Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch

Page created by Peggy Cruz
Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Kapsch TrafficCom

Investor Presentation.
January 2017.
Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
KTC: Leading Entity of the Kapsch Group.

   Kapsch founded in Vienna in 1892
   Electronic industry
   Strong brand in Austria
   Three key entities
   Kapsch TrafficCom - KTC
    (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
   Kapsch BusinessCom
    (ICT solutions for enterprises)                     KTC: Tradition meets Future.
   Kapsch CarrierCom                                125 years in the ever-changing electronic
    (Telematics and telecommunications                industry are a proof of the sustainable
    solutions for rail and urban public transport   business approach and the entrepreneurial
    operators, carrier networks and energy                 spirit within the family-owned
    supply companies)                                              Kapsch Group.
   Family owned Group (only KTC listed)                This, together with the professionalism,
                                                    structures and transparency required from a
   Group revenues >EUR 1bn                          listed company, are key success factors for
                                                                 Kapsch TrafficCom.
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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Kapsch TrafficCom.
At a glance.

                                   Provider of Intelligent                                              Solid financials
                                   Transportation Systems                                                Revenues >EUR 500mn
                                    Tolling                                                             EBIT margin Tolling >10%
                                     (Electronic Toll Collection – ETC)

                                    Mobility
                                     (Intelligent Mobility Solutions – IMS)

   Global player                                                              Listed at Vienna Stock
    More than 4,800 employees                                                Exchange
    Presence in >30 countries                                                 Market cap ~EUR 500mn

    References in >50 countries                                               Free float 36.7%

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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
What makes Kapsch TrafficCom unique?

     Ability to develop tailored solutions – proven track record.
     Close to our customers.
     Domain know-how.
     Integrated, one-stop-shop.
     Global player.
    Best practice
    Risk diversification

     A leading position in our core business.
     Size and financial stability.
     Listed (transparence, access to capital).
     No principal-agent-conflict as one main shareholder is the
    Long-term view; sustainable measures not sacrificed for short-
       term profits.

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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Addressing future-defining trends.


                                   Convergence                                                     Connected cars

                                      Ecological footprint                               Infrastructure funding

                  New business models
                                                                         Trends                        Industry consolidation

                                            Convenience                                  Lower barriers to market entry

                                   Price erosion                                                   Alternative technologies

                                                                                           Positioning as a leading provider
                                                             Implementation of new         of intelligent mobility solutions.
   Increased profitability as                                business models.
   foundation for further growth.

                               Short-term                                 Medium-term                      Long-term

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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Our priorities.
                                                 Existing customers                                          New customers
 New solutions

                                                         New solutions, business models and competences
                                                                                     Grow the
 Existing solutions

                                              the core

                         Extend and renew long-term contracts.               Broaden offering.               Build up solutions portfolio.
                         Maintain global on-board unit business.             Tap new geographical markets.   Expand core business from highways
                         Provide solutions for smaller road                                                  in the direction of cities.
                         operators and concessionaries.
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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Business model.

                  Components                                                          Design & Build                                                            Operations

                                                                                Toll Stations,
            In-Vehicle Components                                                                                                                                 Consulting
                                                                     Vehicle Detection and Classification


                      Roadside                                              Enforcement Stations                                 Turnkey Systems              Technical Operations

                     Back office                                               Central System                                                                Commercial Operations

                                                                     End-to-End Solutions as a One-Stop Shop

     In-vehicle Components           Transceivers & Readers                           Cameras & Sensors                         Toll & Enforcement Station         Central System

                                                                                      Vehicle        Vehicle
           On-board Units (OBUs)     Transceiver           Mobile Reader             Detection     Registration                    Stationary Enforcement           Back Office System

            Programming Station                       Reader                           Vehicle Classification                       Mobile Enforcement

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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Integrated ITS provider

                                   Business to Government                              Business to Business                               Business to Consumers
                                       (B2G) Services                                     (B2B) Services                                      (B2C) Services

 Provider                                                                              Mobility Apps & Services

 Data Provider                                                                       Data Aggregation & Analytics

                           Tolling                        Traffic Management           Safety & Security            Smart Urban Mobility         Other Solutions

                                                                                                                                                                                 3rd Party Solutions & Data
                           Electronic Toll                Highway Traffic              Road Safety
 System                                                                                                             Access Management            V2X Products
                           Collection                     Management                   Enforcement
 Provider &
 Operator                                                                              Commercial Vehicle
                           City Tolling                   Managed Lanes                                             Smart Parking
                                                          Tunnel & Bridges Traffic     Electronic Vehicle
                           Plaza Tolling                                                                            Intermodal Mobility
                                                          Management                   Enforcement

                                             Products/Software - Back Office System - System Integration - Payment Processing - Operations/Enforcement

                                                                            Integration Layer “Multi-Application Suite”

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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
    Intelligent Mobility Solutions (IMS): From highways to cities.

                                                                           URBAN TRAFFIC           CORRIDOR
                                                                            MANAGEMENT            MANAGEMENT
                                       CONGESTION                                                                                  SAFETY &
                                        CHARGING                                                                                   SECURITY
                                                                                TRAFFIC LIGHT
                                                                                                               BRIDGE                    URBAN
                                 P                                                    TUNNEL

  HIGHWAY/                                                                                                                                             HIGHWAY/
MANAGED LANES                                                                                                              ALERT
                                                                                                                                                 $   MANAGED LANES

                                                        CONNECTED VEHICLES
   TOLLING                                                                                                                                               TRAFFIC
                                                                                     DATA                                                              MANAGEMENT


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Investor Presentation - January 2017 - Kapsch
Earnings Overview.

All figures in EUR mn                        H1                  H1        FY         Revenues by Region H1 2016/17
unless otherwise stated                 2016/17     +/-     2015/16   2015/16                     5%
Revenues                                  311.7    27%        245.0     526.1                7%

                                                                                                                EMEA (excl. Austria)
EBITDA                                     37.4     5%         35.7      76.9          28%

    EBITDA margin                         12.0%   (2.6%p)     14.6%     14.6%                          60%
EBIT                                       28.7     5%         27.4      62.3

    EBIT margin                           9.2%    (2.0%p)    11.2%     11.9%      Revenues by Segment H1 2016/17
Profit before tax (PBT)                    28.7    16%         24.8      54.8   EUR mn
Profit for the period                      20.1     5%         19.2      36.5   300
Profit for the period attributable to                                                        38                                    IMS
                                           20.6    23%         16.7      31.1   200
equity holders                                                                                                                     ETC
                                                                                100          207                231

Earnings per share (EPS)                   1.58    23%         1.28      2.39            H1 2015/16          H1 2016/17

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Other Key Financials.

                                                                                                     Balance sheet total
 Net investments                   Free cash flow                     Net credit/debt                and equity ratio

 The increase in net               Free cash flow decreased to        Despite                        Promissory note bond
 investments to EUR 10.4mn         EUR 17.0 million (-44%),           • acquisition of KTT,          (extension of balance sheet), an
 was due to the acquisition of     mainly as a result of the higher   • purchase of 48% stake in     acquisition (effect in equity),
 KTT, and primarily related to     amount of net investments in          Kapsch Telematic Systems,   and dividend payment lead to a
 intangible assets.                the wake of the KTT                • payment of the dividend,     reduction of the equity ratio.
                                   acquisition.                       net debt of only EUR 0.5mn.
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All figures in EUR mn                             H1                     H1                   FY
unless otherwise stated                      2016/17    +/-         2015/16              2015/16
Revenues                                       231.2    12%             206.6                442.1

EBIT                                            34.2    17%               29.1                 63.7
    EBIT margin                               14.8%    0.7%p           14.1%                14.4%

            Revenues H1 2016/17                                  EBIT H1 2016/17
    EUR 11.4mn from KTT                                Growth from operations projects in
    Extension of contract in the Czech                   EMEA
       Republic by up to 3 years                        KTT contributed EUR -2.8mn
                                                          Includes positive effect from badwill of
    Replace the toll collection system at
                                                           EUR 0.9mn
       all bridges and tunnels managed by
       the Port Authority of New York and
       New Jersey + maintenance
    5.64 million on-board units
       (4.60 million last year)

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All figures in EUR mn                           H1                    H1                 FY
unless otherwise stated                    2016/17     +/-       2015/16            2015/16
Revenues                                      80.5    110%             38.3                  84

EBIT                                           -5.4   -214%            -1.7                -1.3
    EBIT margin                              -6.8%    -2.2%p         -4.5%                -1.6%

            Revenues H1 2016/17                                EBIT H1 2016/17
    EUR 41.6mn from KTT                               Positive development of traffic
    CHARM (UK/NL) had a positive                       management projects in South
       impact                                           Africa

    Modernize integrated transportation               Negative impact from Streetline
       systems of the highway operations               EUR 1.9mn from KTT
       center in Massachusetts, USA.                     Includes badwill of EUR 2.1mn
       (4yrs; EUR 10.3mn)

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Kapsch TrafficCom Share.
     ISIN: AT000KAPSCH9               Stock Ticker Symbol: KTCG    Reuters: KTCG.VI        Bloomberg: KTCG AV

                     Shareholder Structure                        Institutional Investors by Region
    Kapsch-Group                                                                                            16.9 %
    Beteiligungs GmbH
    63.3 %                                                                                                   Other
                                                                                       U.K. and Ireland      3.2 %
                                               Institutional                                    11.0 %
                  Other investors                23.3 %                                 North America
                  and shares in                                                                18.6 %
    Private       trading positions
    investors     2.8 %                                                                         Continental Europe
    10.6 %                                                                                           (excl. Austria)
                                                                                                             50.3 %

                    Basic Information                                           Select Events
         Listed in Prime Market segment at the
         Vienna Stock Exchange since 2007                         Feb 22, 2017        Q1-Q3 results 2016/17
         13 million shares                                        June 20, 2017       Results for FY 2016/17
         Market cap: ~EUR 500mn                                   Sep 6, 2017         AGM
         Coverage by: Erste Group, Matelan,

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Outlook FY 2016/17.

     Focus on driving forward the integration of KTT.
    Minimizing costs and realizing synergies as quickly as possible.
    Helping the ~900 new employees to become acquainted with and a part of the corporate culture of the Kapsch TrafficCom Group.

     Annual revenues should grow by more than EUR 100 million.
     ETC: EBIT margin is set to significantly exceed 10%.
     IMS: EBIT margin will be adversely impacted by the integration and the lower EBIT contribution of KTT, as well as the
     negative EBIT performance of Streetline.
     New dividend policy:
    At least 1/3 of the profit for the period
    Annual Base Dividend of EUR 1.00
    Dividend payment can be higher or lower; within a reference period of 3 years, average annual dividend at least EUR 1.00

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This presentation is made by Kapsch TrafficCom AG (“Kapsch TrafficCom”) solely for use at this          Given these risks, uncertainties and other factors, recipients of this document are cautioned not
presentation. It is furnished to you solely for your information and its content may not be copied,     to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Kapsch TrafficCom disclaims any
distributed, disclosed or otherwise be made available, directly or indirectly, to any other person by   obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments.
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                                                                                                        This presentation does not constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any
The facts and information contained herein are as up to date as is reasonably possible and are          solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities of Kapsch TrafficCom in any
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howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of this presentation.                           This document is directed only at persons (i) who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) who
                                                                                                        have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5) of the
Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated herein are accurate and       Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the
that the opinions contained herein are fair and reasonable, this document is selective in nature        “Order”) or (iii) who fall within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) (“high net worth companies, unincorporated
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                                                                                                        The shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as
This presentation contains forward-looking statements, based on the beliefs and assumptions             amended, or any U.S. state securities law.
currently held by the management of Kapsch TrafficCom, which are expressed in good faith and
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achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

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Thank you
for your attention.
Hans Lang
Investor Relations Officer

Kapsch TrafficCom

Kapsch TrafficCom AG
Am Europlatz 2
1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50 811 1122

Please Note:
The content of this presentation is the intellectual property of Kapsch AG and all rights are reserved with respect to the copying, reproduction, alteration,
utilization, disclosure or transfer of such content to third parties. The foregoing is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Kapsch TrafficCom
AG. Product and company names may be registered brand names or protected trademarks of third parties and are only used herein for the sake of clarification
and to the advantage of the respective legal owner without the intention of infringing proprietary rights.

   Tolling                         Traffic Management         Smart Urban Mobility         Safety & Security              Connected Cars

               ETC                                                 Smart Parking
            T-Systems                                                Worldsensing                                              V2X Automotive
                                          Highway                                          Road Safety Enforcement
     Autostrade Tech | Q-Free                                  Smart Parking | IPS Group                                  Delphi | Denso | Continental
                                    Delcan | Q-Free | SwRI                                 Redflex | Jenoptik | Sensys
       TransCore | Sanef its                                         Inrix | Xerox                                          LG Electronics | Bosch
                                     TransCore | Siemens                                   Gatso | Vitronic | Redspeed

                                                                    Urban Traffic             Commercial Vehicle
            City Tolling              Managed Lanes                                                                         V2X Infrastructure
                                                                    Management                    Enforcement
         Q-Free | MHI | IBM         Delcan | Xerox | SICE                                                                  Cohda | Savari | Neavia
                                                                Eagle | ISwarco | SICE     IRD | Xerox | Mettler Toledo
          Cubic | Siemens            Q-Free | TransCore                                                                       Arada | Dynniq
                                                                  Econolite | Dynniq         Drivewyze (IMS) | Iteris

            Plaza Tolling              Tunnel & Bridges          Intermodal Mobility           Electronic Vehicle
         Tescidel | TransCore        SICE | Delcan | Dynniq     HaCon | Xerox | Moovel            Registration              Connected Services
         G.E.A. | Indra | SICE         Telegra | IBI Group         Cubic | Siemens             3M | UTI | Neology                  n.a.
                                                                                               TransCore | Q-Free

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Consolidation of Kapsch TrafficCom Transportation.
Impact on H1 results.

 Impact on the P&L                                  Impact on the balance sheet*                                           Other
 Revenues                      EUR +53.0mn          Property, plant & equipment                        EUR   0.7mn
                                                                                                                            Number of KTC Group employees
    thereof ETC                       EUR +11.4mn   Intangible assets                                  EUR   5.2mn          up by approximately 900.
    thereof IMS                       EUR +41.6mn   Other non-current assets                           EUR   0.2mn          KTC is now in the top segment of
                                                    Inventories                                        EUR   0.7mn
                                                                                                                            toll solution providers in the U.S.A.
 EBIT                          EUR -0.9mn                                                                                   Strategic jump from the highways
                                                    Receivables & other current assets                 EUR   57.0mn
    thereof ETC                       EUR -2.8mn                                                                            into the cities.
                                                    Cash & cash equivalents                            EUR   9.5mn
    thereof IMS                       EUR +1.9mn                                                                            KTC has become a leading, globally
                                                    Liabilities, other liabilities & deferred income   EUR -42.8mn          active full-service provider.
                                                    Net assets acquired (provisionally)                EUR 30.4mn           Integration costs will weigh on
                                                                                                                            KTC’s profitability.
                               Purchase price*: EUR 27.4mn
                                  Difference to net assets                                                                  Integration to be completed by fall
                               acquired (badwill): EUR 3.0mn                                                                2017.

                                                    * Provisionally determined; preliminary purchase price allocation.
                                                    Values may change subject to audit as well as through purchase price
Jan. 2017 |   Investor Presentation                                                                                                     
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Promissory Note Bond.
Successful Issue.

   2016                            2021
                                                                             Corner Stones of the Transaction
   Issue                           EUR 26mn
        EUR 62.0mn                   1.22% p.a
                                                                               Volume: EUR 62mn + USD 14.5mn
        USD 14.5mn                 EUR 4.5mn
                                     6M EURIBOR + 120bps
                                                                               3 tenors (5/7/10 years)
                                   USD 14.5mn                                  Partially fixed interest, partially variable
                                     3M LIBOR + 170bps                         Rationale:
                                                                               Diversified investor base
                                                                               Optimized financing structure
                                                                               Refinancing of corporate bond (EUR 70.8mn outstanding)
                                                                                maturing in November 2017
            2017                               2023           2026
                                                                               Can be repaid early; higher flexibility
            Corporate bond                     EUR 23m        EUR 8.5mn
            expires                                                            Extending effect on balance sheet
                                                 6M EURIBOR     2.26% p.a.
                 EUR70.8mn.                      + 150bps.                     (increase in cash and cash equivalents as well as in
                                                                               non-current financial liabilities)

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H1 results.

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H1 results.
Balance sheet.

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H1 results.
Shareholders‘ equity.

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H1 results.
Cash flow statement: Cash flow from operating activities.

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H1 results.
Cash flow statement, cont‘d.

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We make mobility solutions intelligent to
enable users to arrive at their destination
      comfortably,
      on time,
      safely,
      efficiently, and
      with minimal environmental impact.
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