Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School

Page created by Carrie Woods
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Wambi's Wavebreaker
                            Term 1 Week 5 - 24 February 2021

For your diary.........
 Thursday, 25 February 2021                  Whole School Class Photo Day

 Tuesday, 2 March 2021                       TLPSSA Zone Swimming Carnival

From the Principal, Mr Paul Miller

Text Messaging to Parents
Dear parents,

This week we commenced our trial SMS service to parents which has been successful and well
received. An SMS message is being sent to families when a student is not in attendance at school.
This enables us to maximise safety for all WPS students and also promotes good attendance at
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
COVID Intensive
2020 was a di   cult year and our students and teachers rose to the challenges and disruption to
regular classroom learning, including both school and remote learning.

In recognition of this disruption our Government and DoE has invested a $337 million program
for additional support for students who would bene t most. This will be tailored to their
requirements to ensure that students’ educational outcomes continue to improve in 2021.

The 2021 COVID intensive learning support program will enable small group tuition for students
who need it most across NSW primary, secondary and specialist schools.

All public schools across the state will bene t with an allocation to employ additional teachers
and educators to support student learning.

We have been able to employ an additional 1.5 teachers and will implement a small group tuition
program in our school. All groups will be conducted during school hours, with a focus on literacy
and numeracy.

Further information on this initiative is available from the department’s website.

School Assemblies
School assemblies recommence this Friday and will alternate between Years 3-6 (odd weeks) and
K-2 (even weeks). The assembly format will be a mixture of live and pre-recorded segments,
providing school leaders with an opportunity to develop their skills and for students to be
acknowledged for e orts and achievements in front of their peers. Whilst parents and visitors are
currently unable to attend these assemblies, we look forward to inviting parents to celebrate with
us when restrictions enable.

Many of the popular segments however, including ‘Feature Class, Jokes and Riddles and Where’s
SRL? will continue to be posted online for parents and community to enjoy.
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Swimming Carnival
Thank you to WPS sta    and the many parent volunteers who gave up their time to ensure our
2021 carnival was such a great success. A special thank you to Mrs Claridge, carnival coordinator.

This morning students were presented with their ribbons and a special video segment will be
included in our assembly this Friday for students.

Congratulations and all the very best to all students who are progressing to represent WPS at the
Zone Carnival!

Water Re ll Stations
This week our two new water re ll stations were installed, providing additional bubblers and a
place for students to re ll water bottles during the day. Thank you to Wamberal P&C for their
kind donation which has enabled this facility to be provided to our students. One water re ll
station has been placed near the canteen and a second station near Stage 2 meeting area.
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Kiss and Ride
Thank you for the outstanding support from our community as we work together to make end of
day dismissals safe for all. Whilst we encourage the use of bus, walking, meeting at 3:30 pm or
The Y OOSH Services where possible, the Kiss and Ride service now operates in the current Phase
from 3:15 pm.

If using this service, please:

  Arrive from or after 3:15 pm (not before);
  Carefully observe all signposted tra    c restrictions;
  Remain in car at all times if using ‘car line’;
  Park and join the ‘walk in line’ if your child is not ready;
  Observe 1.5metre social distance whilst in ‘walk in’ line; and
  Please do not block local roads. If they are congested, please park safely and use the ‘walk in’
  line through carpark instead.

Thank you for your support as we work together to keep all our students safe.

Have a good week,

Paul Miller


Deputy Principal Report
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
What is the High 5?
At Wamberal Public School our students are explicitly taught anti-bullying strategies and the
importance of the role of being an upstander against bullying. Our ‘High 5’ Anti-Bullying
Program is delivered to all classes from Kindergarten to Year 5 by Year 6 students with the
support of teacher mentors. The focus of the program is to develop the capacity of all K-6
students to:

  identify what bullying is;
  identify and implement a set of anti-bullying strategies;
  develop resilience strategies;
  develop positive self-esteem; and
  encourage each student’s sense of wellbeing.

This week all students have participated in lessons focusing on implementing the High 5 Anti-
bullying and con ict resolution strategies of ignore, talk friendly, walk away, talk rmly, report
and being an upstander.

The NSW Department of Education’s Anti-bullying site for parents and carers has a step by step
guide and resources for parents and carers for what to do when their child may have been bullied,
may have seen bullying or may have been involved in bullying. (https://antibullying.nsw.gov.au/)
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Swimming Carnival – House Captain’s Report
Last Wednesday, 17 February, was our school swimming carnival. It was great to see so many
students dressed in their house colours and supporting all swimmers. There were lots of beautiful
smiles, cheers and everyone was a Safe Respectful Learner around the pool. Congratulations to
the swimmers who were successful in placing – and all students should be proud of themselves
as everyone participated and did a spectacular job!

We are excited to do more carnivals with our amazing houses. Finally we would like to thank all
the amazing teachers who organised and made the carnival possible as well as the parent

From your House Captains (Bradman, Cawley, Chappell and Ford)
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Curriculum under the spotlight
It was wonderful to see the hard working and creative students of Kindy Orange this week.
Students were participating in group work, displaying their emerging understanding of literacy
and numeracy.

The Everyday Maths Hub

The Everyday Maths Hub is an engaging and dynamic online platform for parents and carers of
children in Kindy through to Year 10. It is part of the NSW Mathematics Strategy. For more
information, please visit the The Everyday Maths Hub site.
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Maths A-Z

Ever wonder what a nonagon is or how about an icosahedron? The Maths A-Z glossary provides
straightforward explanations and illustrated examples of maths terms used in the classroom.
Please visit the NSW Department of Education site to explore this fabulous resource.

Have a wonderful week,

Penny Ellis and Glenys Jenkins

Deputy Principals

Library News
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Library Lovers’ Day / Valentine’s Day

We’ve had a lot of fun in the Library celebrating Library Lover’s Day over the past couple of
weeks — love of books, authors, Libraries and Library skills. Kinder students have listened to
stories and borrowed books about love and kindness. Stage 1 students have shared the books they
love and why they love reading. Stage 2 classes have created Book Dating Pro les to match
themselves to the perfect books for them. Stage 3 students have been able to choose a Blind Date
with an unidenti ed book title — most of these have been new titles purchased and accessioned
at the end of 2020.
Wambi's Wavebreaker - Wamberal Public School
Blind Date Sign   Tia, Charlee, Annabelle - 5 Yellow

Spencer and Mia               5 Yellow
Book Care
Please remind your children about responsible use and care of borrowed books to reinforce their
library instruction about book care. A discussion with your child and a plan about where to keep
library books will help to prevent misplaced or lost items. Putting them straight back into
schoolbags after reading ensures that they won’t be lost.

Young Adult Fiction (YAF)
Library books with content for more mature Stage 3 students are marked as Young Adult Fiction
(YAF). Each year, students must return a signed consent note from parents in order to borrow
these books. Notes are now available from the library.

Parent helpers for 2021
Please contact the school o   ce if you are able to help out with Library jobs such as covering

Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club Issue 1 orders have now closed. Purchased items will be delivered as soon as
possible after processing. Thank you for your support as all purchases made through Book Club
help to provide extra resources for our school.
Skoolbag app
Please see the Skoolbag app for important Library updates.

Please feel free to contact me through the school o    ce if I can help in any way.

Happy reading and viewing,

Nell Knight

Teacher Librarian

Currently reading … The Witch’s Boy by Kelly Barnhill. Barnhill has created an enchanted world
 lled with magic where a struggle is taking place between good and evil. Is it the magic that saves
the day or the boy’s own inner strength and perseverance? Another innovative fantasy from the
author of the wonderful The Girl Who Drank the Moon. Read it!

Canteen News

Volunteers are needed to help out in the canteen every day between the hours of 9:30 am - 12:15
pm. Hours can be exible - help out once a week, fortnight, month or term.

All volunteers must have completed the online parent and volunteer induction workshop and
have provided the appropriate paperwork and identi cation to the school.

If you can help out, please contact the o   ce on 4384 1111 and ask for Debbie in the Canteen.

Easter Ra   e

Wamberal Public School P&C are holding the 2021 Easter Ra         e which will be drawn and
announced at the Easter Hat Parade on Tuesday 30 March. Parents are asked for a small donation
of Easters treats to enable P&C to make up hampers for prizes. Donations of treats can be left on
the table outside the o   ce from Monday 1 March until Friday 19 March. Students will receive a
book of 5 ra    e tickets to buy or sell for $1.00 each. Please return sold, unsold ra   e tickets and
money to the school by Friday 19 March.

P&C Cookbooks

Needing some inspiration in the kitchen? The Wamberal Public School P&C Cookbook is jam-
packed full of tried and tested recipes from members of the school community. Cookbooks are
available for $20 or you can buy two for $35.
Contact fundraising@wamberalpandc.org.au to order, or they can be bought at the school o            ce.

AGM Next Month

The next P&C meeting on March 15 is the Annual General Meeting. Please join the P&C for $2
prior to the meeting (payment can be made via Flexischools) to have voting rights on the night.
The P&C is always looking for more members and there are so many opportunities to help, so
come along and see how you can help our school        ourish.

School Hats

School hats are available for sale via Flexischools for $11 and at the canteen for $12. They come in
54cm, 56cm and 58cm sizes.

Canteen Update

* Our Slushies are fruit based which means they are classed as an Everyday Food item. Buy for $2
at lunch or recess to keep you cool this summer.

* The Wamberal Public School canteen meets the Healthy Kids Guidelines with over 75% of the
menu being everyday food items.
Other News
2021 WPS Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday 17 February, Wamberal Public School held their annual swimming carnival at
Gosford Olympic Pool. The Carnival kicked o      at 8:30 am with the 100m freestyle, 200m medley
and butter y events and this ensured we were able to complete all four relay events, which was a
highlight of the day providing two very close nishes!

Congratulations to all students for their outstanding behaviour on the day. It was great to see our
wonderful school spirit and enthusiasm from all the students. Special congratulations to our
competitors, who enjoyed a day of strong competition with some impressive individual and team
results being achieved. While no records were broken this year, it was clear that all students tried
their hardest in every race they entered.

Thank You!

Firstly, thank you to all the parents and carers who o ered to volunteer their time at the
swimming carnival. The amount of interest is testament to the wonderful community support we
have at Wamberal Public School. To the parents who assisted with timing at the carnival your
support was greatly appreciated by all the sta   and students. A very special mention to Mr
Broadbent who helped the events run smoothly as our o      cial starter for the entire day! You will
be missed next year.

House Results

  First:           Cawley
  Second:          Ford
  Third:           Chappell
  Fourth:          Bradman

Swimming Age Champions

Congratulations to the following students who are the 2021 swimming age champions:

  Junior Boy:      Freddy W
  Junior Girl:     Madeleine S
  11yr Boy:        Billy Mc
  11yr Girl:       Madeline C
  Senior Boy:      Khalil Q
  Senior Girl:     Kate B

Tuggerah Lakes Zone Swimming Carnival

In 2021, 37 students are invited to represent Wamberal Public School at the Tuggerah Lakes Zone
Swimming Carnival to be held at Mingara Recreation Club on Tuesday 2 March. The relay teams
will consist of the fastest freestyle swimmers for the junior and senior age from across all house
teams. Mrs Claridge and Miss Heys will be attending on the day. We wish the team the best of
luck and we know you will all do our school very proud. These students will receive further
information and a permission note this week.

Rebecca Claridge

Swimming Coordinator
Parliament and Civics Education Rebate

Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital.
Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a
focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.

The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit
the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting
the cost of the excursion the Australian Government contributes funding of $30 per student
under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is
paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.

                  Health Advice
                  Dear Parents and Carers.

                  We have received advice that a student at our school has a suspected case of
                  Impetigo. I am writing to provide advice and to ask that you watch out for the
                  symptoms of Impetigo in your child, especially over the next 3 weeks. If you
                  have any concerns you should visit your doctor.

                  What should people who develop Impetigo symptoms do?

                  If your child develops symptoms (as described in the enclosed factsheet), please
                  take them and this letter to your local doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor
                  can advise whether Impetigo is likely and arrange for early treatment if needed.

                  Need more information?

                  For more information, please see the attached Impetigo Fact sheet, call your
                  local doctor or call the Public Health Unit on 4320 9730.

One Of The Kids
A workshop for families of children with developmental disability in or
approaching the school years.

Wamberal Public School

   Lea Ave, Wamberal NSW, Australia

   02 4384 1111

   wamberal-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

   www.wamberal-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/

   Facebook
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