ASDA Valuing your Talent Case Study - CIPD

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ASDA Valuing your Talent Case Study - CIPD
ASDA Valuing your Talent Case Study

As one of the UK’s largest supermarket retailers, ASDA recognises the importance
of its colleagues. With a workforce of over 170,000 people, serving 19 million
customers a week and generating £21bn of revenue in 2014, the footprint of the
business is vast.

The changing landscape of retail            ‘The challenges are about helping our
                                            colleagues to understand that delivering
Innovation and change are driving           great service and meeting future business
forces for organisations like ASDA.         needs requires an acceptance that the
Changing consumer behaviour means           business must change and adapt quickly.
that for the business to operate in the     Therefore, being able to manage with
highly competitive retail market,           autonomy and agility is an essential skill
employees must be equipped to               and is something to be relished and
operate within complex and challenging      prized, not something to resist and be
environments. For example, over half of     afraid of.’ Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice
in store transactions at ASDA now go        President for People and Stores
through a self-scan checkout;
                                            Rapid growth in online and mobile
employees are now hosting customers,
                                            shopping is also acting as a catalytic
helping with queries and managing
                                            force for the business, pushing for
multiple checkout sites at one time. This
                                            innovation throughout operations and
shift in customer service and customer
                                            people development. Workforce
management within the business model
                                            planning is one particular aspect of
is challenging the traditional
                                            ASDA whereby innovation, and in
supermarket retail skills that ASDA has
                                            particular automation, will radically alter
built ever since its founding in 1965.
                                            the makeup of the retail business. New
Where once repeatable and predictable
                                            skills and capabilities are therefore
tasks could be trained and
                                            being planned into the future workforce,
operationalised through training of
                                            and mapped against current capabilities
customer service staff, now more
                                            – the gaps being addressed through
complex and individual-based skills are
                                            new HR interventions, training and
required. Decision making and
                                            deployment of workforce skills. With this
autonomy are a pair that are thought to
                                            disruption only on the increase, the
be of particular importance to ASDA in
                                            business is tracking its performance
the future, as Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice
                                            through two key HR measures:
President for People and Stores at ASDA
                                            customer satisfaction and engagement:
explains:                                                                1
ASDA Valuing your Talent Case Study - CIPD
‘From an HR point of view some of the key      ‘In ASDA we’ve got more than five
questions at the moment are around how         generations under one roof. We were
many colleagues we need, and what skills       celebrating a gentleman’s 90th birthday
they will need to develop. For example,        the other day; he works for us 12 hours a
what is the optimum level of service for       week. The best part of the whole story is he
our customers, and how many customers          has 10 years’ service, so he was 80 when
should one colleague be serving at any one     he joined us. What he might need and his
time? This is not just an operational          needs as a colleague versus someone on
question - this also affects who our people    our graduate scheme might be quite
are and their suitability with their role...   different, so it is very important to me that
our colleagues are dealing with different      I'm engaging with the colleague on an
technology, different customer reactions:      individual basis and not broad brushing.
their own capability is suddenly being         On some things we might all be the same,
challenged. We have to support them to         but on others we might not be.’ Hayley
continue to be happy and productive in         Tatum, Senior Vice President for People
the future. ’ Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice        and Stores
President for People and Stores
                                               As a result the organisation’s HR
                                               strategy is built around the three key
People as the drivers, analytics as            pillars of culture, talent and ways of
the enabler                                    working (Figure 1). Engagement in
                                               particular is an area which the business
ASDA’s people are at the heart of the          focuses on within the culture and
organisation’s growth and success, and         engagement pillars, with considerable
reflecting the diversity of the                attention paid to appreciating the
communities in which the business              relationship between engagement and
operates is important for the business         performance. The organisation has a
to continue to meet the high                   dedicated role within the function: the
expectations of its customers. Utilising       Engagement Analytics Manager, who
this diversity in the workforce is a           leads the organisation’s push to better
powerful way then for the business to          appreciate this relationship, and is
connect with customers and deliver the         responsible for managing and reporting
type of service they desire – as a result      on engagement data:
HR strategy and operations are tailored
                                               ‘My role is within the engagement space at
to reflect the individual needs of
                                               ASDA and concerns the measurement and
employees. This is particularly apparent
                                               quantification of engagement, the
when considering workforce
                                               planning and development of engagement
demographics and the very personal
                                               proposals and how we as a business drive
needs of staff which if met correctly can
                                               engagement. I am interested in exploring
drive long-term performance. Working
                                               the return that we get from our employees
at this individual level is just one of the
                                               and which measures we can put in place
ways by which HR analytics is bringing
                                               to track mood, aspirations and
HR teams closer to the needs of
                                               motivations. This is of real importance to
individual employees and is enabling
                                               ASDA as a business.’ Engagement Analytics
them to tailor the function accordingly:
                                               Manager                                                                 2
Figure 1: ASDA’s 2015 People Plan

As a driver of performance ASDA is           scores and things like shrink performance,
aware that engagement is one of the          waste performance, wages, sales and
major levers that can be used to ensure      obviously customer satisfaction. This
that customer satisfaction remains high.     shows the importance of engagement as
Senior leadership teams are most             an HR measure when we are looking to
interested in this because along with        create competitive advantage in our
developing and providing quality goods,      business.’ Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice
customer engagement is one of the            President for People and Stores
most important activities the business
can deliver on to create value. By           But whilst many organisations may view
exploring engagement data the                surveys as the be-all and end-all of
leadership team is encouraged to sense-      engagement, ASDA is clear that it is the
check how HR processes and systems           conversation and behaviours that result
are driving the right behaviours in          from surveys which are of value. The
employees, and particular aspects of         engagement team recognise the value
engagement which are believed to be          of this ongoing dialogue and discussion
directly correlated to crucial measures      with employees, and therefore
of business performance, including both      communicate openly during and outside
sales and customer satisfaction:             of the survey period. Instead of forcing
                                             responses and driving the wrong
‘Segmentation analysis is really important   behaviours in the line management
to me. It saves me a lot of money if I can   community, team leaders are
be precise and tailored about how I am       encouraged to lead powerful
talking to my teams. Equally, it helps me    conversations within their teams that
with engagement and I've got direct          are proactive and open, designed to
correlation between our engagement           create dialogue and create the right                                                             3
conditions for high quality customer           on how many millions they can take out of
interactions:                                  their cost base as a result to re-invest for
                                               the customer and shareholder.’ Hayley
‘If I just talk about response rates: it’s     Tatum, Senior Vice President for People
really important for us to get as many         and Stores
people through the surveys that we do, so
they have a voice. That’s what we want to      To drive these cost control activities the
encourage in our colleagues, but actually      business draws on basic productivity
we know that it doesn’t make a difference      and performance measures which help
in terms of the output of numbers that we      to illustrate how employees across the
get, because of convergence of the data.       business are delivering in their roles.
                                               Based around time to delivery, these
We say to our senior stakeholders, “It’s not   measures of productivity play an
really that important if you don’t get 100%,   important role in maintaining service
but actually make sure you’re encouraging      level standards, and help focus the
your colleagues, as many of them as            training and development of staff:
possible, to participate. Don’t force them.”
That can be quite conflicting, I think, for    ‘In terms of employee analytics we
our leaders, so we help them to                measure service, transaction times on a
understand it as much as possible.’            check out, time to restock, time to deliver
Engagement Analytics Manager                   etc. We centralise this data and use it to
                                               manage and maintain standards. We can
                                               see optimum pick rates, optimum scan
The people analytics function                  rates, and transaction times and then we
                                               set targets and standards that we train
Retail, with its significant workforce and     towards, encouraging and coaching our
vast geographic footprint, is naturally        colleagues to achieve certain levels of
driven by operating costs, one of the          performance for the customer.’ Hayley
biggest being its workforce. Payroll then      Tatum, Senior Vice President for People
is one of the most important data-rich         and Stores
activities within the wider HR function;
and given the desire of the organisation       The analytics team has worked hard to
to drive performance whilst efficiently        develop core measures that the
using resources, productivity is a key         business holds as standard measures.
performance indicator for both internal        These standard measures are applied
and external stakeholders:                     by HR, the custodians of people data, to
                                               all the information they manage, with
‘Analytics has been used in retailing for      the aim of drawing comparisons and
many years because it’s a people business      moving the business towards potential
and people are your biggest cost, other        benchmarking against peers and
than your cost of goods. The largest bill is   competitors. For ASDA the metrics order
your payroll bill. So understanding how        into a logical hierarchy of value to the
long each task takes, whether it is done       business:
well, and then being able to refine and
value-engineer tasks to modify your wage       ‘I think if we were to order them in
costs accordingly is very important. Many      importance to the business at present,
retailers challenge themselves every year      wages would be at the top, as this tells us                                                                    4
how much we’re spending on our                 utilise global insight and understand if
employees. Then it would come down to          somebody else has already cracked a
how much they’re costing us when they          problem which perhaps I’m only just
leave, and also absence. Our sector is         beginning to face. I’m able to get
highly focused on cost management, and         information and guidance from across our
this is reflected in our HR measures. Those    expert network.’ Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice
two quantitative sets of data are              President for People and Stores
important for us in the financial sense.
Then if we were to move through the            This global perspective on people data is
spectrum, measures regarding                   now helping ASDA to build its own
engagement, performance tracking, and          capability and deliver insights across its
qualitative data such as how they feel etc.’   UK operations. Investment for the
Engagement Analytics Manager                   business is now in building individual
                                               capability by sourcing highly capable
The size and scope of ASDA mean that           analysts with a basic understanding of
within the organisation there is real          people and the HR function. At present
talent and capability available and ready      analytical skills at ASDA are based
to be leveraged. Following ASDA’s              around an equal weighting of data
acquisition by American retail giant           understanding, plus the ability to
Walmart in 1999, ASDA has been able to         communicate and influence using
access people analytics capability which       evidence. For ASDA, both skill sets are
was previously unavailable. And whilst         needed: one without the other can lead
UK-based ASDA has only recently                to misinformation to the business with
started to delve in to HR analytics and        potentially damaging results:
explore how people data may help drive
performance, the Walmart team has              ‘The skills that I would say my own team
long invested in attempting to answer          have, they’re tech-savvy, and so they know
the people performance question. So            how to get around quickly and present
much so, that the Walmart function has         and get information. They’re disciplined in
a highly capable people analytics team,        working through things like algorithms
and is now driving insights in                 and finding patterns and trends in
collaboration with their ASDA-based            information. But they have a very
counterparts:                                  personable style that they can then go and
                                               test. So they don’t only take the
‘I am very lucky because, obviously, ASDA is   information at face value, they’re able to
owned by Wal-Mart. There are dedicated         then go out and run focus groups and
people inside the analytics team, not only     check it, and then present it, which is a
in ASDA, but they can work with and            very important skill to have. It gives me
leverage, from a systems and a capability      and our leadership team confidence that
point of view, into Walmart.                   the right tests have been taken to provide
                                               robust and valid insights.’ Hayley Tatum,
It also allows me to share information and     Senior Vice President for People and Stores
learning with other markets. Obviously,
ASDA being in the UK is one of 29 countries
in which Wal-Mart trades. So I'm able to                                                                5
Figure 2: Data and analytics is changing the way ASDA serves its customers.

                                                    metrics. Accompanying the dashboard
Customer data and employee data                     will be narrative information which is
to create insight                                   intended to provide a holistic
                                                    perspective of ASDA’s people, in the
While measuring standard metrics is                 context of focusing on business and
important for HR operations, the value              customer performance. This tool is now
of data grows significantly once it is              in development by the HR team, and is
used in the form of insights across the             one which they believe will radically
business. A fundamental role of the HR              change the way the business uses HR
analytics team is to build clear reports            data:
which deliver timely insights across
                                                    ‘We’re in the process of creating a
functional teams and senior leaders.
                                                    dashboard. We’ve never really achieved
And because data availability is
                                                    it…on our retail side we’re looking at how
increasing, the number of potential
                                                    our key performance indicators in HR link
reports that HR must develop and
                                                    to the overall business performance
understand is also going up. It is for this
                                                    indicators. We’ve worked with a
reason that ASDA is now looking to
                                                    consultancy that has been able to link
rationalise their HR measures and
                                                    output measures back to input drivers.
present them as a simple dashboard
                                                    Now we’re going to look at some of the HR
which illustrates key performance
                                                    angles in that data, for example, what
indicators connected to the three HR
                                                    makes the difference in terms of our home
strategic priorities. The business is
                                                    shopping picking accuracy, and how that
working with external experts to use HR
                                                    impacts on sales. What we want to do now
data within the dashboard report which
                                                    is join everything up. At the moment we
will feature alongside other business
                                                    don’t bring everything together, for                                                                    6
example, by talking about data holistically     You can then compare a lot of that
and how it impacts wider business. We           information with competitive market
tend to be quite siloed in the way that we      information so you can see how we sit by
work. We need to develop greater                comparison. We’ll do a whole variety of
integration between our different types of      things, for example in our stores where
data.                                           we’ve got focus groups and listening
                                                groups with our own customers and with
The dashboard that HR is building will help     our competitors’ customers, just to
to change this as it will use HR data and       understand different reactions and
engagement data to tell the story clearly. It   behaviours. Then we’ll analyse this data
will show absence and turnover, etc. We’re      and choose what to do in our business
also working on how we would reduce             that might affect competitive service.’
some of the reporting of requirements,          Hayley Tatum, Senior Vice President for
which are very manual, to feed into that so     People and Stores
that it would then be a very holistic view.’
Engagement Analytics Manager                    This direct action from market insight
                                                through to alterations in customer
It is clear then that ASDA recognises the       service or operational delivery models,
importance and value of high quality            is driving real value-creation in the
people data. Across the business data is        business. Leaders too are now using this
used in multiple ways and is now being          data in various ways, and it is during its
utilised alongside other types of               combination with employee data when
business information. ASDA has put in           truly powerful people insights can occur.
place senior leaders with oversight and         ASDA has recognised this and is
governance responsibilities within the          focusing much of its analytical
data and analytics space, predominantly         development on building this
around customer data, where value is            multidimensional analytics capability -
driven from insights through to                 and whilst there is some way to go until
increased sales. Market insight in              the business is able to benefit from
particular is important in the highly           these insights, there is definite belief
competitive retail environment, where           that utilising data in this way will drive
customer loyalty is shrinking and               business performance in unique and
customer behaviour is increasingly              innovative ways.

‘We have a Chief Customer Officer whose         Data as the weapon in the war for
role is to oversee customer insight and
intelligence and how the business uses this
information. This capability provides data
                                                ASDA then is very much future-focused,
frequently. For example, it provides an
                                                and in preparation for the increasingly
ongoing pulse of what our customers are
                                                competitive retail environment the
saying and how they’re behaving. Because
                                                chain is building its capabilities in
what customers say isn’t necessarily what
                                                analytics and focusing on modifying its
they do, you have to continually measure
                                                human capital through various HR
and monitor their actual behaviour.
                                                activities and interventions. Through all
                                                of this, data is playing a vital enabling
                                                role, and the analytics that HR is                                                                  7
applying to data is uncovering
fascinating concepts the business is now
building into its workforce, engagement
and customer service plans.
Management capability is one area of
focus which the business now believes
should be enhanced and made to be
future proof. The new context and
evolved business model mean that
managerial roles are expected to
decline in number, but the need for
strong capability to innovate and drive
customer service will continue to grow:

‘In the future I believe we will have fewer
managers and more engaged, contributing
teams of colleagues who figure stuff out
for themselves. I’m certain those closest to
the customers will come up with brilliant
and the best solutions.’ Hayley Tatum,
Senior Vice President for People and Stores

For Hayley and her colleagues it is HR
analytics which holds the key. By
applying the same techniques of
customer segmentation and analysis to
their engagement and people data, the
team believe that they will unlock the
ability of employees to behave and
engage with customers in such a way
that they deliver high quality service
every time, and deliver the competitive
advantage the business needs to
succeed today and well into the future:

‘I’d like the data to tell me how to get the
most engaged colleague that I possibly can
to give the best level and noticeable,
industry-leading service in the market. If I
could find that, that would tell me, “What
does that colleague do, say, and sound
like?” From a behavioural point of view I
believe that would give us as real
competitive advantage.’ Hayley Tatum,
Senior Vice President for People and Stores                      8
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