PARISH NEWS MARCH 2019 - MAY 2019 - EASTER 2019 -

PARISH NEWS MARCH 2019 - MAY 2019 - EASTER 2019 -
  MARCH 2019 – MAY 2019
 Bombay-Pokeno Anglican Church

…worshipping at Bombay, Pokeno, Mercer & Kaiaua

              EASTER 2019

Annual General Meeting         24 March at St Mary’s Pokeno

Please email AGM reports to Diana by 9 March so we can
circulate them beforehand –

Please Note: Vestry have confirmed that there will be no local
meetings. Vestry Nomination Forms are available from
Andrew or Beverley.

               Happy Birthday, John and Tricia!

    John Otto & Tricia Graham celebrate their 80th birthdays


Tena koutou katoa. Greetings
and good wishes to the all the
readers of Parish News. Our
last edition of Parish News
gave notice of the Advent and
Christmas seasons in 2018 and
we have many joyful
memories from our events
during those weeks of
preparation and celebration.

In November we had a three session “Summer Series” to focus
on the theme “Prayer in Life”. One highlight was our final
session when we welcomed guests representing the Hindu,
Muslim and Buddhist faith communities to discuss
understandings and practices of prayer. All the guests were
wonderful representatives of their communities and gave clear
accounts of their different (and sometimes similar) approaches
to prayer. What emerged in discussion was a real difference
from our own approaches and practices of prayer and the
whole structure and foundation of our faith. Yet overarching
these differences there was also an expression of common
purpose found in building peace in our communities, on the
care and support of people in want and need, and a
determination to find our way towards God (or in the
Buddhist approach – towards enlightenment). Our guests all
fully respected our faith traditions and showed us much we
can respect in theirs. As an extension of our focus on “Prayer
in Life” we are conducting a Quiet Day of guided prayer and
reflection on Saturday 23rd March 9.30am – 3.00pm at Tyburn
Monastery 100 Chamberlain Rd., Bombay – all are welcome to
attend – see the notice below.

For Advent and Christmas, once again, our Churches at
Bombay and Pokeno were beautifully decorated and many
visitors expressed their appreciation of the creative Nativity
scenes under the altars in both churches. Many thanks to
Sandra, Marcia and Diana at St. Peter’s and to Margaret at St.
Mary’s and all those who helped them offer this special gift to
all of us at Christmas time. Thanks also to Bruce and Diana
Owen who hosted us at their new home in Bombay to a pre-
Christmas shared dinner.

   December Family Service at St Peter’s in the Forest, Bombay

Our Advent and Christmas services included our young
people’s pageant and gift giving and an engaging play reading
by a group of young people (the play related to Jesus 30th
birthday at Nazareth with shepherds from Bethlehem as
guests at the party). We also had a well-attended service of
Lessons and Carols at St. Mary’s and our Choir came together
to practice and then perform at the Carol Service – thanks
again to Janet McRobbie for directing our Choir. In October we
had received news that Pokeno’s first community Christmas
Parade would be held on the same evening we had planned
for our Community Carol Singing. We made an offer to re-
direct our carol singers to the gathering at the Pokeno School
at the end of the parade. This offer was readily accepted and a
big turn-out of our carol singers gathered to sing and were
joined by many people from the community. The Parade was a
great success strongly supported by local people and our
singing was widely appreciated – there has been a flow of
thankyous, an invitation to come back next Christmas, and
plenty of suggestions about how we can do it all even better
next time.

On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a lively and joyful Crib Service
with young people at St. Peter’s – ably managed by Emma
Reichenbach – thanks Emma! and in the night the torrential
rain paused for a while for a good turn-out to celebrate
Christmas at midnight at St. Mary’s. We had services at both
St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s on Christmas Day and, at both
churches, visitors to families in our communities joined our
local people.

During January, those of us who remained in the area enjoyed
our familiar pattern of worship and social events. Many
thanks to John Otto who hosted us for brunch early in the
New Year and to Ken and Patricia Graham who hosted us to a
barbecue lunch. We also sampled the hospitality and fine fare
at the Mercer Service Centre, the Kaiaua Fish Shop and the
Pokeno Country Café.

Many thanks to all of us from all of us who participated and
contributed to our services and other events over the past
several months – we have had a lot of fun, we have attended
to some matters of care and concern, and we continue to seek
together to know God’s presence with us and God’s purpose
for us – this is Church!

                 Youth Group Christmas Play


We are fortunate to have The Revd Sarah Park our Diocesan
Ministry Educator to lead us through this programme 9.30am
– 3pm on Saturday 23rd March at Tyburn Monastery 100
Chamberlain Rd, Bombay. Lunch and refreshments will be
provided – all are welcome to attend and participate. (A
regular practice of prayer that we can manage and continue is
a strong part of our faith journey and this Quiet day will give
us ideas and resources to strengthen and renew our practice of
prayer and will be, in itself, a refreshing and enriching
occasion). Please register your attendance with Andrew 0274
508 389 A fee for the day to cover our
provisions and a koha to the Monastery will be $20 per
person – please pay cash to Andrew before the event or on
the day.


Our formal Parish Roll and wider contact list both need
refreshing to ensure that we have up-to-date, accurate and
complete contact details for all members of our Church
community. We will use a form at Church services and
circulate this form electronically and ask that people complete
and return the form with their contact details – please forgive
us if you receive the form more than once – we don’t mind
how many times you return it – at least once please!


Last year our Vestry established this group to take an ordered
and comprehensive approach to property repair and
maintenance. The group is very ably led by Bruce Owen and
much of the many achievements so far are due to Bruce’s
enthusiastic leadership and direct action. Our thanks to Bruce
who has his own report in this Parish News. The projects to
date have been funded by grants from the Franklin Local
Board and Community North Trust, from some Parish reserve
funds, and from some generous donations from our Church

members – many thanks to all who have contributed to this
work at our Vicarage and at St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s


Our project to install a new window in St. Peter’s to
commemorate the Church’s 150th Anniversary has experienced
a series of delays – and delays and we are still working to
complete the project. I will keep working away until the job is
done and have in mind an occasion to dedicate the new
window on St. Peter’s 152nd Anniversary in July.


This community project that our Church has supported from
its beginning in April 2017 has built up to good numbers for
the fortnightly gatherings on Thursday mornings at the
Pokeno Community Hall 10am – 12noon. In December the
participants created a magnificent Christmas lunch event with
a beautifully decorated room, an energetic Santa distributing
gifts for all, and a superb meal of classic Christmas food. The
regular gatherings for light activity, good conversation and
morning tea have resumed again on a fortnightly cycle: March
7th and 14th etc. etc. – all are welcome.


We continue to offer a monthly Church service at the Kaiaua
Bowling Club and a monthly “Faithworks” gathering for
prayer and Bible reflection at a private home above Miranda.
Our monthly article in the Kaiaua Compass magazine draws

enquiries to seek information and assistance – our numbers in
these communities are small though our activities are valued
and appreciated.


Two years ago we undertook to resume an annual gathering at
the Bishop Selwyn Cairn by the Great South Road in Bombay.
The Cairn marks the site of an overnight resting place that
Selwyn used frequently on his travels between Auckland and
Waikato. On 26th May we will have our brief prayer service at
the Cairn and then go to St. Peter’s Church for an historical
presentation and a light lunch. For our historical presentation
this year Bruce Owen is researching a presentation on
Selwyn’s friend and companion James Rutherford whose
family gave the land at the site and built the memorial Cairn.

           Carol Singing at Pokeno Christmas Parade

Our Vestry has continued to meet and work through the
months to give guidance and direction for our collective
ministry in Church and community. Our Annual General
Meeting this year will be on Sunday March 24th after our
9.30am service at St. Mary’s. At the AGM we will receive
reports from our clergy, Church Wardens, Treasurer and
others and elect our People’s Warden and Vestry members
and officers for the 2019-20 year.


I look forward to seeing you all at our Church services and
events – for me it continues to be a real privilege to serve the
Church in our communities and to join with you all as we find
our way towards God’s calling for each and all of us.

Tena koutou katoa. Greetings and good wishes to all the
readers of Parish News.

Best wishes and every blessing,

Andrew Beyer
Priest in Charge Anglican Churches in Bombay-Pokeno
0274 508 389 |

SERVICES for March, April, May
March 2019
Sun 3 Mar 9:30am      St Peter’s   Family Service
Wed 6 Mar    7pm      St Peter’s   Holy Communion &
                                   Imposition of Ashes
Sun 10 Mar 9:30am     St Mary’s Family Service
Sun 17 Mar 9:30am     St Peter’s   Holy Communion
Sun 24 Mar 9:30am     St Mary’s Holy Communion &
                                Parish AGM
             4pm      Kaiaua    Holy Communion
Sun 31 Mar 9:30am     St Jude’s    Holy Communion
April 2019
Sun 7 Apr    9:30am   St Peter’s   Family Service
Sun 14 Apr   9:30am   St Mary’s Family Service Palm Sunday
Thu 18 Apr   7pm      St Peter’s   Maundy Service & Meal
Fri 19 Apr   9:30am   St Mary’s    Good Friday Service
Sun 21 Apr   9:30am   St Peter’s Easter Holy Communion
             9:30am   St Mary’s Easter Holy Communion
Sun 28 Apr   9:30am   St Mary’s Holy Communion
             4pm      Kaiaua    Holy Communion
May 2019
Sun 5 May    9:30am   St Peter’s   Family Service
Sun 12 May 9:30am     St Mary’s Family Service
Sun 19 May 9:30am     St Peter’s   Holy Communion
Sun 26 May 9:30am St Mary’s Holy Communion
           11:30am Bishop Selwyn Cairn Bombay
           4pm     Kaiaua     Holy Communion
        All most welcome especially new families.


            Painting at St Mary’s on the Hill, Pokeno

Readers of our Newsletter will now be aware that we have just
completed the major task of having the exterior of St Mary’s
repainted. This was a major undertaking requiring a great deal
of pre-paint preparation, attending to flaking paint, ‘bogging’
holes, cracks and gaps, sanding, and priming, before two top
coats were applied. It was a contract that took three painters
four weeks to complete. A couple of rotten barge boards had
to be replaced. St Mary’s now looks great!
The net cost, without GST which we can claim back, is just
over $50,000 and readers will be aware of our campaign to
raise funds to help pay for the contract. We do have a funding
application for $30,000 but have yet to hear whether we have
been successful or not.
Prior to the painting contract being let the roof of St Mary’s
was given a clean. The roof and steeple now look much better,
though it is clear that before long we will have the challenge of
raising funds for having the roof repainted.

We have now found that the spouting around St Mary’s is
rusting badly in places. We have a quote in to replace the
spouting. We hope this can be replaced before winter, with an
estimated cost of $3000. Again, we will be hoping for some
financial support to complete this important job.

In mid-February we discovered that the louvre windows in
both toilets at St Peter’s were smashed by mindless vandals.
We had to have 12 louvre panes replaced. This wanton act of
vandalism is very disappointing and is a reminder to us all to
be on the watch for any suspicious activity in our communities
and let the Police know. The St Peter’s damage has been
reported to the Police.

Ensuring that our church properties are well maintained is a
challenge for us all. We have two heritage listed buildings to
take care of, as well as the Vicarage, not far off 40 years old,
and St Judes, at 105 years old. Our challenge at the moment is
to get on top of overdue maintenance and then put in place a
property management action plan to ensure that in future we
plan for ongoing maintenance.

                                Bruce Owen, BMAG Convenor


If you are unwell, or need some help or support or, if you
know of someone needing support please ring one of the
people listed:-
    Bombay             Marcia               09-294 8268
    Pokeno             Martha               09-233 6609
    Mercer             Margaret O.          09-238 1877
Under guidance of Clergy we offer a confidential ministry and
pray that God may bless us in our desire to support one


We make no apology for continuing the call for regular
financial contributions to support the running of the
parish. As the current cost of running the parish is in
excess of $1600 per week, we need all the support we can
get. We encourage regular monthly direct debit
donations as this ensures a regular income for us.
Donations can be made by on line banking or by cheque
by using the following steps:-
       Cheque: C/- The Treasurer,
       The Anglican Churches of Bombay Pokeno
       150 Bombay Road, RD1, Bombay Auckland 2675.

       On line banking: credit to
       Bombay Pokeno Parish 02-0404-0013078-00

For a general donation enter ‘general’ with your
initials and surname

         If you wish to remain anonymous leave out the
details of your name and insert ‘anon’. However by
including your name, it does mean that we are able to
supply receipts which will allow tax rebates on your

We do appreciate all
financial support.

      Epic Christian Pop up Store
       Pukekohe: 9.30am - 5pm
           St Andrews Anglican Church, Queen St.
        Every Monday & Tuesday
           Waiuku: Every Friday, 9.30am-4pm
           Bibles, New Release Christian Books,
            Childrens Books, Cards, Dvd's, Cd's
           Devotionals, Beautiful Gifts and more


Copyright © 2006 Sermons 4 Kids, Inc.
         All Rights Reserved

faithworks                  From the Registers
        in Kaiaua                        Bereavements
                                           October 2018
                                     Jillian Dianne Balsillie
                                        formerly of Pokeno
        All Welcome                 Saturday 20 October 2018
                                   Funeral at St Mary’s Pokeno
                                    Thursday 25 October 2018

  2pm Wed 20 March 2019                   February 2019
                                     Phyllis Martha Marsh
   2pm Wed 17 April 2019               formerly of Bombay
                                    Saturday 9 February 2019
   2pm Wed 15 May 2019             Funeral at St Mary’s Pokeno
                                   Thursday 14 February 2019
Ph 09-236 0870 for venue details
                                        December 2018
       Prayer Chain                       Jo Dexter &
                                   Tarren McCulloch-Penfold
The prayer of the righteous
                                   Saturday 1 December 2018
       is effective                St Mary on the Hill Pokeno

There is a small group of people
who are willing to pray for you.
 If you have a need of any kind
that you would like prayer for,
  please ring Martha on 09-233     Contacts to book a wedding
   6609. (This is a confidential   at any of the parish churches
            ministry).             The Revd Andrew 09-236 0870
                                   or Diana O’Brien 09-236 0199

Bombay-Pokeno Area Church Wardens
  Mac Lynch                Bombay              09-236 0509
  Chris Pullin             Pokeno              09-233 6243
  Gary Hills               Mercer              09-232 6808

Sunday Readings           Apr 7, Lent 5
Mar 3, Ordinary 8         Isaiah 43: 16-21;
Isaiah 55: 10-13; 1       Philippians 3: 4b-14;
Corinthians 15: 51-58;    John 12: 1-8
Luke 6: 39-49             Apr 14, Lent 6           May 5, Easter 3
Mar 10, Lent 1            Isaiah 50: 4-9a;         Acts 9: 1-6, (7-20);
Deuteronomy 26: 1-        Philippians 2: 5-11;     Revelation 5: 11-14;
11; Romans 10: 8b-        Luke 19: 28-40           John 21: 1-19
13; Luke 4: 1-13          Apr 21, Easter Day       May 12, Easter 4
Mar 17, Lent 2            Isaiah 65: 17-25; Acts   Acts 9: 36-43;
Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-     10” 34-43; John 20:      Revelation 7: 9-17;
18; Philippians 3: 17 –   1-18                     John 10: 22-20
4: 1; Luke 13:31-35       Apr 28, Easter 2         May 19, Easter 5
Mar 24, Lent 3            Acts 5: 27-32;           Acts 11: 1-18;
Isaiah 55: 1-9; 1         Revelation 1: 4-8;       Revelation 21: 1-6;
Corinthians 10: 1-13;     John 20: 19-31           John 13: 31-35
Luke 13:1-9                                        May 26, Easter 6
Mar 31, Lent 4                                     Acts 16: 16-34; Rev
Joshua 5: 9-12; 2                                  22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-
Corinthians 5: 16-21;                              21; John 17: 20-2
Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32

                              WHO’S WHO
PRIEST IN CHARGE          The Revd Andrew Beyer                0274-508 389
PRIEST ASSISTANT          The Revd Bruce Owen                   021-681 962
          home 09 294 6629, email
PARISH WARDENS:           George Trounce                        09-298 2920
                          Marcia Anderson                       09-294 8268
Vestry Secretary:         Beverley Berwick                      07-836 3730
Vestry Treasurer:         Margaret Overdevest                        09-238
Parish Administrator:     Diana O’Brien                         09-236 0199

           For a list of services please turn to page 12

                                     DEADLINE FOR NEXT “PARISH NEWS”
Vestry Meetings St Peter’s 7pm                   21 MAY 2019
                                         ANY ARTICLES OF INTEREST
Mar 2019 – Thursday 21 March                        SEND TO:-
Apr 2019 – Thursday 18 April                      Parish News,
May 2019 – Thursday 16 May            150 Bombay Rd, RD1, Bombay 2675,
                                        or email

             For more information: phone 09-236 0870

          Return Address: 150 Bombay Road, RD1, Bombay 2675
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