COMPREHENSIVE ADMISSION POLICY - This Policy has been issued on the authority of the Council of Tshwane North TVET College

Page created by Kim Bates

This Policy has been issued on the authority of
the Council of Tshwane North TVET College

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  Cover page                                                                 1
  Document control sheet                                                     2
  Contents                                                                   3
  1.     Background                                                          4
  2.     Preamble                                                            4
  3.     Purpose                                                             4
  4.     Scope                                                               4
  5.     Legislative framework                                               4
  6.     Terminology and acronyms                                            5
  7.     Policy statement                                                    5
     7.1 General Information                                                 5
             7.1.1 Admission Requirements                                    5
             7.1.2 Restrictions to admission                                 6
             7.1.3 Application for admission                                 7
             7.1.4 Placement, Career Guidance and Selection Process          7
             7.1.5 Selection and screening processes                         8
             7.1.6 Right to appeal                                           8
             7.1.7 Language policy                                           8
             7.1.8 Transferred students                                      9
             7.1.9 Students with special Needs/Disability                    9
             7.1.10 DHET NSFAS and other Bursary beneficiaries               9
             7.1.11 Employers Bursaries and Sponsorship                     10
             7.1.12 Foreign Students                                        10
             7.1.13 Indemnity Agreement and Contract Agreement              10
     7.2 Enrolment and Registration process                                 11
     7.3 NC (V) Supplementary Examination Admission                         12
     7.4 Condonation of Subjects                                            12
     7.5 De-registration and Cancellation (Non-NSFAS Beneficiaries)         12
     7.6 Required documentation                                             13
     7.7 Admission Exam Only                                                13
     7.8 Study programme information                                        13
             7.8.1 The National Certificate (Vocational) [NC (V)]
                    programmes                                              15
             Duration of the Programme                      1
             Compulsory Fundamental Subjects               16
             Entry requirements of programmes for NC (V)   16
             Progression Requirements                      15
             Certification Requirements for NC (V)         15
                7.8.2.        NATED Report 190/191 Programmes:
                              Engineering Studies                           16
             Duration of NATED Report 190/191              18
             Structure and entry requirements for NATED    16
                              Report 190/191 Programmes: Engineering
  8       Recourse on Implementation                                        17
  9       Review of Policy                                                  17
  Description of reviews                                                    18

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Legislation requires Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges to have
an Admission Policy in place to regulate all areas of learning and teaching.


NATED Report 190/191 Qualifications Programmes were to be phased out by 2012.
However, due to the massive demand caused by the improved Grade 12 pass rate, the
Department of Higher Education and Training reintroduced N1 – N6 courses.
This Policy stems from the National directives regarding the regulation of admission to
TVET Colleges and proposes to set clear guidelines in this regard.


This policy is aimed at:
3.1 Formulating a standardized policy regulating the admission of students to all
3.2 Ensuring the uniform process for application requirements for entry and
      requirements for progression to the next level in different modes of delivery in
3.3 Comparable Academic admission criteria for programmes shall be
      comparable for to all students irrespective of the mode of delivery and
      should not be affected by any change in the mode of delivery the proposed
      committee to re-think and review the appropriateness of this as a purpose.

This Policy is directed to all Tshwane North TVET College staff that is directly involved
in the enrolment of students.


The following legislation and/or Provincial/National Directives inform this Policy

5.1   The SAQA Act, Act No. 58 of 1995 and relevant regulations under the Act
5.2   Skills Development Act, Act No. 97 of 1998
5.3   National Education Policy Act, Act No. 27 of 1996
5.4   Policy for Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC) Vocational, 2006
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5.5 The CET Act, Act No.16 of 2006 (as amended).


6.1 FETC: Further Education and Training Colleges]
6.2 TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
6.3 SAQA: South African Qualifications Authority
6.4 UMALUSI: Quality Assurance Body
6.5 ETQA: Educational and Training Qualifications Authority
6.7 NQF: National Qualifications Framework
6.8 NC (V): National Certificate (Vocational)
6.9 NATED: These are pre and post Grade 12 qualifications (mostly theoretical)
    and range between 3 months (Engineering Studies) and 6 months (Business
6.10 DHET: Department of Higher Education and Training
6.11 NSFAS: National Student Financial Aid Scheme
6.12 CET Act : Continuing Education and Training Act
6.13 TNC Tshwane North TVET College


Criteria for admission is stated in the admission policy and procedures and applied
in order of priority. All applicants are deemed equal however, preference will be
given to current enrolled students (terms and conditions) to ensure completion of

7.1 General Information

7.1.1 Admission requirements for ‘NEW’ students: A student must produce the original copy of his/her highest education
       qualification or Academic record from a school; printed on a logo of the School,
       stamped and signed by the Principal. Provide a certified copy of the original South African Identity Document (ID) or
        temporary ID document or Birth Certificate (not older than three months). Provide proof of residential address contact details of next of kin or responsible
7. 1.1.4 If the student is a foreigner, he/she must provide the following:
       Copy of the original Passport issued his/her Country of origin (not older than
       three months);

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                COMPREHENSIVE ADMISSION POLICY Certified copy of work/study permit (not older than three months); The South African Qualification Authority’s (SAQA) Evaluation Certificate aligned
        to a South African qualification (it remains the students’ responsibility to ensure
       that qualifications obtained outside South Africa should be evaluated by SAQA
       prior the application for admission with the College). Provide proof of residential address. Proof of medical insurance cover Placement test qualified Proof of provisional funding status from NSFAS (Students should note that
         NSFAS application process opens from August of each year proceeding the A completed Bio/subject registration form

7.1.2 Restrictions to admission/Academic Exclusion

The following applicants/students may not be enrolled: Admission will be denied to the student who poorly performed (did
       not meet the requirements to proceed to the next level twice) and had a poor
       attendance record as stipulated in the Punctuality Policy of the Department. A student is denied admission if he /she had been expelled from
       TNC and or another College as part of a disciplinary sanction or Examination
        sanction from the Department. If a student has failed twice and more on his/her field of study, with academic
         support interventions and still fail, such student will not be re-admitted in the
        same programme. Those found guilty of gross misconduct during a disciplinary hearing in
        a previous trimester/semester/year by TNC or any other TVET College Those with a pending disciplinary hearing on charges of gross misconduct
        (as defined in the College’s Disciplinary Code and Procedures for students). Those who have been suspended from writing examinations by the
        Department of Higher Education due to examination irregularities. Those who have exceeded the prescribed number of years to complete a
         programme/qualification interrupted and uninterrupted [refer to paragraph and to (c)] Those who completed a programme/qualification at a TVET College/University
        and want to enrol for a second Ministerial programme/qualification, except for

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those that completed their NC(V) in the stipulated time will progress to Report
       190/1 programmes. Those who come from other Provinces without private accommodation.

7.1.3 Application for Admission Preference will be given to students who are:

a) South African citizens.

b) Residing within the catchment area where the College is located unless the
   College does not offer the programme required by the prospective student.
c) Good academic record as per scoring criteria per programme

d) Good attendance as per Punctuality Policy for returning students. All prospective students have to complete an admission form (pre-enrolment
        form). The application for admission form is the departure point of the selection
        and screening process. Admission to full time classes at TNC is not on a first come first served
        basis. Prospective students will first receive provisional admission messages
        subject to producing the required documents and information verification
        processes. The College reserves the right not to admit and may vet student’s information
        with other TVET colleges based on the findings/recommendations/outcome of
        the Admission Verification Committee.

7.1.4 Placement, career guidance and selection process All prospective students have to complete the screening and selection
       process before admission will be considered. Student Support Services on campuses must determine the process of
       placement testing, career guidance and counselling. Prospective students who fail to write the Pace and profiler test will not be
       considered for admission. Admission will be based on a pre-enrolment selection process according to

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the minimum requirements for admission and further verification of information

7.1.5 The Selection and screening processes consist of three phases:

     a) Verification of previous results based on minimum entry
     b) Provisional pace, profile tests, career guidance and counselling.
     c) Final screening and selection process by HOD of the relevant
       programme. Minimum requirements prescribed by the Department of Higher Education
        and Training (DHET) will be considered with the selection process. However,
        preference and consideration will be given to prospective candidates with the
        best results to be placed in the relevant field of study. Both unsuccessful and successful applicants will be notified of the outcome
        of the selection process.

7.1. 6 Right to appeal Any student or parent /guardian who has been refused admission to the
       College may appeal against the decision through the Principal of the College. The Academic Board as established through the Continuing Education and
      Training Act 16 of 2006 will constitute an Appeals Committee which comprises
      a) Deputy Principal Academic Affairs or his/her nominee;
      b) One external member of Council;
      c) One lecturing staff; and
      d) One ISRC representative. The decision of the Appeals Committee as constituted by the College Council
       shall be final.

7.1.7. Language Policy:(herein refer to the language policy of the College) The official language of teaching and learning shall be English. It is,
       however, recognized that for many students English is a second or even
       third language.

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                COMPREHENSIVE ADMISSION POLICY Where possible, and falling within the language competence of the lecturer,
       an effort may be made to accommodate the linguistic limitations of students

 7.1.8 Transferred Students In cases where a student has been transferred from another TVET College
         a confirmation letter of such registration, signed by the Principal or delegated
        official with an authentic stamp of the transferring College, must be provided
        during enrolment at TNC. The transferring of tuition fees should be administered by the SSS and
       Finance Units of the receiving College if the student qualifies for the NSFAS
        Bursary. In a case where a student is privately funded, transfer of fees
        remains the responsibility of the transferred-student/parents/guardian.
       The same process in paragraph above will be followed by TNC when
        transferring students to other colleges.

7.1.9 Students with Special Needs/Disability

       TNC strives to be an inclusive learning environment and welcomes and

       encourages applications from persons with special needs. If TNC is unable to

       meet the needs of the prospective student, he/she may be referred to another

       Institution that may be able to meet the needs of that student. Disabled students will be subjected to the availability of
        Resources/facilities on the campus of choice for enrolment purposes. This
        process will be supported by the Student Support Services Units on
        campuses. Admission to the College will not be refused on grounds of the prospective
        student having a disability, as long as the applicant meets the set
        academic requirements. Applicants who need specific support are encouraged to declare and
         communicate details of barriers experienced as soon as possible so that any
         appropriate support arrangements can be made in advance before
         enrolment. In a case where a student needs concession arrangements during
        examinations such students have to apply after acceptance of admission at

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the SSS Unit which will then inform the Examination Office. Applications will
        be submitted to DHET prior to the commencement of examinations.

7.1.10 DHET NSFAS and Other Bursary Beneficiaries (herein referred to as
       NSFAS bursary guidelines of DHET.

7.1.11 Employers Bursaries and Sponsorship Students that are sponsored by other Bursary Schemes or
         Employers must submit an original letter of commitment printed on the
         company letterhead, signed and stamped upon enrolment confirming or
         undertaking the responsibility to pay all fees due.

7.1.12 Foreign Students A foreign student must have his/her qualifications/certificates obtained
        in the country of origin evaluated by SAQA and aligned to a
        South African qualification requirements prior to application for admission. Non - South African citizens must provide a valid study permit which covers
         them for the period of the relevant study programme.
        Persons classified as aliens must, when they apply for admission, show
        evidence that they have applied to the Department of Home Affairs to legalise
        their stay in the country in terms of the Aliens Control Act,1991(Act No.96 of
        1991) as amended in section 2 of the Aliens Control Amendment
        Act, 1995(Act   No.76 of 1995).

7.1.13 Indemnity Agreement and Contract Agreement The completion and signing of an indemnity form and terms and
          conditions of the contract are an integrated process of the enrolment and
          registration process. It is compulsory for all students to complete the indemnity form to
          be considered for admission. All applicants must sign a contractual agreement with the College. Indemnity forms, the terms and conditions of the contract must be

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handed in to the guardian lecturer per programme through the office
           of the relevant HOD for scrutiny and verification by the Administration
           Verification Committee before final admission. Students who have been provisionally admitted and do not submit all the
          required documents may not be considered for final admission. Students under the age of 18 years must have the indemnity form signed by
          a parent/guardian or indicate if the household is child headed. A student above the age of 18 is obliged to complete and sign indemnity
         forms and terms of contract during enrollment and should be handed
         in with enrollment forms at the College.

7.2 Enrolment and Registration Process

7.2.1 Applications for admission of prospective students starts in the previous
     academic year for the ensuing academic year.
7.2.2 Heads of Departments (HODs) with the Student Support Services,
     Marketing Department and Administration Support are responsible for all
     student enrolment processes on campuses.
7.2.3 Registration and data processing of enrolment forms on the ITS system
     remains the responsibility of the HOD with the support of his/her School
7.2.4 The Office of the Registrar will annually determine the process of admission,
      enrolment, registration and the management plan.
7.2.5 Each campus has to establish a selection committee and should manage its
      own selection, admission and enrolment process in accordance with the
      admission policy.
7.2.6 On registration the student must go through the complete process. By
     receiving a student number, that does not imply that a student is enrolled and
     registered. The student must receive a proof of registration with all
     the relevant subjects and information stated in the subject enrolment form.
7.2.7 Enrolments and registrations follow the DHET’s prescribed calendar and the
     College may deviate with reasons subject to approval of the Principal.
7.2.8 The purpose of the enrolment management plan is to provide a
      framework and implementation process that supports the Academic and
      Operational Plan of the College.

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7.2.9 The enrolment plan includes the enrolment programme schedule to
     eliminate enrolment challenges in consideration with the targets set in
     the Operational Plan of every academic year.
7.2.10 Admission and enrolment of students will be done according to the
     enrolment schedule and plan.
7.2.11 The enrolment programme schedule forms part of the planning process
      of every Academic Year, Semester and Trimester registration.
7.2.12 The number of FTE’s (Full Time Equivalent) per programme is a key
     determinant of the funding that should flow to each programme offered
     by the College.
7.2.13 In the enrolment plan preference will be given to FTEs, that is, students who
      enrol for four (Report 191) or seven [NC(V)] subjects to secure and ensure
      funding by the Department.

7.3 NC(V) Supplementary Examination Admission ( Refer to Directive DHET)

7.4 Condonation of Subjects (refer to Directive of DHET)

7.5 De-registration & Cancellation (NON-NSFAS BENFICIARIES)

7.5.1 NSFAS Bursary beneficiaries should consult with the SSS Unit before
     considering cancellation to establish how this decision will affect the awarded
7.5.2 Cancellation process for Non – NSFAS Bursary
7.5.3 Cancellation of a programme or subject is subject to the
      recommendation of the relevant HOD, SSS and the approval of the
      Head of Administration/or delegate on Campus.
 7.5.4 The cancellation form must be submitted to the relevant HOD within 14
       days after the commencement of classes to avoid any penalties of payments
 7.5.5 Failure to adhere to the fourteen (14) days will result in penalties according
       to the de- registration /cancellation grid.

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7.5.6     Considered reasons for cancellation: When parents of a minor student are relocate to another Province.
         (Evidence must be provided) Late release, re-marking, inconsistent and pending results by
         DHET (Results must be attached as proof) When a specific programme is not offered by the College due to
         low enrolment numbers (a minimum of 15 students for Skills Programmes and 20
        students for other modes of delivery is a requirement to break even the cost of
        programme delivery. On the death of a student (a copy of the Death Certificate must accompany
         the request. If as a result of illness of the enrolled student, provided that such inability to
         continue with classes was confirmed by a medical practitioner/doctor and a
         report is provided.

7.6.    Required documentation for de-registration / cancellation:

7.6.1 Completed and signed cancellation/amendment form issued by the HOD.
7.6.2 Employed students who received a bursary from the employer must
        provide an approval letter from the employer on a printed company
7.6.3 Latest results.
7.6.4 Supporting documents e.g. Medical Reports etc.No de-registration or
        cancellation of a programme will be allowed on the Preliminary entry files of

7.7. Admission Exam Only (Refer to annexure of Admission Policy)

7.8 Study Programme Information
7.8.1 The National Certificate (Vocational) programme. Duration of the programme
  a) The programme is a three-year programme if achieved at a record time. However,
        a maximum period of four (4) years is allowed for the completion of this
        Programme. Students are required to complete an additional twelve (12) months

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for the practical component in a work environment to qualify for a National
  b) Structure of the National Certificate (Vocational Programme)
            i. This programme is registered as a full qualification on the NQF.
            ii It has comprises of two components, namely a fundamental component
               and a vocational component.
          iii The fundamental learning component is essential for the qualification
               and form the basis for certification. Compulsory fundamental subjects:
    a) English language of teaching, Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy and Life
            Orientation plus the four compulsory core vocational subjects related to the
            specific Vocation/ career or subfield chosen.

    b) In order to obtain the NC (V) qualification at a particular NQF Level a student
            must pass all seven subjects on levels 2, 3 and 4. Entry requirements for programme for NC (V).

    a) NC (V) Level 2:
      i.      A student must be in possession of one of the following in order to
              qualify for Level 2 studies subjected to specific selection criteria of
              the college.
     ii.      A year-end school report for Grade 9 with appropriate subject mix
              relevant to the chosen field of study;
     iii.      A year-end school report for Grade 10 with appropriate subject mix
              relevant to the chosen field of study; or
     iv.      A year-end school report for Grade 11 with appropriate subject mix
              relevant to the chosen field of study.
 For specific entry requirements refer to the attached Addendum A

     b) NC(V) Level 3 Entry and progression requirements

     i.      A student may only enrol for a subject if he/she passed the subject on
             the previous level.

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ii. An NQF Level 2 qualification (the NQF Level 3 study direction must be a
         continuation of the NQF Level 2 qualification); OR an approved bridging
         programme designed for the specific purpose to access NQF Level 3; or a
         Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment to meet the basic
         requirements for access to NQF Level 3.
     iii. Should at least have passed 5 subjects on level 2, which three must
         be core subjects as well as elective subjects in order to be promoted to
         Level 3.

     c) NC(V) Level 4 Entry and progression requirements

     i. A student may only enrol for a subject if he/she passed the subject on
        the previous level.
     ii. An NQF Level 2 and Level 3 qualification (the NQF Level 4 study
        direction must be a continuation of the NQF Level 3 qualification); or
     iii An approved bridging programme designed for the specific purpose to
        access. NQF Level 4; or
     iv. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment to meet the basic
        requirements for access to NQF Level 4. Progression Requirements /re-admission

  a) The student should at least have passed 5 subjects on level 2, of
      which three must be core subjects as well as elective subjects in order
      to be promoted to level 3.
 b) Admission to both NC (V) level 3 and level 4 is dependent on having
      passed at least five (5) subjects on the same level of which three (3)
      must be vocational core subjects.
 c) A student may only enroll for a subject if he/she passed the subject
     in the previous level.

 d) For NATED programmes a student should at least have passed three (3)

      subjects in order to be promoted to the next level. All subjects on the lower

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should be completed before progression to the exit level Certification Requirements for NC(V)

   a) In order to obtain the NC(V) qualification at a particular NQF level and
          to progress to the next level a student must pass all 7 subjects.
   b) The complete results will be subjected to DHET policy regarding
          ICASS and ISAT compliances.
   c) In order to obtain the NC(V) qualification at a particular NQF level and
          to progress to the next level you must pass all 7 subjects.

7.8.2 NATED Report 190/191 Programme (Engineering Studies) Entry requirements for NATED Report 190/191

  a) N1 – Grade 9 passed (preferably with a Mathematics and Physical
       Science background)
  b) N2 – N1 passed
  c) N3 – N2 passed
  d) N4 – Grade 12, N3 or Introductory N4 passed (depending on the course selected,

       Maths and Science is a prerequisite)

  e) N5 – A pass on N4 level

  f) N6 – A pass on N5 level.      Duration of NATED Report 191 Programme

  a) The programmes for Business and Utility Studies (N4 to N6) require eighteen (18)
       months for the theory component if achieved at a record time. However, a
       maximum period of (2) years in a theory class uninterrupted is allowed for
       completion of these programmes. Students are required to complete an additional
       eighteen (18) months for the practical component in a work environment to qualify
       for a National Diploma.
  b)      The programmes for Engineering Studies (N4 to N6) require one (1) year for the
          theory component if achieved at a record time. However, a maximum period of
          eighteen (15) months in a theory class uninterrupted is allowed for completion of

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the programme. Students are required to complete an additional two (2) years for
       the practical component in a work environment to qualify for a National Diploma.
  c)   The programmes for Engineering Studies (N1 – N3) require one (1) year for the
       theory component if achieved on a record time. However, a maximum period of
       eighteen (15) months in a theory class uninterrupted is allowed for completion of
       the programme. Students are required to enrol for artisanship in order to qualify
       as artisans. Structure and Entry Requirements for NATED Report 191 Programmes

  a) A student should meet the minimum entry requirement of obtaining 50% pass from
       their Grade 12 results in Mathematics and Physical Science to be admitted in
       NATED Engineering Studies and 50% pass in English, Accounting, Mathematics,
       Tourism, Geography and History for admission in Business Studies and Social and
       Utility Studies (refer to the attached Addendum A).

  b) This programme is registered as a full qualification on the NQF.
  c) It comprises two components, theory component and practical
  d) Both components are essential for the qualification and form the basis for


   Non-conformance to this Policy will be dealt with on line management level. Should
   the non-conformance continue, the College Disciplinary Procedure will be followed.

  A motion for amendments to this policy, should such amendment be necessary before
  the review date, shall be handed to the Vice Principal: Quality Management Systems
  in writing, who shall forward the motion to Council. An amendment shall be approved
  in either an ordinary or a special meeting of Council.
   Should such an occasion not be called for, this Policy will be reviewed every three

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   DATE     OF   DESCRIPTION OF REVIEWS                                  NEXT SCHEDULED
   REVIEW                                                                REVIEW
   2013-02-01    New policy                                              February 2016

   2015-05-25    All text in bold, underlined, italic reflect additions May 2017
                 made to the previous version of this policy. All text
                 [between square brackets in bold, Aharoni font]
                 reflect what is to be deleted from the previous
                 version of this policy. These changes will only be
                 effected during the next review, as per ISO 9001

   2017-08-28    This is a new policy which incorporates both March 2021
                 NATED and NC (V) Admission Policies. It will
                 now fall under Registry (Process 15).

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