Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020

Page created by Travis Wolfe
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Dai-ichi Life Group
New Medium-term Management Plan

                    Covering FY2018-2020

March 29, 2018

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
New Medium-term Management Plan “CONNECT 2020“

               ~ Overview ~
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
New Medium-term Management Plan “CONNECT 2020”
 2013      2014       2015      2016        2017           2018           2019            2020         A secure future for every
                                                                                                       community we serve.
                                                                                                       Using the best of our local and
                                                                                                       global capabilities.

                                                   ~ Strategic Direction ~
        We will offer products & services using different distribution channels that help improve quality
        of life (Note) by building stronger relationships with customers, communities and diverse
        business partners in a rapidly changing environment.

        We will create unique synergies by leveraging our global network as a competitive advantage
        and nurture the growth of each group company by strengthening our ties within the group in
        an intensely competitive market.

        (Note) Quality of Life is a concept that reflects not only material wealth and personal independence but also the overall well-being,
               including emotional aspect and self-realization.

Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Strengths of Dai-ichi Life Group

     Continuing to innovate for the improvement in quality of life as a company that stands “By your side, for life”

       1902                                                                                     2010                                        2016

       First                     1997               1998~              2001                   “New
      Mutual                                                                               Foundation”
     Company                                                                               as a Listed
     In Japan                Total Life Plan      Alliances with      Japan                 Company                                      Structure
                                Strategy             Financial     Quality Award
                                                                                 2007                                           2015
                                               ・Mizuho FG (1998-) Three Domestic
                                               ・SJNK       (2000-)    Brands     DFL commences business                         NFL commences business
                                               ・Aflac       (2000-)
                                                                      Global     Vietnam Australia Indonesia
                                               ・Resona HD (2007-)                                                               United States
                                               ・JP Post Ins.(2016-) Expansion     India Thailand     AM (U.S.)                                   AM (Europe)
                                                                                   DFL: Dai-ichi Frontier Life, NFL: Neo First Life      AM=Asset Management

                                                                    Strong Business Foundation & Diverse Talents
  Strong brand value built over
     a history of more than a                  ❙ Domestic Life                ❙ Overseas Life                 ❙ Asset Management
                                                 High Market Share                  Leader in U.S. Acquisition Business           Scale of AUM No. 1 in Asia
                                                    No. 1 in Bancasurrance          with 56 transactions completed                AUM of over 10 trillion yen
                   1902~                            No. 2 in the Third-Sector       No. 1 Market Share in Australia               each in U.S. and Europe
                                                                                    No. 3 Market Share in Vietnam
                                               ❙ Diverse talents to support innovation and growth, high expertise developed over the years
                                                 70,000 employees with diverse talents in 7 countries        No. of MDRT* Members: 180 in Japan
                                                    Overseas employees increased by 10,000                                            106 overseas
                   1869~                            over the past 10 yrs.                                    No. of global exchange program participants:
                                                                                                                                         1,700 in 5 years
*Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), is a global independent association of life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500               3
companies in 69 nations and territories and recognized internationally as the standard in excellence in life insurance and financial services business
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
To Achieve Growth

                                       Maximize our strengths with the “CONNECT” concept to improve quality of life
                                                                                                         Improve Quality of Life through
                                                     Basis Elements of New Mid-term Plan
                                                                                                            Social Value We Create
                                               Deliver products and services     Address social issues

                                                                                                                                                                Growth of the Dai-ichi Life Group
Strengths of the Dai-ichi Life Group

                                                that improve quality of life     through our business

                                                                                                              Promote                Stability
                                                                                                               Health                through
                                                     CONNECT                        CONNECT                                         Insurance
                                                     better with                   deeper with                        Sense of security
                                                     customers                     communities                        in later life

                                                                                                                      Building safe and
                                                                                                                      secure communities
                                                                                                                      Development of
                                               Expand opportunities with           Further synergies                  technologies
                                                   outside partners            between group companies
                                                                                                                      Contribute to society

                                                     CONNECT                        CONNECT                                Empowerment of women

                                                    with diverse                   tighter as a                            Protect rights of workers

                                                      partners                        group

                                                                                                         The above goals are selected from Sustainable
                                                                                                         Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the U.N.
                                                                                                         that the Dai-ichi Life Group considers as a priority
                                                                                                         to create value by leveraging its strengths.
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Core Initiatives for Growth
   Enhance the “three growth engines” against changes in surrounding environment
                【Domestic Life              【Overseas Life          【Asset Management】            【Technology / Competition】
                 Insurance】                  Insurance】                                           Advancement of medical science
                                                                                                               & IT
                                           High market growth                                           Borderless markets
Surrounding     Diverse lifestyles                                   Strong demand for asset
                                                 in Asia            formation on a global scale        【Int’l Regulations】
               Aging demographics           Steady market in                                          Increasing uncertainty of
                                          the U.S. and Australia                                      the financial environment
                                                                                                     Monitoring of trends in int’l

                                                                                                       Framework to
                              Enhance the “three growth engines”                                    support enhancement

                 Domestic                     Overseas                     Asset                      Drive Innovation
              Life Insurance               Life Insurance               Management
                 Business                     Business                   Business                           ERM
                                                                                                    Diversity & Inclusion
Initiatives                                 (Asia) Expand market       Pursue unique
              Develop products &
              services that offer new       share by enhancing         synergies between               Strengthen cross-
               value including “Health”     core sales channels        life and asset                  industry collaboration in
                                                                       management business             InsTech
              Enhance & diversify sales     (U.S.& AUS) Diversify
              channels                      sales channels and                                         Accelerate global talent
                                            pursue new growth                                          exchange & inter-
                                            opportunities                                              company cooperation
                          Address social issues through our business                                                            5
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Our Vision for Profit Growth

    Securing sustainable growth will support profit to reach 300 billion yen in the post “CONNECT 2020” time frame
    Organic growth of each business domain is key in securing sustainable growth

 2010                                2017 2018                  2020
Listing                                         New Medium-term
                                                Management Plan          Beyond “CONNECT 2020”

                                                            Further Expansion of Business Foundation

   Scale of Group Profit                                   250 billion
                                                                                +         300 billion
                                                         (mid-term objective)
                            Approx. 210
                             billion yen       Organic Growth by Leveraging our Global Business Foundation

            Approx. 100
             billion yen                                                 CAGR 5-7%
Tens of                                                                    (Estimate)
billions     Expand & Diversify
 of yen     Business Foundation

Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Management Objectives and Mid- to Long-term Vision

                                    Indicators                      Objectives

    Group          Accounting
                                     Group Adjusted Profit   250 billion yen in FY2020
 Management          Profit
 (Quantitative     Future Profit     Group Value of New      230 billion yen in FY2020
   Targets)         (Economic

                                    Indicators                 Targets for the Mid- to

                     Capital         Average EV Growth         8% average growth
                    Efficiency            (RoEV)
 Group Mid- to
Long-term Vision
                    Financial      Economic Solvency Ratio     170% to 200% range
                   Soundness              (ESR)

Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Growth of Adjusted Profit & Value of New Business
                          Aim for Group adjusted profit of 250 billion yen from the current level of 210 billion yen excluding one-time factors
                          Maintain CAGR of 5-7% to aim for Group value of new business of 230 billion yen

                                      (billions of yen)
        Group Adjusted Profit

                                                                                            One-time                               CAGR                                   Approx.
                                                                                            Factors                                5-7%                                     250

                                                     210.1                                   Approx.
                                                                                                                                                                  CONNECT 2020

                                                      FY2016                        FY2017 (Estimated)                                                               2020 Objective
                                      (billions of yen)
     Group Value of New

                                                                                                                                   CAGR                                   Approx.
        Business (Note)

                                                                                                                                   5-7%                                      230

                                                     145.6                                                                                                        CONNECT 2020

                                                    FY2016                           2017 (Estimated)                                                                2020 Objective
(Note) Figures of Dai-ichi Life Vietnam, Star Union Dai-ichi Life (India) and Panin Dai-ichi Life (Indonesia) are accounted for in the calculations for our mid-term objective. The handling of figures
  for Ocean Life (Thailand) is under consideration. However, because of the limited effect to the entire group, we maintain our 2020 objective regardless of the handling of Ocean Life figures.          8
Dai-ichi Life Group New Medium-term Management Plan Covering FY2018-2020
Core Initiatives [1]                                                                  CONNECT
                                                                                      better with
                                                                                                      deeper with
                                                                                                                       with diverse
                                                                                                                                          tighter as a

Domestic Life Insurance Business
                                                                                      customers       communities       partners             group

Increase value of new business by investing in products, services and distribution channels while maintaining
profit levels
   Three brands enter a new dimension with more mutual distribution of products and services
   Improve consulting capabilities of Total Life Plan Designers and expand the agency channel to accelerate the multi-
   channel strategy
   Carry out a product strategy to improve quality of life and expand partnerships ahead of anticipated changes in social
   and customer needs

                Value of New Business                                                      Adjusted Profit
Increase value of new business through improvement in              Maintain profit levels while investing in new strategy
      products, services and distribution channels

                    CAGR                                                                   Maintain
                  mid single-                                                               Levels

     FY2017                      2020                                  FY2017                                   2020
                                               Mid- to                                                                                 Mid- to
     Forecast                   Objective
                                              Long-term                Forecast                             Objective                 Long-term
                                               Outlook              (Excluding one-time factors)                                       Outlook      9
Core Initiatives [2]                                                                            CONNECT
                                                                                                 better with
                                                                                                               deeper with
                                                                                                                               with diverse
                                                                                                                                              tighter as a

 Overseas Life Insurance Business
                                                                                                 customers     communities      partners         group

Implement custom strategy reflecting each region’s growth stage while exploring new growth opportunities
    In developed countries, sustainable growth will drive profit growth of our overseas life insurers. In emerging countries, focus
    on the top line and expand market share through enhancement of sales channels
    Move forward towards realization of business opportunities in Mekong region including other growth opportunities that are
    abundant in Early Stage* markets

                  Value of new business                                                                 Adjusted Profit
Significant increase in new policies through enhancement of                           Sustainable growth in developed countries to
                        sales channels                                                     support expand profit contribution

                                                                                               Approx. 20%

       FY2017                          2020                                        FY2017                           2020
                                                       Mid- to                                                                          Mid- to
       Forecast                       Objective                                    Forecast                        Objective           Long-term
                                                       Outlook                                                                          Outlook

 * Early Stage market: market in early stage of life insurance industry development and with lower life insurance penetration rate.                     10

Core Initiatives [3] Asset Management Business                                                                   better with
                                                                                                                               tighter as a

Pursue synergies with group life insurers while benefiting from the growth of the global asset management
   Strengthened competitiveness through business integration of our two asset managers, accelerate profit growth with AUM
   In addition to synergies between the two asset managers, pursue global synergies with group life insurance companies
   Additional purchase of Janus Henderson shares through the stock market for conversion to an affiliated company

                 Asset Manager’s AUM                                                       Adjusted Profit
  Expand scale of business and earnings base through business                     Maximize Integration Synergies and
       integration in markets with high growth prospects                            Accelerate Profit Contribution
                                        100T yen
                                                        AUM of over 10
                                                      trillion yen each for
                                                        U.S. and Europe
                                        May 2017 -                                     Significant
      Approx.                                                                           Increase
      40T yen
                                                        Scale of AUM
                                                        No. 1 in Asia

                       Oct. 2016 -
                                                                                                                      Mid- to
        2015             2016           End of Dec.                           FY2017                   2020
                                           2017                               Forecast               Objective        Outlook
 Core Initiatives [4] Drive Innovation                                                        better with
                                                                                                            deeper with
                                                                                                                              with diverse
                                                                                                                                             tighter as a

Take on challenges to create new value
   Progressively apply cutting-edge technologies to offer more user-friendly products & services and to improve productivity
   of domestic and global operations
   Leverage medical big data analysis to provide new products and services with broader insurance coverage possibilities
   Drive further innovation to create new markets and competitive advantages free from existing business models or price
Improving User-friendliness & Productivity *                                             Driving Further Innovation
     Improve usability through digital technology
           Benefits payments and other procedures made                         Establishment of “Dai-ichi Life Innovation Lab”
                         easier and faster                                              Create new business models through innovation
                                                                                               Incorporate diverse outside talent
     Improve productivity through automation

                                                                                                                                                  Outside Partners
           [1] Digitalization [2] Automation of routine tasks                           Tokyo
                           [3] Work-style reform                                                                          Valley

              Secure talent even in a tight labor market
                                                                                           Insurers, Systems companies,
     Shift 2,100 skilled employees to growth areas in next 5 years                              within the DL Group

              Utilization of Medical Big Data
                                                                              Consider investing in start-ups that own cutting-edge
     Partnerships with national institutions, universities                    technologies or business models
     and tech companies
     Analysis of internal and external medical big data

   Broader insurance                 Develop new products
  coverage possibilities                 and services                *e.g. initiative at Dai-ichi Life                                                               12
   Core Initiatives [5-1] Enterprise Risk Management                                                                             tighter as a

 Sustainable growth by achieving balance between profit, capital and risk

     Achieve profit and also average EV growth of 8% by enhancing the fundamental growth capacity of each group company
     Achieve ESR of 170-200% through disciplined risk control getting ready for international capital regulations to be implemented
     Achieve total payout ratio of 40%. Reallocate internal reserves for selected growth opportunities to support growth of the

                 Improve capital efficiency and                                              Risk control based on
             enhanced corporate value through ERM                                        Economic Solvency Ratio (ESR)

                        Growth in profit and value of new
                            business (CAGR 5-7%)
                                                     Risk control considering         Mid- to
                                                        situation of each            Long-term                 Control ESR within
 Capital efficiency
                                                            business                                         the range of 170-200%
                         Capital      Profit                                           Vision
above cost of capital                              Risk-                             170-200%
 (RoEV over 8%)                                   return
                      Capital                        Risk                             (Approx.
                                  Soundness                                            160%)
                                                                                                       Aim for ESR of 170-200% in the mid-
                                                                                                          to long-term, while monitoring
                                                                                                        developments in capital regulations
                        Maintain/improve financial strength
                                (ESR 170-200%)
                                                                                       ESR                                                 13

Core Initiatives [5-2] Diversity & Inclusion                                                                                               deeper with
                                                                                                                                                          tighter as
                                                                                                                                                           a group

Innovate and create new value with diversity & inclusion of talent as the driving force for sustainable growth
   Increase productivity & competitiveness of individuals and the organization by promoting diversity & inclusion
   Create synergies by combining our talent capabilities with the concept of “respecting each other, learn from each other, grow
                                                    Percentage of women in
                                                  managerial positions expected
                                                   to reach 25% in Apr. 2018


                    “Company Empowering Women in         Gender            Global         • Further expand global talent exchange
                         Japan” No.1* (2017)                               Talents        • Participation of overseas CEOs in group management

                                            Disability                               Seniors

  Certified "Company Empowering                                                                       Maximize expertise &

                                                                                                                                                           Realize Sustainable
             the Disabled"                                                                                experience
  (Dai-ichi Life Challenged) (2017)
                                                     LGBT                         Millennials


           Top Gold Rating on PRIDE Index                                                Incorporate values and ideas of the
          Evaluation of LGBT Initiatives (2017)                                                  younger generation

                                                             Health & Productivity
                                                            Stock Selection (2015)

     Empowerment                 Protect rights of
     of women                    workers                                                        * Nikkei WOMAN (Nikkei BP)                                              14
Japanese Life Insurance Business Strategy
Dai-ichi Life’s New Product “Just”
“Customer First” Commitment

                                                               Expectation of Customers and Society
  “Customer First”
  Management Philosophy                                           ● Economic Protection & Asset Formation

                                                                  ● Response to diverse lifestyles, customer needs
                                                                       and values
 2018 New Medium-term Management                                  ● Flexible policies reflecting changing lifestyles and
 Plan “CONNECT 2020”
       Customer-oriented Proposition
                                                                  ● Contribution to sustainable social security system
                                                                  ● Extension of healthy life span
                        Health Check-up

       new product concept providing premium discount for submitted health check-up
Details of New Product to be Introduced in March 2018

    April 2017                                        April 2018 New Product Introduction
 (Lowered standard
   rate of return)
                                                    (Revision of standard life expectancy table)

     Expectation of Customers and Society                                                  New Product
                                                                     Customer-oriented Proposition

● Response to diverse lifestyles, customer needs
                                                                                      Based entirely on primary policies
    and values
● Flexibility to changing lifestyles and values after                                         Introduction of new
                                                                                            coverage review system
    insurance coverage starts

                                                                     Support health promotion / early treatment

                                                                                  Health Check-up
● Contribution to sustainable social security system                                 Discount          1st in the Industry
● Extension of healthy life span
                                                                                      New benefits(for diabetes)etc.

                                                                                     Health promotion app / service

           Based on Dai-ichi Life research as of February 2018. First product to provide discount for health check-up result submission. 17
Introduction of              Health Check-up
                                Discount                                                 1st in the Industry

   Extensive support to people who are health conscious based on the idea that “the first step to
   becoming healthy is from a health check-up”
   Convey the significance of health check-ups to each customer with our network of 40,000 Life Plan
   Can contribute to “extending healthy life span” and “sustainable social security system”

  Health Check-up
     Discount       Program

   No Submission of
 Health Check-up Results                       Submission of Health Check-up Results
                                                                                                                   Outstanding results
                                                                                                                  for the below 3 items

                                              Premium with                                                                Blood
                                                Standard                                  Premium with
        Normal                                                                                Extra                      Pressure
       Premium                                for submitting                                Discount
                                                                                        for Outstanding                Blood Sugar
                                             health check-up                                                             (HbA1c)
                                                  results                                   Check-up
                                                                                             Results                     40years old

          Based on Dai-ichi Life research as of February 2018. First product to provide discount for health check-up result submission. 18
Health Check-up
   Discount       Developed through                         Initiatives

Through in-depth analysis of information from over 10 million in-force policies, we have found that
there is a significant difference in risk of mortality and certain diseases between those who received
health check-ups and those who did not.(Outcome of the Company’s InsTech initiatives)

         3 Major Disease Risks                                      Mortality Risk

   Without                        With                   Without                         With
   Check-up                     Check-up                 Check-up                      Check-up

  3 Major
 Diseases                       3 Major
    Risk                       Diseases                 Mortality
                                  Risk                   Risk                         Mortality

Health Check-up
     Discount        Developed through                                            Initiative

    Based on Dai-ichi Life's big data analysis three indicators turned out to be significant (BMI, blood
    pressure, blood sugar level)
  ~Criteria for Outstanding
                                                                                            Covered with                   Covered with
  Health Qualification~
                                                                                          “Assist Wide Plus”               “Assist Wide”
Test items           Result Range                            Impact on the body               Early Stage                    Late Stage

                                                             Increase of burden on the      Risk of large intestine     Invasive cancer of
                                                                                            intraepithelial cancer
                                                             heart and increase body       (Higher risk with obesity)     large intestine
                                                             internal fat
   BMI              18.0~27.0
                    18.0~27.0                              ⇒Higher cancer risk,            Risk of heart attack
                                                            high blood pressure,                                        Acute myocardial
                                                                                          due to arteriosclerosis
                                                            diabetes · arteriosclerosis         → surgery                  infarction
                                           Worse Results

                    Diastolic: less than                    Increase burden on              Brain aneurysm
                                                            cerebral vessels
 Blood                                                     ⇒Cerebral vascular disease
Pressure                                                                                  Three major
                    Systolic: less than
                                                            Blood vessels inside          complications of              · Hand & foot
                                                                                          diabetes                        amputation
                                                            damage                         · Neuropathy                 · Loss of eyesight
 Blood          Less than 5.5%                             ⇒Risk of retinopathy,           · Retinopathy                · Artificial dialysis
 Sugar          ※If no HbA1c results,                       nephropathy,                   · Nephropathy
 (HbA1c)         blood glucose level                        neuropathy                     Nursing care need level 1
  ※Over                                                                                                                  Nursing care need
                      should be                             Risk of dementia              due to dementia (Increased
40years old      less than 100mg/dl                                                          risk due to diabetes)      level 2 or equivalent
New Benefit for Diabetes

Diabetes is incurable and has an adverse effect on quality of life when symptoms become severe

 Introducing benefit for “complications from diabetes” to prevent deterioration of quality of life

 One in five adults are with or at risk for diabetes
  Estimated number of people with or at risk
  for diabetes

                   20 million
 (Source) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016

Diabetes and quality of life                                 3 Major Diabetes                      Severe
                                                              Complications                       Symptoms
  Percentage of persons identified as diabetic                Nephropathy                          Dialysis
  but not receiving treatment
  (over age of 20)                                             Retinopathy                        Blindness
                 35.7%                                         Neuropathy
 (Source) Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/
          National Health and Nutrition Survey 2016                         Benefit to support early treatment   21
Based Entirely on Primary Policies
 Combination from a selection of 17 policies, offering tailored coverage to each customer

            Coverage for
                                                 Assist Wide          ✔        Income Support Wide          ✔
               3 Major
                                               Assist Wide Plus       ✔          Critical Illness Term       ✔
            Diseases and
               Nursing                    Care Annuity Insurance
                                                                               Specific illness coverage
                                                                                   term insurance

                                               Term Insurance         ✔         Whole Life Insurance

            Coverage for                       Decreasing Term
                                                  Insurance           ✔         Endowment Insurance
                                         Term Life Insurance with                                                   - products
                                             Survival Benefit                                                          applicable
                                                                                                                       for health
                                                                              Advanced medical care                    check-up
                                       General Medical Insurance
                                                                                   insurance                           discount.
            Coverage for
                                        Life style related syndrome
             Illness and                 hospitalization Insurance
                                                                                 Elle for Ladies More
                Injuries                  Gynecological disease
                                         hospitalization insurance
                                                                            Specific damage insurance

    Other Products      (the following products will be continued and sold as a standalone product)
         Long-term term insurance "Success"       Whole Life Annuity “Nagaiki Monogatari”      Life disability pension term
                                                                                                   insurance "Exceed"
         Increasing term insurance “Majesty”                    Mickey

         Pension Plan ”Shiawase Monogatari”        Child Support Saving Type Insurance                                         22
Examples of Customer Needs & Product Combination

  Customer need for coverage of:                     Customer need for coverage of:
・Loss of ability to work due to illness/disability   ·Cancer, diabetes, nursing care need, hospitalization
・The risk of developing diabetes                       expenses
                                                     · Death
・Hospitalization expenses
                                                                 Assist Wide
     Assist Wide Plus
                                                                 Assist Wide Plus
     Income Support Wide                                         Nursing Care Annuity
                                                                 Term Insurance
     General Medical Insurance
                                                                 General Medical Insurance

 Customer need for coverage of:                      Customer need for coverage of:
・Whole life at fixed premium                         ・Risk of gynecological disease
・Death, nursing care need and medical expenses       ・Medical treatment as well as medical care
                                                      expenses with lump sum payment
      Nursing Care Annuity                                    Assist Wide Plus

      Whole Life Insurance                                    General Medical Insurance
                                                              Gynecological disease hospitalization insurance
      General Medical Insurance
                                                              Elle for Ladies More
Three Highlights of

    Tailor-made               Can be “Tailor-made” to cater to individual protection needs
                                       Based entirely on primary policies
                                       with the freedom to combine policies
                                        Introduction of new coverage review system
                                       to cope with changes in life phase
      Broad                   Be prepared for future risks with “Broad Coverage”
                                        Broad coverage for various risks of three major diseases,
                                        nursing care need, death, etc.
                                        New benefits (for diabetes) to support early treatment

      Discount                Submit health check-up results for a discount
                                          Health Check-up
                                             Discount                   1st in the Industry

                                        Providing premium discount for only submitting health check-up and extra
                                        discount if certain health condition criteria are met.
                                        Promote taking health check-up, supporting customer health improvement
                                        leading to a society that can live healthy and long lives!

      Based on Dai-ichi Life research as of February 2018. First product to provide discount for health check-up result submission. 24
Product Pricing Following April 2018

                           Profitability                Competitiveness                  Health Promotion

   Strategic pricing to secure both profitability and competitiveness in light of lowered assumed rate of mortality,
   introduction of health check-up discount and revision to probability rate of receiving medical care
   Assumed rate of return lowered (0.9%) for protection-type products and business owner insurance (assumed
   rate of return for savings-type products was lowered in April 2017)
   Value of gross sales revenue* to maintain current levels by offering fulfilling coverage reflecting customer needs

* An internal index of revenue of the sales force and is the value of new business before deduction of operating expenses etc. excluding the
effect associated with environmental changes.

Initiatives for Customers, Society and Dai-ichi Life to Connect

                                 Supporting Improvement in Quality of Life
 Higher health              ・Extension of healthy life span
 awareness & promote        ・Appropriate medical treatment                                      Health Check-up
 health check-ups                                                                                  Discount

                       Society                                                 Dai-ichi Life
           Sustainable social security                          Sustainable growth through creating social value
 ・Prevent increase in payment of social security               ・Offer insurance that supports health promotion
 benefits                                                      ・Detailed care for customers with diverse needs
                                                               ・Expand market share, increase corporate value

                                 Team-up with local governments for health themed initiatives

          Sustainable Growth of Corporate Value
Investor Contact
Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
Investor Relations Group
Corporate Planning Unit
+81 50 3780 6930

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