AMBASSADOR SUCCESS PLAN - 2022 Steubenville Adult Conferences - Steubenville Conferences
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DISCOVER YOUR “WHY” QUESTIONS TO ASK When beginning your mission as an Ambassador, you will have many questions: • Who should I invite? How do I invite people? • How will I find the time to do all that I am committing to do? The most important question you need to ask yourself is: “Why am I choosing to be an Ambassador?” Your “why” is key, because when you have a clear reason for what you are doing, you can identify and focus on your passions, direct your actions, and execute your plan to achieve your dreams. While serving as an Ambassador, your personal “why” will be like rocket fuel that God will use to accomplish wonderful things for his kingdom; this and, of course, his outpouring of Grace on you and your mission. You may already have a “why” firmly determined; let it be the wind in your sails. If you have not yet defined your “why,” take a few minutes and think deeply, pray through it, and ask God to reveal it to you. In doing this, ask yourself these questions: • How will serving as an Ambassador make me a better person? • How will serving as an Ambassador bring deeper fulfillment to my life? • How will serving as an Ambassador impact the lives of those I bring to a Steubenville Conference? • What legacy of faith do I want to leave in my parish/community? ONLY A MEANS TO AN END Only Christ fulfills us. Serving as an Ambassador should be deeply connected to your relationship with Christ. Being an Ambassador should spring from the grace and love that He has poured into your life. Some other questions that will help you get to your “why” are: • Why am I coming to a Steubenville Conference this summer? • What has Christ or the Holy Spirit done for me that has changed my life in the most profound way? • What are my three most important beliefs about how God has worked in my life? • What do I want Jesus to say to me when I stand before him at the end of my life? ASK GOD FOR A VISION • Ask God to show you what would happen both in the lives of individuals and in your parish if people were to become more alive in their faith. • Ask Him who He is calling to be a part of your Core Team, to help accomplish His plan for your parish. • Vision drives effort and keeps us focused even when things are challenging. Pray about God’s vision for your group and write it below. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 2
CREATE A PLAN Call to mind your vision and begin to create a plan. Having a plan for building your group makes all the difference. We have some milestone rewards built into the Ambassador process, but it is best to have your own well-developed plan in order to reach your goal and achieve the vision the Lord gave you for this conference ministry. HOW TO CREATE A PLAN Ask yourself the below questions, and write down your answers so you can return to them again and again Which Steubenville Conference will you be attending? _____________________________________________________ Why have you chosen to be an Ambassador? ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ How many people has God put on your heart? (>10) *When determining the goal for your group size, remember that each person you ask knows more people, so don’t be afraid to ask those who are excited to join you to ask their own friends to join your group. By doing this, your group will grow faster than you think! • For your Core Team (optional): _______________ • To recruit for the conference (>10): ____________ Target Community (circle one): My Parish / My Diocese / Multiple Parishes Remember that there is nothing more powerful than the personal ask. But, begin to brainstorm how you will raise awareness about the conference to prepare people for when you invite them. See the Media Kit located on the Ambassador Portal for help with this. Some ideas are: • Flier on the bulletin board at your parish • Parish Bulletin/Newsletter announcement • Pulpit announcement • Parish/personal social media posts • Diocesan website • Visit meetings for various ministries at your parish • Emails and phone calls What are the milestones you’d like to hit? How many people do you want to recruit by what dates? Remember to consider the milestone rewards. • Number of People _______ by (date) ______________ • Number of People _______ by (date) ______________ • Number of People _______ by (date) ______________ • Number of People _______ by (date) ______________ 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 3
CREATE A TIMELINE Laying out a timeline will help you to stick to your goals and will make your Group Goal Size seem more achievable. Use the tool that best meets your needs – note pad, Excel spreadsheet, Word document, Planner, etc. MONTHLY GOALS How many people will you and your team work to register per month? Target Group Size \ # months until conference = registrations/month • Registrations per month: ___________ You will likely need to invite several people before getting someone to register, how many people will you and your team invite per month? Assume you’ll need to invite 4-5 people to get 1 registration. Registrations per month x 4 = invites/ month • Invites per month: __________ How many meetings of other ministries will you attend each month to increase awareness? We recommend attending 3 meetings per month (one every other week). • Meetings to attend per month: _________ WEEKLY GOALS We recommend also setting weekly goals and tasks in order to achieve your larger monthly goals. • Plan your phone calls, emails, and other invites. • We often forget to pray, but it is so important that you soak all your efforts in prayer! Set weekly prayer reminders so you don’t forget, lift up everyone you plan to invite this week or this month, and those who have already committed to coming with you. 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 4
CREATE A LIST OF CONTACTS Once you have finished creating your Ambassador Plan, you need to determine who to invite. All of us know more people than we think. And those people know additional people, all yearning for a relationship with our Lord, whether they know it or not. CREATE A LIST OF POTENTIAL INVITEES You can write this list by hand or utilize our “Contact List Template” located on the Ambassador Portal (, so you can easily prioritize and track who you have invited, who you are waiting on, who has registered, etc. • The list will likely exceed 50 people. • These are the people who you and your core team will personally invite • Start by creating a list of all those you know • Do not consider whether they would say “yes” or “no.” • Consider the following: • Groups within your parish or neighboring parishes • Members of established prayer groups, Bible studies, discipleship groups, men’s and women’s ministries, etc. • Pastoral council, finance council, and parish staff • Fellow parishioners • Other parish leaders • Family • Friends • People at work • Parents of your children’s friends • Volunteer organizations • People you know through various activities PRIORITIZE YOUR LIST Once you’ve written down every name you know, prioritize the names according to who you think are most likely to consider attending a Steubenville Conference. Those who are the most likely to commit should be the first people you make a point to speak to. • Put stars next to those with the highest potential to commit • If you’re using the “Contact List Template,” add the priority (high, medium, or low) to the applicable column and then sort by this column to organize your list quickly. 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 5
INVITE PEOPLE TO THE CONFERENCE Now that you have your contact list, it’s time for you (and your Core Team) to begin inviting people to join you for the conference. THE PERSONAL ASK There is nothing like the personal ask, especially with friends and friends of friends. Faith is a very personal thing. You are not trying to sell them on a conference, but are accompanying them on their spiritual journey and to a deeper relationship with Christ and the Church. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you seek to accompany your guests: • Always lead with prayer: Pray for the person and your conversation before making the invitation. • Make it invitational: Be friendly, sharing your journey and your experience at a Steubenville Conference. • Speak to their hearts, given your knowledge of where they are on their spiritual journey. • Be humble: We can’t change people, but God can. Accept people where they are. • Be gentle and patient: As you build your group, put it in God’s hands. • Always encourage and love those you invite. • Always ask for referrals. Whenever you invite someone, be sure to ask them who they know who might be interested (spouse, children, siblings, friends). Even if they say “no,” they might be willing to recommend others. YOUR OWN TESTIMONY Your personal experiences of faith and of the conference itself will make a world of difference when you approach others and begin a conversation about inviting them to join your group. The Lord has equipped you with everything you could need! Below is a simple “script” you can use to get the conversation started. You can use the red text to insert your own struggles, experiences, and gifts, or otherwise adapt it to make it your own. “I want to invite you to join me for a life changing encounter with the love of Jesus at the [name of conference; i.e. Power and Purpose] conference. When I went I was struggling with [describe personal struggle] and hungry for [more peace and joy] in my life and this conference renewed [my heart and strengthened my faith]. If you are feeling overwhelmed, isolated, full of anxiety, or just need pick me up coming out of COVID, and you would like to find the peace and the strength to overcome those things that challenge you, this is where you will find it. Please consider joining me!” BENEFITS OF A STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCE Benefits for Individuals Benefits for Parishes • An awakening of faith • Enlivened Faith • A deeper awareness of God’s presence • Awakened Community • The joy of the Gospel • Individuals equipped to lead in the faith • Practical training and the courage to share the faith • Committed parishioners • A renewed spirit • Joyful parish • Peace, joy, and fulfillment • More engaged believers 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 6
WHAT IS A STEUBENVILLE CONFERENCE? Often, people are not familiar with what the Steubenville Conferences are and what they have to offer. Here are a couple of points to help you describe the experience of a Steubenville Conference to those you invite. Every Steubenville Conference features: • National ministry team members that are often not available for local or diocesan events. Participants are assured to receive a variety of relevant and passionate presentations. • The opportunity to experience the beauty and spirit of Franciscan University’s campus and be served by its loving and faith-filled students. • Dynamic praise and worship that draws the heart into the presence of God and makes the liturgy come alive. • Personal encounters with Christ in the sacraments, especially Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. • The opportunity for fellowship with Catholics from across North America (and even around the world) who share the same hunger and love for Christ and his Church. ADULT CONFERENCE DESCRIPTIONS APPLIED BIBLICAL STUDIES Experience Discipleship in Desert Times DESCRIPTORS • Foster a greater devotion to and understanding of Sacred Scripture, led by world-renowned Scripture scholars. • Grow in your knowledge of God’s Word and be equipped to lead others to deeper faith. • Be refreshed by Jesus himself in Word and Sacrament. FEATURES • Engaging Speakers (world-renowned Scripture scholars) • Beautiful Liturgies • Dynamic Preaching • Moving worship • Eucharistic Adoration • Fellowship • Instruction • Encouragement • Inspiration • Ambassador Program ADDITIONAL NOTES • Typical Attendance: 400-500 • Testimonials: (1) (2) • Team:!/team • Pricing/Accommodations:!/register • Media Kit: 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 7
DEFENDING THE FAITH CONFERENCE Live the Gospel with Joy and Hope DESCRIPTORS • Gain confidence in learning not only how to speak the truth, but how to pass on the faith. • Be empowered to take the lead in the New Evangelization with holy boldness, zeal, and love. • Return home equipped to transform the Church. FEATURES • Engaging Speakers • Beautiful Liturgies • Dynamic Preaching • Moving worship • Eucharistic Adoration • Fellowship • Training • Empowerment • Ambassador Program NOTES • Typical Attendance: 1,100-1,200 • Promo Video (2018): • Team:!/team • Pricing/Accommodations:!/register • Media Kit: POWER AND PURPOSE CONFERENCE Discover and Deepen Your Life in the Spirit DESCRIPTORS • Come experience the Holy Spirit’s power and healing. • Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the purpose of your life and to give you the strength to live as a disciple. • Be uplifted by the witness and fellowship of disciples like you. FEATURES • Dynamic Preaching • Beautiful Liturgies • Spirit-filled praise • Eucharistic Adoration • Deeper encounter with the love of Jesus • Opportunity to forge new friendships • A release of the grace of Baptism • Greater freedom (from sin and past hurts) • Power to spread the good news • Ambassador Program NOTES • Typical Attendance: 800-1,000 • Promo Video (2021): 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 8
• Team:!/team • Pricing/Accommodations:!/register • Media Kit: PRIESTS, DEACONS, AND SEMINARIANS RETREAT Find Rest and Renewal in Christ DESCRIPTORS • Embrace the opportunity for rest and relaxation, and reconnect with Christ. • Receive a fresh outpouring of God’s love and grace upon your heart, mind, and ministry. • Spend time with your brother priests, deacons, and seminarians. • Return home reinvigorated with passion to do the work to which God has called you. FEATURES • Retreat • Inspired/Dynamic Talks and Preaching • Beautiful Liturgies • Praise and Worship • Eucharistic Adoration • Time for Personal Reflection • Powerful Communal Prayer • Formation and Renewal • Fellowship with brother priests • Rest and Enjoyment • Strengthened and deepened life NOTES • Financial Assistance Available • Typical Attendance: 150-200 • Promo Video (2018): • Team:!/team • Pricing/Accommodations:!/register • Media Kit: ST. JOHN BOSCO CONFERENCE For Evangelization and Catechesis DESCRIPTORS • This is the premiere conference for all catechists, Catholic school teachers, youth ministers, evangelizers, RCIA coordinators, and anyone who hands on the faith to others. • Receive renewal and revitalization in both your personal spiritual life and in your ministry. FEATURES • Dynamic/Engaging Speakers and Preaching • Beautiful Liturgies • Moving worship • Eucharistic Adoration • Outstanding Fellowship and Relationship Building with other faithful ministers and disciples. • Rejuvenate your life and mission 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 9
• Tracks – choose a Track (with specific talks and sessions to attend) or pick preferred talks and sessions. Some tracks come with Certification; see descriptions linked below. o Catechist Certification Track o Catholic Schools Track o Diocesan Officials Track o Hispanic Faith and Family Certification Track o Parish Catechetical Leader Certification Track o RCIA Certification Track o Retreat Track o Youth Ministry Certification Track o Young Adults Certification Track NOTES • Typical Attendance: 400-500 • Testimonials: (1) (2) • Team:!/team • Pricing/Accommodations:!/register • Media Kit: RESOURCES To support you on your journey as an Ambassador and to aid you in inviting others to come with you, our team has worked to provide you with the below resources for your success! • AMBASSADOR PORTAL o One place to easily access everything you’ll need! o o Speak to your Ambassador Coach about logging in. • AMBASSADOR TOOLKIT o Success Plan – this document o Core Team Worksheet – if you would like to build a Core Team to help you in your efforts to build your group, this will be an incredible resource for them. See Appendix B for more information. o Contact List Template – an excel spreadsheet where you can compile a list of everyone you know and plan to invite, and track those you have invited. • MEDIA KIT – these provide a great opportunity to spark interest and to get a conversation started with someone. o Flyers – we have a flyer for each conference, which you can put in church bulletin’s or hang on bulletin boards. o Invite Cards – business care sized. These are a quick and easy way to provide people with brief information about the conference. We recommend you include your name and contact information on the back (note, print a sheet of labels with your info on it to easily stick on the back). o Social Media Graphics and Text – if your parish/diocese uses Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram, this is a great way to spread the word about the conference and your group. o Email Text/Template – copy and paste an email all ready for you and send it to your friends or your parish contact list. o Website/Bulletin Text – copy and paste a simple paragraph specific to the conference you plan to attend into your bulletin, onto your website, or into any other form of informational booklet your parish might have. 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 10
o Videos – a promotional video for the conference to get people excited and to provide a sneak-peek to the conference, the best talk from 2021, and a video explaining our mission. • WEBINARS o A time to gather and receive enrichment. Invite your group members or potential invitees. See the Ambassador Portal for the schedule. • ZOOM GATHERINGS o Exclusive time with members of our team, other committed Ambassadors, and guest speakers, encouraging and supporting you on your journey as an Ambassador and as a person of faith. TRACK COMMITMENTS/REGISTRATIONS Using your Contact List (and the “Ambassador Contact List Template”) track your engagement with your invitees. • Once you have invited someone, indicate that they have been invited (Invited Date). • When someone agrees to join you, put “yes” in the “Committed” column. • Make sure to ask them when they intend on registering for the conference… and then follow up to check if they did and ask if there is any way you can help them (Plan to register date) • Refer to the Registration Reports: confirm who has registered, and a yes in the “Registered” column. • Upon registering for the conference, you will receive instructions on how to access these Registration Reports. • These reports will detail who from your group has registered. • Access the login page for these reports via the Ambassador Portal or your Registration Confirmation email. 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 11
APPENDIX A: SAMPLE TIMELINE OCTOBER • Enroll as a Steubenville Conference Ambassador and receive access to all the resources created for you. • Print off the Ambassador Success Plan o Pray about a vision o Create your plan: Set weekly and monthly goals o Begin creating a list of people to invite or organizations to target (using the Ambassador Contact List Template) • Attend our Webinar/Zoom Calls: Register and find further details on the Ambassador Portal. • Speak with your parish priest (invite him!) and/or a representative at your diocesan office about your efforts. Their support will be very beneficial to your success. • Begin making connections with various groups within your parish/diocese and tell them about your plan to bring a group to a Steubenville Conference. • Optional: Begin recruiting Core Team members NOVEMBER • Begin awareness campaigns. Using the resources listed previously, begin to spread the word about the conference and your desire to bring a group with you. • Begin using the Media Kit – always remember to include your Ambassador Group Code. o Post an announcement in the bulletin o Print invite cards (request from your Ambassador Coach if needed) o Post flyers on bulletin boards o Social media posts using your personal and/or parish accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) • Attend our Webinar/Zoom Calls: Register and find further details on the Ambassador Portal. • Continue adding to your list of people and organizations to target • Optional: Confirm your Core Team and work with them to create their Contact Lists DECEMBER • Continue awareness campaigns using the Media Kit • Consider making an announcement after Mass sometime and being present after Mass for questions and more information. • Attend our Webinar/Zoom Calls: Register and find further details on the Ambassador Portal. JANUARY • Register for the conference using your Ambassador Group Code. • Send the link to register and your Ambassador Group Code to anyone who has already committed to attending with your group (reference Media Kit text for help drafting emails) • Optional: Meet with your Core Team, remind them to register, begin meeting with them regularly. 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 12
APPENDIX B: CORE TEAM FORMING A CORE TEAM If you find that you have friends who share your passion for spreading the Gospel and the Steubenville Conferences, we encourage you to form a Core Team to help you recruit others to join your group, and to attend themselves. Don’t worry about whether they will say “yes” or “no.” Simply be willing to ask. If you don’t have anyone already interested, but want to create a Core Team, consider those who: • Have already attended a Steubenville Conference in the past • Are gifted with conversational skills and can motivate others • Know a lot of people (although all of us know more people than we think) • Are very active in their faith and/or the parish CREATE A LIST OF POTENTIAL CORE TEAM MEMBERS We suggest naming at least 10 people – more if you’d like to end up with 10 members. 1. _______________________________________ 6. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 7. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 8. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 9. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ 10. _______________________________________ RECRUIT YOUR CORE TEAM Pick a specific date for each of the below and hold yourself to them! • Invite by: _________________ / Finalize by: __________________ LEAD YOUR CORE TEAM • Pray for them individually on their journeys and their efforts in inviting people • Have an initial meeting, where you will: o Pray together o Share your Steubenville Conference experience o Walk them through the resources and provide them the Core Team Worksheet o Encourage them in establishing their own lists and plans • Schedule regular meetings (maybe grab coffee 1x per month) o Ask for feedback, brainstorm ideas, and engage in fellowship. o Meet for prayer (Eucharistic Adoration is an excellent choice) o Refer to the goals they set on their Core Team worksheet. o Encourage your in their prayer commitments for those they invite. • Encourage them to attend webinars with you (see Webinar Schedule) 2022 Ambassador Success Plan | 10/27/2021 13
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