January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish

Page created by Russell Daniel
January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
January 17, 2021

January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
Mass Times & Information                                   A TIME TO REFLECT - by Deacon Dan
       SAT             4:30 PM            Good Morning, Children of God!
       SUN             9:00 AM
       MON - TUE       6:30 PM            We have just come through a Christmas season like most of us have
       WED - THUR      8:00 AM            not seen in our lives. Our world pandemic has changed our culture.
       FRI             8:00 AM            Fear, anxiety, suspicion and stress have gripped our souls tightly.
                                          Young parents have more on their plates than they can handle with
RECONCILIATION                            work at home, unemployment, homeschooling, and family duties with-
       SAT             3:00 PM
                                          out respite. Caregivers are stressed navigating the pandemic new nor-
HOLY HOUR                                 mal. Our hospitalized family members and nursing home family mem-
       3rd THUR        6:30 PM            bers are isolated.
OFFICE HOURS                              Where’s the love? Our world needs love more now than ever!
       MON - THUR 8:30 - 3:30
       FRI        8:30 - NOON             Dear Children of God, we are the love. We are Children of Love Him-
PHONE                                     self. We need to reach out in new ways to “touch” peoples’ lives.
     920-739-3196                         While bodily touch may be restricted, soulful and spiritual touch remain
 Emergency Phone 920-450-2231             constantly overflowing. Christmas reminds us of that. God comes to
                                          be with us spirit, soul and body in Christmas. Jesus is Love’s Light in
PARISH REGISTRATION                       the world. Jesus’ whole life is living life in the Holy Spirit of God, to
Welcome! If you would like to join        teach us how to truly live in the Spirit. Jesus teaches us how to live the
our parish or talk to our priest, stop    inside out life; spirit, soul and body because, we humans, in our weak-
by the office, call or visit us online,   ness and limitedness, distorted life to be outside in; body, soul and
www.sacredheartappleton.com               spirit. This is living a worldly life as it says in the Bible. The outside in
                                          life, the worldly life, is dangerous and full of fear, anxiety, stress and
PRAYER CHAIN                              despair. Satan and his evil spirits prey on worldly souls. Pray the Pray-
Contact the parish office at              er to St. Michael, the Archangel. Read St. Peter’s, St. Paul’s, and St.
920-739-3196 or submit online.            John’s letters in the Bible. Read the whole Bible. Come to Bible Study.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK                     Christmas transforms us. Christmas is our butterfly experience. We
Call the office to schedule this          are no more what we once were. Embrace the journey of Christmas.
sacrament if you are having surgery       Let the peace of Jesus reign in your spirits. Let your spirit guide your
or a family member is seriously ill.      soul. Let your soul animate your body. By doing so, you are changing
MARRIAGE                                  the world, one Love Light at a time.
Call the office six months in advance God blesses all of you. Thank you for loving your faith family here at
to schedule date and begin the        Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish.              In the love of Christ,
necessary preparation.                                                           Deacon Dan Koszalinski
BAPTISM                                                    Fiscal Year July 1, 2020- June 30, 2021
Baptisms are celebrated the second             Weekend of                      1/10/2021           YTD Collected           Budgeted 20/21
Sunday of the month. Call the office                        Envelopes $ 13,298.37                  $   170,565.75
two months in advance. First time            Matching Gift Challenge $         1,370.00            $       23,032.89
parents must attend baptism
                                                      Electronic ACH $           578.00            $       63,235.00
preparation sessions. Call the office
                                               Parish Support Online $           190.00            $       13,505.00
to pre-register.                                   Website Donation
RCIA                                                             Loose $          37.00            $        2,728.32
For adults who wish to become                                    Youth $              -            $                -      $            -
Catholic, contact the parish office at            Building & Grounds $           365.00            $       17,555.94
                                                                 Total $ 15,838.37                 $   290,622.90          $   273,350.00
MASS INTENTIONS                                            Over/Short                                                      $    17,272.90
Are accepted in the parish office.
                                                Faith Formation Envelope   $               29.00       $        1,120.00
CHANGE OF ADDRESS/EMAIL                                       Fundraiser

Contact the parish office at                        Religious Retirement   $              100.00       $        3,712.00
920-739-3196.                              Envelope giving includes Parish Members making their gift for the entire year 2021.

  222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915                                                        WWW.SACREDHEARTAPPLETON.COM
January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
FAITH FORMATION                                        CARE MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT
In-Person Classes are Beginning                                  This week in the Care Ministry spotlight I would like to
Our sacrament preparation for grades 2 and 11 have            introduce you to Mike and Alice Backes.
been meeting since the fall, and we have recently begun       Keeping the candles filled in the church is a time
meeting on site with our high school students. Those          commitment. The small votive candles burn out
have been very successful endeavors, and we thank the         frequently and need to be replaced. The number of
staff and volunteers who have made that possible!             people who stop in and light candles during the week is
                                                              amazing, not to mention those that are lit before or after
Starting January 20th, all classes will have the option to    Masses. Replacing those that have burned out with new
meet in-person (Grades 1-5 at Sacred Heart and grades         ones needs constant attention. Mike and Alice can be
6-Confirmation at St Bernadette). Masks, social distanc-      seen weekly stopping in to do their work behind the
ing, and sanitation procedures will be followed. Please       scenes.
pray for our students, families, and staff as we begin           When we do our annual All Soul’s Memorial service in
welcoming families back in-person!                            November, Mike and Alice take care of preparing and
                                                              mailing over 50 invitations to families. Their meticulous
     The 1st Parent/Child meeting for 1st Communion           work and attention to detail ensure that everything is
       will be on January 20th form 4:45-6:00 PM.             correct when they are mailed.
       There will be an option for an in person and              Alice is also a part of the Care Ministry Call team that
                virtual parent/child meeting                  reached out to other parish members when we made
                                                              calls in March and December. Alice was excited to be a
                                                              part of that team and use her excellent listening skills
            SPIRITUAL ADOPTION 2021                           while reach out to others.
We would again like to offer Spiritual Adoption for 2021.        Both Mike and Alice are trained as extraordinary
We understand less parishioners are attending Mass in         ministers of Holy Communion and help out at the
person so perhaps our bar is a little lower this year.        4:30 pm Mass. You could even spot Mike in the past as
Spiritual Adoption 2021- "The Nifty 50/ 60". We hope to       an usher.
have at least 50 to 60 babies spiritually adopted by our         Whenever they are asked to help or volunteer the love
parishioners. Contactless sign-up is simple. Prayer-cards     of their parish shines through. Thank you Mike and Alice
with attached nametags will be pinned up on the Pro-Life      for saying yes to so many things.
bulletin board in the school hallway by the restrooms.                                                  Kelly Koszalinski
Take a prayer-card home. Fill out the nametag on the
back. Return the nametag anytime the next week and               THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU
pin it back onto the bulletin board. You keep the prayer-
card to pray the short prayer once daily for the 9 - month    Sacred Heart is so appreciative of all those who donated
pregnancy of your named adopted baby. This way we             for the “Adopt of Senior” Christmas gift bag event. We
avoid contact sharing of the same pens. The sign-up will      had 45 bags filled and returned to us to be delivered.
run from January 16 thru February 1st. Please consider        Those bags were overflowing with all kinds of creativity
being part of the "Nifty 50 ..or 60"! The Whole Life Group    and specialized gifts. I have heard from so many of
                                                              those who received a bag and how humbled they were.
Save the Date: January 22, 2021                               Thank you to all of you for your thoughtful expression of
National Day of Prayer for the Protection of all Unborn       love to your parish family.
Children. Take some time on this day to pray for the          How did all those bags get delivered? What a great
protection of all unborn children.                            question! A team of volunteers hand delivered each bag
                                                              to either the facility or a private home. Of course we
                    A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LIFE’S               honored social distancing and wore masks. Many of
                       ESSENTIAL DAILY HABIT                  those at home said “thank you…come on in.” I wish we
                 I hope all of you are enjoying this book.    could have gone in and visited. They are so ready to
                                                              have company.
               Matthew Kelly talks about six lessons that     A big thank you to;
                  will have great impact on your life.        Mark Vander Linden,
                                                              Linda Muench,
†!   The First Shift: Begin the Conversation.                 Willa Mueller,
†!   The Second Shift: Ask God what He wants.                 Barb Hiler,
†!   The Third Shift: Give Yourself to Prayer                 Dianne Diedrich,
†!   The Fourth Shift: Transform Everything into Prayer       Ron Keberlein,
†!   The Fifth Shift: Make Yourself Available                 Mary Low
†!   The Sixth Shift: Just Keep Showing Up                            for helping with the deliveries.
222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915                  920-739-3196                   WWW.SACREDHEARTAPPLETON.COM
January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
Liturgical Roles, Jan 23 & 24                             January 2021 Prayer Intentions
              4:30 PM                             9:00 AM         Pope Francis' Intention
                                 LECTORS                          May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with
                                                                  our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one
      Maurine Overesch                         Jean Overesch      another, open to all.
                              MASS SERVERS                        Bishop Ricken's Intention
                                                                  That men and women of faith may be awakened by the Holy
              Ed Bayer                          Maura Seidl       Spirit to share their relationship with Jesus Christ with others.
                     MINISTERS OF COMMUNION
                                                                                      Weekly Schedule
H1 Presider                         H1 Presider
H2                                  H2                            Monday, Jan 18
                                                                        6:30 pm              Mass - Mal Koehn
                         MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY
                                                                  Tuesday, Jan 19
         Ron Hauser                        Jesse & Laura Savoie         6:30 pm              Mass - Thomas Nienhaus
        Mike Anderson                         Blake Manders             7:00 pm              Worship Committee
       Shirley Anderson                     McKinley Manders
                                                                  Wednesday, Jan 20
         Ron Solberg                          Renee Manders
                                                                        8:00 am              Mass - Francis Kasten
                            LIVE STREAM MASS                            4:45 pm              FF Grades K-5
       Dottie Borowski                              ~~~                 4:45 pm              First Communion Parent/Child
                                                                        6:30 pm              Confirmation Prep @ St. Bernadette
                                  SCRIP                                 6:30 pm              FF Grades 6-10
       Pat Jankowski                           Diane Lettau       Thursday, Jan 21
                                                                           8:00 am           Mass - Larry & Lillian Huebner
                              Last month in the bulletin                   6:30 pm           HOLY HOUR
                                we talked about the               Friday, Jan 22
                              Unbound Program and the                      8:00 am           Mass - Private
                              four children, Lincoln 14,          Saturday, Jan 23
  Mariella 20, Carmen 10, and Seema 11 and the one                         3:00 pm           Reconciliation
   adult Juanita, that Sacred Heart Parish sponsors.                       4:30 pm           Mass - Lee & Pat Vosters
      How would you like to write letters to them?                Sunday, Jan 24
They would love to hear from us! What a great outreach                     9:00 am           Mass - Living & Deceased of
     that would be. Please call the parish office at                                                Sacred Heart
            739-3196 to get more details.
                                                                  Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!
SACRED HEART STAFF                                                Jan 21 - Holy Hour @ 6:30 pm
Fr. John Katamba           Pastor - Administrator                 Jan 31 - Feb 6 - Catholic Schools Week
Gib Schmidt                Deacon                                 Feb 5 - Adoration @ 8:30 am, Benediction @ 5:00 pm
Dan Koszalinski            Deacon                                 Feb 6 - “Souper” Bowl Sunday
Laura Savoie                                                      Feb 14 - Help the Homeless Hygiene Drive
Business Manager - busmgr@sacredheartappleton.com                 Feb 17 - Ash Wednesday
Karen Jahner
Parish Secretary - office@sacredheartappleton.com                                 Readings for the Week
Willa Mueller                                                          Readings for the week of January 17, 2021
Mkt and Comm Coord - market@sacredheartappleton.com               Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1
Linda Muench - 920-731-5068 - Volunteer Lit Scheduler             Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/
litsch@sacredheartappleton.com                                    Jn 1:35-42
Mary Kinderman & Pat Vander Wielen - Music Ministry               Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 2:18-22
Kelly Koszalinski - Pastoral Ministry Coordinator                 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c [5]/Mk
faith@sacredheartappleton.com                                     2:23-28
Gina Holt - Youth Programs and Family Catechesis Team Lead        Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 3:1-
- lead@familyministryteam.org                                     6
Claire Kalaus - Children’s Sacrament and Education Coord          Thursday: Heb 7:25—8:6/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17 [8a and
children@familyministryteam.org                                   9a]/Mk 3:7-12
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                  Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [11a]/Mk
Sue Erickson - Secretary Trustee                                  3:13-19
Peggy Hawley - Chair                                              Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Mk 3:20-
FINANCE COUNCIL                                                   21
John Rath - Treasurer Trustee                                     Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor
Sara Steichen - Chair                                             7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915                                                    WWW.SACREDHEARTAPPLETON.COM
January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
Liturgical Roles, Jan 23 & 24                             January 2021 Prayer Intentions
              4:30 PM                             9:00 AM         Pope Francis' Intention
                                 LECTORS                          May the Lord give us the grace to live in full fellowship with
                                                                  our brothers and sisters of other religions, praying for one
      Maurine Overesch                         Jean Overesch      another, open to all.
                              MASS SERVERS                        Bishop Ricken's Intention
                                                                  That men and women of faith may be awakened by the Holy
              Ed Bayer                          Maura Seidl       Spirit to share their relationship with Jesus Christ with others.
                     MINISTERS OF COMMUNION
                                                                                      Weekly Schedule
H1 Presider                         H1 Presider
H2                                  H2                            Monday, Jan 18
                                                                        6:30 pm              Mass - Mal Koehn
                         MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY
                                                                  Tuesday, Jan 19
         Ron Hauser                        Jesse & Laura Savoie         6:30 pm              Mass - Thomas Nienhaus
        Mike Anderson                         Blake Manders             7:00 pm              Worship Committee
       Shirley Anderson                     McKinley Manders
                                                                  Wednesday, Jan 20
         Ron Solberg                          Renee Manders
                                                                        8:00 am              Mass - Francis Kasten
                            LIVE STREAM MASS                            4:45 pm              FF Grades K-5
       Dottie Borowski                              ~~~                 4:45 pm              First Communion Parent/Child
                                                                        6:30 pm              Confirmation Prep @ St. Bernadette
                                  SCRIP                                 6:30 pm              FF Grades 6-10
       Pat Jankowski                           Diane Lettau       Thursday, Jan 21
                                                                           8:00 am           Mass - Larry & Lillian Huebner
                              Last month in the bulletin                   6:30 pm           HOLY HOUR
                                we talked about the               Friday, Jan 22
                              Unbound Program and the                      8:00 am           Mass - Private
                              four children, Lincoln 14,          Saturday, Jan 23
  Mariella 20, Carmen 10, and Seema 11 and the one                         3:00 pm           Reconciliation
   adult Juanita, that Sacred Heart Parish sponsors.                       4:30 pm           Mass - Lee & Pat Vosters
      How would you like to write letters to them?                Sunday, Jan 24
They would love to hear from us! What a great outreach                     9:00 am           Mass - Living & Deceased of
     that would be. Please call the parish office at                                                Sacred Heart
            739-3196 to get more details.
                                                                  Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!
SACRED HEART STAFF                                                Jan 21 - Holy Hour @ 6:30 pm
Fr. John Katamba           Pastor - Administrator                 Jan 31 - Feb 6 - Catholic Schools Week
Gib Schmidt                Deacon                                 Feb 5 - Adoration @ 8:30 am, Benediction @ 5:00 pm
Dan Koszalinski            Deacon                                 Feb 6 - “Souper” Bowl Sunday
Laura Savoie                                                      Feb 14 - Help the Homeless Hygiene Drive
Business Manager - busmgr@sacredheartappleton.com                 Feb 17 - Ash Wednesday
Karen Jahner
Parish Secretary - office@sacredheartappleton.com                                 Readings for the Week
Willa Mueller                                                          Readings for the week of January 17, 2021
Mkt and Comm Coord - market@sacredheartappleton.com               Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 [8a, 9a]/1
Linda Muench - 920-731-5068 - Volunteer Lit Scheduler             Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/
litsch@sacredheartappleton.com                                    Jn 1:35-42
Mary Kinderman & Pat Vander Wielen - Music Ministry               Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 2:18-22
Kelly Koszalinski - Pastoral Ministry Coordinator                 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10c [5]/Mk
faith@sacredheartappleton.com                                     2:23-28
Gina Holt - Youth Programs and Family Catechesis Team Lead        Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4 [4b]/Mk 3:1-
- lead@familyministryteam.org                                     6
Claire Kalaus - Children’s Sacrament and Education Coord          Thursday: Heb 7:25—8:6/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17 [8a and
children@familyministryteam.org                                   9a]/Mk 3:7-12
PASTORAL COUNCIL                                                  Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [11a]/Mk
Sue Erickson - Secretary Trustee                                  3:13-19
Peggy Hawley - Chair                                              Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Mk 3:20-
FINANCE COUNCIL                                                   21
John Rath - Treasurer Trustee                                     Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4a]/1 Cor
Sara Steichen - Chair                                             7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915                                                    WWW.SACREDHEARTAPPLETON.COM
January 17, 2021 - 222 E. FREMONT ST. APPLETON, WI 54915 - Sacred Heart Parish
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