Seven Holy Founders Parish

Page created by Kathleen Hicks
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Seven Holy Founders Parish
              6741 Rock Hill Road – Affton, Missouri 63123-3198
  Tel: 314-638-3938 – Fax: 314-638-0613 – Website:

                    Parish Mission Statement
       “We, the community of Seven Holy Founders, invoke the Spirit
               to lead us in worship, education and SERVICE.
   Through the teaching of Jesus, we are led by HOPE to promote healing.
As people of FAITH, we support our Parish with our time, talent and treasures.”
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                   January 15, 2023
Rev. John Brennell — Pastor                                                 Dear Parishioners:
Rev. Ken Brown —Priest in Residence
Rev. Mr. Thomas A. Schiller — Deacon                                        As we enter Ordinary Time in this 314-486-8600                                            Church year, Lent is only a little over a
Rev. Mr. Charles W. Lombardo — Deacon (Retired)                             month away. In the prayers of the Mass
Sr. Patricia Kofron, ASCJ — Pastoral Associate                  during Lent, the season is called “this great season                                      of grace!” Through prayer, fasting and almsgiving
Mrs. Jenifer Broyles — PSR Coordinator
Mrs. Jennifer Neptune — Office Manager                          we believe we can grow closer to Jesus and firm in                                     the hope that his dying and rising will bring us to
Ms. Mary Truetken — Web Master                                  life!
                        Child Safety Coordinator                                    As the Archdiocesan All Things New initiative pro-
Mrs. Mary Eggleston – Music Coordinator—314-842-4049            gresses this year, we will need patience and trust,
Mrs. Chris Schiller — Wedding Coordinator
Mrs. Lisa Magee — Wedding Coordinator
                                                                that the change it brings will also bring transfor-
                                                                mation and renewal! I want to invite you to prepare
Website:                                 for Lent and the changes All Things New will bring
                                                                by contemplating participating in two opportunities
Parish School of Religion (PSR)                                 for growth during Lent. 314-633-0123
                                                                One of the goals of All Things New is a renewal in
Seven Holy Founders, Secular Servites
Karen Palazzola —                      evangelization throughout our Archdiocese. The
St. Vincent de Paul Society: 314-631-8248                       Third Session of ChristLife: Go Bear Fruit, is
                                                                centered around ways we can evangelize in our daily
School: Holy Cross Academy: 314-475-3436                        lives. On the Tuesday nights of Lent you can come
                                                                together with fellow parishioners and share a simple
                                                                dinner, a video presentation and a chance for discus-
                                                                sion. Dates and details are in this bulletin, on our
                                                                website and in our weekly Flocknotes! It is not nec-
                                                                essary for you to have participated in the first two
               LITURGY SCHEDULE                                 sessions in order to enjoy the benefits of this ses-
Saturday: 4:30pm                                                sion!
Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am

Monday through Friday at 8am
                                                                Another way to grow in grace is to make a weekly
                                                                visit to pray in the presence of Jesus in the
Holy Days & Holidays: Consult the bulletin.                     Blessed Sacrament! Our Adoration Chapel on the
                                                                lower level of the Parish Center is a quiet and
                                                                prayerful space! There will be more details in com-
                                                                ing bulletins, but I’d like to invite at least one hun-
           SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE                                 dred parishioners to make a commitment to make a
Baptism: Celebrated by appointment only. Call the Recto-        visit each week of Lent. The visit can be for a few
ry Office for Baptismal Prep Class details etc.                 minutes, a half hour or an hour. It will be a time to
Reconciliation: 3:15-4pm on Saturday afternoons or by ap-       pray for personal needs, but also to pray for our
pointment.                                                      parishioners and for patience and trust for all the
Marriage: As soon as marriage is contemplated, contact the      people of the archdiocese in this time of transi-
Rectory Office at least 6 months prior to the desired date to   tion.
schedule the wedding and preparation.
Communion to the Homebound: Call the Rectory.                   Pray that the Lord may renew the archdiocese of St.
Sacrament of the Sick: Upon Request. Call the Rectory.          Louis by the light of the Gospel!
St. Peregrine Devotion: Mondays after 8am Mass.
                                                                Fr. John
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                        January 15, 2023

                                             Parish Calendar
                          Sunday                                                        Monday
                      January 15, 2023                                             January 16, 2023
              Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
  7:00am    SHF Parishioners                                    8:00am   SHF Parishioners
  9:00am    Carol Shuff                                                  St. Peregrine Devotion after Mass
 11:00am    Jane Mazurek

                                                                9:00am   Betty Forster Visitation/Church
                                                               10:00am   Betty Forster Memorial Mass/Church

                                                                NO PSR

                                                                                     Rectory Closed
             Special Collection: St. Louis Review

                       Tuesday                                                     Wednesday
                     January 17, 2023                                              January 18, 2023
                  Saint Anthony, Abbot                          8:00am    Frank Mannion
  8:00am    SHF Parishioners                                              Coffee & Donuts in the Mary Rm. after Mass

                    Eucharistic Adoration
           In the Ursuline Chapel from 9am to 7pm
                 Divine Mercy Chaplet at 7pm

  7:00pm    Pastoral Council Mtg./Mary Rm.                      9:00am     Quilters/St. Juliana Rm.

                       Thursday                                                        Friday
                     January 19, 2023                                              January 20, 2023
  8:00am     Don Hannis                                           Saint Fabian, Pope & Martyr; Saint Sebastian, Martyr
                                                                8:00am    SHF Parishioners

  6:00pm     Encounter Youth Ministry Mtg./P. Hall              6:30pm-8:30pm     Adult Pickleball/Parish Gym

                       Saturday                                                       Sunday
                      January 21, 2023                                             January 22, 2023
                Saint Agnes, Virgin & Martyr                                Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
 4:30pm     Daniel Paszkiewicz                                  7:00am   Nicholas Verzino
                                                                9:00am   Michael Agne
                                                               11:00am   SHF Parishioners
       Sacrament of Reconciliation 3:15pm to 4pm

  6:30am    SYB Rosary/Parish Center                            2:00pm   Christian Movie Matinee/P. Hall
  7:00am    SYB Mtg./Parish Center
  8:30am    Affton Christian Food Pantry Board Mtg./Mary Rm.

             Second Collection: LifeLine Coalition                        Second Collection: LifeLine Coalition
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                    January 15, 2023

                                                                  Last Sunday’s Baptism
                                                               Mikaela Alessandra Ocampo
                                                                    Daughter of Maynard &
Adele O’Sullivan           Josetta Bollasina                           Anica Ocampo
Addi Shelton               Judith Johnson
Agnes Lamprecht            Judy Shelton
Agnes Toth                 Juliana Steger
Alice Shelton              Kate Stoff
Ashley Nunley              Kathy Baragiola
Bernie Weiss               Kathy Heitzmann
Betsy Immer                Kathy Hoffmann Lewis
Bob Keilholz Jr.           Kathy Koke
Bob Schukai                Kevin Harley
Carmen Waluska             Leo O’Leary
Carol Baitinger            Linda LeGrand
Carolyn Barnett            Linda Makarewicz
Catherine Dieckhaus        Linda Virga
Cathleen Trow              Luke Harashe
Cindy Edwards Oertle       Margaret Black
Dan Lottmann               Marilyn Camden
Diane Schuh                Mark Schwartz
Dolores Lampe              Mary Carole Carmody
Donalyn Pieschel Cissell   Mary Jo Holoubek
Dottie Voss                Mary Kelley-Wilson
Doug McConnell             Mary Truetken
Eileen Anderson            Maurice Hannan
Elaine Fortner             Michael Baronatti
Ella Pittman               Michael Hylla
Ethan McCullough           Molly Magee Pieschel
Evelyn Barnes              Nadine Harley
Francis Steffen            Nancy Guzman
Geraldine Rodriguez        Pat Simon
Gil Hagan                  Patricia Riordan
Harriet Mahne              Ray Buser
                                                  Text STOP to 84576 to stop text notifications at
Henry Schaper              Rita Kiry              any time. Text HELP for help. There is no charge
Jackie Eickenhorst         Rod Harashe            for this service, but your carrier message and da-
Jean Slaven                Rosemarie Buerck       ta rates may apply. View full privacy & terms at
Jeanine Meyer              Ruth Gezella 
Jeanne Alphin              Shirley Eckert
Jennifer O’Brien Shipp     Shirley Kluempers
Jill Maglasang             Sue Truetken                          Contributions
Jim Hoffmann               Susan Rauh
Joann Hylla                Suzanne Kolb                      12/26/2022 - 01/01/2023
Joey Will                  Tom Boone              General Fund                $         21,137.00
John “Jack” Pleimann       Tom Kluempers          Repair & Maintenance        $         10,136.04
John Saputo                Tyler Bourbon          Christmas                   $          2,627.00
John Trow                  Vera Badura            Holy Days                   $          1,386.00
John Vincent               Virginia White         SHF Education               $            812.00
                                                  Seminary                    $            284.00
                                                  St. Louis Review            $            180.00
                                                  SHF St. Vincent de Paul     $             50.00
                                                  Energy Fund                 $             25.00
                                                  Total Contributions         $         36,637.04
                 Thomas Vogel
          Beloved Father of Don Vogel
                 Betty Forster                                     With Prayer & Gratitude
    Beloved Grandmother of Christine Mathews                              For Our
               Nicholas Verzino
     Beloved Father of Chris (Ellen) Verzino                        Generous Parishioners
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                           January 15, 2023

       SHF warmly welcomes the following
        who have joined our Parish Family                                  SHF Super Raffle
            Since December 1, 2022:                     The Super Bowl is Sunday, February 12, 2023 and
             Ed & Marilyn Braun                         we are looking forward to getting back to our tradi-
               Nancy Daugherty                          tional Super Bowl Party in the Parish Hall. This is
                 Jacqui Fowler                          one of the few outright parish fundraisers and the net
                Sharon Gannon                           proceeds go directly to the SHF general fund. Tick-
                                                        ets are once again $100 each and one lucky win-
                                                        ner will take home $10,000.
                                                        There are eight cash prizes:
                                                        First prize: $10,000
                                                        Second prize: $1,000
                                                        Two $500 prizes
                                                        Four $250 prizes
                        LifeLine Coalition              Only 350 tickets are available:
                            Collection                  A maximum of 350 tickets will be sold at $100 each.
                  The Archdiocese Respect Life          This increases everyone’s chance to win a prize. If
                  Apostolate is holding its annual      you are unable to purchase a ticket outright, we en-
                  LifeLine Coalition Collection.        courage you to split the cost of the tickets with
                  Seven Holy Founders will have a       friends and family. If you cannot find someone will-
second collection on Jan 21-22, to support LifeLine     ing to split the cost with you, we have options!
Coalition. Baskets will be available on the tables      20% tickets:
in the back of church to place your donation.           For each $20 donation, we will place your name on
LifeLine Coalition is a local pro-life agency network   a ticket with a maximum of four other names. As an
that helps thousands of pregnant and parenting moms     example, if you give $20, your name will be on that
and their children and families in our archdiocese      ticket once, and you will receive 20% of the win-
annually. Member agencies include: Birthright, Our      nings if the ticket is pulled. If you give $40, your
Lady’s Inn Maternity Home, Good Shepherd Chil-          name will be on that ticket twice, and you will re-
dren and Family Services, Haven of Grace, Mary          ceive 40% of the winnings if the ticket is pulled, and
Queen of Angels, Pregnancy Help Center of South         so on for $60 and $80 donations.
County and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Fund. The         Drawing at halftime:
agencies provide assistance with medical expenses,      We will announce the winners at halftime of the Su-
housing, food and clothing; they offer educational      per Bowl after the winning ticket(s) will be drawn
and spiritual guidance, counseling and adoption ser-    live in the parish hall during the Super Bowl Party.
vices.                                                  In addition, we will post the winners in the follow-
Make checks payable to “Seven Holy Founders”            ing week’s bulletin.
with “LifeLine Coalition” on the Memo Line.             How to buy tickets:
You can also donate online at:                          In person at all the weekend Masses including the        Masses Super Bowl weekend.
programs/pastoral-care/lifeline-coalition               Contact John Fechter at (314) 283-5713 to arrange a
Thank you for your donation.                            safe ticket pick-up.
                                                        Stop by the Rectory for a ticket.
                       Second Sunday                    Fundraising at Seven Holy Founders:
                     in Ordinary Time                   Your participation in our parish fundraisers is al-
            In the Gospel after Jesus was baptized,     ways appreciated and we do our best to limit the
            John testified saying, “I saw the Spirit    times we ask for assistance. We especially like this
            come down like a dove…and remain up-        fundraiser, as it gives our supporters the opportunity
on him.” As you place your gift in an envelope for      to win cash prizes and to enjoy each others company
the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know that you are   at the Super Bowl Party.
a sign of God’s Spirit of love to those who are suf-    Please note, a minimum of 135 tickets must be sold
fering.                                                 to do the drawing. Thank You!
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                   January 15, 2023
          The St. Juliana Quilters                              ChristLife Returns to SHF
      Wednesday, January 18th - St. Juliana                   Mark your 2023 calendars now for
      Quilters at 9am in the St. Juliana Rm.                  ChristLife returning to our parish for
                                                              Lent 2023.
                                                              The all-new sessions, with the theme
                                                              Go Bear Fruit, will run for six Tues-
                                                              day evenings in Lent, beginning Tues-
                                               day, February 28, 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m. And, back by
                                               popular demand, we will again gather to share dinner
                                               before the videos begin. Please note, it is not neces-
                                               sary for you to have participated in the first two ses-
                                               sions in order for you to enjoy and benefit from this
                                               third and final series. Please watch the bulletin for
                                               more details or you can register now!
                                               Phone: Sr. Pat Kofron, ASCJ, 314-638-3938
                                               Email: Chris Schiller,

                                                                 Christian Movie Matinees
                                                             Everyone is invited to the Christian
                                                             Movie Matinee on Sunday, January
                                                             22 at 2 pm in the Parish Hall.
                                               Admission is free and refreshments will be provid-
                                               ed. Please watch the bulletin for additional details.

                                                           SHF Men’s Faith Group
                                               Men of the Parish gather on Saturday mornings ap-
                                               proximately every two weeks. Our next Strengthen
                                               Your Brother (SYB) meeting is 7 am, Saturday, Jan-
                                               uary 21, 2023. The future SYB meetings are on Feb-
                                               ruary 4 & 18, 2023. Please contact Bill Lampe at
                                      for the discussion topic or to
                                               obtain the discussion material.
                                               We meet to pray and support one another in faith de-
                                               velopment. All men are welcome to attend. SYB
                                               meets in the Parish Center. Some attend at 6:30 am
                                               to say the Rosary; others attend at 7:00 am for the
                                               discussion of how the material may guide us.

                                                                   SHF Pickleball Returns
                                                                Adult Pickleball will resume at SHF's
                                                                Gym, now on Friday evenings. Pick-
                                                                leball is a fun means to get a little
                                               exercise and connect with parishioners socially. The
                                               next session will be weekly from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on
                                               Friday evenings, January 13, 20 & 27. We will need
                                               to skip February entirely and announce the dates in
                                               March later. Watch the Bulletin's Calendar for those
                                               Friday evenings having Pickleball. All adult parish-
                                               ioners, 18 & older, of all play levels (never played to
                                               advanced) are welcome. The only equipment re-
                                               quired to play are court shoes that do not mar the
                                               floor, like tennis or basketball shoes.
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time   January 15, 2023
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time   January 15, 2023
Seven Holy Founders Parish Seven Holy Founders Parish
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