St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014

Page created by Lewis Moore
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
313 East Second Street
Jordan, Minnesota 55352
Phone: (952) 492-2640, Fax: (952) 492-5683

        29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday
                          October 19, 2014
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
October 19, 2014

                                                Mission Statement
     St. John’s Parish family prayerfully worships, studies, teaches and lives our faith in Jesus Christ.

A Note from Father Yanta                                        Welcome to St. John’s
Thank you to everyone who has                                   We would like to welcome all those visiting with us today.
completed and turned in your Time and                           If you are interested in becoming a member of St. John’s,
Talent commitment forms. We will                                please call Michelle or Miguel at 952-492-2640 or visit our
continue to collect them in the parish                          website at to find our registration form.
office and through the offertory baskets
over the next few weeks.
Next weekend we will be officially kicking                      Pray for Our Sick
off the Treasure portion of our drive. This drive will offer    Maureen Halloran (Michelle Bisek’s sister), Evelyn Seifert,
you the opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to the          Michael Geis, Rosemary Strack, Clara & Walter Kuechle, Gail
operations fund for St. John the Baptist, and also for an       LaBeau, Inez & Lambert Meuleners, Don Undesser, Jim Klehr,
extraordinary gift for our Special Mortgage Appeal.             Dellie Breeggemann, Pam Jemmings (Marcy Pauly’s sister), Mary
                                                                Murphy, Don Jacques (Donna Laabs’ father), Josephine Deutsch,
I would like to thank all of you for your ongoing support of    Rhonda Zweber, Viola Stemig, George Martin, Joshua Michel,
our parish and ask you to prayerfully consider giving to both   Laura Wolf, Ronald Habstritt (Sue Zimitsch’s dad), Sharon Sand,
appeals as generously as your situation allows.                 Verena Seifert and Mike Shaw.
Thank you to the parishioners who have graciously offered                 Please call the Parish Office to be included in or taken
to be on our leadership team for the upcoming Stewardship                                    off the above list.
Drive for our Annual Operations and Special Mortgage            Prayer Line
Appeal:                                                         If you have a special prayer need, please call to be included
Campaign Committee                                              in our prayer line. You may contact Viv Sunder at 492-2964
Rodney and Denise Andersen                                      or Caroline Lehnen at 492-2937.
John Breunig
Matt and Mary Eckman
Francis Schatz                                                  Chapel Coordinators Needed
Marc and Genell Hollahan                                        Lisa Ward will be stepping down as Chapel Co-Coordinator
Terry and Lanny Holzer                                          November 1, 2014 due to family considerations and a recent
Marty and Lori Huss                                             move.
Joe and Michelle Lopez
                                                                The parish is in need for one or two generous souls to step
Ken and Sue Malz                                                forward to help Sue Pieper with these responsibilities.
Allen and Sharon Menke                                          Please prayerfully consider this.
DJ and Jennifer Noyes
John and Rebecca Ringsmuth                                      If interested, please contact Sue at 492-3340 or Lisa at 612-
Miguel Salinas                                                  770-1669. Thank you!
Ken and Susan Warras
Mark and Sue Zimitsch
If you have any questions, feel free to contact them or call    Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
the parish office.                                              If you would like an open hour,
                                                                please call Sue Pieper at
All Souls Day
Commemoration of our deceased parishioners for the past         Open Hours:
year will be celebrated at the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday,
                                                                Monday 3:00am
November 1st. A light supper will be served for the families
                                                                Tuesday 9:00am—Winter sub needed for Nov—March
involved after Mass in Louis Hall.
                                                                Saturday 1:00pm

Knights of Columbus Corner                                          Just a reminder, the chapel is closed and locked on:
STILL need 2-3 volunteers to haul leaves for                              Saturday 12am-5am, Sunday 1am-4am &
the Marathon October 24th. Pickups and                                             Wednesday 12am-9am
trailers needed call Lance at 952-492-6471 to
                                                                Thank You!
Membership Weekend...Nov. 15 & 16...consider a prospect!        Thank you for the donation made to St. John’s Building
Continue to pray the Rosary for Peace in the World!             Fund in memory of Mildred Weierke.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday
                                              August 2014 Stewardship Report
Operations                          Aug 2014      Aug 2013     In an effort to be more financially transparent, we are
                                                               planning to provide the September Stewardship Report at
Envelope & Electronic Giving   +      $58,482       $37,498    the end of October 2014. Moving forward, we will
Plate Giving (Loose Cash)      +       $1,805        $1,597    continue to provide a Monthly Stewardship Report in the
                                                               bulletin by the middle of the month.
Total Monthly Contributions    =      $58,287       $39,095
                                                               * The Total Monthly Operations Budget for 2014 currently
*Total Monthly Operations      -      $46,834       $37,800    shows our Total Budget of $562,000 divided by 12 months.
 Budget                                                        We are currently working on distributing the Total Budget
                                                               of $562,000 on a monthly basis.
Surplus/(Shortfall) July       =      $11,453        $1,295    ** On the July Stewardship Report, the correct July 2013
Surplus/(Shortfall) YTD               ($7,776)      ($5,503)   YTD Shortfall figure should have been ($6,798) not
Mortgage/Debt Payment               Aug 2014      Aug 2013     Please contact the parish office with questions or comments.
Collections on Mortgage/Debt          $47,624       $20,145
Monthly Mortgage Pymt          -      $28,450       $28,450
Surplus/(Shortfall) July       =      $19,174       ($8,305)   Each year at tax time, we conscientiously
Surplus/(Shortfall) YTD                                        give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.”
                                       $7,667      ($23,427)
                                                               Does my stewardship indicate that I am as
                                                               faithful about giving “to God what belongs to
Balance on Mortgage Debt
                                   $2,862,122    $3,084,045

Thank You                                                             St. John’s welcomes Christopher David Brandtner,
We would like to thank everyone who helped comfort us at              son of Jonathan & Nicole Brandtner, who was
the time of our loss of Curt. Thank you to everyone who               baptized here on September 28th by Father Yanta.
brought food and helped serve the lunch. Special thanks to
Father Yanta, the Mass servers, organist and soloist.                 St. John’s welcomes Mason William and Sophia Lee
                               The Family of Curt Kochlin             See, children of Jeremiah & Alicia See, Evelyn Irene
                                                                      Read, daughter of Daniel & Anne Read, and
                                                               Brantley Robert Swanson, son of Michael & Jessica
Pro-Life Presentation—All are Welcome!                         Swanson. All 4 children were baptized here on October 5th
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) will offer a      by Father Yanta.
pro-life presentation this Sunday, October 19th at 7:00pm in
Louis Hall. Discover how you can make a difference in                            Congratulations to Brenna Miland &
protecting innocent human life. For more information, visit                      Joseph Pekarna III who were married                                                                    here on September 27th by Father Yanta.
To learn more about the position of candidates running for                     Congratulations to Danielle Dunbar &
office on life issues, contact MCCL at 612-825-6831.           Cory Von Bank who were married here on October 11th by
                                                               Deacon Gary Hoffman.

Catholic United Breakfast
Thank you to all who supported the Catholic United             Upcoming Events:
Financial Matching Grant breakfast last Sunday. Thanks to         SW Deanery CCW—2014 Mission Event, Thursday,
all who donated items, worked and attended the breakfast.          October 23, 5:30pm, St. Patrick’s Church in Sheildsville
Winners of the raffle items were: football package - Joe          Visiting Women’s Religious Communities, Saturday,
O'Brien; MN Wild hockey pucks and Monopoly game -                  October 25, 8am-6pm, to register contact Sister Mary
Lucas Major; bike - Roz Dalsin; $25 Pekarna gift card - John       Swanson, SSND at 414-305-9011
Ferber; $25 Radermacher's gift card - Kvasnicka; Fall
                                                                  Turkey Dinner, Sunday, October 26, 4:00-7:00pm, at
Harvest baskets - Jerome Beach and Dylan Thomas.
                                                                   the Shakopee Knights Event Center
Proceeds from the breakfast will be matched by Catholic
                                                                  Jordan Council of Catholic Women meeting in Louis
United Financial up to $1,000 and will be used for
                                                                   Hall, Tuesday, October 28, 7:00pm
scholarships for St. John's School and Faith Formation.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
October 19, 2014
St. John’s School                                               Parish Directory
We would like to reconnect with alumni! If you are a St.        Pastor, Rev. Timothy Yanta, Direct: 952-492-4560
John's School alumni or know someone who is, please             Emergency 952-492-2640 (press 3),
encourage them to like our St. John's School Facebook fan
page! You can find us at              Parish Office, 952-492-2640
stjohnsschooljordan.                                            Office Hours: M-Thurs 8am-4:30pm
Thank you to everyone who has sponsored our school              Miguel Salinas, Parish Administrator,
marathon! We have reached our first goal - $5,000! Father is
preparing for whatever fun and interesting thing the students   Michelle Lopez, Administrative Assistant,
will ask him to do next week! We are well on our way to our
$20,000 total goal. We appreciate your support in making        St. John’s School and Pre-School, 952-492-2030
this happen!                                                    Office Hours: M-F 8:00 am-3:30 pm
                                  Bonita Jungels, Principal     Bonita Jungels, Principal,
                                                                Lisa Wolf, Administrative Assistant,
                                                                Faith Formation
                                                                Tonya Beck, Director of Faith Formation, 952-492-5827,
Faith Formation                                       
SJB Youth Group will meet this weekend~ Sunday, Oct.
                                                                Jennie Hjerpe, Faith Formation Coordinator, 952-492-5730,
19th from 4:30-8pm. Joe Zabinski will lead your evening
including a Rosary Walk, Bowling at Louisville Lanes and
learning more about pro-life issues with a presentation by      Music Ministry
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL).                   Teresa Schmidt, Director of Sacred Music
Permission forms are needed and available by request to         952-492-2640,
                                                                Lay Leadership Positions
October Family Formation Lesson 2                               Trustees
teaches us about the second half                                Joe O’Brien,
of the Mass, the Liturgy of the                                 Lynn Worm,
Eucharist where we receive Jesus                                Parish Council
Christ, truly present in the Holy                               Claire Robling,
Eucharist. Children received a                                  Donna Laabs,
"My Holy Mass Book" ~ remind                                    Finance Council
your children to bring their book                               Mark Zimitsch,
to mass and follow along. Also
enjoy creating your 3D Mass set.                                Pregnant? Need Help?
October memory is:"Your word, O Lord, be on my mind, on my      Call Parish Office or Deb Pauly at 952-492-2745
lips, and in my heart." Please contact Jennie in the Faith      Sacraments
Formation office with questions or helpful hints~she is here
to serve your family.
                                                                Tuesday 5:45-6pm, Friday 8:45am, First Saturday at
                                                                7:45-8am, Saturday 4-4:40pm
November Family Formation Catechist Training will be
held this Wednesday, October 22nd from 6pm-8pm. All
                                                                Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Sunday
kindergarten through sixth grade volunteers will gather in
                                                                of the month. Please contact the parish office for more
the school Exercise Space. Please contact Jennie if you have
questions at
7th-Confirmation Classes will meet Wednesdays October           Contact Parish Office at least eight months in advance.
22 and 29th from 7:30pm-8:30 pm. Our year is off to a great     Pre-marriage preparation required.
start!                                                          Anointing of the Sick
                                                                Call the parish office anytime.
Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission tickets are now
available—Dr. John Wood, author and speaker of the best-
selling book Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission 5 Steps      Development of the Unborn Child
to Winning the War Within will be at St. John's on              This is the journey Jesus took while he was
Saturday, December 6th from 9am-1:30pm. Mass will be            growing in Mary’s womb.
offered at 8am for those wishing to attend. Tickets are $20
and can be purchased after all Masses this weekend or           Week #31 - My skin has been red for a couple
online at                               of months, but now it’s becoming pinker. I weight about 3
                                                                pounds and I am about 15 inches long.
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday
 Liturgical Ministers, October 25 & 26, 2014    Weekly Schedule
Greeters (Andrea Feist 492-2182))                          Sunday, October 19, 2014
5pm        Earl & Judy Pint, Ruth Shotliff                  8:00am Mass
8am        Geno & Mary Taddei, Bill Buesgens, Karen         10:00am Mass
           Kreuser                                          4:30-8:00pm Youth Group
10am       Mike & Tracy Behr & Family, Susan Cole           7:00pm MCCL Pro-Life Presentation (Louis Hall)
Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion        Monday, October 20, 2014
Karen Umpress (                            12:30pm Quilting
5pm Lector: Robin Nawrocki Ministers: Ed                    3:00pm Prayer Shawl
                                                            7:00pm Capital Campaign Meeting (Louis Hall)
Breimhorst, Joan Breimhorst, Jim Schwingler, Judy
                                                           Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Tuma, Joe Hernandez
8am Lector: Eric Hjerpe Ministers: Claire Robling, Jerry    9:30am Adult Bible Study
                                                            2:50-3:50pm Boys Music Challenge (Church)
Seifert, Carol Seifert, Mary Johnson, Denise Weber
                                                            5:45pm Confessions
10am Lector: Mike Leverson Ministers: Chuck Schmitz,
                                                            6:15pm Mass
Sheila Schmitz, Carol Segler, Nan Brandtner, Dave
                                                            7:00pm Finance Council Meeting (Parish Dining Room)
Brandtner, Jay Ward (Choir)
                                                            7:00pm Momnipotent (Parish Library)
  Schule Haus Mary Oldenburg
                                                            7:00pm Ave Maria Cenacle of Prayer (Chapel)
  Homebound Pete & Kelly Holzer
                                                           Wednesday, October 22, 2014
  Friendship Mnr/St. Gerts Roger & Angie Schoenbauer
                                                            8:15am Mass with School Children
  Valley View/Oak Terrace Chris & Dave Holzer
                                                            2:50-3:50pm Girls Music Challenge (Church)
Ushers (Michael A. Hennen 492-6912)                         6:00pm K-6th Catechists Meeting
5pm        Lee Kes & Taylor Austen                          6:30pm Choir Practice (Parts Choir)
8am        Morgan Lloyd & Al Menke                          7:30pm Grades 7-12th Faith Formation
10am       Deb & Myron Pauly & Mike Hennen                 Thursday, October 23, 2014
Mass Servers                                                8:15am Mass
5pm        Kaela Reinhart, Jordyn Williams, Katie           6:00pm Choir Practice (Sunrise Choir)
           Hampton                                          6:30pm Adult Bible Study (Parish Library)
8am        Joe & Julian Pieper, David Buesgens              7:00pm Mass Rebroadcast on Jordan Cable
10am       Emma, Meghan & Owen Hjerpe                      Friday, October 24, 2014
Sacristans                                                 SJB School Marathon
5pm        Loren & Brenda Boeckmann                         8:15am Mass
8am        Denise & Joelle Weber                            9:00am Confessions
10am       Genell Hollahan                                 Saturday, October 25, 2014
                                                            12:00-9:00pm Archdiocesan Youth Day—St. Thomas (bus
                                                                         leaves St. John’s at noon)
                                                            4:00pm Confessions
                                                            5:00pm Mass
                                                           Sunday, October 26, 2014
                                                            8:00am Mass
                                                            10:00am Mass
Mass Intentions                                             11:00am Anointing of the Sick after 10am Mass
Sunday, October 19, 2014                                    1:00-2:30pm Fall Harvest Festival
 8:00am † Don Seifert                                       6:00-8:00pm Top 20 Presentation for parents and students
 10:00am Parish                                                         4th grade and older
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
 6:15pm † Jim & Mike Rutoski
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
 8:15am † Ralph Stemig (WA), † Mary Brown                  Readings for the Week
Thursday, October 23, 2014                                 READINGS FOR THE WEEK
 8:15am † Dean Smith                                       Monday:    Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
Friday, October 24, 2014                                   Tuesday:   Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38
 8:15am † Mel Hentges (DA),                                Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48
         † Nicole (Jandl) Goldman (BD)                     Thursday:  Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;
Saturday, October 25, 2014                                            Lk 12:49-53
 5:00pm † John Sunder (DA)                                 Friday:    Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59
Sunday, October 26, 2014                                   Saturday:  Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
 8:00am Parish                                             Sunday:    Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51;
 10:00am † Leo Mornson (DA)                                           1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014
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