Page created by Diana Bryant


This Prospectus has been compiled to reflect all information as accurately as possible. However, the University of
Namibia does not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions. The Council of the University of
Namibia reserves the right to amend any regulation or other stipulation without prior notice.

The information in this Prospectus is correct as at 30 November 2019

Copyright: University of Namibia, 2019

1.    STUDENT FEES PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 4

2.    ENQUIRIES STUDENT ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................................................... 4

3.    PAYMENT OF PRECRIBED FEES ......................................................................................................................... 5

      3.2            MODES OF PAYMENT .......................................................................................................................... 6

      3.3            ESTIMATE TUITION FEES PER TYPE OF QUALIFICATION ............................................................... 5

      3.4            HOSTEL FEES ....................................................................................................................................... 6

      3.5            WEAR AND TEAR .................................................................................................................................. 6

4.    OTHER FEES PAYABLE ....................................................................................................................................... 7

      4.1            MISCELLANEOUS FEES ....................................................................................................................... 7

5.    FEES PAYABLE ................................................................................................................................................... 8

      5.1             DUE DATES .......................................................................................................................................... 8

      5.1            DEFAULT OF PAYMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 8

6.    CANCELLATION DATES ....................................................................................................................................... 8

      6.1            CANCELLATION CREDITS ON TUITION ........................................................................................... …8

      6.2            CANCELLATION CREDITS ON HOSTEL .............................................................................................. 8

7.    BURSARY STUDENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 8

8.    REFUNDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

9.    DISCOUNTS AND REBATES ................................................................................................................................. 9

      9.1            DISCOUNT .......................................................................................................................................... …9

      9.2            STAFF REBATE .................................................................................................................................. …9

      9.3            HOUSING COMMITTEE REBATE ...................................................................................................... …9

      9.4            SRC REBATE ...................................................................................................................................... …9

      9.5            FAMILY REBATE ................................................................................................................................. …9

10.   GENERAL STIPULATIONS REGARDING STUDENT FEES ................................................................................. 9

11.    APPENDIX A- ESTIMATED TUITION FEES…………………………………………………………………………….11-20



1.1.           Payments may be made as follows

       (a)           Personally

               i.    Payments can be made at cashiers of UNAM Centers or at any University campus.


                i.   No payments should be made to any member of staff other than the Cashier.
               ii.   Students must present their student cards to avoid incorrect student numbers.
              iii.   Students and parents must indicate the type of payment, to ensure correct allocation.
             iv.     Only Bank Guaranteed Cheques issued to the University will be accepted
               v.    Postdated cheques will be unaccepted.
             vi.     No payments should be made without obtaining an official receipt from the cashier.
             vii.    Students who make payments at the cashier should verify their receipts and change, before leaving the counter.
                     The cashier will not be responsible for any mistakes on receipts and or wrong change that may be claimed
         viii.       The University and its staff cannot be held responsible for any losses if the above payment-requirements are not
                     adhered to.
             ix.     Only official original receipts will serve as proof that payments have been made to the University of Namibia.

               Office Hours:

               Mondays to Fridays
               08H00 – 13H00
               14H00 – 16H00

(b)            Direct Bank Deposit/Electronic Transfers:


               First National Bank Namibia
               Account number: 62246793451
               Branch code: 281872
               Swift Code: FIRNNANX
               Reference: Your Student number
               Email Proof of Payment :


               i.    Payments per cheque made during Registration and examination period, should be done seven (7) Days in
                     advance for clearance, to be admitted for registration or examination.
               ii.   Bank deposits and transfers can only be verified during normal working hours.

(c)            By mail
               All payments by mail must be directed to:
               The Bursar
               University of Namibia
               Private Bag 13301

               No cash should be sent via post.


               Financial statements can be viewed on Student Portal.
               Email your enquiry to
               Your enquiry will be attended to and feedback will be provided via email
               Student Debtors Office
               Telephone Number: +264-61-206-3370/3191
               Fax Number: +264-61- 206-3121

               Mondays to Fridays
               For Enquiries
               08:00 - 13:00
               14:00 - 16:00


3.1        The minimum deposits payable at Academic registration for 2020 are as follows


     1. Registration Fees Deposit
All current and prospective students of the University of Namibia are urged to note the following approved deposit for the 2020
academic year. The University has introduced two semester registrations this year, semester one and semester two.
Semester 1- Registration dates – Jan to Feb 2020 and Semester 2 –Registration dates May to July 2020.

       STUDENT            REGISTRATION             CONNECTIVITY           INTERNATIONAL                TOTAL
      CATEGORY                FEES                    FEES                     LEVY                REGISTRATION
                                N$                      N$                       N$                FEES PAYABLE
Namibian                     1 615.00                 575.00                      -                   2 190.00
SADC                         1 615.00                 575.00                  3 000.00                5 190.00
Non-SADC                     1 615.00                 575.00                  3 000.00                5 190.00

Registration fees are payable on or before the day of registration of first semester only.

      2.   Tuition Fees Deposit

            STUDENT CATEGORY                       First Semester                      Second Semester

                                                          N$                                  N$
Namibian                                               3 400.00                            3 400.00
SADC                                                   5 000.00                            5 000.00
Non-SADC                                              13 400.00                           13 400.00

Note: The deposit is payable on or before the day of registration

Total payment upon first semester registration for Namibian students is N$ 5 590.00 (N$ 2 190 + N$ 3 400), SADC students
N$ 10 190 (N$ 5 190 + N$ 5 000) and NON-SADC students N$ 18 590.00 (N$ 5 190.00 + N$ 13 400.00).

Total payment upon second semester registration for Namibian students is N$ 3 400.00, SADC students N$ 5 000.00 and NON-
SADC students N$ 13 400.

Due date for outstanding fees for semester one (1) is on or before 01st June 2020 and for semester two (2) is on or before 30
November 2020. Failure to settle the outstanding fees will result in the examination marks being withheld.

See Appendix A for estimated tuition fees or it can be obtained from the following website:

      3.   Hostel Fees Deposit

                                                                        NAMIBIAN           SADC           NON-SADC
DESCRIPTION                                                             STUDENTS         STUDENTS         STUDENTS
                                                                           N$               N$               N$
                                                                           13 560.00        13 560.00        22 580.00
Main/Neudamm/Ogongo /SANUMARC (Breakfast included)
                                                                           15 220.00        15 220.00        25 080.00
Neudamm – School of Veterinary Medicine (Breakfast included)

Hifikepunye Pohamba/Khomasdal/Katima/Rundu/Southern                        10 360.00        10 360.00        16 180.00
(Breakfast included)

Eng. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos (Breakfast included)                          17 060.00        17 060.00        29 450.00

                                                                            9,460.00         9 460.00        18 920.00
Health Sciences North (Breakfast excluded)
                                                                           16 780.00        16 780.00        33 560.00
Hage Geingob (Breakfast excluded)

Wear and tear fees of N$ 950.00 (non-refundable) is payable before or on day of Registration.
Hostel fees are payable upfront on the day of registration at the beginning of each semester.


Important notes:

       I.       Students, who settle their tuition fees before the end of academic registration qualify for a 10% discount on tuition
                fees (excl. additional class fees) and should apply in writing on or before 01st June ( 1st semester ) and 30th
                September (2nd semester) of the same year.
      II.       In order to be exempted from paying the required deposit, bursary holders need to provide written proof of sponsorship
                / bursary from the Donor.
  III.          Students registering with an acknowledgement letter of Namibia Student Financial Assistant Fund (NSFAF) should
                pay the Registration fee of N$2 190 plus the required tuition fees deposit of N$ 3 400.00. Furthermore, students
                opting for campus accommodation should pay N$ 950 wear and tear plus the hostel fees deposit indicated on
                page 5. Kindly note that the acknowledgement letter is not a guarantee for a loan to be awarded.
  IV.           Connectivity fees are compulsory and charged once off to obtain internet access for the year via TN (Telecom
                Namibia) Mobile.
   V.           Outstanding balances of previous years should be settled in full, before registration.
  VI.           Late registration fee of N$600 is payable by all students who register after normal registration.
 VII.           Direct bank deposits and electronic transfers should be done 2 working days before registration date.
 VIII.          A student number must be used as reference for all direct and electronic deposits.
  IX.           Cheque payments directly into the University’s bank account should be made 5 working days before registration date.
   X.           Payments at the different University cashiers will reflect immediately.
  XI.           Students are encouraged to sort out their financial enquiries prior to registration.

3.2         Modes of payment on remaining balance

            i.       Sign a debit order/settlement agreement at registration to pay off the remaining balance by or on 30 June 2020
                     for the first semester and 30 September for the second semester.
            ii.      A compulsory deposit payable at Registration, as indicated above and further installments from February-30
                     June 2020 (semester one) and June – 30 September 2020, applicable to Non-Bursary students.

3.3         Estimated tuition fees for undergraduate and post graduate studies (See APPENDIX A)
        3.1.1      Course fees and additional course/practical fee, will be charged per course/subject against each student account.
                   Qualifications with practical components may differ due to extra load on practicals. Non SADC students will be
                   charged double the Namibian rate, excluding Cost Recovery courses.
        3.1.2      Tuition Fees: Post graduate (Masters and Doctorate Degrees) Non SADC Countries will be charged double the
                   Namibian rate, excluding Cost Recovery courses.

Information for Post graduate studies/cost recovery programs not listed above should be obtained from the various Faculties.

Please note that years subsequent to any current year, are subject to any changes in fees as may be determined by Council.

3.4         Hostel Fees

Campus Accommodation Fees per year for hostel registered student only

                                                                           YEAR             YEAR          SEMESTER        SEMESTER
                          NAME OF CAMPUS                                 NAMIBIAN         NON SADC        NAMIBIAN        NON SADC
                                                                           SADC                             SADC
                                                                            N$                 N$            N$                N$

Main/Neudamm/Ogongo/SANUMARC (Breakfast Included)                        27,120.00         45,160.00        13 530,00      22 580.00

Neudamm- School of Veterinary Medicine(Breakfast                         30,440.00         50,160.00        15 220.00      25 080.00

Hifikepunye Pohamba/Khomasdal/Katima/Rundu/Southern                      20,720.00         32,360.00        10 360.00      16 180.00
(Breakfast included)

Eng. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos (Breakfast included)                        34,120.00         58,900.00        17 060.00      29 450.00

Hage Geingob (Breakfast Excluded)                                        33,560.00         67,120.00        16 780.00      33 560.00

Health Sciences North (Breakfast Excluded)                               18,920.00         37,840.00        9 460.00       18 920.00

             i.      Hostel fees are based on 291 days per year - Main/Neudamm/Ogongo/SANUMARC
            ii.      Hostel fees for School of Veterinary Medicine – Neudamm are based on 318 per year

        iii.   Hostel fees for Health Science Campus -Windhoek are based on 305 days per year
        iv.    Hostel fees for Health Science Campus -North are based on 305 days per year
         v.    Hostel fees for Eng. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos Campus are based on 295 days per year
        vi.    Hostel days exclude July and December recess days

Meals (Lunch and Dinner optional)

Per Year            N$ 25 380.00
Per Semester        N$ 12 690.00

          i.   Bursary holders may be levied 100% of the total meal fees, only if written confirmation has been received.
         ii.   Non bursary students, who need to make use of meals on Campus, should pay cash in advance an UNAM
               cashiers, directly on their meal accounts
        iii.   Meal fees will be processed on presentation of proof of a bursary, or presenting an official receipt as proof of
        iv.    The daily limit for meals (lunch & dinner) are N$ 90.00 per day
         v.    Meal fees are based on 282 days per year
        vi.    Inter account transfers are not allowed unless a WRITTEN REQUEST is received to transfer fees.
       vii.    No fees will be transferred from the fee OR any other account unless that account has a credit balance.
       viii.   Inter account transfers for meals, books and copies these are only allowed once per year.

3.5       Wear and Tear Fee

          (a) A wear and tear fee of N$950, 00 is payable on day of Hostel Registration and is not refundable.


4.1       Miscellaneous Fees

                                         DESCRIPTION                                                AMOUNT

Registration fees                                                                                       1 615.00

Resubmission of assignments                                                                                80.00

Connectivity fee (Payment in addition to registration fee)                                                575.00

Late registration fee (Payment in addition to registration fee)                                           600.00

Exemption/Recognition fees: Year course                                                                   300.00

Wear and Tear                                                                                             950.00

Exemption/Recognition fees: Semester course:                                                              300.00

International Student levy (SADC & NON-SADC students)                                                   3 000.00

Promotional Examination fees                                                                              500.00

Administration/Service fees (Per inter account transfer and or refund)                                     20.00

Application fees (Namibian Students)                                                                      150.00

Late application fees (Namibian Students)                                                                 300.00

Application fees (International students)                                                                 300.00

Late application fees (International Students)                                                            600.00

To replace a certificate                                                                                  250.00

Transcript of academic record (per script)                                                                100.00

Re-marking of examination paper (per paper)                                                               300.00

Lost Student/Meal card (Not Refundable)                                                                   100.00


Proof of Registration                                                                                             50.00

Reprint of time table (Per scrip)                                                                                 80.00

Reprint of results                                                                                                80.00

UNAM Clinic Medical fee per visit for registered students                                                         15.00

Unpaid /RD Cheques (Per cheque)                                                                                 500.00


5.1           Due Dates

            Registration & Tuition Fees Deposit:          Before or on day of normal registration
            Late Registration Fees:                       Before or on day of late registration
            Hostel fees:                                  Before or on day of hostel registration
            Outstanding tuition fees:                     Due date for outstanding fees for semester one (1) is on or before 01st
            June 2020 and for semester two (2) is on or before 30 November 2020. Failure to settle the outstanding fees will result in
            the examination marks being withheld.

5.2           Default of Payments

           Should a student, his/her parents, sponsor or any other organization who may have accepted responsibility for payments
           of fees, fail to pay by the due dates as prescribed in these regulations, the following will apply:

               i.   Refuse access to lecture halls;
              ii.   Refuse admission to examination;
             iii.   Refuse admission to hostel accommodation;
            iv.     Refuse registration for the next academic year;
              v.    Withhold examination results;
            vi.     Withhold qualification and academic transcripts as may be applicable;
            vii.    Refuse access to student portal.


      i.      Any outstanding balances, relevant to a prior year(s)/ semester of study, MUST first be settled before any student will
              be allowed to re-register, receive results/certificate or sit in for any examination(s)
     ii.      Non-registered students with outstanding tuition fees will be handed over to the debt collector, at the cost of the debtor.


6.1           Cancellation Credits for Tuition fees (All Offering types)

6.1.1         Year Courses

               i.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 02 March 2020 - 100% credit
              ii.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 05 June 2020 - 50% credit
             iii.   Cancellation of course(s) after 05 June 2020 - no credit

6.1.2         First Semester Modular Courses

               i.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 02 March 2020 - 100% credit
              ii.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 03 April 2020- 50% credit
             iii.   Cancellation of course(s) after 03 April 2020 - no credit

6.1.3         Second Semester Modular Courses

               i.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 07 August 2020 -100% credit
              ii.   Cancellation of course(s) on or before 31 August 2020 - 50% credit
             iii.   Cancellation of course(s) after 31 August 2020- no credit

6.2           Cancellation Credits for Hostel fees

6.2.1         Hostel Cancellation per year

              i.    Cancellation of Hostel on or before 30 March 2020 - 75% Credit


         ii.       Cancellation of Hostel on or before 29 June 2020 – 50% credit
        iii.       Cancellation of Hostel on or before 31 August 2020 – 25% credit
        iv.        Cancellation of Hostel after 31 August 2020 - no credit

6.2.1     Hostel Cancellation for semester 2 (Starts 15 July 2020)

          i.       Cancellation of Hostel on or before 31 August 2020– 50% credit
         ii.       Cancellation of Hostel after 31 August 2020- no credit

Students failing to cancel courses and/or residence remain responsible for the full fees for the Academic year


          i.     No confirmation letters by Sponsors during the examination period will be accepted for examination admission
         ii.     Written proof of bursaries awarded must be provided by sponsored students at registration.

8.        REFUNDS

8.1       Refund upon Discontinuation of Studies or Courses

          i.       The application/ registration /connectivity/ international student levy/ late registration/ wear and tear fees are non-
         ii.       Refunds for short courses can only be done on approval of Head of Departments.
        iii.       Application for refunds should be made online (Portal)
        iv.        No refunds will be processed during the registration period.
         v.        No refunds of credit balances will be considered without written consent of the donor/parent.
        vi.        The date and manner of refunding of all fees shall be determined in accordance within the normal rules.          .


9.1 Discounts
        i.            Students, who settle their tuition fees during the registration period qualify for a 10% discount on tuition fees
                      (excluding additional class fees) and should apply in writing on or before 30 June 2020 for semester one
                      registration and 30 September 2020 for semester two registration of the same year.
          ii.         All applications should be submitted to the following email address:
          iii.        Discounts will be processed after this date, and will reflect on the individual student accounts. Students who
                      need to claim the discount should apply for a refund.

9.2       Tuition Waiving to Staff Members and their Dependents

          Staff members and their dependents shall pay the following:

          Registration fee - N$1,615-00
          Connectivity fee – N$ 575.00
          Late Registration Penalty (where applicable) – N$600-00
          International student levy (Foreign students only) – N$3,000-00
          Exemption / recognition fees (where applicable)
          Cost Recovery/Practical fees (where applicable)

          i.       Staff members of the University of Namibia and University of Science and Technology (NUST) who wish to apply
                   for staff rebate, should apply prior Registration each year, through their Human Resource Department.
         ii.       Only approved staff waiving forms will be accepted at registration, and the relevant staff member or dependent
                   will qualify for reduction of the tuition fees charged on their student accounts.
        iii.       The student accounts will be rectified afterwards, and the balance payable should be paid by the various staff
        iv.        Staff rebates will only be processed during the following year for passed modules only.
         v.        No reduction or waiving will be allowed if the relevant person has a bursary and/or when courses are repeated or

9.3       Rebates to Members of Hostel Committees (HC)

          A rebate as determined by Finance Committee will be granted to the HC Chairperson and HC members for the period
          served in that capacity. Rebates will only be refunded in cash if the fee account is paid in full.

9.4       Rebates to Student Representative Council

          A rebate as determined by Finance Committee for SRC members and SRC Chairperson will be granted on the
          following conditions:


         i.   The rebate will be paid pro-rata for the period served as SRC member or chairperson.
        ii.   Rebates will be calculated on tuition fees only, excluding hostel fees or any other debits.
       iii.   Rebates will be calculated and paid at the end of the year.
       iv.    Rebates will only be refunded, if the fee account is paid in full.

9.5    Family Rebates

       When a second or further child from a family (from the same parent) enrolls for full-time study at the University (not
       necessarily at the same time), corporate tuition fees (excluding additional class fees/practical fees , hostel fees, meal
       fees or any other fees) will be charged as follows:

         i.   2nd child - 10% remittance for the normal duration of study,
        ii.   3rd child and later children - 20% remittance for the normal duration of the study.
       iii.   Parents or students who wish to avail themselves of this concession must please note that applications must be
              forwarded in writing by not later than 30 June 2020 for semester one registration and not later than 30
              September 2020 for semester two registration. Satisfactory proof must be produced.
       iv.    All applications should be submitted to the following email address:
        v.    Applicants must provide a full birth certificate as proof that at least one parent is the same or documentary proof
              that they are legally adopted.
       vi.    This concession is not available to students who were granted bursaries/scholarships and/or who repeat a
      vii.    Part-time, self-supporting and married students do not qualify for this rebate.


         i.   Students MUST register for all their subjects in the beginning of every semester.

        ii.   All other subjects which are not registered in the beginning of every semester may not be attended AND no
              examination results for such subjects will be recognized.

       iii.   Should Council temporarily or permanently suspend any student’s rights or privileges, or permanently refuse
              admission to any student, the student concerned shall forfeit all claims to refunds, reduction or remission of fees
              paid or payable to the University of Namibia.

       iv.     It is the responsibility of each student debtor to obtain financial statements and verify his/her account(s) on a
              regular basis.

        v.    All student account enquiries should be forwarded to the Debtors Office without delay.

       vi.    Students and parents should under no circumstances deposit money intended for personal use into the
              University account.

      vii.    Final year students required to register for promotional examination for graduation purpose, should settle their
              Accounts in full on day of registration.

      viii.   Council reserves the right to amend, all fees payable to the University without prior notice.


                               GRADUATE STUDIES
                                         Minimum                    YEAR 1   YEAR 2   YEAR3    YEAR4     YEAR5   YEAR 6
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural
Resources (years)

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture       4          Undergraduate                               27,659
(Agricultural Economics) Honours                                    22,850   19,772   30,838             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture       4          Undergraduate                               27,659
(Animal Science) Honours                                            22,850   19,772   30,838             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture       4          Undergraduate                               27,659
(Crop Science) Honours                                              22,850   19,772   30,838             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture       4          Undergraduate                               27,659
(Food     Science   &     Technology)                               22,850   19,772   30,838             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and     4          Undergraduate                               34,040
Aquatic Sciences (Honours)                                          21,944   24,513   27,305             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Integrated        4          Undergraduate                               56,471
Environmental Science (Honours)                                     20,149   22,448   26,452             -       -
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine          4          Undergraduate                               34,438
(BVM)                                                               24,857   32,267   29,786             -       -
Bachelor of Science in Wildlife          4          Undergraduate                               34,361
Management        and      Ecotourism                               22,276   24,857   24,580             -       -

                                                                    -        -        -                  -       -
Master of Science (Agriculture – by      2          Postgraduate
Thesis)                                                             25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master    of    Science    (Rangeland    2          Postgraduate
Resources Management)                                               53,602   15,164   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Agricultural        2          Postgraduate
Economics – by Thesis                                               25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Animal Science –    2          Postgraduate
by Thesis                                                           25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Crop Science –      2          Postgraduate
by Thesis                                                           25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Food Science &      2          Postgraduate
Technology – by Thesis                                              25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Soil Science – by   2          Postgraduate
Thesis                                                              25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Fisheries and       2          Postgraduate
Aquatic Sciences – by Thesis                                        25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Environment &       2          Postgraduate
Natural Resources Management – by                                   25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Master of Science in Wildlife &          2          Postgraduate
Ecotourism – by Thesis                                              25,610   20,216   -                  -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural     3          Postgraduate
Economics                                                           32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Animal           3          Postgraduate
Science                                                             32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Science     3          Postgraduate
                                                                    32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science     3          Postgraduate
& Technology                                                        32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science     3          Postgraduate
                                                                    32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries and    3          Postgraduate
Aquatic Sciences                                                    32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -
Doctor of Philosophy in Environment &    3          Postgraduate
Natural Resource Management                                         32,456   26,939   26,939             -       -

Doctor of Philosophy in Wildlife &      3   Postgraduate
Ecotourism                                                  32,456   26,939   26,939   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Agriculture                  3   Undergraduate
                                                            25,278   2,049    34,926   -   -
Diploma in Animal Health                3   Undergraduate
                                                            26,552   29,454   38,625   -   -
Diploma in       Natural   Resources    3   Undergraduate
Management                                                  23,439   21,345   31,304   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Faculty  of    Economic           and
Management Sciences                                         -        -        -        -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Accounting (Chartered       3   Undergraduate
Accountancy)                                                18,465   22,708   31,370   -   -
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)        4   Undergraduate
                                                            17,546   18,266   19,252   -   -
Bachelor of Public Management           4   Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                   18,543   18,266   19,252   -   -
Bachelor of Business Administration     4   Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                   18,543   18,266   19,252   -   -
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)         4   Undergraduate
                                                            18,543   17,136   18,089   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Master of Science in Accounting and     2   Postgraduate
Finance                                                     43,699   44,618   -        -   -
Master of Arts in Political Studies     2   Postgraduate
                                                            29,897   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Public Administration         2   Postgraduate
                                                            29,897   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Science in Economics          2   Postgraduate
                                                            29,897   17,048   -        -   -
Master of Science in Development        2   Postgraduate
Finance                                                     67,925   67,925   -        -   -
Master in Business Administration in    2   Postgraduate
Finance                                                     71,181   8,374    -        -   -
Master in Business Administration in    2   Postgraduate
Management Strategy                                         71,181   8,374    -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics       3   Postgraduate
                                                            32,456   26,939   26,939   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Management      3   Postgraduate
Science                                                     32,456   26,939   26,939   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Political       3   Postgraduate
Studies                                                     32,456   26,939   26,939   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Public          3   Postgraduate
Administration                                              49,847   49,847   49,847   -   -
Doctor of Business Administration       3   Postgraduate
                                                            49,847   49,847   49,847   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Business Administration      3   Undergraduate
                                                            20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -
Diploma in Entrepreneurship and New     3   Undergraduate
Venture Management                                          20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -
Diploma in Local Government Studies     3   Undergraduate
                                                            20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -
Diploma in Accounting and Auditing      3   Undergraduate
                                                            20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -

Postgraduate Diploma in Business          1   Postgraduate
Administration                                                31,569   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Internal          2   Postgraduate
Auditing                                                      30,163   26,518   -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Certificate in Accounting and Auditing    1   Undergraduate
                                                              27,216   -        -        -   -
Certificate in       Taxation       and   1   Undergraduate
Management                                                    27,216   -        -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Faculty of Education
                                                              -        -        -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Education (Pre- and           4   Undergraduate
Lower Primary) (Honours)                                      25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor    of   Education (Upper         4   Undergraduate
Primary) (Honours)                                            25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor of Education (Secondary)         4   Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                     25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor of Education (Lifelong           4   Undergraduate
Learning and Community Education)                             25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Master of Education (by Research)         2   Postgraduate
                                                              32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Adult Education)     2   Postgraduate
                                                              32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Curriculum and       2   Postgraduate
Assessment Studies)                                           32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Educational          2   Postgraduate
Technology)                                                   32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Early Childhood      2   Postgraduate
Development)                                                  32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master    of  Education    (Inclusive     2   Postgraduate
Education)                                                    32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Guidance and         2   Postgraduate
Counselling)                                                  32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Leadership,          2   Postgraduate
Management and Policy Studies)                                32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Mathematics          2   Postgraduate
Education)                                                    32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master of Education (Literacy and         2   Postgraduate
Learning)                                                     32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master    of  Education     (Science      2   Postgraduate
Education)                                                    32,611   17,081   -        -   -
Master     of  Education      (Sports     2   Postgraduate
Education)                                                    32,611   17,081   -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Adult Education)                                             33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Curriculum,      Instruction     and                         33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Assessment Studies)
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Educational     Management       and                         33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Educational Law and Policy Studies)                          33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate

(Comparative      and    History  of                          33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Philosophy    and    Sociology   of                          33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Mathematics Education)                                       33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Science Education)                                           33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Sport Education)                                             33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(School Guidance and Counselling)                             33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Early Childhood Education)                                   33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Education         3   Postgraduate
(Inclusive Education)                                         33,519   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Junior Primary Education       3   Undergraduate
                                                              21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -
Diploma in Lifelong Learning and          3   Undergraduate
Community Education                                           21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -
Diploma in Educational Management         1   Undergraduate
& Leadership                                                  26,363   -        -        -   -
Diploma in Education                      3   Undergraduate
                                                              21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Faculty    of   Engineering       and
Information Technology                                        -        -        -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Science (Mechanical           4   Undergraduate
Engineering) (Honours)                                        37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -
Bachelor of Science (Electrical           4   Undergraduate
Engineering) (Honours)                                        37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -
Bachelor of Science (Electronics and      4   Undergraduate
Computer Engineering) (Honours)                               37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -
Bachelor of Science (Metallurgical        4   Undergraduate
Engineering) (Honours)                                        37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -
Bachelor    of    Science    (Mining      4   Undergraduate
Engineering) (Honours)                                        37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -
Bachelor      of   Science      (Civil    4   Undergraduate
Engineering) (Honours)                                        37,684   38,659   37,883   -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -
Master of Science in Civil Engineering    2   Postgraduate
(Specialisation:            Structures;                       43,422   15,175   -        -   -
Transportation; Water)
Master of Science in Mechanical           2   Postgraduate
Engineering (by Thesis)                                       25,610   20,216   -        -   -
Master     of    Science     Electrical   2   Postgraduate
Engineering (by Thesis)                                       25,610   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Science Electronics and         2   Postgraduate
Computer Engineering (by Thesis)                              25,610   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Science Metallurgical           2   Postgraduate
Engineering (by Thesis)                                       25,610   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Science Mining Engineering      2   Postgraduate
(by Thesis)                                                   25,610   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Science (Civil Engineering)     2   Postgraduate
(by Thesis)                                                   25,610   20,216   -        -   -

                                                              -        -        -        -   -

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering         3              Postgraduate
                                                                           32,456   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Faculty of Health Sciences
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
School of Nursing
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Clinical)      4              Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                                  25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor of Radiography (Diagnostic)        4              Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                                  25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Master of Nursing Science                   2              Postgraduate
                                                                           40,542   20,559   -        -   -
Doctor of Nursing Science                   3              Postgraduate
                                                                           32,456   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in General Nursing and              3              Undergraduate
Midwifery Science                                                          25,920   25,920   25,920   -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Clinical Instruction)                                             29,686   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Critical Care)                                                    29,686   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Emergency Nursing)                                                29,686   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Health Promotion, Clinical                                        29,686   -        -        -   -
Diagnosis and Treatment)

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Mental Health Nursing Care)                                       29,686   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing             1              Postgraduate
Science (Operating Room Nursing                                            29,686   -        -        -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Postgraduate        Certificate        in   1     (Full-   Postgraduate
Pharmacotherapy                             time)                          2,082    -        -        -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
School of Public Health
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Science in Public Health        4              Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                                  25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Master of Science (Applied Field            2              Postgraduate
Epidemiology/Laboratory                                                    40,542   20,559   -        -   -
Master of Public Health                     3              Postgraduate
                                                                           21,611   16,283   15,164   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy (Public Health)        3              Postgraduate
                                                                           32,456   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                                           -        -        -        -   -
School of Medicine

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of    6           Undergraduate
Surgery (MBChB)                                                     33,785   53,723   67,237   73,994   68,788
Bachelor of Science in Occupational     4           Undergraduate
Therapy (Honours)                                                   25,920   28,468   27,914   -        -
Master of Science Physiology (by        2           Postgraduate
Thesis)                                                             20,603   15,175   -        -        -
Doctor of Philosophy                    3           Postgraduate
                                                                    32,456   26,939   26,939   -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
School of Pharmacy
                                                                    -        -        -        -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)          4           Undergraduate
                                                                    37,684   38,659   37,883   -        -
Master of Pharmacy (by Thesis)          2 FT& 3     Postgraduate
                                        PT                          20,603   15,175   15,175   -        -
Master of Pharmacy (by Coursework       3           Postgraduate
and Thesis)                                                         28,080   16,150   31,016   -        -
Doctor      of     Philosophy      in   3           Postgraduate
Pharmaceutical Chemistry                                            32,356   26,928   26,928   -        -
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology    3           Postgraduate
                                                                    32,356   26,928   26,928   -        -
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy        3           Postgraduate
Practice                                                            32,356   26,928   26,928   -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
Diploma in Pharmacy                     3           Undergraduate
                                                                    25,920   16,560   17,180   -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences                                                            -        -        -        -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
                                                                    -        -        -        -        -
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)              4 (Double   Undergraduate
                                        major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: English (Honours)     4 (Single   Undergraduate
                                        major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: Media Studies         4 (Double   Undergraduate
(Honours)                               major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: Library and           4 (Double   Undergraduate
Information Science (Honours)           major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: Records and           4 (Double   Undergraduate
Archives Management (Honours)           major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: Social Work           4 (Single   Undergraduate
(Honours)                               major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Arts: Tourism (Honours)     4 (Double   Undergraduate
                                        major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)        4 (Single   Undergraduate
                                        major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -
Bachelor of Science (Geo-Information    4 (Double   Undergraduate
Science) (Honours)                      major)                      20,003   19,274   19,872   -        -

                                                                    -        -        -        -        -


Master of Arts                            2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts in Afrikaans Studies       2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology     2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts in English Studies)        2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts in German Studies          2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts in Gender and              2           Postgraduate
Development Studies                                                   47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master         of         Arts       in   2           Postgraduate
Industrial/Organisational Psychology                                  47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts (Performing Arts}          2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -
Master of Arts (Visual Arts)              2           Postgraduate
                                                                      47,374   20,216   -        -   -

                                                                      -        -        -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy                      3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Arts              3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in English           3           Postgraduate
Studies                                                               32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Geography         3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in History           3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Information       3           Postgraduate
Studies                                                               32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Library           3           Postgraduate
Science                                                               32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Media Studies     3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology        3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Records and       3           Postgraduate
Archives Management                                                   32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work       3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology         3           Postgraduate
                                                                      32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                                      -        -        -        -   -
                                                                      -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Drama                          2           Undergraduate
                                                                      16,217   13,492   -        -   -
Diploma in Library and Information        2 FT / 3    Undergraduate
Science                                   PT                          16,217   13,492   -        -   -
Diploma in Music                          2           Undergraduate
                                                                      16,217   13,492   -        -   -
Diploma in Records and Archives           2 FT / 3    Undergraduate
Management                                PT                          16,217   13,492   -        -   -
Diploma in Visual Arts                    3           Undergraduate
                                                                      14,865   29,099   29,819   -   -
Diploma in Translation                    1 FT/2 PT   Undergraduate
                                                                      16,449   -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Heritage          1 FT / 3    Postgraduate
Conservation and Management               PT                          32,998   -        -        -   -

                                                                      -        -        -        -   -
Faculty of Law
                                                                      -        -        -        -   -

                                                                      -        -        -        -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)                4          Undergraduate
                                                                     17,266   21,043   20,787   -   -
Master of Laws (by Thesis)                2          Postgraduate
                                                                     26,100   26,100   -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy in Law               3          Postgraduate
                                                                     32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Arbitration and Dispute        2          Undergraduate
Resolution                                                           15,974   16,145   -        -   -
Diploma in Law (Paralegal Studies)        2          Undergraduate
                                                                     15,974   16,145   -        -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Certificate in Customary Law              1          Undergraduate
                                                                     5,483    -        -        -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Certificate in Criminal Justice,
Constitutionalism    and    Human                                    -        -        -        -   -
(For Law Enforcement Agencies only)       3 months   Undergraduate
                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Certificate in Parliamentarian Practice   3 months   Undergraduate
and Conduct (For Parliamentarians                                    -        -        -        -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Faculty of Science
                                                                     -        -        -        -   -

                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
                                                                     -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Science in Applied            4          Undergraduate
Biochemistry (Biomedical) (Honours)                                  25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Applied            4          Undergraduate
Biochemistry           (Environmental)                               25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry          4          Undergraduate
(Environmental) (Honours)                                            25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry          4          Undergraduate
(Geochemistry) (Honours)                                             25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry          4          Undergraduate
(Medicinal) (Honours)                                                25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Environmental      4          Undergraduate
Biology (Honours)                                                    25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Financial          4          Undergraduate
Mathematics (Honours)                                                25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Geology            4          Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                            25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics        4          Undergraduate
(Computer Science) (Honours)                                         25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics        4          Undergraduate
(Physics) (Honours)                                                  25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics        4          Undergraduate
(Statistics) (Honours)                                               25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Micro Biology      4          Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                            25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Physics            4          Undergraduate
(Chemistry) (Honours)                                                25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Physics            4          Undergraduate

(Computer Science) (Honours)                                25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Physics          4   Undergraduate
(Geology) (Honours)                                         25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Physics          4   Undergraduate
(Mathematics) (Honours)                                     25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science (Population         4   Undergraduate
Studies) (Honours)                                          25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Statistics       4   Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                   25,527   25,746   29,938   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Master of Science (by Thesis)           2   Postgraduate
                                                            15,438   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Biostatistics      2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Biodiversity       2   Postgraduate
Management                                                  47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Microbiology       2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Chemistry          2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Industrial         2   Postgraduate
Biochemistry                                                47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Applied Geology    2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Petroleum          2   Postgraduate
Geology                                                     47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Mathematics        2   Postgraduate
(Applied Mathematics)                                       47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Mathematics        2   Postgraduate
(Pure Mathematics)                                          47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science (Microbiology)        2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science (Physics)             2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science (Applied Statistics   2   Postgraduate
and Demography)                                             47,082   15,438   -        -   -
Master of Science in Nuclear Science    2   Postgraduate
                                                            47,082   15,438   -        -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy                    3   Postgraduate
                                                            32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Applied Statistics           2   Undergraduate
                                                            15,729   16,228   -        -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
School of Computing
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Science in Computer         4   Undergraduate
Science (Honours)                                           26,264   24,502   26,518   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Information      4   Undergraduate
Technology (Honours)                                        26,264   24,502   26,518   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Master of Science in Information        2   Postgraduate
Technology                                                  43,366   15,164   -        -   -
Doctor of Philosophy                    3   Postgraduate
                                                            32,356   26,928   26,928   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -


                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Computer Science              2   Undergraduate
                                                             20,282   21,822   -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
School of Military Science
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Science in Military          4   Undergraduate
Science (Aeronautical) (Honours)                             25,178   18,188   19,573   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Military          4   Undergraduate
Science (Army) (Honours)                                     25,178   18,188   19,573   -   -
Bachelor of Science in Military          4   Undergraduate
Science (Nautical) (Honours)                                 25,178   18,188   19,573   -   -
Master of Arts in Security & Strategic   2   Postgraduate
Studies                                                      37,872   36,554   -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Security &       1   Undergraduate
Strategic Studies                                            51,120   -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Centre for Open, Distance and e-
Learning                                                     -        -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Under the auspices of Faculty of
Economic    and     Management                               -        -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Certificate in Accounting and Auditing   1   Undergraduate
                                                             27,216   -        -        -   -
Certificate    in   Management     and   1   Undergraduate
Taxation                                                     27,216   -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Entrepreneurship and New      3   Undergraduate
Venture Management                                           20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -
Diploma in Local Government Studies      3   Undergraduate
                                                             20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -
Diploma in Accounting and Auditing       3   Undergraduate
                                                             20,083   15,663   15,774   -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)         4   Undergraduate
                                                             18,543   18,266   19,252   -   -
Bachelor of Business Administration      4   Undergraduate
(Honours)                                                    18,543   18,266   19,252   -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -
Under the auspices of Faculty of
Education                                                    -        -        -        -   -

                                                             -        -        -        -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Diploma in Lifelong Learning and        3   Undergraduate
Community Education                                         21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -
Diploma in Educational Management       1   Undergraduate
& Leadership                                                26,363   -        -        -   -
Diploma in Secondary Education          3   Undergraduate
(Professional Training)                                     21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -
Diploma in Secondary Education          3   Undergraduate
(Biology/English/Mathematics/Physical                       21,157   20,160   21,711   -   -

                                                            -        -        -        -   -
                                                            -        -        -        -   -
Bachelor of Education (Secondary        4   Undergraduate
Education) (Honours)                                        25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor of Education (Lifelong         4   Undergraduate
Learning and Community Education)                           25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor of Education (Pre- and         4   Undergraduate
Lower Primary) (Honours)                                    25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -
Bachelor    of   Education (Upper       4   Undergraduate
Primary) (Honours)                                          25,920   28,468   27,914   -   -

                                                            -        -                 -   -
Under the auspices of Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences                              -        -                 -   -

                                                            -        -                 -   -
                                                            -        -                 -   -
Certificate in HIV/AIDS Education and   1   Undergraduate
Counseling                                                  14,555   -                 -   -

                                                            -        -                 -   -
                                                            -        -                 -   -
Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management          2   Undergraduate
and Counseling                                              16,217   13,492            -   -
Diploma in Labour and Employment        2   Undergraduate
Studies                                                     16,217   13,492            -   -
Diploma in Public Relations             3   Undergraduate
                                                            14,865   29,099            -   -

                                                            -                          -   -
Under the auspices of Faculty of
Health Sciences – School of                                 -                          -   -

                                                            -                          -   -
Postgraduate Diplomas
                                                            -                          -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing         1   Postgraduate
Science (Health Service Management)                         29,686                     -   -
Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing         1   Postgraduate
Science (Nursing Education)                                 29,686                     -   -

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