IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH - Immaculate Conception Church Is a Catholic Community Whose Spiritual, Educational, Charitable and Social Programs ...

Page created by Erica Flores
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH - Immaculate Conception Church Is a Catholic Community Whose Spiritual, Educational, Charitable and Social Programs ...
          Immaculate Conception Church Is a Catholic Community Whose Spiritual,
  Educational, Charitable and Social Programs Strive to Bring All People Closer to God

                           March 14, 2021
Sunday Holy Mass Schedule:                        Saturday 5:00 pm          Sunday 7:00, 8:30, and 10:00 am

Pastoral Staff             Parish Office               School Office                  Visits to the Sick
Pastor                     208 South Hope St.          300 South Hope Street          Due to changes in hospital
Father Randolph Tochtrop   Suite 102                   Jackson, MO 63755              admitting policies, it is     Jackson, MO 63755           Phone (573) 243-5013           necessary to inform us when
Deacons                    Phone (573) 243-3182        Fax (573) 243-7216             hospitalized parishioners
                           Fax (573) 243-6833      would like a visit from
Deacon Walt Biri/DRE
                                                         Fr. Randy, Deacon Walt or Al.
Deacon Al Stoverink                                    To Request Prayers
Office Manager                                         243-2163 or 243-5188
Kelly Mansfield            Office Hours:                                              Confirmation Coordinator
                           8:30-4:30 Mon - Fri                                        Meg Garner
School Principal                                       To schedule Baptisms,          RCIA Coordinator
Michele Campbell                                       Marriages & Anointing
                           Bulletin deadline is                                       Deacon Walt Biri
Music Director                                         of the Sick, contact the       Sunday School Coordinator
                           Tuesday @ 3pm!
Jerry Ganiel                                           Parish Office                  Stephanie Starke
Youth & Family Director    Reconciliation
Meg Garner                 Saturday 4:00 - 4:30
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH - Immaculate Conception Church Is a Catholic Community Whose Spiritual, Educational, Charitable and Social Programs ...
Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish Family                                                                   March 14, 2021

               Parish Prayers                                             This Week at Immaculate Conception
                                                                                PO=Parish Office FR=Fellowship Room
                                                                               CR=Conference Room PC=Parish Center
Remembrances in Eucharist                                                    MR=Multi-purpose Room RB=Rectory Basement
Monday, March 15
                                                                         Sunday, March 14
    8:00 am † Richard Berhorst
                                                                        11:00 am                 SRE (ICS classrooms)
Tuesday, March 16
                                                                          6:30 pm                Youth Spirit
     8:00 am † Frances Dirnberger
                                                                        Monday, March 15
     6:30 pm IC Youth Core Team
                                                                          7:30 am                Rosary
Wednesday, March 17
                                                                          3:45 pm                Sound Attraction/Choristers
     8:00 am † Pat Scully
                                                                          5:30 - 7:30 pm         Cub Scout Pack 312 (PC)
Thursday, March 18
                                                                          6:00 - 8:00 pm         Mom’s Group
     8:00 am Living and Deceased Members of the
                                                                          6:30 pm                Holy Week Practice (MR)
                 Norman & Mildred Monier family
                                                                          7:00 pm                Concert rehearsal (MR)
Friday, March 19
                                                                        Tuesday, March 16
     8:00 am † Roy Greene
                                                                          7:20 am                Mother of Perpetual Help
Saturday, March 20
                                                                          7:30 am                Rosary
    5:00 pm † Ray Hendrickson
                                                                          9:00 am - 3:00 pm      Quilting Session (RB)
Sunday, March 21
                                                                          6:00 pm                Rosary (Church)
    7:00 am Parish Family
                                                                          6:00 - 6:20 pm         Confessions
    8:30 am † Christopher Scharenborg
                                                                          6:20 pm                Mother of Perpetual Help
   10:00 am † Don Kniebert Lewis
                                                                          7:00 pm                Area Youth Leader Mtg (FR)
                                                                          7:15 pm                RCIA (PO)
                                                                        Wednesday, March 17 Spring Fling Virtual Auction
Spiritual Reflection                                                      7:30 am                Rosary
Sunday:         2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23/Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6/Eph 2:        3:00 - 4:30 pm         Girls Discussion Group (FR)
                4-10/Jn 3:14-21 or 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:         6:30 pm                Confessions
                1-3a, 3b-4m 5, 6 [1]/Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or 9:1, 6-      6:30 - 8:00 pm         Bible Study (FR)
                9, 13-17, 34-38                                         Thursday, March 18       Spring Fling Virtual Auction
Monday:         Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b/           7:30 am                Rosary
                Jn 4:43-54                                                8:45 am                Women’s Bible Study (FR)
Tuesday:        Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn 5:1-16             Friday, March 19 - NO SCHOOL/SPRING FLING SET-UP
Wednesday:      Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18/Jn 5:17-30          7:30 am                Rosary
Thursday:       Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23/Jn 5:31-47             2:00 pm                Stations of the Cross
Friday:         2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16/Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29/           6:30 pm          Stations, Benediction & Confession
                Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22/Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:        Saturday, March 20       Spring Fling Virtual Auction
                41-51a                                                    4:30 pm                Rosary
Saturday:       Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-10, 11-12/Jn 7:40-53           4:30 - 7:00 pm         Spring Fling Carryout
Next Sunday:    Jer 31:31-34/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15/Heb 5:7-9/           6:00 pm                KABOOM!!! (FR)
                Jn 12:20-33 or Ez 37:12-14/Rom 8:8-11/Ps 130:1-         Sunday, March 21
                2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8/Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27,         8:00 am - 1:00 pm      Auction Item Pick-up
                                                                        11:00 am                 SRE (ICS classrooms)
Rhonda Buchheit (mother of Jon and Jeff Buchheit
                                                                          6:30 pm                Youth Spirit/DTS
and sister-in-law of Cherri Bertrand)
                                                                          7:00 - 8:00 pm         Holy Hour
       Gerry Schwent, brother of Tim Schwent and Susie Kohm;
               Dick Giesen, brother of Toni Willenbring;               St. Ann’s Sodality has pie dough
                           Msgr. Edward Eftink                               available for sale in
                                                                        the parish office…$10 per bag
                Please keep the families in your prayers.
Monday, March 15 - Landon Beussink, Bess Cain, Melynda Loughary, Charlotte Jessell, Susan Moore, Monica Motes, Kelly Spies
Tuesday, March 16 - Richard Brugger, Bervin Goddard, Catherine Heaton, William Kiel,
John Knaup, Peyton Koch, Joshua McIntyre, Nicholas Pfau, Karen Sutterer, Trika Wallace
Wednesday, March 17 - Bridget Carr, Evan Carter, Judy Elfrink, Patricia Jessell, Pamela Kamp,
Renee Kuesner, Laverne Newell, Kinsley Pfau, Sharon Sarno, Edwin Thiele
Thursday, March 18 - Marsha Buchheit, Todd Essner, Robin Marler, Christine Ostrowski, Easton Pobst, Donna Terry, Pat Tollison
Friday, March 19 - Joseph Bubulka, Jill Holzum, Curtis Huck, Taylor Nugent, Darren Scherer, Daniel Seabaugh., John Thompson,
Lyndsey Weber
Saturday, March 20 - Dorcas Bonnegent, Charlotte Holzum, Marissa Johnson, Natalie Koeper, Terri Nagel, Eric Sievers
Sunday, March 21 - Mary Blackman, Cameron Eggiman, Mary Jane Fieser, Jane Fosse, Mary Green, Orlando Herrera, Hunter Hos-
talek, Greg Jansen, Ellen Koeper, Katherine Lewis, Cecilia Margrabe, Dean Miller, Christian Retter, Virginia Robert           2
Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish Family                                                                                                                            March 14, 2021

  From Father Randy
                                                                                                                March 13 - Kaboom
                                                                                                                March 14 - Youth Mass; Youth Spirit - YOU
  To send cards or correspondence to                                                                            march 15 - deadline to sign up for Steuby and Life Teen
  Msgr. Ed Eftink’s family, please send to:                                                                     March 21 - Youth Spirit - DTS
     David & Doris Eftink                                                                                       March 26 - DYC
     1712 State Hwy 91                                                                                          March 28 - Youth Spirit - YOU
     Oran, MO 63771                                                                                             July 9-11 - Steubenville Youth Conference
                                                                                                                Aug 1-7 - Life Teen Summer Camp
     Sunday - DDF meeting in Cape
     Monday - priest meeting in Cape;                                                                           •   Current 8th graders planning to get confirmed in the fall: you MUST
               Catholic Man Night in Oran @ 6:30                                                                    make a retreat as part of your preparation process. Currently we
     Tuesday - teach in school; RCIA                                                                                have 3 options for you: Diocesan Youth Conference (March 26),
                                                                                                                    Steubenville Youth conference (July 9-11), and Life Teen Summer
     Wednesday - St. Vincent School confessions;
                                                                                                                    Camp (Aug 1-7, limited spots). Registration for each of these con-
                6:30 confessions                                                                                    ferences is happening NOW. Info for DYC, Steuby, and Life Teen
     Thursday - ICS school board @ 6:00pm                                                                           Summer Camp is on the IC Church website under the Youth & Fami-
     Friday - stations and confessions @ 6:30pm                                                                     ly tab, or contact Meg.
                                                                                                                •   Retreat opportunities for teens: Info for DYC, Steuby, and Life
  2020 Annual Donor Substantiation tax reports are                                                                  Teen Summer Camp is on the IC Church website under the Youth
  available by calling or emailing Kelly (secretary@                                                                & Family tab, or contact Meg. at the parish office. Tax reports                                                            •   Thank you to Prayer Warriors for lifting us up in prayer every day!
  may be emailed, mailed or picked up.                                                                              You are the backbone of our ministry. God bless you!
  FYI...Kelly will be out of the office March 15-19th.

                                                                                                                           Connect with us!
                             Stewardship, a Way of Life                                                                    IC Youth Spirit on Facebook, Instagram, and Snap-
 Sunday/Operational ........................................................ $14,111.00                                    Chat for *all* youth events
 Plate ............................................................................................... $0                  Youth Spirit = High school
 Children ..................................................................................... $7.25                      Text @icyouth to 81010 for Youth Spirit text updates
 E-tithing ........................................................................... $11,616.00
                                                                                                                           Junior Apostles = Junior high
 Total Collection ................................................................ $25,727.00                              Text @icjunior to 81010 for Junior Apostles text
 Budgeted Amount ............................................................ $17,648.00                                   updates
 Year-to-Date Difference .................................................... -$17,397.12
                                                                                                                           IC Church on Facebook
 Second Collections:
  Capital Campaign ............................................................ $8,146.34                                  IC Family Night on Facebook
  The Mirror .............................................................................$137.00
  Catholic Relief Services .........................................................$240.00
  Central/Eastern Europe ..........................................................$55.00                       FAMILY: Monday evenings 6:00pm Moms Group in FR
  Holy Land ...............................................................................$30.00
  Catholic Home Missions ..........................................................$30.00                       •   Starting in Exodus, the Lord has asked His people to keep holy His
                                                                                                                    day. He commands us to set it apart from all other days to honor
“A Fourth Old Time Gospel Hour” Concert will be                                                                     Him, but also for our own good! God will never ask us to do some-
presented Sunday, May 2nd at 2:00 pm and will                                                                       thing that is not good for us, and He COMMANDS us to do things
                                                                                                                    essential for our health and well-being. How does your family set
feature the Adult Choir, Heartland Pops Chorus,                                                                     this day apart? Have you been influenced by the culture, especially
Sound Attraction, and Southern Harmony. A free-will offering will                                                   with the restrictions put upon us by the pandemic? How are you
be taken up and refreshments will be served afterwards in the                                                       setting this day apart from all other days in your home? Listen to
Fellowship Room.                                                                                                    the Messy Family Parenting podcast "Reclaiming the Lord's Day"
                                                                                                                    for encouragement and ideas on how to reclaim the Lord’s Day.
                                                                                                                •   Looking for more this Lent? has LOTS to choose from!
                                                                                                                    Videos include: "Whole 40: Making a Plan for Lent"; "Living Lent
                                                                                                                    as a Family" series; "A Lent to Remember"; Brother Francis "Let's
                                                                                                                    Learnt about Lent" for kids; audio options include: "Stations of the
                                                                                                                    Cross"; "My Beloved Son" and more! Go to
                                                                                                                •   The National Catholic Women's Conference is a FREE virtual event
                                                                                                                    for Catholic women of all ages. This year, we will be exploring all the
                                                                                                                    ways that we as women can open ourselves to receive Christ's
                                                                                                                    peace. Despite the pressures that we feel in life, peace is possible!
                                                                                                                    Let's explore it together. The FREE event goes March 12-14.
                                                                                                                    Register today at

Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish Family                                                                               March 14, 2021

                Parish Community Activities & News
•   thru Mar. 20th - St. Augustine Home and School’s 28th Annual Dinner Auction ...will be virtual with item and carryout meal pick
    up from 5-7pm on March 20th. This year’s theme is “St. Augustine STAcation.” Menu: Ribs, Chicken Breast, Pork Loin, Baked
    Beans, Potato Casserole and Salad. Deadline to purchase a meal is March 11, 2021. Contact Becky Collier, 573-587-2305
    and an order form will be emailed to you.
                                                                                               SPRING FLING MEAL TICKETS
                                                                                          The last day to purchase Spring Fling Meal tickets
•   Mar. 15th - Catholic Man Night...from 6:30-9:00pm at Guardian Angel in Oran.
                                                                                                is Friday, March 12th - $15 per ticket
•   Mar. 17th thru 20th - ICS Online Spring Fling Dinner Auction...purchase tickets at for $15 each for
    auction and/or dinner ticket. Carryout dinner from 4:30-7pm on March 20th at Jackson KC lower hall (just like fish fry nights).
    Dinner ticket purchase cut-off is on March 12th. Items purchased need to be picked up between 8am-1pm on March 21st.

•   Mar. 18th - Baptism the parish office at 7:00pm. Call the office at 243-3182 or Deacon Walt to sign-up.

•   Mar. 19th and 26th - Jackson K of C Lenten Fish & Chicken Fry…from 4:30-7:30pm in the lower hall. Carry-out only.

•   Mar. 21st - Euchre Tournament at Jackson KC Hall...sign up at noon w/ play promptly at 1pm; bring your own partner, $10pp.
    Call Tim Beussink at 450-6466 or the KC Hall at 243-5464.

•   Mar. 21st - Secular Franciscan Order...from 1-3pm at St. Vincent de Paul Upper Room, Cape.

•   Mar. 24th - Jackson KC Council #6405 7:00pm in the clubroom.

•   Mar. 26th - Diocesan Youth Conference...from 5:00pm-9:30pm in St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Cape Girardeau.

•   Mar. 27th - St. Augustine Parish CCW Frozen Dressing Fundraiser...Just in time for Easter!! Bag of Raw, Frozen Dressing to fit
    a 9x13 Pan. Orders will be available for pick up at St. Augustine School after the 6 pm Mass & March 28th after the 7 & 8:30
    AM Masses; $25 per bag. Email your order to the Parish Office at, or call 573-264-4106. Order
    deadline is Friday, March 12, 2021. Proceeds benefit St. Anne’s Ladies Sodality.

          Celebration for the Feast of St. Joseph                     St. Ann's PCCW of Guardian Angel Parish in Oran will be host-
                                                                      ing a "Brown Bag Carryout" Mission Breakfast to benefit the
                  Sunday, March 14th - 2:00 pm at
                                                                      Adorers of the Most Precious Blood. The breakfast will be Sun-
      St. Joseph Parish - Scott City, MO - St. Joseph Grotto
                                                                      day, April 25, from 8am - 12noon at the Oran KC Hall on Hwy
  This is the year of St. Joseph! We want to celebrate him in a       77. Meals must be pre-ordered & purchased by noon April 18.
 special way this year in honor of his feast day. Please join us!     The menu will be scrambled eggs, sausage, ham, pancakes &
                       Celebration to include:                        syrup, biscuits and gravy. The price is $10 per carryout. You
The Rosary, Prayers to St. Joseph, Hymns, Fellowship and Treats.
                                                                      may order and pay by mail or deliver orders.
       Outdoor Event. Bring lawn chairs and weather gear.
     If it rains, the event will be inside St. Joseph Church.
                                                                      St. Joseph Catholic Church in Scott City will be hosting a Spring
                           All are welcome!
                                                                      Dinner on Palm Sunday, March 28, 202. The Dinner will be
                                                                      CURBSIDE ONLY from 10:30 am-1:00 pm. Menu: Fried Chick-
The Quarterly RCCW Region Meeting will be our March Retreat
                                                                      en, Chicken and Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans,
and Business Meeting held on Saturday, March 27th here at IC
                                                                      Slaw and Dessert. Meals are $10 each.
Church. The Fellowship Room will open at 8:00 am with coffee
and snacks available. Mass will be in Church at 9:00 am, and          BABYSITTER NEEDED: looking for a babysitter for weekday morn-
registration and the retreat presentation will follow at 9:45 am in   ings from 6:15-7:30am at $20 per day to get 12 year old autistic & 10
the Fellowship Room. Father Randy Tochtrop will give the retreat      year old daughter on the bus. Call Christine Ostrowski at 314-899-3878
presentation on St. Joseph. The Business Meeting will be held at      if interested. Thank you and God Bless You!
11:00 am. You may bring a sack lunch if you wish. For more info
contact Ruth Ann Hester at 573-270-4844.                              Immaculate Conception School has the following positions
                                                                      open for the 2021-2022 school year:
Part-time Bookkeeper: St. Joseph in Apple Creek is looking for a               • 5th grade Teacher
part-time bookkeeper, approximately 5 to 6 hours, one day a                    • Science Teacher for grades 6-8
week. The individual must have experience, preferably with a                   • English Language Arts Teacher for grades 6-8
nonprofit, and should have a working knowledge of Quickbooks.
                                                                               • After School Care Director
Some training will be provided. If interested, please forward a
                                                                               • After School Care workers
resume to Fr. Patrick Christopher at
                                                                      For applications or questions, please contact Mrs. Campbell at
                                                                      243-5013 or by email at
Welcome to Immaculate Conception Parish Family

                                             Liturgical Ministers (March 20th & 21st)
IC BUCKS     Lectors               Usher/Greeters                 Eucharistic Ministers                        Mass Servers
5:00 pm      Rick Horrell          Gary & Nancy Seyer        Ronald Legrand

             Mike Jinkerson                                  Tony Mier
Volunteer                                  VOLUNTEERS NEEDED        (one of these is for FR overflow)
7:00 am      Tim Sutterer          Gary & Cindy Beussink          David Coe
                                   Cherri Bertrand                Jerry Stoverink

Bullinger                          Tom Schulte                             (one of these is for FR overflow)
8:30 am      Terri Kahle           Mark & Karen Goodson           Amy Brueckner
             Jeff Wyatt            Linda M. Martin                Marlene Strieker
Nugent                             Danny Watkins                         (one of these is for FR overflow)
10:00 am     Pat Alsdorf           Charles Brugger, Greg Jansen   Kenneth Hotop
             Judy Heitman          Mark Elfrink                   Debbie James
Campbell                           Shelley Wilson                         (one of these is for FR overflow)

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