                 Donna M. Van Beek Notary Corporation
to serve the needs of our clients.             one another and cover the job of a
    We think the reason for our office         colleague who is away.                           Langley
success is because each person can                 Getting to the point of being a              Donna@vanbeeknotary.com
be trusted to attend to her own job            well-oiled machine does not happen               KKrische@vanbeeknotary.com
and the associated responsibilities.           automatically. Most of our staff                 www.donnavanbeek.com
We each also understand the “bigger            members have worked together for                 Telephone: 604 888-6605

Volume 26 Number 1 Spring 2017                  The Scrivener | www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener
                                                                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS            23
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