Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral

Page created by George Peterson
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
Mass Schedule

                             WEEKEND MASS Saturday Vigil 4:30PM
                                               Sunday 8:00AM and 10:30AM
                             WEEKDAY MASS Tuesday-Saturday 9:00AM

                             CONFESSIONS       In the northwest confessional or call (812) 425-3369,
                                               ext. 0 for an appointment
                                               Tuesday through Friday 8:40-8:55AM
                                               Saturday 9:30-10:00AM & 3:30-4PM

    Januar y 30, 2022 • 4th Sunday in Ordinar y Time

                                                                   Novena Prayer
                                                                O Gracious Father, in every age
                                                                 and at all times You bless Your
                                                                people with great gifts. Through
                                                               the prayers of Saint Jude Thadde-
                                                                us, powerful patron of the hope-
                                                                 less, scatter the darkness of our
                                                               fear, crush the coronavirus and its
                                                                  havoc, awaken cooperation for
                                                                the common good, safeguard all
                                                                  who serve the sick and needy,
                                                                 inspire charity in our words and
                                                                deeds, and train our hearts again
                                                                           to trust in you.
                                                                  Help our weary, broken world,
                                                                  Living Lord, with faith, peace,
                                                                 kindness, and compassion, with
                                                                 humility, respect, joy, and cour-
                                                                 age. See us through these trials,
                                                                Lord God, especially people giv-
                                                                en to depression and despair, the
                                                                  unemployed, the homeless, the
                                                                 hungry, and all with daily strug-
                                                               gles. May our love and respect for
                                                                   Your creation bring new life,
                                                                 greater mutual support, and en-
                                                                  during, confident hope for all.
                                                               Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
                                                                      © 2020 Saint Meinrad Archabbey

1328 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47714 (812) 425-3369
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
2                                    St. Benedict Cathedral | Evansville, IN
                                                                                 Last Week’s Collection
                        From Fr. Godfrey                              Weekly Offering ......................................... $32,543
                         — THANK YOU to all who were                  Weekly EFT .............................................. $4,969
                         so kind for my 56th birthday. Your           Weekly Budget ........................................... $31,815
                         generosity and your concern are              Surplus/(Deficit) ......................................... $5,697
                         always such a blessing to me.
                         You’re in my grateful prayers.                December Income Statement Year to Date
                         — FEBRUARY. When I worked                   Sunday Offering Actual ............................ $814,451
                         in the seminary, February was the           Sunday Offering Budget ............................ $833,876
                         worst month for people leaving.             Surplus/(Deficit)........................................ ($19,425)
                         Cold, grey, relentless weather
mixed with the grind of academic work always seemed to               Diocesan Loan Balance .......................... $1,062,074
make February the hardest month to endure. Maybe there
is some of that in all our lives. The glamor of snow is
gone; we start yearning for the warmth of spring. Indulge        Welcome to our parish! We ex-
me a moment in making some recommendations for                   tend a warm welcome to all our visi-
February — not to do all of them, but one or some of             tors. If you are new to the area,
them: 1) Strive to get better rest — maybe a nap or going        we invite you to register and make
to bed early. 2) Commit to an act of charity every day,
some compliment, support, or quiet gentleness for                St. Benedict Cathedral your home. You may also reg-
someone else. 3) Double-check your feelings. Some-               ister online at and click on
times our feelings lead us down a path that may not be           About Us >>Join the Parish.
altogether true. Make sure they’re not misleading you.
Temper feelings with clear thinking. 4) Pray every day, in
addition to what you already do, whether that’s a moment                        Welcome to our church family:
of silent gratitude at every red traffic light or the Memorare     Nick and Anna Bragin & sons George & Levi
in the morning or a quick Glory be after something goes             Sean and Melissa Kerchief & son Lincoln
well. 5) Clean. Clean out a drawer, clean the shower,
clean the dust off the top of the doors. Watch the differ-
ence scattering dust and darkness has. Sometimes, we
have far more ability to control our mindset than we
imagine. See reasons for hope, even in February.                                                                            in

                  Please pray for our seminarians, including
                           KEITH HART                                               Patricia Humphrey
                          House of Discernment
                  2701 W. Franklin St. Evansville, IN 47712                           Susan Flittner

St. Vincent de Paul News                                    better with your help. Last week, we called on “Joanne,”
                                                            a single mother with two children whose ten-year-old
The monthly child poverty rate is estimated to jump to had been in the hospital for three weeks with Covid.
17% in January from 12% in December, according to           With this struggle, Joanne had fallen behind on her bills
the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia         and was facing a disconnect with CenterPoint. Despite
University, marking the highest monthly level in almost a keeping her thermostat at 68 degrees and working extra
year. This means that nearly four million children nation- hours and through her lunch hour to catch up, she just
wide could fall into poverty. Even in neighborhoods all couldn’t. Thanks to the generosity of our parish, we were
around St. Ben’s, there are children that are in dire need. able to pay her shut-off notice and keep their heat and
Children whose families are in danger of having their       utilities running. Please consider helping us continue
heat and utilities turned off, children whose families are making a difference in the lives of children in our neigh-
facing no water, children who are in need of beds and       borhood.
clothes and food. Children whose lives could be made
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
January 30, 2022 • 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                    3

                                                                                   Mass Intentions
                  Mass Readings                                 During this time where 7AM Masses with a congregation are
       Sunday, 1/30 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor 12:31—13:13/          not being offered, Fr. Ted will offer Mass intentions as he
                   Lk 4:21-30                                    presides at Mass at University Nursing & Rehab, which is
    Monday, 1/31 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Mk 5:1-20                               closed to the public.
     Tuesday, 2/1 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30—19:3/
                   Mk 5:21-43                                                      Father Ted           Father Godfrey
   Wednesday, 2/2 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or
                   2:22-32                                                                              For the Parish
                                                                Sun. 1/30          +Don Seibert
                                                                                                       +Melvin Wisniewski
    Thursday, 2/3 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/Mk 6:7-13
       Friday, 2/4 Sir 47:2-11/Mk 6:14-29                       Mon. 1/31       +John C. Hummel
     Saturday, 2/5 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Mk 6:30-34
                                                                Tue. 2/1         John Clark Family       +Judith Effinger
      Sunday, 2/6 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8,
                   11/Lk 5:1-11                                 Wed. 2/2                                Jim & Betsy Flynn
                                                                Thu. 2/3        +Maurice O’Daniel         +Robert Allen
Here is a ministry for you to consider. Is God calling you to
do more for others by sharing your talents?                                      Tyler Frounfelter
                                                                Fri. 2/4                                 +Bob Hargrove
Athletics Volunteer~~                                                                                    Intentions of the
                                                                                   +Ann & Tom
Volunteers are needed each time a game is held at St. Ben-      Sat. 2/5                                  Legacy Society
edict Cathedral School Gym or for other specific needs,                                                   +Andy Hupfer
such as organizing uniforms. Contact the School Office                                                    For the Parish
at 812-425-4596.                                                                     +Clark
                                                                Sun.2/6                                Intentions of Lee &
               Your talents are God’s gift to you.                                                        David Patton
              What you do with your talents is your
                          gift to God!
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
4                                    St. Benedict Cathedral | Evansville, IN

     Pew Wood Crosses & Cutting Boards Available                             Become a Knight
Crosses and large and small wooden cutting boards are availa-
ble from the last of the pew wood prior to the renovation.
                                                                 Why Join?
These items have been made by Jim Scheu from Dusty Wood          • Fraternity with Catholic men
Warehouse and are available for purchase in the Parish Center.   • Organized support for the parish
Crosses are $35; small cutting boards                            • Defenders of human life from conception till
are $35; large cutting boards are $45.                             natural death
LAST CHANCE to get these pew                                     • Online resources to guide you in the practice of
wood items. Contact the Parish Center
for more information.                                              prayer, devotions and spiritual formation
                                                                 • Insurance and retirement products for you and
                                                                   your family
If you would like the ability via email to ask others in                   For more information visit
the parish to pray for your intentions or if you would             or email
like to be notified via email when fellow parishioners           
are asking for prayers, send an email to stbens Prefer to
make and receive prayer requests via
the telephone? Call Nancy Vaught at
812-549-1364.                              Chain                 Submit your family photo for the church
                                                                 photo directory! Simply send your photo
      Found in the Woodward Center
       after the Winter Style Show:                                               and please list the family
            Lady’s size small                                                       members in the photo
           London Fog jacket.                                                    or stop by the parish center
         Please retrieve from the                                                 to have your photo taken.
               Parish Center.
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
January 30, 2022 • 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                            5

  We welcome into our faith community          Contribution statements for 2021 were EMAILED
                                               Wednesday, January 19. Statements from the church and
       Anthony Lukas Goelz                     from St. Vincent de Paul were emailed separately. If you
Son of Matthew & Katelyn (Payne) Goelz         didn’t receive a statement, please look in your spam folder
         who was baptized on                   for an email coming from St. Bene-
        Sunday, January 23, 2022               dict Cathedral and then call us to
              at St. Ben’s.                    make sure we have an updated email

  We welcome into our faith community
        Henry Branden Slagle
Son of Branden and Makensie (Coslett) Slagle
               who was baptized on
              Sunday, January 23, 2022
                    at St. Ben’s.

                           Catholic Schools

                             Where Billy is
                             openly taught
                                to pray

                          The Good News in
                                                               We are listening!
                                               The Diocese of Evansville is hosting listening
                                               sessions to get a better sense of how God is
                                               working among us in our Diocese. This is part
                        “Knock, knock….        of the Synod of Bishops that will take place
                    Room Service!” Recent- in 2023. Our focus is listening to you. We
                    ly, Father Godfrey treat- want to know how you’ve been helped or not
                      ed our school staff to
                      "Room Service" with      helped by the Church over the last few years
                      their choice of drinks   and how you’ve experienced God through it
                    and snacks as a little mid all. The listening session for our parish will be
                      -morning pick me up
                                               held Wednesday, February 9 at 6:00PM in the
                       before the weekend.
                       Thanks to all of our    Woodward Center. If you can’t attend that
                     teachers and staff who session, there are other sessions in the area.
                      have been working so     Just visit for more infor-
                      hard! And thank you,
                                               mation or to take an online survey.
                        Father Godfrey !
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
6                                       St. Benedict Cathedral | Evansville, IN

Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB*
Dave Rice*
Sr. Patricia McGuire, OSB*
Angie Wellmeier*
Kelley (Coppens) Knies*
Adrienne Ford*
Jeremy Korba*
Jennifer Korba*

Kari Ford, Principal †
Eric Chamberlain, Dean of Students †
Ami Pitt †              The Knights of Columbus will be collecting for the Gabriel Project
                                             the weekend of Feb. 12-13. Items needed include but not limited
                                             to: diapers, wipes, formula, bottles, baby clothes, burp clothes,
Dennis Lamey (812) 204-7704              bottle brushes, hooded towels, wash clothes and such.
FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIR                        The Gabriel Project is a confidential and compassionate outreach
Steve Titzer     (812) 459-1061              to local pregnant women and young families in need. The Gabriel                Angels offer support through prayer and assistance in obtaining
                                             personal items they may need. For more information, search for
* Parish Offices (812) 425-3369     or contact:
† School Offices (812) 425-4596              Tarah Bracher at 812-483-5820, or Mandy Keener at
Items for the bulletin due
to the office by Tuesday at                             Memorial High School Trivia Night
                                                          Move into March with Reitz Memorial High
         12 noon!                                            School and our 4th Annual PTO Trivia
                                              Night. Tackle trivia with your team of up to 8 members          Mater Dei & Memorial
                                               on our new date - Saturday, March 5 at the Woodward
      SHOP SMILE.AMAZON.COM                                                                                     Big Bingo is back!
                                             Hospitality Room at St. Benedict Cathedral. Doors open
Same products, same prices, same ser-           at 6:00 p.m. with trivia beginning at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy        Sunday, March 13 at the
vices as the Amazon you know. Shop at        trivia, games, prizes, cash bar, team fun pack, snacks, and a        Old National
smile. and they will donate         Silent Auction. Players must be 21 to attend. Proceeds
0.5% of eligible purchases to St. Benedict
                                                                                                                  Events Plaza
                                               will be used to provide the 3rd annual Reitz Memorial          Doors open at 3:30PM.
Cathedral —no fees,                          PTO scholarship to a graduating RMHS senior. Register
no extra cost. Select                        at REITZMEMORIAL.ORG/TRIVIA. Questions may                       Get your tickets online
St. Benedict Cathe-                                  be directed to PTO@RMHSEVDIO.ORG                            at
dral and start shopping!
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
January 30, 2022 • 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time                            7

Qualified Charitable Distributions to St. Ben’s
If you are over 70 ½, consider making charitable donations
from your IRA using a Qualified Charitable Distribution
(QCD). You can transfer up to $100,000 per year to an eligible
charity. This would be a great way to grow the parish endow-
ments, help with a special project, or pay your weekly giving in
one lump sum. While a QCD does not generate a charitable
deduction, you do not have to report the income. This is a
great option for people to still get a tax benefit even though
they are not able to itemize deductions.

Charitable deduction rules can be very complicated, and you
should work with your tax advisor to ensure you are maximiz-
                                                                   Sunday, February 13
ing the tax benefit of any donation.
                                                                   Boxes will be available at the
                               Help Needed                         church entrances to collect cans
                          Several people are needed
                             to rotate weekends to
                                                                   of soup for the House
                           lead the rosary on Satur-               of Bread and Peace.
                            days at 4:00PM before                  Thank you for your
                          Mass. Contact the Parish
                              Center if interested.
Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral Novena Prayer - St. Benedict Cathedral
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