Service Directory 2021 - SCARF Refugee Support
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Table of Contents SCARF Overview……... 3 Refugee Support………. 4 Accommodation and Housing…...…. 7 Child and Youth Services………. 10 Drug and Alcohol Services………. 12 Employment……….. 13 English Language Support and Translation Services…..…… 15 Family and Community Services………. 16 Health Services………. 18 Legal and Immigration Support………. 21 Transport……... 23 Education ……… 25 2 of 26
SCARF Overview SCARF, or Strategic Community Assistance to Refugee Families, is an independent, volunteer powered organisation that helps refugee entrants to build a sense of belonging and navigate the personal and practical challenges of starting a new life in Australia. We provide friendship-based and practical support focussing on education, social inclusion and employment support. Our Vision To see refugee entrants settled happily and participating fully in the life of the wider community. Our Purpose To provide refugee entrants support by creating connections and generating opportunities that build a sense of belonging, promote social and economic inclusion and empower individuals and families to lead independent lives. Our Programs ● Social inclusion activities like Coffee Community Connections,, playgroups, women’s only nights, children and youth programs, excursions, family picnic events and more. ● Education and tutoring includes Homework Help for high school students, Homework Club for primary students from years 4-6 and tertiary support for students studying at university, TAFE or UOW College. ● SCARF Befriending matches local volunteers with new community members from refugee backgrounds, who are seeking support in the form of friendship, cultural orientation, conversational English practise, engagement with local social and community activities, or assistance accessing essential and specialist services. ● Driver mentoring supports learner drivers’ transition from their learner’s permit to provisional licence. ● Youth programs include sport and recreation, leadership and personal development camps and art / drama / music workshops. ● Adult Continuous Learning provides individual support and workshops that help adults to gain skills required for successful settlement including: form filling, resume writing and job readiness, citizenship practise, language and literacy support and more. ● Community Education offers tailored presentation for students, teachers, local businesses and other groups to help build understanding of the refugee experience. 3 of 26
Refugee Support Organisation Services Provided SCARF Refugee Support WHO → SCARF provides friendship-based and practical support to all people from refugee backgrounds for as long as they need it. WHAT → SCARF provides friendship support, youth programs, social inclusion activities, learner driver support, education and tutoring, employment support and more. WHERE → Address: Phone: 02 4224 8646 Website: Email: Australian Red Cross WHO → Red Cross is the provider of the Humanitarian Settlement Program in the Illawarra. Funding for this program is provided by the federal government Department of Social Services. WHAT → Red Cross provides casework and a range of services to help newly arrived refugees establish themselves. Services are provided from arrival until 18 months post-arrival. WHERE → Address: Suite 3, Level 1/65-67 Burelli Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 8383 7555 Website: Email: IMS (Illawarra Multicultural WHO → IMS or Illawarra Multicultural Services is a Services) government funded refugee support organisation that offers a large range of services to support people from refugee backgrounds in their settlement in Wollongong. WHAT → Local provider of the Settlement Services Program or SSP. Provides individual case management, 4 of 26
information and referral and community capacity building support. For more information about services see website. WHERE → Address: Level 1, 67-69 Market Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4229 6855 Website: Email: MCCI (Multicultural WHO → MCCI is a non-profit organisation that represents Communities Council of the the interests of people from culturally and Illawarra) linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in the Illawarra region. WHAT → MCCI delivers a wide range of services in aged care, youth development and training in NSW and ACT. WHERE → Address: 117 Corrimal Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4229 7566 Website: Email: STARTTS NSW (Service for WHO → STARTTS is the NSW Service for the Treatment and the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors) WHAT → STARTTS provides culturally relevant psychological treatment, support and community interventions to help people and communities heal the scars of torture and refugee trauma and rebuild lives. WHERE → Address: 31 Auburn Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Postal address: PO Box 203 Fairfield NSW 2165 Phone: 02 9057 7380 Website: Email: 5 of 26
Settlement Services WHO → SSI is a community organisation that supports International newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential. SSI works with all people who have experienced vulnerability including: refugees, people seeking asylum and CALD communities to build capacity and enable them to overcome inequality. WHAT → Disability services, asylum seeker assistance, arts & culture, community engagement, community hubs, community support program, early intervention, employment, future ability and much more. WHERE → Address: 89 Market Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 0434 644 326 Website: Email: 6 of 26
Accommodation and Housing Organisation Services Provided WEFH Wollongong WHO → WEFH supports families and individuals who are Emergency Family Housing homeless or at risk of homelessness to either sustain their existing accommodation or attain and keep new tenancies. WHAT → Early intervention, case management, referral, advocacy and information. WHERE → Address: 75-79 Keira Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4228 0955 Website: Email: Housing New South Wales WHO → Housing NSW is an agency of the Department of Communities and Justice that is responsible for the provision and management of public housing services with the aim to prevent homelessness and more. DCJ Housing provides free, confidential and qualified language services to clients who may need information or assistance with housing. The interpreter and language services provided by DCJ Housing assist clients to communicate with staff to ensure that the information provided to them is accurate and the type of assistance they receive is suitable to their needs. WHAT → Housing assistance, Rent start Bond Loans, Link2Home Homelessness and more. WHERE → Address: 7-11 Bridge Street, Coniston NSW 2500 Phone: (02) 4222 8400 Phone: 1300 652 488 (Translating and Interpreting Service Website: St Vincent de Paul Illawarra WHO → “Vinnies” provides support to people who are Homeless Coordination experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing 7 of 26
Service homelessness. WHAT → Offers accommodation, placement and support in housing. WHERE → Address: 12-16 Miller Street, Coniston NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4228 8140 Website: The Housing Trust WHO → The Housing Trust is a community based organisation Wollongong aiming to address homelessness in Wollongong. It provides assistance to people from refugee backgrounds, older people, youth and people identifying with other demographics. WHAT → Provides housing to people experiencing homelessness and assists in sustaining tenancy. WHERE → Address: Level 7, Bridge Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4254 1166 Website: Email: SAHSSI Wollongong Crisis WHO → SAHSSI (Supported Accommodation and Accommodation Homelessness Services Shoalhaven Illawarra) is an organisation the provides refugee accommodation for up to six women with or without children (including boys up to 17 years) WHAT → Provides crisis accommodation for women and their children fleeing unsafe conditions in their own homes. WHERE → Address: Level 1, 63a Market Street Wollongong 2500 Phone: 02 4229 8523 Website: SYFS Southern Youth and WHO → Southern Youth and Family Services’ primary Family Services purpose is to support and care for vulnerable, 8 of 26
(See also FACS Family and disadvantaged and homeless young people aged Community Services) between 12 and 24 years, as well as those at risk of disadvantage and homelessness. WHAT → Provides supported accommodation, housing, out of home care services, health services, family services, education, employment and training services and more. WHERE → Address: - SYFS Centre: 25 Lake Entrance Road Warilla NSW 2528 - Family Services Centre: 467 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: - SYFS Centre: 02 4295 8700 - Family Services Centre: 02 4221 7700 Website: Email: 9 of 26
Child and Youth Services Organisation Services Provided Big Fat Smile WHO → Big Fat Smile is a not-for-profit organisation providing child care to the community with over 26 community preschools. WHAT → Child care services WHERE → Address: 1 / 98 Railway Street Corrimal NSW 2518 Phone: 02 4283 9900 Phone: 1300 002 237 Website: Email: Wollongong Youth Services WHO → Youth Services is a government funded youth service organisation. WHAT → It focuses on community development, capacity building and connection young people with the services, support and opportunities which best meet their needs. WHERE → Address: 85 Burelli Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4227 8222 Email: RYPMP Refugee Youth Peer WHO → RYPMP is a government funded mentoring program. Mentoring Program with IMS WHAT → It helps young people from refugee backgrounds with employment and education as well as supporting access to different services. WHERE → Address: Level 1, 67-69 Market Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4229 6855 Website: youth-peer-mentoring-program-rypmp Email: 10 of 26
CareSouth WHO → A local community-based organisation with a focus on supporting the safety, development and empowerment of children and adults. WHAT → Offer programs like Brighter Futures, Champions, Permanency Support and Foster Care, Specialist Youth Support Services, Residential Care, NDIS Disability Services and Family Connections to help assist children and their families through difficult times. WHERE → Address: 2 Matilda Way, Berkeley, NSW 2506 Phone: 1300 554 260 Website: The Disability Trust WHO → The Disability Trust is a service provider for people with disabilities. WHAT → Provides services to people with disabilities and their families including life skills training, support coordination, health and fitness, therapy services and clinical support, supported independent living and accommodation, short stay accommodation, respite and much more. WHERE → Address: 5 Edney Lane, Spring Hill NSW 2519 Phone: 02 4255 2000 Website: Greenacres WHO → Greenacres provides services and supports for people with disabilities. WHAT → Post-school support, employment, respite ageing support, activities, friendship and individual support. WHERE → Address: 2 / 4 Ralph Black Drive North Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 1800 462 446 Website: Email: 11 of 26
Drug and Alcohol Services Organisation Services Provided IDAS Illawarra Drug and WHO → Drug and alcohol related health services for people Alcohol Service who wish to stop or cut down their drug and alcohol use. WHAT → This service provides counselling, information, support, treatment programs, help with withdrawal symptoms, group programs, education workshops and more. WHERE → Address: The Orana Centre, 2 Rawson Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 1300 652 226 Website: clinics/drug-alcohol-service ADIS Alcohol & Drug WHO → This information line supports those having issues Information Service with drugs and alcohol or whose family member or friend is having issues. WHAT → Provides information, support, counselling and referrals to services. WHERE → Phone: 1800 250 015 Website: help/Pages/adis.aspx 12 of 26
Employment Organisation Services Provided Ostara Australia WHO → Ostara Australia addresses vocational and non-vocational barriers faced by disadvantaged job seekers WHAT → Ostara Australia offers employment services to assist people disadvantaged through age, health, disability or cultural background with finding and keeping sustainable employment WHERE → Address: Level 5 - Suite 3, 221 Crown Street, Wollongong Phone: 02 9055 1610 Mobile: 0435 968 509 Website: WHO → Refugee Employment Support Program (RESP) is an Refugee Employment initiative by the NSW Government, management by the Support Program NSW Department of Industry WHAT → RESP addresses the challenges that are experienced by refugees and asylum seekers in finding long term skilled employment opportunities WHERE → Phone: 13 28 11 eneral_enquiry_form.html ded_other/resp/index.html Green Connect WHO → Opportunities for young people and people from refugee backgrounds. WHAT → Sustainable business planning, running waste audits and management plans, farm management and labour hire for the young and community members from refugee backgrounds. WHERE → Address: 5 / 82 Wentworth Street Port Kembla NSW 2505 Phone: 02 4243 1537 Website: 13 of 26
Email: NSW Fair Trading WHO → Helps anyone seeking information about fair working conditions and legislation, or people looking for support and advice about their workplace conditions and treatment. WHAT → Protects consumers, workers, tradespeople and business within NSW. WHERE → Phone: 13 32 20 Website: Volunteering Illawarra WHAT → Promotes local volunteer opportunities and advocates for the value of volunteers. WHERE → Provides information about where, when and how they can volunteer within the local community. WHAT → Address: Corner of Church and Burelli Streets Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4227 7163 Website: Email: 14 of 26
English Language and Translation Services Organisation Services Provided TIS Translating and WHO → TIS provides help to non-English speakers. Interpreting Service WHAT → Provides assistance such as immediate phone interpreting, client liaison and use of interpreter services. WHERE → Phone: 131 450 Website: Wollongong City WHO → Your local Wollongong council’s interpreter service for non- Council Language English speakers. Assistance WHAT → Service provides assistance such as immediate phone interpreting, client liaison and us of interpreter service. WHERE → Address: 41 Burelli Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4227 7650 Email: 15 of 26
Family and Community Services Organisation Services Provided Barnardos WHO → Barnados offers welfare support for families. WHAT → Barnados provides a number of services including: supported playgroups, intensive family support, referral services, information on substance use in pregnancy, parenting services, temporary family care, kinship care and more. WHERE → Address: 13 Green Street, Warrawong NSW 2502 Phone: 02 4275 8575 Website: Community WHO → Community Gateway is a service provider in disability and aged Gateway care. WHAT → Provides in home care and program hub activities for people living with a disability and the aged in our community. These include aged care services, disability support, health and wellbeing, community participation, culturally and linguistically diverse CALD activities, health and nutrition classes, youth groups and more. WHERE → Address: 17 Auburn Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 1300 657 473 Website: Email: SYFS Southern Youth WHO → SYFS supports a range of people in the local community. Its and Family Services primary purpose is to support and care for vulnerable, disadvantaged and homeless young people aged between 12 and 24 years, as well as those at risk of disadvantage and homelessness WHAT → Provides services including: aged care support, disability support, wellbeing support, community participation, culturally and linguistically diverse CALD activities, health and nutrition classes, youth groups and more. WHERE → Address: 16 of 26
- SYFS Centre- 25 Lake Entrance Road Warilla NSW 2528 - Family Services Centre- 467 Crown Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: - SYFS Centre: 02 4295 8700 - Family Services Centre: 02 4221 7700 Family Services WHO → Family Services supports children, young people and their Illawarra families to keep safe, healthy and connected. WHAT → Family Services Illawarra offers a number of services including: advice and support, family support, playgroups, domestic violence programs, disability employment programs and education programs. WHERE → Address: Family Services House, O136 Ground Level, Stockland Civic Plaza, 211 Lake Entrance Road Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 Phone: 02 4255 5333/1800 372 000 Website: Email: Wollongong WHO → WWIS helps women in need of support. Women’s Information Services WHAT → WWIS supports women who have been victims of domestic violence, assist women who are experiencing isolation, marginalisation, disadvantage or other life-effecting issues by providing information and referral to health services, legal aid, government services and much more. WHERE → Address: 170 Corrimal Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4228 1499 Website: Email: 17 of 26
Health Services Organisation Services Provided Headspace WHO → Headspace is a free health service for young people aged 12- 25 years. WHAT → Health services including: psychologists, counsellors, youth workers and doctors. WHERE → Address: 7 Atchison Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 4220 7660 Website: centres/wollongong/ Email: Flourish Australia WHO → Flourish supports people experiencing mental ill-health. WHAT → Supports are offered in areas such as employment, connection, personal development and more. WHERE → Address: 3 Station Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 02 9393 9156 Website: NSW Rape Crisis WHO → NSW Rape Crisis provides services for anyone who has Centre experienced or is at risk of experiencing sexual assault. WHAT → Telephone and online crisis counselling. WHERE → Phone: 1800 424 017 Website: Multicultural Health WHO → Support accessing Healthcare for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds Illawarra- Shoalhaven Local WHAT → Implement and monitor a range of programs to facilitate Health District equitable access to health care for individuals from (CALD) backgrounds. WHERE → Address: Level 1, 67-71 King Street Warrawong 18 of 26
Phone: 02 4221 6770 Website: clinics/multicultural-health Email: NSW Refugee WHO → NSW Health: Refugee Health Service Health Service WHAT → A health service for people from refugee backgrounds offering health assessments, information on health service providers, health programs for refugees, referrals and more WHERE → Suite 1, Level 3, 157-161 George Street Liverpool NSW 2170 PO Box 144 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 Website: Transcultural WHO → Transcultural Mental Health Centre Mental Health WHAT → Service providing mental health support to people from refugee backgrounds WHERE → Address: 5 Fleet Street Parramatta 2151 Phone: 02 9912 3851 Website: Centre health-centre MDAA Multicultural WHO → Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association Disability Advocacy Association WHAT → Service can be accessed centrally and appointments can be made in the Wollongong office WHERE → Address: 10-12 Hutchinson Street Granville NSW 2142 Local appointments: Level 1, 175 Keira St Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 1800 629 072 Mobil: 0434 745 582 Website: Email: 19 of 26
NEAMI National WHO → NEAMI provides community-based mental health services that support people to improve their wellbeing, live independently and pursue a fulfilling life WHAT → Services include mental health support, group programs, suicide prevention, short-term residential services, residential rehabilitation, NDIS services, clinical mental health support and intake and assessment WHERE → Address: 24 Kenny Street, Wollongong Phone: (02) 4226 3277 Website: One Door Mental WHO → One Door Mental Health is creating a world where people Health living with mental illness are valued and treated as equals WHAT → Provides bilingual mental health support services by culturally and linguistically diverse community members with mental illness, their families and carers. One door also provides other associated services. WHERE → Address: 32-34 Auburn Street, Wollongong Phone: 0408 368 538 Website: 20 of 26
Legal and Immigration Support Organisation Services Provided Illawarra Legal Centre WHO → ILC is a non-profit legal support centre. WHAT → It offers services via phone, at a number of outreach locations pertaining to general law, tenants’ services, welfare rights, child support, financial counselling, children’s court assistance, Aboriginal legal access, community legal education and law reform and policy work. WHERE → Address: 7 Greene Street, Warrawong NSW 2502 Phone: 4276 1939 (For General Law, Welfare Rights, Child Support and Financial Counselling) Phone: 04274 3475 (For Tenant Services) Website: IARC Immigration WHO → IARC provides a number of services to vulnerable people. Advice and Rights Centre WHAT → Services include: advice in relation to legal problems, immigration, domestic violence and more. WHERE → Address: Level 8, 377-383 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 8234 0700 Website: Email: Legal Aid Wollongong WHO → Legal Aid is available to anyone seeking legal support. WHAT → Legal advice and support. WHERE → Address: Graovac House, Ground Floor, 73 Church Street Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: (02) 4228 8299 Website: Legal Aid WHO → Immigration Legal Aid is aimed at people who want a visa to (Immigration Service) live in Australia or people who have questions about their immigration status in Australia. 21 of 26
WHAT → Specialist legal service offering free legal advice, assistance and representation in refugee law and other immigration matters. WHERE → Address: 323 Castlereagh Street Haymarket NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9219 5790 Website: Multicultural NSW WHO → Multicultural NSW: Settlement Portal WHAT → A portal providing information about settlement to help all migrants living in NSW. This portal provides links to useful organisations, websites and resources about housing, education, employment, emergency services, transport, language, law and humanitarian law. WHERE → Phone: (02) 8255 6767 Website: Email: Department of Social WHO → Department of Social Services Services WHAT → Services catering for the specific needs of migrants and refugees settling in Australia. “Our mission is to improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities.” WHERE → Phone: 1300 653 227 Website: Refugee Council of WHO → Refugee Council of Australia Australia WHAT → A support council for refugees and people who work to support community members from refugee backgrounds, offering connection with support, information and advocacy. WHERE → Website: 22 of 26
Transport Organisation Services Provided CTWS Community WHO → CTWS transports local community groups and individuals in the Transport local Wollongong and Shellharbour government areas. WHAT → Provides affordable and reliable community transport options for eligible community groups and individuals. WHERE → Address: Level 5, Wollongong City Council, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong NSW 2500 Phone: 1300 987 422 Website: L2P Driver Mentoring WHO → SCARF Refugee Support WHAT → SCARF volunteers practice driving with community members who have at least level 2 English and 20 hrs instructions with an Australian driving school under a NSW learner licence. Information day is Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm. WHERE → Address: Phone: 02 4224 8646 Website: Email: Drive Time WHO → NRMA and Gymea Community Aid and Information WHAT → A driver licensing support program for refugees in Wollongong and Fairfield. Volunteer mentors help participants access NRMA driver training. To be eligible, participants must: - Have arrived in Australia on a refugee visa from 1 Dec 2011 - Live in Western Sydney or the Illawarra - Be aged 25-55 - Have a Certificate II in English or equivalent - Be registered with Refugee Employment Program - Have previous driving experience and a NSW learner licence Be ready for employment after obtaining a driver licence WHERE → Phone: 13 11 22 or 0478 748 387 23 of 26
Website: learner-driver-program Email: 24 of 26
Education Organisation Services Provided TAFE Illawarra WHO → TAFE provides vocational training and personal enrichment courses. WHAT → A registered training organisation offering a large range of course and certificate levels. WHERE → Address: Foley’s Lane North Wollongong NSW 2500. Phone: 131 601 Website: NSW Multicultural Education WHO → NSW Multicultural Education provides a coordinated approach to supporting refugee students led by executive staff and designated personnel ensures that the needs of refugee students can be addressed. WHAT → Offers safety, support and security to help refugee students adjust to a new life in Australia, recover from their traumatic experiences and facilitate their education. WHERE → General inquiries Leader, Multicultural Education 02 7814 2826 Multicultural and EAL/D Education Coordinator 02 7814 3755 Multicultural Education Administration Officer 02 7814 3713 Henry Parkes Equity Resource Centre 02 8808 1179 Anti-racism Education Advisor 02 7814 2607 Communications and Translations Advisor 02 7814 3124 25 of 26
EAL/D Education Advisor 02 7814 3727 EAL/D Education Advisor (Rural & Regional) 02 7814 3731 Intensive English Programs Advisor 02 7814 3284 Multicultural Education and Community Relations Advisor 02 7814 2607 New Arrivals Program Advisor 02 7814 3046 Refugee Student Programs Advisor 02 7814 3796 or 02 7814 3715 Phone: 02 4224 8646 Email: Web: 26 of 26
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