Page created by Amanda Gilbert

to Aldi
The following document provides a guide for
new suppliers about the history of Aldi – how
we started, our growth and plans for the future.
Overview                    4    Account management   15

Our philosophy              5    Terms & Conditions   17

Our journey so far          6    Administration       21

Who’s who in Aldi?          8    The supply chain     23

Pre-tender. Tender. Launch! 11   Quality & CR         25

Product life-cycle          12

Artwork & packaging         13
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                    4


Our store model is built on creating efficiencies
at every level – from store construction, to
                                                                          Every aspect off
distribution, to the specific products we stock.
                                                                          our operation has
Our success shows we are as much a philosophy
                                                                          been rethought
as we are a supermarket.
                                                                                       d to
                                                                          and reinvented  t
Every aspect of our operation has    than 905 stores in the GB and over                quuality
                                                                          maximise the qualityy
been rethought and reinvented to     145 in Ireland. By focusing on the                 tss
                                                                          of our products
maximise the quality of our products integrity of our business plan and
and savings for our customers.       the satisfaction of our customers,
                                                                          and savings for
                                     employees and partners, we’ve        our customerss
We began our UK operation in 1990
                                     become the nation’s leading
with our first store in Stechford
                                     discounter and the fifth largest
in the West Midlands. Since then,
                                     supermarket with an 8% share of
we’ve grown into a multi-billion
                                     the market.
pound retail business with more
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                          5

Our philosophy

Our unique business model
enables us to provide the highest
quality products at the lowest
possible prices.

This value stems from the numerous efficiencies
and innovations we’ve introduced at every level
of our operation.

Our stores offer our customers over 1,800 of the most
commonly purchased fresh and ambient products,
in a smaller, more manageable environment
designed with sustainable, long-term savings
in mind.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                                                6

                                               Our journey so far
                                                                  (or a ‘potted history’!)

  1914 1954 1962 1967 1990 1999 2017 2022
  Anna Albrecht      They opened their     “Albrecht Discount”   More than 200 Aldi      Opened our first   Opened our first        Aldi becomes          Aldi to have opened
 opened a small       first self-service     was shortened        South locations.       store in the UK.   store in Ireland.   Britain’s fifth biggest    its 1,000th store in
   food store in        store – a first          to Aldi.                                                                           supermarket.             the UK by 2022.
 Essen, Germany.         in Germany.

 By 1948, her sons
   took over the
   business and
   expanded to
  four locations.

                                                                                      ALbrecht + DIscount ALDI
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                       7

Where you’ll
find us…                                                                                                   905+
                                                                                                               UK stores



                                                               Bolton                Goldthorpe
                                 distribution                                                        GB regional
                                   centres      Naas
                                                Naas                      Neston       Sawley        distribution
                                                                               Atherstone                                   stores
                                                                                                                           by 2022
                                                                                                    Sh ppey

Who’s who in Aldi?
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                              9


Our UK Buying Office is based in        Our Buying Directors report to a
Atherstone, Warwickshire. We also       Group Buying Director who is your
have a separate Scottish Buying         “Senior Buyer” under the terms
                                                                                     Our Buying Directors
Office based in Bathgate, whose         of The Groceries Supply Code of              are supported by
focus is to source locally produced     Practice (GSCOP) in the UK.                  Buying Assistants,
products for selling in our
                                        Before we agree a supply
                                                                                     who will handle your
Scottish stores.
                                        agreement (contract) with you,
                                                                  you,               day-to-day enquiries
In Naas, County Kildare, we have our    we will send you our Terms &
Irish Buying Office that concentrates   Conditions of Purchase alongng
on buying Irish produced products       with all supporting documents.
                                                                  ment nts.
                                                                       nt s.
and products that are more suited to    This will include the contactt details
                                                                       de  tailss
the Irish market than the UK.           of our Trading Departmentsts who
                                                                     who are
                                        responsible for placing day-to-day
                                                                       -d ay
Each of our Buying Directors are        orders and maintaining availability
                                                                      ab      ityy
responsible for a number of product     for our stores.
categories. They are supported by
Buying Assistants, who will handle
your day-to-day enquiries.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                              10

Each of our Regional Distribution Centres
has a Trading Department headed up by
a Trading Director.

Each Trading Director has numerous     The Trading and Buying teams
Trading Assistants reporting to them   work closely together to ensure
who are responsible for placing our    forecasted volumes are as accurate
daily orders with you, confirming      as possible and to discuss any
delivery times and handling any        challenges that may occur.
delivery queries you may have.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                                  11

Pre-tender. Tender. Launch!
“The Right Product at the Right Price”

           NPD & Market
                                          Pre-tender                       Tender                    Buy & Deliver                  Launch
         1 New Idea                     1 Scope out market/              1 Create tender and       1 Award business               1 Go live
         2 Refresh existing               Competitive set                  issue to supply base    2 Engage design agency         2 Monitor performance
                                        2 Scope out supply base          2 Communicate benchmark     and Technical Service

         3 Quality/Cost improvement                                                                                               3 Review performance
                                        3 Establish product              3 Tender sample             Provider (TSP)
         4 Discontinue lines/gap fill
                                          “must haves”
                                        4 Determine benchmark

         • Range analysis to            • Identify:                      • Tender sent via Aldi    • Supplier confirmed           • Fixed date review
           highlight issues               - the opportunity                Tendering Platform      • Design and artwork           • Review:
         • Market data to                 - the market position          • Final product/            process starts:                - week 1 sales
           highlight trends               - commodities position           supplier selected         - artwork sign off             - month 1 sales
                                          - the benchmark                                            - technical sign off
         • Full competitor review                                        • Fit for use/                                           • Provide performance
                                          - the product specification

           to identify gaps                                                benchmark testing       • Full product approval          update
                                            - merchandising
         • Supplier info to                 - case mix                                               including production         • Regional feedback
           highlight New Product            - design elements                                        samples and technical file
                                                                                                                                  • Customer service feedback
           Development/specification                                                               • Inspection at source (non-
                                        • Set out goals/objectives
           improvements                                                                              food special buys only)
                                        • Retrieve initial commercials
                                                                                                   • Regional communication
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                               12

                 Packaging Service Provider                     Buying Director

                   Technical Service Provider                   Buying Assistant
                             Project Manager       involved
                                      Supplier       in the     QA Department
                           Packaging Specialist   life cycle?   Technical Service Provider
                                                                Advisory Assistant

                                      Designer                  Photographer

Artwork &
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                              14

             Technical Service Provider                   What is the Brand/
                  generates clearance                     Packaging benchmark?
                        to supply (CTS)
                    Final Colour Accurate                 Design stage 1/2/3Î
                    Proof (CAP) approved      Design,     Buying Director approval

         1st artwork amendsÎBuying
                                            artwork and   Buying Assistant raises
           Director, Supplier, Technical
             Service Provider approval
                                            packaging –   Product Advice Sheet (PAS) –
                                                          include all product claims
                   1st artworkÎBuying       the process   Service Provider
            Director, Supplier, Technical                 generates critical path
             Service Provider approval                    and sends to supplier

          Technical Service Provider                      Supplier to complete electronic
       generates pack copyÎBuying                         specification (eSpec) including
                   Director approval                      all nutritional, Corporate
                                                          Responsibility (CR) and
                                                          cooking information

ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                16

Account management
To assist Aldi in an efficient manner, we appreciate the
following qualities in our supplier Account Managers:

 Familiarisation with                                                                                      Taking Responsibility and
                                  Proactive Not Reactive                Meeting Deadlines
 Aldi Procedures                                                                                           Accountability for Supply Issues

 • Who’s Who (responsibilities)   • Inform Buying of availability       • Sample requests                  • Ensure availability through
                                    issues in a timely manner                                                proactively monitoring Aldi
 • Pre-tender/Tender/                                                   • Pre-tender/Tender
                                                                                                             stock holding at platforms
   Sampling timescales            • New product development
                                                                        • Design Agency and Technical
 • Goods Receiving Guidelines     • Provide regular updates on retail     Service Provider critical path
                                    activity within the market
 • Design Agency and Technical                                          • Regional booking slots
   Service Provider process

                                                                                                           Product Development (NPD)
 Communication to be              In-depth Category Knowledge           Accessibility During and           in line with the Market,
 Clear and Concise                and Provision of Market Data          Outside of Working Hours           Understanding Our Business
                                  • Provide regular market data         • Providing an emergency
                                                                          contact for out of hours
                                                                        • Responding to requests
                                                                          in a timely manner

& Conditions
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                 18

Terms & Conditions
& Ancillary
Aldi asks all new suppliers to sign    The Terms also incorporate the
up to its Standard Terms and           Groceries Supply Code of Practice,
Conditions for the Purchase of         the Irish Regulations and the Bribery
Goods and the associated Ancillary     Act 2010. In addition to the Terms
Documents. These will be sent to       and Conditions, you will be asked
you by the Buying Department at        to review a number of Ancillary
the beginning of the new supplier      Documents which provide more
process. Aldi’s Terms and Conditions   detail on the day-to-day policies
lay out how Aldi does business with    involved in supplying goods to Aldi.
its suppliers on the ground.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                           19

Document Register
Program (DRP)
Document Register Program (DRP) is used to
e-mail all official documentation to suppliers.

All of the e-mails you receive will come from the DRP e-mail address:

Some examples of documents you can expect to receive from the DRP are:

• Terms & Conditions and Ancillary Documents
• GSCOP Documents
• Aldi’s Quarterly Supplier Bulletin
• Christmas and Easter Delivery Windows
• Supplier Guidelines for our Corporate Responsibility
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                             20

Groceries Supply                 The Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) came into
                                 force on 4th February 2010. It applies to all retailers with

Code of Practice                 grocery sales over £1 billion and ensures that retailers
                                 deal with their suppliers fairly and lawfully at all times.

(GSCOP)                          Aldi takes pride in its compliance with the Code, ranking as the best
                                 performing supermarket for compliance for the seventh year running
                                 in 2020. All Aldi employees who have regular contact with suppliers receive
                                 GSCOP training on a yearly basis and regular meetings are in place between
                                 The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) and Aldi to ensure our continued
                                 compliance with the Code. Aldi sends its GSCOP newsletter to all suppliers
                                 twice a year, explaining any changes to the code as well as updates on Aldi’s
                                 performance in the yearly GCA Survey.

ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                       22

                                 Electronic Funds
                                 Transfer/BACS                         Invoicing                               Orders & Invoicing
                                 Aldi prefers to pay its suppliers     As a supplier of Aldi, you can expect   We work with our supply base to
                                 electronically. Enclosed in your      to be invoiced for all reasonable       ensure all orders are provided in a
                                 new supplier pack, you will receive   costs, fees and expenses properly       timely manner to enable availability.
                                 an invoicing information form         incurred in relation to the supply      You will receive orders and will
                                 which you will need to complete       agreement (contract) and product,       be asked to invoice for delivered
                                 and return. Once the setup is         this can include product design,        products using Electronic Data
                                 complete, your invoices will be       packaging design, artwork,              Interchange (EDI). We offer our
                                 paid electronically with the funds    product testing, etc.                   suppliers the option to integrate
                                 released on the due date. The funds                                           our EDI solution or, for those
                                                                       Aldi’s nominated brand
                                 can take up to three working days                                             suppliers who trade less frequently,
                                                                       management team and technical
                                 to clear.                                                                     to use our Web EDI solution.
                                                                       service provider will invoice you,
                                                                       the supplier, directly upon             If you have any questions
                                                                       completion, of design, artwork          related to EDI, please contact
                                                                       and product testing.          

The supply chain
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                 24

                    Availability                              Deliveries                                Logistics
                    At Aldi, availability is paramount.       At Aldi, we are continuing to             We work with our supply base to
                    With only 1,800 SKUs in our range,        develop our estate as our business        ensure that they have an efficient
                    not having stock on the shelf for         grows from strength to strength.          and cost-effective delivery solution
                    even a day can make the difference        In the UK, we have eleven RDCs            when working with Aldi. Whether
                    for customers being able to pick up       including eCommerce and two in            that is using your own logistic
                    their full shop or not. That can affect   Ireland. You will be asked to deliver     partners or Aldi’s preferred primary
                    our customer satisfaction, our sales      seven days a week to an agreed            network – there is a simple solution
                    and our reputation. That’s why we         Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) if         for all your products, no matter
                    take availability so seriously.           you supply.                               where they come from in the world.

                    Quality Control                           Communications                            Questions
                    Our Regional Quality Control teams        Continued engagement and                  If you have any concerns, queries or
                    are on hand to ensure that only the       communication is at the heart of what     need any support with developing
                    finest produce and highest quality        we do. Working with our Corporate         the right solution in your supply
                    products make it to our stores. This is   Logistics Team, we can ensure that        chain then please ask your Buying
                    the final check before the products       you have the right information when       Director to put you in contact with
                    leave the RDC.                            starting your journey with Aldi; if       our Corporate Logistics Department.
                                                              it’s challenges with case mixing to
                                                              getting the product to the right port -
                                                              they have the expertise you need to
                                                              deliver these requests.

Quality & CR
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                     26

Quality & CR: food
Aldi is committed                Ethical Sourcing                                         Certification Requirements
to maintaining the               Aldi is committed to human rights and fair labour
                                                                                          for Site Manufacture
highest quality                  practices throughout our supply chain. We expect
                                                                                          You will be requested to provide the following:
of materials and                 all suppliers to comply with the Social Standards
                                 in Production contained within Aldi’s Corporate          • All sites of manufacture producing Aldi brand food
production processes.            Responsibility Principles and to adhere to all             products must be certificated to a Global Food Safety
It fully expects that            requirements of the Aldi UK and Ireland Social             Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked scheme, e.g. British Retail
this commitment is               Monitoring Programme (SMP).                                Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Food Safety

followed throughout                                                                       • If your site of manufacture, packing or bottling
                                 Product Specification                                      does not have certification to a GFSI scheme, please
its supply chain. As a                                                                      inform your Aldi Buying Director immediately
                                 Product specifications are captured in an Electronic
socially responsible             Specification (eSpec) system managed by the TSP on       • GFSI certification in English
company, it is of critical       behalf of Aldi. Product specification information must
                                                                                          • GFSI audit report in English
importance for Aldi to           relate to the site of the manufacturer. Information
                                 must be accurate as this will be used to generate pack   • Site manufacturing details
know that our products           copy & substantiate product claims.                      • Site packing details
are safe for our                                                                            (if different to the manufacturing site)
consumers.                                                                                • Certificate must be within scope and
                                                                                            valid for manufacture
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                        27

Quality & CR: food
Clearance To Supply (CTS) Aldi Polices                                      Product Testing
The CTS is issued once the TSP is     Suppliers must comply with all        Aldi has a comprehensive product
satisfied that:                       relevant Aldi policies. It is the     testing due diligence programme.
                                      supplier’s responsibility to make     Products are tested for compliance
• The site of manufacture meets       sure they familiarise themselves      with the agreed specification and
  Aldi certification requirements
                                      with our policies and in turn brief   legality at first production and whilst
• Legal requirements and Aldi         their manufacturing sites.            on sale. You must provide product
  policies are complied with                                                samples from first production for

• The product is supported by an
                                      Costings                              testing by the Technical Service

  approved specification                                                    Provider. You will be notified of any
                                      Costs for approval and due
                                                                            issues identified during the product
• Artwork is approved. The CTS will   diligence will need to be met by      testing due diligence programme.
  be valid for a defined period       you, the supplier.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                        28

Quality & CR: non-food & textiles
Aldi is committed                Ethical Sourcing
to maintaining the               Aldi is committed to human rights and fair labour
highest quality                  practices throughout our supply chain. We expect
of materials and                 all suppliers to comply with the Social Standards
                                 in Production contained within Aldi’s Corporate
production processes.            Responsibility Principles and, where relevant,
It fully expects that            to adhere to all requirements of the Aldi UK and
this commitment is               Ireland Social Monitoring Programme (SMP) and
                                 Detox Commitment.
followed throughout
its supply chain.                Supplier Approval
As a socially                    A Technical Service Provider (TSP) working on
responsible company,             behalf of Aldi will contact you, the supplier, and
 it is of critical               request all relevant information relating to your
                                 product. All suppliers must receive a Clearance
importance for Aldi              To Supply (CTS) for each product before supply to
to know that our                 Aldi starts. New suppliers and/or production sites
products are safe for            are subject to an Aldi approval audit.

our consumers.
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                   29

Quality & CR: non-food & textiles
Product Specification
• Complete and submit Supplier Questionnaire: Non-Food & Textiles

• TSP receives a Product Advice Sheet (PAS) from Aldi UK. TSP will provide
  details of the product approval process and critical path and any applicable
  quality manuals

• TSP will contact the supplier and request the following (this may vary
  depending on product):
  – Product specification - to also substantiate product claims
  – Artwork
  – Component List (Critical & Internal)
  – Risk analysis - Hazard And Risk Management System (HARMS) and
    Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
  – Copy of instructions and user guides
  – Warranty/guarantee details
  – Physical sample of product
  – Factory Quality Management Systems (QMS) / quality controls
  – Any existing testing certificates (dated within 1 year of submission)
ALDI SUPPLIER INFORMATION PACK                                                                                                                                     30

Quality & CR: non-food & textiles
Certification                         Clearance to Supply                    The CTS will be valid for a defined                Costings
                                                                             period. Where an Final Random
Requirements                          The TSP will confirm Regulatory        Inspection (FRI) is performed and                  Costs for approval and due
for Site Manufacture                  Requirements and any non               the result is acceptable, the TSP will             diligence will need to be met by
                                      conformance in the documentation       issue the CTS for you to ship the                  you, the supplier.
Supplier manufacturing sites must     supplied. The CTS is issued once the   product.
comply with Aldi technical audit      TSP is satisfied that:                                                                    Product Testing
                                                                             ** Please note the Final Random Inspection (FRI)
requirements for all commodity                                                  will be performed at the site of manufacture.
groups for non-food core/hard lines   • The site of manufacture meets Aldi                                                      Any products submitted may be
and textiles.                          certification requirements                                                               subjected to ongoing performance
                                                                             Aldi Policies
                                                                                                                                testing and evaluation.
                                      • Legal requirements and Aldi
                                                                             Suppliers must comply with the
                                       policies are complied with
                                                                             relevant Aldi policies. It is the
                                      • The product is supported by          supplier’s responsibility to make
                                       an approved specification             sure they familiarise themselves
                                       and meets all relevant quality        with our policies and in turn brief
                                       performance requirements              their manufacturing sites.

                                      • Artwork and instruction manuals
                                       are approved
For more information, please visit our supplier website at:
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