Professional Learning Offer Autumn 2020 - Tower Hamlets ...

Page created by Steve Weber
Professional Learning Offer Autumn 2020 - Tower Hamlets ...
Professional Learning Offer
          Autumn 2020
1                        To Book Go To SLA Online
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THE Partnership Professional Learning Offer 2020-21 ......................................................................... 5
    Booking Details ......................................................................................................................................... 5
    Our Principles ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Leadership Programmes .................................................................................................................... 6
    High Performance Leadership Programme............................................................................................... 6
    Future Headteachers’ Programme ........................................................................................................... 6
    Next Generation Senior Leader Programme ............................................................................................ 6
    BAME Senior Leadership Programme ....................................................................................................... 7
    Middle Leader Programme (LEAD) ........................................................................................................... 7
    Secondary Pastoral Leadership Programme ............................................................................................. 7
    Empowering Leadership: Influencing through Coaching .......................................................................... 8
    Primary Subject Leaders as Researchers: Developing an Effective Evidence Informed Method of School
    Improvement ............................................................................................................................................ 9
    Headteacher Conference .......................................................................................................................... 9
    SEND Professional Learning ...................................................................................................................... 9
    School Business Manager Support ........................................................................................................... 9
Primary Offer – Autumn Term 2020.................................................................................................. 10
    Year Group Training ................................................................................................................................ 10
       Year 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 10
       Year 2 .................................................................................................................................................. 10
       Year 6 .................................................................................................................................................. 10
    Phonics Training ...................................................................................................................................... 10
    Improving Early Reading ......................................................................................................................... 11
    Teaching Grammar Effectively ................................................................................................................ 11
    Preparing for the Multiplication Tables Check ....................................................................................... 11
    Excellent RE ............................................................................................................................................. 11
    Teaching Three Religions ........................................................................................................................ 12
    New to Science Subject Leadership ........................................................................................................ 12
    Developing high-quality exploratory talk in science in order to problem solve, collaborate and develop
    understanding ......................................................................................................................................... 12
    MFL Subject Leader Development .......................................................................................................... 12
    French Language Teaching and Methodology ........................................................................................ 13
    Spanish Language Teaching and Methodology ...................................................................................... 13
    Developing Historical Skills in KS1 and KS2 ............................................................................................. 13
    EYFS and Primary NQT Programme ........................................................................................................ 13
    RQT Programme...................................................................................................................................... 14
Primary Subject Network Meetings .................................................................................................. 14

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Primary Leadership Network Meetings............................................................................................. 14
  Secondary Offer – Autumn Term 2020 .............................................................................................. 15
     Secondary NQT Programme ................................................................................................................... 15
     RQT Programme...................................................................................................................................... 15
  Secondary Subject Network Meetings .............................................................................................. 16
  Secondary Leadership Network Meetings ......................................................................................... 16
  Additional Professional Learning Opportunities ................................................................................ 17
     Online Think Tanks, Roundtables and Collaborative meetings .............................................................. 17
     Additional Leadership Consultant Visits ................................................................................................. 17
     Focussed School/Subject/Themed Reviews ........................................................................................... 17
     Leadership Coaching Packages ............................................................................................................... 17
     Bespoke Training and Development ....................................................................................................... 17
     Headteacher Appraisal Facilitation ......................................................................................................... 18
     Appropriate Body (NQTs)........................................................................................................................ 18
  Projects and Research ...................................................................................................................... 18
     Current Projects ...................................................................................................................................... 18

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THE Partnership Professional Learning Offer 2020-21

Booking Details
 Schools in Tower Hamlets can book places on all programmes, events and network meetings in this
  brochure through SLA Online

 Early Bird Discount: Places booked through SLA Online by Friday 18 September will be eligible for a
  10% discount* which is applied automatically when you book

 All prices are stated excluding VAT

 Bookings made through SLA Online will be invoiced quarterly after the programme has started or the
  event/meeting has taken place and all bookings are subject to the cancellation policy below

 Substitutions are allowed except for programmes that involve more than one session but we request
  that you inform us of substitutions at least 48 hours in advance at

 Cancellations made more than 3 working days in advance will not be charged for. For cancellations
  less than 3 working days in advance the full price will be charged. Cancellations should be made at

 If you require further details, visit our website or call us on
  020 7364 4695 (Primary) or 020 7364 6846 (Leadership & Secondary)

 Due to the current circumstances, all training will be delivered remotely for at least the first half of
  the autumn term. Sessions will be interactive, and allow for discussion. All materials will be made
  available to participants electronically.

Our Principles
 We want to make Tower Hamlets the best place in the country to train, develop and grow as a
  teacher or leader

 We aim to develop teachers and leaders who are outward facing; collaborative and curious

 We believe in the power of cross-phase working; sharing knowledge across the system and
  supporting teachers and leaders to build their professional networks

 We commit to a blended learning approach to professional learning, combining face to face
  conferences; online learning; 1-2-1 support and immersion experiences

 We will build a self-sustaining system by drawing on leaders within Tower Hamlets to contribute and
  deliver our programmes

 We will look up and out to learn from and partner with high-performing organisations and leaders
  beyond Tower Hamlets and beyond education to benchmark and challenge ourselves against the
  best that is out there

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Leadership Programmes

  High Performance Leadership Programme
  Aimed at Headteachers and System Leaders

  This programme was curtailed as a result of lockdown in 2020. We will therefore roll the current
  programme in 2020 - 21, resuming in Autumn 2020.

  Additional online session – Friday 2 October                            12.30pm - 1.30pm
  Session 2 – Monday 30 November                                          9.00am - 5.00pm
  Session 3 – Tuesday 26 January 2021                                     9.00am - 5.00pm
  Session 4 – Tuesday 23 March 2021                                       9.00am - 5.00pm
  Study visits Spring 2021

  Price - Any THEP Members wishing to join the programme in Autumn 2020 can do so at a reduced
          Price of £600 per delegate (Early Bird £540)

  Future Headteachers’ Programme
  Aimed at established Senior Leaders who have the ambition and ability to secure a headship.

  Each delegate will be allocated a Headteacher coach from another Tower Hamlets’ school and engage in
  a day shadowing with their coach.

  Session 1 - Thursday 5 November 2020                                    9.00am - 3.00pm
  Session 2 - Wednesday 2 December 2020                                   4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 3 - March 2021                                                  4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 4 - June 2021                                                   2.00pm - 5.00pm
  Mock Interviews - April 2021

  Price - THEP Members            £600 per delegate (Early Bird £540)
          Non-THEP Members        £950 per delegate

  Next Generation Senior Leader Programme
  Aimed at established Middle Leaders whose next step is to secure a senior leadership position or
  colleagues who are new to assistant headship

         Five twilight workshops over the course of the year
         Delivered by experienced facilitators and current senior leaders from within Tower Hamlets

  Session 1 – Thursday 26 November 2020                                   4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 2 – February 2020                                               4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 3 – April 2020                                                  4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 4 - June 2020                                                   4.00pm - 6.00pm
  Session 5 - July 2020                                                   4.00pm - 6.00pm

  Price - THEP Members            £525 per delegate (Early Bird £475)
          Non-THEP Members        £775 per delegate

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BAME Senior Leadership Programme
Aimed at established Middle Leaders whose next step is to secure a senior leadership position or
colleagues who are new to assistant headship
This leadership development programme, co-designed by Swanlea School in partnership with
THEP offers Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) leaders in primary, special and secondary
schools the opportunity to explore and develop their leadership skills. The programme is for
middle leaders keen to consider the steps to senior leadership and beyond. Twilight seminars
and school placements will help participants build confidence, skills and knowledge.
Inspirational leaders and role models from education will lead workshops combining a mix of
input and practical activity. They will also share their experiences as BAME leaders in education.
Session 1 – January 2021                                                  4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 2 - Febuary 2021                                                  4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 3 - April 2021                                                    4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 4 - June 2021                                                     4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 5 – July 2021                                                     4.00pm - 6.00pm

Price - THEP Members            FREE (Fully funded by THEP)
        Non-THEP Members        £775 per delegate

Middle Leader Programme (LEAD)
Aimed at aspiring or new Middle Leaders

       Five twilight workshops run over the course of the year
       Practical leadership and management development
       Delivered by experienced facilitators and practitioners

Session 1 – Thursday 26 November 2020                                     4.00pm - 5.30pm
Session 2 – Thursday 28 January 2021                                      4.00pm - 5.30pm
Session 3 – Thursday 25 February 2021                                     4.00pm - 5.30pm
Session 4 – TBC – Contender Charle Event                                  TBC
Session 5 – Thursday 24 June 2021                                         4.00pm - 5.30pm

Price - THEP Members            £300 per delegate (Early Bird £270)
        Non-THEP Members        £500 per delegate

Secondary Pastoral Leadership Programme
Aimed at Year Leaders or other middle leaders with responsibility for pastoral, behaviour, welfare and
character development

       Four twilight workshops over the course of the year
       Specific leadership and skills development for pastoral leaders

Session 1 - 1 October 2020                                                4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 2 - 8 December 2020                                               4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 3 - March 2021                                                    4.00pm - 6.00pm
Session 4 – June 2021                                                     4.00pm - 6.00pm

Price - THEP Members            £300 per delegate (Early Bird £270)
        Non-THEP Members        £500 per delegate

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Empowering Leadership: Influencing through Coaching
  Aimed at anyone in a leadership role

  The best leaders need to empower others to get the most out of them. Our approach to coaching is
  practical, concerned with actual behaviour and real impact on others. What matters to us is to help
  people make step changes in their leadership behaviour.
         Building trust & social contracting
         Coaching and empowering others
         Difficult conversations / challenge and feedback
         Full spectrum leadership / facilitation
         Designed and led by Nick Zienau, an experienced and highly effective coach and trainer
  We make the offer in two different forms. They are not mutually exclusive. You can opt for either option
  depending on your needs and practical considerations.
  The design also allows people to start with one option and do the other at another time.
  People get most out of using the 7 tools when they have repeated opportunities to practice and get
  feedback. Either course can act as a refresher for the other.

  Option 1 – Coaching Programme (online)
  This series of sessions breaks down the 7 tools defined by Nick into 4 x 3 hour sessions. It is suitable for
  all those in leadership positions in school and takes a very practical approach to practicing and using the
  tools in the context of your leadership.
  There will be 1½ hours of input, modelling, practice and discussion, followed by 1½ hours of personal
  group coaching in triads.

  Cohort 1
  Session 1 – 20 October 2020                                                        2.00pm – 5.00pm
  Session 2 – 10 November 2020                                                       2.00pm – 5.00pm
  Session 3 – 2 December 2020                                                        2.00pm – 5.00pm
  Session 4 – 13 January 2021                                                        2.00pm – 5.00pm
   Price - THEP Members            £500 per delegate (Early Bird £450)
           Non-THEP Members        £750 per delegate

  Option 2 Empowering Leadership – Two day intensive programme
  Thursday 4 – Friday 5 March 2021                                                   8.30am – 5.00pm
  The content of this is the same but concentrated into 2 days instead of spread over the year.
  This format covers the same tools and philosophy but is a more intensive experience and allows
  participants to challenge their own current practice more deeply and is particularly effective in
  promoting self-awareness of the link between your own behaviour and the impact you have on others.
   Price - THEP Members            £650 per delegate (Early Bird £585)
           Non-THEP Members        £950 per delegate

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Primary Subject Leaders as Researchers: Developing an Effective
Evidence Informed Method of School Improvement
Aimed at subject leaders with responsibility for curriculum development, progress and attainment
         Four part project over the course of the year
The aims of the project are to engage with existing research in primary education around an area of
learning that suits your school’s own needs, and develop, and embed evidence-informed approaches to
teaching and learning based on this.
Participants will evaluate and share the success of their approaches and develop a sustainable practice
of school development through utilising the learnt model.
Part 1:     Thursday 3 December 2020                                                1.30pm – 4.00pm
Part 2 - 4: Twilight dates to be arranged

Price - THEP Members               £300 per delegate (Early Bird £270)
        Non-THEP Members           £475 per delegate

Headteacher Conference
We are delighted to work together with the Headteacher Committee in supporting the annual Tower
Hamlets Headteacher Conference. The 2019 conference was a tremendous success with a well-received
range of high-quality speakers.
As a result of lockdown and uncertainties for the Autumn term we plan to run a one-day conference in
November and then our residential conference in Spring or Summer 2021. The programme will be decided
later in the year but we will work with the Headteacher Committee to provide another strong line-up and
we will continue to subsidise the Price of attending for Headteachers of member schools.
Session 1:         13 November 2020 (TBC)
Session 2:         11-12 March 2021 (TBC)

SEND Professional Learning
Our SEND Group is currently developing a SEND professional learning offer to compliment the specialist
and outreach work offered by other providers. We expect to launch this offer in the 2020-21 autumn
term with further details to follow in September. We will develop three strands for this professional
    1. A mini-conference aimed at Headteachers and Senior Leaders - ‘Leading an Inclusive School.’
    2. A SENCo Network to share ideas, collaborate on projects and provide mutual support and challenge.
    3. Training for classroom teachers – ‘Leading an inclusive classroom’. We will also look to run one-off
       workshops on specified themes throughout the year either face to face or online.

School Business Manager Support
Aimed at school business managers and finance leads

THE Partnership supports the work of the School Business Managers’ Forum and in 2019-20 we have
worked together on the introduction of a managed services contract for temporary staffing that will
provide significant savings for member schools. In addition, in 2020-21 we will work with the SBM
Forum to identify their professional learning requirements and how they can be met through THEP.

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Primary Offer – Autumn Term 2020

  Year Group Training
  Aimed at year group teachers / phase leaders

  In order to support teachers with planning and delivery to address gaps that may have arisen due to
  pupils being absent from school, specific year group training has been revised in order to reflect and
  address this. Training will be delivered in the afternoon over four sessions throughout the term with a
  gap tasks in between, giving teachers the opportunity to put into practice the learning from each
  session. Key year groups have been targeted for autumn term; others will be delivered early in spring

  Year 1
  Session 1 - Mathematics and Science: Thursday 24 September 2020          1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 2 - English: Friday 25 September 2020                            1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 3 - Mathematics and Science: Thursday 5 November 2020            1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 4 - English: 6 November 2020                                     1.30pm – 4.00pm

  Year 2
  Session 1 - Mathematics and Science: Monday 12 October 2020              1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 2 - English: Tuesday 13 October 2020                             1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 3 - Mathematics and Science: Tuesday 24 November 2020            1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 4 - English: Wednesday 25 November 2020                          1.30pm – 4.00pm

  Year 6
  Session 1 - Mathematics and Science: Monday 28 September 2020            1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 2 - English: Tuesday 29 September 2020                           1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 3 - English: Tuesday 10 November 2020                            1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 4 - Mathematics and Science: 11 November 2020                    1.30pm – 4.00pm

  Package Price are for all sessions for each year group and materials
  Price - THEP Members            £200 per delegate (Early Bird £180)
          Non-THEP Members        £325 per delegate

  Phonics Training
  Aimed at teachers and TAs

  These sessions have been designed to deepen understanding around the teaching and learning of
  phonics, including exploring lesson sequences and activities to impact learning.

  Phase 2 and 3: Tuesday 15 September 2020                                 1.30pm – 3.30pm
  Phase 4 and 5: Thursday 17 September                                     1.30pm – 3.30pm
  Phase 1:       Thursday 1 October 2020                                   1.30pm – 3.30pm

  Price - THEP Members            £60 for each course per delegate (Early Bird £54)
          Non-THEP Members        £110 for each course per delegate

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Improving Early Reading
Aimed at teachers in Reception and KS1

This twilight session will explore ways to promote and engage with early reading, including reading
aloud, using decodable books and using books across the setting and curriculum.

Wednesday 18 November 2020                                                 4.15pm – 5.45pm

Price - THEP Members             £60 per delegate (Early Bird £54)
        Non-THEP Members         £110 per delegate

Teaching Grammar Effectively
Aimed at year group teachers / phase leaders

These year group specific twilights for Y3, Y4 and Y5 have been written to support teachers to teach
grammar in context. Each session will look to re-establishing and securing prior knowledge and explore
moving forwards.

Year 3: Wednesday 30 September 2020                                        4.00pm – 5.30pm
Year 4: Wednesday 14 October 2020                                          4.00pm – 5.30pm
Year 5: Wednesday 21 October 2020                                          4.00pm – 5.30pm

Price - THEP Members             £60 for each course per delegate (Early Bird £54)
        Non-THEP Members         £110 for each course per delegate

Preparing for the Multiplication Tables Check
Aimed at lower KS2 teachers / phase leaders

At this training, a range of strategies for teaching Multiplication Tables will be shared and we will
consider how to embed understanding.

Tuesday 8 December                                                         1.30pm – 4.00pm

Price - THEP Members             £60 per delegate (Early Bird £54)
        Non-THEP Members         £110 per delegate

Excellent RE
Aimed at RE leaders and teachers

The training will explore how teaching and learning in RE can be improved and cascaded throughout the
school. It will aim to support a school to organise the curriculum for engaging and effective learning in

Wednesday 14 October 2020                                                  1.30pm – 4.00pm

Price - THEP Members             £50 per delegate (Early Bird £45)
        Non-THEP Members         £50 per delegate

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Teaching Three Religions
  Aimed at RE leaders and teachers

  This course addresses practical ways of learning about and from three religions: Christianity, Judaism
  and Islam. Participants will have an increased subject knowledge and work through a variety of engaging
  and effective strategies for learning as well as ensuring progression in your teaching of these religions.

  Tuesday 24 November 2020                                                 9.15am – 3.30pm

  Price - THEP Members            £50 per delegate (Early Bird £45)
          Non-THEP Members        £50 per delegate

  New to Science Subject Leadership
  Aimed at new science subject leaders

  A knowledge rich session of sharing all the best resources and tools for leading science plus a chance to
  discuss and ask questions.

  Thursday 8 October 2020                                                  1.30pm – 4.00pm

  Price - THEP Members            £75 per delegate (Early Bird £68)
          Non-THEP Members        £125 per delegate

  Developing high-quality exploratory talk in science in order to
  problem solve, collaborate and develop understanding
  Aimed at science leads and teachers

  We will meet some of the tricky parts of science, misconceptions and harder to teach (and often
  neglected!) skills over the 2 sessions.

  Session 1: Thursday 19 November 2020                                     1.30pm – 4.00pm
  Session 2: Thursday 11 February 2021                                     1.30pm – 4.00pm

  Price - THEP Members            £125 per delegate for both sessions (Early Bird £110)
          Non-THEP Members        £200 per delegate for both sessions

  MFL Subject Leader Development
  Aimed at MFL subject leaders

  This interactive session will provide key documentation and up-to-date information about the MFL
  subject area and offer colleagues the opportunity to explore a range of digital learning resources to
  support MFL learners.

  Wednesday 30 September 2020                                             1.30pm – 3.00pm
  Bespoke follow up 1:1 session in school (or remote) to be confirmed with participants

  Price - FREE to schools with an SLA for MFL
          Schools with no SLA for MFL - £150 for training session and 1 hour bespoke 1:1 meeting

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French Language Teaching and Methodology
Aimed at all teachers and support staff / MFL leads

This six week course will increase confidence and competence to communicate in French and help plan
and deliver lessons to KS1 and KS2 pupils

Weekly from Thursday 5 November 2020 to Thursday 10 December 2020 4.15pm – 5.30pm

Price - £200 per delegate (Early Bird £180)

Spanish Language Teaching and Methodology
Aimed at for all teachers and support staff / MFL leads

This six week course will increase confidence and competence to communicate in Spanish and help plan
and deliver lessons to KS1 and KS2 pupils

Weekly from Thursday 5 November 2020 to Thursday 10 December 2020 4.15pm – 5.30pm

Price - £200 per delegate (Early Bird £180)

Developing Historical Skills in KS1 and KS2
Aimed at History subject leaders / SLT

This training will explore what the purpose of History Education is, focusing on what is History and why
we study History. Part of the session will identify historical skills and how can they be developed and
embedded in KS1 and KS2.

Thursday 10 December 2020                                                1.30pm – 4.00pm

Price - THEP Members            £75 per delegate (Early Bird £68)
        Non-THEP Members        £125 per delegate

EYFS and Primary NQT Programme
Aimed at EYFS and Primary NQTs

We offer phase appropriate training for all sessions and the programmes are very well regarded.

This year we’ve reorganised the content to make ‘chunks’ of learning more cohesive and introduced a
summer term focus around cognitive learning and the wider curriculum, to jointly meet current needs
and help us to prepare for the changes to NQT training in the academic year 2021-22.

See individual programmes for details.

These programmes consist of 22 sessions from 23 September 2020 – 14 July 2021

Price - THEP Members            £750 per delegate
        Non-THEP Members        £900 per delegate

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RQT Programme
  This programme is designed to support the development of teachers at the start of their career and to
  build on and develop the learning from the NQT year.

  The programme will focus on practical tools to support teachers to develop their practice and to build
  confidence and presence in the role. Participants will have the opportunity to visit other schools as
  appropriate and as part of action research projects. There will be 6 sessions delivered across the year.

  Session 1 – Monday 5 October 2020                                        4.15pm – 5.30pm
  Session 2 – Monday 23 November 2020                                      4.15pm – 5.30pm
  Session 3 – Monday 1 February 2021                                       4.15pm – 5.30pm
  Session 4 – Monday 22 March 2021                                         4.15pm – 5.30pm
  Session 5 – Monday 10 May 2021                                           4.15pm – 5.30pm
  Session 6 – Monday 5 July 2021                                           4.15pm – 5.30pm

  Price - THEP Members            £250 per delegate (Early Bird £225)
          Non-THEP Members        not available

  Primary Subject Network Meetings

  English                  Wednesday 16 September 2020                     4.15pm – 5.30pm
                           Thursday 5 November 2020                        4.15pm – 5.30pm

  Mathematics              Thursday 10 September 2020                      4.15pm - 5.30pm
                           Thursday 26 November 2020                       4.15pm - 5.30pm

  Science                  Thursday 1 October 2020                         4.15pm – 5.30pm
                           Thursday 26 November 2020                       4.15pm – 5.30pm

  MFL                      Wednesday 25 November 2020                      4.15pm – 5.30pm

  RE                       Thursday 22 October 2020                        4.15pm – 5.30pm

  Price - THEP Members            FREE as part of membership offer
          Non-THEP Members        £110 per delegate per meeting

  Primary Leadership Network Meetings

  DHT / AHT                Thursday 17 September 2020                      4.15pm – 5.30pm
                           Friday 20 November 2020                         1.30pm – 3.30pm

  Price - THEP Members            FREE as part of membership offer
          Non-THEP Members        £110 per delegate per meeting

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Secondary Offer – Autumn Term 2020

Secondary NQT Programme
This programme is designed to support the development of teachers at the start of their career and to
build on and support their learning from their professional studies work in schools.

The programme will focus on practical tools to support teachers to develop their practice and to build
confidence and presence in the role.

Session 1 – Monday 28 September 2020                                      4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 2 – Monday 9 November 2020                                        4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 3 – Monday 25 January 2021                                        4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 4 – Monday 15 March 2021                                          4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 5 – Monday 24 May 2021                                            4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 6 – Monday 28 June 2021                                           4.15pm – 5.30pm

Price - THEP Members             £250 per delegate
        Non-THEP Members         not available

RQT Programme
This programme is designed to support the development of teachers at the start of their career and to
build on and develop the learning from the NQT year. The programme will focus on practical tools to
support teachers to develop their practice and to build confidence and presence in the role.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit other schools as appropriate and as part of action research
projects. There will be 6 sessions delivered across the year.

Session 1 – Monday 5 October 2020                                         4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 2 – Monday 23 November 2020                                       4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 3 – Monday 1 February 2021                                        4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 4 – Monday 22 March 2021                                          4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 5 – Monday 10 May 2021                                            4.15pm – 5.30pm
Session 6 – Monday 5 July 2021                                            4.15pm – 5.30pm

Price - THEP Members             £250 per delegate
        Non-THEP Members         not available

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Secondary Subject Network Meetings

  English                  Tuesday 29 September 2020                     4.15pm – 6.00pm
                           Monday 30 November 2020                       4.15pm – 6.0pm

  Mathematics              Monday 28 September 2020                      4.15pm - 6.00pm
                           Monday 23 November 2020                       4.15pm - 6.00pm

  Science                  Tuesday 15 September 2020                     4.15pm – 6.00pm
                           Tuesday 13 October 2020                       4.15pm – 6.00pm

  Geography                Tuesday 6 October 2020                        4.15pm – 6.00pm
                           Wednesday 9 December 2020                     4.15pm – 6.00pm

  History                  Thursday 1 October 2020                       4.15pm – 6.00pm
                           Wednesday 2 December 2020                     4.15pm – 6.00pm

  MFL                      Thursday 8 October 2020                       4.15pm – 6.00pm
                           Thursday 12 November 2020                     4.15pm – 6.00pm

  Post-16                  Thursday 3 December 2020                      4.00pm – 5.30pm

  Prices - THEP Members           FREE as part of membership offer
           Non-THEP Members       £110 per delegate per meeting

  Secondary Leadership Network Meetings

  Secondary Leadership network meetings will start in the autumn term. Exact dates and times will be
  published in September.

  Current Leadership networks:
  Academic and Learning Mentor
  Executive Heads Forum
  Heads of School Forum
  Primary Deputy Headteachers & Assistant Headteachers
  Professional Learning Network
  Secondary Deputy Headteacher

  Prices - THEP Members           FREE as part of membership offer
           Non-THEP Members       £110 per delegate per meeting

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Additional Professional Learning Opportunities

Online Think Tanks, Roundtables and Collaborative meetings
Throughout the year THEP will facilitate and lead a series of events aimed at stimulating debate and
thinking around particular topics. These are likely to be driven by the current educational landscape and
priorities but will be co-constructed with members and their feedback. We will invite guest speakers,
experts and authors to contribute to these discussions so that THEP colleagues can hear from leading
voices in education and leadership. We will continue to run collaborative meetings with the aim of
offering peer to peer support and sharing knowledge across the system. Details of events and timings
will be issued via the KiT bulletin and other THEP communication channels.

Additional Leadership Consultant Visits
Member schools are provided with the services of a Leadership Consultant but can purchase additional
Leadership Consultant support to address specific issues identified by you such as Ofsted readiness,
mentoring, coaching, data evaluation or support with recruitment of key posts.

Price - £550 per day

Focussed School/Subject/Themed Reviews
These reviews are bespoke and driven by specific needs identified by the school. Examples may be an area
of the Ofsted framework where you would benefit from external validation or a theme identified through
your own self-evaluation, recent feedback or data. The review will include verbal feedback and a written
summary including agreed actions for further improvement.

Price - £650 per day including a report

Leadership Coaching Packages
We offer 1-2-1 coaching support with leaders and staff at all levels to reflect on their leadership and
improve performance.

We also offer group, facilitated coaching sessions for SLT or other key leadership groups within your

Price - on application

Bespoke Training and Development
THE Partnership continues to offer member schools individually tailored programmes at discounted rates.
For example, we have delivered strategic away days for senior leadership teams, leadership development
programmes for senior and middle leaders, staff INSET days and governing body training for our member

Price - on application

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Headteacher Appraisal Facilitation
  THEP has developed our own approach to this process built around our coaching philosophy; the power
  of asking the right questions and the big questions that unlock sustainable school improvement. This
  would involve a complete service from the preparation, meeting with the Headteacher, a review meeting
  with Governors and a summary document that will keep the targets alive throughout the school year
  rather than as just a moment in time.

  Price - £500 per Headteacher

  Appropriate Body (NQTs)
  This service involves registering NQTs with Tower Hamlets and the Teaching Agency, maintaining
  records, agreeing whether performance standards have been met and notifying the Teaching Agency of
  the outcome. A named contact and advice line is provided for support and guidance for both the school
  and the NQT.

  Projects and Research

  Current Projects
  We believe in the value of evidence-based school improvement strategies and will seek out and create
  opportunities for schools to be involved in a range of projects. In recent two years, our member schools
  have had the opportunity to participate in grammar, oracy, curriculum, mathematics and science
  projects. Research undertaken in some of these projects has been published and disseminated.

  It is our intention to offer further project opportunities to our member schools in 2020 - 21.

  Our current projects running are:

  Connections, continuity and progression in Multiplicative Reasoning in Primary Mathematics
  Project lead: Mike Askew (supported by Carolyn Lindsay)

  NRICH Mathematics: Going Deeper to Develop Whole Class Reasoning
  Project lead: NRICH team from Cambridge University (supported by Carolyn Lindsay)

  Reading Comprehension in the Wider Curriculum: What does it mean to read effectively in specific
  subjects? (Action Research Project)
  Project lead: David Reedy (supported by Nicole Gurvidi)

  Science Capital Research Project
  Project lead: Julia Weston

  Tower Hamlets Oracy Hub
  Project leads: Voice 21 and Nicky Pear, AHT Cubitt Town Junior School (supported by Nicole Gurvidi)

  THE Partnership Geography and History Curriculum and Teacher Development Project
  Project leads: Christine Counsell (History) and Liz Taylor (Geography)

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Tower Hamlets Education Partnership
Professional Development Centre |229 Bethnal Green Road |London |E2 6AB

 020 7364 6846                      @_THEpartnership
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                                                               © Tower Hamlets Education Partnership September 2020 V3
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