Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher s perspective

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Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher s perspective
Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher´s perspective
                          Tamsin Meaney1 and Ruzica Pajic²
       Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Education; ²Jensen
                 Education, Sweden, ruzica.pajic@jenseneducation.se
In this paper, one teacher´s experiences of using Minecraft in her mathematics
classroom over several years is explored to determine the professional knowledge she
drew on. The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model is used
to describe the different professional knowledges that the teacher used in bringing a
digital game into her mathematics teaching. Insights from this teacher can inform other
educators about the types of knowledge that need to be blended if digital games are to
be used to support students’ learning of mathematics.
Keywords: Minecraft, digital games, measurement, differentiated teaching.
In this paper, we use the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
model (Mishra and Koehler, 2006) to unpack Ruzica´s expertise. Ruzica, the second
author on this paper, is an experienced teacher, who has used Minecraft in her
mathematics teaching over several years. We use TPACK to better understand the sorts
of professional knowledges that Ruzica used for incorporating digital games into her
mathematics teaching. We consider that this information is useful for teacher educators
and professional development facilitators in determining how to support other teachers
to incorporate digital games into their mathematics teaching.
In many countries, there have been suggestions to include digital games in mathematics
teaching (Holden & Williams, 2014). Although mathematics education research has
been slow to investigate them, digital games have become more prominent in the last
decade, coinciding with the introduction of Minecraft into mathematics classrooms
(Xolocotzin & Pretelín-Ricárdez, 2015). Minecraft (https://minecraft.net/nb-no/) is a
sandbox game in which players create their own environment with a set of tools,
allowing them to both create and solve their own problems (Williams, 2010; Seventko,
Panorkou & Greenstein, 2017). Yet the newness of Minecraft means there is limited
research into the kinds of professional knowledge that teachers need for incorporating
sandbox games successfully into mathematics lessons.
What research there has been on Minecraft in mathematics classrooms has focused on
geometrical understandings, such as moving from 2-D drawings to 3-D constructions,
measurement concepts of area, volume and geometrical understandings to do with scale
(Foerster, 2017). Measurement concepts have been shown to be difficult for children
to grasp because of confusion about what attribute is being measured and the
relationship between procedural formulae and conceptual understandings (Browning,
Edson, Kimani, & Aslan-Tutak, 2014). Baturo and Nason (1996) noted that the
preservice teachers in their study confused determining area with perimeter, which they
related to a lack of understanding about the dynamic relationship between the two

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Minecraft in mathematics classrooms: A teacher s perspective
attributes. Foerster (2017) found that Grade 5 and 6 students improved their
understandings by being front-loaded with information about these concepts in two
lectures before playing with Minecraft. Similarly, Bos, Wilder, Cook and O´Donnell
(2014) provided anecdotal evidence about third graders using Minecraft to develop
perimeter and area understandings. They also suggested that Minecraft could be used
in the teaching of other areas of mathematics but provided no research about this.
Although there seems to be agreement about the potential benefit of Minecraft in
mathematics learning, concerns have been raised about the skills that teachers need for
incorporating digital games, such as Minecraft, into their teaching, including their
teaching of mathematics. Holden and Williams (2014) stated:
  Teaching mathematics with video games will require that teachers deftly consider trends,
  limitations, and the insights of case studies …; make professional judgments relevant to
  local context; and reflect upon the successes and challenges associated with teaching and
  student learning. (p. 5)
One issue is to do with the balance between teachers´ requirements for children´s
learning and children´s expectations about playing a digital game (Mørch &
Thomassen, 2016). Seventko et al. (2017) investigated how Minecraft projects gave
children agency in their learning of mathematics. They found that children´s
expectations about playing Minecraft at home interfered with the researchers need for
them to explain to an adult what they were doing mathematically. At the same time,
the children spontaneously interacted with their peers to share solution pathways.
Consequently, teachers may not have the necessary skills to implement digital games,
such as Minecraft, from their teacher education (Nebel, Schneider & Rey, 2016). Based
on overviews of previous research, Southgate, Budd and Smith (2017) designed a
framework, with a series of questions that outlines what teachers should focus on when
choosing digital games, including Minecraft. However, the lack of teacher input into
such frameworks indicates that there remains a need to investigate teachers´
perspectives on the skills needed for successfully incorporating digital games.
TPACK (see Figure 1) was chosen as the framework for this study as:
  It attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of teacher knowledge required for
  technology integration in teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted, and
  situated nature of this knowledge. We argue, briefly, that thoughtful pedagogical uses of
  technology require the development of a complex, situated form of knowledge that we call
  Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). In doing so, we posit the complex
  roles of, and interplay among, three main components of learning environments: content,
  pedagogy, and technology. (Mishra & Koehler, 2006, p. 1017)
To consider how digital games, particular sandbox games such as Minecraft, can be
used in mathematics classrooms, there is a need to determine which sets of knowledges,
from the TPCK model, are combined and in what ways by experienced teachers, such

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as Ruzica. It is, therefore, useful to consider the ideas separately before considering
how they were combined.

Figure 4: Model showing the components of Mishra and Koehler’s (2006) Technological
Pedagogical                  Content              Knowledge                 (from:
The components of the TPACK model are:
Content knowledge (CK) is knowledge of mathematics and how different ideas are
related, such as how perimeter, area and volume are related both at a conceptual level
but also in regard to the procedures needed to calculate them (Browning et al., 2014).
Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is “deep knowledge about the processes and practices or
methods of teaching and learning and how it encompasses, among other things, overall
educational purposes, values, and aims” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006, p. 1026).
Technology knowledge (TK) is knowledge of different technologies, not just digital
technologies, and what skills are required for using them.
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) describes the pedagogical knowledge needed
for teaching a specific mathematical topic. It includes “knowledge of what makes
concepts difficult or easy to learn, knowledge of students’ prior knowledge, and
theories of epistemology” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006, p. 1026).
Technological content knowledge (TCK) is knowledge about the possibilities or
affordances that technology provides for illustrating specific mathematical concepts.
Not all technologies will represent different mathematical ideas as well as others.
Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) is “knowledge of the existence,
components, and capabilities of various technologies as they are used in teaching and
learning settings, and conversely, knowing how teaching might change as the result of
using particular technologies” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006, p. 1028).
Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) combines information about
how the content and pedagogical affordances of technology can be used for the
teaching and learning of specific mathematical ideas by different groups of students.

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Having known each other since 2011, the two authors began talking about Ruzica´s
teaching with Minecraft in 2016. Since then, we have collected teaching notes, photos
and a recorded interview from one of our early discussions. Ruzica also collected
interviews with the children and parents about Minecraft. In this paper, we analyse the
2016 interview using TPACK. The interview followed the format of life histories
(Goodson, 2013), focussing on the three years that Ruzica had used Minecraft and the
context in which her teaching was developing. As such, it was an unstructured
interview with Tamsin´s contributions mainly being to prompt Ruzica´s reflections on
her work. The interview was first analysed using the TPACK model by Tamsin. The
results were then shared with Ruzica who provided feedback on the interpretation and
elaborated on some of the points. The results are provided in the next section
Ruzica is a specialist mathematics and science teacher for grades 1-6 in Swedish
compulsory schools. She began using Minecraft in her mathematics classes in the
2014-2015 academic year, following the interest shown by her students. Since then she
has used it with different classes, from Grades 3 to 6, in the different schools, with
different demographics of students. When she began using Minecraft, she did not know
other teachers using it. Her initial instructions to the class were based on the work of
another teacher, which she found on the internet. These instructions included:
  Each block is 1 cubic meter, i.e. one meter in each direction.
  • Your house´s perimeter should be between 48 and 60 m.
  • Your house should not be higher than 6 m.
  • You should make the house like a cube or straight block and build on a roof afterwards
  if you want to.
Once the students had built their houses, they then presented them to the rest of the
class and discussed the perimeters, areas and volumes. The other students were
expected to ask questions about the presentations.
Ruzica´s discussion about what she did and why illustrated the different kinds of
knowledge that she drew upon. In this section, we provide examples from the interview
of each of these.
CK: Ruzica´s choice of the content to focus on was based both on her knowledge of
mathematics but also of her knowledge of the curriculum. As was the case in other
work with Minecraft in mathematics classrooms (Foerster, 2017), her focus was
primarily on the measurement concepts of perimeter, area and volume, which she
connected to geometric knowledge about 2D and 3D shapes. In a third grade class in
the following year, she included, “a focus also on multiplication because they didn´t
know it at all. They have to know multiplication in third grade but they didn´t.”

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PK: Ruzica described how she was influenced by a four stage model for teaching,
common in Sweden, where the first stage is listening to the children to find out what
they know about a topic and what they are interested in. This information provides the
background for developing the teaching. From asking the children what they were
interested, Ruzica decided that Minecraft would be a good context for teaching
mathematics, “you can´t just go your own way, you have to listen, you have to know
these children. That´s my key, listen to the children. That´s how I got to Minecraft”.
Another part of the model was about having children discuss and present their results.
Ruzica adapted this approach to suit specific groups of students. For example, she
considered that her students who had Swedish as their second language children should
use their first language to understand what they were doing and then to work with
another child to present their results in Swedish. As well as supporting their
understanding and developing their mathematical languages, she felt it also allowed
them to feel safe in the classroom:
  I had a Syrian girl and I had one other girl who was born here but she talked also Arabic.
  So I put them two together, just to make them feel safe.
TK: Ruzica was clear that she needed to know about different technologies but this did
not mean that she had to have an in depth knowledge of Minecraft. When her students
first told her about Minecraft, she had not seen it, nor played with it. She did not
consider that this was uncommon, “I noticed that there was a big discrepancy between
students' knowledge and game culture and the teachers' knowledge about gaming”.
However, she did consider it was an issue when other teachers chose not to use gaming
in their classroom because they were unfamiliar with it, “You know teachers, “Do
something new with IT? No, no not my interest””.
Ruzica was also aware of potential problems with the technology. Initially the tablets
that her class used were shared with other classes, resulting in a risk that her students´
work with Minecraft could be erased. This was a problem she could not fix. However,
when she moved schools, she was able to ensure her class had their own set of tablets,
which eliminated the problem.
PCK: Knowledge of mathematics and of pedagogy were combined in how Ruzica
described her teaching. For example, she frontloaded geometric knowledge of 2D and
3D shapes for the students, by providing experiences with concrete materials, before
beginning with Minecraft. As was the case with Foerster´s (2017) research,
frontloading was helpful in supporting students to make sense of the problem that they
were given to solve and using appropriate terms for discussing their ideas with others.
TCK: Ruzica recognised that the Minecraft blocks, as cubes, provided opportunities
for children to explore differences between perimeter, area and volume. By giving the
blocks specific dimensions, students could explore different possibilities for making
their houses fit the requirements of the problem. With her third grade class, she also
utilised the blocks to support children´s work with multiplication, “you can do work

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with a cube and they have to calculate something, everybody has a tablet in front of
TPK: Ruzica identified several points where she had combined the technological
knowledge with pedagogical knowledge. One of these was to act as a novice who
needed to ask questions as a way of supporting other students to ask questions and for
the Minecraft experts to provide relevant information.
  When I initially had difficulty with the game, I noticed that the students, who had not
  played for a long time, were also having trouble. I asked the questions and the students
  could go through with the whole class how certain functions worked. Among other things,
  how to build a lift and how to go up and down with it. How one used, for example, redstone
  it provides electricity and you also learn about mechanics.
Different technologies also provided opportunities for instigating specific pedagogical
approaches. For example, having a projector in the classroom, facilitated children
presenting their findings to the whole class by showing their work on the tablets on a
larger screen. The tablets also provided opportunities for two children to work together
around a shared screen (see Figure 2). Ruzica considered that this contributed to them
talking about what they were doing. However, it also meant that she had to monitor
that no one child monopolised the tablet and make sure that they swapped control

Figure 2: A pair of children working on a task with the written plan beside them.
Ruzica also described how children from a Grade 1 class came to visit her Grade 3
class because their teacher had wanted to see how Ruzica worked. The Grade 3 students
worked in small groups with the Grade 1 students. The outcome for the Grade 3
students was, “they felt that they knew something that the others couldn´t. And they
showed them how to and they know the other details that didn´t work. It was great
really, the co-operation is important.” The affordances of the technology provided the
Grade 3 students with an opportunity to act as knowledgeable peers and have an
authentic audience to discuss what they knew.
TPACK: Identifying the components that make up TPACK illustrates the complexity
of the points that Ruzica took into consideration when planning and implementing
mathematics lessons based on Minecraft. Her pedagogical approach of listening to the
children led her initially to investigating how she could use Minecraft. Checking on the

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internet provided her with a lesson plan that she could use for confronting her students´
potential confusion about perimeter, area and volume, part of the curriculum
requirements that her students often had difficulties with. She saw her responsibility as
a teacher as important in determining how best to support her students.
  Your goal here is perimeter, area and volume. It´s how the students are working with this
  question that you have provided for them and that´s why you as a teacher are really, really
  important. So you can do anything with Minecraft with mathematics. It´s up to you.
However, she did not considered that she needed to be an expert in Minecraft. Instead,
she made use of expert students´ technological knowledge to ensure that everyone had
the necessary Minecraft skills to complete the task. Use of the technology should not
hinder some students from engaging with the mathematics. At the same time, she
frontloaded mathematical language by engaging the students in tasks with concrete
materials to show the differences between 2D and 3D shapes. She reinforced the need
for the children to be able to talk about their ideas by having them present their houses
and ideas about perimeter, area and volume to the rest of the class. She also combined
her knowledge of the technology and the mathematics to support particular students.
For example, she encouraged the use of Arabic by a recently arrived refugee student
with another student to support their understandings about perimeter, area and volume.
She also provided a word list with the prepositions in Swedish and asked the students
to provide Arabic translations. However, by still requiring them to present their finding
to the rest of the class, she supported them to use Swedish. In this way, she involved
the children with three main technologies. Initially she had the children use chick peas
and toothpicks to make models of 3D shapes. Then the children then used Minecraft
on tablets to solve the problem and use the projector to present their finding to the class.
TPACK provides a useful way to unpack the different knowledges of an experienced
teacher. The experiences described here illustrate how different knowledges are
highlighted or combined when designing and implementing mathematics lessons based
on Minecraft. Teacher educators need to recognise that in working with preservice
teachers that they need to become aware of how their pedagogical approach will affect
the choice of technologies and their willingness to allow students to be in control. Their
main role will be to ensure that the mathematical learning goals remain transparent.
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