Easter Seals 2014 Fall Recreation Programs - For Teens and Adults with Disabilities September 8th to December 14th

Easter Seals 2014 Fall Recreation Programs - For Teens and Adults with Disabilities September 8th to December 14th
Easter Seals 2014
Fall Recreation Programs
For Teens and Adults with Disabilities
September 8th to December 14th

           in collaboration with
           Milwaukee County Office
           for Persons With Disabilities
Easter Seals 2014 Fall Recreation Programs - For Teens and Adults with Disabilities September 8th to December 14th
Fall 2014 is upon us!
    Celebrate with Easter Seals by participating in our new
    recreation programs, community outings and Friday
    night dances. Whether you like music, food, art or just
    having fun, we offer something for everyone. At Easter
    Seals, we value our recreation participants and their
    abilities, and we welcome everyone to share their spirit
    and talents in our programming.

    We look forward to seeing you!

2                     www.eastersealswise.com
Table of Contents

 3       Rec Room Website and Contact Info.           12     Saturday Community Outings
 4-5     Program Policies and How to Register         13     Sunday Community Outings
 6 	     Friday Night Dances                          14     Thought Leaders Luncheon
 7       Wil-O-Way Grant Programs                     14     Autism Football Sports Clinic
 8 	     Wil-O-Way Underwood & AMF Bowling            15     Pancake Breakfast
 9       Wauwatosa Center Programs                    Insert 2014 Key Card Application
 10      Generations Center Weekday Programs          Insert 2014 Registration and Information Form
 11      Generations Center Sunday Programs           Insert 2014 Fall Recreation Program Calendars

Are you a person with a disability looking to get out and make new friends? Are you an agency
supporting events that are accessible and want to welcome people with disabilities? At the Rec
Room website, you will find a master recreation calendar for the Southeast Wisconsin region that
features accessible events designed with people with disabilities in mind. The Rec Room connects
people, places and events. For more information, contact Mike Bonk at (414) 278-3938 or

Milwaukee County Office for Persons with Disabilities continuously updates its recreation website.

We encourage and support people with disabilities to participate in recreational activities in the
community. If there is an activity you would like to participate in and need support to ensure a safe,
welcoming and enjoyable leisure experience, please call Easter Seals at (414) 449-4444 and ask for
a Respite Supervisor.

CONTACT INFORMATION                                 Easter Seals Generations Center
                                                    2222 S. 114th St., West Allis, WI 53227
Amy Look                                            Phone: (414) 449-4444
Respite Supervisor
Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin                    Wil-O-Way Grant
Phone (C): (414) 550-2294 / (O): (414) 963-5952     207 Lake Dr., South Milwaukee, WI 53172
AmyL@eastersealswise.com                            Phone: (414) 762-2324
                                                    (Only during scheduled program hours)
Bridget Mangan
Respite Supervisor                                  Wil-O-Way Underwood
Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin                    10602 Underwood Pkwy., Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Phone (C): (414) 286-1844 / (O): (414) 963-5938     Phone: (414) 255-5964
bridgetm@eastersealswise.com                        (Only during scheduled program hours)

Mike Bonk                                           Easter Seals Wauwatosa Center
Disabilities Recreation Manager                     7111 W. Center St., Wauwatosa, WI 53210
Milw. Co. Office for Persons with Disabilities      Phone: (414) 536-9050
Phone: (414) 278-3938                               (Only during scheduled program hours)
                                                    AMF West Lanes
                                                    7505 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53219
                                                    Phone: (414) 321-5050
                                    www.eastersealswise.com                                              3
Program Policies & How To Register

    PROGRAM REGISTRATION                                                 CREDITS/REFUNDS
    To register for the programs in this guide:                          Due to the nature of our programs and outings
    1. Complete the 2014 Key Card Application                            for which tickets or supplies must be purchased
        (inserted in this booklet). Instructions for                     in advance, there will be no refunds given if you
        payment can be found on the 2014 Key Card                        are unable to attend. If a program is cancelled
        Application. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENT TO                       by Easter Seals or your program is full, you will
        EASTER SEALS. Enclose payment and mail to:                       either receive a credit towards another program
                 Office for Persons with Disabilities                    or a refund. If you register for a program and are
                        c/o Tim Ochnikowski                              then unable to participate due to unforeseen
                      901 N. 9th St. Room 307-B                          circumstances, contact a Respite Supervisor and
                        Milwaukee, WI 53233                              you may be eligible to receive a credit on your
    2. Complete the 2014 Fall Registration & Annual                      account.
        Information Form (inserted in this booklet).
        • Completely fill out the Annual Information                     LATE REGISTRATION
            Form (AIF). This form MUST be completed                      If you send in your registration within two weeks
            for the year 2014. If you have already sent                  before the session starts or after the session starts,
            in an AIF for 2014, you do not need to send                  you MUST contact a Respite Supervisor to confirm
            in another unless any information has                        the program(s) you registered for are still taking
            changed. However, you MUST send in the                       place and that your materials have been received
            Fall Registration Form.                                      by Easter Seals. Occasionally, a program is
        • Completely fill out the personal information                   cancelled due to low enrollment. To keep safety a
            at the top of the Registration Form.                         priority, if you are registering late, please call Easter
        • Circle or highlight the programs from the list                 Seals to confirm your attendance and that staff will
            for which you want to register.                              be there to receive you.
        • Add up the total cost of all the programs
            and enter this amount in the “Total Payment                  FEES
            Due” line.                                                   All program fees must be paid at the time of
        • Indicate how you are paying for our                            registration unless you have determined a payment
            programs, how you heard about our                            plan with the business office. Checks and money
            recreation programs, and the form of                         orders are to be made payable to:
            transportation you will be using.                            Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin. Until Easter Seals
        • Enclose a check for the total cost of the                      receives the fee, the participant is not registered in
            programs and mail to:                                        the program(s) or dance(s).
                 Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin
                            c/o Amy Look                                 MINIMUM ENROLLMENT
                           2222 S. 114th St.                             There are minimum and maximum limits for
                         West Allis, WI 53227                            enrollment in each program. If a program fails to
                                                                         meet its minimum or reaches its maximum, you will
    *All of the above information is crucial in order for Easter Seals   be contacted by phone and given the option of
    to provide the most enjoyable recreation experience possible.
    Please take the time to ensure all information is provided and
                                                                         switching to a different program, receiving a credit
    accurate.                                                            toward a future program or receiving a refund
    REGISTRATION DETAILS                                                 RETURNED CHECK POLICY
    •   Registration will NOT be accepted by fax.
                                                                         All checks returned for insufficient funds, accounts
        Payments MUST accompany all registrations.
                                                                         closed or no account will be charged a $30 fee
    •   Registrations will NOT be processed without all
                                                                         plus the cost of the outstanding program fee.
        appropriate paperwork (i.e. AIF, Registration
        Form, Key Card, payment).                                        POLICY QUESTIONS
    •   If you are unable to pay the entire registration                 If you have questions regarding any of these
        fee in advance, please call (414) 449-4444 and                   policies or need assistance with the registration
        ask to speak to someone in the business office                   process, please contact Easter Seals at
        to discuss a payment plan.                                       (414) 449-4444 and ask for a Respite Supervisor.

4                                                  www.eastersealswise.com
Program Policies & How To Register

2014 KEY CARD MEMBERSHIP                              TRANSPORTATION
Individuals with disabilities, ages 16 and older,     Participants are responsible for their own
are required to become Key Card Members to            transportation arrangements. Easter Seals staff
register for our programs. The only exception is      will ONLY be present during the scheduled
the Friday Night Dances where you can pay the         program times listed in the program guide.
non-member fee. There are many benefits from          Participants should plan to arrive NO EARLIER
becoming a Key Card member – see the flyer            THAN 15 MINUTES prior to the start time of any
included in this book or call (414) 278-3930. The     program(s) or dance(s).
Key Card Application is located in the center
of this book as an insert. Please note: Key Card      INCLEMENT WEATHER
membership is good for the calendar year from         Please look or listen for WIL-O-WAY RECREATION
January 1st to December 31st and must be              CENTER or EASTER SEALS RECREATION CENTER
renewed each year. Key Card memberships               on TMJ4, News Radio 620 WTMJ or 94.5 WKTI for
are processed by Milwaukee County Office              any closing or cancellation due to inclement
for Persons with Disabilities. Applications and       weather. This applies to programs and special
payments must be mailed to their offices – NOT        events held at community locations such as
to Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin. Detailed         bowling alleys.
instructions are located on the Key Card
Application.                                          PARTICIPANT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE
                                                      It is the goal of Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin
MEDICATIONS & HEALTH CARE                             to ensure that all complaints are addressed
Easter Seals staff will not be responsible for        and resolved in a timely manner. This complaint
administration of medications to participants.        resolution process is designed to provide you
If a participant will need medication during          with easy access to the correct contacts. A
a program time, it is their responsibility to self-   participant, guardian, ward, family member,
administer or make arrangements for a caregiver       caregiver or other interested party may report
to coordinate administration. Easter Seals staff      a complaint about services provided by Easter
will also not be responsible for personal cares       Seals Southeast Wisconsin within 45 days of the
during the program. If a participant needs            occurrence. The complaint may be expressed
assistance with toileting or other personal cares,    verbally, in writing or by any alternative
a caregiver MUST attend with the participant.         method through which the individual ordinarily
The health and safety of our participants is very     communicates. You will not be discriminated
important to us. Please complete the Annual           against or threatened in any way for reporting
Information Form (AIF) carefully so that we have      a complaint. For more information or to file a
as much information as possible. Our staff makes      complaint, contact the Client Rights Specialist at
every effort to manage risks and set guidelines       (414) 963-5935.
for safe recreation. However, our staff are not
trained medical professionals. In the event of        AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA)
a medical situation, staff will respond with first    Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin and the
aid when appropriate. If an injury or medical         Milwaukee County Office for Persons with
situation more serious than a minor cut or bruise     Disabilities comply with the ADA and will make
occurs, a staff member will call to notify the        reasonable accommodations to enable
parent/guardian first, and if they are unavailable,   people with disabilities to participate in
the emergency contact person next. It is critical     and enjoy recreation programs. If you need
that this contact information is up-to-date on        accommodations or would like a copy of this
the AIF. If there is a medical emergency, staff       program guide in an alternative format, please
will call 911 first, then notify parent/guardian or   call Easter Seals at (414) 449-4444 and ask for a
emergency contact.                                    Respite Supervisor.

                                  www.eastersealswise.com                                                  5
Friday Night Dances
      There’s a reason they’re so popular!
    Come see what all the fuss is about! Join the party at Wil-O-Way Grant, Wil-O-Way
    Underwood or Moose Lodge. Live DJs spinning classics and new hits. Dance
    with your friends and enjoy delicious snacks!
    NOTE: Please pay careful attention to the dance dates.

    Wil-O-Way Grant                                               Pricing Details
    207 Lake Drive, South Milwaukee                            2014 Key Card Members
                                                               $7.00 Dance + Snack
    September 19th    Autumn Dance			          7-9 p.m.        $13.00 Prom + Meal ($7.00
    October 3 rd		    Silly Sock Step			       7-9 p.m.        without meal)
    October 17th		    Sweetest Day Waltz		     7-9 p.m.
    November 7th		    Halloween Boogie		       7-9 p.m.        Non-Key Card Members
    November 21st     80’s Night				7-9 p.m.                   $8.00 Dance + Snack
                                                               $14.00 Prom + Meal ($8.00
    December 5th      Winter Wonderland (prom) 6-9 p.m.
                                                               without meal)
                                                                (Caregivers admitted free)
    Moose Lodge
    5476 South 13th Street, Milwaukee
    September 26th Disco Night			    7-9 p.m.
    October 10 		 Pajama Party
                                     7-9 p.m.
    October 24
                    Masquerade			7-9 p.m.
    October 31 		 Costume Ball
                                     7-9 p.m.
    November 14 Silly Mustache Dance
                                     7-9 p.m.
    December 12 Holiday Hop
                                     7-9 p.m.

    Wil-O-Way Underwood
    10602 Underwood Parkway, Wauwatosa
    September 26th    Neon Night			                 7-9 p.m.
    October 10th		    Out of this World Dance       7-9 p.m.     Are You A Friday
    October 24th		    Ghost Gambol			               7-9 p.m.
    November 14th     Tropical Dance			             7-9 p.m.
                                                                  Night Regular?
                                                               Sign up for your preferred
    December 5th		    Rock & Roll Night		           7-9 p.m.   location’s Dance Deal and
    December 12th     Blizzard Ball (prom)		        6-9 p.m.   save $2.00!
                                                               (Key Card Members Only)
6                                www.eastersealswise.com
Wil-O-Way Grant Programs
                           207 Lake Drive, South Milwaukee

    MONDAY                                               WEDNESDAY
    Special Olympics Basketball                          Ceramics Night Owls
    (See Specific Dates Below)                           September 10 th-December 3 rd
    September 8th & 22nd, October 6th & 20 th,           *No program Wednesday, November 26th
    November 3 rd & 17th, December 1st                   6:00-8:00 p.m.
    6:00-8:00 p.m.                                       $55 for entire session
    $28 for entire session                               MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                    Explore your inner artist in this great class! Come
    S.O. Basketball returns! This class meets every      along and make projects that you can take
    other week. You will need a Special Olympics         home to show your friends!
    Medical Form on file to compete. To get signed
    up or learn more, please contact                     THURSDAY
    Bryan Vattendahl at (414) 847-1951 or                Cooking Basics
    bryan.vattendahl@goodwillsew.com.                    September 11th-December 4th
                                                         *No program Thursday, November 27th
    TUESDAY                                              12:00-2:00 p.m.
    Music Theme Night                                    $40 for entire session
    September 9th-December 2nd                           MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    *No program Tuesday, November 25th                   Put on your chef’s apron! This class is designed
    6:00-8:00 p.m.                                       for you to learn the basics of working in the
    $35 for entire session                               kitchen. Join us!
    MINIMUM: 5		           MAXIMUM: 20
    Moving to Tuesday nights, this class will make you   THURSDAY
    want to groove! Each week will be a different        Fruits For Fall
    theme - 80’s, rock & roll, country, you name         September 11th-December 4th
    it! There will be fun activities to go with each     *No program Thursday, November 27th
    theme.                                               6:00-8:00 p.m.
                                                         $35 for entire session
    WEDNESDAY                                            MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    Ceramics Artiste                                     We all love a good, fruity treat now and then,
    September 10 th-December 3 rd                        so why not join us? Come make, bake and taste
    *No program Wednesday, November 26th                 some delicious fall fruit creations.
    1:30-3:30 p.m.
    $55 for entire session
    MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    Daytime ceramics is back at Wil-O-Way Grant.
    Come to this fun class to learn or brush up on
    your ceramics skills! You get to take home each
    piece that you make.

7                                     www.eastersealswise.com                                                  7
Wil-O-Way Underwood Programs
                    10602 Underwood Parkway, Wauwatosa

    TUESDAY                                            THURSDAY
    Music & Games                                      WOWZumba
    September 9th-December 2nd                         September 11th-December 4th
    *No program Tuesday, November 25th                 *No program Thursday, November 27th
    6:00-8:00 p.m.                                     6:00-8:00 p.m.
    $35 for entire session                             $40 for entire session
    MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                  MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    You asked for a class with music and games... we   A chance for you to get fit and have fun! This
    listened! Come sing, dance and play games with     is a beginner level class that will be a mix of
    your friends at this program.                      physical activity and relaxation. There will even
                                                       be healthy snacks to enjoy!
    Pizza & A Movie
    September 10 th-December 3 rd
    *No program Wednesday, November 26th
    6:00-8:30 p.m.
    $40 for entire session
    MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
    This fun program is starting up again in a new
    location! Come make a pizza and relax with your
    friends watching a movie.

               AMF West Lanes Bowling Programs
                     7505 W. Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee

    WEDNESDAY                                          THURSDAY
    BOWLING                                            September 11th-December 4th
    September 10 th-December 3 rd                      *No program Thursday, November 27th
    *No program Wednesday, November 26th               4:00-6:00 p.m.
    4:00-6:00 p.m.                                     $22 to register and $6 each time to bowl
    $22 to register and $6 each time to bowl           MINIMUM: 10		        MAXIMUM: 48
    MINIMUM: 10		        MAXIMUM: 48

8                                   www.eastersealswise.com
Wauwatosa Center Programs
                       7111 W. Center Street, Wauwatosa

TUESDAY                                             THURSDAY (See Specific Dates Below)
Bingo Night                                         Coffee House
September 9th-December 2nd                          September 11th, October 2nd, November 6th,
*No program Tuesday, November 25th                  December 4th
6:00-8:00 p.m.                                      6:00-8:00 p.m.
$40 for entire session                              $35 for entire session
MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                   MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
Bingo Night returns! Bring your friends for a fun   Coffee, hot chocolate or tea, whatever your
game and great prizes!                              favorite may be, you’ll find it here. Join us at
                                                    this relaxing social circle. Light snacks will be
WEDNESDAY                                           provided.
Cooking Healthy Snacks
September 10 th-December 3 rd                       SATURDAY (See Specific Dates Below)
*No program Wednesday, November 26th                Create N’ Celebrate
6:00-8:00 p.m.                                      September 13th, October 11th, November 8th,
$40 for entire session                              December 6th
MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                   1:00-3:00 p.m.
Join us in making tasty foods that are good for     $35 for entire session
your health. You will even get to take home a       MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
cookbook at the end of the session!                 Join us once a month in creating themed
                                                    projects and celebrating what we make! Bring a
                                                    friend – the more, the merrier!

                                   www.eastersealswise.com                                              9
Generations Center Programs
                                2222 S. 114th Street, West Allis

     TUESDAY                                              THURSDAY
     Dinner & Dessert                                     Ceramics Club
     September 9th-December 2nd                           September 11th-December 4th
     *No program Tuesday, November 25th                   *No program Thursday, November 27th
     6:00-8:00 p.m.                                       6:00-8:00 p.m.
     $35 for entire session                               $55 for entire session
     MINIMUM: 5 		         MAXIMUM: 20                    MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
     Hope you’re hungry! This popular class gives you     Expand on your ceramics skills! You will get to
     the opportunity to brush up on your cooking skills   take home each project that you make.
     and enjoy what you make each week.
                                                          SATURDAY (See Specific Dates Below)
                                                          Fun-Tastic Saturdays
     Craft Crazy                                          September 20 th, October 4th & 18th, November 1st
     September 10 -December 3
                    th              rd
                                                          & 15th, December 6th
     *No program Wednesday, November 26th                 1:00-3:00 p.m.
     6:00-8:00 p.m.                                       $26 for entire session
     $35 for entire session                               MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
     MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                    This is the place to be at the end of the week!
     Explore your inner artist in this fun, new class.    Come make crafts and socialize with your friends
     Creative ideas welcome!                              at this fun program.

10                                       www.eastersealswise.com
Generations Center Sunday Programs
                          2222 S. 114th Street, West Allis

September 14th                                         October 26th
Silly Hat Day - $15                                    Costume Party - $15
1:00-4:00 p.m.                                         1:00-4:00 p.m.
MINIMUM: 5		            MAXIMUM: 24                    MINIMUM: 5           MAXIMUM: 24
Let’s start our fall session with some chuckles.       Pirate, princess, ghost or ghoul, come dressed up
Come in wearing the goofiest hat you own!              in your best Halloween costume! There will be a
                                                       contest for spookiest costume.
September 21 st
Fall Bingo Party - $15                                 November 2nd
1:00-4:00 p.m.                                         Fall Birthday Party - $15
MINIMUM: 5		       MAXIMUM: 24                         1:00-4:00 p.m.
Who loves a good game of bingo? We all do!             MINIMUM: 5              MAXIMUM: 24
Come join the fun!                                     Do you have a birthday sometime this session?
                                                       This is a party just for you! Please feel free to join
September 28th                                         no matter when your birthday is – we celebrate
                                                       EVERYONE here!
Brewers Season Bash - $15
1:00-4:00 p.m.
MINIMUM: 5		         MAXIMUM: 24                       November 9th
It’s the end of baseball season. Let’s end it with a   Tasty Chocolate Treats - $15
bang at this fun party. Go Brew Crew!                  1:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                       MINIMUM: 5            MAXIMUM: 24
October 5th                                            If chocolate is your best friend, then don’t miss
                                                       this delectable day. Bring a friend and your
Johnny Appleseed Day - $15                             sweet tooth!
1:00-4:00 p.m.
MINIMUM: 5         MAXIMUM: 24
Let’s make some delicious foods for fall. There will   November 16th
be apple treats and other sweet treats to try!         Holiday Card Creations - $15
                                                       1:00-4:00 p.m.
October 12     th                                      MINIMUM: 5             MAXIMUM: 24
                                                       It’s that time of year again! Let’s make some
Mexican Fiesta - $15                                   cards for the loved ones in our lives. There will be
1:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                       snacks and socializing!
MINIMUM: 5		         MAXIMUM: 24
Olé! Join us for great food with great friends at
this Mexican-themed party!                             November 23rd
                                                       Thanksgiving Party - $15
October 19th                                           1:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                       MINIMUM: 5           MAXIMUM: 24
Halloween Bingo - $15                                  Come give thanks with us in our final party of the
1:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                       year. We want to give YOU a special thank-you
MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 24
                                                       for your participation in our programs!
Come along for a spooky, silly bingo party. It
will be tons of fun! Special Halloween prizes
throughout the afternoon!

                                  Sunday Fun-day Deal
         Sign up for all eleven Sunday programs at West Allis and save $10!

                                    www.eastersealswise.com                                                     11
Saturday Community Outings

     September 13th                                                   October 25th
     Bayview Bash - $10                                               Autumn Festival at State Fair Expo - $10
     830 E. Potter Ave., Milwaukee                                    640 S. 84th St., West Allis
     11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.                                             11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
     MINIMUM: 5		         MAXIMUM: 20                                 MINIMUM: 5		           MAXIMUM: 20
     Great food and great fun! Join us at this outdoor                Get in the spirit of fall at this indoor festival!
     event that promises to be a good time. Transport                 There will be lovely crafts to view, as well as live
     pick-up and drop-off for this outing will be at McDonald’s       entertainment.
     restaurant. Please note the address above.

                                                                      November 15th
     October 4        th
                                                                      Movies at Value Cinema - $10
     East Town Market - $10                                           6912 S. 27th St., Oak Creek
     419 E. Wells St., Milwaukee                                      1:00-4:00 p.m.
     11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.                                             MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20
     MINIMUM: 5		           MAXIMUM: 20                               Join us for a movie! Don’t forget to bring
     Come along for shopping, food and                                spending money for your favorite treats.
     entertainment. Bring a friend! Transport pick-up
     and drop-off for this outing will be at Real Chili restaurant.
     Please note the address above.

12                                              www.eastersealswise.com
Sunday Community Outings

September 21 st                                      November 2nd
Movies at Value Cinema - $10                         Panda Hut - $20
6912 S. 27th St., Oak Creek                          7136 W. Greenfield Ave., West Allis
1:00-4:00 p.m.                                       3:00-5:00 p.m.
MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                    MINIMUM: 5		        MAXIMUM: 20
Lights, camera... action! Bring your friends for a   Chicken, rice and everything nice! Come to this
fun afternoon at the movies.                         delicious Chinese buffet.

October 12th                                         November 23rd
Perkins Restaurant - $20                             Holiday Shopping at Mayfair Mall - $15
2878 S. 108th St., West Allis                        2500 N. Mayfair Rd., Wauwatosa
1:00-3:00 p.m.                                       11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
MINIMUM: 5		          MAXIMUM: 20                    MINIMUM: 5		         MAXIMUM: 20
Dine in with us at Perkins. Bring your appetite!     The holiday deals are going on now, don’t miss
                                                     out! Join us at Mayfair Mall to purchase gifts for
                                                     loved ones and even something for yourself.

                                              Arrive no
                                            earlier than 15
                                           minutes prior to
                                          the starting time!

                                  DOUBLE CHECK
                                     the program time

     If you are not registered for an outing, staff will not know to expect you and
     therefore may not be waiting for you. Keeping your safety in mind, BE SURE YOU

                  Notes for Community Outings

                                   www.eastersealswise.com                                                13
For more information or to reserve your seat, contact Paula Strelitz at (414) 963-5934 or
     paulas@eastersealswise.com, or by visiting www.eastersealswise.com.

                       Tackling Autism
                        With Easter Seals and the Marquette High School Hilltoppers

                                                       Join us for this FREE Football Clinic for
                                                       children with autism ages 3-18 and their
                                                       • Basic football drills such as throwing
                                                          and catching
                                                       • Relay races
                                                       • Trying on the Hilltoppers’ uniforms
                                                       • Raffles and prizes
                                                       • T-shirt for every participant

                                                       For more details, contact Mel Roth at
                                                       (414) 963-5940 or

     Let us show our appreciation of you at this FREE event!

              Sunday, December 14th
               10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
                Wil-O-Way Grant
         207 Lake Drive, South Milwaukee
To register: Call Amy Look at (414) 550-2294 or fill out the registration form
included in this booklet.

Non-Profit Org.
Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin                         U.S. Postage
2222 S. 114th Street                                         PAID
                                                        Milwaukee, WI
West Allis, WI 53227                                    Permit No. 2781

                  in collaboration with
                  Milwaukee County
                  Office for Person with Disabilities

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