Sunday, September 15, 2019 - Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite ...

Page created by Tiffany Carlson
Sunday, September 15, 2019 - Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite ...
Sunday, September 15, 2019

VOL. 32 NO 31

               15 George Street, Waterloo, ON N2J 1K6
 Telephone: 519-578-0660
 Staff: Pastor Ben Cassels
 E-mail:            Phone: 519-588-0939
 Karen Watson, Parish Nurse –
 Phone: 519-578-0660, then press 2 when voice mail picks up
 Laura Enns – Worship and Neighbourhood Engagement Coordinator
 Phone: 519-578-0660 Ext. 113
 Katharine Borch – Office Administrator –
 Andrew Tubb – Church Custodian –
Sunday, September 15, 2019 - Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite ...
Welcome to our worship service. May you be blessed as you
      meet God and be empowered for the week ahead.
           Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:30 a.m.
Worship Leader: Vicki Dick                   Speaker: Pastor Ben Cassels
Congregational Prayer: Pastor Ben Cassels    Accompanist: Karen Enns
Scripture Reader: Pauline Weiland            Choir: Laura Enns
Nursery Helpers: Gerry and Marg Hunter       Children’s Story: Kathy Janzen and Pastor Ben

Children are welcome in the worship service or younger children may be taken to
the Nursery along the Administration Hallway.
Focus Statement: “Now, choose life! … by loving the Lord, obeying God’s
voice, and clinging to the Lord your God.”            Deuteronomy 30: 19-20

Gathering Hymn:          “New earth, heavens new”                            HWB # 299
Welcome and Announcements
Passing the Peace
Call to Worship:
Leader: We have gathered together here in this
People: This place is familiar, yet it is new.
Leader: The season is familiar,
        yet it brings new possibilities.
People: We may notice the newness,
         we may be inspired by the newness.
Leader: We know that God is here with us in this
           offering new life.
All:        God is everywhere with us,
              offering new life! Amen.
                                         Page 1
Scripture I:   Mark 12: 28-34                (New Testament)        page 38
Hymn:    “Rain down”                                               STJ # 49
Confession and Assurance
Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, we are your body
        not because we have chosen that name,
          but because you have given it to us.
        While we marvel at this great privilege, we also regret our failures.
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: If, through false price or selfish independence, we have said,
            “I am not part of the body…”
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: If, through superiority or lack of love, we have said,
            “I don’t need you…”
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: If we have known that other parts of your body suffer,
           and have refused to share their pain…
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: If we have seen other parts of your body rejoice,
           and have suspected or scorned their happiness…
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.
Leader: If, in place of you, the head of the body,
            we have served our own theology, tradition, or prejudice,
            and love only those who loved or looked like us…
All:     Lord, have mercy on us,
         Christ, have mercy on us.

                                 Page 2
Hymn:      “Over my head”                                                STJ # 18
(Children come forward on the last verse)
Children’s Time
Congregational Prayer
           Our Father in heaven,
                 hallowed be your name.
           Your kingdom come,
                 your will be done,
                      on earth as in heaven.
           Give us today our daily bread.
           Forgive us our sins
                 as we forgive those who
                 sin against us.
           Save us from the time of trial
                 and deliver us from evil.
           For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
                now and forever. Amen.
Prayer and Offering
Anthem: Listen, God is Calling              Tanzanian Trad. trans. H. Olson
                                                            arr. A. Lovelace
Scripture II: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20                 (Old Testament)      page 145
Sermon:       “Choosing to Live”
Hymn:      “Like a mother who has borne us”                              STJ # 91
Sending Song:         “You shall go out with joy”        3X            HWB # 427

                                     Page 3
WELCOME to everyone worshipping with us this morning.
               We hope our time of worship has been an encouragement
               to you. Please sign our guest book in the front foyer. We
               would be happy to have you join us for coffee and
               fellowship in the gym hallway. God bless you and we hope
               to see you again.
                            TODAY AT W-K
 9:30 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for Children
10:30 a.m. Coffee Break
10:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School: What does it mean to be small? As a
congregation, we discerned last Spring that, though our numbers in
worship aren’t what they were 20 and 40 years ago, we still feel pretty
vital. So we decided to explore what it means to be a small church and
how to enjoy our life together as a small church. Today we begin a series
of learning conversations about the dynamics of small church life. All are
11:10 a.m. Youth Sunday School at Erb Street Mennonite Church
                  Next Sunday – September 22, 2019
9:30 a.m.    Worship Service               Speaker: Pastor Ben Cassels
Lectionary   Exodus 32: 7-14               Psalm 51: 1-10
Readings:    1 Timothy 1: 12-17            Luke 15: 1-10
10:00 a.m. Sunday School for Children
10:30 a.m. Coffee Break
10:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School: What does it mean to be small, con’t.
11:10 a.m. Youth Sunday School at Erb Street Mennonite Church
11:45 a.m. Safe Church Procedures Review - basement
                   CONGREGATIONAL NOTES
                      Church Office Hours
              Tuesday                   9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
              Wednesday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
   Items for the bulletin should be in the office by Thursday at noon.
Financial Report: Thank you for your offering of September 8
                                  Page 4
This week at W-K
Monday, September 16       Noon          English Class
Tuesday, September 17      Noon          English Class
                                         Silver Spoons
                           12:50 p.m.    Hymn Sing in the Lounge
                           1:00 p.m.     Quilters
                           6:00 p.m.     IMCC Rehearsal
                           7:00 p.m.     Women’s Bible Study – Rm 7
Wednesday, September 18 9:00 a.m.        Mission Circle
                           Noon          English Class
                           7:00 p.m.     Vision Team - Lounge
                           7:30 p.m.     Jubilation Chorus Rehearsal
Thursday, September 19     10:00 a.m.    Exercise Class - gym
                           Noon          English Class
                           6:30 p.m.     PiE Bible Study – Prayer Room
Friday, September 20       10:30 -       MCEC TRWG - Lounge
                           1:00 p.m.     House of Friendship – Gym
             Volunteers Needed - Please sign up on the lobby window to
             help us host 6 artists in the Mary Allen Studio Tour this Fall.
             We have been greeting over 200 visitors to our gym in past
             years and it feels good to offer them a warm smile, a
             bathroom break, coffee and cookies.
             (Erika is having cataract surgery just prior to this and would
             really appreciate a few extra hands on the job.)
 The Hosting Committee provides beverages and food for congregational
 meetings held in the gym….and clean up afterwards. This includes
 lunches for Gathering Sunday in September and the Annual General
 Meeting in February. Please consider volunteering…many hands make
 light work! Email or call Erika Tubb

                                Page 5
Ride for Refuge fundraiser – W-KUM Church Kim/Park
 Team. We are raising funds to help support the
 Witness/Mission workers in South Korea - Bock Ki Kim and
 Kyoung Park. The ride will be Saturday, October 5th. If
 anyone would like to join our Team to walk 5 km. or bicycle
 5, 10, 25 or 50 km. please contact Pauline Weiland. A
 charitable receipt will be issued for donations of $20.00 or more. Thank
 you for your support.

                            YOUTH NEWS
              Youth Sunday School will commence on Sunday,
              September 15th at 11:10 a.m. at Erb Street Mennonite
              Church. All youth from Grades 7 – 12 are welcome to
It's Not Too Late!! to join Menno Youth Singers!
This dynamic and growing choir of more than 25
singers still has room for you. Rehearsals have
already begun but Steve Surian, our talented
conductor, says there's a spot for you--and you--and you! Tuesdays at
7 pm; Erb Street Mennonite Church. See for
all the details."
                The Abner Martin Music Scholarship ($4,000 value last
                year, split between two students) is awarded annually by
                Menno Singers to a student(s) who:
  1) will be enrolled in a full-time music major or minor program at the
undergraduate or graduate level in 2019-20;
  2) is affiliated with an MCEC congregation; and
  3) has demonstrated involvement and proficiency in musical activities
in church and community.
Application deadline is September 16, 2019. For more information
and/or an application form contact Lewis Brubacher at, or call 519-884-3072.
                                 Page 6
 Parish Nurse Clinic Hours:
 Waterloo Mennonite Homes – Tuesday 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
    W-KUM Church – Thursday 11:00 a.m. – Noon
 Exercise Class – Free weekly exercise class in the gym
 – each Thursday beginning at 10:00 a.m. Come and join in!
 Safe Church Procedures Review – Our annual review of safe church
 practices will be held next Sunday, September 22nd at 11:45 a.m. in the
 Basement. This annual review is important for teachers, volunteers and
 those working with vulnerable people. Please plan to attend.
 Heartache to Healing – a 6 week session around grief support. Begins on
 September 26th at St. Michael Parish, 80 University Avenue West in
 Waterloo. Please call 519-884-9311 or email to
 register. See the poster on the Health and Wellness Bulletin Board.


                  PiE Fall 2019 Activities:
                 PiE (Pastors in Exile) is a community based ministry
                 accompanying young adults in Waterloo Region. We also
                 host larger intergenerational community events. Consider
joining us for one of our fall groups/events:
Feminist Bible Study - Every Thursday, starting September 19th, 7 pm, W-K
United Mennonite Church. This group is open to any non-binary and female
identified folks who are interested in exploring Scripture from a feminist
perspective. Contact Tamara Shantz ( for more
Queerly Christian - Second and Fourth Wednesday, starting September
25th, 7:30 pm, Erb St Mennonite Church. The LGBTQ2SIA+ community is
invited to join us for worship and community - come sing queer hymns, pray,
and reflect with other Queer Christians. Contact Pamela Girardi
( for more information.

                                 Page 7
Conrad Grebel events:
Catalyzing Collaboration: Centre for Peace Advancement Fifth Anniversary
On September 21 from 2PM-4PM, Conrad Grebel University College will
celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace
Advancement. We invite you to join us in remembering the impacts from the
past five years, reconnecting with individuals and organizations that have
collectively shaped our work, and re-imagining what it means to advance
peace in Waterloo region beyond. Visit to register.
Peace Week 2019: What role will you play in advancing peace? From
September 16 to 22, Conrad Grebel University College invites you to attend
the many peace-related initiatives or events hosted in the KW community.
Go to to learn more about how you can get
                  You are invited to attend the September MEDA
                  breakfast. The event will be held on Thursday,
                  September 19th at the Stone Crock Restaurant in St.
Jacobs beginning at 7:30 a.m. Guest will be Dean Shoemaker, Senior
Development Officer with MEDA. Cost is $15, students $10.
MEDA is participating in Doors Open Waterloo Region on Saturday,
September 21st. They invite everyone to come visit them at 595 Parkside
Drive, Suite 2 in Waterloo between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. There will be guided
tours between the hours of 1 – 3:00 p.m. with an open-house format the rest
of the day. All are welcome!

               Men’s Retreat at Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, September
               20-22, 2019. Join us for a weekend of relaxation, connection
               and good food. Over the weekend, Marcus Shantz,
               president of Conrad Grebel University College, will use one
               of his favourite movies, and a few good poems, to start
conversation and invite reflection on 'being a man' in an accessible and
enjoyable way. Participants can also enjoy low ropes activities, swimming,
boating, games, campfires, nature walks, and the sauna! Visit
(retreats page) to register. Cost is $200+HST. Email for any

                                 Page 8
Fall Seniors' Retreat at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp September 23rd
or 24th. Our theme this fall is “Opening the
Conversation – Engaging with friends, family and
God through the transitions of later life". Jane
Kuepfer will be our resource person. For more
information contact the camp at 519-625-8602,, or visit our website
at Space is limited, please
register by September 16th. Brochures are on the bulletin board outside the
Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites you to attend “Healthy
Relationships: Let’s Talk about Power, Sex and Spirituality” to be held
on Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. This evening
presentation, connected to Rockway’s Spiritual Emphasis Week, will feature
Carol Penner from Conrad Grebel University College and a panel comprised
of an MCEC pastor, Rockway students and faculty, and Johnny Wideman,
from Theater of the Beat. Rockway is grateful to the Mennonite Church
Eastern Canada, who are sponsoring this evening session.
               What Does Climate Change Ask of You? On September
               26th, an Interfaith gathering to explore the leadership role of
               faith communities in response to climate change. The day will
               include afternoon workshops on supporting our neighbours in
               extreme weather events and programs and resources to
               support greening faith buildings; dinner and an evening panel
on climate justice. All are welcome to attend any portion of the event
organized by Faith & the Common Good, Interfaith Grand River, Divest
Waterloo and St Mary's Church. Details available at
Please register on Eventbrite or call 519-571-9594.
Climate Strike Event: On Friday, September 27, at 10:30 a.m., join people
of faith in praying and singing for our earth on the morning of the global
climate strike. We will gather in Mary Allan Park to pray and sing together,
and all are invited to walk to attend the Climate Strike at Waterloo Town
Square (11:30 am) with people of all ages. Come early (9:30 a.m.) if you
would like to make a sign. See the poster on Bulletin Board # 4.
St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St N, St Jacobs) invites you to
attend a screening of the documentary film “Beyond Crisis.” The one-

                                  Page 9
hour Climate Change documentary will be followed by a time for discussion
with the filmmaker Kai Reimer-Watts. The screening will take place on
Sunday, September 29th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Donations welcome to
defray costs.
                 The Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario is holding
                their annual fall meeting on Saturday, October 5th beginning
at 2:00 p.m. at Mannheim Mennonite Church. Guest speakers will be
Marion Roes and Matthew Bailey-Dick. See the poster on Bulletin Board #
4 for more information or visit
The Mennonite Story is celebrating 40 years. You are invited to join them
for a breakfast celebration on Saturday, September 28 at 8:30 a.m. at
Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamin Road, Waterloo. Guest
speaker will be John Ruth, one of the earliest visionaries of the project.
Tickets are $30. Go to or visit The Mennonite Story in
St. Jacobs. Poster on Bulletin Board # 4.
Scott Brubaker-Zehr (pastor of Rockway Mennonite Church) will be
completing some training in spiritual direction this year through the program
at Anabaptist Mennonite Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. As
part of this program, he is looking for 3-4 people with whom
he can meet several times to offer
spiritual companionship and guidance. He will be receiving
supervision from Dan Schrock, director of the program at
AMBS. If you are open to meeting with Scott for spiritual
conversation, or have questions, please email him
at There will be no charge for these
meetings, since it is part of the training program.

             Mennonite Disaster Services is seeking more volunteers this
             fall due to a rise in natural disasters and inclement weather
             delays over the spring. For more information, please visit
    or call 1-800-241-8111.

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