3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report

Page created by Russell Williams
3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
3M State of
Science Index

  2018 Global Report
3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
Table of contents

      3      Survey approach and methodology

      7      Executive summary

      12 Image of science

      23 Understanding the impact of science

      36 Expectations of science

      47 Science trust index methodology

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3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
Survey approach and
3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
What it is and why 3M did this study…
    What is the State of Science Index
    The State of Science Index is original, third-party research that explores global attitudes about science. We commissioned
    this surveyed across 14 countries to examine perceptions of science and its positive or negative impact on society. It also
    captures sentiment towards science, through measures of appreciation, popularity, interest level and trust vs. skepticism.

    Why 3M did this study
    Science matters. It matters to us, because it’s science that fuels 3M’s Vision: technology improving every company, products
    enhancing every home and innovation improving every life.

    But what does the world think of science? Is it recognized and appreciated? Do people see, feel and appreciate its impact?
    Or are they largely unaware of it, unconscious and indifferent to its presence around them? Are they trusting or skeptical of
    science and scientists? Do they even care?

    We couldn’t find the answers, so we conducted our own research to get them. The result is the 3M State of Science Index.
    Discover what we found out about the image of science, along with revelations and insights from people all over the world.

    If the world is indifferent to science, what are the consequences? Do apathy and skepticism undermine importance and
    respect for science and the role it plays in society? And could that ultimately impact science as a priority along with future
    scientific endeavors, funding and research?

    This document is the global report form of the 3M 2018. State of Science Index, for additional details please visit
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                      4
3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
Where we surveyed

     Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
     Singapore, UK, US


     Brazil, China, India, Mexico,
     Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa

 *Based on the MSCI Market Classification 2018.: https://www.msci.com/market-classification
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3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
Survey methodology
                                                      Representative sample of national population adults (18+) in each country based on age, gender, region,
                                                      race/ethnicity (where applicable)*
                                                      Sub-set (345 globally) of key business decision influencers (KBDIs)** defined as between the age of 25-54, high income ($100,000+
                                                      US and equivalent globally), are at least partially responsible for the purchasing decisions for their company’s products, services or
                                                      solutions, and working in at least one of the following core industries:
    Audience                                                 • Transportation (e.g., airlines, trains, buses, etc.) or Cars/Auto parts
                                                             • Electrical equipment, repair & supplies (e.g., semi-conductors, tapes, connectors, cables, electrician, etc.)
                                                             • Healthcare
                                                             • Manufacturing (e.g., consumer or industrial production, machinery/heavy equipment, agriculture)
                                                             • Energy (renewable/non-renewable)
                                                             • Safety/Industrial hygiene (e.g., protective gear, helmets, masks, safety lighting)
                                                      14 countries
    Countries                                         Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, UK, US

    Sample size                                       ~1,000 per country (14,036 globally)

    Survey methodology &                              15-minute survey, combination offline and online
                                                      Fielding/interviewing completed Jun. 14-Aug. 26, 2017; data cleaning, quality control checking, weighting completed Aug. 26-Sept.
    timing                                            25, 2017; global and country specific analysis, content strategy development Sept.-early Nov. 2017
                                                      At the 95% confidence level
    Margin of error                                   •      14-country total: +/- 0.83 percentage points
                                                      •      Each individual country: +/- 3.10 percentage points

    Science was                                       Science is the process of pursuing knowledge about the world and how things in the world work through logically
    defined as***:                                    gathering, observing, experimenting and applying truths on a particular subject
  *Additional weighting also done on education, income, urban vs. rural for certain countries to achieve better national representation
  **KBDIs can be analyzed on global level only, not country-specific as sample size is too small per country
  ***Science definition provided in two-thirds of the survey
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3M State of Science Index - 2018 Global Report
Executive summary
State of science: global themes
  Through our survey findings, insights and stories, and making the data accessible to everyone, 3M wants to provoke a
  conversation about science—how it is viewed and the role it plays in society and everyday life.

                             Image                      Impact                               Expectations
                           of science                  of science                             of science

                     Around the world,              People appreciate                      People have high hopes
                     people are fascinated          science from a distance,               for what science can
                     with science, but a clear      but it is taken for                    achieve, but there are
                     and powerful skepticism        granted in everyday life.              barriers to overcome.

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Theme 1 key findings: image of science
On the surface, people around the world                                         They see the benefits science brings            Yet, there is a solid and passionate group
are fascinated by science.                                                      to society.                                     skeptical of science.

• Almost 7x more likely to be fascinated (rather                                • 91% believe science drives innovation.        • One in three (32%) are skeptical of science,
  than bored) when they hear the word science                                   • 87% say the world is a better place today       and this group tends to drive negative and
  (87% vs. 13%).                                                                  because of science.                             indifferent perceptions of science.
• When asked if they would rather have dinner                                   • 9x more likely to hear the word science and   • Skepticism may be fueled by a lack of
  and a conversation with sets of celebrity                                       feel hopeful rather than discouraged (90%       knowledge, as 24% of skeptics know
  scientists or pop culture stars, 32% of people                                  vs. 10%).                                       nothing about versus a global average of
  chose scientists exclusively and 40% chose a                                                                                    18%.
  combination of the two.
• 84% wish they knew more about science in
Rather get dinner with*:                                                        When you hear the word “science,”                           Skeptics are more likely to…
                                                                                you feel…
                                                                                                                                                       Be indifferent towards the
                                                32%                                  Hopeful, 90%            Discouraged,                              future of science
                                                              Scientists only                                    10%             32% are               (26% vs.18% of non-skeptics )
                                                              Pop culture             Fascinated, 87%         Bored, 13%         skeptics          Think science is boring
                                                              stars only                                                                           (49% vs. 12% of non-skeptics)

                                                              Combination                                                                   Believe if science didn’t
                                      27%                                                                                                   exist, everyday life wouldn’t
                                                                                                                                            be that different
*Percentages may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding                                                                                 (60% vs. 27% of non-skeptics)
 © 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                   9
Theme 2 key findings: understanding the impact of science
Some people know nothing and are not               People are unaware of the impact of              Science is less fulfilling as an adult; best
interested in engaging in science.                 science in their everyday lives.                 left up to the next generation.

• Very few (14%) around the world know “a lot”     • Significantly more believe science is very     • Over half (56%) felt more excited about
  about science.                                     important to society in general (63%) than it    science as a kid than they do now.
• Those who know nothing are less likely than        is to their everyday life (46%).               • 54% do not regret pursuing a non-science-
  the global average to want to know more          • Majority (66%) only think about the impact       related career choice.
  about science (68% vs. 84% globally).              of science on their everyday lives a little or • Few believe traditional science related to fields
• One-quarter (27%) do not see the point of          never.                                           like engineering (17%), life science (13%), and
  needing to understand science as adults.         • Nearly two out of five (38%) believe that if     physical science (8%) would lead to a
                                                     science didn’t exist, their everyday lives       satisfying career for themselves, compared to
                                                     wouldn’t be that different.                      business (24%), IT (22%), and education (19%).
                                                                                                    • One-third (36%) believe only geniuses can
                                                                                                      have a career in science.
How much do you know about science overall?         Science is very important to….                  Yet, thinking about the next generation…
                                                    (top box: very important only)
                                  68%                            Society                    63%
                                                                                                           82% would                92% of
                                                         Your community               48%                  encourage             parents want
        14%                               18%                                                                kids to              their kids to
                                                       Your everyday life            46%                    pursue a              know more
                                                                                                            career in                about
                                                   Your family's everyday
        A lot                 A little   Nothing                                     43%                    science                 science

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Theme 3 key findings: expectations of science
 There are high expectations for what                      But many do not realize the extent of           And people are cognizant of the
 science can achieve in the future.                        science’s reach.                                barriers to scientific advancements.

• 66% feel excited when thinking about the                 • Three out four believe science can help       • 69% believe other countries are placing
  future impact of science on society, over                  solve global challenges around disease          higher value on science than their own.
  indifferent (20%) or afraid (14%).                         treatment (75%), access to affordable         • For one-third (34%), the biggest barrier
• 62% believe the best days of science are still             renewable energy (75%), energy supply           to scientific advancements in the future is
  to come.                                                   (74%), Internet access (73%) and clean          inadequate funding.
• Half or more think science will cure cancer                water (73%).                                  • 42% believe their own country is falling
  (67%) and lead to robots in every workplace              • However, significantly fewer see science as     behind when it comes to scientific
  (64%) and home (55%) and flying cars (51%) in              solving hunger (45%), overcrowded cities        advancements compared to other
  their lifetime.                                            (40%), poverty (35%), or unemployment           countries.
 When thinking about the future impact of                  Do you believe science can find solutions                    69% believe other
 science, I feel…                                          for the following global challenges?                         countries place a higher
                                                                                                                        value on science than their
                                                           Top 5                    Bottom 5                            own.
                                    20% are
                                   indifferent             Disease treatment        Hunger
            66%                                            Renewable energy         Aging population                    42% believe their country
         are excited                                       access                   Overcrowded cities                  is falling behind when it
                                                 14% are   Energy supply            Poverty                             comes to scientific
                                                  afraid   Internet access          Unemployment                        advancements compared
                                                           Clean water                                                  to other countries.

                                                                                                                                  =10% of total surveyed n=14,036
 © 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                    11
of science
Unaided people see science as the study of understanding
  the world, nature and life

                 Science is…

  Q3: Please fill in what you think science is in no more than two to three sentences. Science is… Base=Total (14,036
  Note: English responses shown only. Roughly n=4,000

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It is viewed as mainstream cool today

   • When given the chance, people
     would rather sit down and have
     dinner and a conversation with a
                                                                                            32%                27%                 40%
     well known scientist over a pop                                                        chose scientists   chose pop culture   chose a
     culture icon.
                                                                                            only               celebrities only    combination of both
   • Older generations are more likely
     to pick a scientist only:
        • 35% of 51+ year-olds
        • 31% of 35-50 year-olds
        • 30% of 18-34 year-olds

 Asked of two different combinations of scientists and celebrities. % reflects those who selected scientist
 only for both questions vs. pop culture only for both questions vs. a scientist for one question and pop
 culture celebrity for the other.
 Celebrity and scientist combinations varied country-to-country.
  Q1: For each pairing below, who would you rather have dinner and a conversation with? Base=Total [14,036],
  51+ n=5,221, 35-50 n=4,056, 18-34 n=4,759
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People are fascinated by science and want to know more

  When I hear the word “science,” I feel….

                             87%                                          vs.                              13%                More than four
                       Fascinated                                                                          Bored             out of five (84%)
                                                                                                                             wish they knew
                                                                                                                               more about
                                                                                                                                science in
                            90%                                           vs.                             10%                    general.
                           Hopeful                                                              Discouraged

  Q4: For each pairing, please choose the word that best describes how you feel when you hear the word “science.” When I
  hear the word science, I feel… ; Q9. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Base=Total
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                  15
However, a strong-minded group is skeptical and
  distrusting of science
                                                                                                                 How much do you agree with the following
                                                                                                                           (completely or somewhat agree)

                                                                               57% say science                 20%
                                                                                causes just as
    32% are skeptical                                                          many problems as                                                                   14%
      of science.                                                                 solutions.
                                                                                 (even higher among
                                                                                skeptics (77% vs. 47%
                                                                                   of non-skeptics)

                                                                                                        I distrust scientists     I do not believe in       I distrust science
                                                                                                                                   scientific claims

  Q12: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Base=Total [14,036]

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Trust toward science differs by country
   Science trust index*
   • The index quantifies perceptions of
     trust and skepticism of science to
     understand how this differs across                           India            Saudi Arabia           Mexico               China                                         US
                                                                                                                                                     Brazil                                     Canada
                                                                67.2                  61.4                61.3                60.7                  60.3                  57.3                  55.5
   • The higher the country’s score, the
     greater their trust toward science is,
     and the lower the score, the more
     skeptical and distrusting of science
     the country is.

                                                                     UK              South Africa           Poland               France              Germany                                    Japan

                                                                  54.1                53.3                 53.0                 53.0                 50.2                 49.1                  49.1
                 Total = 56.1

*The score was calculated by combining consumers’ responses on the following questions from the survey: (Q12) How much do you agree or disagree … - I trust scientists; I trust science; I am
skeptical of science; I believe in scientific claims
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Skeptics have far more negative views
  Perceiving science as boring, inaccessible, and unimportant to both society and their everyday life.

                                            When asked if they agree with the following statements, skeptics and non-skeptics said:
                                                               (completely or somewhat agree)
                    Technological advancements are more important than                                                                       36%
                                      scientific ones                                                                                                          66%

         If science didn’t exist, my everyday life would not be all that                                                               27%
                                    different                                                                                                            60%

            If science didn’t exist, society wouldn’t be all that different                                                            28%

                                         Only geniuses can have a career in science                                                    28%

                                                                                                                               12%                                   Non-Skeptics
                                                                                           Science is boring                                       49%               Skeptics

                           As an adult, I don’t see the point of now needing to                                                  17%
                                            understand science                                                                                     48%

  Percentage of respondents who selected somewhat agree or completely agree
  Q9: How much do you agree with the following statements? ; Q12: How much do you agree or disagree with the following
  statements? ; Q15: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Skeptics n=4,476; Non-Skeptics n=9,560
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                     18
Skeptics question the impact of science more

                                                                                                             In general, what kind of impact do you believe science has on
   • Skeptics are significantly more
     likely to believe that science has a                                                                                     each of the following today?
     negative or no impact on life today                                                                                           (percent who said negative or no impact)
     compared to non-skeptics.
                                                                                                       30%                                                    30%
                                                                                                                                        26%                         25%

                                                                                                       The planet                   Society in general        My local        My everyday life
                                                                                                                                              Skeptics     Non-Skeptics

  Q16: In general, what kind of impact do you believe science has on each of the following today? Skeptics n=4,476; Non-Skeptics
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Skeptics are less excited about the future of science

                                                                                                         When asked if they felt excited, indifferent, or afraid about the future
   • Skeptics are more likely to feel
     Skeptics are 14 percentage points                                                                           impact of science, skeptics and non-skeptics felt:
      indifferent and afraid of science:
     less likely to feel excited about the
          • Indifferent (26% vs. 18%
     future of science.
             non-skeptics)                                                                                                            Skeptics                           Non-Skeptics
          • Afraid (18% vs. 12% non-

   • Compared to the global                                                                                                    18%                                       12%
     average, skeptics are:
        • Less likely to feel excited
          (56% vs. 66% globally)                                                                                                                                18%
        • More likely to feel
          indifferent (26% vs. 20%)                                                                                                               56%
        • More likely to feel afraid                                                                                26%
          (18% vs. 14%)                                                                                                                                                                 70%

                                                                                                                                                 Excited   Indifferent    Afraid

  Q7: When you think about the future impact of science on society, do you feel…? Please choose the feeling that most describes how
  you feel Skeptics n=4,476; Non-Skeptics n=9,560

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Building knowledge about science’s positive impact on
  everyday life may help sway skeptics
                                                                                                            How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?
    • Skeptics are more likely to report                                                                 I care more about the impact science has on my everyday life than on
      they know nothing about science                                                                                             society in general
      (24% of skeptics versus 15%

                                                                                                                        9%         36%                       42%                 14%
    • Interestingly, they care more                                                             population
      about the impact of science on
      their everyday life over society in
      general (68%) compared to non-
      skeptics (50%).                                                                               Skeptics            7%   25%                      47%                     21%

    • Closing this knowledge gap by
      show how science is relatable in                                                                                  9%          41%                         40%                 10%
      one’s everyday life may help
      decrease skepticism.

                                                                                                    Completely disagree        Somewhat disagree     Somewhat agree      Completely agree

  Q15: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? ; Q8: How much would you say you know
  about science overall? Select one. Base=Total [14,036] Skeptics, n=4,476; Non-Skeptics n=9,560
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                             21
Who are the science skeptics, passives, and supporters?
    Nearly half are either skeptical or passive toward science
                                                               Those who are skeptical of science are more likely to:
                                                               • Skew younger (39% are 18-34 vs. global average of 34%).
                        32%                                    • Be from the Asia & Pacific (37%) and Middle East & Africa (42%) regions.
                                                               • Know nothing about science than global average (24% vs. 18%).
                         skeptics                              • Have felt more excited about science as a kid than now (68% vs. 56% global average).
                                                               • Not see the point to understanding science as an adult (48% vs. 27% global average).

                                                               Those who feel indifferent about the future impact of science, rather than excited or afraid, are more likely to:
                                                               • Skew older (43% are 51+ vs. 37% global average).

                        20%                                    • Skew female (57% vs. 51% global average).
                                                               • Be from the Asia & Pacific region (24%).
                         passives                              • Feel bored (31% vs. 13% global average) and discouraged (21% vs. 10% global average) about science
                                                               • Know nothing about science (35%) compared to global average (18%).
                                                               • Not typically read or hear about science (35% vs. 15% global average).

                                                               Those who believe science is very important to their everyday life are more likely to:
                        46%                                    • Skew younger (38% are 18-34 vs. 34% global average).
                                                               • Skew male (53% vs. 49% global average).
                       everyday                                • Be from South America (66%).
                      supporters                               • Feel excited about the future of science (77% vs. 66% global average).
                                                               • Know a lot about science (21%) compared to global average (14%).
                                                               • Wish they knew more about science (91% vs. 84% global average).
  Skeptics are defined as those who answered they completely or somewhat agree with            Passives are defined as those who answered they feel indifferent when they think about the future   Everyday supporters are defined as those who answered very important to the
  the statement: "I am skeptical of science" n=4,476 (32% of population)                       impact of science on society over hopeful, n=2,836 (20% of population)                              statement: "Thinking about the present-day, how important do you feel science is to
  These audiences are not mutually exclusive; 2% of the population do not fall into any of these categories                                                                                        you in your everyday life" n=6,481 (46% of population)
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          22
the impact of
People believe science is important to the world around them
  However, it is seen as more important on the macro, societal level than day-to-day.

   • Views of science’s importance
                                                                                                                  Thinking about the present-day, how important do you feel
     are often restricted to big, global
     issues rather than small, day-to-                                                                                                   science is…
     day innovations.                                                                                                                                                                   92% important
                                                                                           To society in general 4%4%                    30%                     63%                    total
   • 63% view science as very
     important to society, while just
     46% say the same for their                                                                    To your local
                                                                                                                                6% 7%           39%                   48%
                                                                                                                                                                                        87% important
     everyday lives.
                                                                                                 community/town                                                                         total

                                                                                         To your family in their
                                                                                                                 6% 9%                           43%                    43%             86% important
                                                                                             everyday lives                                                                             total

                                                                                     To you in your everyday
                                                                                                             5% 7%                              41%                    46%              88% important
                                                                                                life                                                                                    total

                                                                                      No opinion/Don't care                     Not important    Somewhat important    Very important

  Q11:Thinking about the present-day, how important do you feel science is… Base=Total [14,036] *Due to rounding, some number
  may not add up to 100

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Many do not fully view science’s impact today as positive
  • Most view science’s impact today
    as somewhat positive over                                                                             In general, what kind of impact do you believe science has had on each of
    completely positive.                                                                                                             the following today?
  • People are more likely to believe
    that science has no impact on their                                                                                        57%                                    56%
    local communities (21%) and                                                                                                                                                        Completely
    everyday lives (18%) than on                                                                                                                                                       positive
    society (13%) or the planet (11%).                                                                                                                                                 Somewhat
  • They are more likely to think
    science has a completely positive                                                             27%                                                                                  No impact
    impact on the planet, especially                                                                                         24%
                                                                                                                                                  19%   21%         22%
    when compared to their local                                                                                                                                          18%          Somewhat
    communities (27% vs. 19%).                                                                                                      13%                                                negative
                                                                                                                 11% 10%
                                                                                                                                        5%                                             Completely
                                                                                                                                                          4%                 3%
                                                                                                                        2%                   1%                1%                 1%   negative

                                                                                                              Planet               Society        Community/town     Everyday life

  Q16: In general, what kind of impact do you believe science has on each of the following today? Base=Total [14,036]

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                               25
Science is taken for granted in one’s everyday life
• Two-thirds (66%) of people think about science’s impact on their everyday lives a little or never.
    • Women are significantly less likely than men to think about the impact of science in their lives (71% of females think about science a little
      or never versus 63% of males).

                                                                                                                                         How much do you think about the impact of
                                                                                                                                              science in your everyday life?

                         64%                             Think science will have a                                                                 Never     A little     A lot
                                                         small impact to no impact
                                                         on their industry*

                         38%                             Agree that if science didn’t
                                                         exist, their everyday life
                                                         wouldn’t be that different

                                                         Agree that society
                                                         wouldn’t be that different if
                                                         science didn’t exist                                                                                           54%

 Q14: How much do you think about the impact of science in your everyday life? Select one. Q15. How much do you agree or disagree
 with each of the following statements? - If science didn’t exist, society wouldn’t be all that different. Base=Total [14,036] Q29.
 Thinking about the industry or field you work in specifically, how much of an impact, if any, do you believe science will have in the
 future of your industry/field? *Among those who are employed n=7,730
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                      26
Overall knowledge of science today is limited

                                                                                                                                                                  Only 68% of people
                                                                                                                                   Women are more                 who know nothing
                                                                                                                                   likely than men to            about science want to

                                                                                                                                      know nothing                know more, versus
                                            Know little to nothing
                                                                                                                                      about science               89% of people who
                                            about science
                                                                                                                                      (21% vs. 15%).              already know a lot.

               14%                          Know a lot about science

                                                                                                                                                20% of 18-34 year
                                                                                                                                                 olds know “a lot”
                                                                                                                                                   about science
                                                                                                                                                compared to 9% of
                                                                                                                                                 those 51 or older.

  Q8: How much would you say you know about science overall? Select one; Q9: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the
  following statements?; Q15: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Base=Total [14,036] Women
  n=7,153 Men n=6,883; Know “Nothing” n=2,528 Know “A Little” n=9,540 Know “A Lot” n=1,968; 18-34 n=4,759 51+ n=5,221
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                          27
Confusion on the relationship between science & tech exists
  Nearly half (46%) view technological advancements as more important than scientific ones.

                 Which of the following statements best describes
                     your view on science and technology?
                                                                                                                                          “Technologies are
                                                                                                                                            invented from
            Without science there is no
                                                                                                                           42%                 scientific
           Science and technology are                                                                                                                         “Technology is the
           completely different things                                                                                                                           application of
    Science and technology are the                                                                                                                                 scientific
                                                                                        14%                                            “Science involves        knowledge and
          exact same thing
                                                                                                                                        technology, and        principles to the
     Without technology there is no                                                                                                       technology           improvement of
                science                                                                                                                involves science.          human life.”
                                                                                                                                       They are different
                                                Not sure                               13%                                              but necessary to
                                                                                                                                          each other.”

  Q5. Which of the following statements best describes your view on science and technology?; Q6: Why do you feel [Q5 answer]? Please
  answer in no more than three sentences; Q15. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Base=Total
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                    28
Building knowledge is key to improving people’s grasp on
how important science is
                                                                 Self-reported knowledge of science by importance and impact:
                                                                     Percent who think science is important to everyday life
                                                                     Percent who think science has a positive impact on their everyday life today
                                                                     Percent who think science will have a positive impact on their everyday life in the future
                                                                     Percent who think the world is a better place today because of science

                                                                                                               91%                                      92%   90%    92%
                                                                                                                                81%   80%
                                   58%              59%

                     Those Who Know Nothing                                                                        Those Who Know A Little         Those Who Know A Lot
  Q11: Thinking about the present-day, how important do you feel science is…; Q12. How much do you agree or disagree with each
  of the following statements? - The world is a better place today because of science; Q16: In general, what kind of impact do you
  believe science has on each of the following today? ; Q19: In the future, what kind of impact do you believe science will have on
  each of the following? Base=Total [14,036]
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                            29
Science is deeply associated with healthcare; people are less
aware of everything else science touches

                    Please name what you
                    think is the MOST
                    IMPORTANT scientific
                    discovery or claim in
                    your lifetime...

  Q17. Please name what you think is the MOST IMPORTANT scientific discovery or claim in your lifetime. Base=Total [14,036]
  *English responses shown only. Roughly n=4,000

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                               30
Some don’t think there is a need to understand science as an

               More than one-                                                                                                    • People with low income are more
             quarter (27%) don’t                                                                          Half do not regret a     likely than average to not see the
               see the point of                                                                              non-science           point of needing to understand
                                                                                                                                   science as adults (36%).
                 needing to                                                                                 related career
             understand science                                                                             choice (54%).        • Men (50%) are more likely than
                                                                                                                                   women (43%) to regret not pursuing a
                 as an adult.                                                                                                      science-related career.

    Q9: How much do you agree with the following statements? Base=Total [14,036] Men n=6,883, Women n=7,153, Low
    income n=5,231
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                         31
Excitement for science is stronger in kids than adults;
  notable portion say only geniuses can have a science career
                                                                                                                     How much do you agree with the following statements?
  • People in emerging countries (62%)                                                                                              (completely or somewhat agree)
    are more likely than those in
    developed countries (49%) to have
    felt more excited about science as a                                                                              56%
    kid than they do now.

  • The genius stereotype is also higher
    in emerging economies (44%) over
    developed ones (29%).

                                                                                                   I felt more excited about science when I    Only geniuses can have a career in
                                                                                                            was a kid than I do now                        science

  Q9: How much do you agree with the following statements? Base=Total [14,036] Emerging n=7,019 Developing n=7,017
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                     32
Perceptions that “traditional” science careers aren’t
                                                                                                                 If you had the option to start a career in any field of study today,
   • Among those who know a lot
     about science, engineering (23%)                                                                           which of the following do you think would be most likely to lead to
     and medicine (19%) are more likely                                                                                             a satisfying career for you?
     to be viewed as satisfying careers
     (compared to 17% of global                                                                                                                       Business                                 24%
     average each).                                                                                     Information Technology (IT)/Computer science                                         22%
                                                                                                                                          Education/Teaching                           19%
   • Men are significantly more likely to
     be interested in engineering than                                                                                                             Engineering                       17%
     women (25% vs. 9%).                                                                                                                             Medicine                        17%
                                                                                                                                                    Art/Design                       17%
   • Women are more likely to be                                                                                                                    Legal/Law                  14%
     interested in medicine (20% vs.
                                                                                                                     Life science (e.g., biology, zoology, etc.)           13%
     14%) and life science (15% vs. 10%).
                                                                                                                                   Communications/Marketing                13%
                                                                                                                                                         Music            12%
                                                                                                                                                        History          11%
                                                                                              Physical science (e.g., chemistry, physics, astronomy)                8%
                                                                                                                                       Mathematics/Statistics      6%
                                                                                                                                                         Other     6%
  Q2: If you had the option to start a career in any field of study today, which TWO of the following do you think would be most
  likely to lead to a satisfying career for you? Select top two. Base=Total [14,036] Men n=6,883 Women n=7,153 Know “A Lot”
  about science n=1,968

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                      33
Pressure is on the next generation to push science forward

                    92%                        of parents want their kids to know more about science

                              Increases to 98% among                                              Increases to 97% among                       Increases to 96% in North
                              those who think science is                                          those who view the future                    America (both US and
                              very important                                                      impact of science positively                 Canada)

                    82%                        would encourage kids to pursue a career in science
                                                                                                                                               Increases to 89% among
                              Increases to 92% among                                              Increases to 89% of those                                                Increases to 89% in
                                                                                                                                               those who are considered
                              those who think science is                                          with positive views of the                                               US, China, and South
                                                                                                                                               key business decision
                              very important                                                      future impact of science                                                 Africa
                                                                                                                                               makers in 3M fields

  Q9. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Base=Total [14,036] and Base=Parents only (n=4,774)
  Very important: Q11. Thinking about the present-day, how important do you feel science is… [Very Important for all four], n=4,149
  Future impact positive: Q19. In the future, what kind of impact do you believe science will have on each of the following? [Positive (net)
  all four], n=8,870; KBDI n=345; United States n=1,007, Canada n=1,002, China n=1,009, South Africa n=1,006

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                   34
To get the next generation interested, they must understand
 science’s impact on the world
                                               What would be the most effective in convincing students today
                                                            to pursue a career in science? If…

                  Students understood how science provides the
                        opportunity to improve the world
                          Students had a better understanding of the
                           different career opportunities in science
              There were more mentorship/work opportunities                                                                                                        Emerging
               for students with people who work in science
                                                                                                                                                              countries prioritize
                                                         Schools had better science                                                                           improving schools’
                                                          equipment/laboratories                                                                              science equipment
             Science was more relatable to students’ everyday                                                                                                  and laboratories
                                                                                                                                                26%              (33% vs. 21%
                                   Science teachers were more engaging                                                                    22%

           Students understood how they could make a lot of
                       money through science

 Q13: Which TWO, if any, of the following do you think would be most effective in convincing students today to pursue a career in
 science? Please select top two. IF… Base=Total (n=14,036); Emerging n=7,019, Developed n=7,017

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                      35
of science
Despite taking science for granted in everyday life today,
  people are optimistic for the future
                                                                                        When thinking about the future impact of science…
   • People are three times more
     likely to be excited about the
     impact of science in the future
     than indifferent or afraid.

   • Fear is highest in South America
     (19%) while indifference is
     highest in the Asia & Pacific                                                                                                    are indifferent
     region (24%).

   • Men (70%) are more likely to feel
     excited than women (62%), as
     are parents (72%) over non-
     parents (63%).                                                                                                     are excited                     14%
                                                                                                                                                        are afraid

  Q7. When you think about the future impact of science on society, do you feel…? Please choose the feeling that most describes how
  you feel. Base=Total [14,036]; Asia & Pacific region n=4,006; South America n=2,008; Men n=6,883, Women n=7,153; Parents
  n=4,774, Non-parents n=9,262
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                      37
Majority believe that the best days of science are ahead

   • The expectation that the best
     days of science are still to come
     is even higher in developed
     countries (68%) than in
     emerging (56%).

   • Emerging countries are more
     likely to think the best days of
     science are now (30%) than
                                                                                   “The best days of
                                                                                                                                          “The best days
                                                                                                                                                                                “The best days of
     developed countries (17%).
                                                                                   science are in the                                     of science are                        science are still to
                                                                                         past”                                                 now”                                  come”
   • Science skeptics are more likely
     than non-skeptics to believe that
     the best days of science are in
     the past (20% vs. 12% non-
     skeptics).                                                                                         91% believe science drives                   42% believe without science,
                                                                                                                             innovation                    there is no technology

  Q20. The following question asks about the “best days of science,” meaning the time period where science achieved, is achieving, or
  will achieve the greatest discoveries and advancements. With this in mind, which of the following statements do you agree with the
  most? Select one.; Q12. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? - Science drives innovation; Q5.
  Which of the following statements best describes your view on science and technology? Base=Total [14,036] Emerging n=7,019,
  Developed n=7,017; Skeptics n=4,476, Non-skeptics n=9,560
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                38
Most have high expectations for what science can achieve
  in the future
   • Expectations increase in emerging                                                                             Do you think science will achieve each of the following in your lifetime?
     countries. Almost all achievements
     scored 10-20 percentage points
     higher in emerging than in                                                            67%
     developed countries, with the                                                                                64%
     exception of robots in the                                                                                                        55%
     workplace and home.                                                                                                                             51%

   • Men have higher expectations                                                                                                                                 41%
     than women.                                                                                                                                                             35%           33%
   • 57% of men believe science will                                                                                                                                                                    28%         26%
     achieve flying cars in their
     lifetimes, versus 45% of women.

                                                                                     Cure cancer              Robots in               Robots in   Flying cars   Undersea   Inhabiting   Controlling   Telepathy Teleportation
                                                                                                                every                every home                  living      Mars       the weather

  Q22. In the future, what kind of impact do you believe science will have on each of the following? Base=Total [14,036]; Emerging
  n=7,019, Developed n=7,017; Men n=6,883, Women n=7,153

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                                        39
Expectations highest among younger adults, but majority of
     adults 51 or older believe scientists will cure cancer in their
                                                                     Do you think science will achieve each of the following in your lifetime?

         72%                                                                                                               18-34 year olds         35-50 year olds           51+ year olds
            69%                       69%
                        60%                                                  59%                  58%
                                                                                     46%                                                         45%
                                                                                                                 42%                 43%
                                                                                                                                                      37%            37%
                                                                                                                                         33%                               35%         33%          32%
                                                                                                                                                                                          29%          27%
                                                                                                                                                          25%                 27%

          Cure cancer                Robots in every               Robots in every                   Flying cars               Undersea living   Inhabiting Mars     Controlling the    Telepathy   Teleportation
                                       workplace                       home                                                                                            weather

  Q22. Do you think science will achieve each of the following in your lifetime? 18-34 n=4,759 35-50 n=4,056 51+ n=5,221

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                                     40
About three in four believe science can solve global challenges
related to healthcare, energy, internet access and clean water
But they are not fully grasping the extent of science’s reach.
  • Healthcare and energy are the                                                                                                Do you believe science can find solutions for the
    areas for which people most                                                                                                   following global challenges? (“Yes” responses)
    believe science can find                                                                                                   Disease treatment                                       75%
    solutions, while social issues like                                                                   Access to affordable renewable energy                                        75%
    overcrowding earn less                                                                                                         Energy supply                                       74%
    confidence.                                                                                                                   Internet access                                     73%
                                                                                                              Clean water supply and sanitation                                       73%
  • People tend to have more                                                                                                  Disease prevention                                     70%
    confidence in science’s ability to                                                                                          Workplace safety                              61%
    solve macro issues (e.g. disease                                                                                         Road/driving safety                              61%
    treatment, energy supply) over                                                                                                       Pollution                           60%
                                                                                                                                Healthcare costs                          52%
    everyday issues (e.g.
                                                                                                                               Traffic congestion                         52%
    unemployment, workplace                                                                                                Online data breaches                           52%
    safety, road/driving safety,                                                                                                  Border security                       46%
    traffic congestion, online data                                                                                              Climate change                         46%
    breaches).                                                                                                                            Hunger                        45%
                                                                                                                                Aging population                      41%
                                                                                                                          Overcrowding in cities                      40%
                                                                                                                                          Poverty                   35%
                                                                                                                                  Unemployment                     33%

  Q23: Below is a list of global challenges the world faces today. Do you believe science can find solutions for the following
  global challenges? (Yes Only) Base=Total [14,036]
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                              41
Healthcare and energy also top the list when asked what
  industries science will most impact in the next five years
  • People around the world believe                                                                            Which of the following industries do you think will be most impacted by
    that traditional STEM industries—                                                                                              science in the next five years?
    healthcare (25%), energy (24%),
    and aerospace and defense                                                                                                        Healthcare                                        25%
    (22%)—will be most impacted by                                                                                                       Energy                                    24%
    science in the next five years.                                                                                      Aerospace & defense                                     22%
                                                                                                                               Cars/Auto parts                               20%
  • However, few believe industries
    like transportation, safety/industrial                                                                               Consumer electronics                              19%
    hygiene and manufacturing will be                                                                                                        IT                           18%
    impacted by science.                                                                                                    Chemicals/Metals                   10%
                                                                                                                              Food & beverage                  10%
                                                                                                                          Telecommunications              7%
                                                                                                        Electrical equipment, repair & supplies           7%
                                                                                                                   Construction/home building             7%
                                                                                                                                Manufacturing            6%
                                                                                                                                Transportation           6%
                                                                                                                      Safety/industrial hygiene     3%
                                                                                                                   No industry / field impacted           7%

  Q27. Which, if any, of the following industries do you think will be most impacted by science in the next five years? Please
  select top two. Base=Total [14,036]
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                              42
But it isn’t all positive…

   • When asked about science’s future
                                                                                                                              In the future, what kind of impact do you believe science will
     impact, around two-thirds (63%) of
     people are optimistic, but more people                                                                                                   have on each of the following?
     see this future impact as somewhat
     positive over completely positive.
                                                                                                                                                  54%                 53%                      53%
   • Emerging economies are much more                                                                                       49%
     likely than developed ones to believe
     science will have a completely positive
     impact on all aspects of life in the future:
         • Planet - 36% emerging vs. 21%                                                                           28%                      26%                                             25%
            developed                                                                                                                                             22%
                                                                                                                                                                         19%                      17%
         • Society - 35% vs. 16%                                                                                                                    13%
         • Everyday lives - 34% vs. 15%                                                                                           8%                    6%                      4%                    4%
         • Local communities - 32% vs. 13%                                                                                             2%                    1%                      1%                    1%
   • People are more likely to think science
                                                                                                                             Planet                Society         Community/town             Everyday life
     will have no impact on micro aspects
     (community and everyday life)
                                                                                                                            Completely positive           Somewhat positive               No impact
     compared to macro aspects (planet and
                                                                                                                            Somewhat negative             Completely negative

  Q19. In the future, what kind of impact do you believe science will have on each of the following? Base=Total [14,036];
  Emerging n=7,019, Developed n=7,017
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                                 43
People doubt how science will impact the future of the
  industry they work in
   • Almost two in three (64%) believe
                                                                                                           How much of an impact do you believe science will have in the future of
     science will have only a small or no                                                                                         your industry/field?
     impact on the future of their                                                                                                              (asked only to those employed)
                                                                                                                                   A significant impact     A small impact       No impact
   • Nearly one in five believe the
     industry they work in will not be
     impacted by science in the future                                                                                                               17%
   • This lack of perceived impact
     increases with:
         • Age (25% of people 51+ say it
           will have no impact on the
           future of their industry)
         • Lower income (26%)
         • Living in rural areas (29%)                                                                                                              47%

  Q29. Thinking about the industry or field you work in specifically, how much of an impact, if any, do you believe science will
  have in the future of your industry/field? Base=Employed (7,730); 51+ n=5,221, Low income n=5,231, Rural n=3,471
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                              44
Many believe their own country is falling behind others when
it comes to scientific advancement

                               Seven in ten people (69%) believe other countries place                                                                  Top countries that see themselves
                               a higher value on science than their own.                                                                                as falling behind

                                                                                                                                                        Mexico              80%
                                                                                                                                                        Brazil              74%
                              Four in ten (42%) believe their country is falling behind                                                                 South Africa        61%
                              when it comes to scientific advancements compared to
                              other countries.

  Q12: How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?; Q21. Do you think your country is leading or falling behind when it
  comes to scientific advancements compared to other countries? Select one. Base=Total [14,036], Mexico n=1,003, Brazil n=1,005, South Africa n=1,006

© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                             45
Globally, inadequate funding for research is seen as the
 #1 barrier to new discoveries
   • The most common perceived barrier                                                                      In general, which, if any, of the following do you think is the biggest barrier to
     to scientific advancement is                                                                                                scientific advancements in the future?
     inadequate funding, lower in China
     (16%) and India (18%). Both are more                                                     Inadequate investment/funding toward scientific
     concerned about inadequate                                                                                  research
     education (28% China, 21% India).                                                              Inadequate training/education for the next
                                                                                                             generation of scientists
   • France (46%), Poland (45%), and
     Germany (42%) are most likely to feel                                                                                              Lack of interest in science       14%
     the barrier of inadequate funding.                                                                Fewer students wanting to pursue careers in
   • South Africa is more likely to believe it
     is that fewer students want to pursue                                                                                         Lack of trust in scientific claims   10%
     science careers (20%), on par with                                                        There are no barriers to scientific advancements
     Singapore (18%), Saudi Arabia (17%),                                                                                                                               11%
                                                                                                                 in the future
     and China (16%).
                                                                                                                   One respondent notes on the impact of science on their industry: “With anything
   • Saudi Arabia is most likely to feel it is a
                                                                                                                  new, there is the fear and the reluctance of change. So my concern is there will be
     lack of interest in science (22%),
                                                                                                                                  new advancements that will not be implemented.”
     similar to Mexico (21%) and South
     Africa (20%).
  Q28. In general, which, if any, of the following do you think is the biggest barrier to scientific advancements in the future?
  Select one. Base=Total [14,036] ; China n=1,001, India n=1,000, France n=1,000, Poland n=1,000, Germany n=1,001, South
  Africa n=1,006, Saudi Arabia n=1,004
© 3M 2018. All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                                                                         46
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